Tradition und Erfahrung in klassischer Philatelie seit 1919


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  • Losnr. : 398 Mauritius

    1864/1913c.: The Balance of the Robert Marion Collection of Village Post Office cancellations of Mauritius, mounted attractively for the Stockholmia 2019 as Eight-Frame Presentation, an extensive array of 188 covers / postcards / stationeries and 143 detached stamps / multiples / pieces from the small offices outside of Port Louis, presented with a detailed and knowledgeable write up. The collection includes obliterations with the oval barred numerals and the accompanying circular datestamps up to 1894, further on with the consecutive circular datestamps with Fleuron at base in use up to 1899, and finally with the thimble circular datestamps in use up to 1913 before the datestamps with MAURITIUS at base came into use. Special emphasis was put by the collector on the earliest and latest recorded usages of the different datestamps. The collection is structured along the districts and within each district along the railway lines which were started to be built from 1864.rnThe presentation starts with the Plaines Wilhelms district incl. COROMANDEL with latest Fleuron date on adhesive, BEAU BASSIN in red on inland stationery card and a very early usage of the barred oval numeral in 1879, eight years in advance to the date given by Proud, ealiest date of the Thimble cds on stamp, ROSE HILL on registered stationery cover to Argentina, earliest date for the barred obliterator and D2 cds in 1879, again years in advance to Proud, earliest and latest date of the Fleuron, two 1904/05 registered covers to France and Ireland, respectively, QUATRE BORNES 1904 registered cover to Reunion, PHOENIX 1908 registered stationery to Paris, VACOAS with earliest date of the Thimble cds and 1906 registered cover to France, CUREPIPE ROAD with ealiest 1880 usage of the D2 cds, rare usage of "TO PAY" handstamp on scarce local registered mail, local registration mark on cover to France, CUREPIPE earliest use of the D2 cds in 1876 on local cover, postcard to the Netherlands, registered 1897 stationery cover to Germany, earliest dates of Fleuron on stamp and Thimble on local cover, registered stationery cover with Avis de Reception to Belgium, FOREST SIDE with attractive multiple franking to pay the local letter rate, MIDLANDS with earliest date of the D2 cds, rare FRESSANGES with two stamps and stationery cover.rnThe difficult Black River district with PETITE RIVIERE postcards, short living CLARENS with Thimble cancellation, BLACK RIVER incl. earliest Fleuron date on stamp, rare BAMBOUS and CASE NOVALE, CHAMAREL with four-colour local registered stationery cover.rnFlacq district with MONTAGNE BLANCHE, with earliest usage of numeral, the elusive ETOILE on detached stamp, SEBASTOPOL on stationery postcard to Paris, BEL AIR with earliest and latest dates on stamps, GRAND RIVER and OLIVIA with latest dates for the Thimble cds, RIVIER SECHE with registered cover to Bordeaux, ARGY with mourning cover in Argy, sent on the date of death of Queen Victoria, FLACQ with rare local registered cover, ST JULIEN  on incoming card from France, CAMP de MASQUE on postcard and registered cover to France.rnPamplemousses district with with elusive ROCHE BOIS oval barred numerals on two adhesives, RICHE TERRE with Fleuron cds on adhesive, unknown to Proud, TERRE ROUGE on 1879 local cover, six years in advance of Proud, CALEBASSES with late usage of double circle '10', registered cover to France, PAMPLEMOUSSES with registered covers 1897 to France, 1900 to Germany, and 1908 to Italy, MONTAGNE LONGUE and TROU AUX BICHES, two tiny villages off the railway line.rnMoka district with REDUIT four colour franking to Paris, MOKA early D2 cds used in 1875 as receiver, QUARTIER MILTAIRE with registered cover to England, an unexpectedly rare destination, ST. PIERRE with latest known date for the D2 cds in 1894, VERDUN with latest date of the Thimble cds in 1908, and PAILLES.rnDistrict of Savanne with RIVIERE DU POSTE with initially handwritten cancellation of the franking on registered cover to Reunion and on piece, GRANDE SAVANNE, RIVIERE DRAGON on rare local registered cover front, RIVIERE DES ANGUILLES with latest date of the Thimble cds on adhesive, SOUILLAC with early usage of the D3 cds in November 1864, the first Village cds at all, BAIE DU CAP unknown D2 cds on adhesive, and CHEMIN GRENIER Fleuron in red.rnDistrict of Grand Port with ROSE BELLE registered cover to Toulouse, CLUNY latest usage of Thimble cds in 1909 on stamp, OLD GRAND PORT, a single stamp of this extremely rare office, MARE D'ALBERT with particular five-circle obliterator on two adhesives incl. worn POST PAID 1 d. orange and 1867 cork obliterator on 1863 6 d. blue-green, UNION VALE with earliest date on formular postcard and registered cover to France, and MAHEBOURG on two local registered cover to Port Louis resp. vice versa, last dates of the D2 cds, registered cover to France.rnDistrict of Riviere du Rempart with MAPOU registered cover to London, an unexpectedly rare destination from Mauritius, POUDRE D'OR, POUDRE D'OR VILLAGE forwarded stationery cover with datestamps from three villages, RIVIERE DU REMPART with earliest date of the Fleuron cds, GRAND GAUBE, a small fishing village with correspondingly low traffic, VILLEBAGUE with a rare oval barred numeral on adhesive, and GRAND BAY with latest date of Thimble cds.rnThe collection closes with a presentation of the items from the pillar boxes in Beau Bassin, Curepipe, Mahebourg and Rose Hill and it shows fine examples documenting same day delivery between villages.
    Ausruf : 7.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 10.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 502 Südafrika

    1925, Pioneering Aviation, Alan Cobham and Arthur Elliott, Imperial Airways survey, first ever flight from London to South Africa. A large envelope sent from London to Pietermaritzburg, via Bloemfontein, dated 16 November 1925, endorsed “By Air Mail. London to South Africa Nov. 16th 1925, per Alan Cobham and A.B Elliott”, signed by Pilot Alan Cobham and Engineer Arthur Elliott, senders cachet of 'Sowden Stoddart Ltd in London' in violet lower left, addressed to their office in Pietermaritzburg, the cover being posted upon arrival at Bloemfontein where it received the 1913/1924, Union of South Africa, 1 d. scarlet, franking, tied by Bloemfontein datestamp 17 February 1926, cover bearing the hotel cachets where Cobham and Elliot stayed during the stages of their flight, these being signed by either Elliott or Government representatives, the stops included; Athens, Cairo, Assouan, Khartoum, Malakal, Kisumu, Bulawayo, and Bloemfontein, the reverse endorsed “Carried by air from London by A.B Elliott, 1 Strathaven House, Brent Street Hendon, London, England” and “Post forward at Bloemfontein”, slight staining and faults to be expected, otherwise fine; a unique and historical cover flown from London to South Africa with cachets/signatures from eight stops en route. Additionally comes with four exhibition pages with postcards of the various hotel stopovers and a photograph of the De Havilland DH 50 fitted with the Jaguar 385  hp engine, an excellent group (x7).rnRemark: Alan Cobham was the first person to fly from England to South Africa and back, which he achieved in his De Havilland D.H. 50J biplane, with his flight Engineer Arthur Elliott.The flight took off from Stag Lane Aerodrome in Edgware, London, on 16 November 1925. The outward journey spanned 94 days and over 8,125 miles by the time he and Elliott reached Cape Town, South Africa on 17 February 1926. On 26 February 1926, they began the return flight to London reaching Stag Lane Aerodrome 16 days later on 13 March 1926.  Upon landing King George V invited them to Buckingham Palace, where Cobham received the Air Force Cross for his pioneering flight. Cobham went on to pioneer within aviation and died in 1973. Elliott sadly died a year after this flight. He was shot as they left Baghdad on 5 July 1926 during a flight to Australia. Stag Lane Aerodrome was a private aerodrome between 1915 and 1933 in Edgware, north London. It became the main base of The de Havilland Aircraft Company Limited in 1920. Former wartime aircraft were refurbished in the early years, and the company designed and built large numbers of aircraft at Stag Lane in the 1920s and early 1930s. Stag Lane Aerodrome was sold for housing development in 1933.
    Ausruf : 1.800 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.600 CHF

    Losnr. : 429 Sudan

    1926 (May 18): Long and splendid letter from Colonel E.A. Stanton, ex Governor of Khartoum written to Dr. William Byam describing in much detail over six and half pages how he came to design the "Camel Postman" issue of Sudan. A lively letter "I was at the time second in command of the XIth Sudanese stationed at Korti a small village in the Donghola province which we had just reconquered from the Dervishes...(I was to draw) a suitable design for a new Sudan stamps to take the place of the surcharged Egyptian one...on my interview with Kitchener I was told I was to go on drawing designs until I produced one he approved of - he would give me no was not to include Kitchener's portrait or that of anyone else...I got hold of the sheikhs of the of our friendly arabs the Hawawir tribe and persuaded him to ride past me several times on his camel while I photographed him with a postcard sized box Kodak I had....not a success and I could not in any case have them printed in time...I had no paper and Korti possessed not a single shop leave alone a stationer...I got to work and eventually produced a fairly respectable drawing of a Colonel of the flowing garments holding two spears on his back and not Slatin Pasha as some have hinted....attached to the saddle were two mail bags...I added a row of coloured reductions with suggested combinations of colours such as my paintbox could produce...somewhat in fewar I presented myself on Sir H. Kitchener's return with the sketch effort No. 1 and my intense surprise he expressed his entire approval...I received a set of the stamps signed by the Sirdar (for my efforts)....not long afterwards I was asked to design stamps for "Postage Due"...*. Sold together with a photograph of the Camel Postman design (now in the Khartoum Museum); the letter is much more lively and involved than we can print here, but interestingly, the original wash drawing for the Postage Due issue will be sold by Corinphila in the "Besançon" collection of Sudan.
    Ausruf : 350 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.200 CHF

    Losnr. : 479 Elfenbeinkueste

    Ivory Coast 1927-1928, Pioneering Aviation, The Wakefield Survey Flight. Cover flown from Dabou, Ivory Coast to Luton, England, endorsed "Per Flying Boat Singapore", signed top left by pilot "Alan J. Cobham", franked with two pairs of French colony, Ivory Coast, 50 c., tied by "DABOU COTE D'IVOIRE" datestamp 10 May 1928, on arrival in England a GB KGV 1½ d. applied, tied by Fawley, Southampton datestamp, 2 June 1928; this flight being particularly noteworthy because Cobham was forced to make an emergency landing in the Ivory Coast due to the aircraft engine overheating; cover has some minor wrinkling/creasing as would be expected, although in remarkably fine condition, most interesting and important pioneering flight, this being a unique cover. Comes with a black and white photo postcard of the seaboat (flying boat) "Singapore".rnRemark: The Wakefield Survey Flights were undertaken by Cobham in a flying boat, "Singapore" and took off on 17 November 1927 from the River Medway, in the South East of England. It was a venture financed by Sir Charles Wakefield and intended as a pioneering expedition to explore the opportunities for air commerce in Africa and collate information to inform decision making in this regard. The route entered Africa through Benghazi, heading along the north coast to Alexandria where it went south following the Nile through East Africa, Nyasaland, Rhodesia and South Africa. The Northbound section followed the West Africa coast and Cobham returned to Rochester, Kent on 4 June 1928.  Sir Charles Wakefield, (1859 to 1941), was an English businessman who founded the Castrol lubricants company. He was a significant philanthropist and his Castrol lubricants were used in the engines for vehicles and especially aeroplanes, one crucial benefit being to actively pull heat away from sensitive areas of the engine to prevent overheating. Wakefield also generously gave a patronage and endorsement contract to fund Jean Batten, pioneering female aviator, to purchase the Percival Gull Six G-ADPR monoplane in which she set two world records for solo flights.
    Ausruf : 1.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.600 CHF

    Losnr. : 200 Australien

    The Huntingfield Block 1936 (Sept 29): Edward VIII 2 d. scarlet, wmk. Crown C of A, perf. 13½ x 14, unmounted original gum, prepared for use by the Note Printing Branch of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, engraved by F.D. Manley; the corner block of four from lower right of sheet signed in the margin "H" (Huntingfield) and dated "29/9/36" in ink on the day of Lord Huntingfield's official visit as Governor of Victoria to the Branch, when the new adhesives for Edward VIII were being printed. Later the sheet produced on that day was presented by John Ash to Lord Huntingfield on 23 October 1936. Due to the abdication of Edward VIII on 10 December 1936 the issue was curtailed and the decision was taken to destroy the entire issue. John Ash requested that the sheet be returned (Dec 16), however whilst this was complied with on the following day (Dec 17), six of the stamps had been removed by the Governor and had already been mailed to a friend in England. John Ash, concious of the ramifications of persuing the Governor, quietly let the matter drop. The block of six eventually surfaced in the sale of the collection of Lord Vestey at Spink in London on 16 October 1996. Since then, the buyer has sold a single example from the block (2015) and retained one example for his own collection. The stamps in perfect fresh quality with full unmounted og., a tiny tone spot at base of margin and at far right of the sheet margin, with some small and insignificant marginal wrinkles at base mentioned for full accuracy. A spectacular block of four with no example of this stamp in the Royal Collection of King Charles III and as a multiple entirely unique Brusden White 174E(2) = $ 400'000.rnProvenance: 1936-1954, housed in the collection of the Hon. Samuel 2nd. Baron Vestey; 1954-2014 housed in the collection of the Hon. Samuel George Armstrong, 3rd. Baron Vestey; 11 June 2009 exhibited at the Royal Philatelic Society, London; 2013 exhibited in the Court of Honour at Australia World Stamp Exhibition in Melbourne; 16 Oct 2014 Spink auction of Lord Vestey's Australian Commonwealth collection.
    Ausruf : 250.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 474 Grossbritannien

