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Lot# : 661 France
1793 (March 11): Entire letter from Louvain (Leuven, Belgium) to Paris struck with fine 'ARMÉE DU NORD' handstaamp in red (Reinhardt = 1'250 pts.). Rated '7' in manuscript to pay upon receipt with circular Paris '16' in black on reverse. The letter was written (by a rather illiterate soldier) just a week before the disastrous Battle of Louvain / Neerwinden, stating that "we were almost all taken prisoner, we have been encircled for three days and had to fight to get out of the encirclement as the Artillery can go no faster..". A good strike of a very rare handstamp.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 662 France
1793 (Sept 23): Entire local letter from Fort de la Montagne opposite Toulon to Beausset, struck with fine two line '2E DIV. / ARMÉE D'ITALIE' in black (Reinhardt = 500 pts.). The letter, written during the Siege of Touln and Fort L'Eguilette, is from a forager complaining about the stopping of one of his convoys. Scarce.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 663 France
1793 (Oct 1): Entire letter written from Amsterdam to Paris, complete with original strip of paper with a Prices Current for London, Bordeaux, Cadiz, Venice etc., mailed at Liege with straight line LIEGE hadstamp on front. The letter was Censored on arrival with reverse showing two large red wax Reseals applied by the Comité de Surveillance in Paris, with arrival of circular '8' in black. Extremely rare and early notification of Censorship with both seals largely intact.rnrnProvenance: Collection Senechal, Robineau, Paris, 30 March 2004.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 664 France
1793 (Dec 6): Entire letter from a Captain in the 12th (Drome) Battalion 'au Camp du centre devant Toulon' to Crest, Drome, struck with three line 'ARMÉE / RÉVOLUTIONAIRE / DU MIDI' in black (Reinhardt = 4'500 pts.). Rated '7' in manuscript to pay upon receipt, the letter is full of revolutionary ardour, with the hope that 'this vile, rebellious town would soon be reduced'. Eleven days later, a young Captain of Artillery did reduce the fort of L'Eguilette leading to the final victorious assault on December 17th. An extremely rare handstamp and fine for this.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 460 CHFLot# : 665 France
1794 (Feb 11): Expenses Claim for the Commissaire des Guerre at Colmar, approved and signed by General Schérer at Plotzheim, un-sent but struck on reverse panel by fine staight line 'ARMÉE DU HAUT RHIN' in black (Reinhardt 66mm. = 750 pts.). A most unusual and interesting usage.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 666 France
1794 (June 20): Printed entire letter from the Armée de L'Interieur, written from Péronne to Mauberge, struck with fine italic ' gl. de l'arm. de peronne' in red, unlisted by Reinhardt. Carried dfree as Military official mail. A fine and attractive entire.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 667 France
1794 (Aug 6): Entire letter from Warem to Nancy written by a Lieut. of Artillery on General Jourdan's staff, struck with two line 'ARMÉE DE SAMBRE / & MEUSE' in black (Reinhardt = 600 pts). Rated '6' to pay in manuscript on receipt.Couple of small internal tears but scarce, The 'Armée Sambre et Meuse' was formed under Jourdan on June 26, 1794 with detachments from 'Nord', 'Ardennes' and 'Moselle' - it contained Major-Generals Lefebvre and Soult, Colonel Bernadotte, Lt. Colonel Mortier and Captain Ney.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 668 France
1794 (Sept 12): Printed large part entire letter from Trier (Tréves) to Mouzon struck with 'IRE DIV. / ARMÉE DE LA MOSELLE' in black (Reinhardt = 750 pts.). Rated '5' in manuscript to pay upon receipt. Trier was recaptured from the Prussians on August 9, 1794. Half page missing but scarce.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 669 France
1794 (Dec 11): Entire letter, strangely folded with flap on front, from 'Avant Garde, Closter Camp' to Lille, struck with two line '1ERE DON D'ARMÉES / SAMBRE & MEUSE' in black (Reinhardt = 750 pts.). Rated '10', altered from 6 sous, the letter mentions the Siege of nearby Grave and that taking the fortress will open Holland to French Troops.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 140 CHFLot# : 670 France
1794 (Dec 26): Entire letter from Bertrange, 6 kms. from Luxembourg, to Fontenay Le Peuple (Comte), struck with superb straight line 'ARMÉE DE LA MOSELLE' in black (Reinhardt = 600 pts.). The letter is from an Officer in debrun's Division of the Army of the Moselle. Luxembourg was surrounded during November 1794, the Austrians were starved into surrender by April 1795.rnrnStarting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 671 France
