Tradition und Erfahrung in klassischer Philatelie seit 1919

Losnr. 540 - 321.-332. Auktion

  • Losnr. : 540 Div. Brit. Kolonien Lots/Slg.

    1937/1945, BOAC Africa air mail study of flights, routes and rates, comprising seventeen covers, predominantly WWII mailings, with censor marks and labels, including seven covers from Gold Coast one of which is sent to Palestine with censor marks on despatch and arrival, also one very large format envelope which with block of tweleve ½d, a 1944 registered cover from Tripoli, Libya to Hull, England, franked with M.E.F. overprint including a vertical pair of 2 s. 6d. "Arms" issue, three large covers from Kenya, two forces on active service, one to Colombo the other to Cornwall in England with RAF and Naval censor marks repectively, two covers from French Cameroon both with "Arms" high values, includes "Horseshoe Route" 1941 Eastbound Kenya to USA via Pacific endorsed "via Hong Kong", also 1944 first air service to Aden from Nairobi, Kenya, a fascinating group with varied destinations and frankings, many scarcer, valuable assembly mounted on exhibition pages with detailed descriptions. 
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 500 CHF