Tradition und Erfahrung in klassischer Philatelie seit 1919


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  • Losnr. : 820 Ungarn

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    Katalognummer : I
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    The first Hungarian stamp 1871: Lithographed 2 kr. chrome-olive perf. 9¼ : 9½, the poor first print with ink spots in the face of the Emperor giving the impression of being pock-marked, the perforation shifted to the base resulting in a strong shift of the design to the top, two illegible datestamps. One of the rarest stamps of Hungarian classical philately. Signed Ferenc Orbán; cert. István Glatz (2020) Mi = € 5'000.rnNote: The new Hungarian state had decided to print its own stamps and to issue them on January 1st, 1871. However, by the middle of 1870 it had became evident, that the planned Engraved definitives could not be produced until this deadline. Therefore, a provisional Lithographed issue was planned with the Printing Office assumed to be able of preparing the necessary stones within a short time. Production probably started in December 1870, nearly eight million stamps and a considerable quantity of postal stationery had been produced, when quality problems were recognised. Eight million stamps and half a million envelopes were destroyed, only the 5 kr. stationery envelopes, postcards, and money transfer orders were continued to be printed. Some of the 2'100 sheets of the 2 kr. were in fact not destroyed and came into use in 1873. They are the earliest Hungarian produced stamps that were actually used. These chrome-yellow stamps were printed on a thick white paper very similar to that of the final Lithographed issue, but the design has a greater resemblance to the first postcards than to the later Lithographed 2 kr. stamp. Besides the spots on the profile, the right outer frame line is jagged and the inside circle of the bead frame is thinned or broken. As mentioned above, few stamps ecscaped the destruction, only about a dozen examples have been found so far, a complete cover is in the collection of the Hungarian Postal Stamp Museum in Budapest.
    Ausruf : 2.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 4.800 CHF

    Losnr. : 715 Tunesien

    French offices in Tunisia, La Goulette 1874 (Nov 24): Registered envelope from La Goulette in Tunesia to Tönsberg in Norway, bearing Siège 40 c. orange, three vertical pairs and a single example, fine adhesives with minor traces of oxidisation, tied by light dotted '5121' Gros Chiffres numeral lozenges in bluish black (Pothion 28 points = € 2'100). Light corresponding LA GOULETTE 24 NOV. 74 TUNISIE cogwheel cds alongside, covered by BONE 25 NOV. 74 ALGERIE cds in black, in addition framed PD and CHARGÉ, both in red. Reverse with timbre indicatif de chargement of Bone as well as two ambulant and Paris Etranger transit cds's. An amazing cover between two very rare places, in addition very attractive. rnProvenance: The Svein Arne Hansen International Gold Medal Collection 'Destination Norway 1840-1875', 66. Frimerkeauksjon (Nov 2007); Michel Lascombe collection (2016).rnNote: The special single letter rate from the French offices in Tunesia to France was lowered to 60 centimes in May 1872 if sent with the direct vessel to Marseille and also in July 1873 if sent via Italy. This double rate letter had therefore to be franked with 120 c. which was doubled if registered, i.e. 240 centimes. This cover made its way to Le Havre where it was picked up by a direct Norvegian vessel to Christiania which was running since April 1870 and which added additional 40 c. to the postage, Thus the item is correctly franked with in total 280 centimes. A journey via Germany would have been 30 centimes more expensive. The receiver of this letter was Laurentius Foyn (1807-1889), a shipowner and member of the Storting, the Norwegian parliament.
    Ausruf : 750 CHF
    Zuschlag : 3.400 CHF

    Losnr. : 260 Dänisch Westindien

    1848: Slave Revolt in Frederiksted. A somewhat tatty letter written from St. Croix to Keswick, UK endorsed 'per Royal Mail Steamer' and charged 1/5 d. upon receipt. Reverse with ST. THOMAS British P.O. datestamp in black (Dec 31) and Keswick arrival in blue (Jan 26, 1849).rnThe contents make fascinating reading about "the War as the Negroes calls it...on the tuesday when the Slaves had got their Freedom and they were robbing all about... in the mean time an Overseer full split as hard as his horse would could go and she was a fine animal for God's sake, he says fly as hard as you can for there is about 50 horsemen coming after me and says they will kill every white man in the Island, then Mr. Newton came to me and asked what was to be done. I said stop here and shoot them... I said I was determined to live or die where I was then I was left with the Negroes all alone...I had a sword in one hand and a stick in the other, the first that came I knoocked him off his horse and then the people that was with me commenced and before 5 minutes the whole of them had the morning there was a crowd of people about 5 hundred came the Negroes from King Hill was with them and as soon as they saw me they would not do anything and they saved my life two or three times...I am now manager at an Estate called Petronella...the Island may do very well but if they (the Negroes) get on bad then the Island and the whole of us may go to the Devil...". A fascinating historical insight.
    Ausruf : 120 CHF
    Zuschlag : 650 CHF

    Losnr. : 682 Franz. Post in der Levante

    French offices in Syria 1870 (Sept 12): Cover from Aleppo via Alexandretta to Marseille bearing on reverse Turkey Dulos issue 1869 20 pa. green and 1 pi. yellow perf. 5-11 (Mi. 14+15) tied by all Arabic framed ALEPPO handstamps (Coles & Walker fig. 5). Upon arival in Alexandretta franked on front by 1863/70 Napoléon laureated 10 c. bistre and single 30 c. brown for onward transmission, tied by light '5079' Gros Chiffres numeral lozenge. Corresponding Ottoman "ALEP 12 SEPT: 70" cds (Coles & Walker fig. 6) on reverse, French ALEXANDRETTA  18 OCT. 70 SYRIE cogwheel cds and framed PD as well as framed PAQUEBOTS DE LA MEDITERRANÉE in red on front. Smyrne French P.O. transit and Marseille arrival cds's (Oct. 17) on reverse. Some perf. staining, still a fine and rare cover opening well for display. Signed A. Diena.rnProvenance: Collection 'Cihangir', Corinphila sale 121, May 2000, lot 2897.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 659 Franz. Post in der Levante

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    French Shipmail in the Levant 1859 (July 6): Cover from Constantinople to Zürich, franked by Napoléon imperforated 80 c. carmine 'cerise' in a horizontal strip of five with corner marginal 10 c. bistre and 40 c. orange, tied by dotted Anchor lozenge, the 10 c. in addition by bluish dealer's cachet. "CARMEL 6 JUIL. 59" Shipmail cds (Salles fig. 764), framed PD and framed PAQUEBOTS DE LA MEDITERRANÉE in red alongside. Reverse with transit cds's of Marseille, the French BUREAU FRANCAISE DE BALE cds in red, and of the Swiss office in Basel as well as arrival cds of Zürich (July 14, 59). Minor imperfections, three adhesives shaved or touched, the 10 c. bistre hit by a filing fold, nevertheless a most attractive and desirable cover. Cert. Roumet (1996).rnNote: From January 1857 until September 1865, the rate from the Levant to Switzerland was 90 c. for each 7.5 gram, with this item presenting the quintuple rate. 
    Ausruf : 750 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.400 CHF

    Losnr. : 787 Griechenland

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    Katalognummer : 18a+20a+21b
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    Incoming from Russia 1867 (May 9): Partially prepaid entire letter from Rostov/Don to Syra, bearing on front and reverse Russia 1865 Arms 1 kop. black & orange, 3 kop. black & green and three single examples of 10 kop. brown & blue, all on wove paper (Mi 12+13+15) tied by "ROSTOVSKAYA KR." despatch cds's in black (May 9, julian). This payed the first part of the journey with a ROPiT vessel from the Don estuary to Constantinople, where this item was transfered to a French vessel to Syros. On arrival charged with '65' lepta in blue crayon, franked with Consecutive Athens printings 5 l. green, 20 l. sky-blue and 40 l. greyish rose on grey-lilac with vivid colours, paying the 45 lepta for the French vessel and 20 lepta intenal postage, tied by Syros arrival (May 27, julian) cds's. Filing folds through one 10 kop stamp and the 20 lepta, this stamp touched in addition, nevertheless an attractive combination cover. Certs Holcombe (1987), Simmermacher 1999) Hellas 17a+19a+20/IIa.
    Ausruf : 750 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.500 CHF

    Losnr. : 667 Franz. Post in der Levante

    1607/1814: Collection "Les Echelles du Levant" - Letters of European Traders with the Ottoman Empire in the 17th and 18th centuries comprising 32 entire letters in French or Italian from or referring to the Levant trade of major European trading houses in Constantinople (Pera and Galata) and Smyrna, including 17th century letters (4), with 1607 letter from Pera to the French Ambassador in Venice, 1698 letter with attached string to 'Vernaccia  & Davanzatti'  in Livorno, 18th century maritime mail with captain's letters, 1732 rare bill of lading with typical levantine merchandise listed as cotton, goat hair, coffee and opium for a ship leaving Smyrna to Salonique, Alexandrette and Alexandria; further commercial letters to well known traders - Caraggiani, Roux, Bonifaccio, Borelly and Clary with disinfected examples noted. In addition, two printed French Royal Decrees (1737 and 1791) and an 1814 bill of lading from Trieste to Constantinople and Smyrna. A fine postal history collection, viewing recommended.
    Ausruf : 1.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 3.200 CHF

    Losnr. : 785 Griechenland

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    Katalognummer : 13/I
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    Incoming from Italian States 1862: Cover from Naples to Piraeus, Greece endorsed 'per Vapeur Francaise' at top, franked by Neapolitan Provinces 1861 2 gr. blue in a horizontal pair and a single 20 gr. yellow tied by 'Napoli Al Porto' datestamps (Jan 6) in black with framed "P.P." in red below. Mailed as endorsed and reverse with Piraeus arrival cds (Dec 28, julian) and manuscript '20' lepta in red crayon. Charged with touched 1861/62 20 l. prussian blue on cream tied by dotted '9' numeral handstamp for internal delivery. A remarkable and most unusual cover. Cert. Tseriotis (2005).rnProvenance: Collection Michele Chauvet, 214. Corinphila sale (June 2017), lot 5140.rnReference: Illustrated in 'Les Tarifs Helléniques' on page 166. rnNote: An extremely rare combination of which only two are known, the other had been in the collection Wasdekis.
    Ausruf : 3.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 3.400 CHF

