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Lot# : 900 New Zealand
1871/73: 6 d. pale blue, perf. 12½, single example used on 1873 cover from Lawrence to Ypsilanti, Michigan, USA tied by indistinct obliterator with Lawrence despatch cds alongside (Aug 2). Handstamped at upper left with circular manuscript DETAINED / FOR / 2d. / POSTAGE in black. Reverse with two Dunedin cds's (Aug 4, Oct 4) and cover later mailed with the addition of 1871 1 d. brown, worn plate, horizontal pair and cancelled by 'Dunedin / 0' duplex in black (Oct 6). Thence mailed via Suez and London with 'Paid' cds in red (Dec 30) and 'New York / Paid All' datestamp of transit (Jan 15, 1874) in red all on obverse. The 1 d. pair has been lifted to display the 'DETAINED' handstamp and hinged at lower left. A scarce and appealing cover. Certs. Holcombe (1988), RPSL (2006).rnProvenance: Collection "Antipodes", Corinphila sale 79, Sept 1988, lot 3691; Collection John Woolfe, Spink, Oct 2006, lot 249.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 901 New Zealand
1873 (July): 2 d. vermilion, wmk. NZ, perf. 12½, a horizontal strip of three used on 1873 cover from Palmerston to Huddersfield, UK cancelled by numeral "04" obliterators in black. The strip, from Row 18, positions 4-5-6 and thus showing the pronounced retouches to the plate. Reverse with Palmerston cds of despatch (Aug 30), Dunedin cds and Hudderfield arrival cds (Nov 4). Flap tear on reverse but an attractive and scarce cover. Signed Holcombe.rnProvenance: Collection "Antipodes", Corinphila sale 79, Sept 1988.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 902 New Zealand
1873 (Aug): 2 d. vermilion, wmk. Lozenges and Invicta, perf. 12½, a used example of fine colour, tied to 1873 cover to from Port Chalmers to Tokomairiro by bold "18" numeral obliterator in black. Reverse with Port Chalmers despatch cds (Oct 28) and Dunedin and Milton datestamps. Flap missing but a rare usage of this stamp on letter. Cert. BPA (2019).rnrnProvenance: RL, London, 11 Oct 1989, lot 1393.rn Collection Joseph Hackmey, Spink Shreve, New York, 20 May 2010, lot 2515.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 903 Great Britain
No lotStarting bid : BidHammer price : not soldLot# : 904 New Zealand
Lot# : 905 New Zealand
Lot# : 906 New Zealand
Lot# : 907 New Zealand
Lot# : 908 New Zealand
Lot# : 909 New Zealand
Lot# : 910 New Zealand
Lot# : 911 New Zealand
Lot# : 912 New Zealand
Lot# : 913 New Zealand
1862/1967c.: Collection with 1862/64 wmk. Large Star 3 d. brown-lilac, 6 d. brown-black and 1 s. yellow-green both used with clear margins, good range of perforated Chalons incl. fine examples of 4 d. deep rose, 4 d. yellow and 1 s. green, 1874/78 with range of Surface Printed issues incl. advertising on reverse and cancellation interest, 1906 ½ d. and 1 d. with special Exhibition cancels, 1913 Exhibition optd. 1 d. used, 1920 Victory set of six used, 1931 Smiling Boys set used, through to 1960's and some later issues incl. a useful range of Officials.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 700 CHFLot# : 914 New Zealand
1857/1970c.: Collection on Davo album leaves, with a fine range of Chalon Heads including imperforates unused and used, with 1857 no wmk. 1 d. orange unused, 1862/64 Large Star 1 d. red shades (2) perf. 13, 1864 wmk. NZ imperf. 1 d., 2 d., 6 d. and 1 s. used, Chalons perf. with 1864/71 range unused or used, 1874 1 d. lilac unused, 3 d. brown unused, 4 d. maroon unused, 1882/1900 Postage & Revenue incl. 8 d. blue and 1 s. red-brown unused, 1899 Pictorial definitives unused set of 14 with both 2½ d. values unused, 1906 Exhibition set of four unused, 1909 defintive set of eight unused, 1913 Exhibtion set of four, 1915/29 definitive set of 15 unused, 1920 Victory set unused, 1926 2 s. deep blue adn 3 s. mauve unused, 1931 Smiling Boys unused, thereafter with complete run incl. Birds miniature sheets to 1966, Postal Fiscals with Arms set to 30 s. brown complete and £ 2 10 s. red unused, 1944 Life Insurance set of five unused, Officials with 1907 pictorials optd. incl. 2 s. and 5 s. unused (certs.), Stamp Duty 2 s. blue and 5 s. green optd., 1910 set of five unused, 1933 5 s. green unused (cert.), 1936/45 pictorial set of 14 optd. unused, 1940 set unused, condition variable on the earlies but generally fine thereafter with some useful stamps noted.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 3,600 CHFLot# : 915 Nova Scotia
