Catalogue 222: EUROPE & OVERSEAS
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Lot# : 1798 Peru
1858/1897.: Collection on Schaubek leaves with 1858 1 d. blue cancelled at Ayacucho in black and red and a single on cover, 1859 1 d. used and 1 p. used, 1863 1 p. brown used with part registration cancel, 1868 1 d. green with some fine cancels incl. 'Puerto de Casma' and 'Yautan' complete, strips of four and of five used with registration cancels, 1 d. on cover ex Iquique, 1870 Railway 5 c. pale red on cover etc. A small but interesting lot.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 1799 Puerto Rico
1870: Cuba 20 c. red brown in a horizontal pair used on 1870 cover to Cadiz, Spain tied by network handstamp in black with FRANCO straight line Paid handstamp alongside. Reverse with British Post Office PUERTO-RICO cds (Oct 11) and London transit cds in red (Oct 31).Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1800 Puerto Rico
1878 (May 23): Cover sent stampless from Mayaguez to Genova, Italy at double rate, with two 'T' markings overlapped by Italian 1870 Postage Due 40 c. pair and single 1 l. tied by 'Genova' datestamps on arrival (June 19). Reverse with London transit cds in red. An attractive cover.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 1801 USA
City Despatch Post 1842/45: 3 c. black on light blue surfaced paper, a fine large margined example with two small Plate Flaws (one in margin only under 'H' of 'Three'), cancelled by octagonal framed 'U.S.' in red with circular 'City Despatch' cds at right (May 6) in red. Scarce and attractive cover Scott = $ 750.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 250 CHFLot# : 1802 USA
Hale & Co, Boston 1844 (Dec 12): Cover from Boston to Hartford, Ct. addressed to the President of the Hartford Springfield Rail Road Co.; franked by cut to shape 1844 6 c. red on bluish cancelled by manuscript pen cross with two oval 'FORWARDED / BY / HALE & Co. / FROM SPRINGFIELD' handstamps in green adjacent.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 1803 USA
New York Postmasters' Provisional 1845/46: 5 c. black, a good used example inititalled 'ACM' in red ink (Alonzo Castle Monson) and cancelled by two pen strokes in blue ink. Horizontal bend not affecting the fine appearance of this scarce stamp Scott = $ 500.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 1804 USA
New York Postmasters' Provisional 1845/46: 5 c. black, a superb huge margined used example inititalled 'ACM' in red ink (Alonzo Castle Monson) tied to 1846 entire letter to Pelham, New Rochelle, New York by curved PAID in red. Repeated strike at right and 'NEW YORK / 5 cts.' datestamp in red (Nov 12). A fine entire. Cert. Philatelic Foundation (2002) Scott = $ 725.rnrnProvenance: Corinphila sale 137, May 2003, lot 1809.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 380 CHFLot# : 1805 USA
St. Louis Postmasters' Provisional 1845 (Nov): 5 c. black on greenish thin wove paper, Type III, position 5 on the sheet of six subjects, a used example of good frontal appearance despite vertical tear repaired, cancelled by manuscript pen stroke in black ink. An extremely rare stamp Scott = $ 8'000.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHFLot# : 1806 USA
1847 (July 1): Stampless cover, used on First Day of Issue of United States 5 c. and 10 c. adhesives, mailed to Morganfield, Kentucky cancelled by "ST. LOUIS MO. / JULY 1 / 10" datestamp in red (10 c. for over 300 miles rate), with manuscript docketing at left "Wm. Sargeants / Rec'd July 6th 47". Scarce and unusual cover. Cert. Philatelic Foundation (2007).Starting bid : 450 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1807 USA
Lot# : 1808 USA
1847 (July 1): 5 c. red-brown on bluish thin paper, a fine used example with large margins all round (huge at top), neatly cancelled by light strike of circular grid handstamp in black. A choice example. Cert. Philatelic Foundation (2009) Scott = $ 375.Starting bid : 180 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 1809 USA
1847: 5 c. red-brown on bluish thin paper, a horizontal pair with good to large margins all round, used on cover to Ann Arbor, Michigan tied by two strikes of the barred grid handstamp in red with 'New York' cds at right (Nov 6). A fine and attractive cover Scott = $ 3'000.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 1810 USA
Lot# : 1811 USA
Lot# : 1812 USA
