Catalogue 281: France Part or Insufficiently Paid Incoming Mail – The Jack Blanc Collection
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Lot# : 7299 Turkey
1895: Cover bearing Type Sage 15 c. blue used to Salonica, tied by 'Cavillon a Miramas' TPO (Sept 24) with crayon 'T' at left, taxed on arrival with France 1893 Postage Due 10 c. brown in a horizontal pair (Maury T29) tied by "Salonique / Turquie D'Asie' cds (Sept 28). Closed opening tear at top but scarce.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 180 CHFLot# : 7300 Turkey
1899: Stampless postcard from Marseille to Mersina to the Office of the Messageries Maritimes, taxed on arrival with France 1893 Postage Due 5 c. blue (Maury T28) in a strip of four tied by bold strikes of "MERSINA / TURQUIE D'ASIE" cds's (Oct 30) in black. Rare.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 7301 Imperial China
1899: China Coiling Dragon 2 c. red used on 1899 cover to Port Said, Egypt cancelled by 'Pa-Kua' in black; originally mailed with SHANGHAI / LOCAL POST cds and "T" marking in black (Nov 23), franked by 1882/96 Hong Kong 2 c. carmine for onward transmission tied by HONG KONG cds (Nov 27). Carried on French Paquebot "Annam" with octagonal "LIGNE N / PAQ. FR. No. 8" datestamp in black (Dec 2). Charged on arrival at French P.O. in Port Said with 1893 Postage Due 10 c. brown (2) each tied by "Port Said / Egypte" datestamps (Dec 6). An extraordinary usage.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 2,000 CHFLot# : 7302 Imperial China
1899: China Coiling Dragon 10 c. green used on underpaid cover to Paris endorsed "Corps exped. du Chine", tied by TIENTSIN cds in blue with corresponding large "T" marking in blue at left. Hong Kong 1882/96 2 c. carmine in a vertical strip of three applied for onward transmission and tied by SHANGHAI cds's (Jan 14) in black below. Reverse with Chinese Shanghai cds and Hong Kong (Jan 18) transits. The cover taxed on arrival in Paris with Postage Due 1893 10 c. brown (Maury T29) horizontal pair tied by triangular handstamp in black. Opening tears at top but rare.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 800 CHFLot# : 7303 Iran
1879: 5 ch. black & green, a single example used on 1880 cover to Paris tied by TEHERAN cds, with 'Allemagne / Amb. Paris' entry marking in blue (Oct 27) and arrival marking of 'Paris / Les Ternes' at left in black. Locally readdressed by the Persian Consul on arrival and framed "Trouvé a la Boîte" applied in red at top. Taxed for local redelivery with handstruck '30' centimes charge mark in black. Slight opening tears at top but a rare usage.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 7304 Japan
1867: France laureated 80 c. carmine, a single example used on 1872 cover from Marseille to Yokohama, Japan lightly tied by "2240" gros chiffres with Marseille despatch cds (Sept 28) alongside. Underpaid 40 c. and struck with framed "AFFRANCHISEMENT / INSUFFISANT" in red, carried on the Paquebot "Hoogly" from Marseille. Handstruck '4' décimes marking in black due applied on arrival for the underpayment. Reverse with fine "YOKOHAMA / JAPON" arrival cds (Nov 19) in black. A fresh and fine cover. Cert. Roumet (2013).Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7305 Japan
1867: France laureated 80 c. carmine, a single example used on 1870 cover to France endorsed "per P&O Steamer 26/2/71" tied by bold strike of "5118" gros chiffres in black with "YOKOHAMA / BAU. FRANCAIS" cds above (Feb 25). Red framed 'PD' and circular "PAQ. ANGL. V. SUEZ / AMB. MARS." in red at right (April 13) and charged '4' décimes handstruck in black (credit to Italy). Reverse with Givry cds of receipt (April 15). Slight corner bend but a charming and rare cover.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7306 Japan
1883: Japan 2 s. carmine-rose, a horizontal pair used on 1898 underpaid cover from Tokyo to Lyon endorsed "per Oceanien" tied in brown with TOKIO / IJPO cds adjacent (Nov 8) and circular "TO / T" marking in black with manuscript "15 centimes" in blue below. Kobe transit (Nov 10) and thence carried by "Calédonien" with octagonal "LIGNE N" Paquebot datestamp in black (Nov 11). Taxed on arrival at double the deficiency with Postage Due 1893 30 c. red tied by Lyon cds (Dec 17).Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 140 CHFLot# : 7307 Japan
1892: Cover franked by Type Sage 1 c. black, defective, used from Bordeaux (April 18) to Yedo (Tokyo), Japan underpaid 49 centimes (denoted in manuscript alongside) and further manuscript "2 Ports" (double) at left with large triangular "T" in black; the addressee unfound and cover struck with framed 'Insufficient / Tax' in red and circular "DUE / TO (10)" in same ink and ADVERTISED and UNCLAIMED handstamps in black; returned via Yokohama (May 31 cds verso). Returned to sender with "Non Reclamé" in violet on reverse and "RETOUR / A L'ENVOYEUR / RÈCLAMATIONS" in blue and charged with Postage Due 1881/92 50 c. black in a marginal horizontal pair (Dec 3). Imperfections to envelope but rare.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7308 Japan
American Post Office in Yokohama, Japan 1871/74: The remarkable pair of covers to France on Exhibit page: 1871 mourning envelope endorsed "par Overland Mail via San Francisco & New York" franked by 1870/71 National Banknote Co. 2 c. red-brown (2) and single 10 c. brown tied in black with "YOKOHAMA" datestamp (Sept) alongside. Carried at 10 c. Steamship rate plus 4 c. as far as Great Britain with NEW YORK transit in red (Oct 17) and reverse with Vertaison arrival (Oct 30) and charged '5' décimes due on delivery. Second cover ex the 'Henon' correspondence dated 14 Aug 1874 from IKUNO to France with 1873 Continental Banknote Co. 10 c. brown horizontal pair tied by segmented cork handstamp with "YOKOHAMA / JAPAN" cds (Sept) alongside, carried on the Steamer "Colorado" to SAN FRANCISCO with transit cds (Oct 4), NEW YORK / PAID cds (Oct 13) in red and Calais entry marking (Oct 25). A few defects due to journey and of no significance, a wonderful and extremely rare pair of covers.Starting bid : 3,000 CHFHammer price : 3,400 CHFLot# : 7309 Liberia
1896: Stampless cover from the Vice Consul of France in Sierra Leone to his equivalent in Monrovia, Liberia, sent as Consular mail but taxed on arrival with 1893 Postage Due 20 c. violet & grey (glued to cover) cancelled by "Monrovia / Liberia" datestamp (Oct 21) in black. Forwarded on to Rennes, France, and taxed again with 1893 Postage Due 10 c. brown (Maury T29) horizontal pair tied (Jan 13, 1897) on arrival. Flap missing but an extraordinary usage and most probably the sole such known. Ex collection GoughStarting bid : 800 CHFHammer price : 1,400 CHFLot# : 7310 USA
1845/46: New York Postmaster's Provisional 5 c. black on blued paper, a used example paying internal rate with large even margins all round, signed "ACM" connected in magenta ink and by red grid cancel, used on 15 Dec 1846 entire letter from New York to Paris via Boston with curved PAID in red, endorsed "p. Caledonia" of the Cunard Line, with London transit cds on reverse (Dec 31) in red and struck there with framed "COLONIES / &c ART 13" in red. The adhesive also tied by 'Angl. / Boulogne' entry marking (Jan 2, 1847) in red and charged '15' décimes due upon receipt. A fine and very rare Transatlantic usage. Cert. Philatelic Foundation (1989) Scott = $ 2'250+.Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : 1,200 CHFLot# : 7311 USA
