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Lot# : 1021 Austria
1850/67: Lot elf gest. Marken, 20 Briefstücke und fünf Belege der ersten bis sechsten Ausgabe, alle mit seltenen Abschlägen aus versch. Kronländern in Jerger-Qualität. Vorab sign. Ferchenbauer mit zwei Befunden.
Provenienz: Sammlung Dr. Anton Jerger, 138. Corinphila Auktion (2003).Starting bid : 850 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 1022 Austria
1850/67: Sammlung hunderter vorab gest. Marken und Briefstücke aus dem Kronland Böhmen mit vielen guten Abstempelungen inkl. Zier- und Zierkreisstp. in generell guter Qualität, dabei 1850 1 Kr. gelb, zehn Einzelwerte, ein Paar und ein Beleg, 9 Kr. blau im Viererblock, Mischfrankatur mit 1858 10 Kr. braun auf Brief, 1858 2 Kr. gelb Type I auf Drucksache, 1860 Zeitungsmarke im ungest. Zehnerblock, 1861 15 Kr. blau in farbengleicher Mischfrankatur mit rücks. 1863 10 Kr. blau auf Einschreibebrief von "Neumark in Böhmen 31.8.", 1863 5 Kr. rosa, drei Einzelwerte auf Beleg im dritten Briefkreis, 15 Kr. braun als Sechserblock und Italienbrief mit Dreifarbenfrankatur, sowie 120 weitere Belege. Zwölf Befunde und drei Atteste, interessantes Lot in drei Alben.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 2,600 CHFLot# : 1023 Austria
1850/84ca.: Posten 270 Belege und 300 gest. Marken/Briefstücke, besonders stark die erste Ausgabe vertreten, primär mit klaren, interessantem Abstempelungen, dabei vorphilatelistische Belege (32), 1. Ausgabe (Kreuzer 96 & Centesimi 20), 2. Ausgabe (5), 3. Ausgabe (37), 4. Ausgabe (19), 5. Ausgabe (43) und 6. Ausgabe (23) mit Drucksachen, Einschreiben, Buntfrankaturen, fast alles aus dem Kronländern Böhmen & Mähren, weiterhin blaue Stempel, Andreaskreuzansatz, Bogenränder und -ecken, Papierfalten, unterlegte Mittelstücke, Verwendung von Centesimi-Marken im Kreuzer-Bereich und zehn Dokumente mit Stempelmarken, ein vielfältiges Los.
Starting bid : 700 CHFHammer price : 2,800 CHFLot# : 1024 Austria
1850/1918: Zusammenstellung Tausender vorab gest. Marken und Briefstücke von Österreich und Lombardei-Venetien, Frei- und Zeitungsmarken, in generell guter Erhaltung und Qualität, dabei 1850 mit grosser Vielfalt an Farbnuancen, ungest. Werte, Rand- und Eckrandstücke, Einheiten mit Zwergenschnitt, spätere Ausgaben mit Bunt- und Mischfrankaturen auf Briefstücken, weiterhin eine umfangreiche Stempelsammlung auf den Ausgaben 1850 bis 1867 sortiert nach Ausgaben, innerhalb der Ausgaben oft alphabetisch nach Stempeln, mit bessere Entwertungen wie blaue und rote Stempel, blauer "Paternion in Kärnten", Muschelstp. "Imp. Reg. Vapori" auf 1861er Ausgabe, Fingerhutstp. Bahnpost- und Schiffspoststp., ungarische und ausländische Entwertungen, stumme Stempel, handschr. und Wiener Nachentwertungen, Levantepostämter mit besseren wie Burgas und Bucharest auf Wappenausgabe, Jubiläumsausgaben 1908 und 1910, Flugpost Lemberg mit Bedarfsbeleg, Portomarken, Feldpost, DDSG, Telegaphenmarken, Zeitungsstempelmarken und Bosnien & Herzegovina. Eine umfangreiche Sammlung aus den 1960er Jahren in sieben Alben, muss besichtigt werden.Starting bid : 4,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1025 Austria
Lot# : 1026 Austria
1850/1937: Interessante Sammlung hunderter gest./ungest. Marken und Briefstücke von Österreich und Lombardei-Venetien, dabei 1850 1 Kr. gelb mit rücks. Teilabdruck des Andreaskreuzes, 2 Kr. schwarz im senkr. Paar auf Briefstück, 3 Kr. rot auf geripptem Papier (2) und mit Quetschfalte, weiterhin Rand- und Eckrandstücke, Andreaskreuze, Einheiten bis zu Fünferstreifen, besondere und seltene Entwertungen wie Stumme Stempel von Budweis, Czimelitz und Tabor, Zweizeiler "v. MIES", Einkreiser WALLAJ auf Dreistreifen mit Bogenrand, Einkreiser MORAWAN auf Dreierstreifen, Feldpost Besetzung Donaufürstentümer, Entwertungen in Ungarn und Lombardei-Venetien, 1858 mit 5 Kr. rot im Vierer- und Sechserblock, 15 Kr. im Sechserblock mit roter Einschreibe-Entwertung von Wien, seltene und attraktive Entwertungen wie blauer "Paternion in Kärnten" auf Briefstück mit Buntfrankatur, Mischfrankaturen 3 Kr. grün mit 1861 2 Kr. gelb und 5 Kr. rot mit 1861 10 Kr. braun, 1863 Ganzsachenausschnitt 15 Kr. braun auf Briefstück, 1867 feiner Druck 2 Kr. gelb, fünf Werte auf Briefstück, Buntfrankaturen auf Briefstücken, Jubiläumsausgaben 1908 und 1910, Ausgaben 1910-1917 z. T. auch in ungez. Paaren, weiterhin Lombardei-Venetien 1850 mit zwei Dreierstreifen 1 Kr. gelb, Einheiten und Farben, grosse Stempelvielfalt mit Stummen Stempeln, Feldpost, 1858 Drucksache mit 2 Soldi, sowie versch. Einzelmarken mit Andreaskreuzansatz, DDSG-Marken, Entwertungen in der Levante wie Burgas, Berutti und blauer Samsun, Zeitungsmarken 1851 auf geripptem Papier, Portomarken, Ausgaben für die Levante, Bosnien-Herzegovina und Neudrucke der klassischen Ausgaben. Ein sehr vielfältiges Los, dass besichtigt werden muss.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 5,500 CHFLot# : 1027 Austria
1850/1960: Sammlung resp. Lot mit einigen Hundert Marken gest./ungest. oder im neueren Teil auch postfr., mit einigen besseren Marken im klassischen Bereich bis 1867, hier mit Farbnuancen; Papierverschiedenheiten und Stempeln, inkl. Feldpost, Lombardei, Levante und Bosnien Herzegowina, gute bis gemischte Erhaltung, in vier Alben und in einer Mappe.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 1028 Austria