1847: 10 c. black on on thin bluish paper, a very fine used example with large margins all round, neatly tied to cover to Louisville, Kentucky by barred grid handstamp in red with 'New York' despatch cds alongside (Feb 10). Two file folds well away from the adhesive, an attractive cover. Signed Jakubek, K. Meier, Pfenninger. Cert. Jakubek (1999) Scott = $ 1'050.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 1813 USA
1847: The Washington 5 c. red brown on bluish paper, imperforate, the reproduction printed in 1875 from new plates made by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing by order of the Post Office Department. A fine unused example with good colour and margins all round, slight speck at base, scarce Scott = $ 825.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 1814 USA
1850 (Oct 7): Entire letter with illustration inisde (published by Magnus & Co.) showing superb view of New York Harbour, the obverse endorsed 'via Liverpool, via Ostende, via Vienna' and addressed to Arad, Hungary. Presumably given to a Ship's captain as without despatch datestamp, and landed in UK as a Ship Letter with manuscript charge '8' (pence) for same. Flap with straight line SHIP LETTER in black, thence charged '1/6d.' to pay and mailed on with framed AMERICA per ENGLAND' in red (Van der Linden fig. 112) applied in Aachen, with 'Pesth' and 'Arad' datestamps alongside (Nov 12) where charged '49' kreuzers due. Some soiling but a remarkable entire to an unusual Transatlantic destination.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 1815 USA
1855/56: Jefferson 5 c. red brown and Washington 10 c. green, type III in a hor. strip of three, fine and fresh examples used on 1857 envelope to Messen Solothurn, Switzerland, tied by April 25 cds, endorsed "Prussian closed mail" with framed "AACHEN 10 5 / FRANCO" transit datestamp in red alongside, reverse with "NEW YORK MAY 2 Am PKT" in red, Baden TPO datestamps, Basel and Zürich transit cds's and MESSEN one-line arrival handstamp. Vert. fold away from the stamps and envelope supported partially below the stamps but an appealing fully paid cover in the 1857 tariff.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1816 USA
1866: Lincoln 15 c. black, a fine well centred used example on 1867 cover to Paris tied by black cork cancel with 'New Orleans' cds alongside (Jan 11). 'NEW YORK / PAID / 6' datestamp of transit (Jan 19) in red and carried on the "Saxonia" of the Hamburg-America Line via Southampton. Circular 'Et-Unis / Serv. Amb. Calais' on front in red (Feb 2). Small closed opening tear at top of envelope but attractive.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 120 CHFLot# : 1817 USA
1866: Lincoln 15 c. black, a fine example centred to left, used on 1867 cover with original contents, mailed to Marbach, Württemberg tied by light cork cancel in black with 'N. YORK HAMB. PKT / PAID 12' datestamp in red alongside (Nov 30) and carried on the "Saxonia" of the Hamburg-America Line. Reverse with Hamburg transit cds in blue (Feb 14) and Stuttgart datestamp of the following day.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 120 CHFLot# : 1818 USA
Lot# : 1819 USA
1850/1950: Small dealer's stock few hundred stamps used/unused, incl. some better values from the early years, few varieties, officials, postage dues, revenues, few Philippines, Cuba and Puerto Rico, partly in mixed condition and housed in two albums and on album pages.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 1820 USA
1870/1970: Lot several hundred stamps used/unused or in mint condition (still valid for postage), incl. full sets, blocks of four, souvenir sheets, miniature sheets etc., arranged in one album and four stockbooks, in addition a small box with cards, covers and postal stationery items coming from business or daily mail.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 1821 USA
1845/80: The collection of classic covers (23 and a piece) with New York Postmaster's Provisional 5 c. black (initialled ACM) on 1845 cover to Philadelphia, 1847 5 c. used on covers (4) from Troy with cds in blue, entires from Syracuse and Philadelphia cancelled in blue and 1850 entire from Richmon cancelled in red; 1847 10 c. black on entire from Wilkes Barre / PA cancelled in black; 1851/57 Jefferson 5 c. brown used on 1856/57 covers from New Orleans to France (3); 1851/57 10 c. green used on covers (5) with single frankings (3), a pair used to 'Ship Othello' in Le Havre and a strip of three used to Hamburg; 1851/57 remarkable piece with 12 c. black showing 8 examples including a strip of three; 1857/61 issue with covers (3) used to France each franked by vertical strips of three (two with certs.); 1861 2 c. Black Jack cover with extraordinary pre-printing paper fold usage and a rare cover with pair with second stamp diagonally bisected (Scott 73a) to make the 3 c. rate; Banknote Issue covers with 15 c. orange used to Cape of Good Hope (3) and an 1882 cover with Banknote 3 c. green re-addressed with Canada Small Queen 3 c. at Fredricton / NB (cert.). A fair to generally fine range of high catalogue value.Starting bid : 7,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1822 USA
