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Lot# : 1200 France
1822/75: Covers (14) to a variety of destinations in Austria, Germany, Italy and Switzerland, with 1852 10 c., 40 c. and 80 c. on entire to Naples, range of 60 c. frankings to Austria and 80 c. rates to Italy, an unusual 1872 30 c. rate used in Paris. Condition varies but most fine.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1201 France
Ballon Monté 1870: Entire letters (4) with Laureated 20 c. tied by '2488' gros chiffres with Montmartre cds (Oct 6, 1870) to entire to Le Mans (Oct 18), Cérès 20 c. blue tied Paris Star '2' (Dec 21) on entire to Neuvy Le Roi (Dec 25), entire carried on the 'Newton' with Laureated 20 c. blue, fault, tied Paris Star (Dec 31) to Montpellier, another entire from Gare de Limoges dated Oct 8, 1870 addressed to Paris (entrée tentative), together with three unused Gazette Des Absents (Nos. 7, 8 and 31).Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 1202 France
1748/1978c.: Selection of covers (165+), with 1748 entire from Constantinople mailed via Vienna, struck with D'AUTRICHE and thence via Basel to Marseille, 1842 entire from Basse-Terre, 1848 entire from Cayenne, 1860 cover with 1852 20 c. and 80 c. tied by Anchor lozenge carried on the "Carmel" at double rate, 1863 cover with 1862 10 c. and 40 c. carried on the "Euphrate", 1909/10 cards (2) to Mopéa via Chinde, Nyasaland; WWII with interesting Censored correspondence to Dublin etc., together with a fine range of Military usages in Constantinople and the Levant. Generally fine, with much of interest to the diligent viewer.rnStarting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 1203 General Issues French Colonies
Colonies générales 1871/72: 40 c. orange (2), plus 1872 5 c. green and 15 c. brown, all tied by black lozenge SNG to outer letter sheet to London with cds "SENEGAL-ET-DEP St-LOUIS 23 MAI 76", framed black "P.D." and red London arrival mark (Jun 8) alongside. Small margin faults, but a very attractive three-colour presentation of the 1 fr. tariff one month before the French colonies joined the GPU. Cert. Behr (2010).Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 1204 General Issues French Colonies
1859/1866: Collection 410 stamps used/unused, mainly selected items in deep fresh colour, incl. postage dues, colour shades, various cancellations, pairs, gutter paris, strips of three, blocks of four, in addition seven covers and two part-covers, carefully mounted for exhibition purposes on album pages and the whole nicely arranged in a Ferrari album.Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : 2,200 CHFLot# : 1205 French Equatorial Africa
Afrique Equatoriale 1936/46: Small collection total 125 stamps used/unused, incl. some better values with surcharge, in addition 12 covers, partly censored and six of them addressed to Switzerland, mounted on album pages and arranged in a Ferrari album.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 1206 France
Chine 1875: Cérès 40 c orange, horizontal strip of three in deep fresh colour, nicely cancelled by two strikes of the dotted '5104' gros chiffres with "Shang-Hai - 3 Juil. 75" cds alongside framed PD in red, on small sized envelope via Marseille to Genève.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 250 CHFLot# : 1207 French Colonies
1904: Allegory 25 c. black on rosy paper bearing red surcharge 'Chine', cancelled "Tientsin-China - 14 AOUT 04 - Poste française', as single franking on small envelope with content addressed to Fresne-St. Mames/F, blue cachet militaire 'Reg. d'Infanterie de la Marine" as well as rare L1 black 'Voie Siberie', arrival postmark on reverse.Starting bid : 75 CHFHammer price : 75 CHFLot# : 1208 French Colonies
French Offices in China 1904: Indo-Chine group definitives 1 c. black and 4 c. lilac-brown ovpt. CHINE in mixed franking with 15 c. grey and 25 c. blue ovpt. YUNNANSEN, tied by "YUNNAN-FOU-CHINE 5 SEPT 05" with framed 'R' alongside on registered cover to Tonkin, reverse with Laokay, Hanoi and Sept-Pagodes transit cds (22 SEPT 05).Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 1209 French Colonies
Cilicie 1919/20: Collection with a few hundred stamps used/unused, issued under French administration or by the Arabian Government, incl. some better values, surcharges, airmails and plenty of duplicates, in good condition arranged in one album.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1210 French Colonies
Cote d'Ivoire 1904: Registered cover of the 'Cabinet du Lt Gouverneur' in Bingerville to Paris franked with 1892 25 c. black on rose and 1904 ovpt. definitives 0,05 on 30 c. and 0,10 on 75 c., each tied by "BINGERVILLE 22 AVRIL 04 COTE D'IVOIRE" cds in blue with octagonal 'R' registration handstamp aside, octagonal Loango Bordeaux shipmail TPO cds on font, reverse with Paris arrival cds (25 5 04).Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 1211 French Somalia
Lot# : 1212 Obock
French Somali Coast 1903: 5 c. black & blue green (2) used with Obock 1895 20 c. orange & brown-violet imperf. (2), tied to reverse of registered 1907 cover to Caiffa by Djibouti cds's (June 4), thence via French Paquebot to Port Said (June 11) with 'Caiffa / Syrie' arrival alongside (June 12). A fine cover.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 160 CHFLot# : 1213 French Somalia
