Europa & Übersee
Ansicht sortieren :
Losnr. : 1992 Div. Deutschland Sammlungen/Posten
1850/2000ca.: Konvolut Einsteckbücher vorab eng gesteckt, ab Altdeutschland und dem Deutschen Reich bis zu moderneren Ausgaben gestempelt, ungebraucht oder postfrisch, oft einfach, aber auch Besseres gesehen, z.B. Bizone und Saargebiet etc. Dazu Teilsammlung Berlin auf Blättern.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 700 CHFLosnr. : 1993 Sammlungen/Posten Deutschland nach 1945
1872/2000ca.: Nachlasslot mit Deutsches Reich, Teilsammlungen Bund, Berlin, DDR, französische Zone, 2 Einsteckalben mit gestempelten Dubletten französische Zone. Bogenalbum, Album mit Kleinbogen (schöne Motive) sowie 3 Einsteckalben mit Heinemann / Industrie u. Technik / Sehenswürdigkeiten / Frauen sowie etwas Sondermarken von der Bundesrepublik und von Berlin, alles jeweils mehrfach dazu Schachtel mit Markenheftchen, Material mit einem ehemals sehr hohen Postpreis.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 1994 Div. Deutschland Sammlungen/Posten
1872/1945: Sammlung mit einigen Hundert Marken gest./ungest. ab Altdeutschland bis Ende III. Reich, dabei ein paar bessere Werte von Baden, Bayern, Hamburg, Hannover, Preussen und Württemberg, das Deutsche Reich beginnend mit den Brustschild-Ausgaben, Germania Reichspost-Ausgabe bis 5 Mk, INFLA-Periode mit Farbnuancen, Zähnungsvarianten, Aufdruck-Abarten und anderem mehr, Holztauben, Flugpost mit ein paar Zeppelin.Marken, IPOSTA-Block, Wagner-Serie, Nothilfeblock und OSTROPA-Block (beide fehlerhaft), Olympiada-Marken Berlin 1936, kompl. Serien Wohltätigkeits- und Gedenkmarken, Dienstmarken und ein paar Feldpostmarken, vorab in guter Erhaltung, sauber arrangiert in zwei KA BE Alben und abgepackt in eine Schachtel.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 1.100 CHFLosnr. : 1995 Div. Deutschland Sammlungen/Posten
1880/1990: Konvolut, Teil-Sammlung DDR gestempelt in Vordruckalben, Deutsches Reich, uralte Bündelware; das beste Stück dieses Loses ein Nothilfeblock 1935 ungebraucht, Blockmarken praktisch postfrisch, vormals im Blockrand gefaltet, dieser Mangel jedoch recht erfolgreich ausgeglättet.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1996 Div. Deutschland Sammlungen/Posten
1914/58: Sammlung mit ein paar Hundert Marken gest./ungest. oder in posfr. Erhaltung der Gebiete Danzig mit vielen Aufdrucken aber ohne gr. Innendienst, Memel, Saargebiet, Saarland ohne die beiden Hochwasserblocks, Besetzungsuausgaben 1. WK mit Dt. Post in Belgien, in Oberost, in Polen und in Rumänien, Bestzungsausgaben 2. WK mit Böhmen und Mähren, Generalgouvernement, Lothringen, Luxemburg und Ostland, vorab in sehr guter Erhaltung, in zwei KA-BE Alben.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 1997 Sammlungen/Posten Deutschland nach 1945
1945-2000ca.: Nachlassposten - 2 Bände Berlin und 2 Bände Bundesrepublik je 1x ungebraucht und 1x gestempelt bei Berlin ungebraucht Währungsgeschädigten-Block **; dazu Sammlung DDR der regulären Marken-Ausgaben komplett ohne Blocks und Dienst + dazu von der SBZ West-Sachsen Gross-Block von der Ausstellung Meissen Mi Block 5SX ungebraucht mit Folder.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 1998 Div. Deutschland Sammlungen/Posten
1945/1975: Händlerlager, Steckkarten Berlin, Bundesrepublik und DDR jeweils auf Steckkarten welche in beschrifteten Tüten untergebracht sind, dabei bessere Ausgaben postfrisch oftmals mehrfach, auch etwas mit Falz, sowie gestempelt. U.a. Währungsgeschädigtenblock gestempelt mit Attest.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.800 CHFLosnr. : 1999 Sammlungen/Posten Deutschland nach 1945
1945/2020: Sammlung "Nachkrieg-Ausgaben", recht reichhaltig, etliches mit Vorbehalten, SBZ mit почта ohne Falz, etliche Serien mit "Gefälligkeitsstempeln" aber auch Serien und einige Blocks postfrisch. Französische Zone in den Hauptnummern vollständig, vielfach postfrisch, die gestempelten wohl zweifelhaft. Amerikanische und britische Zone Band und Netzaufdrucke ungefalzt, aber auch ungeprüft. DDR soweit praktisch komplett, leider einige etwas ölige, durchdrückende Falze am Anfang. Bei Berlin ebenso unsichere Aufdrucke, dafür etliche saubere und echt gestempelte Sätze, Block 1 praktisch **. Bundesrepublik mit vielen guten Ausgaben, Posthornwerte aber mit Neugummi, dafür postgültige bis 2020.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.000 CHFLosnr. : 2000 Div. Deutschland Sammlungen/Posten
1850/1980: Sammlung Deutschland mit gehaltvollem Altdeutschland Teil, hier besonders zu erwähnen Baden und Bayern mit vielen Quadratausgaben und hohen Werten, sowie Hannover. Die Nebengebiete wie Danzig sind gut besammelt, hier mit kleinem Innendienst. Es finden sich so immer wieder hohe Werte und gute Ausgaben. Die Sammlung enthält auch einen Teil Auslandspostämter und Kolonien, Saar, Besetzungen 1914/18, Französische Zone, Bundesrepublik und Berlin. Dazu kommen ein Album mit Belegen sowie diverse Dubletten. Die Qualität ist oft sehr gut, es gibt jedoch auch einigen Ausfall. Ein interessanter Posten mit immensem Katalogwert, der genau besichtigt werden muss.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 1.600 CHFLosnr. : 2001 Div. Deutschland Sammlungen/Posten