Sanitary Fairs 1864 (April-June-Dec): New York Metropolitan Fair, 10 c. blue sheetlet of four imperforate unused, of fine appearance but creased (Scott = $ 1'750), Philadelphia perforated 20 c. green and 30 c. black, unused examples and 10 c. blue and 20 c. green on uncancelled cover addressed to a Mr. Landis, also an illustrated envelope for the 'Great Central Fair for the Sanitary Commission' franked by 1861 1 c. blue, used locally in Philadelphia; together with scarce Springfield, Mass. 10 c. lilac imperforate, a fine unused example with good margins but for light bend (cert. Philatelic Foundation, 1996). A scarce seldom seen group.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 460 CHFLot# : 1823 USA
Sanitary Fair 1864: Cover addressed to the (Philadelphia) Central Fair franked by June 1864 30 c. black tied by "GREAT CENTRAL FAIR / June 13 / 1864" datestamp, with repeated strike alongside. The envelope with slight opening tears at right of no importance, as this is an extremely rare usage of this stamp on letter, with just 7 covers known bearing this adhesive Scott = $ 1'500.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 1824 USA
Lot# : 1825 USA
Lot# : 1826 USA
Lot# : 1827 Ryukyu
Lot# : 1828 USA
Ryukyu Islands 1948/1971: Unused Collection with first issue 1948 printing and 1949 sets of seven, 1950 set of eight, 1952 surcharged 10 y. on 50 s. (all three types), 100 y. on 2 y. rose-violet (signed Schenker), thereafter complete through to 1971 incl. Airmails, Commemoratives and Definitives; fresh and fine collection, most unmounted og. Scott = $ 3'000+.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1829 USA
Confederate States Postmasters' Provisional 1861: Mobile, Alabama 5 c. blue, a fine example in a bright shade with clear to good margins all round, tied to USA 1860/61 watermarked 3 c. red postal stationery envelope by MOBILE / ALA datestamps (July 22) in black, the envelope endorsed 'Adams Exp. Paid' in manuscript at upper left and reverse with oval ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY / GRANT BROTHERS / WESTERN & SOUTHERN / EXPRESS FORWARDERS / NEW YORK applied on original despatch in blue. The single rate cover would have travelled direct by boat and would have been forwarded by the Adam's Express agent in Mobile. A charming and extremely rare usage in choice condition Scott = $ 6'000.rnrnProvenance: Mason (1940).rnrnNote: The Adams Express Co. eventually became the modern American Express. The First Battle of Bull Run / First Manassass was foughtrnthe day before this cover was mailed in Mobile.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 11,000 CHFLot# : 1830 USA
Confederate States 1863: George Washington 10 c. green, a fine used example with ample to large margins and portion of adjoining stamp at right, used on large piece tied by bold RICHMOND / VA datestamp (March 4) in black. Signed Jakubek Scott = $ 400.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1831 Uruguay
1860: 60 c. dull lilac (shades), large figures, reconstruction of the Transfer block of Stone 1, with 24 clichés (6 x 4), mostly very fine examples with fine range of cancellations (some scarcer) struck in blue, red and green. Scarce aand most appealing plating study Scott = $ 1'000+.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1832 Uruguay
1860/62: 'Sun' Issue covers (4) with 60 c. lilac (shades) on November 1860 single franking entire tied by 'Montevideo / Sucursal' oval in black, November 1862 cover with single example used from Salto cancelled by circular handstamp in black, single 120 c. blue on cover from Montevideo to Buenos Aires and a rare 1862 entire letter endorsed 'Villa del Salto' to Buenos Aires franked by 60 c. lilac and 120 c. deep blue tied by oval Montevideo datestamps (Jan 31). A fresh and fine group, three are signed A. Diena, all are signed by Giulio Bolaffi.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 1833 Uruguay
