tradition and experience in classic philately since 1919

The Ing. Pietro Provera Collection (part 1)
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  • Lot# : 5101 NDP Elsasss Lothringen

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    Catalogue# : 5/IIa
    Okkupationsmarken NDP Elsass-Lothringen / Occupation stamps Alsace-Lorraine 1870: Netzunterdruck mit Spitzen nach unten, 10 C. orangebraun im Zehnerblock (5 x 2), farbintensive und sauber gez. Einheit (leichte Zahntönung), neun Marken mit vollem Originalgummi, eine mit Falzresten. Signiert Blechner Mi = € 1'010+ für einen ungestempelte Einheit / Maury 5b Burelage Renversé für zwei postfrische Fünferstreifen = € 3'800+.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : 500 CHF

    Lot# : 5102 NDP Elsasss Lothringen

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    Catalogue# : 7/Ib
    Okkupationsmarken NDP Elsass-Lothringen / Occupation stamps Alsace-Lorraine 1870: Netzunterdruck mit Spitzen nach oben, 25 C. dunkelbraun im attraktiven Viererblock, farbintensive und einwandfrei gez. Einheit mit vollem Originalgummi. Signiert Calves Mi = € 2'000 für einen ungestempelten Viererblock / Maury 7 = € 1'450.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 300 CHF

    Lot# : 5103 NDP Elsasss Lothringen

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    Catalogue# : 3-7
    Okkupationsmarken NDP Elsass-Lothringen / Occupation stamps Alsace-Lorraine 1870: Netzunterdruck mit Spitzen nach oben, Auswahl mit drei Einheiten, vorab einwandfrei gezähnt mit postfr. Originalgummi, dabei 4 C. violettgrau im Sechserblock mit Bogenrand rechts (Eckfehler links unten), 5 C. grün im Sechserblock mit Bogenrand links und 20 C. blau im Sechserblock Mi = € 1490+ für ungestempelte Einheiten.
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : 400 CHF

    Lot# : 5104 NDP Elsasss Lothringen

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    Catalogue# : 1/IIa+3/I+5/I
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    Okkupationsmarken NDP Elsass-Lothringen / Occupation stamps Alsace-Lorraine 1870: Kleiner Umschlag von Kaysersberg an einen Kriegsgefangenen in Aschersleben, frankiert mit Netzunterdruck mit Spitzen nach oben, 4 C. violettgrau und 10 C. orangebraun sowie Spitzen nach unten, 1 C. olivgrün (oben unregelmässige Zähnung), je klar und übergehend entw. "KAYSERSBERG 27 1 71 11-12 V.", rücks. mit Ausgabestp (30 1). Brief mit Fleckchen, dennoch ein attraktiver Brief im neuen 15 C. - Tarif in die Vertragsstaaten, gültig ab dem 13. Januar 1871. Attest Mehlmann (2006).
    Starting bid : 750 CHF
    Hammer price : 950 CHF

    Lot# : 5105 NDP Elsasss Lothringen

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    Catalogue# : 1/I+3/I+4/I+6/I
    Okkupationsmarken NDP Elsass-Lothringen / Occupation stamps Alsace-Lorraine 1870: Eingeschriebener Umschlag von Nancy nach Delme Meurthe, frankiert mit Netzunterdruck mit Spitzen nach oben, 1 C. olivgrün, 4 C. violett grau, 10 C. braun und 20 C. blau, vier farbfr. und gut gez. Einzelwerte, je zart und übergehend entw. mit französischem Doppelkreisstp. "NANCY 5 DEC 70"  mit nebenges. franz. CHARGÉ. Teil der Oberklappe fehlt, Siegel herausgetrennt, bildseitig ein attraktives und portogerechtes vierfärbiges Einschreiben im Lokalbereich mit 10 C. für den Lokalbrief und 15. C. Einschreibezuschlag. Signiert Blecher.
    Starting bid : 750 CHF
    Hammer price : 950 CHF

    Lot# : 5106 NDP Elsasss Lothringen

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    Catalogue# : 2/IIa
    1 / 1
    Okkupationsmarken NDP Elsass-Lothringen / Occupation stamps Alsace-Lorraine 1870: Streifband von Dornach nach Konstanz, frankiert mit Netzunterdruck mit Spitzen nach unten, 2 C. braun im waagr. Paar, zentrisch, ideal klar und übergehend entw. "DORNACH 2 7 71 7-8 N.", rücks. mit badischem Ankunftsstp "CONSTANZ 3 JUL 2-4 N". Portogerechte interessante Verwendung auf einer Drucksache bis zu 40 Gramm, zugleich ein äusserst attraktives Stück. Atteste Spalink (1984), Soluphil (1989).
    Starting bid : 1,000 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,300 CHF

    Lot# : 5107 NDP Elsasss Lothringen

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    Catalogue# : 3/I
    Okkupationsmarken NDP Elsass-Lothringen / Occupation stamps Alsace-Lorraine 1870: Streifband von Feldpostamt nach London, frankiert mit Netzunterdruck mit Spitzen nach oben 4 C. violettgrau im senkr. Paar, zart und voll aufgesetzt entw. "K. PR. FELD-POST / RELAIS No 41 31 1" mit nebenges. rotem PD. Eine attraktive Drucksache.
    Starting bid : 750 CHF
    Hammer price : 900 CHF

    Lot# : 5108 NDP Elsasss Lothringen

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    Catalogue# : 4/I
    Okkupationsmarken NDP Elsass-Lothringen / Occupation stamps Alsace-Lorraine 1870: Vollständiger Faltbrief von Amiens nach Lille-le-Guillaume, frankiert mit Netzunterdruck mit Spitzen nach oben, 5 C. gelbgrün im senkr. Paar, zus. klar und übergehend entw. "AMIENS POSTE 1871", rücks. mit Ankunftsstp. (28 FEVR. 71). Eine Marke mit leichtem Archivbug, ein frischer und attraktiver Beleg mit dem provisorischen Entwertungsstempel von Amiens.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 160 CHF

    Lot# : 5109 NDP Elsasss Lothringen

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    Catalogue# : 4/I+5/I
    Okkupationsmarken NDP Elsass-Lothringen / Occupation stamps Alsace-Lorraine 1870: Kompletter Faltbrief von Epinal nach St. Johann bei Saarbrücken, frankiert mit Netzunterdruck mit Spitzen nach oben, 5 C. grün und 10 C. braun, farbfr. und gut gez., ideal klar und übergehend entw. mit Doppelkreisstp. "POSTES 1871 EPINAL" in Blauschwarz und schwarzem Rahmenstp. "K: PR: FELDPOST-RELAIS No. 66 19 3". Rückseitiger Ankunftsstp. (22 3). Vorderseitig minim fleckig, dennoch eine attraktive und portogerechte Verwendung in die Postvertragsstaaten mit diesem provisorischen Entwertungsstempel von Epinal.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 220 CHF

    Lot# : 5110 NDP Elsasss Lothringen

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    Catalogue# : 5/II
    Okkupationsmarken NDP Elsass-Lothringen / Occupation stamps Alsace-Lorraine 1870: Kleiner Umschlag von Geispoldsheim nach Bordeaux, frankiert mit Netzunterdruck mit Spitzen nach unten, 10 C. braun im waagr. Paar, zus. zentrisch, ideal klar und übergehend entw. "GEISPOLDSHEIM 17 10 71 2-3N." mit nebenges. franz. Taxstp. '25' (Centimes) und Bahnpoststp. "AVRICOURT A PARIS 18 OCT 71", rücks. mit Ankunftsstempel. Interessanter Brief ohne die ab März 1871 übliche Mischfrankatur, hier wurde nur der Teil des Weges durch das Okkupationsgebiet im Voraus bezahlt, dem Empfänger verblieb der französischen Teil des Weges.
    Starting bid : 100 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 5111 NDP Elsasss Lothringen