    Great Britain 1942, 6 d. purple, used on First Day Air Letter form, dated 7 December 1942, from Sutton Coldfield to an Army Postal Service in East Africa, addressed care of "The Chief Political Office, O.E.T.A." a term used for "Overseas Enemy Territory Administration", cancelled by Sutton Coldfield wavy lines duplex and upon arrival additionally a British Army cancel "AP02" dated 4 January 1942, which would be the army base in Nairobi, Kenya, senders name on reverse is stated as "The Aero Field", with short note typed inside indicating the form was being sent on the first day of 6d. air letter mail for the services and with "Francis J Field" handstamp signature in red, minor soiling, a splendid item, attractive with typed address/sender fields and from a famous philatelist.rnNote: The routing for this cover is challenging due to the stated wish of the mail to go "all air", the solution was to depart on Imperial Airways flying boat 3W146 using "Champion" from Hythe and Poole, calling at Foynes, Lisbon, Bathurst, Freetown and Lagos where it arrived 23 December, this particular service continued its journey south on an unscheduled basis to Durban which was reached by the end of December, this allowed for a connection to the northbound "Horseshoe Route" where Imperial Airways flight IE257 left Durban on 2 January and arrived in Port Bell, Kisumu, Kenya on 3 December, the cover then being delivered and received at the army base in Nairobi 4 January 1942.rnRemark: Francis J. Field (1895 - 1992) was a famous aero-philately expert and stamp dealer who produced books and reference material which are still in use today. He was entered onto the Roll of Distinguished Philatelists in 1968.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 439D Trinidad u. Tobago

    Inbound to San Fernando 1847 (April 16): Lady McLeod (5 c.) blue, imperforate, a superb used example from the top left corner of the supposed sheet of 50 subjects (position 1 on the supposed sheet of 50 or perhaps 54 (6 x 9) and probably lithographed by Charles Pétit on instructionms from David Bryce, the owner of the vessel), with mostly huge margins on three sides and showing portion of adjoining stamp at right, shaved at lower left but without doubt the finest example extant on letter; on 2 March 1848 entire letter from Port of Spain to San Fernando cancelled by manuscript ink cross in ink. Census #C32, illustrated in "Trinidad - A Philatelic History" by Sir John Marriott, Michael Medlicott and Reuben A. Ramkissoon on page 290. A magnificent entire letter of great importance to classical philately. Certs. Philatelic Foundation (1979), W. Jakubek (1998).rnProvenance: R. A. Siegel, New York, 4 April 1979, lot 322; Muscott's Private Treaty for London International, May 1980; Western Auctions, 6 Sept 1986, lot 1746; Hapsburg Feldman, Zurich, 4-9 Dec 1998, lot 30962; Robson Lowe, London, 9 May 1990, lot 80; Heinrich Köhler, Wiesbaden, 8 Feb 1997, lot 546.rnNote: This is the sole stamp showing the distance between the adhesives on the plate as no pairs exist. This distance measures slightly less than 2 mm., and the plate most probably consisted of 50 stamps - the corner marginal area on the stamp here shows a width on both sides of 8½ mm.
    Ausruf : 25.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 108 Südaustralien

    Collections 1855/1901: A mostly unused collection on leaves, with a range of printings, shades, and perforation varieties, many scarce items noting 1855 London printings with 2d. rose-carmine (2), 1856-8 Adelaide printings with 2d. blood red, range of rouletted including various 1d. shades (5), 1861 rouletted 1d. bright yellow-green (2), 1864 2d. vermilion singles (2) and horizontal pair, scarce 6d. dull ultramarine (2) and dull blue,1865 1d. pale sale green horizontal pair, 1866 9d. TEN PENCE overprint, 1867-70 1d. bright yellow green with exceptional fresh colour, 1868 1d. bright green,1869 1d. deep yellow green, 1870/1 6d. indigo with unusual vertically misplaced perforations, 1870/3 9d. TEN PENCE overprint, 1876-1900 selection including useful range of shades and perforations, unusual 6d. Prussian blue  and 6d. bright blue (used), each with partially doubled impression, "8 PENCE" on 9d. vertically misperforated error resulting in double overprint (used),  scarce 1/- chocolate horizontal pair, 1886-96 "Long" Stamps with 15/- brownish yellow and 50/- dull pink (used), later 1906-12 printing with 9d. deep lake pair with inverted watermark, 1901-2 including selection of colour trials, 2/- crimson multiples including two blocks of four and block of six, 2/- pale orange-red horizontal pair, wide representation of O.S. overprints including 1891/6 2d. multiples, 1897/1901 1d. rosine with double overprint variety, 2½d. indigo pair with "O.S." inverted (used), 5d. brown purple unmounted margin pair, others showing range of shades, over two hundred items included, twenty eight with accompanying Ceremuga certificates, some faults as expected, and the odd used examples, a valuable holding with many scarce and desirable stamps, worthy of careful examination.
    Ausruf : 5.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 20.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 556 Sammlungen/Posten Europa

    Rocket Mail 1933/79: Album 100+ covers of various rocket starts, incl. Gerhard Zucker Stiege 1933 (Nov. 6) properly cacheted cover 'Durch Nacht zum Licht' with perf. 3m. blue & red and Wagner 6 Pfg. green tied by 'Nov. 6. Hasselfelde' cds. (EZ14C1) and Winter Relief Start 'Hexentanzplatz' (five covers, EZ 6C1 +6C1a), GB 1934 Harris - Scarp and 1965 steam rocket 'Grillo' Brighton, 1934 Trieste three different, 1960 Maribor (3), Poland 1960 Klucze, Karl Roberti 1935 'Belgica' and 'Luxemburgia R..Kr. 1', G. Zucker Channel Rocket I (2) as well as 1962/63 Danish Rocket Union (9), 1964 Sweden 'Andra Svenska Postraket-Experiment' (3) plus later postal rockets further a Satellite 'Syncom 2' cover of French Polynesia and 'Ariane L01' compl. cover set of ten, furtherAustralian Rocket Society 1935/37 Maheno - Fraser Island Rocket Flight, 'Orion' Royal Silver Jubilee rocket and R.T.-7 together with 1966 'EUROPA 1' Launch covers and '3rd. ELDO LAUNCH' (EZ F-3) at Woomera South Australia, USA with 1936 1st American Rocket Plane 'Hewitt N.J. Feb. 23' and '1st international Rocket Flight to Mexico, 1939 Official Cuban Rocket Mail (3) with nine 1961 commemorative covers (EZ 46C4), in addition Japanese rocketmail with first Japanese Satellite 'Orumi 1' (EZ J002a).
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 650 CHF

    Losnr. : 439A Trinidad u. Tobago

    1847 (April 16): Lady McLeod (5 c.) blue, a used example in a resonant deep shade with huge margins all round for this stamp, cancelled by manuscript pen cross. Stamp #U28 in the census, illustrated in "Trinidad, A Philatelic History" by Sir John Marriott, Michael Medlicott and Reuben A. Ramkissoon on page 256. Absolutely faultless and superb, a wonderful example of this iconic stamp Gi = £ 12'000.rnProvenance: Collection Alfred H. Caspary, Harmers, New York, 14 May 1957, lot 572. "One of the finest known"; collection Claude Cartier, SG, London, 21 April 1977, lot 131; collection "Besançon", Corinphila sale 285, Zurich, 27 May 2022, lot 4002.rnNote: This is the first stamp issued to prepay postage in the British Commonwealth and, except for the printing process (evidently by lithography from an original engraving) it is exactly the same size and format as the 1840 1 d. black.rnNote: It is possible that 500, maybe 1'000 examples were printed. At the present time students of the issue have recorded 90 stamps in varying condition either on or off cover.
    Ausruf : 10.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 77 New South Wales

    Lots & Collections 1851/1905: Unused collections on leaves, with over 120 items, beginning with a small number of imperforates, noting 1851 1d. carmine pair (repairs), and 2d. slate blue, 1856-9 (6d) Registered overprinted SPECIMEN, 1860-3 perforated Registered with shades, range of perforated Diadem issues, noting useful group of 5d., 6d., 8d. and 1s. shades, including many well-centered examples, also with 1860-72 6d. violet, 1s. rose carmine,1861/8 Corbould 5s. rose lilac with left sheet margin pattern,1899 2d. cobalt-blue imperforate block of four, 2½d Prussian blue, 4d red-brown, 6d deep orange, 6d- emerald-green, and 1s. purple-brown imperforate pairs, 1890 Centenary Issue with range of 1891 5s. Map and 20s. Captain Philip, including various overprinted SPECIMEN types,  Stamp Duty with 1885/7 10s. perf 12, two examples with one watermark sideways, 1886/7 1d. scarlet and 2d. deep blue range with multiples and perforation varieties,1894/1904 Overprints with several fresh examples, noting 10s. violet & aniline crimson on chalk-surfaced paper, another perf. 12, 10s. violet & rosine of fine colour, Officials with 1880/88 5s. rose-lilac, 1882/5 1d. scarlet with partial double overprint, nine mostly Ceremuga certificates included, small flaws to be expected in places, but a valuable collection that would be challenging to re-assemble, with many fine and scarce items throughout.
    Ausruf : 5.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 9.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 449 Div. Brit. Kolonien Lots/Slg.

    1854/56: Lot two covers and an unused stamp incl. UK 1854 6d. purple Embossed, a fresh cut-square example with vivid colour and good to full margins incl. parts of thr upper neighbouring adhesive in combination with 1854-57 2d. blue plate 4 (Gi 60+20), tied by London district '15' in diamond and bars handstamp, oval PD in red and French "ANGL. 30 SEPT. 56 AMB. CALAIS" entry cds alongside, on double rate cover to Paris, a correct and appealing franking to pay twice the 4d. rate to France in effect from January 1855, cert. RPSL (2023). Lot includes also Bermuda 1938/53 £ 1 pale purple & black on pale red, wmk. Multiple Crown CA, comb perf. 14, an unused example of rich colour, Row 2, stamp 5 (position 17) showing variety "Gash in Chin" (Gi 121bf = £ 2'250), fresh and fine, unmounted og. Also Mexico Morelia 1856 4 r. carmine, a horizontally bisected example, top half, used on 1860 entire letter to Mexico City to pay the 2 reales rate, tied by "FRANCO / MORELIA" circular datestamp (June 25) in black. 
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 400 CHF

    Losnr. : 439C Trinidad u. Tobago

    1 / 1
    Inbound to Port of Spain 1847 (April 16): Lady McLeod (5 c.) blue, imperforate, a superb used example with huge margins on three sides and imperceptibly shaved in top margin but not cut into, used on 12th August 1847 entire letter from Norton Frew & Co. in San Fernando to Port of Spain, cancelled by manuscript pen cross in ink. The letter mentions an enclosure (a bank transfer) and the addressee's name has been removed and professionally replaced (the cover was probably addressed to Barnet & Best Co.), the entire being one of just two known that does not emanate from the Taylor Graham correspondence. Census #C18, illustrated in "Trinidad - A Philatelic History" by Sir John Marriott, Michael Medlicott and Reuben A. Ramkissoon on page 276. Rare and attractive. Cert. Friedl (1977) Gi = £ 24'000.rnProvenance: H.R.Harmer, London, 16-24 March 1936, lot 817; H.R.Harmer, New York, 15 Dec 1977, lot 1073; Robert A. Siegel, New York, 3 Oct 1992, lot 951; collection Gregory Frantz, Corinphila sale 261, Zurich, 28 Jan 2021, lot 6278.
    Ausruf : 12.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 170 Western Australia

    Lots & Collections 1854/1912: Almost entirely unused balance on two stock pages, replete with scarce and desirable stamps, noting 1854 Samson & Hillman 4d. pale blue with unusual mottled impression, 4d. blue of exceptional appearance (skilfully repaired),1860/4 Perkins Bacon plates 2d. pale orange upper sheet margin pair, 1861 Recess by Perkins Bacon 2d. blue intermediate perf, 1861 Somerset House 4d. vermilion (used) with stock control mark printed on reverse, 1s. yellow green with strong colour, two 1d. rose carmine shades roughly rouletted, 1863/4 Recess by De La Rue from P.B. plates 1d- carmine rose block of four, four 1.d. bistre (shades) with watermark varieties,1d. carmine rose with "Double Tail" variety, 6d. indigo-violet with watermark reversed,1869/79 printings with 6d. mauve watermark reversed, 1871/3 Typographed by De La Rue, 3d. with pale brown (2), one with reversed watermark, 1876/81 2.d. chrome yellow (2), one with Watermark Crown to right of CC, 1882/5 printings with 1d. carmine (3) showing watermark varieties, and 6.d. (4) with shades and SPECIMEN overprint, 1893 "ONE PENNY" on 3d. with overprint shifted down, many other fine examples included, four Ceremuga certificates accompany, chiefly superior condition to what is commonly encountered, and an overall fresh and fine group. Gi. £10,000+
    Ausruf : 2.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.800 CHF

