Europa & Übersee
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Losnr. : 2592 Lombardo-Veneto
Losnr. : 2593 Lombardo-Veneto
Losnr. : 2594 Lombardo-Veneto
1858: 4 kr. rot Type I; rechts unten gering angeschnittenes Exemplar vom Unterrand mit etwa 9mm Rand, entwertet mit etwas undeutlichem Teilabschlag des Fiskalstempels "I.R. SPEDIZIONE GAZZETTE VENEZIA". Signiert Otto Waldemar Friedl und beiliegende Kurzbeschreibung von Paul Ferchenbauer. Ferchenbauer = €4'000.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 1.000 CHFLosnr. : 2595 Lombardo-Veneto
Losnr. : 2596 Lombardo-Veneto
Losnr. : 2597 Lombardo-Veneto
1858: 4 kr. rot Type I; schmalrandiges an einer Stelle minimal berührtes Exemplar dieser als 4kr. gebraucht so seltenen Marke. Sie ist entwertet "MILANO 3/12" (1858) muss also als 4kr. Wert verwendet worden sein, denn im Dezember 1859 war die Lombardei nicht mehr österreichische Provinz. Die Qualität ist abgesehen von einer minimalen Stelle links oben, sowie einem kleinen Eckbug gut. die Marke ist signiert Emilio Diena. Ferchenbauer = € Liebhaberpreis.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.400 CHFLosnr. : 2598 Lombardo-Veneto
1853/1890: Restsammlung der Sammlung Gaube mit immer noch gehaltvollem und aussagekräftigem Teil Marken, mit guten Werten wie dreizehn 1853 2 kr. grün, Blocks, grosse Ausschnitte, Entwertungen sowie Referenzmaterial und zum Teil hunderte Dubletten der einzelnen Wertstufen.Ausruf : 800 CHFZuschlag : 2.600 CHFLosnr. : 2599 Lombardo-Veneto
Losnr. : 2600 Österreich
Zeitungsstempelmarken 1877: 1 Kr. ultramarin mit flacher "1", rechts min. berührt resp. lupenrandig, ansonsten breit- bis überrandig, durch den spiegelverkehrten Abklatsch des Zeitungsdrucks 'entwertet', welcher sich richtig herum auch auf der Rückseite des Zeitungssstücks befindet. Sehr seltene Nuance, Attest Ferchenbauer (2003) Ferchenbauer = € 4'000.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 440 CHFLosnr. : 2601 Österreich
1945: I. Wiener Aushilfsausgabe, nicht zur Ausgabe gelangter Wert zu 3 Pf. rötlichbraun mit geriffeltem Gummi und kopfstehendem Aufdruck 'Österreich', als postfrischer Viererblock vom Oberrand mit den Aufdrucken 81+82/91+92 auf den Feldpositionen 9+10/19+20. Signiert Wallner; Attest Soecknick (2005) ANK 8 cx K = € 7'200 für vier Einzelwerte.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2602 Österreich
Losnr. : 2603 Österreich
1946: Karl Renner Blockausgabe, ungez. Kleinbogensatz 1 S. - 5 S. auf gelbem Papier, farbfr., teils minim unregelmässiger Gummi am senkr. Bogenrand, ausserhalb des Markenbilds, ansonsten in sauberer postfr. Erhaltung Mi = Euro 2'400.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2604 Bosnien u. Herzegowina (Österr.)
Austro-Hungarian Invasion 1878 (Sept 24): Stampless cover from Cadeviča Han to Vienna, struck with fine "K. u. K. ETAPPEN - POSTAMT / No. X" datestamp (Sept 24) in black. Reverse with Sisak transit cds (Sept 27) and Leopolstadt, Vienna arrival of the follwoing day, notations in Seitz handwriting on reverse of a scarce cover. Ex collection Keith Tranmer.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 280 CHFLosnr. : 2605 Bosnien u. Herzegowina (Österr.)
1879/1918: Delightful accumulation of the philately of Bosnia and Herzegowina, put togther with an eye for the interesting. The collector valued postmarks, manuscript cancellations, perfins, proofs and postal history with a section containing over thirty entires, including a 1906 Newspaper-wrapper franked 2h violet with cancellation: 'WIEN BESTELLT' and an 'international reply coupon' for Bosnia Herzegovina with military cachet BOS SAMAC undated on the reverse. As a bonus there are eight unopened bundles of used stamps. Recommended lot.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2606 Österreich
1850/67: Interessante Auswahl mit besseren Werten und Briefen, dabei Handpapier 1 Kr. braunorange gest. mit rücks. Maschinenabklatsch (Att. Ferchenbauer 1980), 6 Kr. braun (*), Zeitungsmarken ab 1851 mit blauem Merkur auf Zeitungsschleife auf dazugehörender Zeitung, 1858 Zeitungsmarke 1,05 Kr. blau, Type I gest. (Att. Ferchenbauer), 1,05 Kr. Type II ungebr. (Att. Matl), Maschinenpapier 1 Kr. zitronengelb (3) Spätverwendung (1858) auf Brief von Kirchdorf nach Linz (Att. Puschmann), Stempelmarken 3 Kr. (2) als Freimarken verwendet von "TAB 30/6" auf Briefteil nach Pesth (Att. Steiner), dazu Lombardei-Venetien 1853 30 c. braun, sog. 'Veroneser Postfälschung" (obere Einfassungslinie fehlt), gest. "VERONA 19/4" (Att. Paul Ferchenbauer 1944, Befund Zenker 1971).Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 1.100 CHFLosnr. : 2607 Österreich
Losnr. : 2608 Österreich
1850/1980: Umfangreiche Sammlung mit ein paar Tausend Marken gest./ungest., der Klassik-Teil mit besseren Werten und Farbnuancen, Zeitungmarken, vielen kompl. Serien wie Regierungsjubiläum, Geburtstag, Flugpostmarken, grosse Vielfalt Freimarken Republik ab 1918 , Wohlfahrtsausgaben, Rotary, zwei Wipa-Marken, Katholikentag, Dollfuss postfr. und auf kl. Briefstück, FIS 1 und 2, Satz mit Gitter-Aufdrucken, Gedenkblocks, Portomarken, Lomnbardei-Venetien, Post in der Levante, Feldpostmarken und weniges Bosnien-Herzegowina, in guter Erhaltung sauber arrangiert in einem Schaubek-Album, dazu ein Ordner mit Briefen, Karten, Ansichtksarten, Paket-Begleitadresse und Geschäftskorrespondenz in gemischter Erhaltung Mi 2000 gemäss Einlieferer = ca. € 36'000.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 1.700 CHFLosnr. : 2609 Österreich
1851/64: Lot mit winzige Schleife nach Mantova frankiert mit Zeitungsmarke Blauer Merkur, entw. mit Ovalstp. der Zeitungsexpedtion Triest sowie Freimarke 1863 2 Kr. gelb mit sehr seltenem Einkreisstp. "K.K. ZEITUNGSEXPED. TRIEST 8 / 11 67" (Müller 3255a = 750 Punkte).rnProvenienz der Freimarke: Sammlung Edwin Müller.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 550 CHFLosnr. : 2610 Österreich