1864/78: Covers (2) with 1864 entire letter endorsed 'p. Cerise' to Buenos Aires franked by 1864 6 c. rose-carmine (2) tied by oval Montevideo datestamp in black and 1878 cover to Genova, Italy franked by 1877/79 10 c. vermilion pair tied by numeral '23' handstamp in black, carried by S.G.T.M. steamer 'France' with 'Plata / Marseille' entry mark in red and struck with '80' handstamp in blue and '14' handstamp in black. Taxed on arrival with latter figure and bearing Italy Postage Due 1870 40 c. and 1 l. tied by Genova cds (Nov 17). A few imperfections but a scarce pair, the later cover signed E. J. Lee.Starting bid : 180 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 1834 Uruguay
1865/66: Entire letters (2), both from Montevideo to Bordeaux and both carried by the 'Carmel', each with different Montevideo despatch in black, struck with octagonal URUGUAY / CARMEL datestamp in black (Salles fig. 1035), the earlier dated Aug 15, 1865, the second entire Jan. 15, 1866; each struck with 'Brésil / Bordeaux' entry marks in black; one charged 8 décimes and the other 10 décimes. A fine pair: the 'Carmel' datestamp was in use for a year only.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 100 CHFLot# : 1835 Venezuela
1876/78: France Type Sage 1 fr. olive-green, Type I, used on 1879 entire letter from La Guayra to Bordeaux endorsed 'p. Olinde Rodrigues', with circular CORREOS / LA GUAIRA despatch and tied by octagonal LA GUAYRA Consular datestamp in black (July 29), Repeated strike at base and circular LIGNE D / PAQ. FR. No. 1 datestamp in red (same day). Bordeaux arrival cds on reverse of a fine and scarce entire.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1836 Great Britain
1827 (Dec 16): Entire letter addressed to a Lieutenant on board the 'HMS Cadmus' in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Struck on despatch with fine two line 'COLDSTREAM / PENNY POST' in black and prepaid '3/10d.' in red manuscript on front. Long cross-written letter, an unusual usage.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 100 CHFLot# : 1837 Great Britain
1821/27: Commercial correspondence of seven entire letters from London by packet to Funchal, Madeira, two with PAID cds’s in red on front, all with 2/7 d. rates in manuscript. Sender of the correspondence is at the beginning Thomas Coutts (1735 – 1822), an Anglo-Scottish banker who was the founder of the wealthy banking house of Coutts & Co.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1838 Great Britain
1840: (1 d.) Mulready lettersheet, Proof printing of stereotype with frame lines but without instruction panels on sides and without value in black on India Paper, minor tear at bottom and some creasing along folds which have been carefully rebacked, otherwise in a very fresh state of preservation. Gi = £ 3'800.rnProvenance: ´SEVERN´ collection (2010)Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 1,300 CHFLot# : 1839 Great Britain
GB / USA 1840: "Congressional Mulready", the 1840 facsimile of the Mulready, imprint of 'W. J. Stone Sc." at lower left, with additional 'stamp' based on the 1 d. black on front right, stereo A34 letter-sheet. Produced as an Essay for presentation to the US Senate, in conjunction with Daniel Webster's resolution dated June 10, 1840 "relative to a reduction of the postage on letters", originally inscribed "Sen(ate). 1(st). S(ession). 26(th). C(ongress). No. 547" at lower right. Some soiling due to handling at the time and since, but of great scarcity and of wonderful appearance - a tribute to the printer's art. Cert. BPA (2008).Starting bid : 8,500 CHFHammer price : 8,500 CHFLot# : 1840 Great Britain
1840: Mulready 1 d. envelope, used example to Spalding, Lincolnshire cancelled by red Maltese Cross, reverse with 'St. Leonard's On Sea' despatch cds in black (May 25) and London transit cds in red (May 26). A few wrinkles but an attractive usage during the first month of issue Gi = £ 550.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 1841 Great Britain
1840 (Jan 16): "To be posted at the Houses of Parliament only" 1 d. envelope prionted in black on 1839 watermarked paper, a fine used example of this great rarity endorsed by sender "Geo. Wm. Wood" with signature at lower left, mailed from London with 'Crown / Paid' datestamp in red (January 29, 1840) to Tenterden in Kent. Minor piece of manuscript arithmetic on the face panel and some overall ageing, however an item of great rarity Gi = £ 18'000.rnNote: George William Wood was Member of Parliament for Kendal at this date. He had earlier been MP for Lancashire South from 1832-1835.Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1842 Great Britain
