Tradition und Erfahrung in klassischer Philatelie seit 1919


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  • Losnr. : 1469 Bolivien

    Development of Bolivian Airmail 1905-1945: The Gold Medal exhibition collection on 104 album pages, including 1925 Junker's Demonstration flights with first return flight Sucre to Cochabamba (Aug. 7) and Junker's Inaugural flight La Paz to Oruro (Aug. 11), Cochabamba to La Paz (Aug. 14), Santa Cruz to Cochabamba Demonstration flight (Sept. 3), first flight Sucre to Cochabamba - rare: only 14 covers flown (Muller #9), all with certs. Moorhouse. Further 1928 Lt. J. Doolittle Experimental flights Lima - La Paz (Feb. 25), La Paz - Santiago (March 22), 1929 L.A.B. domestic services with first flight Vallegrande - Santa Cruz (April 12), fine and scarce envelopes (2) from Cochabamba to Todos Santos or Santa Cruz - Yacuiba, first flight roundtrip cover Cochabamba - Oruro (Sept. 4) addressed to L.A.B. agent. 1930 external connections with Brasilian Condor with first flight covers (July 30), Zeppelin mail 1932 (6) with incoming mail on 1st South America flight from England to La Paz, Panagra and L.A.B. joint service with Experimental flights to Chile and one incoming from Ecuador (May 21), six covers from the Chaco War period (1932/36) as well as 1935/45 Expansion connections with Panagra first flights (2) from Oruro (18. Apr. 37) or La Paz (2 March) to Argentine, both with certs. Moorhouse, various destinations in North and South America and Europe showing different routings with the corresponding rates noted, DLH air service with Crash cover 'Tapajoz' (Nierinck 340503), Air France with two items to Poland (1939) and L.A.T.I. flights with covers to Vienna (1940) and fine L.A.T.I. stationery to Switzerland (1941). A fine collection with a lot of information about Bolivian airmail history of an interesting land locked country within the Andes. Ideal for further studies and expansion. The complete collection will be shown in our online catalogue.
    Ausruf : 5.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 5.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 1520 Brasilien

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    1843: 30 reis grey-black, Intermediate Impression, a fine large margined example sharing small piece with 1845  Inclinado 60 r. grey-black tied by bold strike of framed ALDEIA DA PEDRA handstamp (Ayres fig. 1192) struck well in pale blue. Illustrated in Taveira 'The Slanted Numerals Handbook' on page 414 and in 'Carimbos sobre os olhos-de-boi' by H. B. Ferreira on page 8. Possibly cleaned but a famous and most attractive combination piece in outstanding quality - in our opinion the finest of all of the few recorded Bulls Eye combination usages. Signed Calves. Copy of cert. B. Moorhouse (2013).rnrnProvenance: Collection Alfred H. Caspary, June 1958, lot 499.rn                   Collection Reinhold Koester, Corinphila sale 70, March 1984, lot 4327.rn                   Collection Everaldo Santos, March 2001, lot 12.rn                   Collection Luis Alemany, Corinphila sale 181, June 2013, lot 221.rnrnNote: This piece, in common with the other eight recorded first and second issue combination usages (three are not lsted by Taveira in 'Slanted Numerals Handbook', all three ex the José Joacquim Lima Silva Muniz De Aragao collection, Corinphila sale 42, January 1955, lots 6150, 6168 and 6197) has always been contentious. The late Paulo Comelli believed this piece was 'bad' due to the colour of the postmark being in a pale blue. However the description in the Caspary sale states the 30 reis to be 'toned' and this describer believes the pale colour of the postmark is probably due to a slight bleaching when the piece was cleaned by a previous owner.
    Ausruf : 15.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 10.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 1764 Peru

    Cancellations 1868: 1 d. green, the outstanding collection (118 items) on leaves with dotted handstamps of ABANCAY (Emsing E1 = 75 pts) on a strip of five, ACARI (125 pts), CARAVELI (100 pts), CORONGO on a pair (75 pts), HUANUCO on a strip of three, HUARI on a pair (50 pts), LAMPA in blue (100 pts), LLATA in blue (100 pts), OTUSCO on strip of three (45 pts), PALPA (75 pts), PISCO in red (150 pts), POMOBAMBA (75 pts), S. PEDRO (60 pts), TARAPACA (150 pts), TUMBES (75 pts), YUNGAY (60 pts), dotted ovals of APLAO in blue (E6 = unlisted), CERRO AZUL (E3 = 125 pts), CAMANA (E6 = 100 pts), CORACORA (E12 = 100 pts), GUADALUPE (E12 = 125 pts), PULLO (E15 = 150 pts), VILQUE (E6 = 150 pts), YQUITOS (E6 = 150 pts), oval framed handstamps of CASCAS (E20 = 150 pts), CHALACO on coil join single (E16 = 250 pts), ETEN in black (E16 = 100 pts), FERRENAFE in blue (E16 = 140 pts), HUAYLAS (E16 = 200 pts), ISLAY on a strip of three, LOMAS in blue on a pair (E18 = 150 pts), OBRAGILLO (E21 = 100 pts), PUERTO DE CASMA in red (E30 = 100 pts), PULLO in black (cert. Moorhouse, unlisted), SUPE (E16 = 125 pts), YURI-MAGUAS on a registered strip of three (E20 = 150 pts), fancy oval types of AGUAMIRO with 'Eye' (E27 = 200 pts), CONCEPCION (E28 = 75 pts), SANTIAGO DE CHUCHO (E31 = 125 pts), straight line cancels of CASMA, CUZCO, HUANCAYO on cover, HUARAZ, LOCUMBA on a strip of four, PUNO, SAN LUIS (E55 = 200 pts), S. PEDRO, TARMA; octagonal framed handstamps of IQUIQUE on a pair (E64 = 150 pts), MEJILLONES (E64 = 150m pts), PISAGUA in blue (50 pts), fancy TARAPOTO in black (E74 =125 pts), circular CERTIFICADO (E107 = 100 pts) etc. A splendid lot with many rarities.
    Ausruf : 2.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.800 CHF

    Losnr. : 1540 Chile

    1853/1967: The substantial collection with July 1853 London printing 5 c. brown used (9), 10 c. deep blue used (4), 1854 Desmadryl Santiago printing 5 c. (15) incluing a pair and a very rare example with marginal imprint from base of sheet, Gillet recess printings of 1854 with 5 c. used (6) in deep Sienna, Burnt Sienna and dull Chocolate shades used, thereafter with extensive arrays of Desmadryl 10 c. blue (shades) used (12), Perkins Bacon 1855 printing 5 c. unused and used (14), 1857 Estancos with 5 c. unused and used (9), later Estancos printings used (34, with much cancellation interest), 10 c. blue used (29, incl. a strip of four), 1862 1 c. unused (7) and postally used (4), 10 c. blue unused (2) and used (19, incl. a rare block of four), 20 c. green unused (2) and used (4), the aforementioned with a variety of classic period covers (32) incl. 5 c. red-brown used to Berlin and a 5 c. rose used to London, four covers with 10 c. blue bisected, later period with study of cancellations on 1879/83 issue, 1887 5 c. violet stationery envelope disinfected against Cholera with framed 'DESINFECTADA / POR CALOR' in black, 1910 Centenary complete set unused, 1927 flight cover with Airmail surcharged 40 c. on 10 c. used (Scott C1) and complete set of five used (all signed Champion, Scott C1-C5 = $ 340), 'fauna' sheets of 25 unused etc. A useful lot, collected with care and with many choice items noted.
    Ausruf : 5.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1500 Brasilien

    1843: 30 reis black, Intermediate Impression, a delightful horizontal pair from Plate 3, stamps 1 and 2 from the bottom pane, with large margins on three sides and close but clear with full outer frameline at top right, showing part of adjoining frameline of next stamp at right, used on 1844 entire letter from Rio de Janeiro to Rezende and tied by CORREIO GERAL DA CORTE datestamp in black (November 27). The front panel with slight acid ink fault repaired in the 'José' of the addressee, otherwise in a wonderful state of preservation for a Bullseye entire. Illustrated in Juchert 'Bull's Eyes on Covers' on page 80 - of the 13 covers listed with two 30 reis adhesives used from Rio de Janeiro at least four bear stamps that have been repaired. A wonderful 'No. 1' cover and a very rare and most appealing entire for the connoisseur.rnrnProvenance: Siegel Auction sale 263, New York, Sept. 1963, lot 486; Carmichael & Todd, Nov. 1995; Collection Henry Gessler, Corinphila sale 165, Nov-Dec. 2010, lot 301.
    Ausruf : 7.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 8.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 1821 USA

    1845/80: The collection of classic covers (23 and a piece) with New York Postmaster's Provisional 5 c. black (initialled ACM) on 1845 cover to Philadelphia, 1847 5 c. used on covers (4) from Troy with cds in blue, entires from Syracuse and Philadelphia cancelled in blue and 1850 entire from Richmon cancelled in red; 1847 10 c. black on entire from Wilkes Barre / PA cancelled in black; 1851/57 Jefferson 5 c. brown used on 1856/57 covers from New Orleans to France (3); 1851/57 10 c. green used on covers (5) with single frankings (3), a pair used to 'Ship Othello' in Le Havre and a strip of three used to Hamburg; 1851/57 remarkable piece with 12 c. black showing 8 examples including a strip of three; 1857/61 issue with covers (3) used to France each franked by vertical strips of three (two with certs.); 1861 2 c. Black Jack cover with extraordinary pre-printing paper fold usage and a rare cover with pair with second stamp diagonally bisected (Scott 73a) to make the 3 c. rate; Banknote Issue covers with 15 c. orange used to Cape of Good Hope (3) and an 1882 cover with Banknote 3 c. green re-addressed with Canada Small Queen 3 c. at Fredricton / NB (cert.). A fair to generally fine range of high catalogue value.
    Ausruf : 7.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1514 Brasilien