1858/1974: Saubere Auswahl mit besseren Werten und Serien, ab 1910 vorwiegend postfr., dabei 80.Geburtstag Kaiser Franz Joseph, Rotary Kongress 1931, FIS I, WIPA Marken Faser und gewöhnl. Papier, Blockausgabe gest. im Original-Umschlag, 1936 Dollfuss, 1945 Wiener u. Grazer Aushilfsausgaben, 1946 Renner-Satz geschn., Währungsreform zwei kompl. Serien postfr., 1948 Trachtenserien, 1958/63 Bauwerke sowie 1974 Gemeindetag, alle ungest./postfr., dazu 1948 Verrechnungsmarken 100 S., 200 S. und 500 S. gest. sowie div. Probedrucke, Farbproben zu unverausg. Markenserien.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 1.600 CHFLosnr. : 2611 Österreich
Losnr. : 2612 Österreich
1695/1867: Brieflot mit 10 Adels- und Schnörkelbriefe, dabei Brief von Lieseregg am Millstätter See im Bezirk Spittal an der Drau, Kärnten, bezw. Brief von LIENZ (Blindstp.), beide nach Gmünd sowie ein taxierter Brief von LIENZ nach Spittal, weiter div. frankierte Briefe wie 1861 Lombardei Venetien 5 S. (5) auf Brief von Soglio, bezw. 3 Kr. (2) plus 10 Kr. (2) -Frankatur von SPALATO nach Mailand sowie 1864 grob gez. 3 Kr. gelb als Drucksachenfrankatur auf Trauerbrief nach Bruneck.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 2613 Österreich
1823/1918: Sammlung von achtundvierzig Ganzstücken und sechsundvierzig Marken der Ausgaben Österreichs mit Verwendungen in Slowenien und Kroatien. Enthalten ist unter anderem ein Brief von Fiume nach Wien frankiert mit einer 9 kr. vom linken Seitenrand aus dem Jahre 1855, Stempelabschläge aus AGRAM, DIAKOVAR, WARASDIN, ZENGG und anderen auf Ausgaben vor 1867. Eine interessante Studie dieses beliebten Gebietes.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2614 Österreich
Losnr. : 2615 Österreich
1850/1864: Gefälliger Posten von 65 Briefen ab Ausgabe 1850, hier ein Brief aus Wildenschwert (Müller 3241a) mit Signatur E Diena, einrnReco Brief 'mit Retour Recipisse' Stempel BH PRERAU (Müller 2247c) an einen Hauptmann in Verona, ein Brief aus Würbenthal Stempel (Müller 3287c) nach Leitomischl, weitere Reco Briefe und diverse andere interessante Entwertungen.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2616 Österreich
1852/1869: Korrespondenz des Oberst später General Fanz Elgger bestehend aus zehn Reco Briefen der 1. Ausgabe und sieben weiteren Briefen mit österreichischen Frankaturen sowie neun Briefen aus Italien in die Schweiz. Die Briefe sind posthistorisch zum Teil hoch interessant, dabei auch Feldpost nach Ancona und ein Taxierter R Brief von UDINE nach ROM.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.000 CHFLosnr. : 2617 Österreich
1855/1908(ca.) Zusammenstellung von zwölf kleinformatigen (Damen) Briefen, mit Visitenkarten oder auch Poesie-Aufklebern, dabei Brief aus SILZ in Süd Tirol, mit Doppelkreisstempel (Müller 2622a), ein Brief aus Verona sowie meist Böhmische Absendeorte. Ein erfreuliches Los.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 280 CHFLosnr. : 2618 Österreich
1860/1914ca.: Briefalbum mit 50 Belegen zumeist 'Anschluss' resp. einige andere Briefe 1. Republik oder Aufdruck Österreich auf Hitler, sowie Nachportobelege 2. Republik. Dazu lose Belege mit u.a. Ansichtskarte mit Schiffsstempel "S. M. Schiff Hum", 2 Karten mit norwegischen Marken aber je Vignette 'ÖSTERREICHISCHER LLOYD TRIEST', weitere Schiffs- u. Bahnpost. Jubiläumsganzsachenpostkarte nach Burma weitergeleitet (wirklich?): Retour-R-Brief 1902 von Mexiko, Karte der Dreiländerecke, 5 Aufgaberecepissen und 3 Aufgabe-Prot. je mit attraktivem Zudruck eines Dampfschiffes der DONAU-DAMPFSCHIFF.GES. und 1 Brief adressiert an Kaiser Franz Josef I, 1 portofreier Beleg von Pola an das 'Commando SM Kanonenboot Kcrka' in Topla usw.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 240 CHFLosnr. : 2619 Österreich
1865/67: Kleines Lot mit Ausgabe 1864, Brief von WIEN 10 + 15 Kreuzer = 25 Kreuzer nach Paris, an gleiche Adresse ähnlicher Brief aber für doppeltes Gewicht 2x 10 + 2x 15 Kreuzer = 50 Kreuzer; von TRIEST hübsches Italien-Porto 5 Kr im Paar + 3 Kreuzer x2 = 16 Kreuzer. Ferchenbauer ca. = € 665++.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 180 CHFLosnr. : 2620 Österreich
1865/1960: Sauber präsentierte und kompetent beschriebene Sammlung von 92 Belegen der "RAYON LIMITROPHE", einer Portokonzession im Grenzverkehr zwichen Österreich und der Schweiz. Die Sammlung dokumentiert die verschiedenen Portostufen mit fast ausschliesslich Bedarfsbelegen, dabei neben normalbriefen auch Einschreiben und Nachporto. Diese postgeschichtlich äusserst interessante Sammlung ist obwohl meist aus einfach anzuschauenden Belegen bestehend nicht ohne viel Geduld zusammen zu tragen. Ein ungewöhnliches Objekt, dazu die Literatur aus der Schriftenreihe Philatelie-Club Montfort.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 2621 Österreich
1870/1872: Vier Belege der Ausgabe 1867, dabei eine Retour-Receipisse von Wien mit einer 10kr. blau und einer 15kr. Stempelmarke zu einer Gerichtssache, ein Wertbrief von Wien nach Verona mit Teilfrankatur durch eine 10kr. blau, ein Brief von Wien nach Wohlen frankiert 10kr. blau, ein grosses Briefstück mit fünf 1Kr Stempelmarken entwertet Rovereto mit Alterspatina, sowie eine 5kr. rot mit Mischzähnung.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2622 Österreich
1884-1940 Ansichtskarten: Lot ca. 180 Ansichtskarten oder illustrierte Ganzsachen gest./ungest., dabei Intern. Musik u. Theater Ausstellung Wien 1892/94, Vorarlberger Jahrhundertfeier 1909, zehn Karten der Nationalen Wertzeicheausstellung Wien Secession 1911, 5 H. Ganzsache des XIV.Deutschen Philatelisten Tag Wien 1902 sowie zehn handgemalte Karten.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 550 CHFLosnr. : 2623 Österreich
Losnr. : 2624 Österreich
1918/25: Sammlung in 9 Ordnern und 3 Hüllen mit insgesamt 227 auf Blättern aufgezogenen und beschriebenen Belegen, dazu noch einige lose Belege. Bessere, teils hohe Frankaturen, interessante Destination u.a. Balkanländer wie Bulgarien und Rumänien; auch Schweden, Syrien usw. "RL" für Briefe in die Schweiz. Verwendungsformen, u.a. Express in die USA. Währungsmischfrankturen mit Schilling in der Übergangszeit.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 800 CHFLosnr. : 2625 Österreich
