Worldwide Rarities - The ERIVAN Collection - 2nd Auction
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Losnr. : 7001 Belgien
1849/64: small group of four stamps and two covers, with 1840 10c brown and 20c blue in pleasing deep shades, 1849 40c. carmine rose, 1850 10c brown on cover from Vertryck, 1861 40c vermilion, 1864 20c blue single franking cover, a fine and lovely group.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 7002 Dänemark
1851/58: Lot four used stamps / multiples and three covers incl. 1851 Ferslew 2 rbs, Ferslew 4 rbs in a vertical strip of four, two inland covers with single examples of the 4 rbs brown; 1854 16 s. grey dotted spandrels single adhesive, piece with pair 16 s. grey dotted spandrels and single 8 s. green wavy-lines spandrels, and cover Copenhagen to Dresden bearing three-colour franking bearing dotted spandrels 2 s. blue & 16 s. grey as well as wavy-lines spandrels 4 s. brown. Lot includes in addition nine single adhesives and pair from the Vapen type and later issues, tied by superb centric handstamps from small offices.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 900 CHFLosnr. : 7003 Dt. Reich
1873: Ganzsachenkarte ½ Gr. braun mit Zusatzfrankatur Grosser Schild ½ Gr. orange, die Freimarke entw. mit schwarzem "BERLIN P.E. 38 / 21 8 74 3-4N." und zusätzlich mit rotem "NEW YORK PAID ALL SEP 5", versandt mit Leitvermerk "Via Bremen" nach New York. Die ½ Gr. - Marke ist farbfr., gut geprägt und vorab gut gez. (links zwei kürzere Zähne), die Ganzsache hat keine Randfehler, korrekter Tarif im Postvertrag vom Dezember 1873 mit den USA, eine seltene Verwendung, Attest Krug BPP (2021).Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 7004 Dt. Reich
Deutsche Südpolar-Expeditionen 1911: German South Polar Expedition, postal stationery card with Uruguay 1910 2c. orange red affixed overtop of indicia, red "Deutsche Südpolar Expedition" vignette affixed beside, jointly tied by partial Uruguayan c.d.s., message on reverse datelined Buenos Aries (4 October) and signed by expedition doctor D.L. (Ludwig) Kohl, to the Hotel Feldberger, Station Titisee, Bad Schwarzwald, Germany, a lovely and scarce card.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 700 CHFLosnr. : 7005 Dt. Reich
1913: German South Polar Expedition, Sudpolarschiff "Deutschland" postcard, handstamped "Deutsche antarktische Expedition", franked with Falkland Islands 1912 2 1/2d. deep bright blue, tied by South Georgia c.d.s. (16 Mar), red "Deutsche Sudpolar Expedition" vignette tied by blue oval "Oficina Meteorologica / Argentina" Coat of Arms handstamp, blue two-line "Tierras Argentinas Australes / Estacion ORCADAS" below, signed by expedition navigator Alfred Kling, an exceptional and rare card.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 950 CHFLosnr. : 7006 Dt. Reich
Dieses Los wurde leider wieder zurückgezogen.Losnr. : 7007 Dt. Reich
1938: Hans Betram "Round the World" flight, originating in Germany, franked with further adhesives of Iraq, Iran, India, Indo-China, Burma, Thailand, Hong Kong, and the United States, appropriately postmarked, with handstamped cachets of Air France and United Airlines, further backstamped with Pan-Am "Mailed at Wake Island" and "Mailed at Midway Islands" handstamps, amongst a range of other markings, front with manuscript notations as to the proposed route starting via Baghdad and ultimately returning to Berlin, signed by Bertram below, inside envelope a small piece with signature of another aviator, Henry Kiel, a few stains to front, but a scarce and striking cover from this famed flight. Cert. Horst Aisslinger.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 2.400 CHFLosnr. : 7008 Zeppelinpost
1930, (2. Apr.): Südamerikafahrt (18. Mai bis 6. Juni): Langformatiger Brief frankiert mit Zeppelin-Sondermarken zu 6 c. (4) und $ 1,30 mit beigesetztem 'ROUND TRIP' Stempel der Rundfahrt zurück nach Friedrichshafen (6.6.30). Trotz Mängeln, Klappe rücks. leicht defekt und div. kl. Einrisse, eine sehr seltene Frankatur-Kombination, lediglich zwei Briefe bekannt Mi. 62H-68J.rnProvenienz: Sammlung Gerhard Wolff, 333. Heinrich Köhler-Auktion (2008), Los 106.rnAusruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 7009 Zeppelinpost
1930, (18. Mai): Südamerikafahrt 1930 (18. Mai bis 6. Juni): Langformatiger Brief frankiert mit Zeppelin-Sondermarken zu 2 RM und 4 RM sowie 2 RM ohne Aufdruck zugeleitet zur Etappe Friedrichshafen - Lakehurst, entw. mit Tagesstp. von Friedrichshafen, mit rücks. AStp. vom 31. Mai, wiederaufgeliefert und nachfrankiert mit US-Sondermarken 6 c. (2) gest. "New York May 3 6.30 PM" zur Rückfahrt, bestätigt mit rücks. AStp. vom 6. Juni. Brief etwas unfrisch, seltener Kombinationsbeleg Mi. 66 + 68J.rnProvenienz: Sammlung Gerhard Wolff, 333. Heinrich Köhler-Auktion (2008), Los 75.rnAusruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 550 CHFLosnr. : 7010 Vatikanstaat
1933, (31. Mai): 2. Südamerikafahrt 1933 (3. bis 13. Juni): Brief mit reiner Vatikan-Frankatur vom Abwurf Barcelona (4. Juni 33) nach Tanger, Marokko, ab "Citta del Vaticano 31.5.33" zum Anschlussflug "Berlin 2.6.33", mit rücks. Bahnstp. "AMB Madrid - Algeciras 6. Juni" weitergeleitet nach "Tanger 6. Juni 33". Sauberer und frischer Beleg Mi. 30 Ib = Euro 1'800.rnAusruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 7011 Zeppelinpost
1930/33: Lot mit fünf ausgesuchten Zeppelinbelegen. Dabei Vorarlbergfahrt 1930: Karte vom Abwurf Bregenz frankiert mit Ikarus 60 und 75 Rp. ab "Romanshorn 2.V.30", ursprünglich zur Schweizfahrt bestimmt aber zu spät auf dem Postamt Friedrichshafen eingetroffen und mit dieser Fahrt befördert, 1. Südamerikafahrt 1932: seltener Kombinationsbeleg ab "Malmö 19.3.32" frankiert mit fünf schwed. Werten und Kolumbien "Ribon" 6c., aufgeliefert zum Anschlussflug Berlin-Friedrichshafen und anschliessend per Luftpost nach Bogota (rücks. AStp), 9. Südamerikafahrt 1932: Postkarte ab Graz mit rücks. Unterschrift des österr. Raketenpioniers Friedrich Schmiedl sowie Schweizfahrt 1932: Brief ab Amsterdam. Dazu R-Brief von der Flugwesen-Ausstellung in der Tonhalle Zürich mit Katapultpost Dampfer BREMEN-New York befördert nach San Rafael (CA). Ein interessantes Los.rnAusruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 800 CHFLosnr. : 7012 Finnland
1856: 10 k. in the rare lilac-red shade, a fresh and fine single example on wove paper with good to large margins on 1857 cover to Reval, tied by WIBORG high boxed datestamp (27 May 1857) in black, an information strike alongside as well as an indistinct "POLUCHENO .. MAY 57" receiver datestamp. Cover cleaned and stamp detached for inspection, paper fault on front impairing the receiver datestamp, nevertheless a desirable cover, signed A. Diena; cert. Schwenson (2003) Facit 2d = 25'000 skr.+ 140 skr. for the cancellation.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 7013 Finnland
1860: 10 kop. brownish carmine-rose, roulette B, horizontal pair in brilliant shade, lightly cancelled by concentric ”HELSINGFORS 10/8 1865“ cds on envelope with the same postmark alongside via Stockholm to Upsala, Sweden with boxed STOCKHOLM transit mark on reverse (15 Aug. 65). The pair with two short tooth tips and the cover slightly pressed in the margins only. A very attractive and scarce cover, the franking paying correctly the Sweden rate. Certs. Tuori (2003), Schwenson (2018) Facit 4C2a = skr 15'000.rnProvenance: Collection Sibelius, Corinphila sale 135 (April 2003), lot 1152.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 7014 Frankreich
