Europe & Overseas
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Lot# : 4100 Turkey
1873/92: Collection on leaves (119 items) all showing the "Katchak / Contrebande" markings from circular Type II on Dulos and Empire issues in black, blue or red; framed Type III overprint (with Arabic '2' at top) on Dulos and Empire issues in black, blue or red; Type IV (with Arabic '3' at top) in black, blue or in red on Dulos 1876 issue, Type V on 1876 issue with triangular handstamp with Arabic '4' at top and finally the famous framed "Contrebande" bilingual marking in black, blue and violet. An unusual group.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 4101 Turkey
1838/1930c: Lot covers / postcards from Turkey and the foreign post offices in the Ottoman Empire incl. ten prephilatelic covers from the French P.O. in Constantinople and Smyrna, with a very early usage from Smyrna in January 1838, also 1870 combination cover France - Turkey via Alexandretta to Marseille, 1879 cover from the Turkish P.O. in Cospoli to Livorno with Italian vessel, 1898 philatelic cover forwarded several times with ROPiT, Turkish, Württemberg and French adhesives, 1914 large format lettre recommandée from Pera to Switzerland, 1915 large sized registered cover from Jerusalem to New York bearing 1914 1¼ pi. + 1 pi. definitives, WWI covers with censorship, registration, avis de reception, a lot full of postal history content and a large diversity of postmarks and usages with good provenances such as Hodeida Yemen, Uskub, Dedeagach, Karassi, Hadjin, Jerusalem, Tiberiade, Nasrie, Monastir to Haiphong, Janina, but also interesting destinations such as San Marino, Nagsaki, Bombay & Calcutta. Also 14 covers from Persia. A great lot (in total 174 covers).Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : 3,200 CHFLot# : 4102 Turkey
1845/53: Selection four covers / entire letters incl. 1845 entire from Diyarbakir to the Sardinian consul in Aleppo struck with matching oval negative handstamp in blue (Coles & Walker fig. 88, first known year), 1846c cover from Diyarbakir to Constantinople with matching oval negative handstamp in oxidised blue-green (Coles & Walker fig. 88), 1852c cover to Istanbul struck with circular negative handstamp in bright blue (Coles & Walker fig. 10), also 1853 entire letter from Siliviri on the Sea of Marmara to Istanbul struck with large part arrival (Coles & Walker fig 8) handstamp in bright blue. A most interesting and desirable group, four opinions Todd (2015).rnProvenance: three from the Collections Biolato & Arsman.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 4103 Turkey
1870/1970c.: The Postal Stationery collection (300 items), primarily unused with cards, letter-cards, envelopes, wrappers, registered envelopes all in excellent fresh condition without the usual creases, including the scarce early Duloz type envelopes and later illustrated cards, little duplication and the few used examples generally fine. A fine opportunity.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 900 CHFLot# : 4104 Turkey
1880/17: Collection of twenty-six entires of "Ottoman Empire" incoming and outgoing mail via "CONSTANTINOPLE". The collection is mounted on self made pages and meticulously described. The first items are three "DULOZ" letters, among them destinations "METELIN" and "USA". There are further "EMPIRE" issue letters to Austria and Germany, a 1912 letter to Hungary with "POSTAGE DUES", incoming mail from "EGYPT" one with a "CATARACT" hotel cachet, a letter with a bilingual "RODOSTO" mark and three items from Persia, one with "BANDARABAS" British-Indian transit mark. Varied lot with some substance.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 4105 Turkey
Lot# : 4106 Ukraine
1918/1992: Specialised collection of "TRIDENT" overprints some distinguised by offices, including Charkow, Kiew II and III, Jekaterinoslaw, Odessa and Winica. There are a number of stamps with signatures Richter and Ukr.-Phil. Verb.e.V. In total over 300 trident stamps plus a large number of unissued.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 4107 Western Ukraine
1918/19: Collection of thirty-three stamps of this popular area, containing a number of good items including 10 h. on 6 h. (Mi. 3) and sch. on 4 h. and 6h. (Mi. 32 and 34). The condition is mixed, some of the stamps are signed including Köhler and Körner Vienna.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 4108 Yugoslavia
1919/52: Italy Trieste, Fiume and Istria collection of areas which have changed hands in the wake of two wars with focus on provisional issues with a multitude of interesting pieces such as overprint varieties icluding "RIJEKA" 27I, 32xI, 32xII and 33II each in unmounted mint horizontal pair with normal all with Opinion Dr. Berger VOB (1979). Triest A and B with good range including 1947 "AMG FTT" overprints.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 4109 Collections/lots Europe
Lot# : 4110 Collections/lots Europe
Lot# : 4111 Collections/lots Europe
1855/1990c.: Collection with well-filled Czechoslovakia volume, range of Ireland and Iceland on leaves, Germany with Berlin diagonal overprint in black 2 m. dark violet on 1948 cover to Davos, Norway from 1855 with 4 sk. blue used, fine1856 Oscar 3 sk. used, 1863/66 Vapen set used and fair run to 1960's, Russia incl. a range of covers etc.rnStarting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 800 CHFLot# : 4112 Collections/lots Europe
1855/1992: Collection Skandinavia used with Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark, Finland with a range of early stamps, including some serpentine rouletted issues. In the other areas only a few early stamps with a few interesting cancels noted. Modern Issues from Aland and Faroer Islands only here unused from 1984 and 1975 respectively.Starting bid : 180 CHFHammer price : 180 CHFLot# : 4113 Collections/lots Europe