1859/1960ca. Vielfältiges Lot Belege beginnen mit Altdeutschland, dann Deutsches Reich wovon etliche attraktive Ansichtskarten, Germania auf Brief, Inflabelege, 3. Reich, Zonen Berlin (mit guten Frankaturen), jeweils sauber erhalten und überwiegend in die Schweiz gelaufen.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 360 CHFLosnr. : 2002 Div. Deutschland Sammlungen/Posten
1860/1960: Schachtel, mit vorab sehr sauberen, für den Verkauf aufbereiteten Belegen, vielfältig ab Altdeutschland (ca. 200+), dabei viel Ganzsachen, Deutsches Reich, bessere Belege der Zonen - vorab französische Zone. Auch Bundesrepublik und Berlin; 1 Beleg Grenzrayon, 1 kleines Trauer-Brieflein Bayern mit 5 Pfg. lila in Rorschach gestempelt, Nebenstempel "SEE-RORSCHACH", Flugbelege Zeppelin usw.Ausruf : 800 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2003 Div. Deutschland Sammlungen/Posten
Losnr. : 2004 Div. Deutschland Sammlungen/Posten
1872/1960: Vielfältiges sauberes Lot ca. 180 Bedarfs- und Sammlerbelege der verschiedensten deutschen Gebiete, wie den Kolonien, Saar, Memel, Deutsches Reich, Bund, Berlin und DDR. Dabei Ganzsachen, Ansichtskarten, Feldpost usw. Vorab sehr sauber erhalten, vielfach in die Schweiz gelaufen.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 2005 Div. Deutschland Sammlungen/Posten
1880/2017: Lot mit eingen Hundert Ganzsachen gebr./ungebr., dabei etwas Alt-Deutschland, Dt. Reich mit Rohrpost, Dt. Besetzung 1. WK, Saargebiet. Belege zu speziellen Anlässen, Tag der Briefmarke, Propaganda III. Reich, versch. Verwendungsarten, Zensurbelege, Besatzungszonen mit Not- und Behelfsausgaben, Bundesrepublik mit Luftpost-Leichtbriefen und Funklotterie-Karten, Berlin und DDR, vieles doppelt oder mehrfach und teils auch mit ZuF, gute bis gemischte Erhaltung, arrangiert in total elf Alben und abgepackt in eine Schachtel.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 2006 Div. Deutschland Sammlungen/Posten
Losnr. : 2007 Div. Deutschland Sammlungen/Posten
Losnr. : 2008 Estland
1918/40: Estonia, good wholesale lot with many souvenir sheets in different, often large quantitites, unmounted and used. In addition some sheets and part sheets (mostly unpaired). According got the consigner Michel = € 28'000 (the souvenir sheets alone € 19'840).Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 2.500 CHFLosnr. : 2009 Finnland
1875 (June 17): 10p horizontal pair on cover from ULEABORG to LINNUSPERABY, tied by single circle. The perforations on the right stamp show signs of corrections, the cover itself shows tolerable traces of age. Nonetheless a scarce stamp on cover, in particular as a pair.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2010 Finnland
1866: 20p. blue, two examples on letter from Jakobstad (14 8 1872) to St Petersburg, left stamp one short perf, together with second letter franked by two adjoining stamps from the same correspondence with two fine stamps and full perforations as well as a piece with a three colour franking, with slightly defective stamps and certificate Manzoni.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2011 Finnland
1866: Selection seven Type III(C) rouletted adhesives used and one cover with 5 p. brown-lilac cancelled by "Tammerfors" cds in blue, 8 p. black on green, 10 p. black on straw lightly cancelled, 20 p. blue on blued single and two examples used on 1872 cover to Wiborg; 40 p. rose and two examples 1 m. yellow-brown; one with occasional short tooth but all of generally fine appearance, the other with good roulettes, slightly trimmed at base, fresh colour, cancelled by superb strike of boxed "NYSTAD" datestamp (21.9.1873) in black. Cert Gummesson Mi = € 4'000+.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 360 CHFLosnr. : 2012 Franz. Post in der Levante
Losnr. : 2013 USA
1791 (March 4): Printed document Law / Decree No. 402 of the National Assembly with printed "La Loi et Le Roi" Crown and Flags illustration at top, concerning the status of Officers who have not rejoined their regiments and soldiers and officers who had served in the American Revolution and in other foreign armies, issued in preparation of the 'Revolutionary Wars' which commenced in April 1792; signed off at base at Chinon. Scarce and attractive. Provenance: Collection Stanley Luft.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2014 Frankreich
1792 (Aug. 19): Acte du Corps Legislatif / Decree of the National Assembly, concerning accusations made against General de la Fayette (Lafayette, 1757-1834) concerning his neglect of the Armée du Nord which he brought towards Paris (the accusations largely made by his immediate successor) and thus stripped of his command to be replaced by the energetic and successful Dumouriez who, with Kellerman, won battles at Valmy and Jemappes. Just days after this decree Lafayette and part of his staff surrendered to the Austrians where he was interned for five years. Provenance: Collection Stanley Luft.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2015 Frankreich
Losnr. : 2016 Grossbritannien
