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Lot# : 1488 Romania
1831: Cover with complete red wax seal on reverse, struck with superb impression of straight line SILLISTRIYA handstamp struck in black. Recorded but not seen by Dobbin (63-3-04). Rastel punches of disinfection but displays well. Rare.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 1489 Romania
1845: Part of document, clearly dated above fine impression of circular negative seal with Cyrillic KARANTINA TURNU SEVERIN with date '1838' at base being the date the seal was made, struck in sepia ink (Kiriac fig. 153). Rare and fine, see Kiriac Dragomir 'Stampilografie Postala' pages 58-59 for further information.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 1490 Romania
1853/62: Cover from Karakulu struck with superb Cyrillic KARAKALU / APR 27 datestamp in green ink (Kiriac fig. 241). Exceptional strike and very scarce.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1491 Romania
1854: Entire letter from Giurgiu to Bucharest struck with superb Cyrillic GIURGIU / APR 14 datestamp in blue ink (Kiriac fig. 245). Exceptional strike with sender's Company cachet above in brown adding to the appeal of a scarce entire.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHFLot# : 1492 Romania
1855 (Feb 1): Entire letter with Military content from Bucharest to Vicenza struck with very fine "K.K.FELDPOST.AMT No.1" datestamp (Feb 4) on despatch in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 712). Reverse with Vienna transit cds, 'Bahnhof Laibach' cds and Vicenza (12/2) arrival. A fine and rare entire. Signed Vaccari.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 1493 Romania
1857: Receipt form handwritten on blue paper, manuscript dated February 10, 1857, struck at base with circular negative seal KASA BUKURESTI: DESP: KRAIOVA struck superbly in blue (Kiriac fig. 65) showing Eagle vignette above a four horse Post Coach. Rare.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 380 CHFLot# : 1494 Romania
1858: Cover originally mailed unpaid from Roman to Vaslui but missent, showing ROMAN / MOLDOVA cds (Dec 30) in blue, mailed via JASSY with blue cds (Jan 2) to Berlad in error. Returned to JASSY with further datestamp (Jan 7) in blue and re-sent there with another strike of the JASSY cds in blue (Jan 9). Despite the numerous attempts at delivery (detailed in manuscript) the Postage Due amount (40 parale) remained unchanged.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 160 CHFLot# : 1495 Romania
1860: Manuscript document on blue paper, struck at base with wonderful impression of circular POSTA GIURGIU negative handstamp in black, dated 1854 - the year the seal was made - showing Eagle vignette above a four horse Post Coach (Kiriac fig 68). Exceptional and very rare so fine.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 1496 Romania
1860: Letter-sheet dated 9 November in manuscript, struck at base with circular negative cachet showing National Arms dated 1858 at base, reading "PRINCIPATELE UNITE / Biuroul Telegrafic Hussi Moldovei" struck well in black. An unusual document: see Kiriac fig. 187 for an example from Tekutsch.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 120 CHFLot# : 1497 Romania
1861: Entire letter from Craiova to Bucharest struck on front with fine Cyrillic KRAIOVA / MAR 11 despatch in blue (Kiriac fig. 243) and unusually, BUCHARESTI / MAR 14 arrival in blue on obverse (fig. 237). Small acid ink fault at top but a rare example of a cover bearing two of these scarce cancellations.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 1498 Romania
1861: Registered cover from Bakeu to the Archivist of the Lyon Railway in Paris, prepaid on despatch and struck with superb strike of scarce Austrian P.O. BAKEU datestamp (4/9) in blue (Tchilinghirian fig. 721) with unrecorded RECOM above in same colour. Reverse with 'Jassy' cds in blue, Lemberg transit (7/9), Erquelines entry mark in blue and Paris arrival (12/9). Red CHARGÉ and Rate box on reverse - whilst prepaid at single rate, the letter weighed '8.70' grams and thus was double rate on arrrival in France and charged '25' décimes due. A most unusual cover.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 700 CHFLot# : 1499 Romania
1861: Entire letter from Targoviste to Bucharest struck with superb Cyrillic TARGOVISTE / APR 20 datestamp in blue (Kiriac fig. 254). Exceptional strike and very rare, the latest recorded usage.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 1500 Romania
1861: Registered cover from Jassy to Galatz bearing 480 ducats, struck on despatch with JASSY / MOLDOVA datestamp (June 24) in green (Kiriac fig. 293) and prepaid with framed oval "FRANCO / JASSY / 46 Lei" with figure in manuscript (fig. 1483) and italic RECEPISSE also in green.rn'Tekutsch / Moldiva' transit cds (25/6) in blue and faint 'Galatz / Moldova' arrival in red on flap. A very scarce cover.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 340 CHFLot# : 1501 Romania
1861: Cover, archive dated, from Calafat to Craiova struck with superb Cyrillic KALAFATU / DEC 8 datestamp in sepia ink (Kiriac fig. 240). Exceptional strike and very scarce.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1502 Romania
1862: Cover from Braila probably locally used, struck with latin two line dated handstamp BRAILA / JAN 12 in bright greenish blue (Kiriac fig. 236), used during the 'Cyrillic' cancellation period, recorded in use by Dragomir Kiriac between March 1861 and June 1862 only. Rare and very fine. Signed Heimbüchler.rnrnProvenance: Collection Moldavitza, Corinphila sale 125, Dec 2000, lot 1020.Starting bid : 175 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1503 Romania
1862: Entire letter from Ploesti to Galatz, accompanying a gold parcel, struck with rare latin PLOESCI / MAR. 13 datestamp in red (Kiriac fig. 249), BRAILA transit in watery pale blue ink at top, taxed on arrival in Galatz (March 16) with fair framed Galatz due marking "PORTO 58 LEI 10 PAR" with charge due (58 lei, 10 parale) in manuscript (Kiriac fig. C3). Heavy file fold but very rare.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 1504 Romania
