Europe & Overseas
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Lot# : 2601 Thailand
1883/1899: Collection on one page with 1 s. brown-ochre (SG 5) used and 2a on 3 green and blue opt type 20 unmounted mint vertical pair in both subtypes among others.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 2602 Tibet
1912: Part set of four values with 1/4 t. green, 1/3, 1/2 t. violet and 2/3 t. carmine (3), all used as well as marginal copy of 1933 1/2 t. yellow and 2/3 t. deep blue, both tied by British P.O. of GYANTSE.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 2603 Tibet
1933: Two covers from PHARI, one franked with 1/2 t. orange perf., other with 2 t. scarlet imperf., rare single frankings, fine.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 2604 Tibet
1950'ies: Mixed franking envelope (opened at right) franked with Tibet 1912 2/3 t. carmine and 1933 4 t. emerald green tied by PARI datestamp type 8 in combination with horiz. pair of 1949 Nepal 5 The 4 2/3 t. rate was for a registered cover shortly before the Tibet Postal Service has been closed. Only very few such covers known.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 2605 Tibet
Official Stamps: 1/3 t., 2/3 t. and 2 2/3 t. each value in a mint horiz. pair, further 1/3 t. and 1 1/3 t. used on small piece tied by clear strike LHASA datestamp (Type VIII) as well as Official No. 1, two mint examples, one with clear, other with oily printing. A fine and rare offer.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 380 CHFLot# : 2606 Tibet
Wireless Telegraph Stamps: 10 Sang Indigo Blue (scarce shade) unused example (opinion Geoffrey Flack) together with two used copies, both marginal examples of upper and lower left of corner sheet. A rare offer.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 2607 Yemen Kingdom
1930/1985c.: Collection from 1930 issue with unused or used sets, with Kingdom and Republic issues, Southern Yemen neatly mounted into two albums.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 130 CHFLot# : 2608 USA
Nueva Orleans / New Orleans 1813 (June 1): Entire letter addressed to Nicolas Campero y Bustamante in Veracruz, Mexico, carried to Havana and entering the mails in Cuba with "3" reales due marking in red as stipulated by the 1812 tariff for an unpaid single weight letter. Very fine and fresh choice item and quite remarkable originating from Louisiana. Cert. Comex (2014).Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2609 USA
1849 (Feb 6): Entire letter from New York to Cognac by Cunard Steamer and endorsed "per Canada", the last voyage of the "Restored Rate Period" after the Retaliatory rate, with "AMERICA / LIVERPOOL" datestamp (Feb 19) on reverse and struck in London with framed "COLONIES / &c. ART.13" in red. Boulogne entry cds (Feb 21) and charged '52' décimes due in manuscript on receipt. Rare.Starting bid : 140 CHFHammer price : 180 CHFLot# : 2610 USA
1849/52c.: Entire letters (2) with one from "Reading / Pa." with red cds (Sept 17), with PAID and '5' as far as New York, thereafter with USA '24' (cents) credit marking in black and fine strike of "9 AMERICA / ÜBER BREMEN" in red and multitude of rates; second cover with "New-York" despatch cds and '20' in black; framed "NOT PAID" and "32/9 R BREMEN" in dull red. Both soiled but scarce.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2611 USA
1861/62: 3 c. rose in a horizontal pair and 30 c. orange in a horizontal pair used on 1867 cover to Kerns, Switzerland tied by segmented cork handstamps in black with 'New Orleans' despatch cds (Sept 20) at right. "N. YORK AM. PKT / PAID" cds in red (Sept 26) with crredit handstamp '24' in red alongside. Reverse with 'Verviers / Coeln' TPO in blue (Oct 8) and Basel, Luzern and Sarnen (Oct 10) cds's. Sealed cover tear at top to right of adhesives, an attractive cover.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 2612 USA
1861/67: Lincoln 15 c. black with grill, used on 1869 cover from Rhode Island (Sept 21) to Paris by American Packet with entry marking in blue (Oct 3), forwarded locally on arrival by "MUNROE & Co. / PARIS" with cachet in black and franked by 1867 laureated 10 c. bistre tied by Paris Star '8' with Rue D'Antin cds adjacent. Envelope with corner repair at lower right but an unusual and attractive usage.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2613 USA
1872 (17. Jun.): 6 c. carmine (no grill), cancelled by obliterator cachet on letter with full contents from "PORTLAND" Maine via "BOSTON" and "LONDON" to "BERGEN". The letter was sent to a Miss Catlin care of Baring Bros. (Bankers in London), who had moved on to a bank in "BERGEN". Hence the letter was re-expedited from "LONDON" to "NORWAY" with 3d paid in cash, evidenced by a red 3 d. cachet, and a Lombard St. "PAID" (1. JY 72) mark. "CHRISTIANIA" transit on reverse, no arrival. Unusual combination.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 2614 USA