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    Catalogue# : 5/I & Frankr. Yv. 28B+59
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    Okkupationsmarken NDP Elsass-Lothringen / Occupation stamps Alsace-Lorraine 1870: Kompletter Faltbrief von Bischweiler nach Elbeuf, frankiert mit Okkupationsmarken Netzunterdruck mit Spitzen nach oben, 20 C. blau in Mischfrankatur mit Frankreich Napoléon lauré 10 C. bistre (Zähnung rechts ungleichmässig) und Cérès 1871 15 C. bistre, drei farbfr. Einzelwerte, zartklar und übergehend entw., die 20 C. mit Datumsstp. "BISCHWEILER 19 9 71 5-6N.", die franz. Freimarken mit Punktstempel der Bahnlinie Avricourt Paris 'AV P 1°'. Rückseitig zugehöriger Datumsstp. des Ambulants und Ankunftsstp. (21 SEPT 71). Interessanter und ansprechender Beleg, eine aussergewöhnliche Mischfrankatur deutscher und französischer Freimarken, üblich zwischen dem 24. März 1870 bis zum Inkrafttreten des neuen deutsch-französischen Postvertrags am 14. Mai 1872. Attest Flemming (1996).rnBemerkung: Dieser Brief ist zugleich ein Septemberbrief nach der Erhöhung des französischen Inlandsportos von 20 auf 25 Centimes am 1. September 1871, hier mit der Verwendung der erst zwei Wochen zuvor verausgabten Cérès 15 Centimes. Eine ideales Pendant zu dem Brief im Los zuvor.
    Starting bid : 1,000 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 5112 NDP Elsasss Lothringen

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    Catalogue# : 5/I & Frankr. Yv. 29B
    Okkupationsmarken NDP Elsass-Lothringen / Occupation stamps Alsace-Lorraine 1870: Kleiner Umschlag von Metz nach Arbois Jura, frankiert mit Okkupationsmarken Netzunterdruck mit Spitzen nach oben, 10 C. braun im waagr. Paar in Mischfrankatur mit Frankreich Napoléon lauré 20 C. blau, farbfr. und gut gez. Werte, ideal klar und übergehend entw., das Paar mit deutschem Datumsstp. "METZ 31/8 71 9-10V.", die franz. Freimarke mit Nummernstp. Gros Chiffre '2598' von Nancy. Rückseitig Bureau de passe '19', Transitstp. Gray und Ankunftsstp. (2 SEPT 71). Interessanter und ansprechender Beleg, Mischfrankatur deutscher und französischer Freimarken, üblich zwischen dem 24. März 1870 bis zum Inkrafttreten des neuen deutsch-französischen Postvertrags am 14. Mai 1872.rnBemerkung: Letztag des französischen 20 Centimes - Inlandstarif am 31. August 1871.rn 
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 200 CHF

    Lot# : 5113 NDP Elsasss Lothringen

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    Catalogue# : 6/I
    Okkupationsmarken NDP Elsass-Lothringen / Occupation stamps Alsace-Lorraine 1870: Kompletter Faltbrief von Verdun nach Nizza, frankiert mit Netzunterdruck mit Spitzen nach oben, 20 C. blau, ein frisches und einwandfreies Stück, ideal klar und übergehend entw. mit blauem französischem Datumsstp. "VERDUN-S-MEUSE 10 MARS 71 (53)" mit nebenges. gefasstem "P.D." in Schwarz, rücks. mit Ankunftsstp. von Nice. rnBemerkung: Interessanter Brief aus den von deutschen Truppen besetzten Gebieten in Nordfrankreich, die auch nach dem Vorfrieden von Versailles (26. Februar 1871) bei Frankreich verbleiben. Die dort tätige deutsche Landespostdienst stellte nach französischer Rechtsauffasung am 2. März 1871, nach deutscher Rechtsauffassung erst nach dem Abkommen von Reims am 24. März 1871 seine Tätigkeit ein. Der vorliegende Brief stammt aus dem Zeitraum zwischen diesen beiden Daten und wurde noch mit Besetzungsmarken frankiert und mit dem PD-Stempel wie ein Brief ins Ausland behandelt.
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : 340 CHF

    Lot# : 5114 NDP Elsasss Lothringen

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    Catalogue# : 7/Ib
    Okkupationsmarken NDP Elsass-Lothringen / Occupation stamps Alsace-Lorraine 1870: Umschlag mit Firmeneindruck von Altkirch nach Niederschönthal Schweiz, frankiert mit Netzunterdruck mit Spitzen nach oben, 25 C. dunkelbraun, farbintensiv und einwandfrei gez., oben mit Scherentrennung, zart und übergehend entw. "ALTKIRCH 13 5 71 7-8 V.". Waagrechter Archivbug abseits von Marke und Stempeln, kl. Teil der Rückklappe fehlt, dennoch ein interessanter und portogerechter Beleg an die Spinnerei Staehlin & Iselin in Füllinsdorf  im Kanton Basel Land.
    Starting bid : 100 CHF
    Hammer price : 140 CHF

    Lot# : 5115 Dt. Reich

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    Catalogue# : 23b
    1 / 1
    1872: Grosser Schild 1 Kr. dunkelgrün, farbfr., sehr gut geprägt, zentriert und gezähnt, ein vorzügliches Stück in einwandfreier, postfr. Erhaltung mit vollem Originalgummi. Attest Hennies (1982) Mi = € 1'400.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 5116 Dt. Reich

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    Catalogue# : U 1/I + 4
    1872: Ganzsachenumschlag 1 Gr. rosa mit Zusatzfrankatur Kleines Schild 1 Gr. karmin im waagr. Paar, zartklar entw. "BRUMAT 25 9 72 3-4 N" mit nebenges. violettem PD im Kasten und blauem franz. Grenzübergangsstp. "ALLEMAGNE 27 SEPT. 72 AVRIC. PARIS", versandt nach Paris. Eine Marke mit verkürzter Zähnung, insgesamt eine ansprechende Verwendung in farb- und wertstufengleicher Kombination.rnBemerkung: Empfänger des Briefes ist der französische Botaniker Jean-Louis Kralik (1813 - 1892).
    Starting bid : 100 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 5117 Dt. Reich

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    Catalogue# : U 1A + 14+19
    1872: Ganzsachenumschlag 1 Gr. rosa mit Zusatzfrankatur Kleines Schild ½ Gr. orange und Grosser Schild 1 Gr. karmin, je klar entw. "GEHRDEN 25 / 11" mit nebenges. perfektem FRANCO in Rot, versandt nach Chicago mit zartem Ankunftsstp. (DE 14) vorderseitig. Eine Marke mit Eckfehler, eine schöne Kombination zur Begleichung des vor-UPU Tarifs in die USA über die deutschen Hafenstädte.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 340 CHF