1840: "To be posted at the House of Commons only" / "Post Paid - ONE PENNY - Weight not to exceed ½ oz." printed envelope used to Bury St. Edmunds cancelled by Cowned London 'Paid' datestamp in red (March 10). Reverse with red wax seal intact (showing Crown over Lion). Slight horizontal crease but an extremely fine example of this very rare envelope Gi = £ 6'000.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1843 Great Britain
1837: Wyon City Medal, with head of Queen Victoria as used for the 1840 1 d. black & 2 d. blue and issues thereafter, a fine example in silver produced by William Wyon (1795-1851) struck to celebrate Victoria's first visit to the City of London in November 1837 after her accession to the throne. The head was actually modelled by Wyon when Victoria was 15 years old in 1834. Small imperfections but an iconic and rare medal and a wonderful frontispiece to a collection.rnrnrnStarting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 3,000 CHFLot# : 1844 Great Britain
1840/41: Embossed Essays for stamping paper and eNvelopes, Wyon / Whiting Essay in black with white letters ´POSTAGE ONE PENNY´ in engine-turned surround and Queen's head without pendant curl, some paper adhereance on reverse. Very rare Gi = £ 2'000.rnProvenance: H.C.V. Adams collection (1956), ´SEVERN´collection (2010)Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 1845 Great Britain
1840: 1 d. black (intense shade), large regular margins, tied by neat red MC to entire with "T.P. / Potters Bar" to Barnet with datestamp of October 3, 1840, for arrival, very fine and nice cover from the former London Two Penny Post. SG Spec. AS41 = £ 725.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 1846 Great Britain
Lot# : 1847 Great Britain
Lot# : 1848 Great Britain
Lot# : 1849 Great Britain
1840: 1 d. black, Plate 5, lettered TH, plate variety double letter 'H', a marvellous unused example from base of sheet with large margins all round and showing tiny portion of adjoining stamps at top and at right, italic marginal imprint "AND SIDE of the" at base, of fresh colour and appearance, without gum. A lovely stamp. Cert. Brun (2010), Eichele (2011) Gi. Spec. AS25b. Gi = £ 12'500+.Starting bid : 3,500 CHFHammer price : 4,600 CHFLot# : 1850 Great Britain
Lot# : 1851 Great Britain
Lot# : 1852 Great Britain
1840 (May 6): 1 d. black, Plate 6, lettered OC, two fine used examples, each with four clear to large margins, with State One cancelled in red and State Two cancelled by black Maltese Cross, a fine and very scarce matched pair Gi Spec. cat AS41+AS42 = £ 975/Gi = £ 750.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 380 CHFLot# : 1853 Great Britain
Lot# : 1854 Great Britain
1840: 1 d. black, pl. 7, lettered HA, a fine used example with clear to large margins all round with portion of adjoining stamp at right and part marginal inscription "In Wetting the..." at left, cancelled by black Maltese Cross, signed Brun. Rare thus Gi = £ 375+.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 380 CHFLot# : 1855 Great Britain
Lot# : 1856 Great Britain
1840: 1 d. black, pl. 8, lettered FL, touched at base but with large margins at left and at top showing adjoining stamps, tied by red Maltese Cross to 1841 entire letter from Liverpool addressed to Madeira via Forwarding Agent's in London (Robert Forster of Beer Lane), for onward transmission to Madeira. reverse with 'Liverpool' despatch cds and London cds in red (Jan 16). Obverse bears Madeira notation of charge due upon receipt with "160" (reis) in manuscript alongside the adhesive. A rare and most appealing entire. Cert. BPA (2013).Starting bid : 2,400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1857 Great Britain
Lot# : 1858 Great Britain
Spilsby Maltese Crosses 1840: Covers (2) from Spilsby to "Newton, Chambers & Co., Thorncliffe, an Ironworks near Sheffield", the first with 1 d. black, pl. 4, lettered MH, used example with clear to large margins neatly tied by red Maltese Cross with repeated strike alongside the adhesive at left. Reverse with 'Spilsby' double arc undated circle of despatch; most attractive and scarce - the earliest recorded usage of the 'Double Cross' listed by Rockoff & Jackson, see Volume II, page 251. Cert. Eichele (2011); the second with 1 d. black, pl. 9, lettered IC, a fine used example tied to 1841 entire letter from the ame correspondance, neatly tied by black Maltese Cross with repeated strike alongside the adhesive