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Losnr. : 1394 Türkei
Liannos Private Post 1866 (June): 1 pi. rose, 2nd printing, an unused block of 50 (5 x 10) on vertically laid paper with large part Arms over ER watermark (68 x 168 mm.) also found on 1850's Great Britain postal stationery (illustration enclosed), the block of good colour and with mostly large margins all round, thin spot and minor bends, large part or unmounted og. The multiple is sold with a detailed list identifying the ten types on the printing Stone Mi = € 12'500 for first printing.rnNote: Believed to have been issued in sheets of 200 stamps, the (few) blocks of fifty being the largest recorded multiples. Blocks also occur with the Arms watermark together with ETTORE DE RITTER / PODGORA watermarked lettering. The stamps were issued to collect the local postage due / delivery charge on incoming mail from Egypt.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1395 Türkei
Liannos Private Post 1866 (June): 2 pi. blue, 2nd printing, an unused block of 50 (5 x 10) on vertically laid paper with large part Arms over ER watermark (68 x 168 mm.) also found on 1850's Great Britain postal stationery (illustration enclosed), the block of good colour and with mostly large margins all round, minor age spots and corner bend, large part or unmounted og. The multiple is sold with a detailed list identifying the ten types on the printing Stone Mi = € 12'500 for first printing.rnNote: Believed to have been issued in sheets of 200 stamps, the (few) blocks of fifty being the largest recorded multiples. Blocks also occur with the Arms watermark together with ETTORE DE RITTER / PODGORA watermarked lettering.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1396 Türkei
1863/78: Selection one Toughra and 16 Dulos definitives, used and cancelled in Bulgaria and Eastern Roumelia incl. Toughra 1 pi. black third printing on blue thick paper cancelled in Rstchuk, several double circle all Arabic handstamps in black and blue, in general neat and clear strikes.Ausruf : 75 CHFZuschlag : 160 CHFLosnr. : 1397 Türkei
Lemnos 1875/1906c.: Small group on album pages with cancellations of ATCHKY, cover to Metelino with 1876 1 pi. yellow tied by negative seal "Telegraf Ve Posta Hane-i Lemnos" in black (Coles & Walker unlisted), "Lemnos Posta Shubesi" seal in blue on 1884 20 pa. carmine (rare), "Lemnos Posta Shubesi" negative seal in violet on 1892 20 pa. claret pair on piece, later Lemnos and Moudros usages (8 items).Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 360 CHFLosnr. : 1398 Türkei
Thessaly 1876/1900c.: Exhibit Collection with array of loose stamps, pieces and covers/cards with 1892 10 pa., 20 pa. and 1 pi. on small piece all tied by framed "Domokos" all arabic handstamp in blue (cert. Gary Paiste 1992), 1898 Greek 20 l. stationery envelope used with Turkey 5 pa. on 10 pa. green (6) to Stamboul tied by "Kalabaka" cds's, 1865 Dulos 20 pa. yellow and 5 pi. red on cover tied by all arabic "Larissa" handstamps in blue, rare "YENEŞEHIR TELEGRAF POSTA HANEI" negative seal handstamp complete strike of 1892 1 pi. on piece (ex 'Cihangir' collection), 1875 Dulos 10 pa. mauve with fine all arabic "Phanari" handstamp in black, 1892 Postage Due 1 pi. black with fine "Tournavos" cds in blue, 1893 cover with Thessaly set of five tied by "Trikhala" cds's in blue and three values on cover cancelled at "Velestinon", 1897 cover with 1892 1 pi. tied by "VOLOS" cds in violet, a scarce group (23 items).Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 850 CHFLosnr. : 1399 Türkei
Vilayet of Andrinople 1872/1914c.: Exhibit Collection with wonderful array of loose stamps, pieces and covers/cards with 1888 2 pi. cancelled by superlative strike of AHIR-KEUI negative seal handstamp in black, 1892 20 pa. stationery card to Erfurt cancelled by Dédé-Agatch negative seal handstamp in black (Isfila APO6), 1876 20 pa. mauve (2) and 1 pi yellow used on entire letter tied by circular all arabic seal of Dédé-Agatch (C&W fig. 71) and circular datestamp in violet on 1884 10 pa. green block of four (ex Schaefer / Schlegel sale), further datestamp usages on pieces, cards and negative seal on Telegram form, 1898 " Dédé-Agatch Station" cds in blue on cover (ex Nakri), fine usages from Démotika, Férédjik, Gumuldjina / Komotini with fine 1907 cover, 'Kouléli-Bourgas' on 1915 card franked at 20 pa. Sofilou negative seal cancel on 1892 20 pa. pair (rare), Xanthi with cover and card etc. A fine lot (64 items).Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 1400 Türkei
