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Lot# : 1600 Russia Zemstvo
1872/1914ca: Selection 100 primarily unused zemstvo stamps incl. Bronnytzy Chuchin no. 1 in block of four, Nolinsk no. 4, Okhansk no. 5 in block of four, Sarapul nos. 1-3 unused and no. 5 used, Syzran no. 1, Yelets no. 1, Zienkov no. 5, Chembary no. 4 in a compl. sheet of 91 stamps showing the distribution of the six different types, and Pskov Chuchin no. 9 in part sheet with tête-bêches included, Chuchin booklet in addition.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 4,400 CHFLot# : 1601 Russian Levant
1866: 2 pia blue & rose, a fine and fresh example with large regular margins all round and good colour, tied upon arrival by light mute lozenge in blue (Tchilinghirian fig 6) to entire from Odessa to Constantinople, reverse with "ROPiT KONSTANTIOP. AGENT. 1 FEB 68" cds in blue (Tchilinghirian fig. 8). Signed Sorani.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 1602 Russian Levant
1907: 4 + 4 kop. green on buff postal stationery reply card, used example to to Milan, cancelled by two strikes of ROPiT / SAMSOUN datestamps (Feb 19) in violet (Tchilinghirian fig.130). Reply half attached and faint Postman's delivery number handstamp on reverse.Starting bid : 75 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1603 Russian Levant
Mount Athos 1909/10: 5 pa. on 1 kop. orange, 10 pa. on 2 k. green, 20 pa. on 4 k. carmine and 1 pi. on 10 k. blue, all used on 1910 cover to Russia tied by two strikes of ROPiT / MT. ATHOS datestamps (March 21) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 184) with further strike on reverse. File fold away from the adhesives but a very rare issue on letter. Cert. Sorani (1981).Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1604 Russian Levant
1868/1914: Collection 70 used stamps and pieces presenting the diff. postmarks of Jaffa, Haifa and Jerusalem with part strikes of the first framed "JAFFA / P.P." in blue (Tchilinghirian fig. 234), 'Jaffa' ovpt. definitive issue used/unused in compl. sets, Haifa cds in violet on piece of parcel card with combined 10 pia, 1 pia. and 2 pia. franking, anniversary set with Jerusalem ovpt showing variety '7 piastres' ovpt missing.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 170 CHFLot# : 1605 Russian Levant
1902/14: Lot 22 covers, postcards and stationery from the Russian PO's in Constantinople, Salonico, Smyrna, Yaffa, Beirut, Jerusalem incl. a 1907 cover from Beirut to the administration of the Hejaz railway in Haifa and a very late three colour franking in June 1914 from Smyrna, in addition two postage free items and four picture postcards during the Russo-Japanese war in 1905.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 1606 Russian Levant
Russian Levant 1868/1914: Lot hundreds stamps used/unused, partially in multitude, incl. pre-UPU definitives, 1909 ROPiT anniversary set up to 70 pia., overprints with city names, Romanov set, cancellation interest with oval and violet datestamps, Egyptian retta, in addition some 1919 ROPiT bogus issues.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 340 CHFLot# : 1607 Russia
Civil War issues 1919: 'Edinaya Rossiya' or so called Denikin issue 70 kop. slate imperf., two examples tied by "PYATIGORSK TERSK 28.9.19" cds to reverse of registered cover, sent to Odessa with arrival cds (17.10.1919) alongside. Correct 140 kop. registration rate in force from July 1919 in the areas under White control.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1608 Russia
Civil War Issues, Far East Republic 1921 (May 8): Picture postcard from Vladivostok to Rakvere in Independent Estonia, franked by 1921 Double-headed Eagle definitive 4 kop. red tied by Vladovostok cds to picture side, address side with Rakvere arrival cds (June 26).Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1609 Soviet Union
