Europe & Overseas
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Lot# : 3600 Papal state
1852 (Jan 1): ½ baj. black on grey-blue, a used block of ten (5 x 2) with good to just shaved margins all round, first and fourth stamps with vertical scissor cuts (probably due to disinfection during the Cholera outbreak of 1854-55), pinhole on tenth stamp, neatly cancelled by three strike of FORLI datestamps (Aug 11, 1855) in black. A scarce multiple. Signed E. Diena. Cert. Raybaudi (1973).Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3601 Papal state
Lot# : 3602 Papal state
1852: 1 baj. black on dark green, Setting II, a used horizontal pair, marginal from right of sheet, large margins all round, lightly cancelled by grill obliterator in black. Right hand stamp with filled pinhole not mentioned on certificate. A most attractive and rare pair. Cert. Sorani (2006) Sassone = € 4'950.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3603 Papal state
1852: 2b. blueish-grey with good to large margins all round, single franking with extremely rare thimble cancellation "T.P." "TASSA PROVVISORIA" with double circle "ROMA" dated 3 Jun. 1864 struck beside. The cancellation is of the greatest raritiy among the Papal States cancellations and only recorded in a handful of cases. Signed and certificate Colla (2017).Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 3604 Papal state
1852: 8 baj. black on white, a used corner marginal block of eight (2 x 4) from upper right corner of the sheet, individually cancelled by grill obliterators in black; merest trace of thin at upper right not detracting from the delightful appearance of a scarce multiple. Cert. A. Diena (1966) Sassone = € 2'200+.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 3605 Papal state
1852: 1 scudo rose-carmine, an unused example with good to large margins all round in a deep shade, typical minor wrinkles on full original gum. Superb and rare so fine. Signed G. Bolaffi, A. Diena. Cert. G. Bolaffi (1972), P. Cardillo (2019) Sassone = € 7'500.Starting bid : 850 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3606 Papal state
Lot# : 3607 Papal state
Lot# : 3608 Papal state
1861: Publicazione del Regio Commissariato Generale Straordinario nelle provincie Marche, instructions booklet in Italian language concerning the post offices, their grading, salaries and expenses payable, as well as office numbers. A treasure for the postal historian.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3609 Papal state
Lot# : 3610 Papal state
1867: 10 c. black on vermilion, an imperf. pair on 1868 entire from Rome, one stamp variety "t" in Cent" omitted; and matching cover with 1868 10 c. black on vermilion, perforated pair, with left hand stamp variety t" in Cent" omitted, both covers addressed to Senigaglia.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3611 Papal state
1868 (Dec 2): Cover from Roma to Stockholm, Sweden bearing 1867 80 c. 'rosa lilliaceo' imperf., an exceptional example with all eight separation lines nearly complete, in combination with 1868 5 c. 'azzuro chiaro' and 10 c. 'arancio vermiglio', both lower marginal perforated examples, cancelled by mute rhombus obliterator and lightly by ROMA despatch cds, framed PD and French "E. PONT St. MICHEL" entry cds in blue (Dec 5) alongside. Signed A. Diena & Richter; cert. Colla (2021) Sassone = € 3'800.rnNote: Correctly franked in the March 1868 rate of 95 c. / 19 soldi for a cover to Sweden via France up to 7.5 gram.rnReference: Another cover from the correspondence to the Baron Manuel de Salberg at the Austrian legation in Stockholm is depicted in Mentaschi & Matha - Letter Mail from and to the Old Italian States on page 125.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 3612 Papal state
1868: 2 c. black on bright green, perf. 13¼, a used block of four of fine appearance, cancelled by two complete strikes of the grill obliterator in black, the right hand stamps each showing "No Stop after Cent" variety, third stamp with vertical crease and one with pinhole otherwise fine and scarce. Cert. A. Diena (1974) Sassone = € 3'500+.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3613 Papal state
Lot# : 3614 Papal state
