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Lot# : 957 Egypt Kingdom
1865/66: Riester Essays, the four completed designs with full scrolls, Eagle and ornamentations at top with horizontal line across; printed in blue, brown, green and red. A fine and scarce complete set Nile Post E21 = $ 500.
Note: It is interesting to note that the designs are the exact size of the 1867 issue adhesives, although these Essays are always attributed to the 1866 First Issue.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 958 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 959 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 960 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 961 Egypt Kingdom
1867: Essays by Penasson of Alexandria (6), with design similar to the issued adhesives but Sphinx in front of Pyramid, imperforate examples of the 1 pi. value printed in red, green, yellow, brown, blue and grey. Rare and splendid set Nile Post E26 = $ 2'100.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 2,400 CHFLot# : 962 Egypt Kingdom
1871: Essays by Penasson of Alexandria, no value indicated Essay, an imperforate block of four in sage green (one stamp with Sphinx portrait erased) and a perforated block of four printed in blue, some gum toning on perforations. Very scarce in multiples Nile Post E51 = $ 520+.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 963 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 964 Egypt Kingdom
1865/71: Group with 1866 10 pi. slate background only imperforates (6, incl. a block of four), two trimmed Reister Essays in red and green, 1866 watermarked paper (a pair), 1867 imperforate Proofs of 1 pi. in black (2), 1871 Penasson Essays (4) etc. Condition varies but scarce items noted.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 965 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 966 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 967 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 968 Egypt Kingdom
Suez Canal Company 1868: 20 c. blue, a superb mint block of twelve, marginal from top right hand corner of the sheet, positions10/12-22/24-34/36-46/48, with many of these positions showing the characteristic minor flaws found primarily on the right hand side of the sheet. Minor corner bend at upper right otherwise of fine fresh colour and large part or unmounted original gum. A significant and scarce multiple Signed Todd AIEP. Nile Post SC3/Gi = £ 900.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 969 Egypt Kingdom
1867: 1 pi. red, used example cancelled by fine large part "CANAL DE SUEZ / RAZ-EL-ECH" datestamp (25 Janv. 1869) in black. Corner fault of no importance. Exceptional and very rare, with just a handful of examples recorded, the earliest recorded usage by more than one month. Certificate C. Hass (2008).
Note: Raz El Ech, along with Kil. 34, Chantier VI and Kil. 83 Canal de Suez datestamps were delivered too late for use by the Suez Can Company, after the Suez Canal Company's postal operations ended on August 15, 1868. The datestamps were adopted by the Egyptian Post Office.
Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 350 CHFLot# : 970 Egypt Kingdom
1868 (Dec 29): Entire letter from Alexandria to Constantinople endorsed "per Azizie Steamer" at top, franked at "Port-to-Port" rate with 1867 1 pi. red tied by bold "Poste Vice-Reali Egiziane / Alessandria" cds in black with repeated strike alongside; reverse with superb "Poste Vice-Reali Egiziane / Costantinopoli" Egyptian P.O. datestamp of receipt (Jan 4, 1869) in black. A rare and particularly fine cover, most unusually so with the Azizie endorsement. Signed Todd AIEP.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 971 Egypt Kingdom
1867: 1 pi. red used on large part 1871 cover with side flaps removed, mailed from Suez to Gedda, tied by Suez despatch datestamp, the reverse showing rare "Poste Vice-Reali Egiziane / Gedda" datestamp of arrival (Feb 4). Despite minor imperfections, a scarce cover.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 972 Egypt Kingdom
1869 (Feb 7): Rare incoming combination franked on despatch with France Laureated 1863/67 20 c. blue pair tied by "2328" gros chiffres of Méry Sur Seine, addressed to Sérapéum on the Suez Canal and franked with Egypt 1867 1 pi. red tied by "Poste Vice-Reali Egiziane/Alessandria" cds (Feb 15). Reverse of envelope with outstanding strike of the extremely rare "REGIE POSTE EGIZIANE / SERAPEUM" datestamp of arrival (Feb 16). A few minor imperfections and addressee's name inked over but a rare cover. Signed Todd AIEP.