1893/1902: Collection 155 mainly fine used stamps from 5 c. up to 50 Fr., incl. some bisects, partly on a small piece, in addition 31 covers, cards and picture postcards showing various and partly better frankings incl. some bisects, those sent to local destinations as well as despatched to France, Germany and Switzerland, furthermore two wrappers with complete Newspaper DJIBOUTI and a few duplicats, mostly in good condition, nicely arranged on album pages and presented in a Ferrari album, a rare offer collected over years.Starting bid : 3,000 CHFHammer price : 8,500 CHFLot# : 1214 Madagascar
Lot# : 1215 Madagascar
Lot# : 1216 Madagascar
Lot# : 1217 Madagascar
1890/93: Collection with 93 fine used stamps, incl. several better values, one block of four, two stamps showing inverted surcharge (certs. Roumet) as well as postage dues and two covers, partly some duplication, nicely arranged on album pages Yvert = € 10'000.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 1,900 CHFLot# : 1218 French Colonies
Lot# : 1219 French Indo China Local Issues
Indochine 1909 (Oct. 19): Registered cover franked with a plethora of French Indochina definitive issues, cancelled by "BENTHUY 19 OCT 09 ANNAM" datestamps, with octagonal "R" registration handstamp and octagonal "YOKOHAMA à MARSEILLE L. No. 1" shipmail datestamp alongside, reverse with Haiphong Tonkin transit and Bern arrival (Sept. 24, 1909) cds's. In addition piece with French Indochina stamps tied by "SAIGON COMMERCE 26 II 28" datestamps.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 1220 French Indo China Local Issues
French Indo-China 1914/51: The selection of covers/cards (50+) with range of different frankings incl. small WWII correspondences from Dalat / Annam to Bangkok and a correpondence to Zurich, Cambodia usages, fine range of postcard usages, various rates and routes with many colourful frankings etc. Condition varies but many fine, a good lot.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 1221 French Levant
Levant 1813 (March 18): Printed entire letter from Constantinople to Florence, Italy, struck with framed "P. PAYÉ." and "CONSTANTINOPLE" despatch handstamps in black of the French Post Office, heavily vinegar splashed and slitted for disinfection against Cholera. Arrival handstamp (April 17) on reverse of an extremly rare entire in outstanding condition for such an early entire.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 1222 French Levant
1852 (April 27): Entire letter from Meteline to Lyon, sent from the Consulate of the French Republic in Metelin with corresponding cachet alongside, framed "PAQUEBOTS DE LA MEDITERRANEE" in red and "SMYRNE 27 AVRIL 1852 (TURQUIE)" cds on front, reverse with Marseille transit and Lyon arrival cds's (May 8, 1852). Intersting item.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 1223 French Levant
1857 (June 13): Entire letter from Constantinople to Marseille struck with fine strike of Paquebot CAPITOLE datestamp in black (Salles fig. 763), with large cartridge 'Paquebots / De La / Mediterranée' in red and rated '10' décimes due upon receipt (June 22). Scarce and fine, the "Capitole" only made three Levant Line voyages in her ten year, 106 voyage career.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1224 France
1862: Empire 40 c. orange, a used horizontal pair on 1864 cover from Smyrna to Livorno, tied by Anchor lozenge of dots with Paquebot AMERIQUE datestamp (Salles fig. 753) at left in black. Framed 'Piroscafi / Postali / Francesi' also in black and arrival cds (Dec 2) on reverse. File folds well away from the adhesives but scarce. Signed Sorani.Starting bid : 80 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1225 French Levant
1865 (July 9): Entire letter from Aleppo to Marseille, struck on despatch with POSTE FRANCAISE / D'ALEP in blue, franked by France 1862 10 c. bistre and 40 c. orange tied by "5079" gros chiffres of Alexandrette in transit. Small cartridge 'Paquebots / De La / Mediterranée' in red and reverse with 'Beyrout / Syrie' transit and Marseille arrival cds (July 26). File fold well away from theadhesives, a fine entire.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1226 France
1869: Entire letter from Smyrna to Syros, Greece franked by France 1863/67 laureated 40 c. orange tied by dotted '5098' gros chiffres in black with "Smyrne / Turquie" despatch cds alongside (July 28). Handstruck "45 LEP" charge marking in black at right and the amount due collected with Greece 1862/67 consecutive printing 5 l. green and 40 l. rosy mauve on blued tied by "Syros / 67" cds in black. The entire with some creasing but scarce.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 1227 France
1870: Siège 40 c. orange overlapping 1870 Bordeaux 10 c. bistre, Report II, imperforate, in two vertical pairs, margins large to touched, used on 1872 entire letter from Smyrna to Marseille tied by dotted '5098' gros chiffres in black with "Smyrne / Turquie" despatch cds at right (Jan 5). Small cartridge 'Paquebots / De La / Mediterranee' in red above and framed PD in red. Reverse with Marseille arrival cds (Jan 12). A fine and very unusual franking.Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1228 France