Lot# : 4114 Collections/lots Europe
1840/1950: Lot few thousand stamps used unused covering most countries in Europe, mainly small values, incompl. sets and a large number of duplicats from Belgium, CSSR, GB, Greece, Monaco, Norway, Romania,, Spain, Hungary and some others, housed in two old Schaubek albums.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 4115 Collections/lots Europe
1866/70: Lot six used stamps / pieces and five covers incl. Austria Danube Steamer Company 1866 17 kr. red with 'SOFIE' ship's handstamp on piece, Austrian Levant 1868 cover from the Austrian PO in Belgrad to Vienna, 1866 Austrian PO in Samsun to Constantinople, Hungary two 1871 entires with Lithographed 2 kr. orange on printed matter and Engraved 5 kr. red directed to Belgrad, Serbia 1869/70 Prince Milan First printing, one stamp and two pieces, Turkey 1867 cover Serra / Macedonia to Istanbul, finally 1868 Egypt Suez Canal issue two genuine adhesives and eight forgeries. One opinion.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 4116 Collections/lots Europe
1850/1970c.: Collection, large estate lot with Austria unused from circa 1910 in well filled stockbook with 1922 Composers set, 1924 TB set, 1925 Airmail set, 1935 Postage Due set unused, 1946 imperf. set of four, Baltic States both perf. and imperf. incl. Latvia 1930 Rainis set imperf., 1931 TB set unused, 1939 Block 2 unused (2) and used (2); German States incl. volume of Bavaria, useful range of Iceland with 1930 Althing set of six unused, 1931 Gullfoss Falls set of six unused; Japan, Monaco, Portugal from early imperfs., Russia with 1858 5 k. used range, later with much duplication and some cancellation interest, useful Imperial unused blocks (and a phenomenal amount of complete panes or sheets from the 1908/17 period with values tro 7 r.) and Soviet period sets etc. Much to sort on winter evenings.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 1,700 CHFLot# : 4117 Collections/lots Europe
Lot# : 4118 Collections/lots Europe
1860/1965: Collections of Poland with several hundred stamps used/unused incl. full sets, blocs od four, postage dues, souvenir sheets inkl. Zakopane 1938 and others, Hungary with early issues, full sets, postage dues, surcharged values, souvenir sheets incl. Budapest exhibition 1934 etc., in addition a bunch of mainly modern cards and covers, good to mixed conditon and housed in two albums.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 4119 Collections/lots Europe
1919/1990: Collection of "YOUGOSLAVIA", "SLOVENIA" and "ALBANIA". There are a range of specialities from the 1919 overprints, such as part and double perforations. Occupation of 'Yougoslavia' during WWII comes with a good section of "CROATIA" including overprints to 30 d. and further occupation issues, although the included 1945 "stormtrooper" sheet is believed to be a reprint.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 4120 Collections/lots Europe
1880/1980: Lot several hundred stamps used/unused or in mint condition, mainly small values, incompl. sets and duplicats from Austria, Belgium, German Reich with gutter pairs and 'se-tenant' pairs, few related German aereas as Saarland and Bundesrepublik incl. 'Posthorn' set of 1950 with traces of hinges, Luxembourg and Netherlands, in addition a tremendous hoard of non-valid Liechtenstein in full mint sheets (appr. 30'000 stamps) in their original covers from the post office, arranged in 15 albums and stockbooks and in a box, the whole packed in two Banana boxes.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 4121 Collections/lots Europe
1747/1920c: Selection of covers, stamps, postcards and documents related to wars and revolutions incl. 1747 entire letter with MONS intaglio handstamp, a 2 Armée d'Italie, 1803 Departments conquis Belgium '94 BRUXELLES' in red, 1854/56 three covers from the French and British Army at the Crimea back home, French occupation of Rome cover to France, Nov. 1870 three Ballon montée covers flown by the Général Ulrich, Daguerre and Denis-Papin, two German Fieldpost covers, 1870 three French Fieldpost covers from the 'Armée du Nord' and the 'Armée du Loire, 1870 civil mail cover despatched at a Prussian Fieldpost relais, March 1872 Strassburg to Paris cover, franked but taxed on the French side, 1901 boxer war German Fieldpost cover, 1905 Russo-Japanese War picture postcards, Swiss military postcards, 1900/01 three covers from the Boer war, Russian, Bulgarian and Turkish postcards and adhesives, Epirus Chimara part cover. Also a group of old newspaper cut outs with illustrations especially from the Franco-Prussian war.Starting bid : 850 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 4122 Collections/lots Europe
1956/2007: Collection several hundred stamps used/unused but mainly in mint condition depicting the issues EUROPA-UNION, included are single stamps, souvenir sheets and minitature sheets, some years compl. but also some empty spaces can be seen inbetween, good condition, arranged in five albums and served in a removal box.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 4123 Collections/lots Europe
1850/1980: Collections several hundred stamps used/unused from Greece showing a selection of large and small Hermes heads, Olympics 1896, surcharged values, full sets incl. airmails, Crete, Gibraltar, Spain with some better single values, few full sets and some souvenir sheets, in addition a mainly modern range of covers, picture postcards and postal stationery items, good to mixed condition and housed in two albums.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 800 CHFLot# : 4124 Collections/lots Europe