    1843: 90 reis black, late Early Impression in a greyish shade, a horizontal pair with large margins all round, used on November 27, 1843 entire letterfrom NEW YORK, USA to Rio Grande do Sul (U. S. Consul, Pedrick correspondence) and endorsed internally "via Rio de Janeiro", the adhesives tied by CORREIO GEARL DA CORTE datestamps (Jan 29, 1844) in black. Reverse shows manuscript "Forwarded by C. Coleman & Co." and somewhat mothy obverse with with minor tape repairs and manuscript "Vapor". The 180 reis charged paying the double ship rate. Illustrated in 'Bulls Eyes on Cover' by Juchert / Maassen on page 154. Just ten covers are recorded with two 90 reis adhesives, a splendid and famous franking - the earliest known forwarded cover from the United States bearing a Postage Stamp from a country other than Great Britain. Exhibition item.rnrnProvenance: Collection Luis Alemany, Corinphila sale 181, June 2013, lot 214.
    Ausruf : 7.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 8.500 CHF

    Losnr. : 1515 Brasilien

    30 reis black and 90 reis black, Fine Impressions, each with large margins and showing the frame lines at side or base, some ageing, used on 1846 Insured letter with "Segura" in manuscript on obverse, mailed from Villa Nova da Rainha to Bahia and re-addressed to Sao Paulo, tied by three strikes of rare circular VILLA NOVA DA RAINHA circular handstamps (Ayres unlisted, recorded by Meyer) struck in brown with date in manuscript on second strike (Sept 18). The 90 reis adhesive has been torn on opening and re-affixed. Obverse of cover with CORREIO GERAL DA BAHIA datestamp of re-addressing (Oct 4) in black. The cover affixed for safety reasons to backing paper but this is the sole recorded cover from this town and one of just two recorded Insured Bulls Eye covers. Illustrated in Juchert / Maassen on page 236. Unique. Cert. Moorhouse (2013).rnrnProvenance: Collection M. Ferreira (Nov 1994), lot 2126; Collection Luis Alemany, Corinphila sale 181, June 2013, lot 46.rn 
    Ausruf : 15.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 15.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 1508 Brasilien

    60 reis black, Fine Impression on yellowish paper, the superb top marginal horizontal pair, huge margins and full marginal line at top (First Composite plate, State B, positions 2-3) in a resonant deep shade, used on 1844 cover from Pernambuco to Santos, correctly pre-paying the single ship rate of 120 r., tied by PERNAMBUCO SHIELD datestamp (Jan 29) in black (Ayres fig. 1548). Some ageing to the ink and ironed file fold but an extremely attractive and very rare cover. Illustrated in 'Bulls Eyes on Cover' by Juchert / Maassen on page 221; just three covers are recorded with the Pernambuco Shield cancellation on the Bullseye issue - all with different frankings for the 120 reis rate, one of which is repaired and this being without doubt the most beautiful of the three.rnrnProvenance: Collection Norman S. Hubbard, March 1986, lot 2080; Collection Hugo Goeggel, Corinphila sale 178, Feb. 2013, lot 4139.
    Ausruf : 10.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 10.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 1503 Brasilien

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    1843: 90 reis black, Fine Impression from Second Composite plate, State B, position 13 with 30 reis black, Fine Impression from Second Composite plate, State B, position 7; applied to reverse of 1844 cover at single ship rate of 120 r. from Bahia to a Mr. Vollenweider in Rio de Janeiro tied by CORREIO DE BAHIA datestamp (February 3) in black (Ayres 1605), with repeated strike of datestamp on the obverse. The 30 reis and 90 reis adhesives with vertical marginal lines, the 90 reis showing retouching to frame and the vignette. Illustrated in 'Bulls Eyes on Covers' by Juchert / Maassen on page 63. Just three recorded Bulls Eyes covers are known from Bahia, this being the finest. Rare. Signed Bühler. Certs. RPSL (1995), Moorhouse (2013).rnrnProvenance: Collection Aragao, Corinphila sale 42, Jan. 1955, lot 6167; Collection Norman S. Hubbard, May 1986, lot 2107; Collection Hugo Goeggel, Corinphila sale 178, Feb. 2013, lot 4190.
    Ausruf : 15.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 18.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 1727 Peru

    Cancellations 1862: 1 d. (shades), the collection on leaves incl. dotted handstamps of ABANCAY (Emsing E1 = 75 pts), ACARI (125 pts), ACOBAMBA (150 pts), CARAVELI (100 pts), CHALA in black (50 pts), HUACHO (50 pts), HUALGAYOC in black and red (125 and 100 pts), HUANCABAMBA (125 pts), HUARI in blue (75 pts), ISLAS on cover, NEPEÑA (75 pts), TUMBES (75 pts), YAULI (75 pts), YAUTOS in black (unrecorded, cert. Moorhouse); dotted oval cancels of CAMANA (E6 = 100 pts), CHIN-BAJA (E12 = 125 pts), GUADALUPE (125 pts), HUANCHACO in blue (100 pts), PASCO CERTIFICACION FRANCA (E130 = 175 pts); oval handstamps of HUAMACHUCO on strip of three in red (100 pts), ICHARATI (E21 = 250 pts); fancy oval types from HURIO (E22 = 175 pts), RECEPTORIA DE MALABRIGO (E23 = 125 pts), SANTIAGO CHUCO (E31 = 125 pts), boxed handstamp of OBRAGILLO (E65 = 150 pts), straight line handstamps with SANTA on pair (E58 = 75 pts), PATAZ in red (125 pts), PIURA on cover, SUPE in blue (175 pts), a delightful lot (93 items) with covers (incl. three to Europe) and multiples with strips of four, five and seven noted.
    Ausruf : 2.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.500 CHF

    Losnr. : 1534 Brasilien

    1928/34: Specialised collection of the postal history of Condor and Varig companies in two albums, 65 covers showing routes and rates with a fine array of express and registered usages, many covers bearing diff. markings as 'MP' (Mao Propria = by Hand) to indicate the transfer between the airlines and the Brazilian postal system, incl. first flights as Joint Service Condor - Lloyd Aereo Boliviano on 1930 Rio - La Paz (Muller 81), 1930 (March 21) Condor first flight Rio - 'Cap Arcona' - Berlin, further a Condor - Varig mixed franking on cover from Pelotas via Porto Alegre (Condor) to Rio de Janeiro (Varig), many different domestic usages as well as some interesting Varig combination frankings with a few sent to Germany. A fine and attracitve assembly, all neatly mounted up and described on album pages. An excellent basis for further expansion.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 3.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 1829 USA

    Confederate States Postmasters' Provisional 1861: Mobile, Alabama 5 c. blue, a fine example in a bright shade with clear to good margins all round, tied to USA 1860/61 watermarked 3 c. red postal stationery envelope by MOBILE / ALA datestamps (July 22) in black, the envelope endorsed 'Adams Exp. Paid' in manuscript at upper left and reverse with oval ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY / GRANT BROTHERS / WESTERN & SOUTHERN / EXPRESS FORWARDERS / NEW YORK applied on original despatch in blue. The single rate cover would have travelled direct by boat and would have been forwarded by the Adam's Express agent in Mobile. A charming and extremely rare usage in choice condition Scott = $ 6'000.rnrnProvenance: Mason (1940).rnrnNote: The Adams Express Co. eventually became the modern American Express. The First Battle of Bull Run / First Manassass was foughtrnthe day before this cover was mailed in Mobile.
    Ausruf : 2.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 11.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 1775 Peru

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    1872: 1 peseta orange-yellow, single example used with 1866 Llama 10 c. red on 20 c. violet postal stationery envelope, sent registered from Pasco to Lima cancelled by bold PASCO / PRAL datestamps (Jan 2, 1877) in black. Superb three line PASCO / CERTIFICACION / FRANCA at left in black and reverse with Lima arrival cds (Jan 5) in blue and docketing of receipt on back of cover and internally. A rarity - registered receipted covers were returned to the P.O. of origin and were archived for one year and then were meant to be destroyed - this item obviously escaping from the incineration. Sensibly opened for Exhibit display, a spectacular 'three issue' combination usage. Cert. Holcombe (1999).rnProvenance: Collection G. Lamy; Collection 'Crown Point', Corinphila sale 116, Oct. 1999, lot 2551.
    Ausruf : 750 CHF
    Zuschlag : 3.200 CHF

    Losnr. : 1511 Brasilien

    90 reis black, Early Impression, the famous mint horizontal strip of five from the Second Composite Plate, State A, positions 1-5, showing the vertical marginal connecting line to the 60 reis pane at left, and the full horizontal marginal line at top; a fantastic multiple in a rich shade and of immaculate appearance, one minor bend mentioned for complete accuracy and of no significance and not affecting appearnce of this truly magnificent strip - one of the key items for the Brazil classic philatelist, the second largest mint multiple of the 90 reis.rnrnProvenance: Collection Henry J. Duveen, New York, 1922; Collection Aragao, Corinphila sale 42, Jan. 1955, lot 6131; Corinphila sale 54, Oct. 1970, lot 5168; Collection Tevfik Kuyas, May 1978, lot 178; Collection Norman S. Hubbard, May 1986, lot 2087; Collection Hugo Goeggel, Corinphila sale 178, Feb. 2013, lot 4147.
    Ausruf : 15.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 17.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 1662 Peru