1849: Cérès 10c. bistre, horizontal tete-beche pair from positions 145 and 146 from the sheet of 150, mostly good to large margins, clear at right, showing portion of adjoining stamp at left and approx. 15 mm. sheet margin at base (with manuscript "1849"), used with roller cancel of small squares, very fine and rare. Certs. Von der Weid (1992) and Scheller (2020).Ausruf : 3.000 CHFZuschlag : 6.000 CHFLosnr. : 7015 Frankreich
1849: Cérès 15 c. green horizontal pair and 1 fr. cherry-red single, all with nice fresh colours and ample to large margins, tied by roller cancel of small squares to 1853 entire letter from Paris to Washington City, USA neatly postmarked with "BOSTON PR. PKT. 5/ JUL 8" transit, backstamped with "Ligne-De-Calais - No. 1" (23 Jun), the entire with small paper fault at upper left, otherwise very fine and fresh, a most attractive cover. Signed Calves. Cert. Scheller (2020).Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.500 CHFLosnr. : 7016 Frankreich
1849: Entire letter with full content from Bélesta, Dept. Ariège to Chalabre, bearing Cérès 20 c. black on white paper, a fresh example with even large margins, tied by clear grille. At left the rare cursive "8 Bélesta" of the bureau de distribution and type 13 "LAVELANET (8) 20 NOV 1849" cds of the bureau d'attache. Reverse with arrival CHALABRE cds of the following day. A scarce cover from a small post office in Occitania. Signed Calves & Goebel.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 7017 Frankreich
1850: Cérès 25 c. dark blue, a horizontal right marginal strip of four including tête-bêche pair at left from pos. 131-132, nice deep and fresh colour and good to mostly large margins, showing about 3 mm. sheet margin next to the tête-bêche, tied by clear grid cancels to cover front with adjacent "SAUXILLANGES 10 AVRIL 51" cds, addressed to Riom. The strip with 3 small scissors' cuts in the two right margin interspaces and one slightly into the design of the right stamp at lower right, the tête-bêche stamp with thin, nevertheless a highly attractive and rare multiple. Signed Miro and Cert. Brun (2019) Yv. = 15'000+ / Maury T4 = € 20'000+.rnNote: Following the Maury catalogue, about 30 covers are known with this tête-bêche, the present one showing a triple rate franking up to 100 gr. in the tariff of July 1850.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 3.600 CHFLosnr. : 7018 Frankreich
1850: Cérès 40 c. orange, two horizontal pairs in fresh vivid colour and with good to mostly large margins, fixed in form of a tête-bêche strip on entire letter from Cognac to London, tied by '898' petits chiffres numeral and red London arrival mark (21 Feb.), COGNAC despatch cds (18 Feb. 1853) and framed PD in red alongside, reverse with PARIS transit cds. A marvellous letter in fine condition. Signed Miro, cert. von der Weid (1998).rnNote: Part of the correspondence originating from the 'The vineyard proprietors company Cognac to the wine shipper and merchant John Dawson Kiddell, 48 Mark Lane in London. Correct franking for a double rate cover.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 1.300 CHFLosnr. : 7019 Frankreich
1852: Cérès 1 fr. bright carmine horizontal pair, ample to large margins all around including 21 mm sheet margin at right, tied to cover to Les Andelys by star cancel and "PARIS 12 NOV. 52" c.d.s., with Havre, Paris, and Les Andelys backstamps, cover with vertical fold, and re-folded at bottom, an outstanding franking demonstrating the over 100g rate, signed Calves. Cert Schaller (2020).Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 2.600 CHFLosnr. : 7020 Frankreich
1849: Cèrès 1 fr. carmine brown and 25c. blue, the 1 franc slightly touched at top, otherwise both with ample to large margins, each stamp tied by clear red grill to 1850 registered cover to Bordeaux with adjacent red "ANGOULEME 28 OCT 50" c.d.s. and red boxed "R", with Bordeaux arrival backstamp (23 Oct). A spectacular and unique first issue cover. Cert. Calves (1986) and Scheller (2020).Ausruf : 3.000 CHFZuschlag : 9.500 CHFLosnr. : 7021 Frankreich
1849: Cérès 1 fr. bright vermilion of radiant colour with good to large margins, skillfully repaired at upper right, neatly tied by grid postmark to re-folded envelope with adjacent clear "LES VANS 30 AVRIL 51" c.d.s., to St. Ambroix, a most attractive single franking of this rare stamp, signed Bloch and Georg Bühler. Certs. Bloch and Buhler (1981), Scheller (2020).Ausruf : 3.000 CHFZuschlag : 4.600 CHFLosnr. : 7022 Frankreich
1853/61: Napolèon 10 c. yellowish ochre, block of sixteen (4 x 4), possessing fresh vivid colour, chiefly good to large margins, close but clear near upper left, neatly cancelled by roller cancel of small squares in black, trival thinning and tiny pinhole in top row, otherwise very fine, a scarce and attractive large multiple. Cert Calves (1979).Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 7023 Frankreich
1854: Napolèon 1 fr. dark carmine, horizontal pair, used in combination with 1852 Présidence 10 c. ochre and 25 c. blue horizontal pair, all with good to mostly large margins and in bright, fresh shades, tied by dotted "DS2" cancel to 1854 double rate entire letter from Paris to New York, the left 25 centimes faint corner crease, otherwise very fine and fresh, a remarkable and very attractive letter. Signed Calves. Cert. Scheller (2020).Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 3.800 CHFLosnr. : 7024 Frankreich
1862/72: Napolèon 20 c. blue perforated, tied to small cover by clear red star cancel, adjacent red "Bu. DE PALAIS DE FONTAINEBLEAU 21 JUIN 64" c.d.s., to Paris, part of back flap missing, otherwise very fine and attractive. Cert. Scheller (2020).Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 700 CHFLosnr. : 7025 Frankreich
1862: Wrapper from Tours to Bath, England, bearing Napolèon perforated 80 c. 'rose foncé', a fresh vertical pair, variety tête-bêche with good perforation, tied by light 3997 gros chiffres lozenge of Tours, matching despatch cds (30 Nov 63) and framed PD in red alongside. Reverse with BATH arrival (2 Dec 63) cds. Cert. Calves (1976) Yv = € 42'500 / Maury T24c = € 34'000.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 3.000 CHFLosnr. : 7026 Frankreich
1867: Registered cover Paris to Lauenburg/Elbe, Prussia, bearing Napolèon laureated 20 c. blue and 80 c. rose, two fresh and fine single examples with overall good perforation, one blunted perf., each adhesive tied by clear '18' Paris étoile, matching "PARIS / R. DE LONDRES" despatch cds (22 DEC 68) in black as well as framed PD and CHARGÉ handstamps, both in red and clear Prussian "AUS FRANKREICH PER AACHEN FRANCO" entry datestamp (23 12) in blue alongside. Reverse with French timbre indicatif de chargement in red, two PARIS transit as well as AUSGABE distribution (23 12) cds's. An attractive and interesting item full of postal history.rnNote: Denish rates until January 1866, thereafter the rates for the second Prussian rayon came into force with 50 c. for the single letter rate plus 50 c. fixed registration fee.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 260 CHFLosnr. : 7027 Frankreich
1862/70: Napolèon lauré 80 c. rose, tied by star cancel to entire letter postmarked "PARIS 30 AVRIL 68", carried via England to Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, franked upon arrival with Cuba 10 c. blue (Scott A15), tied by mute cancel, adjacent "10" tax mark, the letter with some fragility to folds, slightly split, part of outer reverse flap missing, still a fine and attractive letter displaying an obligatory mixed franking. Cert Scheller (2020).Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 2.200 CHFLosnr. : 7028 Frankreich