1919/1945: Collection Yougoslavia, Croatia, Trieste Zone B, considerable collection beginning with overprints on Austrian issues, Croatia with overprints to 30 d. unmounted. The storm troopers miniature sheet (small nick in margin) is beileved to be a reprint.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 4125 Collections/lots Europe
1955/2018: Predominantly mint stock of Malta, Gibraltar, Cyprus, Channel Islands and Isle of Man. The main value of this stock lies with the issues of Queen Elizabeth, although a smuttering of earlier items can be found. Gibraltar contains among others SG145/159 u/m and 160/173 (2), Malta SG 13 m/m, 266/82 u/m, many booklets up to and including EUR issues. The stock has been updated up to 2018 and contains a significant amount of EUR face. The Channel Is. also contain some face value. In all a very worthwhile lot in predominantly clean condition.Starting bid : 700 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 4126 Collections/lots Europe
1857/1972c: Lot 1000+ primarily unmounted og. adhesives incl. Austria 1948 Trachtenausgabe, Belgium Luxembourg with 1956 & 1957 Europa, set and set in blocks of four, Netherlands, Württemberg 1857 18 kr. used, German Empire Small Shield 18 kr. used, 1935 Nothilfe in blocks of four, GDR 1950 DEBRIA souvenir sheet, 1953 Karl-Marx-Jahr, all four souvenir sheets, also in used condition, 1955 Friedrich Engels souvenir sheet (2), Berlin Kontrollrat with black BERLIN ovpt, Greece, Portugal with 1945 Sailors souvenir sheet (7) and Andorra Spanish postal administration 1972 Eurpa in block of four.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 1,800 CHFLot# : 4127 Collections/lots Europe
1920/1940: Estonia collection containing among others 27 miniature sheets in unmounted mint condition, catalogue value here alone EUR 1800,- , 1940 charity and Sowjet occupation. In addition we have a collection "Nordic States" with Iceland from Mi. 2 in somewhat mixed condition, a lot of Swedish classic and semi classic stamps with gorgeous cancellations. This lot needs careful viewing to appreciate.Starting bid : 800 CHFHammer price : 700 CHFLot# : 4128 Collections/lots Europe
1783/1895: Lot 27 covers primarily from Austria, Hungary and Italy incl. prephilatelic entires such as 1783 Hungary Caschau to Miskolc, 1813 during the Regno d'Italia from the census department in Ampezzo to the mayor of Forni Avoltri, 1825 Lindau to Malans Grisons, 1830 Szathmar with honorific address to Ungvar, 1834 Verona to the Duchy of Modena, 1835 Lavis to Trento, also stamped covers such as 1854 Padova to Bozzolo with two examples of Lombardo-Veneto 15 c. red, Austria eight stationery postcards and nine covers.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 4129 Collections/lots Europe
Lot# : 4130 Collections/lots Europe
1931/52: Lot Airmail covers from Italy (8) primarily ingoing into Switzerland, also 1932 Airmail cover Netherlands to Brasil with flight to Friedrichshafen and then 'Graf Zeppelin' to Recife. In addition 1891 cover Genova to St. Gallen with five colour franking.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 4131 Collections/lots Europe
1800/50: Lot 90 lettersheets mainly from France representing inland and foreign destinations, various postmarks in black or in red, manuscript taxations and supplementary marks can be traced, in addition two unused postcards German Colonies, good to mixed condition and housed in an album.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 4132 Collections/lots Europe
1903/37: Lot three covers and a part cover from Belgium, CSSR and San Marino as well as two Zeppelin items from the Netherlands and Tripolitania, good to mixed condition, the registered envelope from San Marino to Pesaro joined by Enzo Diena certificate (1989).Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 510 CHFLot# : 4133 Collections/lots Europe
1861/1950c: Lot covers/postcards incl. Belgium 1861 cover Liège to Torino forwarded to Firenze with 20 c. blue & 40 c. red, 1871/75 three enveloppes from Anvers to Boston, 1936 Airmail Antwerpen to the UK with "EXPRESS FEE PAID 6c" handstamp, 1938 Congo Belge Mission Gatti cover to Canada, 1936/38 three covers Usumbara to Milano, 1921 Aba to the USA, 1922 Bolobo to Strasbourg. Also Netherlands 1877 PSC Rotterdam with "NED-INDIE over BRINDISI" handstamp, 1882/98 six postcards/covers to Funchal Madeira, 1887/88 two covers to Bombay, 1930 Zeppelin Nordlandfahrt Amsterdam to Tromsö, 1921 two covers from Curacao to Lucerne, and four covers / stationeries from the Japanese occupation of Sumatra. A most interesting lot (49 covers).Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 480 CHFLot# : 4134 Collections/lots Europe
Lot# : 4135 Collections/lots worldwide
1870/1930: Interesting lot some hundred cards and covers out of a textile company's archive, noteworthy are Albania, Austria, Bosnia, Bulgaria, GB and colonies, Russia, Turkey and Yugoslavia, among plenty of items franked with small values also better ones can be found, mixed condition as usual after 100 years stored under the roof, housed in a box.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 2,600 CHFLot# : 4136 Collections/lots Europe
1869/1934c.: Newspaper frankings, the collection of 17 complete Newspapers / banners, most franked by a single adhesive, with Austria 2 kr. brown on 1869 'Hurriyete' Newspaper and 1 kr. blue on illustrated 'Die Gartenlaubi' 1883 Newspaper, Greece with 1870 Corfu Newspaper franked by Large Hermes Head 1 l. brown neatly tied by Kerkyra cds, 1881 Eastern Roumelia Newspaper cancelled at Philipopolis in blue, 1916 Austria KuK Feldpost franking from Cetinje, 1923 Armenian Newspaper with Turkish franking, 1933 Newspaper with Romanian franking (3), Turkey with pre-philatelic example etc. A most unusual and eclectic collection.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 4137 Collections/lots Europe