Provenance: Mamdouh Mosly collection.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 973 Egypt Kingdom
1871 (March 13): Cover from Ismailia on the Suez Canal to Avignon, France franked by 1867 1 pi. red tied by "V. R. Poste Egiziane / Ismailia" cds with repeated strike at right, in combination with France Laureated 1863/67 40 c. orange tied by "5080" gros chiffres with corresponding French P.O. in Alexandria alongside (March 14). Avignon arrival cds on reverse. Also and Ismailia Interpostal seal in black on blue (Kehr 196) with near complete strike of the Ismailia cds (dated July 28,1872). A scarce pair.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 974 Egypt Kingdom
1870 (June 30): Cover mailed from Port Said to Marseille bearing 1867 1 pi. red neatly tied by "V. R. Egiziane / Porto Said" cds, in combination with France Laureated 1863/67 40 c. orange tied by "5080" gros chiffres in black. Repeated Egyptian datestamp below and French P.O: in Alexandria cds (July 2) alongside. Carried on the "Menzaleh" steamer with red entry marking "Paq. Ang.-Marseille-1" in red (July 8) also on front. Side flaps removed but a generally fine and attractive cover.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 975 Egypt Kingdom
1870: Combination cover with creased Egypt 1867 1 pi. red tied by Port Said cds (April 29), transferred to French P.O. in Alexandria where 1867 Laureated 40 c. orange applied and tied by '5080' lozenge of dots and by "Alexandrie / Egypte" cds (May 1). Marseille entry marking in red (May 6) also on front of a scarce cover.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 976 Egypt Kingdom
1868 (Jan 7): Cover from Port Said to Marseille mailed from Zagazig (the Port Said P.O. only opened in July 1868), franked by 1867 1 pi. red and France Laureated 1863/67 40 c. orange tied by "Poste Vice Reali Egiziane / Zagazig" cds and by Alexandria "5080" gros chiffres respectively. Faults at base of cover but displays well.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 340 CHFLot# : 977 Egypt Kingdom
1872: Lithographed 1 pi. red, perf 13¼ (scarce) tied to cover to Port Said by "V. R. Poste Egiziane / Ismailia" cds with repeated strike at right, the adhesive with lithographic Transfer flaw through figure of value "1" at lower right. Port Said arrival (Oct 15) on reverse.Starting bid : 80 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 978 Egypt Kingdom
1872: 10 pa. mauve, a late usage on envelope mailed locally, tied by "V. R. Poste Egiziane / Porto Said" cds (Dec 31, 1876 most probably a New Year's Greeting card was enclosed). Minor ageing and a few imperfections but a very rare "printed matter / drop letter" usage.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 979 Egypt Kingdom
1874 (Dec 2): Entire letter from Suez Station to Port Said franked by 1872 1 pi. red tied by bold repeated strike of scarce "POSTE EGIZIANE - SUEZ - STAZIONE" datestamps in black. Reverse with Ismailia and Port Said datestamps. A fine strike of a scarce marking.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 980 Egypt Kingdom
1875 (March 4): Entire letter written on board "H.M.S. Jumna" on it's journey from Malta to India with interesting contents, franked by Great Britain 1865/73 4 d. vermilion pl. 13 tied by "BO2" obliterator with "Suez" datestamp alongside, mailed back to Malta with arrival (March 13) on reverse, also a cover to the UK franked by GB 1876/79 2½ d. rosy mauve tied by similar cancellations.Starting bid : 160 CHFHammer price : 160 CHFLot# : 981 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 982 Egypt Kingdom
1925: Geographic Congress, the set of three values mint, with additional 10 m. and 15 m. from the second printing in deeper shades, also a fresh mint imperforate example of the 10 m. rose-carmine. A fine and scarce group Nile Post C4+C5+C5b+C5c+C6+C6a.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 983 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 984 Egypt Kingdom
1926: Port Fouad set of four values, very fine used on right hand half of the Official Invitation to the Opening (including Train times in manuscript at right), the adhesives all tied by fine strikes of "PORT FOUAD (CASH)" datestamps in black (December 21). Extremely rare usage on the Invitation. Signed Giulio and Alberto Bolaffi. Certificate Todd AIEP (2012).Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : 3,400 CHFLot# : 985 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 986 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 987 Egypt Kingdom
1927/37: Definitive set of 25 values with additional shades of 5 m., 50 m., 100 m. and 200 m. and one of each value of the 500 m. and £ 1, all fresh and fine mint with Farouk oblique perforations, unmounted og. Rare-only 50 sets can exist Nile Post D106/D126 = $ 1'200+.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 2,800 CHFLot# : 988 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 989 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 990 Egypt Kingdom
1927/37: 100 m. maroon and 100 m. purple black, Farouk Royal Imperforate blocks of four unused, underprinted 'Cancelled', fresh and very fine examples from both printings. Scarce only 200 printed of the maroon shade Nile Post D123+D123d = $ 460+.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 991 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 992 Egypt Kingdom
1922/34: Imperforate Essay for proposed 1923 5 m. imperforate watermarked block of four (Nile Post E227 = $ 300), 1927/34 Farouk Imperforates of large format 20 m., 40 m., 50 m. (both shades), 100 m. and 200 m., fresh and fine unused, also 1934 UPU part set from 1 m. to 20 m. values all in corner Control blocks of four mint. An interesting assembly.
