Catalogue 222: EUROPE & OVERSEAS
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Lot# : 2098 Cape of Good Hope
Literature: 'The Handstruck Letter Stamps of the Cape of Good Hope from 1792 to 1853 and the Postmarks from 1853 to 1910' by A. A. Jurgens, hardbound (1938). Fine condition throughout and a rare book.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 100 CHFLot# : 2099 Cape of Good Hope
1853: 1 d. deep brick-red on blued paper in a pair used with single 4 d. deep blue on slightly blued, used on registered 1854 cover to Somerset East tied by CGH triangular handstamps in black. Reverse with circular and oval framed CAPE TOWN datestamps (May 25) in red and the circular datestamp shows that the letter was appearently mis-sorted to the English Packet mail, the mistake being rectified. Obverse with superb SOMERSET EAST oval datestamp (June 3) and returned back to Cape Town with oval datestamp (June 8) in red. The 1 d. pair with margin just grazed on one stamp but an extremely scarce cover of delightful appearance. Cert. Ferchenbauer (1989).Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 4,000 CHFLot# : 2100 Cape of Good Hope
Lot# : 2101 Cape of Good Hope
Lot# : 2102 Cape of Good Hope
1858: 6 d. bright yellow-green, clear to large margins all round, used on 1859 registered cover to Cape Town tied by neat CGH triangular obliterator in black. Reverse with oval framed CALDON datestamp (Nov 9) in black and obverse with oval Cape Town arrival (Nov 10) in red. A charming and scarce cover. Cert. Philatelic Foundation (1968).Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,700 CHFLot# : 2103 Cape of Good Hope
Lot# : 2104 Cape of Good Hope
1854/1907: Small group of three items with 1854 stampless cover from Cape Town to Aberdeen carried on the 'Lady Jocelyn' with fine circular CAPE TOWN / CAPE OF GOOD HOPE cds in red (March 27), 1875 4 d. pale blue Imperforate Plate Proof block of four on glossy paper from corner of sheet and overprinted CANCELLED, 1907 up-rated 1 d. pink postal stationery envelope used to Germany.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 2105 Cape of Good Hope
Anglo-Boer War 1900: Postcards (10) all mailed from Florence, Italy each franked by Italy 5 c. green adhesive, the viewside of the black & white cards being exceptional: and including a picture of Lord Churchill, Trains and Stations, POW's etc. A fine and scarce group.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2106 Mafeking
Mafeking 1900: Baden-Powell 3 d. pale blue on blue, narrow setting, a fine used example cancelled by MAFEKING / CGH datestamp (April 10, 1900) struck in black Gi = £ 475, together with a further group of 55 Cape of Good Hope adhesives, mostly used.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 2107 Ceylon
1833 (Aug 20): Cover to London endorsed 'via Madras' struck on despatch with JAFFNA POST PAID handstamp in red, on flap with manuscript "Inland and Ship Postage Paid" with superb oval OUT STATION / SHIP LETTER / MADRAS in black (Aug 26) and fine framed INDIA LETTER / DEAL in red and London arrival cds (Feb 14, 1834). A fine and rare cover.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 360 CHFLot# : 2108 Ceylon
1857/59: Perkins Bacon Die Proof in black for the 9 d. value, printed on India paper and mounted on thick card, 36 x 39 mm., fresh and very fine. Rare and most appealing Proof.rnrnProvenance: Collection Dr. Fleming (1951); Collection Patrick Pearson RDP (1983); Collection Joseph Hackmey (2009).Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : 3,400 CHFLot# : 2109 Ceylon
1857/59: Perkins Bacon Die Proof in black for the 2 s. value, printed on India paper and mounted on thick card, 36 x 42 mm., fresh and very fine. Rare and most appealing Proof.rnrnProvenance: Collection Patrick Pearson RDP (1983); Collection Joseph Hackmey (2009).Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : 3,300 CHFLot# : 2110 Ceylon
1857/59: 1 d. blue, imperforate, wmk. Star, three examples on 1860 cover from Galle to London endorsed 'via Marseilles' used in combination with 6 d. purple-brown and 1 s. slate-violet, all tied by barred obliterators in black, the adhesives with just touched to large margins all round. Reverse with GALLE STEAMER LETTER despatch datestamp in red (July 16) and obverse with 'London / Paid' arrival cds (Aug 13) in red. Minor imperfections but a unique and most appealing three colour franking. Cert. RPS (1999).rnrnProvenance: Collection Joseph Hackmey (2009).Starting bid : 3,000 CHFHammer price : 4,600 CHFLot# : 2111 Ceylon