    Losnr. : 697 Franz. Post in der Levante

    French offices in Asia Minor 1853/72:  Lot four covers and 20 stamps/pieces incl. LES DARDANELLES, two stamps and one piece with Petits chiffrs '3708', one double rate cover to Livorno bearing Siège 40 c. orange in a strip of three, tied by Gros chiffres '5084' numeral lozenges, also seven stamps/multiples cancelled by the '5084' with a Napoléon imperforated 1 c. olive. Further on SMYRNE '3709' Petits Chiffres numeral lozenge on two covers with 1860 cover to Tuscany with correct 90 c. rate and 1860 double rate cover to Marseille as well as '5098' Gros Chiffres cancellations on 1873 cover to London and two fine and rare usages on single examples of the Bordeaux 40 c. orange and 80c. rose, cancellations also on strip of four 1872 30 c. brown anf strip of three 80 c. rose, and finally cds cancellation of Smyrne on 1872 4 c. grey and post 1876 (2). An interesting and diverse lot, mounted and carefully described on album sheets Maury = € 2'900+.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 500 CHF

    Losnr. : 354 Dt. Reich

    1914/45: Reichhaltige Sammlung Propaganda-Flugblätter aus dem 1. und 2. Weltkrieg, dabei Flugblätter der Alliierten Trupen abgeworfen über den von Deutschen Truppen besetzten Gebieten, bezw. dem Dt. Reichsgebiet, mit vielen, teils grossen Raritäten wie engl. Spionagemarken der Entente in London gedruckt, Vignetten 'Gott strafe England', Kriegspropaganda - Marken, Abwurfzettel. Miniaturzeitungen wie 'Feldpost' hrsg.von den Amerikanischen Armee in Westeuropa, 'Nachrichten für die Truppe' (1944), weiter Dt. Propaganda-Blätter in engl. Sprache, teils mit der Dt. Rakete V1  (Schmauchspuren) befördert, Feldpostganzsachen, Kriegsflugblätter aus der UdSSR: Frontillustriete für Deutschland (14), Ungarn, finnland und Rumänien. Dazu umfassende Literatur wie Klaus Kirchner Flugblatt-Propaganda im 2. Weltkrieg Bd. 11 und 12, ' The Leaflet Collector Bd. 1/3, inkl. Sales List No.1 (2006), 'Heil Beil' Flugblattpropaganda im II. WK von O. Buchbender und H. Schuh sowie K.Kirchner / A. Hugel: "Stalin spricht zu Elsässern in Russland (Soviet. Kriegsflugblätter für Elsässer, die in der dt. Wehrmacht dienen mussten). Ein interessantes und seltenes Angebot, viele Belege aus der Sammlung Klaus Kirchner sign. 'K.K.'.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 684 Franz. Post in der Levante

    French Shipmail in the Levant 1871 (July 20): Entire letter from Beyrouth to Tarare, franked by Bordeaux 40 c. orange, two fresh adhesives, tied by light dotted Anchor lozenge in blue, octogonal "BEYROUTH PAQ. FR. X N° 4 20 JUIL. 71" cds in blue of the line X (Salles fig. 905), framed PD in blue and framed PAQUEBOTS DE LA MEDITERRANÉE in red alongside. Reverse with Marseille transit and Tarare arrival cds (Aug 4). Left stamp touched at top, horizontal filing fold away from the stamps, nevertheless a most attractive item.rnNote: In July 1871 the rate for a 10 gram letter was doubled from 40 to 80 c., first month of the new rates, the present item was transported with the vessel AMERIQUE leaving Marseille on July 8 and returning on August 3.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 698 Franz. Post in der Levante

    French offices in Palestine, Jaffa 1853/72: Lot two stamps, one piece, two fronts and a cover from Jaffa incl. 1862 cover front at double rate to Beyrouth bearing Napoléon impeforated 20 c. blue and 80 c. rose, tied by '3768' Petits Chiffres numeral lozenge, framed "P.P." alongside, an extremely rare usage ex Thiaude collection. Also '5089' Gros Chiffres in blue on Bordeaux 40 c. orange, on Cérès 1872 80 c. rose, two singles on cover front at double rate to Paris with 'Croix potencée' handstamp alongside, on another strip of three of this stamp, on an 1876 entire letter at 30 c. UPU rate and a cogwheel Jaffa cds on Cérès 30c. adhesive after the lozenges had been replaced. An impressive lot with many competent signatures.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.100 CHF

    Losnr. : 777 Griechenland

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    Katalognummer : 3-6
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    Incoming from Austria 1861: Unpaid cover from Trieste to Calamata, with Triest cds of despatch cds (Noc 10) and handwritten charge of '3 / 15' (kreuzer) for Austria and Lloyd on obverse; taxed on arrival at '75' lepta in red crayon, franked by overlapped Athens print fine impression 5 l. green, 10 l. orange, 20 l. blue and 40 l. dull mauve on blue, all of fresh colour and overall good to large margins, 40 l. touched at right, 5 l. shaved at base, all tied by '31' numeral of Calmata. Reverse with Athens transit (Nov 23) and arrival cds's (Nov 26). The 18 kreuzer have been equal to 55 lepta + 20 lepta for the Greek inland rate. An attractive very early usage from the second month and four colour franking. Cert. Holcombe (1986) Hellas 3+4+5+7.rnProvenance: Collection Zachariadès.
    Ausruf : 750 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.300 CHF

    Losnr. : 788 Griechenland

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    Katalognummer : 19+20
    1 / 1
    Incoming from Russia 1867 (July 1): Partially prepaid Cover from Taganrog to Corfu, bearing Russia 1865 Arms 30 kop. brown & blue on wove paper (Mi 17) tied by despatch cds in black (July 1, julian), transfered in Constantinople to the Greek P.O. with KONSTANTIN 14 IYUL 67 TURKIA transit cds alongside. Upon arrival in Kerkyra charged with '50' lepta in red crayon, franked with Consecutive Athens printings 10 l. orange and 20 l. blue (2) with vivid colours, paying the 30 lepta for the Greek vessel and 20 lepta intenal postage, tied by Kerkyra arrival (July 18, julian) cds's. Reverse with additional despatch and arrival cds's. All three stamps shaved, nevertheless a very attractive combination cover, also scarce due to the combination of Russian and Greek Shipmail. Cert. Holcombe (1990) Hellas 18+19.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.800 CHF

    Losnr. : 811 Ungarn

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    Katalognummer : V37
    Mixed franking 1867 & 1871: Stationery Money Transfer Formular, Hungarian style on green cardboard with the 1871 Hungarian 5 krajczár indicium, used from Tinnye to Pest bearing in addition a vertical pair 1867 5 kr. red, a fresh and fine multiple with good perforation, tied by very rare "TINNYE 24/2 71" cds (Gudlin = 800 points), reverse with Pest arrival cds (26/2). Lightest horizontal fold well away from the stamp, an attractive and very rare item, an exhibition item for an advanced collection of Hungary Ryan (1992) not listed, comparable frankings rated R.rnNote: The Hungarian MTF's were issued on February 15, 1871, prior to the issuance of the 1871 definitives; this is therefore a very early usage of these formulars only nine days after issuance. In addition a very rare combination not listed in Ryan.
    Ausruf : 5.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 5.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 676 Franz. Post in der Levante

    French offices in Anatolian Black Sea ports, Trebizonde 1864 (June 18): Cover written in Poti in Russian ruled Georgia and despatched in Trebizonde to Bordeaux, bearing Napoléon perforated 10 c. bistre and 40 c. orange, two fresh adhesives, each stamp tied by clear dotted '5100' Gros Chiffres numeral lozenge in black. TREBIZONDEN 18 JUIN 64 TURQ. D'ASIE cogwheel cds and framed PD, both in black alongside. Reverse with Constantinople (June 21) and Marseille transit as well as Bordeaux arrival (July 1) cds's. Minor perforation irregularities and file folds away from the stamps, pre-use fold in the 40 c. definitive, nevertheless an attractive item. Signed Roumet Maury = € 850.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 320 CHF

    Losnr. : 836 Ungarn

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    Katalognummer : 8+12+13
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    1871: Registered envelope from Budapest to Paris bearing Engraved 3 kr. blue-green in a horizontal pair on reverse, 15 kr. brown and 25 kr. blue-violet, both on front, four fresh stamps with vibrant colours and the usual perforation incl. few nibbed teeth, all tied by clear "BUDAPEST FÖPOSTA 1. JAN. 74 12" cds. On front additional "P.D." and Chargé in black as well as French entry cds (Jan 15 74) in blue, reverse with a French transit cds in red and an arrival cds in black from the same day. For display reasons opened out, some edge wear nevertheless a most attractive and scarce item showing a correct franking with 25 kr. for the rate to France plus 21 kr. registration surcharge. Cert. Ferchenbauer (2009) Ferchenbauer = RR.
    Ausruf : 2.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 784 Griechenland

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    Katalognummer : 7+11/IIa+12/I
    Incoming from a French Levant P.O. 1862: Entire letter from the French PO in Constantinople to Athens with "CONSTANTINOPLE TURQUIE" (May 2) on obverse. Taxed upon arrival with blue manuscript crayon '115' (lepta) and franked with 1861 Paris printing 8' l. rose-carmine and 1861/62 first provisional Athens printings 5 l. & 10 l., that one with variety: widely spaced control figure. The stamps tied by dotted '1' numeral of Athens, reverse with Piraeus transit and Athens arrival cds's (Apr. 27, 62). Horizontal filing fold well away from stamps and postmarks, a scarce usage to Greece from a French Levant office. Hellas 7a+11IIa+12IbNk.rnNote: The cover was correctly taxed but by error only 95 lepta postage due was added in stamps. An attractive three colour usage with the rarely seen variety.
    Ausruf : 1.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 700 Franz. Post in der Levante

    French offices in Macedonia and Thrace 1853/72: Lot four covers and 16 stamps/pieces incl. SALONIQUE, two covers to Italy bearing Napoléon imperforated 80 c. rose, tied by Petits chiffres '4012' and Gros chiffres '5095' numeral lozenges, respectively, also 50 c. rate cover to France, three pieces with Gros chiffres cancellations on two-colour frankings as well as five other stamps and pieces. Further on GALLIPOLI '3767' Petits Chiffres numeral lozenge on three stamps as well as '5086' Gros Chiffres cancellation on a rare cover to Constantinople and on three stamps / pieces. Includes also one 1872 Cérès 80 c. rose as well as a mixed franking of Napoléon imperforated 40 c. and Siège 40 c. with '5086' Gros chiffre in blue, which was used after February 1872 in RODOSTO after Gallipoli was closed. A sound lot, mounted and carefully described on album sheets Maury = € 7'900+.
    Ausruf : 800 CHF
    Zuschlag : 850 CHF

