Catalogue 281: France Part or Insufficiently Paid Incoming Mail – The Jack Blanc Collection
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Lot# : 7101 Mauritius
1863/72: 1 d. purple-brown, wmk. Crown CC, perf. 14, a single example with straight edge at left, used on 1865 entire Printed Prices Current to Bordeaux endorsed "Via Suez & Marseille", tied by "B53" obliterator and struck with framed "GB / 1F 80c." accountancy marking in black. Circular POSS. ANG V. SUEZ / A MARSEILLE" in red below (Feb 6) and struck there with "15c." charge marking in red. A most attractive and most elusive usage.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 950 CHFLot# : 7102 Mauritius
1863/72: 1 d. purple-brown, wmk. Crown CC, perf. 14, a single example used on complete 'La Revue Commerciale' Printed Matter entire to St. Brieuc, France, endorsed "p. Mess. Imp. Str. via Galle & Marseille" tied by "B53" obliterator in black. Three line "FORWARDED BY / J. VINCENT-GEORGE / MAURITIUS" in blue at lower left and octagonal Marseille entry marking in red, charged with handstruck '15c.' in red. File fold but very scarce, the contents also fascinating with one entire page of shipping arrivals and departures.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 7103 Mauritius
1863/72: 4 d. rose, wmk. Crown CC, perf. 14, a single example and a horizontal pair used on 1866 entire letter from Port Louis to Bordeaux endorsed "via Suez" tied "B53" obliterators in black with "Mauritius" despatch cds, code O in blue on reverse (Jan 18). Struck with oval framed "INSUFFICIENTLY / PREPAID" in red and framed "GB / 40c." accountancy marking in black applied on despatch. Octagonal "POS. AN. V. SUEZ PAQ.F. / 2 MARS 2" in red on front (Feb 15) and charged due '10' décimes in black. Arrival cds on reverse, some minor file folds away from adhesives, a scarce and most attractive entire.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 7104 Mauritius
1863/72: 4 d. rose in a horizontal pair and single 6 d. yellow-green, wnk. Crown CC, used on 1867 cover endorsed "via Galle" to Saigon, Cochin China tied by "B53" obliterators in black. Reverse with 'Mauritius' cds in blue (Jan 6) of despatch and obverse showing Split rate '10d.' handstamp in red. Charged due on arrival with handstruck '4' décimes in black. File fold away from the adhesives, a charming and rare cover.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 7104A New Zealand
1862/64: 2 d. blue (2) and 6 d. red-brown, perf. 13 at Dunedin by Ferguson, used on 1864 cover from Dunedin to Cognac and readdressed to Jarnac, France endorsed "pr. Aldinga via Marseilles" tied by barred "OTAGO" obliterators with Dunedin cds adjacent (Feb 16) and framed "TOO LATE / DUNEDIN" handstamp in red below. Circular "POSS. ANG. V. SUEZ / MARSEILLE" in red (May 11) also on obverse of an attractive cover.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 7104B New Zealand
1887: Official envelope "On Bankruptcy Business Only", mailed stampless from Wellington to Bordeaux, France endorsed "Via Frisco", struck with WELLINGTON despatch cds (June 18) and struck with triangular "T" mark. The cover was mailed via England with 'Calais a Paris' cds at left (July 25) and thrice readdressed: from Bordeaux to Libourne and thence to Coichet and St. Savinien (July 29); accumulating three 1881/92 Postage Due 10 c. black & 40 c. black (Maury T15+T19); two of which were annulled in pen when forwarded. A most unusual cover.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 7105 Niger Coast Protectorate
Unfortunately this lot was withdrawn from this auction.Lot# : 7106 Niger Coast Protectorate
Royal Niger Co. 1891: Stampless cover to Lyon struck with superb rectangular "THE ROYAAL NIGER COMPANY / CHARTERED & LIMITED / POST OFFICE / BURUTU" datestamp (June 27) in violet (Gibbons type 6) on despatch. Reverse with "LIVERPOOL / BR. PACKET" cds (July 31) and struck with hexagonal "T" marking in black. Charged at double the deficiency on arrival with 1893 Postage Due 50 c. lilac (Maury T37) tied by Lyon cds (Aug 2). An attractive and scarce cover. Signed Georges Lamy.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 340 CHFLot# : 7107 Rhodesia
1898: 1½ d. yellow-buff postal stationery card, a used example written by a missionary at Seshéké to Montauban, France cancelled by "B.S.A.P. CAMP" (British South African Police) cds and "Bulawayo / Matebeleland" cds adjacent (both dated Dec 5). Manuscript "T 2d." in ink and struck in transit with framed "T / 10c." in black. Charged due on arrival with 1893 Postage Due 10 c. brown (Maury T29) tied by 'Montauban' cds (Jan 5,1899). Scarce and very fine usage.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 460 CHFLot# : 7108 St. Helena
1864/74: 4 d. on 6 d. carmine (18 mm.), a used horizontal pair on 1868 cover to Rochefort-sur-Mer, cancelled in black and by oval "ST. HELENA" despatch (March 13) in blue. London transit cds on reverse (April 7) where struck with straight line "INSUFFICIENT" and by framed "GB / 2F.-" accountancy marking in black. Calais transit cds on obverse and taxed '10' décimes due upon receipt. Right hand adhesive with slight scuff at top right but an extremely rare and attractive cover.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 2,300 CHFLot# : 7109 St. Vincent
1863/68: St. Vincent 1 d. rose-red, two horizontal pairs, and 6 d. green, two single examples, used on 1870 Duc de Polignac cover from Kingstown to Paris endorsed 'p. Packet', all cancelled "A10" obliterators in black with manuscript '1/3' in red being the British credit from the 1/4d. rate. London transit (Jan 31) in red. Slightest of cover wrinkles but an exceptional and charming cover. Cert. BPA (1989).Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,400 CHFLot# : 7110 Sierra Leone
1884/91: ½ d. green, 2 d. grey and diagonally bisected 3 d. yellow used on small 1892 envelope to France tied by "B31" numeral obliterators in black. Reverse with 'Freetown' cds of despatch (March 19) and carried on French Packet "Ville de Maceio" with octagonal "LOANGO A BORDEAUX / L.L. No. 2" datestamp in blue (March 19). The bisect not authorised and taxed at double the deficiency with '0.30c.' charge in red crayon and Duval 1881 Postage Due 30 c. black (Maury T18) tied by Cherbourg cds (April 5). Slight aging but scarce.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 7111 Cape of Good Hope
1855/63: 1 d. deep rose-red, a single example with enormous margins all round and showing portion of adjoining stamp used with 6 d. pale rose-lilac, almost as fine with one corner of stamp applied off the edge of the envlope, on 1860 cover from Cape Town (Feb 24) to Chagny, France, lightly cancelled by CGH obliterators in black. Fully prepaid at 7 d. rate for under a ¼ ounce with London transit (April 28) in red and Calais entry marking on obverse. A delightful and very rare cover.rnrnProvenance: Collection 'Franschhoek', Spink, London, 20 June 2012, lot 240.Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : 4,400 CHFLot# : 7112 Cape of Good Hope