1857/59: 1 d. blue, 8 d. brown and 1 s. slate-violet, imperforate, wmk. Star; all used on attractive 1860 cover from Colombo to Glasgow endorsed 'Paid, via Marseilles', all tied by barred obliterator in black. The adhesives lifted for inspection and replaced, each with just touched to large margins all round, the 8 d. with negligible surface rub underneath the 1 d. Reverse with COLOMBO / POST PAID datestamp in red (May 26) and Glasgow arrival cds (June 27) in black. A fine and most attractive three colour franking, believed unique. Cert. RPSL (1999).rnrnProvenance: Collection Joseph Hackmey (2009).Starting bid : 3,000 CHFHammer price : 4,600 CHFLot# : 2112 Ceylon
1875c. Cover endorsed in manuscript "From J. Potter, Gunner's Mate, HMS Diamond, Trincomalee, Ceylon" mailed to Bridport, Dorset franked at Seamen's concessionary rate by Great Britain 1858/79 1 d. red pl. 178 tied on arrival by London numeral obliterator in black. Endorsed by Commanding Officer at lower left and reverse with Bridport arrival cds (Aug 4). The adhesive with one pulled perf. but a rare usage: the HMS Diamond was on East Indies & China Station service between 1875 and 1879.rnStarting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 2113 Great Britain
Thomas Waghorn 1839 (Wednesday, March 13): Entire letter on 'India Steam Agency Office, Cairo' paper, written in London and mailed to A. J. Ridgeway in Leicester Square, London, endorsed 'Post Paid', the letter stating "Received your kind letter of 11th of March, I am & have been engaged hourly since my arrival in London. I shall call on you tomorrow evening at Six for half one hour - I am very thankful to you for your kind exertions in my favour.The Company's despatches arrived today, mine same date arrived Friday night and were public on Saturday, Yours truly T. Waghorn". A fine and scarce entire both written and signed by Waghorn.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2114 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 2115 Egypt Kingdom
1881/1902: 5 pi. grey, 1 pi. blue and 1888 5 m. carmine all used on 5 m. on 2 pi. orange postal stationery envelope sent registered to Germany, all tied by 'Helouan' datestamps (13/X/1893) in black. Reverse with Cairo, Alexandria and Tangerhutte (21/10) datestamps. The 5 piastre value is scarce on commercial letter.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 360 CHFLot# : 2116 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 2117 Egypt Kingdom
1931 (April 6/10): Specialised collection of the "Graf Zeppelin" surcharged issue, with issued stamps (40) showing varieties incl '1951' for '1931' error, the 'Extra Island' flaw etc. and a block of four 1933 Aviation Congress 20 m. blue unused, and an astonishing 43 covers/cards bearing the issue flown from Cairo, Alexandria and Port Said. Generally fine to very fine collection with a high 'breakdown' value.Starting bid : 3,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2118 Egypt Kingdom
1937/44: 'Boy King' specialised five frame Exhibit on leaves, with many control blocks of four noted throughout, 1m. orange used on wrapper with complete Newspaper, 3 m. sepia in control A/42 block with inverted wmk., 3 m. single franking for printed matter, 3 m. pair showing 'Doctor blade' flaw, 4 m. green used on OHEMS Printed matter cover to USA, 6 m. yellow-green, Control A/42 in left margin (ex booklet sheets), 10 m. violet control block with inverted wmk., 20 m. blue with inv. wmk. variety and on 1937 cover to USA, cancelled 'Piroscafo Postal Marco Polo' cds, scarce group of 100 m. Control blocks of six, 50 p. sepia & green on up-rated covers to Czekoslovakia, Iraq (636 m. rate), UK (addressed to Dr. Byam with 528 m. rate), cover of 600 m. rate to USA, rare cover at 540 m. rate to Djibouti, Somalia Coast, £ 1 sepia & blue with used blocks showing corner guidelines and a rare cover to USA at 1'452 m. rate bearing a defective vertical pair of the £ 1 value.Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2119 Egypt Kingdom
1937/42: Booklet Sheets: un-cut complete sheets of 60 stamps (6 x 10) prepared for Booklets (the stamp issues were in sheets of 100) for the scarce 5 m. red-brown (Control A/40) in a deep shade and 6 m. yellow-green (Control A/42 on A/41), each sheet fresh and fine, unmounted og. Scarce.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2120 Egypt Kingdom