Starting bid : 220 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 993 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 994 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 995 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 996 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 997 Egypt Kingdom
1929: Prince's Ninth Birthday, the special printing set of four values with centres in black ( 5 m.) or brown, all neatly cancelled by Cairo datestamps. A very scarce and much under-catalogued set in used condition. Only 2'000 sets printed Nile Post C29c/C33c = $ 400 / Gi = £ 380.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 998 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 999 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 1000 Egypt Kingdom
1933: Airmail, the complete set of 21 values mint, all with Farouk oblique perforations variety, fresh and fine, unmounted og. Rare and most appealing set, just 100 sets can exist thus Nile Post A3e/A23b = $ 835.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 1001 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 1002 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 1003 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 1004 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 1005 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 1006 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 1007 Egypt Kingdom
1937/46: Investiture of King Farouk (Boy King) set of 19 values mint, all with Farouk oblique perforations variety, fresh and fine, unmounted og. A scarce set, only 200 full sets can exist Nile Post D136c/154h = $ 575+.Starting bid : 220 CHFHammer price : 360 CHFLot# : 1008 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 1009 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 1010 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 1011 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 1012 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 1013 Egypt Kingdom
1940/49: Child Welfare 5+5 m., 1947 Nile Delta 10 m., 1948 Ibrahim Pasha 10 m. and 1949 Mohammed Ali 10 m. mint, all with Farouk oblique perforation variety, fresh and very fine, unmounted og. Scarce group, only 100 stamps printed of the last three noted Nile Post C86b+C116b+C121b+C127b = $ 325.Starting bid : 180 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 1014 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 1015 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 1016 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 1017 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 1018 Egypt Kingdom
1947/50: Parliament 10 m., 1948 Gaza 10 m., 1950 Desert Institute 10 m., 1950 Fuad University and 1950 Geographic Society 30 m. mint, all with Farouk oblique perforations variety, fresh and fine, unmounted og. examples. Scarce group, only 100 printed of each stamp Nile Post C115b+C118b+C132c/134c = $ 425.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 340 CHFLot# : 1019 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 1020 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 1021 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 1022 Egypt Kingdom
1927/41: Postage Dues, the superb mint complete set of ten values in mostly in sheet marginal blocks of four, all with Farouk oblique perforations (the 1956 20 m. not issued thus), fresh and very fine, unmounted og. A delightful set Nile Post PD31b/PD41b = $ $ 1'000+.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 1023 Egypt Kingdom
1922: Proclamation of the Monarchy, Gold Medal award winning collection of the Definitive and Postage Due Issues on original Exhibit leaves, showing the four primary Types of the Crown overprint in detail and the explanations of the Settings and Formes utilised by both local printers and in London; including large multiples throughout with the famous "Crushed Crown" variety: 1 m. A23 Control block of 10, 2 m. B21 Control block of 12, the unique 3 m. used block of four, 4 m., 5 m. and 10 m. Control B23 mint blocks of 8 or 10, the sole recorded 15 . indigo (milliema, Gi 104) with "Crushed Crown" mint and the unique used pair of 15 m. (milliemat, Gi 105) with the variety; 1 m. mint pair with Type 1 overprint inverted and "à