    Losnr. : 685 Franz. Post in der Levante

    French offices in Cilicia, Mersina 1873 (Feb 3): Envelope from Tarsus, despatched at Mersina and sent to Marseille, bearing Cérès 1872 25 c. blue type I in a horizontal pair and 30 c. brown, fine and fresh example with vivid colour, tied by clear dotted '5072' Gros Chiffres numeral lozenge in black. MERSINA 3 FEVR. 73 TURQUIE D'ASIE cogwheel cds, framed PD and framed PAQUEBOTS DE LA MEDITERRANÉE in red alongside. Reverse with Mersina "SALUHY & Cie" forwarder cachet, Beyrouth transit and Marseille arrival cds's (Feb 17). Tear in backflap, nevertheless a marvelous item with an attractive French-Arabic address side, Signed Calves and Miro.
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : 600 CHF

    Losnr. : 681 Franz. Post in der Levante

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    Katalognummer : 23
    French Shipmail in the Levant 1866 (Aug 1): Cover from Constantinople to Montpellier, franked by Napoléon perforated 40 c. orange, a fine and fresh adhesive, tied by light dotted Anchor lozenge, "NÉVA 1 AOUT 66" Shipmail cds (Salles fig. 800), framed PD and framed PAQUEBOTS DE LA MEDITERRANÉE in red alongside. Reverse with Marseille transit and Montpellier arrival cds (Aug 9). Cover with tear and filing folds at base, nevertheless a desirable item.rnNote: The NEVA vessel was in the dock in Constantinople between October 1865 and August 1866. The present cover was the first return journey to Marseille after this period. Postage fees from the Levant to France were reduced from 50 c. to 40 c. on January 1st, 1866.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 672 Franz. Post in der Levante

    French offices in Asia Minor 1861 (March 6): Cover from the Dardanelles to Genova, franked by Napoléon imperforated 40 c. orange in a fine and fresh horizontal pair with vivid colour and fair to large margins, tied by light dotted '3708' Petits Chiffres numeral lozenge. LES DARDANELLES 6 MARS 61 TURQUIE cds, framed PD, both in black as well as PIROSCAFI POSTALI ITALIANI in red alongside. Reverse with Genova arrival cds. Some toning, especially in the cover periphery, nevertheless a desirable cover from this rare office. Signed Baudot Maury = € 1'370 / Pothion 23 points = € 950.rnProvenance: Collection Henri Thiaude, Baudot sale 224, Feb 2016.
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 675 Franz. Post in der Levante

    French offices in Romania 1865 (June 3): Lettersheet from Braila to Athenes, franked by Napoléon perforated 10 c. bistre and 40 c. orange, two fine and fresh adhesives, tied by central strike of attractive dotted '5087' Gros Chiffres numeral lozenge in blue, "IBRAILA 3 JUIN 66 VALACHIE" cogwheel cds and framed PD, both in blue alongside. Reverse with French CONSTANTINOPLE TURQUIE and Greek Piraeus transit and Athenes arrival cds (May 29, Julian calendar). Two sideflaps missing and acid ink holes, nevertheless a very rare usage from this office, full of character. Signed Roumet Maury = € 2'000 / Pothion 28 points = € 2'100.
    Ausruf : 600 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.200 CHF

    Losnr. : 670 Franz. Post in der Levante

    French offices in Anatolian Black Sea ports, Samsun 1860 (June 11): Cover written in Amasya in Anatolia and despatched in Samsun to Constantinople, bearing Napoléon imperforated 10 c. bistre and 40 c. orange, two fresh adhesives with vivid colours, the 40 c. shaved at left top, each stamp tied by light dotted '4013' Petits Chiffres numeral lozenge in black. "SAMSOUN 11 JUIN 60 TURQ. D'ASIE" cogwheel cds and framed PD in blue alongside, reverse with Constantinople arrival cds (June 14). Minor file folds away from the stamps, fragile thin paper, nevertheless a very attractive item. Signed Baudot, Calves & Goebel Maury = € 1'315.
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : 550 CHF

    Losnr. : 835 Ungarn

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    Katalognummer : 6
    1 / 1
    1871: Envelope from Pest to Meusnes nearby Selles-sur-Cher bearing Lithographed 25 kr. violet (Type IV), a fresh adhesive (two nibbed perfs at right), tied by light "PEST 11/8 71" cds, "P.D." in black and French entry "AUTR. AMB. STRASBOURG 14 AOUT 71" in brownish red alongside. Reverse with WIEN transit and arrival (Aug 16 71) cds's. Vertical file fold well away from the stamp, some cover aging, nevertheless an extremely rare usage of the 25 krajczár adhesive on cover and not on a money transfer form. A top piece for an advanced collection of Hungary, signed Calves; cert. Visnyovszki (2003) Mi = € 22'000.
    Ausruf : 4.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 728 Frankreich

    Ballons Montés 1870/71: Lot four letters, incl. folded entire franked with Empire Lauré 20 c. flown by Ballon number 23: 'Ferdinand Flocon' from "Paris / R. des Villes Haudr. 3 Nov. 70" to "Les Andelys 7 Nov. 70", Ballon number 6: 'Armand Barbès' entire franked with horizontal pair Empire Lauré 10 c. cancelled by Paris star from "Paris 30 Sept. R. St. Lazare" to "Tournus 17. Oct. 70" as well as two further letters with somewhat indistinct cancellations, one dated "13. Dec. 70" and the other of "20 Oct.70", further autographed manuscript written and signed by Le Général de Division ULRICH on headed lettersheet: "Commandant 2me Division D'Infanterie 1er Corps d'Armée" dated 3. Oct. 1861. An interesting assembly.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 500 CHF

    Losnr. : 664 Franz. Post in der Levante

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    French offices in Constantinople 1873 (Oct 15): Cover from Constantinople to Mariupol, franked by 1872 Cérès 30 c. brown in a horizontal pair, tied by bold dotted '5083' Gros Chiffres numeral lozenge. CONSTANTINOPLE 15 OCT. 73 TURQUIE despatch cds in black, framed PD in red and crisp "KONST-POLSK 8 OKT. 73" cds of the Russian ROPiT post office (Tchilinghirian & Stephen fig. 713) in blue alongside as well as a Russian transit cds of Odessa and an Oct 14 (Julian calendar) arrival cds of Mariupol at the Sea of Azov. Light filing folds, a desirable cover despatched at the French P.O. but transferred to and further on transported by the Russian ROPiT. Cert. Holcombe (1990).
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.600 CHF

    Losnr. : 782 Griechenland

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 34+35
    1 / 1
    Incoming from Austrian Levant Offices 1871 (July 4): Partially prepaid entire letter from Canea to Syros bearing Austria 1867 10 s. blue, tied by brown two line Canea datestamp (Tchilinghirian fig. 533). Charged with '20' lepta in red crayon for inland rate, franked with Meshed paper printing 1871/76 pair 5 l. green on greenish and 10 l. orange on greenish, tied by Syros (July 8) cds's. Greek stamps with large to poor margins, filing fold away from adhesives, but a scarce combination entire. Cert. Ferchenbauer (2004) Hellas 39a+40a.rnProvenance: Collection Dr. Anton & Elisabeth Jerger, Corinphila sale 140, May 2004, lot 718.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 661 Frankreich

    1 / 1
    French Offices during the Crimean War 1856 (April 5): Envelope from Kamiesch to Rome, franked by Napoléon imperforated 20 c. blue and 80 c. carmine, tied by dotted "AOM." obliterator, "KAMIESCH CRIMÉE 5 AVRIL 56" cds and VIA DI MARE in red alongside. Marseille transit (April 17) cds in black and ROMA arrival (April 19) cds in red on reverse. 80 c. adhesive just touched and 10 c. glued around the cover edge, the cover shows some wear and tear, nevertheless a desirable fully prepaid usage showing the 1 franc civilian rate to the Papal States. Cert. Amedée Brun (1961).rnProvenance: Collection 'Chateau Ramezay', Spink, London, Dec 2005, lot 2034.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 950 CHF

    Losnr. : 761 Griechenland

    1 / 3
    Katalognummer : 40+41+42
    Greek Post Offices in Thesaly 1873 (Sept 12): Cover from Volos to Genova, Italy carried by Frassinet Co. ship at 110 lepta single rate franked by 1872/75 10 l. orange on greenish, 20 l. deep blue and two 40 l. dull mauve on blued extremely poorly separated prior to affixing, all superbly tied by 'Volos / (Turkey)' despatch cds's (Sept 12) in black. Reverse with Piraeus transit cds (Sept 13) and Genova arrival cds (Oct 4, gregorian). Despite the contemporary faults to the adhesives, a dramatic and rare cover Hellas 40+41+42.rnProvenance: Collection Michele Chauvet, Corinphila sale 214, June 2017, lot 5127.
    Ausruf : 750 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.100 CHF

    Losnr. : 764 Griechenland

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 20
    Outgoing to Austria 1862/67: Consecutive Athens print 20 l. blue in a horizontal strip of three, the rightmost stamp showing variety: filled pearl, a multiple of fresh colour and overall good to enormous margin with parts of three neighbouring stamps (touched at left), used on 1867 cover from Calamata to Trieste, tied by '31' numeral of Calamata, despatch cds (Sept 27) and Greek PED (Foreign Paid to Destination) handstamp in red alongside. Reverse with Athens transit and Triest arrival cds (Oct 10) and red crayon '3 + 10' (kreuzer) due for Triest and Lloyd equal to 40 lepta + 20 lepta for the Greek inland rate. An attractive franking. Hellas 19d.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 797 Kreta