1930: Two advertising covers from same correspondence to Alexandria, with July 1930 cover franked by 1927 2 m. black and 1898/1907 Postage Due 3 m. on 2 pi. orange used as Postage and tied by 'Mallawi' cds (July 11), second cover sent registered and franked by irregular block of five 1898/1907 3 m. on 2 pi. Postage Due used as Postage tied by 'Mallawi' datestamps (Aug 1) with registration cachet at left. Creased and faults but a remarkable and very rare pair.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 2121 Egypt Kingdom
Emergency Airmail Service 1919: The collectioin on leaves featuring 8 covers from this turbulent period, with March 25, 1919 OHMS envelope struck with fine AERIAL POST / EEF in black used from Alexandria to Cairo, March 31 and April 2 covers with AERIAL POST / EEF handstamps in violet (these two with EEF under POST), April 7 cover with framed AERIAL POST / E.E.F.' cachet in black to Cairo and a fine strike in violet on cover used to Alex, superb examples on April 8 cover to Suez and another on April 15 cover to Alex, also a rare usage on April 25 cover to Karachi, India (Pakistan). Seldom seen covers (circa 120 exist) and generally very fine for these provisional airmails. A very rare group.rnrnNote: These cancellations were used as the Railway Line between Alexandria and Cairo was unsafe for British Forces to use due to the disturbances / revolt against the British post-War Occupation and their influence in Egypt. Thus the RAF flew important Official mail between the major Egyptian towns.Starting bid : 3,000 CHFHammer price : 3,200 CHFLot# : 2122 Egypt Kingdom
1927/60c.: Airmail collection incl. 1927 Flight covers with 27 m. violet (2), 1929 Alexandria-Baghdad-Karachi or Egypt/UK Flight covers with 27 m. violet, 1930/32 Imperial Airway Africa Flight covers, 1952 BOAC Test Flights to Bahrain, Flights by KLM, TWA, Swiss Air, Air France etc., Airmail Labels, advertising labels, vignettes and tickets, ephemera (KLM offering cigarettes at 25 cents per packet of 20!). An interesting lot (187 covers).Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 800 CHFLot# : 2123 Egypt Kingdom
1893/1963: Officials. Collection with 'Miri' issue including an imperforate pair with wmk., fine block of fifteen unused with wmk. sideways and an 1894 cover with single example used from the Railway Administration Dept. in Cairo and another 'Miri' franking addressed to the Fayoum Light Railway, 1912 small registered cover with 'Miri' and OHHS 5 m. carmine paying the registration fee used from Cairo (rare), 1907 set unused with multiples, 1913-1915 sets unused and used, 1922/23 Fuad set unused and used incl. multiples and flaws, 1926/35 issue incl. eleven values from imperforate Farouk printring, 1938 set of nine from imperforate Farouk printing and four values with Farouk 'oblique perforations' incl. two pairs, together with 62 covers. A fine and interesting collection with scope for specialised advancement.Starting bid : 700 CHFHammer price : 1,200 CHFLot# : 2124 Egypt Kingdom
1924/25: 1st Fuad Official overprinted 1 m., 2 m., 3 m., 4 m. and 5 m. all used with 1927 1 m. orange on cover to USA tied by 'Port Said / Paquebot' datestamps (Dec 11, 1930) with 'T' mark alongside. Taxed on arrival in the USA at 3 cents to collect. Rare usage of these Officials on letter.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 2125 Egypt Kingdom
1865: Essay for proposed postal stationery envelope by Prevost of Paris, square 10 Para value in pale orange at lower left with circular overprint below for 20 paras, printed on cream diagonally laid paper (122 x 97 mm.), fresh and fine. Signed Todd AIEP Nile Post E9g = $ 150.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 2126 Egypt Kingdom
1865: Essay for proposed postal stationery envelope by Prevost of Paris, square 10 Para value in pale orange at left with circular overprint below for 20 paras, printed on cream wove paper (130 x 97 mm.), trivial aging but fine. Signed Todd AIEP Nile Post E9g = $ 150.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 2127 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 2128 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 2129 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 2130 Egypt Kingdom
1869: Essay for proposed postal stationery envelope by Prevost of Paris, '00' Para square design in green on pink envelope (140 x 73 mm.), with 'Epreuve' and arabic inscription '20 paras' alongside. Fresh and fine. Signed Todd AIEP Nile Post E38b = $ 175.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 2131 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 2132 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 2133 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 2134 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 2135 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 2136 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 2137 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 2138 Egypt Kingdom