1794/95c.: Undated entire letter, small closed tear at top, mailed from the HQ of the 9th Demi-Brigade to Paris, struck with fine two line 'ARMÉE DU BAS RHIN / 4E DIVON' in black (Reinhardt = 750 pts.). A fine strike of a scarce marking, letter signed by three soldiers including a Captain and a Coroporal, probably from Landau or environs.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 672 France
1795c.: Printed 'Encadrements des Armées' cover to Guerande, north of St. Nazaire, probably mailed from Fontenay-Le-Comte, struck with fine two line '3E. DIV. / ARMÉE DE L'OUEST' in red (Reinhardt = 1'000 pts). Rated '4' to pay in manuscript, a fine and attractive cover.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 673 France
1795: Cover to (St.) Julien, Haute Vienne struck in Nantes with two line '4E DON (DEB) / ARM. DES CTES DE BREST' handstamp (Reinhardt = 750 / 2'000 pts) with the 'DEB' of 'Deboursé' deleted in black, rated '15' to pay on obverse. The cover somewhat tired but the cancellation in use for a year only and scarce thus.Starting bid : 80 CHFHammer price : 80 CHFLot# : 674 France
Lot# : 675 France
1795 (Jan 22): Cover to Lille, readdressed to Douai, docketed on flap as received '3 plu. an 3', struck with two line 'BAU GAL / ARM DE NORD' in red (Reinhardt = 500 pts.). Amsterdam fell on January 29, 1795 and it is unclear where the Bureau Générale was situated, General Pichegru, commander of the 'Armée du Nord' was unwell in hospital in Brussels, thus it is likely the Command was situated in Antwerp when this letter was written, moving to Utrecht by July when the Dutch conquest was finished.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 676 France
1795 (March 10): Entire letter from Brussels to Paris signed by General Roberiot, struck with fine two line 'BAU GL.ARM. S DU NORD / SAMBRE ET MEUSE' in red (Reinhardt = 1'000 pts.). Rated '10' in manuscript to pay upon receipt with Paris circular '22' on reverse. The letter signed by General Roberiot who was assasinated at Rastadt in 1799.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 677 France
1795 (March 18): Entire letter from Mussbach near Neustadt to Blamont, struck with straight line 'ARMÉE DU BAS RHIN' in black (Reinhardt 51mm. = 600 pts.). Rated '6' in manuscript to pay upon receipt. the letter concerns horses required for usage by the Artillery.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 678 France
1795 (April 16): Printed entire letter from rennes from Major General Chérin, Chief of Staff to General Hoche, commander of the Western Forces concerned with eliminating Chouans, struck with italic 'gl. de l'armée d. Cd. de Cherbourg' in black (Reinhardt = 250 pts.) and very fine straight line 'ARMÉE DES CÔTES' in black (Reinhardt = 600 pts.). Carried free under Military concession with Official Military cachet on reverse. A fine entire.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 679 France
1795 (April 28): Entire letter from Germersheim struck with two line 'ARMÉE DU RHIN / 2E DIVISION' in black (Reinhardt = 500 pts). Rated '8' in manuscript to pay upon receipt, a fine entire with interesting content concerning an attempt by the enemy to cross the Rhine at Worms and headed 'Liberté, Fraternité, Egalité ou La Mort'.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 680 France
1795 (Aug 3): Printed entire letter from General Chérin at Rennes mailed to Paris, struck with italic 'gl. en chef de l'armée / des côtes de Brest' with straight line 'ARM. DES CTES DE BREST' both in black (Reinhardt = 350+500 pts.). Sent under Military franchise without charge. General Chérin was later Chief of Staff to General Massena, and was mortally wounded at Wytike, Switzerland in June 1799.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 681 France
Lot# : 682 France
1795 (Oct 15): Entire letter from Douai to Brussels with part red despatch on front, reverse with three line charge marking 'DEBSE. / B.AU GL. ARM.S DU NORD / SAMBRE ET MEUSE' in black (Reinhardt = 2'500 pts.) across flap. Rated '10' reduced to '6' to pay on arrival. A good strike of an extremely rare marking.rnrnProvenance: Collection G.O.I.Hollings FRPSL.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 683 France
1795 (Oct 28): Entire letter from Neustadt near Dusseldorf to Paris, struck with two line 'DON A ARM. / SAMBRE ET MEUSE' in black (Reinhardt = 400 pts.). rated '10' dut to pay in manuscript with circular Paris '22' arrival in black on reverse. Letter written by an Officer describing the crossing of the Rhine, the advance to the River Lahn, the lack of supplies and the retreat back across the Rhine. A fine and interesting entire.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 684 France
Lot# : 685 France
1796 (April 29): Entire letter from Hingweiler, Rhineland Paltinate to Tours, struck with superb two line 'ARMÉE DU RHIN / 8e DIVISION' in black (Reinhardt = 750 pts.). Rated '7' or '10' to pay in manuscript , the letter is from one Mabou who requests two copies of his birth certificate.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 686 France