1847: USA Franklin 5 c. red-brown on blued paper, a fine example with large margins all round, paying internal rate on small 1848 envelope from Oswego, NY to Paris cancelled by two strikes of PAID handstamp in blue with OSWEGO despatch cds (March 3). The cover not carried by a Contract Steamer but privately on board "un navire de commerce" direct to France with circular "Outremer / Le Havre" entry marking in red (April 4), where charged '6' décimes handstruck in black - a saving on cost of 90 centimes but a journey time of nearly two weeks more - with reverse showing 'Ligne du Havre' cds (April 4) and Paris arrival of the following day. Just two Transatlantic first issue covers are recorded carried in this fashion to France. A rarity.rnStarting bid : 3,000 CHFHammer price : 7,000 CHFLot# : 7312 USA
1847: USA Franklin 5 c. pale orange red-brown on blued paper, a fine example paying internal rate with large margins all round, used on 11 Feb 1851 entire letter from Boston to Avize, Marne, France lightly tied by black grid, endorsed "per Steamer Canada via Liverpool", with London transit cds in red on reverse (Feb 24) and struck there with framed "COLONIES / &c ART 13" in red. The adhesive also tied by 'Angl. / Calais' entry marking (Feb 25) in red and charged '15' décimes handstruck due upon receipt. A delightful and rare Transatlantic usage. Reverse signed by Stanley Ashbrook "Genuine in every respect". Scott = $ 2'500+.rnrnProvenance: Collection Ryohei Ishikawa, Christie's, New York, 28-29 Sept 1993, lot 48.Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : 1,200 CHFLot# : 7313 USA
1851: USA 1 c. blue in a vertical strip of five, Type IV, used to pay internal rate on 1855 cover from New Orleans to Bordeaux tied by black grid handstamps and "New Orleans / La." datestamp in red (May 1). Reverse with "BOSTON / BR. PACKET" datestamp (May 9) and carried on Cunard Steamer "Africa" with "Etats-Unis Paq. Brit. / Calais" entry marking in red (May 22) also on obverse alongside '13' décimes charge marking in black. File folds affect adhesives but a scarce entire.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 800 CHFLot# : 7314 USA
1851: USA 3 c. red-brown, a single example with good margins, overlapping 1 c. blue horizontal pair, on single rate 1856 entire letter from New Orleans to Paris endorsed "per Boston Steamer", tied by "New Orleans / La." datestamps (May 13). Reverse with "BOSTON / BR. PACKET" datestamp (May 21) and carried on Cunard Steamer "America" with "Etats-Unis Paq. Brit. / Calais" entry marking in black (June 2) also on obverse alongside '13' décimes charge marking in black. File folds and some wrinkles but a scarce entire.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 7315 USA
1851: USA 3 c. red-brown, a single example and a horizontal strip of five, margins shaved to good, used on 3 c. rose-red postal stationery envelope to Paris endoresed "Steamer" all tied by PRINCETON / N.J. datestamps (Jan 2, 1854) in black. "NEW YORK / AM.PACKET" cds below (Jan 7) in red and carried on Collins Line Steaamer "Pacific" to Liverpool with London transit cds on reverse (Jan 19) in red. Manuscript '8' on obverse (grams) and thus double weight and charged '16' décimes due on arrival (Jan 20). Top flap missing but a rare and most appealing cover.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 7316 USA
1856: USA Jefferson 5 c. red-brown, single example with good to large margins all round, paying the internal rate and tied to 1856 entire letter from New York to Limoges endorsed "Per Fulton", tied by neat strike of barred red grid handstamp. "NEW YORK / AM: PKT" cds below (April 15) and carried on the NY & Havre Line Steamer "Fulton", with neat "Outremer / Le Havre" entry marking in red (April 19) and charged '6' décimes due in black, the reduced charge for a Paquebvot arriving directly at Le Havre. Limoges arrival cds on reverse. A lovely entire in fine quality. Signed Raymond H. Weil & Co.rnrnProvenance: Collection Frederick Meyer.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 1,500 CHFLot# : 7317 USA
1856: USA Jefferson 5 c. red-brown, two single examples with ample to large margins, right hand stamp just shaved at top, tied to 1856 double rate entire letter from New Orleans to Chalons sur Sâone, France endorsed "English Steamer via Liverpool from Boston 2nd August", by "New Orleans" cds's (July 21) in black. "NEW YORK / BR. PKT." transit in red (July 29) and thence carried on Cunard Line "Niagara" with London cds on reverse (Aug 11). Circular "Etats-Unis Paq. Br. / Calais" cds in black on obverse (Aug 12) and charged '13' décimes to pay in black for double rate on arrival. Some stains from gum at top but a rare entire. rnrnProvenance: Collection Dr. L. Kapiloff, Siegel, New York, 3 Oct 1992, lot 42.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7318 USA
1856: Jefferson 5 c. red-brown, a single example with large even margins all round, used on 1857 single rate cover from New Orleans to Bordeaux tied by "New Orleans / La." cds in black (March 17). Endorsed and carried on Cunard Steamer "America", with "BOSTON / BR: PKT" in black (March 25) and London cds on reverse in red (April 7) and framed "GB / 1F 60c." accountancy marking in black. Calais entry marking and charged '8' décimes handstruck on arrival. A rare example of the '3 Month rate' applicable from 1 Jan 1857 until 31 March 1857. Some minor file folds not affecting the superb adhesive. Cert. Philatelic Foundation (1998).Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7319 USA
1855: USA 10 c. green, imperforate, Type II, a horizontal pair with clear to enormous margins and showing the sheet margin and rule at left, used on reverse of 1856 cover from New Orleans to Bordeaux, tied by bold "NEW ORLEANS / LA" datestamp (Jan 30) in black, with repeated strike on obverse. New York transit cds in red (Feb 9) and endorsed 'Per First Steamer for Europe', carried on NY & Havre line Steamer "Fulton" with 'Outremer / Le Havre' entry marking in red (Feb 25) and rated '6' décimes to pay in black on arrival in Bordeaux (Feb 26). A delightful and rare entire.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 7320 USA
1851/55: Washington 10 c. green, a single example somewhat touched at top and at base, used on 1867 double rate entire letter from New Orleans to Paris tied by "New Orleans / La." cds in black (March 10), endorsed "First Steamer" at top. "NEW YORK / BR. PKT" in red (March 18) and carried on Cunard Steamer "Persia" with London transit cds (March 30) on reverse and struck there with framed "GB / 1F 60c." accountancy marking in black. Calais entry marking and charged '16' décimes handstruck on arrival for the double rate. A rare example of the '3 Month rate' applicable from 1 Jan 1857 until 31 March 1857, especially at double rate.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7321 USA
1851/55: Franklin 1 c. deep blue, Type IV and Washington 10 c. green, Type II in a horizontal pair with large margins all round and portion of adjoining stamp at right, used on 1855 cover endorsed "per U. States Mail Steamer" from New Orleans to Paris tied by black barred handstamps on despatch with "New Orleans" cds in red (July 15) at left. The fine 10 c. pair also tied by "NEW YORK / AM. PKT." cds (July 25) and carried on Collins Line Steamer "Pacific" with London transit cds (Aug 6) in red on reverse; thence via Calais where charged '8' décimes due in black: tariff of 1 Sept 1851. File fold affects the 1 c. but a most attractive and scarce 21 cent prepaid rate (5 c. internal + 16 c. for American Packet).Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7322 USA