1933: 50 c. green, an unused plate block of six, with plate number "21171", fresh and fine multiple, unmounted og. Scott = $ 500.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 2614A Cuba
1899/1959: Collection in large volume, beginning with USA Military issues, often in larger blocks, 1914 Map issue with Die Proofs (8) of the complete set from 1 c. to $1 and the 1914 poecial Delivery 10 c. deep blue Die Proof all with minor aging; US issue for Puerto Principe with a number of attractive pieces including a 2½ c. bisected and tied on piece. Later issues are well represented including miniature sheets and Airmail issues. An appealing lot with much of interest.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 480 CHFLot# : 2615 Philippines
1919 (4./5. April): 26c green, on first airmail in the Philippines special commemorative card depicting Miss "RUTH LAW" tied by special triangular handstamp. (Müller 1; 30'000 points) Fine and rare card.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2616 USA
P.O. in Shanghai 1919/22: The unused set of eighteen values complete, all with fresh colours, centering varies, large part og. Note the overprint flaw with broken "c" in on "60c.". A scarce set Scott = $ 2'200+.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 2617 USA
1851/1991c.: Collection with covers/cards/stamps (219 items) including 1851 3 c. on embossed ladies's envelope, 1857/61 3 c. frankings on illustrated covers, 1869 2 c. pair on cover, 1874 cover with 1870/71 12 c violet strip of three to Napa, California (signed Brettl), Wells Fargo 3 c. postal stationery usages (3), May 1875 cover to Switzerland via Ostende underpaid with Banknote 1 c. and 6 c. with scarce "New York / Via England & Ostende", 1881 cover with 2 c. and 3 c. Banknote to Syria, 1887 cover at 12 c. to New Zealand, readdressed with '2' handstamp, 1898 Trans-Mississippi 8 c. on registered cover, 1912 underpaid cover with Egypt Postage Dues, 1914 registered/AR frankings to Amsterdam (3) at 18 c. and 21 c., early 1918 airmail frankings, 1919 three covers from the US Military attache in Serbia at 3 c. concessionary rate, unusual 'Prexie' frankings, further Flight covers and Space Flights, Guam with 1902-1905 covers at 10 c. rate (4), Hawaii with 1894 cover from Lahaina and 1898 cover from Hilo, a most interesting lot with destinations incl. Chile, Egypt, Israel, Japan, Peru, Surinam, Sweden, Syria.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 1,700 CHFLot# : 2618 USA
1861/1997: Considerable dealer's stockbook beginning with the 1861 wide perforated issue, including some grills up to 15c used, Columbus 30c orange brown mint (Sc. 239), 50c used (Sc. 240), Grant 5c dk. blue in mint block of 4 (Sc. 281), Curtiss Jenny 24c (Sc. C3) mint, 1938 Presidential issue to 5$ (Sc 803/834) unmounted plus a significant quantiy of face vale, in the region of $400. Condition of the early material is as usual mixed with many fine copies contained.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 2619 Argentina
Unfortunately this lot was withdrawn from this auction.Lot# : 2620 Argentina
1854 (Dec 12): Entire letter from Montevideo to Buenos Ayres endorsed "Franco" at top right, struck with framed "FRANCA" and Diligencias illustrated oval "MESSAGERIAS ARGENTINAS", each well struck in blue (Kneitschel page 68). Scarce and fine entire.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 2621 Argentina
1857 (April 6): Entire letter from Chivilcoy to Buenos Ayres struck with oval framed italic "Franco" on obverse and, displaying well on reverse, fine strike of Diligencias illustrated "NUEVA MENSAGERIAS NACIONALES / DE / MERLINO Y CAMPANELLA" both in blue (Kneitschel page 74). Scarce and very fine. Ex collection Charles Jewell.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 2622 Argentina
1873 (March 11): Cover from Buenos Ayres to Torino, struck with octagonal French shipmail datestamp, framed "F.56" postal treaty handstamp alongside, reverse with crisp "PARIS ETRANGER 10 AVRIL 73 cds in blue and TORINO arrival (April 12) cds. The cover was taxed with '10' décimes and upon arrival a 1 lire due was added and tied by Torino cds.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2623 Argentina
1818/31c.: Group of covers/cover fronts (5) with cover to Chile showing "Sn. JVAN" handstamp in red, 1831 Official cover to Cordoba sent prepaid with "FRANCA" and "Sn. LVIS" handstamps in red and a further unpaid example, 1818 covers to Santiago, Chile with truncated "MENDOSA" handstamps in red.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 160 CHFLot# : 2624 Argentina