Napoleonic Wars 1797/1805: Correspondence (7 entires), most letters in English, some in French, between a Scot (MacDonald) and a Frenchman (Chevalier du Vau), with 1797 entires (3) written from Dresden, Berlin (on the ladies of Berlin "sans modestie et sans mouchoir") and Leipzig to Weimar in French or English, fascinating 26 June 1804 entire to Leipzig via Hamburg prepaid at "2/4d." in red manuscript with curved "Amstruther" despatch in black "imputing my silence due to the disorder occasioned by this horrid and tedious War" and "Talking of War - I really do not see any prospect of its ceasing between our Nations. We are now in a most powerful posture with an Armed force of upwards of 800'000 men and all of them mad with a desire of trying their strength with the vaunted veterans of Buonaparte"; and the letter goes on to say that 8-12 year olds are forming battalions and that if Bonaparte crossed the Channel he would not advance 50 miles. Entires from Dresden (22 Oct. 1804 and 19 March 1805) to Geneva via Hamburg in English and (8 Sept. 1805) from Vienna to Geneva "for some days everything has changed here and assumed a decidely warlike form". A fascinating group.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2017 Franz. Post in der Levante
1816/37: Two entire letters from Smyrna via Constantinople to France, disinfected in Semlin SPORCA DI DENTRO E NETTO DI FUORA, incl. 1816 letter (June 28) to Marseille sent via 'Thurn and Taxis' mail to Strasbourg showing ALLEMAGNE PAR STRASBOURG arriving Marseille Aug. 17th, where it's been disinfected again with a rake, further 1837 (Nov. 10) letter to Toulon showing fine strike of italic "Purifiée à Marseille" on reverse. Unusual overland routing.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2018 Frankreich
Losnr. : 2019 Frankreich
Losnr. : 2020 Frankreich
1849 (11. Sept.): 20c black (just touched on the left) as a very early usage of a stamp on entire abroad. The letter is endorsed 'Timbres insuffisants' and originates from 'Remoulins' directed to 'Vevey'. It is taxed '14' kr. or 35 cts. On the reverse are transit marks 'Coppet' (13. Sep.) and an arrival 'Vevey' (14. Sep.). A rare early letter abroad. Certificates and signed v.d Weid (1994) and Scheller (2022).Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2021 Frankreich
1849 (6. Feb.): 20c black with good good margins tied by lozenge canceller to letter originating from 'PONCIN' to 'LYON'. The rare cachet '1 Poncin' is struck in the top left hand corner, a despatch mark CERDON is struck beside. An arrival 'LYON' (7.Feb.) is on the reverse. A rare cover.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2022 Frankreich
1851 (28. Jul.) 25c. blue single franking (just touched at top) on letter from 'BEAUNE' to 'GENEVA' underfranked for the destination and endorsed in manuscript 'timbre insuffisant'. A red tax-mark 35cs contrasts with the stamp. On the revers transit cachets from 'DIJON' (28 Jul.) and 'GENEVE' (29. Jul.) document the postal route. A fresh and clean letter.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2023 Frankreich
1852: 25c. blue single franking (just touched at top) on mourning letter with full contents originating from 'Versailles' (31. Mar.) addressed to an officer in the 32. 'Regiment de Ligne' in 'Rome'. The letter bears a cachet 'Etranger' (31. Mar.) in red on the reverse as well as a slightly unclear 'Corps Expedition. d'Italie Quartier General' (7. Apr.). The envelope displays slight wear and tear, which in the context of such a rare letter should be a secondary consideration.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 280 CHFLosnr. : 2024 Frankreich
1853 (12. Jun) 40c. orange vertical pair and single on letter from 'PARIS' to 'NAPLES' to the care of 'Rothschild'. The generously margined stamps have been re-attached slightly out of place, but do belong to the letter. A very rare franking. Signed and certificate (perfetto) E. Diena (1991).Ausruf : 1.200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2025 Frankreich
Losnr. : 2026 Frankreich
1852 (8. Dec.) 1f. carmine (slight defects) as single franking on a letter from 'Paris' to 'Constantinople'. The letter bears a manuscript route marking 'par Marseille' and reached 'Constantinople' according to the French Office arrival mark on the 22. December. A very rare letter.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2027 Frankreich
1854 (15. Jul.) 25c blue, generously margined strip of five as part of a 2f.50c. three colour franking on overseas letter from 'Paris' via 'London' (17. Jul.) and 'Panama' to 'Arequipa' Peru. The franking is exceptionally fresh and contrasts delightfully with the cover, the cancellations and cachets. The additional franking, consisting of a good margined 10c. bistre and three 25c. singles and a 40c all Napoleon, display the odd fault, the strip has a pressed and barely visible filing crease. A straight line cachet 'FRANCA' in red is evidence of the arrival in Peru. Despite the minor shortcomings a most desirable letter. Signed Calves.Ausruf : 600 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2028 Frankreich
1853/54: Entire letter from Colmar to Höllsteig, Baden, bearing Napoléon imperf. 10 c. bistre type I and 20 c. blue type I, two fresh and fine examples with large even margins, tied by light Petits Chiffes '806' lozenges. Despatch cds (July 29, 1857) and framed PD handstamp in red alongside, reverse with Neuf-Brisach transit cds of the same day. An attractive usage in the 30 c. Baden tariff. Signed A. Diena.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 420 CHFLosnr. : 2029 Frankreich