1875: Stampless entire letter from Dardanelli to Genova, Italy struck on despatch with fine LES DARDANELLES / TURQUIE datestamp in black (Jan 27) with large "90" due marking adjacent. Taxed on arrival with Italy 1870 Postage Due 40 c. and 50 c. tied by "Genova" cds (Feb 5) in black. The addressee's name partially erased but a scarce and not unattractive entire.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1229 French Levant
1860/1914: Collection 50 used stamps and pieces presenting the diff. postmarks of Jaffa, Haifa and Jerusalem, incl. Jaffa Petit chiffre '3678' on Napoleon imperf. 10 c. bistre, Gros chiffrs '5089' in black or blue on the consecutive classic issues, "JAFFA SYRIE" dotted cds used after 1876, also usages on later Sage stamps such as 5 fr. violet, Jerusalem cds usages on French stamps and Levant definitives, in addition ten stamps used/unused from the Italian PO in Jerusalem.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 1230 French Levant
1851/1935: Maritime Mail covers/cards (13), with 1851/55 stampless entires to Marseille (one disinfected in Malta), 1868 cover with France 1862 40 c. orange tied by Anchor lozenge on underpaid cover to Rome with octagonal "Alexandrie / Paq. Fr. V. No.2" alongside, 1865 cover franked by 1862 10 c. (2) and 40 c. tied by Anchor lozenge with SINAI datestamp alongside, 1871 cover at 1 fr. 20 c., rate to Cairo etc.Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1231 Madagascar
Madagascar 1880ca.: Stampless cover directed to the Norwegian missionary R. L. Aas in Morondava at the westcoast of Madagascar, sent via the forwarding agent H & T Cubben in Durban Natal, South Africa. This cover was presumably sent with another cover.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1232 Madagascar
Lot# : 1233 Madagascar
Lot# : 1234 Madagascar
Lot# : 1235 Madagascar
1891: Local printing at Tamatave, Numeral design 5 c - 5 Fr., collection with three full ungummed sheets of ten stamps with values '5', '15' and '25', furthermore 21 fine used stamps up to 5 Fr. incl. two horizontal pairs and one block of four as well as a cover to Paris with one 25 c. in combination with two Allegories, a very rare offer in good condition, mounted on album pages Yvert = € 10'000++.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 1,500 CHFLot# : 1236 Madagascar
1896: New values surcharge in oval, lot nine selected stamps, all nicely cancelled and three of them joined by certificates Calves (1996) and Roumet (1985+1996), the lot also includes '25 c.' on 40 c brick-red in a horizontal gutter pair with Millesime '4', mounted on an album page Yvert = € 15'400+.Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : 4,400 CHFLot# : 1237 Madagascar
1915/17: Group of two covers to Switzerland incl. 1915 Tananarive 'Prisonniers de Guerre' cover to the Bureau International de la Paix in Bern with on reverse MADAGASCAR TANANARIVE - LE CHEF DE LA PROVINCE handstamp as well as 1917 Antsirabe censored cover to a stamp dealer in Luzern bearing on reverse 5 c. and 10 c. (2) with censor strip and handstamp.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1238 Madagascar
1884/1950: Collection some hundred mainly fine used stamps, starting with four different British Consular labels, issues by the French Post Office with surcharged values up to 5 Fr., stamps on piece, pairs, strips, blocs of four, plenty of philatelic 'made up bisects' on piece and on cover, few postage dues etc., in addition 35 cards and covers incl. military mail and better airmail items, also a 'Telegram envelope' from Majunga addressed to Marseille, two items joined by certificates, nicely arranged on album pages and presented in two Ferrari albums, a rare offer.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 3,200 CHFLot# : 1239 Morocco
Maroc 1928/33: Group of three wreck covers from Casablanca to Toulouse showing similar special cachets as 'CORRESPONDANCE AVION retardée et déteriorée pas suite de l'accident aérien survenue le .....' with handstamped date inserted, of which one used 15 Dec. 1928 in black and the other two items used on 9 May 1933 in violet. A fine and scarce trio Nierinck 281215 a + 350509 a = CHF 720.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1240 Madagascar
Lot# : 1241 Madagascar
Lot# : 1242 Madagascar
Lot# : 1243 Madagascar
Lot# : 1244 Madagascar
Lot# : 1245 Madagascar
Lot# : 1246 Madagascar
Lot# : 1247 Madagascar
Lot# : 1248 French Colonies
Nouvelle-Calédonie 1876 (March 27): Stampless cover from Nouméa to Bordeaux showing provisional cash payment handstamp "P.D. / AFFRANCH EN NUMERAIRE FAUTE DE TIMBRES COLONIAUX / Sce POSTES Nelles CALED", additional framed PD, Noumea cds and French entry cds (24 MAI 76) alongside, reverse with Paris - Bordeaux TPO and Bordeaux arrival cds's (24 MAI).Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1249 French Somalia