Usage of adhesives of the Papal States in the Italian period 1870 (Nov 4): Cover from Viterbo to Capranica bearing 1867 2 c. green perforated, two single examples (one with corner fault) and a vertical strip of three, three of these stamps showing variety: no dot after 'Cent', cancelled by two strikes of mute grill obliterator, VITERBO despatch cds and official handstamp of the Province of Viterbo showing the 'Croce di Savoia' Arms alongside. Reverse with RONCIGLIONE transit cds of the next day. Signed Emilio Diena; cert. Colla (2021) Sassone = € 35'000.rnNote: After Rome was conquered by Italian troops on September 21, 1870, the adhesives of the Papal states could be used until end of December 1870, the latest date known is February 25, 1871.rnReference: A comparably exceptional franking of five 2 c. adhesives from that period is displayed in Sassone 2021 on page 311.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 2,000 CHFLot# : 3615 Papal state
Lot# : 3616 Papal state
1814/1940: Collection of forty-two items of postal history, beginning with a range of pre-philatelic letters and a section of Italian colonies including Somalia, Lybia, Eritrea and some Italian items. The latest is a censor letter dated May 1940 originating from the US with 6 l. 20 c. postage due.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3617 Papal state
Lot# : 3618 Papal state
1853/1868: Collection of 37 letters and covers including a strip of three 1 b. verde grigiastro, a 7½ b. franking from "BOLOGNA" to "LYON", Straight line cachets from "LUGO", "FORLI" and "COMACCHIO". Interesting and varied lot in mostly good quality.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 3619 Romagna
1859 (Sept 1): 20 baj. black on grey-blue, a used example with ample to very large margins on three sides, neatly cancelled by central strike of "Bologna" cds (Dec 15, 1859) in black. Slight thinning not affecting the splendid appearance of a scarce stamp. Ex Bolaffi (1982) with photocopy. Cert. Dr. H. Avi (2018) Sassone = € 5'000.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3620 Sardinia
Lot# : 3621 Sardinia
Lot# : 3622 Sardinia
1854: Embossed 20 c. 'celeste', a used example with large margins all round in this rare shade, on 1854 cover to Nice, neatly cancelled by "Genova" cds (Dec 8) in black with information strike alongside. Reverse with 'Nizza Maritima' arrival cds (Dec 9). File fold well away from the fine adhesive, an attractive cover. Signed Oliva, Raybaudi. Cert. Dr. H. Avi (2018) Sassone = € 16'500.Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3623 Sardinia
1857 (May 8): Entire letter from Genova to Napoli, endorsed "col vape", bearing IV. emission 5 c. in the rare shade 'verde mirto chiaro', a fine and fresh strip of three with fair to large margins, tied by GENOVA despatch cds in black. Reverse with arrival (May 11) cds, taxed in manuscript on obverse with '24' (grana). Two light file folds well away from the franking, nevertheless an exceptionally rare franking with this rare shade. Signed Colla; cert. Cardillo (2019) Sassone = € 24'000.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3624 Sardinia
1859: 5 c. olive green (verde oliva), a used block of four on 1860 cover to Genova, tied by three strikes of "Milano" cds (Nov 12) in black with further information strike alongside. The block with just clear to mostly large margins all round, slightest of pre-application bends does not destract from the appearance. Genova arrival cds on reverse, a rare multiple on an attractive letter. Signed Grioni. Cert. Raybaudi (1990) Sassone = € 16'000.Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : 1,900 CHFLot# : 3625 Sardinia
1860: 40 c. dark pink (rosa scura), a single example used on 1861 entire letter to Magadino, Switzerland, with three large margins and just clear at left, tied by "S. GIULIETTA" cds (May 17) in black (Sass = 10 pts.) with information strike above. Reverse with TPO 'Da Bologna / Alessandria' and Magadino arrival (May 17) in black. Slight imperfections but a rare usage. Cert. Dr. H. Avi (2011) Sassone = € 16'500+.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3626 Sardinia