1862: Folded letter sheet with Napoléon Empire 20 c. blue (5) with mostly fair to complete margins (two stamps have touched margin) from BAYONNE to MADRID. As the letter was underfranked red cancel "AFFRANCHISSEMENT INSUFFISANT" and Spanish cancel "FRANQUEO INSUFFICIENTE" completed with two Spanish 12 Cuarto stamps, which are annulled by a blue lozenge. Very attractive combination letter with stamps from two different countries, both in blue colour.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 1.600 CHFLosnr. : 2030 Frankreich
1860: Double rate Envelope from Sedan to London bearing Napoléon imperf. 20 c. blue Type II, four fine and fresh examples, tied by clear Petits Chiffres '2855' lozenge. Despatch cds (July 17, 1861) in black, framed PD and crisp "LONDON PAID JY 18 61" arrival cds, both in red alongside, reverse with two ambulant cds's. Roughly opened on reverse, nevertheless a most attractive franking of the second weight rate to Great Britain.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2031 Frankreich
1863 (19. Jun.): 80c rose, vertical pair tied by Lozenge 3602 (grand chiffre) to letter addressed to a sailor in 'LAGOS' (GABON). The letter contains its original contents and is endorsed 'Afrique' and 'Voie de Liverpool'. The red cachet 'PP' has been annulled and replaced by a black cachet. The upper stamp has a small cut at the bottom, otherwise the franking is fresh and in excellent condition. A superb destination of great rarity.Ausruf : 600 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2032 Frankreich
1864 (26. Feb.): 40c. orange (2) and 20c. blue (2) attached and tied to cover by '(Paris) 1' star cancellation. The 'Paris r (60)' octagonal datestamp is applied next to the 1f20c. stamps paying the rate for the letter to 'Constantinople'. Two different red 'PD' cachets are also applied. A good destination with an attractively arranged franking.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 260 CHFLosnr. : 2033 Frankreich
1863 (20. Jan.): Algeria, 40c. orange "Empire dentelé", top left corner perforation scissor cut, on clean envelope from 'ALGER' to 'LUGANO'. The stamp is cancelled dotted lozenge 5005. The reverse bears three transit marks including " SCHIFFSBUREAU No 2 LUZERN and an arrival LUGANO (26.Jan). Mail from Algeria to destinations other than France is rare.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 100 CHFLosnr. : 2034 Frankreich
1871 (18. Sep.): 4c. grey, 1c. olive and two examples 10c. yellow-brown, tied by Lozenge 1065 (grand chiffre) to letter from 'COGNAC' to 'ANGEAC'. The letter bears an arrival mark SEGONZAC (19. Sep.). Fine and unusual franking.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2035 Frankreich
1871 ( 14. Sep.): 10c bistre, diagonally bisected and tied by lozenge 168 (grand chiffre) of 'ARMENTIERES' to letter to Morez. A 'PARIS A BESANCON' (14.Sep.) TPO mark and a MOREZ DU JURA (15. Sep.) documenting postal use. A very rare letter of great freshness. Yvert=€10,000.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2036 Frankreich
1870: Siège 20 c. blue and 40 c. orange used with Bordeaux 30 c. brown with ample margins all round, used on 19 August 1871 entire letter to Port Louis, Mauritius; initially underpaid 20' centimes and struck with framed "AFFRANCHISEMENT / INSUFFISANT" in red, cover returned and 20 c. blue added over the cachet; all tied by "532" gros chiffres of Bordeaux. "PP" strikes deleted and further "PD" applied to denote full payment. Cararied on the "Said" to Alexandria and the "Ermine" from Aden. Mauritius cds on reverse (Sept 29) in blue. An unusual entire.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 380 CHFLosnr. : 2037 Frankreich
Losnr. : 2038 Frankreich
1871 (21. Apr.): 20c. blue Bordeaux issue with private perforation 'LA TREMBLADE' on entire to BORDEAUX. The stamp is tied by a faint strike of the 'LA TREMBLADE' lozenge, the reverse bears an arrival BORDEAUX (22. Apr.) on the reverse. A very rare letter in good quality, signed Calves.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2039 Frankreich
1871 (24. Jun.): 30c brown 'Bordeaux' issue, good to full margins, tied by Lozenge 3581 (grand chiffre) to letter from 'ST. ETIENNE' to 'LONDON'. The letter bears an arrival mark LONDON EC PAID 26 JU 71 and a rare 'NOT FULLY ADDRESSED' oval cachet. Fine and unusual.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2040 Frankreich
1871 (13. Jun.) 40c. orange perf 13, tied by lozenge 2413 (grand chiffre) to letter from 'MONT-DE-MARSAN' to 'BORDEAUX'. On the reverse is an arrival cachet from the same day. The certificate Roumet emphasises 'jolie piece... sans reparation'. The letter is signed Calves and comes with a certificate Roumet (2003).Ausruf : 600 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 2041 Frankreich
1872 (27. Dec.): 80c. carmine and rose tied by Lozenge 5089 (grand chiffre) ' Jaffa' to letter from 'JERUSALEM' to 'LYON'. The datestamp 'JAFFA SYRIE' as well as a 'PD' in red is is applied to the front of the letter, two transits and an arrival LYON (7. Jan. 73) are on the reverse. A very rare early letter from the 'Holy Land' in fine condition.Ausruf : 600 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2042 Frankreich
1874: 80 Centimes Ceres rose, 16 stamps together with 1 stamp 40 Centimes Ceres on insured cover over 'five thousand nine hundred and sixty Francs' from "LOUDUN 3e 6 AVRIL 74 (80)" an GC "2094" to ORLÉANS (arrival cancel on the back), line cancel CHARGÉ in orange, envelope and stamps some defects, but a spectacular franking!Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2043 Frankreich