    1 / 5
    / / /
    Katalognummer : 1+2+3+4
    Russian Administration of Rettimo Province 1899: Collection with 1 m. ultramarine, violet control handstamps, unused with large part og., a block of four used on piece with Rethymnon handstamps in blue (signed), a horizontal strip of three similarly used, a single example used in 'Roustika', creased example used with rare 'Melambes' in violet and another with Rethymnon cds in black; 2 m. rose (1'200 printed) unused and used in Rethymnon (signed Engel), and a faded block of four on piece cancelled in Rethymnon and single examples used on large part covers (2) used in Rethymnon; 1 m. green handstamped in blue unused on laid paper, a block of four used on piece in Rethymnon (signed Schmidt), single examples used in 'Roustika' on piece (rare, signed Schmidt), rare 'Selia' in black (signed Schmidt), Agios Galinis (signed Sorani), 'Pili' in blue, 'Spili' in blue and 'Kasteli' in green; 2 m. black in a used a used block of four and a marginal block of eight used in Rethymnon, single examples used in 'Roustika' on piece (signed Stolow), 'Kasteli' in blue, 'Amari' in blue and 'Agios Galinis' in violet, 'Garazo' (rare) in black, 'Anogeia' in violet (rare), 'Fodele' in blue (rare), 'Pili' in blue and a cover to Rethymnon used from 'Garazo'. A fine and appealing lot of seldom seen material (30 items).
    Ausruf : 2.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 3.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 705 Franz. Post in der Levante

    French offices in Constantinople 1853/63: Lot three covers incl. 1862 cover from Amassia in Anatolia to Constantinople at the 50 c. rate bearing Napoléon imperforated 10 c. & 40 c. tied upon arrival with numeral '3707' Petits chiffres lozenge with framed PD in red and framed MER NOIRE handstamp in black alongside. Also 1867 cover at the 60 c. Italy rate to Genova bearing a strip of three Napoléon perforated 20 c. blue, also 1870 cover to Messina at the same rate, bearing this time a rare strip of six of the 10 c. bistre. Some imperfections, nevertheless an appealing trio, ingoing and outgoing mail to/from Constantinople. One cert. Roumet (1996).
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : 340 CHF

    Losnr. : 673 Franz. Post in der Levante

    French offices in the Dobrudja 1864 (Nov 20): Part Cover from Tulscha to / via Constantinople, franked by Napoléon perforated 5 c. green (2) and 40 c. orange, tied by light dotted '5102' Gros Chiffres numeral lozenge in blue, "TULSCHA 20 NOV. 64 TURQ. D'EUROPE" cogwheel cds and framed PD, both in blue alongside. Reverse with part "CONSTANTINOPLE 28 NOV. 64 TURQUIE" arrival cds. Part of front and reverse as well as sideflaps missing, minor irregularties of the stamps, nevertheless a desirable item with a rare stamp combination to pay the 50 centimes rate, in addition from a rare office Pothion 30 points = € 2'800.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.600 CHF

    Losnr. : 686 Franz. Post in der Levante

    French offices in Egypt 1874 (June 2): Cover from Alexandria to Marseille, endorsed "vapeur français", bearing Egypt 1872 Penasson 1 pi. rose red, tied by POSTE EGIZIANE 2 JUN 1874 ALESSANDRIA cds. A French Cérès definitive 80 c. rose was added to pay the journey to France, a fine and fresh example, tied by dotted '5080' Gros Chiffres numeral lozenge in black. "ALEXANDRIE 2 JUIN 74 EGYPTE" cds, framed PD and framed PAQUEBOTS DE LA MEDITERRANÉE, both in red alongside. Reverse with Marseille arrival cds (June 6). An interesting combination cover, French 80 centimes rate after July 1871.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 700 CHF

    Losnr. : 662 Franz. Post in der Levante

    1 / 1
    French offices in Constantinople 1867 (Oct 23): Cover from Odessa, forwarded to Constantinople and sent from there to the Prince of Valdina in Palermo, dated inside "Odessa 7/19. Ottobre 1867", showing on front forwarder cachet COTRONEO & TOSCANO ODESSA. The cover bears a mixed franking of Napoléon perforated 40 c. orange and laureated 20 c. blue, tied by dotted '5083' Gros Chiffres numeral lozenge. CONSTANTINOPLE 23 OCT. 67 TURQUIE despatch cds in black and framed PD in red alongside, reverse with Messina transit and Palermo arrival cds (Oct. 30). Some perforation irregularities, a most attractive forwarded cover. Opinion Holcombe (1990).
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 360 CHF

    Losnr. : 665 Tunesien

    French offices in Tunisia, Tunis 1873 (July 1): Cover from Tunis to Marseille, franked with 1871 Cérès 30 c. brown, tied by '5107' Gros Chiffres lozenge of Tunis with cogwheel "TUNIS 1 JUIL. 73" cds (Pothion = 13 points), framed PD and "TUNIS-PAR-BONE 2 JUIL. 73 ALGERIE" cds, both in red alongside. Few shortened perfs, horizontal filing fold away from stamps and postmarks, a scarce item with a lot of postal history content.rnNote: The present item shows the special 60 c. rate after May 1872 for covers up to 10 gr. which were transported with 'Paquebots de l'Algérie' vessels.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 674 Franz. Post in der Levante

    French offices in Syria 1865 (June 13): Cover from Aleppo, despatched at Alexandretta, sent to Marseille, bearing Napoléon imperforated 10 c. bistre and pair 20 c. blue, fine and fresh example with vivid colour, tied by dotted '5079' Gros Chiffres numeral lozenge in black. Front shows bilingual dealer's cachet from Alep in blue, ALEXANDRETTE 13 JUIN 65 SYRIE cogwheel cds, framed PD and French POSTE FRANCAISE D'ALEP in blue as well as framed PAQUEBOTS DE LA MEDITERRANÉE in red. Reverse with Marseille arrival cds (June 25). An attractive item.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 400 CHF

    Losnr. : 683 Franz. Post in der Levante

    French offices in Egypt: Group two 1873 Covers, incl. LE CAIRE to Marseille with Cérès 1872 pair 25 c. blue type I and 30 c. brown, tied by dotted '5119' Gros Chiffres numeral lozenges in black, a rarely seen combination to pay the July 1871 rate of 80 centimes. Also rare SUEZ to Canlay with Cérès 1872 80 c. rose, tied by dotted '5105' Gros Chiffres numeral lozenge with corresponding cogwheel cds alongside. Crisp strikes but the stamp damaged during opening. An overall appealing duo showing the post-war rate to France from two better post offices.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 679 Franz. Post in der Levante

    French Shipmail in the Levant 1865 (June 19): Cover from Alexandria to Lyon, franked by Napoléon perforated 10 c. bistre and 40 c. orange, two fine and fresh adhesives, tied by light dotted Anchor lozenge, "NIL 19 JUIN 65" Shipmail cds (Salles fig. 805), framed PD and framed PAQUEBOTS DE LA MEDITERRANÉE in red alongside. Reverse with Marseille transit and Lyon arrival cds (June 26).rnNote: The Messageries Imperiales used two vessels named NIL, this item was transported on the second one which made its journeys in the years 1864-66.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 765 Griechenland

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 18+19+20+21
    Outgoing Mail to Austria carried on Austrian Lloyd 1866 (July 10): Entire letter from Patras to Trieste, franked at 75 lepta rate (including 20 lepta internal) with 1862/67 Athens printing 5 l. pale green, 10 l. orange on blue, 20 l. blue and 40 l. deep mauve on blue all tied by dotted '9' numeral of Patras, with despatch cds (July 10) and "P.E.D." (Paid to Destination) handstamp in red alongside. Reverse with manuscript '15/3' in red crayon (3 kr. Trieste local fee + 15 kr. ship fee = 55 lepta ) and part oval Triest arrival cds. A fresh and fine four colour franking Hellas 17+18+19+20.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 400 CHF

    Losnr. : 773 Griechenland

    1 / 3
    Katalognummer : 15/II+21
    Outgoing to Malta via Italy 1868 (Oct 20): Double rate Entire letter sent prepaid from Syra to Malta, endorsed "Via Printeji" (Brindisi), bearing 1862/67 40 l. dull mauve on greyish paper and 80 l. carmine (2), three fresh and fine adhesives with large even margins, tied by '67' numeral, Syros despatch cds and framed French PD in red alongside. Reverse with Kerkyra, Gallipoli, Messina & Siracusa transit cds's and Malta arrival (Nov 17, gregorian calendar) cds. A few minor imperfections but a scarce entire, transported with French and Italian vessels Hellas 20+21.
    Ausruf : 750 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.800 CHF

    Losnr. : 563 Zeppelin & Luftpost

    1930: Südamerikafahrt vom 18. Mai bis 6. Juni, Bildpostkarte 'Mater Fluviorum' 20 Rp. mit Bild Genève (Zu Nr. 126) adressiert nach Romanshorn, sauber gest. "Romanshorn 1 - 16. V. 30 - 15", spediert nach Berlin und dort mit den beiden Zeppelinmarken 2 RM und 4 RM mit Aufdruck '1. Südamerikahrt' ergänzt, sauber entw "Berlin C - 19. 5- 30 - 12 - L2", aufgeliefert mit Anschlussflug nach F'hafen zur Rundfahrt, roter Bordstp., irrtümliche Postabgabe in "Rio de Janeiro - 25 Mai 1930" und spätere Wiederaufnahme für die Rückfahrt, Ankunftsstp. von F'hafen vom 6. Juni und "Romanshorn - 7. VI. 30 - 9", eine sehr dekorative  und seltene Karte mit Originalunterschrift vom Luftschiffer Kurt A.Lehmann Mi Nr. 68c Schweiz nicht katalogisiert/SLH Nr. ZF-116I = CF 350/Frankatur = € 900.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.700 CHF

    Losnr. : 680 Franz. Post in der Levante

    French offices in Romania 1868 (Sept 27): Cover from Sulina to Constantinople, franked by Napoléon perforated 40 c. orange, a fine and fresh adhesive, tied by light dotted '5099' Gros Chiffres numeral lozenge in black, SULINA 27 SEPT. 68 TURQ. D'EUROPE cogwheel cds in black and framed PD in red alongside. Reverse with CONSTANTINOPLE 30 SEPT. 68 TURQUIE arrival cds. Some toning and wear, nevertheless a desirable cover from this extremely rare office. Signed Baudot Maury = € 12'650 / Pothion 36 points = € 7'500.rnProvenance: Collection Henri Thiaude, Baudot sale 224, Feb 2016.
    Ausruf : 4.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 8.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 702 Franz. Post in der Levante

