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British West Indies - The Besançon Collection (Part I)
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Lot# : 3501 Antigua u. Antigua Barbuda
1861: Prepaid printed entire letter from St. John's to Madeira struck on despatch with fine "♚ / PAID / AT / ANTIGUA" in red with manuscript '1/1d.' rate alongside in red, 'London / Paid' transit cds on front (Jan 31) and "160" (reis) due marking applied upon receipt. Reverse with 'Antigua' cds of despatch (Jan 15) in black. A fine and attractive entire Gi = £ 650.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 3502 Antigua u. Antigua Barbuda
1862: Prepaid cover from St. John's to Eastbourne struck on despatch with fine strike of "♚ / PAID / AT / ANTIGUA" in red with manuscript '6' in red crayon, with 'Antigua' cds of despatch (May 27) in black alongside. 'London / Paid' cds in red (June 12) and reverse with Eastbourne arrival (June 13) in black. A fine and attractive cover Gi = £ 650.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 3503 Antigua u. Antigua Barbuda
1858/60: Great Britain 1856 6 d. lilac, a used example of fresh colour, trivial corner bend, cancelled by superb strike of St. John's "A02" obliterator in black Gi = £ 180.Starting bid : 80 CHFHammer price : 80 CHFLot# : 3504 Antigua u. Antigua Barbuda
1858/60: Great Britain 1856 6 d. lilac, a used example cancelled by bold strike of the English Harbour "A18" obliterator in black. A very rare and elusive usage. Cert. RPSL (1940) Gi = £ 2'000.rnProvenance: Collection Granger; Collection Sir Adrian Hopkins.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 900 CHFLot# : 3505 Antigua u. Antigua Barbuda
1862: Perkins Bacon original Plate Proof for the 6 d. value, a horizontal pair with large margins all round, engraved in deep green on thick yellowish rough paper, fine and attractive.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 120 CHFLot# : 3506 Antigua u. Antigua Barbuda
1862 (Aug): 6 d. blue-green, no wmk., rough perf. 14 to 16, an unused example, well centred and of rich colour, fresh and fine, large part og. Rare so fine Gi = £ 800.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 3507 Antigua u. Antigua Barbuda
1862 (Aug): 6 d. blue-green, no wmk., rough perf. 14 to 16, an unused horizontal pair (perf. 15½ x 14½), positions 26-27, centred to top, of fine fresh colour, 'Morton-Evans' re-entry on left stamp on "CE" of PENCE, part og. A very scarce and attractive multiple Gi = £ 1'600+.rnProvenance: Collection H. Douglas Bessemer, Harmers, London, 14-15 Feb 1963, lot 21.rnNote: Illustrated in Robson Lowe's Encyclopaedia, Volume VI, page 14.Starting bid : 850 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 3508 Antigua u. Antigua Barbuda
1863/67: 1 d. dull rose, wmk. Small Star, rough perf. 14 to 16, an unused horizontal pair, marginal from base of sheet, of fine colour, large part og. A most attractive pair Gi = £ 240+.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 120 CHFLot# : 3509 Antigua u. Antigua Barbuda
1863/67: 1 d. vermilion, wmk. Small Star, rough perf. 14 to 16, an unused block of four, variety "Watermark Sideways", of vibrant colour and large part og. Rare Gi = £ 1'000+.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 700 CHFLot# : 3510 Antigua u. Antigua Barbuda
1863/67: 1 d. vermilion, wmk. Small Star, rough perf. 14 to 16, a single example used on entire 1870 Prices Current to Annapolis, Nova Scotia endorsed "Open Circular pr. Mail via Bermuda", tied over flap by "A02" obliterator of St. John's. Manuscript '1' credit marking in crayon alongside and reverse with 'Antigua' cds (May 27) and 'St. Thomas' transit cds (May 28) in black. A scarce and attractive usage.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 250 CHFLot# : 3511 Antigua u. Antigua Barbuda
1863/67: 6 d. green, wmk. Small Star sideways, rough perf. 14 to 16, an unused horizontal strip of three in a bottle green shade, tiny unobtrusive corner bend on one stamp, fine appearance, unused without gum. A very rare stamp in a multiple Gi = £ 2'100+.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 3512 Antigua u. Antigua Barbuda
1863/67: 6 d. dark green, wmk. Small Star sideways, rough perf. 14 to 16, a used block of four with marginal watermark lines, in a rich shade and cancelled by four strikes of the St. John's "A02" obliterator in black. Scarce and most attractive Gi = £ 100+.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 170 CHFLot# : 3513 Antigua u. Antigua Barbuda
1863/67: 6 d. yellow-green, wmk. Small Star sideways, rough perf. 14 to 16, a horizontal pair used on 1872 entire letter to Liverpool, tied by two strikes of the English Harbour "A18" obliterator in black. Reverse with 'English Harbour' despatch cds (Feb 10) and Liverpool arrival (Feb 26) in black. A scarce and most attractive cover.rnProvenance: Collection Maurice Burrus, RL, London, 3 April 1963, lot 989; Collection E.Victor Toeg, RL, London, 12 Dec 1990; Collection Frederick Mayer, Spink, London, 21 Oct 2004, lot 2152.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 800 CHFLot# : 3514 Antigua u. Antigua Barbuda