    Losnr. : 439B Trinidad u. Tobago

    1 / 1
    Inbound to Port of Spain 1847 (April 16): Lady McLeod (5 c.) blue, a used example with large even margins all round on 19 May 1847 entire letter from San Fernando to Messrs. Taylor, Graham & Angus in Port of Spain cancelled by manuscript pen cross in black ink. Closed tear at top of face panel but a truly exceptional stamp in a rich shade. Cover #C8 census, illustrated in "Trinidad, A Philatelic History" by Sir John Marriott, Michael Medlicott and Reuben A. Ramkissoon on page 267. A rare and splendid entire. Signed Calves. Cert. RPSL (2004) Gi = £ 24'000.rnProvenance: Collection Royle, Plumridge, London, 12-27 May 1921, lot 1515; Collection Lars Amundsen, SG, London, 8 Dec 1967, lot 501; Collection Wyer, Kelleher, Boston, 14 Nov 1977, lot 1123; Collection David Melat, DF, New York, 19-23 Nov 1985, lot 33490; Purchased privately 26 Feb 2005 by "Besançon", sold by Corinphila sale 266, Zurich, 8 June 2021, lot 2903.
    Ausruf : 12.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 439 Trinidad u. Tobago

    The "Lady Bridget Blue-Bell" Collection - 1847 (April 16): Lady McLeod (5 c.) blue, imperforate, the collection, housed in a special green box, with the finest known used single example, the sole recorded corner marginal example from position 1 on letter, and two further fine covers with one from Port of Spain to San Fernando, and the other from San Fernando to Port of Spain, therefore displaying the usage of the stamp in both directions. The items described in detail as single lots with all illustrated in "Trinidad - A Philatelic History" by Sir John Marriott, Michael Medlicott and Reuben A. Ramkissoon. A magnificent collection of the very first British Colonial stamp, albeit for local use only, and the first 'thematic' stamp issued depicting a picture of a Ship - the Paddle Steamer was originally called "Blue Belle" and was renamed "Lady McLeod" after the wife of the prevoius Governor of Trinidad, Sir Henry George MacLeod, who was superceded by Lord Harris as Governor in 1846. A magnificent and historic opportunity to own the very finest examples of this extraordinary stamp.

    Starting Price: TBD (to be determined)
    Ausruf : Gebot
    Zuschlag : 70.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 223 Canada

    1851/1980ca.: Huge accumulation of various collections concerning Canadian collecting areas such as stamps starting with good stamp collections - Canada Province, partly mounted on pages  Newfoundland and Dominion with a quite a nice selection of fine early examples which includes a fine Jubilee set 1893 used, the early issues of Newfoundland are a bit mixed, but at least from the perforated issues on in good condition. Contained a beautiful collection of early registration covers, with and without the registration stamps. There are collections of the cancellations of the provinces mostly loose and on pieces with a few letters including Assinboia Territory and Baffin Island. There are assemblies in folders containing . 'Various cancellations', 'Squared Circle' cancellations, 'Railway' and 'Flag cancellations' (Railway cancellations including railway stationery, Pre-cancellations, there is even a collection of the semi-modern 'Barrel Rollers'. There is a collection of modern Canada unused unmounted and an album with FDCs and there is duplication. Most of the collections and sections also contain letters and cards, which appear to have been selected with love and attention to detail.  They often have interesting advertising prints or touch als other topic as the have been collected for. And excellent, there is a library included that contains many specialized titles. Ideal for further development or to break.
    Ausruf : 1.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 8.500 CHF

    Losnr. : 402 Neuseeland

    Ingoing 1858 (14 March): Cover from Dorchester to "Captain Steward, Government House, New Zealand", bearing 2 d. blue (corner fault), 1 d. rose-red lettered CA and 6 d. lilac, tied by neat "DORCHESTER / 256" sideways duplexes, "AUCKLAND / NEW ZEALAND / 5 JU 5 1858" arrival receiver alongside. Reverse with UPWAY and NOTTINGTON undated circular handstamps in black and blue, respectively as well as LONDON transit cds in red. Some edge wear, nevertheless an attractive three-colour franking to an interesting destination.rnNote: Directed to Captain F. G. Steward, private secretary to Colonel Sir Thomas Robert Gore Browne (1807-1887), who was consecutively Governor of St Helena, Governor of New Zealand, Governor of Tasmania and Governor of Bermuda after the end of his military career. He was the 4th Governor of New Zealand from September 1855 to October 1861, his handling of Māori land issues were a contributing factor in the outbreak of the First Taranaki War. His governorship term ended in May 1861; rather than extend it, the Colonial Office in London replaced him with Sir George Grey.
    Ausruf : 100 CHF
    Zuschlag : 420 CHF

    Losnr. : 476 Grossbritannien

    1931, Glen Kidston London to Cape Town Flight - Lockhead Vega G-ABGK, specially printed large format envelope (214 x 137mm), numbered "14" of 20, dated 30 March 1931, franked initially with GB, 1½ d., tied by Amesbury datestamp, on arrival in Kisumu KUT 5 c. and 10 c. applied, tied by datestamp 3 April 1931, in South Africa 2 d., tied by Capetown 7 May 1931, signed by co-pilot Owen Cathcart Jones, addressed to Commander Mackintosh in London and with "Station Headquarters/R.A.F. Heliopolis" oval datestamp 1 April 1931 of Cairo on reverse, small tear at right, otherwise clean and fine, scarce, one of twenty two listed items carried on the Lockheed Vega G-ABGK. Comes mounted on an exhibition page with illustrations of pilot and plane and additionally a news article featuring the record breaking flight.rnRemark: The flight took off from Netheravon Airport, Wiltshire, undertaking a record breaking journey to promote the conveyance of mail by high-speed aircraft separate from the passenger service. Apart from a forced landing at Lichtenburg the 7'505 mile flight was a success.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.700 CHF

    Losnr. : 504 Südafrika

    1926/27: Pioneering Aviation, Marc Bernard and René Guilbaud flight cover, sent from Mwanza to London carried upon the return leg, dated 12th October 1926 and 3rd February 1927 (delay due to engine failure), flown from Mwanza to St. Raphael, franked with a Tanganyika 15 c. tied and signed by pilot in manuscript "By French Sea Plane / Lt Cmdr Guilbaud'' and a France 1 f. 50 c. tied by an arrival datestamp of St. Raphael 8 March 1927, to reverse a mansuscript note "arrived 10th March", fine and rare; a unique item, the only cover carried from Tanganyika back to France and to London.rnRemarks: The French Pilots Marc Bernard and René Guilband departed from Berre, France on 12th October 1926, Bernard reached Majunja, a northern port city in Madagascar on 21nd November 1926, returning via Lake Victoria and the Nile Valley. Guilbaud was delayed at Lokoja, Nigeria for two months awaiting a replacement engine. He then also returned via Lake Victoria and the Nile Valley flying from Albertville to Mwanza between 1st and 3rd February 2927. The aircraft was a Hydravion CAMS 37 GR.rnProvenance: Ex. William Colley Collection.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.200 CHF

    Losnr. : 295 Ägypten (Königreich)

    R.A.F. Cairo - Cape Town Survey Flight 1926 (March 1): 'HELIOPOLIS DETAILS - ROYAL AIR FORCE' oval date stamp in black on envelope to Cape Town, bearing 'If undelivered Return to FAIREY AVIATION Co Ltd. Hayes Middlessex' imprint on back flap and on front with various endorsements, upon arrival in South Africa franked with 2d. dull purple cancelled by "Muizenberg 19th April 26" cds. and returned to Fairey Aviation Co. Ltd.; Only very few covers known, signed Pulford. Ex collections Jeidl and Malan Mueller 18 = 10'000 pts. Additionally three telegrams incl. one of Press Section of Air Ministry Kingsway W.C. 2 (Apr. 14, 1926) as well a reply from Sir Samuel Hoars, Secretary of State for Air, to the South African Minister of Defence of the Union of South Africa. Ex collections Jeidel and Malan.rnNote: The Royal Air Force conducted it's first survey flight from Cairo to Cape Town with four Fairey IIID aircraft under Wing Commander C.W.H. Pulford with stops in Northern and Southern Rhodesia.
    Ausruf : 1.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.700 CHF

    Losnr. : 325 Ägypten (Königreich)

    1837/1879: Collection of classic period material, comprising 85 covers and 450 stamps, contained within a folder mounted on pages, illustrating different aspects of the postal service during this period, noted Sonnino correspondence early entires, "Posta Europea" (4), 1860 stampless Greek P.O. in Alexandria, Austrian P.O. in Alexandria cancel on 15 s. entire sent to Trieste, several Venetian and Italian P.O., British with 4 d. tied by "B01" on cover to Malta, eight French P.O. covers, rare 1868 Mohamed Aly negative seal cover, five covers with 1 pi. 1867 sent domestic, seven covers bearing 1 pi. 1872 issue with various usages in Alexandria, ten examples with 1 pi. 1874 issue, including Alexandria duplex and 1 pi. 20 p. sent to Italy via Brindisi, 1866 stamps 5 pa. to 5 pi. including imperforate Proofs, 1867 5 p. - 5 pi. two fragments, several 1872/1874 stamps with different shades and cancels, many used and unused provisional sets, generally fine an excellent lot for further study and expansion
    Ausruf : 1.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 373 Mauritius

    Village Post Office Cancellations of Mauritius 1872 (9 Feb.): Envelope from Pithon to Paris, endorsed "registered", bearing 1863/72 left winged pair 4 d. rose and right winged 1 s. blue, each example tied by bold strike of oval 'B32' barred obliterator, reverse shows unique "PITON FE 9 72" despatch cds. Front with oval "REGISTERED MAURITIUS  9 FE 72" datestamp, octagonal French "POS. ANG. SUEZ / P. F. AMB. MARS 6 MARS 72" entry datestamp and "P.D." handstamp, all in red. Reverse with French timbre indicatif de chargement, Marseille - Paris ambulant cds and PARIS arrival (7 March) cds, all in black. The adhesives with some perf. toning and irregularities due to their position at the cover's edge, cover roughly opened, nevertheless an exceptional and desirable item ex Robert Marion.rnNote: The only cover with a Piton datestamp from the 19th century, unknown to Proud, the earliest recorded usage of the 'REGISTRED MAURITIUS" datestamp, and the earliest usage of the 'B32' obliterator of Port Louis, whose purpose in contrast to the 'B53' obliterator is unknown.
    Ausruf : 750 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.300 CHF

    Losnr. : 507 Südafrika

    1936: Pioneering Aviation, Amy Mollison (nee Johnson) pilot signed record breaking flight cover, London to Cape Town, flown from Windhoek, South West Africa (now Namibia), franked with South Africa ½ d. green and 1 d. red, tied by Windhoek datestamp 6th May 1936, with pilot signature alongside, also "Cape Town / Kaapstaad 22" (Wingfield Aerodrome) arrival dated 7th May 1936 with the same cancel to reverse, a very fine and rare example; one of three covers flown on this leg of the record breaking flight.rnRemarks: Amy Johnson (1903 – disappeared 5 January 1941) was a pioneering English pilot who was the first woman to fly solo from London to Australia. She set numerous long-distance flight records during the 1930s. She married pilot Jim Mollison a Scottish pioneer aviator. She flew during WWII as a part of the Air Transport Auxiliary and disappeared during a ferry flight. The exact cause of her death is not known although has been the topic of much discussion over many years.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.400 CHF

    Losnr. : 551 China VR

    Recoverable Satellites of People's Republic of China 1994/2006: Selection of eight Space flown covers including 1994 cover of Jiuquan Satellite Center (JSLC) taken from the recovered cabin at Beijing, 1999 (Nov. 19/20), Shenzou-1 Space flown covers (2) numbered '0000586', CAST-PRF1 (2-1) and CAST-PRF1 (2-2), both cancelled by JSLC postmark "1999.9.9." with "Beijing China Aerospace City 2006.9.30.11" arrival on reverse, further Shenzou-5,2003 (Oct. 15/16) 'First Time Manned Aerospace Flight' - flown 'DAWN' cover numbered '0000085' together with the mint minature sheet, 18th Recoverable Satellite 2003 (Nov. 03/21) cover numbered '030151' in black, 19th Recoverable Satellite 2004 (Aug. 24 - Sept. 09), Space flown cover numbered on reverese '00208' of 500, bearing 'Jiuquan 2004.9.25.20' cds., 20th Recoverable Satellite 2004 (Sept. 27- Oct.15), 22nd Recoverable Satellite 2005 (Aug. 2 - Sept. 16) cover numbered '007/010' cancelled "2005.8.6.10" and postmarked on reverse "Beijing China Aerospace City 2005.9.17.20" with official certificate as well as 23rd Recoverable Satellite 2006 (Sept. 09/24) cover numbered '10/30' cancelled "2006.8.28.9" postmarked on reverse "Beijing China Aerospace City 2006.9.30.11". All with official folders and certificates. Hopferwieser: SZ-01a, RC-02a, RC-03a+b, SZ-05a+e, RC-04, RC-5a, RC-07a,  RC-08a = Euro 8'000+
    Ausruf : 750 CHF
    Zuschlag : 750 CHF

    Losnr. : 540 Div. Brit. Kolonien Lots/Slg.