1860/63: A remarkable group (8 items) of American Bank Note Co. imperforate card paper Proofs with 1 c. in scarlet (unissued) optd. diagonal SPECIMEN in green, 2 c. grey-purple in a block of twelve (2 x 6) printed in issued colour with diagonal SPECIMEN in red showing partial imprint; 8½ c. in scarlet (unissued) in a block of four with partial imprint optd. SPECIMEN diaagonally in green, 8½ c. in issued colour of green imperforate on wove paper in a single and pair, perf. example in faded yellow and a vertical imprint strip of four from left of sheet on India paper optd. SPECIMEN in red; and imperforate Proof on card paper 12½ c. black - a spectacular block of twenty (10 x 2) from the top of the sheet all optd. SPECIMEN diagonally in red showing two complete ABN imprints in top margin and two partial imprints at sides. A rare and generally very fine group.Starting bid : 1,700 CHFHammer price : 1,900 CHFLot# : 916 Southern Rhodesia
1899/1980: Collection Southern Rhodesia with hundreds stamps used/unused incl. 1892 BSAC definitives up to £2, 1896 definitives up to 4 s., 1905 Victoria falls, Southern Rhodesia issues and later commemorative issues until Independence, in addition Nyassaland 1891/1963 collection with 1903 definitives up to £1.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 917 Sudan
1931/51: Airmail collection of covers including redirected GB-Port Sudan cover, two covers with "Insufficently Paid for Despatch by Airmail" cachets, taxed cover to GB, 1932 Northern Rhodesia cover, 1932 cover with South Africa and Sudan adhesives with 'Posted Out of Course' cachet, First Flight Nyasaland cover to Sudan (1934), 1936 cover from GB to El Obeid and back, some further Imperial Airways flight covers, Sweden incoming cover etc.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 918 Jordan
1923 (March 1): 20 p. pale grey, perf. 14, an unused example with 'East of Jordan' opt. in black and "Arab Government of the East, April 1921" typograhed overprint in gold - variety "Overprint Inverted", fresh and very fine, superb og. A scarce stamp Gi = £ 375.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 919 Jordan
1930/43: Small unused group with 'Locust' set of twelve complete including 15 m. ultramarine with scarce overprint inverted variety, 1930 500 m. brown (Gi 206) in a fine block of four, and 1943 definitive set of fourteen values complete, generally fine, a scarce group Gi = £ 580+.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 920 Sansibar
1874: India OHMS 1 a. blue, a used irregular block of thirty-one (8 x 4, less the lower right corner stamp), all cancelled by readable ZANZIBAR squared circle datestamps (July 3, 1886) in black (Type KD6). Some toning and slight perf. separation not affecting the dramatic appearance of a rare and extraordinary large multiple Gi = £ 4'340.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 800 CHFLot# : 921 Sansibar
1936: Silver Jubilee of Sultan Khalifa bin Harub, De La Rue Imperforate Proofs for the 10 c., 20 c. and 30 c. values in issued colour, all on paper ex the DLR archives with manuscript notation at right "Approved for die & colours 16/9/36". Fresh and very fine, a unique group, illustrated in 'The De La Rue Collection' edited by Frank Walton on page 6674.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 922 Sansibar
1952: De La Rue Essay for 1 s. value, the entire design on car (47 x 31 mm.) hand-painted, with vignette in emerald-green and brown, frame in brown picked out in Chinese white, largely as accepted for the high values of the issue. Illustrated in 'The De La Rue Collection' edited by Frank Walton on page 6678 and a wonderful example of the detailed brilliance of the printing company. Unique.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 1,200 CHFLot# : 923 Sansibar
1934: Cover sent unpaid with reverse showing "Zanzibar / Paquebot" datestamp (Oct 27) on reverse, taxed with circular 'T' mark somewhat overlapped by Postage 1926/30 rouletted 18 c. black on orange and 1930/33 2 c. black on salmon (2) and 3 c. black on rose all tied by "Reg / Zanzibar" datestamp (Nov 8) in black. The 3 c. with small contemporary tear at right not greatly affecting the fine appearance.rnrnProvenance: Harmers, London, 2 Sept 2004, lot 1223.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 250 CHFLot# : 924 Sansibar
1930: Cover from Kampala to the Poste Restante at Zanzibar underpaid with 1 c. brown tied by "Kampala" cds (June 25) in black. Taxed with two 'T' markings deleted in red ink, with 1926/30 Postage Due 21 c. black on orange tied by "Zanzibar" cds (July 1) in black. The Postage Due scored through in red ink with manuscript 'Charges Paid' in red below and the cover readdressed back to Kampala (July 14). Scarce and attractive.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 925 Sansibar
1926/30: Postage Due 25 c. black on magenta, 12 c. black on greenish and 3 c. black on orange, all used on piece cancelled by 'Zanzibar' datestamps (Nov 14, 1929) in black. Typical slight staining from glue used for original adherence, a very rare example of two of the rarest used values (the 12 c. and 25 c.) on the same piece Gi = £ 1'970.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,600 CHFLot# : 926 Sansibar