1851/55: Franklin 1 c. deep blue, Type IV and Washington 10 c. green, Type III in a horizontal pair with large margins all round and portion of adjoining stamps at top, used on 1857 entire letter from New Orleans to Bordeaux tied by "New Orleans / La." cds's (Jan 23) in black. Fair only "NEW YORK / AM. PKT" cds in red (Jan 31) and thence carried on the Collins Line Steamer "Atlantic" with scarce "GB / 40c." accountancy marking in black on obverse and Calais entry marking (Feb 15) and struck with "5" décime charge marking in black. A rare 21 cent usage (5 c. internal + 16 c. for American Packet) during the '3 Month rate' applicable from 1 Jan 1857 until 31 March 1857. A fresh and fine entire.rnrnProvenance: Collection Steven Walske.rnrnrnStarting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 1,500 CHFLot# : 7323 USA
1851: Washington 12 c. black, a horizontal pair with ample to large margins all round, used on 1856 entire letter from New York to the Poste Restante in London endorsed and carried on Collins Line "per Atlantic for Liverpool" cancelled by circular red grid handstamp. "NEW YORK / 3" credit marking below (May 24) in red and London (June 5) arrival alongside. The addressee had moved to Paris and thus the entire was charged '16' décimes due on delivery as the letter was considered as a double rate unpaid letter on arrival. A remarkable and most attractive entire.rnrnProvenance: Collection Krug.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7324 USA
1855: Entire letter from San Francisco to Paris, prepaid with "PAID 26" in black at top and SAN FRANCISCO / CAL despatch cds (Feb 16) alongside. Carried on "Golden Age" Steamer to Panama, the US Steamer "Illinois" to New York where struck with "NEW YORK / AM. PACKET" cds (March 21) in red and carried on Collins Line Steamer "Nashville". Circular "Etats-Unis Serv. Am. / Paris" cds in red on obverse (April 5) and charged '8' décimes to pay in black. A marvellous entire with internal illustrations of Gold Miner and Eagle attached to a fine entire.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7325 USA
1857/61: 1 c. blue, a horizontal pair used on Printed Matter 1860 entire letter (with interesting content regarding the possible seccession of the Southern States) from New Orleans to France, tied by smudged "New Orleans / La." cds (Dec 1) in black, prepaying the internal rate. Carried on American Packet via England with circular "ET. UNIS. SERV. AM. A. C." in red (Dec 31) and charged with "15c." due marking struck in red. Ferté Mace arrival cds (Jan 2, 1861) on reverse of a fine and scarce entire.Starting bid : 175 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 7326 USA
1857/61: 3 c. red-brown and 12 c. black, perf. 12, used on 1858 cover from New Orleans to Paris endorsed "per first Steamer", tied by "New Orleans / La." cds in black with "NEW YORK / 6" credit handstamp alongside in black; the New York PO realising that the cover weighed over ¼ ounce. Struck with framed "SHORT PAID" in red, the cover was carried by Cunard Line Steamer "Africa" with "Et. Unis Serv. V. Br. A" cds in black (May 10) on obverse and the letter taxed at double rate with '16' décimes due mark in black. A fine and attractive cover Scott = $ 500+.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7327 USA
1861/62: 3 c. rose, a single example used on 1868 cover to Forwarding Agents Munroe & Co. in Paris, underpaid by 15 cents and struck with INSUFFICIENTLY PAID in black. "NEW YORK / 9" credit datestamp in black (June 24),. Carried on US Packet via Britain with blue "ETATS-UNIS 3 / SERV. AM. CALAIS" entry marking in blue (July 14); treated as unpaid and charged '8' décimes due to pay in black.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7328 USA
1861/62: Jefferson 5 c. buff, a horizontal strip of three used on small 1861 cover from New York to care of Rothschild in Paris, cancelled by bold strikes of circular grid obliterators in red. "NEW YORK / 12" credit datestamp in red alongside (Oct 9), and carried by Cunard Steamer "Persia" with "ETATS-UNIS / SERV. BRIT. CALAIS" cds in red (Oct 22). Locally readdressed within Paris with franking deleted in manuscript and red framed "Trouvé à la Boîte" at top. Small imperfections to envelope but a very rare multiple of this stamp on letter.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 7329 USA
1861/62: Washington 10 c. green, a single example used on 1870 cover with complete contents to Paris cancelled in black with "Rhinebeck" despatch cds alongside (June 14), carried via New York (June 21) on Hamburg America Line Steamer "Cimbria" with "ETATS-UNIS / 2 CHERBOURG 2" entry marking in blue (July 3) and taxed '8' décimes handstruck in blue: tariff of 1 Jan 1870; locally readdressed on arrival. A fresh and fine entire.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7330 USA
1861/66: 10 c. green, a single example used on 1870 cover to Phalsburg, France cancelled by target handstamp in black with "SAN PABLO / CAL." despatch cds (May 1) in black. Reverse with scarce circular "CHICAGO PAID ALL / DIRECT" datestamp (May 12) in red; carried on the North German Line Steamer "Rhein" (May 14), arriving in Bremen with erroneous Franco handstamp in red (May 25). Thence via Forbach (July 30) and charged '6' décimes due: Hamburg / Bremen tariff of 1 April 1862. Corner fault just away from the adhesive, a most unusual routing.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 7331 USA
1861/66: Black Jack 2 c., used on 1868 Newspaper wrapper to Paris, tied by dotted cork obliterator in black. Carried by French Paquebot "Europe" with octagonal "ETATS-UNIS / PAQ. FR. H No. 1" datestamp (May 30) struck in red (Salles fig. 1713) and charge marking "30c." in red for a Journal over 40 grams. Rare and very fine.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7332 USA
1861/66: Lincoln 15 c. black, a single example on 1868 cover from Hudson to Paris, tied by black cork handstamp with HUDSON cds adjacent (July 17), "NEW YORK / 6" credit marking alongside in red (July 18) and carried on the Inman Line "City of Boston" to Liverpool. Paris arrival cds (July 31) and mailed on unpaid to Salzburg with "ACHMINÉ / By HOTTINGUER & Cie. / PARIS" cachet in blue on reverse. Taxed on arrival ('PD' in red deleted and 15 c. crossed again in manuscript) with "32" kreuzers handstamp in black.rnrnNote: The cover is addressed to Frederic Church (1826-1900), the famous American artist of the 'Hudson School' of landscape painters.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 7333 USA
1861/66: Lincoln 15 c. black, a single example on 1867 cover to Vienna, Austria endorsed "via Bremen" and redirected to Paris, tied by black segmented cork handstamp, with "N. YORK HAMB. PKT / PAID 12" datestamp in red (July 20) and carried on the Hamburg America Line Steamer "Germania" with Hamburg cds on reverse (Aug 2) in blue. Vienna arrival cds also on reverse and the cover forwarded on to Paris via Strasbourg where treated as unpaid from Austria and struck with '8' décimes handstamp in black. A fresh and fine cover.Starting bid : 175 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7334 USA