1894: 3 m. violet postal stationery card (SPC7), with "Simon Arzt" printed imprint on reverse, up-rated with Egyptian 2 m. green and Germany 1888 10 pf. red used from Port Said to Cape Colony, all cancelled by circular "Deutsche Seepost Afrikanische / Hauptlinie" datestamps and by London transit cds (June 26) with arrivals verso (July 19). Scarce.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 140 CHFLot# : 2139 Egypt Kingdom
1899: Provisional 4+4 m. on 5+5 m. carmine postal stationery reply cards unused, reply half with variety "Missing first 4", slightly aged and front half split from reply, nevertheless a very scarce variety, signed Todd AIEP Nile Post SPC10b = $ 150.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2140 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 2141 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 2142 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 2143 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 2144 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 2145 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 2146 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 2147 Egypt Kingdom
1930: Harrison & Sons / Survey Dept. 10 m. carmine on buff postal stationery card, a fine unused example with revised Arabic text, minute corner bend but an extremely rare and elusive card, the first this describer has handled in a decade Nile Post SPC31 = $ 300.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHFLot# : 2148 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 2149 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 2150 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 2151 Egypt Kingdom
1939/44: Boy King set of four postal stationery cards, 3 m. brown, 4 m. grey-green (2, one being the rare lithographed printing of 1941), 6 m. green (2, one with unrecorded Plate Flaw above English '6' at left) and 13 m. carmine card, this last with fault otherwise all fresh and fine unused. A rare group Nile Post SPC37/SPC40 = $ 180+.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2152 Egypt Kingdom
1911/13: Provisional 1 m. on 2 m. green postal stationery envelopes (5), with barred examples unused and used, scarce examples without bars unused, used with cto 'Benha' cds and an up-rated usage with 1914 1 m. Scarce Nile Post SEN11+12 = $ 280.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 100 CHFLot# : 2153 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 2154 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 2155 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 2156 Egypt Kingdom
1938/39: Boy King 2 m. vermilion postal stationery envelope with frame fine unused, 2 m. envelopes (both types, with and without frame, used (one with Postage Due on reverse), and the rare 5 m. brown envelope, superb unused. Scarce group Nile Post SEN30+31+32= $ 140+.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2157 Egypt Kingdom
1941/43: Boy King 3 m. brown postal envelopes, unused examples on both laid and on wove paper fine unused, and three used examples on laid, wove and third on watermark 'horizontal and reversed' variety, fresh and fine group Nile Post SEN34+34a+34b = $ 340.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2158 Egypt Kingdom
1946: Mareschal 4 m. green postal stationery envelopes unused (7), Type I flaps Knife A and Knife A with vertical watermark and Knife B, and Type II unused examples with Knife B and 90 degree screen variety, rare 4 m. watermarked Crown and Arabic F, and the rare 10 m. violet envelope; a fine and scarce group Nile Post SEN37+37a+ 37b+38+38a+39+40 =$ 335.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 2159 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 2160 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 2161 Egypt Kingdom
1914: De La Rue 5 m. (carmine) embossed postal stationery letter-sheet, unused example with ONOTO watermark, variety "Albino" printing without colour, slight pale pink impression inside only from the sheet below, one or two slight spots but very rare. Nile Post SLS6 var. Cert. Todd AIEP (2018)Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2162 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 2163 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 2164 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 2165 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 2166 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 2167 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 2168 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 2169 Egypt Kingdom