1918/20: Schöne Sammlung mit einigen Hundert Notgeldscheinen mit einer Vielzahl verschiedener Motive, sauber in zwei Alben abgesteckt und alphabetisch geordnert von Abtenau bis Zell bei Zellhof, teils in kompletten Serien und ein paar Scheine auch doppelt, in sehr guter Erhaltung; teils kassenfrisch.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2626 DDSG
1844 (July 21). Entire letter from Ibraila to Constantinople, struck with clear "D.D.S.G IBRAILA / PP" in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 802) , an attractive strike from the well-known Zafiropulo correspondence, light horizontal file fold not distracting from the appealing appearance of this entire letter, in addition an elusive usage.rnNote: Tchilinghirian & Stephens mention that this handstamp was probably manufactured in Constantinople for fully prepaid covers with markings existing only for the offices in Constantinople, Galatz, Ibraila and Varna, starting in August 1844 making this item a very early usage. The Lloyd Agency and Consular Office only opened in September 1845 and took over the deep water services from the DDSG which restricted its services to the Danube and the route to Odessa. This postmark can be found up to 1865, even as an obliterator on DDSG adhesives.rnProvenance: Collection Arsman, DF sale (May 2005), lot 20168.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 3.800 CHFLosnr. : 2627 Zypern
Cyprus Ottoman period 1688 (Aug 26): Long Entire letter with full content, written in Larnaca and directed to François Venturini in Livorno, internally dated "Cypreo Larnica Le 26 Aout 1688", no postal markings, some staining possibly due to vinegar disinfection.rnProvenance: Spink, London, Dec 2008, lot 644.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 2628 Zypern
Cyprus Ottoman period 1752 (Aug 20): Entire letter with full content, directed to Marseille, internally dated "20 Agosto 1752 Cipro", endorsed "Con Bastimto francese C.D.S." (By French ship, may God guide her), some staining possibly due to disinfection.rnProvenance: Spink, London, Dec 2008, lot 647.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 2629 Zypern
Cyprus Ottoman period 1815 (Oct 5): Entire letter with full content, directed to the Roux company in Marseille, internally dated "Chypre, le 5. Octobre 1815", endorsed "par Cape Etienne Lieutand L.D.C." (Le Dieu Conduise), closed with red wax seal and slitted for disinfection.rnProvenance: Spink, London, Dec 2008, lot 649.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 2630 Österreich. Levante
Cyprus 1846 (Oct. 25): Entire letter partially prepaid from Larnaca to Syra, struck on obverse with oval "AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO / LARNACA (Tranmer fig. 2), two line "LARNACA 25. OTTO." (Tranmer fig. 1) and FRANCA (Tranmer fig. 5), all in black, reverse with crisp SYRA arrival cds (Oct 21, 1846). Slitted for disinfection, the sender pais in cash the Austrian part of the journey, marked with FRANCA handstamp and cross, the receiver had to pay '20' lepta noted in red crayon. Two file folds well away from the handstamps, nevertheless a handsome cover, with a very early and highly desirable usage of the elusive oval Lloyd handstamp noted in the 1976 Tranmer publication to be in use after 1850.rnProvenance: Collection Henry W. Houser, Robson Lowe (June 1992), lot 1190; Spink, London, Dec 2008, lot 651.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 6.000 CHFLosnr. : 2631 Österreich. Levante
Cyprus 1868 (March 3): Entire letter from Larnaca to the Ralli brothers in Trieste, struck on obverse with "LARNACA DI CIPRO 3 / 3" despatch cds (Tranmer fig. 3) in the typical brownish black shade (date slug inverted), reverse with a small oval "TRIEST 20 / 3" arrival datestamp in red, typical for mail from Cyprus and Alexandria in the years 1867/68, rated with '10 / 10' (kreuzer) in blue crayon, crossed out and replaced by '20.' due handstamp in black. A superb and fresh item.rnProvenance: Spink, London, Dec 2008, lot 664.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 2632 Österreich. Levante
Cyprus 1868 (Sept 2): Entire letter from Larnaca to the Ralli brothers in Trieste, struck on obverse with "LARNACA DI CIPRO 2 / 9" despatch cds (Tranmer fig. 3) in the typical brownish black shade (date slug inverted), reverse with a small oval "TRIEST 10 / 9" arrival datestamp in red, typical for mail from Cyprus and Alexandria in the years 1867/68, rated with '10 / 10' (kreuzer) in blue crayon. A superb and fresh item.rnProvenance: Spink, London, Dec 2008, lot 665.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 180 CHFLosnr. : 2633 Österreich. Levante
Cyprus 1865 (June): Large part cover from Larnaca to Torino, endorsed "via Trieste", bearing 1863 Arms 3 s. green and 5 s. rose perf. 14 in combination with 1864 15 s. brown perf. 9½, three fine and fresh examples with good embossing and perforation, tied by "LARNACA DI CIPRO .. / 6" cds (Tranmer fig. 3) in black, "P.D." in blue and framed "PIROSCAFI POSTALI ITALIANI" in black alongside, reverse with indistinct transit cds's of SMIRNE and BRINDISI as well as part arrival cds of TORINO. Lower part of cover is missing, nevertheless a rare and desirable three-colour two-issue franking paying correctly the pre-1866 rate of 20 soldi for the Lloyd and 8 soldi / 20 centesimi for Italy. A highly desirable item with a late usage of the 1863 issue, signed Raybaudi; certs. E. Diena (1991), Goller (2023).rnProvenance: Hassan Shaida collection; Spink, London, Dec 2008, lot 660.rnNote: Interesting routing: Endorsed via Trieste and franked accordingly, however presumably in Corfu re-routed on an Italian vessel and travelling via Brindisi and Italian railways to its destination.Ausruf : 600 CHFZuschlag : 1.200 CHFLosnr. : 2634 Österreich. Levante
Cyprus 1864 (July 26): Entire letter from Larnaca to the Imperial Ottoman Bank in Constantinople, bearing 1863 Arms 10 s. blue perf. 14, a fine single example with good embossing and perforation, strongly decentered showing parts of two neigbouring adhesives, cancelled by straight-line "LARNACA / 26. JUL." datestamp (Tranmer fig. 1) in black, reverse with indistinct Lloyd agency Constantinople arrival cds. Two vertical file folds well away from the adhesive, just mentioned for accuracy, a rare and early franking with the Arms issues introduced on June 1st, 1864 in the Larnaca P.O., the single franking paying correctly the 10 soldi port-to-port rate. A highly desirable item, certs. E. Diena (1991), Goller (2022).rnProvenance: Hassan Shaida collection; Spink, London, Dec 2008, lot 658.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 3.000 CHFLosnr. : 2635 Österreich. Levante