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    Error of Colour ½ (medio) peso rose-red, the remarkable "complete set" of used examples of the error: showing the five different Transfer Types A, B, C, D and E, with Type A with four large margins cancelled by dotted CALLAO handstamp in black (cert. Raybaudi, 2003); Type B with four margins and cancelled by circular CALLAO datestamp of May 13, 1858 (cert. Moorhouse, 2010); Type C with margins shaved at sides but fine at base and huge at top, cancelled by ARICA datestamp of July 1, 1858 in blue (cert. Moorhouse, 2009); Type D with three clear margins, just shaved at right, used on piece with 'LIMA 1-2-3' handstamp in black (ex Badaracco, lot 346, signed Todd, cert. Eichele, 1997); Type E with four narrow margins, minor thins, cancelled by dotted PASCO handstamp in black (ex Badaracco, lot 348, signed Hassel, Todd). A remarkable album page and only the second time the 5 different Types have ever been offered together as a complete set Gi 4b = 23'750/Scott = $ 23'750.
    Ausruf : 2.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 4.800 CHF

    Losnr. : 1560 Scadta

    1 / 1
    1920 (Feb 22): Multicolores 'Fuselage & Tail of Biplane' 10 c. imperforate vignette, a superb used example with 1918 3 c. red tied to cover addressed to Medellin and endorsed 'Via Correo Aereo a Barranquilla', by oval CCNA handstamp in violet and by Cartagena circular datestamp (Feb 22) in violet and arrival datestamp in violet on reverse. A rare First Flight cover (especially to a destination other than Barranquilla), the Multicolores with some minor creasing and wrinkles of no significance: only 10 covers recorded with this, the rarest of all the designs. Signed Irwin Heiman, Herbert Bloch. Cert.Friedl (1978) and Moorhouse (2014) Scott = $ 3'800 off cover.rnrnProvenance: Collection Jack Boonshaft, Harmers, London, Dec 1993, lot 2073; Collection Dr. Hugo Goeggel, Corinphila sale 191, Nov 2014, lot 194.
    Ausruf : 1.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.500 CHF

    Losnr. : 1548 Kolumbien

    Santa Fé de Bogotá-Cartago-Quibdó Route 1812 (Oct 2): Prepaid entire letter written from Quibdó and mailed from Bebará to Camilo Torres in Santa Fé de Bogotá, distance of 180 leagues / 1'000 kms., with BEBARA and FRANCA handstamps (note inverted "N") each well struck in black (Tizon 2 and 4 = RRR). Rated "4" reales in manuscript for a single letter up to ½ ounce. Extremely rare, Bebará is 160 kms. north of Quibdó and can only be reached by boat on the Atrato and Bebará rivers. A famous cover, there are believed to be just three covers recorded from Bebará, all were in the Goeggel collection.rnrnProvenance: Collection Gordon Anstee, Robson Lowe, April 1981, lot 1024; Collection Dr. Hugo Goeggel, Corinphila sale 183, Sept 2013, lot 3033.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 550 CHF

    Losnr. : 1729 Peru

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    1862: 1 d. red, variety "Arms Sideways / Frame Sideways", the magnificent strip of nine showing the variety clearly (whilst listed as 'Arms Sideways, it is in fact, the frame which was struck sideways in error), of excellent colour and appearance with part and complete strike of CERTIFICADO and two strikes of TRUJILLO straight line handstamps in black. A few minor imperfections as to be expected on a strip this size but the largest known multiple of this variety with two strips this size recorded - however the other, sold by Corinphila in the Klaus Eitner sale (lot 4149), was probably fiscally used as cancelled solely by pen crosses, thus this is the largest postally used strip and, without doubt, much the finer and more attractive of the two. An exhibition item of great rarity for the specialist. Cert. Moorhouse (2011).
    Ausruf : 3.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 4.600 CHF

    Losnr. : 1694 Peru

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    1860: 1 dinero deep blue, Second Setting, single and a horizontal strip of five, all used on 1862 cover, side flaps missing, mailed from Islas de Chincha to Genova, Italy; tied by dotted ISLAS handstamps in black (Emsing E1 = 40 pts) and by LIMA transit cds (Dec 29) in black. Mailed via Panama and Colon to St. Thomas on RMSP 'Tamar' and thence to Southampton on the 'Atrato', with London cds on reverse (Jan 31, 1863) where struck with Anglo-French accountancy marking '2F 87½ c.' in black. An extremely rare cover, one 1 d. stamp missing but an extraordinarily high franking for this issue, undoubtedly the highest usage to an overseas address. Cert. Moorhouse (2011).
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 600 CHF

    Losnr. : 1519 Brasilien

    1843: 90 reis grey-black, late Intermediate Impression on yellowish paper, a used block of six from the First Composite Plate, State B, positions 1-2 / 7-8 / 13-14, horizontal marginal line above the block and inter-pane line above, with vertical marginal line at left and horizontal marginal line at base. The block somewhat stained and with minor imperfections including a pinhole in the margin at base only, cancelled four times by complete strikes of extremely scarce framed IGUASSU handstamps in black (Ayres fig. 1316). Illustrated in the German edition of José Kloke "Die Ochsenaugen", published by Wolfgang Maassen RDP on page 44. A very rare multiple and Exhibition piece.rnrnProvenance: Collection Hugo Goeggel, Corinphila sale 178, Feb. 2013, lot 4185.
    Ausruf : 5.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 5.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 1814 USA

    1850 (Oct 7): Entire letter with illustration inisde (published by Magnus & Co.) showing superb view of New York Harbour, the obverse endorsed 'via Liverpool, via Ostende, via Vienna' and addressed to Arad, Hungary. Presumably given to a Ship's captain as without despatch datestamp, and landed in UK as a Ship Letter with manuscript charge '8' (pence) for same. Flap with straight line SHIP LETTER in black, thence charged '1/6d.' to pay and mailed on with framed AMERICA per ENGLAND' in red (Van der Linden fig. 112) applied in Aachen, with 'Pesth' and 'Arad' datestamps alongside (Nov 12) where charged '49' kreuzers due. Some soiling but a remarkable entire to an unusual Transatlantic destination.
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : 600 CHF

    Losnr. : 1483 Brasilien

    Province of São Pedro 1839 (Dec 27): Entire letter written from Cassapava to Piratini (addressed to the Ministry of the Interior) endorsed at top "S. da R. R." (Servico da Républica Rio-Grandense) struck with fine straight line CASSAPAVA handstamp in black (RHM P-RS-04) with the letter signed by Domingos Almeida, the most important member of the Republic after Bento Goncalves da Silva. Very rare - less than 10 examples of this handstamp are recorded, unique with the "S. da R. R." endorsement.rnrnNote: The entire mailed during the Farroupilha War (Ragamuffin War) where Rio-Grande seceded from Brazil, naming their new country the 'Republic of Piratini'. The Italian Revoultionary Guiseppe Garibaldi fought with the rebels against the Brazilian state. The dispute was resolved in 1845.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 500 CHF

    Losnr. : 1597 Ecuador

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    SCADTA 1928: Airmail registered cover to Barranquilla, Colombia franked by 'Scadta 1928 Provisional' overprinted 1½ s. on 30 c. blue, Registration 1 s. on 20 c. grey and extremely rare 50 c. on 10 c. green together with 1926 1 c. light blue (4) and 2 c. dark violet (3) for internal postage all tied by circular "Servicio De Transportes Aereos / Guayaquil-Colombia / Scadta" datestamps (August 28 - first day of issue for the Scadta adhesives) in violet. Slight peripheral aging but the rare 50 c. on 10 c. superb. An extremely rare cover. Muller 13. Signed Raybaudi, Roumet. Cert. A. Diena (1974) Scott = $ 1'750 off cover.rnrnProvenance: Collection 'Cattaneo', Corinphila sale 76, May 1987, lot 5767.rnrn 
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.600 CHF

    Losnr. : 1559 Scadta

    1920 (Feb 22): Multicolores 10 c. 'Fuselage and Tail of Biplane', a fine example with large margins all round, used on 1920 First Flight cover front to Barranquilla tied by fine strike of oval CCNA oval handstamp in violet with Colombia 1904 1 c. green and 2 c. rose tied by Cartagena cds (Feb 22) in violet at right. Large Barranquilla arrival datestamp of receipt in black also on front. Creased away from the stamps, a scarce usage: only 10 covers recorded bearing this, the rarest of all the vignettes. Signed Todd AIEP Scott = $ 3'800 off cover.rnrnProvenance: Corinphila sale 80, March 1990, lot 5699; Collection Dr. Hugo Goeggel, Corinphila sale 188, lot 4198.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.600 CHF

    Losnr. : 1506 Brasilien

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    FIRST DAY OF ISSUE 1843 (August 1): 60 reis black, early Fine Impression on yellowish paper, the magnificent used example with huge margins all round and showing the horizontal marginal rule at top, tied to large piece by clearly dated rimless CORREIO GERAL DA CORTE datestamp "1-8-1843" in black. A spectacular stamp used on First Day of Issue and the sole recorded example of a Bullseye first day usage on piece. A wonderful rarity in marvellous condition - the first adhesive stamp issued on the American Continent and an important rarity for the philatelic connoisseur. Cert. Moorhouse (2013).rnrnProvenance: Collection Luis Alemany Indarte, Corinphila sale 181, June 2013, lot 19.rn 
    Ausruf : 15.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 16.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 1629 Peru