    1937/1945, BOAC Africa air mail study of flights, routes and rates, comprising seventeen covers, predominantly WWII mailings, with censor marks and labels, including seven covers from Gold Coast one of which is sent to Palestine with censor marks on despatch and arrival, also one very large format envelope which with block of tweleve ½d, a 1944 registered cover from Tripoli, Libya to Hull, England, franked with M.E.F. overprint including a vertical pair of 2 s. 6d. "Arms" issue, three large covers from Kenya, two forces on active service, one to Colombo the other to Cornwall in England with RAF and Naval censor marks repectively, two covers from French Cameroon both with "Arms" high values, includes "Horseshoe Route" 1941 Eastbound Kenya to USA via Pacific endorsed "via Hong Kong", also 1944 first air service to Aden from Nairobi, Kenya, a fascinating group with varied destinations and frankings, many scarcer, valuable assembly mounted on exhibition pages with detailed descriptions. 
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 500 CHF

    Losnr. : 481 Kenia

    1931, Imperial Airways First Air Mail service East Africa to London, illustrated yellow and blue 'rising sun' official envelope, franked with KUT, 10 c. and 50 c., sent from Kisimu (Kenya) to London, dated 10 March 1931, addessed to the renowned aviation expert and British philatelist "Major K.M. Beaumont", with personal greeting enclosed upon headed Imperial Airways letterheaded paper, combined air mail rate of 60 c. for 1/2oz, slight soiling and tone spots, otherwise a fine and scarce example, with wonderful aviation and philatelic Provenance.rnRemark: Major Kenneth Macdonald Beaumont CBE (1884 to 1965) was a British lawyer, Air Service Corps Officer, and famous British philatelist. Beaumont was a fundemental contributor to the development of international aviation law. He was also the President of the Royal Philatelic Society London (1953 & 1956) and the founder President of the Great Britain Philatelic Society (GBPS) in 1955 the year he signed the Roll of Distinguished Philatelists (RDP). Beaumont was also an Olympic figure skater who represented Great Briatin in the 1920 summer Olympics.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 260 CHF

    Losnr. : 550 Sowjetunion

    U.S.S.R. 1978 (Aug 26): Selection of six covers, incl. two Soyuz 31on-board covers signed by Sigmund Jähn GDR and other crew members, 1981 (March 30) Soyuz 39 registered on-board cover No. 563 with Mongolian postmark together with 1982 (June 24/July 02) Soyuz T-6 stationery envelope, signed by crew members further 1987 (Nov. 21) MIR / PROGRESS 33 / SOJUS TM-3  First Commercial Mail to the Space station MIR cover (0301) addressed to the crew, franked with Sputnik 10 kop. commemorating the 30th anniversary of the Sputnik launch, tied by special cancellation at Moscow General P.O. (Oct. 4) with adjacent Baykonur Cosmodrom P.O. cancel (Nov. 21) and sent by Progress-33 cargo spacecraft up to the MIR space station, receiving a special cancel on board and signed by the Cosmonauts Romanenko and Alexandrov. Returned to Baikonur with Sojus TM-3, confirmed by Arkalyk P.O. special cancel (Dec. 29) and signed on reverse by the Chairman of the USSR Glavkosmos A.I. Dunaev. Cover 301/1000 with certificate Mezhdunarodnaya Kniga (9.3.88).Rare Hopferwieser S6-2g + S6-5e + S7-1f.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 43 Grossbritannien

    British Acceptances to CGA and Air France South Atlantic Services 1927/40: Collection 30 covers starting with private acceptance of a correspondence of four uprated stationery items dated Jan. 14 1927 with private manuscript note 'Per 1st Air Mail London - S.America' and 'Paquebot civil via Lalallire' via Toulouse - Dakar arriving Buenos Aires almost two weeks earlier than normal mail, 1931 O.H.M.S  envelope franked with Seahorse 2s 6d  (3) carried by CGA service to Buenos Aires, 1934 Air France service with envelopes (4) bearing 'Transportada Totalmente Por Avion' hs on reverse, further high frankings und usages as 'Muestra sin Valor', First flight covers (3) of inauguration of 1936 weekly 'All-Up' Service (Jan.6) with special cachets in red, violet and black, Seahorse 10s frankings, British Rail accpetance 'Bristol-London-Paris' to Air France service as well as four covers of War-Time acceptances 1939/40. A fine and most interesting assembly with many double and triple rate frankings.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.600 CHF

    Losnr. : 194 Victoria

    1859 (March 19): Cover from Beechworth to Bologna, Papal States franked at double rate via Southampton at 2/4 d., with 1854 1 s. blue in a vertical pair, margins good to shaved, and Emblems 4 d. dull rose red, perf. 12 (corner of stamp was folded under on despatch and has since been folded back for better display) tied by Beechworth barred numeral "6" in black with despatc datestamp verso (March 19). London red transit and circular "PD" on front (June 11) and reverse with Paris and Bologna cds's. The manuscript rate "1/10 d." represents double the 11 d. rate per ¼ ounce for mail from Britain to the Papal States. Illustrated in the Palmer on page 25. A rare cover: only three stamped covers to the Papal States are recorded in the Census, this being the sole double rate cover via Southampton known.rnProvenance: Collection Ben Palmer, Corinphila sale 165, Nov 2020, lot 2408.
    Ausruf : 3.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 337 Ägypten (Königreich)

    1880/1969: Travelling Post Offices & Station Postmarks, the two specialised collections from each topic with 210 covers/cards all mounted on 139 exhibition pages, well written up in two white binders; the TPO collection includes 1907 "Suez Ambulant" cds on incoming card from Liverpool, 1901 "Helouan-Caire" cover, rare 1903 "Edwa-Tamra" on card to UK, 1905 "Damiette-Tanta" usage to Cairo, 1906 "Rashid-Aboukir" card to UK, 1905 "Shellal-Luxor" card, 1905 "Mex / Alexandrie" cover to Italy, 1907 Ismailia-Benha" usage, rare 1901 "Qallia-Sherbin" card, 1912 "Zifta-Tanta" card to Switzerland, 1916 "Minia Station" usage, "Aswan-Luqsor" and Asyut-Luqsor" usages, 1925 "Fayum-Roda" cover, 1925 Abukibir-Salhia" cover and many more; Station Postmarks and TPO's incl. with Alexandria, Aswan, Asyut, Benha, Beni-Souef, Cairo, Damiette, Ismailia, Luqsor, Mahalla, Mansura, Minia, Port Said, Port aufiq, Ramleh, Shellal, Sohag, Suez, Tanta, the collections accompanied by many cards showing the stations and Peter Smith's "Travelling Post Ofices of Egypt" book on the subject.
    Ausruf : 2.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.600 CHF

    Losnr. : 395 Mauritius

    Lots & Collections, Outgoing, 1833/49: Collection 75 prephilatelic / stampless letters / covers, nearly exclusively to Bordeaux, France, an interesting selection with cancellation interest incl. 1833 fancy "MAURITIUS / POST OFFICE", French "PAYS D'OUTREMER" entry handstamps, rare framed 1835 "COLONIES PAR / St. MARTIN-ISLE-DE-RE", 1838 "INDIA LETTER PORTSMOUTH", 1839 via Reunion with St. Denis datestamp, rare French "PAUILLAC / BATEAU A VAPr" entry cds in red, 1846 entire with "COLOMBO / STEAMER LETTER", ALEXANDRIA datestamp and "PURIFIÉ AU LAZARET / MALTE" carantine handstamp, 1846 via "St. DENIS / ILE DE BOURBON", 1846 via Bombay and via Aden with Malta Carantine, 1847 via COLOMBO, 1847 overland via COLOMBO, ALEXANDRIA and Malta, 1848 with Ostende forwarder, and 1849 MAURITIUS with Crown datestamp and framed PACKET handstamp. Lot includes in addition four 1865/87 stamped covers to Reunion, England, France and Scotland, the adhesives tied by 'B53' or 'B32' oval barred numerals of Port Louis. Ex collection Robert Marion.
    Ausruf : 2.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 528 Sudan

    Imperial Airways G-ADVB "Corsair" Crash at Faradje, Dangu River, Belgian Congo 15 March 1939: Registered Envelope from Mozambique to Paris, dated 10 March 1939, carried by the Imperial Airways Short S23 seaplane "Cambria" on 12 March 1939, which left Durban, South Africa for England, the plane picked up mail in Beira, Mozambique, Mombasa and landed in Kisumu on 13 March, mail was then transferred to "Corsair" leaving Kisumu on 14 March which lost its way in bad weather and made a forced landing on the river Dangu near Juba, Sudan. All but one of the adhesives are washed off, bearing French special cachet 'AVION ACCIDENTE" in black, applied in Paris only on mail from Mozambique. There are only two covers known from Mozambique - one other recorded in 'Air Crash Mail of Imperial Airways' which was thought to be the only example. Nierinck 390315c.rnRef: "Air Crash Mail of Imperial Airways and Predecessor Airlines", by Kendall C. Sandford, page 164.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 484 Kenia

    1927: Group of four pioneering flight covers, written-up on four album pages, two carried upon first flight Kisumu to Khartoum and Entebbe, Uganda to Newport, Isle of Wight flights by Captain Tony Gladstone, dated 15th February 1927, one with double-ring red "AIR MAIL UGANDA-SUDAN / 1ST / FE 15 / 27" (one of thirteen covers) addressed to London, is creased and stained, the other with the single circle "KENYA - SUDAN AIR MAIL / 1ST / FE 15 / 27" also in red, comes with 1927 'Pelican' Crash cover with violet three line cachet "Owing temporary failure / Air Service Mail / forwarded normal routes", with "AIR MAIL KENYA - SUDAN / MR 12 / 27" single circle in red alongside, some water damage and torn/creased and an 1927 Oxted, Surrey to Kampala, Uganda cover intended to be flown on the 'Pelican' with the "KENYA-SUDAN AIR MAIL / MR 31 / 27", but despite markings evidence indicates it did not travel by air, an excellent and interesting selection, scarce group (4).
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 468 Franz. Kol. allgemeine Ausgaben

    1934/1944, African French colonies air mail collection of five covers, presented upon exhibition pages, with detailed write-up on routes, rates, franking, includes Regie Air Afrique, Air France, Sebena and Imperial Airways, mailings from Madagascar, Ivory Coast, Congo, all have French colonies frankings, noted 1944 registered censored cover from Madagascar addressed to an Officer in the Middle East Forces, franked to 18 fr. 50 c., has been opened and resealed by censor, transit "Beyrouth", also 1937 air mail cover from Diego Suarez to Aden, taxed underpaid, franked with Madagascar stamps to the value 5 f., and large size 1941 registered 'General Government of French Equatorial Africa' envelope, sent from Brazzaville to Lagos, Nigeria, with high value franking of 210 fr., tied by "Brazzaville / A.E.F." datestamp, a scarce group.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 517 Tanganjika

    1935, KUT, £1. black and red, two singles, used on a large Registered cover, with 1 s. black and green, 50 c. bright purple and black and 5 c., black and green, from Tanga (Kenya) to Buenos Aires (Argentina), dated 17 February 1938, stamps tied by "TANGA REGISTERED" datestamp, endorsed "Air Mail" and "By Air via France or Germany" the latter pencilled out, rate of £2 1s 55c for 2½oz registered, carried on Imperial Airways flight DN67 which left Kisumu 20 February, arriving Marseilles 25 February, transferred to Air France South America service for Buenos Aires, three vertical filing creases well clear of adhesives, damage top right and some wrinkles and tears as might be expected, however a unique cover franked with two iconic KGV £1 Lion stamps, magnificent, with great eye appeal; an exhibition cover.
    Ausruf : 1.800 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 500 Südafrika

    1919: Pigeon Post World War I Peace Treaty Celebrations record card and pigeongram message slip, sent locally in Cape Town, dated 2nd August 1919, number '26', including the original small metal clips either side of message (x4) which held the very light weight paper message in place on the pigeon, some creasing and stains/soiling as is usual, very fine otherwise and extremely rare with the metal clips; one of four surviving examples.rnRemarks: The 2nd August 1919 celebrations in Cape Town were a public holiday in South Africa in recognition of the signing of the Peace Treaty at the end of World War I. These celebrations included the release of carrier pigeons with messages of goodwill. The "Pigeon Post" was in aid of the Governor General's Fund and senders of the "Pigeongrams" were required to post their messages for a payment of 2 s. 6 d. Approximately 410 were carried, although very few have survived.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.300 CHF

    Losnr. : 447A Div. Brit. Kolonien Lots/Slg.

