Losnr. 659 - 257.-264. Auktion
Losnr. : 659 Franz. Post in der Levante
French Shipmail in the Levant 1859 (July 6): Cover from Constantinople to Zürich, franked by Napoléon imperforated 80 c. carmine 'cerise' in a horizontal strip of five with corner marginal 10 c. bistre and 40 c. orange, tied by dotted Anchor lozenge, the 10 c. in addition by bluish dealer's cachet. "CARMEL 6 JUIL. 59" Shipmail cds (Salles fig. 764), framed PD and framed PAQUEBOTS DE LA MEDITERRANÉE in red alongside. Reverse with transit cds's of Marseille, the French BUREAU FRANCAISE DE BALE cds in red, and of the Swiss office in Basel as well as arrival cds of Zürich (July 14, 59). Minor imperfections, three adhesives shaved or touched, the 10 c. bistre hit by a filing fold, nevertheless a most attractive and desirable cover. Cert. Roumet (1996).rnNote: From January 1857 until September 1865, the rate from the Levant to Switzerland was 90 c. for each 7.5 gram, with this item presenting the quintuple rate.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 1.400 CHF