Confederation 1858 (May 1): 5 c. pale red imperforate, a used example with large even margins all round on cover from Goya to Las Peñas endorsed (per riverboat) "Clara" at top; tied on despatch by straight line "FRANCA" in red. Scarce and very fine. Cert. Moorhouse (2006).rnrnProvenance: Corinphila sale 145, April 2006, lot 4463.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 700 CHFLot# : 2625 Argentina
Confederation 1858 (May 1): 5 c. red imperforate, a fine example with good to large margins all round, variety "Colon after Value", used on 1861 cover to Mendosa tied by oval "FRANCA" in blue with "CORREOS DEL PARANA" datestamp adjacent (April 29) in blue. A charming and scarce cover. Signed Kneitschel.rnrnProvenance: Corinphila sale 145, April 2006, lot 4464.Starting bid : 175 CHFHammer price : 700 CHFLot# : 2626 Argentina
Confederation 1858 (May 1): 10 c. pale green imperforate, a fine diagonally bisected example used on 25 April 1861 entire letter from Gualeguaychu to Buenos Ayres tied by straight line "FRANCA" handstamp in black. File fold well away from the adhesive but a fine and rare usage. Signed Kneitschel Scott = $ 725.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 2627 Argentina
Confederation 1858/60: The small collection with 5 c. red unused (21) including an interpanneau block of four and a used example on piece, 10 c. green unused (24) including a pair and block of four, 15 c. blue unused (25) incl. a block of four plus a used example with oval "Franca", 1860 large 5 c. red unused (43) including a horizontal strip of eight (signed A. Diena), a block of four plus a used example.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 2628 Argentina
1865: Rivadavia 5 c. brown-rose, perf. 11½, a fine used example on 16 October 1865 entire letter to Fray Bantos tied by oval framed "CONCORDIA" handstamp in blue.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2629 Argentina
1864/67: 5 c. carmine-lake, a used example on 1866 entire letter to Buenos Ayres tied by dotted handstamp in black withe "CORREOS DE SANTA FE" despatch cds adjacent (April 1). A fresh and fine entire.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2630 Argentina
1864/67: Rivadavia 5 c. lake and 5 c. carmine perf. 11½, tied by light "BUENOS AIRES 2. SET. .." cds to outer lettersheet directed to Montevideo. Some perforation irregularities, but an appealing cover, cert. Sorani (1989).Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 460 CHFLot# : 2631 Argentina
1867/68: 5 c. vermilion applied slightly off the edge of 1874 cover to Rome endorsed "per Europa" tied by "O.M." (Office Maritima) obliterator in black. Carried on SGTM Steamer direct to Marseille with circular "PLATA / MARSEILLE" entry cds (Feb 15) in red and charged on arrival with Italy 1870 1 l. Postage Due tied by Roma cds (Feb 17). An attractive cover.Starting bid : 175 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2632 Argentina
1867/68: 5 c. vermilion used on 1875 cover to Genova tied by "Correo Nacional del Rosario" handstamp in black. Buenos Aires transit cds alongside (Jan 18) and italic "Da Buenos-Aires / coi Postali Italiani" and charged on arrival with Italy 1870 30 c. and 60 c. Postage Dues tied by Genova cds (Feb 13). The 60 c. with rounded corner perf. but a scarce cover.Starting bid : 160 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2633 Argentina
1876 (Sept 24): Cover from Carcarañá to Bormio, Lombardy, bearing Rivadavia 20 c. vermillion tied by "CARACARANA RdeS" cds in blue, ROSARIO transit cds and "T / 1,10" accountancy marking alongside. Upon arrival Italian 10 centesimi due were added, tied by "BORMIO 7 NOV 76" cds in bluish black. Backflap missing, nevertheless the reverse shows transit cds's of Buenos Ayres, London and Sondrio. In spite of its imperfections a scarce item from the Swiss colony Carcarañá.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 460 CHFLot# : 2634 Argentina
1910 (May 1): 1 c. blue-green & black, an unused example, variety "Centre Inverted", fresh and fine, large part og. A rare stamp: just 50 stamps issued thus. Signed Kneitschel Scott = $ 1'000.rnrnStarting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 480 CHFLot# : 2635 Argentina
1910 (May 1): 2 c. olive & grey-black, an unused example, variety "Centre Inverted", fresh and fine, large part og. A rare and most attractive example of this variety: just 100 stamps issued thus. Signed Kneitschel Scott = $ 800.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 2636 Argentina
1910 (May 1): 50 c. carmine & black, an unused example, variety "Centre Inverted", fresh and fine, superb large part og. A rare stamp: just 50 stamps issued thus. Cert. Kneitschel (2001) Scott = $ 1'000.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 2637 Buenos Aires