Sanjaks of Janina & Prevesa 1840/1914c.: Exhibit Collection with array of loose stamps, pieces and covers/cards with 1892 2 pi. orange on piece cancelled by full strike of "TELEGRAF VE POSTA HANEI AÎDONAT 1298" in blue, AIDONAT cds in black on 1901 20 pa. rose pair, trimmed cover with 1892 20 pa. claret pair tied by "DELVINAKI SUBESI" circular negative seal in violet, circa 1841 Tartar Post form with JANINA and Serres negative seals, 1892 20 pa. pair with large part YANYA POSTA SUBESI negative seal, 1902, 1908 and 1909 covers at 1 pi. rate all with different JANINA datestamps, receiept with "TELEGRAF VE POSTA HANEI LOROS" negative seal (ex Cihangir collection), items from Margharidj, Mezzovo, Narda Keupressi with negative seal in violet and rare datestamp on 1906 postcard, PHILATES cds on 1906 1 pi. blue on cover to Durazzo, exceptional range of PREVESA handstamps and datestamps, Greece 10 l. red cancelled by rare RÉCHADIÉ (JANINA) datestamp (cert. Galinos, 2009), SALAHORA negative seal in black on 1892 20 pa. stationery card, exceptional collection of this elusive area (55 items).Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 1.100 CHFLosnr. : 1401 Türkei
1880/1951: Lot postal history Turkey and of foreign post offices in Turkey consisting of 30 Letters and cards. Austrian POs include letters from Alexandrette and Trapezunt, the German PO is represented with an incoming PPC from Copenhagen to Smyna. The lot also comprises some later Turkish stamps on stock cards.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1402 Türkei
1863 (Jan/Dec): Tughra Issue second and third printing, an interesting collection on leaves with 42 single examples from all four denominations primarily on thin, some on thick paper with shades and cancellation interest, few unused examples in between, the used adhesives cancelled with Battal or mute obliterators.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 1403 Türkei
1863 (Jan): Tughra Issue postage due, eleven examples from all four values on thin paper, incl. the complete set in the dark brown and the red-brown shade. Overall fine condition with fresh colours, all cancelled with Battal or mute obliterators in black or blue Mi = € 2'200+Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1404 Türkei
Railway Postmarks 1873/1912: Collection with loose stamps/pieces (8) and covers/cards (8), with 1876 10 pa. mauve block of six with "MEMURU SIMENDOFER POSTA CIHET SELANIK 2" all arabic seal handsstamp in blue, 1912 20 pa. stationery card cancelled "Salonique-Stamboul No. 1" TPO cds, 1892 20 pa. card cancelled by superb "Bur. Amb. Salonique - Zibefteche" cds in blue to France, further usages of the "Bur. Amb. / Salonique - Zibefteche" TPO on covers in black and in red, 1892 20 pa. on postcard cancelled by negative version of the handstamp for the same route in black;Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 460 CHFLosnr. : 1405 Türkei
Vilayet of Salonika / Selanik / Thessaloniki 1840/1914c.: Exhibit Collection with wonderful array of loose stamps, pieces and covers/cards with 1840c. Tartar Post form with superb strikes of both SELANIK negative seal in blue and Uskub arrival at base, 1892 1 pi. tied to piece by complete 'Branch Post' negative seal dated 1281 in black, 1872/75 1 pi. yellow on cover tied by all arabic circular handstamp in blue (C&W fig. 5), 1892 20 pa. card with both Ottoman and Austrian P.O. cds's, 1890 cover at 1 pi. rate to Nisch tied by barred obliterator (C&W fig. 12), fine "Office Sanitaire de Salonique" seal handstamp in blue on 1884 Official cover (rare), 1909 10 pa. on postcard ex Salonika with rare "Amadovo / C.O." Railway Office cds in blue, 20 pa. stationery card with circular all arabic "Selanik Hukumet Konaghi Subesi" seal handstamp, piece with good strike of "Hukumet Konaghi" Govt. House datestamp, 1906 and 1911 cards with 20 pa. tied "Yalilar" cds's, cover with oval violet "SELANIK ZIRRAT POSTA" negative seal etc. A splendid collection of this town (68 items).Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 950 CHFLosnr. : 1406 Türkei