1850/1970ca.: Tausende vorab gest. Marken ab der ersten Ausgabe, vorab in Tütchen, weiterhin semi-modernes Material mit 1931 Rotary im Paar, 1933 FIS-Wettkämpfe (3), WIPA-Marken auf Faserpapier (2) in ungest/postfr. Erhaltung.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHFLot# : 1029 Austria
1858/64: Interessante Stempelsammlung mit 35 gest. Marken resp. Briefstücken und vier Belegen der 2. bis 5. Ausgabe, vorab aus den österreichischen Kronlanden und Ungarn, Marken und Stempel in überdurchschnittlich guter bis ausgezeichneter Erhaltung, alles sauber aufgezogen und kompetent beschriftet, dabei interessante Stücke 1858 5 Kr. mit Würgemal, 15 Kr. & 10 Kr. auf Einschreiben Görde nach Wien, 1861 2 Kr. & 3 Kr. Furta mit handschr. Eintrag des Datums, 1863/64 5 Kr. & 10 Kr, auf Einschreiben Kaba nach Wien, sowie extrem seltener Stp. Lepsény.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 1030 Austria
1863/1908: Sammlung von 14 Probedrucken der Ausgaben 1883 bis 1904, weiterhin 86 Neudrucke in Kreuzer resp. Centesimi / Soldi, dabei die sog. Kropf-Neudrucke 1907/08 für dessen Monographie 'Die Postwertzeichen des Kaiserthums Österreich', die von allen in der Staatsdruckerei aufbewahrten Druckstöckeln in Schwarz auf Japanpapier hergestellt wurde, die Ausgabe 1850 auch mit dem nicht verausgabten Wert zu 12 Kr., die Ausgabe von 1858 mit zusätzlicher Wertbezeichnung in Kreuzer Conventionsmünze und 18 'Neudrucke' von 1863 der Radnitzky-Ganzsachenessays.Starting bid : 850 CHFHammer price : 1,300 CHFLot# : 1031 Austria
1867/1918ca.: Lot hunderte gest./ungest. Marken resp. Briefstücke und sieben Belege, dabei Freimarken nach Zähnungen gesammelt, Telegraphenmarken mit SPECIMEN-Aufdrucken, Feldpost, Flugpost mit Flugpostmarken Wien - Lemberg, auch auf Beleg, Zeitungsstempelmarken, Portomarken, Bosnien-Herzegovina mit 1906 5 Kr. im Zwölferblock ungest. mit Mischzähnung 12½:6½.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 1032 Austria
1867/1918: Umfangreiche Sammlung Tausender vorab gest. Marken und Briefstücke aus dem Kronland Böhmen mit einem sehr schönen Stempelteil, z. T. spezialisiert nach Zähnungen gesammelt, weiterhin Jubiläumsausgabe 1908, Perfins, Porto- und Zeitungsmarken und 1080 Belege mit Zeitungen, Begleitadressen mit Kronen-Werten, Halbierungs-Frankaturen, Ansichtskarten, eingehende Post aus dem Ausland, Feld- und Kriegsgefangenenpost, Ganzsachen mit Postkarten ab den Gelblingen und Kartenbriefe, aber auch Formularkarten, z. T portofrei als Amtspost versandt. Ein Attest, in neun Alben.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1033 Austria
1908/53: Lot 140 ungest. Marken mit besseren Sätzen und Einzelwerten wie 1908 Jubiläumsserie, 1929 Freimarken, 1931 Rotary, 1932 Freimarken (3), 1933 FIS-Wettkämpfe (2), 1936 Dollfuss (2), 1945 Grazer Aufdrucke auf den Markwerten (2), Blitz & Maske (2), 1953 Vögel (4), weiterhin Bosnien-Herzegovina 1900 Freimarken. Ein Attest.Starting bid : 700 CHFHammer price : 1,900 CHFLot# : 1034 Austria
1918/76: Sammlung Tausende vorab gest./ungest. Marken, dabei Erste Republik in grosser Vielfalt mit Abstimmungsmarken und -Vignetten, interessante Serien wie 1933 FIS Wettkämpfe, WIPA Block mit Originalumschlag, Dollfuss, alle postfr., weiterhin Abstempelungen und einige Belege.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 1,600 CHFLot# : 1035 Austria
Lot# : 1036 Austria
1850/67: Lot 57 Belege in untersch. Erhaltung, dabei Umschlag Olmütz an die Feldpost No. 4 in den Donaufürstentümern, 1855 Alt-Orsova an die Feldpost Craiova, Schiffspoststp. "C. V. DA VENEZIA" auf fünf Belegen mit 1850 6 Kr. nach Triest, 1864 Kutty über Lemberg nach Wien, 1864 Fahnenstp. Grinzing nach Leitmeritz, 1867 früher magyarisierter "KASSA AJANLOTT 23/4" nach Pest, 1875 "SCHIFFSPOSTBUREAU SPALATO" nach Triest, Verwendung Stempelmarke als Freimarke auf Paketbegleitschreiben, Zeitungsstempelmarken auf zwei Zeitungen, weiterhin 13 Belege Lombardei-Venetien mit Stempelmarken auf zwei Belegen als Freimarken verwendet, 1850 5 Cts. Einzelwert und paar entw. NOALE, 15 Cts. im Eckrandpaar von PISOGNE, 45 Cts. mit geripptem Papier und 1863 2 Kr. gelb in Mischfrankatur mit 1863/64 3 Kr. grün.Starting bid : 700 CHFHammer price : 1,400 CHFLot# : 1037 Austria
1855/1933: Lot sieben Belege, dabei 1868 Faltbrief Brody nach Lemberg mit Stempelmarken 2 Kr. & 3 Kr. als Freimarken verwendet, 1887 Wertbriefumschlag als Einschreiben Lemberg nach Bendorf, 1888 Taruerbrief Lemberg nach Wien retourniert und neu versandt nach Graz sowie 1918 portogerechter Flugpostbrief mit entsprechender ungarischer Flugpostmarke von Budapest über Wien nach Lemberg, ab 5. Juli 1918, Zweittag des Flugpostdienstes, der nur 21 Tage im Juli 1918 ab Budapest möglich war. Ein postgeschichtlich interessante Selektion.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1038 Austria
1870/1970ca.: Lot 200 Belege, dabei Ganzsachen ab der 1867er Ausgabe, dabei Schiffspoststp., Bahnpostbelege, Sonderpostakrten zur Jagdausstellung 1910, Propagandakarten Burenkrieg, Feldpost 1. Weltkrieg, taxierte Belege mit Portomarken, Sonderstp. der Ersten Republik und Anschluss, weiterhin ein kl. intensiv genutztes Literaturlot mit Müller und Passer.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 1039 Austria