1858 (May 1): Barquitos 3 p. green, a used example with close to touched margins, slight stain and heavily cancelled by ponchito handstamp in blue. Cert. Del Mazo (2017) Scott = $ 950.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 2638 Buenos Aires
1858: Barquitos 4 p. vermilion, a used example of fresh colour in a bright shade, good margins all round, slight age spot not affecting appearance, neatly cancelled by ponchito handstamp in blue. A very rare stamp. Signed E. Diena Scott = $ 4'500.Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : 2,600 CHFLot# : 2639 Argentina
1858 (April 29): Barquitos 4 pesos red, a used example with large even margins all round, lightly cancelled by ponchito in black. Merest trivial thin not affecting the appearance. An outstanding example of a very rare stamp. Cert. RPSL (1974) Gi P7 = £ 1'700+/Scott = $ 4'500.Starting bid : 800 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHFLot# : 2640 Buenos Aires
1858: Barquitos 5 p. orange, a used example of fresh colour in a bright shade, good margins but with small inclusion at upper left, neatly cancelled by ponchito handstamp in blue. Fine appearance and a very rare stamp. Signed E. Diena. Cert. Del Mazo (2017) Scott = $ 3'000.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 1,400 CHFLot# : 2641 Argentina
1858 (April 29): Barquitos 5 pesos ochre, a used example with good to just grazed margins all round, lightly cancelled by ponchito handstamps in black. Hinge thin not affecting the frontal appearance of a rare and elusive stamp. Cert. RPSL (1974) Gi P7 = £ 1'100+/Scott = $ 3'000.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 2642 Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires 1859 (Sept 3): Cabecitas 1 p. blue, fine impression, a sheet corner marginal example with huge margins, used on 16 April 1860 entire letter from Buenos Ayres to Montevideo, uncancelled by tied by age spots to an unusual cover.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 2643 Argentina
Corrientes 1864: 2 c. black on yellow-green, Type 6, a fine large margined example used on 6 October 1864 entire letter from Buena Vista to Goya, cancelled by pen crosses. Scarce and attractive entire. Cert. Brettl (2006).rnrnProvenance: Corinphila sale 145, April 2006, lot 4511.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2644 Argentina
Tierra Del Fuego 1891 (Jan): 10 c. carmine-rose, perf. 11½, printed by Juan H. Kidd & Co. of Buenos Aires for Julius Popper (the 'P' on the stamp stands for Popper), priced at 10 centigrammes of gold dust each. Kidd imprint at top, sheet requisition number at lower right in black "038", some minor splitting but generally fresh and fine, large part or unmounted og., sold together with an exceptionally rare used example (position 10) cancelled by large part "San Sebastian" datestamp in black Gi = £ 2'500+.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 2645 Bolivia
1802c.: Cover to Buenos Ayres rated '3' reales in manuscript, struck with fine "COCHABAMBA" straight line in red. Some worm holes not affecting the face panel and fine appearance. Scarce.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 180 CHFLot# : 2646 Bolivia
1925 (Aug 11): "First flight from Cochabamba to ORURO", Airmail 50 c. orange, unused examples (2) with green handstamped surcharge, normal example with hyphens between date, corner bend, large part og., the second example unused but with two dots instead of the second hyphen in date, without gum. The stamps were handstamped in strips of ten (thus no blocks exist), it must be presumed that the second stamp was from the end of the row. Just 600 examples surcharged, scarce Sanabria 2.rnStarting bid : 140 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2647 Bolivia
1925 (Aug 11): "First flight from Cochabamba to ORURO", Airmail 50 c. orange, an unused horizontal pair with green handstamped surcharge, large part og. Just 600 examples surcharged thus, multiples being rare Sanabria 2.rnrnrnStarting bid : 180 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2648 Bolivia
1935 (Feb 1) : Airmail 5c. to 10b. 'Map of Bolivia' issue (and showing the disputed Chaco boundary), American Banknote Co. complete set of sunken Die Proofs (10) with bevilled corners (95 x 110 mm.), completed designs in issued colours on thick card with ABN imprint and file numbers at top in colours of the stamp; fresh and very fine. Rare.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2649 Bolivia
1895: 1 c. ochre and 2 c. vermillion, horizontal pair both Paris printing on 10 c orange postal stationery envelope as a registered letter from "LA PAZ" to "LIMA", via "ARICA", with transit and arrival mark on reverse. There are five further items in this lot including a 1894 10 c. sepia postal stationery envelope from "ORURO" to "ANTOFAGASTA" with a mute canceller .Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 2650 Brasil
