Europe & Overseas
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Lot# : 3000 Albania
1913: 10 pi. brick-red, overprinted "EAGLE" in black on small piece with normal perforation and tied by cds "VLONE". Very fine and very rare. Signed Ashiku and certificate Dr. Peters (2006). Mi = € 4'800.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,250 CHFLot# : 3001 Albania
1913: 10 pa. emerald with additional overprint "BEYIYE", further overprinted inverted "EAGLE" in black on small piece tied by cds "VLONE" in blue. Very fine and rare, signed Dr. Rommerskirchen BPP, with Opinion Holcombe (1988). Michel unlisted.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 3002 Albania
1913: 10 pa. blue-green with additional overprint "BEYIYE", further overprinted "EAGLE" in black on small piece tied by cds "VLONE" in violet. One perf minimal browning, otherwise very fine and rare. Certificate ASDA (1987). Mi. = € 800.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 3003 Albania
1913 (June 16): Double Eagle handstamped surcharge in black on Turkey 1909/11 1 pi. ultramarine with béhié in red, a used example with somewhat typical rough perfs., cancelled by "Shkoder" cds in black. Signed B. Droese (BPP) Mi = € 1'800.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 3004 Albania
1913: 20 pa. rose, overprinted "EAGLE" in black and further overprint "10" on small piece tied by cds. Minimal browning at top, otherwise fine and rare. Certificate Scheller (2008). Mi = € 1'200.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3005 Albania
1925 (Dec 24): Postage Due 10 q. blue, an imperforate block of four with over-inking on left hand stamps with gum, and a further imperforate block of four, marginal at left, with QIND.AR overprint shifted to left, both fine. unmounted og.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3006 Albania
1925 (Dec 24): Postage Due 20 q. green, perf. 13½ x 13, an unused block of six (2 x 3), corner marginal from upper left of sheet, variety "Double Print, One Inverted", unmounted og. but with colour from the sheet stored below on gum.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3007 Albania
1913: Colllection with 1913 Double Eagles unused (11, sold 'as is / tel quel'), 1914 unissued set of seven values in Imperforate Proof pairs (Mi = € 600), Tirane - Rome Flight set in unused blocks of four, 1945 Red Cross set in blocks of twenty unused, 1947 Qemel Stafa miniature sheet unused and three rare covers bearing Industry issue 15 q., 25 q. and 80 q. values (Mi A1460+D1460+E1460), a generally fine lot Mi = € 8'000.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3008 Albania
1913/1943: Predominantly used collection in a preprinted album, containing many good issues including two sets 1914 overprint "7. Mars", 1919 second and third control overprint 64 H (Mi. 50IIa and b, 50IIIa and b), 1924 "NATIONAL ASSEMBLY" and "RED CROSS", 1928 "VLONE - BRINDISI" and "CORONATION" , 1929 "AIRMAIL" overprint in brown-red, including one complete on cover signed Alberto Diena. Later miniature sheets, and the issues of the German Occupation. The collection also contains thirty-five further covers with many unusual, as well as philatelic frankings.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,200 CHFLot# : 3009 Albania
1919/51: Collection on leaves with 1919 optd. Fiscal set of six unused, Comets sets (2), 1922 'Besa' Type II set of six unused, 1924 National Assembly set of five unused and both Red Cross sets unused, 1925 and 1927 Airmail sets of seven unused, 1928 King Zog optd. sets unused, 1939 Postage & Airmail set of fourteen unused, Postage Due sets from 1914 to 1925, many saets signed, a useful lot.Starting bid : 175 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 3010 Belgium
1865: 10 c. black and 20 c. ultramarine, posted 'out of course' from Marseille on 1869 cover to Glarus, Switzerland tied by smudged '2240' gros chiffres with a further strike below cancelling the sender's cachet 'Cie. Russe de Navigation / Agence de Marseille'. Despatch cds in black (March 5) and taxed on arrival in Glarus at "50" rappen due to pay (March 7). A most unusual cover.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 3011 Belgium
1949: 6 fr. 50 c. Booklets for Postal Stationery Cards, Proofs (2) printed in red & green with "Persil" advertisements on cover (blank reverse), with each Booklet containing ten 65 c. purple postal stationery cards with vertical perforated margin at left. One example with 'Publibel 01' at lower right and the other 'Publibel 02', fresh and fine and of great rarity COB P1+P2 Proofs.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3012 Belgium
1849/63: 40 c. rose-carmine, "Medaillion" with watermark framed monogram, very fine pair and a single both with very good margins, together with two pairs from later issues and four further items, all from the line engraved issues. All used except Mi. 13 strip of three and mostly fine. Scarce group.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3013 Belgium
1849/86: Collection several hundred stamps used/unused incl. better values from the beginning, full sets inc. helmet of 1919, airmails, pairs, strips and blocs of fours, souvenir sheets, railway stamps and duplicats, in addition a selection of cards, picture postcards and modern FDC's, good to mixed condition and housed in six albums.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 3014 Belgium