    1850/1940ca.: Fine lot British Commonwealth, mention should be made of four Cape triangles (two with certificates), Rhodesia $2 red brown (1908) and Rhodesia Falls 1 d. to  5 Sh. unused mounted, very fresh. Ascension issues 1924 and 1934 complete unmounted, Bermuda 1 d. and 2 d. 1865 unused mounted, Newfoundland 1 c. 60 c. 1897, Sudan General Gordon 1935 unmounted set, better India 1882, some New Zealand e.g. TRANS-TASMAN Airmail, North Borneo issues 1931 mounted, 1939 unmounted, both complete, 3 stamps Japanese occupation of North Borneo . Few  Grenada, some Egypt etc. Last but not least an excellent page Ireland with definitives overprints 1922 including seahorses 4 lines ovpt. almost complete unmounted, and seahorses overprinted with three lines mounted,  definitves ½ d.  to 1 sh. 1922-23 unmounted, 1940-42 mounted etc. Please inspect!
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.700 CHF

    Losnr. : 525 Dt. Reich

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 522X, 603
    Imperial Airways Crash of Armstrong Whitworth AW XV Atlanta Class G-ABTJ 'ARTEMIS' at Pietersburg, South Africa, 10 February 1936: Cover sent from Germany to Cape Town, dated 30 January 1936, franked with Deutsches Reich 25 pf. and Lufthansa 40 pf., tied by indistinct datestamp ".***SDEBURG BPA *" in black, the plane struck a plantation of trees on the perimeter of the airfield, the mail was recovered and forwarded by rail on 10 February and processed at Johannesburg 12 February where it was resealed and the "POSTMASTER / JOHANNESBURG 12-2-1936" cachet applied; there were no special cachets/markings used for this crash although there is a manuscript note on reverse indicating it was damaged in a crash; the postmarks and dates identify its provenance, scarce example, one of ten recorded. Nierinck 360210.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 650 CHF

    Losnr. : 527 Grossbritannien

    Imperial Airways Crash of 'Boadicea' G-ACOX 25 into the English Channel on 25 September 1936: recovered from the first mail bag which washed up on the French coast, where the red five line cachet was applied; "SERVICE POSTAL FRANCAIS / Correspondence retardée par suite / du naufrage d'un Avion / Reconstituté par le Service Francais / NE PAS TAXER", which allowed the mail to be reconstituted into the postal system without tax and sent onward to Sudan, with arrival on reverse dated 4 November 1936, sent via the Imperial southbound flight AS392. The envelope includes a typed letter from Lawrence Cave, Caterham, Surrey to his brother who was in the Sudan Defence Force, later a signals officer with 'Chindits' in WWII and in 1946 the Chief of Police for the Equatorial Province at Juba, a scarce example to Sudan. Nierinck 360925b
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 180 CHF

    Losnr. : 87 Queensland

    1861/1907: Unused collection balance on leaves, approaching 100 items, with scarcer items noting 1879-81 1d. Sideface showing the "QOEENSLAND" variety, 1897-1908 2d. Sideface single and vertical pair with "Cracked Plate" variety, 1899-1907 1/2d. green perforated 12, 1900 1d. and 2d. (2) Anglo-Boer War Patriotic Fund, 1903 2/6d. vermilion, £1 deep green, 1907/11 1d. Sideface pair and block of four imperforate between stamps and sheet margin, as well as imperforate block of four, 2d. to 2s. range with useful representation of shades, 1907-11 Large Chalons 2s. through 5s. also with diverse range of shades, as well as rare 2s. and 5s. Perf "OS" blocks of four with reversed "S" on bottom stamps, single 5s. Perf "OS" with full original gum, these Officials with Ceremuga certificates, 1911 1d. vermilion compound perf, this used, useful 1866-8 Stamp Duty with 1d, 6d, 1s. and scarce 5s., this without gum, some small faults, with many fresh and fine stamps throughout. Gi = £ 11,000+
    Ausruf : 1.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 4.400 CHF

    Losnr. : 86 Queensland

    Lots & Collections 1860/67: Chalons, unused collections on leaves, with approximately 40 items, replete with desirable pieces, noting with 1860-1 watermark Small Star 1d. carmine-rose block of four, 2d. blue, nicely-centered 3d. brown single and scarce strip of four, 1d. carmine-rose, 2d. blue, and scarce 1s. violet Somerset House perforations, 1862-7 Thomas Ham printings with 1d., 2d. blue shades (3), 3d. brown, 6d. shades (3), 1s. grey (2) including SPECIMEN overprint, further range of 1864-5 printings with 1d (4), 2d (5), 6d (2), and 6d Registered (3), these complemented by three reprint die proofs, with single on wove paper in black, and single in bright blue on watermarked star paper, both with defaced corners, horizontal pair in black, 1866-7 Lithographed with 4d. shades (4), including two overprinted SPECIMEN, and 5d. (3) also with two SPECIMEN overprints, etc, the odd flaw to be expected, yet many fine and scarce items will reward careful inspection. Gi = £ 12'000+. 
    Ausruf : 2.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 3.600 CHF

    Losnr. : 214 New Guinea

    Mandated Territory 1935: Die Proof for the £ 5 value printed in violet by John Ash of Melbourne (66 x 56 mm.) with reversed '158' and manuscript "13 JG 20/2/31" in ink below and endorsed above in pencil "£2", formerly affixed to somewhat damaged card (80 x 116 mm.). Reverse with "13 FM 21/2/35" and "VIOLET 119" - the ink number. Ash returned four Proofs to the Postmaster General on 2 April with the comment "The mount of the stamps was damaged when received here, evidently in the post, and we have repaired it as far as possible" (see article enclosed with the lot). A splendid and rare Colour Proof of which just four examples (each struck in different colours) can exist. Provenance: DF, Geneva, 17 Nov 2010, lot 60121.
    Ausruf : 3.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 3.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 17 Grossbritannien

    1871: 1 d. red, plate 148, four singles, used in combination with 1875 2½ d. rosy-mauve, plate 1, horizontal pair, on registered cover, from Newcastle to St Petersburg, Russia, dated 13 August 1875, tied by '545' barred oval in black, registered ovals from Newcastle and London alongside (overlapping) dated 13th and 14th respectively, to reverse arrivals dated 6 August 1875 (Julian calender - add 12 days) in black, flap with printed 'A. Leidemann & Co. / Newcastle-on-Tyne', cover is soiled and stained, has damage along base and left side with small tears top and bottom, also the top right stamp is damaged, nonetheless a very scarce registered 9 d. rate sent within the first month Russia became a member of the General Postal union in July 1875 and registered mail to Russia is unusual. The combination of line engraved and surface printed is also scarce on destination mail.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 280 CHF

    Losnr. : 333 Ägypten (Königreich)

    1859/1955c.: The cover selection (23) with 1859 entire letter to Malta with ALEXANDRIA British P.O. cds in red, fine range of 1874/75 Bulâq issue covers incl. cover from Constantinople to Alex franked 1 pi. red (3), 1873 cover to Italy with 2½ pi. violet from Cairo via Italian P.O. in Alexandria, two registered covers at 3 pi. rates from Desuk and Damiata; 1877 cover with 10 pa. strip of four to make 1 pi. rate ex Alex, and a few classic 1867-1875 stamps with cancellation study, French P.O. in Cairo cover to Paris with 18781/75 80 c. tied 5119 gros chiffres (signed Holcombe); 1913 5 m. rose Official with overprint inverted used (Gi 80b) and a group of later covers etc. An interesting lot with viewing recommended.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 500 CHF

    Losnr. : 460 Egypt Arab. Republic

    1928: Lord John E. Carberry pioneering flight, Amsterdam to Cairo and Cairo to London flight illustrated cover with image of the monoplane 'Miss Africa', addressed to Cairo with yellow Air Mail label and vertical pair of the special flight vignettes on yellow paper ied by boxed in red “SCHIPHOL AERODROME / (AMSTERDAM) / 27 NOVEMBER 1928”, posted from Cairo back to London the reverse, typed address and franked with Egypt 10m. stamp tied by Cairo datestamp 23rd December 1928 in black, slight soiling and small opening tear top centrally not affecting vignettes, otherwise fine and scarce; 40 covers flown to Cairo, this cover numbered 25. Additionally comes with a cover carried upon the Cairo to Mombasa 'Miss Africa' flight, dated 6th December 1928,  franked with a combination of Egypt 5 m. and Kenya & Uganda 20 c., some stains, also numbered '25' of the '40' covers flown on this leg.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 700 CHF

    Losnr. : 339 Ägypten (Königreich)

    1894/1952: First Day Covers & Special Events FDC's - the specialised collection of 141 covers / cards, mounted on exhibition pages, including 1894 3 m. maroon card with "Alexandria Exposition" first commemorative cancellation of Egypt, 1925 Georgaphic Congress FDC, 1926 Agricultural Congress FDc with full set of six (2) and three further covers, 1929 Prince Farouk set on reg'd cover to Canada, 1931 Graf Zeppelin issue with four covers incl. one with 100 m. tied by scarce "Port Said" cachet, a set tied by rare "Caire" violet cachet, return flight cover with Germany 2 m. used  to Port Said, 1933 Trains FDC with blue cachet and Train 5 m. on card to Bulgaria with pecial magenta Congress logo, 1933 Aviation Congress set of five on FDC, 1936 Expo illustrated FDC, range of further FDC's to 1952 with many scarce examples noted.
    Ausruf : 2.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 461 Ägypten (Königreich)

    1932/1940, Egypt air mail study, comprising eight covers, including two crash/wreck mail items with "Damaged by Sea Water" cachets, one from the 1937 "Cygnus" flying boat incident at Brindisi, also noted 1936 First Flight Alexandria to Brindisi carried by "Canopus" and test letter from Alexandria to London with typed endorsement; "RMA Capella 1st Flight 2-day Westbound Schedule Alexandria/Southampton 27th Feb 1937", frankings mostly air mail stamps although some in combination with King Fuad I and one cover with Farouk I issues with an air mail adhesive, also includes a censor mail cover from British Army Post Office in Egypt to Ireland, sent at the special forces rate of 40 m., neatly mounted and described upon exhibition pages, a scarce assembly.
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 192 Victoria

    1854 (June 2): The Original printed Contract and tender for James Campbell and James Fergusson to print the lithographed 1854/57 issue of Half Lengths, the bond endorsed by both printer's on front and their guarantors (for the sum of £ 1'000) for "printing postage stamps and gumming", the contract with a sample of the (somewhat poor quality) machine made wove paper to be utilised still affixed inside the contract - this signed in ink and again in pencil after gumming. The contract internally signed by James Campbell and James Fergusson and by the guarantors (James McEwan, an Ironmonger and John Connell, Grocer) together with the written original schedule: the production of 4 million 1 d. stamps and 2 million 3 d. stamps. Entirely unique and of extraordinary importance to Victorian philately. Provenance: Collection John Barwis, Spink, London, 23 Oct 2012, lot 787.
    Ausruf : 750 CHF
    Zuschlag : 700 CHF

    Losnr. : 534 Div. Brit. Kolonien Lots/Slg.

    1932/1937, Imperial Airways Africa, group of six covers, comprising three first flight and three test flights, including 1934 envelope from Nairobi, Kenya, to Quelimane, Mozambique, carried on the first southbound flight from Broken Hill to Rhodesia, 1934 souvenir cover from Moshi, Tanganyika, to Sydney, Australia, carried on the first air mail service England to Australia, a 1937 typed envelope from London to Nairobi, Kenya, carried on the first "All-Up" UK to Kenya flight from Southampton to Kisumu, includes a headed note from the Imperial Airways traffic manager's office signed by E. Dolby, a 1932 first official air mail cachet on an official test cover from Bulawayo to the Superintendent of Imperial Airways in Brindisi, a 1936 test cover carried on the first through air mail service from South Africa to Nigeria via Khartoum and a 1937 pilot signed test cover for first "All-Up" Kisumu to Southampton flight; additionally a 1936 parcel label sent from Al Fashir to Khartoum, franked with Sudan air mail and postage stamps, an excellent and valuable group.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 200 CHF

    Losnr. : 508 Sudan

    Sudan 1925, Imperial Airways survey, first flight London to Cape Town, souvenir postcard, sent by Alan Cobham from Khartoum, Sudan to Hampstead, London, addressed to Cobham's wife, dated 22 December 1925, personal message; "Dearest, I arrived Khartoum today. All going very well indeed. Shall be here Xmas. I am wishing you greetings to know I shall write you a long letter. Kisses for Geoffrey and self. Love Alan", franked with Sudan, 3 m. green and 5 m. black, with perforated red flight vignette to reverse, some creasing to corners, minor rubs and soiling as would be expected, a very rare example out of Sudan; just three examples recorded.rnProvenance: Franklin D. Roosevelt Collection, Harmers, New York, 1946.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 506 Südafrika

    1934: Victor Smith, South Africa to England record attempt, flight cover from Windhoek, South Africa, to Leicester, England, dated 27th July 1934, franked with South Africa 10 d. tied by 'WINDHOEK / AIR MAIL" datedstamp in black, endorsed “West Coast Flight Victor Smith” and signed by 'VC Smith' alongside, additional franking of a Great Britain G.B ½ d. green, tied by 'IBSTOCK / LEICESTER" arrival dated 22nd August 1934, fine and rare example; one of eight signed covers.rnRemark: Victor Smith attempted the Cape Town to UK flight via West Africa. This was abandoned when his flight in Mauritania had to make a forced landing near Port Etienne, from where the letters were flown by “Aeropostale” to Dakar and then carried by sea. Just 12 letters carried from Windhoek (entrusted as official mail by the South West Africa Post Office), eight being signed by Victor Smith.
    Ausruf : 350 CHF
    Zuschlag : 750 CHF

    Losnr. : 205 Neuguinea Brit. Besetz.