    Lot# : 5118 Dt. Reich

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    Catalogue# : U 2A
    1872: Ganzsachenumschlag 3 Kr. rosa, ideal klar und zentr. entw. mit Bahnpoststp. "CONSTANZ BASEL 17 SEP. 7.26" mit nebenges. Stabstp. der Postablage CONSTANZ, versandt an die Redaktion der badischen Druckerzeitung, rücks. mit Ausgabestp. vom Folgetag.
    Starting bid : 100 CHF
    Hammer price : 120 CHF

    Lot# : 5119 Dt. Reich

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    Catalogue# : U 12A + 33
    1876: Ganzsachenumschlag 10 Pf. rot in farbgleicher Zusatzfrankatur mit 10 Pf. rot (2), je klar entw. "BERLIN W. P.A. 8 20 / 3 78 4-5N." mit nebenges. zugehörigem R-Zettel, versandt nach Adelberg in der Krain in Österreich, rücks. zweisprachiger Ankunftsstempel  "ADELSBERG POSTOJNA 23 3 78". Ansprechendes Brieflein mit Inlandstaxe von 10 Pf. im Wechselverkehr mit Österreich und 20 Pf. Einschreibezuschlag.rnBemerkung Victor Suppantschitsch (1838-1919) war ein bekannter Philatelist seiner Zeit, sein Opus magnum ist die 1892 erschienene "Bibliographie, zugleich Nachschlagebuch der gesamten deutschen philatelistischen Literatur seit ihrem Entstehen bis Ende 1891".
    Starting bid : 100 CHF
    Hammer price : 100 CHF

    Lot# : 5120 Dt. Reich

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    Catalogue# : S 3 + 17a
    1872: Ganzsachenstreifband mit Grossem Brustschild 1 / 3 Gr. grün in farbgleicher Zusatzfrankatur mit 1 / 3 Gr. grün, zus. ideal klar entw. mit Rahmenstp. "STETTIN STADT-POST EXP. No 1 A. 2 12 74 3-4 N", versandt an den Rittergutsbesitzer von Wedel in Fürstensee. Perfektes, ehemals doppelgewichtiges Streifband.rnBemerkung: Ernst Achaz von Wedel (1825 - 1896) war ein Mitglied des preussischen Herrenhauses.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 200 CHF

    Lot# : 5121 Dt. Reich

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    Catalogue# : S 7 + GAA S7
    1 / 1
    1883: Ganzsachenstreifband mit Ziffer 3 Pf. grün in farbgleicher Zusatzfrankatur mit Ganzsachenausschnitt aus gleichem Streifband, je ideal klar entw. "JENA 16 8 88", versandt nach Plön in Schleswig-Holstein. Perfektes und sauberes, ehemals doppelgewichtiges Streifband, sehr seltene Verwendung eines Ganzsachenausschnitts als Zusatzfrankatur. Befund Ferchenbauer (2003).
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : 250 CHF

    Lot# : 5122 Dt. Reich

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    Catalogue# : 385-397
    1926: Berühmte Deutsche, kompl. Satz zu 13 Werten, farbfr. und sehr gut gezähnt, in einwandfreier, postfrischer Erhaltung mit vollem Originalgummi Mi = € 1'200.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 220 CHF

    Lot# : 5123 Dt. Reich

    1872/76: Lot fünf frühe Ganzsachen, dabei 1872 1 Gr. rosa mit Spätverwendung des hannoveranischen Datumsstempels BEDERKESA, 3 Kr. rosa Badenweiler nach Darmstadt, Streifband 1/3 Gr. mit Hufeisenstp. ELBERFELD und 1876 Postkarte 5 Pf. mit farbgleicher Zusatzfrankatur SAARGEMÜND nach Luzern.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 5124 Div. Deutschland Sammlungen/Posten

    1872/1945: Lot eine Marke und sieben Briefe, dabei 1872 Grosses Schild 1 Kr. gelbgrün postfrisch (Mi 23a), ein Brief 1945 Deutsche Dienstpost Alpenvorland Meran, DAP China 1904 Streifband Tsinanfu mit Viererblock 3 Pf. braun (Mi 15a), grossformatiges Einschreiben 1902 Tientsin nach Neuburg/Donau mit Kombinationsfrankatur der drei Höchstwerte des Reichspostsatzes (Mi 25-27), DAP Marokko 1912 Einschreiben Casablanca nach Weimar, 1932 Zeppelin Saargebiet Niederlandfahrt und Memelgebiet 1923 grossformatiger Wertbrief Memel nach Leipzig mit zwölf Einzelwerten der 9 M. auf 5 Fr. Semeuse schwärzlichblau (Mi 71).
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : 250 CHF

    Lot# : 5125 France

    1773 (Oct 11): Entire letter from Cervione, Corsica to Bastia with clear two line strike CERVIONE CORSE (Lenain type 1 = R), taxed in manuscript with '4' sous. Signed Pothion.
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : 280 CHF

    Lot# : 5126 France

    1793 (Nov 6): Unpaid entire letter written in Venice and sent via Monaco to Marseille showing clear "85 MONACO" straight line handstamp, taxed upon arrival with '14' (décimes). A fine and early entire passing the Department Conquis no. 85, Alpes-Maritimes which became part of France in 1793.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 5127 France

    1815 (May 20): Prepaid entire letter from Sospello to Nizza showing clear "P. 85 P. SOSPELLO" straight line handstamp. A fine and interesting item from this small village in the Department Conquis no. 85, Alpes-Maritimes with the scarce PP handstamp, used during the 100 days rule of Napolèon (March - July 1815).
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 360 CHF

    Lot# : 5128 France

    1825 (Feb 23): Cover from Sarcelles to Bordeaux showing clear cursive "72 Sarcelles ECOUEN" sent unpaid, reverse with arrival datestamp (Feb 23, 1825). Attractive.
    Starting bid : 100 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 5129 France

    1827 (Sept 1): Official cover from the Ministère des Finances in Paris to Bellegarde via Chazelles, redirected to Chatillon de Michaille showing on reverse Débourse two line handstamp DÉB 88 CHAZELLES and circular datestamp (Sept 1, 1827).
    Starting bid : 100 CHF
    Hammer price : 100 CHF

    Lot# : 5130 France

    1828 (Feb. 20): Entire letter from Dunkerque to Nantes showing the framed datestamp "DUNKERQUE 20 FEVRIER 1828", sent unpaid. Reverse with arrival cds (Feb. 24). Rare.rnrnNote: This type of postmark was in use only from February 1828 in 103 post offices but was taken out of use as the strike was simply too large for many letters.
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 5131 France

    1836 (July 31): Entire letter from Ancona to Riom with clear "BRIGADE FRANCAISE A ANCONE 31 JUIL. 1836" (Reinhardt type 1 = 10 points) and framed "P.P.", both in red, fully prepaid to the Procureur du Roi at the Royal Court. Reverse with Riom arrival cds (Aug. 10). A delightful and fresh entire.rnrnNote: Written by a grenadier of the 66th regiment which has occupied the fortress of Ancona from 1832 to 1838. In the course of the political upheaval that ensued, it was more than once necessary for the Papal administration to call in Austrian troops to fight republican groups in the Papal States.
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : 340 CHF

    Lot# : 5132 France

    1859 (June 21): Entire letter sent within Marseille from the Comité de Secours pour les Volontaires de la Guerre de l'Independance Italienne to the General Consul of Tuscany with corresponding letter head and handstamp in blue. A fine cover dealing with passports to issue for two French volunteers who want to join the Italian liberation forces. No postal markings but an item full of history.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 5133 France

