The Ing. Provera Collection (part VI)
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Lot# : 6301 Naples
Province Napoletane 1861: 20 gr. giallo, a fine and fresh example with fair to large margins, fine and fresh, well embossed, tied by thimble "NAPOLI AL PORTO 2 LUG 1861" despatch cds, information strike, framed "P.D." handstamp and French "ITALIE 15 JUIN 62 MENTON" entry cds in red alongside, on entire letter to Nizza. Reverse with GENOVA and VENTIMIGLIA transit cds's. File folds well away from the franking, some acid ink, nevertheless an appealing double rate overland usage, paying correctly twice the rate of 10 grana / 50 centesimi to France. Signed A. Diena, Bolaffi & Colla; cert. E. Diena (1986) Sassone = € 27'500.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 2,600 CHFLot# : 6302 Naples
1858/61: Selection 28 covers/entires and one piece with a wide range of frankings paying primarily the 2 grana office to office rate, but also double rate covers, lot of shade interest, cancellation interest with boxed ANNULATO in blue, ANNULATO 'a svollazo' cancellations on twelve items, VASTO cds cancellation (11 punti), the lot showing in addition different cancellations on the cover incl. oval despatch handstamps in red, black, or blue from Cosenza, "Gioja di Cal.", Prignano, Solmona, Cittaducale, Manfredonia as well as circular datestamps primarily in red or black from ROSSANO, AQUILA, CAMPOBASSO, COSENZA, MATTERA in blue, GALLIPOLI, REGGIO, ROTONDA, BARLETTA, LECCE, AGNONE, and BARI. Also four covers with higher frankings to Napoli incl. 5 gr. single and 5+2 gr. frankings from Gallipoli, 5+2+1 and 5+2+2 frankings from Taranto. A fine and fresh lot, the strikes in overall appealing quality, one certificate.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 2,800 CHFLot# : 6303 Naples
1858/61: Selection 29 covers/entires and a strip of three 2 grana, the covers with a wide range of frankings paying primarily the 2 grana office to office rate, on one cover presented by two slightly oxidized pairs of ½ grano, but also double rate covers, a late taxed usage in May 1862, lot of shade interest, cancellation interest with boxed ANNULATO in blue, ANNULATO 'a svollazo' cancellations on nine items, ALTRAMURA and SALERNO cds cancellations (each 9 punti), the lot showing in addition different cancellations on the cover incl. oval despatch handstamps in red, black, or blue from Bisceglie, Sala, Gerace, Rosarno, Postoglione, and Castrovillari as well as circular datestamps primarily in red or black from CHIETI, BISCEGLIE, OTRANTO, CATANZARO, BARLETTA, CAMPOBASSO, BARI, NAPOLI, ROSSANO, and TARANTO. Also four covers with higher frankings incl. 5 gr. single franking to Roma with '8' baj. due, 5+2 gr. frankings from Rossano to Napoli & Brindisi to Trieste, and 10gr. single franking on registered 1858 cover Rossano to Napoli. A fine and fresh lot, the strikes in overall appealing quality, five certificates.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 3,000 CHFLot# : 6304 Naples
Province Napoletane 1861/62: Selection 26 covers/entires with a wide range of frankings incl. ½ t. on three printed matter items, one from Torre del Greco (8 punti), pairs 1 gr. on three covers from Lecce with 'a svolazzo' cancellation, from Monopoli and Rossano, 15 covers with 2 gr. frankings, incl. three covers with two adhesives, incl. one adhesive with 'doppio filetto in alto' and a double franking to defraud the postal administration, also five covers with single 5 gr. frankings, one overfranked double rate cover to Napoli, one to the Papal States, two to Italy and one to Veneto in the rare lilac shade. A very interesting lot full of postal history content, also with shade and postmark interest, nearly all competently signed, one certificate.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 1,700 CHFLot# : 6305 Parma
1852 (June): 5 c. giallo in mixed franking with 1857/59 25 c. 'bruno lilla', two fresh and fine examples with fair to large margins, tied by clear "FIORENZUOLA 22 SETT. 1858" despatch datestamp, framed "P.D" alongside on envelope to Genova. Reverse with indistinct arrival cds and distribution cachet. Two cover's corners stabilized, nevertheless a most attractive usage, the franking paying the single 30 c. rate in the tariff of March 1855 up to the receiver. Signed A. Diena & Grioni; cert. E. Diena (1980) Sassone = € 9'500.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 6306 Parma
1857 (July 9): Unpaid Entire letter from Roveredo, Tirol to Colorno, Ducato di Parma and taxed upon arrival. The entire refolded and resend to Roveredo, franked with Parma 1852 (June) 10 c. bianco and 15 c. 'rosa chiaro', two fine and fresh examples with good to enormous margins incl. parts of one neighbouring adhesive, tied together by clear straight-line "COLORNO 11 AGOSTO" (1857) datestamp (Sassone PR = 8 punti). Reverse with CASALMAGGIORE transit (Aug 11) cds and indistinct arrival datestamp. Filing folds and some edge wear due to the refolding, nevertheless a most appealing entire full of postal history in the second rayon of the LEGA, correctly paid with 25 centesimi. Cert. Vaccari (1991) Sassone = € 2'100.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 6307 Parma
1852 (June): 15 c. 'rosa chiaro', showing nearly white background, two fine and fresh examples with fair to huge margins, cancelled together by light three-line "PARMA 13 AGO." (1852) datestamp on cover to Faenza, Stato Pontificio, reverse with arrival cds of the following day. Horizontal file folds well away from the franking, the cover stabilized from the inner side, nevertheless an appealing cover with the franking paying the rate until the border to the Papal States prior to the validation of the LEGA treaty in October 1852. The receiver had to pay '3' bajocchi for the part of the journey within the Papal States. Signed Raybaudi; cert. Colla (1994).Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 6308 Parma
1852 (June): Selection five entires/covers with single frankings of 15 c. rose, fair to huge margins, used between 1852 and 1857, tied by cds's of Parma, Piacenza, and Fiorenzuola as well as three-line datestamp of Parma, four covers directed within the first rayon within the Ducato di Parma, the 1857 cover directed to to Casalmaggiore in Lombardo-Veneto. In addition a prephilatelic entire letter sent 1805 (Oct 10) to Parma struck by perfect "BORGO / SAN DOMINO" handstamp in black.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 6309 Parma
1852 (June): 40 c. 'azzuro chiaro' showing 'greca larga' at right, a fresh and fine adhesive with good to enormous margins with parts of a neighbouring stamp, tied by straight-line "PARMA 4 LUGLIO" (1854) despatch datestamp, on entire letter to Vienna. Reverse with indistinct WIEN arrival cds. File folds well away from the franking, nevertheless an appealing usage with the 40 c. rate of the third LEGA rayon. Certs. Raybaudi (1984), E. Diena (1984) Sassone = € 7'250.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 6310 Parma