1930/39: Selection 58 used/unused Airmail stamps incl. 1930 dirigible 'Graf Zeppelin' in Moscow, 1931 Zeps and Polar Airmail, 1933 Stratosphere balloon, 1934 Zeps and Balloon heros. Mi = € 1'280 following the consignor.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1610 Soviet Union
1961/91: Lot dozens of unmounted og souvernir sheets, incl. Gagarin Vostock Flight, 6 kop. in miniature sheet of 5 x 3 stamps with the small crack in the blue printing between '1961' and 'L' of 'CHELOVEK' on pos. 15 of the ms (Standard Catalogue MSheet 2469 II = € 25'000 / Lyapin 2504 var), 1987 Icebear compl. set of four values in miniature sheets, and 1988 Olympic Games Calgary, compl. set of five values in miniature sheets.Starting bid : 3,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1611 Soviet Union
1920/50ca.: Lot 45 cover and cards incl. inflation frankings, 1930s propaganda stationery postcards incl. 'Travel on the Volga', propaganda labels on cover, Esperanto-related covers, bilingual datestamps, items sent directly before the war, and 1941 stationery from Vilnius, in addition German occupation Latvia and Pernau as well as 15 items from the Baltic area, Ukraine and Georgia.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 460 CHFLot# : 1612 Soviet Union
1923/29: Selection of twelve covers in mixed condition with frankings on different advertisement labels incl. CUIR DE l'URSS, VIGONEBII TREST, PROMBANK, NEWA matchboxes, ELEKTROTEKHHNICHESKIJ TREST, SOVTORG FLOT, KRASNIJ PROLETARIJ printing house, TOCHNOI MEKHANIKI, KRIMTABAK, AVTOPROMTORG and two covers, each with two labels of GUM and TABAKTREST UKRAINIJ, in addition six detached used labels.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,300 CHFLot# : 1613 Russia
1933: Stamp Exhibition, Leningrad, the overprinted set of two values, 30 k. on 15 k. black-brown and 70 k. on 35 k. ultramarine, each on individual unaddressed official cards, cancelled by special cancellation "20-3-33" of thew First day of Issue in red. Scarce Mi = € 1'000.Starting bid : 180 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 1614 Russia
1860/1965: Lot hundreds stamps used unused incl. Imperial definitives in multitude, Romanov issue with cancellation interest, charity vignettes, USSR 1930s commemorative sets, in addition Imperial 1913 consular revenue stamps, some Hungary, Bulgaria, Danzig, Poland local issues, Corpo Polacco during WWII, and China with1978 Horse commemorative issue, in a big box.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 1,400 CHFLot# : 1615 Russia
1900/50ca.: Lot 150 revenue stamps, vignettes and charity labels incl. local expositions such as 1879 Riga, 1910 Ekateterinoslav South Russia Fair, 1910 Odessa Fair, 1911 Omsk, 1912 St. Petersburg photographic exposition, 1913 Kiev, WWI war bond advertisement, Red Cross, 1923 Airmail charity labels, MODVF and Samara, and Russian and Ukrainian diaspora labels in addition three items with vignettes.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 950 CHFLot# : 1616 Russia
1908/40: Lot 55 unused sheets and some part sheets in very good shape showing complete margins with printrun numbers or for some of the USSR definitive sheets with the Fischer machine numbers, a fine lot including sheets from Imperial, RSFSR and USSR times but also Ukraine Trident ovpts, Denikin and Southern Russia.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 1617 Russia
1923/84c.: Collection (many hundreds) well arranged with range of Workers / Peasants and definitive issues though to 1960's, unused or used, and a second album with Commemorative issues from 1960 onwards, this last mainly unused with full sets and thematic interest, together with a volume of Miniature Sheets with some useful duplication.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 1618 Russia