1851/1972: Collection in large album in mainly unused condition, with its main value in the post WWI period. The collection contains many unmounted sets in fine condition, including 1930 King Albert to 10 fr., 1932 Mercier to 10 fr., 1933 Orval to 10 fr. 1934 Tuberculosis, 1952 Postal Congress complete and many more, including back of the book issues. Fine collection with very high catalogue value.Starting bid : 800 CHFHammer price : 800 CHFLot# : 3015 Belgium
1870/1975: Belgium accumulation of postal stationery and other items including many "Depot Relais" postmarks, principally from the post WWI period. Futhermore a significant quantity of heavily duplicated pre 1900 postcards, letter-cards and stationery envelopes.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3016 Bulgaria
Crimean War / French Forces 1854 (July): Registered Cover from Camp near Varna to Lyon, carried at the pre-July 1854 registered rate of 50 centimes, bearing 1853 25 c. blue (Yv 15), a horizontal pair with margins touched to large, tied by light "AOA" dotted lozenge with circular "ARMÉE D'ORIENT / Bau A" cds in black and CHARGÉ handstamp in red alongside. Reverse with MARSEILLE transit (July 25) and LYON arrival cds (July 26), a scarce registered usage and an attractive cover. Opinion Todd (2015); cert. Behr (1997).rnNote: Concessionary rates had been reduced on July 1, 1854 and the correct postage would have been 40 centimes for this cover.rnProvenance: Collection François X. Piat.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3017 Bulgaria
Crimean War / French Forces 1854 (July 25): Cover from General Couston in Camp near Varna to his wife in France, carried at single rate franked by 1853 10 c. yellow-bistre, a horizontal pair with marginal 'filet d'encadrement', large margins but the margin creased over edge of envelope, tied by "AOB" dotted lozenge with circular "ARMÉE D'ORIENT / BAU. SEDre." cds struck in black. Nimes cds on reverse (Aug 5). Some docketing over address but a rare cover. Opinion Todd (2015).rnProvenance: Collection François X. Piat.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3018 Bulgaria
Crimean War / French Forces 1855 (Sept 14): Entire letter from Boghar, Algeria to the Intendant adjoint of the Armée d'Orient in Burgas, bearing 1853 20 c. blue (Yv 14), a single example with good to large margins all round, tied by indistinct but imprinted dotted obliterator with cogwheel "BOGHAR ALGERIE" cds in black alongside. Reverse with "MÉDÉAH ALGERIE" (Sept 15), "ARMÉE D'ORIENT / Bau Gal" (Oct 2) and "ARMÉE D'ORIENT / Bau SEDre" (Oct 7) cds's, a n interesting incoming entire letter. Opinion Todd (2015).Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 3019 Bulgaria
French Post Offices in the Levant 1863/65: Two stampless entire letters from Varna, both struck with cogwheel "VARNA TURQ. D'EUROPE" datestamp, the 1863 entire fully prepaid to Livorno with cds of the French PO in Constantinople and Livorno arrival (Aug 6) cds on reverse. The 1865 entire letter sent unpaid via Constantinople to Genova, with Genova arrival cds on reverse, slitted for fumigation upon arrival.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3020 Bulgaria
1860/61: Lot three covers/entire letters incl. 1860 Svishtov / Zishtovi struck with circular all Arabic negative handstamp in blue, 1861 Shumen / Shumnu struck with circular negative handstamp in bright blue (Coles & Walker fig. 65), also 1860 cover with two negative handstamps written in Arabic and Armenian.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3021 Bulgaria
Turkey used in Bulgaria 1863/80c: Lot 38 used stamps / multiples / pieces and seven covers from among others Filibe, Varna, Kazgan, Baltchik, Ruse, Islimiye, Cuma, Tirnovo, Yambol & Sumnu, includes also four stampless covers with negative handstamps.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3022 Bulgaria
Russo-Turkish War 1878 (Feb 18): Envelope from the Russian F.P.O. no. 7 to St. Petersburg, endorsed "From the Acting Army", struck on reverse with "POLEVOYE POCHT. OTDELENIE 7" cds in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 61), two St. Petersburg cds's (Feb. 24/25) alongside. Opinion Todd (2016).rnNote: The cover is directed to Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Saburova (1829–1905), a well known actress, who acted from 1855 until her death at the Alexandrinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3023 Bulgaria
Russo-Turkish War 1878 (March 26): Cover from the Russian F.P.O. no. 2, struck with "POLEVOYE POCHT. OTDELENIE 2" cds in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 61), the reverse with circular military 'Eagle' handstamp of the 45th Reserve Infantry Battalion in blue, applied on wafer seal. Opinion Todd (2016).rnProvenance: Ex collection Adler, Lipschutz and Herry Schaefer.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3024 Bulgaria
1879 (3. Nov.): Small entire posted from "KARLOVO" to "NISH" in Serbia with postage of 50 st. paid in cash. An "ITHIMAN" railway station transit mark is on the front and the back, as are "SOFIA" transit and a "PIROT" dated 16. Nov. entry mark into Serbia. A very rare cover.
Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 2,800 CHFLot# : 3025 Bulgaria
1879: 25 c. lilac and black, fine used example, centrally cancelled by small SOFIA canceller with error of latin "I" in the Cyrillic lettering. Scarce. Signed Todd AIEP and Opinions Todd (2014) and Penev (2021).Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 100 CHFLot# : 3026 Bulgaria
1879: 25 c. lilac and black, unique used block of four bearing two blue SOFIA datestamps. The block shows some split perforations and small faults, including a closed tear and some missing perforations. A major rarity: The only used block of four recorded from the first and second issues. Opinions Penev (2021) and Hitzler (2019).Starting bid : 7,500 CHFHammer price : 11,500 CHFLot# : 3027 Bulgaria
1879: 50 c. black and blue, used as single franking on registered cover from Gabrovo via Roustchouk to Bucharest. The stamp shows some short perforations and foxing; correctly rated for a foreign registered letter, with some traces of wear and tear. Less than 5 letters of the first issue to Romania recorded. Opinions Hitzler (2017) and Penev (2021).Starting bid : 3,500 CHFHammer price : 7,000 CHFLot# : 3028 Bulgaria
1881: 30 st. blue and ochre single franking on reverse of registered cover from ETROPOL to Plovdiv. The stamp is in very fine condition, the correctly franked cover shows some wear. Very few single frankings of the 30 st. recorded. Opinions Hitzler (2019) and Penev (2021).Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 4,200 CHFLot# : 3029 Bulgaria
1882: 1 st., 3 st., 10 st., 25 st. and 30 st., five values overprinted "OBRASETZ" or "SPECIMEN", all except for the 1 st. with large part og. Very scarce.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3030 Bulgaria
1882: 5 st., 15 st. and 50 st., three values overprinted in manuscript "Obr" or "Specimen" in different colours, all with large part og. Very scarce.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 3031 Bulgaria
1882: 1 st. grey and drab to 50 st. blue and rose, the complete third issue of nine values in unused blocks of four, mainly large part og., or unmounted og. A very scarce set in multiples.Starting bid : 800 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3032 Bulgaria
1886: 1 st. slate-violet and drab, on "WHIP" magazine with interesting local news commentary, fine used locally in Sevlievo, neatly struck with blue bilingual datestamp. Very fine and scarce.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3033 Bulgaria
1886: 1 st. slate-violet and drab on newspaper from Sofia to Kotel. A fine and scarce usage. Opinion Todd AIEP (2014).Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 100 CHFLot# : 3034 Bulgaria
1888 (April 26): Cover fom Ruschuk to Paisley, bearing on front and reverse 1882/85 Large Lion 1 st. lilac (2), 2 st. green (2), 3 st. orange in a horizontal pair, 5 st. green and 10 st. rose, overpaying the UPU rate by 2 stotinki. The adhesives tied by bilingual ROUSTSCHOUK cds, reverse with "PAISLEY MY 14 88" arrival cds. File fold and tear at base, otherwise a fine five colour franking.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 340 CHFLot# : 3035 Bulgaria
1882: 10 st. rose and pale rose together with three 1 st. slate-violet and drab and a single 2 st. slate green and drab on reverse of 1887 cover from Sevlievo to Sofia, tied by three blue bilingual Sevlievo cds's (Sept 17), one 1 st. stamp is affected by minor foxing and a rounded corner, otherwise very fine. Opinions Todd AIEP (2014) and Penev (2021).Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3036 Bulgaria
1882: 1 st. lilac and grey and 5 st. yellow green and pale green, each used as a single franking on 1886 covers of the "PLOVDIV LOCAL POST". The 1 st. cover (ex Hitzler) is tied by the exceptionally rare triangular "PLOVDIV CITY POST" and is thought to be the only cover in existence where this cachet is used to cancel the adhesive; cover with its original contents and a translation. The 5 st. cover cancelled by the Plovdiv bilingual datestamp with the local post handstamp struck on the front. The total number of recorded items is minimal, thus this page represents two of the finest examples known. Both items are accompanied by multiple opinions including two Penev opinions (2021).Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3037 Bulgaria
1886: 1 st. slate-violet and drab and 2 st. green and drab, very clean collection of 23 items mounted on exhibition sheets, including a half sheet (50) and a quarter sheet (25) of the 1st., as well as mint blocks of four of both values and a "SPECIMEN" or "OBRASETZ" each. The collection also contains 9 mostly complete newspapers and 5 postcards and covers. Opinions Todd AIEP for five items.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3038 Bulgaria