1853/55: 5 c. 'giallo arancio' in a vertical strip of three, the middle stamp with a prominent print flaw at left, a fresh and fine multiple with fair to large margins from the lower sheet margin, the lower stamp left uncancelled, the two upper adhesives lightly cancelled by "BORGOTARO 1 SETT. 1854" despatch cds, on cover to Parma. Reverse with arrival datestamp of the following day. Attractive usage, the franking paying the 15 c. inland rate. Signed Em. Diena & Grioni; cert. E. Diena (1983) Sassone = € 10'500.rnProvenance: Collection Renato Mondolfo.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 6311 Parma
1853/55: 15 c. vermiglio, a fresh and fine example with fair to large margins, lightly tied by three-line "PARMA 11 GIUGNO" (1855) despatch datestamp, on cover to Pontremoli, Toscana. Attractive usage, the franking paying the 15 c. rate in the first rayon of the LEGA. Sassone = € 1'050.rnProvenance: Collection Renato Mondolfo.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 6312 Parma
1857/59: 25 c. vermiglio in a horizontal pair, a fine and fresh multiple with large to enormous margins including parts of a neighbouring stamp, cancelled centrally by Parma lozenge, "PARMA 9 LUGL. 59" despatch cds and framed "P.D" alongside, on cover to Genova. Reverse with GENOVA arrival (July 11) cds. Filing folds well away from the attractive franking paying correctly the 30 c. rate to Sardinia following the postal treaty of March 1855 which was valid also in the first period of the Governo Provvisorio up to 14. July 1859. A cover full of postal history. Signed R. Mondolfo; certs. A. Diena (1967), E. Diena (1983) Sassone = € 4'500.rnProvenance: Collection Renato Mondolfo.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 6313 Parma
1857/59: 40 c. azzuro showing retouche of the '40' in the value tablet in pos. 64 of the sheet, a superb multiple with good to large margins, tied by light "PARMA 14 LUGL. 58" despatch cds on cover to Napoli. Obverse struck by Napoli control handstamp in red, reverse with "Transito / per lo Stato Pontificio" handstamp and NAPOLI arrival (July 21) cds in red. Some glue toning around the adhesive and filing folds well away from the franking paying correctly the 40 c. rate of the LEGA postal convention up to the Napolitan border. The receiver had to pay '10' grana due for the rest of the journey. A desirable item for a most advanced collection of Parma. Signed A. Diena & Mondolfo; cert. E. Diena (1990) Sassone = € 55'000.rnNote: In position 64 of the 40 centesimi sheet a '15 CENT' stereotype was included which was modified thereafter resulting in a slightly different form of the '40' in comparision to the 71 other positions of the sheet.rnProvenance: Collection Renato Mondolfo.Starting bid : 3,000 CHFHammer price : 3,400 CHFLot# : 6314 Parma
Governo Provvisorio 1859: Group two 1859/60 covers bearing single frankings of 20 c. azzuro, fresh and fine adhesives with good to huge margins, tied by PARMA despatch cds's, both covers directed to Piacenza. Reverse with matching arrival datestamps. An appealing ensemble, the adhesives paying the 20 c. rate in the 'Sardinian tariff' of June 1859. One cover signed E. Diena Sassone = € 6'000.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 380 CHFLot# : 6315 Parma
Governo Provvisorio 1859: 40 c. vermiglio showing large '0' from position 45 of the second sheet composition, a fresh and fine single adhesive with large to huge margins, tied by light "PARMA 29 GENN 60" despatch cds, on first page of entire letter to Milano. Reverse with MILANO arrival cds of the following day. An appealing cover paying the 40 c. double rate in the 'Sardinian tariff' of June 1859 to Sardinia or Lombardy. The much sought after 40 centesimi adhesive with the large '0' is one of the rarest stamps of the old Italian states, here correctly used on a most desirable cover. Signed Köhler, Em. Diena & R. Mondolfo; certs. A. Diena (1971), E. Diena (1984) Sassone = € 137'500.rnNote: The '0' grasso type is present on seven positions of the first and six positions of the second sheet composition.Starting bid : 7,500 CHFHammer price : 11,000 CHFLot# : 6316 Parma
Adhesives of Italy used in the former Ducato di Parma, 1865 (Aug 13): Cover from Castelano to Parma, bearing Italy 1865 (Jan 1) De La Rue 20 on 15 c. 'azzuro celeste', type I, a fine and fresh adhesive, tied by light double-circle CASTELANO cds (Sassone PR = 13 punti), reverse with indistinct arrival cds. An extremely rare usage from this small post office, opened in 1861, from which only few covers are known. Sassone = € 9'000.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 6317 Papal state
1852 (Jan): ½ baj. 'grigio azzuro', a fresh vertical pair with interspazio, with fair to large margins, tied by mute obliterator to reverse of 1853 cover to Cerveteri, obverse struck by straight-line CIVITACECCHIA in black. Appealing multiple to pay the 1 bajoccho rate within the same postal district. Signed E. Diena & Oliva Sassone = € 3'250.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 6318 Papal state
1852 (Jan): 1/2 baj. in the rare shade 'grigio lilla', a horizontal pair in combination with 5 baj. 'rosa carminio', fine and fresh examples in deep shades, tied by two clear strikes of grill obliterator to 1861 cover to Roma. Reverse with light straight-line NALMONTONE despatch handstamp in red and part "ROMA 6 MAR. 55" arrival cds in black. An attractive franking paying the triple office to office rate, signed Grioni & E. Diena with shade indication.Sassone = € 4'075.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 6319 Papal state
1852 (Jan): 1 baj. 'verde grigiastro' in a horizontal strip of four, 4 baj. 'bruno rosaceo chiaro' in a marginal pair in combination with two single adhesives of 7 baj. azzuro, overall fine and fresh adhesives, cancelled / tied by four strikes the grill obliterator, light straight-line MONTEFIASCONE despatch handstamp in black alongside, on cover to Roma, internally dated January 31, 1858. Reverse with indistinct ROMA arrival cds in red. A spectacular 26 bajocchi combination to pay a ninth weight rate letter, a stunning three-colour inland item. Cert. Raybaudi (1984) Sassone = € 3'500.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 6320 Papal state
1852 (Jan): 3 baj. 'bruno rosaceo chiaro' on thick 1863 issue paper, a fresh superb example with all eight frame lines 'otto filetti', tied by grill mute obliterator to 1863 cover from Rome to Viterbo, obverse struck by ROMA despatch (March 30) cds in black. Reverse with VITERBO arrival cds of the following day. Attractive adhesive, signed A. Diena; cert. Sorani (1993) Sassone = € 3'250.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 6321 Papal state
1852 (Jan): 5 baj. 'rosa chiaro' in a horizontal strip of four in combination with 2 baj. 'verde giallastro', an adhesive showing the typical flaws from pos. 1 of the sheet, fine and fresh adhesives, cancelled / tied by four strikes of the grill obliterator, three adhesives in addition by straight-line VELLETRI handstamp, on 1859 cover to Napoli. Obverse struck by oval "8 Franca" handstamp in red, reverse with indistinct NAPOLI arrival cds (May 12) in red. Horizontal file folds well away from the franking, two pre-use cuts in the strip's margin, nevertheless an interesting and appealing 22 bajocchi usage. Signed A. Diena; cert. Raybaudi (1993) Sassone = € 1'450+.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 160 CHFLot# : 6322 Papal state