Recess by De La Rue from the Perkins Bacon Plates 1876: 1 d. lake, two singles and a horizontal pair and 6 d. blue-green, a single examples, wmk. Crown CC, perf. 14, used on 1873 double rate cover from St. John's to Newark, NJ, USA tied by "A02" obliterators in black with '8' credit in red crayon. Reverse with 'Antigua' cds (Jan 11) and 'St. Thomas' transit (Jan 13) in black. 'N. YORK / STEAMSHIP' arrival (Jan 29) arrival in black on obverse of a superb and extremely rare cover.rnProvenance: Grosvenor, London, 20-21 Nov 2008, lot 1072.Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : 1,800 CHFLot# : 3515 Antigua u. Antigua Barbuda
Recess by De La Rue from the Perkins Bacon Plates 1872: 6 d. blue-green, wmk. Crown CC, perf. 12½, an unused example overprinted "CANCELLED" in black (Samuel Type D6). Fresh and very fine, a rare stamp.rnProvenance: Collection Marcus Samuel.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 360 CHFLot# : 3516 Antigua u. Antigua Barbuda
Recess by De La Rue from the Perkins Bacon Plates 1876: 6 d. blue-green, wmk. Crown CC, perf. 14, a used horizontal strip of four on 1875 double rate cover to Glasgow cancelled by four strikes of the English Harbour "A18" obliterator in black; reverse with "English Harbour / Antigua" datestamp (April 11) and Glasgow (April 28) arrival cds. Strengthened file fold through the addressee's name, a famous and very rare cover.rnProvenance: Collection H, Douglas Bessemer, Harmers, London, 14-15 Feb 1963, lot 58; Collection Frederick Mayer, Spink, London, 21 Oct 2004, lot 2171.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,700 CHFLot# : 3517 Antigua u. Antigua Barbuda
1876: 1 d. lake-rose, perf. 14, in a horizontal pair used with 1879 4 d. blue, also in a horizontal pair on 1887 double rate registered cover to New York tied by "A02" obliterators with oval 'R' for registration at left and 'Antigua' cds of despatch (May 28) in black. Reverse with New York arrival (June 6). A scarce and attractive franking.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 380 CHFLot# : 3518 Antigua u. Antigua Barbuda
Recess by De La Rue from the Perkins Bacon Plates 1876: 6 d. blue-green, wmk. Crown CC, perf. 14, an unused example in a rich shade, well centred, superb, large part og. Scarce Gi = £ 425.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 3519 Antigua u. Antigua Barbuda
Recess by De La Rue from the Perkins Bacon Plates 1876: 6 d. blue-green, wmk. Crown CC, perf. 14, an unused block of four of lovely colour, variety "Watermark Reversed", well centred, large part og. with lower pair unmounted og. Scarce Gi = £ 1'400+.rnProvenance: Collection Frederick Mayer, Spink, London, 21 Oct 2004, lot 2179.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 3520 Antigua u. Antigua Barbuda
1879: De La Rue Die Proof for the Keyplate, printed in black on glazed white card with Country Name and Duty Plate blacked out, dated "July 23 1879" in black at upper left. Rare and extremely fine.Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3521 Antigua u. Antigua Barbuda
1879: Keyplate 2½ d. red-brown, wmk. Crown CC, perf. 14, an unused example of good colour, variety "Large "2" in "2½" with Slanting Foot", well centred, fresh and very fine, part og. An extremely elusive and rare variety. Signed A. Diena Gi = £ 11'000.Starting bid : 4,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3522 Antigua u. Antigua Barbuda
1882: Keyplate 2½ d. red-brown, wmk. Crown CA, perf. 14, an unused block of four, corner marginal from lower left of sheet showing Plate Number '1' in margin, large part og. with lower pair unmounted og. A scarce stamp in a multiple Gi = £ 760+.rnrnStarting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 3523 Antigua u. Antigua Barbuda
1882: Keyplate 4 d. blue, wmk. Crown CA, perf. 14, an unused horizontal pair, marginal from base of sheet with Plate Number '1', fresh and fine but for an age spot in margin, large part og. A scarce stamp Gi = £ 525+.Starting bid : 180 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 3524 Antigua u. Antigua Barbuda
1882: Keyplate 4 d. blue, wmk. Crown CA, perf. 14, an unused block of four of good colour, slight rub at top of first stamp and upper pair with light horizontal bends, large part og. with lower pair fine unmounted og. Gi = £ 1'100+.rnProvenance: Collection Frederick Mayer, Spink, London, 21 Oct 2004, lot 2209.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 3525 Antigua u. Antigua Barbuda
1879: 4 d. blue, wmk. Crown CA, a used example on 1884 cover to Ealing, Middlesex tied by "A02" obliterator with 'Antigua' cds adjacent (Oct 24); with reverse showing London arrival (Nov 11) in red. Some docketing but a scarce stamp on letter.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 120 CHFLot# : 3526 Antigua u. Antigua Barbuda