1864: Stampless cover from Jassy to Tekutsch mailed with a packet containing 200 lei, struck on despatch with large part JASSY "Draperie" datestamp (Dec 16) in black (Kiriac fig. 329). Taxed on despatch in Jassy with superb strike of "LEI - PORTO - PAR" Postage Due marking (Kiraiac fig. C3) and rated '9 Lei, 20 parale' in manuscript. 'Tekutsch / Moldova' arrival cds (Dec 18) on reverse. Some file folds but opens well for display and extremely scarce.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 1505 Romania
1870: Entire letter to Bucharest sent unpaid, struck with PLOESTI / SERA datestamp (Aug 28) of despatch in blue (Kiriac fig. 478) and Ploesti "28" charge marking in same ink, struck on arrival with framaed "28 BANI" Postage Due marking in black (Kiriac fig. C56). Scarce and very fine, see Kiriac page 291 for a similar cover.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 190 CHFLot# : 1506 Romania
1880: Cover from Ploesti to Bucharest, sent unpaid with 'Ploesti' cds (Sept 24) and struck with four fine strikes of the framed "30 BANI" Postage Due handstamp struck in blue (Kiriac fig. 1659) with Bucuresci cds on reverse; together with a further taxed cover from Jassy to Bucharest struck with the framed "30 BANI" Due marking five times in black. Unusual covers.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 380 CHFLot# : 1507 Romania
Consular Mail 1850/60c.: Covers (5), with one used in Bucharest with circular illustrated "Agence et Consulat General De Prusses / Dans Les Principautes Unies de Moldavie et de Wallachie" in blue, cover with "Koeniglich Preussisches Consulat / Jassy" in black (2), cover with circular "Consulate de France / A Jassy" in blue and cover with oval "British Consulate / Agency Bottochan" in blue. An unusual group.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 1508 Romania
1869/75: Covers (2), both taxed, with 1869 entire letter sent unpaid from Vienna to Bucharest handstamped with framed "50 BANI" due marking on arrival in blue (Kiriac fig. 1664) and 1875 locally mailed cover within Bucharest with framed "NA" and handstamped "10 BANI" in black (fig. 1648). A scarce pair.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 170 CHFLot# : 1509 Romania
1855/56: Entire letters (2) and a cover, all struck with fair to fine strikes of Cyrillic FRANKO handstamps in black (ФPAHKO), an undated letter sheet and an 1855 entire each rated 1 lei 10 parale, the latter addressed to Jassy, the 1856 entire* written from Odessa also rated 1 lei 10 parale in manuscript at top, presumably carried by hand and mailed locally in Jassy. A scarce group.rnrn*Provenance: Collection Moldavitza, Corinphila sale 125, Dec 2000, lot 1013.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 1510 Romania
1862/70c.: Stampless covers/entire letters (14), all showing double ring datestamps with fancy scrolling at base, with examples incl. 1868 entire from Alexandria (Kiriac fig. 371), Budeu (fig. 369), 1863 Money Letter from Craiova (fig. 386), 1866 taxed Money Letter from Craiova with datestamp in blue, 1867 entire from Focsani (fig.391), Ploesti in blue, Rimnic-Sarat in blue, Tirgul-Jiului superb in blue (fig. 415), Tirgul-Neamtu in black, condition varies but some very fine entires.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 1511 Romania
1857/1865: Double Circle 'Moldova' datestamps, the selection of 20 covers/entire letters, with fine examples of usages from or to BERLAD (Kiriac fig. 272) with strikes in blue (including an entire dated January 1858 - eight months earlier than recorded in the Kiriac Dragomir listing) green and in red, FOKSCHANI in blue (fig. 275), FOLTITCHENI in black (fig. 276), GALATZ in black, blue (incl. one entire dated October 1857 two months earlier than the Kiriac listing) and in red (fig. 277), JASSY in blue and in red (fig. 279). Strikes generally fine, a scarce group.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 1512 Romania
1855/62: The collection with Cyrillic cancellations with some superb strikes of the CRAIOVA handstamp in blue (Kiriac fig. 243) incl. one on fine 1859 entire, KALATAFATU in black (fig. 240), SEVERINU handstamp in blue (fig. 252), SLATINA in blue (fig. 253), strikes vary but many very fine, a rare group.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 1513 Romania
1858 (March): 27 parale black on rose horizontally laid paper, a used example of distinct fine impression with ample to very large margins all round, tied to small piece to Roman by "Jassy / Moldova" datestamp (23/9) in red (Kiriac fig. 279) with "Roma / Moldova" datestamp (23/9) in blue at left (fig. 282). Tiny marginal repairs at top of stamp well away from the design. The piece would have paid the first Rayon tariff to Roman. Illustrated in Heimbüchler handbook I on pages 284, 285. A very rare stamp of magnificent appearance. Signed Champion, Holcombe. Cert. Heimbüchler (2019) Mi = € 15'000.rnProvenance: Van Dieten sale, 1982; Collection Jell, Loth sale, May 1982.Starting bid : 7,500 CHFHammer price : 9,500 CHFLot# : 1514 Romania
1858 (July): 54 pa. deep blue green on greenish laid paper, a used example with enormous margins all round, of superb colour and impression neatly cancelled by large part "Galatz / Moldova" datestamp (17/10) in blue - the last day of use of this issue in Galatz. Merest trace of thin in margin at base of absolutely no significance and not mentioned on certificate; one of the finest examples it has been the pleasure of this describer to handle. Illustrated in Heimbüchler Handbook I on page 327. A superlative example in the foremost quality and of wonderful appearance. Signed Kosack. Thier. Cert. Heimbüchler (2020) Mi = € 5'000.rnProvenance: Köhler documentation, 1928; Hamers, London, March 1991.Starting bid : 7,000 CHFHammer price : 11,000 CHFLot# : 1515 Romania
1858 (July): 54 pa. deep blue green on greenish laid paper, a used example hexagonally cut round with enormous margins, of superb rich colour and strong impression, used on 1858 entire letter written in Greek to Jassy, neatly cancelled by "Galatz / Moldova" datestamp (9/9) in blue: the latest recorded usage from Galatz. Tiny fleck of red ink in margin from the arrival ink pad - reverse with 'Jassy / Moldova' datestamp (11/9) of arrival in red. Illustrated in Heimbüchler Handbook I on page 319. File folds away from the adhesive, a magnificent example of this rare stamp on entire letter in premium quality. Signed R. Calves, A. Diena. Certs. Behr (1980), Heimbüchler (2010).rnProvenance: Collection René Berlingen; Corinphila sale 74, March 1987, lot 3690.Starting bid : 17,500 CHFHammer price : 32,000 CHFLot# : 1516 Romania