Falso dell'epoca 1855/57: 8 baj. bianco, type II with fair to large margins all round, a fine and fresh falso, tied by grill obliterator, "BOLOGNA 8 FEB 56" despatch cds alongside on entire letter, directed to Milano. Reverse with arrival cds of the next day. An appealing item, the entire "correctly franked" with 8 baj. overland to Lombardo using the LEGA tariff. Signed Bolaffi; cert. Bottacchi (2002) Sassone = € 3'250.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 380 CHFLot# : 6323 Papal state
Francobolli frazionati 1852 (Jan): 3 baj. 'bruno grigiastro', a trisected adhesive, tied by crisp grill obliterator to reverse of cover from Bologna to Medicina with BOLOGNA despatch cds (Oct 25, 1858) on obverse. Correctly franked with 1 baj. for a letter within the same postal district, a fine usage. Cert. E. Diena (1983) Sassone = € 7'000.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 6324 Papal state
Francobolli frazionati 1852 (Jan): 4 baj. yellow, the lower left half of a superb diagonally bisected adhesive with all four possible frame lines complete, tied by light grill obliterator to reverse of 1860 cover from Camerino, indistinct despatch cds (April 21) on obverse. Part of address cut out and cover backed, nevertheless an elusive usage with the yellow shade. Cert. E. Diena (1990) Sassone = € 50'000.Starting bid : 3,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 6325 Papal state
Francobolli frazionati 1852 (Jan): 4 baj. 'bruno grigio chiaro', the upper half of a horizontally bisected adhesive with fair to good margins, tied by grill obliterator with "FERMO / 17 NOV 55" despatch cds alongside, on entire letter to Pausola. An attractive item, signed Sorani Sassone = € 4'000.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 6326 Papal state
Centesimi 1867 (Sept): 20 c. 'rosso bruno', a superb adhesive with vibrant colour, seven complete frame lines and sheet margin at top, tied by grill obliterator to envelope from Rome to Modena with "ROMA 1 OTT. 67" despatch cds alongside. Reverse with indistinct MODENA arrival datestamp in red. An attractive usage from the first day of the newly established postal treaty between the Papal States and the Kingdom of Italy, which had been interrupted since April 1859. In addition another comparably splendid franking to Genova from January 1868. Signed E. Diena; cert. Bottacchi (2001) Sassone = € 1'800.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 6327 Papal state
Centesimi 1868 (March): 2 c. 'verde giallo', a superb horizontal strip of five, the second and fourth adhesive without dot after "Cent", a multiple with vibrant colour and good perforation all round, tied by grill obliterator to cover from Ronciglione to Barbarano with "RONCIGLIONE 5 GEN 69" despatch cds struck to the cover and the fifth stamp. Reverse with indistinct arrival cds. An exceptional and most attractive office to office inland usage. Cert. A. Diena (1970), E. Diena (1988) Sassone = € 15'000+.Starting bid : 800 CHFHammer price : 1,150 CHFLot# : 6328 Papal state
1868 (March): 10 c. orange-vermillion, five single examples with vibrant colour and overall good perforation, tied upon arrival by French Gros Chiffres "2240" numeral, on cover from Civitavecchia to Marseille, posted directly on the vessel. Framed PD and French "E. - PONT 23 MAI 69 MARSEILLE" entry cds, both in red alongside. An interesting franking paying correctly the short lived 50 centesimi rate to France, being in force from 1869 until end of 1870. Signed A. Diena.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 4,000 CHFLot# : 6329 Papal state
Primo giorno di uso dell'annullatore italiano 1868 (March): 20 c. 'solferino', a fine and fresh example in a deep vibrant shade, tied by Sardinian-type 'bollo a rombi' obliterator, Bourbon-style "ROMA 28 SET. 70" despatch cds alongside, on cover to Acri, reverse with two transit and ACRI arrival (Oct 2) cds's. Correctly franked with a 20 c. Pontifical adhesive to pay the Italian inland rate, only eight days after Rome came under Italian rule. The adhesive was tied by a Sardinian obliterator, on its first day of use. An exceptionally interesting item full of postal history content. Signed Bargagli; certs. A. Diena (1970), E. Diena (1987) Sassone = € 1'800.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 380 CHFLot# : 6330 Papal state
1810/60: Selection twelve prephilatelic entire letters / covers incl. Regno d'Italia 1810 framed OSIMO to Foligno, 1817 framed PETRICOLO to Loreto, 1825 framed PERGOLA with adjacent administrative cachet to Cagli, 1827 straight-line VITERBO, 1830 CADAROLA to Roma, 1839 PALESTRINA ASSICURATA, 1845 oval "DIREZIONE DI LORETO", 1849 ACQUAPENDENTE ASSICURATA, 1849 circular BOLOGNA datestamp, REPUBBLICA ROMANA with 1849 ORVIETO, 1851 ASSICURATA CORNETO, and 1860 (Sept) postage free entire from the occupation of Umbria, sent from Terni.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 6331 Papal state
1852/67: Selection 48 entire letters / covers with a large diversity of frankings of the first Papal issue incl. pair ½ baj. on local cover, 1 baj. eight single frankings, one with 'otto filetti' and a pair, tied by straight line or grill obliterators, 2 baj. twelve single frankings, one from August 1867, the last possible month, two corner marginal, 3 baj. four single frankings, 4 baj. two single frankings, 5 baj. five single frankings and two pairs to Napoli and Firenze, one with interspazio sent on Jan 6, 1852, 6 baj. six single frankings, two margonal, 8 baj. single franking, and four two-colour frankings to pay the 5 & three times the 12 baj. rate. A group full of postal history content with shade and cancellation interest in an overall appealing quality, many knowledgeable signatures.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,400 CHFLot# : 6332 Romagna
Primo giorno di emissione 1859 (Sept): 2 baj. 'giallo arancio', a fresh and fine example with good to large margins all round, tied by mute grill obliterator with "FORLI 1 SET. 59" despatch cds alongside, on cover to Lugo. Reverse with FAENZA transit and LUGO arrival cds's, both from 2 September, 1859. An attractive usage on the day of issuance, correctly franked in the old Papal rate within neighbouring postal districts, a rate valid until end of October 1859. Certs. A. Diena (1968), E. Diena (1984) Sassone = € 140'000.rnNote: Sassone (2021) and Bolaffi (2011/12) list both only two known covers with a single 2 bajocchi franking from the first day.rnStarting bid : 8,000 CHFHammer price : 34,000 CHFLot# : 6333 Romagna
1859 (Sept): 2 baj. 'giallo arancio', two fresh and fine examples with good colour and large even margins all round, cancelled by Papal-style single-line CENTO handstamp, "22 NOV. 59 CENTO" despatch (Sassone FE = 6 punti) and BOLOGNA transit cds's alongside, on envelope to Mantova. Reverse with Austrian-style MANTOVA arrival (Nov 24) cds and distribution cachet. Upon arrival taxed with '5' (soldi) due. Light filing folds well away from the franking, an appealing cover with the franking paying the postage to the border with Veneto, the receiver had to pay the Austrian part of the journey. Signed Bolaffi Sassone = € 4'000 + 50% + 350.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 6334 Romagna