Used in St. Kitts 1884/87: Antigua 1 d. rose, wmk. Crown CA, perf. 14 used on 1890 cover to Antigua and readdressed to Basseterre, tied by St. Kitts "A12" obliterator with 'St. Kitts' cds alongside (March 27) in black. Small closed opening tear at top but scarce.rnProvenance: Collection J.L. 'Bobbie' Messenger, RL, 14 Dec 1982, lot 771.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 250 CHFLot# : 3527 Antigua u. Antigua Barbuda
1884/87: 2½ d. ultramarine, wmk. Crown CA, perf. 14, an unused block of twelve, fresh colour, seventh stamp (Row 7, stamp 1) showing variety "Large "2" in 2½ with Slanting Foot", fresh and very fine positional multiple, unmounted og. Gi = £ 235+.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 120 CHFLot# : 3528 Antigua u. Antigua Barbuda
1884/87: 4 d. chestnut, wmk. Crown CA, perf. 14, an unused block of six (Plate 2, Right pane, Row 3, stamps 1-3 / Row 4, stamps 1-3) with third stamp showing variety "Top Left Triangle Detached", fresh and very fine, large part or unmounted og. A fine positional multiple Gi = £ 350+.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 3529 Antigua u. Antigua Barbuda
1884/87: 1 s. mauve, wmk. Crown CA, perf. 14, an unused block of four (Plate 2, Right pane, Row 3, stamps 3-4 / Row 4, stamps 3-4) with first stamp showing variety "Top Left Triangle Detached", minor bend not affecting appearance, fresh and very fine, large part og., lower pair unmounted og. A fine and very rare positional multiple Gi = £ 2'400+.Starting bid : 850 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 3530 Antigua u. Antigua Barbuda
1902: De La Rue Essay for the Badge of the Colony Issue, ½ d. value imperforate on white wove paper, hand-painted with the circular Badge vignette in Chinese white on green background, the Frame in deep and pale blue with the lettering picked out in Chinese white, affixed to card (100 x 88 mm.) and signed by the artist at lower right "H.V.W" and dated "7.VIII.02". The card slightly aged but absolutely exquisite draughtsmanship and unique.rnProvenance: Grosvenor, London, 6-7 Oct 2010, lot 1005.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 2,400 CHFLot# : 3531 Antigua u. Antigua Barbuda
1902: De La Rue Master Die Proof for the completed design for the lower values, without Duty Plate, printed in black on glazed white card, endorsed BEFORE / HARDENING in black and dated '7 JAN 03' in blue. Scarce and very fine.rnProvenance: Christie's, London, 14 Dec 1993, lot 285.rn rnrnStarting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 3532 Antigua u. Antigua Barbuda
1902: De La Rue Master Die Proof for the Badge 2½ d. value, Frame only, printed in black on glazed white card, endorsed BEFORE / HARDENING in black and dated '18 FEB 03' in blue. Scarce and very fine.rnProvenance: Collection Frederick Mayer, Spink, London, 21 Oct 2004, lot 2272.rnStarting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 3533 Antigua u. Antigua Barbuda
1902: De La Rue Master Die Proof for the Badge 6 d. value, Frame only, printed in black on glazed white card, endorsed BEFORE / HARDENING in black and dated '25 FEB 03' in blue. Scarce and very fine.rnProvenance: Collection Frederick Mayer, Spink, London, 21 Oct 2004, lot 2276.rnStarting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 340 CHFLot# : 3534 Antigua u. Antigua Barbuda
1902: De La Rue Master Die Proof for the Badge 5 s. value, Frame only, printed in black on glazed white card, endorsed BEFORE / HARDENING in black and dated '11 FEB 03' in blue. Scarce and very fine.rnProvenance: Christie's, London, 14 Dec 1993, lot 287.rnStarting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 3535 Antigua u. Antigua Barbuda
1916 (Sept): 'War Stamp' in black on ½ d. green, an unused horizontal pair on watermarked Multiple Crown CA paper, large margins all round, one or two age spots on unmounted og. Extremely rare - just six examples were produced thus for an Official at De La Rue, thus one of three known pairs: one of which (illustrated in "War Tax Stamps" by John G.M. Davis on page 45), was in the Frederick Mayer collection. Rare.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 3536 Antigua u. Antigua Barbuda
1918 (July): 'War Stamp' in black on 1½ d. orange, an unused horizontal pair on watermarked Multiple Crown CA paper, large margins all round, one or two minor bends not affecting appearance, unmounted og. Extremely rare - just six examples were produced thus for an Official at De La Rue, thus one of three known pairs: one of which, also with small creases (illustrated in "War Tax Stamps" by John G.M. Davis on page 45), was in the Frederick Mayer collection. Rare.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 3537 Antigua u. Antigua Barbuda