Cyprus 1866 (April 2): Cover from Larnaca to Syros bearing 1864 Arms 5 s. rose and 15 s. brown perf. 9½, two single examples with good perforation, the 5 s. adhesive with minor tear at top and light bend when glued to the cover, both tied by oily "LARNACA DI CIPRO 2 / 4" cds (Tranmer fig. 3) in the typical brownish black. Upon arrival charged with '20' lepta in blue crayon, taxed with Large Hermes Head 20 l. blue, fair to large margins all round, tied by SYROS cds (March 27, julian). Reverse with Austrian SMIRNE transit cds and another strike of the SYROS arrival cds. Some wear, but a most interesting and desirable partial prepayment combination cover of Arms adhesives used in Larnaca with an additional Greek adhesive, cert. Goller (2023).rnProvenance: Spink, London, Dec 2008, lot 661.Ausruf : 3.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2636 Österreich. Levante
Cyprus 1868 (Dec 23): Envelope from Larnaca to Lons-le-Saunier, Jura, bearing 1864 Arms 15 s. brown perf. 9½ in combination with 1867 Coarse whiskers 25 s. grey-lilac, two fresh examples with good perforation, the Arms adhesive with minor irregularities at right, tied by "LARNACA DI CIPRO 23 / 12" cds (Tranmer fig. 3) in the typical brownish black, "P.D." in brownish red and French "AUTRICHE - LANSLEBOURG AMB 2 JANV. 69" entry cds in red alongside, reverse with Bureau de Passage '1307' and LONS-LE-SAUNIER arrival (Jan 3, 69) cds's. An attractive combination cover, the 40 soldi franking paying correctly the 1857 rate to France with 15 soldi for the Lloyd and 25 soldi for France. Certs. E. Diena (1991), Goller (2023) Ferchenbauer = € 5'000.rnProvenance: Hassan Shaida collection; Spink, London, Dec 2008, lot 672.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 2.200 CHFLosnr. : 2637 Österreich. Levante
Cyprus 1875 (Nov 17): Entire letter from Larnaca to Trieste, bearing 1867 Coarse whiskers 2 s. orange, 3 s. light green and 5 s. red, three overall fresh and fine single examples, tied by "LARNACA DI CIPRO 17 / 11" despatch cds (Tranmer fig. 3) in black, reverse with oval "TRIEST 26 / 11 / 75" arrival datestamp, the entire erroneously rated with '20' (kreuzer) in blue crayon, later on crossed out. Horizontal file fold touching the lower peforation of the 3 soldi adhesive, just mentioned for accuracy, a rare and most attractive three-colour franking paying correctly the newly established 10 soldi GPU rate. Cert. Ferchenbauer (1990).rnProvenance: Spink, London, Dec 2008, lot 686.Ausruf : 5.000 CHFZuschlag : 7.000 CHFLosnr. : 2638 Österreich. Levante
Cyprus 1873 (Aug 27): Envelope from Larnaca to Milano, bearing 1867 Coarse whiskers 3 s. dark green, 5 s. rose and 15 s. light brown, all in horizontal or vertical pairs, fine and fresh multiples with good perforation, tied by "LARNACA DI CIPRO 27 / 8" cds (Tranmer fig. 3) in the typical brownish black, "P.D." in black alongside, reverse with SMIRNE and BRINDISI transit cds's as well as part strike of MILANO arrival cds. Sideflaps missing and seals cut out, lightest vertical file fold between two pairs, nevertheless a most attractive double rate 46 soldi franking paying correctly twice 15 soldi for the Lloyd and twice 8 soldi for Italy. Certs. E. Diena (1991), Goller (2023).rnProvenance: Hassan Shaida collection; Spink, London, Dec 2008, lot 671.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 3.400 CHFLosnr. : 2639 Österreich. Levante
Cyprus 1870 (Aug 30): Entire letter from Larnaca to Genova, bearing 1867 Coarse whiskers 3 s. green and 25 s. brown-violet, two overall fresh and fine examples with good perforation, some perf. toning, tied by "LARNACA DI CIPRO 30 / 8" cds (Tranmer fig. 3) in the typical brownish black, reverse with "LLOYD AGENZE SMIRNE" and BRINDISI transit as well as GENOVA arrival (Sept 9) cds's. An appealing Italy entire, cert. Goller (2023) Ferchenbauer = € 1'250.rnProvenance: Spink, London, Dec 2008, lot 675.rnNote: Late use of the old pre-1867 Italy rate with 20 soldi for the Lloyd and 8 soldi for Italy. It had been reduced to 25 soldi for covers via Varna and Vienna already in 1867 to 25 soldi and was further reduced in 1872 to 23 soldi independent on the routing.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2640 Österreich. Levante
Cyprus 1874 (Sept 22): Entire letter from Larnaca to Metelino, bearing 1867 Coarse whiskers 5 s. dark red in a horizontal strip of four, a fresh and fine multiple in a deep vibrant shade with good perforation, tied by "LARNACA DI CIPRO 22 / 9" cds (Tranmer fig. 3) in the typical brownish black, reverse with "LLOYD AGENZIE SMIRNE 25 / 9" transit cds. An attractive double rate port-to-port item. Cert. Goller (2023) Ferchenbauer = € 1'200.rnProvenance: Spink, London, Dec 2008, lot 685.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2641 Österreich. Levante
Cyprus 1870ca (Sept 24): Envelope from Larnaca to a lawyer at the Greek Embassy in Constantinople, bearing 1867 Coarse whiskers 5 s. lilac-red and 15 s. brown, two fresh and fine examples with good perforation, tied by "LARNACA DI CIPRO 24 / 9" cds (Tranmer fig. 3) in the typical brownish black, reverse with indistinct CONSTANTINOPEL arrival cds. Roughly opened on reverse, an appealing double rate port-to-port item. Cert. Goller (2023).rnProvenance: Spink, London, Dec 2008, lot 688.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 2642 Österreich. Levante
Cyprus 1871 (Dec 2): Envelope from Larnaca to Alexandria, Egypt, bearing 1867 Coarse whiskers 10 s. blue in a horizontal pair, an overall fine and fresh multiple with good perforation, tied by "LARNACA DI CIPRO 2 / 12" cds (Tranmer fig. 3) in the typical brownish black, reverse with thimble "ALEXANDRIEN 7 / 12 71" arrival cds. Light horizontal file fold well away from the franking, cover with some patina, nevertheless an interesting double port-to-port rate cover. rnProvenance: Hassan Shaida collection; Spink, London, Dec 2008, lot 676.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 280 CHFLosnr. : 2643 Österreich. Levante