1861/66: Lincoln 15 c. black, a single example on underpaid cover from Boston to Paris, tied by black cork handstamp, with correct "BOSTON / 18" (cents) datestamp alongside (April 27) in black. Struck with straight line INSUFFICIENTLY PREPAID in black and annotated '8' (grams) in blue crayon - thus a double rate above the 7½ grams and charged '16' décimes due upon receipt. An attractive cover.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 7335 USA
1867: Black Jack 2 c. with grill F (9 x 13 mm.), a used example on 'Le Messager Franco-Americain' wrapper from New York to Paris, tied by black cork cancellation, struck on arrival with "15c." due marking in red. Fresh and very fine, a rare and attractive usage.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7336 USA
1869: 2 c. brown, a horizontal pair used on 1870 cover from Boston to Paris, cancelled by segmented handstamps in black and by BOSTON despatch cds (Jan 4), at the newly introduced internal rate to port of departure; carried on Guion Line Steamer "Manhattan" from New York with London transit on reverse (Jan 17) in red and "GB / 40c." accountancy mark applied in black. Charged '5' décimes due upon delivery in black. The envelope with some small closed tears not detracting from the appearance; a scarce usage of the 1869 issue.Starting bid : 175 CHFHammer price : 175 CHFLot# : 7337 USA
1869: 2 c. brown and 3 c. blue, each in a horizontal pair, used on 1870 cover from San Francisco to France paying the internal rate, tied by "San Francisco / Cal." cds (July 1) and segmented cork cancels, thence via New York (July 9) and carried by French Paquebot "Pereire" with octagonal "ETAS-UNIS / PAQ. FR. H No. 1" datestamp (July 9) in red (Salles fig. 1713). Charged '8' décimes due in black: tariff of 1 Jan 1870 with Phalsbourg arrival cds (July 20) on reverse. An attractive and scarce franking.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 4,200 CHFLot# : 7338 USA
1869: 10 c. yellowish orange, a used example on 1870 cover to Paris tied in black by rare fancy segmented oval handstamp, a superb strike, with San Francisco despatch cds alongside (Aug 12), via New York with transit cds in red (Aug 20). Carried on Inman Line Steamer "City of Brussels" with poor London transit cds on reverse in red and struck there with "GB / 40c." accountancy mark applied in black. An over-payment of the double 2 x 4 c. US rate. Charged at French triple rate with '15' décimes due marking in black on arrival (Aug 31). Slight imperfections to reverse with top flap missing but a rare usage of this short-lived fancy cancellation. Signed Stanley Ashbrook with explanation (1956).rnrnProvenance: Collections Krug, Baker.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7339 USA
1869: 10 c. yellowish orange, a fine example of rich colour used on 1870 cover from New Orleans (March 3) to Bordeaux, France tied in black, carried from New York (March 15) on Hamburg America Line Steamer "Silesia" with "ETATS-UNIS / 2 CHERBOURG 2" entry marking in blue (March 26) and taxed '8' décimes handstruck in blue: tariff of 1 Jan 1870; with Bordeaux arrival cds on reverse of a fresh and fine entire.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7340 USA
1869: 10 c. yellowish orange, a remarkably off-centre example used on 1870 cover from New York (April 30) to France endorsed "per St. Laurent" tied by segmented cork obliterator in black, carried on French Paquebot St. Laurent with octagonal "ETATS-UNIS / PAQ. FR. H No. 4" in red (Salles fig. 1713). Thor arrival cds on reverse (May 12) and taxed '8' décimes handstruck in black: tariff of 1 Jan 1870.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7341 USA
1869: 10 c. yellowish orange, a used example on 1870 cover to Paris tied in black with San Francisco despatch cds (July 14), via New York with transit cds in red (July 21). Carried on Cunard Steamer "Abyssinia" with London transit cds on reverse in red (Aug 5) and struck there with "GB / 40c." accountancy mark applied in black. Charged at double rate with '10' décimes due marking in black on arrival. Corner imperfection to envelope at left but a scarce usage.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7342 USA
1869: 3 c. blue and 12 c. green, used on underpaid 1869 cover from San Francisco to Paris tied by obliterator in black with "San Francisco / Cal." cds (July 5) at right of despatch, thence via New York (July 13) with "NEW YORK / 24" credit marking in black. Carried on the Hamburg America Line Steamer "Silesia" with "ETATS-UNIS / 2 CHERBOURG 2" entry marking in blue (July 24) and taxed with handstruck '16' décimes charge in black. Some edge wear but a scarce and attractive cover. Signed Von der Weid.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 7343 USA
1869: 15 c. blue & brown, Type II, a used example on 1869 cover with complete contents from Philadelphia to Paris, initially cancelled by black cork with "PHILADELPHIA / PAID / 12" credit cds in violet (Dec 10), carried on the French Paquebot "Pereire" with octagonal "ETATS-UNIS / PAQ. FR. H No. 1" datestamp (Dec 11) struck in red (Salles fig. 1713). Both these cancellations deleted in manuscript, as was the adhesive, when the cover was forwarded unpaid to EGYPT with "Forwarded By / Drexel Harjes & Co. / Paris" cachet in blue. French P.O. in Alexandria arrival cds (Jan 9, 1870) in black and charged there on arrival with '6' décimes handstruck in black. An extraordinary destination for the 1869 issue and a spectacular usage.Starting bid : 3,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7344 USA
1870/71: National Banknote Co. 2 c. red-brown, a used example on 1871 Printed Matter Prices Current from New Orleans to Rouen, tied in black with segmented obliterator, carried on Hamburg American Line Steamer "Alemania", with "ETAS-UNIS / 2 CHERBOURG 2" entry mark in red and charged there with handstruck '20c.' due in red: tariff of 1 July 1871. Rouen arrival on reverse (Dec 13). Extremely scarce.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 350 CHFLot# : 7345 USA
1870/71: National Banknote Co. 2 c. red-brown, a horizontal pair in a pale shade used on 1871 entire letter from New York to Montpellier tied in black with despatch cds (Nov 8) in red, carried at the newly introduced internal rate to port of departure; carried on Guion Line Steamer "Nevada" with London (Nov 22) transit in red and struck there with "GB / 40c." accountancy mark applied in black. Charged '5' décimes due upon delivery in black. Superb and scarce.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 100 CHFLot# : 7346 USA
1870/71: National Banknote Co. 2 c. red-brown, two examples used on 1871 entire letter to Bordeaux tied in black with New Orleans despatch cds (April 8) alongside, carried at the newly introduced internal rate to port of departure; thence via New York (April 12) on Guion Line Steamer "Wisconsin" with London (April 24) transit in red and struck there with "GB / 40c." accountancy mark applied in black. Charged '5' décimes due upon delivery in black. A few imperfections to edges but unusual.Starting bid : 80 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7347 USA
1870/71: National Banknote Co. 7 c. vermilion, a used example on 1872 3 c. green postal stationery envelope to Forwarding Agents Drexel Harjes in Paris, cancelled in blue on despatch with "PHILA / PAID ALL" datestamp in red below (April 30). Red crayon '6' credit to Great Britain with London transit cds on reverse (May 12) and struck there with "GB / 40c." accountancy mark applied in black. Charged '5' décimes due upon delivery in black: the so-called "Phantom Rate" of 10 cents which was barely announced. Handstamped by the Forwarding Agents "50c. Paid by Drexel Harjes & Co., Paris", presumably the sum to be charged to the recipient for holding his mail.rnrnNote: The cover is addressed to Lloyd Miflin (1846-1921), a poet and painter from Columbia, Pa. He is best known as a writer of sonnets, publishing over 500.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 7348 USA