1921/29: 1 s. black on emerald, wmk. Multiple Crown CA, an unused example of good colour, variety "Watermark Inverted & Reversed", fresh and very fine, large part og. Scarce Gi = £ 400.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 3538 Antigua u. Antigua Barbuda
1921/29: 2 d. grey, wmk. Multiple Script CA, a used example with variety "Watermark Sideways", lightly cancelled in black (14 Dec 1925) at St. John's. An extremely rare stamp, unknown unused, this being the sole recorded example in used condition Gi = £ 3'500.rnProvenance: Collection Alexander Reid, Spink, London, 11 March 2010, lot 17.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,600 CHFLot# : 3539 Antigua u. Antigua Barbuda
1932 (Jan 27): Tercentenary set of ten values unused, perforated SPECIMEN diagonally, further overprinted SPECIMEN in violet by the Bechuanaland receiving authority upon receipt from the UPU in Berne (Bendon BEC2a), unused without gum. Unique.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 460 CHFLot# : 3540 Antigua u. Antigua Barbuda
1938: Waterlow Pictorial issue, Essay for the proposed 1 s. value 'St. John's Harbour', hand-painted in deep green and pale red green with Harbour in blue and lettering and value in Chinese white on card (140 x 88 mm.) in vertical format, similar to the design of the issued 6 d. value, painted by the designer A. W. Morley and endorsed 'Antigua 14.4.38' in manuscript at top and marked as 'Approved' at lower right. Superb and unique.rnProvenance: Grosvenor, London, 6-7 Oct 2010, lot 1016.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 950 CHFLot# : 3541 Bahamas
1858/60: Great Britain 1856 6 d. lilac, a used wing margin example of good colour on 1859 cover to London, cancelled at Nassau by bold strike of "A05" obliterator in black. Reverse with double arc BAHAMAS datestamp (March 21) in black with 'London / Paid' arrival in red (Apil 11). A scarce and very fine cover. Cert. RPSL (1968).rnProvenance: Collection 'Staircase', Spink, London, 8 April 1999, lot 57; Spink, London, 21-22 Oct 2004, lot 2484.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHFLot# : 3542 Bahamas
1859: Perkins Bacon 1 d. Plate Proof engraved in deep black, imperforate on thick card paper, a block of four, marginal from right of sheet, positions 29-30 / 39-40 with position 40 showing the constant Plate Scratch through 'NSULAR' of 'INTERINSULAR'. Fresh and very fine.rnProvenance: Collection 'Abaco', Grosvenor, London, 11 June 2010, lot 45.rnrnStarting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3543 Bahamas
1859 (June 10): 1 d. dull reddish lake, imperforate, a used example on thick paper, good even margins all round, neatly cancelled by part strike of the "A05" obliterator at Nassau. A fine example of a rare stamp Gi = £ 2'250.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 1,200 CHFLot# : 3544 Bahamas
1860 (April): 1 d. dull lake, imperforate, an unused complete sheet of 60 subjects (10 x 6) on thin paper, of lovely colour and full unmounted og. Position 40 shows the "Line through "S" in INTERINSULAR", Position 58 shows the "Apostrophe betweeen second "I" and "N" in INTERINSULAR". Superb and beautiful Gi = £ 3'900+.rnProvenance: Tommy Allen.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 2,800 CHFLot# : 3545 Bahamas
1860 (April): 1 d. dull lake, imperforate, a used example on thin paper, good to large margins all round, in a rosy shade, neatly cancelled by complete strike of the "A05" obliterator at Nassau. A rare and attractive stamp. Cert. BPA (1978) Gi = £ 1'500.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 3546 Bahamas
1861 (June): 1 d. lake, no wmk., rough perf. 14 to 16, an unused horizontal pair of fine colour, extremely fresh and fine, superb large part og. A rare pair. Cert. BPA (1983) Gi = £ 1'300+.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 3547 Bahamas
1861 (Dec): 4 d. dull rose, no wmk., perf. 14 to 16, an unused example centred to right, of good colour with "Specimen" diagonally in manuscript, unused without gum. Rare.rnProvenance: Collection T.W. Hall, RL, London, 2 June 1964; Collection Morris Ludington, Spink, London, 9 Nov 1999, lot 1131.rnStarting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 460 CHFLot# : 3548 Bahamas
1861 (Dec): 4 d. dull rose, no wmk., rough perf. 14 to 16, a used example on cover to New York tied by the Nassau "A05" obliterator and by fair "New York Ship Letter / 5" charge marking (Feb 22) of arrival. Reverse with fine strike of double arc "Nassau / New Providence" datestamp in black (Feb 17). A charming cover, carried on the penultimate Northward voyage of the 'Karnak'.rnProvenance: Collection Morris Ludington, Spink, London, 9 Nov 1999, lot 1468; Grosvenor, London, 2-3 Nov 2006, lot 617.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 3549 Bahamas