1929: Harrisons King Fuad 15 m. blue registered postal stationery envelope, a fine unused example diagonally overprinted "Espècimen" in green upon receipt from the UPU by the Portuguese India (Goa) Postal Authority. Some minor spotting mostly under flap, nevertheless unique. Nile Post SRE5 spec.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2170 Egypt Kingdom
1929: Harrisons King Fuad 15 m. blue registered postal stationery envelope, a fine unused example, with variety "Double Embossing. One Albino", minor vertical bend on flap that may have caused the variety, extremely rare and the first example this describer has encountered. Believed unique. Nile Post SRE5 var. Cert. Todd AIEP (2018).Starting bid : 4,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2171 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 2172 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 2173 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 2174 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 2175 Egypt Kingdom
1953: Boy King 35 m. on 30 m. green registered postal stationery envelope, Farouk obliterated with "X" in black underneath, a few imperfections (see Nile Post footnote), some stains but a good example of an extremely rare envelope Nile Post SRE14 = $ 300.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2176 Egypt Kingdom
1989/1994: An award winning 5 frame eighty page Exhibit of the 'Cassette Postal Stationery' envelopes with Proofs (7), and all printing types noted, in different values and colours, printing errors including missing colours and dramatic shifts and used examples; with 118 items. A most interesting collection.rnrnNote: The Cassette envelopes were originally issued for Troops to tape messages home, where one or other of the parties concerned were unable to read or write. The service was cancelled, due to the advent of mobile telephones, in 2007.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2177 France
1870/71: Bordeaux 10 c. bistre foncé, report I (2), 20 c. blue type III, a corner marginal example, and 40 c. orange (2), all fresh and fine with good to large margins all round, tied by '5080' gros chiffre of Alexandria to piece. An appealing item, cert. Calves (1981).Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 2178 Egypt Kingdom
1900/30: French P.O.s in Egypt: Collection with some hundred stamps used/unused or in mint condition, incl. pairs and blocks of four from Alexandria and Port Said, 41 covers and picture postcards, some showing better frankings and destinations, good to mixed condition and housed in one album.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 2179 Egypt Kingdom
French Post Offices 1864/69: Covers/entire letters (5) with 1867 cover to France bearing combination of Egypt 1866 1 pi. tied by Zagasik cds and France 1862 40 c., 1869 entire with Egypt 1867 1 pi. red used to UK with France laureated 20 c. and 40 c.; 1869 cover from Cairo with laureated 40 c. orange used to Italy and struck with 'Affranchisement / Insuffisant' handstamp in black etc. A rare group but all with faults.Starting bid : 260 CHFHammer price : 340 CHFLot# : 2180 French Levant
Lot# : 2181 Egypt Kingdom
Australian Field Force 1915/16: Covers/cards (6), with Wgypt 2 m. green tied to card by "1st. Aust. Inf. Bde. Field P.O." cds in black, censored card with "2nd. Aust. Inf. Bde. Field P.O.", cover with Egypt 5 m. lake tied "3rd. Light Horse / Field Post Office / AIF", OAS envelope with violet 'Australian & New Zealand / Convalescent Hospital' cachet in violet, 1916 cards (2) with 'Australian Base / Details P.O.' cds with Training Battalion cachets.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2182 Egypt Kingdom
Foreign Post Offices 1841/1913: Collection with Austrian PO's 1867 to 25 soldi and 1883 issues cancelled by ALEXANDRIEN thimble cds, with fine 1884 5 s. red stationery card similarly cancelled, British PO's with Alexandria double arc cds on stampless covers in red, blue and in black, 1853 cover from 'Suez' to Bombay, range of GB line engraved and surface printed issues cancelled "BO1" incl. two covers to Malta and 1867 5 s. rose (4) used; 4 d. vermilion (12) all cancelled "BO2"; French PO's with Egypt 1867 1 pi. cancelled "5129" gros chiffres (3), stampless and stamped covers (incl. one from Pondicherry) and another from Alexandrette; Greek PO's with stampless covers to Syros (2), Italian PO's with stamped covers (4) and Bulâq 20 pa. with Russian PO dotted '785' numeral cancel. Condition varies but much of interest to the specialist (98 stamps, 6 pieces, 23 covers).Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2183 Egypt Kingdom