1860 (May 8): Cover from Torino to Paris, bearing IV. emission 40 c. carmine (touched at left top) in combination with 10 c. 'bruno lillaceo', two primarily fine and fresh adhesives, tied by TORINO despatch cds in black, "P.D." handstamp in black and French "SARDAIGNE 10 MAI 60 CULOZ" entry cds in red alongside. Reverse with arrival (May 11) cds. Correct franking for the overland rate to France, cert. Colla (2021) Sassone = € 3'000.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3627 Sardinia
Lot# : 3628 Sicily
Lot# : 3629 Sicily
Lot# : 3630 Sicily
Lot# : 3631 Sicily
1 gr. olive, plate II horizontal pair with variety "doppia stampa" double print with good margins and large part og. The double print is very clearly visible and makes a stunning variety. Very fresh looking and rare pair, certificate A. Diena (1967) Sassone = € 22'000 as singles.Starting bid : 700 CHFHammer price : 1,600 CHFLot# : 3632 Sicily
Lot# : 3633 Sicily
1859: 2 gr. blue, plate I unused complete sheet with large part og. The very fresh looking sheet was folded horizontally in the third row, the resulting crease is supported by hinges. Very fine and rare as a complete sheet, signed A. Diena Sassone = € 8'750 as singles.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 1,400 CHFLot# : 3634 Sicily
1859: 2 gr. grey blue, plate III unused block of twenty-four from the left sheet margin with large part og. Between the fifth and sixth row the stamps are supported by hinges. Very fine and rare large block with good margins, signed A. Diena Sassone = € 8'400 as singles.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,300 CHFLot# : 3635 Sicily
Lot# : 3636 Sicily
1859: 5 gr. carmine, plate I unused block of twelve from the upper sheet margin comprising fields 5/10 through 15/20 with large part og. and good margins. Folded between sixth and seventh column. Very fresh and rare large block, signed E. Diena Sassone = € 19'800 as singles.Starting bid : 800 CHFHammer price : 3,000 CHFLot# : 3637 Sicily
1859: 5 gr. vermillion, plate I unused block of ten from the 5th and 6th column comprising fields 5/6 through 45/46 with large part og. On fields 35/36 and 45/46 is a major retouch of the plate. Very fresh looking and rare large block with good margins, folded between stamps, certificate Oliva (1950) Sassone = € 15'000 as singles.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 3,200 CHFLot# : 3638 Sicily
1859: 5 gr. vermillion, plate I "vermiglio chiaro" very fine used copy with good to wide margins all round, very rare shade, signed E. and A. Diena and Colla with certificate (2017) plus a 5 gr. vermillion plate II "vermiglio" fine used with multiple signatures including Diena and Brun Sassone = € 12'500.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 3639 Sicily
1859 (Jan 1): 10 gr. deep blue, an unused vertical pair and a block of four, rejoined to form the original block of six, positions 53-55 / 63-65; of rich dark colour, fine margins but ironed bend at top, unused without gum. A most attractive and rare multiple. Cert. Dr. H. Avi (2019) Sassone = € 15'000.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3640 Sicily
Lot# : 3641 Sicily
1859 (Jan 1): 50 gr. deep purplish brown-lake, an unused example on thin paper, good margins, slight vertical gum crease on large part og. An extremely fine example of this vibrant and rare shade. Signed Assinelli. Cert. Sorani (1995) Sassone = € 5'500.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3642 Sicily
1859: Valuable accumulation of the stamps of "SICILY" comprising a vertical pair 1/2 g, yellow, two reconstructed blocks of four of 1 g. olive and 5 g. carmine, two copies 5 g. "vermiglio" on letter, 5 g. "vermiglio chiaro" on insured letter, two further letters, including one with six singles 2 g. blue. The quality leaves something to be desired in some cases, but a lot with "substance". In total 13 items with very high catalogue value.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 3,400 CHFLot# : 3643 Toscana
Incoming 1851 (Sept 26): Entire letter from Corfu via Trieste to Livorno, struck with CORFU despatch cds on front, reverse with Trieste transit (Sept 28) cds, front with AUSTRIA postal treaty handstamp, reverse with "LIVORNO STRADA FERRATA 1. OTT. 1851" arrival cds. Reverse with '9' (kreuzer) prepayment until Trieste, front shows partial prepayment with "FRANCO GRENZE" handstamp in red, the receiver had to pay the residual journey.rnNote: Written by Giacomo Maria Manzoni (1816-1889) who was finance minister of the 1849 Repubblica Romana. After the suppression of the republic he had to go into exile (Greece, England and Sardinia).Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3644 Toscana