    1858 (March 1): 1 dinero blue, the famous horizontal strip of eight, Transfer Types 11-12-13-14-15-11-12-13, connecting between the panes and showing the misalignment, a few imperfections with sealed tears, crease and some rubbing on first stamp, but with large margins all round and of fresh appearance, cancelled by three complete strikes of the TRUJILLO straight line handstamp in black (Emsing E58 = 20 pts). A magnificent multiple for the specialist: the largest recorded strip of the 1 dinero and a major Exhibition item.rnProvenance: Collection Magonette; Collection John Rider, Dec. 1968, lot 64; Collection E. M. de Bustamente; Collection Norman S. Hubbard, June 2008, lot 214. 
    Ausruf : 1.200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.400 CHF

    Losnr. : 1655 Peru

    1 / 1
    1858: 1 p. rose-red, a large margined used example, Transfer Type 2 on the bloc report of ten subjects, used on 22 March 1858 cover to Lima tied by dotted PASCO handsatmp in black (Emsing E1 = 10 pts). Cover with small stain away from the fine adhesive, but extremely scarce - the earliest recorded usage of this stamp outside Lima: the delivery of this issue to Pasco taking place just a week earlier on March 22, 1858 (reference A. Salvattecci, Filatelia Peruana, Jan 1999). Illustrated in Moll on page 106. Cert. Moorhouse (2009).rnProvenance: Collection Klaus Eitner, Corinphila sale 158, June 2009, lot 4055.rnrn 
    Ausruf : 750 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.600 CHF

    Losnr. : 1562 Scadta

    1920: Multicolores 10 c. "Condor on Cliff" imperforate vignette, large margins all round for this stamp, used on Second return Flight to Cartagena tied by CCNA handstamp with definitive 1923 5 c. dull blue (overfranked by 2 centavos) lightly tied by oval 'Correos Aereos / Barranquilla' datestamp (March 4) in violet. Reverse with Caratgena arrival cds (same day) struck in blue. Envelope slightly trimmed but a rare and extremely attractive cover. Signed A. Diena Muller #4. Scott = $ 3'000 off cover.rnrnProvenance: Collection Dr. Hugo Goeggel, Corinphila sale 183, Sept 2013, lot 3166.rnrn 
    Ausruf : 2.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 1644 Peru

    1858: 1 d. blue, a fine large margined example, Transfer Type 9, used on 1859 cover from Lima to Paris cancelled by dotted LIMA handstamp in black (Emsing E7 = 10 pts) for the internal rate to Callao. British P.O. cds on reverse of CALLAO (Oct 12) and thence to Panama via PSNC Steamer. Carried by the RMSP 'Medway' from Colon to St. Thomas and transferred there to the 'Magdalena' for the journey to Falmouth. Struck in London (Nov 24) with Accountancy marking GB / 2F 87½c' in black. Taxed at 36 décimes due upon receipt for triple rate. An attractive cover.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 200 CHF

    Losnr. : 1663 Peru

    1 / 1
    Error of Colour ½ (medio) peso rose-red, a four margined example, position 3 on the fourth row of the Transfer, with normal 1 p. rose-red (Transfer Type 3, thus almost certainly a divided vertical pair) used on large part of 1858 cover to Cobija, Bolivia and tied by 'Admon. Pral De Correos / Tacna' datestamps in black (Oct 17). A rare and most attractive usage of the error: Bargholtz Census Da2. Illustrated in Moll on page 117 of the Handbook. Certificate Holcombe (1988) Gi 4+4b = £ 4'900+/Scott = $ 4'900+.rnProvenance: Collection Klaus Eitner, Corinphila sale 158, June 2009, lot 4066.
    Ausruf : 4.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 7.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 1553 Kolumbien

    1 / 1
    1863/64: 5 c. yellow, the magnificent irregular 'block' of three, the upper stamp positioned sideways, large margins all round upper stamp and close at base with left stamp corner crease but of exquisite fresh colour, superb large part original gum. An outstanding multiple with just four similar multiples recorded. Cert. Bortfeldt (2008).rnrnNote: It is probable but as yet unclear, that the entire top horizontal row of the sheet of 71 or 72 stamps (8 x 9) was printed sideways. This block comes from the upper right of sheet with the lower pair being positions R2: 6-7 in the horizontal row of eight.
    Ausruf : 7.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1815 USA

    1855/56: Jefferson 5  c. red brown and Washington 10 c. green, type III in a hor. strip of three, fine and fresh examples used on 1857 envelope to Messen Solothurn, Switzerland, tied by April 25 cds, endorsed "Prussian closed mail" with framed "AACHEN 10 5 / FRANCO" transit datestamp in red alongside, reverse with "NEW YORK MAY 2 Am PKT" in red, Baden TPO datestamps, Basel and Zürich transit cds's and MESSEN one-line arrival handstamp. Vert. fold away from the stamps and envelope supported partially below the stamps but an appealing fully paid cover in the 1857 tariff.
    Ausruf : 750 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1504 Brasilien

    1 / 1
    1843 (Aug 1): 60 reis black, Fine Impression, Second Composite Plate, State A, position 1, a fine large margined unused example from the top left hand corner of the pane showing both the vertical and frameline at left and the upper frameline at top, large margins on all sides. Imperceptible bend but of excellent appearance, of deep colour and large part original browned gum. A remarkable example of this very rare stamp. Cert. Moorhouse (2012) Gi 2 = £ 700/Mi 2 = € 850/Scott = $ 750.rnrnProvenance: Collection Norman S. Hubbard, May 1986, lot 2028; Collection Hugo Goeggel, Corinphila sale 178, Feb. 2013, lot 4059.rn 
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 650 CHF

    Losnr. : 1595 Ecuador

    1920 (Nov 4): First Flight 'Guayaquil - Cuenca', a fine postcard of the "El Telégrafo" sponsored Macchi Hanriot HD-1 biplane franked by 1920 3 c. yellow-brown and Postal Tax 1 c. deep blue tied by Guayaquil cds and the 1 c. by 'Guayaquil' duplex (Nov 2) with three line PRIMER / CORREO AÉREO / DEL ECUADOR in black alongside. The card being signed on the viewside by the Italian pilot 'Elia Liut' in ink. An extremely rare flight: the first undertaken in Ecuador. Muller 1.rnrnNote: The first flight was attempted on November 3, 1920 and lasted just 27 minutes before adverse weather conditions forced Liut to returnrnto Guayaquil. The flight to Cuenca on the following day, November 4, was successful.
    Ausruf : 350 CHF
    Zuschlag : 550 CHF

    Losnr. : 1638 Peru

    1858: 1 d. deep blue, a fine large margined example used on 23 November 1860 entire letter written in LA PAZ, Bolivia to Valparaiso, with sender's cachet at lower left; hand carried and mailed by Agent in Tacna with the adhesive tied by 'Admon. Pral De Correos / Tacna' cds (Dec 11) in black. Thence carried by PSNC Steamer to Valparaiso where the charge due would have been 10 centavos. A fresh and very fine entire of great scarcity.rnProvenance: Collection Julio Lugón Badaracco, Corinphila sale 193, Nov. 2104, lot 3029.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 360 CHF

    Losnr. : 1833 Uruguay

    1864/78: Covers (2) with 1864 entire letter endorsed 'p. Cerise' to Buenos Aires franked by 1864 6 c. rose-carmine (2) tied by oval Montevideo datestamp in black and 1878 cover to Genova, Italy franked by 1877/79 10 c. vermilion pair tied by numeral '23' handstamp in black, carried by S.G.T.M. steamer 'France' with 'Plata / Marseille' entry mark in red and struck with '80' handstamp in blue and '14' handstamp in black. Taxed on arrival with latter figure and bearing Italy Postage Due 1870 40 c. and 1 l. tied by Genova cds (Nov 17). A few imperfections but a scarce pair, the later cover signed E. J. Lee.
    Ausruf : 180 CHF
    Zuschlag : 240 CHF

    Losnr. : 1587 Ecuador

    1865/72: First Issue collection with ½ real blue (shades) with 104 examples unused or used including 5 pairs; 1 r. yellow (shades from reddish-orange to olive to yellow) with 64 stamps incl.- 4 pairs, a strip of four, block of four and a block of five; 1 r. green with 24 stamps incl. one pair; scarce 4 r. red with a used example cancelled in Quito and an unused example with variety 'Printed on Both Sides' marginal from right of sheet (Scott 6c = $ 500); thereafter with covers/fronts with ½ r. blue single frankings (4), 1 r. yellow on covers (6) - three single frankings and three with pairs; 1 r. green covers (5) incl. one with a strip of four; furthermore 4 covers with mixed values, many with certificates. Generally fine, a splendid collection with much cancellation interest throughout.
    Ausruf : 1.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 4.600 CHF

    Losnr. : 1708 Peru

    1860: 1 peseta bright red, Second Retouch (cornucopia on white ground), a superb horizontal strip of three with excellent margins for the issue, Transfer Types 13-14-15, used on 1863 cover to Trujillo at sextuple rate, neatly tied by dotted OTUSCO handstamps in black (Emsing E1 = 45 pts), Manuscript '3 o.' at upper left signifying the 3 ounce weight and reverse with manuscript notations dated "Agosto 31 de 1863". A fine and extremely rare cover.rnProvenance: Colletion Klaus Eitner, Corinpjila sale 158, June 2009, lot 4126.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 850 CHF