Vilayet of Monastir 1876/1913c.: Exhibit Collection with array of loose stamps, pieces and covers/cards with 1876 1 pi. yellow with superb complete "TELEGRAF VE POSTA HANEI 1298" negative seal in black, 1909 1 pi. blue on piece tied by near complete "DOKSAD POSTA SUBESI" in blue (believed unique), 1909 10 pa. green with Ekchi-Sou-Station datestamp in violet, range of items (7) with a variety of different FLORINA cancellations, 1892 20 pa. pair on piece tied by all arabic KAYALAR handstamp in violet, 1892 20 pa. stationery card cancelled by fine KESRIE cds, items from Klissoura, Kozana, Krania negative seal in blue, 1909 1 pi. tied to cover by 'Mavrova (Kesrie' cds, 1912 cover NEVESKA franked at 1 pi., 1905 20 pa. stationery card used from SECHESTE to Athens, 1892 20 pa. stationery card cancelled SERFITCHÉ cds, 1892 1 pi. on piece tied by complete SOROVITCH POSTA SUBESI negative seal in violet, 1892 1 pi. and 2 pi. on 1898 cover tied by ELASSONA cds in black (rare), a fine collection of elusive material (63 items).Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 950 CHFLosnr. : 1407 Türkei
1863/1914: Collection with a lot of cancellation interest including 400+ stamps/pieces and two postcards from Stamboul, Galata, Eastern Thrace, Albania, Bosnia, Serbia, Macedonia, Kosovo, Thessaly, Greece & Islands, Bulgaria, Libya, Iraq, Syria, Hatay, Lebanon, Palestine, Arabia and Yemen. A fine and clean selection.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 1408 Türkei
Greek Islands 1875/1914c.: The Exhibit Collection with wonderful array of loose stamps, pieces and covers/cards with Crete incl. 'Hania' all arabic handstamps on two early pieces, negative "Bureau Telegraphique et Postal Hagne" handstamp in blue struck at Hania (ex Feenstra collection, cert. Galinos) and believed unique; superb strike of Hania Telegraph negative seal on 1892 1 pi., four usages on piece from Rettimo and fine all arabic seal handstamp of "Suda" on 1892 1pi., further cancels of Avassou and Kaloni; Metelino with rare 1908 'Telegraf ve posta Haneeyi Midilli' negative seal on 1908 Telegram to Bucharest, large range of pieces with negative seal or datestamp usages and visiting card covers (2), usages from Molyvo, Petra, Pilmar, Poulhint, Sigri and Vatoussa; 1905 20 pa. pair cancelled by all arabic framed Yera (rare), 1908 20 pa.(3) cancelled by Thassos cds, Chios with fine range of four covers from Dulos issue onwards, Samos with 1880/84 1 pi. on cover front tied by negative seal handstamp in black (rare), piece with 1 pi. blue tied by Kassos cds, cover with 1892 20 pa. claret tied by rare "Poste Imperiale Ottomane / CALYMNOS" in violet, 1908 20 pa. tied by Kharki cds on cover, Cos with fine range including 1911 postcard cancelled by superb "Istankeuy" datestamps, usages from Leros, Patmos, Symi and extensive Rhodes with covers and cards. Superb and difficult to assemble nowadays (123 items).Ausruf : 600 CHFZuschlag : 6.500 CHFLosnr. : 1409 Türkei
Vilayet of Salonika 1845/1914: Exhibit Collection with wonderful array of loose stamps, pieces and covers/cards with 1908 20 pa. tied to postcard to Monastir by violet negative seal of AGUSTOS, 1901 single 10 pa. green cancelled by superb AGUSTOS all arabic handstamp in black (C&W fig.1), superb range of Mount Athos with 1891 incoming cover from Odessa, Telegrams with Fiscal 10 pa. tied bilingual Mount-Athos cds's (2), Telegram with 'Bureau de Postes Mount Athos' negative seal in blue, page with five usages with different types of CATHERINE cancellations, Tartar Post form from Salonica to Cavalla, fine study of Cavalla Postal History with range of covers and 1912 Parcel Card at 12½ pi. rate cancelled by "Cavalla/3" datestamp, 1892 20 pa. block of four with bold DANI ECHELLE cds, 1892 1 pi. pair on piece with full circular all arabic DEMI-HISSAR handstamp in violet, 1909 1 pi. blue with part DJOUM-I-ZIR cds, 1892 2 pi. (3) each with DRAMA all arabic circular handstamps and later cds usages from Drama, piece with 1892 1 pi. tied by complete KESSENDIRE all arabic handstamp, pieces from Kilkiche, Polygros (and a Telegram form with negative seal), 1892 1pi. pair on piece with full PORVI cds (C&W fig. 70), Serres with negative seal pre-stamp covers (2) with Types 1 and 2 in blue, 1909 1 pi. on cover tied by fine ZILHOVA cds etc. A marvellous lot (110 items). rnAusruf : 600 CHFZuschlag : 1.400 CHFLosnr. : 1410 Türkei
Losnr. : 1411 Türkei