at left. Reverse with 'Spilsby' double arc datestamp (April 19) in black of despatch. Both a tad fragile along folds but most attractive and scarce. A sensational pair of covers with both the red and black Crosses. Illustrated in Rockoff & Jackson, Volume II, page 253. Certs. RPSL (1983).rnNote: George Newton, Thomas Chambers along with Henry Longden signed a lease to extract coal and ironstone from the Thorncliffe valley in December 1793. The company founded was "The Thorncliffe Ironworks". By the end of the 19th century the company was not only mining coal and ironstone but building blast furnances, coke ovens and chemical plant. Heavy section iron from the Thorncliffe Ironworks was used in two iconic structures: Tower Bridge, crossing the river Thames in London, and the Eddystone Lighthouse. (Source: Wikipedia)rnProvenance: Collection 'Wills', Harmers, London, Nov 1989, lot 212.rn Collection Hassan Shaida, Sale 1, Feb. 1992.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 2,200 CHFLot# : 1859 Great Britain
1840: 2 d. deep full blue, Plate 1, lettered PB, a fine four margined example in a deep shade, used on 1840 double rate cover to London tied by Maltese Coss in red. Reverse with Liverpool despatch cds (Sept 12) and London arrival (Sept 14). Slight closed tear at top of cover not greatly affecting attractive appearance. Cert. Ferchenbauer (1985) Gi = £ 2'750.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 1860 Great Britain
Lot# : 1861 Great Britain
1840 (May 6): 2 d. blue, Plate 2, lettered MJ-MK, a delightful used horizontal pair in a bright resonant shade, large even margins all round, neatly cancelled by red Maltese Crosses (rare on this Plate). An exceptional and most attractive pair Gi = £ 1'800/Gi Spec. cat DS8f = £ 3'500.rnProvenance: Collection Wills, Harmers, London, 7 Nov 1989.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHFLot# : 1862 Great Britain
1840 (May 6): 2 d. 'steel' blue, Plate 1, lettered MB-MC, the fine used horizontal pair in this distinctive shade, good to huge margins all round, neatly cancelled by black Maltese Crosses. A fresh and very fine pair Gi = £ 3'800/Gi Spec. cat DS4 = £ 3'800. rnProvenance: Collection Wills, Harmers, London, 7 Nov 1989.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 1863 Great Britain
1840: 2d. blue, plate 1, strip of four RC-RF, tied by red MC's and "BOSTON SHIP" datestamp to 1840, Mulready lettershett 2d. blue, Stereo "a 96" with "GLASGOW APR. 14. 1841" datestamp for despatch on reverse, addressed to "James Burns, Portrait Painter, New York". The 2d. strip with mostly large margins (RC close at one corner, RF slightly touched at right), a fifth stamp having been removed, the lettersheet slightly age toned and some wear at edges but all letterfolds carefully backed by hinges. Nevertheless a hightly impressive and rare overseas combination use of adhesive Stamps and Postal Stationery. Cert. RPSL (1996).Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : 2,800 CHFLot# : 1864 Great Britain
Lot# : 1865 Great Britain
Lot# : 1866 Great Britain
Lot# : 1867 Great Britain
Lot# : 1868 Great Britain
1841: 1d. red-brown, 'Black' Plate 9, lettered FK, large regular margins and neatly cancelled used on "May 25 1841" local Edinburgh lettersheet tied by black Maltese Cross. Cert K. Louis BPP (2017) plus 1862, 4d. pair PG-PH (PG cut wing margin and corner fault) tied by '250' numeral to Feb. 1864 envelope to the "Paymaster on H.M.S. Satelite in Montevideo ... or elsewhere.".Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 160 CHFLot# : 1869 Great Britain
1841: 1 d. red-brown, imperforate on blued paper, the magnificent unused block of twenty (5 x 4), lettered QA-QE/TA-TE, from the lower left corner of the sheet with Plate Number "42" and inscription "Price 1d. Per Label, 1s. Per Row of 12, £1 Per Sheet. Place the Labels ABOVE the.." with manuscript below "Kirkwall Orkney Islands Sept 9, 1844" in ink. The stamps of excellent fresh colour, with full margins all round and portions of adjoining stamps at right, minute scissor cut between QB and QC, mounted on the upper row only, otherwise, besides one minor gum skip, most of the lower block of fifteen are unmounted og. 'QA' shows the re-entry (Gi Spec cat BS26Eb) at base and Guide line joins left frame lines of QA and RA. Some ageing in the lower margin not detracting from the beautiful appearance of this rare and splendid multiple Gi = £ 2'000+.rnProvenance: Collection Wills, Harmers, London, 7 Nov 1989.Starting bid : 3,000 CHFHammer price : 6,500 CHFLot# : 1870 Great Britain