1880/1960: Lot 400 Belege, dabei österreichisches Postamt in Konstantinopel 1883 in die Schweiz, Grenzrayon in die Schweiz, Nachnahme-Begleitadresse 1907 von Konstantinopel nach Luzern mit den hohen Piaster-Werten, Paketkarte 1913 von Beirut in die USA mit hohen Werten der Regierungsjubiläumsausgabe, Eingehende Post, Feldpost, Hüttenpost, Ganzsachen, Zensur, Inflationsbelege, weiterhin hunderte gest./ungest. Frei- und Zeitungsmarken, in vier Alben.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 1040 Austrian Levant
1864: 2 s. yellow, perf. 14 (pulled perfs on bottom of both stamps), two examples used on 1868 Printed Matter entire letter from Constantinople to Trieste tied by "CONSTANTINOPEL 30/5" datestamp in black with oval Triest arrival datestamp (5/6) in black. A scarce franking.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 1041 Austrian Levant
1864: Cover to Paris endorsed 'via Kustendje' in manuscript, carried at double rate, franked by 1863 Arms 3 s. green (2), 10 s. blue and 15 s. brown, all perf. 14, used in combination with 1864 5 s. rose (2), perf. 9½, all tied by CONSTANTINOPEL datestamps (26/9) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 387). Overpaid 1 soldi for the correct 40 soldi rate, with red 'P.D.' and Strassbourg entry mark on front (Oct 4). Reverse with Vienna transit (Oct 1) and Paris arrival cds. A remarkable and rare mixed issue franking. Signed Pothion.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 3,200 CHFLot# : 1042 Austrian Levant
1872: Entire letter from Constantinople to Genova, Italy endorsed 'via Corfu, Brindisi' franked by 1867/74 3 soldi pale green, 5 s. red and 15 s. brown all tied by single ring CONSTANTINOPEL cds’s (8/6) in black. Reverse with Brindisi transit and Genova arrival cds (June 13).
Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 1043 Austrian Levant
1864/74: Lot 15 used stamps and two pairs, all cancelled in Larnaca with Coat of Arms 15 so. brown with fair but rare straight line "LARNACA / 19 SEPT." handstamp (Tchilinghirian fig. 1) in black on piece and Coat of Arms 15 so. (2), Franz-Joseph 3 so. green, 5 so. red (2 and a pair), 10 so. blue (1 and pair), 15 so. brown (4), and 25 so. grey in diff. shades (4), all cancelled by LARNACA DI CIPRIO cds's in black or black brown (Tchilinghirian fig. 3). A sound and rare selection.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 360 CHFLot# : 1044 Austrian Levant
1867/1913: Covers/cards (75+), with Levant Post Office usages from Adrianople with 1900 registered usage, Beirut, Candia with 1867/74 10 s. and Greece Large Hermes 20 l. applied on arrival in Syra, Constantinople incl. 1874 entire with 1867/74 10 s. and 25 s. tied by framed 'Lettere Arrivate Per Mare / Varna', registered frankings, 1899 covere from Canea, 1896 cover from Durazzo, 1905 card from Jaffa, 1912 cover from Janina, Mersina, Prevesa with 1864 3 s. green (3) used to Kerkyra with Greece Large Hermes 20 l. blue applied for inland delivery on arrival (cover is disinfected with slits), Salonica covers incl. 1867/74 issue 5 s. red and 10 s. blue on 1872 to Vienna, 5 s. red (2) on 1875 cover to Venice and registered usages, Scio-Cesme with 1867/74 10 s. used on cover to Syra with Greece Large Hermes 20 l. blue tied on arrival, Smyrna, Tebizionde etc. Condition varies but some attractive covers present.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 1,700 CHFLot# : 1045 Poland
Lot# : 1046 Poland
1919: Krakow definitive issue, 10 kr. dark-violet opt. POCZTA / POLSKA in black, opt. plate IVB, position 4, fresh colour and good perfs., a fine stamp tied by "KRAKOW 1 -16.II.19" cds to piece. A rare stamp with just 440 issued (of both shades), in the dark-violet shade, only a few used examples are recorded. Cert. Mikulski (1980) Fischer 49b / Mi = € 25'000.Starting bid : 4,000 CHFHammer price : 4,600 CHFLot# : 1047 Poland
1944: Wodzowie issue, compl. set of three values 25 gr. to 1 zl., all perf. 11½ (Fischer 339-341), tied by "LUBLIN 1 30.9.44.-8" cds's to local registered advertisement postcard with original receipt attached to the reverse. Signed Petriuk BPP.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1048 Poland
Lot# : 1049 Poland
Lot# : 1050 Poland
1919: Krakow issue, 30 h. rose red opt. POCZTA / POLSKA in black, ovpt. plate IIA, sheet position 67, fresh colour, well centered, tied by "KRAKOW 25.II.19-10" cds to piece. A rare stamp with only 270 examples issued. Signed Mikstein on the reverse of the stamp; cert. Mikulski (1979) Fischer D7 = Zł 4'000+ / Mi = € 2'000+.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 1051 Poland
1944: Generalgouvernement definitives, set of ten values 6 gr. brown to 1 zl green-blue, ovpt. vertically during the Warsaw uprising with 'POCZTA POLOWA / 1-VIII-1944/ WARSZAWA", not issued, unmounted og. Signed Krawczyk Fischer I - X / Mi = € 2'500.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 1052 Poland