1859 (Sept): 3 baj. 'verde scuro', two fresh and fine examples with good colour and large margins all round, one example with sheet marginal at base, both tied by three light strikes of mute grill obliterator with "BOLOGNA 9 SET 59" despatch cds and administrative cachet of the 'Salt & Tobacco administration of the Romagna' in blue alongside, on cover to Cervia. Reverse with arrival datestamp of the following day. Light horizontal file fold not impairing the franking, an interesting presentation of the old pontifical 3 baj. double rate for mail between postal district which were not neighboured, in addition a usage just nine days after issuance of the adhesives. Certs. A. Diena (1971), G. Bolaffi (1983) Sassone = € 9'000.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 6335 Romagna
1859 (Sept): 5 baj. violetto, a fresh and fine single example with sheet margin at top, good colour and large margins all round, tied by light mute grill obliterator with "RIMINI 19 OTT 59" despatch cds and ASSICURATA handstamp in blue alongside, on cover to Faenza. Reverse with indistinct arrival cds. An exceptional usage of this sought after adhesive, still in the old Papal rate valid until the end of October 1859. Certs. Raybaudi (1991), E. Diena (1991) Sassone = € 7'000.rnProvenance: Collection 'Le Romagne'.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,900 CHFLot# : 6336 Romagna
1859 (Sept): 6 baj. 'verde giallo', a fresh and fine example with good colour and large margins all round, tied by mute grill obliterator with "BOLOGNA 8 GEN 60" despatch cds and administrative cachet of the 'Salt and Tobacco administration of the Romagna' in blue alongside, on entire letter directed to its branch in Ravenna. Reverse with arrival datestamp of the following day. A fresh and interesting entire of twice the 3 baj. rate for mail between postal district which were not neighboured, a most appealing franking with the rarest Romagna adhesive. Signed Mondolfo, Grioni & Golinelli; cert. E. Diena (1983) Sassone = € 160'000.rnReference: A similar cover from the same correspondence to the Faenza branch is displayed in Sassone 2021 on page 323.rnProvenance: Collection Renato Mondolfo.Starting bid : 10,000 CHFHammer price : 22,000 CHFLot# : 6337 Romagna
1859 (Oct 27): Two Decrees of the Governatore generale delle Romagne (approx. 40 x 55 cm), the first describing the unification of the postal rates in Sardegna, Toscana, Modena, Parma & Romagna defining the exchange rate from centesimi to bajocchi being 5 : 1. In addition it defines that the ½ baj. adhesive will be valued at two centesimi (instead of 2.5). The second decree gives the inland rates and the rates to the most important countries abroad. The lot includes two examples of the first decree.rnNote: The decrees are signed in print by Duke Leonetto Cipriani (1812 - 1888), he became Governatore in August 1859.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 6338 Romagna
Adhesives of the Papal States used in the Romagna, 1852: 2 baj. 'verde gillastro', fine and fresh, tied by mute grill obliterator with "FAENZA 24 LUG. 59" despach cds and AFFRANCATA handstamp in red alongside, on cover directed to Marradi, Tuscany, reverse with Lugo transit cds. An interesting item showing the old 2 baj. LEGA rate in the first rayon; between June 12 and August 31, Papal adhesives could be used in the Romagna. Cert. Colla (2022) Sassone = € 2'500.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 6339 Romagna
Adhesives of the Papal States used in the Romagna, 1852: 1 baj. 'verde grigiastro', fine and fresh with fair to large margins all round, tied by mute grill obliterator to reverse of cover directed to Minerbio, despatched by the Intendenza della provincia di Bologna, internally dated "24 Luglio 1859". Cover cut along the edges and reglued to protect the adhesive. An interesting and appealing item showing the 1 baj. rate within the same district. Between June 12 and August 31, Papal adhesives could be used in the Romagna. Cert. E. Diena (1987) Sassone = € 2'500.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 6340 Romagna
Adhesives of the Papal States used in the Romagna, 1852: 4 baj. 'giallo paglierino', fine and fresh, large margins with double frame line on three sides, touched at base, tied by clear mute grill obliterator with "FAENZA 28 GIU. 59" cds alongside, on cover directed to Tolentino. Reverse with arrival datestamp (June 30). An interesting and appealing double rate item showing twice the 2 baj. rate to aneighbouring district. Between June 12 and August 31, 1859, Papal adhesives could be used in the Romagna. Cert. A. Diena (1973) Sassone = € 8'000.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 6341 Romagna
Usage of Sardinian adhesives in the Romagna, 1860 (April 6): Sardinia IV. emission 20 c. 'azzuro scurissime', fine and fresh with good to large margins all round, tied by Papal-type "BOLOGNA 6 APR. 60" cds to entire letter directed to Genova, information strike alongside. Reverse with Bologna - Alessandria TPO and GENOVA arrival (April 7) cds's. Usage of a Pontifical datestamp after the end of the Governo Provvisorio on 18 March 1860.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 6342 Sardinia
'Cavallini' di Sardegna 1820 (Jan): Entire letter from Torino to Cocconato, internally dated '8 Marzo 1828', embossed with the definitive type of the Cavallo 15 centesimi, no postmarks at all. Used in the period of its validity between 1820 and 1836. Signed E. Diena Sassone = € 1'800.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 6343 Sardinia
Issued stamps 1851 (Jan): 5 c. black and 20 c. dark blue, each adhesive in a fresh and fine horizontal pair with good to large margins all round, tied by Rombi mute obliterator with "THONON 13 NOV. 52" despatch cds in black, "P.D." handstamp in red and French "SARD. 13 NOV. 52 FERNEX" entry cds in red alongside, on gorgeous envelope to Paris. Reverse with "LIGNE-DE-LYON" transit cds. What a beauty, the extremely rare multiple two-colour franking paying correctly the 50 centesimi rate to France. Certs. E. Diena (1992), Colla (1993) Sassone = € 80'000.Starting bid : 5,000 CHFHammer price : 13,000 CHFLot# : 6344 Sardinia
1851 (Jan): 20 c. blue, first report, a fine and fresh adhesive with fair to large margins, just shaved at upper left, cancelled by 'Nodo di Savoia' mute obliterator with "ALESSANDRIA 11 MAR 51" despatch cds in black (Sassone = 12 punti) alongside, on cover to Torino, reverse with arrival datestamp in red of the following day. A most attractive cover with this sought after mute cancellation, signed A. & E. Diena, Oliva, Gaggero, Bettini, Chiavarello & Raybaudi Sassone = € 5'000 + 5'500.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 6345 Sardinia
1851 (Jan): 20 c. dark blue, a fine and fresh corner marginal adhesive with good to large margins, cancelled by Rombi mute obliterator with "S. SALVATORE 23 NOV. 52" despatch cds in black (Sassone AL = 9 punti) alongside, on cover to Torino, reverse with arrival datestamp in black of the following day. An appealing cover, cert. A. Diena (1974) Sassone = € 1'650 + 1'400.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 6346 Sardinia
1851 (Jan): 20 c. 'azzuro vivo', a fresh and fine adhesive with large to enormous margins all round including parts of three neighbouring stamps, tied by Rombi mute obliterator with thimble "CHAMBERY 24 AVR. 53 8 M" despatch cds in black alongside, on cover to Torino, reverse with indistinct arrival cds. Attractive, signed A. Diena, Colla (2022) Sassone = € 1'650.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 6347 Sardinia