1884/90: Cape 2 d. bistre, three examples used on 1887 cover to Paris, tied by "524" numeral obliterators with ALIWAL NORTH datestamp of despatch at left (Feb 20), the stamps also teid by unframed "T" mark in black. Correctly franked for Great Britain but underpaid for France. 'Calais a Paris' cds on obverse (March 23), the cover was presented to the addressee on three occasions, each time with 1893 1 fr. lilac on pale yellow (Maury T40), each time cancelled by triangular handstamp in black. Small closed opening tears at top but very scarce.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 1,500 CHFLot# : 7113 Natal
1895/1900: Covers (2) and a card with 1895 Consular cover from Durban with violet illustrated handstamp at left struck with circular "T" marking and "25c." handstamps in transit, taxed at double the deficiency on arrival in Paris with 50 c. lilac; 1899 cover to Paris franked by 1 d. rose (2) and 3 d. grey underpaid and taxed with 1893 50 c. lilac; 1900 ½ d. brown stationery card from Durban to Paris endorsed "From Prisoner of War" and taxed with 1893 Postage Due 10 c. brown.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7114 Transvaal
1885/93: 2 d. olive-bistre, a horizontal pair used on 1892 cover to Nancy, France tied by Johannesburg despatch cds (Aug 14). Underpaid by 1d. and struck with "T" in black and annotated '10c.' in pencil. Taxed as due on arrival with Duval 1881 10 c. black pair (Maury T15), for double the deficiency, tied by Nancy (Sept 7) cds in black. Some edge wear to envelope but surprisingly scarce.Starting bid : 180 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 7115 Transvaal
1895: 6 d. pale dull blue, a single example used on 1896 cover from Johannesburg (Sept 30) to Paris, the adhesive annotated '2' alongside to denote double weight and circular "T" applied with octagonal "T / (25) / CENTIMES". On arrival the cover had four attempts at delivery and eventually re-addressed to Passy; with 1893 Postage Due 50 c. lilac tied by datestamps or by triangular handstamp in black. Typical scuffs due to handling but scarce.Starting bid : 75 CHFHammer price : 140 CHFLot# : 7116 Trinidad u. Tobago
1851/55: Trinidad (1 d.) blue, imperforate, a used example with ample to large margins on 1853 entire letter to Paris tied by "1" numeral in black. Reverse with double arc TRINIDAD cds of despatch (Sept 9), thence via London where framed "COLONIES / &c. ART 13" applied in red over the adhesive, with Calais transit below (Oct 4). Annotated at upper left with weight '8' grams and thus charged '30' décimes for double rate: tariff of 1 Aug 1849. A scarce and most attractive entire.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 7117 St. Vincent
1851/55: Trinidad (1 d.) grey, imperforate, a used example with just touched to large margins and showing portion of adjoining stamp at left, on 1852 cover to Ile Rousse, Corsica tied by "1" numeral in black. Reverse with double arc TRINIDAD cds of despatch (Nov 26), thence via London where framed "COLONIES / &c. ART 13" applied in red with Calais transit alongside (Dec 21). Reverse with "Isle Rousse" arrival cds (Dec 26) where charged '15' décimes for single rate under 7½ grams: tariff of 1 Aug 1849. The letter-sheet with faults and somewhat inexpert repairs but nevertheless scarce to an unusual destination.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 7118 Trinidad u. Tobago
1861: Trinidad 4 d. brownish lilac, rough perf. 14-16, a used example on 1863 cover to Bordeaux endoprsed 'per Mail', tied by "1" numeral obliterator in black with fair only despatch cds (March 22). Thence via London where struck with framed "GB / 2F.-" Accountancy marking in black. Reverse with London red transit cds (April 13), Paris and Bordeaux datestamps; charged '10' décimes due in black: tariff of 1 Jan 1866. File fold across adhesive but an attractive and scarce cover.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 360 CHFLot# : 7119 Trinidad u. Tobago
1862/63: 1 d. lake perf. 13 and 4 d. violet perf. 12½ used on 1866 cover to Basse Terre, Guadeloupe tied by "2" numeral obliterator with despatch cds's (Sept 8) on reverse, prepaid at 5 d. for internal rate of 1 d. and inter-island rate of 4 d.; struck on arrival with Basse Terre cds (Sept 11) on reverse and handstruck '30' centimes due marking in black. Slight soiling but a scarce usage.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 380 CHFLot# : 7120 Trinidad u. Tobago
1862/63: Trinidad (1 d.) lake on thick paper, perf. 12½, two examples used on 1865 entire letter written (Aug 19) from Cuidad Bolivar, Venezuela, to France; tied by numeral "1" obliterators in black. Framed FORWARDED / BY / GEROLD & UHRICH / TRINIDAD cachet in blue on reverse and TRINIDAD cds alongside (Sept 7); via London where struck with framed "GB / 2F.-" Accountancy marking in black. On arrival weighed at '23' grams in manuscript and charged due '40' décimes: tariff of 1 Nov 1864.rnA fine and rare entire. Signed Holcombe.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 7121 Trinidad u. Tobago
1863/80: Trinidad 4 d. violet, wmk. Crown CC, perf. 12½, a horizontal pair of fine colour used on 1868 cover to Bordeaux tied by numeral "1" obliterators in black. TRINIDAD despatch cds at right (Jan 26) and thence via London (Feb 13) where framed "GB / 1F 60c." accountancy marking applied. Charged '8' décimes due upon delivery: tariff of 1 Jan 1857. A charming and attractive cover.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 7122 Trinidad u. Tobago
1863/80: Trinidad 6 d. emerald-green, perf. 12½, used on 1867 cover to Bordeaux tied by "1" numeral obliterator in black, and by framed "GB / 2F.-" Accountancy marking in black. Reverse with TRINIDAD despatch cds (Jan 24), London red transit cds (Feb 18), Paris and Bordeaux datestamps; charged '10' décimes due in black: tariff of 1 Jan 1866. An attractive cover.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 7123 Trinidad u. Tobago
Lot# : 7124 France
French Intervention in Mexico 1853: France 10 c. bistre and two 20 c. blue, imperforate, each with just touched to large margins all round, tied to 1863 cover to Strasbourg by dotted "CEMF" lozenge in black, with corresponding "CORPS EXP. MEXICO" datestamp below (June 14) in black; paying the rate of 50 centimes by British ship in full. Found to be overweight (above 10 grams) and taxed in manuscript '7' décimes due to pay on arrival (July 31). Scarce cover. Cert. MEPSI (1982).Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7125 Cochin