1869/1970: Lot ten covers and part covers, incl. German Fieldpost cover 1915 with usage of 1875 definitive 2 kop. black & rose, tied by "K. P. Feldpoststation Nr. 173" cds, French commemorative stationery postcard for the 1896 Paris visit of czar Nicolas, Russian WWI Fieldpost and 1924 cover with 'Forces of the Revolution' multiples' franking.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 1619 Russia
Lot# : 1620 Russia
1875/1901: Lot 17 value covers from all over Russia to the Administration of the Mount Athos monasteries in Odessa, not franked as value letters could not be franked up to 1904, showing a large variety of provenance cds's incl. Simbirsk, Batraki Simbirsk gub. in violet, Shadrinsk Kurgan oblast, Kiknurskaya horse carriage station in Vyatka gub, Grushevsskaya Don Oblast, and Nikolayevsk Samara gubernia.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 1621 Russia
1865/1918: Lot 96 covers and postcards incl. 1867 double rate cover Odessa to Constantinople with pairs of 30 & 10 kop., 1882 ingoing taxed cover from Switzerland to Batum showing four diff. Russian TPO cds's on reverse, 1895 stationery postcard written in Samarkand and despatched in Baku to Switzerland, 1899 registered cover with privisional label from St. Petersburg to the Russian ambassador in Berlin, early Red Cross charity postcards, registered items, picture postcards from the Russian invasion in Persia and eastern Anatolia during WWI, Turkish POW's in Russia, several items with emphasis on Central Asia and Transcaucasia as well as covers going to diff. parts of the Ottoman Empire incl. a 1855 entire during the Crimean War from Odessa via Vienna to Constantinople, in addition a selection of stamps with Imperial numeral cancellations from Georgia and Azerbaijan and six pieces with cancellations of the Transsiberian railway from the Amur region as well as eight items from Bulgaria and Serbia.Starting bid : 700 CHFHammer price : 1,600 CHFLot# : 1622 Batum
1919 (Nov 20): British Occupation 5 r. brown on buff, a used example on 1920 cover to Constantinople, tied by "Batum" cyrillic datestamp in black (March 14) with repeated strike at left. Pencil 'T' on front and reverse, flap missing, with Scutari, Constantinople arrival cds's. Age spots and small envelope faults but an extremely rare issue on commercial letter.rnrnProvenance: Collection Milo D. Rowell, RL, London, 28 Oct 1992, lot 5.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 1623 Mongolei
Lot# : 1624 Mongolei
Lot# : 1625 Mongolei
Lot# : 1626 Mongolei
Lot# : 1627 Mongolei
Lot# : 1628 Mongolei
Lot# : 1629 Mongolei
Lot# : 1630 Mongolei
Lot# : 1631 Mongolei
Lot# : 1632 Mongolei
Lot# : 1633 Mongolei
Lot# : 1634 Mongolei
Lot# : 1635 Serbia
Lot# : 1636 Serbia
1866/69: Small selection of better values used/unused, incl. 1866 Newpaper 1 pa. olive green on lilac rose unused, 1867 1 pa. green, perf. 9½, a fine unused block of four, fresh colour, large part og. with lower pair unmounted og., 1866 set of three used (Mi. 4x/6x) as well as 1869 Milan 10 pa. brown perf. 9 ½ used on 1871 magazine from Belgrade. A fine group.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1637 Serbia
1855/1880c.: Collection with fine range of largely different pre-stamp covers (36) from a variety of towns, mostly mailed prepaid, with straight line or circular dated despatch handstamps struck in black or blue; Austria 1850/54 9 kr. used on entire to Belgrade, Austria 1863 Arms issue frankings to Belgrade, 1867 2 kr. on covers to Pancsova and Temesvar and single on 1868 Newspaper used from Belgrade, Hungary 1871/74 first issue frankings to Pancsova with 2 kr. and 5 kr. used to Belgrade, Serbia adhesives off cover from 1866.1880 with some fine unused and used examples, Serbia Milan issue frankings with 20 pa. single usages (3), 40 pa. lilac on cover to Dresden, 1873 cover to Paris with 40 pa. and 50 pa. green (2), 1874 Great Britain 3 d. rose on cover to Pancsova, 1880 GB card to Belgrade etc. Generally fine, an unusual group and a fine basis for further expansion (109 items).Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 1638 Spain