1926/30: Postage Due 25 c. black on magenta, imperf. x roulette 10, an un-cancelled used example (pre-1929 usage) showing variety "25 cent.s" for "25 cents.", a fresh and fine example of an extremely rare stamp Gi = £ 4'000.rnrnProvenance: Harmers, London, 2 Sept 2004, lot 1226.Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : 1,200 CHFLot# : 927 Sansibar
1930: Cover from Kampala to the Poste Restante at Zanzibar underpaid with 1 c. brown and 10 c. black tied by "Kampala" cds (July 15) in black. Taxed with 'T' marking in black, with 1930 Postage Due 6 c. black on yellow tied by "Zanzibar" cds (July 21) in black. The Postage Due with manuscript 'Charges Paid' in red above and the cover readdressed back to Kampala (Aug 18). Scarce and attractive.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 928 Sansibar
1935: Airmail cover from Great Britain to the High Court, Zanzibar franked at 6 d. rate from Wellington, Shropshire (July 28) with framed "T" mark on front. Taxed on arrival with vertical strip of three 1933 Postage Due 25 c. black on lilac all tied by "Zanzibar" double arc datestamps (Aug 6) in black. Part flap missing but a rare and remarkable cover.rnrnProvenance: Harmers, London, 2 Sept 2004, lot 1234.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 929 Sansibar
1935: De La Rue Imperforate Proofs for proposed Postage Due Issue, with the 5 c. value printed in violet, scarlet, green, brown, ultramarine and grey - the colours utilised for the issue, all on DLR archive Appendix sheet (dated 1st Nov, 1935) with annotations of the values to be applied to the colours in manuscript ink at left. Rare and wonderful page, illustrated in 'The De La Rue Collection' edited by Frank Walton on page 6679. Unique.rnrnProvenance: Harmers, London, 15 Dec 1993, lot 1254.Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 930 Sansibar
1949: Registered airmail cover from Kuwait to the British Embassy in Zanzibar franked by 1948 1 a. on 1 d. (2) and 3 a. on 3 d. violet (4) tied by double arc "Kuwait" cds's in black. Taxed on arrival by 1936 Postage Due 1 s. grey in a vertical pair tied by "Reg. / Zanzibar" cds (Oct 7) in black with further strike alongside. Extremely rare use of the Postage Due high value on letter.rnrnProvenance: Harmers, London, 2 Sept 2004, lot 1238.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,600 CHFLot# : 931 Sansibar
1936/55: Collection on leaves with Silver Jubilee set of four unused, used and perf. SPECIMEN, 1944 Al-Busaid set of four unused, used and perf. SPECIMEN, Victory set of two unused, used and perf. SPECIMEN, 1948 RSW set unused and used and the set used on registered cover, 1952/55 set of fifteen unused and used, 1936/52 Postage Dues unused (both printings) and perf. SPECIMEN. A fine lot Gi = £ 800+.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 932 Sansibar
1926/62: The magnificent Postage Due collection on leves with rouletted 1926 issue unused complete excl. the 12 c. and 25 c. values with "cent.s" varieties in unused pairs of the 3 c., 9 c. (two), 15 c., 18 c., 20 c., 21 c., 31 c., 50 c. values and single 75 c.; 18 c. and 21 c. values in sheets of ten (2 x 5) each showing the variety; "cent.s" variety in used pairs of the 9 c. (two), 15 c. (two) 18 c. (four, both colours), 20 c., 21 c. (two) together with 9 c. and 15 c. pairs showing the variety on single 1934 cover, used exaamples incl. the 50 c. and 75 c.; 1930/33 rouletted set of six unused and used, 1936/52 set (both printings) fine used. An excellent collection Gi = £ 6'500+.Starting bid : 1,750 CHFHammer price : 1,750 CHFLot# : 933 Sansibar
Zanzibar: Group seven covers with philatelic covers incl. 1910 registered cover with 1895 'Zanzibar' ovpt on India 3 r. green & brown, the 1896, 1899, and 1926 definitive sets with their lower denominations as multi-colour set covers, and 1903 consular service cover with the Zanzibar definitives tied in New York (US stamp partially detached).Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 934 Brit. Colonies lots/accumulations
Lot# : 935 Brit. Colonies lots/accumulations
1852/1992c.: The Postal History selection (165+ items) with 1852 entires from Malta to Brussels and cover with 'From Prisoner Of War / Malta / Free' cachet, Hong Kong incl. QV 10 c. mauve registered stationery envelope, Gold Coast with 1923 3 d. reg'd stat. envelope up-rated with 6 d. from Bekwai to Switzerland, 1935 taxed cover to Switzerland, useful range of 1914/23 cards from the Sarawak Museum to Switzerland, Canada and useful Cyprus, Southern Africa etc.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 936 Brit. Colonies lots/accumulations