Lot# : 1871 Great Britain
1841: 1 d. red-brown, three single examples, one three margin example used on piece cancelled by London 'No. 5' in Maltese Cross, fine example with fine strike of 'No. 8' in Cross and superb used example with fine 'No. 12' in Cross. Scarce and attractive trio Gi = £ 650+.Starting bid : 180 CHFHammer price : 180 CHFLot# : 1872 Great Britain
1841: 1 d. red-brown on blued, the near complete set of London 'Numbers in Cross' with eleven stamps showing Numbers 1-11, the rare 'No. 4' being a particularly fine strike, margins touched to fine and a few faults, nevertheless a scarce assembly Gi = £ 2'695.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1873 Great Britain
1841: 1 d. red-brown on blued, 'Archer' plate 92, a remarkable block of twenty-two with complete horizontal row of the sheet lettered IA-IL and JC-JL, used on 1850 cover from London to Southampton, cancelled by London '17' numeral obliterators, with corresponding manuscript rate '1/10d.' at left. Margins good to touched and the cover with some creasing due to size (presumably carrying legal documents as addressed to a Solicitor), with London despatch cds and Southampton arrival (May 2) in blue on reverse. Despite faults, an extraordinary franking.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 1,500 CHFLot# : 1874 Great Britain
1841: 1 d. red-brown on blued, a fine four margined example unusually used on 1 d. pink postal stationery envelope to Culross, neatly tied by London 'No. 2' in Maltese Cross. Reverse with small flower illustration in manuscript, and London despatch (Dec 22) and Edinburgh and Culross datestamps (Dec 24). A charming and scarce cover.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 360 CHFLot# : 1875 Great Britain
1854 (Jan 24): Entire letter from London addressed to Capt. Frere on HMS Bellerophon at Malta, endorsed 'per English Packet via Marseille, under ¼ ounce', correctly franked by 1841 1 d. red, pl. 132, 2 d. blue pl. 4 and 1847/54 Embossed 1 s. green, margins on each large to just touched, all tied by London '12' numeral obliterators in black. A charming and scarce entire. Cert. Louis (2012).Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 1876 Great Britain
1841: 1 d. red-brown on blued lettered TJ and 2 d. blue single and pair, lettered DB and DA/EA, large margins, only 2d, EA, just touched at base, used on small registered 1853 cover to the Manager of the Provincial Bank in Limerick, all tied by Irish '353' numeral obliterators in black and by Newcastle (Limerick) despatch cds (July 29) in red. Reverse with Limerick arrival cds (same day). An attractive and scarce cover and without doubt one of the most beautiful registered covers from Ireland bearing 1841, 1d and 2d. Cert. BPA (1996), together with an 1843 registered cover from Manchester to London with touched 1841 1 d. red tied by black MC with registration paid in cash.rnNote: The addresse "Provincial Bank" of Ireland was founded by Thomas Joplin and others in London in 1825. It's primary aim was to introduce English capital into Ireland outside of the Dublin area. In 1966 ´The Provincial Bank of Ireland´ merged with ´The Munster & Leinster Bank´ and ´The Royal Bank of Ireland´ to form ´Allied Irish Banks´ (Source: bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 2,400 CHFLot# : 1877 Great Britain
Lot# : 1878 Great Britain
Lot# : 1879 Great Britain
1841 (April): 1 d. red-brown from Black Plate 11, lettered ND, the unissued Trail Printing on 'Dickinson' on deeply blued silk-thread paper without watermark, a superb unused example of excellent fresh colour and large margins all round. An exquisite example of an extremely rare stamp. Cert. RPSL (1970) Gi = £ 7'750.rnProvenance: Collection Wills, Harmers, London, 7 Nov 1989.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 4,400 CHFLot# : 1880 Great Britain
Crimean War 1855: Cover from the Baltic Fleet mailed to Southsea, Hampshire franked by 1 d. red-brown on blued paper in a strip of three, perf. 16, lettered TA-TC, 'DANZIG' despatch cds (13/7) at lower right. The adhesives tied on arrival in London with numeral obliterators (July 17) and Portsmouth cds in black (July 18) on reverse. Scarce and attractive cover.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1881 Great Britain
Lot# : 1882 Great Britain
Lot# : 1883 Great Britain