1858 (July): 108 parale blue on rose wove paper, an unused example with clear to ample margins all round, of good true colour, slight repaired thin spot on left horn of auroch but of fine appearance and an extremely rare stamp unused - just 20 examples are recorded by Fritz Heimbüchler, less than the 81 parale with 21 examples recorded and with a higher catalogue price. Illustrated in Heimbüchler on page 379. A very rare stamp. Cert. Heimbüchler (1989) Mi = € 32'000.Starting bid : 5,000 CHFHammer price : 9,000 CHFLot# : 1517 Romania
1858: 40 pa. blue on white wove paper, showing clear and rare "Double Print" of the entire design in an under-inked pale shade, used with a further 40 pa. blue without this rare variety, on 1860 double rate entire letter to Jassy, this latter example imperceptibly shaved at top, each tied by framed FRANCO / KAHUL handstamp (Kiriac fig. 314) with KAHUL / MOLDOVA circular datestamp (10/4) in blue-black adjacent (fig. 295). Reverse with 'Jassy / Moldova' cds in red (7/10). File fold well away from the adhesives, a rare and most unusual entire: in this combination no other letter recorded. Cert. Heimbüchler (2019).Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 10,500 CHFLot# : 1518 Romania
1858/61: 40 parale greenish blue on yellowish paper, printed in Jassy between 1860 and 1861, the complete mint sheet of 32 subjects (8 x 4) printed from one cliché only, (the sheet in Corinphila sale 179 being printed from two separate clichés) showing the central rows tête-bêche (and thus with eight vertical tête-bêche pairs), some creasing apparent but fresh and fine for this with large part typical yellowish-brown original gum. No more than two sheets existing in this shade, this being the finer of the two (the other being ex Rothschild & Cornelia). A rare and exceptional multiple. Illustrated in Edition d'Or on page 66 and in Handbook III. Signed Bühler; cert. Pfenninger (1969) and Heimbüchler (2010).rnProvenance: Collection 'Moldau', Corinphila sale 171, 9 Sept 2011, lot 6034.rnStarting bid : 15,000 CHFHammer price : 15,000 CHFLot# : 1519 Romania
Postal Fraud 1858: 40 pa. greenish-blue on thin white wove paper, two examples with large margins all round used on 1859 registered front of cover to Galatz, each previously cancelled by Cyrillic FRANKO handstamp in blue, cancelled again as Postal Fraud by BERLAD / MOLDOVA datestamps (23/10) in blue with additional strike above and RECEPISSE. Reverse with part 'Galatz / Moldova' arrival (24/10) in blue. Illustrated in Heimbüchler Handbook I on page 175, the sole recorded example with 'Franco' handstamps re-used and probably one of the items that came to the notice of the authorities (as the treatment of registered mail even nowadays requires more careful and diligent handling). The Postal Clerks at Botosani, Berlad and Roman were arrested on November 2, 1859 and sacked from their positions. The cover slighty soiled but of the greatest rarity.Starting bid : 12,500 CHFHammer price : 12,500 CHFLot# : 1520 Romania
1859 (July 25): The extraordinary registered cover to Waslui, sensibly opened for Exhibit display, franked on reverse for registration with Austria 1858 10 kr. brown (Mi. 14) tied by "Recommandirt / Wien" datestamp in red. The cover was prepaid to the border (note the "Franco" marking in red on front and the diagonal manuscript line denoting full pre-payment), with the postage paid in cash with manuscript "30 / 20" (kreuzers) and arriving at the Austrian Post Office in Jassy (30/7) with blue datestamp on reverse. The letter was transferred to the Moldavian Post Office for onward registered transmission to Waslui franked by 1858 40 pa. blue on bluish wove paper, horizontal pair with four margins tied by "Jassy / Moldova" datestamps (Kiriac fig. 279) in blue (19/7, Julian calendar). Upon arrival in Waslui a manuscript note was eventually applied by the Waslui postmaster: "D-sale kk. Katinna Rosseti nascuta Sturza, Soleshtiu" (Her Ladyship Katinna Rosetti, née Sturza, Soleshtiu). The village is located 15 kms from Waslui in which the Sturza / Rossetti's lived and had no Post Office at this date, thus both letters would have been picked up from Waslui by a family employee. The pair of this 40 pa. was likely applied on despatch in Vienna and accepted as full payment in Jassy as is proved by the second cover bearing the 80 pa. uncancelled. The item is matched with the (also unique) 1859 cover bearing Austria 1858 10 kr. brown (2) and 15 kr. blue mailed to Waslui in September cancelled in Vienna in red and bearing an uncancelled 1858 80 pa. red at right. A wonderful and unique pair of covers for the Postal History connisseur of both Austria and Romania. Illustrated in Heimbüchler I, page 143, Book III also on page 143 and Edition d'Or volume XII on page 72/73. Cert. Heimbüchler (2010).rnNote: The letters were sent from Vienna by Theodore Rosetti, Prime Minister of Romania from 1888-1889, whilst he was studying law in Vienna, to his mother "Madame Ecathérine Rosetti, née Sturdza", a relative of Helena Rosetti who married Prince Cuza. We are grateful for the help of Sorin Ianculescu for his assistance and further background information on the describing of these two covers.Starting bid : 50,000 CHFHammer price : 40,000 CHFLot# : 1521 Romania
1858 (Nov): 80 pa. vermilion, a used example in a rich shade with good margins all round, tied to small piece by oval framed FRANCO / VASLUI handstamp superbly struck in black (Kiriac fig. 321). A fine and scarce stamp. Signed Heimbüchler Mi = € 380.rnrnProvenance: Collection 'Cornelia', Corinphila sale 149, Feb 2007, lot 5027.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 1522 Romania
1858 (Nov): 80 pa. bright carmine, a used example in a bright shade with large margins all round, cancelled by oval framed FRANCO / JASSY handstamp struck in blue (Kiriac fig. 311). A fine and scarce stamp. Signed Heimbüchler Mi = € 380.Starting bid : 175 CHFHammer price : 480 CHFLot# : 1523 Romania