1884: Stampless cover to Boulogne endorsed "Corps expéditionaire du Tonkin" with illustrated Anchor cachet "MARINE / SERVICE DE LA MER" in black alongside and "SAIGON COCHICHINE / CORPS EXPE" cds of despatch (May 19). Taxed on arrival with Postage Due 1859/78 60 c. blue, close to large margins all round (Maury T9), tied by "Boulogne Sur Mer / Pas de Calais" cds in black. The cover readdressed to Dunkirk and the 60 c. deleted in manuscript pen; again taxed on receipt with 1881/92 Postage Due 1 fr. brown on yellowish (Maury T25) tied by Dunkerque cds (June 24) in black. Rare. Signed Calves.Starting bid : 850 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHFLot# : 7126 Cochin
1893: Stampless cover endorsed "Corps d'Occupation du Tonkin" to France with "TUYEN-QUANG / TONKIN" despatch cds (June 1) and triangular "T" marking. Reverse with "HA-NOI" and "HAI-PHONG" transits but no Military concession handstamp. Taxed on arrival with 1881 Postage Due 15 c. black (2) tied by "Brignolles" cds's (July 7).Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7127 Cochin
1898: Stampless cover from Blois (Oct 10) to Saigon, endorsed "Corps Expéditionaire de Saigon" (no Military concession) and taxed on arrival with Colonies General issues Postage Due 20 c. black and 30 c. black imperforate tied by "Saigon" cds (Nov 8); forwarded on to Bastia, Corsica with triangular "T" marking and further tax on arrival (Dec 9) with 1892 Postage Due 50 c. lilac tied by "Bastia" cds. Scarce and most unusual cover.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7128 Cochin
1900: Stampless double rate cover to Hanoi, Tonkin endorsed at top "Corps d'Occupation du Tonkin with large circular "SERVCES ADMIFS L'ANNAM ET DU TONKIN / LE COMMISAIRE DES REVUES" blue cachet and struck with "TONKIN / CORPS EXPEDIT." cds in black and Hanoi transit cds (same day). Taxed with 1893 30 c. carmine Postage Due (Maury T33) on arrival in Montpellier and returned to sender with reverse showing Haiphong and Hanoi cds's (April 3).Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7129 Cochin
1884/1900: Collection on Exhibit leaves with covers (8) mostly taxed on arrival in France, including 1896 cover franked at 30 c. used from HUE / ANNAM AND TAXED 15 C. ON ARRIVAL, 1889 cover from KANG-YEN / ANNAM sent stampless and taxed 60 c., 1898 stampless cover from TAKTHE / TONKIN taxed on arrival at 60 c., 1898 cover written from Ceylon mailed on way to Tonkin sent back on "Ernest Simons" and taxed at 30 c., 1900 cover from BAO-KAN / SONG-CAU taxed at 60 c., condition obviously varies but some scarce.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 7130 Gabun
French Congo 1891: Stampless imprinted envelope sent stampless from Libreville to Paris with circular 'RÉPUBLIQUE FRANÇAISE / COLONIE DU CONGO FRANÇAIS / LE / COMMISSAIRE GENÉRAL / DU / GOUVERNEMENT' in blue and "Libreville / Gabon-Congo" despatch cds (July 7) in black. Carried on "Ville de Maceio" with octagonal "LOANGO A BORDEAUX / L.L. No. 2" in blue (July 7) and taxed on arrival in Paris (Aug 4) with Van Dyck Postage Due 1 fr. marron (Maury T25), initially applied and tied and crossed as re-addressed, second example at left neatly tied by triangular handstamp in black. A most unusual double usage of this rare Postage Due. Faults as to be expected but a rare cover.rnrnNote: The cover is addressed to Mr. Jules Hanssen (1849-1931), in 1887 Hansen was named "Cartographe du Congo Français" by Pierre de Brazza, later making journeys to Timbuktu.Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : 1,900 CHFLot# : 7131 Gabun
French Congo 1898: Stampless cover to Constantine, Algeria struck on despatch by fine "BANGUI / CONGO FRANCAIS" cds in blue (Aug 23) with further strike on reverse, alongside "Libreville / Congo Francais" cds (Oct 7), thence carried on Steamer "Stamboul" and struck with superb "HAUT-OUBANGHI / L.M. No. 3" datestamp (Oct 21) in black (Salles fig. 1264). Marseille cds (Nov 12), Constantine arrival cds's (Nov 16) and taxed there with 1893 30 c. carmine Postage Due. A fine cover.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 7132 Gabun
French Congo 1901: Stampless cover to Charenton, France struck on despatch by "BRAZZAVILLE / CONGO FRANCAIS" cds in black (Oct) alongside and struck with superb "HAUT-OUBANGHI / L.K. No. 7" datestamp (Oct 20) in black (Salles fig. 1226 ,see Salles page 173). Taxed on arrival with triangular "T" marking and 1893 Postage Due 10 c. brown (3) tied by Charenton cds's (Nov 25) and forwarded to Fontainebleu. An extremely rare cover. rnrnProvenance: Collection Joseph Schatzkes.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7133 Dahomey
Benin & Dahomey 1883: Cover sent stampless to Paris endorsed at lower left "De Bakoundou Afrique Equatoriale au Baquinijié" (a region between Benin and Dahomey), mailed via England with fine "LIVERPOOL / BR. PACKET" cds on reverse (Dec 28) in black. Struck with "T" marking in black with manuscript '50' centimes credit to GB in blue, taxed with 1881 Postage Due 1 fr. black tied by triangular handstamp in black in Paris (Dec 29). Rare and fine.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,300 CHFLot# : 7134 Dahomey
1886: Stampless imprinted cover from Akyway (Agoué) to Paris mailed via non-Contract steamer (bâtiment du commerce) and struck in transit with rare two line "GRAVESEND / SHIP-LETTER" in black (Robertson S12) and circular "SHIP LETTER / LONDON" datestamp in red (Dec 14). Struck with "T" marking in black and taxed on arrival with rare 1881 Postage Due (Van Dyck) 1 fr. brown (Maury T25) tied by triangular handstamp in black. Fine and rare but for moronic French dealer's biro cataloguing at corner. Signed Calves.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 1,500 CHFLot# : 7135 Dahomey
1892: Stampless Military cover to Paris endorsed "Corps d'Expeditionaire du Dahomey" and struck on reverse with circular Anchor illustrated cachet SERVICE DE LA MER in black. Carried at double weight and struck with "ETABLISSEMENTS DU BENIN / LIGNE L No. 1" circular datestamp (Jan 11) in blue (Salles fig. 1221). Triangular "T" marking with '2' (double) and '30' (rate) at left. Reverse with Paris arrival cds (Feb 3) and charged with Duval 1881 Postage Due 60 c. black cancelled by triangular black handstamp. Envelope faults but scarce.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 7136 Guadeloupe
1859/65: Eagle 10 c. bistre, a used horizontal strip of five, margins touched to large, used on 1868 mourning envelope from Pointe a Pitre to Nérac, Lot et Garonne, cancelled by dotted lozenge with cds below of despatch (Sept 25) in black. Underpaid by British Packet and struck with '30' décimes charge marking in black, also annotated '3' in manuscript. Circular entry marking "COLONIES FR. V. ANGL." in blue (Oct 15) also tying the adhesives to a scarce cover.Starting bid : 160 CHFHammer price : 180 CHFLot# : 7137 Guadeloupe