1874 (10.Jul.): 80c rose-carmine and 25c blue, horizontal pair on a letter from 'Boulogne sur Mer' addressed to Major C.M. Griffith, Brigade Major Aden. The letter is endorsed 'via Brindisi' and bears three transit marks on the reverse as well as a 'ADEN STEAMER POINT' (JL 22.) arrival cachet.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 160 CHFLosnr. : 2044 Frankreich
Losnr. : 2045 Frankreich
1932 (12. Okt.): Exposition postcard of 'Strasbourg Exposition Internationale d'Aero-Philatélie de timbres-poste 7-16. Mai 1932' bearing two diff. Exhibition vignettes and Franco-Bularian mixed franking to Sofia, Bulgaria (25.X.32), re-directed by airmail via Vienna (26.X.32) to Strasbourg arriving Oct. 27th. A scarce usage of the exposition postcard.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 2046 Frankreich
Losnr. : 2047 Frankreich
Ballon Monté 1870 (Sept 21): Entire letter endorsed "par Ballon" franked by laureated 20 c. blue tied by Paris Star with "Paris / Place de la Bourse" cds alongside (September 21, 3rd levée) and carried by Ballon-Monté. Reverse with Mont-de-Marsan arrival cds (Sept 30). The entire contains a very short message mentioning the Ballons. Transport with the first Balloon 'Neptune' can't be confirmed, because of late arrival.rnrnAusruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2048 Frankreich
1870 (24. Oct.) vertical pair (lower stamp minor corner fault) tied to cover by 'Paris' star '21'canceller, a 'PARIS B.ST ANTOINE) datestamp is set underneath the franking. The letter is endorsed '3 gramme' and 'Par ballon monté' and is directed to SAMSUN on the Black Sea in the OTTOMAN EMPIRE. A MARSEIILE (5. Nov.) transit together with a further transit CONSTANTINOPLE (12. Nov.) is struck on the reverse. Whilst it is impossible to ascertain which balloon carried this letter, LE VAUBAN being the most likely, the destination on the Black Sea makes this letter outstanding. A very rare item indeed. Signed Roumet and Calves Certificate (2006).Ausruf : 4.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2049 Frankreich
1872 (Apr. 2): 1 Gr. eagle issue 'Small Shield' in vertical pair (usual trivial imperfections of the perforation) clean Alsatian cancel 'ALTKIRCH 2 4 72 ' in double franking with France 25 Centimes 'Ceres' blue. the French stamp tied by numeral cancel, small digits '420' and 'BELFORT' (3. Apr.) placed beside. The letter from Altkirch to Besançon falls within the period of the mutal non-recognition of the frankings and bears the arrvial on the back (3. Apr.). An attractive item!Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2050 Frankreich
1870: Franco-Prussian War specialized group of 10 covers, starting with three Ballons Montés (Général Ulrich, Daguerre and Lafayette, the latter sent to London) all with arrival cds., three stampless envelopes endorsed "Amrée du Rhin", "Armée de la Loire" and "Armée du Nord" respectively, Alsace 20 c. tied by boxed "K:PR:FELD-POST" with a second strike alongside to an envelope to Anger, etc., also a group of illustrated postcards, some small occasional faults otherwise fine to very fine, an interesting specialist lot.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2051 Frankreich
Franco-Prussian War 1870: Small correspondence (6) with complete contents mailed between 7th-12th September 1870, all addressed to Grenoble, the first with 20 c. adhesive removed from Paris but five covers all endorsed at top "Armée du Rhin, Lt. Commandant du Genie, 14e. Corps", struck with "Paris / R. Bonaparte" cds's in black and carried free at concessionary rate (Sept. 8 cover with charge mark deleted) with full fascinating contents, together with a further letter dated Sept. 15th without envelope, this last on printed stationery of the 14th Corps.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2052 Libanon
1862: France 80 c. carmine, four examples (Yvert 24) used on 1865 double weight cover to Tolland, Conn., USA all tied by "5082" gros chiffres in black with "Beyrout / Syrie" cds of despatch below (Feb 3), also tied by "BOSTON PAID / 30" (March 5) datestamp in red with framed "Br. Service" alongside. Somewhat roughly opened at right but scarce.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 2053 Franz. Post in der Levante
Losnr. : 2054 Frankreich
1849/62: Small group with Cérès 10 c. bistre brown pair cancelled by central strike of the grill, of fine appearance but with corner crease (cert.), an attractive four colour piece bearing 1852 10, 20, 40 and 80 c. values tied by BS2 and 'Recomandirt' in red; 1867 entire franked by 1862 5 c. green in a strip of four used from Lille to Cambrai tied by 2046 gros chiffres (cert.).Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 260 CHFLosnr. : 2055 Frankreich
1849/1922ca.: Old style collection in very mixed condition including many better stamps, oldest issues mostly stuck to pages. Contained Ceres to 1 Franc, 25 Centimes and 1 Franc Empire, 5 Francs Napoléon laureate, Bordeaux complete, 2 Francs Merson type brown unused. Some pages with coloniesAusruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 800 CHFLosnr. : 2056 Frankreich
Losnr. : 2057 Frankreich
Losnr. : 2058 Frankreich