    French Consular Mail in the Levant 1810/1909: Small group of ten interesting consular letters starting with 1810 headed lettersheet of 'Le Consul général de l'Empire Ottman à Marseille" to Toulon, 1832 lettersheet of 'M. Challaye, Consul Général de France à Smyrne' disinfected on arrival in Marseille, 1856 lettersheet from Dardanelles Consul addressed to the 'First Interpreter of the Mission of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies' in Constantinople, further letters (1879/1909) from French Consulate in Constantinople, 'Consulat Général de France' in Smyrna (2), 1867 front of letter to 'Aide de Camp' of the Shah of Persia in Paris as well as 1905 envelope of Dardanelles Vice-Consulate to 'Ecole Française' in Constantinople. A fine assembly.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 778 Griechenland

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 26+27+28
    1 / 1
    Underpaid mail from Austria to Greece 1870: Small sized postal stationery envelope bearing 1867 coarse whiskers 5 Kr., tied by "WIEN 10/4 70" cds in black, will say short paid 20 Kr., struck with italic "AFF. INSUFF.' in black and '70' lepta in blue crayon, therefore taxed on arrival with 1868 10 L. orange on blued, 20 L. blue and 40 L. lilac on blued, all tied by 'Zakynthos' datestamps (Apr. 6 julian), part of the address erased  on front panel and some tonig, a most usual and rare cover. Sign. Holcombe and cert. Ferchenbauer (2018).
    Ausruf : 600 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 767 Griechenland

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 19+20+22a
    Outgoing to Cyprus 1862/67: Consecutive Athens print two single adhesives 10 l. red-orange on blued, touched 20 l. deep dark blue and 80 l. rose-carmine, in fresh condition with vibrant colours and overall good to large margins, used on 1866 entire letter from Syros to Larnaca, Cyprus, tied by '67' numeral of Syros, despatch cds (May 25) and Greek PED (Foreign Paid to Destination) handstamp in red alongside. Reverse with transit cds of the Austrian Lloyd office in Smyrna (June 6). An attractive entire to a rare destination. Signed Pröschold Hellas 18e+19g+22a.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.300 CHF

    Losnr. : 677 Franz. Post in der Levante

    French Shipmail in the Levant 1864 (Dec 28): Entire letter from Constantinople to Grenoble, franked by Napoléon perforated 10 c. bistre and 40 c. orange, two fine and fresh adhesives, tied by dotted Anchor lozenge, "PHASE 28 DEC. 64" Shipmail cds (Salles fig. 813), framed PD and framed PAQUEBOTS DE LA MEDITERRANÉE in red alongside. Reverse with Marseille transit and arrival cds (Jan 6, 1865).rnNote: The PHASE vessel was in the dock in Constantinople between October and December 1864. The present cover was the first return journey to Marseille after this period.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 669 Franz. Post in der Levante

    French offices in Anatolian Black Sea ports, Sinope 1857c: Napoléon imperforated 10 c. bistre and 40 c. orange, two fresh adhesives with vivid colours, the 10 c. shaved at left and partially at top, each stamp tied by decorative dotted '4014' Petits Chiffres numeral lozenge in blue, framed PD in blue alongside on large piece. A most attractive item from this extremely rare post office which was in function between 1857 and 1869, when it was replaced by Ordu. Signed Roumet Maury = € 2'300+.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 550 CHF

    Losnr. : 799 Ungarn

    1 / 1
    Szighetvar provisional usage 1869 (Nov. 29): Indicium 5 kr. red from the stationery envelope, punched out by the postmaster of Szigethvar and used instead of definitive stamps, tied by "SZIGETHVAR 29. / XI" cds to piece. An interesting and attractive example of this rarity, cert. Puschmann (2001) Ferchenbauer = € 2'000.rnNote: The usage of stationery cut outs was forbidden since 1861, this ban was renewed in 1866 which results in the rarity of 1867 cut outs in general. Private customers of the post and - like in this case - officials tried to reduce their stocks of unloved stationery envelopes by masking the cout outs with a more or less elaborated 'perforations'.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.700 CHF

    Losnr. : 533 Zeppelin & Luftpost

    1932: 2. Südamerikafahrt vom 5. bis 13. April, grossformatiges Drucksachenkuvert adressiert nach Bogota/Kolumbien, frankiert mit einer kompl. Serie Luftpostmarken (Mi Nrn. 419-423) gest. "Timisom -  9 APR 32" (statt 29, MRZ), mit Bahnpost "Kandrzin-Oderberg Zug 29? - 31.3.32" aufgeliefert nach F'hafen (1.4.32), dort mit zwei Marken Dt. Reich ergänzt (4.4.32) und mit LZ 127 bis Pernambuco (7.IV.32), mit einem Wert Brasilien und drei Werten SCADTA nachfrankiert und an den Condor-Luftpostdienst übergeben, Weitertransport via "G.P.O. Barbados - 04 MY 32" und "Baranquillla - 21. MAYO 1932" nach Bogota wo der Beleg am 23. Mai eintraf, ein spektakulärer Zeppelin-Beleg und in dieser Art nicht katalogisiert.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.400 CHF

    Losnr. : 779 Griechenland

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 28
    Underpaid Mail from Austria to Greece 1871 (June 13): Cover from Trieste to Syros underpaid with Austria 1867 coarse whiskers 5 kr. and 10 kr. tied by oval "TRIEST 13 / 6 71" datestamp in black, short paid 10 kreuzer. Struck with 'insufficiently paid' handstamp in red and '40' lepta in red crayon. Taxed on arrival with 1868/69 Cleaned Plates 40 l. grey-mauve on blued, tied by indistinct datestamp in black. Reverse with Syros arrival cds (June 8). Calculation of due amount: Unfranked letter at 85 lepta, less 45 lepta = 15 kr., charged 40 lepta to pay. A fresh and rare cover. Signed Calves Hellas 28a
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : 320 CHF

    Losnr. : 247 Belgien

    1849/1990: Collection Belgium, classics mainly used and later predominantly mint in two Albums beginning with a delightful 10 Centimes Epaulette on piece with Bar canceller 20 and red Bouillon town canceller crisply struck next to the stamp. There are further good quality classic stamps such as a 40 Cents medaillon with first watermark Mi 5A, signed Diena. Later 5 Fr used Mi. 34, Tuberculosis 1911 mint, miniature sheets Mi. 2-5, including Mi.3 in unmounted. Later a good run into the modern era, with a handful back of the book items.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 500 CHF

    Losnr. : 696 Franz. Post in der Levante

    French offices in Bulgaria 1853/72: Lot two covers and nine stamps/pieces of the Varna P.O. incl. 1865 double rate cover bearing Napoléon perforated 10 c. bistre (2) & 40 c. orange (2) as well as 1866 triple rate cover bearing 40 c. orange in a strip of three, all tied by numeral '5103' Gros chiffres lozenges. In addition four stamps with '4018' Petits chiffres lozenges and five stamps/pieces with the '5103' cancellation. Both covers with file folds through one stamp, in general a fine and appealing lot, one signed Scheller Maury = € 2'800+.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 600 CHF

    Losnr. : 831 Ungarn

    1 / 3
    Katalognummer : 1a+2
    1 / 1
    1871: Cover from Craiova, Romania despatched in the Hungarian border town of Bazias and directed to Pesth, bearing Lithographed 2 kr. orange (Type IX) and 3 kr. green (Type V), in splendid colour and with good perforations, tied by "BAZIASCH 3 / 8" cds in blue black (Gudlin 100 points). Reverse with arrival cds of the next day. Cover with filing creases well away from the adhesives, a fine and attractive franking. Cert Ferchenbauer (2004).rnProvenance: Dr. Anton & Elisabeth Jerger collection, 144. Corinphila sale (May 2005), lot 271.
    Ausruf : 750 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.200 CHF

    Losnr. : 810 Ungarn

    1 / 3
    Katalognummer : V36+8
    Mixed franking 1867 & 1871: Envelope from Nyiregháza to Nagy Kallo bearing 1867 3 kr. green and 1871 Engraved 2 krajczár orange (damaged at top left), two fresh adhesives, tied by rare "NYIREGHÁZA 7/7" cds, reverse with Nagy Kallo arrival cds from the next day. Cover opened on three sides, a rare combination franking of which Ryan lists only four covers and six pieces, here in addition not with the Lithographed but the Engraved issue. Signed Ferenc Orbán Ryan (1992) = CHF 4'500.rnProvenance: Dr. Pal Lippai collection.
    Ausruf : 2.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 11.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 814 Ungarn

    1 / 3
    Katalognummer : V37+3
    Mixed franking 1867 & 1871: Cover front from Tisza-Roff to Pest bearing 1867 5 kr. red and 1871 Lithographed 5 krajczár rose, a fresh adhesives, the 1871 adhesive cut at top, tied by rare "TISZA-ROFF 12/8 71" cds (Gudlin = 400 resp. 250 points), reverse with Pest arrival cds (15/8 71). An interesting and attractive combination franking of same colour and denomination of the two first Hungarian issues. Signed E. Diena Ryan (1992) = CHF 5'000.rnReference: Shown and discussed in Ryan - Seltenste ungarische Mischfrankaturen on pp. 85 & 190.
    Ausruf : 3.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 4.800 CHF

    Losnr. : 781 Griechenland

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 26
    Incoming from Austrian Levant Offices 1869 (Oct 25): Partially prepaid cover from Candia to Syra, bearing Austrian Levant 1867 coarse whiskers 10 s. blue, tied by CANDIA despatch cds (Tchilinghirian fig. 542) in brownish black with "P.P." in the same colour alongside. Upon arrival charged with '20' lepta in blue crayon. Cleaned plates printing 1868/69 10 l. red-orange in a touched pair applied and tied by Syros arrival cds (Oct 15, 1869). The cover with light vertical file fold well away from the stamps, nevertheless an interesting and appealing combination cover Hellas 26a.
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 818 Ungarn

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : V40
    1 / 1
    1867: Triple rate Registered envelope from Pest to Teschen in Austrian Silesia bearing 25 kr. grey-lilac, a superb adhesive with perfect perforation, tied by "PEST LIPTOVAROS 12/2 70" cds, a new Hungarian datestamp type including the year in the date slug.rn"AJANLOTT Sz" (registered) alongside, reverse with thimble TESCHEN arrival cds. The very rare single franking pays correctly three times the 5 kr. postage and the registration fee. A very fresh envelope with a honorific address of the mayor of Teschen, in addition an interesting postal history item. Cert. Ferchenbauer (2006) Ferchenbauer = € 1'900.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 900 CHF