1860/1948: Lot 39 primarily mint stamps and ten souvernir sheets, incl. better singles and sets such as 1860 10 kop. blue & carmine used (2), 1925 Na Skarb set (2), 1928 Warsaw stamp show miniature sheet (2), 1938 Warsaw stamp show miniature sheets perf. & imperf., Stratosphere baloon souvernir sheet (3), 1946 BIE souvernir sheet (2), 1948 USA anniversary miniature sheet, and postage due 1919 on Krakow ovpt. stamps. One cert. Mi = € 4'200+.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 1053 Portugal
1915/16: 'Sociedade Portugueza de la cruz vermelha' - Lot five P.O.W. postcards with imprinted Red Cross 'Porto Franco' - vignette sent from Lisbon and forwarded via Geneva to Germany (4) and Switzerland (1), all showing different handstamps, including unused and pre-printed addressed to Dr. Phil. R. Carl in Dresden (1) and four used cards with one showing 'Comando Militar dos Açores' handstamp, further complete sheet of 28 'Porto Franco' vignettes unused.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 1054 Portugal
1853/98: Interesting Collection 60 primarily used stamps incl. 1853 Queen Maria 5 r. red-brown and 100 r. lilac, 1855 King Pedro 5 r. red-brown, 1870 Luis 240 r. lilac, 1895 Antonius of Padua 300 r., 500 r. and 1000 r. unused. A fine selection with some postmark interest.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,500 CHFLot# : 1055 Portugal
Lot# : 1056 Portuguese Colonies
1868/1990ca.: Extensive collection of Portuguese Colonies from Azores to Zambezia, except Macau and Portuguese India, in the main catalogue numbers nearly complete with better sets and values used/unused, including airpost stamps, postage dues, postal tax stamps, miniature sheets, newspaper stamps and semi official stampss of nearly every country with some better varieties, rare perforations and other specialities noted, starting with Azores, Angola, Portugeuse Africa, Congo, Cape Verde, Funchal, Portuguese Guinea, Horta, Inhanbane, Kionga, Lourenço Marques, Macao with twelve 'Crown' values as 1884 40 r. blue and 50 r. green, both unused and 10 r. on 50 r. used, Madeira 1868 imperf. set of our unused together with all other issues up to modern continuing with Mozambique and Mozambique Company, Nyassa, Ponta Delgada, Quelimane, St. Thomas & Prince Islands, Tete, Timor and Zambezia. Stamps slightly tropically toned as usual, just being mentioned, but in general a fine collection in three volumes and not often seen in such completeness.Starting bid : 5,000 CHFHammer price : 7,000 CHFLot# : 1057 Portuguese Colonies
Portuguese India 1871/1962: Lot hundreds primarily unused stamps with better sets and singles such as 1871 20 r. vermillion used, 1872 10 r. black with double print, 1877 Crown definitives, compl. set of nine, 1881 ovpt. definitive 5 r. on 1872 10 r. black, Crown definitive ovpts, 1886 King Luis definitives, later King Carlos definitives, REPUBLICA ovpts., Cérès definitives, in addition postage due, stamps slightly tropically toned.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,300 CHFLot# : 1058 Romania
Lot# : 1059 Romania
1851: Entire letter from Galatz to Bucharest mailed at the Russian Post Office and struck on reverse with superb part framed "GALATZ / 1851 OKTOBER 26" datestamp in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 47, Dobin fig. 63.1.04). Exceptional strike on a fine quality entire - very rare thus.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1060 Romania
1854: Large format envelope mailed at the Russian Post Office in Jassy via the Russian Customs to the Asian Department of the Russian Imperial Ministry of External Affairs in St. Petersburg, struck with neat strike of two line dated JASSY datestamp in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 36, Dobin fig. 63.1.06). Complete Official red wax seal adjacent, a rare and very fine cover.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1061 Romania
1858: 54 parale blue on green horizontally laid paper, large margins on three sides while lightly touched at base, tied by "JASSY 26/8 MOLDOVA" cds in blue (Kiriac M1 fig. 279) to entire to Galatz, reverse with handwritten "54" (parale). A rare and desirable franking of thr first Bull Head's issue, Heimbüchler lists 17 covers with the 54 parale from Jassy. This one is not yet included, but a comparable cover from the same correspondence is shown in Heimbüchler I, p. 349. Cert. Heimbüchler (2016).Starting bid : 4,000 CHFHammer price : 6,500 CHFLot# : 1062 Romania
1858: 108 parale blue on rose horizontally laid paper, ample to large margins all round, tied by "MICHALENI 8/9 MOLDOVA" cds in blue (Kiriac M1 fig. 280) to piece, reverse with "JASSY 10/9 MOLDOVA" in red. The stamp is backed to repair a thin on reverse, but an extremely rare, maybe unique use of the first Bull's Head stamps in Michaleni. This stamp is shown and discussed in Heimbüchler III, p. 53 being part of a damaged cover, which was obviously reduced to a piece. At the time of publishing his handbook Rumania (1994), Fritz Heimbüchler reported that two stamps Michaleni datestamps described by Poncelet in1933 have not been traced so far. In part III of his handbook (2007) Heimbüchler mentioned and illustraded this 108 p. from the Bela Sekula Auction (1927) and stated: 'In spite of the 70 years that have passed, it seems likely that the Michaleni postmarked copies will again surface.' A sensational re-discovery for Romanian Philately. Signed Schlesinger and Kosack; cert. Heimbüchler (2016) Mi = € 15'000 for a detached stamp.