1880/1998: Interesting variety lot 240 stamps predominantly unused, with better single values from classic to modern issues showing imperforated examples, miss-perforations, offset, inverted or shifted centers, double overprints and many more, from Great Britain and Commonwealth starting from Ascension up to Tasmania and New Zealand. Ideal for retail on internet.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 937 Brit. Colonies lots/accumulations
1854/1913: Interesting old-time Commonwealth Collection in a 1913 Schaubek album, hundreds primarily used stamps in mixed condition incl. Australian States, Commonwealth of Australia, Fiji, Gibraltar, Malta with 1860 ½ d. buff, India with 1854 lithography, all four values, 1902 25 r. with fiscal cancel, official stamps, feudatory and convention states, Ceylon, Cyprus, Hongkong with Sunburst cancellation in blue on 1862 48 c. rose, Labuan, Malayan states and Malysia, New Zealand with Chalon Heads, North Borneo, Papua, Gold Coast with bisted 2 d. grey on piece, Colonies of South Africa such as Cape of Good Hope, Natal with 1902 £ 5 with handwritten cancellation, Mauritius Post paid worn impressions of 1 d. & 2 d., Barbados, British Guyana, Canada with 1851/57 3 d. Beaver and 10 d. Cartier imperf., Falkland Islands, New Brunswick, New Foundland and Nova Scotia.Starting bid : 3,000 CHFHammer price : 5,500 CHFLot# : 938 Albania
1852 (Dec 5): Entire letter written from Antivari, Albania to Lyons, France endorsed 'Dalla Missione dell' Albania', struck with fine CATTARO / 16 DEC two line handstamp in black, thence via Karlstadt (Dec 22) with Valnes entry marking in red on front and Lyons arrival (Dec 29) on reverse. Charged '24' décimes due in manuscript. Scarce and very fine.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 939 Albania
1863: Italy 60 c. lilac used on cover from Venice to Scutari, Albania endorsed 'Via Trieste, Col Vapore Austriaco di Antivari' tied by numeral obliterator with 'Venezia' despatch cds (April 5) adjacent. Triest transit (April 6) on reverse and superb strike of thimble SCUTARI D'ALBANIE cds in blue (11/4) and Turkey 1869 1 pi. yellow tied by all arabic Scutari handstamp in blue (Coles & Waalker figs. 3 and 6) to meet the Postage Due. A charming and rare cover. Signed Sorani.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 940 Albania
Lot# : 941 Albania
1940c.: Children's Charity issue imperforate set showing burning house and parent with young child in the foreground, the superb mint set of seven values to 25 q., in olive-green, violet, orange, green, brown-red and blue; on gummed paper, unmounted og.Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 942 Albania
Lot# : 943 Albania
1959/92: Enormous hoard of unused souvernir sheets, primarily unused, in multitude, incl. varieties such as 1962 Space Research 14 l. yellow & ochre imperf. and 1962 Deer imperf (45), a lot of topical content. Mi = € 41'000+ following the consignor.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 2,000 CHFLot# : 944 Albania
1855: Covers/cards (12) with 1855 entire from Sape (Vau i Dejës) to Lyon with ANTIVARI datestamp of Austrian P.O. with red 'Via Degli / Stati Sardi', and a few 1930's covers to Chocolat Tobler in Berne, 1951 cover to Indonesia taxed on arrival at 17½ sen etc.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 340 CHFLot# : 945 Albania
Catalogue# : 2/6Italian P.O.'s 1902/07: 'Albania' overprinted issue, ten different values for Albania & Epirus, with 18 stamps applied on pages from the Madagascar Post Office ledger book, together with two further pages from the ledger book with 'Durazzo /20 pa. 20' on 10 c. carmine postal stationery cards (3) and 'Albania / 20 Para 20' on Italy 20 c. claret postal stationery cards (5) all overlapping and both stamps and cards tied by circular receiving handstamp 'Postes et Telegraphes / Collection de Berne / Madagascar' in red. One page signed at base by the Director of Posts. Unique trio.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 946 Armenia
1920: Unframed HP Monogram Overprint '10 r.' on Imperial Russia Arms definitive 35 kop. lilac-brown & dark-green in a block of four, one stamp unused, three stamps mint og. Opinions Ashford and St. Berger (2014) Mi = EUR 15'000+.rnProvenance: Simon D. Tchilinghirian collection.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 947 Belgium
Lot# : 948 Belgium
Armée Sambre et Meuse 1794/96: Entire letters (8) with 1794 entire from Warem to Nancy with ARMÉE DE SAMBRE / & MEUSE in black; 1795 entire locally used in Brussels on headed paper with italic 'Agce. Gle. des postes / des arm. et de la Belg.' in red, 1795 entire from Brussels with BAU. GL. ARMS DU NORD / SAMBRE ET MEUSE in red; 1795 printed entire from Bonn with ARM. SAMB- / ET MEUSE in black; 1795 entire from Courtrai from 'F Division, 1796 paymaster's entire from Hersbruck to Frankfort and autographed letter-sheet signed by Lazare Hoche, 1810 entire from Antwerp with BAU PRINCIPAL / ARM. DU NORD in black. Scarce and generally fine group.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 949 Belgium