    Losnr. : 687 Franz. Post in der Levante

    French offices in Syria 1872 (Sept 26): Cover from Lattakia to Marseille, bearing Napoléon laureated 80 c. rose, fine and fresh example, tied by dotted '5091' Gros Chiffres numeral lozenge in black. "LATTAQUIE 26 SEPT. 72 SYRIE" cogwheel cds, framed PD and framed PAQUEBOTS DE LA MEDITERRANÉE in red alongside. Reverse with Smyrne transit and Marseille arrival cds (Oct 10). An interesting cover from this rare office, 80 centimes rate after July 1871 Maury = € 2'500
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 300 CHF

    Losnr. : 776 Griechenland

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 55b+59b
    Outgoing to the USA 1880: 5 l. green on yellowish and 1882 20 l. aniline rosine, good margins all round, used on 1885 cover to New Haven, USA tied by Athens despatch cds in black Dec 27j). Paris transit cds on obverse (Jan 15, 1886) and reverse with Constantinople French P.O. of transit (Jan 11), New York / Paid All duplex (Jan 31) and New Haven arrival cds. The cover would benefit by being trimmed where roughly opened at left - however, Transatlantic Large Hermes Head covers are of considerable scarcity.
    Ausruf : 350 CHF
    Zuschlag : 350 CHF

    Losnr. : 812 Ungarn

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : V37
    1867: Double rate Registered Express envelope from Nagy-Károly to Klattau in Bohemia bearing 5 kr. red in a strip of four, a fresh multiple with good perforation (minor irregularities at left), each stamp tied by "NAGY-KÁROLY 27/8" (1867) cds. Framed AJANLOTT (registered) and SZORGALOMLEVÉL (express) alongside, reverse with Klattau arrival cds (Aug 30). The franking pays the postage and the registration fee, the express fee had to be paid in cash until April 1868. Cover with light filing fold at base, some wrinkles, nevertheless an interesting item Ferchenbauer = € 600.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 950 CHF

    Losnr. : 794 Griechenland

    Greek Post Offices abroad in Epirus, Macedonia and Thessaly 1861/80: An appealing Large Hermes Heads selection of 20 single adhesives, four multiples and a cover, a wonderful selection with overall fresh and fine stamps and clear cancellations incl. 105 of ARTA on 1861 Paris printing 40 l. mauve and on 1862/67 20 l. pair, Ioannina 99 numeral on three different values and IOANNINA cds on two stamps, THESSALONIKI / 98 on eight stamps and a strip of three 10 l. orange on meshed paper, VOLOS on stamps and on 1880 UPU rate cover to Trieste with 1876 Athens printing 30 l. brown.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 650 CHF

    Losnr. : 726 Frankreich

    1803/05: Selection of dated circular postmarks in red (20) or black (8, scarce) applied on reverse of in total 28 letters indicating year, day and month of the French Republican Calendar (1793/1805), incl. some Paris Route postmarks as 'D.4.E', 'G.6.E', 'G.5.E' OR 'T.4.E', all in black, as well as Departement handstamps as 55/SARRE LIBRE in red, P.25.P. ST.-VALLIER, 49/VITRY-LE/FRANCAIS or 58/CHAUMONT (LOISE). All fine and scarce. The revolutionary system was designed in part to remove all religious and royalist influences from the calendar, and was part of a larger attempt at decimalisation in France, which also included decimal time of day.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 322 Kiautschou

    1 / 1
    Katalognummer : 6
    Kiautschou 1902 (Okt. 13): Japanische Ganzsachen-Postkarte 1 Sen, als Formularkarte verwandt und frankiert mit Kiautschou 5 Pf. grün, klar entw. mit zwei Abschlägen "TSINGTAU KIAUTSCHOU 13/10 02", versandt nach Bremen mit nebenges. Ankunftsstp. (18 Nov. 02). Weiterhin Umschlag mit philatelistischer Frankatur Brit. Besetzung DNG auf Brief 1920 von Kusai, Japan.rnBemerkung: Absender ist ein Matrose/Offizier an Bord der SMS Jaguar, einem Kanonenboot der Iltis-Klasse der Kaiserlichen Marine. 1900/1901 nahm die Jaguar an den Kämpfen in China anlässlich des Boxeraufstands teil und suchte chinesische Häfen von der Südgrenze bis in den Norden auf. Zeitweise war sie auf dem Jangtse stationiert. Sie war auch in Korea und japanischen Häfen, wobei 1902 eine größere Reparatur in Nagasaki durchgeführt wurde. Dort hat der Absender wohl die japanische Ganzsache erworben.
    Ausruf : 100 CHF
    Zuschlag : 400 CHF

    Losnr. : 692 Franz. Post in der Levante

    French offices in Egypt, Alexandria 1853/71: Lot for stamps/multiple/pieces and three covers incl. '3704' Petits Chiffres on 1859 cover with 50 c. franking to Paris (signed Roumet), '5080' Gros Chiffres on 1866 Napoléon laureated 5 f. grey violet, usual imperfections, on 80 c. rose in a block of six, and on Bordeaux 40 c. orange and piece with two examples of 80 c. deep rose; also 1862 triple rate cover to Marseille bearing Napoléon imperforated 10 c. & 40 c., three examples of each stamp tied by the '5080' gros chiffres.
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : 460 CHF

    Losnr. : 724 Frankreich

    1898/29: Small selection with 70 unused semi official airmail labels issued for various aeronautical events at the beginning of the 20th century, including vignette of 'Exposition Universelle de Dijon' (1898), 'Semaine d'Aviation Nantes' (14./21. 8. 1910) brown perf. mint block of four together with imperf marginal block of  15 imperf. of top left of sheet in blue (Cat.Silombra = € 1'800), further 'Grand Prix  d'Aviation Angers' (1917), 'Concours d'Aviation Dunkerque' 1909 and Bar le Duc (1910),  just to mention a few. A fine offer.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.200 CHF

    Losnr. : 729 Frankreich

    1871 (September): Selection 15 combination covers bearing primarily combinations of Siège 20 c. with small denomination values of diff. issues to pay the increased 25 c. inland rate of September 1st, 1871. This includes additional franking of Bordeaux 5 c., in total on three covers, from Sept 1, Sept. 2 and Sept 4, add. franking of Bordeaux 4 c. grey and Nap. laureated 1 c. (Sept 15), six cover with add. franking combinations of 1 c. / 2c. Nap. laureated, four covers with add. franking of Napolèon perforated 5 c. green as well as double rate franking of twice Siège 20 c. and a re-used Bordeaux 10 c. bistre to match the new 50 c. rate. An interesting and diverse cover lot.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 690 Franz. Post in der Levante

    French offices in the Aegean, Rhodes 1873 (Sept 30): Cover from Rhodes to Marseille, bearing Cérès 1872 80 c. rose, a suberb example with vivid colour and perfect perforation, tied by decorative dotted '5094' Gros Chiffres numeral lozenge in blue, RHODES 30 SEPT. 73 TURQUIE cogwheel cds, framed PD, both in blue and framed PAQUEBOTS DE LA MEDITERRANÉE in red alongside. Reverse with Smirne transit and arrival cds (Oct. 9). A most attractive item. Signed Roumet Maury = € 1'500.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 300 CHF

    Losnr. : 689 Franz. Post in der Levante

    French offices in Egypt 1874 (Nov 7): Cover from Alexandria to Marseille, endorsed "Via Brindisi", bearing Siège 40 c. orange in a strip of three, a fine and fresh multiple, tied by dotted '5080' Gros Chiffres numeral lozenges in black. Rare "PAQ. ANGL. 7 NOV. 74 ALEXANDRIE" cds in black, framed PD and French entry "PAG. ANG. V. BRIND. 14 NOV. 74 A. MOD.", both in red alongside. Reverse with Paris arrival cds of the same day.
    Ausruf : 120 CHF
    Zuschlag : 120 CHF

    Losnr. : 775 Griechenland

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 22b+27
    Outgoing to Russia 1871 (Dec 13): Cover from Argostolion to Taganrog, Russia endorsed "via Brindisi & Vienna", bearing Consecutive printing 80 l. deep carmine and Cleaned plates printing 20 l. sky-blue, two fresh and fine single adhesives, tied by '110' numeral of Argostolian with despatch cds alongside. Austrian FRANCO and framed Russian FRANKIROVANO handstamps as well as Taganrog arrival cds (Dec 25, 1871) on obverse. Reverse with Vienna transit and Russian TPO no. 47-48 cds (Dec 20). Filing folds and some aging, but an interesting routing Hellas 22b+27a.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 200 CHF

    Losnr. : 538 Zeppelin & Luftpost

    1930: Fahrt nach Russland vom 9. bis 11. September - Rückfahrt, eingeschr. Kuvert adressiert nach Craiquen in Chile, frankiert mit sieben versch. Marken der Sowjetunion (Mi Nrn. 292-295B+326+332+361), entw. mit dem kl. Zweikreisstp. des Postamtes 40 in Moskau "10. 9. 30", roter Bordstp. und Spezial R- Zettel, Rückseite bereits vorfrankiert mit 3 CONDOR-Luftpostmarken, welche bei Ankunft in F'hafen mit dem Tagesstp. vom 11. September entwertet wurden, Weiterbeförderung mit Luftpost nach Rio de Janeiro (30 SET.) und Porto Allegre (30.Set) nach Buenos Aires (3. OCT), Santiago de Chile (19. X.) zur Endbestimmung "Craiquen - 20. X. 30- 12", ein sehr seltener Beleg und Zeppelin-Rarität ersten Ranges keine Michel- und Sieger-Bewertungen für Kombinationsfrankaturen.
    Ausruf : 3.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 701 Franz. Post in der Levante

    French offices in Romania and the Dobrudja 1853/72: Selection 21 used stamps/multiples or pieces with blue cancellations, incl. GALATZ with three Napoléon imperf with Petits Chiffres '4008', one strip of three 80 c. carmine and four other adhesives with Gros Chiffres '5085'; IBRAILA with Gros Chiffres '5087' on three stamps/pieces, KUSTENDJE with Gros Chiffres '5139', two superb and splendid strikes of this rare cancellation on Napoléon laureated 10 c. and Siège 40 c., SULINA  with rare strikes of Gros chiffres '5099', and TULSCHA with Gros Chiffres '5102' on six stamps Maury = € 7'300+.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.900 CHF