    1 / 2
    Stamps of German New Guinea surcharged 1914 (16 Dec): GRI and Value 5 mm. apart, 1 d. on 3 pf. brown, Setting 11, position 1, an unused example with "Double Surcharge" variety, the second incomplete surcharge inverted, showing variety "I for 1", fresh and very fine, of excellent colour and superb og, minute hinge remnants. A wonderful example of this (much under-catalogued) stamp (Gibbs 16fc). No example in the Royal collection and a great rarity of British Commonwealth philately. Certs. BPA (1951, 1980), Scheller (2018) Gi = £ 8'000 for Gi 16f.rnNote: Thought to be a unique variety, however a second example was sold from the Besançon collection, Corinphila sale 229 (Nov 2018), lot 3918.
    Ausruf : 2.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 4.200 CHF

    Losnr. : 401 Mauritius

    Airgraphs & Air Letters 1943/53: Selection of 20 Air Letters used/unused from Mauritius, including 1944 First Day usage, franked with King George VI 10c.and 25. tied by "Mauritius GPO 27 DE 44" cds to England with typographed note: "The air letter service available between Mauritius and the United Kingdom starts as from this day", three diff. types of Christmas Greetings (10) of which three used, two of 1947 and third registered (1957), 1951 used Air Mail Letter card endorsed 'FORCES MAIL' and Air Letter from 'Quatre Bornes' to Canada, 1953 Coronation and 1956 to Guadalcanal, British Solomon Islands, together with seven airgraphs with one Christmas leaflet and two with attached envelopes (1945). A fine and very rare offer, hardly seen on the market, viewing essential.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 537 Div. Brit. Kolonien Lots/Slg.

    1931/1937, Imperial Airways, study of northbound flights out of Africa, comprising thirteen covers mounted on exhibition pages and comprehensively written-up, originating from South Africa, Tanganyika, Sudan, Kenya, Uganda, to destinations in USA, England, Switzerland and Greece, varied frankings predominently British commonwealth, routes incorporate maritime, rail and surface mail, some eye catching covers, noted 1937, Ford Motor company illustrated advertising envelope sent from Nakuru to Ohio, also 1934, Royal Tour South Africa philatelic cover, sent registered from Basutoland to Athens via air mail, with billingual special event cachet (commemorating visit by Prince George), also "Feeder Service" endorsements and "By Air to / London" cachets, a fascinating and attractive study.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 538 Sammlungen/Posten Weltweit

    1941/1943, Pan American Airways, study presented upon exhibition pages, detailing the routes and rates during WWII, comprising seven covers, all with censor markings, origins from Kenya, Gold Coast, Barbados, Peru, Madagascar, noted 1941 First Flight cover sent from Gold Coast to Gloucester, England carried via USA, with violet cachet "First Flight / Regular Air Mail Service / Gold Coast-USA" and rather nicely a letter which contains the quote; "it may seem there is now an air mail service via America......this mail is closing today", study includes three on the westbound route (two Foreign Air Mail 22 - FAM 22, one the "O" service), two eastbound using FAM 22, also 1942 Kenya to Bermuda carried on a combination of Imperial Airways and Pan American Airways, a fascinating group, scarce and beautifully mounted.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 600 CHF

    Losnr. : 486 Kenia

    1935, East Africa Airways: Study set out on album pages, comprising four covers, one a large format envelope, write-up desrcibing the routes, rates and flights, includes a registered internal flight cover from Musoma to Nairobi, an envelope addressed to "The Waco Aircraft Company" sent from Kakamega to Troy, USA, which was carried initially by East Africa Airways service No. 1 to Kisumu, then by Imperial Airways to London, the air mail cancelled and taken via sea to New York, also an interesting postage due cover franked to 80c, sent from Kakamega to Simonstown, South Africa, with 5d charge mark and South Africa postage dues tied to reverse and a cover sent locally from Logorien to Nairobi at the 35c rate mounted on a page with reproduction of a Waco UIC aircraft used by the air service, a nice group.
    Ausruf : 100 CHF
    Zuschlag : 100 CHF

    Losnr. : 125 Tasmanien

    1860/91: Chalons, unused collection on leaves, with over forty items, many scarce stamps, noting 1858 1s. vermilion (2, one somewhat oxidised), 1860-7 6d. including dull slate grey single, grey-violet pair, scarce 1863-71 rouletted 4d. pale blue, 1d. perf 10 range of shades of red and vermilion, 2d. ranging from yellow-green to slate green (4), perf 12 examples including striking 1d. deep vermilion with doubled impression, 1d. carmine strip of three and block of four, serrated perf 19 with fresh 1d. carmine, 1871-91 perf 11.5 6d. range of shades from lilacs to violets, including scarce dull lilac block of four, equally-fresh group of perf 12 examples, typical centering for these notoriously challenging issues, some with small flaws, two certificates accompany, an overall carefully-selected group with many desirable examples. Gi. £18,000+
    Ausruf : 3.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 7.500 CHF

    Losnr. : 206 Neuguinea Brit. Besetz.

    1 / 1

    Stamps of German New Guinea surcharged 1914 (16 Dec): GRI and Value 5 mm. apart, 2 d. on 20 pf. ultramarine, Setting 10, position 4, a used example with the variety 'Surcharge inverted' of excellent colour and superb perforation, a fresh and fine example tied by indistinct RABAUL datestamp (Gibb type 8) to piece. Five examples of this extremely rare variety are known by Gibbs, four unused, the present piece is the only used example. Signed Kilian BPP; certs. Holcombe (1988), Scheller (2018) Gi = £ 10'000 for an unused example, used not listed.rnProvenance: Collection Marquess of Bute, RL sale (April 1959).

    Attention: New Starting Price!

    Ausruf : 5.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 6.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 535 Div. Brit. Kolonien Lots/Slg.

    1932/1938, Imperial Airways Africa, collection of ten covers studying various routes into and out of Africa, predominately air mail to Europe, although one to Australia, one to Jamaica and unusually an 1937 cover from Lourenco Marques, Mozambique to Macau, carried via Alexandria, Penang and Hong Kong where it travelled by surface mail and then boat, noted 1935 envelope from Mbeya,Tanganyika to Stockholm, Sweden endorosed by violet cachet "By Air to Brindisi", also a late fee to England, an example of parcel post from Mombasa, to England, also an interesting mailing from Belgian Congo to Switzerland and others, condition in the main is fine, some with faults, an excellent assembly neatly presented upon exhibition pages.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 123 Tasmanien

    1857/1867: Chalons, Recess Printed in Hobart from Perkins Bacon plates, unused collection on leaves, with 1d. (14) showing shades of deep red-brown to pale red-brown, brick red, and dull vermilion, including two horizontal pairs and one single with striking pre-printing crease, 2d. (11) with shades of green, yellow-green, dull-emerald, deep green, and slate green, including one horizontal pair (with R.P.S.V. certificate), and 4d. (3) blue and bright blue, also 1853 4d. dull orange with trimmed corner, some small faults or margins close or slightly into design in places to be expected, as commonly seen, though note several fine, four-margin examples, chiefly fresh, a useful study lot of these popular issues. Gi. £16,000+
    Ausruf : 2.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.500 CHF

    Losnr. : 487 Madagaskar

    Madagascar 1926: Bernard & Guilbaud, France to Madagascar flight, picture postcard flown on the Bamako, French Sudan to Lokoja, Nigeria leg, dated 23 October 1926, franked with Sudan French Colonies 50 c., tied by fine strike of the "BAMAKO R.P. SOUDAN FRANCAIS" datestamp, with very fine arrival "LOKOJA / NIGERIA" dated 4th November 1926, to reverse the special flight cachet “VOYAGE AERIEN / FRANCE - MADAGASCAR” in violet, P. Breton expert mark lower right, very attractive, clean and fresh, exhibition quality item, scarce; this being the stage both pilots and planes were still together, it was at Lokoja where Guilbaud's aircraft broke down and he remained until 20th January 1927 when a replacement engine arrived and was fitted.
    Ausruf : 100 CHF
    Zuschlag : 160 CHF

    Losnr. : 396 Mauritius

    Ingoing, 1830/80: Collection of 180 letters / covers sent to Mauritius from Australia, Cape of Good Hope, Ceylon, France, England, India, Netherlands, Reunion and Thailand, with a wide range of despatch, transit and arrival handstamps, the majority prephilatelic and stampless, few bearing adhesives. Lot includes 1857 from Amsterdam, 1854 from Melbourne, 1852/80 five covers from Capetown, 1854 from Bombay, 28 covers from Calcutta with Packet mail, General Screw Steamship Company, one cover bearing 8 a. adhesive via Bombay & Aden, six covers from Madras, 19 covers from London, 16 covers from Liverpool, one from Lisburn Ireland, from France via Reunion or with British carrier, and from Reunion directly. Covers in mixed condition with some frankings cut out, nevertheless a very interesting Shipmail assembly. Ex collection Robert Marion.
    Ausruf : 2.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 477 Grossbritannien

    1927/1937: Assortment of Pioneering Aviation materials, comprising five items, including; Vintage Meirisse photograph of "Singapore" Short s19 flying boat Mk1 G-EBUP with Alan Cobham and wife onboard; 1928 letter signed by Alan Cobham to Admiral Napier Tomkin thanking him for his help and underlining the success of the round Africa flight; 1929 signed Lady Mary Bailey menus from RAS, RAC, ALBE and SBAC hosted luncheon; 1931 experimental flight cover Lagos to Cameroons, faults although one of seven known and ex Colley collection and 1937 Mauritius to London flight cover dated 20 January, the cover flown to France via Reunion Island and completed the journey to London by surface mail, a fine and interesting group (5). 
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 320 CHF

    Losnr. : 530 Südafrika

    1945, Crash of Military Aircraft: Registered envelope sent from Army Post Office "37" Turin, Italy to Durban, dated 6th July 1945, franked with pair of 3 d. blue South African postage, envelope and contents are charred from crash fire, the location and nature of which are unknow as aircraft brought down by enemy action were not publicised and military regulations did not permit access to exisiting records, the enclosed letter is from Signaller Oliver to his son and contains four £1 notes (South African Reserve Bank) which remain intact in the envelope, comes with the ambulance envelope OHMS used to deliver the registered letter, again marked by an Army Post Office dated 25 July 1945, the covers, letter and bank notes are written-up on two album pages, scarce assembly. 
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 260 CHF

    Losnr. : 70 New South Wales

    Chalk Surfaced paper 1905/10: Lyrebird 2 s. 6 d. blue-green, wmk. Crown over A, comb perf. 11, an unused block of four, marginal from right of sheet with full selvedge, variety "Imperforate between Stamp and Margin" (Brusden Whie N67b), fresh and very fine appearance, tiny age spot next to hinge remnant, unused without gum. A rare and spectacular multiple - just 12 examples exist with this variety.rnNote: Twelve examples can exist, a vertical strip of six is housed in the H.L. White collection. Of the six examples in private hands, one was in the Diffen collection (lot 127), this block therefore represents 33% of the available examples.
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : 420 CHF

    Losnr. : 539 Div. Brit. Kolonien Lots/Slg.