1883: Cover sent stampless to Sury-Le-Comte with full original contents, with "Guadeloupe / Basse Terre" despatch cds (Nov 23) and reverse showing fine circular "LIGNE B / PAQ. FR. No. 2" datestamp (Nov 29) carried on Paquebot "Ville de Paris". Paris cds in blue (Dec 15) and Sury-Le-Comte arrival cds on reverse, taxed in Paris with Duval 1881 Postage Due 10 c. black (2) and 30 c., readdressed and taxed again on re-arrival with 10 c. black and 40 c. black (Maury T15+T18+T19). Opening tears but a scarce cover.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7138 Guadeloupe
1878/80: 25 c. bistre on yellow, Type II, imperforate with good margins all round, tied to 1880 cover to Bordeaux tied by "PAQ. ANG. / POINTE A PITRE GUAD." cds (Nov 26) in black with repeated strike at left. Circular "COL. FR. A ANGL. / AMB. CALAIS" alongside (Dec 15) and struck with triangular "T" mark and '5' décimes due in black. An attractive cover.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 100 CHFLot# : 7139 Guadeloupe
1865/67: Great Britain 4 d. vermilion plate 12, a single example used on 1873 cover from St. Thomas to Guadeloupe, creased, tied by "ST. THOMAS / C51" duplex in black (Jan 16). Reverse with Baase Terre arrival in black, taxed with handstruck '30' centimes due marking in black. Faults but scarce.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7140 Guadeloupe
1866: Incoming cover to St. Louise, on the Island of Marie Galante, mailed on 2 March 1866 from Great Britain franked by 1865/67 1 s. green plate 4, two examples for double rate, tied by London '46' numeral obliterators in black. Carried by RMSP "Atrato" to St. Thomas and tranferred to the "Wye" arriving in Guadeloupe on March 18 with arrivals of Basse Terre and Grand Bourg on reverse. Taxed with '6' décimes handstruck due. Marie Galante is one of six small off-shore islands administered by Guadeloupe, due South of the main two islands. A rare cover to a most unusual destination.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 350 CHFLot# : 7141 French Guyana
1884: Stampless cover from Cayenne to Bordeaux, carried on Paquebot "Venezuela" with octagonal "COL. FR. / PAQ. FR. C No. 1" datestamp (Aug 18) in black (Salles fig. 1528). Struck with triangular "T" marking, taxed on arrival with Duval 1881/92 Postage Due 30 c. black (Maury T18) tied by Bordeaux cds (Sept 12) in black.Starting bid : 75 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7142 French Guyana
1891: Stampless cover from Cayenne to Chambery with "Cayenne / Guyane" despatch cds (Nov 2) and octagonal "LIGNE C / PAQ. No. 1" datestamp (Nov 3) in black (Salles fig. 1523). Struck with triangular "T" marking, taxed on arrival with Duval 1881/92 Postage Due 30 c. black (Maury T18) tied by Chambery cds (Nov 25) in black.Starting bid : 75 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7143 General Issues French Colonies
1859/65: Eagle 80 c. rose, a fine example with even margins all, round, used on 1871 entire letter to Bordeaux tied in black with "INDE / PONDICHÉRY" datestamp at left (Dec 19), paying the single rate. Circular COL. FR. V.S. / P. AN. AMB. MARS" datestamp in red (Jan 15) and charged on arrival (for the Italian leg of the journey) with handstruck '4' décimes due in black. A fine and attractive cover.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7144 French Levant
French P.O. in Tunesia 1855 (Oct 18): Cover from Tunis to Paris, manuscript "timbre insuffisant", bearing 1853 10 c. bistre and 20 c. blue, both in type I, two fine and fresh examples with fair to large margins and vivid colour, tied by Petits Chiffres '3716' despatch cds with a perfect cogwheel TUNIS information strike alongside. Reverse with "BONE ALGERIE" transit (Oct 19) and PARIS arrival (Oct. 27) cds's. Upon arrival the taxed with '3' décimes to pay the difference between the the 60 c. rate for a fully paid letter and the 30 c. franking. Attractive and interesting cover, signed Roumet.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 7145 French Levant
1884: Cover from Constantinople to Nantes franked by France Type Sage 25 c. buff on yellow. Mailed in the wrong Post Office box on despatch with Austrian P.O. CONSTANTINOPEL cds at left (Jan 5) with "T" marking below and 25 c. adhesive with '0' alongside in blue crayon. The adhesive cancelled at Avricourt on entry to prevent re-use. Taxed as an unpaid letter upon receipt with Duval 1881 Postage Due 5 c. black and 20 c. black tied by Nantes cds's (Jan 11). An unusual cover.Starting bid : 180 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7146 Madagascar
1894: Stampless cover to Caen struck on despatch with octagonal "CORR. D. ARMÉES / DIEGO SUAREZ" datestamp (July 10) in black, transit cds of "SEYCHELLES" (July 14) in black adjacent and thence carried by the "Polynésien" with circular "COR. D.ARMÉES / PAQ. FR. T No.6" (July 17) with triangular "T" mark alongside. Reverse with two line "Le Lt. Colonel d'Artillerie de Marine / Commandant supérieur des troupes" in violet and Caen arrival cds (Aug 1) and taxed there with 1893 Postage Due 30 c. carmine, some edge wear but scarce. Sold with an 1896 cover front, stampless at double rate from Tamatave and taxed 2x30 c. red.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 7147 Madagascar
1896: Stampless cover endorsed "Corps d'Occupation du Madagascar" to Bordeaux struck with fine circular "1 TOR. ET PES. AUX ARMÉES / MADAGASCAR" despatch (July 6) in black. Taxed on arrival with Duval Postage Due 1881 60 c. black (Maury T21) tied by Bordeaux cds in black. Envelope imperfections but scarce.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 180 CHFLot# : 7148 Madagascar
1898: India 1 a. on 1½ a. blue postal stationery card endorsed "Corps d'Occupation de Madagascar", cancelled by "DIEGO-SUAREZ / MADAGASCAR" cds in black (April 13). Carried on the "Ava" of Ligne U and struck with triangular "T" marking and taxed as unpaid with 1892 Postage Due 10 c. brown (2) tied by Limoges cds's (May 16) on arrival. Some aging but scarce.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 380 CHFLot# : 7149 Madagascar
1900: Stampless cover endorsed "Corps d'Expéditionaire de Madagascar" to Paris struck with fine circular "TULEAR / MADAGASCAR" despatch cds (May 30) in black with triangular "T" mark at top, twice taxed due to redirection with Duval Postage Due 1893 5 c. blue pair and single 50 c. lilac applied in Paris and deleted, and 30 c. carmine pair tied by Vire / Calvados cds (June 29).Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7150 Martinique
1859/65: Eagle 10 c. brown on buff and 20 c. blue in a horizontal pair, used on 1870 cover to Bordeaux, tied by MQE dotted lozenge in black. Annotated at '2' double rate at left, struck with framed "AFFRANCHISEMENT / INSUFFISANT" in red; charged due with handstruck '7' décimes charge mark in black on arrival (Sept 21). The cover refolded at base but a scarce and attractive usage.rnrnProvenance: Collection Brian Brooks, Spink, London, 20 Nov 2018, ex lot 2290.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 7151 Martinique