1620 (May 9): Kingsletter signed 'Yo El Rey' by Felipe III King of Spain (1578-1621) written in his summer residence in Aranjuez to his ambassador in Venice, entire lettersheet with nearly complete papered wax seal (small worm whole at left). Fine.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 900 CHFLot# : 1639 Spain
1689 (Jan. 31): Kingsletter signed 'Yo El Rey' by Carlo II King of Spain (1661-1700), entire lettersheet with complete papered wax seal from Madrid to "A muy Padre Cardenal Coloredo mi mui charo y mui amado Amigo" (Leandro Colloredo, Congr. Orat.) staying in Venice during the papal conclave of 1689 convened after the death of Pope Innocent XI and led to the election of Pietro Vito Ottoboni as Pope Alexander VIII. Sensibly restored broken paperfold, just to be mentioned, otherwise a fine and delightful entire.rnStarting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1640 Spain
Lot# : 1641 Spain
1850: 6 cs. black, Plate II, a fine example with large margins all round, used on December 6, 1850 entire letter to Santiago, tied by "GALICIA / Puebla" handstamps in red and by araña handstamp in black. Choice and scarce entire. Cert. Comex (1989).Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1642 Spain
Lot# : 1643 Spain
1864 (Nov 24): Entire letter from Valencia to Lyon franked by 12 c. green on rose, fresh colour and good margins all round, tied by crisp French '2240' lozenge numeral of Marseilles with '5c' accountancy handstamp and framed PD, both in red alongside. Reverse with Marseilles transit and Lyon arrival cds's (27 Nov.). A most attractive shipmail cover with the Spanish definitive cancelled upon arrival in Marseilles.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1644 Spain
Carlist War 1873/76: Great Britain 3 d. rose (Gi 143) used on entire letter from London to care of Labadens & Co. in Ainhoa, Pyrennes, France tied by London EC duplex in black (Nov 10) with two oval 'PD' handstamps in red at left. Two arrival datestamps of Espelette cds (Nov 12 and 13) on reverse and then hand-carried across the border and sent on to Santesteban (Doneztebe) with Carlist Post March 1875 50 c. green imperforate applied over the British adhesive and cancelled in black. An extraordinary combination franking to cross the French border and Pyrennes and ensure arrival. Signed A. Roig.rnrnStarting bid : 2,200 CHFHammer price : 2,800 CHFLot# : 1645 Spain
Lots & Collections 1936/37: Small selection with 154 additional tax stamps for provinces and cities during the Spanish Civil War, showing Charity issues for various organisations, city mail, Red Cross and others, good condition, mounted on album pages.Starting bid : 75 CHFHammer price : 170 CHFLot# : 1646 Spain
1853/1975c.: Postal History selection with covers/cards (51) with 1853 entire from Puerto Rico to Paris, postcards from Fernando Poo or Rio de Oro (14), interesting WWII covers sent to Ireland with bilingual "Exempt from Censorship" handstamps, 1947 registered airmail cover from Andorra to Switzerland with unusual Spain / Andorra mixed franking from Santa Coloma.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 1647 Spain
1823/25: Correspondence of three entire letters from Spain to Dôle, France during the French intervention, incl. (M) / ARM.D'ESPAGNE (Madrid), (H) / ARM.D'ESPAGNE and D BIS / ARM.D'ESPAGNE (Madrid), all with the corresponding letters from Dole back to Spain. Fine and seldom seen.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1648 Spain
Spanish Colonies 1855/71: Small selection with 90 stamps used/unused representing Spanish Possessions in the Caribbean as Cuba and Puerto Rico, incl. some duplicats, on two large stockcards.Starting bid : 75 CHFHammer price : 75 CHFLot# : 1649 Sweden