1868: 5 fr. grey-violet in a horizontal strip of three together with Cérès 1872 80 c. rose, three single examples and Cérès 1873 10 c. brown on rose, a single example and a pair, fine and fresh examples with vivid colour and good perforation, cancelled / tied by '1277' Gros Chiffres numeral to cover front of lettre chargée avec valeur declarée directed to Quimper, matching "DAOULAS 31 OCT 74" single-circle cds and CHARGÉ in red alongside, reverse with timbre indicatif de chargement and QUIMPER arrival cds of the next day. Large parts of reverse missing, torn at base, the rightmost 5 francs with light scratch, nevertheless an exceptional and correct franking. Signed Calves Maury = € 6'250+.rnNote: An insured value of 8'000 francs is indicated on the cover front and a weight of 65 grams noted in the timbre indicatif, resulting in a rate of 80 times 20 c. for the insured value plus 50 c. fixed fee plus 120 c. postage fee, in total 1'770 centimes.rnProvenance: Collection Joseph Schatzkes, Robineau / Calves sale (April 1976), lot 223.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 2.400 CHFLosnr. : 7029 Frankreich
1849/72: Small balance of stamps and covers, several desirable items noting 1849 20c black pair on cover to Paris, 1853/62 Empire issues with lovely 20c margin pair on cover to Cette, 40c orange strip of 4 on cover to San Francisco endorsed "voie anglaise", rare 1fr carmine and 20c strip of three on cover to New Orleans (filing fold through 1fr), attractive 1c olive left sheet margin used strip of three, two 1862 10c. bistre perforated Empire issue single-frankings tied by uncommon cancellations, multiple-frankings on cover to Berlin and Lauenburg, Germany, and 1874 25c blue Type III two pairs on cover to Yokohama, Japan, the odd small fault, but a chiefly fine group.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 1.900 CHFLosnr. : 7030 Ballon Monté
Ballon Monté 1870 (1 Oct): Napolèon laureated 10 c. bistre as well as single example and pair of 20 c. blue, each tied by "32" étoile in black. Matching "PARIS R. St. DOMque-St.-Gn" datestamp struck in black on entire letter to New York as well as framed PD, faint London transit, "NEW YORK British Packet" arrival cds, and "2 cents" handstamp, all in red alongside, reverse with two French ambulants. The entire was carried on the balloon No. 6 "L'Armand Barbès", an attractive small neat item to an unusual destination. Cert. Scheller (2020) Yvert = € 385 + 4'000 / Maury = € 375 + 7'500. rnNote: Correct 70 centimes rate to the USA via the United Kingdom. Interesting text: The writer, apparently an American volunteer with the French army, invites his lady friend to visit him, be it among ruins or in a freed city.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 1.800 CHFLosnr. : 7031 Ballon Monté
Ballon monté 1870 (19 Oct): Napolèon laureated 30 c. brown, two single examples tied by "12" étoile in black, matching "PARIS Bt BEAUMARCHAIS" datestamp in black and framed PD in red alongside on formular entire letter to Ås in Sweden. The entire was carried on the balloon No. 17 "Le Garibaldi", an attractive small neat item to a very unusual destination. Signed Brun; cert. Scheller (2020) Yvert = € 800 + 7'000 / Maury = € 450 + 15'000. rnNote: Correct 60 centimes rate to Sweden via Denmark.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 2.800 CHFLosnr. : 7032 Ballon Monté
Ballon Monté 1870 (12 Dec): 20c blue and 40c orange, tied to folded lettersheet "le Soir" by "18" star cancel "Paris / R- D`Amsterdam" (9 Dec) c.d.s. alongside, paying the correct 60c rate to Trieste, Austria, carried on "Le Général Renault", reverse with Vienna (22 Dec) and Trieste (26 Dec) backstamps, a few small faults to lettersheets and adhesive as commonly seen, yet a scarce destination. Cert. Scheller (2020) Yvert = € 5'500+ 3'500Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.000 CHFLosnr. : 7033 Ballon Monté
Ballon monté 1870 (19 Dec): 10c bistre and 40c orange, tied to cover front by "11" star cancel, "Paris / R- St. Honoré" (19 Dec) c.d.s. alongside, paying the correct 50c rate to St. Denis, Ile de la Réunion, likely carried on "Le Lavoisier", creases, small edge tears, yet a remarkable item to a rare destination. Cert. Scheller (2020) Yvert = € 450+ 35'000Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 4.000 CHFLosnr. : 7034 Ballon Monté
Ballon Monté 1871 (6 Jan): 30c. brown, tied to folded cover by red Paris c.d.s. (6 Jan), endorsed "par ballon monté" and carried on "Le Duquesne" to Ostende, Belgium, with "France / Par Tournay" (11Jan) and Ostende (11 Jan) c.d.s. backstamps, light wear typical of such mail, attractive. Cert. Scheller (2020).Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 7035 Ballon Monté
Boule de Moulins / Sacs de Riz, 1871 (14 Jan.): Entire small letter from La Ferté-Vidame, Dept. Eure-et-Loir to Paris, endorsed "par Moulins" with Paris arrival mark (12 Feb.), re-directed to St. Brieuc with arrival mark (20 Feb.). Fine and very scarce, this item was not given to a boule but was transported overland after the end of the Siège as so called 'Sacs de Riz' cover to Paris, interestingly it was franked only with the regular inland rate. Cert. Behr (1997) Yv. = € 3'000 / Maury = € 3'150.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 800 CHFLosnr. : 7036 Ballon Monté
1870/71: Ballon Monte collection, with flown items (10) and a few collateral items, noting October,1870 cover likely carried on the "Louis Blanc" or "Washington", others carried on the "Garibaldi", "Victor Hugo" and "Jean-Bart I", November 1870 news-sheet "Lettre-Journal de Paris Gazette des Absents" likely flown on "La Gironde", cover carried on "l`Archimede", December 1870 folded letter carried on "Le General Renault," etc, usual mixed condition for such mail, but a useful group for expansion.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 2.000 CHFLosnr. : 7037 Frankreich
Occupation Alsace-Lorraine / Besetzung NDP Elsass-Lothringen 1872 (24 May): Cover from Metz to La Fère Aisne, bearing France Cérès 1871 25 c. blue, a fresh and fine single adhesives, tied by part strike of crisp "METZ F. 24 5 72 6-7N." franco cds in violet, framed PD in the same shade alongside, later on a French "PRUSSE AVRICOURT 25 MAI 72" entry cds in blue tied the Cérès adhesive in addition. '3' (groschen) in red crayon denotes the German franking in cash. Interesting and appealing item full of postal history, an exceptional mixed franking of German cash prepayment and French adhesive, which had to be used until the German - French postal contract became valid on May 25, 1872, one day after this cover was despatched. Cert. Scheller (2020).Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 550 CHFLosnr. : 7038 Franz. Post China
French Post Offices in China 1873: Cover franked with 1870/73 10 c. dark bistre on yellowish paper and 1872/75 80 c. rose on pinkish paper, tied by 5401 "Gros Chiffres", corresponding Shanghai c.d.s. alongside (30 Oct), small boxed PD in red, endorsed "via Marseille" to St. Etienne, crossed-out and redirected to Lyon, reverse with Marseille-A-Lyon (9 Dec) transit and next-day Lyon c.d.s. arrival backstamps, one 10c adhesive with fault at top from prior to being affixed, light filing folds, else fine and attractive.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 7039 Franz. Kol. allgemeine Ausgaben
General Issues 1871: Cérès 20 c. blue, horizontal block of six with good to large margins and pleasing fresh colour, neatly cancelled by rhomboid of dots, very fine, signed Calves and Scheller. Cert Robineau (1975) and Scheller (2020).Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 7040 Franz. Kol. allgemeine Ausgaben