1853 (Oct): 5 c. verde in a horizontal pair in combination with 40 c. 'rosa chiaro', all in fresh and fine condition with large margins, well embossed, tied by "NIZZA MARITTa 3 MAG. 54" cds in black to spectacular envelope directed to Paris, "P.D." and fair French "SARD. . MAI 54 ANTIBES" entry cds, both in red alongside. Reverse with PARIS arrival (May 6) cds in black. One sideflap missing, nevertheless an interesting and attractive entire, correctly franked to France. Cert. E. Diena (1983) Sassone = € 21'500.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 2,000 CHFLot# : 6348 Sardinia
1853 (Oct): 20 c. blue, a fine and fresh marginal example with large to huge margins, well embossed, tied by clear "MONTANARO 25 GEN. 57" cds (Sassone TO = 10 punti) in black to cover to Torino. An attractive cover, a late usage of this adhesive, signed E. Diena, Raybaudi, Bettini & Gagero Sassone = € 1'200 + 2'100.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 1,300 CHFLot# : 6349 Sardinia
1853 (Oct): 20 c. blue, a fine and fresh example with large to huge margins, well embossed, tied by clear "PALLANZA 28 MAG. 54" cds (Sassone NO = 5 punti) in black to cover to Ascona, Ticino. Reverse with LOCARNO transit datestamp in blue. An attractive cover in the Rayon limitrophe to Switzerland, signed A. Diena Sassone = € 1'200 + 200.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 6350 Sardinia
1853 (Oct): 20 c. blue, a fine and fresh example with large to huge margins, well embossed, tied by clear "BREGLIO 13 DIC. 53" cds (Sassone NI = 9 punti) in black to entire letter to Torino. An appealing cover, signed A. Diena & Raybaudi Sassone = € 1'200 + 1'400.rnNote: The item is directed to Giuseppe Giacinto Moris (1796 - 1869), an Italian botanist known for investigations of flora native to Sardinia. He became Senatore del Regno di Sardegna in 1848.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHFLot# : 6351 Sardinia
Lot# : 6352 Sardinia
Lot# : 6353 Sardinia
1853 (Oct): 40 c. in the rare rosa shade, a fresh and fine adhesive with large margins, well embossed, tied by light "PEROSA 1 MAR. 54" cds in black (Sassone TO = 9 punti) to entire letter directed to Geneva, "P.D." in red alongside, reverse with PINEROLO and TORINO transit as well as "GENEVE 5 AVRI 54 8 M" arrival cds in blue. An attractive entire with the right marginal adhesive in this sought after shade, correctly franked to Switzerland, signed A. Diena & Zanaria; cert Colla (2022) Sassone = € 13'000 + 1'400.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 6354 Sardinia
1853 (Oct): 40 c. 'rosa chiaro', two single examples in fresh and fine condition with good to large margins, the right adhesive right marginal, both well embossed, tied by "SASSARI 4 FEB. 54" cds in black to cover directed to Livorno, "P.D." in red alongside. Reverse with transit as well as "LIVORNO 9 FEB 1854" arrival datestamp in red. Tear at top of cover, horizontal file fold, all well away from the attractive franking correctly paying the double rate to Tuscany. Signed A. Diena, Gaggero & Bettini; cert. E. Diena (1985) Sassone = € 13'000.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,600 CHFLot# : 6355 Sardinia
1853 (Oct): 40 c. 'rosa chiaro' in mixed franking with 1855 20 c. cobalto, in fresh and fine condition with overall large margins, the 40 centesimi well embossed and shaved at right, both tied by "CASALE 28 GEN 57 10 M" cds in black to envelope directed to Roma, "P.D." in brownish black alongside. Reverse with NOVARA transit cds in black as well as "ROMA 4 FEB 57" arrival cds in red. An attractive cover, the exceptional franking paying correctly and fully the 60 centesimi rate to the receiver in the Papal States. Signed A. Diena; cert. E. Diena (1982) Sassone = € 37'500.Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : 2,500 CHFLot# : 6356 Sardinia
1854: 5 c. 'verde turchese' (Bolaffi 7d / Zanaria 11b), a fresh and fine adhesive in a deep shade with even large margins, well embossed, a most beautiful adhesive tied by a crisp strike of "NOVARA 19 FEB 55 7 S" cds in black to printed matter cover to Chieri. Reverse with TORINO transit and CHIERI arrival cds of the following day. A rare and most attractive printed matter usage with this distinct shade franking, signed R. Mondolfo; certs. A. Diena (1963), E. Diena (1985) Sassone = € 4'750+.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 800 CHFLot# : 6357 Sardinia
1854: 5 c. 'verde giallo', a fresh and fine adhesive with good to large margins, well embossed, tied by "CASALE 16 NOV 55 5 S" cds in black to printed matter cover to Occimiano. Reverse with arrival cds of the following day. Sideflaps missing and file folds well away from the franking, nevertheless a rare printed matter usage, cert. Bottacchi (2000) Sassone = € 4'750.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 460 CHFLot# : 6358 Sardinia
1854: 20 c. azzuro, a fresh and fine corner marginal adhesive from sheet position 1 with complete 'filetto tipographico del cliché' at base, well embossed, tied by clear "SAVONA 23 AGO 54" cds in black to entire letter to Genova. Reverse with GENOVA arrival cds of the following day. A beautiful small entire, cert. Bottacchi (1999) Sassone = € 1'200+.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 6359 Sardinia
1854: 20 c. indaco, a fresh and fine adhesive in a deep vibrant shade with good to large margins, well embossed, tied by clear "S. SALVATORE 19 SET 55" cds (Sassone AL = 9 punti) in black to entire letter to Sartirana. Reverse with ALESSANDRIA transit and SARTIRANA arrival cds's of the following day. A beautiful entire, signed Fiecchi Sassone = € 1'200 + 1'400.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 6360 Sardinia
1854: 20 c. 'azzuro verdastro', a fresh and fine adhesive in a deep shade with good to enormous margins incl. parts of two neighbouring stamps, well embossed, cancelled by clear "ALESSANDRIA 22 DIC 54" cds in black to entire letter to Bosco Marengo. Reverse with BOSCO arrival cds of the same day. A beautiful entire, cert Bottacchi (1998) Sassone = € 1'500.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 6361 Sardinia
1854: 20 c. 'azzuro chiaro', two fresh and fine single adhesives with good to large margins, one marginal at base, both well embossed, tied by light "ALESSANDRIA 25 DIC 54" cds in black to cover directed to Piacenza. Reverse with NOVI transit and PIACENZA arrival cds's of the following day. Filing folds well away from the franking, nevertheless an interesting cover with an appealing franking, correctly franked within the LEGA, signed A. Diena, Avanzo & Raybaudi Sassone = € 2'400.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 460 CHFLot# : 6362 Sardinia
1854: 40 c. 'rosso mattone' from the lower left sheet corner in combination with 20 c. 'azzuro chiaro', two fresh and fine examples with good to large margins, well embossed, tied by "GENOVA 24 APR 55" cds in black to entire letter, endorsed "Via di Milano" and directed to Bologna with an information strike and AFFRANCATA handstamp in black as well as "P.D." in red alongside. Reverse with BOLOGNA arrival (April 26) cds. An attractive franking including a splendid example of the sought after 40 centesimi adhesive paying correctly the 60 centesimi single rate to the Papal States, the entire with filing fold well away from the franking, an interesting item. Certs. A. Diena (1964), RPS (1965) & E. Diena (1982) Sassone = € 40'000.Starting bid : 3,000 CHFHammer price : 3,000 CHFLot# : 6363 Sardinia