1858 (Nov): 80 pa. brick-red, a used example with large margins all round, tied to small piece by near complete BOTUSCHANI / MOLDOVA cds (2/1) - date inverted - in blue (Kiriac fig. 273). Negligible corner bend and iron spot well away from the design but scarce. Signed Heimbüchler Mi = € 380+.rnrnProvenance: Collection Moldavitza, Corinphila sale 125, Dec 2000, lot 1159.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 1524 Romania
1858 (Nov): 80 pa. carmine-red, a used example in a rich shade with large margins all round, cancelled by part FRANCO / GALATZ / No. 2 handstamp in black (Kiriac fig. 309). A very fine and scarce stamp. Signed Heimbüchler Mi = € 380.rnStarting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 1525 Romania
1858 (Nov): 80 pa. bright vermilion, a used example in a vivid shade with large margins all round, tied to small piece by oval framed FRANCO / JASSY handstamp struck in blue (Kiriac fig. 311). Lifted for checking and hinged back into place. A fine and scarce stamp. Signed Heimbüchler, Pfenninger Mi = € 380.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 460 CHFLot# : 1526 Romania
1858 (Nov): 80 pa. vermilion, a used example in a rich shade with good margins all round, tied to small piece by oval framed FRANCO / VASLUI handstamp struck in black (Kiriac fig. 321). A fine and scarce stamp. Signed Heimbüchler Mi = € 380.rnStarting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 1527 Romania
1858: 80 pa. bright red on thin yellowish wove paper, a used block of four with enormous margins all round, of fine fresh impression but for file folds between the stamps in margin only, neatly cancelled by two strikes of scarce framed FRANCO / FOLTICHENII handstamps in blue ink (Kiriac fig. 307). A truly wonderful piece, illustrated in the Heimbüchler handbook I on page 139. Exceptionally rare - a unique multiple of the 80 parale, being the only recorded used block. Cert. Pfenninger (1971), Heimbüchler (2019).rnProvenance: Collection Edouard Cohen, Lisbon.Starting bid : 15,000 CHFHammer price : 13,500 CHFLot# : 1528 Romania
1858 (Nov): 80 pa. vermilion on yellowish paper, a used example with large margins all round, tied to piece cancelled by oval framed FRANCO / JASSY handstamp struck in blue (Kiriac fig. 311), with 'Vaslui / Moldova' cds below (15/3) struck in black. A fine and scarce stamp. Signed Calves, Heimbüchler. Cert. RPSL (1972) Mi = € 380.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 1529 Romania
1858: 80 pa. red, a used example with good to large margins all round tied to 1860c. double rate cover to Jassy by very scarce circular KAHUL / MOLDOVA datestamp (Kiriac fig. 295) with repeated strike at right showing date "6/3" inserted in manuscript. Reverse with 'Jassy / Moldova' cds (11/3) in blue of arrival. Sold together with an 1859 entire letter showing KAHUL / MOLDOVA datestamp with date slug error (8/25) for '25/8' struck in black, and a registered front of cover endorsed '2 lei' for Late Fee with same datestamp again with the date error (9/30) and superb framed FRANCO / KAHUL (fig. 314) and RECEPISSE all in red (this cover illustrated in Heimbüchler handbook I on page 54). An exceptional and most attractive trio. All signed Heimbüchler.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 6,000 CHFLot# : 1530 Romania
1858: 80 pa. bright red on thin yellowish wove paper, a horizontal strip of three used on small piece in combination with 40 pa. greenish-blue in a horizontal pair, margins mostly clear of designs with the first 80 pa. just shaved at top, tied by three strikes of scarce framed FRANCO / FOLTICHENII handstamps in deep blue ink (Kiriac fig. 307). Exceptionally rare - a unique piece with multiples of both the 40 pa. and 80 pa.: 320 parale representing the largest franking recorded of the issue, and in superb quality for such an item. Illustrated in Heimbüchler handbook III on page 137. Cert. Heimbüchler (2019).Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : 9,500 CHFLot# : 1531 Romania
1862 (June/July): Handstruck 6 pa. vermilion on thin wove paper, an unused block of eight from the centre of the sheet showing two vertical tête-bêche pairs, central crease and some minor aging, fine large part og. Mi = € 800+.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 900 CHFLot# : 1532 Romania
1862 (June): Handstruck 30 pa. blue, used example with large margins all round, tied to small cover to Jassy by neat TEKUTSCH / MOLDOVA cds (20/11) with information strike alongside (Kiriac fig. 283), reverse with JASSY / MOLDOVA cds of receipt (in baton capitals) in black (fig. 288). A charming cover. Signed Drahn.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 1533 Romania
1865: Cuza 20 pa. red on thin blued wove paper, a fine unused horizontal pair, large margins all round, of fresh colour and full unmounted og. Rare thus. Signed Zoscsak Mi = € 800.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 460 CHFLot# : 1534 Romania
1865: Cuza 20 pa. red on thin blued wove paper, a fine unused block of four, large even margins on three sides, ample at lower right, of fresh colour and dried large part og. A rare multiple. Signed Zoscsak Mi = € 1'600.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHFLot# : 1535 Romania
1869: 10 b. blue and 15 b. vermilion, each with clear to large margins all round, the 15 b. with portion of adjoining stamp at base, used on 1869 entire letter from Jassy to Krosno (now Poland) tied by rare usage of the "Double Grill" obliterator in black (Kiriac fig. 364). "Jassy / Sera" datestamp (fig. 466) in black alongside framed 'P.D.', reverse with Czernowitiz transit (7/10) and Krosnop arrival cds (9/10). A charming and rare entire to a most unusual destination. Signed Heimbüchler.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 5,000 CHFLot# : 1536 Romania
1869: 10 b. blue and 15 b. vermilion, each with large margins all round, used on 1869 cover from Berlad to Vienna, Ephrussi correspondence, cancelled solely by framed FRANCO handstamp with BERLAD datestamp and framed 'P.D.' alongside all in blue (Kiriac fig. 373). Reverse with JIASSI transit (26/11) cds (fig. 400) in black and Vienna arrival cds. One side flap missing but a most attractive cover. Signed Heimbüchler.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 1537 Romania