Vilayet of Andrinople / Eastern Thrace 1862/1920c.: Exhibit Collection with wonderful array of loose stamps, pieces and covers/cards with Edirne negative seal in blue on pre-stamp entires, Edirne 'battal' in blue on 1863 20 pa. on thick paper, Edirne circular all arabic handstamps on Dulos issue pieces and cover, 1884 cover with Empire 20 pa. tied by circular Edirne seal in blue, 1879 cover with 1876 20 pa. and 1 pi. tied by Andrinople cds in blue, cover with 10 pa. green tied by "Balik-Pazari" cds in violet, 1909 10 pa. block of four with full "Sarraf-Hani" cds and piece with full "Zindan-Allti" cds in violet on 1 pi., usages from Baba-Eski, Sarköy, 1903 cover from Demir-Tache, 1892 2 pi. cancelled by superb framed all arabic "ENOS" in black, 1915 1 pi. blue block of four with full "Eegli (Marmara)" cds, 1887 20 pa. lilac stationery card used from Gallipoli (ex Nakri), 1901 20 pa. pair with full "GANOZ" all arabic handstamp, 1902 cover and 1914 card used from "Kechan", 1871 Dulos issue cover with 20 pa. and 1 pi. tied by "Kirk-Kilissé" negative seal and taxed on arrival, large 1 pi. brown registered stationery envelope up-rated with six adhesives tied by octagonal "Kirk-Kilissé" datestamp, 1892 20 pa. card with LULÉBURGAZ negative seal, large part cover with 1908 20 pa. tied ADJÉ-ABAD (Maidos) cds, 1915 censored card from Mouradli, Empire 20 pa. card with fine MUREFTÉ negative seal cancel in blue, 1892 20 pa. card with fine OUZOUN KEUPRU cds and a 1914 censored example, fine range of RODOSTO markings, 1892 20 pa. on cover from SILIVRIE, etc. A fine study (208 items).Ausruf : 1.200 CHFZuschlag : 2.400 CHFLosnr. : 1476 Grossbritannien
1853: Entire letter from Glasgow to Easton, PA, USA endorsed 'per Royal Mail Steamship 24' (cents), most unusually struck with framed "HOPE / STREET" and 'Glasgow' cds in black (April 1), carried on Cunard 'America' with BR PACKET / 24 / BOSTON arrival (April 15) with "19 / CENTS" British credit in green. Slightly soiled but unusual.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 100 CHFLosnr. : 1477 Grossbritannien
Losnr. : 1478 Grossbritannien
Losnr. : 1479 Grossbritannien
1840: 1 d. black, Plate 3, a used horizontal pair lettered RA-RB, large margins all round, slightly irregular at left, lightly cancelled by Maltese Crosses in red. Tiny corner bend at upper right but an attractive multiple, together with a single example from Plate 1b, lettered RD, with clear to large margins cancelled by beautifully struck Maltese Cross Gi = £ 1'375+.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 360 CHFLosnr. : 1480 Grossbritannien
Losnr. : 1481 Grossbritannien
1840: 1d. black, plate 5, lettered SE, Imprimatur from the 1st registration sheet (before hardening), very fine and fresh with close to large margins all round, just 23 stamps were removed from the Imprimatur sheet, many of which are in institutional collections: TA housed in the N.P.M., London; TH in the Tapling collection, British Library; AL in the Royal Collection. The other 1 d. black imprimatur from plate 5, lettered SE from the Royal Collection was offered later as part of the Gaetano Vullo collection in a London auction in November 2003 and realised £ 16'468 (incl. buyer's premium). Cert. RPS (2001) Gi 2 Imp. = £ 32'000.rnProvenance: Collection of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Spink, London, 17 May 2001, lot 9. Sold after Her Majesty The Queen approved the purchase of the famous block of ten 1840 1d. blacks used on first day cover from the Cohen collection.rnAusruf : 7.500 CHFZuschlag : 8.500 CHFLosnr. : 1482 Grossbritannien
Losnr. : 1483 Grossbritannien
Losnr. : 1484 Grossbritannien
Losnr. : 1485 Grossbritannien
Losnr. : 1486 Grossbritannien
Losnr. : 1487 Grossbritannien
Losnr. : 1488 Grossbritannien
Losnr. : 1489 Grossbritannien
Losnr. : 1490 Grossbritannien
Losnr. : 1491 Grossbritannien