    1932/1937, Wilson Airways, study of air mail routes, comprising ten covers mounted and described on exhibition pages, noted two scarce examples of official OHMS covers originating from "Mafia Island", a location not part of the costal service routes, however Wilson Airways  made ad-hoc 'special' flights, both relate to medical services and are marked "Confidential", other mail includes from Tanganyika, Kenya, Zanzibar and Uganda, destinations within Africa as well as UK and France, also two covers with straightline cachet "Local Air Fee Paid" in violet, and two registered covers one from Zanzibar to Paris the other Uganda to Zanzibar, good range of frankings and values, some flaws to be expected, nice selection of usages, a fine study.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 440 CHF

    Losnr. : 417 Palästina

    1918/44: Collection on leaves with 1918 1 pi. indigo unused (2, differing shades), 5 m. on 1 pi. cobalt unused, March 1918 5 m. on 1 pi. ultramarine with variety "Part Arabic Surcharge Missing" fine used (Gi 4a = £ 425), 1918 set of eleven incl. blocks of four and "Missing Stop" varieties, 1920 most part set unused (excl. 5 m.) but with 4 m. 'PALESTINB' variety and perf. 14 set of three unused; 1920 (Dec) most partset incl. 1 pi. indigo fine unused, perf. 14 issue with 1 pi. indigo and 5 p. purple (3) unused, Dec 1920 5 m. orange perf. 14 unused (cert. RPSL, Gi = £ 450); 1921 (May-Aug) set of eleven unused (Gi = £ 550); 1921/22 set of eleven opt. type 7 unused; 1922 (Sept-Nov) with unused set incl 9 pi. ochre perf. 14, Pictorial issue with 90 m. bistre unused (4); together with a used collection incl. 1918 1 pi. indigo (2), Pictorial 90 m. bistre used (3), 1923 Postage Dues unused and used, and some useful material on cards. Condition generally fine to very fine; a good lot.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 509 Sudan

    1927: Pioneering Aviation, René Guilbaud return leg flight cover, from Dongola, Sudan to Paris, France, via Luxor, Egypt, dated 9th February 1927, franked with Sudan 10 m., 15 m. and 2 p., tied by despatch datestamp, very fine 'Winter Palace Luqsor' datestamp in black alongside dated 11 February 1927 and violet boxed "VOYAGE AERIEN / FRANCE-MADAGASCAR", central vertical filing crease, otherwise fine and rare cover; one of four known surviving covers.rnRemarks: After waiting for two months for a replacement engine Guilbaud left Lokoja, Nigeria returning via Congo, Tanganyika, Sudan and Egypt to reach St Raphael, France on 7 March 1927. The aircraft was a Hydravion CAMS 37 GR.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 650 CHF

    Losnr. : 523 Brit. Post in Marokko

    Casablanca to Toulouse Aircraft Crash at Barcelona 9th May 1933: Air mail printed Alliance Assurance envelope sent from British Post Office in Casablanca to London, franked with Morocco Agencies overprints including Seahorse 2 s 6d with 3 f. overprint, sent 8th May, mail carried upon Aeropostale flight to Toulouse F-AGIT, left Casablanca stopping at Barcelona, shortly after take-off from Barcelona hit a house in the village Villadrau near Villa Grande, killing the crew and three passengers, some mail was recovered although badly burned, surviving pieces were processed in Toulouse where the violet cachet "CORRESPONDANCE AVION / 9th May 1933" was applied, mail is scarce from this incident Nierinck 330509a.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 220 CHF

    Losnr. : 522 Südafrika

    Crash Mail 1920: Handley Page Pioneering Flight "Crash" mail, advertising envelope with enclosed letter, sent from Muizenberg to Johannesburg, dated 13th February 1920, flight left Cape Town 15th February 1920 and crashed near Beaufort West, franked with Union of South Africa vertical pair 1 s. covering the air fee of 2s and 1 d. postage, tied by datestamp 13 February, with flight cachet in red "CARRIED BY / AEROPLANE" alongside and endorsed "Per Aerial Post", the enclosed note on Marine Hotel headed paper dated 14th February 1920, "First Aerial Post in South Africa - leave C.T. February 15th 1920 Postage 1d plus 2/", a fine and rare example, one of twenty thought to have survived Nierinck 200217.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 800 CHF

    Losnr. : 488 Madagaskar

    1932: Maryse Hilsz Tananarive, Madagascar to Bordeaux, France, registered illustrated Madagascar 50 c. sage stationery envelope, uprated with 3 f. and 10 f., cancelled by "TANANARIVE MADAGASCAR" datestamp in black, dated 7th April 1932, signed by pilot alongside, arrival to reverse in Paris dated 7th May 1932 (marked 8th May 1932) and Bordeaux the following day; rate 13 fr. 50 cents for 5 gms, 1 fr. for registration, 50 cents surface rate and 12 fr. air fee; opening fault at top, otherwise fine, a scarce example, especially with the pilot signature.rnRemark: Maryse Hilsz (1903 – 1946), a French aviator who completed a number of high altitude and endurance flights. She served with the French Resistance during World War II and died in an air crash in 1946.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 150 CHF

    Losnr. : 244 Ägypten (Königreich)

    French Post Offices 1843/76: Postal History selection (7) with 1843 prepaid entire from GB to Alexandria rated "2/1d." with French P.O. arrival cds in black, 1858 cover from Alexandria to Paris, 1859 entire to London with 1853 40 c. and 80 c. tied "37094" petit chiffres, 1859 entire to Paris with 1853 20 c. blue and 40 c. orange (2) tied "3704" petit chiffres; 1869 combination cover with Egypt 1 pi. red tied by "Regie removed" "Poste Egiziane / Porto Said" cds with oxidised France 40 c. tied "5080" gros chiffres to Marseille (cert. Behr); 1874 cover from Alexandria to Marseille with 1871/75 80 c. tid "5080" gros chiffres (signed A. Diena); 1876 cover to England with 1871/75 30 c. brown tied Alexandrie cds. Condition variable but many very fine.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 300 CHF

    Losnr. : 465 Frankreich

    1925/1940: Selection of six pioneering aviation covers, including 1925 Arrachart and Lemaitre Etampes, France to Dakar, Senegal with special flight stamp and cachet; 1926 Air Union Antibes to Tunis with rare violet cachet; registered 1932 Sahara expedition flight Fort Archambault, Chad to Paris, with "MISSION BOURBON TUNIS-CHAD" double circle red cachet; 1930 crash cover Tananarive, Magagascar to Paris, French aviator Roux, Calliol and Dodoment perished when their plane crashed into a tropical forest; 1930 military flight registered Brazzaville to Paris which was serverly delayed due to an accident; also 1940 propaganda flight Kindia to Kankan, french Guinea dated 20th February frabked with 1 f., very clean cover, and scarce and interesting group (6).
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 150 CHF

    Losnr. : 122 Tasmanien

    Lots & Collections 1855/58: Chalons, range of proofs and reprinted die proofs, 21 items, with 1855 type reprints, ten on card or thick wove paper, range of shades including reds/vermilions, deep green, dark blue, violet, brown, and deep grey, two with blank value tablet, others with straight-lines (5) or pattern (3), each cut to around 25-30mm x 33-38mm, three plate proof pairs with values in tablet, including 1d. in red, 2d. in green, 4d. in blue, the latter also as a single, 1858 type with 6d. vertical pairs (2) in black and lilac, singles in black and carmine, most with four clear margins, the odd example touched, a bright and fresh group of tremendous visual appeal.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.200 CHF

    Losnr. : 48 Grossbritannien

    Imperial Airways Flying Boat Route to Africa 1937: Selection of 20 covers, incl. first flight cover (25. Jan 37) of First Experimental Flight by Flying Boat Service Southampton to Egypt by Imperial Airways G-ADUX 'CASIOPEIA' to Cairo and postcard from Alexandria back to England 1937 (22 April), eleven covers of the first G-ADVC 'COURTIER' Flying Boat service to Durban with three first flight covers of return flight Durban - England ( 6.VI.37), further four items at reduced tax of June 1937 Empire Airmail Scheme (E.A.M.S) at 1½ d per ½ oz per Flying Boat 'CENTURION' (29.6.37) as well as two acceptances for the 1937 (June 16) Inauguration Flight of Flying Boat 'CHALLENGER' from Mozambique, Portuguese Africa plus Wartime usage of December 1940 envelope from Gold Coast flown by 'West African Feeder Service' to Khartoum and transferred to Flying Boat service to South Africa. Rare Routing.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 462 Frankreich

    France 1911: Pioneering Aviation, 'Le Petit Journal' Morocco Experimental Flight, Pilot Henri Brégi and passenger René Lebaut, picture postcard, from Rabat, Morocco to Paris, France, dated 19th September 1911, franked Morocco 10 c. tied by Rabat datestamp, with special flight bilingual cachet in black alongside, manuscript flight date, card has been manuscript illustrated by hand with names of those pictured and their role in the delivery of the experimental flight, on reverse private note from Monsieur Gaillard who is pictured to front, a unique and charming example; comes with an unused commemorative 'Petit Journal' picture postcard depicting both pilot and passenger with an image of the aircraft on the Casablanca beach, has corner crease: scarce duo and an important flight in the development of airmail in Morocco.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 900 CHF

    Losnr. : 51 Grossbritannien

    Crossing the Atlantic 1937/39: Fine selection of nine envelopes starting with Flying Boat 'Cavalier's first flight Bermuda - New York, followed by first Imperial Airways Transatlantic cover signed by the commander of the Flying Boat 'CARIBOU' John Kelly-Rogers of his first Tranatlantic flight crossing the Northern Atlantic 1939 (Aug 5) together with another three Inaugural Flight covers from England and one from Ireland plus one cover from the return flight from Montreal, Canada. Further a 'Captain's letter carried by Capt. Donald Bennet on his Flying Boat 'Cabot' crossing the Atlantique 24h after der departure of the 'CARIBOU' on the North Atlantic route.rnJohn Cecil Kelly-Rogers (1905-1981), the most senior of Imperial Airways pilots, was a British aviator who flew Winston Churchill to wartime meetings, well known as Churchill's pilot.rn 
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 46 Grossbritannien

    British Acceptances to DLH South Atlantic Catapult Service 1934/39: Collection of 15 envelopes to Buenos Aires, all with good and high frankings as Seahorse 10s (3) used on 1937 (Feb. 11) envelope (Haberer 515),  special cachets as 1934 (Dec. 15) Xmas service and 1935 (Feb. 2) '1 Jahr Deutscher Postflug Europa - Südamerika" with one triple rate cover franked with 7 x 1s. plus 5s, further 10s franking in deep indigo used on triple rate cover 1937 (June 2) as well as 2s 6d brown block of four used on 1938 (Nov. 3) envelope. All fine and scarce commercial usages carried via Stuttgart - Natal and Condor Service to Buenos Aires. A fine and rare assembly - Viewing recommended.
    Ausruf : 750 CHF
    Zuschlag : 750 CHF

    Losnr. : 472 Goldküste

    1944, Lignes Aeriennes Militaries (LAM) air mail; Gold Coast, 1 s. 3 d. brown and turquoise blue, used on cover, from Tafo to M'balmayo, French Cameroon, dated 4 March 1944, extensively censored both in Gold Coast (opened / resealed), in Cameroon (Controle Postal Militaire tape) and handstamped on both sides, carried by fortnighly LAM service to Douala with "OUVERT / PAR / L'AUTORITE MILITARIRE" handstamp, also "CONTROLE POSTALE Commission / TERRITOIRE DU CAMEROUN", the service effectively a circular route from Fort Lamy (now N'Djamena, Chad), the delivery between Douala and M'balmayo by surface mail, with datestamps on reverse, Douala 13th and M'balmayo 15th, scarce air mail internally within Africa, interesting cover.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 326 Ägypten (Königreich)

    1864/1890: Interpostal Seals, collection of used and unused contained within a large album, over two thousand examples, organised according to type, from I to XI, with raange of Type II with scarce used examples, in alphabetical order including Consular and territorial offices such as; Constantinople, Smirne, Gedda (4), Alexandria, Benha, Cavalla, Damiata, Jaffa, Lagos, Latachia, Samanud, Saouakin, Volo, Dongola, Bilbes, Kafr-el-Zayat, Wadi Halfa and many others, noted rarer offices incl. Kilometro 83 and Sezione Economato, some duplication, condition varies but most very fine, a comprehensive assembly with just a few missing
    Ausruf : 1.750 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 207 Neuguinea Brit. Besetz.

    1 / 1
    Stamps of German New Guinea surcharged 1914 (16 Dec): GRI and Value 5 mm. apart, 2 d. on 20 pf. ultramarine, Setting 11, a used example with the erroneous '1 d. on 20 pf.' surcharge, fresh and very fine with slightest trace of cancellation, of excellent colour and superb perforation. A wonderful example this extremely rare variety, Gibbs conjectures, page 79 the existence of up to 15 examples, however this high number is not borne out by offered genuine examples. Cert. RPS (1966) Gi = £ 15'000.rnProvenance: Collection Marquess of Bute, RL sale (April 1959), lot 100.
    Ausruf : 4.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 5.500 CHF

    Losnr. : 459 Egypt Arab. Republic

    1926: RAF Special Flight, two covers presented upon an exhibition page, neatly written-up, from the 47 Squadron flight Cairo to Khartoum and back, one franked with Egypt 5 m. brown, tied by Abu Suwer datestamp 9th January 1926, with violet cachets alongside; "Special Flight / Cairo to Khartoum" and "Khartoum, 11/1/26", signed with initials "VCS" (V.C. Stoner), one of 65 flown; and an unstamped envelope flown on the return flight with cachet "By Return Flight of / Special Flight / Cairo to Khartoum" and "Khartoum, 15/1/26", also with V.C. Stoner initials, one of 35 covers flown on the return flight, both in fine condition, a scarce duo (x2).rnRemark: In January 1926 a special flight was undertaken from Cairo to Khartoum and return by 47 Squadron testing a Fairey IIID aircraft equipped with a Napier Lion engine. The flight was intended to be a preparation for a Cairo to Cape Town flight later in the year.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 240 CHF

    Losnr. : 210 Neuguinea Brit. Besetz.