General Issue, Mayotte 1877: Cérès 15 c. bistre, block of eight, superbly-centered within large margins, cancelled with multiple strikes of "Mayotte Et. Dept / Nossi-Be" c.d.s. (24 Feb), a few trivial wrinkles as commonly seen on such multiples, a striking and scarce block, signed A. Brun.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 7041 Grossbritannien
1840: 1 d. black, plate 9, lettered GF, and 2 d. pale-blue, plate 1, lettered CJ, both deep shades and with good to mostly large margins, each cancelled with centrally-struck Maltese Cross in red, the 1 d. showing portion of adjoining stamp at left and with traces of a light horizontal bend, both otherwise very fine and fresh. Cert. Louis BPP (2020)Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 850 CHFLosnr. : 7042 Grossbritannien
1840: 1 d. grey-black, plate 1A, lettered SB, chiefly good to large margins, close but clear at top, tied by crisp red Maltese Cross to small lettersheet to Haddington (sideflaps missing), adjacent red boxed "PAID/1 d. EXTRA" applied in Edinburgh, reverse with "JUL 1 1840" despatch strike, a most attractive cover showing the late fee paid in cash. Cert Louis BPP (2019).Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 1.800 CHFLosnr. : 7043 Grossbritannien
1840: 1 d. black, plate 1B, lettered PK, touched at upper right, otherwise large margins all around, tied by black Maltese Cross to entire letter, originally sent from Baden Baden in the Grand Duchy of Baden with frontside black "BADEN (G.B.) 1/9" c.d.s., carried via France to Dullwich, Surrey, here re-addressed to London and franked with the 1 d. black to pay the inland postage, multiple manuscript charge marks on front, the entire somewhat fragile with ink stain at left, but a rare re-addressed letter from a foreign country bearing a Penny Black, and the earliest recorded letter from the Duchy of Baden bearing an adhesive postage stamp. Certificate Louis BPP (2019)rnThis letter was prepaid 20 kreuzer in cash, of which 4 kreuzer covered the distance from within the Grand Duchy to the French border at Strasbourg; the remaining 16 kreuzer prepaid the distance to Calais. The 1s.4d. in manuscript denoted payment to Dulwich, it crossed-out and the 1d. black affixed for the Inland postage to London.Ausruf : 3.000 CHFZuschlag : 4.000 CHFLosnr. : 7044 Grossbritannien
1840: 1 d. black, plate 6, EG, touched in the frame line at bottom, otherwise ample to very large margins, showing parts of adjoining stamps at top and left, tied by red Maltese Cross to small envelope, originally mailed from Burgsteinfurth, Prussia via Winterswijk (transit mark on reverse) to forwarding agent Coutts & Co. at London, here franked and re-directed to Plymouth. The cover shows on reverse nice red wax seal of the Princes of Bentheim and Steinfurth; it was prepaid to the border with 7 silbergroschen of which "20" Dutch cents were paid to Holland for transit, in England "8" pence shipletter fee charged. A very interesting and most attractive letter from abroad, franked with a Penny Black and the earliest recorded entire from Prussia bearing a postage stamp. Detailed certificate K.-A. Louis BPP (2003).rnProvenance: 320. Köhler - Auktion (Jan. 2004), Los 26.Ausruf : 3.000 CHFZuschlag : 4.600 CHFLosnr. : 7045 Grossbritannien
1840: 2 d. blue, vertical pair, lettered PJ-QJ, four large balanced margins, cancelled with two clean strikes of red Maltese Cross, radiant bright blue shade, a choice pair, very fine SG Spec DS6A = £2'200Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 900 CHFLosnr. : 7046 Grossbritannien
1840: 2 d. blue in a horizontal block of six from plate 1 lettered DI-DJ-DK / EI-EJ-EK, DJ state 2 with re-entry (DS5i) and EK with 'double letter K' variety (DS5j), a fresh and fine multiple, EJ with minor surface rub in the upper left network restored, large to huge margins all round, cancelled with Maltese Crosses in red. The second largest multiple incorporating DJ state 2 re-entry recorded in the Louis files, an attractive and desirable item, cert. Louis (2019).rnProvenance: A. H. Whelan collection, Robson Lowe sale (Nov. 1954), lot 236, at that time still on dated piece with EXETER cds alongside; Briefmarkenhaus Merkur sale Frankfurt (1971), lot 2767, off piece.Ausruf : 3.000 CHFZuschlag : 3.000 CHFLosnr. : 7047 Grossbritannien
1847: 1 s. pale green, Die II, chiefly good margins, clear at top, used in conjunction with 1855 1 d. red-brown, Die II, Alphabet II, perf. 14, plate 7, RI, on small cover from London to Florence, Tuscany, postmarked "DE 21 1855", conveyed via France, with transit and arrival backstamps, an attractive and fine cover, showing the 1/1d. letter rate to Tuscany valid from January 1855 until December 1856. Certificate Louis BPP (2019) (SG 53+26).rnProvenance: 75. Edgar Mohrmann Auction (1953).Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 7048 Grossbritannien
1847/54: Embossed 1 s. pale green, horizontal pair from the lower left sheet corner, good to very large margins showing portion of two adjoining stamps at top, bright fresh colour, very good and sharp embossing (causing some minor paper splitting along the frameline of the left stamp), neatly cancelled by Edinburgh "131" numeral, the left stamp with light internal crease caused by cancellation, otherwise a very fine and attractive pair. Cert Louis BPP (2018).Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 7049 Grossbritannien
1847/54: Embossed 10 d. brown, Die II, good to large margins all around, showing part of adjoining stamp at bottom and sheet margin at right, lightly cancelled, very fine and attractive, signed Calves. Cert. Louis BPP (2020)Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 7050 Grossbritannien
1854: 6 d. dull lilac, watermark inverted and reversed, good to large margins, showing portion of adjoining stamps at top and at base, beautifully cancelled with centrally struck "DUNDEE SE 25 1856" duplex, fresh deep colour, extremely fine and choice. Cert Louis BPP (2020)Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 1.000 CHFLosnr. : 7051 Grossbritannien
Crimean War, Baltic Expedition via Danzig 1854/56: single and two covers, all with double-circle DANZIG c.d.s., with 1 d. red-brown perf. 14 with centrally-struck c.d.s. (12/10), stampless cover to Lady John Scott, Kirkbank, Kelso, Scotland, endorsed "via Dantzic" (3/8), and 1 d. red-brown, perf 16 horizontally misperforated strip of three on cover (6/7) to the Hon. (later to be Admiral) A.A. Cochrane, H.M.S. Horatio, Sheerness, Kent, covers with some creasing and small tears typical of such mail, a scarce trio.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 3.000 CHFLosnr. : 7052 Grossbritannien
1875: Cover from England to Madagascar, franked with 1867/80, 3 d. rose and 6 d. grey, tied by "WELLS JU 23 75" duplex, the letter stopped in London due to 1 d. under-payment and handstamped "RETURNED FOR DEFICIENT POSTAGE", franked with additional 1 d. red-brown, tied by duplex "WELLS JU 25 75" and sent onwards "By French Packet" to Mauritius, where 1863/72, 6 d. blue-green was applied and cancelled with "B53" grid for onward transmission to Madagaskar, matching light "MAURITIUS JY 31 75" backstamp, a very fine and rare letter, with only a small number of mandatory mixed frankings to Madagascar recorded, the example offered here being quite possibly the finest. Cert BPA (2020).rnProvenance: Collection Hiroyuki Kanai, David Feldman sale, 3 Nov 1993, lot 409.Ausruf : 5.000 CHFZuschlag : 6.500 CHFLosnr. : 7053 Grossbritannien