1855: 5 c. in the rare shade 'verde smeraldo scuro', a fine and fresh examples in a deep vibrant shade with good to large margins, well embossed, tied by "GENOVA 4 APR 56" cds to printed matter letter sent within the city, reverse GENOVA arrival cds. An appealing item with this rare shade. Signed Avanzo, cert. E. Diena (1985) Sassone = € 4'750.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 6364 Sardinia
1857/58: 5 c. 'verde giallo' in combination with 20 c. indaco, two fine and fresh examples with fair to large margins, well embossed, each tied by "VIGEVANO 21 GEN 58" cds to entire letter directed to Milano, information strike and "P.D." alongside, reverse MILANO arrival cds of the same day and distribution handstamp. A fully prepaid and appealing item from the first Sardinian to the first Austrian rayon. Signed A. Diena & E. Diena with shade indication Sassone = € 1'410.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 6365 Sardinia
1857/58: 5 c. 'verde giallo' in a horizontal pair and 1857 40 c. 'vermiglio arancio chiaro', fresh and fine adhesives with good to large margins, well embossed, tied by two clear strikes of "BOZEL 28 AOUT 58 3 AOUT 56" cds (Sassone CH = 9 punti), the rightmost stamp struck in addition by "P.D." in red, French "SARD. 30 AOUT 58 Pt DE BEAUVOISIN" entry cds in red alongside, on cover to Grenoble. Reverse with MOUTIERS and CHAMBERY transit as well as GRENOBLE arrival (Aug 30) cds's. Correctly franked for a cover up to 7.5 grams sent overland to France. A most attractive item, signed A. Diena Sassone = € 3'200 + 1'400.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 700 CHFLot# : 6366 Sardinia
1859: 5 c. 'verde oliva chiaro' with damaged print, a fine and fresh example with fair to large margins, well embossed, tied by "NOVARA 15 GIU 59" cds to entire printed matter letter directed to Breme, reverse with SARTIRANA transit cds of the following day. A fine usage of this adhesive with the distinct impaired print, cert. Bottacchi (2001) Sassone = € 7'250.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 6367 Sardinia
1859: 5 c. 'verde giallo brilliante', the only shade printed in the second sheet composition, a fine and fresh horizontal strip of four with fair to large margins, well embossed, tied by Austrian-style "ASOLA 31 / 12" (1859) datestamp (Sassone MN = 6 punti) to cover directed to Castiglione delle Stiviere, reverse with BRESCIA transit cds of the following day and distribution cachet. An appealing cover with an interesting franking to pay the inland rate. Signed Bolaffi & R. Mondolfo; cert. E. Diena (1991) Sassone = € 14'000 + 350.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 6368 Sardinia
1859: 5 c. 'verde giallo', two fine and fresh vertical pairs with overall good to large margins, one shaved at lower left, well embossed, tied by "CAVOUR 13 GIU. 60" cds (Sassone TO = 7 punti) to cover directed to Torino, reverse with arrival cds of the same day and distribution cachet. One stamp creasede when attached to the underlying, an appealing cover with an interesting franking to pay the inland rate. Signed E. Diena, Gaggero & Bettini; cert. Colla (2006) Sassone = € 6'700 + 600.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 6369 Sardinia
1858: 10 c. 'terra d'ombra', a fine and fresh horizontal pair with good to large margins, well embossed, tied by fair "SETTIMO TORINESE 13 MAR 58" cds to entire letter directed to Torino, reverse arrival cds of the same day and two distribution cachets in red. Horizontal file fold well away from the adhesives, a rare usage of this shade. Signed Bettini; cert. E. Diena (1985) Sassone = € 6'250.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 6370 Sardinia
1858: 10 c. 'terra d'ombra giallognolo' in combination with 1857 40 c. 'vermiglio arancio chiaro', two fine and fresh adhesives with even large margins, well embossed, cancelled / tied by fair "NIZZA MARa 16 NOV 58" cds to entire large-sized envelope directed to Toulon, "P.D" and French "SARD. 17 NOV. 58 ANTIBES" entry cds, both in red alongside. Reverse with TOULON arrival (Nov 18) cds in black. An appealing cover, correctly franked in the first rate to France, cert. Colla (2023) Sassone = € 2'500.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 180 CHFLot# : 6371 Sardinia
1859: 10 c. 'bruno violaceo chiaro' in combination with 1859 40 c. 'rosso mattone', two fine and fresh adhesives with fair to enormous margins, well embossed, tied together by clear "MILANO 17 MAR 60" cds to entire letter directed to St. Etienne, "P.D" in black and French "SARDAIGNE CULOZ 18 MARS 60" entry cds in red alongside. Reverse with indistinct French ambulant and arrival cds's. File folds well away from the adhesives, an interesting usage to France. Signed Bolaffi; cert. E. Diena (2002) Sassone = € 3'150.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 6372 Sardinia
1860: 10 c. 'bruno lilliaceo', a fine and fresh example with good to huge margins, well embossed, tied by light Papal-style ARGENTA straight-line handstamp (Sassone FE = 7 punti) to cover directed to Ferrara, reverse with "FERRARA 26 MAG 60" arrival cds. Horizontal file fold well away from the franking just mentioned for accuracy, an interesting usage in the special local rate within the Emilia, valid until the end of 1862. Signed Vaccari; cert. Colla (1994) Sassone = € 1'800 + 600.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 6373 Sardinia
1860: 10 c. 'bruno olivastro scuro', a fine and fresh example with fair to large margins, well embossed, tied by light Pontifico-type straight-line CODIGORO handstamp to cover directed to Ferrara. A rare single and local usage, cert Colla (2022). Sassone = € 3'000 + 100%.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 6374 Sardinia
1860: 10 c. 'bruno olivastro scuro', two fine and fresh examples with good to large margins, well embossed, tied by "SPEZIA 23 MAR 60" cds to cover directed to Volterra, reverse with Tuscany-style VOLTERRA arrival (March 25) cds. Left adhesive with tiny wrinkles at top left due to file fold just mentioned for accuracy, a fine usage. Cert. Colla (1994) Sassone = € 6'000.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 6375 Sardinia
1860: 10 c. 'bruno nerastro' in combination with 1860 40 c. 'carminio lilliaceo', two fine and fresh adhesives in a vivid shade with good to huge margins, well embossed, tied together by clear "MILANO 6 DEC 60" cds to entire letter directed to St. Etienne, "P.D" in black and French "SARDAIGNE 5 DEC 60 CULOZ" entry cds in red alongside. Reverse with LYON transit and "ST. ETIENNE" arrival (Dec 8) cds's. File fold well away from the adhesives, a most attractive entire to France. Signed Lamy; cert. Colla (2023) Sassone = € 8'400.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 6376 Sardinia