    1850: Entire local letter from a Justice of the Peace within the same postal district from Valencay to Vicq-sur Nahon, bearing Cérès 10 c. bistre brown, a fine example with vivid colour and good to large margins, tied by clear grille Type 15 "VALENCAY (35) 15 JANV. 51" cds alongside. An interesting local cover from the period prior to the introduction of the Petits Chiffres in 1852 Yvert = € 750 / Maury 1a = € 850.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 750 CHF

    Lot# : 5134 France

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    1850: Entire local letter within the postal district of Lizy-sur-Ourcq bearing Cérès 10 c. bistre brown, a fine example with fresh colour and good to enormous margins, minor cut into the margin mentioned for absolute accuracy, tied by crisp Petits Chiffres '1744' numeral lozenge. Type 15 "LIZY (73) 12 JANV 53" cds and postman cachet 'B' in circle alongside. Full prepayment denoted with pen cross on front. An attractive local cover, cert. E. Diena (1985) Yvert = € 750 / Maury 1a = € 750.
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : 300 CHF

    Lot# : 5135 France

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    1850: Entire local letter within Paris bearing Cérès 15 c. green, a fine and fresh example with good to huge margins, detached for inspection and hinged back, tied by clear grille with Paris type 15 cds (Apr 28, 1851) alongside. A fine example of the Local Paris letter rate, applicable between July 1850 to June 1853 Yvert = € 1'850 / Maury 2 = € 2'100.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,300 CHF

    Lot# : 5136 France

    1850: Entire local letter within Paris bearing Cérès 15 c. dark-green, a fine and fresh example with brilliant colour and good to large margins, tied by Étoile de Paris mute obliterator, reverse with Paris type 15 cds (Aug 30, 1852). Signed Calves with shade indication Yvert = € 1'850+ / Maury 2c = € 2'350.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,500 CHF

    Lot# : 5137 France

    1 / 1
    First day of usage 1849: Cérès 20 c. black on white paper, a fine and fresh example with vivid colour and four regular large margins, tied by type 15 "MULHOUSE (66) 1 JANV. 49" cds on the first day of the issue to entire letter dated internally "Mulhouse le 31 Xbre 1848". Mailed to Cernai, reverse with arrival cds of the same day. An extraordinary cover with delightful appearance, a perfect stamp and postmark ideally documenting the first day of issue of a French stamp. Signed Amédée Brun; cert. Calves (1988) Yvert = € 17'500 / Maury 3a = €16'500.rnrnNote: During the two first weeks of January 1849, the cancellation of the newly issued stamps was not well organized. Two circulars by the Postal administration led to confusion in the Post Offices on the methods of obliteration. A planned cancellation by a grill obliterator was not available prior to the third week of January.
    Starting bid : 6,000 CHF
    Hammer price : 12,000 CHF

    Lot# : 5138 France

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    Pen cancellation 1849: Cérès 20 c. black on yellow paper, a fine example with fresh colour and large to enormous margins including parts of two neighbouring stamps. Detached for inspection and hinged back, tied by pen cross to entire letter to Charleville, dated internally "Montmort le 12 Jer 1849". Type 15 "MONTMORT (49) 13 JANV. 49" cds alongside, reverse with Épinay and Reims transits and Charleville arrival cds of the following day. An attractive cover with a rare provisional obliteration which was in use only in the two first weeks of January 1849. Certs von der Weid (1994), Calves (1996) Yvert = € 1'500 / Maury 3 = € 1'600.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 460 CHF

    Lot# : 5139 France

    1849: Entire letter from Prétot-Sainte-Suzanne via Carentan to Pérniers bearing Cérès 20 c. black on white paper, a fresh example with good to large margins, tied by clear grille. At left the rare cursive "48 Prétot" of the bureau de distribution and type 14 "CARENTAN (48) 16 MAI 1849" cds of the bureau d'attache. Reverse with arrival cds of the same day. A scarce cover from a small post office in the Normandy. Signed Calves.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 600 CHF

    Lot# : 5140 France

    1849: Cover from Villeneuve-L'Archevéque to Troyes bearing Cérès 20 c. black on white paper, a fresh example with good to huge margins with sheet margin at right and parts of two neighbouring stamps, tied by light grille with rare type 13 cds (Apr 18, 1850) alongside. Reverse with arrival cds of the next day. An appealing combination.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 150 CHF

    Lot# : 5141 France

    1849: Cérès 20 c. black on white paper in a horizontal tête-bêche pair, fine and fresh with good to huge margins, each stamp tied by light grille obliterator to entire letter from Nantes to Bordeaux. Type 15 "NANTES (42) 12 JUIL. 49" cds alongside, reverse with arrival cds of the following day. An appealing cover of the utmost rarity. Signed Roumet. Cert. Goebel (2009) Yvert = € 18'000 / Maury T3a = € 18'000.
    Starting bid : 5,000 CHF
    Hammer price : 11,000 CHF

    Lot# : 5142 France

    1 / 1
    Second Day of Issue 1850: Cérès 25 c. blue, a fresh stamp with regular to enormous margins, tied by light grille to entire letter from Rennes to Napoléon-Vendée. Type 15 "RENNES 2 JUIL. 50" cds alongside, reverse with arrival cds of the following day. An fine cover from the second day of the new rate from office to office. Cert. E. Diena (1986).
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 300 CHF

    Lot# : 5143 France

    1850: Cover from Challans to Sables d'Olonne bearing Cérès 25 c. dark-blue, a fresh stamp with regular large margins, tied by clear grille. Rare type 13 cds (Jan 8, 1851) alongside, reverse with arrival cds of the following day. A delightful cover with a late usage of the type 13 datestamp.
    Starting bid : 100 CHF
    Hammer price : 280 CHF

    Lot# : 5144 France

    1850: Entire letter with full contents from Pau to Rawalpindi in British India bearing two horizontal pairs of Cérès 25 c. blue, two fresh multiples with good to enormous margins, each stamp tied by light Petits Chiffres '2388' lozenge. The cover was endorsed "par Marseilles - Malte des Indes" and "via Bombay", with Pau despatch cds (Nov 6, 1852), framed PD in red and a BOMBAY transit handstamp (Dec .. 52) alongside. Reverse with Toulouse and Marseille transit cds's. A most attractive and fresh cover to a seldom seen destination Maury = € 4'000.rnrnNote: The cover was directed to a captain David Anderson at Her Majesty's 22nd regiment at Rawalpindi in the Punjab, although the letter is directed erroneously to Bengal. The sender was his brother, George Anderson. An interesting item after the end of the second Sikh War and the resulting annexation of the Punjab in 1849.
    Starting bid : 2,000 CHF
    Hammer price : 5,000 CHF

    Lot# : 5145 France

    1 / 1
    1850: Entire letter from Montbeliard to Basel, Switzerland bearing Cérès 40 c. orange, a fresh stamp with vivid colour and regular large margins, tied by clear grille. Two crisp strikes of type 15 "MONTBELIARD (24) 30 AOUT 50" cds and framed PD in red alongside, reverse with Mulhouse and St. Louis transit as well as Basel arrival cds of the next day. A fine and most attractive cover. Cert von der Weid (1976) Yvert = € 900 / Maury = € 800.rnProvenance: Corinphila sale 77 (Oct. 1988), lot 2658.rnrnNote: The letter is directed from a French priest to Christian Friedrich Spittler (1782-1867), founder and organizer of several missionary organizations, both in Switzerland and in Southern Germany.
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : 900 CHF