1870/71: National Banknote Co. 10 c. brown, a used example on 1872 entire letter from New York to Lyon tied in black with New York Foreign Mail obliterator with despatch cds's (Dec 28) in black and in red; carried on the French Paquebot "St. Laurent", with the final usage of octagonal "ETAS-UNIS / PAQ. FR. H No. 3" datestamp (Dec 29) in red (Salles fig. 1713 - last day of use). Charged '5' décimes due in black: tariff of 1 July 1871. Lyon arrival (Jan 11, 1873) on reverse of a scarce entire.Starting bid : 140 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7349 USA
1870/71: National Banknote Co. 10 c. brown, a used horizontal pair on 1872 entire letter from New York to Paris tied in black with New York Foreign Mail obliterator with despatch cds (April 20) in red; carried on the French Paquebot "St. Laurent", with octagonal "ETAS-UNIS / PAQ. FR. H No. 3" datestamp in red (Salles fig. 1713) alongside. Charged '10' décimes double rate due in black: tariff of 1 July 1871. Paris arrival (May 2) on reverse.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 100 CHFLot# : 7350 USA
1870/71: National Banknote Co. 10 c. brown, a used example on 1873 entire letter from New Orleans to Bordeaux with private VIA ENGLAND in blue, cancelled in black on despatch (May 6), unusually carried by "un bâtiement du commerce" direct from New Orleans and not via New York contract ship; entry marking "OUTREMER / LE HAVRE" in red (June 5) and charged '8' décimes due: tariff of 1 Jan 1870. An unusual entire.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 100 CHFLot# : 7351 USA
1873: Covers (2) on Exhibit page with Continental Banknote Co. 1 c. blue and 3 c. green (3) used on 1873 cover from Chicago (Sept 26) cancelled in blue, "NEW YORK / BR. TRANSIT" datestamp in red and carried on Cunard Line "Algeria" and struck in London with "GB / 40c." accountancy mark applied in black; taxed '10' décimes for a double letter upon arrival; second cover with 1871/73 3 c. green in a strip of three used from "Oakland / Cal." (June 14), "NEW YORK / BR. TRANSIT" datestamp in red (June 22) and carried on Cunard Line "Parthia" and struck in London with "GB / 40c." accountancy mark applied in black; taxed '10' décimes for a double letter upon arrival. A fine pair of underpaid covers, the second item being particularly attractive.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7352 USA
1873: Covers (2) on Exhibit page with Continental Banknote Co. 2 c. brown and 3 c. green (2) used on 1875 cover from Chicago (Jan 18) cancelled by "H" in blue, carried from New York (Jan 21) on Hamburg America Line "Pommerania", struck with two line INSUFFICENTLY / PREPAID in black with "ETATS-UNIS / CHERBOURG" entry marking (Feb 1) in blue and charged '35' centimes due in red manuscript upon receipt; second cover with 1 c. blue and 6 c. dull pink tied by New York Foreign Mail star in circle handstamp also struck with two line INSUFFICENTLY / PREPAID in black, taxed in manuscript upon receipt at '40' centimes to pay. A charming and scarce pair.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 250 CHFLot# : 7353 USA
1873: Continental Banknote Co. 3 c. green, a used example, closed tear, paying internal rate on 1873 cover to France, cancelled in blue from Washington State with oval "BLACK DIAMOND / MAY 23 / POST OFFICE" handstamp at right, with "NEW YORK / BR. TRANSIT / 4" credit mark (June 1) and struck with INSUFFICIENTLY PAID in black. Framed "GB / 2F.-" accountancy marking struck in London and the partial franking ignored and charged '12' décimes due in black on delivery (June 12). A scarce and most attractive cover.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 7354 USA
1873: Continental Banknote Co. 10 c. brown, a used example on 1874 cover to Paris at double rate, cancelled in black with scarce circular "NEW YORK / PAID TO ENGLAND" datestamp in red (June 23), carried on the Cunard "Abyssinia". Reverse with straight line "SHORT PAID" in black and struck in transit in London with "GB / 40c." accountancy mark applied in black. Charged at double rate on arrival (July 5) with handstruck '10' décimes due in black.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7355 USA
1873: Continental Banknote Co. 10 c. brown, two used examples in differing shades on 1874 double rate entire letter from New York to Paris tied in black with New York Foreign Mail obliterator with despatch cds (March 6) in red; carried on the French Paquebot "St. Laurent", with "ETAS-UNIS / 2 BREST 2" datestamp (March 21) in blue. Charged '15' décimes due in black: tariff of 1 July 1871, the letter being double rate on despatch and triple rate under the French system. An unusual entire.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 120 CHFLot# : 7356 USA
1879: Covers (2) on Exhibit page, both post UPU, one with 1879 American Banknote Co. 2 c. vermilion and 2 c. green used on 1882 underpaid cover from New Orleans to Paris with circular "T" marking and charged on arrival with "5" décimes handstamp in blue; second item an 1881 3 c. green postal stationery envelope sent underpaid to London and readdressed to Paris with circular "NY/T" marking in black, handstruck "10" in black and charged at double the deficiency with handstruck '2' décimes charge mark on arrival.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7357 USA
1882/1899: Covers (6) with spectacular 1894 cover from Paris addressed to a French delegate at the Chicago Exhibition with Type Sage 15 c. blue, taxed on arrival with USA Postage Due 2 c. lake, returned to Paris and again taxed with 1893 Postage Due 10 c. brown pair, forwarded on to Bacon, Loiret and taxed again with 1881/92 Postage Due 5 c. and 15 c. black; a rare cover taxed three times; 1895 cover from USA to Paris taxed twice with 1881/92 50 c. black (2), 1882 incoming cover with 20 c. and 30 c. black etc. A generally fine group.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7358 Hawaii
1884: 10 c. black postal stationery envelope used to Paris cancelled by "Honolulu H.I. duplex (June 9, 1890) and struck with triangular "T" marking; reverse with San Francisco (June 24) and New York transits (June 29); taxed with 1881/92 Postage Due 10 c. black interpanneau pair and single 30 c. black cancelled by traingular handstamps. Scarce.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 480 CHFLot# : 7359 Hawaii
1894: 10 c. yellow green, a single example on 1895 cover to Bordeaux, envelope with corner clip for Printed Matter rate, tied by WAIKULU / MAUI cds (Sept 27), thence via Honolulu (Sept 29) and struck with traingular "T" marking. Reverse with San Francisco transit (Oct 10) and Bordeaux arrival, taxed in Bordeaux with 1893 Postage Due 50 c. lilac (Oct 26). Scarce.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 380 CHFLot# : 7360 Argentina
Confederation 1858: 5 c. red, a used example with three good margins and just shaved at base, paying the inland rate on 1858 entire letter from Rosario to Lyon, France tied by oval framed "CORREO NACIONAL / DEL ROSARIO / FRANCA" in black, with circular CORREOS DE BUENOS AIRES transit datestamp alongside (July 3). Reverse with British P.O. "RIO-JANEIRO" cds of transit (Aug 7) in black and London cds (Sept 3) in red. Struck there with "GB / 1F 60c." accountancy marking in black somewhat overstruck by Calais (Sept 4) entry marking. Charged '8' décimes due in manuscript on arrival. A wonderful entire of the greatest scarcity.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 2,800 CHFLot# : 7361 Argentina