1855: 20 c. 'cobalto latteo vivace' with 'filetto di riquadratura' at right, a fine and fresh adhesive with good to large margins, well embossed, cancelled by light "CASALE 8 OTT 55" cds to cover to Cossato, clear information strike alongside, reverse with TORINO arrival cds of the same day. An early usage from October 1855 of this definitive issue, cert. E. Diena (1988) Sassone = € 2'400 for the adhesive on cover / € 2'750 for a October usage.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 6377 Sardinia
1855: 20 c. 'cobalto verdastro', a fine and fresh adhesive with large even margins, well embossed, cancelled by "GENOVA 26 DIC 55" cds to cover to Levanto, reverse with LEVANTO arrival cds of the following day. An interesting usage of this rare shade from December 1855, cert. A, Diena (1963), E. Diena (1983) Sassone = € 3'000 for the adhesive on cover / € 1'100 for a December usage.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 6378 Sardinia
1857 (Dec 1): Cover from Genova to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Camillo di Cavour in Torino, bearing 20 c. 'azzuro grigiastro', a fine and fresh adhesive with fair to large margins, just shaved at to left, well embossed, tied by fair GENOVA cds, reverse with arrival cds of the same day. Signed Bottacchi.rnNote: Camillo Paolo Filippo Giulio Benso, conte di Cavour, di Cellarengo e di Isolabella, (1810 - 1861) was an Italian politician and noble, and a leading figure in the movement towards Italian unification. He was prime minister of the Kingdom of Piedmont–Sardinia, a position he maintained (except for a six-month resignation) throughout the Second Italian War of Independence and Giuseppe Garibaldi's campaigns to unite Italy. In 1855 and from May 1856 until the foundation of the Kingdom of Italy Cavour was also Minister of Foreign affairs. After the declaration of a united Kingdom of Italy, Cavour took office as the first prime minister of Italy.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 6379 Sardinia
1857: 20 c. indaco, a fine and fresh adhesive with good to large margins, well embossed, tied by light "VERBANO (No 2) 14 NOV. 57" Shipmail's cds to entire letter, written Locarno, Ticino, but posted directly on the Sardinian vessel on the Lago Maggiore and directed to Genova, reverse with TORINO - GENOVA ambulant cds of the same day. Attractive item, an interesting Shipmail item despatched in Switzerland but bearing an Sardinian adhesive. Signed A. & E. Diena.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 6380 Sardinia
1857/58: 20 c. indaco with rare variety: inverted embossing of the King's head 'effigie capovolta', a fine and fresh example with fair to large margins, the inverted head very well embossed, tied by fair strike of "CHAMBERY 7 AOUT 58" cds, on cover to Rumilly. Reverse with RUMILLY arrival cds of the same day. An interesting cover with this sought after rarity. Cert. Bottacchi (2007), Sorani (2008) Sassone = € 37'500.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 2,200 CHFLot# : 6381 Sardinia
Lot# : 6382 Sardinia
1859 (Nov 13): Cover from Milano to the composer Giuseppe Verdi at his home in Borgo San Donnino nearby Busseto, bearing 20 c. 'azzuro scuro', a fine and fresh adhesive with good to large margins, well embossed, tied by fair MILANO cds, type I (Sassone = 12 punti).rnNote: The letter was sent by the Verdi's publishing house Tito Ricordi of Milano and shows a honorific address "All' Illustre Sige. Me. Cavre. Giuse. Verdi, Officiale della Legion d'onore..".Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 6383 Sardinia
1860: 20 c. 'azzuro scurissimo', a fine and fresh adhesive in a deep shade with good to large margins, well embossed, tied by three-ring Austrian-style "GRAVEDONA 17 / 7" (1860) cds (Sassone CO = 6 punti), on entire letter directed to Como. Reverse with indistinct LARIO Shipmail's and wreathed COMO arrival cds's of the same day. An interesting Shipmail cover on the Lago di Como, signed E. Diena.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 6384 Sardinia
1860: 20 c. azzuro, a fine and fresh adhesive with fair to large margins, well embossed, cancelled in black manuscript "Grosio / 23/12 / 60" (Sassone = 9 punti) on cover directed to Turrano in Val Vestino via Condino, Tirol. Reverse with SONDRIO, MILANO and TRIENT transit (Dec 26) cds's. The adhesive paid the Sardinian part of the journey, the receiver had to pay '5' soldi due for the Austrian part, marked on obverse. Signed Bolaffi; cert. Colla (1993) Sassone = € 180 + 1'400.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 6385 Sardinia
1860: 20 c. 'cobalto grigio', a fine and fresh adhesive with good to large margins, well embossed, tied by two-line Austrian-style "CANNETO / 3 GENo" (1861) datestamp (Sassone MN = 12 punti) to cover directed to Lonato. A fine cover with a rare cancellation, signed Bottacchi Sassone = € 180 + 5'500.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 6386 Sardinia
1860: 20 c. 'azzuro grigio', a fine and fresh adhesive with good to large margins, well embossed, cancelled in black manuscript "Fontanella / li 17.10.1860" (Sassone BG = 11 punti) on cover directed to Ponte S. Pietro. Reverse with another manuscript transit note "Bottanuco / 18/10 1860" as well as MILANO-DESENZANO ambulant and VERBANO transit (Oct 18) cds's. Part of adressed erased but restored, a most interesting cover showing two provisional manuscripts prior to the delivery of datestamps. Signed A. Diena; cert. E. Diena (1989) Sassone = € 900 + 3'250.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 6387 Sardinia
1860: 20 c. 'azzuro grigio', the left half of a vertically bisected fine adhesive 'francobollo frazionato', tied by light "RIMINI 11 OTT. 60" cds in black, an information strike alongside, on cover without content directed to Gatteo via Savignano. Reverse with Papal-type VERUCCHIO transit handstamp. Correct 10 centesimi franking for a local item up to 20 km within the Province Emiliane, this presumably originating fron San Marino. An extremely rare usage of a bisected 20 centesimi adhesive. Signed A. Diena, R. Mondolfo & Grioni; cert. Enzo Diena (1985) Sassone = € 350'000.Starting bid : 20,000 CHFHammer price : 23,000 CHFLot# : 6388 Sardinia
1855: 40 c. vermiglio, a fine and fresh adhesive with large even margins, well embossed, tied by light "CASATISMA 11 OTT. 59" cds, clear information strike alongside, on cover directed to Milano. Reverse with CASTEGGIO transit and MILANO arrival (Oct 12) cds's. Some acid ink, nevertheless an attractive double rate inland cover, signed Raybaudi with shade indication Sassone = € 2'800.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 6389 Sardinia
1857: 40 c. 'rosso scarlatto', a fine and fresh adhesive with good to large margins, well embossed, tied by "AIX LES BAINS 24 JUIL 59" cds, "P.D." handstamp in red alongside, on envelope directed to Leukerbad, Wallis. Reverse with GENEVE transit and "LOÈCHE-LES-BAINS" arrival cds (July 26). Fine cover paying correctly the rate to Switzerland. Signed Vaccari.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 340 CHFLot# : 6390 Sardinia