1824/1955: Lot 97 covers / postcards from Scandinavia incl. Norway 1827/32 four prephilatelic covers from Christiania to Bordeaux,rn1859 Oscar 2 sk. orange-yellow with perfect CHRISTIANIA BYPOST, sent within the city, Oscar 3 sk. grey in a strip of five on cover from Christiania; Sweden PSC with Paquebot handstamp, covers with vignettes (15); Denmark 1869 stationery envelope 4 sk. with add. franking Large Oval type 2+3+4 sk. from Copenhagen to Belgium, also later issues with Julen and other vignettes (47).Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 460 CHFLot# : 4138 Collections/lots Europe
1835/1960c: Lot covers from Portugal & Colonies incl. 1835 from the Portuguese vice-consul in Corunha to Lisbon, 1890 Capo Verde S. Vincente stationery postcard to Germany, 1893 PSC Lisboa to Macao, 1898 PSC Acores via the Netherlands to Curacao, 1912 PSC Lourenco Marques to Germany, 1914 PSC S. Thomé to Prague, 1905/17 three covers Lourenco Marques to Basel, Amsterdam & Pretoria, 1907 three covers Bissau to Hamburg, 1904 Funchal to Berlin, 1912 registered PSC Nova Goa to Prague, four covers from Mocambique. Also Spain & colonies with Marocco, Cuba, Fernando Poo, 1915 PC Madrid to Zanzibar, 1919 PC Barcelona to Nagoya Japan, 1926 Ceuta to Germany, 1926 cover Las Palmas to Luxembourg, 1894 PSC Bayamón, Puerto Rico to Germany, Civil War vignettes on 1936 Canarias to the UK, and 1937 registered cover from Malaga to Lübeck. A diverse and interesting lot (79 covers).Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 1,300 CHFLot# : 4139 Collections/lots Europe
1870/1950c.: Lot 136 covers / postcards from eastern European countries incl. Hungary with lithographed early picture postcards (44), 1871 Engraved 15 kr. on registered Pankota to Arad cover, 1873 mourning cover with 2 kr. Engraved, 1898 taxed picture postcard Mohacs to Smyrna, 1920 Baranya cover, 1933 Airmail issue, 1934 Liszt souvenir sheet; Poland with Gordon-Bennett special Airmail cover; Czechoslovakia with Zeppelin cover 1932 to Recife; Montenegro 1901 Cetinje to Vienna with 3 n. + 2 n.; Serbia with PSC 10 pa blue on violet with add. franking of 10 pa. brown, sent to Wiesbaden; Yugoslavia, Albania; Bulgaria with censorship cards during the Balkan War (9) and WWI.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,200 CHFLot# : 4140 Collections/lots Europe
1860/1925: Levant, collection with many interesting postal stationery items, including six letters with "Hermes heads", including a letter from "Manchester" to "PATRA" via Brindisi, various issues from Greek islands with some unusual cancellations, Italian steamer mail, Austrian Levant including a parcel card franked 15 Piastres, Turkish offices and a map of the area from around 1880.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 950 CHFLot# : 4141 Zeppelin & Airmail
1912/65: Lot resp. intersss. selection with 330 airmail cards and envelopes covering a wide array of countries worldwide, noteworthy among many others are Austria, Baltic States, Belgium, German Reich and related aereas, GB and colonies, Netherlands and colonies, Brazil, Colombia, Hong Kong, Persia, Thailand and USA, incl. first and special flights, special cancellations, various usages, better frankings and more, mainly in good conditon and housed in three albums.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 2,200 CHFLot# : 4142 Collections/lots Europe
1900/50: Lot more than 600 covers, cards, picture postcards and postal stationery items, mainly business or daily mail from all over the world, noteworthy among others are Benelux, Hungary, Monaco, Portugal and Colonies, Scandinavia, Yugoslavia, Canada, Ceylon, Chile, Colombia, Egypt. Jamaica, Mexico, Palestine and Uruguay, all addressed into Switzerland, good to mixed condition and housed in four albums.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 4143 Collections/lots Oversea countries
1880/1980: Lot some hundred stamps used/unused covering several countries in the Far East as Malayan States and Malaysia, Burma and Macao, mainly small values, pairs, few blocs of four and duplicats, housed in one album and in three small stockbooks, in addition an office file containing covers, picture postards and postal stationery items, those representing business and daily mail as well as philatelic items, the whole in good codition.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 4144 Collections/lots Oversea countries
1960/80: Llot 20 presentation booklets from various mainly Arabian countries given from related Postal Administrations to partizipants of UPU events all over the world, to mention Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Laos, Oman, Qatar, UAE and few others, in addition a booklet from New Zealand.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 4145 Collections/lots Oversea countries
1950/80: Lot 35 presentation booklets from various countries in South and Central America and the Caribbean given from the related Postal Administrations to partizipants of UPU events all over the world, incl. plenty of full sets and those mainly in mint condition, noteworthy Argentine, Brazil, Colombia, Dutch Antilles, Guatemala and Surinam, good condition and housed in a box.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 4146 Collections/lots Oversea countries
1900/80: Lot several thousand stamps used/unused covering various countries in overseas, incl. single items, souvenir sheets, full sets, few banknotes and some covers as well as plenty of duplicats, noteworthy among others are Brit. and French possessions around the world, Caribbean Islands China, Hong Kong, Malaya and Latin America, good to mixed condition and neatly arranged in five stockbooks.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 4147 Collections/lots Africa