1796 (July 14): Entire letter internally head 'Armée du Rhin et Moselle' written from Freudenstadt to Chalons Sur Saône, struck with fair two line 'ARMÉE DU RHIN / 1e DIVISION' in black (Reinhardt = 500 pts.). Rated '10' in manuscript to pay, the letter is from an Officer of Duhesme's Division in St. Cyr's Corps, which passed through Freudenstadt on July 3, leaving the 4th Division to guard communications.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 687 France
1797 (Feb 18): Entire letter with printed heading 'Armée du Nord, Infanterie Legere, 1st Division', endorsed 'Service Militaire' from Crefeld, north of Dusseldorf addressed to the Capt. Castaing of the Council of War of the 17th Military Division in Paris, struck with good straight line 'DON A. ARM. DU NORD' in red (Reinhardt = 600 pts). Rated '10' to pay upon receipt with straight line CAMP-S-PARIS in black on reverse.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 180 CHFLot# : 688 France
Lot# : 689 France
1799 (July 19): Printed entire letter from Basel to Dept. du Mont-Terrible, Porentruy, struck with two line 'BAU GAL / ARM. DU DANUBE' in black (Reinhardt = 750 pts.). Rated '5' in manuscript with reverse showing oval illustrated cachet for Commissaire des Guerres in red.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 690 France
1800 (Feb 28): Printed entire letter from Mollis, near the Walensee, Glarus struck with fine '14E DON / ARM. DU RHIN' in red (Reinhardt = 2'000 pts.) The address slightly erased but with '5' rate in manuscript. The letter from Houpert, Commander of the 109th demi-Brigade, concerns two deserters. Rare.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 380 CHFLot# : 691 France
1800 (Sept 19): Entire letter from Munich to Strasbourg, written by General Eblé, Commander of the Artillery of the Arms of the Rhine, struck with '3 E DON. / ARM. DU RHIN' in black (Reinhardt = 750 pts). Reverse with further '3' handstamp in black. General Elbé (17587-1812) commanded the bridging train during the invasion of Russia and is best known for his action in Nov 1812 in saving the remnants of the Grand Armée by bridging the Beresina. He died shortly afterwards in Königsberg.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 692 France
1800 (Oct 18): Printed entire letter from Augsburg to Strasbourg struck with superb two line 'ETAT MAJOR GENAL / DE L'ARMÉE DU RHIN' in black (Reinhardt = 1'500 pts.). The entire is an 'Order of the Day' concerning irregularities in requisitions of clothing, shoes and equipment. A fine entire, hostilities recommenced in November and on Dec 3 the Austrians were defeated at Hohenlinden.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 693 France
1801 (Nov 22): Entire letter from Altamura near Bari, Italy to Paris struck with fine two line 'No. 1 / CORPS D'OBSERVATION' in black (Reinhardt = 1'500 pts). Written by 'Le Chef d'Escadron Anglais, commanding 2nd Regiment of Chasseurs à Cheval' with the Armée d'Observation du Midi. A fresh and fine entire.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 694 France
Lot# : 695 France
1804 (July 5): Entire letter from Utrecht to Nantes struck with two line 'BAU GAL / ARM DE HOLLANDE' handstamp in red (Reinhardt = 400 pts). Rated '12' in manuscriupt to pay upon receipt, the letter is from an Engineer giving advice concerning the L'Ecole Polytechnique in Paris where courses in algrebra, arithmetic, geometry and mechanics were given.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 696 France
1805 (Jan 15): Entire letter from Utrecht to Nantes struck with two line 'HOLLANDE / TROUPES FAISES' in red (Reinhardt = 400 pts.). Rated '8' in manuscript due upon receipt, the letter is from an Engineer giving details for entry into the Engineers school in Paris. Tiny closed tear at top but scarce.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 697 France
1805 (March 30): Entire letter from a French soldier in garrison at Barletta to Paris, struck with superb four line 'ARMÉE FRANCAISE / DANS / LE ROYAUME DE NAPLES / No. 1' in black (Reinhardt = 750 pts.). Rated '9' in manuscript to pay upon receipt with Paris arrival in red (April 7). Face panel with slit, probably from filing. A fine and attractive entire.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 698 France
1805 (Dec 16): Entire letter from Vienna to Bordeaux struck with two line 'BAU GAL / GRANDE-ARMÉE' in red (Reinhardt = unlisted). Rated '9' in manuscript to pay upon receipt, the letter was written by a civilian acting as secretary to the billeting officer, mailed just two weeks after the Battle of Austerlitz (Dec 2, 1805). Scarce and fine entire.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 699 France