Provenance: Bela Sekula Auction (October 1927) on entire letter.Starting bid : 5,000 CHFHammer price : 11,500 CHFLot# : 1063 Romania
1858: Newspaper Stamp, handstruck in Jassy, the famous 5 parale black on yellowish paper, Type I with frame-line below 'A' unbroken, an attractive example in a sharp deep almost doubled impression with large even margins all round, unused without gum. Minor imperfections with the slightest of diagonal bends and a near invisible hinge thin on reverse and a possible minor repair to a pinhole in the star above the Bull's head. However, this is a truly splendid example of this extremely rare and desirable stamp of which only seven examples (formerly six) are recorded in unused condition. See Heimbüchler I, page 163. Cert. Zanini (1968), Heimbüchler (2016) Scott 8 = $ 15'000 / Gi 11 = £ 24'000 / Mi = € 32'000.Starting bid : 7,500 CHFHammer price : 17,000 CHFLot# : 1064 Romania
Lot# : 1065 Romania
1858: 40 pa. blue on greyish-blue paper, a fine appearing horizontal pair with reasonable margins all round, vertical scissor cut alongside right hand stamp, used on 1858 entire letter written in hebrew, sent registered to Jassy and cancelled by three FOKSCHANI / MOLDOVA datestamps (8/12 and 9/12) struck in blue (Kiriac fig. 275) with RECEPISSE alongside at left. Reverse with 'Jassy / Moldova' cds of receipt (11/12) in blue. A rare and early usage of these adhesives.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 1066 Romania
Lot# : 1067 Romania
1858: 40 parale greenish blue on thin white wove paper, a horizontal strip of four, tied by framed FRANCO / BERLAD handstamp in blue (Kiriac fig. 302) to reverse of a double weight registered 1860 entire to Jassy, with JASSY / MOLDOVA arrival cds alongside on flap. Italic RECEPISSE in blue and BERLAD / MOLDOVA cds (4/7) in blue on front. Stamps are a somewhat yellowed but attractively cancelled, some creasing and fourth stamp touched, but a very scarce franking. Cert. Heimbüchler (2016)Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 4,000 CHFLot# : 1068 Romania
1858: 40 pa. greenish blue on white wove paper, four examples used on registered cover to Jassy, margins just shaved to fine, tied by two strikes of framed FRANCO / BACEU handstamps in blue-green ink (Kiriac fig. 301) with circular BAKEU / MOLDOVA cds (2/2) adjacent (fig. 271) and RECEPISSE at left. reverse with 'Jassy / Moldova' cds of receipt (3/2) in black. Fresh and very fine, a delightful cover. Signed Tulbenjian.Starting bid : 3,000 CHFHammer price : 3,000 CHFLot# : 1069 Romania
1858: 80 pa. bright red, a horizontal pair used on small piece, right hand stamp superb, the left hand stamp irregularly cut and just touched at upper left, cancelled by complete strike of framed FRANCO / BERLAD handstamp (Kiriac fig. 302) struck in red.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 1070 Romania
1858: Collection of the issue with 5 pa. black, Type II, unused (2), 40 pa. blue unused (6, all with large margins) and used examples (12, two with RPS certs.), 80 pa. red unused and used (6). One or two forgeries or faked cancellations noted, not counted in description. Condition generally fine to very fine, with cancellation interest throughout.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 2,000 CHFLot# : 1071 Romania
1862: Handstruck on wove paper, 6 pa. pale red in a block of four showing two vertical tête-bêche pairs, top left stamp with splitting along left margin leaving large thin, otherwise fresh and very fine with large part og. Scarce Mi = € 800+.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 350 CHFLot# : 1072 Romania
1862: Handstruck 30 pa. deep blue on white wove paper, a four margined example used on 1863 'Retour Recepisã' to Bucharest, cancelled by oval FRANCO / JASSY in black (Kiraic fig. 311) with 'Jassy / Moldova' datestamp at left (19/12) in black and further strike on reverse (21/12). Usual small creases to the form but scarce.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 1073 Romania
1862: Handstruck 30 pa. blue, a huge margined example used on 1863 entire letter to Galatz (Theologo correspondence) tied by oval FRANCO / JASSY handstamp in black (Kiriac fig. 311) wirth 'Jassy / Moldova' cds of despatch at left (9/7). Reverse with Galatz arrival cds. Some file folds away from adhesive but an attractive entire.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 1074 Romania
1862: Handstruck 30 pa. blue on white wove paper, a fine strip of three, large margins all round, used on registered cover to Galatz, cancelled by oily strikes of framed FRANCO / BOTUSCHANI handstamps (Kiriac fig. 304) with 'Botuschani / Moldova' datestamp alongside (Nov 10). Italic RECEPISSE on front and reverse with Jassy cds in blue (11/11) and Galatz arrival (14/11) in black. A scarce cover.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 1075 Romania
1862: Handstruck unused multiples: 3 pa. yellow in a fine large margin horizontal strip of four (Mi = € 440+), 6 pa. in deep carmine red on white wove paper in a fine unused block of four with large part og. (Mi = € 440+) and a horizontal strip of four in the pale rose shade, slightly stained from original gum (Mi = € 380); also 30 pa. deep blue on horizontally laid paper in a block of four, fine but for small creases at top (Mi 10/Iz = € 440). A most attractive group.
Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 1076 Romania
1862/64: Handstruck and plate printed collection with a remarkable array incl. scarce handstruck 3 pa. used (2), handstruck 6 pa. red with a fine unused ranage incl. a tête-bêche pair, fine pair cancelled by both FRANCO / JASSY and 'Recepisse' in blue, plate printed 6 pa. red sheet of 40 unused showing the central row sideways, 30 pa. blue in an unused block of 20 with central four stamps turned sideways and a similar block of nine; also a fine range of covers with 30 pa. (2) on registered cover and single usages from Bakeu, Craiova, Fokschani and Jassy. A most interesting lot (120 items).Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 2,000 CHFLot# : 1077 Romania
1862: Handstruck on wove paper, 30 pa. blue, the fine used selection of seven items with horizontal pair on piece cancelled FRANCO / TEKOUTCI (Kiriac fig. 320), single examples with one showing complete FRANCO / PIATRA (fig. 318), another with Bucharest cds in red and piece with 30 pa. cancelled RIMNICUL SARAT cds (fig. 350) together with two examples on horizontally laid paper, one cancelled in red at Braila, the other with perfect WASLUI / MOLDOVA cds (fig. 284) in black.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1078 Romania
Lot# : 1079 Romania
1865: Cuza issue collection with 2 pa. unused in yellow shade (4), 2 pa. orange unused (37, incl. two pairs and a block of four) and a used example with RPS cert. (1947); 5 pa. blue unused (45, incl. three strips of three, blocks of four and six) and used examples (2); 20 pa. red unused on white or blued paper (20) and used (21), together with a few 1864 unissued adhesives. Condition generally fine to very fine. A good lot.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1080 Romania
Lot# : 1081 Romania
1868: 18 bani rose, a fine example with large margins all round, tied by CRAIOVA datestamp (28/10) in black (Kiriac fig. 387) to 1868 entire to Vienna, despatched to the Austrian PO in Bucharest as this issue was not valid for external transmission. Sent direct to Austrian P.O. in Bucharest, where PORTO handstamp in black applied on front and BUCAREST cds (30/10) struck on reverse in black (Tchilinghirian & Stephen fig. 716). Charged due on arrival with '10' (kreuzer) noted in manuscript and reverse with Vienna arrival datestamp in red. The postal treaty between Romania and Austria did not came into force prior to April 1869, therefore a split payment of the postage had to be done with the 18 bani stamp paying the internal rate to Bucharest while the residual journey had to be paid by the addressee on arrival. A very rare cover and the sole example this describer has recorded bearing this issue. Cert. Heimbüchler (2016).Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 3,800 CHFLot# : 1082 Romania
1871: 5 b. carmine-rose, close to huge margins with portion of adjoining stamp at right, used on 'Recepisa de Priimire' form for registered letter to Turnu Severin, neatly cancelled by BUCURESTI cds (30/9) in black (Kiriac fig. 423). Unobtrusive file hole at upper left other a fine and attractive usage.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1083 Romania
1871: 5 bani rose-red, a fine four margined example used on complete Printed Matter entire letter to Itzkhany, neatly tied by BACAU / POSTA datestamp (24/5) in black (Kiriac fig. 1097) with framed 'P.D.' below. Reverse with scarce 'Gara Roman / Off. Postal' datestamp (same day) in blue (Kiriac fig. 1096) and 'Itzkhany Bahnhof' cds of receipt in black. A very fine entire and an exceedingly rare single usage for this most unusual rate. Signed Marco Martin, L. Pascanu.Starting bid : 7,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1084 Romania
Lot# : 1085 Romania
1871/72: 10 bani blue, three fine examples, one just shaved at top margin, used on large part coverto Vienna, one side flap missing, all tied by BÊRLAD datestamps (11/12) struck in blue (Kiriac fig. 373). Framed 'P.D.' below and reverse with 'Jassy / Dim' transit in black (12/12) and Vienna arrival cds. A very scarce franking, overpaying the single rate by 5 bani. Signed E. Diena.
Note: Addressed to the Ephrussi Company in Vienna, at the time the largest grain importers and wholesalers in the World.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1086 Romania
Lot# : 1087 Romania
1880: King Carol I, Imperforate Proofs (9) in black on coloured paper for 15 b. value on rose and 25 b. value on pale lilac, yellow, greenish blue (tear at base), pink, pale blue, green, bright yellow and dull orange; each overprinted PROECT ANULAT in blue. A scarce group.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1088 Romania
1885/1889: 'Vulturi' issue, small group of Imperforate Proofs (9), with single examples of 1½ b. values in blue and in brown on buff paper; 5 b. values black (4) on cream, blued, greenish and yellow thin wove paper; 5 b. black in a marginal block of four on white wove paper and 15 b. in black in a vertical pair and block of four on white wove paper. A scarce and attractive assembly.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1089 Romania
1900: King Carol I, large Arms watermark issue, the set complete in blocks of 25 (5 x 5) showing the complete watermark on 1 bani pale brown, 3 b. red-brown, 5 b. pale green, 10 b. rose, 15 b. black, 25 b. blue, 40 b. deep green, 50 b. orange, 1 lei grey-brown & rose and 2 lei orange & brown; largely fresh and very fine, all with large part or unmounted og. An extremely rare set in multiples, this being the first this describer has handled.Starting bid : 10,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1090 Romania
Lot# : 1091 Romania
1911: Essays and Die Proofs (10 items) for the 'Timbru Fiscal' issue, with proposed 10 bani rectangular designs without vignette in green (2), 5 b. (with Coat of Arms) and 5 l. designs without vignettes in grey-blue and dull blue respectively, near completed designs in black for 30 b. and 1 l. values in composite format and another without value tablet annotated in manuscript 'this die is on the way'; also four charming bi-coloured imperforate Essays with vignette of Queen Marie. A lovely group of scarce items.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 1092 Romania