    Losnr. : 1753 Peru

    1868: 1 d. green, two fine used examples on double rate cover (note '2' in manuscript at upper left) mailed from Tacna to Hamburg tied by 'Tacna / Peru' datestamps in black. Transits of British P.O. ARICA cds (April 11) at left and Callao cds on reverse. Carried by PSNC Steamer to Panama and thence per 'Tasmanian' from Colon. Reverse with London transit cds (May 13) in red and charged '2/10d.' due in manuscript. Framed UNPAID applied to denote that this was not collected and charged "38½" silvergroschen due upon receipt in blue manuscript. Side flaps of cover missing but a rare usage.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 600 CHF

    Losnr. : 1672 Peru

    1858: 1 d. slate blue, a fine large margined example in a deep shade, used on 1859 cover to Bordeaux via Panama, tied by 'Admon. Pral De Correos / Tacna' cds in black (Nov 21). Transit of British P.O. ARICA cds in black and thence via PSNC Steamer to Panama, from there on the RMSP 'Medway' to St. Thomas where trans-shipped to the 'Plata' arriving in Southampton on January 1, 1860. Anglo-French accountancy marking 'GB / 2F 87½ c.' applied in London and charged double rate of '24' décimes upon arrival. A fine cover.rnProvenance: Collection G. Lamy.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 200 CHF

    Losnr. : 1484 Brasilien

    Province of São Pedro 1840 (March 12): Entire letter written from Cassapava to Piratini (addressed to the Ministry of the Interior) endorsed at top "S. da R." (Servico da Républica) and carried free, struck with fine straight line CASSAPAVA handstamp in black (RHM P-RS-04). Very rare - less than 10 examples of this handstamp are recorded.rnrnNote: The entire mailed during the Farroupilha War (Ragamuffin War) where Rio-Grande seceded from Brazil, naming their new country the 'Republic of Piratini'. The Italian Revoultionary Guiseppe Garibaldi fought with the rebels against the Brazilian state. The dispute was resolved in 1845.
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : 250 CHF

    Losnr. : 1632 Peru

    1 / 1
    1858 (March 1): 1 dinero blue, the famous block of ten used on large piece of judicial document addressed to Otusco, Transfer Types 6-10/11-15, being half of the pane of twenty subjects, cancelled with both dotted TRUX and straight line TRUJILLO handstamps in black (Emsing E7 and E58). The block with touched to clear margins all round and a few slight wrinkles, however this is an extraordinarily rare multiple (the largest on piece) of exceptional appearance and provenance. Cert. Moorhouse (2010).rnProvenance: Collection Josef Schatzkés; Collection Norman S. Hubbard, June 2008, lot 211.
    Ausruf : 2.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 3.200 CHF

    Losnr. : 1509 Brasilien

    1843 (Aug 1): 60 reis grey-black, the wonderful unused block of eight, First Large Plate, State B, positions 19-20/25-26/31-32/37-38, with small trace of the vertical frame line at left, the block with large margins all round, position 25 showing pre-printing 'pli d'accordeon' paper fold. Pinhole in position 37 and the lower two stamps affected by minor horizontal bend but a superb and extremely rare unused multiple of stunning appearance.rnrnProvenance: Collection Heitor Lyra, Corinphila sale 45, April 1958, lot 5626; Collection Luis Alemany, Corinphila sale 181, June 2013, lot 11.
    Ausruf : 10.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 10.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 1774 Peru

    1872: 1 peseta orange-yellow, single example used on 1876 cover from Arequipa to Germany together with 1866 Llama 5 c. green pair, tied by Arequipa cds (Sept 23) and by "C38" obliterator of the British Post Office in Callao (Sept 27) with cds of same on reverse. London transit (Oct 30) and thence struck with 'T' marking in France and manuscript '1.70' accountancy marking in manuscript, thereafter via 'Coeln / Verviers' TPO to Langmeil. Overall ageing on the adhesives but an extraordinary and rare combination usage for the correct 30 centavos rate under the 1874 Peru / Germany convention.
    Ausruf : 1.200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.900 CHF

    Losnr. : 1759 Peru

    1868: 1 d. green, used example on 1869 entire letter to Genova, Italy tied by CALLAO British P.O. cds in black (Nov 28). Reverse with London transit cds (Jan 3) in red and "GB / 1F 90c." accountancy marking in black. Franco-Italian Convention marking "F.38" on front and taxed for double rate with Italy 1870 Postage Due 40 c. (2) and 2 l. tied by Genova cds (January 6, 1870) upon receipt. A few small imperfections to the Postage Dues on file fold - but very rare - the Postage Dues used in First Week of Issue. Signed Raybaudi.
    Ausruf : 350 CHF
    Zuschlag : 350 CHF

    Losnr. : 1639 Peru

    1858: 1 dinero pale blue, a fine horizontal pair with large margins all round, contemporary scissor cut in margin only, Transfer Types 2-3, used on May 23, 1860 cover from Truxillo to Lima tied by dotted TRUX handstamps in black (Emsing E7 = 10 pts). A very late usage of the first issue - after the third issue had been released. File fold above the adhesives, a scarce and unusual franking. Signed A. Diena, Raybaudi.rnProvenance: Corinphila sale 72, Sept. 1985, lot 1442.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 220 CHF

    Losnr. : 1490 Brasilien

    1 / 1
    1843 (July 27): Entire letter from Sao Paulo to Rio de Janeiro using the pre-philatelic rate with manuscript "50" reis to pay at top, struck with superb strike of circular CORREIO GERAL DE S. PAULO datestamp in blue (July 30), two days prior to the Bullseye issue. Full docketing of receipt inside (August 4). Flap faults on reverse but a rare and most unusual entire. Cert. Moorhouse (2013).rnrnProvenance: Collection Luis Alemany Indarte, Corinphila sale 181, June 2013, lot 5.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1822 USA

    Sanitary Fairs 1864 (April-June-Dec): New York Metropolitan Fair, 10 c. blue sheetlet of four imperforate unused, of fine appearance but creased (Scott = $ 1'750), Philadelphia perforated 20 c. green and 30 c. black, unused examples and 10 c. blue and 20 c. green on uncancelled cover addressed to a Mr. Landis, also an illustrated envelope for the 'Great Central Fair for the Sanitary Commission' franked by 1861 1 c. blue, used locally in Philadelphia; together with scarce Springfield, Mass. 10 c. lilac imperforate, a fine unused example with good margins but for light bend (cert. Philatelic Foundation, 1996). A scarce seldom seen group.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 460 CHF

    Losnr. : 1598 Ecuador

    SCADTA 1928: Airmail registered cover to Barranquilla, Colombia franked by 'Scadta 1928 Provisional' overprinted 75 c. on 15 c. carmine (2), Registration 1 s. on 20 c. grey and extremely rare 50 c. on 10 c. green together with 1926 1 c. light blue, 2 c. dark violet (2) and 5 c. rose for internal postage all tied by circular "Servicio De Transportes Aereos / Guayaquil-Colombia / Scadta" datestamps (August 28 - first day of issue for the Scadta adhesives) in violet. Slight peripheral aging  but an extremely rare cover. Muller 13. Signed Holcombe Scott = $ 1'750 off cover.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.600 CHF

    Losnr. : 1698 Peru

    Cancellations 1860: 1 dinero blue, the selection (13 items) with dotted cancellations incl. pair on piece tied by CAXAMARCA in black (Emsing E1 = 10 pts), singles with ARICA, CUZCO, scarce CHOTA (40 pts), ISLAS (40 pts); fancy framed OBRAGILLO / ARROW (E24 = 150 pts) in black, dotted numeral '5' in black (E146 = 100 pts), three pairs with straight line handstamps of CUZCO in black (E58 = 35 pts), PAITA in black (E56 = 15 pts) and S. PEDRO in black (E58 = 40 pts); pair with 'Arica / Vapor' cds, pair with framed JAUJA in black (E59 = 25 pts) and a cover with single franking to Bordeaux via Arica British P.O. and London.
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : 320 CHF

    Losnr. : 1526 Brasilien

    1 / 1
    1865 (March 24): Cover from Rio de Janeiro to Zug, Switzerland franked at double rate by vertical pair of 1861 430 r. yellow, clear to large margins, tied by lozenge of dots in black. 'Correio Geral da Corte / Brazil' cds of despatch alongside (March 24) and framed P.D. in red. Circular 'Brésil / Bordeaux' entry marking alongside and reverse with Basel and Zug datestamps (April 20). Cover with closed vertical tear at right and the stamps have been lifted and replaced; however an extremely rare cover. Cert. Moorhouse (2013).
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.100 CHF

    Losnr. : 1757 Peru

    1 / 1
    1868: 1 d. green, the remarkable usage of ten examples on 1872 judicial cover to Huaraz, originally franked by a lovely strip of six, a further four single examples (two in a sage green shade) were added at right once the package had been fully weighed and sealed at the Post Ofrfice, all tied by five strikes of rare oval framed CAJATAMBO datestamps in red (Emsing E16 = 175 pts). Full docketing 'Pago Porte' and manuscript dated on reverse of an extraordinary cover. Cert. Moorhouse (2010).
    Ausruf : 1.200 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1544 Kolumbien