1859/65: Eagle 10 c. bistre (2), 20 c. blue (2) and 40 c. orange (2) touched to large margins, all used on 1868 cover at triple rate from Srt. Pierre to France tied by dotted lozenge in black, underpaid by 1 franc for mail by British ship. Reverse with MARTINIQUE British P.O. cds in black (Nov 10) and thence via London (Nov 25) where "GB / 1F 60 c." accountancy marking applied. Calais transit and charged with handstruck '10' décimes due marking in black. A rare and attractive three colour franking.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 7152 Martinique
1871/72: General Issues 30 c. brown on buff and 1871 Cérès 40 c. orange, each with large margins all round, used on 1872 cover to Marseille tied by dotted 'MQE' lozenge with "Martinique / St. Pierre" despatch cds at left (May 28). Carried by British ship and annotated '2' in manuscript at left for double rate and struck with framed "AFFRANCHISEMENT / INSUFFISANT" in red; charged due with manuscript '9' deleted and handstruck '9' in blue on arrival (June 15). A most attractive and scarce cover.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 350 CHFLot# : 7153 Martinique
1871/72: General Issues Cérès 20 c. blue in a vertical strip of three, margins close to fine, used on 1872 cover to Bordeaux tied by dotted 'MQE' lozenge with "Martinique / St. Pierre" despatch cds at left (April 11). Carried by British ship and struck on entry with "COLONIES FRA. V. ANGL" in blue (April 30). Struck with framed "AFFRANCHISEMENT / INSUFFISANT" in red; charged due with manuscript '2' deleted and handstruck '2' in blue on arrival. A most attractive and scarce cover. Signed Calves.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7154 Martinique
1884: Large cover sent stampless from St. Pierre to Marseille endorsed "via Southampton" with weight annotation below '165' = a 9 times rate; with "ST. PIERRE / MARTINIQUE" cds in black (July 16) and triangular "T" mark alongside, via London with cds verso in red (June 27); taxed on arrival with extraordinary usage Duval 1881 Postage Dues 20 c. black, 30 c. black and two examples of the Van Dyck 2 fr. brown on yellowish (Maury T26) lightly tied in black (June 28). Despite the size of the cover and the edge wear, the sole known usage of two 2 franc values on a cover. Unique.Starting bid : 3,500 CHFHammer price : 3,500 CHFLot# : 7155 Martinique
1884: Stampless cover to Bordeaux struck on despatch with octagonal "COL. FR. / PAQ. A No. 1" in black (Dec 8) and, on reverse with octagonal "LIGNE A / PAQ. FR. No. 1" in red (Dec 10) applied at Ponte a Pitre, Guadeloupe, thence to Bordeaux (Dec 24).Taxed on arrival with 1881 Duval Postage Due 20 c. black and marginal 30 c. black tied by circular "T" marking and Bordeaux cds's with corresonding '5' handstruck below.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 120 CHFLot# : 7156 French New Caledonie
New Caledonia 1872: New South Wales 6 d. violet, a single example used on 1875 cover endorsed "France par Sydney" mailed with circular "NLLE-CALÉDONIE / NOUMEA" cds in black (Jan 11) and carried to Sydney on the "Havilah" and struck there with framed "INSUFFICIENTLY / STAMPED" in black. Carried from Sydney on P&O "Ellora" and "Pera", via Brindisi with circular "AU. ITALIE V. BRIND / MOD" in red (March 14). On arrival in Gaillac taxed with handstruck '15' décimes due as an unpaid letter. A magnificent and rare cover.rnrnProvenance: Collection Tony Eastgate, Cavendish, London, 20 April 2017.rnStarting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 7157 French New Caledonie
New Caledonia 1882: Stampless entire letter from Noumea to Paris, France with circular "NLLE-CALÉDONIE / NOUMEA" cds in black of despatch (Nov 8). Triangular "T" mark in black, annotated '50c.' in manuscript and taxed on arrival (Jan 10, 1883) with Duval 1881 Postage Due 20 c. black and 30 c. black (Maury T17+T18) tied by triangular handstamp in black. Closed opening tear at top but scarce.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 7158 French New Caledonie
New Caledonia 1883: Stampless entire letter from Noumea to Sommieres, France with circular "NLLE-CALÉDONIE / NOUMEA" cds in black of despatch (Nov 20) with triangular "T" mark adjacent. Carried by British Packet with circular "MODANE A PARIS" cds in red (Feb 12) and taxed on arrival with 1859 Postage Due 30 c. black (Maury T6), huge margins on all sides and portions of adjoining stamp at left neatly tied (Feb 13). A charming and rare entire. Signed Calves.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 7159 French New Caledonie
1892: Sucharged 25 c. black on rose, rounded corner perf., used on 1894 cover to France tied by "NOUVELLE CALEDONIE / NOUMEA" cds's (Jan 22) in black, carried on "Ville de Ciotat" with octagonal "LIGNE T / PAQ. FR. No. 4" datesatamp (Jan 27) in red. Triangular "T" marking and annotated '2' for double weight (16 grams); and taxed in manuscript '5' décimes due to pay, with Duval 1881 Postage Due 50 c. black (Maury T20) tied by Lyon cds (March 3). An attractive and scarce cover; sold with an 1888 tropicalised cover with 15 c. blue used from Noumea and taxed at 20 c. on arrival..Starting bid : 180 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7160 St. Pierre et Miquelon
1874/78: New Zealand 4 d. maroon, perf. 12½ on white paper in a horizontal pair used on 1874 cover from Invercargill (Dec 23) to St. Pierre Miquelon, prepaid 8 d. as far as Halifax; with Campbelltown and Dunedin (Jan 14, 1875) transits beside Windsor / Ontario cds (Feb 22) on reverse. Thence via Halifax and St. John's and struck with "MORE-TO-PAY 5" in blue, deleted on arrival in St. Pierre (April 5) with '6' in manuscript due. A marvellous cover to a most unusual destination.Starting bid : 800 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7161 St. Pierre et Miquelon
1874/78: New Zealand 2 d. rose and 6 d. blue, perf. 12½ on white paper used on 1876 cover to St. Pierre Miquelon, Newfoundland tied by "LYTTLETON" duplexes in black (Aug 3), prepaid 8 d. as far as Halifax. Reverse with Christchurch cds and Windsor / Ontario transit (Sept 27), and struck there with '5' cents due to pay in black. Halifax transit (Oct 3) and tax altered to '6' with blue handstamp. "St. Pierre / Miquelon" arrival cds on obverse (Oct 28). A superb cover to a most unusual destination.Starting bid : 800 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7162 St. Pierre et Miquelon
1898: Stampless cover to Plerin, France with fine "ST. PIERRE / ST. PIERRE ET MIQUELON" despatch cds in black (Aug 25) with triangular "T" marking in black adjacent. Taxed on arrival with 1893 Postage Due 50 c. lilac tied by Plerin cds's of arrival (Sept 13). Scarce.Starting bid : 140 CHFHammer price : 140 CHFLot# : 7163 St. Pierre et Miquelon
1898: Stampless cover to Plerin, France with two fine strikes of "ILE AUX CHIENS / ST. PIERRE ET MIQUELON" despatch cds in black (July 17) with triangular "T" marking in black adjacent. Taxed on arrival with manuscript "taxée 0.50" and 1893 Postage Due 50 c. lilac tied by Plerin cds's of arrival (Aug 2). A very scarce cover.Starting bid : 220 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 7164 Senegal