    Lot# : 5146 France

    1 / 1
    1850: Entire letter from Martigné-Ferchaud to Nantes bearing Cérès 40 c. orange with large sheet margin (4.5 mm), a fresh and fine example with vivid colour and large margins, tied by light Petits Chiffres '1902' lozenge. Light type 22 dotted "MARTIGNÉ-FERCHAUD (34) 16 DEC. 54" cds and 'OR' in circle (Origin Rural) alongside, reverse with Nantes arrival cds of the next day. A delightful cover of the second weight step. Cert. Robineau & Pothion (1987).rnProvenance: Dubus collection, Robineau auction (Nov. 1987), lot 814.
    Starting bid : 1,000 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 5147 France

    1853: Cérès 1 fr. carmine-cerise, a fine left marginal example with fresh colour in its typical shade, fair to large margins, tied by light Petits Chiffres '1818' numeral lozenge to piece Yvert = € 3'750+ / Maury 6d = € 3'300+.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 300 CHF

    Lot# : 5148 France

    1849: Entire letter from Paris to St. Brieuc bearing Cérès 1 fr. carmine, a fresh and fine example with vivid colour and large to enormous margins including parts of a neighbouring stamp, tied by mute Étoile de Paris obliterator. Light type Paris despatch cds (May 17, 1853) alongside, reverse with "ST. BRIEUC 19 MAI 1853" arrival cds. A perfect stamp on a wonderful cover of the third weight step. Signed Van Dieten and Calves Yvert = € 1'600 / Maury 6 = € 1'750.rnrnNote: The addressee was the French banker, Augustin-Prosper-Marie Latimier du Clésieux (1797-1874).
    Starting bid : 1,500 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,500 CHF

    Lot# : 5149 France

    1849: Entire letter from St. Germain-en-Laye to Albano Rome bearing Cérès 1 fr. light-carmine, a fine example with fresh colour and good to large margins, tied by light Petits Chiffres '3094' numeral lozenge. Clear despatch cds (Nov. 12, 1853), framed PD and VIA DI MARE, both in red alongside, reverse with Paris transit and arrival cds (Nov. 19). The obverse shows the endorsement "payé via Marseilles" and the pen cross denotes the full prepayment. A delightful cover for a first letter weight mailing up to 7.5 gr., fully prepaid to the Papal States, applicable between 1853 and 1866 Yvert = € 1'600 / Maury 6c = € 1'750rnrnNote: Addressee of this marvellous cover is Hugh Charles Clifford, 7th Baron Clifford of Chudleigh (1790-1858), a British peer. On succeeding to his father's estates in 1831 he took his seat in the House of Lords. In his later years he lived chiefly in Italy, where he had a house near Tivoli. He died in Rome on 28 February 1858 from an injury.
    Starting bid : 750 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,900 CHF

    Lot# : 5150 France

    1 / 1
    1849: Lettersheet from Paris to Lisbon bearing Cérès 1 fr. carmine in combination with horizontal pair of 25 c. blue, fine examples with fresh colour and fair to large margins, tied by grill obliterator. Light despatch cds (Sept. 23, 1850) and framed PD in red, endorsement "Par l'Angleterre", as well as London "PAID SP 24 1850" cds in red and oval Portugese "LEY DE 20/4 50 - 10 Rs" in violet and '280' taxation in blue alongside. Reverse with Ligne de Calais transit and "3 LISBOA 10" arrival cds in blue. Skillfully repaired at lower left and sideflaps missing, nevertheless an impressive cover, displaying well this rare postal connection. Certs E. Diena (1981), Calves (1988) Maury = € 3'500.
    Starting bid : 1,000 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,000 CHF

    Lot# : 5151 France

    1 / 2
    1849: Cérès 1 fr. bright-vermilion 'vermillon vif', a splendid example of this rare stamp, with vibrant colour and good to large margins all round, tied lightly by grill obliterator to entire letter sent to St. Pons, clear despatch "TOULOUSE (30) 10 MARS 49" cds alongside, reverse with arrival cds of the following day. Some archive folds well away from the brilliant stamp and the postmarks, an impressive entire with this much sought after franking for a third weight rate entire. Signed Miro; certs E. Diena (1979), Roumet (1979), Calves (2002) Yvert = € 32'500 / Maury 7a = € 37'500.
    Starting bid : 7,500 CHF
    Hammer price : 11,500 CHF

    Lot# : 5152 France

    1852: Envelope mailed within Paris bearing Présidence 10 c. bistre yellow, a fine example with vivid colour and large even margins, tied by light Étoile de Paris obliterator, despatch cds (Sept. 19, 1858) alongside. Signed Roumet Yvert = € 1'100 / Maury 9a = € 1'150.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 5153 France

    1852: Local entire from Bergerac to Beaumont-du-Périgord bearing Présidence 10 c. bistre, a fine example with vivid colour and good to large margins, tied by light petit chiffres '309' lozenge, clear despatch cds (Feb 8, 1854) alongside, reverse with arrival cds of the following day. Includes a ball invitation. Signed Calves Yvert = € 1'100 / Maury 9a = € 1'150.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 200 CHF

    Lot# : 5154 France

    1 / 1
    1852: Entire letter from Delle to Sarreguemines bearing Présidence 25 c. blue, large example with Filet d'encadrement (20 mm) at left, large margins all round, tied by crisp Petits Chiffres '1085' lozenge, despatch cds (Jan. 25, 1853) alongside; reverse with Strasbourg transit as well as arrival cds's (Jan 26). The entire with some wear and tear, nevertheless an amazing usage bearing such a full margined example. Signed Bloch, cert. von der Weid (1998) Yvert = € 1'800 for a detached stamp / Maury 10d = € 2'000.rnProvenance: Mont Blanc collection, Corinphila sale 104 (Sept. 1998), lot 7443.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : 500 CHF

    Lot# : 5155 France

    1860: Napoléon imperf. 1 c. olive in a strip of five, marginal from left of sheet, a fine and fresh multiple with vivid colour and regular large margins, typical minor gum wrinkles on unmounted og.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 340 CHF

    Lot# : 5156 France

    1865: Napoléon imperf. 1 c. 'mordoré' in a block of four with large sheet margin (15 mm.) at right, a fine and fresh multiple with vivid colour and regular large margins, unmounted with full og. Signed Brun Yvert = € 1'800+ / Maury 11d = € 2'000+. 
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : 850 CHF

    Lot# : 5157 France

    1854: Entire letter within Paris, bearing Napoléon imperf. 5 c. green showing variety: "Piquage Susse", two examples tied by Paris '1' numeral lozenge, despatch cds (Feb. 5, 1862) alongside. Stamps detached for inspection and hinged back, a rare franking with private Susse perforation Maury P3 = € 3'100.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,000 CHF

    Lot# : 5158 France

    1854: Cover from Sens-s-Yonne to Les Ricceys bearing Napoléon imperf. 5 c. green in a horizontal strip of four, a fine multiple with large regular margins all round, tied by light Petits Chiffres '2878' lozenge despatch cds (Nov 15, 1858) alongside, reverse with arrival cds of the following day. Signed Calves Maury 12 = € 1'250.
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : 600 CHF

    Lot# : 5159 France

    1853: Cover from St. Honoré-Les-Bains to Luzy bearing Napoléon imperf. 10 c. bistre, a fine example primarily with good to huge margins, shaved at lower right, tied by clear Petits Chiffres '3910' lozenge: Type 22 dotted despatch cds (Jan 17, 1860) alongside, reverse with arrival cds of the following day. A delightful cover within the same postal district. Signed Pothion.
    Starting bid : 100 CHF
    Hammer price : 240 CHF