Cyprus 1874 (June 11): Cover from Larnaca to Syros bearing 1867 Coarse whiskers 10 s. blue, a fine and fresh example with good perforation, tied by "LARNACA DI CIPRO 11 / 6" cds (Tranmer fig. 3) in the typical brownish black. Upon arrival charged with '20' lepta in red crayon, taxed with Large Hermes Head 20 l. blue, fair to large margins all round, crossed by file fold, tied by '67' numeral lozenge of Syros. Reverse with Austrian SMIRNE transit and indistinct SYROS arrival cds's. An appealing partial prepayment combination cover from Larnaca, certs. E. Diena (1992), Goller (2023).rnProvenance: Hassan Shaida collection; Spink, London, Dec 2008, lot 684.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2644 Österreich. Levante
Cyprus 1872 (Jan 19): Cover from Larnaca to Syra bearing 1867 Coarse whiskers 10 s. blue, a fine and fresh example with good perforation, tied by "LARNACA DI CIPRO 19 / 1" cds (Tranmer fig. 3) in the typical brownish black. Upon arrival charged with '20' lepta in red crayon, taxed with Large Hermes Head 5 l. green in a horizontal pair and 10 l. orange, overall fine and fresh adhesives with fair to enormous margins incl. parts of neighbouring stamps, the 10 l. adhesive crossed by file fold, tied by SYROS arrival cds (Jan 17, 72, julian). Reverse with indistinct Austrian SMIRNE transit and SYROS arrival cds's. A most unusual franking on this attractive partial prepayment combination cover from Larnaca, cert. Goller (2023).rnProvenance: Henry W. Houser collection, RL Zürich (June 1992), lot 1199; Spink, London, Dec 2008, lot 677.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2645 Österreich. Levante
Cyprus 1873 (Oct 8): Entire letter from Larnaca to the Ralli brothers in Trieste, bearing 1867 Coarse whiskers 15 s. light brown in a vertical pair, a fresh and fine multiple with good perforation, tied by "LARNACA DI CIPRO 8 / 10" cds (Tranmer fig. 3) in the typical brownish black. Light file fold well away from the franking, an appealing double rate Lloyd cover, cert. Goller (2023).rnProvenance: Spink, London, Dec 2008, lot 681.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.400 CHFLosnr. : 2646 Österreich. Levante
Austrian P.O.'s in Cyprus: Selection of five used examples, two pairs and three pieces incl. 1864 perf. 9½ tied by straight line "LARNACA 13. DIC" datestamp (Tranmer fig. 1) in black to piece, ex Houser, the other adhesives tied / cancelled by circular "LARNACA DI CIPRO" datestamp (Tranmer fig. 3) in black or the typical brownish black on 1863 perf. 14 2 s. yellow, 1864 perf. 9½ 3 s. green, pair 5 s. rose, 10 s. blue, single adhesive and strip of four on piece, and 15 s. brown, also 1867 Coarse whiskers pair 5 s. red and 1874 fine whiskers pair 3 s. green on piece. An elusive selection.rnProvenance: Partially ex Houser; partially ex Spink, London, Dec 2008, lot 655.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 3.400 CHFLosnr. : 2647 Österreich. Levante
Bucharest 1864: Arms 10 s. blue, perf. 9½, a used horizontal pair tied to 1867 registered cover from Bucharest to Vienna by "BUKAREST / RECOMMANDIRT" oval datestamps (May 2) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 716) - this being the second day of use of these stamps in any of the 6 Post Offices operating under the auspices of the Hungarian P.O. in Romania - the stamps being applied so that one was on the reverse of the cover to comply with regulations on registered mail. An outstanding entire of great rarity.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 2.200 CHFLosnr. : 2648 Österreich. Levante
Galatz 1864: Arms 10 s. blue, perf. 9½, a used example with minor fault on 1867 bilingually addressed entire letter to Constantinople neatly tied by "GALLATZ" circular datestamp (May 10) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 743). Reverse with Lloyd Agency Constantinople arrival cds (May 14). Central file fold away from adhesive but a scarce early usage.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 360 CHFLosnr. : 2649 Österreich. Levante
Galatz 1864: Arms 10 s. blue and vertical pair of 15 s. brown, perf. 9½, used on 1867 cover from Galatz to Montpellier, France via Strasbourg endorsed "via Vienne and Paris"; with despatch cancellation "Galatz" hand-written above endorsement; the adhesives initially un-cancelled and tied in transit in Vienna with circular "1" obliterators in black. Reverse with Montpellier arrival (May 24). Rare and believed unique.Ausruf : 1.200 CHFZuschlag : 1.600 CHFLosnr. : 2650 Österreich. Levante
Bucharest 1867: Official cover from Bucharest to Debreczen, Hungary with "BUCAREST" circular datestamp (May 24) on despatch in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 714). Reverse with large part red wax seal mostly intact and "Debreczin" arrival cds (May 28) in black. Scarce.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 2651 Österreich. Levante
Bucharest 1864: Arms 10 s. blue, perf. 9½, a used example on 1867 entire letter to Vienna neatly tied by "BUCAREST" circular datestamp (May 29) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 714). Reverse with Fermo & Cohen wafer in blue and Vienna arrival (June 1). Choice entire.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2652 Österreich. Levante
Galatz 1864: Arms 10 s. blue, perf. 9½, a used example on 1867 entire letter to Trieste tied by "GALATZ" circular datestamp (June 7) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 744). Reverse with Vienna cds (June 11) and Triest arrival datestamp (June 13) in black.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 280 CHFLosnr. : 2653 Österreich. Levante