cheval" mint pair both from positions 109-110 and showing variety (unique); 1 m. pair with inverted opt. from Type II, and block of four with double opt. (Type III); and a mint block of 12 with partial and completely omitted overprint; 2 m. with mint block of six and strip of five witrh "à cheval" overprint (Type III), mint block of six with wmk. reversed, 2 m. marginal block of four with overprint double, 3 m. with wmk. varieties and single "à cheval"; 4 m. with overprint inverted variety in block of four, 5 m. with vertical "Specimen" strip of three, partially imperforate block of four used (unique); 10 m. with wmk. varieities and "à cheval" examples used, 20 m. (Type IV) with mint Control A23 block of 18, 20 m. double overprint and block of four with inverted overprint mint, 50 m. with A23 Control block (Type IV) and 50 m. inverted overprint mint (only 3 examples recorded) and used (only 15 recorded); 100 m. mint block of eight (Gi 109) the largest known mint multiple, 100 m. with watermark sideways used (rare) and inverted overprint mint, double overprint mint (only 100 of each can exist); Overprint in red Colour Trials with pairs of 1 m. and 15 m.; Postage Dues with 2 m. scarlet Essay with overprint upright in mint block of 24 (largest recorded and unique); Parcel Charge form with 10 m. Due in block of 50 used, the collection throughout with much new information and research, especially so on plating Types and Flaws, with many matching multiples and covers. An outstanding collection and a wonderful study undertaken by a careful and discriminating collector.Starting bid : 70,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1024 Egypt Kingdom
1948: Colour Trials of the 'Palestine' overprint, blocks of four of the 4 m. green with overprint in black instead of red, 5 m. chestnut with overprint in green instead of black, 15 m. deep purple with overprint in green and another block of 1§5 m. with overprint in grey-black instead of red; one 15 m. block with minor stain but balance fresh and fine, unmounted og. A rare group of Colour Trials Nile Post P4ct+P5ct+P9ct1+P9ct2 = $ 1'600.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 800 CHFLot# : 1025 Egypt Kingdom
1948: Definitive set of 19 values mint in fresh and fine unmounted og. blocks of four (Gi = £ 240), 1953 overprinted with three bars mint set of 19, fresh and fine in horizontal pairs (many with corner Control numbers) and a single set mint, unmounted og. (Gi = £ 360), 1948 Airmail set of twelve in mint blocks of four (Gi = £ 70+), 1953 Airmails optd. with three bars (2, 3, 5, 10, 50 and 100 m.) values in mint singles and same values in mint pairs. A scare selection.Starting bid : 180 CHFHammer price : 380 CHFLot# : 1026 Egypt Kingdom
1958: Declaration of Human Rights, 35 m. red-brown, fresh mint example with green "Overprint Omitted" variety. Fresh and very fine, unmounted og., rare only 50 stamps can exist thus, a much under-catalogued variety Nile Post PC4b = $ 200/Gi = £ 225.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 1027 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 1028 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 1029 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 1030 Egypt Kingdom
French P.O. in Alexandria 1870: Combination cover with creased Egypt 1867 1 pi. red tied by Port Said cds (May 7), transferred to French P.O. where 1867 Laureated 40 c. orange applied and tied by '5080' lozenge of dots and by "Alexandrie / Egypte" cds (May 9). Red framed "Paquebots / de la / Mediterannée" on front and reverse with Marseille arrival (May 14). A fine and scarce cover. Signed Gilbert (1932).Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 1031 Egypt Kingdom
French P.O. in Port Said 1875: Cover to Liverpool franked by 1871/75 Cérès 30 c. brown (2) each tied by "5129" lozenge of dots with "Port Said / Egypte" cds alongside, prepaid via Alexandria, Marseilles, Paris (Aug 31) to Liverpool (Sept 1). One or two envelope faults but scarce.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1032 Egypt Kingdom
French P.O. in Port Said 1875: Entire letter from Zagazig to Bordeaux franked by 1871/75 Cérès 80 c. rose tied by faint '5129' lozenge of dots with "Port Said / Egypte" cds at right (June 30), with red framed "Paquebots / de la / Mediterranee" thence via Marseille. A scarce transit usage of the Port Said Post Office.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 1033 Egypt Kingdom