1861: Perkins Bacon Die Proof for the 6 d. value engraved in black and affixed to small card, showing the printer's guide marks centrally at left and at right in black, and dot within the "S" of POSTAGE. Fresh and very fine, a rare Proof.rnProvenance: Spink, London, 8 Nov 2006, lot 1125.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3550 Bahamas
1861 (Dec): 6 d. pale dull lilac, no wmk., rough perf. 14 to 16, an unused example of excellent colour for this stamp, tiny horizonal scissor cut in margin at base of stamp, full perfs. at left and at right, large part og. An extremely rare stamp. Cert. BPA (1974) Gi = £ 4'250.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 3551 Bahamas
1862: Perforation Trial on 1 dd. lake, no wmk., perf. 11 to 12½ on three outer sides, (perf. 11¾ at top, perf. 11½ at left and at right) imperforate at base, horizontally across and vertically down, positions 48-49 / 58-59, with position 58 showing "Apostrophe between second "IN" of INTERINSULAR", of wonderful fresh colour, two diagonal creases at left do not affect the appearance, large part og. with lower pair unmounted og. A very rare multiple Gi = £ 9'000.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 2,000 CHFLot# : 3552 Bahamas
1862 (July): 1 d. carmine-lake, an imperforate Imprimatur in a fine shade, on thick paper, clear to large margins all round and sheet marginal from right of sheet. Small trace of rubbing at top, otherwise fine, large part og. Rare.rnProvenance: Tommy Allen.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 3553 Bahamas
1862 (July): 1 d. lake, no wmk., perf. 11½, an unused example in a bright shade, fresh and very fine, large part og. A rare stamp Gi = £ 1'600.rnProvenance: Collection W.A. Frazer, Spink, London, 30 Oct 2003, lot 1031.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 3554 Bahamas
1862: De La Rue 4 d. dull rose, no wmk., perf. 11½, 12, an unused example of good centering and colour, perfs. slightly blunted at right of no significance, large part og. Rare.rnProvenance: RL, Bermuda, 15 Feb 1979, ex lot 24; Collection Morris Ludington, Spink, London, 9 Nov 1999, lot 1142; Collection 'Abaco', Grosvenor, London, 22 June 2010, lot 72.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 3555 Bahamas
1862 (July): 6 d. lavender-grey, perf. 11½, 12, a used example on 1862 cover to Portadown, Ireland endorsed 'Nassau' at lower left, tied by "A05" obliterator in black. Manuscript '5' pence credit marking in red crayon adjacent. Reverse with double arc 'Bahamas' cds (Aug 25) and Portadown arrival cds (Sept 14) in black. An extremely scarce and most attractive cover. Cert. BPA (1999).rnrnStarting bid : 3,500 CHFHammer price : 3,000 CHFLot# : 3556 Bahamas
1863 (May): 1 d. red, wmk. Crown CC, perf. 12½, an unused block of four of lovely colour, pos. 39-40 / 49-50, with position 40 showing the plate flaw "Scratch through "S" of INTERINSULAR", superb centering and large part og. A delightful and rare block Gi = £ 280+.rnProvenance: Collection Major T. Charlton Henry, Harmer Rooke, New York, 4-7 April 1961, lot 108; Collection H. Moreton-Black, Christie's, London, 28 Feb 1996, lot 71.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 250 CHFLot# : 3557 Bahamas
1863/75: 1 d. vermilion, wmk. Crown CC, perf. 12½, an unused block of four of bright colour, bend on lower pair but of superb centering and large part og. An attractive multiple Gi = £ 300+.rnProvenance: Collection Major T. Charlton Henry, Harmer Rooke, New York, 4-7 April 1961, lot 113; Collection H. Moreton-Black, Christie's, London, 28 Feb 1996, lot 73.Starting bid : 175 CHFHammer price : 180 CHFLot# : 3558 Bahamas
1863 (May): 4 d. dull rose, wnk. Crown CC, perf. 12½, an unused block of four, of lovely appearance but for surface thin on fourth stamp and gum crack on left vertical pair, fresh and fine, large part og. A delightful and most attractive multiple Gi = £ 1'600+.rnProvenance: Collection T. Charlton-Henry, Harmers, New York, 4-7 April 1961, lot 116; RL, London, 25 Sept 1979, lot 652.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 700 CHFLot# : 3559 Bahamas
1863 (May): 4 d. brownish rose, wmk. Crown CC, perf 12½, a used irregular block of five of excellent colour showing part of the papermaker's watermark - although this appears to be "OWN" of Crown Agents, lightly cancelled by 'Bahamas' datestamps (6 April 1876) in black. A charming and rare multiple Gi = £ 400+.rnProvenance: Collection Alfred H. Caspary, Harmers, New York, 14-15 May 1957, lot 38; Collection Morris Ludington, Spink, London, 9 Nov 1999, lot 1203.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 3560 Bahamas
1863 (May): 6 d. deep violet, wmk. Crown CC (reversed), an Imperforate Plate Proof, of superb rich colour, fresh and fine, large part og. Rare and exquisite.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3561 Bahamas
1863 (May): 6 d. deep violet, wmk. Crown CC, an Imperforate example overprinted SPECIMEN (Samuel Type D5) in black. Scarce and fine.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3562 Bahamas