1882: 2 st., dark green and drab, complete sheet of 100 without margins. The stamps are predominantly unmounted but show some separation in the perforation and some significant staining at the top and bottom of the sheet. However, believed to be the sole sheet in existence. Opinions Todd AEIP (2015) and Penev (2021). Ex collection John Du Pont.Starting bid : 3,000 CHFHammer price : 3,000 CHFLot# : 3039 Bulgaria
1882: 2 st. dark green and drab on two letters mounted on exhibition page, one a local letter used within Varna and the other a printed matter usage from Plovdiv to Sofia.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3040 Bulgaria
1882: 2 st. dark green and drab, single franking on 1895 invitation used locally at Lom Palanka. The document reinforced in some places with hinges, a very rare local use. Opinion Penev (2021).Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3041 Bulgaria
1893 (June 20): Registered envelope carried at printed matter rate from Varna to Budapest, bearing 1882/85 Large Lion 2 st. green and 3 st. orange tied by bilingual VARNA cds in black, registration handstamp alongside. Reverse with ROUSTSCHOUK transit and two BUDAPEST arrival (July 6) cds's. Part of reverse cut out, otherwise a very fresh and fine cover, with registered printed matter items being of great scarcity.rnProvenance: Collection Heimbüchler.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 3042 Bulgaria
1889 (May): Envelope most probably from Sofia to Chambery, France, bearing 1882/85 Large Lion 2 st. green, 3 st. orange and 10 st. rose , two single adhesives in a deep shade, tied by 'Star in circle' mute obliterator in blue, reverse with ZÜRICH transit (May 27) cds, Swiss and French ambulants and "CHAMBERY SAVOIE 28 MAI 99" arrival cds's. Some edge toning, otherwise an appealing cover. Opinion Hitzler (2016).Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 3043 Bulgaria
1882: 3 st. orange and yellow horizontal pair, 1 st. grey violet and grey in large block of 12 plus three further 1 st. stamps including a horizontal pair and 2 st. green and drab in a vertical pair, making the 25 st. rate on 1890 cover to Constantinople. The stamps are affixed to the front and reverse of the cover and cancelled by a SOFIA No 2 bilingual datestamp. The block of 12 is tied by an Austrian Office "CONSTANTINOPLE" receiving mark on reverse. The cover is opened on three sides for Exhibit display. Fine and rare. Opinion Penev (2021).Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3044 Bulgaria
1882: 3 st. orange and yellow, top right corner pane of 25, unmounted og., with full sheet margins at top and right, minor staining at top, with variety - inverted watermark "EZGB" visible on two stamps at base. Believed unique thus. Opinion Penev (2021).Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3045 Bulgaria
1882: 3st. orange and bright yellow in a complete sheet of 100 with interpanneau gutters separating the four panes of 25. The sheet has been folded and there are hinge remnants on the sheet margins, the stamps are unmounted og., a slight discolouration in the upper margin does not detract. Two Plate flaws can be found on positions 9 and 11. Very rare in complete sheet. Opinion Penev (2021).Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3046 Bulgaria
1882: 3 st. orange and yellow, study of the stamp beginning with thin paper, unmounted og. block of four, together with further block of four on ordinary paper for comparison, two stamps large part og. In addition, three panes of 25 each with a Plate flaws described and mounted on exhibition pages, one block with insignificant staining in margin. One with opinion Hitzler (2016).Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 3047 Bulgaria
1882: 3 st. orange and yellow, variety "Background Shifted", a fine appearing used example, tiny incision in top left corrner perforation barely noticeable and not mentioned on certificate, cancelled in black leaving the variety clear. Rare: shifts of the background rarely occurred on either Russian or Bulgarian issues of this period. Opinion Penev (2021).Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 3048 Bulgaria
1882: 3 st. orange and yellow, three single examples cancelled by bilingual Sleven datestamp in black on entire "New Time" newspaper, at third weight rate, the complete publication mounted to exhibition page. Attractive item. Opinion Penev (2021).Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3049 Bulgaria
1882: 3 st. orange and yellow, block of four centrally cancelled with bilingual BOURGAS cds (14 June 90).Starting bid : 75 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3050 Bulgaria
1882: 3 st. orange and yellow, a used block of four, cancelled with four strikes of the small bilingual canceller of PHILLIPPOPOLI (25/II).Starting bid : 75 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3051 Bulgaria