Galatz 1864: Arms 15 s. brown, perf. 9½, two overlapping used examples on 1867 cover to Corfu, Ionian Islands endorsed "Via Cospoli" tied by "GALLATZ" circular datestamp (June 14) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 743). Paid as far as the border and, on arrival charged with three margin 1862/67 20 l. deep blue on bluish, crossed by file fold, tied by "Kerkyra" cds (June 13j). Rare.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 1.300 CHFLosnr. : 2654 Österreich. Levante
Bucharest 1867: Prepaid cover with complete contents to Hermannstadt (Nagyszeben), struck with straight line "FRANCO" and "BUCAREST" circular datestamp (June 20) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 714). Crossed to denote prepayment (of 10 soldi, noted on reverse) with Hermannstadt arrival cds (June 22) alongside. Small imperfections but a scarce usage - the new 1867 "soldi" issue did not arrive at the Romanian Post Offices until July 1867.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 1.000 CHFLosnr. : 2655 Österreich. Levante
Galatz 1867: 10 s. blue, a single example used on bilingually addressed 1867 entire letter to Constantinople tied by "GALLATZ" cds (July 4) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 743) - the earliest recorded usage with the new issue in Romania - with reverse showing Constantinople Lloyd Agency arrival (July 7) cds in black. A rarity.Ausruf : 1.200 CHFZuschlag : 1.600 CHFLosnr. : 2656 Österreich. Levante
Bucharest 1867: 15 s. brown, a used horizontal pair on large part registered Coach Mail / Parcel Delivery piece, tied by "BUKAREST / RECEOMMANDIRT" oval datestamp (July 5) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 716) with gothic "Bucarest." green label similarly tied alongside and by "Wien / Recommandirt" oval arrival (July 9). Believed unique - an extremely rare piece.rnProvenance: Edwin Müller, Mercury, New York, 1955.Ausruf : 850 CHFZuschlag : 850 CHFLosnr. : 2657 Österreich. Levante
Bucharest 1867: Unpaid entire letter at single rate to Bordeaux via Strasbourg struck with "BUCAREST" circular datestamp (July 10) in black (Tchilinghiirian fig. 714). Reverse with Vienna cds (July 13), rated '10' décimes handstruck due in black upon arrival.Ausruf : 75 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2658 Österreich. Levante
Bucharest 1867: 10 s. blue, a horizontal strip of four used on 1867 single rate cover to Paris via Strasbourg tied by "BUCAREST" circular datestamps (Sept 15) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 714) with "A / PD" alongside in red. Reverse with Vienna cds (Sept 19) and Paris arrival (Sept 22). Minor aging and two pinholes away from adhesives but a most attractive cover. Signed G. Lamy.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 700 CHFLosnr. : 2659 Österreich. Levante
Bucharest 1867: 2 s. yellow, a used horizontal pair and 3 s. green, two examples used on 1867 single rate cover to Pozsony, Hungary with each pair tied by neat "BUCAREST" circular datestamps (Oct 11) in black. Reverse with Pozsony arrival cds (Oct 16) in black. A charming and scarce make-up for the 10 soldi rate.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 5.000 CHFLosnr. : 2660 Österreich. Levante
Bucharest 1867: 15 s. brown, a single example used on 1867 entire letter to Constantinople tied by neat "BUCAREST" circular datestamp (Oct 18) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 714). Reverse with Austrian P.O. Constantiople arrival cds (Oct 22) in black. A fresh and fine entire.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 1.000 CHFLosnr. : 2661 Österreich. Levante
Bucharest 1867: 10 s. blue, a horizontal pair and 15 s. brown in two horizontal pairs used on 1868 double rate cover to Paris via Strasbourg all tied by "BUCAREST" circular datestamps (Jan 22) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 714) with "A / PD" alongside in black. Manuscript '2' (double) at left, reverse with Vienna transit (Jan 28) and Paris arrival (Jan 31). Small imperfections but a rare cover.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 2.800 CHFLosnr. : 2662 Österreich. Levante
Bucharest 1867: 10 s. blue and 15 s. brown, used examples on 1868 single rate cover to Altstätten, Switzerland endorsed "via Wien", tied by "BUCAREST" circular datestamp (Feb 18) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 714). Reverse with Vienna cds (Feb 24), Rheineck cds (Feb 25) and Altstetten arrival cds (Feb 26) all in black. A rare cover - rate was 20 soldi to the Swiss border plus 5 soldi for inland delivery. Closed tear in face panel not detracting from the rarity and appearance of a scarce cover.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 2663 Österreich. Levante
Bucharest 1867: 10 s. blue, used examples (2, one on reverse) on 1868 registered cover to Berlin, Prussia tied by "BUKAREST / RECOMMANDIRT" oval datestamp (March 24) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 716). Framed red "Recommandirt" and reverse with framed "Kandrzin / Oderberg" transit and Berlin arrival cds's (March 29-31) in blue, with three attempts at delivery. A very scarce usage, carried under the GAPU rate of 10 soldi for a single letter plus registration. Small imperfections but a rare usage to the German States.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 2.600 CHFLosnr. : 2664 Österreich. Levante
Bucharest 1868: Unpaid entire letter from Bucharest to Vienna struck with "BUCAREST" circular datestamp (March 31) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 714) and charged '15' kreuzer due upon delivery in blue manuscript. Reverse with Vienna arrival datestamps (April 4).Ausruf : 75 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2665 Österreich. Levante
Bucharest 1867: 10 s. blue, a horizontal pair used on 1868 registered cover to Vienna, originally folded so that one adhesive was on the obverse and the other, correctly, on the reverse, tied by "BUKAREST / RECOMMANDIRT" oval datestamps (March 31) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 716); docket number '151' at left in manuscript. An attractive and most unusual usage.rnNote: For a very similar cover from the same correspondence, see Dr. Anton & Elisabeth Jerger collection, Corinphila sale 140, 15-126 May 2004, lot 703.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 2666 Österreich. Levante