1869: No Beard 15 b. bright red, a fine used example in combination with 1871 With Beard on 1872 cover from Bacau to Strasbourg, Alsace-Lorraine, each neatly tied by rare BACAU / POSTA Railway Station datestamps (29/2) in black (Kiriac fig. 1097) with framed 'P.D.' below. Revers with 'Itzcani' transit cds (March 2), 'Breslau / Kattowitz' TPO and fine 'Strassburg i. Elsass' arrival datestamp (March 6). Central file fold well away from the adhesives, a very rare destination (probably unique in the classic period) to the newly occupied Alsace and a most unusual mixed issue franking.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 4,800 CHFLot# : 1538 Romania
1869: 15 b. bright red, a used example with large margins all round, used on second page of entire letter to Vienna, tied by JASSY / SERA datestamp (25/10) in black (Kiriac fig. 468) with framed 'P.D.' alongside. Underpaid by 10 bani but apparently not checked upon arrival and no Postage Due charged, with flap showing 'Leopoldstadt / Wien' cds (1/11) of receipt. A most unusual cover.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 2,200 CHFLot# : 1539 Romania
1872: 10 b. blue, perf. 12½, a fine example (Transfer type 10) used on 1872 entire letter from Bucharest to Braila tied by 'Bucuresci' datestamp (March 22) with framed PD alongside in black. Braila arrival on reverse. Signed Heimbüchler.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 180 CHFLot# : 1540 Romania
1873 (Dec 8): Cover from Jassy to a lithography print house in Czernowitz in the Austrian Bukowina franked with 1872 Paris print 15 b. red brown, a fresh and fine example tied by “JASSY 8 DEC 73” cds with framed PD alongside, reverse with Czernowitz arrival cds. A rare usage in the local border regime between Romania and Austria of April 1869.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 1541 Romania
1872: Paris 50 b. rose on pale rose, a wonderful horizontal strip of ten, slight perf. separation in centre, all cancelled by large part 'Bucuresci' datestamps (Oct 3). A charming and very rare multiple Mi = € 500+.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1542 Romania
1902: Cover to the Headquarteres of the DDSG in Vienna franked by 25 b. blue tied by superb strike of illustrated SULINA - TULCEA Ship datestamp in black (June 10). Reverse with 'Galati' transit cds in black and Vienna arrival datestamp (June 14). Some minor aging on perfs. but scarce.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 170 CHFLot# : 1543 Romania
Maritime Mail 1907/35: Cards (5) with two bearing Egypt 1 m. brown each tied to viewside by ALEXANDRIA-CONSTANTA datestamps, 1907 postcard of Smyrna with stamp missing showing superb ALEXANDRIA-CONSTANTA cds to Braila, 1909 card with Romania 10 b. carmine tied by same datestamp used to Vienna, 1935 card with Egypt 5 m. chestnut (2) tied by 'Bir. Amb. / Maritima / Constanta' cds.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1544 Romania
1854: Austria 6 kr. brown used on 1855 entire letter from Orsova to Craiova, some peripheral aging, tied by neat 'Alt-Orsova' cds (15/5) in black, reverse with fine strike across flap of Military K.K. ÖST. F.P. KRAJOVA arrival datestamp (19/5) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 735). Scarce.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 170 CHFLot# : 1545 Romania
Austrian Occupation of Moldavia during the Crimean War 1854: Austria 9 kr. blue type III/b, a fresh example with good to large margins all round, cancelled by Fieldpost "K.K. ÖST. F. POST / GALATZ" cds (Müller 3440a = 2625 Punkte). Two corner folds and marginal nicks, but a good example of this extremely rare cancellation.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 1546 Romania
Austrian P.O.'s. 1854c.: Entire letter from Bucharest to Horb am Neckar, Württemberg, crossed to denote pre-payment, struck with fine BUKAREST / 6. APR. despatch handstamp with fine oval FRANCO alongside (Tchilinghirian fig. 710, 711). Reverse with Hermannstadt transit (April 10) and manuscript charge (6+9=15 kreuzers) over arrival.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 1547 Romania
Austrian P.O.'s 1857: Registered prepaid large part entire letter from Jassy to Paris with JASSY despatch cds and straight line FRANCO and RECOMANDIRT all in blue (Tchilinghirian figs. 754, 757, 760), disinfected with rastel punches, thence via Lemberg (14/9), Krakau (15/9) with datestamps on reverse in black. Valnes entry mark in blue (18/9) and CHARGÉ in red. A very scarce registered usage.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 1548 Romania
Incoming Mail 1860 (March 8): Entire letter written in Dombrovitza near Turnu Severin in Romania, posted at the Austrian PO of Alt-Osova and sent to Vienna, returned to Bucharest, franked by Austria 1858 15 kr. blue type II, tied by "ALT-ORSOVA 8/3" cds, reverse with Vienna arrival cds (11 - III) and final "BUKAREST 16/3" cds of the Austrian Consular PO (Tchilinghirian fig. 713), taxed upon arrival in Romania with '10' bani. The cover was directed to Prince Ghika, 'Serviteur' der Donaufürstenthümer in Wien, handschr. Vermerk 'abgereist nach Bukarest'. A very interesting cover from Romania to Romania, posted abroad and returned.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 1549 Romania
Austrian P.O.'s. 1839/62c.: The Postal History selection with covers/entire letters (12) with 1839 disinfected entire with single line JASSY to Genoa, 1862 entire from Braila to Galatz with private (and rare) framed FRANCO handstamp in blue used on Danube ship, 1860 entire with superb GALATZ cds in blue to Vienna and another with GALLATZ cds in blue on prepaid entires to Constantinople, entires to France with strikes BUKAREST cds's in black, entire to Vienna with JASSY datestamp in blue, 1858 entire from Manchester to Galatz etc.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 340 CHFLot# : 1550 Romania
Austrian P.O.'s 1845/66: Entire letters (3) and covers (2), with 1845 disinfected entire to Marseille struck with GALACZ straight line (Tchilinghirian fig. 740) in black, 1852 and 1854 covers with two line dated GALLATZ in black and in blue (fig. 741), 1866 cover to Germany sent registered with GALLATZ cds (fig. 743) and straight line FRANCO (fig. 746) and RECOMANDIRT in black, together with an undated slightly stained entire to Constantinople with oval "AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO / Galatz" in blue. A scarce group.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 1551 Romania