1863 (May): 6 d. deep violet, wmk. Crown CC, perf. 12½, a used example on 1889 registered cover from Nassau to London tied by "A05" obliterator with oval 'R' in black above REGISTERED / NASSAU datestamp in red (Nov 25). Reverse with London arrival (Dec 9). Flap missing and a few imperfections but a scarce and attractive cover, ex the 'Bernardy' correspondence.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 360 CHFLot# : 3563 Bahamas
1863/77: 1 d. scarlet-vermilion, wmk. Crown CC, perf. 14, an unused block of four of fresh colour, variety "Watermark Reversed", fine large part og. with lower pair unmounted og. Gi = £ 340+.rnProvenance: Collection J.F. Ayre, RL, London, 25 Sept 1979, lot 669.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3564 Bahamas
1865/76: 4 d. bright rose, wmk. Crown CC, perf. 14, an unused example, slightly discoloured otherwise fresh and fine, large part og. Gi = £ 400.Starting bid : 175 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3565 Bahamas
1865/76: 4 d. dull rose, wmk. Crown CC, perf. 14, an unused example of good centering and fresh colour, fine large part og. Gi = £ 1'500.rnProvenance: Collection Morris Ludington, Spink, London, 9-10 Nov 1999, lot 1219.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3566 Bahamas
1865/76: 4 d. dull rose, wmk. Crown CC, perf. 14, an unused example, variety "Watermark Inverted", merest trace of ex hinge thin at top, large part og. Rare - unlisted in unused condition by Stanley Gibbons. Signed A. Diena. Cert. RPSL (2002) Gi = £ 1'500, the variety unpriced.rnProvenance: DF, Geneva, 30 April 2009, lot 30013.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 3567 Bahamas
1863: De La Rue Die Proof for the 1 s. value, printed in black on glazed white card, slightly dusty but very fine. Extremely rare.rnProvenance: Collection Morris Ludington, Spink, London, 9-10 Nov 1999, lot 1225.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 3568 Bahamas
1863/80: 1 s. green, wmk. Crown CC, perf. 14, a used block of twelve (4 x 3), fresh and very fine, lightly cancelled by 'Bahamas' datestamps (2 Oct 1881) in black. Charming and scarce multiple Gi = £ 360+.Starting bid : 140 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 3569 Bahamas
1882: 4 d. rose, wmk. Crown CA, perf. 12, an unused example, well centred and of fine colour, unused without gum. Cert. RPSL (1972) Gi = £ 550.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 3570 Bahamas
1882 (March): 4 d. rose, wmk. Crown CA, perf. 12, a used example on 1884 cover to London ted by "B" obliterator in black. Single ring 'Bahamas' despatch cds (Aug 13) on reverse with London arrival (Sept 1) in black. Minor wrinkles but an attractive franking.Starting bid : 175 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3571 Bahamas
1882: 1 d. scarlet vermilion, wmk. Crown CA, perf. 14, a single example and a horizontal strip of three, used on 1883 cover from Nassau to Dresden endorsed 'via Havana' tied by two strikes of the "B" obliterator in black. Reverse with 'Bahamas' despatch cds (March 13) alongside London transit and Dresden arrival cds (April 6). One stamp closed tear and the cover with weak edges, nevertheless attractive and rare.rnProvenance: Collection 'Abaco', Grosvenor, London, 22 June 2010, lot 120.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 700 CHFLot# : 3572 Bahamas
1882: 4 d. rose, wmk. Crown CA, perf. 14, an unused example of fine colour, slight gum wrinkle, part og. A scarce stamp. Cert. BPA (1980) Gi = £ 850.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 3573 Bahamas
1883 (Nov 20): De La Rue Colour Trials (6) using the 1 s. value, wmk. Crown CA, perf. 12, printed in rose, grey, brown, violet, yellow and olive-green, unused without gum and probably taken from an "Appendix" sheet in the DLR archives similar to that illustrated in the "De La Rue Collection" edited by Frank Walton RDP on page 2119 where these Trials were used to identify the "Proposed Schemes of Colours" for the 1884 issue. Rare and very seldom seen.Starting bid : 5,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3574 Bahamas
1883 (Nov 20): De La Rue Colour Trials (4) for the 1 s. value, wmk. Crown CA, perf. 12, applied on De La Rue sheet prepared for "Bahamas Postage Stamps / Existing and proposed Schemes of Colours" for the 1884 issue, with the current 1882 1 d. scarlet vermilion, perf. 14, flanked by 1 s. Trial in rose ("1d.") with "This colour is so nearly that which is prescribed by the International Postal Convention for this duty that it could not well be improved upon", 1 s. Trial in yellow next to the 4 d. rose, perf. 14 ("4d."), 1 s. Trial in violet next to 1863/77 6 d. deep violet Imperforate Proof and 1 s. green, perf. 14 below. Further items removed from this archive sheet - illustrated in the "De La Rue Collection" edited by Frank Walton RDP on page 2119 but beautiful and of great rarity.rnProvenance: RL, Bermuda, 15 Feb 1979, lot 42.Starting bid : 3,500 CHFHammer price : 6,000 CHFLot# : 3575 Bahamas