Obock 1892/94: Collection total 135 fine used stamps incl. some bisects from 1 c. up to 50 Fr., partly on small piece, in addition 20 covers, cards and picture postcards showing various frankings incl. biscets, those sent to local destinations as well as despatched to France, Switzerland and Brazil, the lot also includes a wrapper with complete newspaper DJIBOUTI (Journal Franco-Ethiopian) of Saturday November 16th 1901, mainly in good condition, nicely arranged on album pages and presented in a Ferrari album, a rare offer.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 4,600 CHFLot# : 1250 French Colonies
Lot# : 1251 France
Réunion 1849/50: Cérès 1 fr. carmine, horizontal pair with large to imperceptibly touched margins in a rich shade, used on 1852 double weight second sheet of entire letter from Paris endorsed 'voie de Suez' to a Police Lieutenant at St. Paul, Réunion. Carried by British Packet tied by 'grille sans fin' with Paris despatch cds (Nov 17) below and framed 'PD' in red at left. The letter was prepaid as far as Alexandria at the correct double rate of 2 francs, thence travelled overland via Suez to Calcutta and then by P&O Steamer via Galle (Ceylon) and Port Louis (Mauritius) to Réunion. Rare framed '2 F. 20' tax marking struck in black. Reverse with two strikes of 'St. Denis / Ile Bourbon' cds (Jan 10, 1853) in black and faint 'St. Paul / Ile Bourbon' datestamp struck in red on the same day. A magnificent and unique cover - to date no other covers are recorded with a first issue double rate taxed franking to Réunion. Cert. Von der Weid (1999).rnrnProvenance: Corinphila sale 111 (May 1999), lot 2599.Starting bid : 3,000 CHFHammer price : 3,000 CHFLot# : 1252 Reunion
Réunion 1846/68; Covers/entire letter (5) all addressed to France, with 1846 cover with fine PP in black and ST. PAUL / ILE BOURBON cds in red, 1847 entire with circular PP inblack and framed PF in red; 1862 mourning cover with ST. BENOIT / ILE DE REUNION cds in black, 1862 entire with ST. DENIS despatch cds in blue-green at double rate and an 1868 entire with pearled ST. DENIS despatch cds in blue.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1253 France
Rouad (Ile) 1916: Provisional ILE ROUAD surcharge in black on 5 c. green, 10 c. rose and 25 c. blue, tied to Military Flag card by "Ile Rouad / Postes Francaises" datestamps (23/4) in black. Addressee's name (a Lieutenant) deleted in ink but an extremely scarce issue on card or cover. Signed A. Diena, Sorani Maury = € 760 off cover.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1254 French Colonies
French Colonies, lots & collections, French North Africa 1821/1977: Selection of covers/cards (40+) with Algeria incl. 1839 entire from Oran with "Purifié / Toulon" oval, 1841 entire to Genova via Nice with "Alger / Algerie" cds, Nov 1844 cover sent unpaid with "Bone / Algerie" cds to France charged 25 décimes, 1845 entire to Wurttemberg charged '46' kreuzer; Morocco with small registered 1905 correspondence from Fez to Constantinople, 1943 cover to Ireland with "Exempt from Censorship" in violet, Tunisia with 1821 disinfected entire from Tunis to Marseille, 1864 entire with superb pearled "Tunis" cds.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 1255 French Colonies
French Occupation of German Togo and Kamerun 1915/24: Group four covers incl. 1915 Dahomey stamps used in Anecho Togo with German cds's and registration label, 1917 'CAMEROUN / Occupation Française' ovpt stamps used in Duala Cameroun with German registration label, 1921/24 Togo occupation issue used in Lomé and Anech, respectively, all sent registered to Europe.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 1256 French Colonies
1890/1960: Collection total 380 mainly fine used stamps starting with Forerunners (stamps from France used abroad), furthermore better single items and some full sets covering French Colonies and possessions in the Western Hemisphere as Guadeloupe, French Guyana, Martinique and Saint Pierre and Miquelon, the lot also includes ten covers incl. multicolour frankings and airmails, housed in a Ferrari album.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 900 CHFLot# : 1257 French Colonies
1890/1960: Collection total 240 mainly fine used stamps covering French Colonies and Post Offices in Asia, including China with offices in Canton, Mong-Tse, Packhoi, Tchong-King and Yunnan-Fou, furthermore Indo-China and a selection of French India as well as six covers, three of them addressed to Switzerland, housed in a Ferrari album.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHFLot# : 1258 French Colonies
1890/1960: Collection total 245 mainly fine used stamps covering French Colonies and possessions in Oceania as New Caledonia, New Hebrides, Oceania, Tahiti and Wallis and Futuna, incl. some better single items as well a a few full sets, furthermore cards (1) and covers (20) incl. airmails, most of them philatelic pop-ups addressed to Switzerland, nicely arranged in a Ferrari album.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 1,200 CHFLot# : 1259 French Colonies
1890/1960: Interesting selection some hundred mainly fine used stamps covering different French Colonies and post offices abroad incl. French Levant, Port Said, Ile Rouad, Vathy, Liban, Moheli, Madagascar, Maroc, Réunion, Syria, Tunisia and others, inbetween some better values as well as some covers incl. Military mail as 'Corps de Débarquement de Casablanca' or 'Points d'Appui de la Flotte Diego.Suarez' and others can be found, mainly in good condition, housed in a Ferrari album,Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,800 CHFLot# : 1260 French Colonies