1863: Escudito 5 c. rose, no accent, a used example with one shaved margin and three large margins with portion of adjoining stamp at left, used on 7 September 1863 entire letter from San Nicolas to France paying the internal rate, tied by dotted handstamp in black with circular CORREOS DE BUENOS AIRES transit datestamp alongside (Sept 12) in black. Carried to Rio by French Packet with octagonal "CONF. ARGENTINE / SAINTONGE" datestamp (Sept 12) in black (Salles fig. 1030). Transferred to the "Estramadure" with arrivals on reverse (Oct 19) and charged with handstruck '8' décimes due in black. A most unusual and rare cover. Cert. Solari (2009).Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : 1,300 CHFLot# : 7362 Argentina
1865/67: Rivadavia 5 c. lake, a single example used on 1867 cover from Buenos Ayres to Paris, one stamp missing, cancelled in blue on despatch; Buenos Ayres cds (Dec 12) in black, carried on French Packet with circular "BUENOS AYRES / PAQ. FR. K No. 1" in black and carried on the "Carmel". Readdressed within Paris with red 'PD' and '10' décimes charge mark deleted and the 5 c. tied by framed "Trouvé a la Boite / P.34" in black. An unusual cover.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 7363 Argentina
1867/68: Rivadavia 5 c. vermilion, a used example on 1868 cover from Buenos Aires to Le Havre, France endorsed "pr. Steamer Flamsteed", tied by ten barred obliterator in black and Buenos Aires cds (Nov 26) in combination with Great Britain 1865/67 4 d. vermilion pl. 10 horizontal pair similarly tied. Carried on the Liverpool Brazil & River Plate Steam Navigation Co. "Flamsteed" to Liverpool (Jan 4, 1869), thence via London where struck with "GB /1F 60 c." accountancy marking in black. Reverse with both framed "Liverpool / Ship" and "Ship Letter / London" cds (Jan 5) in red. Charged with handstruck '10' décimes due in Calais in black on the following day. A delightful and most unusual cover. Cert. BPA (2004).rnrnNote: The cover was intended to be despatched by Royal Mail through the British Post Office in Buenos Aires and was accordingly franked with 8d. For reasons unknown, the sender failed to mail the cover at British P.O. in time and went to the Argentian P.O. where he paid the 5 centavos Argentinian Inland postage. The RMSP ship had left, thence posted on the private vessel 'Flamsteed' and was, therefore, treated as a Ship Letter. For this reason the British 8d. postage already paid by the two 4d. adhesive stamps were not accepted and the full postage of 10 decimes (= 10 Pence), as from 1 January 1866, was collected from the recipient on delivery in France. The Anglo-French accountancy marking indicates that Britain was granted 1 Franc 60 c. from France (1s. 4d.) per 30 grams weight of mail (or approx. 5d. for this cover assuming the cover was not exceeding 10 grams weight). Corinphila would like to thank Olivier Villard (Argentina) for his kind assistance in explaining the postal handling of this unusual cover.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHFLot# : 7364 Argentina
1867/68: Rivadavia 5 c. vermilion, a single example used on 1875 cover to Bordeaux tied by Buenos Ayres cds (Feb 15) in black; carried by French Packet "Rio Grande" with France 1871/75 25 c. blue, two singles and a horizontal pair, tied by Anchor lozenges with octagonal "BUENOS AYRES / PAQ. FR. J No. 6" datestamp (Feb 26) in black (Salles fig. 1072). The cover found to be double weight and struck with framed AFFRANCHISEMENT / INSUFFISANT in red and taxed (double rate = 2 fr. 40 c. less 1 fr.) with '14' décimes due in manuscript with 'PD' deleted. A most attractive cover. Signed Georges Lamy.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 7365 Argentina
1867/68: Rivadavia 5 c. vermilion, a single example used on 1873 entire letter to Marseille tied by Buenos Ayres cds (Oct 10) in black. Endorsed and carried by French Paquebot "Gironde" with superb octagonal "BUENOS AYRES / PAQ. FR. J No. 2" datestamp in black (Salles fig. 1972) and charged with handstruck '12' décimes in black on arrival: tariff of 1 July 1871 by French Packet. A fresh and fine entire.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 100 CHFLot# : 7366 Argentina
1867/68: Rivadavia 5 c. vermilion, a single example used on 1869 entire letter to Marseille tied by Buenos Ayres cds (May 20) in black. Carried by SGTM Line direct to Marseille and struck on entry with circular "PLATA / MARSEILLE" datestamp (Aug 5) in red (Salles fig. 1146). Charged with handstruck '10' décimes due marking: tariff of 1 January 1866.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 100 CHFLot# : 7367 Argentina
1867/68: Rivadavia 5 c. vermilion, a single example used on 1876 entire letter from Buenos Aires to Cette, France endorsed "par Tagus voie au Lisbonne", tied by "Buenos Aires / OM" cds in black. The entire with London cds of transit (Nov 13) in red and struck there with "T / 1-10" accountancy marking and, on arrival in Calais with handstruck '17' décimes charge. A fine usage.Starting bid : 80 CHFHammer price : 90 CHFLot# : 7368 Argentina
1867/68: Rivadavia 5 c. vermilion, a single example used on 1873 cover from Suipacha to Bordeaux tied by Buenos Ayres cds (April 29) in transit. Entry marking "OUTREMER VOIE D'ANGL. (3)" in black (June 3) and charged with handstruck '12' décimes due marking.Starting bid : 75 CHFHammer price : 120 CHFLot# : 7369 Argentina
1867/68: Rivadavia 5 c. vermilion, a horizontal pair used on 1874 entire letter to Bordeaux tied by Buenos Ayres cds (Sept 27) in black; carried at double rate via Portuguese Steamer with reverse showing "P. TRANSATLANTICO" cds (Oct 26) in black and obverse with entry marking "Outre-Mer / Amb. Irun a Bordeaux" in red (Oct 31). Charged double rate with handstruck '30' décimes due in black. An unusual routing.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 120 CHFLot# : 7370 Argentina
1873: 1 c. purple, two examples used on underpaid 1873 cover to Marseille tied by Buenos Ayres despatch cds in black (May 29) and mailed by non-Contract Steamer (bâtiments du commerce) via London with "Ship Letter / London" cds in red on reverse (July 1). Struck there with "GB /1F 60 c." accountancy marking in black, thence via Calais where charged '24' décimes handstruck in black: double rate under the tariff of 1 July 1871.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 7371 Argentina
1867: France laureated 80 c. carmine used on 1872 entire letter from Buenos Ayres to Nantes tied by dotted Anchor lozenge with octagonal "BUENOS AYRES / PAQ. FR. J No 2" datestamp (June 30) in black (Salles fig. 1072). Underpaid 20 c. and struck with framed 'AFFRANCHISEMENT / INSUFFISANT' in red and taxed '4' décimes due in manuscript (double the deficiency) on arrival (July 30). A charming and scarce entire.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7372 Argentina