1805 (Dec 24): Entire letter from Vienna to Marseille struck with finr two line 'No. 6 / GRANDE-ARMÉE' handstamp in black (Reinhardt = 1'250 pts.). Rated '8' in manuscript to pay upon receipt, the letter from an Officer in the 5th Corps describes an engagement between his regiment and 2-3'000 Cossacks.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 190 CHFLot# : 700 France
1806 (Jan 24): Entire letter from Linz, Austria to Nimes struck with fine two line 'No. 11 / GRANDE-ARMÉE' handstamp in blue (Reinhardt = 1'500 pts.). Rated '8' in manuscript to pay upon receipt, the letter was written by a member of General lasalle's Light Cavalry Division in winter quarters.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 380 CHFLot# : 701 France
1806 (March 6): Entire letter from Anspach, Wurttemberg to St. Croy, Orleans struck with fine two line 'No. 15 / GRANDE-ARMÉE' in blue (Reinhardt = 600 pts). Rated '7' in manuscript to pay upon receipt, the writer was a soldier in the 61st Regiment. The handstamp was supplied to Suchet's Division of the 5 Corps.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 702 France
1806 (March 9): Entire letter from Deuenlohe near Anspach, Wurttemberg to St. Myon, Aigueperse, Vichy struck with fine two line 'No. 15 / GRANDE-ARMÉE' in blue (Reinhardt = 600 pts). Rated '7' in manuscript to pay upon receipt, the handstamp was supplied to Suchet's Division of the 5 Corps.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 703 France
1806 (Aug 1): Entire letter from Amberg, Bavaria to Vitry sur Seine, small corner of face panel missing, struck with fine two line 'No. 28 / GRANDE-ARMÉE' in red (Reinhardt = 600 pts.). Rated '7' in manuscript due to pay with Paris arrival on reverse (Aug 9) in red. The letter is from an Officer to girlfriend, in service to Princess Ste. Croix. An attractive entire.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 120 CHFLot# : 704 France
1806 (Oct 6): Entire letter from Cividale, near Udine, to Carignono struck with framed '2EME CORPS / GRANDE ARMÉE' handstamp in red (Reinhardt = 1'250 pts.). Rated '2' in manuscript and altered to '3' to pay, with 'DE TURIN' handstamp in red on reverse. A fine and scarce entire.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 705 France
1806 (Dec 10): Printed entire letter from Golancz, Poland to Paris, struck with fair two line 'No. 23 / GRANDE ARMÉE' in red (Reinhardt = 1'250 pts.). Rated '8' in manuscript with Paris arrival on reverse in red and near complete red wax seal of sender, a Colonel Barrois of the 96th Regiment.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 120 CHFLot# : 706 France
Lot# : 707 France
1807 (Jan 16): Entire letter from Praschnitz (Przasnysz, Poland) to Mayence / Mainz, sent prepaid and struck with fine two line 'No. 2 PORT PAYÉ / GRANDE ARMÉE' in red (Reinhardt = 2'000 pts). The entire written by a Captain in the 28th regiment of the Line in winter quarters. The Campaign led to the Battle of Eylau (Feb 8). Rare.Starting bid : 260 CHFHammer price : 460 CHFLot# : 708 France
1807 (March 9): Entire letter from Küstrin (Kostrzyn, Poland) to Gouche near Autun struck with two line 'No. 39 / GRANDE-ARMÉE' in red (Reinhardt = 500 pts.). Rated '8' in manuscript to pay, the letter is from a soldier in the 18th Regiment of the Line, 3rd Division of the 4th Corps.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 190 CHFLot# : 709 France
1807 (March 25): Entire letter from Marienwerder to Paris struck with fine two line 'No. 25 / GRANDE ARMÉE' handstamp in red (Reinhardt = 1'500 pts). Rated '8' in manuscript with Paris arrival on reverse in red (April 27). A fine and scarce entire. Signed Pothion.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 710 France
1807 (June 25): Entire letter wriiten from 'les bords de Memel' (the River Niemen) to Jarnac, Charente struck with fine 'No. 71 / GRANDE-ARMÉE' handstamp in black (Reinhardt = 1'250 pts.). Rated '11' to pay upon receipt - an historic cover: written on the very day the two Emperors, Napoleon and Alexander I, first met on a raft in the River Niemen to discuss peace terms, resulting in the Treaty of Tilsit. Rare and attractive entire.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 711 France
1807: Entire letters (2) from same correspondence to Chalons with August 1807 entire from Côlende (Coln) and struck with 'No. 5 / GRANDE-ARMÉE' in red (Reinhardt = 400 pts), rated '8' in manuscript, together with October 1807 entire from Camp de Meire struck with 'No. 5 / GRANDE-ARMÉE' in black (= 600 pts) and rated '9' in manuscript. Minor faults but a scarce matched pair.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 712 France
Lot# : 713 France
1807 (Sept 3): Entire letter written from Massow to Chatillon sur Seine, struck with fine two line 'No. 27 / GRANDE ARMÉE' struck in green (Reinhardt = 500 pts.). Rated '8' in manuscript to pay upon arrival. The letter is from an Ensign of the 15th Regiment with Grouchy's Dragoons bemoaning the death of both his brother and sister.rnrnProvenance: Collection F. Dubus.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 714 France