1878: £1 brown lilac, watermark Maltese Cross, lettered EH, fresh colour and good perforations, neatly cancelled by centrally-struck "BELFAST MR 24 82" c.d.s., faint diagonal creasing, otherwise a fine Irish usage, signed Brun. Cert. Louis BPP (2020) Gi = £ 3'750.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.200 CHFLosnr. : 7054 Grossbritannien
1882: £5 orange on white paper, watermark CA, bright fresh colour, intact perforations and select centering, beautifully cancelled with clear central "MANCHESTER ACCOUNTS 19 JUNE 1893" datestamp, a marvellous example of this difficult stamp, signed Pfenninger. Cert. Louis BPP (2020) Gi = £ 3'500.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.600 CHFLosnr. : 7055 Brit. Post in der Türkei
British Levant, Combination franking of British and French adhesives, 1874: folded entire, franked with 1858/76, 2d. blue, plate 14, lettered FB, tied to cover by barred oval "G06" with adjacent clear "BRITISH POST OFFICE BEYROUT JA 15 74" c.d.s. to Lyon, with 1871/76 80 c. rose Ceres affixed at right, it tied by GC "5080" with adjacent "ALEXANDRIE EGYPTE 19 JANV. 74 c.d.s., backstamped Alexandria (19 Jan), Marseille a Lyon (26 Jan) and Lyon (27 Jan), a scarce and fine entire, signed Alberto Diena. Cert. BPA (2020). rnNote: Between October 1873 and September 1875, covers despatched at the British P.O. in Beyrouth were in addition franked at the Italian and French P.O.'s in Alexandria with the respective adhesives for the onward journey to Western Europe. The administrative basis of this combination franking, even after the foundation of the GPU, is not clear.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.700 CHFLosnr. : 7056 Brit. Post in der Türkei
British Levant, Combination franking of British and French adhesives, 1874 (19 Nov.): Lettersheet from Beyrouth via Alexandria to Lyon from the famous Micheaux correspondence, bearing Great Britain 2 d. blue (Gi Z4), tied by 'G06' obliterator with matching "BRITISH POST OFFICE BEYROUT" despatch cds alongside. Upon arrival in Alexandria, a transit cds of the British P.O. (27 Nov) was struck on the reverse and the cover was forwarded to the French P.O., where a Cérès 1872 80 c. rose (Yvert 57) was added to the front (corner fault) which was tied by clear '5080' Gros chiffres numeral in black, "ALEXANDRIE EGYPTE 28 NOV. 74" cds and framed PD in red alongside. Reverse with French ambulant and LYON arrival cds (3 Dec). A most interesting, attractive and rare combination franking of British and French adhesives in their respective offices abroad, where each stamp was necessary to pay the journey from Beyrouth to Alexandria and from Alexandria onwards, respectively. Minor imperfections, nevertheless most attractive item.rnProvenance: Collection "Cihangir", Corinphila sale 123, 23-25 Oct 2000, lot 4368.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.600 CHFLosnr. : 7057 Brit. Post in der Türkei
British Levant, Combination franking of British and French adhesives, 1875: lettersheet franked with 1873/80, 2½ d. rosy-mauve, plate 1, lettered EC, tied by barred oval "G06" with adjacent "BRITISH POST OFFICE BEYROUT 7 OC 75" c.d.s., further affixed with 1871/76 80c. rose of France, tied by "5080" Gros Chiffres with adjacent "ALEXANDRIE EGYPTE 12 OCT. 75" c.d.s., to Lyon, with Alexandria (11 Oct), Marseille a Lyon, and Lyon (19 Oct) backstamps, central desinfection slit not affecting the franking, a fine entire, signed Alberto Diena. Cert. BPA (2020).Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 2.200 CHFLosnr. : 7058 Grossbritannien
1840: An exceptional collection of Penny Blacks, with used singles, multiples, and covers, neatly-mounted on Frank Godden pages and arranged by plate, identified as 1a with singles (6) and two covers, one single with exceptionally-crisp red Maltese Cross, 1b with singles (11), a lovely FA-FB pair, and a cover, 2 with singles (6) and three covers, 3 with singles (3) cover, and one large piece with stamp tied by both red Maltese Cross and Charing Cross straight-line, 4 with singles (5), HL-IL vertical pair, and cover, 5 with singles (7) and large piece with adhesive tied by black Maltese Cross and struck with TP/Cornhill in red, 6 with singles (6), MJ-MK horizontal pair, and cover to Newcastle, 7 with singles (3), LA-LB pair, and large piece and cover, eight with singles (2) and cover, 9 with singles (2) and two covers, and 10 with single, large piece, and cover, all appear to be four-margin examples, noting black and intense black examples, worn plate printings, etc, a carefully-selected group, many stamps complemented by equally choice cancellations, the odd small flaw, but a chiefly fresh and very fine holding, and a joy to review.Ausruf : 5.000 CHFZuschlag : 12.500 CHFLosnr. : 7059 Grossbritannien
1840: 2 d. blues, group of seven four-margin singles, lettered QC, GI, TE, FI, NL, IB, and BF, neatly-mounted and showing pleasing range of shades from vivid bright blue to darker bold colour, all struck with Maltese Cross cancellations in red (3) or black (4), one tied to dated piece (14 Oct, 1841), a fine and most attractive selection.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 1.500 CHFLosnr. : 7060 Grossbritannien
1840/51: 1d. reds, a nicely-mounted collection on Godden pages, with over forty items, almost exclusively four-margin stamps and displaying a range of shades, beginning with a small group printed from black plates, later printings including both Maltese Cross and later 1844-type cancellations, several scarce and superbly-cancelled multiples including three strips of three, three strips or blocks of four, two strips and one block of six, one on particularly deeply blued paper (light horizontal crease), striking block of twelve with 1844-type cancellation, single lettered PA showing partial "PRICE..." sheet margin inscription, the occasional fault, but a chiefly select group of neatly-cancelled and fresh examples.Ausruf : 800 CHFZuschlag : 3.600 CHFLosnr. : 7061 Grossbritannien
1841/51: 2d. blue used range on leaves, displaying a range of shades from delicade pale through darker full blue, with singles (12), including one showing strong "Ivory Head" impression, four pairs including one with choice strike of black Maltese Crosses, strips of three (2) and five (2), these with 1844 Type cancellations, one single franking 1842 folded cover from London to Somerset, the odd small flaw, a most attractive group of carefully selected stamps.Ausruf : 600 CHFZuschlag : 1.200 CHFLosnr. : 7062 Grossbritannien
1847/54: Embossed Issues, with 1s. pale green used bottom sheet margin single, touched at right, and 6d. purple, used, margins close but clear in places, with trio of covers including 6d + perforated 1d. red on 1855 registered cover from Shrewsbury to Oswestry, two 6d. pale green single frankings on transatlantic covers to the United States (one with adhesive stained), an uncommon group.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 7063 Grossbritannien
1840/73: Group of seven covers, with 1d. black, Stereo A16, and 2d. blue, Stereo a94 unused Mulready letter sheets, two Ocean Penny Postage illustrated covers, one franked with 1d. red brown imperforate, the other with 1d. red brown perf. 16, 1d. red-brown imperforate on "United Kingdom Alliance for the Total Suppression of the Liquor Traffic" temperance cover, 1d. red brown, perf 14, die II, on 1863 Derby local cover, and 1d. red brown on 1873 ornately-embossed Valentine cover, arriving at Woking Station on February 14, some edge faults to Ocean Penny Postage covers, Valentine with portion of flap removed, an interesting group.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 7064 Canada