1850/19: Classic collection with Posta Europea covers (11), 1866 first issue with 5 pa. (5), 10 pa. (2), 20 pa. (7), 1 pi. (47), 2 pi. (3) and 5 pi. used; extensive range of 1867 issue with mint and used range incl. with 5 pi. brown used (6) and good cancellation interest, some covers, similar fine range of 1872 issue with 5 pi. (6) used, 1872/75 Bulâq issue with 5 pi. used (19), 1879 provisional issue and 1884/88 Postage Dues with much cancellation interest throughout. Stated to catalogue £ 11'800+.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2184 Egypt Kingdom
1857/1944: Collection of Consular Mail, with 35 covers/cards used from different Consulates in Alexandria, Cairo and Suez with Consular cachets of Austria, Belgium on 1875 cover, France from both Cairo and Suez, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Haiti (violet cachet on 1903 card), Iran, Italy with cachets of Alexandria, Cairo, Port Said and Suez, Portugal, Romania, Russia, USA, a few documents etc. A most unusual group.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2185 Egypt Kingdom
1865/2000c.: The vast (many hundreds) postal stationery collection with 1865 Essay env. in black, 1869 Prevost Essay in caremine, stationery cards from 1879 with 20 pa. cancelled 'Benha-Suez' TPO and two mailed on the Canal, 1891 3 m. on 5 m. varieties, 1894 set of ten with wrapper band intact. with 1914/23 types unused and used, 1916 3 m. on 2 m. cards unused (2) and used (5), 1932/36 issue with fine range of unused and used, Boy King & Mareschal issues unused and used, 1954 illustrated cards unused (58) and some scarce used examples (11), envelopes with excellent and scarce range incl. Vacuum Oil Co. printed envelopes unused and up-rated used incl. 1915/6 Value Declared 5 m. up-rated cover to UK, three and four colour frankings, 5 m. on 2 pi. orange envs. with fine range of scarce overprint varieties, registered env's (48) unused or used, with Fuad and Boy King types, all are scarce; Wrappers with scarce pictorial, Fouad, Boy King and Mareschal types unused or used; Letter Sheets with large range unused incl. many 10 m. blue cto usages in Alex, Boy King 6 m. unused etc., modern airletters and cassette envelopes (largely ex the Peter Smith collection) complete unused and used, throughout with extensive duplication, cancellation interest incl. TPO's incl. 'Barrage-Kaliub' and Station cancels, Instructional markings, Rural Service 1890 Mettiah usage, Qubba Palace usages, a splendid collection in two boxes.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 2,400 CHFLot# : 2186 Egypt Kingdom
1866/1967: Complete collection for the first 100 years of Egyptian philately with all basic stamps, both unused and used incl. Definitives, Commemoratives, Airmails, Officials, Postage Dues, Occupation of Palestine / Gaza and British Forces in Egypt issues; all better stamps and sets present. Condition varies but a generally fine and highly catalogued collection.Starting bid : 6,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2187 Egypt Kingdom
1866/2016: The voluminous residue of a collection with sporadic early issues and cancellation interest (some used abroad), postcards, large range of more modern covers, shoebox overflowing with loose stamps, middle period with complete sheets etc. A fine if bulky lot for the patient student. Viewing is essential.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 2188 Egypt Kingdom
1877/1934: 'Postal Paper', a fine group of 20 postal forms, with 'Vaglia' form in blue used in Cairo in 1877, 'Declaration de Dépot / Police' form used in 1883 with 'Assiout / Caisse' cds, 1889 Money Order form cancelled 'Minieh / Caisse' cds, 1890 and 1904 Registered letter receipt forms ex Alexandria, Payment receipt form cancelled at 'Saft el Melouk' in 1915, 1930's stamped P.O. 'Enquiry Forms', a rare and difficult to assemble collection.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2189 Egypt Kingdom