1840: 2d. blue, plate 2, lettered MC, an unused example, good to large margins all round, of fresh colour with gum. Plate 2 in unused condition is very much rarer than plate 1; most unused stamps from plate 2 originate from the 'Mackay' block of seven unused horizontal rows, exhibited in 1898 at the Birmingham Philatelic Exhibition. The 'Mackay' block was heavily damaged and without gum, and shortly after the Birmingham Exhibition was cut up into smaller multiples and single examples. This example, with gum, does not emanate from the 'Mackay' multiple. On 1 March 1989 the RPSL issued a certificate confirming "unused", but as usual at the time did not mention the gum. Three months later the stamp was offered in a Phillips Auction 22 June 1989, lot 182. It therefore can be assumed, that the stamp was submitted by Phillips to the RPSL. It was then described by Phillips "....fine with part original gum". Years later Stanley Gibbons also described the stamp as "Superb unused o.g. (original gum) ..... rarely seen so fine, especially plate 2". When the stamp was recently re-submitted by Corinphila to the RPSL to qualify the gum in a new certificate, the RPSL declined the request. Therefore the stamp is now offered 'as is/tel quel' with RPSL cert. (1989) stating 'unused' not mentioning or giving a status for the gum (as usual in those days) and therefore not subject to return. Cert. RPS (1989) Gi = £ 45'000.rnProvenance: Phillips, London, 22 June 1989, lot 182 (at the time illustrated in colour on the front cover of the auction catalogue).Ausruf : 4.000 CHFZuschlag : 6.000 CHFLosnr. : 1492 Grossbritannien
Losnr. : 1493 Grossbritannien
1841: 1 d. red-brown Plate 19, a compl. used reconstruction of the plate of 240 subjects, each stamp cancelled by black Maltese Cross, largely fair to fine examples of good appearance, many with four margins and showing the plethora of shades produced on the blued paper with all the listed double check letters, Basal Shifts and 'J' flaws, prominent horizontal guide line on CE and CF etc., a remarkable and extremely attract. reconstruction Gi = £ 16'800.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 1494 Grossbritannien
1854: Embossed 6 d. purple with wmk VR inverted, an unused example with just touched to large margins all round, with slightest doubling impression indicated in left margin, minor ironed out corner bend but of fresh and rich colour, unused without gum, a rare stamp Gi = £ 19'500.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 550 CHFLosnr. : 1495 Grossbritannien
1862: 4 d. plate 3, OA, bright red and 9d. bistre, plate 2, AF, both ovpt. SPECIMEN and attached to Postal Notice from the G.P.O. London to inform 'Postmasters who obliterate stamps' about the new issue. The 9 d. with corner fault at lower left, the Postal Notice with minor tears and usual creasing, otherwise fresh, only a handful recorded.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 1.100 CHFLosnr. : 1496 Grossbritannien
1882, 5 s. rose on bluish (fiscal) paper with watermark 'Large Anchor', plate 4, EB, characteristic paler shade as can be seen frequently on printings on blued paper, perfect perforations and centering, neatly cancelled with "LONDON E.C. JY 27 8(?)" hooded datestamp, fine and fresh state of preservation, Cert. Karl Louis BPP (2020) Gi = £ 4'000.Ausruf : 600 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1497 Grossbritannien
10 s. grey-green on bluish (fiscal) paper with watermark 'Large Anchor', perfect perforations and centering, strong fresh colour, pressed light vertical creases, clear "MANCHESTER YORK ST. AU. 8. 83" c.d.s., attractive presentation and in a very fresh state of preservation. Cert. Karl Louis BPP (2020). Gi.= £ 4'500.Ausruf : 600 CHFZuschlag : 1.100 CHFLosnr. : 1498 Grossbritannien
1882, £ 1 brown-lilac on white paper with watermark 'Large Anchor', AG, perfect perforations and centering, pressed horizontal crease and corner crease at the lower right, tied by "NEWCASTLE ON TYNE OC. 23. 83" c.d.s., good example of this rare and difficult stamp. Cert. Karl Louis BPP (2020). Gi. = £ 7'000.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 1.700 CHFLosnr. : 1499 Grossbritannien
1882, £ 5 orange on white paper, AF, very good perforation and centering, fresh colour, centrally cancelled with "GLASGOW AP. 13. 95" c.d.s., lightened blue crayon line in the top left corner, closed small paper split on the right in the 6th. perforation hole, oily obliteration, otherwise well presenting. Cert. Karl Louis BPP (2020). Gi = £ 3'500.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 1.300 CHFLosnr. : 1500 Grossbritannien
1875, 2 1/2 d. rosy mauve, plate 2, Error of Lettering LH-FL (for LH-HL), perfect perforations and good colour, cancelled with "785 TENTERDEN" duplex obliteration leaving the corner letterings with the error clearly visible. One of the most popular and spectacular 'Errors' of the Queen Victoria Issues. Cert. Karl Louis BPP (2020) Gi = £ 2'600.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 550 CHFLosnr. : 1501 Grossbritannien