    1 / 1
    Stamps of German New Guinea surcharged 1914 (16 Dec): GRI and Value 5 mm. apart, 8 d. on 80 pf. black & carmine on rose, Setting 10, position 2, a used example with the variety 'Surcharge inverted' of excellent colour and superb perforation, a fresh and fine example cancelled by indistinct RABAUL datestamp (Gibbs type 8). Three examples of this extremely rare variety are known by Gibbs, three unused, the present adhesive is the only used example. Certs. Holcombe (1988), Scheller (2018) Gi = £ 14'000 for an unused example, used not listed.rnProvenance: Collection Marquess of Bute, RL sale (April 1959).
    Ausruf : 4.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 10.500 CHF

    Losnr. : 302 Ägypten (Königreich)

    1884/88: Presentation sheet on thin white wove paper showing the adopted 1884 Postage Due set of five values in blocks of four from 10 pa. to 5 pi. printed in green, the reverse of the sheet showing additional blocks of the 10 pa., 20 pa. 2 pi and 5 pi. along with two values from 1888 issue: 2 m. and 5 m., with unadopted design: note the lettering in Arabic to the left of the "2" and "5" in Arabic value tablet; this fact not recorded by Nile Post, some minor creasing, small closed tear and peripheral edge wear but very rare. Unrecorded in this format by Nile Post. Ex Peter Holcombe and Abdullah Mishrick. Signed Todd AIEP Nile Post = $ 2'250.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 950 CHF

    Losnr. : 533 Sammlungen/Posten Weltweit

    1934/1941, Selection of five African air mail covers, including two siege of Djibouti 1941 Vichy Government Air Service covers, one with typed endorsement; "First Direct Flight  Djibouti-Marseille 18 hours by Amiot 370 Captain Chief Pilot Durmond", franked with French colonies 1 f., the other sent unfranked on official business and marked with a petroleum tanker cachet sent from Djibouti to Toulon-sur-Mer, France, also two Rhodesia and Nyasaland Airways first flight covers, one 5 August 1935 and a Belgian Congo to Nyasaland first official flight 7 March 1934, also a 1942 Mozambique to Angola censored cover carried upon South Africa Airways Portuguese East Africa flight, an interesting and scarce group.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 160 CHF

    Losnr. : 510 Sudan

    1924/1925, On State Service, 1½ a. lake, and a pair and single 4 a. violet, used on Registered Official cover, from Baghdad to Khartoum, dated 15 April 1927, addressed to the "Governor General of the Sudan", endorsed "By Air Mail Registered", carried on Imperial Airways flight leaving Baghdad on 16 April arriving in Cairo 17 April 1927, then by surface mail, arrival to reverse dated 23 April 1927, central vertical filing crease well clear of adhesives and flap missing, the rate of 13½ a. for 1oz letter by air or 30-40g by surface, made up of 3 a. registration, 4½ a. surface and 6 a. air fee; the surface rate expressed in grammes while the air fees are in ounces, scarce and interesting cover.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 200 CHF

    Losnr. : 15 Grossbritannien

    1861 (16 Aug.): Envelope from Belfast, Ireland to Port Louis, Mauritius bearing a horizontal strip of six Penny Red rose-red lettered HG-HL in vivid colour and overall good condition, some blunted teeth at base, rightmost stamp with folds and scuffs due to its position nearby the cover's edge, tied by four clear strikes of "BELFAST / 62" duplex, reverse with CLOUGH and thimble LONDON transit cds's in blue as well as "MAURITIUS SP 22 61" arrival cds, front with handstruck "4½ d" credit in red to Mauritius for the P & O mail contract. In spite of its imperfections a delightful item.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 800 CHF

    Losnr. : 247 Ägypten (Königreich)

    Greek Post Office 1869/1883: The selection of covers (6) with 1869 cover with 1868/69 40 l. reddish violet on blued tied by dotted "97" lozenge to Syros; 1872/75 20 l. blue horizontal pair used on 1872 cover to Syros tied by "97" dotted lozenge, 1875 cover with meshed paper 10 l. orange and 20 l. blue to Athens tied by Alexandria cds, 1876 cover with 1871/76 5 l. green on greenish (2) and single 20 l. deep blue used to Lissuri tied by neat strikes of Alexandria cds, rare 1879 registered cover with 1872/75 20 l. indigo and 39 l. brown used from Alexandria to Argostolian; 1883 cover with single Athens print 30 l. deep brown used to Piraeus. A fine group with stamps and cancellations much above the average for these frankings.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 900 CHF

    Losnr. : 492 Marokko

    1924/1943, Group of four covers, three originating from Morocco, one into Morocco, including 1925 attractive publicity envelope carried on the first flight from Casablanca to Dakar (Senegal), similarly a 1924 publicity envelope unfranked sent by the Chief of the French Air Force in Morocco to Paris, sent no charge, some faults but most unusual, also a 1932 air mail illustrated envelope franked with GB Morocco Agencies overprints 25 c. on 2½ d. and 3 f. on 2 s. 6 d., sent from British Post Office in Casablanca to Bognor in England, and a 1943 registered cover from Douala, Cameroon to Casablanca, stampless although endorsed payment received by Postmaster, mixed although a scarce and interesting selection. 
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 180 CHF

    Losnr. : 485 Kenia

    1931: Wilson Airways, First Flight Nairobi, Kenya to London, dated 7th July 1931, from Captain Tom Campbell, Managing Dircetor, Wilson Airways, with enclosed typed letter to Editor 'Aeroplane' explaining the cover has been flown on first official flight which linked up with Imperial Airways at Kisumu (flight AN 18), franked with Kenya and Uganda 5 c. green, 30 c. blue and 50 c. grey, endorsed by typed "First Nairobi/London through Air Mail / By Wilson Airways Ltd and Imperial / Airways Ltd.", a violet cachet "LOCAL AIR FEE PAID", comes with a newspaper cutting about the service; cover and letter nicely presented upon two exhibition pages, a scarce and historical lot (2).
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 376 Mauritius

    1885 (6 June): Stationery postcard 2 c. brown from Rose Hill to Moka, forwarded to St. Pierre, the indicium struck by oval '25' barred numeral, matching "ROSE-HILL" despatch cds alongside as well as MOKA arrival cds of the same day. Reverse with MOKA despatch (6 June) cds and front with the unique strike of the St. Pierre identifier.rnNote: The only known strike of this provisional cancel which was in use while strikes of the D2 circular datestamp are not found for about two years between May 1885 and March 1887.rnReference: The present strike was taken by Edward Proud as basis for the figure D3 on page 382 in "The postal history of Mauritius".
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 400 CHF

    Losnr. : 501 Südafrika

    1925: Experimental Air Mail Service, group of three covers and one large parcel post piece, all franked with a combination of South Africa Air Post stamps and postage adhesives, includes House of Assembly, Cape Town cover to Cedarville, via Durban, dated 13th March 1925, central vertical filing crease, also two covers from Kokstad to House of Assembly, Cape Town, one sent registered, both with "S.A. AIR MAIL / S.A. LUGPOS" datestamps and a 1925 Parcel Post printed label affixed to large parcel piece sent from Durban to East London, with small size "S.A. AIR MAIL / S.A. LUGPOS" postmark, sent at a rate of 1 s. 6 d., a scarce selection, some faults although in the main a fine group (4). 
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 363 Brit. Besetz. von Bagdad

    1917 (Sept 1): 2 a. on Turkey 1 pi. ultramarine, overprinted in red with five pointed star and in blue, a fine used example on Lieut. Roffey cover tied by BAGDAD cds (Type 1) in black (14.SEP.17) with "PASSED CENSOR / D" in red at lower left. Reverse with Indian FPO / 55 arrival cds on reverse (Sept 15) in black. Illustrated in "Baghdad in British Occuption" by Freddie Khalastchy FRPSL on page 185. Just 657 stamps issued. A fresh and extremely fine cover, rare. Signed Joe Saatchi.rnProvenance: Shanahan's, Sale 71, Dublin, 18 July 1958, lot 858; collection Eric Lyall.
    Ausruf : 1.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 5.500 CHF

    Losnr. : 457 Egypt Arab. Republic

    1925: R.A.F. First Flight, round trip flight ground crew souvenir cover, flight covering 6'500 miles in 24 days, 85 flying hours, between Egypt, Kano and Nigeria, dated 14 November 1925, with Sudan 10 m. and French Colonies Equatoriale TCHAD overprint 45 c., with postmarks on routes for; Abecher - 14 November, Adre - 19 November, Geneina - 21 November and El Fasher - 22 December 1925, the envelope is a folded and sealed OHMS envelope. The cover from the ground crew who supervised the construction of the landing strips along route. Flight Lt. Greenlaw, officer in charge on the ground, travelled by bullock and camel while supervising; rare.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 300 CHF

    Losnr. : 239 Ägypten (Königreich)

    British Post Offices 1872/78: The cover selection (7) with 1872 cover with Great Britain 4 d. vermilion pl. 12 pair tied "BO1" to UK, 1873 similar cover to Liverpool with 4 d. vermilion pl. 13 pair tied "BO1"; 1873 cover with 4 d. vermilion pl. 12 and 6 d. chestnut pl. 11 tied by "BO1" and CAIRO cds to New Jersey, USA; 1874 cover with 4 d. vermilion pl. 13 used from Alexandria to Malta, 1877 cover to London with 1864/79 1 d. red pl. 190, three examples, tied "BO1"; 1876 cover to Malta with 2½ d. mauve pl. 2 tied "BO1"; and three incoming covers from Great Britain to Egypt with 1875 cover to Shepheard's Hotel with 1 d. red, 3 d. rose and 6 d. grey (Ambulante ALES-CAIRO on reverse); 1875 cover with Bantam ½ d., 2 x 1 d. red and 2½ d. mauve and 1877 cover at 2½ d. rate. Condition varies but some fine items present.
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 385 Mauritius

    1897 (13 March): Registered stationery envelope 12 c. grey from Curepipe to Gendbrugge-lez-Gand, Belgium, franked in addition on front with 1893 15 c. chestnut in a horizontal strip of three and and 1897 Arms 3 c. dull purple in a vertical pair, struck by D4 CUREPIPE despatch cds, the leftmost stamp in addition by oval "MAURITIUS REGISTERED" datestamp, "AR." in circle allongside. REVERSE with octagonal French "REUNION A MARSEILLE 13 MARS 97" shipmail datestamp and GAND arrival (15 April.) cds, both in black. An exceptional Avis de Reception double rate usage, correctly franked with twice 15 c. postage plus 12 c. registration fee and 15 c. for the Avis.
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : 250 CHF

    Losnr. : 193 Victoria

    1858: 6 d. blue, rouletted, a single example used on 1860 cover from Melbourne to Canton, China paying the ½ ounce ship rate, endorsed "Per "Columbian" Str, via Aden" tied by circular "1" numeral obliterator in black. Reverse with MELBOURNE despatch cds (Jan 17) alongside HONG KONG circular datestamp (Feb 24) in black. The adhesive with file fold but an attractive cover to an exceptional destination at this date: unrecorded by Ben Palmer in the "Pre-UPU Dstination Mail" census - now just 9 covers recorded to China, just one other with a 6 d. Queen on Throne adhesive, this being the earlier.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 500 CHF

    Losnr. : 520 Uganda

    Uganda 1926, Pioneering Aviation, Imperial Airways survey, first flight from London to Cape Town, printed flight special event souvenir postcard "Sanctioned by H.M Postmaster General", sent from Jinja (Uganda) to London, dated 13 January 1926, franked with 1922/1927, KUT, 20 c. dull orange, tied by Jinja datestamp, accompanied by the violet oval flight cachet "BY SPECIAL AIR MAIL / 16-11-25 / LONDON - / CAPE TOWN" on both sides, the reverse bearing the green perforated flight vignette, card signed by Alan Cobham with the message "Chamber of Commerce gave us big luncheon, being interested in air development", fine and a rare example from Uganda.
    Ausruf : 800 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.200 CHF

    Losnr. : 552 USA

    1932/92: Selection of var. Balloon Flights starting with Auguste Piccard's 'Century of Progress Stratosphere Balloon Flight' (Aug. 5 1933) commemorating the Stratosphere Balloon ascension during the 1933 World's fair in Chicago, Stratosphere Balloon EXPLORER II - 'U.S. Army National Geographic Stratosphere Flight' Rapid City South Dakota 1935 (July 12), Maj. David G. Simons signed commemorative envelope of his 1957 High Altidude Record Flight at 19 miles (31 km) above the Earth as well as Capt. Joseph W. Kittinger two signed photographs together with 1960 (Sept. 10) cover of his World Record for the highest skydive—102,800 feet (31.3 km) which lasted from 1960 until 2012.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 320 CHF
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