1817 (June 19): Letter from Lübeck to Åbo, Finland, prepaid to Hamburg "fr Hbg" and the transit postage from Hamburg to Denmark to and through Sweden was marked in handwriting 1 Rdr 12 S (killing) banco, crisp GRISLEHAMN handstamp. Grisslehamn was an important exchange post office at the Åland route to Finland and received a handstamp already in 1816 (Straight line handstamp type 1), three years prior to any other post office apart from Stockholm.rnProvenance: Collection Kerst & Bertil Larrson, Köhler sale (Sept 2017), lot 6572.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 1650 Sweden
1844: Part paid lettersheet from Ronne to Stockholm, endorsed "franco Helsingborg", showing on front superb strike "OBETALT FR. DANNEMARK H:BORG 21 JULI 44", since the recipient was a governmental body, the postage due was included in the quarterly statement to the G.P.O.rnProvenance: Collection Kerst & Bertil Larrson, Köhler sale (Sept 2017), lot 6644.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 1651 Sweden
Incoming 1878 (June 26): Cover from St. Petersburg to Westervik, franked with Russian Imperial definitive 8 kop. grey & rose, tied upon arrival by "STOCKHOLM K.E. 30.6.1878" shipmail cds with framed FRAN RYSSLAND alongside. Adressee is the Comtesse Adelaide de Lewenhaupt (1820-1899).Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 1652 Sweden
1902 (Jan 29): Swiss stationery postcard 10 rp. red, sent to Stockholm, where the addressee could not be found after intensive search shown by a whole plethora of datestamps, finally framed OBESTÄLLBART handstamp in violet, bilingual label "Adressen ofullständig" and RETUR, returned to Zurich with arrival cds (Feb 6, 1902). An interesting item.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 100 CHFLot# : 1653 Sweden
1906 (Aug. 19): Stationery postcard 10 öre cancelled by crisp JONKÖPING datestamp and sent to Geneva, franked with add. Swiss definitive 10 rp. red, tied by "GENEVE 22 VIII 06" cds, the card redirected to Boston, text in Esperanto.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 120 CHFLot# : 1654 Sweden
Lot# : 1655 Sweden
1912: Semi official Airmail stamp (60 öre) violet in a complete sheet of 56 examples with full margins, the stamps with good centering and full gum, unmounted og., minute perf. separation in the margin, a desirable unit. Cert. Obermüller-Wilen (2017) Facit = SEK 44'800+.Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1656 Sweden
1937: Semi official Airmail stamp (60 öre) violet, ovpt. 'Silverjubiléet 1937 2', good centering and unmounted og. These stamps were not sold unused to the public but some examples were given away to dignatories and pilots. A rare Airmail stamp Cert. Obermüller-Wilen (2017) Facit gives no value in unused condition.Starting bid : 5,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1657 Sweden
1937: Semi official Airmail stamp (60 öre) violet, ovpt. 'Silverjubiléet 1937 2', good centering and unused with part og. These stamps were not sold unused to the public but some examples were given away to dignatories and pilots. A rare Airmail stamp Cert. Obermüller-Wilen (2017) Facit gives no value in unused condition.Starting bid : 5,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1658 Sweden
Lots & Collections 1855/1920: Collection several hundred stamps used/unused, mainly selected better single values incl. colour shades and pretty cancellations, also some Skilling banco 4 SK blue, locals for Stockholm City despatch as well as officials, good condition and housed on album pages and on stockcards.Starting bid : 7,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1659 Sweden
Lot# : 1660 Sweden
1862/89: Issue 'Small Lion over value', lot 35 selected items with colour shades and various cancellations, in addition five values 1889 with new value in surcharge, on a small stockcard owner's cat = € 1'340.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1661 Sweden