1859/1910: Interesting old-time Collection of French offices abroad and colonies, hundreds primarily used stamps in mixed condition incl. Levant with usage of French Sage 5 fr. violet in Constantinople, Cavalla, Port Lagos, French Colonies general issues with Aigle, the 1 c. olive with Papete cds on piece, 1872 Napoleon 5 c. green postmarked in Saigon, Cérès, Sage und Groupe, postage due, in addition colonial issues from Anjouan, Benin, Dahomey, Diego-Suarez, Ivory Coast, French Guinea, French Congo, Gaboon, Madagascar, Morocco, Martinique, Réunion with Sage 40 c. showing variety: no accent on the overprint, Senegal, Somali Coast,Tahiti, Tunis, Zanzibar, French Guiana, Gouadeloupe, St. Pierre & Miquelon, Annam, Cochin, Indochina, French India, French Oceania, and New Caledonia.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,600 CHFLot# : 1261 French Colonies
1890/1960: Important collection with several hundred mainly fine used stamps covering French Colonies and possessions in Africa, noteworthy among others are Benin, French Congo, Gabun, Ivory Coast, Maroc, Niger, Réunion, Senegal and Togo. The collection includes better single stamps, full sets, some varieties, several covers incl. Airmails as well as a few postage dues and Military items, nicely arranged in four Ferrari albums.Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : 4,400 CHFLot# : 1262 French Colonies
1817/61: Colonial forerunners, lot 27 stampless envelopes sent to France, coming from French Guyana (Cayenne), French India (Pondicherry), Guadeloupe and Martinique, all items bearing various transit-postmarks in black or red, manuscript remarks, taxations etc., mainly in good condition, housed in a Ferrari album.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 1263 Greece
1841: Entire letter to Syra struck with superb "LARISSA" (Type I) circular handstamp in blue with framed "Greece / Via / Lamia" handstamp adjacent. Reverse with LAMIA (Type II) datestamp (May 28) in blue-black, Piraeus cds (Type II), Athens cds in blue (Type III) and Syra (Type II) arrival. Toasted for disinfected at Lamia in transit and rated '40+80 = 120" lepta due to pay. Some acid ink faults but rare Hellas = € 880.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 340 CHFLot# : 1264 Greece
Lot# : 1265 Greece
1853: Entire letter to Athens with superb strike of circular "IOANNINA" (Janina, Epirus, Type II) datestamp struck in greenish black ink (Oct 12). Reverse with Athens arrival cds (Oct 19) and rated at 60 lepta in manuscript. Fine and very rare Hellas = € 1'700.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 1266 Greece
1896: Olympic Games issue, the set of twelve values complete to 10 drachma, all used on the famous cover to the Spanish Vice Consul in Crete, posted on board Steamer and all tied by framed PLEINE MER handstamps in black. Small part of the back flap missing but with red wax seal of the Spanish Embassy in Athens. An astonishing cover - just three covers are known bearing the entire issue, this, the ex 'Akropolis', 'Zappeion' and 'Parigi' cover and the ex Bolaffi cover. Rare and extraordinary.rnrnProvenance: David Feldman, Zurich, Nov 3-8 1980, lot 9628.Starting bid : 8,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1267 Greece
1900 (Sept): 20 l. on Small Hermes 25 l. pale blue, imperforate, an unused block of four with large margins all round, lower pair variety "Overprint Omitted", fresh and very fine, large part og. with lower pair unmounted og. Scarce. Signed Orestis Vlastos Hellas 133e = € 480++.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 1268 Greece
1900 (Sept): 20 l. on Small Hermes 25 l. pale blue, imperforate, an unused block of eight, marginal from top of sheet with large margins all round, variety "Overprint Misplaced" and shifted upwards, fresh and very fine, large part og. with most unmounted og. Very scarce. Hellas 133f = € 800++.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 250 CHFLot# : 1269 Greece
1900 (Sept): 20 l. on 25 l. blue, a used imperforate strip of three from left of sheet, variety "Inverted Overprint" used on 1900 registered cover to Piraeus, tied by Athens datestamps (Dec 4) in black. Reverse with two Piraeus arrival datestamps. Trimmed at top but a rare variety and, indeed, issue on letter Hellas 133b.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 1270 Greece
1900 (Sept): 20 l. on Small Hermes 25 l. indigo, perf. 11½, an unused block of ten (5 x 2) of rich colour, positions 31-35 / 36-40, fresh and very fine, unmounted og. A very rare multiple Hellas 140+140a = € 450++/Mi = € 600+.rnProvenance: Collection Agyropoulos.Starting bid : 180 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 1271 Greece
Lot# : 1272 Greece
1900 (Sept): 20 l. on Small Hermes 25 l. ultramarine, perf. 11½, an unused block of six (3 x 2), marginal from base of sheet with watermark, of rich true colour, positions 242-244 / 247-249, fresh and very fine, unmounted og. A scarce multiple. Signed and cert. Orestis Vlastos Hellas 141+141a = € 450++/Mi = € 600+.rnStarting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 1273 Greece