Colony of Canada 1851: 12 pence black, deep fresh colour and good even margins, used with central clear target on entire letter with frontside despatch mark "HAMILTON JY 19 1852" to New York, with adjacent red "CANADA PAID 20 Cts", the stamp with slightest traces of pressed creasing at top, otherwise extremely fine, the cover remarkably fresh, described in the sale of the Weill Brothers' stock as ".. the finest recorded example of the 12 pence on cover." One of the major rarities of British North American Philately. Cert. BPA (2020)rnNote: Charles Firby and George Arfken, writing in BNA Topics ("The Twelve-Penny Black Covers", 2009, Vol. 66, No. 4) note eight genuine examples of the 12d. on cover; one is in the collection of H.M. King Charles III, and two others - an 1853 cover to New York, and a domestic usage within Canada (ex Brouse) - have not been recorded since 1911 and 1925 respectively. The example offered here is the earliest recorded usage of the 12d. black on cover to the United States, and if the Brouse cover is omitted, given its disputed 1852 usage, may be the earliest recorded example of any 12d. usage on cover.rnReference: Illustrated in Winthrop S. Boggs "The Postage Stamps and Postal History of Canada", p. 137rnProvenance: Alfred F. Lichtenstein, Dr. G. M. Geldert (H R Harmer 1968), Weill Brothers (Christie's 1989), "Foxbridge"rnrnAusruf : 50.000 CHFZuschlag : 145.000 CHFLosnr. : 7065 Canada
1852/57: 3d. brown-red on wove paper, vertical pair with good to large margins including ca. 3/5 mm sheet margin at foot, tied by 7-ring target to folded cover from Montreal (19 Dec) to Kingston, with double split-ring arrival backstamp (21 Dec), a scarce and very fine franking. Certificate BPA (2020) (SG 8).Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 7066 Canada
1852/57: 6d. slate violet on handmade wove paper, four good to mostly very large margins, showing portion of adjoining stamp at top, bright shade, cancelled with clear strike four-ring numeral "2" of Belleville in blue, extremely fine and choice. Cert BPA (2020).Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 950 CHFLosnr. : 7067 Canada
1852: 10d. blue on wove paper, ample to good margins all around, tied to small piece by light grid cancel, very fine. Cert. BPA (2020).Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 7068 Canada
1852/57: 10d. blue on thin wove paper, good to large margins all around, tied to 1856 envelope from Hamilton to a Major with the 20th Regiment in Ayr, Scotland, re-directed to Dumbarton, front with red "PKT. LETTER PAID LIVERPOOL" and London transit mark, a fine usage to a military addressee. Cert BPA (2020).Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.200 CHFLosnr. : 7069 Canada
1852/57: ½ penny deep-rose on medium wove paper, large margins all around, showing partial "...Wright, Hatch & Edson New Y..." imprint at foot, fresh colour, tied to small piece by indistinct four-ring numeral; fine and scarce. Cert BPA (2020).Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 550 CHFLosnr. : 7070 Canada
1851/57: Pence issue selection, all four-margin examples, with 1852 3d. brown red with blue target cancel, orange red in pleasing bright shade tied to small piece postmarked Toronto, striking horizontal pair with rich colour, scarce 1857 1/2d. rose horizontal strip of three tied by "21" four-ring numeral cancels of Montreal, three further 3d. examples on cover, including 3d. red on laid paper on 1851 (27 Nov) mourning cover from Hamilton, cancelled in blue, 3d. sheet margin single on 1852 mourning cover from Three Rivers, and 3d. upper sheet margin single on 1854 cover from Prescott to Morrisburg, the singles quite fresh, the strip showing some overall uniform paper toning, covers with scattered soiling spots and example on 1852 cover oxidised, else a chiefly fine group of these desirable issues.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 1.000 CHFLosnr. : 7071 New Brunswick
New Brunswick 1851/60: 6d. olive-yellow, fresh colour and large margins, diagonal bisected and tied to 1857 cover from Hillsborough to Lower Coverdale by clear numeral grid "17", cover slightly cleaned and pressed, not affecting the stamp, a fine and scarce entire and rare New Brunswick numeral cancel, signed Alberto Diena. Cert BPA (2020).Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.600 CHFLosnr. : 7072 Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia 1851/60: 6d. deep green, lovely intense deep shade with good to large margins on all sides, lightly tied to embossed ladies cover to Maine by black grid and red "PAID 10", "ST. JOHN NEW BRUNSWICK JY 4 1859" c.d.s. at upper right, a very fine and most attractive single franking. Cert. Philatelic Foundation (1986).Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.100 CHFLosnr. : 7073 Falkland
1933: Centenary Issue, ½ d. to 1 s. in blocks of four, 2 s. 6 d. to £1 in single examples, all tied to eight small registered covers to New York by "PORT STANLEY 26 SP 33" cds's, with transit and arrival backstamps, the odd trivial flaw from transit, a chiefly fine to very fine group Gi = £ 6'500+.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 7.000 CHFLosnr. : 7074 Indien
1931/32: Pigeongram group, with two covers, one franked with 1a Pictorial, tied by Calcutta c.d.s. (18 Feb, 1931), sent care of Stephen Smith, handstamped "FIRST INDIAN / "PIGEONGRAM"" and "SWIFTSURE", with corresponding missive, the other franked with 1/2a green, tied by Calcutta c.d.s. (31 Dec, 1931) endorsed carried by the homing pigeon "Eastern Sun", it too with corresponding missive, also with unused label "A Massage From H.E. the Viceroy / By Homing Pigeon", with mis-spelling of "Message", noted and signed on back "The Error / Stephen H. Smith", all but the first cover signed by Smith, a scarce and charming group.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 7075 Mauritius
1851: Entire letter struck with fair crowned "MAURITIUS GPO NO 05 1850", endorsed "via London" to France with superb blue "QUEENSTOWN SHIP LETTER", matching "QUEENSTOWN FE 7 1851" c.d.s. and red boxed "COLONIES & c. ART. 13", markings on front, taxed on arrival with handstruck "15" decimes, a fine and scarce entire.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 360 CHFLosnr. : 7076 Mauritius
1858: FOUR-PENCE green, just touched in the upper right corner, otherwise good to mostly large margins, used with 5-ring target on cover endorsed "p. Meteor" with adjacent straight line "SHIP LETTER" from "MAURITIUS SP 6 1858" to Calcutta, backstamped "COLOMBO/POST NOT PAID" and with framed Calcutta Steam Letter marking (Oct 17) in black, adhesive with small wax spot, otherwise a fine and scarce entire. Signed Calves. Cert BPA (2020).Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.300 CHFLosnr. : 7077 Mauritius
1859: Lapirot 2 d. blue, intermediate impression, a used horizontal pair, positions 5-6, of fine fresh colour and with enormous margins on all sides, tied by two light strikes of the barred oval obliterator to 1859 entire letter with "GPO MAURITIUS JY 9 1859" to Granville, France, with multiple transit cds's and arrival backstamps, a marvellous and famous letter of outstanding quality. Cert BPA (2020).rnProvenance: Collection Lars Amundsen, Stanley Gibbons, London, 8 Dec 1967, lot 680; Hiroyuki Kanai, David Feldman, 3 Nov 1993, lot 169.Ausruf : 3.000 CHFZuschlag : 7.000 CHFLosnr. : 7078 Mauritius