Departements Conquis 1795/1814: Collection 30 letters from Dept. 91 to 95 and No. 97, incl. P.91.P. / NIEUPORT on envelope to France showing framed P.P.P.P. (Port Payé Passe Paris) in red, 92/ BEVEREN, P.92 P. / GRAMONT, P.92P. / LOCKEREN, 96 MASEYECK (3), 95/ VENLO, 95 / RUREMONDE, P.95.P. / MAASTRICHT as well as P.95 P. / MAASEYCK, all neatly mounted and described on album pages.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 800 CHFLot# : 950 Belgium
Lot# : 951 Belgium
1849: 20 c. blue, a used example with good to large margins all round and portion of adjoining stamp at right, used on 1850 entire letter to Poperinghe tied by faint '2' numeral obliterator with 'Alost' despatch cds in red (May 25) at right.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 100 CHFLot# : 952 Belgium
1849: 20 c. blue, a used example with large margins all round and portion of adjoining stamp at top, used on 1850 entire letter to Arlon tied by bold '33' numeral obliterator with 'Dinant' despatch cds in red (March 29) at right and SArlon arrival in red on reverse. A most attractive cover.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 100 CHFLot# : 953 Belgium
1850/54: Medaillon 10 c. deep grey-brown, a verticsal pair with just clear to large margins all round, portions of adjoining stamps at top and at base, sheet marginal at right, used on 1854 entire letter to Gand tied by Brussels '24' numerals in black. Bruxelles cds (July 14) in blue at left. A most attractive entire. Signed Sorani.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 954 Belgium
1851/54: Medallion 10 c. deep grey-brown, 20 c. blue and 40 c. rose on thick paper, wmk. LL without frame, all marginal examples from side or top of sheet, 10 c. cancelled in Nivelles with '89' numeral the 20 and 40 c. cancelled '24' numeral obliterator of Brussels. A delightful set. Cert. Sorani.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 340 CHFLot# : 955 Belgium Colonies
Lot# : 956 Belgium
1863/65: 40 c. carmine, perf. 14½, a single and vertical pair used on triple rate cover to Paris (note manuscript '21/3' above adhesives), tied by dotted '12' obliterator with Anvers despatch cds at right (Dec 5). Valnes entryy mark in red and Paris arrival on reverse. Cleaned central stain but unusual. Signed Sorani.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 957 Belgium
Lot# : 958 Belgium
1849/1970: Collection several hundred stamps used/unused or in mint condition, incl. better single values and full sets as Epaulettes and Médaillons, King Léopold 5 Fr. brown (signed Diena), Red Cross values, sets incl. King Albert 'Tin Hats' complete, Cardinal Mercier Memorial Fund, Orval Abbey Restauration Fund and many more, miniature and souvenir sheets, good condition and housed in four stockbooks.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 1,800 CHFLot# : 959 Belgium Colonies
1886/1945: Small selection few hundred stamps used/unused from Belgian Congo, incl. some better values and full sets and postage dues, in addition few items Katanga as well as Ruanda Urundi, mixed condition and housed in an album.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 250 CHFLot# : 960 Belgium
1900/50: Lot few hundred picture postcards b/w and coloured, used and unused, mainly topographic views of Brussels and several North Sea beaches as Ostende, Blankenberge and others, also some views of various exhibition sites as Charleroi and Liège, mixed condition and housed in a small box.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 961 Bulgaria
Incoming Mail from the Ottoman Empire 1863: Second Printing 2 pi. black on blue thin paper in a horizontal pair, right hand stamp showing "Broken upper Frame Line", 20 pa. black on yellow thin paper and Postage Due 5 pi. black on brown-red thin paper with Plate Flaw "Broken Tughra", used on 1863 cover to Filibe (Filipopel), Bulgaria cancelled by dotted 'Battal' in black. Illustrated in 'Cover Story' by M. Basaran on page 115. A superb and colourful cover for the connoisseur of the issue. Opinion Todd (2013).Starting bid : 3,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 962 Bulgaria
1863: Second Printing 1 pi. black on thin slate purple paper and 2 pi. black on thin blue paper, fine used examples tied to 1863 cover from Constantinople to Filibe (Filipopel) by dotted 'Battal' lattice in black. A fine and most attractive cover. Signed A. Diena, Calves. Opinion Todd (2013).rnProvenance: Collection Otto Hornung; Collection Gavin Fryer.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 963 Bulgaria