1900 (Sept): 20 l. on Small Hermes 25 l. ultramarine, imperforate, an unused block of four of excellent true colour and freshness, large part og. with lower pair unmounted og. Scarce and very fine multiple. Signed Holcombe Hellas 135 = € 1'200+/Mi = € 360++.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 1274 Greece
1900 (Sept): 20 l. on Small Hermes 25 l. ultramarine, imperforate, an unused block of ten of excellent true colour and freshness, marginal at both sides (positions 11-15 /16-20), large part og. with six stamps unmounted og. Scarce and very fine multiple. Signed Holcombe Hellas 135 = € 2'400+/Mi = € 900++.Starting bid : 450 CHFHammer price : 480 CHFLot# : 1275 Greece
1900 (Sept): 1 dr. on Small Hermes 40 l. deep violet, perf. 11½, an unused pane of 50 (5 x 10), positions 51-55/ 96-100, showing additional vertical row of perfs. at left, Control handstamp at upper right corner, of remarkable freshness and colour, large part og. with most stamps unmounted og. Rare and splendid multiple Hellas 142 = € 1'000+/Mi = € 1'500+.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 380 CHFLot# : 1276 Greece
1900 (Sept): 1 dr. on Small Hermes 40 l. violet, perf. 13½, an unused block of ten (5 x 2), marginal from top of sheet, positions 1-5 / 6-10, fresh colour and superb unmounted og. Scarce and most attractive Hellas 145 = € 600+/Mi = € 420+.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 1277 Greece
1900 (Sept): 1 dr. on Small Hermes 40 l. violet, imperforate, an unused block of thirty (5 x 6) of excellent colour, with watermark and Control cachet in black at upper right; unmounted og. A scarce and most attractive multiple Hellas 136+136a/Mi = €750+.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 1278 Greece
1900 (Sept): Unissued 2 dr. on 40 l. violet, perf. 11½ on thick paper, an unused vertical pair, marginal from base of sheet, variety "Imperforate Between", fresh and fine, large part og. with lower stamp unmounted og. Hellas 144cd = € 680+.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 1279 Greece
1900 (Sept): Unissued 1 dr. on Small Hermes 40 l. deep violet (Athens printing), imperforate, an unused block of ten with watermark, marginal from top of sheet (positions 201-205 / 206-210), with large margins all round, fresh and very fine, full unmounted og. A very rare stamp in a multiple and possibly unique in a block of this size. Signed Agyropoulos Hellas 138+138a = € 2'500++/Mi = € 2'800+.rnProvenance: Collection Agyropoulos.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 1280 Greece
1900 (Sept): Unissued 2 dr. on Small Hermes 40 l. violet (Belgian printing), perf. 11½, an unused horizontal pair, variety 'Imperforate Between', fresh and very fine, superb og. Signed Orestis Vlastos Hellas 143a = € 1'360/Mi = € 1'100+.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 1281 Greece
1900 (Sept): Unissued 2 dr. on Small Hermes 40 l. violet (Belgian printing), perf. 11½, an unused block of four, positions 162-163 / 167-168, well centred and of fine colour, large part og. with lower pair unmounted og. Hellas 143 = € 2'300++/Mi = € 2'200+.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 1282 Greece
1900 (Sept): Unissued 1 dr. on Small Hermes 40 l. violet (Belgian printing), imperforate, an unused block of four with good even margins all round, fresh and very fine, large part og. with lower pair unmounted og. A very rare stamp in a multiple Hellas 137 = € 2'000++/Mi = € 2'200+.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 1283 Greece
1900 (Oct): 1 dr. on Large Hermes 40 l. yellowish-grey on blued paper, an unused block of four, marginal from top of sheet, positions 4-5 / 14-15, ample to large margins all round, fresh and fine, mounted in margin only, stamps unmounted og. Hellas 149 = € 400+/Mi = € 640+.Starting bid : 160 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 1284 Greece
1900 (Oct): 1 dr. on Large Hermes 40 l. yellowish-grey on blued paper, an unused block of four, marginal from left of sheet, positions 61-62 / 71-72, ample to large margins all round, fresh and fine, large part og. with lower pair unmounted og. Signed Holcombe Hellas 149 = € 400+/Mi = € 640+.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 1285 Italy
Greece 1912: Cover franked by Italy 1901 1 c. brown and 2 c. orange-brown in a horizontal pair, cancelled by bold strikes of bilingual 'LERYOS (ILE)' datestamps (May 12) in black with repeated strike alongside (Coles & Walker fig. 74). Philatelic but very rare.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1286 Greece
1930: 10 dr. brown-carmine & black, an unused corner marginal pair from lower right corner of the sheet, variety "Imperforate vertically between and imperf. between stamp and margin", diagonal row of perforations across, crease on left stamp that may have been the cause of this fine and appealing variety, large part og. Signed Holcombe who states 'unique'.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 250 CHFLot# : 1287 Greece