Travelling Post Offices 1882/1978: Specialised collection with 307 covers and 45 loose stamps, all showing TPO's, split into three regions: the Nile Delta, Suez Canal and Upper Egypt; all identified by types by Peter Smith 'The Travelling Post Offices of Egypt' which is included with the lot, including Station cancellations, strikes on incoming mail, up-rated postal stationery usages, fine cover with 1879 1 pi. tied by 'Damiette-Tanta' TPO in blue, some Station receipt forms, Sudan card cancelled by 'White Nile T.P.' datestamp. Generally fine, a scarce assembly.rnStarting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2190 Egypt Kingdom
1890: Cigarette Tax - the collection with 390 stamps and 16 covers/cards all with cigarette advertising, with range of imperforate 1/8 m. red for different manufacturers including pairs and blocks of four, similar range in blue (for packs of 20), and in bistre (for packs of 25), larger types in green (for 50) and in carmine (for 100), later perforated types with similarly fine range. A splendid and very scarce group, seldom seen so fine.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2191 Egypt Kingdom
Rural Service 1892/1953: The collection of this elusive service with 56 covers, many struck on up-rated postal stationery envelopes or cards, with noted fine strikes of 'SERVICE RURAL' from Balyana, Beba, Hoche Issa, Kena, Mahalla, Menouf, Nag Hamadi, Tala, Tanta, Toukh; later double ring strikes from a variety of towns and villages, most struck in black but some in green, blue or violet. Condition varies but generally fine, an unusual collection.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2192 Egypt Kingdom
1910/61: Airmail collection with 166 covers/cards including sadly faulty cover from the Marc Pourpe Flight addressed to Mrs. Rees-Mogg in London showing circular 'LNA / MARC POURPE' cachet in violet, 1923 cover with Monarch 5 m. pink (4) used from Ismailia to Major Bailey in Gangtok, Sikkim; 1929 commercial Flight covers to India, Iraq etc. bearing 27 m. violet, 1931 Zeppelin cover to Switzerland bearing both 50 m. and 100 m. values, rare 1931 'Port Said' Zeppelin cover, range of Flight covers bearing 27 m. chestnut to Australia, Denmark, Sudan, USA etc., fine range of 1933 Airmail issue on covers incl. one with 200 m. to Milan, through to 1950's Qantas first flights and some airmail labels. An interesting collection.Starting bid : 3,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2193 Egypt Kingdom
1890/1920: Album with 328 postcards, unused and used, a fine range in generally good quality with seemingly no duplication.rnNote: This describer still seeks, for an Egypt Study Circle bet made 3 years ago, a postcard of the Pyramids pictured in the rain!Starting bid : 700 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2194 Egypt Kingdom
1894/1989: The collection of First Day Covers, with 660 covers including 177 with issues prior to 1952. Noted examples include the 1893 Alexandria Exposition, 1925 Georgraphic Congress (5 covers), 1926 Agricultural Exhibition, 1927 Cotton Congress (5), Medical Congress (7), 1931 Zeppelin covers (5), Railway Congress (3), Aviation Congress (2) etc. Condition varies but a good lot and very difficult to accumulate nowadays.Starting bid : 3,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2195 Egypt Kingdom
1879/1954: Postal Stationery Cards - the specialised collection in three large folders, unused and used, with 229 items showing differing shades, varieties, usages and including the scarce 1915 3 m. in red on 2 m. green card used (3), Boy King set of four cards unused, Mareschal 6 m. and 13 m. (2) unused, four illustrated cards etc.Starting bid : 850 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2196 Egypt Kingdom
1890/1955c.: Small cover/card group (29 items) with some useful Sudan Camel Postman frankings and Egypt Official issues on covers.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2197 Egypt Kingdom
Postal Stationery usages to Destinations abroad, a fine group with cards / covers (44) many up-rated, addressed to Algeria, Austria incl. 1896 usage of 2 m. env. cancelled LLOYD AUSTRIACO cds, Belgium, Danzig, Finland, Germany incl. to a POW Camp in 1918, Greece, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Monaco, Morocco, 1898 three colour usage to Beira, Mozambique, Netherlands, Netherlands Indies (2, one with framed MISSENT IN / INDIAN MAIL' handstamp), Palestine, Poland, Russia, San Marino, Switzerland, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, USA and a 1905 usage of 4 m. card cancelled "Postagent Amsterdam-Batavia" cds. A fine and unusual lot.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 600 CHF
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