    Lot# : 5160 France

    1860: Cover from Le-Lauzet-s-l'Ubaye to Barcelonette bearing Napoléon imperf. 10 c. bistre brown, a fine example with good to large margins, tied by superb Gros Chiffres '1985' lozenge, postman's cachet 'B' in circle, rare type 22 dotted despatch cds (Jan 2, 1863) and framed APRÉS LE DÉPART alongside, reverse with arrival cds of the following day. A cover of the utmost beauty within the same postal district, for the connoisseur, the usage with the Gros Chiffres on its second day. Signed G. Lamy.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 280 CHF

    Lot# : 5161 France

    1860: Cover from Parthenay to Niort bearing Napoléon imperf. 10 c. bistre brown, a horizontal pair with regular large margins and a large sheet margin at right (11 mm), each stamp tied by clear Petits Chiffres '2838' lozenge and 'OR' in circle (Origin Rural). Type 15 despatch cds (Oct 30, 1861) alongside, reverse with arrival cds of the next day. This stamp does not show a Filet d'Encadrement, a wonderful multiple on a cover from bureau to bureau. Signed von der Weid.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 200 CHF

    Lot# : 5162 France

    1853: Cover from Niederbronn, Alsace to Frankfurt on Main, Hesse bearing Napoléon imperf. 10 c. bistre-yellow 'citron', a fine example and two horizontal pairs with overall good to huge margins, one pair shaved at top, each stamp tied by superb Petits Chiffres '2270' lozenge. Rare type 14 despatch cds (July 7, 1854) and framed PD in red alongside, reverse with distribution cds of the next day. A splendid combination to pay the 50 c. rate to Thurn & Taxis, a delightful cover. Signed Calves.rnNote: The cover is directed to the Bethmann bank, one of the greatest bond issuers at that time.
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 5163 France

    1854/60: Wrapper from Louhans to Chalons-s-Saone, bearing Napoléon imperforate 10 c. bistre type II and 20 c. blue type I (2), three fresh and fine examples with large regular margins, tied by light Petits Chiffes '1773' lozenges. Despatch cds (Oct. 8, 1861) alongside, reverse with arrival cds of the next day. A most attractive and scarce usage. Signed E. Diena.
    Starting bid : 100 CHF
    Hammer price : 360 CHF

    Lot# : 5164 French Levant

    1853: Entire letter written in Adrianople on July 9, 1857 and sent to Lyon, bearing Napoléon imperf. 10 c. bistre and 40 c. orange, two fine and fresh examples with brilliant colours and and fair to large margins, each cancelled by framed "P.P." in black, "VILLE-DE-BORDEAUX 15 JUIL. 57" ship's cds and framed PAQUEBOTS DE LA MEDITERRANÉE alongside. Reverse with Lyon (July 24) arrival cds. A superb and interesting shipmail entire. Signed Calves.rnrnReference: Salles - La Poste Maritime Française, vol II, pp. 89 and 137-138.rnNote: The 'Ville de Bordeaux' Paquebot sunk at the entrance of the port of Piraeus at Dec 12, 1855. The circular datestamp was saved, given to Constantinople and later given to the vessel 'Hermus' on July 4, 1857. As the 'Hermus' had no cds with its own name at that time, the 'Ville-de-Bordeaux' cds was used on the Hermus on its return journey. As there was no Anchor obliterator, the framed PD was used to cancel the adhesives. 
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,600 CHF

    Lot# : 5165 France

    Crimean War 1854: Envelope from the Crimea to La Ciotat, forwarded to Marseille bearing Napoléon imperf. 20 c. blue Type I, a fresh and fine example, tied by light 'AOO' lozenge, "ARMÉE D'ORIENT Bau O 4 DEC 55" despatch cds alongside. Reverse with different Marseille and La Ciotat transit and arrival cds's (Dec 21). A delightful Fieldpost usage from the theatre of war. Signed G. Bolaffi.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 200 CHF

    Lot# : 5166 France

    1854: Cover from Paris to St. Malo bearing Napoléon imperf. 20 c. blue Type I, a splendid example with enormous sheet margins at top and right (16 x 17 mm), tied by superb Paris 'C' lozenge, Paris despatch cds (Sept 22, 1860) alongside, reverse with Paris à Brest ambulant and arrival cds of the same day. A wonderful usage with huge corner sheet margins. Signed Calves.
    Starting bid : 750 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,100 CHF

    Lot# : 5167 France

    1854: Entire letter from Amiens to Les Moulins Bleus nearby Flixecourt, bearing a right marginal Napoléon imperf. 20 c. blue Type I showing variety: "percé en ligne", a superb and fresh example with regular large margins, cancelled by light Petits Chiffres '65' numeral lozenge. Despatch cds (June 6, 1859) alongside, reverse with arrival cds of the next day. A beautiful stamp with sheet margin plus stitching, a rare and desirable cover. Signed Bally.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 260 CHF

    Lot# : 5168 France

    1 / 1
    1854: Entire letter from the French Expedition Corps in Rome to Riez bearing Napoléon imperf. 20 c. blue on azure paper Type I, a fresh and fine example with regular large margins, tied by clear grill obliterator, despatch "CORPS EXPEDITIONNAIRE D'ITALIE 2e DIVISION 15 SEPT. 55" cds alongside, reverse with Marseille transit and arrival cds (Sept. 20). Fine cover correctly franked at the military rate. Cert E. Diena (1983).rnrnNote: The cover is directed to the Marquise de Rippert-Monclar at the chateau d'Allemagne nearby Riez in the Provence.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 200 CHF

    Lot# : 5169 France

    1854: Cover from Villefranche-s-Saone to Marseille bearing Napoléon imperf. 20 c. dark-blue on green paper Type I, a fresh and fine example with large margins all round, tied by clear Petits Chiffres '3611' lozenge, despatch cds (June 20, 1855) alongside, reverse with Paris à Lyon ambulant and arrival cds's of the next day. A delightful usage of this rare shade. Signed Pavoille, Paris and G. Lamy Maury 14/Ii = € 360.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 200 CHF

    Lot# : 5170 France

    1854: Entire letter from Morlaix to Brest bearing Napoléon imperf. 20 c. blue on lilac paper, Type I, a fine and fresh example with regular large margins all round, tied by clear Petits Chiffres '2164' lozenge, crisp despatch cds (March 19, 1858) and framed APRÉS LE DÉPART handstamp alongside, reverse with arrival cds (March 12). A superb cover with this rare shade. Signed Goebel.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 5171 France

    1 / 1
    1854: Envelope from Paris to Senlis bearing Napoléon imperf. 20 c. blue Type I, a glorious example with huge sheet margins at base and right (21 x 10 mm), both showing complete Filets d'encadrement, tied by light mute Étoile de Paris obliterator. Despatch cds (Jan 7 1855) alongside, reverse with arrival cds of the next day. A wonderful usage with these enormous corner sheet margins. Signed Dillemannn & Sorani; cert. Calves (2004).
    Starting bid : 1,500 CHF
    Hammer price : 2,200 CHF