1863: Second Printing 1 pi. black on thin slate purple paper with sheet margin and 2 pi. black on thin blue paper also with sheet margin, fine used examples tied to undated cover probably from Constantinople and addressed to Filibe (Filipopel) by 'Battal' lattice of dots but rather smeared and unclear in black. Despite the cancellation, a remarkable and very rare usage of marginal adhesives on letter. Opinion Todd (2013).rnStarting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 964 Bulgaria
1863/64: Third Printing 1 pi. black grey thick surface coloured paper used with Second printing 2 pi. black on thin greenish blue paper, on cover from Constantinople to Filibe (Filipopel) tied by two strikes of the 'Battal' lattice of dots in black of Deraliye. A fine and scarce cover. Opinion Todd (2013).rnProvenance: DF, Geneva, Sept 2013, lot 30161.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 965 Bulgaria
1863/64: Third Printing 1 pi. black lilac-grey thick surface coloured paper used with Second printing 2 pi. black on thin greenish blue paper, on cover from Constantinople to Filibe (Filipopel) tied by two strikes of the 'Battal' lattice of dots in black of Deraliye. The 1 pi. with hole possibly caused by the cancellation and the 2 pi. probably sheet marginal, a scarce cover. Signed Tefvik Kuyas. Opinion Todd (2013).rnProvenance: DF, Geneva, Sept 2013, lot 30280.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 1,500 CHFLot# : 966 Bulgaria
1863/64: Third Printing 1 pi. black on thick lilac paper, a fine sheet marginal example used on 1864 entire letter from Deraliye, Constantinople to Filibe (Filipopel), Bulgaria tied by unusually superb strike of the dotted lattice obliterator (Brandt 2) in black. A further adhesive was applied at lower left and removed by the Postal Clerk, the space being heavily cancelled by a further lattice to denote this. A fine and most attractive entire. Opinion Todd (2013).rnProvenance: Collection Herry Schaefer, exhibited at the Istanbul Exhibition in 1996.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 967 Bulgaria
1863/64: 1 pi. black on slate-grey thick surface coloured paper, used on cover from Edirne to Filbe (Filipopel) tied by dotted Edirne handstamp (C&W fig. 3 / Brandt IIB/3) in blue. Some age spots but a scarce cover. Opinion Todd (2013).rnProvenance: DF, Geneva, Sept 2013, lot 30286.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 968 Bulgaria
1863/64: Postage Due 1 pi. black and 2 pi. black, each on thin orange-brown paper with blue Control bands, centrally applied to 1864 cover addressed to Rustschuk but without cancellation, the 1 pi. overlapping the 2 pi. which is affected by file fold. An unusual cover - most probably genuine (double the 1½ piastre deficiency) and from a known correspondence but this cannot of course be realistically confirmed. Opinion Todd (2013). Sold "As Is / Tel Quel".Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 969 Bulgaria
1863: Second Printing 20 pa. black on thin yellow paper and 2 pi. black on thin blue paper, fine used examples tied to cover from Constantinople to Sofia by dotted 'Battal' lattice in blue (Brandt II). Unillustrated in Basaran. A fine and most attractive cover. Opinion Todd (2013).rnProvenance: Collection Bergfeld.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 970 Bulgaria
1863: Second Printing 1 pi. black on thin lilac paper, a fine horizontal strip of three used on cover addressed to Sofia, good margins all round, tied by 'Battal' lattice of dots handstamps in black. Slight closed tear to envelope but a rare multiple franking: Basaran illustrates no further strips of three of this stamp on letter. Illustrated in 'Cover Story' by Basaran on page 61. A rare and appealing franking. Opinion Todd (2013).rnProvenance: Collection Bergfeld.Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : 2,500 CHFLot# : 971 Bulgaria
1863/64: Third Printing 1 pi. black on pale-grey blue thick surface coloured paper, showing Plate Variety "Broken Toughra" clearly (see Basaran 'Tughra Stamps, page 118) used on registered cover from Constantinople addressed to the 3rd. Army in Shumnu, Bulgaria (gold dusted ink) tied by fine strike of the 'Battal' dotted lattice in black. Further adhesive removed at right but an important cover, Basaran states that the variety is unique to this one letter. Illustrated in Basaran 'Cover Story' on page 131. Opinion Todd (2013).rnProvenance: DF, Geneva, Sept 2013, lot 30287.Starting bid : 3,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 972 Bulgaria
Russian mail during and after War of Liberation 1877/78: Lot three stampless official lettersheets to Tarnovo, one with Russian 'POLEVAYA POCHT. KONTORA' cds's of the first and second Fieldpost office on reverse and obverse (1 SEP 1878), one with Gabrovo PO strike in blue on reverse (3 FEB 1878), the last cover with two strikes of Sistovo PO in blue on reverse (14 MAR 1878), these in the first 'Russian' Type. Large part of covers are missing, but an interesting ensemble.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 973 Bulgaria