1841/65: Small group (9) with 1841 1 d. red-brown used (4) all with good margins, 1 d. red Stars all with Scots Local cancellations: two with SAUCHIHALL (one with complete strike on piece), and part strikes of ARGYLE STREET and SANDPORT STREET; also an 1867 1 s. green pl. 5 with fine circular Telegraphic cancellation in black.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1884 Great Britain
1867: Austria 3 kr. green and 10 kr. blue used on small 1872 envelope from Vienna to London tied by 'Wien' cds in black with red framed P.D. below. Readdressed from St. James's to the City with 1870 ½ d. lake, pl. 5, in a vertical pair tied by London duplex in black (Dec 17). An attractive and most unusual redirected usage. Signed Matl.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 1885 Great Britain
Lot# : 1886 Great Britain
1847/54: Embossed 1 s. pale green, an attractive vertical strip of three, ample to large margins all round and portion of adjoining stamp at upper left, lightly cancelled by numeral obliterators in black and by bleached manuscript 'Registered' in ink. An attractive and scarce multiple Gi = £ 3'000.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 1887 Great Britain
1847/83: Group of three items with Embossed 1847/54 1 s. pale green used with numeral obliterator and partial French entry marking, 1867/83 10 s. greenish grey on white paper, wmk. Anchor, used example with 'L / C & S' perfin and 1883 10 s. ultramarine fine used Gi = £ 5'000+.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 1888 Great Britain
1847/54: Embossed 6 d. violet used with 1855 2 d. blue, perf. 16, on small 1855 mourning envelope to Geneva, Switzerland cancelled by '745' numeral obliterator of Stone, Staffordshire. The 6 d. with good margins for this stamp and contemporary scissor cut in margin, the 2 d. blue with separated by scissors at left and with portion of adjoining stamp at right. Circular 'PD' in red on front with reverse showing Stone despatch cds (Nov 13) in green, London transit in red and Geneva arrival cds. A scarce cover.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 1889 Great Britain
Unfortunately this lot was withdrawn from this auction.Lot# : 1890 Great Britain
1855/57: 4d., 6d. and 1s. tied by "498 / Manchester JU 27 61" duplex cancellation to entire letter via France to Rome. The 6d. clearly shows faint blueing of the paper, although BPA cert. (2017) states "memo: When compared with other 6d. on "Azure" paper this shows insufficient blueing". A rare franking bearing the complete set of the first surface printed issue.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 1891 Great Britain
1861 (July 16): Entire letter from London to Cognac, sent registered and prepaid at 1/4d. in red manuscript, struck with fine framed LOMBARD STREET / D / REGISTERED LETTER in red and 'Crown / Registered' cachet at right, with reverse displaying French rate box and Cognac arrival cds (July 18). A scarce entire.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 120 CHFLot# : 1892 Great Britain
Lot# : 1893 Great Britain
1867/80: 2 s. brown, wmk. Spray, lettered CE, a fine unused wing margin example of excellent freshness and resonant colour, insignificant spot behind Queen's neck barely apparent, fresh and fine without gum. Rare and most appealing stamp. Cert. K. Louis (2017) Gi = £ 30'000.Starting bid : 3,000 CHFHammer price : 3,600 CHFLot# : 1894 Great Britain
1867/83: £ 5 orange on white paper, lettered CH, a fine appearing used example of good rich colour, a few slightly soiled perfs. at right, neatly cancelled by WALSALL cds (Oct 31, 1902) in black. An attractive example of this iconic stamp Gi = £ 4'750.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 1,500 CHFLot# : 1895 Great Britain
1875: Cover from London to Lima endorsed 'p. Str. Nile' franked by 1873/80 3 d. rose pl. 17 (2) and single 1 s. green pl. 11, all three stamps with Henry Schroder & Co. perfin, tied by London duplexes in black (Aug 16). Taxed on arrival with 1874/80 Postage Due 10 c. orange, creased, tied by 'Lima / Principal' cds (Sept). Minor imperfections but rare.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 1896 Great Britain
Lot# : 1897 Great Britain
1884: £ 1 brown-lilac, wmk. Crown, used example somewhat heavily cancelled by 'R' in oval handstamps but fine; 1888 £ 1 brown-lilac, wmk Orbs, used example of fair appearance but creased, 1891 £ 1 green used, some rubbing and unclear oval cancels; 1902/10 £ 1 green, creased but of fine appearaance. A scarce group of elusive high values Gi = £ 8'000+.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : not sold
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