Catalogue# : 17A/26A1872: Issue 'Numerals and three Crowns', lot 70 stamps 3 Öre up to 1 Rd. showing colour shades and various cancellations, good to mixed condition, on two small stockcards.Starting bid : 700 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1662 Sweden
Catalogue# : 17B/2B6b1877: Issue 'Numerals and three Crowns' perf. 13 : 13½. lot 118 stamps 3 Öre up to1 Rd., showing colour shades and various cancellations, good to mixed condition and housed on three small stockcards.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1663 Sweden
Catalogue# : 54/1431902/21: Lot 270 mainly fine used stamps from various issues as 'Landstormen I-III', partly some duplication and mostly in good condition, nicely arranged on three small stockcards owner's cat = € 2'340.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1664 Sweden
Catalogue# : 144/1721924: '8th UPU Congres in Stockholm' and '50th. anniversary of the UPU', Lot 200 mainly fine used stamps, partly some heavy duplication but no compl. sets, on four small stockcards.Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1665 Turkey
Lot# : 1666 Turkey
1834 (Nov 26): Entire letter from Smyrna to Marseille via land route, struck with 'AT' and 'Turquie' entry markings in Austria, framed 'Autriche / Par / Huningue' entry marking and '11' in red. Reverse with very fine strike of two line "Rauchert vom Contumaz-Amt / von SEMLIN am 20.10ber. 1834" disinfection cachet in black with Semlin red wax seal alongside and Marseille arrival cds (Jan 1835) in black.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 180 CHFLot# : 1667 Turkey
1845: Entire letter from the Sardinian Consul in Tarsus to the Consul in Constantinople, rated 4 piastres, struck in transit with very fine "An canib i-posta Adana" negative seal handsstamp (Coles & Walker fig. 4) in blue. Superb and scarce internal Ship Mail.rnrnProvenance: Collection 'Cihangir', Corinphila sale 124, 26 Oct 2000, lot 6277.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1668 Turkey
Lot# : 1669 Turkey
Lot# : 1670 Turkey
Lot# : 1671 Turkey
Lot# : 1672 Turkey
Lot# : 1673 Turkey
Lot# : 1674 Turkey
1850c.: Entire letter to Bursa rated in manuscript at top 4 piastres, 30 paras (weight of 3 dirhems), struck with superb "An canib i-posta Manastir" negative seal handstamp (Coles & Walker fig. 81) in blue-black ink. Scarce so fine. Cert. Nakri (1998).Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1675 Turkey
Lot# : 1676 Turkey
Lot# : 1677 Turkey
Lot# : 1678 Turkey
Lot# : 1679 Turkey
1871/72: 20 pa. green, rough perf. 5-12 and vertically bisected 1 pi. yellow, perf. 13½, used on entire letter at 1 piastre rate, tied by unidentified triple boxed all arabic handstamps in black, believed to be from Manisa. An attractive and rare entire.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 1680 Turkey
1871/72: 20 pa. green and 2 pi. brick-red, rough perf. 5-11, used on reverse of cover to Serres tied by all arbic circular JANINA handstamps in black (Coles & Walker fig. 9). Obverse of cover with italic 'Consulate de France à Janina' in blue. Scarce and attractive cover. Signed Sorani.Starting bid : 125 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1681 Turkey
Lot# : 1682 Turkey
Lot# : 1683 Turkey
1884: 1 pi. blue used on 1886 cover to Palermo, Sicily beautifully tied by bold bilingual LEMNOS datestamp (May 4) in black (Coles & Walker fig. 20) with reverse showing Taranto and Palermos datestamps (May 12 and 13). Superb and rare. Signed Sorani.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 250 CHFLot# : 1684 Turkey