1861: 20 c. blue issue 1860 in mixed franking with Sardinia 10 c. grey-brown issue 1858 on letter from "SIENA" to "MONTEPULCHIANO" dated 14. Mar. 1861, correctly franked for a third distance rate single letter within "TUSCANY". The envelope shows some wear and has been cleaned, a crease is well clear of the stamps. A very scarce mixed franking and a highlight for an advanced collection. Certificates Bottacchi (2010) and Colla (2016).Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 3645 Toscana
Lot# : 3646 Italy
Regno, usage of Sardinian adhesives 1863 (June 13): Printed matter cover to the mayor of Golese, Parma, bearing Sardinia 1861 (Jan) 1 c. grey-black in a horizontal pair, a fine multiple with good to large margins, tied by black pen strokes (Sassone = R1), presumably on arrival. Reverse with Bologna - Milano ambulant and PARMA transit (June 13) cds's. Correctly franked printed matter rate within Italy, cert. Colla (2021) Sassone = € 250 + 16'500.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 3647 Italy
Lot# : 3648 Italy
1863: 15 c. blue, type II single franking on exceptionally fresh letter frpm "S. ELPIDIO A MARE" to "PORTO S. GIORGIO" cancelled "31. DEC 1863" being the last day of usage of this stamp. Very fine letter of "Exhibition Quality", bearing multiple signatures. The lot comes with two certificates E. Diena 1987 and Colla (2017).Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 3649 Italy
1863: 15 c. sky-blue, perfectly centered copy on brilliant white cover form "CIVITANOVA" to "MONTE SAN GIUSTO" dated 1. Dec. 1863 "FIRST DAY", a difficult stamp on an "aesthetically virtually unbeatable" letter of unbelievable freshness with a perfectly struck cancellation. Non plus ultra, Certificates Enzo Diena (1990) and Colla (2017).Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 2,400 CHFLot# : 3650 Italy
1866: 2 l. scarlett, 60 c. mauve (2), 40 c. rose red and 10 c. brownish-orange Turin printing as stunning four colour printing on insured letter for 3000 Lire from "GENUA" to "LIVORNO". The stamps are cancelled dotted "13", with a Florence transit and a Livorno arrival mark on the reverse. Multiple signatures including A. Diena and Colla with certificate (2017) Sassone = € 4'000 not counting the lower values.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 3651 Italy
1919: 40 c. orange and red, postage due, diagonally bisected on with 10c red insufficiently prepaid picture post card from "SANTUARIO DELLA GUARDIA" to "VILLA VERNIA". A rare bisect with multiple signatures: Bolaffi, E. Diena and Colla, with Certificate (2004).Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 460 CHFLot# : 3652 Italy
1867: 20 c. blue used in combination with 1877 10 c. blue on 1877 cover to Samaden, Graubünden, Switzerland tied by "Genova" duplex in black (Aug 22). Reverse with 'Natante-Como-Colico' cds and Samaden arrival (Aug 24). A rare combination of issues with the same face value, used in the first month of issue of the 1877 20 centesimi, in superb quality. Cert. Newiger BPP (2002).Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 1,500 CHFLot# : 3653 Italy
Lot# : 3654 Italy
1932: 10th Aniversary of the March on Rome, Corrado Mezzana (1890-1952), twenty-eight original pastel and or charcoal drawings towards the series, including both adopted and unadopted designs. Many of these exquisitely executed drawings are bearing a close resemblance of the final stamp, some come with alternative centers. One has been removed from the mount and has slight corner damage. Most large designs for the stamp frames bear the artist's initials "C.M.". Despite the subject matter not only a philatelically important lot but also of artistic and historical importance. In addition there are twenty two photographic essays representing the further progress in the production of this series. A 'one off' opportunity to acquire truly unique material for the large exhibition collection.Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : 5,000 CHFLot# : 3655 Italy