1882: 3 st. orange and yellow, ten examples used on small piece, cancelled with four strikes of the bilingual canceller of SCHUMLA (17-XII-85). Unusual.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3052 Bulgaria
1882: 3 st. orange and yellow, used example cancelled by star in circle handstamp to daily paper "FREEDOM", covering the rate to 100 grams.Starting bid : 75 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3053 Bulgaria
1882: 3 st. orange and yellow, used example cancelled by large bilingual Sofia datestamp in black to newspaper to Vratza. Attractive item. Opinion Todd AIEP (2015).Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3054 Bulgaria
1882: 3 st. orange and yellow, horizontal pair cancelled somewhat indistinctly by bilingual Plovdiv datestamp in black on "New Prime" newspaper mailed to Sofia. Attractive item. Opinions Todd AIEP (2014) and Penev (2021).Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3055 Bulgaria
1882: 3 st. orange and yellow in two blocks of four and 1 st. grey violet and grey, making the 25 st. rate on cover to Constatinople. The stamps are affixed to the reverse of the cover and cancelled by a VARNA bilingual datestamp. Austrian Post Office CONSTANTINOPLE receiving cds on obverse. The cover is slightly trimmed with slight faults but of attractive appearance. Thought to be unique. Opinions Todd AIEP (2015) and Penev (2021).Starting bid : 800 CHFHammer price : 900 CHFLot# : 3056 Bulgaria
1882: 3 st. orange and yellow, 2 st. grey green and drab and 1 st. grey violet and grey, all in vertical strips of five on cover tied by Sofia bilingual datestamps (15 Feb. 1895) mailed to Paris; arrivals on reverse. The lower 3 st. stamp shows the "broken inner circle" plate flaw from plate position 43. Opinion Todd AIEP (2014).Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 250 CHFLot# : 3057 Bulgaria
1882: 3 st. orange and yellow and 2 st. dull-green and grey, paying the 5 st. rate on an 1887 internal letter from Sistov to Sofia. The stamps are tied by the SISTOV bilingual datestamp. Reverse with Sofia arrival. A scarce and attractive cover.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3058 Bulgaria
1882: 3 st. orange and yellow and 2 st. dull-green and grey, paying the reduced 5 st. rate on a letter to France. The stamps are tied by "Varna" bilingual canceller. Reverse with "VARNA - RUSSE" T.P.O. and Bucharest transit. Very rare. Opinion Todd AIEP(2016).Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 3059 Bulgaria
1882: 5 st. yellow green and pale green in an unused pane of 25. The block from the NW corner of the sheet, shows on position 1 the "spot above the lions tongue" flaw; of fresh colour, the perforations are supported by hinges in places. This is the largest known multiple of this stamp. Position 1 signed Todd AEIP. Opinions Todd AIEP (2014) and Penev (2021).Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3060 Bulgaria
1882: 5 st. yellow green and pale green uprating two postal stationery cards dated 1884 and 1885 respectively both to destinations abroad. One with clean ROUSTCHOUK bilingual canceller in blue to the USA, this card shows some traces of ageing; the other from Varna to Constantinople, with Austrian Office receiving datestamp. Both items with opinion Todd AEIP (2014).Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3061 Bulgaria
1882: 5 st. yellow green and pale green on uprated 1886 postal stationery card from Sofia to GUAYAQUIL (Ecuador) via London. The adhesive with a very minor abraison, which must be insignificant on this unique item. Opinion Penev (2021). Ex collection Hitzler.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 1,600 CHFLot# : 3062 Bulgaria
1882: 5 st. yellow green and pale green uprating two postal stationery cards dated 1883 and 1888 respectively both used to Bohemia. One with clean KUSTENDIL bilingual canceller, the other from RUSTCHOUK. Opinion Todd AEIP (2013).Starting bid : 50 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3063 Bulgaria
1882: 5 st. yellow green and pale green on reverse of 1887 cover, presumably carried from KUTLOVITZA to Sofia at open letter or card rate. Opinions Todd AIEP (2014) and Penev (2021).Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3064 Bulgaria
1882: 5 st. yellow green and pale green, single franking on 1884 journal from Sofia (Sept 9) to Plovdiv, Eastern Roumelia. The stamp is tied by the large SOFIA bilingual datestamp. According to the opinion Penev (2021), this is the sole recorded newspaper sent abroad with this stamp.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3065 Bulgaria
1882: 5 st. yellow green and pale green on undated, presumably late 1880's 5 st. postal stationery card from TSARIBROD to Belgrade (Serbia), uprating the card for the 10 st. foreign rate. The TSARIBROD railway station marking is extremely rare and, in this instance, the only recorded item cancelling the adhesive. Opinion Penev (2021) Ex. collection Hitzler.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3066 Bulgaria