1843/1856: "C.Est de N" oval and '160' reis, both in blue, on 1843 entire letter from Pernambuco (Feb. 25) endorsed 'Por Correio de Lisboa" to Porto, together with 1856 entire from Rio de Janeiro (Dec. 15) to Bordeaux, sent via England and bearing red 'CN 14 JA / 1857', boxed GB/1F60c in black and Calais entry mark (Jan 14) on front as well as "Paris - Bordeaux 1" railway cds. and "Bordeaux 15 Janv.57" arrival on reverse.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 100 CHFLot# : 2651 Brasil
1843: Bullseye 60 r. black, fine impression, two horizontal pairs with close to large margins, used on reverse of August 1845 cover to Theodoro Wille in Santos at triple maritime rate and endorsed 'p. Paranapitanga' and left uncancelled - possibly being delivered direct to the ship as it embarked from Rio de Janeiro. Some minor soiling and small stain on corner of the fourth stamp mentioned for accuracy only. The Wille correspondence of Bullseye covers (three are recorded in Juchert "Bull's Eyes on Covers") all bear the ship's name and all are from Rio to Santos, mailed between January and August 1845 at single rate (Juchert page 135) with two at triple rate (Juchert pages 144 and 274). A remarkable and most appealing cover. Signed Calves.rnrnProvenance: Morgenbesser sale 2, Frankfurt, 23-28 May 1949, lot 4591.rn Köhler sale 267, Wiesbaden, 7-10 Feb 1990, lot 4896.rn Siegel, New York, June 2008, lot 31.Starting bid : 6,000 CHFHammer price : 6,000 CHFLot# : 2652 Brasil
1843: Bulls Eye 90 r. grey-black, intermediate impression, a fine example with large margins all round, neatly cancelled double circle "CORREIO GERAL DAS ALAGOAS" (Ayres fig. 1604). Rare Scott = $ 1'300.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 900 CHFLot# : 2653 Brasil
1861: 280 r. red, a used example with ample to large margins all round, tied to 1864 cover to Paris endorsed 'par le Béarn' by "Correio da Bahia" cds in black (Feb 28). Red framed 'P.D.' adjacent and fine circular 'BRESIL / BORDEAUX / 2" entry marking in blue (March 21), reverse with Paris arrival of the same day. Addressee's name erased but a scarce usage on this ill-fated ship that was wrecked by a storm on the night of February 27, 1865 when sailing some 47 miles South of Bahia - in a feat of brilliant seamanship the Captain saved the entire crew and contents of the vessel, journeying south for 1'000 miles of coastline.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 250 CHFLot# : 2654 Brasil
1876 (June 25): Receipt from Rio de Janeiro to Italy for a registered item sent to Brazil, bearing Dom Pedro 'Black Beard' 1866 10 r. vermillion in a horizontal pair and 50 r. blue, tied by quartered circular handstamp with "RIO DE JANEIRO" despatch cds alongside.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 2655 Brasil
1878/79: Dom Pedro rouletted 10 r. vermilion, five examples used in combination with single 50 r. blue on 1879 cover to Santos tied by six strikes of cork handstamp in black with 'Rio de Janeiro' despatch cds (Nov 26) below. Santos arrival cds (Nov 28) on reverse. The envelope somewhat roughly opened with one stamp at left missing one or two roulettes, otherwise a scarce and attractive usage.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 2656 Brasil
1940/1956: Unused accumulation Brazil consisting of four sets miniature sheets MS 614a/b and MS 635a and 36 complete sheets including Sao Paulo IV centenary Sc. 875/879 and other values from the 1950s. Some significant foxing, others fresh, all never hinged.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 2657 Brasil
1883/1970: Mixed Collection from 1930 mainly unused with a smuttering of used, beginning with an unused 60 R "BULL'S EYE", Pedro II well filled and from 1900 only very few gaps, even covering coil and booklet issues missing from most collections. The collection is stored on Portugese pre-printed pages, so may well have been collected in Brazil. Therefore many of the earlier stamps are tropicalised or completely without gum as is the customary way of collecting in the tropics. In addition to the postage stamps there is a small run of rarely seen Telegraph stamps.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 2658 Chile
1801c. Colonial cover to Pastor Linch (Lynch) in Buenos Ayres rated '4½' reales, struck on obverse with superb "COQUINBO." despatch with reverse showing slightly oxidised "CHILE" transit; together with a later 1848c. cover to Santiago at 4 reales rate with the same handstamp employed in red. Fine and rare pair.Starting bid : 175 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 2659 Chile