1807 (Sept 24): Entire letter from Hannover to Napoleon, Vendée (La Roche sur Yon) struck with fine two line 'No. 26 / GRANDE ARMÉE' handstamp in black (Reinhardt = 500 pts.). Rated '28' on front, the letter was signed by General Count Soulés who won a 'Sword of Honour' at the Battle of Marengo, was promoted to General in 1804 and awarrded 100'000 francs after the Battle of Friedland.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 715 France
1807 (Oct 2): Entire letter from Nowe, on the Vistula River near Marienwerder to Caen, struck with superb two line 'No. 67 / GRANDE ARMÉE' (Reinhardt = 1'500 pts.) supplied to the Bureau Sedentaire at Marienwerder. Rated '9' in manuscript to pay upon receipt, a fresh and very fine entire.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 716 France
1807 (Oct 4): Entire letter from Warsaw to Baune, Doubs struck with two line 'No. 43 / GRANDE-ARMÉE' in black (Reinhardt = 400 pts.). Rated '6' in manuscript due to pay upon receipt, the letter states that the writer had arrived after 20 days marching in Warsaw on the previous day, this places the writer as an Infantry Officer with the 1st Division of the 3rd Corps.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 717 France
Lot# : 718 France
1807 (Dec 25): Entire letter from Stargand, West prussia to Jarnac, Charente struck with two line 'No. 44 / GRANDE ARMÉE' in blue (Reinhardt = 750 pts.) supplied to Lasalle's Light Cavalry Division. Rated '11' in manuscript due to pay upon on receipt, the letter states that the writer had been en route for 20 days and was getting closer to France. A fresh and fine entire.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 719 France
1808 (Feb 8): Entire letter from Psarske, south of Poznan, Poland to Alessandria, Italy struck with fair two line 'No. 17 / GRANDE ARMÉE' in black (Reinhardt = 1'000 pts.) supplied to Friant's 2nd Division. Rated '9' due to pay in manuscript, the letter, from an Adjutant Officier in the 111th Regiment of the Line requests a copy of his birth certificate.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 720 France
1808 (March 13): Entire letter from the 'Armée de Reserve' at Mayence / Mainz to Wesel, endorsed 'Service Militaire' and written to General Laurent, the letter signed by Marshall Kellerman with his franchise mark on front 'Le Kellerman' in black. Fresh and fine - Kellerman's extraordinary career included stopping the Prussians at Valmy in 1793, imprisonment for a year, reinstated in 1795, Senator in 1799, Marshall of the Empire in 18o4, becoming the Duke of Valmy in June 1808.rnrnProvenance: Collection F. Dubus.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 110 CHFLot# : 721 France
1808 (April 1): Entire letter from Liegnitz (Legnica, Poland) written by General Count Bisson (1767-1811) commanding the 2nd Division of the 6th Corps, mailed to St. Amour, Jura with fine two line 'No. 7. / GRANDE ARMÉE' handstamp in red (Reinhardt = 400 pts). Rated '7' in manuscript to pay upon receipt. An interesting letter - Bisson writes of his poor relationship with Marshall Ney, the Corps commander.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 722 France
1808 (April 18): Entire letter from Hannover to Paris struck with COMMISSAIRE IMPÉRIAL / DIRECTEUR GAL. DES DOMAINES in black and very fine 'No. 24 / ARM. DU RHIN' handstamp in red (Reinhardt = 1'000 pts). Rated '8' to pay upon receipt with Paris arrival in red (May 2) on reverse of a fresh and fine entire.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 723 France
Lot# : 724 France
1808 (May 12): Entire letter written from Furstenfelden (Furstenwalde) to Pézénas, herault, struck with fine two line 'No. 16. / GRANDE ARMÉE' in red (Reinhardt = 600 pts.). Rated '10' in manuscript due toi pay upon receipt. The letter from a young soldier to his mother tells of his fever (cured by rhubarb and quinine) and that his Division (Gudin's 3rd Corps) camped on the field of the Battle of Zorndorf (Aug 25, 1758) where Frederick the Great beat the Russians.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 725 France
1808 (Nov 10): Entire letter written from Maubourg and Düben, Saxony to Avignon, struck with superb over-inked 'No. 13 / GRANDE-ARMÉE' handstamp in black (Reinhardt = 1'000 pts.) and rated '10' in manuscript. Fine readable content and a most attractive entire. Signed Pothion.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 100 CHFLot# : 726 France