1859: Sherwin 2 d. deep blue on bluish paper, a used block of four, positions 4-5/7-8 on the sheet of twelve subjects, fresh colour and good to huge margins all round, neatly cancelled by mute barred oval obliterator, slight paper defect between left pair, small thin and faint surface blemishes, otherwise very fine and fresh, the largest recorded multiple of this elusive stamp and a major rarity of both Mauritius and worldwide classic philately. Certificate BPA (2020).rn Provenance: Collection G. Kirchner of St. Petersburg; Arthur Hind, Harmers, London, 11-14 June 1934, lot 392; Maurice Burrus, Robson Lowe, London, 1 Oct 1963, lot 181; Hiroyuki Kanai, David Feldman, 3 Nov 1993, lot 206.Ausruf : 10.000 CHFZuschlag : 27.000 CHFLosnr. : 7079 Mauritius
1859: Dardenne 2 d. pale blue, a used horizontal pair with large margins all round and of vibrant fresh colour, neatly tied by two clear strikes of barred oval to 1860 entire letter from "MAURITIUS MR 8 1860" to France, endorsed "pr. Salsette", with transit and arrival marks on both sides, addresee´s name crossed-out, else very fine and fresh. Cert BPA (2020).rnProvenance: Collection Hiroyuki Kanai, David Feldman, 3 Nov 1993, lot 243.Ausruf : 4.000 CHFZuschlag : 4.400 CHFLosnr. : 7080 Mauritius
1863/72: 1 d. brown, 4 d. rose and 6 d. green, wmk. Crown CC, tied to 1868 cover by "B53" obliterators in black, endorsed "Via Aden" from "MAURITIUS AU 18 68" to Saigon, Cochinchina. On obverse octagonal "POSS. ANG. PAQ. FR. T No. 3" and "P.D." in red; on reverse arrival mark "COCHINCHINE .. SEPT. 68 SAIGON". A very fine and attractive cover to a most unusual destination.rnProvenance: Collection Hiroyuki Kanai, David Feldman, 3 Nov 1993, lot 393.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 700 CHFLosnr. : 7081 Mauritius
1863/72: 4d. rose, diagonal bisect, lower left half, on small local envelope tied by "11" obliterator in black with manuscript "Half four pence" below, "ARGY OC 18 72" despatch cds in black on reverse and mailed to Port Louis withj arrival in blue of the same day. The bisect disallowed on arrival and blue handstamp "4 d TO PAY" struck on front (double the deficiency), very fine and rare, believed unique. Cert BPA (2020).rnProvenance: Collection Hiroyuki Kanai, David Feldman, 3 Nov 1993, lot 404.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 2.800 CHFLosnr. : 7082 Kap der Guten Hoffnung
1838/51: Quartet of stampless covers, with 1838 16d. prepaid folded letter to Capetown, struck with both "General Post Office / Cape of Good Hope" crowned oval and faint circular crown, scarce 1844 also with GPO crowned oval to Amiens, France, with "Ship Letter / London" backstamp, 1851 to Batavia handstamped with black boxed PREPAID and endorsed to be carried via the "Anna Margaretha", and undated official service cover to Stellenbosch with choice strike of "General Post Office / Cape Town" crown handstamp, some small faults, chiefly to the 1851 cover, else a fresh and attractive group.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 7083 Kap der Guten Hoffnung
1853: 1 d. brick red block of four, on slighly blued paper, mostly large margins, showing portion of adjoining stamps in places, touched in one corner, tied by triangular "CGH" obliterator to folded cover, paying the 4d. letter rate from Colesberg to Graaff Reinett, pressed creases affecting adhesives, yet a scarce franking with striking visual appeal. Cert B.P.A. (2020).Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 2.400 CHFLosnr. : 7084 Kap der Guten Hoffnung
1853: 4d. deep blue on slightly blued paper, horizontal strip of 6, fresh deep colour and good to large margins all around, lightly cancelled by CGH obliterator, faint pre-fold between 2nd and 3rd stamp from right, otherwise very fine and fresh, signed Pfenninger. Cert. Alberto Diena (1967).Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 1.200 CHFLosnr. : 7085 Kap der Guten Hoffnung
1855/63: 4d. deep blue on white paper, 2 singles, each with good to large margins and possessing fresh bright colour, tied by CGH obliterator to small envelope from "GRAHAMS-TOWNS MY 3 1856" to London via Cape Town, with transit and arrival marks backstamps, very fine. Certificate BPA (2020).Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 7086 Kap der Guten Hoffnung
1855/63: 1 s. bright yellow-green on white paper, a used block of three with good to mostly large margins all round and of fresh colour, used on 1860 cover to London endorsed "p. Mail Steamer Dane", tied by light CGH obliterator in black with neat "LONDON / PAID' cds alongside in red (29 Nov 60). "2/6" (d.) rate split in red crayon manuscript below the franking. Reverse with "CAPE TOWN / CAPE OF GOOD HOPE" datestamp in red (22 Oct 60). Treated to reduce staining, minor edge wear, nevertheless an impressive and desirable item presenting the triple rate. Cert. BPA (2020).Ausruf : 2.500 CHFZuschlag : 4.600 CHFLosnr. : 7087 Kap der Guten Hoffnung
1863/64: 4 d. deep blue, De La Rue printing, good to large margins, tied to cover to Cape Town by CGH obliterator and three strikes of "CAPE TOWN OC 21 65" c.d.s., three further free strikes on front, "FRENCH-HOEK OC 20 1865" despatch backstamp, striking cut-out illustration of a dancing man pasted to the front of the envelope and "carrying" the address, very attractive and most unusual. Cert BPA (2020).Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 2.000 CHFLosnr. : 7088 Kap der Guten Hoffnung
1853/63: Eight covers with triangular frankings, with 1 d. brick red on 1865 local Cape Town cover, 1 d. deep rose red on scarce soldier`s concessionary rate cover front to London, four 4 d. blues, showing a range of shades from pale to very dark, including 1858 cover from Cape Town to York franked with four-margin pair, 1859 French Consulate in Port Elizabeth to the French Consul in Cape Town, 1864 Great Western Office Grahamstown corner card to Graaf Reinett, and 1865 from Port Elizabeth to Cradock, 6 d. rose lilac on 1860 cover from Port Elizabeth to Pietermaritzburg, and 1 s. bright yellow green on 1859 registered cover to London (with BPA certifictate), some with light staining or other small faults, the 1 s. a possible rebacked front, but a useful group.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 2.800 CHFLosnr. : 7089 Ungarn
1875 (July 1): 1874 issue 5 kr. black Money Transfer form for 1'000 forint, sent from Budapest to Szeged, franked in addition by two examples of 1871 Engraved 25 kr. red violet and single October 1874 5 kr. rose, tied by "BUDAPEST FÖPOSTA UTALV. PENZTAR 75 JUL. 1" cds's in black, reverse with "PENZ. UTALVANY SZEGED 2 / 6 75" arrival cds. Central bend to form as usual but an exceptional franking, cert. Ferchenbauer (2004).rnProvenance: Collection Dr. Anton & Elisabeth Jerger, Corinphila sale 144 (May 2005), lot 323.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 7090 Lombardo-Veneto