Losnr. : 1502 Grossbritannien
Losnr. : 1503 Grossbritannien
Losnr. : 1504 Grossbritannien
Losnr. : 1505 Grossbritannien
Losnr. : 1506 Grossbritannien
Losnr. : 1513 Grossbritannien
Losnr. : 1514 Grossbritannien
1840/2000c.: Used collection from 1840 with 1 d. black plates 1b, 3, 5, 6 and 9; 1840 2 d. blue in a deep shade cancelled in black, 1841 1 d. red from black plates 2, 9, 10 and 11; and a fine study of the later plates from plate 14 through to pl. 94 with 61 plates represented incl. pl. 32 with watermark inverted; 1841 2 d. blue (3), 1864/79 1 d. red plates from 71-76 and 78-225 complete, 1858/79 2 d. blue pl. 7-15 complete, 1870 Bantam ½ d. complete incl. rare Plate 9, 1847/54 Embossed 6 d., 10 d. and 1 s. (2) mostly with good margins, 1866/62 4 d. rose-carmine with a fine study (15), 6 d. lilac (5) and 1 s. green (4), later Surface Printed generally complete less 'abnormals' incl. some used abroad, 1880 2 c. brown lettered BH forgery 'used' with Scottish 131 obliterator, 1867/78 wmk. Maltese Cross 5 s. rose (3), 10 s. grey-green and £1 brown-lilac of fine appearance but imperfections; 1882/83 wmk. Anchor 5 s. rose, 1883/84 high values with 2 s. 6 d. (3), 5 s. (2), 10 s. (3, incl. 10 s. cobalt with cert.) and wmk. Crowns £ 1 brown-lilac; 183 lilac and green set, 1891 £ 1 green, Edward VII 1902/10 with fine range of shades on all values, high values with 5 s. (3), 10 s. (3) and 1902 and 1912 £ 1 both cancelled in Guernsey, George V with range of shades and Seahorses incl. 10 s. (8) and £ 1 blue-green, 1929 PUC £ 1, 1885 10 s. IR Official, and later Elizabeth II issues; together with reprint of the Nissen Plating Guide to the 1 d. Black and Peel's 'Essential Guide to the 1 d. and 2 d. Stars' by Statham. Some fine stamps noted with a range of 20 certificates/opinions and some further seller's opinions, viewing is recommended.Ausruf : 7.500 CHFZuschlag : 9.000 CHFLosnr. : 1515 Grossbritannien
1900/80: Lot with several thousand stamps covering the semi-modern range used/unused or in mint condition, incl. single stamps, full sets, souvenir sheets, few cards and covers, plenty of duplicates, small part of valid postage and more, good to mixed condition and housed in four albums and stockbooks, on album pages and loose on stockcards and in glassines, the whole arranged in a Banana box.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 800 CHFLosnr. : 1516 Grossbritannien
1970/2000: The complete Deegan Machin Handbook in two volumes plus Alan Wilson's Specialised Machin Catalogue including many pre-sorted in three albums together with an enormous quantity of Machin Kiloware stored in several boxes. An occasion for further research.Ausruf : GebotZuschlag : 100 CHFLosnr. : 1517 Grossbritannien
1838/1947: Album with 105 covers/cards with many sent abroad, starting with stampless usages to Switzerland (3), 1863 1 sh. green single franking to Linköping Sweden and on 1869 cover to Christiania, Norway, further 1872 (Ap. 20) 3d rose wmk. Spray used on cover to Lyon as well as a fine selection of various London cancellations. To be inspected.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1518 Grossbritannien
Isle of Man 1854/57: 1 d. red star used on 1864 cover to Golspie tied by "Douglas-Isle of Man / 407" duplex in black, the contents with superb engraving of the "Castle Mona Hotel & Family Boarding House, Douglas, Isle of Man" showing riders, rowers and sailing; together with a second unused letter-head from the hotel (circa 1866) with the picture altered and re-engraved; and a third engraved letter-heading of the "Talbot Hotel" on Athol Street in Douglas. A charming and scarce group.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1519 Grossbritannien
Losnr. : 1644 Div. Brit. Kolonien Lots/Slg.
Losnr. : 1645 Div. Brit. Kolonien Lots/Slg.
Losnr. : 1646 Div. Brit. Kolonien Lots/Slg.
1880/1940: Collection 520 stamps used/unused covering British Possessions in Borneo, incl. better values and full sets from Brunei, Labuan, North Borneo and Sarawak, with better values up to $ 10 but used copies mostly cancelled to order as usual, good quality and nicely mounted on album pages.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 900 CHFLosnr. : 1647 Div. Brit. Kolonien Lots/Slg.