Austrian P.O.'s. 1853/58: Entire letters (2) to Marseille, earlier entire sent unpaid and struck with two line IBRAILA / APR. 4 handstamp (Tchilinghirian fig. 728) in black, disinfected with rastel punches with transits of Czernowitz, Krakau and Paris, charged '16' décimes; 1858 entire sent prepaid and struck with IBRAILA / 24 SET. and FRANCA in black (fig. 731), disinfected at Orsova with circular cachet thence via Erquelines and Paris to Marseille. A fine pair.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 170 CHFLot# : 1552 Romania
French Post Offices 1860: Entire letter from Galatz to Marseille struck with superb pearled GALATZ / MOLDAVIE datestamp (Sept 8) in blue, with framed PAQUEBOTS / DL LA / MEDITERRANÉE in red on front. Reverse with French P.O. in Constantinople cds (Sept 11) and Marseille arrival (Sept 19). Scarce and fine entire.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 1553 Romania
Greek Post Offices 1860: Entire letter from Braila to Syros, Greece struck with very fine IBRAILA / BΛAXIA circular datestamp (Type III) in green (April 6). Reverse with Syros arrival cds, rated '100' lepta due in red crayon manuscript. Rare Hellas = € 2'800.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,200 CHFLot# : 1554 Romania
Greek Post Office 1863: Cover from Braila to Athens struck on front with outstanding strike of Greek P.O. "IBRAILA / VLACHIA" datestamp of despatch in blue (Sept 14), addressed to Durutti in Athens and struck on reverse with Piraeus transit cds. Manuscript "110" lepta to pay in red crayon and franked by Large Hermes 1862/67 Consecutive Athens printing 10 lep. orange on bluish, 20 lep. blue and 80 lep carmine all tied by Athens datestamps (Sept 23). The stamps have been lifted for checking and now replaced in their original positions. Illustrated in Edition d'Or XII on page 156. A delightful and rare cover. Cert. Simmermacher (2013).Starting bid : 3,500 CHFHammer price : 5,000 CHFLot# : 1555 Romania
Incoming Mail 1867: Austria 5 kr. red, two examples tied to 1868 entire letter to Waslui, tied by 'Wien / Filliale' datestamps (19/10) in blue. Fine strike of IASSI datestamp (23/10) at right in blue (Kiriac fig. 400) and reverse with Czernowitz cds, Austrian P.O. in Jassy cds in blue, transferrred to Romania P.O. and thence to VASLUI with arrival (25/10) struck in black (fig. 420), charged '28' bani due in red manuscript. An unusual cover, together with Polish language 2 kr. yellow stationery card up-rated with 1867 3 kr. greeen used form Bolechow via Itykhany to Jassy.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 480 CHFLot# : 1556 Romania
Incoming Mail 1854/73: Entire letter prepaid from Manchester (Feb 7, 1854) to Galatz mailed via Ostend, Aachen and Vienna with Austrian P.O. GALLATZ / 27 FEB arrival in blue on reverse, and 1873 Printed Circular for a tea company franked by 1858 2 d. blue pl. 13 (Gi 47) used to Braila prepaid by the land route with 'Ploesci' transit (Jan 16) and 'Braila' thimble datestamps displaying well on reverse.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 1557 Romania
1852/61: Entire letters (3) all from London or Manchester to Galatz, with 1852 entire prepaid from Manchester 'via Ostend & Vienna' with backstamps of Krakau, Czernowitz and GALLATZ / 25 DEZ. arrival, 1857 entire with endorsement 'via Ostend, Vienna, Pesth par les bateaux à vapeur du Danube', prepaid and backstamped Pesth and 'Gallatz' cds (11/9); 1861 entire sent unpaid 'via Ostend' with Aachen, Hermannstadt and Gallatz cds's.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 2,000 CHFLot# : 1558 Romania
Incoming Mail 1877/75: France Cérès 80 c. carmine (Yvert 57) in a vertical pair used on 1875 double weight cover from Paris to Bucharest tied 'LP' lozenge of dots with 'Gare de Lyon' cds below (Feb 9) and red 'PD' at left. Reverse with'Bucuresti' arrival cds in black. A fresh and fine cover.Starting bid : 180 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 1559 Romania
Incoming Mail 1870: Alsace-Lorraine Occupation issue 20 c. in a horizontal pair used to Rimnicu Valcei, Romania cancelled by 'WANZENAU 16 11 70' cds's in black, reverse with Nagy-Szeben (Brasov) transit cds. Part of backflap missing and one additional 20 c. stamp lost in transit, the full prepayment was noted by handwritten 'P.D.' and 'fr'. An extraordinary destination for a cover from occupied Alsace.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 1,200 CHFLot# : 1560 Romania
Incoming Mail 1875: Finland 16 p. brown on buff postal stationery card used to Jassy, Romania cancelled by 'Finska Jernvagens Post Kupe Eyped.' datestamp (1/12) in black, mailed via the Russian border PO SKULYANI (6/12) with Jassy arrival (19/12) on reverse in black. An unusual destination.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 1561 Romania
Incoming Mail 1868: North German Postal District 1 sgr. carmine in a horizontal strip of three used to Jassy, Romania cancelled by framed 'AACHEN BAHNHOF 18 7' datestamp in black, reverse with arrival cds of the Austrian consular PO "JASSY 22/7" (Tchilinghirian fig. 757) in blue. As this PO abroad was closed on March 31, 1869, this cover must have been despatched in 1868, the cover front shows a weiter-franko in blue crayon of '1' silbergroschen. Some tear and wear, opened for display on three sides, an unusual destination for Aachen.rnThe addressee is Ioan Mire Melik or Melic (1840 – 1889), a Wallachian, later Romanian mathematician, educator and political figure, one of the early members of Junimea literary society. Known for his work in private education, and for his tenure at the University of Iași, he was the author of several early introductions to science, dealing with arithmetic and geometry, but also with topography and surveying.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 170 CHFLot# : 1562 Romania
Incoming Mail 1856/64: Cover from Piraeus to Galatz endorsed 'via Triest', prepaid with 'ΠEΔ' in red at top and struck with fine PIRAEUS datestamp of despatch in black (Dec 20j). Reverse confirming route with 'Hermannstadt' transit cds (Jan 20g) in black, one side flap missing but of fresh and fine appearance; together with small envelope sent unpaid from Athens (Jan 14j) to Craiova mailed via Temesvar (3/2g) and Alt-Orsova (4/2) with fair POST EXPE. / KRAIOWA in blue of arrival (Tchilinghirian fig. 734).Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 460 CHFLot# : 1563 Romania