1861/62: Large Hermes Paris and First Athens printings, the plating study with Oct 1861 Paris 1 l. brown unused (3) and used (7) including a pair; 2 l. used (6); 5 l. green unused (6) including a pair and used (22) including four pairs and a strip of four; 10 l. orange unused and used (10); 20 l. blue on thin paper unused (3) and used (18) including a pair and a strip of three; 40 l. lilac on blued in an unused pair and used (10); 80 l. carmine unused (3) incl. a pair and used (8) incl. pair; First Athens printing from Nov 1861 with 5 l. green unused (6) and used (19); 10 l. orange used (2); 20 l. blue unused and used examples (18); 40 l. mauve used (2); First Athens fine printing 1 l. brown (shades) used (2); 2 l. straw on cream unused and used; 5 l. green unused pair and used (15); 10 l. orange on lightly blued unused and used (14); 20 l. blue unused and used (12); 40 l. rosy maube on blued used (4); controversial May 1862 printings with 1 l. unused (2) and a used pair, 2 l. fawn-bistre unused (5) incl. a block of four; 5 l. green unused (3) and used (5) incl. a block of four; 10 l. orange unused and used (2); 20 l. blue unused and used and 40 l. mauve on blued unused and used. Condition of necessity varies, but a remarkable study by an excellent philatelist and seldom encountered, viewing recommended.Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : 6,000 CHFLot# : 1288 Greece
1862/67: Large Hermes Consecutive Printings, the extraordinary Plating Study with 1 l. brown unused (7) incl. a block of four, used (10); 2 l. bistre-brown unused (20) incl. blocks and a perforated block of twenty one, 2 l. used (21) incl. multiples; 5 l. green unused (12) and used (75) incl. blocks of four (2) and six strips of three; 10 l. orange on blued unused (15) and used (120) incl. sixteen pairs and a block of four; 20 l. blue unused examples (22) and used (295), 40 l. mauve on blued unused (12) and used (63), 80 l. carmine unused (2) and used (94); and a study of Control Figure varieteis etc. A sensational volume with much for the apprentice or seasoned collector to enjoy, generally in fair to fine quality throughout and a simply marvellous lot.Starting bid : 5,000 CHFHammer price : 6,500 CHFLot# : 1289 Greece
1868/71: Athens and Cleaned Plates, the Plating Study collection, with 1 l. brown unused (13) and used (17) incl. a block of eight, 2 l. bistre unused (7) and used (6); 5 l. green used (36) incl. two strips of four, 10 l. orange unused (2) and used (82), 20 l. blue unused (2) and used (97); 40 l. lilac-mauve unused (3) and used (53); 80 l. ros-carmine unused (7) and used (30); 1870 1 l. red-brown unused (3) and used (2), 20 l. used (113); 1871/72 1 l. deep brown unused (12), 2 l. bistre unused (19) both these values with blocks, 5 l. green unused (2) and used (22) incl. two strips of four; 20 l. blue unused (3) and used (131); 40 l. bistre / salmon used (13). Another excellent lot, condition varies from fair to very fine with some outstanding stamps present.Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : 5,500 CHFLot# : 1290 Greece
1872/80: Large Hermes later printings, the superb Plating Study with 1 l. brown in a perforated unused block of eight unused and imperf. used (4), 2 l. straw on cream used block of six with faults, 5 l. green unused (8) incl. a pair, used (84) incl. nine pairs, three strips of three and two strips of four; 10 l. orange unused (5) and used (155) with twenty-six pairs, two strips of three and a range of Control Figure varieties; 20 l. blue unused (7) and used (114); 40 l. bistre on blue used (8); 40 l. dull mauve on blue unused (5) and used (28); 1876 Paris 30 l. brown used (5), 60 l. green unused and used (3), 1876 Athens 30 l. brown unused (8) and used (5), 60 l. green unused (2) and used (6); 1875/80 cream paper 1 l. brown unused and used (2), 2 l. used block of four, 5 l. green unused (17) and used (32), 10 l. orange unused (23) and used (232) with multiples; 20 l. blue (shades) unused (21) and used (150), 40 l. bistre unused (7) and used (4) with multiples and CF varieties throughout. A phenomenal collection by an acknowledged expert in the field. Viewing is heartily recommended.Starting bid : 3,500 CHFHammer price : 5,500 CHFLot# : 1291 Greece
1862/80: Large Hermes Head covers (15) with 1862 entire with fine print 20 l., 1864 four colour franking at 132 lepta rate to France bearing 2 l., 10 l., 40 l. and 80 l. from Athens via Marseille; 1866 entire from Vonitsa to Trieste with 5 l., 10 l. and 3x20 l. tied oily '53' numerals via Lefkas and Corfu; 1869 cover from Venice with 5 l., 20 l. and 40 l. tied by Corfu cds's on arrival, 1869 entire from Patras to Trieste with 5 l., 10 l. and 40 l.; 1870 20 l. blue (cleaned plate) with variety '02' for '20' used on cover from Corfu, 1872/76 5 l. and 20 l. used on 1872 cover tied Argostolian cds, 1874 cover with 5 l. green (4) ex Calamai to Syros etc. A most interesting selection.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHFLot# : 1292 Greece