    Lot# : 5172 France

    1854: Entire letter from Yssingeaux to Le-Puy-en-Velay bearing Napoléon imperf. 20 c. blue Type I, two fresh example with all four tableaus cut away leaving just the bust of Napoléon intact, both 'stamps' tied by clear Petits Chiffres '3701' numeral lozenge, crisp despatch cds (April 27, 1859) alongside, reverse with arrival cds of the same day. Interesting cover of the second weight step. rnrnNote: Mr. Sarrazin from Yssingeaux was either a fierce anti-royalist or this is a very attractive postal fraud. In any case it is interesting that this item was not taxed.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 200 CHF

    Lot# : 5173 France

    1 / 1
    1860: Entire letter from St. Quentin to Paris bearing Napoléon imperf. 20 c. blue Type II, a fresh example with good to large margins, large sheet margin on top (17 mm.) with part imprint of oval 'Controle / TP' handstamp, the stamp tied by clear Petits Chiffres '3255' lozenge, despatch cds (April 8, 1861) alongside, reverse with arrival cds of the same day. A delightful entire, cert. von der Weid (1999).
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 300 CHF

    Lot# : 5174 France

    1860: Entire letter from Vierzon to Commentry bearing Napoléon imperf. 20 c. blue on lilac paper Type II, a vivid example in this rare shade with good to large margins, tied by light Petits Chiffres '3575' lozenge, despatch cds (Sept 26, 1861) alongside, reverse with two ambulant cds's as well as arrival cds of the next day. A delightful entire, an attractive example of this shade. Signed Lamy Maury 14/IIb = € 770.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 320 CHF

    Lot# : 5175 France

    1860: Entire letter from Colmar to Belfort bearing Napoléon imperf. 20 c. blue on green paper Type II, a fresh example with enormous margins including parts of three neighbouring stamps, tied by clear Petits Chiffres '908' lozenge. Despatch cds (April 29, 1861) alongside, reverse with arrival cds of the following day. An attractive entire with a splendid example in this impressive shade which was in use primarily in 1861. Signed Calves.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 360 CHF

    Lot# : 5176 France

    1853: Entire letter from Versailles to Chevreuse bearing Napoléon imperf. 25 c. blue, a fresh example with large to enormous margins, tied by Petits Chiffres '3137' numeral lozenge, despatch cds (June 21, 1854) alongside, reverse with arrival cds of the next day. A superb usage from the last days of the 25 c. letter rate which was lowered to 20 c. on July 1st, 1854 Yvert = € 500 / Maury 15 = € 525.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 150 CHF

    Lot# : 5177 France

    1853: Entire letter from Paris to Edinburgh Scotland bearing Napoléon imperf. 40 c. orange, a fine example with good to large margins, tied erroneously by the Paris despatch cds (Oct. 22, 1862) with additional information strike alongside, framed "P.D." and London Paid cds (Oc 23), both in red, reverse with part arrival cds. Signed R. Goebel.
    Starting bid : 100 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 5178 France

    1853: Entire letter from Sospello / Sospel to San Benignio nearby Torino bearing Napoléon imperf. 40 c. bright orange 'vif', a fine and fresh example with brilliant colour and good margins, tied by light Petits Chiffres '4235' numeral lozenge, despatch cds (June 13, 1861) and "P.D." in red alongside, reverse with Cuneo and Torino transit as well as arrival cds (June 15). A most attractive entire with this superb shade Maury 16b.rnProvenance: Collection Charles Daniel.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 460 CHF

    Lot# : 5179 France

    1853: Cover from Dunkerque to Frederikstad, endorsed "Norwège par Quievrain" and bearing three examples of Napoléon imperf. 40 c. bright orange 'vif' with good to large margins, each tied by crisp Petits Chiffres '1152' numeral lozenge, despatch cds (March 17, 1861) and framed "P.D." in red alongside. Reverse with Paris à Quievrain ambulant and Svinesund (March 25) transit cds. Minor oxidisation traces, nevertheless an attractive item to a rare destination Maury 16b.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 260 CHF

    Lot# : 5180 France

    1853: Cover from Paris to London, bearing Napoléon imperf. 40 c. orange and 80 c. carmine, two fine and fresh examples with brilliant colours and good to large margins, tied by 'Pointillé fin' mute obliterator. Despatch cds (May 18, 1856), framed "P.D." and London arrival cds (May 20), both in red alongside. Reverse with Paris à Calais Ambulant cds. A delightful item. 
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 5181 France

    1854: Double rate Entire letter from Montbeliard to Langenthal, Switzerland, endorsed "Par Porrentruy" and bearing Napoléon imperf. 80 c. dark carmine on straw 'carmin foncé sur paille', a fine and fresh example with regular large margins, cancelled by light Petits Chiffres '2069' lozenge. Despatch cds (May 28, 1857) and framed "P.D." in red alongside, reverse with Porrentruy and Bern transit as well as arrival cds from the next day. Attractive cover with single stamp usage to cover the double rate abroad Maury 17Ac = € 250.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 240 CHF

    Lot# : 5182 France

    1859: Triple rate entire letter from Fraisans to Epinac bearing Napoléon imperf. 80 c. rose, a fine and fresh example with good to large margins, tied by clear Gros Chiffres '1574' numeral lozenge, despatch cds (Sept. 10, 1863) alongside, reverse with arrival cds from the next day. An attractive late usage after the Napoléon perf. 80 c. had already been issued Maury 17B.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 240 CHF

    Lot# : 5183 France

    1854: Fifth rate Entire from Paris to Vera Cruz, Mexico, endorsed "Paquebot à vapeur voie d'Angleterre" and bearing horizontal strip of three and pair of Napoléon imperf. 80 c. dark carmine, two fine and fresh example multiples with overall large to enormous margins with parts of three neighbouring stamps, the pair shaved at lower right, tied by 'Pointillé fin' mute obliterator and framed "P.P." in red, despatch cds (June 30, 1858) and London transit cds (July 1) in red alongside. An appealing part paid item, the adressee had to pay '5' (reales) due upon arrival. 
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 650 CHF

    Lot# : 5184 France

    1 / 1
    1853: Triple rate Envelope from Paris to Alençon, bearing Napoléon imperf. 1 Franc carmine, a fine and fresh example with good to enormous margins incl. parts of the left neighbouring stamp, tied by mute Étoile de Paris obliterator, despatch cds (Feb. 17, 1854) alongside, reverse with arrival cds. Cover with some toning and wear and tear on reverse, nevertheless an appealing and scarce usage to cover the triple rate up to 100 grams in force until June 1854. Signed Calves (1982), E. Diena (1983) Yvert = € 6'500 / Maury 18 = € 12'000.
    Starting bid : 1,500 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 5185 France

    1862: Napoléon perf. 1 c. olive in a block of four, a fine multiple with vivid colour and good centering, minor toning on reverse, unmounted og. An attractive multiple Yvert = € 1'100 for a mint block / Maury 19 = € 950 for a mint block.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 5186 France

    1862: Wrapper from Dijon to Bessey-les-Citeaux, bearing Napoléon perf. 1 c. olive and Napoléon laureated 2 c. red brown Type I, two fresh and fine examples with good perforation, tied by despatch cds (Sept. 20, 1867). Reverse with Aiserey transit cds of the next day. Appealing combination usage of the two designs, a correct franking for the triple printed matter rate. Signed Calves.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 5187 France