    Losnr. : 774 Griechenland

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 28
    Outgoing to Russia 1871 (June 28): Partially prepaid cover from Corfu to Taganrog, Russia endorsed "via Costantinopoli", bearing Cleaned plates printing 40 l. grey-mauve on blue, a fresh and fine single with good to large margins, tied by '110' numeral of Argostolian with despatch cds alongside. Framed PD in red, Odessa transit and Taganrog arrival cds (July 15, 1871) on obverse. The Russian part of the journey from Constantinople was taxed upon arrival and noted on top with '30' kopecks. An attractive cover Hellas 28a.
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : 300 CHF

    Losnr. : 845 Ungarn

    1871/1940c: Lot 30 covers in mixed quality incl. 1871 Lithographed 2 kr. on printed matter cover from Pest to Totis and 15 kr. on registered envelope from Nagykanizsa to Ischl, 1876 cover to Paris, picture postcards issued for the 1896 Budapest exhibition to Switzerland and a 1901 picture postcard with BROOD straight line handstamp, 1916 king Karl coronation special datestamp, also two New Romania issue covers sent 1919 from Nagyszeben to Bucharest, a correspondence between the philatelists Géza von Jakots and Rudolf Zoscsak. Interesting.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 340 CHF

    Losnr. : 783 Griechenland

    Incoming from Austrian Levant Offices 1874 (Apr 11): Partially prepaid envelope from Chios to Corfu bearing Austria 1867 10 s. blue, tied by "SCIO - CESME 11/4" cds. Charged with '20' lepta in red crayon for inland rate, franked with Meshed paper printing 1871/76 20 l. blackish blue tied by '106' numeral obliterator. Reverse with Syra and Kerkyra cds's. Greek stamp with large to poor margins, minor tears at right, but a fresh and fine combination cover. Hellas 41c.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 160 CHF

    Losnr. : 274 Helgoland

    1 / 3
    Katalognummer : 1/I+2+3
    1 / 1
    1867: ½ S. dunkelbläulichgrün & karmin, 1 S. rosakarmin & dunkelgrün und 2 S. lilakarmin & dunkelgelblichgrün durchstochen, jeweils Kopftype I, entw. mit klarem schwarzem englischem Zweikreiser "HELIGOLAND 7 AU 1868" mit nebenges. gefasstem HAMBURG / 8 8 68 / FRANCO in Rot als portogerechte Frankatur auf Umschlag nach Gotha, rücks. Transit Hamburg und Friedrichroda (9 8 1868). Die 1 S. mit leichten Mängeln oben durch Randklebung, eine sehr seltene und attraktive Frankatur-Kombination mit zwei Schilling Seezuschlag. Attest Lemberger (1985) Mi = € 14'000.rnProvenienz: Sammlung Burrus, 125. Grobe-Auktion, Los 4; T. Neumann Auktion (Jan. 2009), Los 246.
    Ausruf : 3.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 5.500 CHF

    Losnr. : 790 Griechenland

    1861/2000: Collection in Schaubek album with better sets and values used/unused, starting with Large Hermes Heads Paris and Athens printings (90) with some signed examples, incl. fine usage of 1861 40 L. and 10 L on cover from Patras (1862) to Taganrog (Russia), in the semi-modern aera with used sets as 1896 Olympic Games, 1900/01 red overprinted set of five, 1906 Special Olympics, 1933 Zeppelin issue and  1940 National Youth organisation, where as in the modern section unused collected. Fine.
    Ausruf : 600 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.100 CHF

    Losnr. : 349 Div. Deutschland Sammlungen/Posten

    1855/1945c: Lot 80+ Briefe von Deutschland & deutschen Gebieten mit Bayern, Preussen & Mecklenburg, Reich mit Kl. Brustschild 2 Kr. (2) resp. ½ Gr. auf Vertreterkarten / Drucksachen nach Genf & Wien, Kl. Schild ¼ Gr., schöne Marke, Satzbriefe frühe Bundesrepublik und Besetzungsausgaben, Postkarten, Post aus den Kolonien wie Schutztruppe DSWA, Inflations-Frankaturen, Besetzungs-Ausgaben Guernsey, Serbien, Ukraine, Lothringen und Sudetenland. Weiterhin Lot Hunderte gest./ungest. Marken mit Kroatien mit 1941 Überdruckausgaben, 1945 Strurmtruppen, drei ungez. Probedrucke und Block, vier Atteste; deutsche Besetzungsausgaben Serbien, Azad Hind, Eisbärblock, Bokar Kotarska, Montenegro, wallonische Legion Kleinbogen und Albanien.
    Ausruf : 1.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.200 CHF

    Losnr. : 703 Franz. Post in der Levante

    1841/64: French Consular Mail in the Levant, Selection of five entire letters with 1841 (June 19) forwarded letter from Odessa (Russia) via Constantinople to Alexandria (Egypt), POSTE FRANÇAISE /D'ALEP  in blue on 1858 (March 22) letter from Smyrna to Alexandrette handstamped TAXE 10 (decimes), 1854 (Aug. 3) lettersheet from London via Smyrna to Aleppo as well as two incoming letters to Malta, forwarded from Odessa. A fine group, all ex collection Dott. A. Cattani.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 380 CHF

    Losnr. : 770 Griechenland

    Outgoing to French post offices in the Levant 1885 (Sept 4): Registered envelope from Larissa to Constantinople, bearing Cream paper 5 l. vivid green and Changed Colours 20 l. aniline, two single adhesives, cancelled by Larissa despatch cds, another information strike above. SYSTHMENON (registered) straight line and boxed "Grece / R" handstamps on obverse. Reverse with Greek VOLOS transit and French "CONSTANTINOPLE 23 SEPT. 85 TURQUIE" arrival cds's. Attractive bilingual address, an appealing registered cover Hellas 55b+59IIa.
    Ausruf : 100 CHF
    Zuschlag : 260 CHF

    Losnr. : 727 Frankreich

    1856/75: Lot 16 covers, sent within France and to Switzerland incl. inland double rate cover with Napoléon imperf. 40 c. orange, single rate with Napoléon 5 c. green in a block of four, double rate 1868 cover to Switzerland with mixed franking Napoléon perf. 40 c. & laureated 20 c., 1860 underpaid cover to Lausanne with Napoléon imperf. 20c, taxed upon arrival with Swiss 40 c. due, 1856 triple rate cover to Milano with Napoléon imperf. 40 c. (2) & 20 c., 1860 lettre chargée with pair Napoléon imperfoated 20 c. blue with the tableaus cut away, 1864 visit card cover with Napoléon perf. 10 c. and 1871 cover from Alger with Bordeaux 20 c. blue.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 280 CHF

    Losnr. : 314 Deutsche Auslandspost China

    1 / 3
    Katalognummer : V37eV+V48d+V50c
    1 / 1
    1895 (27. Nov.): Paketadresse von Shanghai nach Bremen, frankiert mit Vorläufern 2 M. dunkelrotkarmin mit Plattenfehler: grosse Unterbrechung in der Guilloche unten links (kurzer Zahn rechts oben), 20 Pf. violettultramarin und senkr. Paar 50 Pf. mittelbraunrot, farbfr. und vorab gut gez., klar und übergehend entw. "SHANGHAI 27 11 95". Portogerechte Verwendung mit den üblichen Beförderungsspuren. Signiert Kruschel & Bothe; Attest Jäschke-Lantelme (2020) Mi = € 1'200+.rnProvenienz: Sammlung Romanow, 31. Kruschel Auktion (Juni 1991), Los 21; Sammlung Ing. Pietro Provera.
    Ausruf : 750 CHF
    Zuschlag : 750 CHF

    Losnr. : 720 Frankreich

    1849/2005: Large collection in 29 Volumes and two small boxes containing mostly older material. There is huge duplication but a number of better items can be found. Among others of the 1929 Buildings high values is an unmounted mint copy of the Pont du Gard line perfed 11 the outstanding item, the 1937 PEXIP miniature sheet is also included in unmounted mint. The inter war years and a the immediate period after WWII also contain many better mint items. There is also some element of valid postage to be found.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.300 CHF

    Losnr. : 336 Dt. Reich

    1872/75: Vorwiegend gest. Brustschild-Sammlung, Einzelmarken und 25 Belege mit besseren Frankaturen, teils ins Ausland, dabei kl. Schild 1 Kr. Franktur gest. auf nachverwendetem Stempel EUTIN, 2 Gr. Doppelfrankatur Elsass-Lothringen, von Gebweiler, 3 oder 3 ½ Gr. Frankatur nach Frankreich, Mi. Nr. 7 EF 1 kr. grün auf Drucksache (2), Mi. 9 5 Kr. mit Ersttagsstp. von "Giessen 1.1.72", grosser Schild 1 Gr. Doppelprägung entw. mit nachverwendetem R3 von Sachsen, weiter div. Abarten wie Prägefehler oder verschobene Prägung sowie zwei Belege mit Brustschildmarken als Pfennig verwendet nach Mitau (30.6.75) oder Zwönitz (14.2.75), beigef. sechs Befunde, davon vier Sommer BPP.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.300 CHF

    Losnr. : 319 Deutsche Auslandspost Türkei

    1 / 3
    Katalognummer : V16,V19,V29
    Brustschild-Vorläufer: 1872/74, ¼ Gr. violett und 1 Gr. karmin je im senkrechten Paar und 2 ½ auf 2 ½ Gr. mittelrötlichbraun je mit Stempel „KAISERL.DEUTSCH. P.A. CONSTANTINOPEL 16.11.74“ auf Faltbriefhülle mit Absenderstempel von Brousse und rücks. Forwarded Agent-Stempel „D. Lebet & Fils Victor“ nach Lyon mit Ankunftsstempel, bedingt durch ein abgebrochenem Zähnungsstift hat die untere ¼ Gr.-Marke einen kleinen Ausriss und Briefhülle mit stärkeren Falt- und Klebespuren, zum Teil hinterlegt, sonst in guter Gesamterhaltung, in Verbindung mit der Aufdruck-Ausgabe 1874 eine vermutlich einmalige Frankatur-KombinationrnProvenienz: J.J. Volny (93. Württembergisches Auktionshaus, 2005.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.600 CHF