1962/1980: Collection of around 300 "EPREUVE de LUXE" from Mauretania, Cameroon, Congo and Niger. The collection covers a wide range of thematic subjects including "locomotives", "Animals" "Communications and space" and others. Some earlier items are hand signed. Occasional early signs of storage but mostly clean.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 4148 Collections/lots Asia
1974/1995: Asia collection modern issues in well filled as new 64 page stock book containing issues from Brunei, China, Corea, Singapore and Thailand among others. Issues contained are Singapore 1985 Insects to 10$ in pairs, a vast number of thematics including animals, arts, plants, sports and others including many miniature sheets.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 4149 Collections/lots Oversea countries
1950/80: Important lot 110 presentation booklets from various African countries given from related Postal Administrations to partizipants of UPU events all over the world, containing a colourful selection of stamps in full sets with plenty of topics as birds, animals, sports, culture. politics and more, mostly in mint condition, properly arranged in two Banana boxes.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 4150 Collections/lots Asia
Lot# : 4151 South America
1860/67c.: Small group with Bolivia 1867 Condor 50 c. orange-yellow used on document cancelled in manuscript, Condor 5 c. green pair and 100 c. blue pair on document cancelled in manuscript, Chile with 1856/60 10 c. blue pair on cover with one stamp diagonally bisected from Serena to Santiago and two further covers, Uruguay with 1860 thick figures 120 c. blue on cover to Concordia with cert. Diaz Paulos (1980) and signed Ferchenbauer.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 380 CHFLot# : 4152 Collections/lots Asia
1880/1980c.: Collection with Afghanistan with some 1940's covers, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, Indian States, useful Indo-Chine, Labuan, Laos, Mongolia, useful Nepal, North Borneo, Philippines collection with USA optd. 2 c. carmine used on 1902 North German Lloyd illustrated menu, Portuguese India with lot on leaves incl. 1890's stationery used and two fine 1916 Censored covers to Zurich, Vietnam; the lot with some useful covers and FDC's noted, condition generally fine.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 4153 Collections/lots Oversea countries
1875/1990c.: Collections with Aden 1937 'Dhows' set complete used, Iraq, Israel with range of FDC's, Lebanon on leaves and a duplicated range, Saudi Arabia with 1933 cover to Japan and 1940 censored cover to Japan, Syria with 1929 'Damas Exposition' Postage & Airmail sets on sheet with special framed cachet at base, Turkey stockbook and covers etc., much to sort.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 4154 South America
1865/1902: The interesting range with Argentina fine 1816 entire with SALTA straight line in red, 1863 cover carried on the "Saintonge" with octagonal datestamp, and a small range of single examples with cancellation interest to 15 c. blue (2); 1874 cover with 1867/68 5 c. vermilion to Valparaiso, 1888 'four colour' usage on piece, interesting 1965 cover to Czechoslovakia stopped by Censor as envelope contained stamps, also a Chile 1884 cover with rouletted 10 c. blue tied by ARICA cds, Scadta airmail covers (3), Philippines from 1859 5 c. vermilion pair on uncancelled cover to Manila, 1902 cover from 6th Cavalry member franked at 9 c. rate tied by "NAIC / CAVITE" cds, Tierra del Fuego with 10 c. red in unused strips and blocks (30+) examples, USA with 1869 3 c. on delightful small embossed envelope used from "Hannibal / MO." etc. Condition variable but an interesting group.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 4155 South America
1863/1936c: Lot 56 covers / postcards incl. Bolivia 1869 pair 5 c. green from La Paz to Cochabamba, Peru 1879 entire letter from Callao with 20 c., 5 c. & 2 c. franking and octagonal Panama shipmail datestamp in red, 1888 Salvador 10 c. stationery envelope with 1 c. add. franking from Acajutla to Hamburg, 1904 "PANAMA CANAL ZONE" double ovpt. stamp on picture postcard to Ecuador, also six stampless covers to France with British vessels. Interesting group.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 460 CHFLot# : 4156 Collections/Lots Middle East
1863/1970: Collection of 140 postal history items of the Levant/North Africa and Middle East with a good mix of earlier and modern. The early begin with an 1863 letter from Alexandria (Austrian Office) to Vienna. The are further Austrian offices including "TRAPEZUNT", "ALEXANDRETTE" and "CONSTANTINOPOLI LLOYD". French offices such as "PORT-SAID" and other are included, as well as a Palestine Telegram from "MOUNT CARMEL". Further covers include Iraq and Iran as well as Turkey. In addtion the lot contains a batch of stamps from the afore mentioned countries.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 4157 South America
1870/1950: Accumulation of over 100 letters and other items of postal history covering most of "Latin America", with earlier Mexico including a consular letter dated 1902 with blue and white vignette, Columbia with French "Sea mail" markings "COLON A BORDEAUX" and "LIGNE D", an "AR" letter from Guatemala to Germany (1898) and many others.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 4158 South America