Lot# : 1093 Romania
1928: Unadopted Essays (6) all in shades of brown, prepared for the 50th Anniversary of Independence Issue, with two large Essays on thick card paper for proposed 4 l. and 20 l. values (65 x 109 mm.) with 4 l. showing Railway Bridge in Bucharest also a 'stamp size' Essay with similar vignette; together with three bromide Essays for 2 l. and two 5 l. values with perforated edges on thick card, one showing King Carol & King Ferdinand. A scarce and most attractive group.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 1094 Romania
1871: Telegraph Stamps, unadopted imperforate Essays (2) with numeral type (Cohen fig. 151) for 5 lei in carmine and another in blue, 1871 Carol bearded vignette imperforate Essays (2) for 5 l. in orange on vertically laid paper and 5 l. in green on pale buff (Cohen fig. 152); also adopted imperforate Proofs for 25 b. value in brown (3) and 50 b. in blue (3), and rectangular 1 lei. imperforate Proofs in greyish-violet, orange (2) and 5 lei value in greenish blue (2). A fine and scarce group, see Cohen pages 77 and 78.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 950 CHFLot# : 1095 Romania
1866/72: King Carol Issues, a magnificent collection with 1866 issue incl. thick and thin paper examples unused and used in large quantity with differing shades anc clichés noted, 2 pa. (50) unused and used incl. blocks of four and six unused, 5 pa. unused and used (30+) incl. a block of four unused, 20 pa. unused and used (80+) with an unused marginal block of eight and covers (3); 1868 similarly fine with 3 b. violet unused or used (30+), 4 b. blue unused or used (17), 18 b. red unused and used (80+) with much cancellation interest and covers (2); 1869 5 b. unused and used (10+), 10 b. blue used (30+), 15 b. red used (20+), 25 b. unused and used (50+) incl. retouches, a used strip of three and a cover, 50 b. used (50+) incl. retouches and a remarkable piece with six examples, 1871 issue with 5 b. unused or used (30+), 10 b. orange unused or used (15+) and a single usage on cover, 25 b. brown unused or used (30+) and a 'Dupa Plecare' cover, 1871 10 b. blue unused (20+, with three pairs and a fine example on laid paper) and used (7), 15 b. red with exceptional example cancelled by framed Turkish handstamp, 1872 perf. issue with 5 b. unused (3) and used (8), 10 b. blue unused or used (17), 25 b. block of four and block of 25 unused and used (18); varieties and cancellation interest abounds with nearly every stamp in choice selected condition, viewing this exceptional 'old time' volume is a pleasure in itself.Starting bid : 10,000 CHFHammer price : 14,500 CHFLot# : 1096 Romania
1872/79: Collection with huge arreay of Paris printings with much duplication and cancellation interest, including Paris printing imperforate Proofs in issued colours in horizontal pairs, 'Decoupage' Proof for 1½ b. value and further 1½ b. Proofs in various colours (11) and in blocks in black imperforate (3), 3 b. green Proofs (2), 'Decoupage' Proof for 5 b. and range of colour Proofs imperforate (6), 10 b. Proofs (5), 25 b. Proofs (2), 50 b. Proofs (3); issued Paris printing blocks of four unused 3 b. green (2), 5 b. buff, 10 b. blue and 15 b. red-brown in blocks of four unused (together with imperf. 15 b. block printed on both sides), 10 b. with NW corner frame-break variety, 50 b. rose in a remarkable horizontal strip of five cancelled at Turgul-Jiu and a further 27 single examples, 1876 Bucharest printings with 5 b. blue errors of colour (2) and 15 b. printed on both sides; 1879 new colours with large array of perf. varieties and cancellatioin interest throughout. Seldom seen collection with many hundreds of Proofs, stamps and two covers.Starting bid : 5,000 CHFHammer price : 8,500 CHFLot# : 1097 Romania
1872/1940c.: Cancellations collection in four volumes, arranged alphabetically with loose stamps, multiples, pieces and a multitude of postal stationery cards, postcards, Parcel cards and covers throughout (300+), with village district cancels and including covers (12) from Bolgrad, Calarasi, Craiova, Focsani, Sinaia or Tirgu-Jiului with 1872/74 10 b. blue, 1876 15 b. red-brown on covers (3) from Beket, Buzeu, Jassy; 1897 cover with 10 b. and 15 b. tied 'Monastirea Agapia / Jud. Neamtu' etc. Generally fine, an excellent lot for further continuation.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 1098 Romania
1890/94: Collection with range of imperforate Proofs in blocks of four for 1½ b., 10 b. and 15 b. in black, 15 b. in buff and 25 b. in brown and in purple; also two bi-coloured Proofs of the 25 b., thereafter with all eight values in fresh and mint blocks of 10; 1½ b. printed on both sides used, 3 b. printzed on both sides used (2), 25 b. in a used horizontal pair imperforate between, and some useful examples of the scarcer perforation varieties.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 2,600 CHFLot# : 1099 Romania
1893/98: Collection with some interesting varieties incl. 1½ b. black in a used pair imperforate between, 5 b. + 25 b. blue in a used pair (Mi 102/105F), 25 b. in an unused block of four imperforate (of Proof status), 15 b. violet in compound perf. block of four unused etc. (34 items).Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 1100 Romania
1922/38: Collection in two albums with Oct 1922 set unused (4), scarce set imperforate (Mi = € 400) unused and covers with imperf. 25 b. and 1 lei values, 1926 definitives including the error of colour 6 lei in blue and 10 lei in red each used on small piece (Mi = € 600), 1927 Geographic set unused (2), 1928 Anniversary set unused (2), King Michael set unused, Bessarabia set, 1930 optd. Airmail set of three unused and used, 1930 definitives unused sets (5) and Imperforate (Mi = € 300), 1930 airmail set of four unused, 1931 Anniversary set unused, Army set of seven unused, Scouts set unused (2), 1932 Scouts set unused and used and ovptd. 1934 set unused (2) and used, 1932 Medical set unused, 1936 Ships set unused and used, Yugoslavia set in blocks, Sports issues unused and used etc. A good lot with varieties and covers also noted.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 1101 Russia