1900: Collection with overprints on Small and Large Hermes Heads, with imperforate complete unused pane of fifty 20 l. on 25 l. deep blue, thereafter with unused singles and blocks, used block of ten and strips of four and five cancelled at Tripolis, 20 l. on 25 l. pale blue in an unused block of four with 'Overprint Double' (signed Vlastos), 20 l. on 25 l. indigo in unused blocks of four (2), 2 dr. on 40 l. (unissued) with two unused examples; 20 on 25 l. blue perf. 11½ in unused blocks of four, six and ten, imperf. between varieties, double and inverted opt. varieties, 1 dr. on 40 l. perf. 11½ in imperf. between unused block, unissued 2 dr. on 40 l. violet, perf. 11½ in an unused block of four, 1 dr. on 40 l. perf. 13½ in unused blocks (2); 2 dr. on 40 l. perf. 13½ in a complete pane of 50 mint, Oct 1900 25 l. on 40 l. in a mint pane of 50, Dec 1900 1 l. on 40 l. Large Hermes unused (10), 2 dr. on 5 l. with multiples and varieties; a couple of covers, condition generally fine, a lovely lot.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 3,600 CHFLot# : 1293 Greece
1923/40: Collection in a red album with June Revolution set of ten values unused incl. 2 dr. on 2 dr. in an unused block of four, the set of ten overprinted 'Specimen' in violet (unique - see Bendon page 68), Venizelos issue unused incl. blocks, overprinted issues on Crete with rare 10 l. on 20 l. blue-green in an unused block of four and unissued 5 l. on 5 dr. in an unused block of four, overprinted EΛΛAΣ on Crete sets and Postage Dues and the violet opt. 'Specimen' set of 40 values (see Bendon page 68), 1927 Landscapes 1 l. printed in sepia (unissued = € 400) and the set of 14 values to 25 dr. unused, 1927 Fabvier set unused (2), Navarino set unused, 1930 Portraits set of 18 unused and used, 1931/35 Landscapes issue unused with both printings of 15 and 25 dr. values unused; 1933 Marathon set of three unused and scarce 75 l. pair used; 1934 Stadium 8 d. blue unused (2), 1935 Monarchy set of five in blocks, 1939 Ionian set unused (2), Balkan Games sets (2) and in blocks of four and in full sheets of 50, some FDC's etc. Condition generally fine to very fine throughout.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 2,400 CHFLot# : 1294 Greece
1926/69: Collection with 1926 Airmail 3 d. block of four with blank space, 1947 War set of eight unused in blocks of four and a single set, 1951 St. Paul set unused, 1951 Reconstruction set unused, 1954 definitive set of twelve, NATO set and UNO sets unused, thereafter complete up to 1969, a fresh and generally fine lot housed in one album.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 360 CHFLot# : 1295 Greece
1861/1968: Selection with 210 large Hermes heads as well as 115 small Hermes heads, used and unused and showing stamps from various printers, colour shades and cancellations, furthermore Greek duplicats up to 1968 and some stamps from other countries, good condition and housed in one stockbook.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 1296 Greece
1861/1964: Old time collection with several hundred stamps used/unused, showing a wide range of large and small Hermes heads with colour shades, surcharges and cancellations, full set Olympic Games 1896 and 1900 overprints, Hermes set 1901, set Olympic Games 1906, semi official airmails 1926, Zeppelin set of 1933 and later airmail sets, postage-dues, Greek administration in Albania, Crete, Icarice, Epirus as well a a few dulicats, mainly in good condition and housed in one album.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 2,000 CHFLot# : 1297 Greece
1912/75c.: Collection of full sheets with 1912 Nisiotin set of three in sheets of 100, 1926 Sounio Airmail set in large blocks (50+ sets), 1926 Messolonghi 25 l. violet in a sheet of 100, extremely rare 1926 Airmail 2 dr., 3 dr. and 10 dr. in sheets of 25 (Mi = € 3'000); 1933 Airmail 20 dr. sheet of 100 with cto cancels, 1935 Airmail 10 dr., 50 dr. and 100 dr. in sheets of 50, 1960-1970's Europa sets in sheets of 50, 1969 Nato issue etc. together with Northern Epirus 1914 1 l., 2 l. (both shades), 3 l. and 20 l. violet in a sheet of 50, Thrace with 1920 overprinted sheets (one is inverted) and 2 l. red ET with double surcharge variety in sheet of 100 and an inverted opt. sheet; and scarce France Type Sage 1877/90 4 c. brown on straw, Type II, in large blocks unused (150 examples). A valuable group.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 1298 Greece
1898/35c.: Cards (33) incl. 1926 Airmail 2 dr. used on cards to Italy (5), 1929 registered postcard from Mykonos, further up-rated postal stationery cards to Italy etc.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1299 Greece
1829/1979c.: Selection of covers/cards (80+) with 1822 disinfected entire letter from Naphlion, 1841 entire from Athens to Trieste prepaid and disinfected with four further pre-stamp covers two showing 'Greece / Via / Lamia' cachet, Large Hermes head covers (3) incl. 30 l. brown from Thessaloniki, 1902 10 l. stationery card cancelled "Galicia / Of. Lloyd" cds, 1906 Olympic 25 l. blue on single rate cover to Haifa for the Hejaz Railway Officer and registered rate to same addressee carried at 50 l., range of fine Crete frankings incl. two French Occupation usages etc. Consition varies, an expansive and interesting lot.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHF
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