1862/1950c.: Central & South America Postal History collection (72 covers/cards) with Argentina 1862 entire by French Packet with octagonal "Confederation Argentine" in black, 1882 mixed issue cover by French Packet at 12 c. rate; useful Costa Rica incl. 1903 up-rated stationery card from Puntas Arenas and 1914 up-rated stationery envelope to Germany from Heredia via Santa Barbara, Haiti including scarce Formula Cards (3) each bearing 1882 3 c. bistre perf., 1887 local entire with 1886 1 c. vermilion perf. pair, Mexico with 1856 8 r. lilac quadrisect used as 2 r. from Zacatecas, Nicaragua 1912 provisional usage of 1911 'Vale 10 cts.' (5) used on cover to Theodore Champion in Paris, Panama with early covers, Salvador with range of up-rated stationery, Uruguay with 1868 'Ligne K' stampless cover, 1877/79 covers to France, one underpaid, 1880 stationery card usage with 2 x 1 c. brown, condition generally fine throughout, a good lot.Starting bid : 850 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 4159 Corea
NO LOTStarting bid : BidHammer price : not soldLot# : 4160 Collections/lots worldwide
Lot# : 4161 Collections/lots worldwide
Lot# : 4162 Collections/lots worldwide
Lot# : 4163 Collections/lots worldwide
1900/1984: British South Atlantic Islands, small collection with some attractive pieces ST. HELENA" from the "QV" overprint series, a fine 10d brown (Gi. 52) cancelled "MALTESE CROSS" in circle, 1953 set to 10/- and a number of later issues. "ASCENSION" with a 1922 2/- black and blue unused and many later issues, similarly "TRISTAN DA CUNHA". Clean lot.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 100 CHFLot# : 4164 Collections/lots worldwide
Lot# : 4165 Collections/lots worldwide
1960 (appr.): Lot four multicolour reproductions 'Fish on stamps' measuring LxH 270x200 mm and showing original stamp desing in one of the corners, in detail Iceland Codfish (Scott 219), Liberia Mudskipper (Scott 171), New Zealand Striped Merlin (Scott 192) and Yugoslavia/Istria Tuna (Scott 34), issued in France.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 160 CHFLot# : 4166 Collections/lots worldwide
1900/50c: Lot hundreds stamps used/unused including a basic selections of French colonies, British colonies, Liberia, Ethiopia, Spanish and Portuguese colonies as well as 1968 PRC '41st. Anniv. of People's Liberation Army' in an unsued block of four.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 4167 Collections/lots worldwide
1850/1950: Lot some hundred stamps covering a wide array of countries worldwide incl. Germany and related aereas, France and colonies, GB and colonies, Switzerland with some better values and many more, mainly small values used, few items unused, good to mixed condition and housed in three decorative old albums (Schaubek and Schwanenbeger) and in four folders, all arranged in a box.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 4168 Collections/lots worldwide
1949/: UPU Collection from Afghanistan to USA, unused set of British Commonwealth omnibus issue complete (310 stamps), unused sets from a variety of countries mostly Central and South America, some duplication, Cuba 5 c. with "overprint double, one inverted" variety, Nicaragua miniature sheets, Egypt 1946 Philatelic Exhibition miniature sheets imperf. and perf. etc.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 4169 Collections/lots worldwide
1850/1950: Remainder with some thousand stamps used/unused, mainly small values, incompl. sets and duplicats, covering a wide array of countries all over the world, noteworthy among others are France, Iceland, the Netherlands, Sowjetunion, India, Japan, Persia and USA, mixed condition and housed in five old albums.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 3,600 CHFLot# : 4170 Collections/lots worldwide
Lot# : 4171 Collections/lots worldwide
18980/1980: Lot several thousand stamps used/unused or in mint condition covering a wide array of countries all over the world, mainly small values and duplicats, full and part sheets of the German Inflation period 1923, various topics as flowers, sports, aircraft and others, partly on small stockcards, in albums and folders and loose in small boxes, the whole arranged in a large removal box.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 340 CHFLot# : 4172 Collections/lots worldwide
1849/1980: All world varied accumulation of better items and issues beginning with some classic issues such as a four margin Belgium Epaulettes 20c, good Liechtenstein issues beginning with an unmounted 25 Heller on ordinary paper (Mi 3yb), 1930 Landscapes fine used and others more. Thematics in particular "Scouting" and "Sports" are well served in this lot. A Czechoslovakia Hradschin 200H printing in blue on thick beige paper with a double print can also be spotted as well as exotic items from overseas countries.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 340 CHFLot# : 4173 Collections/lots worldwide
1840/1944: Collection Europe and Overseas countries in two large Schaubek albums containing a good run of better stamps. Belgium starts with two four margin 1849 "Epaulettes", later 10 fr. + 40 fr. maroon "Cardinal Mercier" in fine used, 10 fr + 40 fr. "blue Madonna" mint large part og. Denmark with early skilling issues. Germany with some States and Empire including 2 Kreuzer large shield (Mi. 24) unused and 5 M "Reichspost" used (Mi. 66) Finland, France with 1936 Banknote unused, Great Britain with an 1840 "Penny Black" used and an 1884 10/- ultramarine used. The second volume contains Overseas countries including South America, Africa and Australia with a range of British Commonwealth stamps. The condition is very mixed but many good stamps can be found.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 1,600 CHFLot# : 4174 Collections/lots worldwide
1850/1980: Lot several hundred stamps used/unused or in mint condition, incl. quite a number of presentation folders given by the UPU, noteworthy Germany (Bundesrepublik), GB, Italy, Netherlands with better values up to Gld. 10.-, Spain, Turkey and others, in addition a few classic stamps of Portugal, mainly in good condition and housed in albums, stockbbooks and on album pages, all arranged in a Banana box.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 4175 Collections/lots worldwide