1809 (June 14): Entire letter headed 'au bivouac, sous la canon de Raab' to Paris struck with two line 'ARM. D'ITALIE / 1RE DON' in red (Reinhardt = 500 pts). Rated '10' in manuscript to pay upon receipt, with Paris (July 3) arrival on reverse in red. The letter possibly written by, certainly signed by, General Louis Baraguay d'Hilliers (1764-1813) who was stationed at Raab with 6'000 men of the Italian Guard screening the right wing of the Grande Armée prior to the Battle of Wagram (July 5-6, 1809).Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 727 France
1809 (Nov 22): Entire letter from Laibach (Ljubljana, Slovenia) addressed to the Cashier of the Administration of Suplly in Vienna, struck with good two line 'No. 3 / ARM. D'ALLEMAGNE' in red (Reinhardt = 400 pts). Rated '2' in manuscript due to pay on receipt.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 728 France
1809 (Nov 27): Entire letter headed 'Armée d'Italie' written from Gratz to La Rochelle struck with two line 'P.P. No. 7 / ARM. D'ALLEMAGNE' in red (Reinhardt = 1'250 pts). Charged '9' to collect upon receipt. A superb strike of a very scarce handstamp.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 380 CHFLot# : 729 France
1810 (Jan 2): Entire letter from Antwerp to Melun written by a Major Falcon of the 12th regiment of Light Infantry regarding the re-organisation of National Guard Units, struck with very fine two line 'BAU PRINCIPAL / ARM. DU NORD' in black (Reinhardt = 1'000 pts.). Rated '7' to pay in manuscript upon arrival. Rare.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 730 France
Lot# : 731 France
Peninsular War 1812 (July 19): Entire letter, slitted for disinfection, from a Corporal in the 40th regiment (Vandermaesen Division, Army of the North) at Tolosa to Angers, struck with fine 'No. 15 / ARM. FRANCAISE / EN ESPAGNE' in black (Reinhardt = 500 pts). Re-addressed on arrival in Angers to Lyons with DÉB 47 / ANGERS in red on reverse and circular arrival datestamp (Aug 4) also in red.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 732 France
1812 (Sept): Entire letter with unfortunate missing place of despatch but possibly Danzig, mailed to Montpellier and signed by Lt. Col. Bernard, Aide-de-Camp to Napoleon at Waterloo, struck with fine 'No. 50 / GRANDE ARMÉE' in red (Reinhardt = 750 pts.) and charged '10' due upon delivery. Interesting letter from Lt. Col. Bernard with postcript reading: "vous savez que l'Empereur Napoleon est à Moscow, et que déja on parle de proposition de paix; il ne font pas cependant trop se hâter de croire à cette nouvelle. L'Empereur Alexandre aura de grands sacrifices à faire pour l'obtenir. En attendant qu'il se décide, nous occupons ses meilleurs provinces, et La Pologne organise une Armée de 150,000".Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 733 France
1812 (Nov 29): Entire letter from Warsaw, written by Sgt. Morelli, in the Guard of Honour of His Highness the Prince Camille of Tuscany, to his brother-in-law in Turin, struck with fine 'No. 4 / GRANDE ARMÉE' handstamp in red (Reinhardt = 500 pts). Rated '10' to pay in manuscript upon receipt.The letter written on the same day that the bridge over the River Beresina was destroyed after the French retreat from Moscow. Scarce and fine entire that opens well for display.rnrnStarting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 380 CHFLot# : 734 France
1813 (July 15): Entire letter from Dresden to Nancy, written during the Armistice period after the Battle of Bautzen, struck with fine 'No. 19 / GRANDE ARMÉE' in black (Reinhardt = 400 pts.). Rated '6' due to pay upon arrival. A fresh and fine entire.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 180 CHFLot# : 735 France
1813 (Aug 6): Entire letter from Frankfurt to Calvados struck with fine 'No. 49 / GRANDE-ARMÉE' handstamp in red (Reinhardt = 1'250 pts.) and rated '9' to pay in manuscript. File folds with internal protective tape but a fine strike of a scarce marking.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 100 CHFLot# : 736 France
Peninsular War 1813 (Oct 2): Entire letter from Barcelona to Gerona endorsed 'Service Militaire' at top and both written and countersigned at left by the sender General Maurice Mathieu, Military Governor of Barcelona from 1810-1814; struck with good 'No. 7 / BAU. PRINCIPAL / ARM. D'ESPAGNE' in red (Reinhardt = 400 pts).Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 737 France
Peninsular War 1813 (Nov 2): Entire letter from a gunner in the 6th Regiment of Artillery at Bayonne, addressed to the Commune of Barquet (sadly enquiring about his parents from whom he has not heard for three years), struck with good 'No. 45 / ARM. FRANCAISE / EN ESPAGNE' in black (Reinhardt = 500 pts).Starting bid : 80 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 738 France
1813 (Nov 16): Entire letter from Wonsheim (Rhineland Palatinate) to Paris, written by Lt. Corrard 15th Company of 1st regt. of Foot Artillery, to General Evian; struck with fair strike of 'BAU. SEDENTAIRE / GRAND ARMÉE' in black (Reinhardt = 750 pts). Charged '8' to pay in manuscript with reverse showing circular Paris arrival in red on reverse (Nov 29) with manuscript 'Refusé' alongside. A fine cover that opens well for display.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 739 France