1849/1980ca.: Convolute old stockbook pages with plenty of material beginning with first issue, better stamps in mixed condition, 2 stockbooks with only Colonies, one collection only Colonies mounted on pages, stockbook with classics sorted by cacelllations. Addiitonally over 2000 stamps 'tableaux' in full sheets never hinged plus from Monaco a bunch of souvenir sheets Europa and Olympic games 1974 - 1976 with a catalog value of € 2280+.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 2059 Frankreich
Losnr. : 2060 Frankreich
Losnr. : 2061 Frankreich
1923/54: Very nice lot of unused mostly never hinged, all different better stamps, including souvenir sheet 'Strasbourg', just the stamp 'CONGRES PHILATÉLIQUE BORDEAUX 1923, the first set of airpost stamps from 1927 and a 50 Francs 'banknote' are mounted, all other stamps unmounted og. Yvert = ca. €10'000.Ausruf : 800 CHFZuschlag : 850 CHFLosnr. : 2062 Frankreich
Losnr. : 2063 Frankreich
Losnr. : 2064 Frankreich
1646/1868: Delightful collection of thirty "small letters" of predominantly exceptional quality with seven pre-philatelic items, including two 17th century items and an 1802 Letter from MONTPELLIER to Italy with red "P33P MONTPELLIER" departmental cachet and 27 CHARTRES in blue. The franked section begins with five letters bearing 1849 Ceres single frankings with large margins, a letter with emission Presidence, Empire non dentele with a letter bearing a just touched 20c. tied by three strikes "OR" in single circle, a marginal 10c. and a handful of later letters. Aesthetically pleasing lot.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2065 Frankreich
1745/1905 (ca.): specialized postal history assembly related to military mail and war theatres, starting with 1745 folded entire struck by scarce "ARM:DU RHIN" endorsed "pour lion" (signed Pothion), 1793 folded entire struck by "ARMEE DITALIE" with "Marine de la République" anchor seal on reverse, 1859 Italian Campaign with Napoleon 20 c. blue tied to an envelope to Paris with a fair strike of cds. "ARMEE D' ITALIE", with reverse arrival, Crimean War small entire struck with cds. "ARMEE D' ORIENT 8 MARS 56 Bau.M", taxed "30" to Paris, also numerous Russian and Japanese postcards inter alia Tsarist propaganda and Red Cross, war scenes related to the 1904-05 War, a few related to first World War, most with normal wear from circulation, last an old map showing "THEÂTRE DE LA GUERRE EN ORIENT", an appealing specialist lot.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2066 Frankreich
Losnr. : 2067 Frankreich
1840/1900ca.: Interesting accumulation of covers beginning with prehpilatelic letters, Ceres issue, Empire, Naopléon Laureated up to Sage type variated and mostly in good condition containing a 3 colour franking to Chile with 'Siege' and 'Cérès perforated' issue, 'Ballon Monté' letter etc.Ausruf : 800 CHFZuschlag : 1.800 CHFLosnr. : 2068 Frankreich
1849/1876: Collection of fifteen franked letters beginning with a horizontal pair of the 1849 10c 'Ceres' slightly cut into with certificate Biondi. Later letters include three Bordeaux issue with two 40c single frankings. Also included is a large margin pair of the 1860 1C Napoleon in good quality, which otherwise often leaves something to be desired. Nonetheless, the catalogue value is enormous.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2069 Frankreich
Losnr. : 2070 Frankreich
Mail to Mauritius 1865/1903: Covers (7) with 1865 cover from Bordeaux to Port Louis with 1862 10 c., 20 c. and 40 c. mailed via Suez, 1871 entire with Siège 40 c. orange pair underpaid and taxed with "10d. / TO PAY" in blue on arrival, 1871 cover from Réunion with 1859/65 Eagle 70 c. three colour franking, 1876 entire from Nantes with 1876/77 25 c. ultramarine strip of four, 1883 entire with 25 c. yellow, 1891 and 1903 covers from Tamatave, Madagascar; one at 25 c. and another registered franked 50 c. rose. Imperfections but a scarce group.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 280 CHFLosnr. : 2071 Frankreich
Losnr. : 2072 Madagaskar
1884: Cover from the U.S. Consulate in Tamatave to New York, franked by un-cancelled French Colonies 25 c. ultramarine imperf. with triangular "T" mark adjacent, mailed through Mauritius with transit cds on reverse (June 4) and carried on the "Brindisi" via Suez to London (July 8); taxed on arrival with "New York / Due 10 Cents" duplex (July 18) in black. Sensibly opened for display, an unusual cover.Ausruf : 140 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 2073 Kamerun
Cameroun 1916/28: Collection with 1916 first overprint registered cover to Fernando Po with 5 c. (3) and single 35 c. (Yvert 56+60), registered cover to Paris at 35 c. rate with ex German registration label, covers (6) all showing usage of ex German DUALA / KAMERUN cds with one to UK, another to Ivory Coast with tax applied but not levied, a similar usage to British Cameroons, and two covers at new 15 c. rate to France; 1918 cover from Ebolona to USA, 1919 cover to Berne cancelled "Jaunde" cds, 1921 covers from EDEA (2) and KRIBI (2) to the USA, further covers from BONABERI, EDEA, N'KONG SAMBA, NYOMBE etc. Condition varies but a scarce group (36 items); together with Equatorial Africa, late 1935/1943 covers (a further 12 items).Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 2074 Französisch-Indochina