Lot# : 4176 Collections/lots worldwide
1855/1950: World accumulation with main focus on British Commonwealth including Britain used abroad, C30 "VALPARAISO" beautiful piece with Z57 (PL.14) and Z 84 (PL.11), also other values used abroad can be found. There are several stock-cards with Indian States as well as a stockbook European issues including Switzerland and German States.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 350 CHFLot# : 4177 Collections/lots worldwide
1850/1950: Lot several hundred stamps used/unused covering a wide array of countries all over the world, noteworthy among others are several souvenir and miniature sheets of Switzerland and a full PAX set, better values and full sets of Italy, Turkey, Brit. Colonies as Cyprus, Gibraltar, Nauru, Newfoundland and St. Helena, few French Colonies as well as plenty of used duplicats, mainly in good condition and housed in two albums.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 950 CHFLot# : 4178 Corea
NO LOTStarting bid : BidHammer price : not soldLot# : 4179 Collections/lots worldwide
1921/90: Lot eight selected compl. booklets with their cover in mint conditon, countries represented are Belgium (1), DDR (1), Finland (1), France (1 with variety), Brazil (1), South Africa (1) and USA (2 with varieties), good condition and housed in a small box.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 4180 Collections/lots worldwide
1850/1955: Collector's oddments books containing large numbers of good and better stamps such as Spain 1930 Railway Congress, France 1870 Bordeaux 80 c. in horizontal pair, range of GB surface printed issues, Turkish Toughras, Denmark 5 kr. Post Office and much more that is good. There are also quantities of highly dubious material such as provisional overprints from Poland, Czechoslovakia, Sudetenland, German Occupation during WWII. Close inspection is a must but will be rewarding.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 2,800 CHFLot# : 4181 Picture postcards of the world
1864/1974c.: Varied group with Danish West Indies 1864 cover to Paris with "St. Thomas" double arc cds, 1869 and 1870 covers with "St. Thomas" single ring datestamps on cover to France, 1875 Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. 10 c. rose unused (4) and used (12), 'MacRobish' Acapulco-San Francisco Line bogus issue and forgeries of same, 1895 Norwegian 5 öre card issued for a boat trip by a Philatelic Society on "S.S. Scotland", David McBrayne Pier Dues and Parcel Stamps collection with 51 items, a very 'mixed bag'.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 700 CHFLot# : 4182 Collections/lots worldwide
1880/1930: Lot 190 picture postcards and postal stationery cards used/unused, some of them issued at special events as celebrations or exhibitions, noteworthy among others Austria, Bavaria and German Reich, Italy and Scandinavia, partly some duplication, good to mixed condition and housed in a small box.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 4183 Collections/lots worldwide
1857/1984c: Lot 85 covers / postcards incl. Philippines ovpt. stationery postcards unused (6), China Fukien Silver Yuan ovpt on cover to the USA, 1861 patriotic cover to Newfoundand, Korea 1902 stationery postcard to Vienna, Russia 1905 two stampless Fieldpost covers from St. Petersburg during the Russo-Japanese war, Liberia 1898 PSC to Hamburg, a selection of extremely small sized covers & postcards worldwide, Ethiopia 1928 Addis-Abeba to Athens, also a large group of forged and falsified items.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 3,000 CHFLot# : 4184 Collections/lots worldwide
1934/1994: FOOTBALL WORLD CUP collection in one folder containing mainly ephemera relating to the organisation of the tournaments, such as an invitation in the name of "Jules Rimet" to mark the occasion of the 26th "FIFA" congress 1938. Philatelically the outstanding item is a complete set 1934 "CALCIO" of Italy on cover to Switzerland. Unusual in this form.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 4185 Collections/lots worldwide
1927/37: British Commonwealth Coronation issues, largely complete on 58 mostly registered covers, France 1927 Strasbourg 5 fr. blue + label + 10 fr. carmine used on registered cover to Basel (Maury 242a = € 800), Netherlands 1942 'Legion' Miniature sheets (two of each) fine used (Mi. Block 1+2 = € 380) and Spain with Civil War miniature sheets largely from Madrid and Barcelona.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 4186 Collections/lots worldwide
1925/1980: Airmail in over 80 entires starting with an original photograph of two WWI German bi-planes, picture postcards of Zeppelins, similar Airships aviators, vignettes and rocketmail. There are several large format "SCADTA" envelopes including two entires franked 3 p. purple and a large piece bearing a 5 p. olive.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 4187 Collections/lots worldwide
1926/91 ca.: Lot 110 covers from Arabian Countries in the Middle East, incl.Kuwait (53), Lebanon (4), Saudi Arabia (10), Syria (15), Kuwait 1991 'Desert Storm' (14) and group of 30 unused Dubai 40 p. Aerograms with Scout topic, further small investment holding of unused Kuwait 'Frama Labels' (machine vending stamps) with '0000' test prints and '0005' Fils denomination.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 4188 Collections/lots worldwide