1882: 5 st. yellow green and pale green, bisected lower half, tied by bilingual Roustchouk cds (May 27, 1894) in black on local printed matter. The item appears to have contained a visiting card and was sent unsealed. According to the opinion Penev (2021) one of just three recorded bisects. Ex Hitzler.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 3067 Bulgaria
1882: 5 st. yellow green and pale green, three adjoining copies on reverse of 1887 cover from Stara Zagorb tied by blue bilingual double circle cds (Jan 18) to Varna. Of fresh appearance, the stamps show only minor wear, the black arrival mark also ties the adhesives.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3068 Bulgaria
1882: 5 st. yellow green and pale green, three examples on reverse of 1887 cover tied by Roustchouk cds (21 Oct) in blue to Sofia. 15 st. franking for the single inland rate, of fresh appearance, the cover slightly trimmed at side. Opinion (2016) and signed Todd AIEP.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3069 Bulgaria
1882: 5 st. yellow green and pale green, nine examples consisting of four pairs and a single on reverse of 1888 registered letter tied by blue Sistov bilingual single circle datestamp (May 27) to Sofia. The letter is endorsed "contains one key" explaining the second weight rate, which together with the registration makes the letter correctly franked at 45 stotinki. Opinion Penev (2021).Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3070 Bulgaria
1882: 5 st. yellow green and pale green and 10 st. rose and pale rose on 1886 cover from Sistov, tied by clear blue bilingual (April 20) cds to Sofia. The cover is slightly trimmed on one side, the 5 st. stamp is affected by minor foxing.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3071 Bulgaria
1882: 5 st. yellow green and pale green and 10 st. rose and pale rose on reverse of 11 July 1888 cover from LUKOVIT, tied two strikes of the star canceller in blue to Sofia. The cover is slightly trimmed on one side and opened on three sides for Exhibit display, the 5 st. stamp is affected by some discolouration.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3072 Bulgaria
1882: 5 st. yellow green and pale green, 10 st. rose and pale rose used on reverse of 1889 cover and complete original contents tied by blue bilingual Zevlievo cds (Aug 7) to Sofia. The cover is somewhat roughly opened on one side. Opinion Todd AEIP (2016).Starting bid : 75 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3073 Bulgaria
1882: 5 st. yellow green and pale green and 10 st. rose and pale rose used on reverse of 1888 slightly trimmed cover from Bregovo, tied by blue bilingual cancel (Feb 16) to Sofia.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3074 Bulgaria
1882: 10 st. rose and pale rose (2), together with 5 st. yellow green and pale green on reverse of 1884 cover from Sofia to St. Petersburg tied by large bilingual Sofia cds (June 20) in black; with three transit marks on reverse. The cover is slightly trimmed on one side, otherwise very fine. Opinion Penev (2021).Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3075 Bulgaria
1882: 10 st. rose and pale rose (4), together with 5 st. yellow green and pale green (2) used on reverse of 1884 registered cover from Varna (Dec 14) to Colchester via London, tied by three strikes of the large bilingual cds in black. Arrival cds on reverse. The 10 st. stamps show slight fading, otherwise very fine. Opinions Hitzler (2016) and Penev (2021). Ex collection Earl Galitz.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3076 Bulgaria
1882: 10 st. rose and pale rose, three vertical pairs, together with 5 st. yellow green and pale green (3) on front and back of 1884 registered double weight cover from Varna to Colechester, tied by large bilingual Varna cds (Nov 9) struck in black. The registration mark struck in red. Some wear but rare. Opinions Todd (2015) and Penev (2021). Ex collection John Du Pont, lot 95.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 1,500 CHFLot# : 3077 Bulgaria
1882: 15 st. purple and pale mauve (4) and 10 st. rose and pale rose with 5st. green and pale green on double rate 1885 registered letter from Plovidiv to Salzburg cancelled with the double circle Plovdiv cds, transit and arrival marks are on the reverse, a seal has been removed. Exhibition quality item. Signed Todd AIEP and Zagorsky VOB. Opinions Zagorsky (1992 in copy) and Penev (2021).Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 3078 Bulgaria