Bessarabia 1843: Money letter envelope from Kishinev to the Russian Imperial general consulate of Vallachia and Moldavia in Bucharest showing a partially framed "KISHINEV 21 September 1843" handstamp (Dobin 21-1.10) on reverse with complete red wax seal alongside. An exceptional item, used earlier than described in the literature.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1102 Russia
Lot# : 1103 Russia
Lot# : 1104 Russia
Bessarabia 1859: Stampless entire letter from Kishinev to Vienna showing a partially framed "V KISHINEV 20 December 1859" handstamp and Brody transit on reverse as well as RUSSIE on obverse. The item was sent in Russia as a value letter and a red wax seal 'Kishinev Oblast Potsht. Kont." was added, it contained a remittance and was treated as a registerted letter in Austria.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1105 Russia
Lot# : 1106 Russia
1858: 10 kop. brown & blue imperf. with colourless numeral '1' watermark, plate I, a fine and fresh example with large amrgins all round, tied by two line "RYLSK KURSKOIJ / JUNE 7 1858" datestamp to large piece. Mi = € 1'000 / Standard 1 = $ 700.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 1107 Russia
1866: 3 kop. black & green, two examples showing 'V' background error, used with two 10 k. brown & blue on 10 k. brown postal stationery envelope (Mi. U13/IIC), paying the double rate to Geneva, Switzerland tied by 'Jelanj-Sagatsch' two line datestamps in black and further tied in transit at Odessa (April 30) in black. Notation at lower left 'avec trois cartes photographiques' explaining the double tariff and reverse with fine strike of despatch datestamp and Geneva arrival (19/5) in black. Some peripheral aging but a scarce cover. Cert. Eichele (1997).Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 160 CHFLot# : 1108 Russia
1875 : Stationery envelope 8 kop. grey, cancelled by "Ust-Ishora S.P.Burgsk. Gub. 27 Jun 1877" cds, sent to Ozorkov Poland with St. Petersburg and Lublin transit and TPO line 31-32 cds’s on reverse as well as framed Polish horse carriage station "ST. OZORKOV KALISH GUB." handstamp on front. An attractive and scarce item.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 1109 Russia
1876: Imperial Arms 8 kop. grey & carmine, two examples on hor. laid paper, tied by crisp "KAMENETS-PODOLSKIY 18 FEB 1876" ornamenatl cds to outer letter sheet to the Imperial Russian consulate in Jassy, reverse with additional Kaments despatch cds, Skulany transit (22 FEB.) and thimble Jassy arrival cds (6 FEB). An excellent and attractive double weight cover.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1110 Russia
Estonia 1906: Formular letter card with response possibility incl. another smaller letter card, introduced by decree of September 23, 1906, a rare essay produced for the UPU congress in Rome, this example used with Arms definitive 7 kop. blue, cancelled by "RAKITNAYA KUR. 30.5.11" cds, sent to Nevskoe Volostenie Pravlenie with arrival cds on reverse (7.6.11), Very rare in used condition (few perf. separations). Standard collection ES7.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1111 Russia
Lot# : 1112 Russia
1833/1917 : Lot 144 covers incl. prephilatelic items, postal stationery with response cards, registered and value letters, printed matter, also going abroad, horse carriage station postmarks, items primarily from Ukraine and the Crimea. An interesting lot.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 1113 Russia
1847/1914: Postal History collection (222) items, with two pre-stamp covers, early stationery envelopes (13), large range of 7 k. grey stationery envelopes internally used, 1865/1884 Arms issue covers at single, double and triple rates, Romanov issue covers (25+) etc. Much cancellation interest throughout.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 1114 Russia
Lot# : 1115 Russia
1900/1904ca.: Lot four Red Cross Charity cards unused, including two Solomko art nouveau cards, of which one concerning the Russo Japanese War (1904) as well as a children painting by Bem. Only slightest corner creases, but all of fresh appearance.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 160 CHFLot# : 1116 Russia
1900/50: Lot several hundred picture postcards used/unused (mainly) showing various topics as arts, military, landscapes and others, in mixed condition and housed in four volumes, in addition three Ukranian covers of the 1819/19 period, two of them with philatelic frankings.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 1117 Russian Levant
1860: Front of cover prepaid from Smyrna to Beirut, Parodi correspondence, with framed 'P. P.' and also struck with framed COMPAGNIE RUSSE / SMYRNE / 1860. 28/7 handstamp (July 28) both in dull greenish-blue ink (Tchilinghirian fig. 148, 146). Fine strikes of a scarce markings.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 1118 Russian Levant
Lot# : 1119 Russian Levant
1861: Front of cover from Mersina to Beirut, with manuscript '15' in crayon at top, struck with framed COMPAGNIE RUSSE / MERSINE / 1861. 8.7 handstamp (July 8) in blue (type as used for Alexandretta, Tchilinghirian fig. 196). A fine strike of a rare previously unlisted marking.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1120 Russian Levant
1861: Entire letter written from Xania, Crete to Syros, Greece endorsed at top 'Payé' in manuscript, struck with outstanding strike of circular negative COMP RUSSE DE NAVIGAT S VAPE AGENCE DE CANDIE and Russian Eagle in blue (Tchilinghirian fig. 264 = RRR). Reverse with Syros arrival cds (March 13) and charged '20' lepta for inland delivery on receipt. A significant entire of great rarity, presumed by Tchilinghirian and Mikulski to be the sole recorded usage. Cert. Mikulski (1999).
Provenance: Collection Agathon Fabergé (Jan 1940), lot 1; Collection Franz See; Collection Alex Droar (Oct 1974), lot 1144.Starting bid : 9,000 CHFHammer price : not sold
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