1869/1940: Postal History of the world with many better items beginning with an Italian letter from Alexandria dated 1869, franked 40 C. redirected on arrival with 9 different French transit marks. British Commonwealth includes four Imperial Airways letters from Malaya with postmarks "BATANG BERJUNTAI", Coronation 1937, and other all world items.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 4189 Collections/lots worldwide
1914/45: Lot 270 cards and covers showing censor treatment during WW 1, WW 2 and partly after the war, mainly daily mail addressed to Switzerland, countries represented among others are Austria, Gemany, France, GB, Italy, Canada, Maroc and USA, average condition, housed in four volumes and in a small box.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 4190 Collections/lots worldwide
1950/80: Lot several hundred cards and covers from and to Switzerland, mainly airmai items and the incoming section showing a wide array of countries all over the world, the major part being business or daily mail, few special cancellations and items pre 1950 may be found, housed in three small boxes and one album, all arranged in a Banana box.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 4191 Collections/lots worldwide
1880/1980: Lot several hundred cards, covers and postal stationery items from all over the world, noteworthy among many others are Austria, France, Germany and related aereas, GB and colonies, Hungary, Russia, Scandinavia, Egypt, Japan and USA, the lot contains daily mail, business mail, FDC's, special cancellations, various usages and more, mainly in good condition and arranged in a box.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 1,200 CHFLot# : 4192 Collections/lots worldwide
1880/1980: Lot several thousand cards, covers, picture postcards and postal stationery items from all over the world except Switzerland, plenty of daily mail., business mail, items bearing full sets, censor mail, various usages, a wealth of destinations and much more, good to mixed condition and neatly arranged in small boxes, the whole packed into two Banana boxes.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 1,800 CHFLot# : 4193 Picture postcards of the world
1838/60c.: Covers/entire letters (50) with 1838 early entire endorsed "Par le Rhamses" (one of the original Paquebots) from Marseille to Malata with scarce "1 March 3d." arrival in black, 1841 entire with oval "Paquebots à Vapeur / Neapolitans / Administration de Marseille' in blue, 1844 entire from Livorno to Alexandria endorsed "Col. Vap. da Guerra", August 1846 entire to Marseille with fine boxed "PONDICHERY" despatch in red, 1851 entire from Barcelona with "Eug. Fouccu / Marseille" Forwarding Agent's cachet in blue to Livorno, 1856 cover to Lyon with octagonal CONSTANTINOPLE French Paquebot datestamp, 1857 cover to Patras with fine "AGENZIE DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO / ANCONA" in green, mail to/from Austria, Egypt, GB, Greece, Russia, Sicily, Tuscany etc.Starting bid : 450 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 4194 Collections/lots worldwide
1850/1980: Lot several hundred covers, cards, picture postcards and postal stationery items, the later partly uprated, showing better frankings, airmails, business and daily mail, various usages and more, noteworthy among others are Austria, France and colonies, GB and colonies, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Brazil, Colombia, India, Persia and USA, good to mixed condition, housed in a box.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,700 CHFLot# : 4195 Collections/lots worldwide
Lot# : 4196 Collections/lots worldwide
1898/1998: Worldwide covers (65), most in large fomat incl. British East Africa with 1898 cover to Denmark franked by 9 x 1½ d., Eritrea with 1951 Telegram with four colour franking incl. optd. 10 s. on reverse, Saudi Arabia panorama postcards, Serbia with 1904 cover from the King of Serbia to France with illustrated envelope and red seal verso, Sudan with 1935 'Gordon' set complete on cover, Switzerland FDC's, Tanna Touva pictorial set on 1937 registered cover to USA, range of British Colonies Silver Jubilee issue covers (5), USA 1926 First Flight covers (2) and 1937 First Flight covers from Guam to Macau and another to Hong Kong, etc.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 4197 Collections/lots worldwide
1855/1970: Collection of over 100 Eastern European postal history items from Poland Russia and the Baltics, beginning with two Prussian parcel letters from the late 1850s. Later items include Airmail, Danzig, Polish inflation, Poland "US Constitution" miniature sheet on cover flown to the US, German and Austrian Fieldpost of the area. Very varied lot.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 4198 Collections/lots worldwide
1890/1970c.: The Asia collection of covers/cards (96) with useful range of China with Junk issue frankings, scarce Liberated Areas 1949c. cover from Shansi; Japan inc. IJPO usages from Dairen (2) and a fine range of postal stationery usages and up-rated postal stationery cards, 1905 four colour perfinned franking to Berlin, 1949 group of three covers from Okinawa to Hawaii; Macau, Vietnam, useful range of Hong Kong with large format 10 c. purple registered stationery envelope used to Singapore, fine range of Burma stationery etc.Starting bid : 800 CHFHammer price : 3,400 CHFLot# : 4199 Collections/lots worldwide
1960/1995: Large box well filled with many hundreds postcards and letters originating from "CHINA", "HONG-KONG" and "MONGOLIA". There are many rarely seen letters particularly from correspondences to the former "DDR" and "ROMANIA", commercial letters with many high value frankings and private correspondence. This lot contains many unusual items.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,600 CHF
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