1882: 30 st. deep lilac and green (2) with a further 25 st. blue and pale blue, a 10 st. rose and pale rose and a 5 st. green and pale green on registered foreign letter dated 2. Feb.1886 from Shumen to Colchester. The letter is franked at triple foreign weight rate plus 25 st. registration fee, cancelled by bilingual CHUMLA in grey. "R" registeration handstamp alongside. A gentle crease at the base does not visibly affect the 30 st. stamps. An attractive and very rare item, only three 'four colour' frankings with high values are recorded. Opinions Sorani (1990), Zagorsky (1995), Hitzler (2016) Penev (2021). Ex collection Hitzler.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 2,800 CHFLot# : 3079 Bulgaria
1882: 50 st. blue and rose, 25 st. blue and pale blue, a vertical pair 10 st. rose and pale rose and six 5 st. green and pale green of which there are two pairs on the reverse, used on 1886 registered letter from Pazardijk (Feb 2) to Budapest, Hungary. The letter is franked at the quadruple foreign weight rate plus 25 st. registration fee. Straight line registration handstamp is applied on the front. The letter is somewhat aged, but the stamps are in good condition bearing in mind the high weight of the original letter. A very rare item, only three 'four colour' frankings with high values are recorded. Opinions Todd AEIP (2015) and Penev (2021). Excollection John Du Pont.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 3,000 CHFLot# : 3080 Bulgaria
1882: 15 st. purple and pale mauve and 5 st. yellow green and pale green making the 25 st. foreign rate for a letter from Achielo to Trieste, tied by a single strike of the black bilingual ACHIELO cds, arrival cds of Trieste on reverse. A rare cover from a small town on the Black Sea. Opinion Penev (2021).Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3081 Bulgaria
1882: 15 st. lilac and deep lilac and 5 st. green and grey green (2), making the 25 st. foreign rate for a letter from Roustchouk to Candia, Crete tied by a single strike of the blue bilingual Roustchouk cds. Austrian P.O. transit 'Constantinopel' and an arrival mark "CANDIA" on reverse. The cover is trimmed on one side but a rare cover to an unusual destination. Opinions Todd AEIP (2014), Penev (2021).Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3082 Bulgaria
1882: 10 st. rose and pale rose, used pane of 25, representing a full quarter sheet, very fresh and in flawless condition throughout, unmounted og. Opinions Todd AIEP (2014) and Penev (2021).Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3083 Bulgaria
1882: 10 st. rose and pale rose, single stamp on newspaper wrapper from Roustchouk dated 3 November 1890 (Gregorian calendar) to Pankow (Germany), tied by small ROUSTCHOUK bilingual cachet in blue, dated 22. October (Julian calendar) with additional large cachet with Gregorian date applied for international despatch. The recipient marked the arrival date four days later on the obverse. The wrapper with central file fold away from adhesive. Opinion Todd AIEP (2016). According to the opinion Penev (2021) a unique item.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 3084 Bulgaria
1882: 10 st. rose and pale rose on small 1889 cover from Sofia tied by bilingual cds (Dec 18) to Utrecht, Netherlands. Cover was carried at the external printed matter rate, an unusual usage.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3085 Bulgaria
1882: 10 st. rose and pale rose, five examples on reverse of 1884 registered cover from Varna to Colchester via London, tied by three exceptionally clear strikes of the large bilingual Varna cds (Nov 3) struck in black. The franking is very fresh and clean, the cover is somewhat fragile, affecting the registration mark. Opinion Penev (2021). Ex collection Hitzler.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3086 Bulgaria
1882: 10 st. rose and pale rose, fresh pair used in 1895 on 5 st. letter card cancelled at Lukovit to Germany with full commercial text. Correctly rated for letter to Germany. Opinion Penev (2021).Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3087 Bulgaria
1882: 15 st. lilac and deep lilac and 10 st. rose and pale rose, paying the 25 st. foreign rate on 1889 cover from Sofia to Bath, England tied by the blue bilingual cachet of SOFIA 2 (Nov 9). Reverse with transit mark of the HARMANLI-TSARIBROD railway and Bath arrival cds. Signed Zagorsky. Cert. Zagorsky (1993).Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3088 Bulgaria
1884 (Oct 21): Entire letter from Varna to Constantinople, bearing 1882/85 Large Lion 10 st. rose and 15 st. dark lilac, tied by bilingual VARNA cds, reverse with "CONSTANTINOPEL 3 / 11 84" arrival cds of the Austrian post office. Minor toning, otherwise a fine entire.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3089 Bulgaria
1887 (Oct 18): Envelope from Sofia to Boston, bearing 1882/85 Large Lion 10 st. rose and 15 st. dark lilac tied by bilingual SOFIA cds in blue, reverse with NEW YORK transit and BOSTON arrival (Nov 3) datestamps. Roughly opened with small tears at top and minor toning on reverse, nevertheless a fine overseas cover belonging to a well-known correspondence. Opinion Hitzler (2017).Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3090 Bulgaria