1852: Papal States 6 baj. black on grey-green and large margined 7 b. black on blue (Sassone 7+8), used on 1853 entire letter to Bucharest, tied by Bologna datestamps in black (Oct 21) and crossed to denote full prepayment. Further 'Bologna' cds at left and manuscript "8/4" = 8 bajocchi for Austro-Italian rate and 4 bajocchi Foreign transit, thus 1 baj. overpaid for the 12 baj. rate introduced on October 1, 1852. Reverse with Austrian P.O. two line dated BUKAREST arrival in black. A fine and rare entire.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 2,000 CHFLot# : 1564 Romania
Incoming Mail 1872: Switzerland Sitting Helvetia 5 rp. brown and 30 rp. ultramarine used on envelope with full content to Tirgul Frumos, Romania cancelled by 'GENEVE 8 X 72 - 6' cds's in black, Swiss and Austrian PD alongside, '25' in red crayon showing the weiterfranko of 25 rp. of Switzerland and '3' in blue crayon that of 3 kr. from Austria to Romania, endorsed 'par Vienne et Chernowitz', reverse with Vienna and Itzcani transit and 'TIRGUL FRUMOS 18/10' arrival cds. The letter is directed to Elise Stourdza, a member of an old Romanian noble family.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 1565 Romania
Incoming Mail 1873: Switzerland Sitting Helvetia 5 rp. brown (2) and 25 rp. green used on envelope with full content to Jassy, Romania cancelled by 'GENEVE 3 II 73 - XI' cds's in black, Swiss PD alongside, '25' in red crayon showing the weiterfranko of 25 rp. from Switzerland and '3' in brown crayon that of 3 kr. from Austria to Romania, endorsed 'par Vienne et Chernowitz', reverse with Württemberg TPO and Vienna transit and 'IASSI 8/2' arrival cds. The letter belongs to the same correspondence to Elise Stourdza, a member of the Sturdza noble family.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 1566 Romania
Unfortunately this lot was withdrawn from this auction.Lot# : 1567 Romania
Incoming Mail 1854/61c.: Small group of covers/entire letters (10) with 1854 entire from Leipzig to Bucharest via Hermannstadt, 1856 entire from Liverpool sent unpaid to Galatz via Aachen, 1857 entire from London to Jassy, with Austrian P.O. arrival in blue, 1858 entire from London to Bucharest, 1861/62 entires from Manchester via Ostend and Pesth to Galatz with Austrian P.O. arrivals in blue, cover from Warsaw with red despatch cds and straight line POLOGNE in black to Jassy via Lemberg, cover from Loschwitz to Bucharest with "Unfrankirt" applied on despatch and charged with framed "50 BANI" due marking. An interesting and scarce group.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 1568 Romania
1865: Unadopted Essays (3) for the Cuza issue with 'Lion' embossed vignette with 'Posta Romana' at sides and 'Parale' at base, imperforate in turquoise, blue and in yellow; also Essays (2) for the Postal Stationery with six pointed Star design with central vignette of the Auroch, cut square examples in blue and in black, the latter with slight age stains. A scarce group.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 1569 Romania
1865: Unadopted Essays (3) for the Cuza issue (although some may say these were produced for the 1865/66 Maximilan issue of Mexico), with vignette of Crowned Eagle design and blank surrounds in Die Proof format on white wove paper, printed in green, red and brown; and 'stamp size' examples in shades of red (2), green (2), blue and in black. Condition varies on the singles but the 'Proof' Essays fine. Scarce group (9).Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 1570 Romania
1872: Essays by Hulot for the 'Paris' issue, sideface portrait with pointed beard, with 'Posta Romana' at top and 'Cinci Parale' duty plate, 19 examples in a variety of colours: red, brown (4), slate (3), shades of green (7), shades of blue (4); also four examples taken after the plate was defaced.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 1571 Romania
1872: Paris 5 b. blue on greyish pelure paper (issued in yellow-brown), a "Decoupage" Proof block of 27, sheet marginal from lower left corner (one Proof excised) and showing the elements of the process splendidily with each Proof showing cuts in between the stamps and top portions of the head-plate ready to aid the final printing process. A rare and most unusual large multiple.rnrnProvenance: Collection Dr. Paul Hirsch.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 1572 Romania
1872: Paris Proofs ex the "Decoupage" process, imperforate overlaid single examples of 1½ b. in blue & green, 3 b. in blue & pale brown, 10 (2) in brown, red-brown and blue; 15 b blue & red-brown; 25 b. (2) in orange & blue; 50 b. in emerald & blue; together with a 1½ b. block of four with 1½ b struck in brown overlaid in blue. A scarce and most attractive group (12 items).rnrnProvenance: Collection Dr. Paul Hirsch.Starting bid : 850 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 1573 Romania
1872 ( 1 Oct) King Carol Paris Print, fine impression, Hulot imperforate Proofs in issued colours on tinted paper - many but not all cancelled by pen strokes and all mostly unmounted og., the collection with 1½ b. olive green on bluish (13 examples) incl. a block of four and a block of six with oval 'Contrôle TP' handstamp in blue in margin; 3 b. green (18) incl. two corner blocks of six; 5 b. bistre (13) incl. corner blocks of four and six; 10 b. blue on white (32) incl. two blocks of four and two blocks of six (one of each not cancelled); 15 b. red-brown (26) incl. marginal block of six; 25 b. orange (26) incl. corner blocks of six and corner block of four; 80 b. rose (41) with oval 'Contrôle TP' handstamp in blue in margin on corner strip of three and a marginal block of nine and a remarkable block of twenty. A fine and scarce lot, seldom encountered in quantity.Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : 6,500 CHFLot# : 1574 Romania