    Losnr. : 301 Dt. Reich

    1 / 3
    Katalognummer : 24
    1 / 2
    1874 (3. Aug.): Formularpostkarte von Freiburg an die Artistisch lithographische Anstalt Dittmarsch in Wien, frankiert mit Grossem Schild 2 Kr. orange, farbfr., sehr gut geprägtes und gezähntes Prachtstück, klar und übergehend entw. mit Rahmenstp. "FREIBURG IN BADEN STADTPOST 3 8 74 6-7N", rücks. Ankunftsstp. (5. Aug.). Ein Ausnahmestück dieser sehr seltenen Frankatur,  portogerecht im Kreuzergebiet, nur recht kurz vom Juli 1872 bis Dezember 1874. Atteste Hennies (1979), Krug (2020) Mi = € 4'500.rnProvenienz: Sammlungen J.J. Volny & Ing. Pietro Provera.
    Ausruf : 2.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.100 CHF

    Losnr. : 472 Zeppelin & Luftpost

    1933: Italienfahrt am 29. und 30. Mai und 2. Südamerikafahrt vom 3. bis 13. Juni, eingeschr. Kuvert adressiert nach Springfield/USA, frankiert mit einer kompl. Serie Zeppelinmarken und einem Zusatzwert der Ital. Kolonien (Mi Nrn. 190-195+43), sauber gest. "Tripoli - 22. 5. 33 - XI 14", aufgeliefert zur Italienfahrt (29. V.), blaugrüner Sonderbestätigungsstp. und Ankunftsstp. von "F'hafen - 30. 5. 33 - 14", erneut aufgeliefert zur Südamerikafahrt (3. 6.) und via New York (29.6.) nach Springfield wo der Beleg am gleichen Tag eintraf, sehr seltener Kombinationsbeleg. Signiert Bolaffi (zwei verschiedene) und Diena Mi Nrn. 303Gd/303G = € 3'400/Sieger = € 2'250.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.800 CHF

    Losnr. : 699 Franz. Post in der Levante

    French offices in Anatolian Black Sea ports 1853/72: Group one cover and ten used stamps incl. INEBOLI two rare '5088' Gros Chiffres in blue on Napoléon laureated 80 c. rose and Siège 40 c. orange, KERASSUNDE three rare '5090' Gros Chiffres on different Napoléon different, a splendid trio, ORDU two rare '5097' Gros Chiffres in blue on Siège 40 c. orange and Cérès 1872 80 c. rose, SAMSOUN Petits Chiffres '4013' on Napoléon and Gros Chiffres '5096' on two definitives and on a 1867 cover from Amasya via Samsun to Constantinople Maury = € 5'000+.
    Ausruf : 750 CHF
    Zuschlag : 850 CHF

    Losnr. : 641 Zeppelin & Luftpost

    1905 (28. Juni): Eigenhändiges Schreiben mit Originalunterschrift von Ferdinand Graf von Zeppelin, gefaltetes Briefblatt mit dreiseitigem Text: "Geehrter Herr Doktor! / Zu meinem Bedauern entdecke ich .... noch einen Brief meines Bruders an Ihre Adresse, welcher ich Ihnen längst hätte zurückstellen sollen. Ich bitte dieses Versäumnis freundlich entschuldigen zu wollen." Gemeint ist Ferdinands Bruder Eberhard von Zeppelin, der in der familieneigenen Bank Macaire & Co. als finanzieller Sachwalter seiner Geschwister tätig war. Blatt mit Archivlochung horizontal und vertikal gefaltet, an den Faltstellen teils etwas brüchig und horizontal mit Falz hinterlegt. Der beigef. Transription entsprechend, fehlt wohl ein weiteres Briefblatt, da der Inhalt nur teilweise vorhanden ist.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 220 CHF

    Losnr. : 707 Franz. Kol. allgemeine Ausgaben

    Oubangui-Chari 1930: Postage Dues - Proofs (5) for the Postage Due issue, all without Duty plates and with uncleared surrounds but four with imprints at base, with View of Mobaye matching Frame & Vignette Proofs in bright red, another Frame only Proof in pale yellow-brown and a fourth with Frame and Vignette in pale green & deep green (all signed Berck); Emile Gentil Proof for high values with vignette in brown and Frame in blue. A few imperfections but a very scarce and attractive group.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 220 CHF

    Losnr. : 759 Griechenland

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 21
    Greek Post Offices in Egypt 1864 (Nov 25): Unpaid Cover from Alexandria to Syros with mis-spelled ALSKHANDREIA / TURKIA cds on obverse, charged upon arrival with '80' lepta in red crayon and bearing fresh and fine pair 1862/67 Consecutive Athens printintings 40 l. mauve on blued, tied by Syros arrival cds's (Nov 29) in black. Reverse with an additional arrival cds. Filing fold below one Large Hermes Head, nevertheless an appealing double rate cover Hellas 20.
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : 460 CHF

    Losnr. : 780 Griechenland

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 19
    1 / 1
    Incoming from Austrian Levant Offices 1868 (Sept 21): Partially prepaid entire letter from Candia to Syros bearing Austria 1864 10 s. blue perf 9½, tied by Candia despatch cds in light black. Charged with '20' lepta in blue crayon for inland rate, franked with Consecutive Athens printing 1862/67 10 l. red-orange on blue in a horizontal pair, cancelled by Syros (Sept 11) cds. An attractive combination franking. Signed Calves, cert. Tseriotis (2004) Hellas 18e.
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : 700 CHF

    Losnr. : 244 Albanien

    Dieses Los wurde leider wieder zurückgezogen.

    Losnr. : 796 Kreta

    1851 (April 19): Letter from Crete posted at SYRA 10/4 (22/4) to Marseille with transits TRIESTE 27/4 and MILANO, where it received VIA DI CHIASSO, crossing Switzerland and leaving at AUTRICHE/Beau FR 1 de BALE 1/5 taxed '5' (decimes) debit at French border exchange P.O. and MARSEILLE 3/5 arrival mark on reverse. Letter was partially paid by sender with 70 (lepta) to Trieste, from there to Marseille it had to be payed 10 decimes. Fine unusual routing via Austrian Post.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 200 CHF

    Losnr. : 469 Zeppelin & Luftpost

    1933: Italienfahrt am 29. und 30. Mai und 2. Südamerikafahrt vom 3. bis 13. Juni, eingeschr. Kuvert adressiert nach Rahway/NJ/USA, frankiert mit drei Marken inkl. Zeppelinwert 5 L (Mi Nrn. 424+425+440) gest. "Roma Ferrovia Racc. - 23. 5. 33 - 22",  zuerst mit LZ 127 von Rom (blauer Sonderbestätigungsstp.) nach F'hafen (30. 5. 33 - 14), erneute Auflieferung zur 2. Südamerikafahrt (3.6.33) und via Rio de Janeiro (7. VI.) und New York (29.6.) nach Rahway wo der Brief am 29. Juni eintraf, schöner Kombinationsbeleg Mi Nrn. 303Ad+304A = € 1'400/Sieger = € 2000.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.200 CHF

    Losnr. : 694 Franz. Post in der Levante

    French offices in Anatolian Black Sea ports, Trebizonde 1853/72: Group one cover and eight used stamps/pieces incl. piece with Napoléon imperforated 10 c. & 40 c. with '4016' Petits chiffre lozenge, 1868 cover to Constantinople with pair Napoléon laureated 20 c. blue to pay the 40 centime rate, tied by '5100' Gros Chiffres lozenge, also seven Siège, rare Bordeaux and Cérès 1872 definitives with '5100' lozenges, one with cogwheel cds. Maury = € 1'450+.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 200 CHF

    Losnr. : 642 Zeppelinpost

    1909 (23. Juli): Eigenhändiger Brief mit Unterschrift von Graf Ferdinand von Zeppelin zusammen mit persönlich adressiertem Briefumschlag (repariert) mit Verschluss-Siegel "Graf v. Zeppelin / Luftschiffahrt Friedrichshafen a.B." an Zeitungsredaktor Freiherr U. von Seckendorff nach Karlsruhe, dazu eigenhändiges Schreiben datiert Girsberg 1. Aug. 1913 signiert 'Z' sowie eine Einladung an Freiherr und Baron von Seckendorff zu einer Zeppelin-Freifahrt ab Karlsruhe, anlässlich der Landungsfahrt vom 9. Nov. 1930: "Die Fahrkarte wollen Sie bitte bei der Vertretung der HAPAG unter Vorlegung dieses Schreibens abholen. Gleichzeitig machen wir noch darauf aufmerksam, dass die obligatorische Versicherung der Fahrgäste von RMk 20.- bei Empfangnahme der Fahrkarte zu bezahlen ist.", signiert Lehmann.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 300 CHF

    Losnr. : 287 Thurn u. Taxis

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 7+9+10
    1852: 1 Kr. olivgrau, 6 Kr. graurot und 9 Kr. braungelb, drei farbfr. Einzelwerte im üblichen Taxischnitt, je klar und übergehend entw. mit Vierkreis '220' mit nebenges. idealem "FRANKFURT 21 APR. 1854 6 - 6½" und rotem "P.D." auf Faltbrief nach Brüssel, rücks. Transit Coeln, belgischer Bahnpoststp. "ALLEMAGNE EST 23 AVRIL 1854" und blauer Ankunftsstp. (23 AVRIL 1854). Interessanter Franco-Brief im Tarif von 1852 mit neun Kreuzer für den Postverein und sieben Kreuzer für die belgischen grenzfernen Provinzen, die mit Bläuel '20' (Centimes) als Weiterfranko vorderseitig notiert wurden.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 200 CHF

    Losnr. : 407 Zeppelin & Luftpost

    1932: 1. Südamerikafahrt vom 20. bis 29. März, Kuvert ab Luxemburg nach Bogota/Kolumbien, frankiert mit einer Flugpostmarke 75 c. braun (Mi Nr. 234) gest. "Luxembourg - 18 3. 32 - Ville", ergänzt mit drei Marken des Dt. Reiches und einer SCADTA-Marke, diese entw. mit dem ovalen Bahnpoststp. "Trier-Koblenz - Zug 449 - 18.. 3. 32", aufgeliefert nach F'hafen (21.3) zur Zeppelinfahrt nach Pernambuco (23. III.), Übergabe an den Condor-Luftpostdienst und via Barranquilla (3. V.) weiter nach Bogota wo der Brief am 4. Mai eintraf, ein sehr seltener Kombinationsbeleg Mi Nr. 234a = € 1'200.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.000 CHF
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