1840/1966c.: British Colonies Collection with Great Britain 1840 1 d. black used (2), 1883 5 s. rose used with 'Newport / Mon' cds, 1902/12 Edward VII high values with 10 s. unused and used (3), £ 1 unused and used (2), Re-engraved Seahorse 1934 10 s. indigo unused and two used sets of three, Antigua 1903/07 set of ten values to 5 s. unused, Dominica 1903 set of ten unused, 1907 set of ten unused, Gibraltar 1903 8 s. dull purple & black on blue used, £ 1 dull purple & black on red used, Hong Kong with 1904 $ 3 slate & dull blue, wmk. Multiple Crown CA used, Montserrat 1903/08 with values to 5 s. used and 5 s. black scarlet unused, Natal 1902 £1 10 s. green & violet used (2), 1908 10 s. and £ 1 used, Newfoundland 1897 Discovers set of 14 unused, New Guinea 1935 Airmail £ 2 violet (2) and £ 5 emerald used, 1939 Airmail 10 s. pink and £ 1 olive-green used, Somaliland 1904 set of 13 to 5 r. unused and 3 r. and 5 r. used, Tasmania 1899 Pictorial set of eight unused, Victoria 1901 £ rose and £ 2 deep blue cto used, etc. Many further Commonwealth countries represented with full sets etc. incl. a range of South Africa, a highly catalogued assembly with much of interest.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 6.500 CHFLosnr. : 1648 Div. Brit. Kolonien Lots/Slg.
1840/1940: A fantastic collection with several thousand stamps covering the whole range of the British Empire from Aden to Zululand, containing a wealth of better single stamps as well as full sets, for example ten Cape traingulars, £1. values of KE VII and KG V, surcharged values, bisects, cancellation interest and much more, mostly in very good condition and the colours of very fresh appearance, mainly mounted by first hinge, a lot that needs very careful inspection to find the hidden treasures, attractively arranged in three Schaubek albums.Ausruf : 6.000 CHFZuschlag : 11.000 CHFLosnr. : 1650 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
Losnr. : 1651 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
1850/1953: French envelope bearing horiz. pair Napoléon 80 c carmine addressed to Berne, FDC from Austria with four Bird Shilling values, a small envelope from Wurttemberg as well as 70 stamps from Old German States and from GB, everything in mixed condition.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 1652 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
Losnr. : 1653 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
1841/1923: Lot 120+ primarily used stamps incl. Netherlands first compl. set of three, Spain 1850 6 c., a single and a pair and Great Britain 1841 2 d. blue, in addition France, German States, also 13 covers with ten French covers / part covers incl. 1895 Shanghai to Germany, Austria 1880 registered stationery envelope Jägerndorf to Leipzig and 1923 Austrian definitives tied by KONGRESS DER AGUDAS JISROEL WIEN special cds to sheet.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 1654 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
1850/1960ca.: Lot with some better classic values, predominatly used, incl. Swiss 'Strubeli' (75), 1874 Transvall Coat of Arms rouletted issue (4), Rhodesia (6), 1852 Netherland fist issue, all imperforated values in diff. shapes, just to be mentioned, together with a small but fine selection of unused semi-modern issues of a former Swiss dealer's estate.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 260 CHFLosnr. : 1655 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
1850/1960: Lot several hundred mainly used stamps from Belgium and the Netherlands, incl. some better values and full sets as King Albert I with helmet, few Belgian classics, Dutch Welfare sets as well as duplicates, good to mixed condition and housed in two albums.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 1656 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
Losnr. : 1657 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
1880/1970: Poland, Russia and Baltic States, collection of 97 pieces of postal history in two folders with much interest in early modern Poland, inflation and later, registered items, postage dues from the Austrian period, Russia and a run of postal money orders. Nice lot.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1658 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
Losnr. : 1659 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
1930/80: Lot 220 airmail covers, cards, picture postcards and postal stationery items covering quite a number of European countries, notewothy among others Austria, GB, Benelux, Scandinavia etc., incl. special flights, business mail, various cancellations, better frankings etc., mostly in good condition and housed in a small box.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 1660 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
1850/1950ca.: Lot seven country collections, all with better sets and values predominantly used, starting with Bulgaria from 1881 onwards with a fine selection of Lion issue, Finland with some serpentine rouletted values, Greece with Hermes Heads, Italy with some Italian States and Kingdom, Netherlands from 1852 onwards with Queen Wilhelmina high Gilder values to 20 G. orange as well as Spain with 1850 Queen Isabella and later issues.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 1.250 CHFLosnr. : 1661 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