1854/1954: The Postal History selection (25 items) with 1857 entire with 'An janib-i Sofiya' negative seal handstamp, 1863 entire prepaid to Constantinople with fine Austrian P.O. RUSTSCHUK cds and FRANCO in blue, 1908 registered covers to Constantinople with Ferdinand 5'0 st. and 75 st. frankings, 1914 cards from Dedeagatch and Xanthy etc.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 974 Croatia
1941: Yugoslavia 50 p. orange and 1.50 d. red each with provisional type-writer overprints DRŽAVA / HRVATSKA in blackish-violet used on 1941 cover to from Jelza Island to Split cancelled by neat JELSA circular datestamp (April 28) in black. Scarce. Cert. Zrinjscak (2004).Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 975 Croatia
Lot# : 976 Croatia
1941: 4 k. ultramarine, 1942 0.25 k. on 2 k. dull carmine and 1943 Soldier 9 k. + 4.50 k. deep brown used in combination with Italy 5 c. brown, 30 c. brown and Airmail 25 c. dull green pair optd. "N.D./H." in black on 1943 registered local cover, all tied by "Sebenico" datestamps (Sept 23) in black. Slight fault to envelope flap verso but a scarce and colourful franking. Cert. Berisslav Pervan (2016).Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 977 Croatia
Lot# : 978 Croatia
1943: Boskovic 3.50 k. two Colour Trials, perforated 14 (issued perf. 10¾), two examples printed in deep brown-red (claret), together with 12.50 dark brown carmine. Rare and splendid Trials from the printer's archive in Vienna.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 979 Croatia
Lot# : 980 Croatia
Lot# : 981 Croatia
Republic 1991 (Sept 9): Airmail 1 d. blue,black and red, an imperforate Proof sheet of fifteen subjects (5 x 3) with error Arms of Croatia printed in black instead of red, fresh and very fine, unused without gum. Just 6 sheets are recorded thus - rare. Cert. B. Pervan (2018).Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 480 CHFLot# : 982 Croatia
Lot# : 983 Croatia
Catalogue# : 41-1781941/45: The unused collection on cards with 1941 'Franco' set of four in blocks and a strip of overprint Proofs, 1941 Landscapes issue unused and imperf / imperf between varieties, 1942 Airmail miniature sheets perf. and imperf., 1942 5+20 k. perf and imperf. miniature sheets, 1943 Stamp day sheets, 1943 Imperf. Red Cross Colour Trial Proofs (11) and 12+6 k. in orange in a block of four imperf., 1943 Pavelič set in blocks and 100 k. in an imperf. pair etc.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 984 Croatia
Catalogue# : 481942/45: Small correspondence of 8 cards/covers from a Jewish refugee, with Croatian cards (2) mailed in December 1942 to Margitte Goldberg in Mlini from Samobor and Capljina, cover with Landscapes 50 p. blue in a block of six from Capljina, Italian Censored cover from Ms. Goldberg in Mlini, 1945 covers addressed to her in El-Shatt Refugee Camp in Egypt (4) etc. A most unusual and interesting correspondence from a successful escapee.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 985 Croatia
Italian Occupation of Sebenico (Šibenik) 1944 (March 15): The set of five values optd. 'N.D. / Hrvatska' and new values, fresh and very fine, unmounted og. Scarce set with just 4'500 possible, rare in multiples. Two blocks signed A. Diena. Cert. B. Pervan (2017) Sassone = € 1'600+.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 986 Croatia
1944 (March 15): Sebenico Issue 'N.D./Hrvatska 3.50' on Italy 10 c. brown, 20 c. carmine, 15 c. green, 30 c. brown and 50 c. violet, all in fresh unused blocks of four, unmounted og. Scarce: oly 4'500 sets possible. Signed A. Diena, Dr. Rommerskirchen BPP Sassone = € 1'600.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 987 Croatia
1944 (March 15): Sebenico Issue 'N.D./Hrvatska 3.50' on Italy 10 c. brown, 15 c. green, 30 c. brown and 50 c. violet, all used on 1944 local registered express cover tied by 'Sibenik' datestamps (April 3) in black; registration and Express labels neatly tied at left. Slight corner bend to envelope well away from the adhesives, a scarce usage on letter. Cert. Tubinovic (1978) Sassone = € 520 off cover.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 988 Croatia
1943/44: Local Issue for Split/Spalato, the compl. set of 17 values ovpt. 'N.D.Hrvatska' (Independent Croatia) with definitves (19), airmails (2), Express (2) and postage Dues (3), all in superb mint condition unmounted og, a scarce set. Cert. Zrinjscak (2012) Sassone = € 3'200.Starting bid : 700 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 989 Czechoslovakia