1860: 40 c. 'rosa lilla' in combination with 20 c. azzuro, two fine and fresh adhesives with good to enormous margins, well embossed, the 40 centesimi adhesive tied by Sardinian-type ASSICURATA handstamp in red, the 20 centesimi adhesive tied by Parma-style double circle "PARMA 5 DICEM. 1860" datestamp (Sassone = 10 punti) in red with another strike of the Registration handstamp red alongside, on registered envelope directed to Napoli. Reverse with BOLOGNA - ALESSANDRIA ambulant cds in black and NAPOLI arrival (Dec 11) cds in red. Backflap and seals missing, nevertheless an exceptional item bearing 20 centesimi single letter rate with additional 40 centesimi registration fee, the two corresponding adhesives cancelled with the respective handstamps. A cover full of postal history, for a connoisseur, signed Emilio Diena; cert. E. Diena (1985) Sassone = € 55'180 + 2'100.rnrnNote: Sent to Colonello Emiliano Bricoli, a staff member of the 15th division under General István Türr. This division took part in conquering Napoli on September 7, 1860 as part of Garibald's Spedizione dei Mille and thereby finished successfully the liberation of the Neapoletan provinces from Bourbon rule.Starting bid : 3,000 CHFHammer price : 4,200 CHFLot# : 6391 Sardinia
1858: 80 c. 'ocra arancio', a fine and fresh adhesive with large to enormous margins incl. parts of two neighbouring stamps, well embossed, tied by framed "MILANO 1 / 9" datestamp with RACCOMANDATA handstamp in red alongside, both of Austrian-style (Sassone = 6 + 6 punti), on registered envelope directed to Cesena. Reverse with "3 SETTEMBRE" arrival cds. Some folds and wrinkles, nevertheless a fine double rate inland cover with additional 40 centesimi registration fee, cert. E. Diena (1984) Sassone = € 7'000 + 700.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 6392 Sardinia
1793/1856: Selection 21 prephilatelic entire letters with a wide range of clear to crisp strikes including among others 1793 Paris to French occupied Chambery returned with "DEB. DE CHAMBERY" strike, Napoleonic times Departments conquis 1812 "108 DIANO-MARINE", 1813 "85 VINTIMILLE", 1813 "105 BRA", as well as 1814 "108 LOANO", forwarded from Messina, 1822 two covers from BORGOMANERO to Novara, 1825 "PP VILLAFRANCA", 1827 VENTIMIGLIA to Toulon with postal treaty handstamps, 1835/39 two covers with perfect three-line "P.P. / CASTELNUOVO / SCRIVIA" handstamp in red, 1841/52 four covers with italic straight line "Bosco", "Bassignana", "Casatisma" and "Moncenisio" handstamps, 1850 (Dec 31) CASALE cds to Varallo from the last day of the prephilatelic period, and 1856 stampless cover from Arona in rayon limitrophe to Magadino, Ticino.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 340 CHFLot# : 6393 Sardinia
1851 (Jan): Selection four covers / entire letters bearing 20 c. in the shades blue, dark blue and light blue, fine and fresh adhesives with fair to large margins, all tied by Rombi mute obliterator strikes and despatched from Ivrea, Castellazzo, Torino and Alessandria. A delightful group, three certificates Sassone = € 6'950 + 1'800.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 6394 Sardinia
1853 (Oct): Selection five covers / entire letters bearing single frankings of 20 c. blue, fine and fresh adhesives with good to large margins, two marginal, all tied by strikes of circular datestamps and despatched from Novi, Villanuova d'Asti, Castelnuovo Scrivia, Demonte and Casale. A delightful group, one certificate Colla, the others with competent signatures Sassone = € 6'000 + 660.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 6395 Sardinia
1854: Selection six covers / entire letters bearing single frankings of 20 c. in the shades azzuro, 'azzuro chiaro' and indaco, the superb adhesives with good to large margins, four of them marginal, all tied by strikes of circular datestamps and despatched from Valenza, Giaveno, Varese, Villanuova d'Asti, Vignale & Sestri Levante. A delightful group, all with competent signatures Sassone = € 7'200 + 3'950.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 950 CHFLot# : 6396 Sardinia
1855/61: Selection 26 entires / covers with shade and cancellation interest and frankings between 5 & 40 centesimi, clear to crisp strikes, an appealing group incl. four printed matter 1859 letters from Torino with single 5 c. frankings, March 1861 cover with a pair of 10 c. from Ostiano (8 punti) to Brescia, a combination franking of 10 c. & 40 c. to France, 16 covers with single 20 c. frankings incl. among others eleven items with frankings of the first 1855 printrun, also from October and November 1855, a fine group of rare cancellations such as TRILIO, ALGHERO, AGLIE, VOGOGNA, MACOMER, "S. MICHEL", LU, RIVOLI, or FAVERGES, Austrian-type straight CENTO, interesting shades such as 'cobalto latteo chiaro' on 1856 cover, VERBANO Shipmail cancellation on the Lago Maggiore, also three double rate covers with 40 c. franking from VESTONE, SORESINA and mute 'Ovale a punti grossi' obliterator from COMACCHIO as well as Feb 1861 cover to Nizza, France. Five certificates, many knowledgeable signatures.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 1,800 CHFLot# : 6397 Sardinia
1855/61: Interesting selection 27 entires / covers with single 20 centesimi frankings, shade and cancellation interest, mostly clear to crisp strikes, an appealing group incl. SANTIA, CRESCENTINO, CIGLIANO, AOSTA, NUORO, "CASTELNUOVO SCRIVIA", "S.SALVATORE" (7 punti), BORGOVERCELLI, SARTIRANA (8 punti), GODANO, TRINO, VINADIO, SEZZE (7 punti), BOBBIO, ALBERTVILLE, ALBENGA, "S.AMBROGIO" (7 punti), also taxed from Sondrio, Ambulant TORINO - GENOVA with italic "Genova" alongside and Papal-type PESARO. Many knowledgeable signatures.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 900 CHFLot# : 6398 Sicily
1859: ½ gr. orange from pos. 5 & 6 of plate I in combination with 1 gr. 'bruno oliva' from pos. 6 of plate II, three fresh and fine single examples with good to huge margins all round, tied by three strikes of 'ferro di cavallo' handstamp, oval CATANIA despatch handstamp alongside, on entire letter to Calascibetta. Lightest file fold well away from the adhesives, an attractive and unusual combination to pay the 2 grana rate for a letter from office to office. Cert. E. Diena (1986) Sassone = € 18'400.Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : 5,000 CHFLot# : 6399 Sicily
1859: 1 gr. in the rare shade 'bruno riggine intenso' from plate I, state I, a horizontal pair from positions 95 & 96, fresh and fine with good to huge margins all round, each tied by 'ferro di cavallo' handstamp, oval PALAGONIA despatch handstamp in blue (Sassone CT = 11 punti) alongside, on entire letter to Caltagirone. An appealing franking from the first plate to pay the 2 grana rate from office to office. Signed Em. & A. Diena, Russo & Bolaffi; cert. E. Diena (1984) Sassone = € 20'000+ + 3'250.rnProvenance: Renato Mondolfo.Starting bid : 1,700 CHFHammer price : 2,600 CHFLot# : 6400 Sicily
1859: 1 gr. in the rare shade 'bruno oliva grigiastro' from plate II, state II, a horizontal pair from positions 91 & 92, fresh and fine multiple with good to huge margins all round, each tied by 'ferro di cavallo' handstamp, wreathed GIRGENTI despatch cds (May 18, 1859) and "PALERMO ARRIVO" arrival cds of the following day alongside. Some edge paper split and paper hole below the franking skillfully repaired, nevertheless an attractive cover bearing adhesives of the first plate to pay the 2 grana rate from office to office. Signed Em. & A. Diena, Russo, Avanzo & Raybaudi; cert. E. Diena (1984) Sassone = € 32'500+.rnProvenance: Renato Mondolfo.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 4,000 CHF
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