Pondichery 1817 (June 1): Entire letter ex the De Havilland correspondence from Pondichery to Madras, with reverse showing undeer-inked "POST PAID / PONDICHERRY" in brown (H.Giles fig. 3) and oval Madras arrival "GPO / JU 4 / 1817" in black (H.Giles MX1). A scarce early entire.Ausruf : 180 CHFZuschlag : 3.200 CHFLosnr. : 2075 Französisch-Indochina
Pondicherry 1842 (Feb 17): Entire letter to Bordeaux endorsed "p. Steamer via Bombay", struck with framed "PONDICHERY / Paid" in red with manuscript "1 r. 3 a. Steam & Inland Pd in India", with oval "INDIA" in red, carried by East India Co. steamer "Victoria" from Bombay to Alexandria where framed "PAQUEBOTS / DE LA / MEDITERRANÉE" applied in red; thence via PSNC "Orient" to Malta and by "HMS Alecto" to Marseille. Bordeaux arrival (April 4) on reverse of a fine entire.Ausruf : 175 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2076 Französisch-Indochina
Pondichery 1850 (Jan 10): Prepaid entire letter from St. Denis, Réunion to Nantes endorsed "via Suez" and carried privately with fine framed "PONDICHERY / Paid / 1 anna" handstamp (March 11) in red, via Madras where curved "INDIA PAID" applied and reverse with Madras datestamp (March 13) in red. Carried on P&O "Oriental" from Galle to Suez and thence on French steamer "Alexandre" to Marseille where "Indes Or. 2 / Marseille" struck in red (April 16) and charged '10' décimes due. A fine and unusual entire.Ausruf : 175 CHFZuschlag : 175 CHFLosnr. : 2077 Französisch-Indochina
Pondichery 1854 (Aug 5): Prepaid entire letter from Pondichery to Bordeaux endorsed "pr. Madras Steamer via Suez" with fine framed "PONDICHERY / Paid / 1½ anna" handstamp (Aug 5) in red, via Madras where curved "INDIA PAID" applied and reverse with Madras datestamp in red. Carried on P&O "Precursor" from Galle to Suez and thence on P&O "Vectis" to Marseille where "Indes Or. 2 / Marseille" struck in red and charged '30' décimes due - a triple rate as can been seen from '16' gram weight notation at left. A fine and unusual entire.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2078 Französisch-Indochina
Pondichery 1859/65: Eagle 40 c. vermilion, a used vertical pair tied to 1864 cover to Bordeaux endorsed "p. Steamer via Suez & Marseille", tied by oval firm's chop in blue (Almeric & Co.) and diamond of 81 dots in black, with red framed 'PD' adjacent. Fine strike of "ETABS. FR. DE L'INDE / PONDICHERY" despatch cds (Aug 25) in black at lower left. Carried on British P&O packet "Simla" to Suez via Aden and on the "Auxine" from Alexandria with entry marking in Marseille (Sept 26) in red. Scarce cover. Signed Calves.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 2079 Französisch-Indochina
Losnr. : 2080 Französisch-Indochina
Pondichery 1872/79: General Issue Cérès 40 c. orange pair folded around edge of cover with, on reverse, further 40 c. orange and 5 c. green pair and used on 1876 mourning envelope to Rochefort-sur-Mer all tied by lozenges of dots with "INDE / PONDICHERY" cds of despatch (Jan 7 - the week France joined the UPU) on obverse. Carried on P&O steamer "Assam" from Galle to Alexandria and the "Travancore" to Brindisi. circular "Col. Fr. V Brind / A Mod" (Jan 29) in red (Salles fig. 1893). The reverse with flap tear but a rare cover, the 90 centimes rate was only in force from January to June 1876 for mail carried by British Packets on the Brindisi route.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 120 CHFLosnr. : 2081 Französisch-Indochina
Pondichery 1872/79: General Issue Cérès 5 c. green on blued and Type Sage 20 c. brown-lilac on straw, used on 1880 entire letter to Marseille endorsed "per Bombay & Brindisi" tied by "INDE / PONDICHERY" circular datestamps (May 5); and a similar 1881 mixed issue franking entire from same correspondence with Cérès 10 c. brown on rose and Type Sage imperforate 15 c. grey tied by "INDE / PONDICHERY" cds's in blue (May 9). A few small imperfections but an attractive pair. Both signed Baudot.Ausruf : 160 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2082 Französisch-Indochina
Pondichery 1872/79: General Issue Cérès 30 c. grey-brown, a horizontal pair with good margins all round, used on 1876 entire letter to Marseille tied by lozenge of dots in black with "INDE / PONDICHERY" despatch cds (Jan 23) adjacent. Carried on the French steamer "Tibre" via Galle and thence on the "Amazone" with circular "LIGNE N / PAQ. FR. No. 10" cds (Jan 27) in black (Salles fig. 1921) on reverse. A fine entire. Signed Dillemann.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 2083 Französisch-Indochina
Pondichery 1872/77: Cérès 80 c. rose, a horizontal strip of three, margins touched to fine, used on 1873 entire letter to Nantes endorsed "voie Brindisi" tied by lozenge of dots wih "Inde / Pondichery" despatch cds (Sept 2) at left. Carried on the P&O steamer "Golconda" from Bombay via Aden and Suez and steamer "Ceylon" from Alexandria, with circular "Col. Fr. V Brind / A Mod" (Sept 29) in red (Salles fig. 1893) and Nantes arrival of the following day on reverse. An attractive entire. Signed Calves.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2084 Französisch-Indochina