    Cartagena-Magdalena River-Santa Fé de Bogotá Route 1788 (March 26): Entire letter from Cartagena to Quito via Popayan, distance of 463 leagues, 2'580 km., struck with fine contracted CARTAGN handstamp in red with upright lettering (Tizon 2 = RR) and straight line FRANCA also in red below (Tizon 5 = RR) at left. Manuscript rated "5" reales in ink for a letter weighing up to ¾ ounce. Docket number 177 on reverse of a fine and rare entire.rnrnProvenance: Collection Dr. Hugo Goeggel, Corinphila sale 188, May 2014, lot 4005.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 500 CHF

    Losnr. : 1518 Brasilien

    1843 (Aug 1): 90 reis grey-black, Intermediate Impression on yellowish paper, a fine used horizontal pair from the corner of the pane, Second Composite Plate, State B, positions 5-6, showing the horizontal and vertical lines at top and at right and huge margin at right; neatly cancelled by ffine circular CORREOS DE BAHIA datestamp (December 13, 1843) in black (Ayres fig. 1605). A scarce and most appealing multiple. Signed Calves, Holcombe.rnrnProvenance: Collection Hugo Goeggel, Corinphila sale 178, Feb. 2013, lot 4179.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.600 CHF

    Losnr. : 1705 Peru

    Cancellations 1860: 1 p. red (shades), the selection (23 items) with single examples showing dotted handstamps of AGUAMIRO in blue (Emsing E1 = 75 pts), CARHUAZ in black (125 pts), CASMA in black (25 pts), CONCEPCION in black (75 pts), CHORRILLOS in black (200 pts), HUANTA in blue (75 pts), HUANUCO in black (20 pts), rare HUANCABAMBA in black (125 pts), LLATA in blue (100 pts) and others incl. vertical pair with complete framed CHICLAYO in blue (E59 = 25 pts), fancy oval CUZCO in black (E25 = 50 pts) , together with straight line cancels of PAITA, CAXAMARCA on a pair and LIMA on single franking cover etc. A delightful and very scarce group.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 400 CHF

    Losnr. : 1773 Peru

    1 / 1
    1872: 1 peseta orange-yellow, a diagonally bisected example used on 1876 cover to Lima tied by neat CUZCO cds in black (Nov 25). Reverse with Lima arrival cds (Dec 6); also a small piece with a diagonal 1 p. bisect tied by scarce dotted CARAVELI handstamp (Emsing E1 =100 pts). Scarce usages: the bisecting of the 1 peseta was authorised due to a shortage of the Llama issue 10 c. value from September 1876 until December 1877. Cert. Holcombe (1988) and PF (1992) Scott = $ 1'100+.rnProvenance: Collection Salomon Rosenthal.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 850 CHF

    Losnr. : 1677 Peru

    1 / 1
    Postal Fraud 1858: 1 d. slate blue, two narrow margined examples used on August 1859 entire letter from Pisco to Lima, each stamp previously cancelled by dotted 'Lima' handstamps in black and applied in an attempt to defraud the Post Office. The clerk in Pisco noticed the deception and wrote "Usadas" alongside the adhesives and struck his straight line PISCO handstamp (Emsing E56 = 150 pts) in black and annotated "4 rs." due (double the original deficiency). A most unusual and very rare entire. Cert. Moorhouse (2014).
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 400 CHF

    Losnr. : 1580 Ecuador

    1 / 1
    1865/72: Cover from Guaranda to Riobamba franked for a 9 ounce rate with 1865 ½ r. ultramarine, clear to large margins in a bright shade and 1866 4 r. venetian red, minutely touched at right, tied by dotted lozenge in black with GUARANDA cds at left (Dec 18). Reverse with receipt docketing and two colourless embossed seals of the 'Republica Del Ecuador'. Small holes well away from adhesives at top where originally sewn in to the archive. A scarce and most attractive cover. Cert. Holcombe (1988) Scott = $ 1'000+.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 650 CHF

    Losnr. : 1630 Peru

    Dotted Town Cancellations 1858: 1 d. deep blue, an attractive group with horizontal pair cancelled by dotted CHINCHA ALTA handstamp struck in black, signed Lamy (Emsing E1 = 75 pts), single cancelled AYACUCHO struck in red (150 pts), 1 d. cancelled by dotted ARICA in blue and another in red (E1 = 50 pts and unrecorded), pair on piece cancelled AYACUCHO in black (20 pts), single cancelled by superb AGUAMIRO in blue (75 pts), single with CALLAO in blue (10 pts), CASMA in blue (35 pts), CUZCO in blue (25 pts), rare PAMPAS in blue (100 pts), PASCO and PISCO in black (each 10 pts), TARMA in blue (25 pts), HUAMACHUCO in red (75 pts), TRUJILLO in black (10 pts), PIURA in black (10 pts), horizontal pair with YCA in black (10 pts), LAMBAYEQUE in black (20 pts), MOYOBAMBA in black (25 pts) and a 1 d. in milky blue shade cancelled by dotted PIURA in black (E1 = 10 pts). Generally fine, a scarce and attractive group (21 items).
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 420 CHF

    Losnr. : 1471 Bolivien

    1931/38: Bolivia - Railway, three bisect usages, incl. 1931 cover from Tupiza to St. Louis USA endorsed 'E.U.A. via Buenos Aires' with diag. bisected 1927 Waterlow 20 c. olive green, 1937 'Lloyd Aereo Boliviano' envelope sent from Cochabamba to Liverpool, bearing airpost 1935 map issue 10 c. plus one vert. bisected as 15 c. surface rate to England, both with certificate Moorhouse (2013/15) as well as bisect usage of 1932 Aztec issue 15 c. and 30 c. tied by railway cachet on envelope from Chulumani Sudyungas to Buenos Aires. Scarce.
    Ausruf : 120 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1739 Peru

    1863: 1 p. brown, a fine large margined example used on 1866 quadruple rate entire letter from Arica to Lima, containing enclosures of at least four further letters (mentioned and listed in the text) and consequently a further two 1 d. rose-red were applied and tied by dotted oval ARICA handstamps with 'Arica' cds above (April 8). Reverse with Lima arrival cds (April 11). Some edge wear along folds and imperfections but the sole example of this usage we have recorded. A rarity of the issue.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 750 CHF

    Losnr. : 1529 Brasilien

    1866: Dom Pedro 500 r. orange, 200 r. black and 100 r. green all used on double rate cover endorsed 'pr. Sénégal' to Bordeaux, all tied by 'Cross' handstamps in black with framed P.D. in red (rate altered from triple to double). French Paquebot 'RIO DE JANEIRO / PAQ. FR. J. No. 2' datestamp (Nov 16) on obverse and arrival on reverse. File fold away from adhesives and some internal strengthening of the paper but a rare and most attractive three colour franking.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 440 CHF

    Losnr. : 1769 Peru

    1 / 1
    1872: 1 peseta orange-yellow, the remarkable unused horizontal strip of six of fresh vivid colour, Coil Join on fifth stamp, somewhat shaved at top but with large margins at base and sides, bend between second and third stamp and minor wrinkle on third stamp, superb large part og. Extremely rare: the largest recorded unused multiple. Cert. Moorhouse (2010) Gi 22a = £ 900+/Scott = $ 900+.rnProvenance: Provenance: Collection E. M. de Bustamente, Feb. 1999, lot 30610; Collection Klaus Eitner, Corinphila sale 1548, June 2009, lot 4197.
    Ausruf : 2.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.600 CHF

    Losnr. : 1565 Scadta

    1 / 1
    1920 (Feb 22): Multicolores 10 c. 'Ocean Liner with Biplane', a fine example with huge margins on three sides and trimmed along yellow edge at base, used on 1920 First Flight cover to Barranquilla tied by fine strike of oval CCNA oval handstamp in violet with Colombia 1904 1 c. green and 2 c. rose tied by Cartagena cds (Feb 22) in violet at right. Reverse with large Barranquilla datestamp (feb 23) of receipt in black. Cover slightly trimmed and carefully restored but very rare. Cert. E. Diena (1979) Scott = $ 2'750 off cover.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 1646 Peru

    1 / 1
    1858: 1 dinero deep blue, three horizontal pairs with close to good margins, with upper pair at right being Transfer Types 11-17 with Type 11 being the replaced Transfer in position 16, lower left pair being Transfer Types 19-20 and the upper left pair being Transfer Types 5-1 and thus from the 'bridge' or connecting pair from the panes, all used on triple rate October 1858 entire letter to Lima tied by dotted HUANCAVELICA handstamps in black (Emsing E1 = 10 pts). An extraordinary and very rare franking for the specialist. Cert. Moorhouse (2013).
    Ausruf : 1.200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.200 CHF

    Losnr. : 1688 Peru

    Cancellations 1858: 1 p. red (shades), the collection including single examples with dotted cancellations of CARAZ in black (E1 = 25 pts), CHALA in blue (25 pts), CHORILLOS in black (200 pts), ISLAS in black (40 pts), JAUJA in blue (35 pts), rare LUNAHUANA in blue (150 pts), PATIVILCA in black (35 pts), and a cover with fine YSLAI in blue (25 pts) signed Vaccari, further types incl. Lima ten pointed star cancel in black, rare PAYTA / VAPOR in black (125 pts) on thinned single, pair with framed CHACHAPOYAS in black (25 pts), vertical pair with CAXAMARCA straight line etc. A fine lot: 26 items incl. two covers Scott = $ 1'800+.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 650 CHF