1659/1694: Lot five receipts, undersigned at Karlštejn castle nearby Prague incl. a 1659 receipt given by Matouš Ferdinand Sobek z Bílenberka (1618-1675), the first bishop of the newly formed diocese of Hradci Králové - Königgrätz under the rule of Emperor Leopold I, and four receipts signed in 1694, all five showing three or four paper seals.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 990 Czechoslovakia
Czechoslovak Prisoner of War in Russia 1915/17: Selection 43 formular postcards for POWs, Russian and Austrian ones, despatched by Czech and Slowak POWs from different camps from all over Russia incl. rarer ones such as Sukhum Georgia, Tashkent or Akmolinsk, each card with a detailed write up.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 991 Czechoslovakia
Czechoslovak Legion in Russia 1919/20: Cover from Siberia to Teplitz bei Neumarkt, franked by Irkutsk issue 25 kop. carmine (2) and 50 kop. green (2), tied by "POLNI POSTA / CESKOSLOVENSKE VOJSKO NA RUSSI / POSTE MILITAIRE / 5" handstamp, rare "CESKOSLOVENSKE VOJSKO NA RUSSI / RADIO-TELEHGRAFNI ROTA" handstamp in violet alongside. Signed Gilbert.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 992 Czechoslovakia
Czechoslovak Legion in Russia 1920: Czech formular postcard from Vladivostok to Praha, dated March 22, 1920, franked by Irkutsk issue 25 kop. carmine (2), 50 kop. green and 1 rub. brown (2), tied by illisible handstamp. Signed Franek.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 993 Czechoslovakia
Czechoslovak Legion in Russia 1919/20: Cover from Vladivostok to Praha, franked on reverse by Irkutsk issue 25 kop. carmine, 50 kop. green and 1 rub. brown, perf. 11½, tied by "Polni Posta cesko-slovakskych vojsk" handstamp in violet. Signed Gilbert.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 994 Czechoslovakia
Czechoslovak Legion in Russia 1920: Czech propaganda picture postcard from Vladivostok to Hrabova nearby Moravska Ostrava, franked with Irkutsk issue 25 kop. carmine perf. 13¾ in mixed franking with Russian Imperial Arms definitives 25 kop. and 50 kop., tied by "VLADIVOSTOK 4.7.20" cds's, Russian censorship handstamp alongside.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 995 Czechoslovakia
Czechoslovak Legion in Russia 1920: Cover to Praha, franked by Irkutsk issue compl. set of 25 kop. carmine, 50 kop. green and 1 rub. brown as well as Lion issue 1 rub. blue & red, tied by "POLNI POSTA / CESKOSLOVENSKE VOJSKO NA RUSSI / POSTE MILITAIRE" handstamp, one line cyrillic "Dojstvuyuscaya Chesko-Slovakaya Armiya" in black and "POLNI POSTA / CESKOSLOVENSKE VOJSKO / PRESIDENT GRANT / XXXV" handstamp in violet alongside. The 'President Grant' was the vessel which run on August 28, 1920 the 35th and final travel to bring the last troups and the post office back to Europe. Signed Franek.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 996 Czechoslovakia
Czechoslovak Legion in Russia 1920: Stationery postcard 5 on 6 c. of Ceylon with add. franking of Lion issue type II, written in Colombo on April 4, 1920 and sent to Brno, tied by "POLNI POSTA / CESKOSLOVENSKE VOJSKO NA RUSSI / POSTE MILITAIRE" handstamp. An item posted on the way back home from Vladivostok via Hong Kong, Singapore, Colombo, Aden and Port Said to Trieste, maybe a unique combination franking. Signed Kwasnicka.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 997 Czechoslovakia
Czechoslovak Legion in Russia 1920: Japanese picture postcard of Nagasaki with Lion issue, written on March 26 (1920) and sent to Nove Mesto, forwarded to Smecna, tied by Japanese Postage Due handstamp, "CESKOSLOVENSKE VOJSKO / Polni Posta clz 9" handstamp on label alongside, tied by an illisible datestamp. Upon arrival in Czechoslovakia a Postage Due stamp was added, but annulled by red crayon, in addition in Smecna a "Postovni a telegrafni urad / SMECNO" handstamp in violet was added.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 998 Czechoslovakia
Czechoslovak Legion in Russia 1920: Cover to Pardubice, franked by Lion issue 1 rub. blue & red, tied by "POLNI POSTA / CESKOSLOVENSKE VOJSKO NA RUSSI / POSTE MILITAIRE" handstamp, one line cyrillic "Dojstvuyuscaya Chesko-Slovakaya Armiya" in violet alongside, reverse with arrival "PARDUBICE 1 C.S.R. 20 VII.20.VII" cds.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 999 Czechoslovakia
Czechoslovak Legion in Russia 1920: Czech formular postcard, written in Verkhneudinsk, today Ulan-Ude in Siberian Burjatia on March 15, 1920 and sent to Lobech nearby Melnik, franked with strip of three Russian Imperial Arms definitives 50 kop. violet & green, tied by "POLNI POSTA CESKOSLOVENSKYCH VOJSKO" handstamp, add. handstamp of the third division alongside. Signed Kwasnicka.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not sold
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