Lot# : 3656 Italy
Lot# : 3657 Italy
Official Air Mail 1933 (May 20): Triptych "Crociera Nord-Atlantica" 5 l. 25 c. + 44.75 c., with watermark letter "A" on third stamp and margin, the strip of three overprinted SERVIZIO DI STATO, marginal from right of sheet, fresh and very fine, unmounted og. Extremely rare. Signed Richter. Cert. Dr. H. Avi (2021) Sassone = € 8'250.Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3658 Italy
Lot# : 3659 Italy
Lot# : 3660 Italy
Lot# : 3661 Italy
Lot# : 3662 Italy
1933 (June 15): Balbo Transatlantic Mass Formation Flight I-BIAN (Captain Vincenzo Biani) – Lot of Nine „Distinta Degli Effetti Postali“ postal forms for items related to the offices of Reykjavik, Amsterdam, Chicago, Londonderry, New-York, Montreal, Cartwright, Shediac and the departure airport of Orbetello signed by Vincenzo Biani, in addition the special „Dispaccio Aereo“ - envelope, each item bearing both types of the CROCIERA AEREA DEL DECENNALE cds's, a unique assembly.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,700 CHFLot# : 3663 Italy
Repubblica Sociale 1944 (Dec 3): Commercial formular bearing Segnatasse 5 l. violett with ovpt 'piccolo fascia', a horizontal strip of three, a pair and four single adhesives, tied by "TORINO CENTRO cds". Cert. Raybaudi (1994) Sassone = € 10'800+.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3664 Italy
1852/1984c: Lot 1000+ primarily unused adhesives incl. Papal States 1 scudo, Napoli 20 gr. & 50 gr. used, Parma 1857 compl. set of three used, 1859 provisional issue 40 c., Sicily 5 gr. (2) & 20 gr. used, 10 gr. & 50 gr. unused, Tuscany 1 qu, black used, Italy 1923 cassa, 1933 Zeppelin (2), 1948 Repubblica Romana, parcel stamps, colonial issues incl. Tripolitania 1926 VEIII 1,25 l. blue perf. 11 unmounted og, cert. Sorani, Trieste, and Vatican 1953 Airmail issue.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,800 CHFLot# : 3665 Italy
1861/1995: Lot several hundred mainly used stamps starting with Old Italian States as Modena, Naples, Parma, Sardinia and Tuscany, mainly in good condition and of fresh appearance, continued with a small selection of Trieste as well as Bosnia and Herzegovina, plenty of modern duplicats and last but not least a bunch of cards and covers, housed in three albums.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 3666 Italy
1862/2012: Collection several hundred stamps unused and mainly used, incl. some better values up to 1900, airmails, Express stamps, postage dues, few items Old Italian States, some parcel stamps and more, the modern range with plenty of full sets, souvenir sheets and miniature sheets, good to mixed condition, housed in three albums and in a small stockbook.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 460 CHFLot# : 3667 Italy
Lot# : 3668 Italy
1933/37: Lot 24 primarily unused stamps incl. Italy Airmail 1933 Zeppelin set unmounted og., Crociera Nord Atlantica trittici ovpt I-DINI, both values unused, Somalia 1935 Visita del Re up to 25 l unused & Eritrea Espressi 1,25 l. on 60 c. used (3) Sassone = € 1'590.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3669 Italy
1823/1883: Valuable and attractive assembly of forty covers, mostly for their philatelic appeal, with many better items including multicolour frankings, multiple and single frankings. Among the covers are letters to "NEW YORK" and "HAVANA", as well as others with attractive cancellations such the crescent "MONTE S GIUSTO" or a rare blue "CARPENEDOLO" strike tying an 1863 15 c. blue. Very many signed individually by distinguished experts. Four letters from the Italian States each come with their own certificates.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 3,400 CHFLot# : 3670 Italy
1835/1961: Collection of just under 100 pieces of postal history of all areas, beginning with prephilatelic material, Italian states including two franked letters from Parma with one to Switzerland and red "FRANCO FRONTIERE" and 20c taxe, a Sardinia printed matter to France (1861) franked 6c, early Vatican City items. There are also a small number of colonial letters and later items. Interesting and very varied lot.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 800 CHFLot# : 3671 Italy