    1 / 1
    1870: Double rate Entire letter from Moirans to Lyon, bearing a mixed four issue franking of Napoléon perf. 1 c. olive, Napoléon laureated 2 c. red brown in a horizontal pair, Siège 10 c. bistre and Cérès 1872 25 c. blue type I, tied by light strikes of Gros Chiffres '2376' numeral lozenge and "MOIRANS-DE-L'ISÉRE 14 OCT 71" cds. Reverse with Lyon arrival (Oct 15) cds. The 1 c. stamp with some perforation irregularities at top due to its position at the cover edge, nevertheless a most interesting item showing the combined use of pre- and post-war issues to pay the double 40 c. rate. Signed Brun; cert. Calves (1993).
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : 380 CHF

    Lot# : 5188 France

    1861: Small envelope from Dôle to Geneva, bearing Napoléon perforated 5 c. green in mixed franking with five examples of Cérès 1872 5 c. green, all tied by Gros Chiffres '1313' numeral lozenge, "DÔLE-DU-JURA 23 JANV. 73" cds and framed PD in red alongside. Reverse with Dijon transit as well as French and Swiss ambulant cds's. An appealing mixed usage of identical face value and lightly different shades, correct rate to Switzerland. Signed Calves.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : 900 CHF

    Lot# : 5189 France

    1862: Cover distributed by the postman on his tour through the postal district of Sénozan, Dept. Saône et Loire, bearing Napoléon perf. 10 c. bistre, a fine and fresh example, cancelled by OR in circle (originé rurale), with Postman's cachet 'T' in circle alongside. 
    Starting bid : 100 CHF
    Hammer price : 100 CHF

    Lot# : 5190 France

    1862: Entire letter from Paris to London, bearing Napoléon perf. 20 c. blue and two examples of the 10 c. bistre, fresh and fine examples with good perforation, tied together by 'Pointilé fin' mute obliterator, despatch cds (March 16, 1864), framed PD and London Paid cds (March 17), both in red alongside. Reverse with further London arrival cds in black of the same day. A marvellous cover. Signed G. Lamy.
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 5191 France

    1862: Cover from Merville to Bouchain, bearing Napoléon perf. 20 c. light-blue showing strong shift of the vertical and especially the horizontal perforation, scissor cut at left and top leading to an example with giant margins on all sides, an extraordinary stamp with fresh colour, tied by Gros Chiffres '2326' lozenge, despatch cds (April 8, 1867) alongside. Reverse with Lille transit and arrival cds's of the next day. 
    Starting bid : 100 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 5192 France

    1862: Envelope from the French Expedition Corps in Rome to Valence bearing Napoléon perf. 20 c. blue, a fresh and fine example, tied by light grill obliterator, despatch "CORPS EXP. D'ITALIE 2e DIVISION 6 FEVR. 66" cds alongside, reverse with ambulant and arrival cds (Feb. 10). Fine cover correctly franked at the military rate.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 5193 France

    1 / 1
    1862: Napoléon perf. 20 c. blue in a horizontal tête-bêche pair with an additional adjacent stamp, a fresh multiple with a few clipped perfs. on the third stamp, the multiple tied by Gros Chiffres '3873' lozenge to entire letter from ST. Thibéry to Dax, despatch cds (March 1, 1866) alongside. Reverse with three ambulant cds's and arrival cds (March 3). Archive folds well away from the stamps, a desirable presentation of this rare tête-bêche. Signed Calves, cert E. Diena (1977) Yvert = € 3'500 / Maury T22 = € 3'000.rnrnNote: With a franking of 60 centimes and a weight of 22 grams, this entire was underpaid by 20 centimes for the third weight rate and therefore taxed.
    Starting bid : 750 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,000 CHF

    Lot# : 5194 France

    1862/67: Entire letter from Strasbourg to Klingenthal nearby Obernai, bearing a mixed issue franking of same face value and colour of Napoléon perf. 20 c. blue and Napoléon laureated 20 c. blue, Type I, two fresh and fine examples with good perforations, tied by Gros Chiffres '3465' lozenge, despatch cds (March 18, 1868) and framed APRÉS LE DEPART alongside. Reverse with Obernai transit cds of the next day. Appealing combination of the two designs, a correct and most unusual franking for the double rate. Signed E. Diena.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 280 CHF

    Lot# : 5195 France

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    1862: Cover from Marseille to Cagliari, Sardinia with archival note "Marseille le 6. Juin 1864", bearing Napoléon perf. 40 c. orange, a fresh and fine example with vivid colour, good perforation and centering, tied by Italian "CAGLIARO 9 GIU .. 7 M" cds (Salles fig. 708), framed BASTIMENTI MERCANTILI / ESTERO (Salles fig. 707) cds alongside. A superb item full of character. Certs. Sorani (1983), E. Diena (1983) Salles = RR.rnrnReference: Salles - La Poste Maritime Française Tome I, p. 185rnNote: There exist few covers which were sent between April and Juni from Marseille to Cagliari and franked correctly for the 40 c. rate to Italy. However these were transported on private vessels of the Compagnie Valéry, the stamps cancelled upon arrival at the Post Office in Cagliari.rn 
    Starting bid : 600 CHF
    Hammer price : 850 CHF

    Lot# : 5196 France

    1862: Envelope from Santiago-de-Cuba to Paris, bearing Napoléon perf. 80 c. rose, a fresh and fine example with good perforation and centering, tied by light Anchor lozenge, octogonal despatch "CUBA 17 JUIN 67" cds with framed 'PD alongside. Reverse with shipmail's "Ligne B No. 2 / 23 JUIN 67" and Paris arrival cds (July 9). Archival punctures away from stamps and postmarks, mentioned for full accuracy, a delightful cover representing the correct 80 c. rate. Cert. E. Diena (1981).
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 5197 France

    1870: Complete Newspaper 'La Semaine Religieuse' (Dec 29, 1872) bearing Napoléon laureated 1 c. olive, a fresh example with good perforation, tied by the printing itself (annulation typographique).
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 5198 France

    1867: Envelope from Varennes-s-Allier to Chalons-sur Saone, forwarded to Chagny, bearing Napoléon laureated 1 c. bronze, 4 c. grey type II and 20 c. blue type II, all with fresh colour and good perforation, each tied by Gros Chiffres '4104' lozenge, clear despatch cds (Oct. 2, 1871) alongside, reverse with Chalons and Chagny cds's and Bureau de Passe datestamp (Oct. 3). A fine three colour franking. Signed Calves.rnNote: On September 1st, 1871 the single letter rate was increased from 10 c. to 25 c. without new 25 c. Cérès stamps to be used. In September 1871 as can be seen in this case also a little bit later provisional frankings were used to overcome this lack.
    Starting bid : 100 CHF
    Hammer price : 180 CHF

    Lot# : 5199 France

    1867: Entire letter  from Hazebrouck to Courrières, bearing Napoléon laureated 1 c. bronze in a strip of five in mixed franking with Siège 20 c. blue, all with fresh colour and good perforation, tied by railway "LIL.P." lozenge, despatch "GARE DE HAZEBROUCK 13 SEPT. 71" cds alongside, reverse with ambulant and dotted arrival datestamp of the next day. Fine September cover after the increase of the letter rate to 25 centimes on September 1st.
    Starting bid : 100 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 5200 France

    1870: Printed matter mourning wrapper from Carcassone, bearing Napoléon laureated 1 c. olive in mixed franking with Bordeaux 1 c. olive report 2, two fine and fresh examples, cancelled by despatch cds (Jan 14, 1870). Without content and the address redrawn, nevertheless an attractive and rare mixed issue combination for a double rate printed matter. Signed Calves, Brun and Goebel.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold
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