1882: 15 st. lilac and deep lilac and 10 st. rose and pale rose paying the 25 st. foreign rate for a letter cancelled by TSARIBROD / HARMANLI" Railway cancellation to Aue, Germany. Railway markings cancelling stamps of the Lion issues are of considerable rarity.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3091 Bulgaria
1882: 15 st. purple and pale mauve and 10 st. rose and pale rose, re-used as Postal Fraud on Seefeldner cover dated 1886 to Austria. Both stamps show evidence of previous use with clearly visible blue strikes and deliberately heavy "SOFIA" over-strikes in black. Salzburg arrival mark documents the postal transit. A significant letter which is accompanied by opinions Todd AIEP (2014) and Penev (2021).Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3092 Bulgaria
1882: 15 st. purple and pale mauve (2) and 10 st. rose and pale rose (2), on front and back of 1884 cover to Colchester, paying the 50 st. registered rate from Varna. The registration stamp with the letter R is struck in red, which according to the opinions Penev (2021) and Hitzler (2016), is recorded in only on a handful of examples. Fine and very rare.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3093 Bulgaria
1886 (Feb 3): Part envelope from Anchialos in former Eastern Roumelia to Constantinople, bearing 1882/85 Large Lion 10 st. rose and 15 st. dark lilac tied by bilingual Eastern Roumelia style cds in blue, taxed in Turkey with 'T' in circle handstamp on front. Reverse two 20 pa. stamps paying twice the deficiency, Constantinople arrival (Feb 21, gregorian) cds alongside. Left part of cover missing, one 20 pa. adhesive defective, otherwise an interesting taxation in Turkey of a cover from Eastern Roumelia and franked with Bulgarian adhesives as the unification of Bulgaria and eastern Roumelia in 1885 was not accepted by the Turish government. Opinion Penev (2020).Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 3094 Bulgaria
1882: 15 st. purple and pale mauve (2) and 10 st. rose and pale rose in vertical pair on registered 1885 cover from Plovdiv to Vienna. The franking is placed on the reverse of the cover, cancelled by three strikes of the double circle Plovdiv cds (Oct 24). Unusually both types of the GABROVO handstamp can be found of this cover, which is a fine example of the 50 st. foreign registered rate. Opinions Todd AIEP (2014) and Penev (2021).Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3095 Bulgaria
1882: 25 st. blue and pale blue (2), 15 st. plum and pale mauve and 10 st. rose and pale rose on 1885 registered double weight foreign letter from Roustchouk to Modena, Italy tied by the blue bilingual cds (July 5). Italian TPO transit mark and an arrival mark are on the reverse. Additionally the franking is obliterated by pen stroke. Very attractive and scarce. Opinions Todd AIEP (2014) and Penev (2021).Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 3096 Bulgaria
1893 (Oct 24): Registered cover from Samokov to Cairo, bearing 1882/85 Large Lion 10 st. rose (2) and 30 st. violett & light green tied by crisp bilingual SAMOKOV despatch cds in black, boxed registration handstamp alongside. Reverse with ALEXANDRIA transit and CAIRE arrival (25 XI 93) cds's. A rare, unusual and most attractive franking to pay the registered rate abroad with 25 st. postage and 25 st. registration fee. Opinion Penev (2021).rnProvenance: Collection Ing. Pietro Provera.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,400 CHFLot# : 3097 Bulgaria
1882: 1 st. lilac and grey in block of ten and 10 st. rose and pale rose, four examples from two different printings, making the 50 st. foreign registered rate for an 1890 cover from Achielo to Colchester tied by six strikes of the black bilingual ACHIELO cds (July 14). Transit marks and a arrival mark. A rare large multiple and mixed franking on international registered letter. Opinion Penev (2021).Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3098 Bulgaria
1882: 15 st. purple and pale mauve, upper half sheet of 50 stamps separated by interpanneau gutter into panes of 25. The stamps are all in perfect unmounted og. condition and of exceptionally fresh appearance. A fold in the gutter and some minor separation in the perforation do not detract from this, the largest recorded multiple. Opinion Penev (2021) Ex. collection Hitzler.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3099 Bulgaria
1882: 15 st. purple and lilac, fine used with dramatic background shift, lightly cancelled in blue, very scarce. Opinion Penev (2021).Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 750 CHF
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