1840/1950c: Lot 103 covers / postcards Italy and colonies, incl. Austria 1867 15 kr. on cover Arco to Milano, Papal States 1840 RIMINO straight line handstamp, 1850/54 three Fieldpost covers of the French garisson in Rome with "BRIGADE FRANCAISE" and CORPS EXPEDITIONNAIRE" cds's, 1855 CENTO handstamp on pair of ½ baj; Modena 1859 Provisional Government 20 c. blue to Livorno; Parma 1852 15 c. pair Piacenza to Milano, Lombardo-Veneto with 1850 30 c. brown tied by shipmail handstamp; Tuscany with 6 cr. cover to Genova; Italy Regno 1863 mixed Sardinian-Italian frankings (3), 1872 Torino printing 10 c. bistre in a marginal block of four, two items with Garibaldi autograph, 1866/67 two 2 baj. covers from Rome to Italy taxed with Segnatasse 1863 10 c. pairs, 1874 wrapper to France with 6 c. printed matter rate abroad, PSC 1875 (Dec) with add. franking to Germany, 1923 Cassa comemorative issue, compl. set on cover, 1948 Democratica issue four-colour franking with 100 l. carmine. Also offices abroad with 1876 Tunisi, 1912 POSTA MILITARE during the Italian - Turkish war, 1920 P.O. in Constantinople sent registered to Western Australia, offices in China; Colonies Somalia, Eritrea, M.E.F., TRIPOLITANIA British occupation with "A.V.2" handstamp, 1952 Kingdom of Libya on three covers with adhesives up to 100 mils, Trieste 1948 Democratica 100 lire with AMG ovpt, and San Marino with 1951 stamp show (2). A strong lot.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 1,200 CHFLot# : 3672 Italy
1855/1876: Postal History collection of "Italian States" consisting 42 letters and covers. Included is a Lombardy-Venetia return receipt from Suzzara to Revere franked 30 Cts. cancelled "SUZARRA", Müller (RuS-f), which might as well be a single lot, an affidavit of the Turkish Consul in Tuscany, letters from Parma, the Papal States, Parma and a letter written by Garibaldi's son.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 700 CHFLot# : 3673 Italy
Lot# : 3674 Italy
1861/1891: Meticulously described collection of over 100 entires of the "KINGDOM of ITALY", containing many interesting letters and covers with a multitude of good cancellations, such as "RURAL", "PIROSCAFI" "NUMERALS" and "BARRED NUMERALS". There are many stamps in pairs and some larger pieces such as a 1c (Sassone T14) block of 15. Letters are directed inland abroad and overseas, with Destiantions including "MALTA", "USA" and "ARGENTINA". A very varied collection with many good items. The Quality is inconsistent but many items are in very good or better condition.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3675 Italy
Lot# : 3676 Italy
Lot# : 3677 Italy
1941/44: Selection of 16 covers and postal stationery cards from "LIPARY" political POW camp, many with censor markings. Among the items is a "Republica Sociale" franking, a stamp removed censor, a Montenegro Government receipt and more, interesting and unusual ensemble.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3678 Sardinia
1863 (Sept 19): 80 cent. deep orange, two three margined adhesives tied by framed "Piroscafi Postali Francesi" (Sass. R1) in blue to piece endorsed 'Vapore francese Via Mess(ina)', with additional "Alessandria d'Egitto / Poste Italiane / 19 Set 63" cds in blue at right. Rare. Signed Darteyre. Cert. Bottacchi (2000) Sass. = € 3.000+.Starting bid : 180 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3679 Italian Post abroad
Italian Post Offices in Alexandria, Usage of Italian adhesives: 1862 Vittorio Emanuele II 10 c. bistre, a fresh example with fine perforation, tied by two strikes of "ALESSANDRIA D'EGITTO 7 AGO 63 POSTE ITALIANE" cds without hour indication in black to piece. An extremely rare issue when used in Egypt, certs. Raybaudi (1990), E. Diena (1994) Sassone R2 = € 5'000+.rnNote: The first adhesives used in the Alexandria PO have been from the IV. Sardinian issue, from the first Italian issue only the 10 c. bistre is known. It is the rarest stamp used there together with 3 l. adhesive of the IV. Sardinian issue. Only another example of this adhesive is known on cover.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 380 CHFLot# : 3680 Italian Colonies lots/accumulations