Bucharest 1867: 10 s. blue, a used example on 1868 cover to Vienna, tied by "BUCAREST" cds (April 29) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 714) with private framed "FRANCO" handstamp in blue of the Marmorosch Banking House. Pink wafer seal of sender and Vienna arrival cds (May 4) on reverse of an attractive cover.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2667 Österreich. Levante
Bucharest 1867: 5 s. red, a used horizontal pair on 1868 envelope to Vienna (Eskenazi correspondence), tied by "BUCAREST" circular datestamp (Aug 17) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 714). File fold away from adhesives, reverse with Vienna arrival (Aug 20) in black.Ausruf : 175 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 2668 Österreich. Levante
Bucharest 1867: 10 s. blue, three single examples used on 1868 registered double rate cover to Vienna, originally folded so that two adhesives were on the obverse and the other, correctly, on the reverse, all tied by "BUKAREST / RECOMMANDIRT" oval datestamps (Sept 7) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 716); docket number '370' at right. Unusually all three adhesives show evidence of being scissor separated vertically, the lower stamp being a pronounced example of same. An attractive and most unusual usage.Ausruf : 600 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 2669 Österreich. Levante
Bucharest 1867: 10 s. blue, a single example and 15 s. brown in a horizontal pair used on 1868 single rate entire letter to Paris via Strasbourg tied by "BUCAREST" circular datestamps (Sept 16) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 714) with "A / PD" alongside in red. Reverse with Vienna cds (Sept 20). Repaired cover tear and printed description at top.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 280 CHFLosnr. : 2670 Österreich. Levante
Bucharest 1867: 10 s. blue, two single examples and 15 s. brown (4, two singles and a horizontal pair, applied over edge of cover and thus with faults) used on 1868 double rate cover to Paris via Strasbourg tied by "BUCAREST" circular datestamps (Oct 1) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 714) with "A / PD" alongside in red. Readdressed from Paris to London upon arrival with 1862 40 c. orange, one with rounded corner, tied in black by Paris Stars and by "London / Paid" arrival cds in red. An extraordinary and scarce usage. Signed Calves.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 10.000 CHFLosnr. : 2671 Österreich. Levante
Bucharest 1867: 2 s. yellow, a used horizontal strip of three, on 1868 Printed Matter rate entire letter to Langnau, Switzerland tied by "BUCAREST" circular datestamp (Oct 9) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 714). Reverse with Vienna thimble cds (Oct 13), Burgdorf cds (Oct 14) and Langnau arrival cds (Oct 15) all in black. A magnificent and extremely rare cover, the sole Printed Matter rate cover with this franking to Switzerland recorded.Ausruf : 1.200 CHFZuschlag : 4.800 CHFLosnr. : 2672 Österreich. Levante
Bucharest 1867: 3 s. green and 15 s. brown in two horizontal pairs, used on 1868 registered single rate cover to Paris via Strasbourg, tied by "BUKAREST / RECOMMANDIRT" oval datestamps (Nov 18) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 716) with "A/P.D." in red and italic "Chargé". One 15 soldi pair originally folded over top of the envelope and some staining at top but a rare registered usage (postage 40 soldi, registration 23 soldi) and showing the obligatory five red wax seals on reverse.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 800 CHFLosnr. : 2673 Österreich. Levante
Bucharest 1867: 10 s. blue, two used examples on 1869 double rate entire letter to Vienna, one with corner fault, neatly tied by "BUCAREST" circular datestamp (Jan 30) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 714). Reverse with framed Vienna thimble arrival (Feb 3) in black. A very scarce rate.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2674 Österreich. Levante
Bucharest 1867: 10 s. blue, a single example used on 1869 mourning envelope to Lugos, Hungary tied by fair only "BUCAREST" circular datestamp (March 21) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 714). Reverse with part of flap missing and Temesvar cds (March 29) and Lugos arrival cds (March 30) in black.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2675 Österreich. Levante
Incoming Mail 1867: Austria 5 kr. red, single and horizontal pair, used on 1867 entire letter to Bucharest tied by Vienna cds's (Oct 4). Reverse with scarce "BUKAREST" circular datestamp (Oct 8) of arrival. Opens well for Exhibit display.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 2676 Österreich. Levante
Incoming Mail 1867: France Laureated 20 c. blue and 80 c. carmine, used on 1868 entire letter at double rate from Lyon to Bucharest, tied by 2145 gros chiffres in black with cds alongside (Jan 4). Reverse with Vienna and "BUCAREST" arrival cds. A somewhat surprisingly scarce destination at this date.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 1.700 CHFLosnr. : 2677 Österreich. Levante
Incoming Mail 1868: Unpaid entire letter from Manchester to Bucharest endorsed "via Belgium & Vienna" with "Manchester" cds of despatch (Aug 13), struck in Aachen with fine "35" rate marking for amount due (35 kr.) in blue (Van der Linden fig. 3187). Reverse with London cds in red, "Aus England / Per Aachen" in blue (Aug 15), Vienna cds and "BUKAREST" arrival cds (Aug 20) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 713). Scarce.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 360 CHFLosnr. : 2678 Österreich. Levante
Galatz 1867: Unpaid cover, second sheet of entire letter, to Corfu, Ionian Islands struck with "GALATZ" circular datestamp (July 23) on despatch in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 744), rated "20/10" (Lloyd+Austrian postage) in blue crayon and taxed upon arrival at 110 lepta with 1862/67 10 l. orange on blued single and pair and 80 l. carmine tied by "Kerkyra" cds's (July 22j). One adhesive with file fold and another defective as placed around edge of cover but nevertheless very rare.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 2679 Österreich. Levante