1876/77: Rouletted 8 c. lake, a used example somewhat heavily tied to 1878 cover to Bordeaux (Dec 31), in combination with Great Britain 1864/79 1 d. red pl. 200 and 1873/80 6 d. grey pl. 15 tied in transit by London '26' numeral obliterators in blue-black ink and by some peripheral toning. "London / Paid" cds deleted (Feb 2) and struck with "T" mark in blue and short paid amount in manuscript 40 centimes. Charged '10' décimes handstruck on arrival. Some staining at lower right but an unusual usage.Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7373 Argentina
1876/77: Rouletted 8 c. lake, a used example on small 1877 envelope to Bordeaux tied by CORDOBA cds (July 27), reverse with Buenos Aires transit cds (July 30); carried on PSNC Steamer "Illimani", struck with "PAYS ETR. / PAQ. ANG. BORDEAUX" in red (Aug 26). Struck with triangular "T" marking and charged with handstruck '12' décimes due in black. Somewhat aged but not unattractive.Starting bid : 80 CHFHammer price : 80 CHFLot# : 7374 Argentina
1878: Rouletted 16 c. green and pair of 20 c. blue, used on 1883 cover from Buenos Aires to Paris endorsed "voie de Bordeaux" tied in black, carried by French Packet "Equateur" with circular BUENOS AYRES / PAQ. FR. J No. 2" datestamp (Aug 8) above in black (Salles fig. 1074). Franked at 56 centavos but underpaid for the seven times rate, struck with "T" marking and annotated '1.70' to pay, with Postage Due 1859/78 lithographed 60 c. blue, 1881 10 c. black and 1 fr. black tied by triangular handstamps in black. An extremely rare cover.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 2,600 CHFLot# : 7375 Argentina
1883: Stampless cover to Le Havre carried by French Packet "Orenoque" and struck with fine octagonal "BUENOS AYRES / PAQ. FR. J No. 3" datestamp (July 8) in black (Salles fig. 1072). Large "T" marking in black and manuscript '50c.' in red ink, taxed on arrival at Le Havre with 1881 10 c. black and 40 c. black (Aug 5).Starting bid : 140 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7376 Argentina
1896: Imprinted "Legation de France a Buenos Ayres" envelope to Marseille, carried by Steamer "Chili" with fine "LIGNE J / PAQ. FR. No. 4" datestamp (Sept 21) struck in blue with triangular "T" marking alongside. Taxed on arrival in Marseille with Van Dyck 1884 1 fr. marron (Maury T25) tied by Marseille cds (Oct 13). Superb and rare.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7377 Bolivia
1895: Cover from San Pablo de Lipez to France struck with rare rectangular "LIPEZ / FRANCA" provisional negative handstamp with prepaid amount "40 c." inserted in manuscript, sent out from Lipez via Valparasiso with transit cds on reverse (Nov 26) and black "T" marking. Paris arrival cds (Dec 26) in blue and reverse with "REFUSÉ" also in blue. Taxed at Lavallois with 1893 10 c. brown pair and single 30 c. red neatly tied (Dec 24). A fine and unusual cover.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 360 CHFLot# : 7378 Bolivia
1868: Nine Stars 5 c. green, a fine horizontal pair used on 1869 cover from Lamar to France endorsed "voie de St. Nazaire", tied by scarce circular "LAMAR / FRANCA" in black. British P.O. "COBIJA" cds, code C, struck in blue below (Oct 15), circular "PANAMA TRANSIT" (Oct 29) in black and thence transferred to Colon and French Packet "Martinique" with octagonal "PANAMA / PAQ. FR. A No. 2" datestamp (Nov 1) in black (Salles fig. 1413). Charged with handstruck '12' décimes due for single rate. An extremely rare issue on letters to Europe.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7379 Brasil
1843: Bullseye 60 r. grey-black, worn impression, large margins all round, used on reverse of 1850 cover from Pelotas to Marseille, France in combination with 1844/46 Inclinado 30 r. black pair, touched to large margins all round, cancelled by "PELOTAS" straight line handstamps in red with repeated strike on obverse - this surrounded by date of mailing "22 / 7 / 1850" in manuscript. Mailed at 120 reis maritime rate from Rio Grande and struck on obverse with "RIO-JANEIRO" British P.O. cds (Sept 9) in black, thence carried by the "Penguin" to Falmouth. London transit cds on reverse (Nov 4) where struck with framed "COLONIES / &c. ART 13" in red and charged '15' décimes due in black on arrival in Marseille (Nov 7). Ilustrated in Juchert "Bull's Eyes on Covers" on page 218. The adhesives with faults incl. scuff on the 60 r. and diagonal cut through the 30 r. on opening of the cover, nevertheless an outstanding item for the Brazil connoisseur: the sole recorded Bullseye cover mailed from Pelotas, one of just seven Bullseye covers used to an overseas destination, one of only two known Bullseye covers handled by the British Post Office and the sole complete cover bearing the first two issues of Brazil. Unique. Cert. Santos (2021).rnrnProvenance: Collection Reinhold Koester.rn Collection Paolo Comelli RDP, Investphila, Lugano, March 2012, lot 1177.rnStarting bid : 20,000 CHFHammer price : 24,000 CHFLot# : 7380 Brasil
1850: 60 r. black, a vertical pair with large margins all round but with two scissor cuts on opening, used on reverse of 1861 cover from Porto Alegre to Paris, tied by transit cds of "Geral da Corte / Brazil" (Dec 8) in black and by oval "INSUFFICIENTE" (rate at this date to France was 280 reis). Further strike of Rio datestamp on obverse and carried by the RMSP "Oneida" to London with front showing Calais entry marking (Jan 3, 1862) in red and handstruck '8' décimes due marking in black. A scarce and attractive usage.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7381 Brasil
1850: 90 r. black, three single examples, margins close to predominantly large all round, used with 1866 Dom Pedro 100 r. green on 1870 cover from Petropolis (June 6) to Marseille. Underpaid for double rate of 560 reis, and struck with oval framed "INSUFFICIENTE" handstamp in red. "BRESIL / CALAIS" entry marking in blue (July 23) and charged '16' décimes due upon delivery. A rare and most unusual franking.rnrnProvenance: Collection Paolo Comelli RDP, Investphila, Lugano, 16 March 2012, lot 1199.rnrnrnrnrnrnStarting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 7382 Brasil
1866: Dom Pedro 100 r. green, a single example used on 1874 cover from Ceara to Paris cancelled by two strikes of segmented cork handstamps in black with CEARA cds below (Dec 19). Underpaid by 220 reis as found to be double weight and struck with oval "INSUFFICIENTE" in red. Carried by PSNC Steamer and struck with "BRESIL / BORDEAUX" entry marking (Jan 10) and '16' décimes charge marking also in red and rare thus.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7383 Brasil
1866: Dom Pedro 100 r. green, a single example used on 1874 cover from Rio Grande to Marseille cancelled by fine segmented cork handstamp in black with RIO GRANDE cds at right (July 25). Underpaid for single weight and struck with oval "INSUFFICIENTE" in red. Carried by PSNC Steamer "Lusitania" and struck with "BRESIL / BORDEAUX" entry marking in red and '8' décimes charge marking in black. An attractive cover.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7384 Brasil
1866: Dom Pedro 100 r. green, a horizontal pair used on 1876 Boris Frères cover from Ceara to Paris via Pernambuco cancelled by segmented cork handstamps in black with CEARA cds at right in black (Feb 29). Underpaid for triple weight, carried by French Packet "Rio Grande" circular "PERNAMBOUC / PAQ. FR. J No. 6" datestamp (March 10) in red (Salles fig. 1085) and taxed on arrival at "18" décimes due in manuscript. Envelope with some edge wear as usual, but an appealing cover.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 7385 Brasil