1883 (June): Surcharged 4 d. on 6 d. deep violet, an unused example in a rich shade, fresh and fine, part og. A scarce stamp. Cert. BPA (1976) Gi = £ 550.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3576 Bahamas
1883 (June): Surcharged 4 d. on 6 d. deep violet, a used example on the famous 1883 cover sent registered to Pemberton, Wilson & Co. in London, in combination with 1882 1 d. scarlet-vermilion, perf. 14, in a horizontal pair all tied by two neat strikes of the "B" obliterator in black. Circular REGISTERED / NASSAU datestamp in red (June 4) with docket number '79' and oval 'R' in black above. Reverse with oval London arrival (June 22) in black. The sole recorded date of use of the provisional 4 d. and the sole recorded example on cover, thankfully in wonderfully fresh condition, for the connoisseur. Cert. BPA (1992).rnProvenance: Collection J.F. Ayre, RL, London, 25 Sept 1979, lot 692; Christie’s, London, 27 Oct 1992, lot 2162; Collection 'Abaco', Grosvenor, London, 22 June 2010, lot 127.Starting bid : 7,500 CHFHammer price : 7,500 CHFLot# : 3577 Bahamas
1883: De La Rue Colour Trial for the 1 d. value, imperforate on wmk. Crown CA paper, printed in black, large part og. Rare.rnProvenance: Collection H. Moreton Black, Christie's, London, 28 Feb 1996, lot 106.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 350 CHFLot# : 3578 Bahamas
1884/90: Definitive set of six values unused to £ 1 Venetian red, with 1 d. rose, 4 d. yellow, 5 s. olive and £ 1 Venetiam red all overprinted SPÜECIMEN (Samuel Type D12) in black - these being printer's reference samples and not distributed to the UPU - together with the 2½ d. ultramarine and 6 d. mauve which were sent to the UPU and also overprinted SPECIMEN in black, fresh and very fine, large part og. An extremely rare set.rnProvenance: Collection 'Abaco', Grosvenor, London, 22 June 2010, lot 140.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3579 Bahamas
1884/90: £ 1 Venetian red, wmk. Crown CA, perf. 14, an unused block of four of good colour, fresh and very fine, large part og. with three stamps unmounted og. Scarce and most attractive Gi = £ 1'100+.rnProvenance: RL, London, 25 Sept 1979, lot 698.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 900 CHFLot# : 3580 Bahamas
1901: Queen's Staircase, De La Rue Die Proof of the vignette only, printed in black on wove paper (38 x 42 mm.), with the printer's guidelines at four sides, and with faint albino impressed date at top '1 APR 01'. Rare and fine.rnProvenance: Collection 'Abaco', Grosvenor, London, 22 June 2010, lot 156.rnStarting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 3581 Bahamas
1902: De La Rue Master Die Proof, without Duty Plate and printed in black on card with "July 24 / 60 leads / & 12 extra" in manuscript above; corresponding Duty Plate only Die Proof 'ONE SHILLING' with "Bahamas'" in manuscript above of same date, crossed through in red ink as invoiced "Dec 8th 1902". Rare and very fine, ex DLR archives.rnProvenance: Collection Morris Ludington, Spink, London, 9-10 Nov 1999, lot 1312; Collection 'Abaco', Grosvenor, London, 22 June 2010, lot 175.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 460 CHFLot# : 3582 Bahamas
1902/07: Definitive set of seven values unused, wmk. Crown CA, perf. 14, all overprinted SPECIMEN in black, fresh and fine, large part og. Gi = £ 300.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 120 CHFLot# : 3583 Bahamas
1902/07: Defintive set of seven values to £ 1 green & black, with additional shades of the 4 d. and 1 s., fresh and fine, large part og. A scarce set, the £ 1 signed A. Diena Gi = £ 400+.Starting bid : 175 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 3584 Bahamas
1902/07: £ 1 green & black, wmk. Crown CA, perf. 14, a used example, top marginal with Plate Number '1', cancelled at Nassau (11 Oct 1905) in black. Scarce so fine Gi = £ 350.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 180 CHFLot# : 3585 Bahamas
1906/11: De La Rue Colour Trial, 1 d. value imperforate on wmk. Multiple Crown CA paper, printed in dull purple & green, fresh and fine, large part og. Scarce.rnrnStarting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 360 CHFLot# : 3586 Bahamas
1906/11: De La Rue Colour Trial, 1 d. value imperforate on wmk. Multiple Crown CA paper, printed in purple & black on red, fresh and fine, part og. Scarce.rnProvenance: Collection 'Abaco', Grosvenor, London, 22 June 2010, lot 201.rnrnStarting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 340 CHFLot# : 3587 Bahamas
1911/19: De La Rue Plate Proof for the 5 d. value in black & mauve, imperforate on wmk. Multiple Crown CA paper, imperfections and creases, large part og. A scarce working Proof.rnProvenance: Collection 'Abaco', Grosvenor, London, 22 June 2010, lot 210.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 3588 Bahamas