    Losnr. : 1780 Peru

    1 / 1
    1866: Llama 10 c. vermilion used on 1874 entire letter from Callao to Genova, Italy in combination with Great Britain 1873/76 3 d. rose pl. 12 and 1867 2 s. blue (Gi. Z35 + Z55), all cancelled by "C38" obliterators of the British Post Office in Callao, with single ring datestamp (Oct 14) on reverse in black. 'London / Paid' transit  (Nov 14) and circular PD in red with Genova arrival cds (Nov 16) on reverse of an attractive and rare entire. Cert. Moorhouse (2014).
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.200 CHF

    Losnr. : 1516 Brasilien

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    1843 (Aug 1): 90 reis grey-black, Intermediate Impression on yellowish ribbed paper, unused example from Second Composite Plate, State B, position 10, with large even margins all round, minor age spot at left and minor thin on top frameline mentioned for full accuracy, but a most unusual and and very rare variety, most probably unique on this value. Signed Miro. Cert. Moorhouse (2012).rnrnProvenance: Collection Hugo Goeggel, Corinphila sale 178, Feb. 2013, lot 4144.
    Ausruf : 1.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 3.400 CHF

    Losnr. : 1691 Peru

    1860: 1 dinero deep blue, Second Retouch / Setting, the reconstruction of the Transfer block of 20 types with 18 singles and a vertical pair, together with a horizontal pair showing 'bridge' example between the two Transfers (positions 10-6), largely fresh and fine used with many being four margin examples (bear in mind that the space between the stamps is only 1-2 mm.), lightly cancelled in black, red or blue. A fine and very scarce reconstruction: somewhat more difficult to achieve than the first two issues.
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : 250 CHF

    Losnr. : 1557 Scadta

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    1920 (Feb 22): Multicolores 'Tilted Plane' 10 c. imperforate vignette, used with 1904 1 c. green and 2 c. rose on large part of cover, trimmed on three sides, addressed to Barranquilla, carried on  the First Flight, tied by oval CCNA handstamp in violet and by Cartagena circular datestamp (Feb 22) in violet and arrival datestamp in black. A fine and scarce usage. Cert. Moorhouse (2014) Scott = $ 1'875 off cover.rnrnProvenance: Collection Dr. Hugo Goeggel, Corinphila sale 191, Nov 2014, lot 192.
    Ausruf : 750 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1660 Peru

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    Error of Colour ½ (medio) peso rose-red, a four margined example with small nick at top in margin but not into the frameline, Type A, from position 1 of the fourth row of the Transfer, cancelled by dotted CONCEPCION handstamp in black. Bargholtz Census Db12. A collectable example of this rarity. Cert. Fulpius (1950) Gi 4b = £ 4'750/Scott = $ 4'750.rnProvenance: Collection Stork, March 1975, lot 335; Collection Bustamente, Feb 1999, lot 30421; Collection Klaus Eitner, Corinphila sale 158, June 2009, lot 4063.
    Ausruf : 700 CHF
    Zuschlag : 900 CHF

    Losnr. : 1754 Peru

    1868: 1 d. green, a fine used example on 1869 cover to Genova, Italy tied on despatch by CALLAO British P.O. cds (Nov 14), thence via Panama and Colon to London on the RMSP 'Neva' with London (Dec 13) cds on reverse. Struck there with 'GB / 1F 90c.' accountancy marking  (and London / Paid' cds deleted by obliterator in black). Struck in transit with Franco-Italian "F.58" Convention marking in black and charged '14' decimi on arrival (Dec 16). Italian Postage Dues were issued two weeks later. A fine and appealing cover.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 200 CHF

    Losnr. : 1631 Peru

    Cancellations 1858: The selection on 1 d. blue, with straight line cancels of S. PEDRO in red (Emsing E58 = 75 pts) complete on pair, OTUSCO on pair in red (E58 = 75 pts), TRUJILLO in black on vertical pair (E58 = 20 pts), single with PAITA in black (E56 = 15 pts), dotted numeral handstamps '3' (E144 = 125 pts), '5' (E146 = 100 pts) and '6' (E147 = 125 pts), HUALGAYOC straight line in red on piece (E58 = 50 pts), piece with single cancelled on arrival in Liverpool by circular datestamp, vertical pair with complete CHICLAYO in blue (Types 3/18) 'bridge' inter-pane pair etc. A generally fine group (18 items).
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : 440 CHF

    Losnr. : 1592 Ecuador

    1898: Card from Jena, Germany bearing 10 pf. carmine tied 'Jena' cds, thence via St. Nazaire to Guayaquil with fine oval CORREOS / GUAYAQUIL ECUADOR arrival (Dec 3), framed TRANSIT / GUAYAQUIL in black at left. Delivery attempted and failed, struck with 'Non Reclame' in violet and readdressed to San Francisco (Dec 28). Addressee again unfound struck with circcular 'Name Not in P.O. Directory' in violet and four line 'Advertised / Due 1 ct.', eventually returned to Jena (April 27, 1899) via Dead Letter Office. Unusual card..
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1550 Kolumbien

    1857 (Feb 6): Printed entire letter from the Foreign Secretary of Nueva Granada mailed from Bogotá to the Nueva Granada Consul to Denmark in Copenhagen, with reverse showing British P.O. CARTHAGENA double arc datestamp in black (Feb 25), London cds of transit (April 1) in red where charged 1/4 d. to pay. Thence via Danish P.O. in Hamburg with datestamp (April 3) in black and with a variety of manuscript rates including the eventual charge of 23 skilling due upon receipt. A remarkable and appealing entire to a most unusual destination. 
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1612 Ecuador

    British Post Office 1873: Cover from Guayaquil to Bristol franked by Great Britain 1867/73 1 s. green pl. 7 overlapping 2 s. blue, cancelled by "C41" obliterator in black and also tied by three line dated PANAMA / TRANSIT in black (May 4). Reverse with 'Guayaquil' double arc cds (April 27) in black and Bristol arrival cds (May 28). Some negligible faults to envelope but a rare and most attractive franking (for a further cover from the same correspondence, see 'Glassco' lot 815).
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.600 CHF

    Losnr. : 1470 Bolivien

    1924/37: Collection of Bolivian airmail issues starting with Perkins Bacon Die proofs (2) of 1924 Aviation school, 5 b. block of four imperf., SPECIMEN and MUESTRA sets of seven with marginal blocks of six 10 c., 25 c. and 50 c. unused, 2 b. block of 10 of bottom of sheet, 1930 Zeppelin part set to 50 b. unused (lower values only), 1930 July 24 set of eight unused, 1932 Aztec issue mint set of seven with two usages on cover during Chacos War period, 1935 map issue as well as 1937 surcharged airmail set together with six covers.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 700 CHF

    Losnr. : 1763 Peru

    1868: 1 d. green, used example on 1871 cover to New York with Great Britain 1867/80 6 d. mauve pl. 9 (Gi. Z42) tied by "C38" British P.O. obliterator of Callao with cds of same (Dec 22) on reverse. The 1 d. paying the internal rate and the GB 6 d. paying the fee to Panama, with PANAMA cds of transit on front (Dec 31). 'N. Y. Steamship / 10' on front (Jan 14, 1872) and "Due 10" at left for charge to pay on receipt. Slight trim to envelope at left but scarce.
    Ausruf : 350 CHF
    Zuschlag : 420 CHF

    Losnr. : 1779 Peru

    1866: 10 c. vermilion, two examples on 1874 cover with contents to Salta, Argentina endorsed 'via de Copiapo' tied by 'Lima / Pral.' cds's (Oct 7) in black. Mailed by sea down the coast with reverse showing 'Caldera / Chile' datestamp of transit (Oct 16) struck in red, overland to Copiapo and over the Cordillera to Argentina. Small envelope faults but extremely rare, just 6 covers are recorded between Peru and Argentina in the classic stamped period.rnProvenance: Collection J. Caceres.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 480 CHF

    Losnr. : 1797 Peru

    1871/75: France Cérès 25 c. blue used on 1875 cover (with contents) mailed from Callao to Mantauban, France tied by dotted 'Anchor' lozenge in black. Framed PD and octagonal "CORR. D. ARM / LIG. D PAQ No. 1" both struck in red - this last being the sole recorded usage in red. Reverse with seal removed but with most part Bordeaux arrival cds (May 19) in black. A rare cover that displays well with the original letter.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 550 CHF

    Losnr. : 1796 Peru

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    1835/75: Small group of covers (4) with 1835 entire from Lima to Nantes carried on 'Bonne Clémence' with framed 'Pays D'Outremer' on arrival, 1859 cover with 1 d. blue mailed to France via British P.O. in ARICA and charged 24 décimes on arrival, incoming cover from Great Britain bearing two 1862 1 s. green pl. 1 (Gi. 90) used from Dundee via British P.O. in Panama and 1875 cover from Lima with Llama 10 c. red to Paris (cert. Moorhouse). Generally fine, a scarce group.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 320 CHF

    Losnr. : 1762 Peru

    1868: 1 d. green, used example on 1873 cover to Providence, RI, USA, tied by British P.O. "C38" obliterator of Callao with datestamp of the Office on reverse (Nov 6). Struck with large '12' (cents = British 6d.) at Panama with 'Panama Transit' three line datestamp on front (Nov 13) in black. On arrival struck with circular 'N. York / Steamship' datestamp and '24' cents due marking in black. An attractive cover.rnProvenance: Collection E. M. de Bustamente, Feb. 1999, lot 30569.rnrnrn 
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : 260 CHF