1866: Dom Pedro 100 r. green, two examples used on 1875 Boris Frères cover from Ceara to Paris via Pernambuco cancelled by segmented cork handstamps in black with CEARA cds above (Oct 31). Underpaid for triple weight, carried by French Packet "Gironde" and struck with "32" décimes charge marking in black. Envelope with closed repairable tear at top, but not unattractive cover.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7386 Brasil
1866: Dom Pedro 200 r. black, a single example, used on 1873 entire letter from Rio de Janeiro to Seyne Sur Mer, France cancelled by segmented cork handstamp in black with Rio de Janeiro cds at left (Aug 7) and framed "P.P.". Carried via England with Calais entry marking in black (Sept 1) and handstruck '12' décimes charge marking in black. A fine entire.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7387 Brasil
1866: Dom Pedro 200 r. black, a sheet marginal example with part imprint, used on 1869 cover from Rio de Janeiro to Vienne, France cancelled by fine segmented cork handstamp in black with Rio cds at left (Sept 8). Underpaid for single weight (280 reis) and struck with oval "INSUFFICIENTE" in red. Carried by Liverpool Brazil & River Plate Steam Navigation Co. Steamer and struck with "BRESIL / BORDEAUX" entry marking in blue (Oct 15) with '8' décimes charge marking in black. Slight peripheral aging but an attractive cover.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7388 Brasil
1866: Dom Pedro 200 r. black, a single example, corner fault, used on 1874 cover from Rio Grande to Paris cancelled by fine segmented cork handstamp in black with Rio de Janeiro cds at right (July 7) and framed "P.P.". Carried by non-Contract Steamer (bâtiments du commerce) and struck with "OUTRE-MER / PARIS" entry marking in blue (Aug 2) and '12' décimes charge marking in blue. An attractive cover.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 120 CHFLot# : 7389 Brasil
1866: Dom Pedro 200 r. black, a horizontal pair used on 1875 cover from Petropolis to Paris cancelled in black with Petropolis cds (Oct 25) at left, underpaid and struck with oval "INSUFFICIENTE" in red and marked as double weight '2' at left; carried by SGTM line Steamer "France" direct to Marseille with scarce "BRESIL / MARSEILLE" entry marking in red (Nov 16) and struck with '16' décimes charge marking in manuscript. Some overall aging but scarce.Starting bid : 220 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7390 Brasil
1866: Dom Pedro 200 r. black, two examples used on 1875 cover from Rio de Janeiro to Bordeaux cancelled by segmented cork handstamps in black. Underpaid for double weight and struck with oval "INSUFFICIENTE" in red. Carried on French Packet "Mendoza" with "RIO JANEIRO / PAQ. FR. J No. 4" datestamp (Oct 3) at left (Salles fig. 1079) in black. Marked '2' for double and charged '16' décimes charge marking in black, Bordeaux arrival on reverse of an attractive cover.Starting bid : 180 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7391 Brasil
1882: Stampless printed envelope annotated '2' for double rate, mailed from Bahia to Paris and struck with violet BAHIA cds (Oct 27) circular '1a' and framed "T" marking in same ink, carried via England with 'Calais a Paris' cds (Nov 16) in black. Taxed at double the deficiency with single Duval 1881 1 fr. black (Maury T22) tied by Paris cds in black. Rare. Signed Brun and Jamet.Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 7392 Brasil
1890/91: Southern Cross 200 r. purple used on cover from Rio de Janeiro to Bordeaux tied by despatch cds in black (Aug 9). Carried on French Paquebot "Brésil" with octagonal "LIGNE J / PAQ. FR. No. 1" datestamp (Aug 12) in blue. Underpaid and taxed on arrival in Bordeaux by rare 1881/92 Postage Due Van Dyck 1 fr. brown (Maury T25) tied by Bordeaux cds (Aug 28). Readdressed from Bordeaux and taxed again for internal rate with 1881 5 c. black (4 examples) amd single 1892 30 c. salmon (Maury T14+T34) tied by Sables D'Olonne datestamps in black. Minor imperfections but rare. Signed Calves.Starting bid : 850 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 7393 Brasil
1892: Liberty 100 r. blue & rose-red used on 1892 cover from Rio de Janeiro to Paris, underpaid on arrival with triangular "T" marking and '2' adjacent. Paris arrival cds (March 7) in blue and taxed with Duval 1881 10 c. black (2) and 30 c. black (Maury T15+T18) tied by triangular handstamps. Aging but scarce. Signed Calves.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 100 CHFLot# : 7394 Chile
1854: Desmadryl 5 c. red-brown, a fine appearing example with just shaved to large margins, tied to 1855 entire letter from Santiago to Bordeaux endorsed "Par voie de Panama et d'Angleterre" prepaying the internal rate, tied by circular target handstamp in black. SANTIAGO despatch cds in red at right (March 14) and two line "PANAMA / TRANSIT" in red, reverse with London cds (May 3) in red. Charged '21' décimes handstruck in black: tariff of 1 August 1849 for a single letter. Fine for this, a rare usage of this early issue on a cover mailed overseas. Signed Peter Holcombe. Cert. Moorhouse (2009).Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 7395 Chile
1855: London printing 5 c. red-brown on blued paper, a fine used example with large margins all round and portion of adjoining stamp at left, used on 1857 entire letter from Santiago to Paris endorsed "voie de Panamá", tied by target cancel in black with SANTIAGO despatch cds in red (May 11) below. London transit cds (June 30) and struck there with framed "GB / 2F 87½ c." accountancy marking in black. Calais transit on front alongside '12' décimes due handstamp in black. A scarce and fine entire.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 7396 Chile
1856/62: Santiago print 5 c. dull reddish-brown, a used example with exceptional large margins showing portion of adjoining stamp at right, on 1858 mourning cover from Santiago to Bordeaux endorsed "voie de Panama et d'Angleterre", tied by target handstamp in black with Santiago cds in red (May 31). Cover mailed via London (July 17) without Accountancy marking being applied, Calais transit (July 18) and struck there with '12' décimes handstruck due in black. Scarce and unusual.Starting bid : 175 CHFHammer price : 380 CHFLot# : 7397 Chile
1872: 1 r. orange, a single example used on 1878 cover from Quito to Paris tied by gros chiffres "3154" in black (formerly of Rixheim, Alsace), reverse with British P.O. GUAYAQUIL transit cds in black (July 30) and obverse showing circular "PANAMA TRANSIT" cds in black (Aug 4). Struck in London (Aug 28) with "T / 1-10" accountancy marking in blue, thence via Calais with red cds and charged with handstruck '16' décimes in black. Small inclusions to envelope but an extraordinarily rare stamp on a letter mailed overseas and the first such this describer has handled. Certs. Holcombe (1992), Moorhouse (1992).Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 4,000 CHFLot# : 7398 Chile
1867: ABN 5 c. red, a single example used on 1871 cover to Paris endorsed "voie Magellan et Bordeaux" tied by segmented cork handstamp in black with "Santiago / Chile" cds in purple (Sept 25) of despatch, mailed Southbound via the Magellan Straits. Carried by PSNC "Cordillera" with circular "OUTRE-MER / BORDEAUX" entry marking in red (Sept 8) on obverse and charged with handstruck '12' décimes due handstamp in black: tariff of 12 décimes for under 10 grams of 1 July 1871. A scarce routing and a fine cover.Starting bid : 175 CHFHammer price : 260 CHF
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