1950c.: Essays for Postage Due issue, unadopted, with wording 'Posta Taxa de Plata' with one on tracing paper in pencil showing the head of Mercury / Hermes (190 x 220 mm. approx), similar design without wording exceept for '200 Leu' (250 x 210 mm.) again on tracing paper; third Essay on tracing paper somewhat obliterated for the side panel background, this last signed in red ink "Original, H(ubert) Wojty-Wimmer" (1901-1972) who was born in Radauti, Romania. A unique trio.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 340 CHFLot# : 1575 Romania
1858 (Nov): 40 pa. deep blue on thin white wove paper, two unused examples in differing (deep) shades, both with og., and a further unused example in greenish blue on yellowish toned paper, large part og. A few minor wrinkles on one but a scarce and appealing group Mi = € 620.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 340 CHFLot# : 1576 Romania
1858 (Nov): 40 pa. greenish blue, cut close all round used on small piece and 80 pa. vermilion on greyish paper, a huge margined example on piece (lifted for checking and hinged back into place), the former tied by framed FRANCO / TEKOUTCI struck in red, signed Heimbüchler, the latter tied by the same cancellation struck in blue (Kiriac fig. 320), signed Zoscsak. Fine and scarce Mi = € 600.rnrnrnStarting bid : 180 CHFHammer price : 950 CHFLot# : 1577 Romania
1858 (Nov): 40 pa. blue on white paper, a fine used example with near complete BERLAD / MOLDOVA cds in red (Kiriac fig. 272) and three further examples all in shades of greenish blue with single example and two further examples on pieces, all cancelled by framed FRANCO / BERLAD handstamps struck in blue (Kiriac fig. 302). A fine group. Signed Heimbüchler or Pfenninger Mi = € 880.rnStarting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 460 CHFLot# : 1578 Romania
1858 (Nov): 40 pa. blue used examples (3), with superb large margined example on blue paper cancelled by DOROHOJ / MOLDOVA cds (23/1) in blue (Kiriac fig. 274), 40 pa. blue on white paper cancelled by oval framed FRANCO / JASSY in red (fig. 311), and 40 pa. greenish blue on very thin greyish paper cancelled by FRANCO / VASLUI oval in black (fig. 321). A fine and scarce group, all signed Heimbüchler Mi = € 690+.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 900 CHFLot# : 1579 Romania
1858 (Nov): 80 pa. brick-red, used examples (2), each with good to large margins all round, each tied to small piece by large part FRANCO / DOROEHOI handstamps struck in blue (Kiriac fig. 305). Scarce. Signed Heimbüchler Mi = € 750+.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 1580 Romania
1862/64: Interesting selection of both Handstruck and Plate printed issues on leaves and loose, with Handstruck 3 pa. yellow used on piece with oval FRANCO / GALATZ / No. 2 handstamp in black, contemporary defect and signed Heimbüchler, 30 pa. blue horizontal pairs cancelled by FRANCO / DOROEHOI and another with FRANCO / BOTOSCHENI and usages on covers (3) etc. (29 items).Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 1581 Romania
1866 (Aug): 20 pa. black on rose red and 20 pa. on pale rose, two unused examples, both on very thick paper, clear to ample margins all round, the first example showing 'dot in spandrel' in the Greek border at right Mi = € 440.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 1582 Romania
1866: 20 pa. black on rose, a single example tied by grill on 1866 'Retour Recepisa' form (Posta No. 3) with fine TIRGUL-FRUMOS datestamp (Kiriac fig. 414) at left (Oct 15) in black; and a single example similarly tied on December 1866 entire letter from Ploesti to Braila. A scarce pair.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 1583 Romania
1869: 15 b. vermilion and 1868 3 b. violet, used examples on two small pieces and a cover, used in combination to pay the newly introduced 18 bani rate; the cover with 15 b. vermilion and 3 b. violet tied by framed RECOMANDAT handstamp of fine appearance but with reverse showing same franking but damaged on opening; the two pieces with similar mixed issue usages from Jassy and from Bucharest (signed Heimbüchler). Scarce and most attractive trio.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 1584 Romania
1862/72: The classic selection with 1862 handstruck 6 pa. red unused (2), 30 pa. blue on horizontally laid paper unused, 1868 values with duplication used, 1869 set of five to 50 b. used, 1871 5 b. pair unused and used, 10 b. yellow unused and used (6) incl. fine piece with full 'Rimnic Sârat' cds, 1872 Paris 25 b. orange on cover etc. Some fine stamps noted (96).Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 360 CHFLot# : 1585 Romania
1872/1930c.: Small group with 1872 10 b. blue strip of four used on piece, 1880 registered cover with Bucharest 25 b. blue pair used to Milan, 1895 registered covers from Jassy to Pistoia, 1896 10 b. red stationery card from 'Rim. Valvea' to Milan, France incoming cover to Giurgiu etc (16 items).Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 1586 Romania
1875/1982c.: Selection of covers/cards (50+), with 187 cover franked 25 b. orange cancelled by ISMAIL thimble cds in blue to Sulina, 1919 two covers with P.O. in Constantinople usages, 1910 card from Bucharest to Winterthur taxed on arrival, 1915 card Censored in Turkey, 1942 Bucovina Censored cover to Germany, Transnistria with 6 l. brown on card cancelled 'Odesa', similar usage franked 12 l. violet, and fine Express registered cover franked by 24 l. blue in a block of four from Odessa; an interesting assembly.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 1,200 CHFLot# : 1587 Romania
1850/1950: The balance of a collection with 1858 40 pa. blue used on piece (signed Heimbüchler), 1871 5 b. carmine used on 'Retour Recipisa' forms (4), 1880 25 b. blue used on 'Recepisse A Renvoyer' form from Bucharest, large and interesting range of stampless mail, 1860 cover from Craiova with fine Too Late "Dupa / Placare" handstamp in blue, 1860's covers sent registered from Kakul and Jassy, 1872 25 b. orange pair on cover to Naples, 1903 10 b. red (3) used on reg'd AR cover to the Transvaal, a fine selection of Postal Stationery incl. some with Railway TPO cancellations, Postal receipt forms and documents, Fiscals used on documents and Parcel Cards. Condition obviously varies but many choice items to be found, with careful viewing recommended.Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : 4,000 CHF
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