1856/1938: Sweden and Iceland, accumulation on stock pages containing a good run of classic stamps with significant postmark interest. There is a good selection of better mint stamps such as Sweden Mi.227-238A and 406-410 in complete sheets. Iceland contains better Gildi overprints. The condition is fair to fine, the odd stamp is tropicalised.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1662 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
1850/1960: Lot several hundred stamps used/unused, noteworthy among few others Belgium with better full sets as King Albert I with Helmet, Cardinal Mercier and others as well as some souvenir sheets, France with some better values and plenty of modern mint incl. souvenir sheets and booklets, the Netherlands from the beginning but the main values beeing modern mint material incl. souvenir sheets, souvenir sheets from Hungary in duplication etc., mainly in good condition and all arranged in total eleven albums and folders, the whole packed into a large box.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 1.400 CHFLosnr. : 1663 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
1850/1960: Collection in three Schaubek-Europa albums (1933/37) with better sets and values used/unused, incl. Italy with Italian States and Kingdom as 1924 Manzoni used, 1930 Virgil unused, 1933 Zeppelin set of six used and Balbo Triptych (2), Crete and Ionian Islands, Austria, 1866 Romania Principality and later issues, Russia, Sweden 1858/62, Serbia 1869/1909, Spain and up to Württemberg. The classic issues somewhat slightly toned, the later semi-modern issues generally fine High catalogue value.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 4.000 CHFLosnr. : 1664 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
1852/98ca: Lot 100+ classical covers, incl. many Baden covers in the 1 Kr. and 3 Kr. rates with manuscript rural delivery fee (Landpostbestellgeld), Mail from the German railway station in Basel, Lombardo-Veneto with Milano to Cremona cover franked with 15 c. definitive with sheet margin, Papal States, Sardinia 1860 Novellara to Mantova cover with Austrian '5' c. taxstamp, 1859 Rayon limitrophe cover from Mulhouse to Basel, 1882 Bavaria express stationery postcard München to Basel, Württemberg, Prussia, two covers from the USA to the well-known architect Fichter-Liebi in Basel.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 440 CHFLosnr. : 1665 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
1870/89: Two early telegramm forms, incl. scarce usage of 1870 (Aug. 10) French telegram locally used within Paris and franked with 1868 1 f. orange perf. 11 ½ x 12 ½ on pre-printed form (cert. Bolaffi (2007) as well as1889 unfranked Swiss telegram form from Wohlen (AG) to Paris pre-printed by 'Schweiz. Telegraphen-'Bureau', rare.rnAusruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1666 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
1703/1858: Remainder 15 entire letters, incl. French Army Mail as 1707/08 AR.DE.FLANDRE, 1788/89 D'HOLLANDE (2), 1795 Fieldpost letter 'Feldlager bei WADO' (Genova) to Lichtenfels, Germany, further 1713 (March 22) letter from Amsterdam to Scottland, 1714/19 letters (2) from Cork, Ireland to Amsterdam as well as 1813 printed matter from Havanna, Cuba to Paris.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1667 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
1909/90: Lot several hundred cards, covers and postal stationery items related to balloon events in various European countries, noteworthy Switzerland with Gordon Bennett Air Races incl. picture postcards, photographs and labels, covers from various balloon starts in Mürren, Austria with 'Kinderdorf Ballonpost' as well as some AUA first flight items and many more, mainly in good condition, housed in small boxes and albums and the whole packed into a large removal box.,Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 800 CHFLosnr. : 1668 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
1842/62: Remainder of Levant collection, 17 entire letters, incl. disinfected mail (3), 1842/43 letters (5) from Syros to Trieste (2) and from Paris to Smyrna (3), 1854 forwarded letters (2) from Patras (Greece) via Trieste to Amsterdam (2), LLOYD TRIESTE 'col Vap(ore) to Syros as well as 1862 (Sept. 30) entire letter from Syros back to Trieste showing black '28' taxmark on front (v.d.Linden 3180).Ausruf : 600 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1669 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
1875/1975.: Lot with diff. country collections with better sets and values used/unused, incl. Luxemburg with 1882/1935 officials and telegraphs, a mint collection Vatican 1929/65 with the better sets as 1934 Provisionals, airmails, postage dues, parcels and express delivery stamps, unused collection German Reich 1934/45 with Wagner set and miniature sheets as OSTROPA, further unused part collections of Monaco 1875/1938 and Bosnia Herzegowina 1894/1918. In addition 1975 UPU album with all centenary issues from Afghanistan to Zambia, alle unused mint. A fine offer.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 1.250 CHFLosnr. : 1670 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
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