Pondichery 1872/77: Cérès 25 c. blue, two single examples with margins all round, used on 1880 entire letter to Marseille endorsed "per Bombay & Brindisi" tied by "Inde / Pondichery" despatch cds's (May 12). Carried on the P&O steamer "Mongolia" from Bombay via Aden and Suez, with circular "Col. Fr. V Brind / A Mod" (May 31) in red (Salles fig. 1893) and arrival of the following day on reverse. An attractive entire. Signed Calves.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2085 Französisch-Indochina
Pondicherry 1910 (May 2): Cover and complete contents to London, written on board the French steamer "Dupleix" off the coast of Pondicherry by a Lt. Selby Smith of the 2nd. Batallion of the Rifle Brigade stationed at Fort William, Calcutta; with Pondicherry cds (May 5) on reverse and half-round "PONDICHERRY / DUE / ONE ANNA" charge mark with circular "T" alongide. Charged 2d. with Foreign Branch handstamp to pay upon arrival.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2086 Französisch-Indochina
Pondichery 1831/1901: Balance of exhibit on leaves with 1831 entire from Pondichery to Auxerre mailed on arrival, 1848 entire with framed "PONDICHERY / Paid / 1 anna" handstamp in red, 1855-1862 entires with "Bureau de Pondichery" cds's, India 1854 ½ a blue single franking covers (2), 1864 entire with superb "INDE / PONDICHERY" cds in black, 1859/65 French Eagle issue covers (2) at 80 centime rates, 1873 OHMS cover with India ½ a. tied "Pondichery / 111" duplex and framed "INSUFFICIENT" in black, 1900 registered cover from sub-PO at VALLINUR, 1902 cover sent registered to French POW at Queen's Hotel in Colombo, Ceylon; 1904 registered cover to Seychelles etc. (22 items).Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 3.200 CHFLosnr. : 2087 Französisch-Indochina
Pondichery 1844/1954: Collection on leaves and loose with covers/cards (89), incl. 1847 entire with fine framed "PONDICHERY / Paid / 1 anna" datestamp in red to Bordeaux, 1859 cover with India ½ a. blue used to Karikal, 1867 cover with ½ a. blue and framed "INSUFFICIENT" in black, 1899 cover franked India ½ a. green (5) to Algeria, range of late Victorian and early Edwardian postal stationery usages incl. Sub-Post Office usages in the Bazaar, the Railway Station and at Muthiyalpet, 1906 registration receipt, 1907 and 1910 cards taxed on arrival in Pondichery, 1928 Telegram form, 1942 rare part cover to New York with 2 r., 5 r. and 10 r., 1943 Free French Censored cover to Dire-Duoua etc., also some incoming mail. Condition varies but a useful group.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 800 CHFLosnr. : 2088 Französisch-Indochina
Pondichery 1877/1906: Group of covers/cards (12) with 1877 entire to Nantes franked Type Sage 40 c. orange-red on yellow tied "INDE-PONDICHERY" cds, 1883 entire to Mauritius with Dubois 1881 25 c. buff on yellow, 1892 registration receipt for a letter to Algeria, 1898 Inde 25 c. used on cover to Reis and redirected to Algeria, 1903 cover with Fiscal provisional 5 c. blue used to Travinh, Cochinchine (signed Calves) and a 1904 postcard to France bearing a pair of the provisional, 1905 registered / AR cover to Paris and 1906 postal stationery usage to Phnom-Penh (14 items).Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 440 CHFLosnr. : 2089 Französisch-Indochina
1907/1947: Range of covers and cards, all from Local sub-Post Offices in the Pondicherry districts, with 1904 advertising card to Ceylon and 1907 cover with 3 p. pair tied MUTHIALPET, Pondicherry Value Payable label on registered cover ex PONDICHERRY BAZAAR, 1933 cover with 1 a. 3 p. tied OLUGARI cds, 1934 9 p. green stat. card cancelled by VALLINUR cds, Karikal 1909/10 single rate and registered cover cancelled TIRUMALRAYAPATNAM, 1908 ½ a. stat. env. cancelled by fine TIRINULAR cds and a cover used in 1940 from same sub Post Office, 1929 cover franked 1 a. tied by PORAIYAR ROAD R.S. (Railway Station) cds, 1935 cover with 3 p. block of four ex KOTTUCHERI, 1939 cover with ½ a. pair tied by AMBAGARATTUR cds, 1943 cover with 9 p. tied NEDUNGADU cds, 1947 1½ a. stat env. sent registered from Chandernagore and 1916 India ¼ a. stat. card tied by bold YANAM cds. Condition variable but a scarce group (17 items).Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 700 CHFLosnr. : 2090 Französisch-Indochina
Chandernagor 1777 (Dec 15): Entire letter from Vaux-Champagne, Ardennes, France to Jean-Baptiste Chevalier, Governor and commander of the French Forces 'sur la Gange' in Chandernagor between 1767 -1778, carried outside the mails. Following the outbreak of war between France and Britain in 1778 a British force again took Chandernagor (it had been restored to France in 1763) and the Chevalier was given parole and was allowed to return to France. The entire, with an intact Crowned red wax seal on reverse, probably carried from Lorient via the Cape and Calcutta. Rare.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 5.500 CHFLosnr. : 2091 Französisch-Indochina
Chandernagor 1813 (Aug 7): Entire letter from London to Calcutta and then forwarded to Chandernagor, reverse with manuscript "Forwarded by Messrs. Palmer & Compton 19th Feb 1814" in pale red ink applied in Calcutta where mailed with oval framed "G.P.O. / FEB 19-14 / Pt. Pd. 2a." manuscript filled handstamp (H.Giles fig 11) in black. Obverse shows notation of charge at lower left "1/1" referring to the Ship Letter charge. A fine and early entire.Ausruf : 180 CHFZuschlag : 1.300 CHF
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