Greece (Morea Campaign) 1829/32: Cover and entire letters (2), all addressed to France with 1829 and 1832 entires struck with "QER. GAL / ARM. DE MORÉE" handstamps in black (the latter from Naphlion), and an undated cover with fine strike of "B / ARM DE MOR´'E" handstamp in black addressed to the Lieutenant General in command of the the Morée Expedition. Generally fine, a scarce group.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 740 France
1849/50: Cérès 10 c. yellow-bistre, a fine example with large margins all round, used on local 1851 entire letter to Montlieu tied by grill in black with 'cursive' alongside in black "16 / Chevanceaux". Fresh and very fine, a most attractive and scarce entire.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 741 France
1849/50: Cérès 15 c. green on greenish, a fine example with clear rto large margins all round, used on 1852 cover initially accepted as payment for a local Paris letter and tied by Paris Star with cds at right (March 31). However, once the address in 'Lyon' was noted (Rue St. Doiminique existed in both towns), the Postmaster marked "Insuffisant" below the stamp in red ink and charged the letter "10c" to pay (double the deficiency of 5 centimes). Reverse with Lyon arrival cds (April 1). Extremely rare usage. Signed Baudot with letter of explanation (1979).Starting bid : 7,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 742 France
Entire letter with the first French stamp as an early but erroneous usage abroad 1849 (Jan 8): Cérès 20c. black on yellowish, a fresh example with good to large margins all round, tied by crisp "LYON 8 JANV. 49" type 15 cds to entire letter, directed to Duderstadt Hannover with endorsement "franco jusqu'à Strasbourg" alongside, reverse with "12 .." handstamp. The Cérès stamp was erroneously used to pay the internal postage in France and the cover was taxed first with '8' Sgr. then with '6½' Sgr. upon arrival. A very early usage within France (2nd week),probably one of the earliest usages of a French adhesive on a cover to Hannover. The sender was Ludwig von Sothen, writing to his brother Karl Wilhelm von Sothen, both members of a local Duderstadt noble family. A fine and very rare entire. Cert. Brun (2018).Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 10,000 CHFLot# : 743 France
1849: Cérès 20 c. black, a fine horizontal pair used on 1859 double rate cover to Randan tied by grill handstamps with fine ASSEMBLÉE NATIONALE / POSTES cds at right (Jan 28) in black. Reverse with Randan arrival cds (Jan 29). File fold well away from the adhesives, a rare usage. Signed Goebel.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 744 France
1849/50: Cérès 25 c. blue, a fine used example with good to large margins all round, on 1851 cover from Paris to Pont Audemer tied by grill cancellation with Paris cds (Sept 3) at right. Erroneous "25" tax marking deleted by grill handstamp at right. Unusual and fine cover.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 745 France
1849: Cérès 40 c. orange, an absolutely fantastic used example with enormous margins all round and portions of adjoining stamps on three sides, used on 1851 cover to Turin, Italy tied by neat grill with 'St. German-en-Laye' cds of despatch at left (Sept 24). Red framed 'PD' and reverse with with Paris transit cds of same day and Turin arrival (Sept 27). A delightful cover. Signed Calves.Starting bid : 1,300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 746 France
1849/50: 1 fr. carmine in a horizontal pair with good margins all round, used with fine Cérès 40 c. bright orange and Présidence 1852 10 c. bistre (2, one just shaved at base), on 1853 entire letter to New York endorsed 'via Liverpool', tied by '1460' petit chiffres with corresponding 'Guebwiller' cds below (Sept 23). Red framed 'PD' at left and carried on the Cunard Steamer 'Canada' with Boston arrival on front (Oct 15) in black. A delightful and extremely rare franking paying the double rate. Signed Brun, Calves. Cert. Brun (2011).Starting bid : 15,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 747 France
Lot# : 749 France
1849: 20 c. blue, non issued so called 'Marquelet', a fine unused example, large and regular margins all round with sheet margin at base, of excellent fresh colour and large part original gum. A superb stamp, cert. Brun (2018) Yvert = € 4'000/Maury 8c = € 3'300.Starting bid : 800 CHFHammer price : 1,200 CHFLot# : 750 France
1852: Présidence 10 c. bright bistre-brown (bistre-brun foncé), a very fine example of outstanding colour with large margins all round, used on 1853 local cover to Moissac tied by petit chiffres '468' of Moissac in black. '85 / Bourg-de-Visa' cachet at right with dotted despatch (July 28) alongside. A charming and rare cover Maury = € 4'600.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 751 France