Galatz 1867 (Aug 2): Unpaid entire letter written from Constantinople, mailed to the Austrian Consul in Tulcha, Dobrudja from Galatz with "GALATZ" despatch circular datestamp (Aug 6) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 744). Reverse with fine strike of scarce "TULCHA" datestamp of arrival (Aug 9) in black (fig. 837) and charged '10' soldi due to pay. Opens well for display, rare.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 550 CHFLosnr. : 2680 Österreich. Levante
Galatz 1867: 2 s. yellow, two singlke examples and 3 s. green in a horizontal pair used on 1867 bilingually addressed entire letter to Constantinople tied by neat "GALLATZ" circular datestamp (Oct 10) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 743). Reverse with Austrian Lloyd P.O. in Constantinople arrival cds (Oct 16) in black. File folds but an attractive and extremely rare entire.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 6.500 CHFLosnr. : 2681 Österreich. Levante
Galatz 1867: 10 s. blue, a single example used on 1867 bilingually addressed entire letter to Constantinople tied by neat "GALATZ" circular datestamp (Oct 24) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 744). Reverse with Austrian Lloyd P.O. in Constantiople arrival cds (Oct 28) in black. File folds but an attractive and scarce cover.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 380 CHFLosnr. : 2682 Österreich. Levante
Losnr. : 2683 Österreich. Levante
Galatz 1867: 10 s. blue, a single example and a horizontal strip of three used on 1868 single rate cover to Bordeaux via Strasbourg tied by "GALLATZ" circular datestamps (Feb 22) in black (Tchilinghiirian fig. 743) with "A / PD" alongside in black. Reverse with Vienna cds (March 1) and Bordeaux arrival (March 4). One flap excised but an attractive and scarce franking.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 850 CHFLosnr. : 2684 Österreich. Levante
Galatz 1867: 3 s. green (2) and 10 s. blue in two horizontal pairs, used on 1868 double rate cover to Genova, cancelled b manuscript despatch "Galatz" and by pen crosses on adhesives, further tied in transit by three ringed "1" handstamps in Vienna and by "P.D." in red. Reverse with Vienna cds (April 28), Verona cds (April 30) and Genova arrival (May 1). Minor soiling but an extremely rare and most attractive cover.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 3.200 CHFLosnr. : 2685 Österreich. Levante
Losnr. : 2686 Österreich. Levante
Galatz 1868: Cover from Galatz to St. Petersburg, Russia endorsed "via Vienne" at top, addressed to Baron General Jomini (1799-1869), care of the Minister of Foreign Affairs via Madame Onou; struck with three line dated "GALATZ" circular datestamp (July 30) on despatch in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 745). Reverse with St. Petersburg cds (July 26g) and two Paid datestamps (July 27g), thence readdressed to the Tsar's summer residence at Tsarskoe Selo where charged 2 kopeks for the local delivery only. A very rare cover.rnProvenance: Corinphila sale 155, Zurich, 16 Oct 2008, lot 2417.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 1.400 CHFLosnr. : 2687 Österreich. Levante
Galatz 1867: Single 3 s. green and 10 s. blue in a horizontal pair, used on 1868 single rate cover to Genova, with manuscript despatch "Galatz" at left of adhesives, tied by three ringed "1" handstamps in transit in Vienna. Red "P.D." below and reverse with Verona cds (Aug 2), Milano Station cds (Aug 3). An extremely rare and most attractive example of the Lloyd 23 soldi rate for under 15 grams. Signed E. Müller.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 3.600 CHFLosnr. : 2688 Österreich. Levante
Galatz 1868: Official entire letter from Galatz to Burgas, Bulgaria with Austrian Consular cachet in Galatz in blue and struck with three line dated "GALATZ" circular datestamp (Christmas Day) on despatch in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 745). Reverse with further Consular cachet in blue applied as seal and "Constantinopel" cds of Austrian P.O. in black (Jan 6, 1869). A fine and rare usage.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 340 CHFLosnr. : 2689 Österreich. Levante
Galatz 1867: 10 s. blue, two examples, one with contemporary fault at base, used on 1869 cover from Galatz to Corfu, Ionian Islands endorsed "via Trieste", tied by three line dated "GALATZ" circular datestamp (Jan 15) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 745). Underpaid 10 soldi on despatch and "AFF. INSUFF" applied in black with "15" in blue manuscript. "41" (lepta) in red crayon and overlapped 1867/68 1 l. brown and 40 l. lilac on blued applied and tied by "Kerkyra" cds's (Jan 14j) in black. Faults but an exceedingly rare usage. Signed Holcombe.rnProvenance: Collection "Akropolois", Corinphila sale 75, Zurich, 24 March 1987, lot 3484.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 1.700 CHFLosnr. : 2690 Österreich. Levante
Galatz 1867: 2 s. yellow, a used horizontal pair and a horizontal strip of three, on 1869 entire letter to Vienna (fine address: Praterstrasse no. 5 vis-a-vis Café Stierbisek) paying the single rate, tied by crisp strikes of three line dated "GALATZ" cds (March 27) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 745 - a very short period of use). The entire mailed just four days before the closing of the Hungarian Post Office in Galatz. The sole recorded cover with this rare and most attractive franking.Ausruf : 3.500 CHFZuschlag : 6.500 CHFLosnr. : 2691 Österreich. Levante
Giurgevo 1868: Unpaid entire letter from Giurgevo to Curzola, Dalmatia struck on despatch with "GIURGEVO" circular datestamp (Oct 2) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 748). Reverse with 'Pest' transit (Oct 6), Zara cds (Oct 10) and Curzola arrival cds (Oct 12) all in black and charged '15' soldi due upon receipt in blue crayon. Scarce and most attractive entire.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 240 CHF
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