1802 (July 14): Colonial entire letter from Serena to Santiago, struck in transit with superb "COQUIMBO" handstamp in red, rated '1½' reales due for a single letter. Rare.Starting bid : 180 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 2660 Chile
1802 (Nov 18): Colonial entire letter to Santiago rated '1' real in manuscript, struck with fine if slightly over-inked "BALPARAISO" straight line handstamp in red. Rare.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2661 Chile
1810 (Feb 20): Colonial cover from Chillan to Santiago de Chile rated '1' reales in manuscript, struck with rare early usage of "ChILLAN" partly framed handstamp in red. Excepotional and rare.rnrnProvenance: Collection Gerhard Blank, Christie's, Zurich, 5 Dec 1991, lot 805.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 360 CHFLot# : 2662 Chile
1810 (Sept 11): Colonial entire letter from Talca to Santiago with fine strike of straight line "TALCA" handstamp in red. Scarce.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 2663 Chile
1810/11: Colonial cover front to Santiago de Chile addressed to Juan Batista de Aeta, known to be Admistrator of the Posts between 1810 and 1811, struck on despatch with italic "LINARES" handstamp in red. Rare.Starting bid : 140 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 2664 Chile
1840 (Dec 20): Entire letter from Illapel to Santiago rated '2' reales in manuscript, struck with superb if slightly watery strike of "YLLAPEL" despatch handstamp in red. Rare so fine.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 170 CHFLot# : 2665 Chile
1845 (Feb): Entire letter from Cordoba, Argentina to Valparaiso with fine strike of straight line "VALPARAISO" handstamp in red on reverse. The entire was re-addressed to Tutuquen in Northern Chile near Curico, and struck in transit with fine straight line "CURICO" handstamp in red with '4' (reales) due in manuscript. Some edge wear but a rare entire.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 2666 Chile
1848 (March 27): Entire letter from Santiago to Bordeaux, struck on despatch with oval "SANTIAGO / DE CHILE" in red with "FRANCA" alongside (prepaid as far as Panama) and British P.O. "Valparaiso" cds on reverse (March 30) in black. Carried via London where "COLONIES / &c. ART 13" applied in red. Boulogne entry marking (June 4) and charged on arrival with '20' décimes due in manuscript.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 2667 Chile
1848 (June 11): Entire letter from Copiapo to Santiago, struck in transit with "CABOTAJE" with Ship fee alongside "1" real and fine straight line "VALPARAISO" handstamp in red with manuscript "2" reales for internal rates. A fine and scarce entire.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2668 Chile
1848c.: Cover from a Chilean port to Santiago, struck in transit with "CABOTAJE" with Ship fee alongside "1" real in red, and fine straight line "VALPARAISO" handstamp in red with handstruck "2" reales for internal rates, these both crossed by "FRANCA" denoting payment received. An attractive and unusual cover.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 120 CHFLot# : 2669 Chile
1849 (Aug 28): Entire letter from Santiago to Bordeaux, struck on despatch with oval "SANTIAGO / DE CHILE" in red with "FRANCA" alongside (prepaid as far as Panama), struck in transit with unusual usage of both "PANAMA / TRANSIT" in red and three line dated "PANAMA / TRANSIT" in black (Sept 25). Thence via London and Calais (Nov 3) and charged on arrival with '15' charge mark altered to '21' décimes due. Rare.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2670 Chile
British P.O. 1852: Cover to Worcester, Mass., USA struck on reverse with British P.O. double arc 'Valparaiso' despatch cds (Sept 15) in black, prepaid '2s.' in red to Panama with very fine "♚ / PAID / AT VALPARAISO" in red (Gi CC1 = £ 450), struck on arrival with 'STEAM / SHIP' and rate '40' cents in black. Fine and scarce.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 250 CHFLot# : 2671 Chile
1860 (July 31): Entire letter sent prepaid to the Archbishop of Santiago struck with straight line "FRANCA" and "QUILLOTA." despatch in oxidised black ink. Rare and very fine.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 120 CHFLot# : 2672 Chile
1862 (May 7): Prepaid entire letter from Cauquenes to Santiago struck with fine strikles of "FRANCA" and "CAUQUENES" despatch handstamps in black. A scarce and most attractive entire.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 140 CHFLot# : 2673 Chile
1815c & 1861: Colonial cover front to the Governor of the province of Chiloe struck with contracted "VALDIUIA." handstamp in red, coupled with an 1861 entire letter sent prepaid to Santaigo struck with superb oval "FRANCA" and "VALDIVIA" handstamps in red. A scarce pair.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 2674 Chile