1852: Présidence 25 c. blue in a horizontal pair, fresh and fine with good to huge margins, tied by 'Grille sans fin' to envelope to Moutier, Savoy with framed PD and "Bau CENTRAL PARIS 21 DEC 52", both in red alongside. An attractive example of the 50 c. letter rate to Sardinia from a well known correspondence. Signed Roumet. Cert. von der Weid (2011) Maury = € 4'000 for this destination.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 752 France
1853: 10 c. bistre, single example used with 40 c. orange (2 singles, a vertical pair and a strip of seven) on 1854 entire letter from Le Havre to Lima, Peru endorsed 'Par Steamer Tamar' (RMSP) paying a 4 fr. 50 c. rate, tied by '1495' petit chiffres in black. Le Havre despatch cds above with framed PD in red. Reverse with circular VAPOR / LIMA arrival. File fold affects four adhesives but a remarkable and attractive franking.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 753 France
1853: 80 c. carmine in a horizontal strip of three with ample margins all round, overlapped by 1862 perf. 40 c. orange (3) all tied to double rate May 1863 cover to Lima by dotted 'BP 1' lozenge and by Bordeaux despatch cds. Framed P.P. below and reverse with Lima arrival cds (June 2). Some minor imperfections but an attractive mixed issue franking.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 754 France
1852: Napoléon imperforate 1 fr. carmine in a horizontal strip of three, with ample to very large margins all round, used on 1853 entire letter endorsed "Steamer Bahiana du 24 8bre via Liverpool", tied by lozenge of 'gros points' in black with Paris despatch cds (Oct 21) above. Red framed 'PD' and 'London Paid' transit cds (Oct 22) alongside unusual use of "SHIP LETTER / Crown / LONDON" datestamp in red (Oct 22). Reverse with 'Ligne-de-Calais' cds and "SHIP LETTER / LIVERPOOL" in black (Oct 23). A most attractive entire and a superb example of the correct double 3 franc rate via a British vessel to Brazil - an early usage of the 1 franc - only issued in September 1853. An interesting cover, following the consignor from a newly opened family archive, first time on the market, cert. Brun (2018) Maury = € 40'000.Starting bid : 5,000 CHFHammer price : 9,000 CHFLot# : 755 France
1854 (Jan 7): Napoléon imperf. 1 fr. carmine, a fine and fresh example with good to enormous margins all round in combination with a vert. pair of Présidence 25 c. blue, a fresh unit with fair to large margins (just touched at lower left, upper stamp with light trace of crease), tied by 'Gros points' obliterator to entire letter from Paris to Rio de Janeiro, endorsed "By the steamer to Brazil via Southampton", obverse with Paris despatch cds, framed PD in red and 'London Paid' transit cds (Jan 9), reverse with 'Ligne-de-Calais transit cds. An appealing cover showing the correct 150 c. rate with a British vessel to Brazil, a desirable item. Yvert = € 6'620/Maury 18+10 = € 7'000.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,800 CHFLot# : 756 France
1862: 10 c- bistre, single examples used on local covers to Ste. Sauvy in Gers, one cover with 10 c. tied by two strikes of the circular "OR" (Origin Rurale) cachet, the second cover endorsed 'Très Pressé' with a magnificent 10 c. bistre with full corner margin and filet d'encadrement similarly tied by "OR" handstamps in black. A beautiful pair. Signed Scheller.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 757 France
Lot# : 758 France
1862: 20 c. blue, single example paying Military concession rate, tied by grill handstamp to 1864 cover from Rome to Elbeuf, with fine BRIGADE FRANCAISE / ITALIE cds above (July 10). Elbeuf arrival cds (July 13) on reverse of fine cover. Signed G. Lamy.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 759 France
1862: Empire 80 c. carmine, a used horizontal strip of three tied to 1864 entire letter to Chile endorsed VOIE DE PANAMA, tied by Paris Star with despatch cds (Aug 14) adjacent. Framed PP in red and thence via London and British P.O. in PANAMA with double arc cds in black (Sept 7) on front and struck on arrival with '25' (centavos) due marking in red. A fine and attractive entire. Signed Von der Weid.rnStarting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 760 France
1862/70: Laureated 1 c. green & bronze - two single examples and two horizontala pairs - used with 2 c. red-brown and 4 c. grey (three examples), to make up the 20 centime rate, tied to 1870 entire letter to Albertville, Savoie by MOUTIERS TARENTAISE cds's (Sept 16) in black. A rare and most colourful franking. Signed Roumet.Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 761 France
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