1912/19: Definitive set of nine values to £ 1 unused, fresh and fine, overprinted SPECIMEN in black (in red on the 1 s. value), large part og. Scarce Gi = £ 325.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3589 Bahamas
1918 (Feb-July): War Tax, 1 d. black & red, overprinted in Nassau, an unused example, variety "Overprint Double, One Inverted", fine appearance, some adherence on part og. Rare Gi = £ 850.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 250 CHFLot# : 3590 Bahamas
1918 (Feb-July): War Tax, 3 d. purple on yellow, overprinted in Nassau, an unused block of six (3 x 2) from upper left corner of the sheet, variety "W of WAR Inserted by Hand", caused by the sheet being creased at the corner when overprinting, the "W" of WAR printing on the reverse in error. To rectify the fault, the printer inserted the "W" by hand, obviously with some creasing, fresh and fine, unmounted og. Exceedingly rare Gi = £ 5'000.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 3,000 CHFLot# : 3591 Bahamas
1919 (July 4): 'War Tax' on 3 d. black & brown, an unused block of four from upper right of sheet with requisition number 1061 in margin, variety "Watermark Inverted", fresh and fine, unmounted og. Gi = £ 360+.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 160 CHFLot# : 3592 Bahamas
1920: Peace Celebration, De La Rue 2 d. slate grey, an Imperforate Colour Trial on wmk. Multiple Crown CA sideways paper, large part slightly browned og. Scarce and most unusual.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 250 CHFLot# : 3593 Bahamas
1920: Peace Celebration, De La Rue 3 d. deep brown, an Imperforate Colour Trial on wmk. Multiple Crown CA sideways paper, large part slightly browned og. Scarce and most unusual. Cert. RPSL (1980).Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 250 CHFLot# : 3594 Bahamas
1921/37: Definitive set of eleven values unused all overprinted SPECIMEN in black or red (1 s.), the 1½ d. and 3 d. perforated with hooded SPECIMEN, fresh and fine, large part og. An extremely rare Specimen set Gi = £ 550.Starting bid : 220 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 3595 Bahamas
1930: Tercentenary of the Colony, the exquisite series of five hand-painted Essays for a proposed 1 d. value by E. Jackman of Bradbury Wilkinson & Co., with five differing designs - three on large card (114 x 112 mm.) and two stamp sized cards, all hand-painted in shades of black for the ship central vignette (and one with country name); surrounds painted in carmine and shades of pale carmine, the lettering and Duty Plates picked out in Chinese white. One with small surface scratch at base but beautiful and of enormous rarity.rnProvenance: Collection 'Abaco', Grosvenor, London, 22 June 2010, lot 242.rnrnrnrnStarting bid : 3,500 CHFHammer price : 4,000 CHFLot# : 3596 Bahamas
1937 (May 12): Coronation set of three values unused, variety Imperforate with the ½ d. green and 2½ d. bright blue being marginal from left of sheet, the 1½ d. not fully gummed, all perforated hooded SPECIMEN, fresh and very fine, unmounted og. Extremely rare with, it is believed just six sets printed thus.rnProvenance: RL, London, 15 Dec 1981, lot 59.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 1,700 CHFLot# : 3597 Bahamas
1938/46: The definitive set of fourteen values unused, all perforated hooded SPECIMEN, fresh and very fine, large part og. The 1950/52 values were never issued thus, an extremely scarce full set Gi = £ 600.rnProvenance: Phillips, London, 1 July 1993, lot 284.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 3598 Bahamas
1942 (Oct 12): Landfall of Columbus 1 s. grey-black & bright crimson, an unused example (Row 2, stamp 5), showing variety "Broken "OF" and "US"of COLUMBUS", fresh and fine, large part og. Scarce Gi = £ 400.Starting bid : 140 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 3599 Bahamas
Special Delivery 1916 (May 1): Staircase 5 d. black & orange, overprinted by the Nassau Guardian, an unused horizontal pair, corner marginal from the lower right of sheet, variety "Pair, One Without Overprint", fresh and very fine, unmounted og. Exceptional and of great rarity. Cert. BPA (1943) Gi = £ 27'000.Starting bid : 10,000 CHFHammer price : 17,000 CHFLot# : 3600 Barbados
1771 (Sept 2): Cover from Barbados to Westminster endorsed 'p. Capt. Moulton QDC' (whom God preserve) struck on reverse with very fine two line "BARBA / DOES" despatch in brown (Type 2) and, on front panel, equally fine "DEAL / SHIP LRE" (Robertson S2) and Bishop Mark arrival (Oct 21) and rated '7' (pence) to pay. Slight closed tear in front panel but displays superbly well.rnProvenance: Collection Basil B. Benwell, Harmers, London, 25 April 1985, lot 2010; Collection Barclays Bank, Phillips, London, 28 My 1987, lot 341.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 650 CHF
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