Crete 1885: 20 pa. rose-pink on buff postal stationery card from Lasithi to Candia cancelled by octagonal framed "Lassithi Lașid Yeniköy" handstamp (Coles & Walker fig. 10) struck well in black. "Candie / Turquie" datestamps (Dec 20) on obverse and reverse in blue. Rare and very fine: first recorded year of use of this handstamp.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,200 CHFLot# : 1685 Turkey
1892: 20 pa. claret, a horizontal pair used on 1895 registered cover from Aivali (Ayvalik) to Neuchâtel, Switzerland tied by rare barred "A" obliterator in black, with AIVALI / TURQUIE despatch cds at left (Dec 21), 'Constantinople-Galata / Departs' transit cds (Dec 25) and reverse with Neuchâtel arrival (Dec 29). Slightest of peripheral aging on perfs. but an exceptional cover. Cert. Nakri AIEP (2018).Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1686 Turkey
Lebanon 1896: Cover from Beskinta to USA franked by 1892 1 pi. grey-blue tied by bold strike of BESKINTA negative seal handstamp in black (As Coles & Walker fig. 79). Reverse with 'New York / Paid All' transit (April 15) in black and Fairfield arrival cds. A very rare cover from this remote hilltop village.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1687 Turkey
Lebanon 1901c.: 1 pi. blue on rose postal stationery envelope used from Baabda to Beirut cancelled by superb "Baabda Telegraf ve Postahane-i Baabda 1308" circular negative seal handstamp in black (Isfila = RRR) with 'Beyrouth' arrival cds on reverse. Extremely rare and very fine.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1688 Turkey
1909/11: 10 pa. green on postcard of Khan-el'-Ahmar with private Mission stamp on obverse, the adhesive tied by wonderful strike of oval framed "Jerusalem / Suc. Poste N. d. de France" handstamp (Coles & Walker fig. 35B) in violet (Pilgrim's hospice Notre Dame de France), with further perforated Charity label at left. Minor faults to card but an extraordinarily rare cancellation and very possibly the finest known example. Cert. Nakri AIEP (2018).Starting bid : 5,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1689 Turkey
Lebanon 1914: Cover to Alexandria, Egypt franked by 1914 1 pi. deep blue tied by octagonal EL-CHEVIR (BEYROUTH) datestamp (Aug 11) in black (Coles & Walker unlisted). Reverse with "Beyrouth / 7" cds and Mit-Bera arrival cds. A rarity.Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1690 Turkey
Lot# : 1691 Turkey
Syria 1916: German Feldpost card mailed to Berlin, franked by 1892 2 pi. pale orange optd six pointed star and crescent, tied by bold strike of bilingual HAMMAM datestamp in violet (Coles & Walker fig. 61), alongside Hatay Censor cachets in black. Rare.Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1692 Turkey
Saudi Arabia 1916c.: Postcard of Bab-Charki, Damascus franked on reverse with 1915 20 pa. rose and surcharged 20 pa. red tied by octagonal "MEDINE 1" datestamp in black (Coles & Walker fig. 44). Medine Military Censor cachet at base of card, counter-signed in blue ink. Rare.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1693 Turkey
1923: 20 pa. olive, 4½ pi. rose-red (2) and 7½ pi. blue used on front and back of registered 1924 cover to Poland in combination with Poland 1919 10 gr. green and Turkish Charity 1923 1 pi. brown, 2½ pi. violet (2) and 5 pi. carmine all tied by EXPOSITION / TURCO-POLONAISE datestamps in black (Oct 3) with three Poznan arrivals alongside. A few imperfections but a colourful and rare cover.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1694 Turkey