1867: Portugal 120 r. blue used on 1870 entire letter endorsed "per Sindh" to Saint Louis, Sénégal tied by '1' obliterator in black with Lisbon cds at left (July 27) and framed 'PD' in red. Underpaid by 60 reis and struck with framed "AFFRANCHISEMENT / INSUFFISANT" and handstruck '3' décimes due marking both in blue. Internal docketing of receipt (Aug 2). An extraordinary destination, the adhesive with small fault but nevertheless attractive and rare.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7165 Senegal
1878; General Issues 25 c. ultramarine imperforate, a single example used on 1883 cover to Bordeaux tied by "SENEGAL ET DEPCES / ST. LOUIS" datestamp in blue (Jan 22) with repeated strike adjacent. Carried on the "Orénoque" with octagonal "COL. FR. / PAQ, FR. J. No. 3" datestamp in red (Jan 27). Triangular "T" marking in red and struck with '5' décimes charge in black - this deleted and taxed with Duval Postage Due 1881 20 c. black and 30 c. black (Maury T17+T18) tied on arrival. A scarce and attractive cover.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 250 CHFLot# : 7166 Senegal
1878: General Issues Type Sage 15 c. blue, faults and surrounded by '0' markings in manuscript - unaccepted for payment - used on 1880 cover to Aisne tied by circular "CORR. D. ARM / LIG. J. PAQ. FR. No. 6" datestamp (Sept 11) in red with repeated strike alongside (Salles fig. 1099). Struck on despatch with octagonal "CORR. D. ARMÉES / ST. LOUIS" in blue (Sept 8) below with "T" marking adjacent; reverse with Military cachet in blue and "Correspondence Militaire pour le Chef de Corps", Paris arrival cds alongside (Sept 24) and taxed with handstruck '15c.' in red. Despite imperfections, a scarce and unusual cover.Starting bid : 175 CHFHammer price : 175 CHFLot# : 7167 Senegal
1881: General Issues 25 c. black on rose, a single example used on 1891 cover to France tied by "SAINT LOUIS / SENEGAL" despatch in black (Jan 7). Carried on the "Orénoque" with octagonal "LIGNE J / PAQ. FR. No. 4" in blue (Jan 8) below (Salles fig. 1067). taxed on arrival with Duval 1881 Postage Due 10 c. and 15 c. black (Maury T15+T16) tied by Paimbeuf cds's (Jan 18). Interesting notations in manuscript below the adhesive: "Lettres du Gouverneur de Sénégal".Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7168 Senegal
1883: Stampless cover from Dakar to France with manuscript on reverse: "Correspondence Militaire expedition du ht fleuve le Lt. comt le détt de Sis", struck on despatch with circular "CORR. D. ARM. / LIG. J. PAQ. F No. 3" and octagonal "COL. FR. / PAQ. FR. J. No. 3" datestamps (Jan 27) both in red (Salles figs. 1102 and 1088) and carried on Paquebot "Orénoque" with triangular "T" marking unusually struck in blue and handstamped '30' centimes in black. Taxed with Duval 1881 Postage Due 30 c. black tied by triangular handstamp. A rare and attractive cover. Signed Roumet.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 7169 Senegal
1892: Stampless cover from Dakar to Paris with "DAKAR / SENEGAL" cds of despatch in black (Jan 27) with triangular "T" marking below. Taxed on arrival in Paris with Duval Postage Due 1881 15 c. black horizontal pair (Maury T16) tied by Paris cds's (Feb 9). Stains and envelope imperfections but scarce.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7170 Senegal
1894/96: Covers (2) on Exhibit page with earlier cover franked by 1892 15 c. blue pair tied "CCE MILRE ST. LOUIS / SENEGAL" cds's (Sept 25) and taxed on arrival with 1893 30 c. carmine in Toulouse; 1896 cover sent stampless with illustrated Anchor cachet "SOUDAN FRANCAIS / SERVICE DE SANTÉ" in blue overstruck with "Senegal / St. Louis" despatch cds (Oct 31), carried on Steamer "Brésil" with circular "CORR. D'ARM. / LIJ. J. PAQ. FR. No. 1" in blue (Nov 5); taxed with 1893 50 c. lilac in Chambery (Nov 14). This last a charming and scarce cover.Starting bid : 180 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7171 French Sudan
1893: Stampless cover to Paris addressed to the Under Secretary of the Colonies, struck on despatch by "BAKEL / SOUDAN FRANCAIS" cds (July 8) with "T" marking adjacent in black, carried on the Paquebot "La Plata" with circular "SOUDAN FRANCAIS / LIGNE K No. 1" and octagonal "LIGNE J / PAQ. FR. No. 5" datestamps both in blue (July 17). The cover sealed at left with margins used as tape, and was presented ten times for the taxable amount (myriad datestamps on reverse) with Duval Postage Due 1881 50 c. black (Maury T20) handstamped and pen-cancelled. Faults but scarce.Starting bid : 180 CHFHammer price : 180 CHFLot# : 7172 French Sudan
1894: Stampless cover to France endorsed "Correspondence des Armées en campagne" with fine "BAMAKO / SOUDAN FRANCAIS" cds in blue (July 29). Circular "SOUDAN FRANCAIS / LIGNE M No. 3" datestamp deleted in blue crayon and replaced by octagonal "LOANGO A MARSEILLE / L.M. No. 3" in black (same day) with triangular "T" mark adjacent, carried on Paquebot "Tibet". Taxed on arrival with Duval 1881 Postage Due 30 c. black (Maury T18) tied by Sablet-sur-L'Ouvèze cds (Sept 13).Starting bid : 140 CHFHammer price : 140 CHFLot# : 7173 French Sudan
1895: Stampless cover to Bagneres de Luchon, France struck on despatch with "KAYES / SOUDAN FRANCAIS" cds (Dec) in black with "T" mark adjacent and circular "SOUDAN FRANCAIS / LIGNE J No. 1" datestamp (Jan 8, 1896). Taxed on arrival with 1893 Postage Due 50 c. lilac tied on arrival (Jan 16).Starting bid : 80 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7174 French Sudan
1903: Stampless cover to Paris struck with SOUDAN FRANCAIS / CORPS EXEDITIONNAIRE cachet in black and notation from the Lieutenant Commanding and Tresor et Postes cachet at left, mailed with "SEGOU / SOUDAN FRANCAIS" cds (April 17) in black and triangular "T" mark in black, circular "SOUDAN FRANCAIS / LIGNE J No. 2" datestamp in black; taxed on arrival at double rate with 1893 Postage Due 30 c carmine pair.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7175 Syria
1896: Stampless cover from the French Consulate in Tripoli (blue circular cachet on reverse) mailed to Rouen, struck with superb "TRIPOLI / SYRIE" cds (April 29) in blue with triangular "T" mark adjacent, taxed at double the deficiency on arrival with marginal 1893 50 c. lilac (Maury T37) tied by Rouen cds. Reverse with 'Beyrouth / Syrie' transit cds (April 30).Starting bid : 80 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 7176 Tunisia