1834/52: Covers (3) all to Santiago with unpaid cover showing "VALPARAISO" handstamp in red rated "2" reales, 1834 cover with "VALPARAISO" struck in black and scarce 1852 cover sent prepais with "FRANCA" and "VALPARAISO" handstamps well struck in red. A scarce trio.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 120 CHFLot# : 2675 Chile
1843/45: Entire letters (2) both sent unpaid at '2' reales rate, the earlier entire to Copiapo struck with "YLLAPEL" straight line handstamp in deep red ink, the 1845* entire to Santiago with "YLLAPEL" despatch in orange-red ink. Scarce.rnrnProvenance: *Collection Gerhard Blank, Christie's, Zurich, 5 Dec 1991, lot 817.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 2676 Chile
1848/51c.: Entire letters (2) both sent unpaid, with entire to Valparaiso rated '2' with "CONCEPCION" straight line handstamp in red ink and 1851 entire letter to Santiago rated '2' reales with "CONCEDPCION" handstamp in black. A generally fine pair.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 100 CHFLot# : 2677 Chile
1848/51c.: Entire letters (2) with unpaid entire to Santiago rated '2' with "CASA BLANCA" straight line handstamp in oxidised red ink and 1851 prepaid entire to Valparaiso with "FRANCA" and "CASA-BLANCA" handstamps in red. A scarce pair.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 2678 Chile
1842/54: PSNC carried entire letters (7) with 1842 entire with VAPOR PERU / P in red but wormholed, 1850 Mosquera entire from Lima to Panama with poor VAPOR PERU in black, 1851 entire from Valparaiso to San Francisco with fair only VAPOR PERU in black and handstamped '20' US rate in red, 1853 entire from Santiago with VAPOR SANTIAGO / P in black to Cobjia, 1854 entire prepaid from London to Lima with circular "VAPOR / LIMA / 1854" displaying well on reverse in blue. Generally fair only strikes but a good research group.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 250 CHFLot# : 2679 Chile
1841: Registered prepaid cover to Santiago with corners of cover with crossed lines denoting the registration and weight '1 oz.', mailed to Santiago with straight line handstamps of "COPIAPO", "FRANCA" and "CERTFCASION" all in red with "30 Julio de 1841" in manuscript. Superb and rare.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 250 CHFLot# : 2680 Chile
1841: Registered prepaid cover to Santiago with corners of cover with crossed lines denoting the registration, mailed to Santiago with straight line handstamps of "COPIAPO", "FRANCA" and "CERTFCASION" all in red with "Sale de 29 Junio" in manuscript. Rated '4 reales' at top right and with full docketing of receipt in Santaigo inside (July 20). Rare.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 250 CHFLot# : 2681 Chile
Unfortunately this lot was withdrawn from this auction.Lot# : 2682 Chile
Unfortunately this lot was withdrawn from this auction.Lot# : 2683 Chile
Unfortunately this lot was withdrawn from this auction.Lot# : 2684 Chile
First London printing from Perkins Bacon Plates 1853 (July 1): 5 c. red-brown on blued paper, a used example with large even margins all round, neatly cancelled by target handstamp and part "SANTIAGO" straight line in black. Barely perceptible hinge thin at top mentioned for full accuracy, a lovely stamp Gi = £ 60/Scott = $ 150.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 2685 Chile
First London printing from Perkins Bacon Plates 1853 (July 1): 5 c. red-brown on blued paper, a used example with ample to large margins, portion of adjoining stamp at left, neatly cancelled by large part "CHAÑARCILLO" handstamp in black. Thin not affecting the superb appearance Gi 1 = £ 60/Scott = $ 150.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 160 CHFLot# : 2686 Chile
First London printing from Perkins Bacon Plates 1853 (July 1): 5 c. red-brown on blued paper, wmk. type 1, a used example with large margins all round, lightly cancelled by target handstamp in black. Fine and scarce Gi = £ 60/Scott = $ 150.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 2687 Chile
First London printing from Perkins Bacon Plates 1853 (July 1): 5 c. red-brown on blued paper, wmk. type 4, a used example with clear to large margins all round, sheet marginal at right, lightly cancelled by target handstamp in black. Fine and scarce Gi = £ 60/Scott = $ 150.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 2688 Chile
First London printing from Perkins Bacon Plates 1853 (July 1): 5 c. red-brown on blued paper, a used example with clear to large margins all round, used on cover to Valparaiso cancelled by target handstamp in black with fine "SANTIAGO" despatch handstamp in black at right.The cover with a closed tear in face panel that does not greatly detract from the fine appearance of a scarce and attractive cover. Certs. Sismondo (2004), S.F. de Chile (2018)Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 1,500 CHFLot# : 2689 Chile