    Losnr. : 1636 Peru

    1858: 1 dinero deep blue, a fine large margined example used on 1858 entire letter to France tied by 'Admon. Pral. de Correos / Tacna' cds in black (May 21). British P.O. in ARICA double arc cds in black below of the same day. Carried via Panama and London with 'GB / 2F 87½' Anglo-French accountancy marking applied there (July 2) in black, thence via Calais and charged '12' décimes due in manuscript on receipt. A fine and attractive entire.
    Ausruf : 240 CHF
    Zuschlag : 320 CHF

    Losnr. : 1601 Scadta Ausg. für Ecuador

    1929/30: Registered envelope from "Quito 7.XII.29" to Germany franked with 1 ½ s. grey grey blue plus 1 s. registration stamp and National postage sent via Guayaquil (9.12) and Barranuilla (11.12.) backstamped "Frankfurt 31.12.29" (envelope with archive punching holes) together with second envelope from Ambato (12.9.1930) to Berlin, franked with Scadta 75 c. green plus National postage sent via "Guayaquil 13.IX.30" and with additonal Canal Zone franking tied by Cristobal duplex and 'jusqu'à' cachet in violet, then by ship mail to Germany, fine and scarce commercial usages.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 220 CHF

    Losnr. : 1574 Cuba

    1867: France Laureated 40 c. orange and 80 c. carmine used on 1872 cover to Peru, tied by dotted 'Anchor' lozenge with framed P.P. and octagonal LA HAVANE Consular datestamp (Nov 28) both in black. Reverse with large part octagonal HAVANE / PAQ. FR. B. No. 1 datestamp in black (Nov 29) and 'Lima / Correos' arrival cds (Dec 31). Some cover imperfections and file folds but a scarce usage to a most unusual destination. Signed Jamet, Calves.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 460 CHF

    Losnr. : 1493 Brasilien

    1867: Entire letter from Rio to London endorsed 'pr. Guienne via Bordeaux', struck with 'Rio De Janeiro' cds (Nov 24) in black, circular RIO DE JANEIRO / PAQ. FR. J. No. 2 datestamp in black. Carried on the 'Guienne' and struck with small septagonal "FR. / 2F 96c." Anglo-French accountancy marking in black (Van der Linden fig. 1274). Charged 2/3d. to collect in manuscript with London arrival (Dec 20) in red on reverse of a fine entire. also a 1965 'Journée du Timbre' maximum card showing the 'Guienne'.
    Ausruf : 240 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1564 Kolumbien

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    1920: "Ocean Liner" Multicoloured, the delightful hand-drawn and painted Essay, ink and watercolour design (61 x 39 mm.) on card (181 x 157 mm.), initially used for a Curtis publicity label that was, in turn, surcharged for Airmail usage by Compania Colombiana de Navegacion Aerea. Reverse with pencil notation "Artist Sketch - San. #10" on reverse. This extraordinary item was discovered in the estate of the late Alex Rendon in 2009. Unique. Cert. Moorhouse (2016).rnrnrn 
    Ausruf : 5.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 5.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 1782 Peru

    1866: 10 c. vermilion, single example on 1876 cover paying the double rate from Lima to Callao, where sent via British P.O. (Jan 14). Transit cds of London on reverse in red (Feb 19) and "T/1-70" accountancy marking applied; struck for double rate on arrival with '23' decimi handstamp and charged with 1870 Postage Due 30 c. and 2 l. tied by Genova arrival cds's (Feb 21). Slight envelope faults but scarce.
    Ausruf : 180 CHF
    Zuschlag : 180 CHF

    Losnr. : 1579 Ecuador

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    1865/72: ½ r. ultramarine on slightly blued paper, a single example used in combination with 1 r. green in a vertical strip of nine, top stamp showing "Double Frame Lines in Value Tablet", used on cover front and part back tied by ALAUSI datestamp (July 9) and by dotted lozenge in black with manuscript '18½' ounces at upper left. The strip with inevitable file fold but a fine and attractive cover, very rare with the Plate Flaw. Cert. Moorhouse (2003).rn 
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 500 CHF

    Losnr. : 1496 Brasilien

    1843 (Aug 1): 30 reis black, late Fine / early Intermediate Impression, a used example with 2 mm. 'pli d'accordeon' horizontal paper fold, touched at lower right, with partial manuscript date '1844' and part framed GRAMPARA handstamp (Ayres fig 1311) in magenta ink. A most unusual stamp: given that this issue was the first printed on the American Continent, it is surprising how few errors occurred with the Bullseye issue.
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : 350 CHF

    Losnr. : 1586 Ecuador

    1866: 4 r. red, a diagonally bisected example used on May 26, 1869 entire letter from Guayaquil to Lima, Chavez correspondence. Originally franked by complete 4 r. this was removed and the stamp bisected to pay the correct rate of 2 reales, tied by dotted FRANCA lozenge in red. Reverse with Guayaquil Company cachet in blue and Lima arrival cds (May 2). A rare entire. Signed Holcombe Scott = $ 1'600.rnrnNote: The PSNC Packets Southbound to Lima left on the 26th of each month. The rate was 2 reales per ¼ ounce.rn 
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 850 CHF

    Losnr. : 1622 Peru

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    Pacific Steam Navigation Co. 1857 (Dec 1): Perkins Bacon 1 real blue on bluish, used example with three large margins and just shaved at top, beautifully cancelled by numeral "6" barred obliterator in black over ink manuscript "San Fran / cisco". Exceptionally scarce. Signed Bustamente. Cert. Moorhouse (2004) Gi 1 = £ 2'250/Scott = $ 2'250.rnrnNote: According to Herbert Moll, just 2'861 examples of this stamp were sold. rnrn 
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 750 CHF

    Losnr. : 1623 Peru

    Pacific Steam Navigation Co. 1857/62: Perkins Bacon reprints of 1862, the 1 r. and 2 r. values on vertically laid paper, the 1 r. in rose-brown and the 2 r. in deep blue, the former with faults, cut at right and thinned, the 2 r. superb with deep colour, large margins and large part og. and signed A. Puppo. Extremely scarce - the colours reversed from the issued stamps - just 160 examples of each stamp were produced by Perkins Bacon at the request of prominent collectors Gi = £ 700/Scott = $ 800.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 360 CHF

    Losnr. : 1816 USA

    1866: Lincoln 15 c. black, a fine well centred used example on 1867 cover to Paris tied by black cork cancel with 'New Orleans' cds alongside (Jan 11). 'NEW YORK / PAID / 6' datestamp of transit (Jan 19) in red and carried on the "Saxonia" of the Hamburg-America Line via Southampton. Circular 'Et-Unis / Serv. Amb. Calais' on front in red (Feb 2). Small closed opening tear at top of envelope but attractive.
    Ausruf : 100 CHF
    Zuschlag : 120 CHF

    Losnr. : 1487 Brasilien

    1831/50: Covers/entire letters (8) all to London with 1831 cover from Maranhao via Liverpool charged 3/2d. due, 1840 entire ex Rio 'per Gazelle' via Swansea rated 8d. due, 1841 cover from Pernambuco via Liverpool rated 2/8d., 1842 entire from British P.O. in Rio per 'Express Pkt.' rated 2/9d., 1843 cover with British P.O. in Rio cds (superb) rated 5/6d., similar 1846 entire carried on the 'Peterel' Packet rated 2/9d., 1847 cover via Liverpool on the 'Emilia' rated 8d. and 1850 entire carried on the 'Thomas Arbuthnot' via Penzance. Fair to very fine, a scarce group.
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1707 Peru

    1860: 1 peseta red, First Retouch, cornucopia on white ground, a superb horizontal pair in a vibrant shade used on Feb 3, 1863 entire letter from Arequipa to Lima, cancelled by dotted AREQUIPA handstamp in black (Emsing E1 = 10 pts). Lima arrival cds on reverse (Feb 8). The letter, which mentions further enclosures, carried at the quadruple rate under the newly introduced (January 1863) rate of 1 dinero per ½ ounce. A charming and scarce cover.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 320 CHF

    Losnr. : 1653 Peru

    Cancellations 1858: 1 p. rose-red (shades), the selection of 7 items with piece showing 1 p. tied by ARICA cds in blue (Emsing E47 = 25 pts), two examples with dotted oval LIMA in black, '1-LIMA-2' in black on superb example, piece with 'Admon. Pral De Correos / Tacna' cds (June 21, 1858) in black, dotted TRUX in black of Trujillo and fine upright strike of fancy framed AYACUCHO in black (E77 = 100 pts), condition varies but a good group Scott = $ 1'120.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 200 CHF

    Losnr. : 1643 Peru

    1858: 1 d. blue, a four margined example used on 1859 cover to Genova, Italy tied by '1-LIMA-2' handstamp in black (Emsing E9 = 10 pts) paying the internal rate. Carried in closed bag via Panama, St. Thomas, Southampton and Paris with Torino cds of transit (Jan 22) on reverse and Genova arrival in red. Taxed at double rate (note '2' next to adhesive) and charged '30' decimi due.
    Ausruf : 120 CHF
    Zuschlag : 120 CHF

    Losnr. : 1567 Scadta Konsularpost

    Scadta Consular Issue for Germany 1927 (Sept. 20): Large envelope from Bremen to Bogota, franked by machine overprint 'A' (12 mm) on 1923 Scadta 60 c. brown, seven values tied in transit by Scadta Barranquillla cds. (12.10.1927)  together with German postage of four values of 2,20 cancelled on dispatch "Bremen 20.9.27", showing on front blue Barranquilla dispatch of Oct. 12 and "Bogota 14.X.1927" cds. on reverse. Fine commercial usage and scarce mass-franking of 4, 20 Pesos.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft
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