French P.O. in Tunesia 1886 (Sept 3): Envelope from the French consulate in Livorno to Tunis, bearing Italy Umberto 1879 20 c. orange (Sassone 39) tied by LIVORNO despatch cds (error in month slug), reverse with CAGLIARI transit (Sept 4) and arrival (Sept 6) cds's of the Italian and French P.O. in Tunis. Taxed at the French P.O. with an exceptional usage of the French type Duval timbre taxe 10 c. black (YT TT10), tied by "TUNIS TUNESIE 7 SEPT. 86" cds. The Italian definitive with some wrinkles due as it was sticked unevenly to the cover, nevertheless a very early usage, maybe a unique usage of the French due in Tunesia prior to the issuance of Tunis definitives and due two years later.Starting bid : 1,100 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHFLot# : 7177 Tunisia
French P.O.'s in the Levant / Tunesia 1885/95: Group two covers, both franked with Sage 15 c. blue incl. 1885 Tunis to Grignan taxed with single adhesive and pair of Duval 15 c. black, 1895 Chatelguyon to Constantinople with two single adhesives and pair of Duval 5 c. black.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 100 CHFLot# : 7178 Tunisia
French P.O. in Tunesia 1893 (Feb 13): Large sized cover of the 10th weight rate from Givors to Tunis, forwarded to Lyon, bearing Sage 20 c. brique, 4 c. lilac-brown and 1 c. black on azure (Yv 83+88+96), tied by light GIVORS despatch cds. Taxed in Tunis with 1888 25 c. black on rose in a strip of three and 1 fr. green-olive in a horizontal pair (Yv TT 5+20), tied by pen strokes. In Lyon, the letter was taxed again with type Duval 50 c. black in a horizontal strip of three, 15 c. black and 10 c. black (Yv TT 20+16+15), this was miscalculated. Some edge wear as to be a expected from a cover of that size, nevertheless an impressive mixed usage of timbres taxe from Tunesia and France.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 480 CHFLot# : 7179 Tunisia
French P.O. in Tunesia 1898 (June 10): Envelope of the second weight rate from Paris to Alexandria, forwarded first to Sfax Tunesia, then returned to Paris bearing Sage 5 c. green (Yv 75), tied by PARIS despatch cds. Taxed at the French P.O. in Alexandria with 1893 type Duval 10 c. brown type I in a strip of four and 50 c. lilac-brown (Yv TT 29/I+37/I), tied by "ALEXANDRIE EGYPTE" cds (June 16). Sent via "PORT SAID EGYPTE" (June 28) to "SFAX REGENCE DE TUNIS" July 7), where the letter was taxed again with Tunesia timbres taxe 5 c. green in a horizontal pair, 10 black (pair & single) and 25 c. rose in a horizontal pair (Yv TT 11+12+16), tied by pen strokes. Some edge wear as to be a expected from a cover of that size and journey covering three countries, nevertheless an impressive mixed usage.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7180 Zanzibar
1890: Stampless envelope mailed from Zanzibar to Reims, France struck with fine ZANZIBAR despatch cds (April 21) with triangular "T" marking adjacent. Obverse with 'Modane a Paris' cds in red (May 9) and manuscript due amount (50 c.) in red ink. Taxed on arrival in Reims with Duval 1881 Postage Due 10 c. black pair and marginal 30 c. black (Maury T15+T18) tied by 'Reims / Marne' cds (May 10). Slight opening tears but rare.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 7181 Zululand
1890: Official OHMS envelope mailed from the Postmaster at Eshowe to Paris, struck with "ESHOWE / ZULULAND" (Jan 13) in black with circular "3d." handstamp in black deleted in blue crayon and hexagonal "T" marking applied in London. Reverse with Durban / Natal transit cds and Paris arrivals, obverse with manuscript '60' in red crayon and taxed in Paris with Duval 1881 Postage Due 60 c. black (Maury T21) tied by Paris cds (Feb 11). The cover with closed tears and slightly truncated at right but rare.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 7182 Austria
Austria 1851 (July 18): Entire letter from Triest to Montpellier bearing 1850 3 kr. red type Ia on handmade paper, a fine and fresh example with good to large margins all round, tied by TRIEST despatch cds in black, oval "BOLLO INSUFFICIENTE" and French "AUTR. 23 JUIL. 51 ANTIBES" entry cds, both in red and "T.S." (Transit sarde) handstamp in black alongside. Reverse with MARSEILLE transit and MONTPELLIER arrival (July 24) cds's. Taxed with '10' décimes, the full rate in the tariff of July 1851, as the partial prepayment with the adhesive was neglected. A decorative and appealing entire. Cert. Eichele (1998).rnProvenance: Collection Sylvain Wyler.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,300 CHFLot# : 7183 Austria
Austria 1866 (Oct 9): Envelope from Görz to Guebwiller, Alsace bearing 1864 5 kr. rose and 10 kr. blue (2), fine and fresh examples with good perforation, tied by light GÖRZ despatch cds in black, two 'Insufficiently paid' handstamps and French entry cds in red alongside. Reverse with WIEN transit and GUEBWILLER arrival (Oct 12) cds's. An interesting cover.rnNote: Second weight rate cover, taxed with '10' décimes, which was calculated in the following way following the January 1858 tariff: Unpaid cover of the second weight was 160 c. minus 25 kr. or 60 c. prepaid resulting in 100 c. taxe. The receiver of the letter is Albert de Bary (1812-1894).Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7184 Austria
Austria 1869 (Aug 18): Entire letter from Segesvar, Transsylvania to Bordeaux bearing 1867 5 kr. red coarse whiskers, fine and fresh examples with good perforation, tied by clear SEGESVAR despatch cds in black, "INSUFFISAMENT AFFRANCHIE" handstamp and French "AUTR. 23 AOUT 69 STRASBOURG" entry cds in blue alongside. Reverse with WIEN transit and BORDEAUX arrival (Aug 24) cds's. File fold well away from the adhesive, an interesting cover from Segesvar, today Sighișoara in Transsylvania, Romania.rnNote: First rate cover, taxed with '7' décimes, which was calculated in the following way following the January 1858 tariff: Unpaid cover of the second weight was 80 c. minus 5 kr. or 12 c. prepaid resulting in 70 c. taxe.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 950 CHFLot# : 7185 Austria
Austria 1875 (Aug 10): Envelope from Ragusa to Vitry-le-François bearing 1867 15 kr. brown coarse whiskers, fine and fresh examples with good perforation, tied by clear thimble RAGUSA despatch cds in black, "INSUFFISEMENT AFFRANCHI" handstamp and French "AUTRICHE 15 AOUT 75 DULOZ" entry cds in red alongside. Reverse with French ambulant and VITRY-LE-FRANCOIS arrival (Aug 16) cds's. Minor toning, an interesting and appealing cover from Dubrovnik, Dalmatia.rnNote: First rate cover, taxed with '5' décimes, which was calculated in the following way following the January 1858 tariff: Unpaid cover of the second weight was 80 c. minus 15 kr. or 36 c. prepaid resulting in 50 c. taxe.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 100 CHFLot# : 7186 Austria
Austria 1875 (Oct 30): Envelope from Vienna to Bordeaux bearing 1867 25 kr. violet, a fresh example (some perforation irregularities), tied by clear "LANDSKRONGASSE WIEN" despatch cds in black, "INSUFFISAMENTE AFFRANCHIE" handstamp and French "AUTR. 2 NOV 75 AVRICOURT" entry cds in blue alongside. Reverse with French ambulant and BORDEAUX arrival (Nov 3) cds's. File fold well away from the adhesive, an interesting cover.rnNote: Second weight rate cover, taxed with '10' décimes, which was calculated in the following way following the January 1858 tariff: Unpaid cover of the second weight was 160 c. minus 25 kr. or 60 c. prepaid resulting in 100 c. taxe.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 100 CHFLot# : 7187 Austria