First London printing from Perkins Bacon Plates 1853 (July 1): 5 c. red-brown on blued paper, a used example with just shaved to large margins all round and portion of adjoining stamp at left, tied to 1853 entire letter to Islay, Peru by target handstamp in black with "Santiago" despatch cds in red (Nov 30) at left. Reverse with circular "VAPOR / LIMA" and unframed "LIMA / VAPOR" in blue and manuscript '2' (reales) due. Some aging to the entire but rare Scott = $ 400.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 800 CHFLot# : 2690 Chile
First London printing from Perkins Bacon Plates 1853 (July 1): 5 c. red-brown on blued paper, used examples (6) two of each with wmk. 1, 2 or 4; most with clear to large margins all round, all lightly cancelled by target handstamp in black. A few with minor thin spots but a fine and scarce group Gi = £ 360/Scott = $ 900.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 2691 Chile
First London printing from Perkins Bacon Plates 1853 (July 1): 10 c. deep bright blue on blued paper, wmk. 1, an unused example with just shaved margin at left otherwise with large margins all round from top of sheet with marginal watermark lines, of excellent rich colour, with small traces of gum. An exceedingly rare stamp unused Gi 2 = £ 425/Scott = $ 1'000.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,300 CHFLot# : 2692 Chile
First London printing from Perkins Bacon Plates 1853 (July 1): 10 c. deep bright blue on blued paper, wmk. 1, an unused example with ample to good margins all round, of excellent depth of colour, without gum. An exceedingly rare stamp unused. Cert. Moorhouse (2013) Gi 2 = £ 425/Scott = $ 1'000.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,200 CHFLot# : 2693 Chile
First London printing from Perkins Bacon Plates 1853 (July 1): 10 c. deep bright blue on yellowish paper, a used example with large even margins all round, cancelled by part "TALCA" straight line handstamp in black. A scarce and fine usage Gi 2 = £ 100/Scott = $ 175.rnrnProvenance: Collection Comte Juan de Welczeck, Corinphila sale 46, 16-21 Nov 1959, lot 4156.Starting bid : 175 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 2694 Chile
First London printing from Perkins Bacon Plates 1853 (July 1): 10 c. deep bright blue on yellowish paper, wmk. 4, a used example with large even margins all round, lightly cancelled by target handstamp in red Gi 2 = £ 100/Scott = $ 175.Starting bid : 140 CHFHammer price : 140 CHFLot# : 2695 Chile
First London printing from Perkins Bacon Plates 1853 (July 1): 10 c. deep bright blue on yellowish paper, wmk. 1, a used example with large even margins all round, slight surface scuff, lightly cancelled by target handstamp in black Gi 2 = £ 100/Scott = $ 175.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 120 CHFLot# : 2696 Chile
First London printing from Perkins Bacon Plates 1853 (July 1): 10 c. deep bright blue on yellowish paper, wmk. 1, a used example with good to large even margins all round, lightly cancelled by target handstamp in black Gi 2 = £ 100/Scott = $ 175.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 180 CHFLot# : 2697 Chile
First London printing from Perkins Bacon Plates 1853 (July 1): 10 c. deep bright blue on yellowish paper, wmk. 1, a used horizontal pair from a 'squeezed plate', marginal from left of sheet with large even margins all round, lightly cancelled in black. The left hand stamp with width (10 mm.) and the right stamp (11 mm.). Exceptional and extremely scarce. Cert. BPA (1992) Gi 2 = £ 200/Scott = $ 350+.rnrnProvenance: Collection Gerhard Blank, Christie's, Zurich, 5 Dec 1991, lot 936.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 700 CHFLot# : 2698 Chile
First London printing from Perkins Bacon Plates 1853 (July 1): 10 c. deep bright blue on yellowish paper, the used selection (4), all fair to fine with attractive appearance showing watermark types 1, 2, scarce 3 and 4; three examples cancelled in black, the wmk. 2 lightly cancelled in red Gi 2 = £ 400/Scott = $ 700.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 250 CHFLot# : 2699 Chile
First London printing from Perkins Bacon Plates 1853 (July 1): 10 c. deep bright blue on blued paper, a used example on 11 August 1853 cover to Valparaiso with good to touched margins all round, tied by target handstamp in black with straight line "CONCEPCION" despatch handstamp below in black. An exceptionally early usage of this adhesive on letter Scott = $ 700.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 1,700 CHF
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