Lots & Collections 1587/1987c.: Collection of covers/cards (800+) and some ephemera, with 1587 entire letter from Salonica to Constantinople, 1801 disinfected entire from Cosp. to Hodimont, 1817 entire from Smyrna to Marseille, 1843 entire with Tirnovo negative seal in blue, 1855 Crimean War letter addressed to Omer Pasha, 1870c. cover from Telegraph Office in Scutari with ble seal, 1891 stampless registereed cover from Jerusalem, 1897 cover with 1892 1 pi. tied 'Volos', 1906 card with 'Baabda' (Lebanon) transit cds, 1912 cover with 1 pi. tied 'Serres' cds, correspondence to the Director of the Hejaz Railway (Gaudin), 1916 cover from the Ministry of War to Baghdad, 1916 cover to Mytilene with 'Cause de Guerre / Retour', destination mail with items to Finland, Indo China etc., range of WWII Airmail covers with Egyptian, Free French, German, Palestine and US Censors markings or seals, Internee cover, Parcel Cards, 1918 pink AR form, photographs, postal stationmery, postcards, and a vast range of more modern commercial mail, arranged in three small boxes and packed in a removal box.Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : 1,200 CHFLot# : 1695 Turkey
1787/1809: Covers/entire letters (3) with two early letters to Florence and Venice each with very fine strikes of circular NETTO DI FUORA E SPORCO DI DENTRO disinfection cachets in black and an unusual large part entire to Naples from Constantinople with "No. 9 / ARM D'ALLEMAGNE" struck in red for readdressing upon arrival. A scarce group.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1696 Turkey
Vilayet of Edirne / Andrinople 1899/1914: The small group of covers/cards (8), with 1899 20 pa. card cancelled by fine RUSTEM PASHA HANE-I POSTA SUBESI 1304' negative seal handstamp in black (C&W fig. 25), 1908 cover franked 1 pi. tied 'ANDRINOPLE / RUSTEM PACHA HANI' in black (C&W 26),1908 postcard franked 5 pa. tied by KIRK-KILISSE-1 datestamp in black (C&W fig. 86), 1911 20 pa. card cancelled SOFILOU cds1914 cover to USA franked 1914 1 pi. blue (2) tied Rodosto cds, 1914 20 pa. letter-card cancelled by MAYDOS cds in blue; also Vilayet of Yanya with 1905 piece cancelled Serakenuste negative seal in purple and 1909 1 pi. envelope cancelled Erguiri cds. A scarce group.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1697 Turkey
Vilayet of Edirne / Eastern Thrace The collection on leaves with covers/cards (12), with 1908 cover with 10 pa. green (2) and 20 pa. tied XANTHI bilingiual cds, 1909 cover at 1 pi. rate tied GUMULDJINA cds, 1913 cover at 1 pi. rate with bold strike of scarce MALGARA cds (C&W listed but not seen); 1913 colourful cover at 2 pi. rate sent registered to Germany cancelled DÉMIR-TACHE and further cover at 1 pi. rate, 1906-07 covers at 1 pi. rate (one franked 8 x 5 pa.) cancelled KIRK-KILISSÉ cds's, DÉDÉ ADGHADJ, 1914 1 pi. letter-card cancelled ANDRINOPLE/6 cds, delightful registered cover to Smyne cancelled ISKETCHÉ datestamps.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1698 Turkey
Vilayet of Kosova 1897/1912: The collection of postal stationery cards (12) with 1897 20 pa. card cancelled USKUB negative seal handstamp in black, 1901 and 1905 20 pa. cards (3) from Pristina (C&W fig. 113) to Uskub, 1906 and 1908 20 pa. cards (3) cancelled Komanova (C&W fig. 71), Enver Bey 1908 illustrated card with 20 pa. cancelled USKUB (GARE) cds in blue (C&W fig. 136) to Serbia, 1912 20 pa. card with fine KEUPRULU cds (C&W fig. 79); hgenerally fine, a scarce group.rnStarting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 1699 Turkey
Vilayet of Manastir 1864/1911: The collection of covers/cards (14), with 1864 and 1892 Telegraph forms with negative seal "Bureau Telegraphique / Monastir' negative seals in black and in blue, 1889 cover to USA with 1 pi. tied by 'Monastir / Turquie' cds, 1893 20 pa. card cancelled Monastir cds (C&W fig. 85), card with 11 para franking tied 'Monastir-2' cds's (C&W fig. 90) and others with 'Monastir-1', 'Monastir-3', 'Monastir-4' and 'Monastir-6' cds's, Official stampless cover, fault, with superb "Perye Kazasi" negative all arabic seal in black, 1907 20 pa. card cancelled OCHRI cds (C&W fig. 96) and 1911 cover with same cds in violet; generally fine, a scarce group.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not sold
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