General Issues 1874: "Estero" 1 c. olive-green, an unused example, marginal from top of sheet with part imprint, variety "Overprint at Lower Right" (sobrastamps fortemente spostata in basso e a destra), fresh and very fine, large part og. Rare. Cert. Colla (2013) for a vertical pair Sassone = € 3'000.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3681 Italian Colonies lots/accumulations
General Issues 1874: "Estero" 10 c. ochre, a used horizontal pair, first stamp showing un-modified top left corner ornament "angolo superiore sinistro", neatly cancelled by "Da Buenos - / coi Postali" handstamp in black leaving the variety clear. Rare and fine. Cert. E. Diena Sassone = € 2'750.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 3682 Italian Colonies lots/accumulations
General Issues 1878: "Estero" 10 c. bright blue, an unused block of four of fine fresh colour, well centred, superb unmounted og. A magnificent multiple in the foremost quality. Signed A. Diena, Renato Mondolfo. Cert. Colla (2013) Sassone = € 17'500+.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3683 Italian Colonies lots/accumulations
General Issues 1881/83: 5 c. green, an unused block of four, corner marginal from top left of sheet and showing Plate Number '1', fresh and very fine, unmounted og. Unique and splendid multiple: the sole recorded Plate Number block. Cert. G. Bottacchi (2002).Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3684 Italian Post abroad
Italian Levant 1874/83: Lot eleven unused stamps of the general issue of the Vittorio Emanuele and Umberto design with ESTERO overprint, nine with original gum, two withour gum, all soigned Avi, in addition some regummed and re-perforated adhesives.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3685 Italian Colonies lots/accumulations
Constantinople 1908 (June 1): "2 Piastre" locally overprinted on Italy 50 c. violet, an unused example, marginal from right of sheet, showing the dropped overprint variety (3 mm. lower), fresh and very fine, superb unmounted og. A rarity in flawless quality. Cert. Dr. H. Avi (2016) Sassone = € 12'000.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3686 Italian Colonies lots/accumulations
Constantinople 1908 (June 1): "4 Piastre" locally overprinted on Italy 1 l. brown & green, an unused example, centred to left, showing the raised overprint overprint (no longer obscures the original value), fresh and very fine, superb large part og. A great rarity. Signed Oliva, Kossack. Cert. Dr. H. Avi (2012) Sassone = € 52'500.Starting bid : 5,000 CHFHammer price : 5,000 CHFLot# : 3687 Italian Colonies lots/accumulations
Constantinople 1908 (June 1): "20 Piastre" locally overprinted on Italy 5 l. blue & rose, an unused example, centred to base, showing the raised overprint overprint (no longer obscures the original value), fresh and very fine, superb large part typically browned og. Extremely rare. Signed Oliva, Kossack. Cert. E. Diena (1981), Dr. H. Avi (2015) Sassone = € 18'500.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3688 Italian Colonies lots/accumulations
Constantinople 1908 (Sept): "20 Piastre" overprinted on Italy 5 l. blue & rose, an unused vertical pair, upper stamp variety "Overprint Double", lower stamp normal, fresh and very fine but for insignificant blunt perf. at base, large part typically browned og. Rare, just 8'000 normal stamps were overprinted. Cert. Dr. H. Avi (2016) Sassone = € 4'000+.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3689 Cyrenaica
Lot# : 3690 Cyrenaica
Lot# : 3691 Italian Colonies lots/accumulations
Lot# : 3692 Italy
Lot# : 3693 Italian Colonies lots/accumulations
Lot# : 3694 Libya
1912/1915: 10 l. olive and rose, with additional franking 50 c violet (4) and three further stamps making a rate of 14 l. 25 c. for an insured letter over four thousand Lira from "DERNA" to "BENGHAZI". The letter shows all the necessary signs of the correct postal treatment, although there is no arrival cancel. Believed to be the only correct use of this 10 l. stamp. A very important letter of the Italian colonial aera. Certificate Colla (2017) Sassone = € unpriced.Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3695 Libya
Lot# : 3696 Libya
Lot# : 3697 Libya
Lot# : 3698 Libya
Lot# : 3699 Libya
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