Croce di S. Andrea 1852 (Dec. 9): Carta a mano 10 c. black type Ia with complete St. Andrew's Cross on amazing sheet margin below the stamp (34 mm), this adhesive with fresh colour and large even margins all round in combination with Carta a mano 5 c. orange type Ia, another fine and fresh example. Both adhesives tied by superb strikes of framed one line "MILANO: 9 - 12 : 52" datestamp on entire letter to Varese, reverse with arrival datestamp of the next day. The 10 centesimi adhesive with horizontal file fold below, slightly ironed out with nearly no impact on the overlying stamp; also minor pre-use thin on reverse of sheet margin below the Cross, just mentioned for accuracy, without any importance for this item presenting the only 10 c. with St. Andrew's Cross below on cover. A unique and extremely desirable cover for a high-end collection of Lombardo-Veneto or the Old Italian States. Signed Giorgio Colla; group cert. Matl & Ferchenbauer (2004) Sassone = € 600'000 / Ferchenbauer = LP.rnNote: Three combinations of 10 c. stamps with St. Andrew's Crosses had been known in the past including one strip of five with two stamps and three Crosses, being part of the famous 'Mystery' collection which should have been offered in May 1959 at Shanahan (lot 1207), was stolen and the whereabouts of this item are unknown. There exist in addition to this presumably lost strip two covers, incl. one cover with two St. Andrew's cross aside the 10 c. stamp (1st Erivan Corinphila Auction, June 2019, lot 7082) and the item offered here. rnReference: Described and displayed in the census of Dr. Jerger in 'Allgemeine und besondere Frankaturen' (1983) on p. 69 and the one of Greg Todd (2004).rnProvenance: Collection Rothschild, Mercury Stamp Company, New York (Oct. 1947), lot 1026; Harmers London sale (Dec. 1965), lot 22; Collection Dr. Anton & Elisabeth Jerger.Ausruf : 50.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 7091 Lombardo-Veneto
Croce di S. Andrea 1850: Carta a mano 15 c. dark-vermillion type I plate 2, a single example with all four St. Andrew's Crosses at right of the stamp, fresh colour and good to large margins all round, tied by the very rare mute handstamp of Verona to entire letter to Padova, "VERONA 17/1" (1854) datestamp alongside, reverse with arrival and distribution cds's. A nearly invisible hor. fold through the third Cross is just mentioned for accuracy, this combination of the rare mute cancellation and the largest possible multiple of St. Andrew's Crosses of a first issue definitive is one of the key items of Lombardo - Veneto philately. Only three covers with all four possible Crosses attached to a 15 c. are known to the describer, this being an elusive item for the most advanced collection.rnSigned Alberto Diena, Enzo Diena and Giorgio Colla; cert. Ferchenbauer (2004) Ferchenbauer = LP/Sassone = € 475'000.rnProvenance: Rothschild collection, Hamers New York sale (Dec. 1965); Renato Mondolfo collection, shown at WIPA 1981; collection Dr. Anton & Elisabeth Jerger.Ausruf : 30.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 7092 Lombardo-Veneto
Stationery indicium cut out used as definitive 1863 (March 28): Entire letter from Mirano to Trieste, endorsed "Via di Terra", franked by 10 soldi dark-brown stationery cut out with wide margins and well embossed, tied by light four ring "MIRANO 28 / 3" cds. A rare Veneto cut out franking to pay the 10 soldi rate in the second rayon. Signed Colla; cert. Ferchenbauer (2004) Sassone = € 6'750 / Ferchenbauer = € 5'250.rnProvenance: Collection Dr. Anton & Elisabeth Jerger, Corinphila sale 144 (May 2005), lot 412.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 1.000 CHFLosnr. : 7093 Lombardo-Veneto
1864 (May 3): Lettersheet from Mantova to Trento, franked by stationery envelope cutout 10 soldi brown, cut in rectangular shape with fresh colour and good margins, tied by "MANTOVA 3 / 5" cds, reverse with "TRIENT 4 / 5" arrival cds. A rare usage, cert. Ferchenbauer (2004) Sassone = € 6'500 / Ferchenbauer = € 5'250.rnProvenance: Collection Dr. Anton & Elisabeth Jerger, 144. Corinphila Auction (May 2005), lot 411.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 7094 Neapel
1858 (Jan.): 2 grana from plate I and five examples of 1 grano from plate II, good to large margins, cancelled by Annullato 'a svollazo' handstamp type 13 with adjacent red "TARANTO 18 DIC. 1860" on lettersheet to Napoli, reverse with NAPOLI arrival cds in red (21 Dec.). Filing fold between two adhesives, nevertheless an attractive cover, the franking paying correctly the rate for a letter between 21 and 25 trappesi. Signed Köhler, A. Diena and G. Bolaffi.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 7095 Neapel
1858 (Jan.): 2 grana, a horizontal pair and a single example and 5 grana, two single examples, all from plate I with good to large margins, cancelled by framed ANNULATO handstamp with adjacent oval red Rosarno handstamp on registered lettersheet to Napoli, reverse with NAPOLI arrival cds in red (Aug 1858). Minor toning, nevertheless an attractive cover, the fine franking paying correctly the rate for a letter between 26 trappesi and one oncia, doubled for registration, a very high franking for an inland item. Signed A. Diena and Russo.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 7096 Parma
1859: Provisional Government 40c. red brown, good to large margins and fresh colour, tied by small single circle "PIACENZA 15 NOV 59" c.d.s. to entire letter to Pellizzano, with Trient transit (15 Nov) and next-day Male arrival backstamps, multiple expert signatures, a fine and scarce letter; Sassone records 25 single frankings of this stamp, including 5 used from Piacenza. Cert Enzo Diena (1990).Ausruf : 5.000 CHFZuschlag : 6.500 CHFLosnr. : 7097 Sardinien
"Cavallini di Sardegna" 1827 (6 July): Definitive issue 15 c. embossed, used abroad from Geneva to Evian, the embossing is strong and distinct, the sheet is intact with message on three pages, fresh for the period, a very fine and scarce usage from Switzerland to upper Savoy, Cert. Sorani (1999) Sassone = € 1'800 for a regular use.rnNote: Presumably the only known 'Cavallini' cover used abroad including private transport for the Swiss part of the journey, from Geneva to the Sardinian border. In the Corinphila sale 173 (April 2012), lot 499, another cover from the same correspondence, but in that case from Evian to Geneva was sold. In some way the earliest usage of a 'postage stamp' in Switzerland.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 3.400 CHFLosnr. : 7098 Toscana
1851/52: 60 crazie brown-red, rich fresh shade, mostly good to large margins, showing portion of adjoining stamp at bottom and right, barely touched at lower left, tied by mute cancel to lettersheet postmarked "FIRENZE 5 OCT 1856", to New York, with "5 BOSTON BR. PKT. OCT. 25" transit mark, two filing creases not affecting stamp, addresee name erased, otherwise fine; entires with this stamp are amongst the great rarities of the Italian States, with only 4 single frankings recorded. Cert Enzo Diena (1991).rnProvenance: 'Collezione Pedemonte' (Bolaffi 1991)Ausruf : 10.000 CHFZuschlag : 25.000 CHFLosnr. : 7099 Italien
1930: Italo Balbo Transatlantic Flight, cover franked with 1.25l and 7.70l commemorative, tied to first flight cover by "Posta Aerea /Crociera Italia-Brasile / Roma / 15 DEC 1930.IX" c.d.s., to General Italo Balbo in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, with machine receiver on front, signed by eighteen pilots, not Balbo, light vertical crease at left, else a fresh and desirable cover from this famed Brazil flight, signed Colla.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 340 CHFLosnr. : 7100 Italien
1926: "Norge" Flight, franked with Italian 25c. and 1l definitives, tied by Teller, Alaska datestamp (13 May), affixed with airship flight vignette, tied by corresponding oval "VOLO TRANSPOLARE 1926 / AMUNDSEN - ELLSWORTH - NOBILE / EQUIPAGGIO ITALIANO / DIGIRIBLE "NORGE"" handstamp, boxed violet flight cachet at upper left, signed overtop by flight crew member Alfredo Precerutti, a few light stains, else fine and scarce.rnNote: In 1926, Roald Amundsen, Lincoln Ellsworth and Umberto Nobile flew with 13 others in the airship “Norge” from Ny-Alesund, Svalbard, Norway to Teller, Alaska, thus completing the first verified trip to the North Pole, and becoming the first to fly over the polar ice cap between Europe and North America.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 700 CHF
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