Austria 1887 (March 18): Front of a large sized Envelope from Fianona, Istria to Austro-Hungarian consulate in Cette, sent completely unpaid, struck by perfect FIANONA despatch cds and framed T handstamp. Handwritten notion '11 ports' resulting in a total amount of 550 centimes to be collected from the receiver. Timbre taxe Type Duval 60 c. black (two pairs), 30 c. black (strip of three, pair and five single adhesives) and a single example of the 10 c. black were added and tied by CETTE cds. Some staining and edge wear of the front, one 30 c. adhesive with strong file fold, nevertheless an impressive mass franking to cover the rate for this heavy letter Maury TT 15+18+21.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 7188 Austria
Austria 1868/96: Lot eleven covers / postcards incl. 1868 double rate cover from Vienna paid only for the first weight rate with a strip of five 1867 5 kr. red, 1871 double rate cover to the writer and poet Ange Henri Blaze de Bury (1813 - 1888) franked insufficiently with 15 kr. only, 1877 cover from Slovenia to the abbess of a monastery in Bourg Ain paid with only 5 kr., 1882/96 five inland stationery postcard used to France, also 1894 inland stationery envelope to an Egyptian guest in a hotel in Nizza, forwarded to Alexandria.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7189 Austrian Levant
1867: 10 s. blue, two horizontal pairs used on 1869 cover from Constantinople to Lyon, France and underpaid as marked '2' for double rate (fully paid for single rate), struck with "INSUFFISAMENT / AFFRANCHIE" in black. Strasbourg entry marking in blue and charged on arrival as a double unpaid letter with handstruck '20' décime due in blue. A fresh and fine entire.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 340 CHFLot# : 7190 Austrian Levant
1867: 10 s. blue and 25 s. grey-lilac used on 1869 entire letter from Constantinople to Tarare, France endorsed "Voie d'Autriche" and underpaid 5 soldi for Kustendje route, struck with "INSUFFISAMENT / AFFRANCHIE" in black. Strasbourg entry marking in blue and charged on arrival as an unpaid letter with handstruck '10' décime due in black. A fresh and fine entire.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 7191 Palestine
1890: Stampless cover from the Austrian P.O. in Jerusalem to Besançon, France, struck with JERUSALEM / GERUSALEMME cds in black (July 16) with unframed "T" mark below. Taxed on arrival with Duval 1881 Postage Due 10 c. black pair and marginal 30 c. black (Maury T15+T18) tied by Besançon datestamps in black (July 26). Opening teat at top but scarce.Starting bid : 180 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7192 Palestine
1890: Stampless cover from the Austrian P.O. in Jerusalem to Blesle, France, struck with JERUSALEM / GERUSALEMME cds in black (Aug 6) with unframed "T" mark adjacent. Taxed on arrival with Duval 1881 Postage Due 10 c. black (2), 15 c. black and 40 c. black (Maury T15+T16+T19) tied by Blesle datestamps in black (Aug 18). Superb and scarce, mounted on album page with explanation of 1886 and 1892 tariffs.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 350 CHFLot# : 7193 Belgium
1851/54: 10 c. deep brown, wmk. 2, two horizontally creased examples used on 1852 cover from Renaix to Paris endorsed "à Valenciennes" tied in black, with RENAIX despatch cds in red (March 15) at left and "Belg. / Valenciennes" entry marking (March 18) at right in red. Struck with framed italic "Timbre Insuffisant" in black at left and charged with handstruck '4' décimes due marking in black on arrival (40 centimes for an unpaid letter). Despite imperfections, a most attractive cover.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 7194 Belgium
1853: France 40 c. orange imperforate, shaved to large margins all round used on 1863 Printed Matter cover from Brussels to Paris, with "Bruxelles Nord" despatch cds in black (Jan 3). The adhesive tied by "BELG. / VALENCIENNES" entry marking in red (Jan 4) with further strike alongside; however the franking ignored as 'Posted out of course' and charged as unpaid with handstruck '6' décimes due marking in black. A most unusual and attractive usage. Signed Calves.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 350 CHFLot# : 7195 Belgium
1863: 40 c. red, perf. 12½ x 13½, a used example on cover to Paris tied by dotted '60' with Bruxelles despatch cds below (July 19). Struck on despatch with curved "AFFR. INSUFF / 60" at right and "BELG. / VALNES" entry mark in red (July 20). Found to be double weight (annotated 10½ grams in manuscript), charged with handstruck '8' décimes to pay on arrival.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 7196 Belgium
1869: 5 c. orange-brown - the adhesive applied exactly over the 5 c. green imprint of the postal stationery card - used to France in 1883 tied by "Deynze" cds. Belgian "T" marking and annotated 5 centimes to pay with card accepted as payment. The French P.O. clerk disagreed with this verdict and taxed the card as an unpaid letter (50 centimes, less 5 c. only prepaid) and levied due at 45 centimes; franked by 1878 Postage Due 30 c. black imperforate and Duval 1881 15 c. black (Maury T6 + T16) tied on arrival. A most unusual and extremely rare usage with fuller explanation on Conventions in Jack Blanc's description.rnrnProvenance: Collection Dr. Jacques Stibbe.Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : 1,400 CHFLot# : 7197 Belgium
1869: Belgium 10 c. green used on 1877 cover with France Type Sage 30 c. brown to Paris, each tied on despatch by neat "MARCHIENNE AU PONT" datestamp (Nov 28). The mixed country prepayment unacceptable under UPU regulations and struck with unframed "T" marking in black. Circular "BELG. / ERQUELINES" entry marking in blue (Nov 29) and struck there with '2' décimes due marking: see album page for full explanation of taxation. Addressee's name excised but nevertheless an attractive and rare usage. Signed Baudot.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,200 CHFLot# : 7198 Belgium
1885: Wrapper band with printed "Service" ato top, a local stampless usage within Marchienne-Au-Pont (July 21) and struck with unframed "T" marking in black ,forwarded on to Haumont, France where taxed on arrival at triple rate of 1 franc with Duval Postage Due 1881 40 c. and 60 c. black (Maury T19+T21) tied by Haumont cds's (July 22), refused and RETOUR / A L'ENVOYEUR / 1768 applied in red. Most unusual and attractive.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not sold
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