French P.O. in Port Said 1899 (Nov 25): Postcard sent registered to Marseille franked by 1899 5 c. yellow green (2, Type 1) and scarce provisional "Vingt Cinq" on 10 c. black on lilac all tied by "Port Said / Egypte" cds's. Octagonal "Ligne T" Paquebot at left and Marseille arrival (Dec 1) also on obverse. A rare and attractive usage of the provisional. Signed Todd AIEP.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 250 CHFLot# : 1034 Egypt Kingdom
French P.O. in Suez 1868 (Sept): Small cover to Marseille franked by 1862 perf. Empire 40 c. orange tied by "5105" lozenge of dots with corresponding "SUEZ / BAU. FRANCAIS" datestamp alongside. Carried by British ship, with Marseille entry marking in red (Sept 24) also on front of a scarce cover. Signed Brun.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1035 Falkland
Lot# : 1036 Falkland
Lot# : 1037 Fiji
Lot# : 1038 Gibraltar
Lot# : 1039 Hongkong
Lot# : 1040 India
Lot# : 1041 India
1855 (Sept 7): Cover from Chittagong to Caen, France bearing splendid three colour franking of 1854 1 a. red (Die I), 2 a. green and two cut square 4 a. blue & red (4th printing, Head Die III, Frame Die II) all tied by lozenge of dots in black and by '20' decimes charge mark applied on arrival and by "Indes Or. / Marseille" entry marking (Nov 3). Framed "India Paid" in red at left and reverse with Chittagong manuscript filled circular despatch in red, Calcutta transits (Sept 12), Caen arrival cds (Nov 4). Slight stain under the charge marking, but a wonderful and attractive cover for the connisseur. Cert BPB (2000).Starting bid : 15,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1042 India
Lot# : 1043 India
Lot# : 1044 India
Lot# : 1045 India
Lot# : 1046 India
1860 (June 26): Registered cover from Tranquebar to Copenhagen via Madras, Bombay (July 4) and London endorsed 'Overland Mail via Southampton' at top, franked for full postage to London by pair of 1855 4 a. black on blue glazed paper cancelled in black and by curved "India Paid" in red. Registration cachet at lower left and two strikes of "Crown / Registered" in red applied in London in transit (Aug 11). Forwarded in London to Copenhagen (again registered) and manuscript British charge of '1/7½ d.' in ink, alongside 'fr.2' in blue crayon (Danish share). A marvellous cover of great visual appeal and extremely rare.Starting bid : 5,000 CHFHammer price : 4,500 CHFLot# : 1047 India
1855: India 8 a. carmine on blue glazed paper, used on 1857 envelope from Singapore endorsed "via Trieste" to Aalborg, Denmark cancelled by octagonal "B/172" obliterator in black. Struck with fine framed "6¼" handstamp in blue at Triest (Van Der Linden fig. 3092) in blue (silvergroschen = 9 kreuzers for Alexandria-Trieste + 9 kr. for land rate to the Germany border). Blue crayon '34' at lower left and charged '37' skilling to pay on arrival in Aalborg in red crayon. Reverse with Singapore datestamp of despatch. Some overall soiling but a rare cover to a most unusual destination.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 1,500 CHFLot# : 1048 India
1860 (June 4): Cover from Calcutta to Boston USA franked by 1855 8 a. carmine on blue paper and 1856 ½ a. blue, 1 a. brown, and 4 a. black tied by "B/1" numeral obliterator, framed "INDIA PAID" in red alongside, Calcutta G.P.O mark in red on reverse, endorsed "Candia - via Marseilles", "PAID LONDON JY 14 60" in red and "BOSTON 5cts. JUL 27" arrival cds on front. Vert. file fold through 1 a. stamp, otherwise a fine cover to a good destination.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 340 CHFLot# : 1049 India
1861 (Jan 20): Entire letter from Bombay to Hoyer, Schleswig; sent unpaid with red Marseille entry marking on front (Feb 19) and reverse with Bombay cds in red, Thurn & Taxis and Danish P.O. in Hamburg cds's (Feb 22) in black and Hoyer arrival datestamp of the following day. Red crayon "18½" on reverse (assessed 9½ sgr. for Bombay to France, 5 sgr. for French share, 1 sgr. Belgian share and 3 sgr. German share = 18½ sgr = 79 skilling). Charged "88" in manuscript red crayon on front (79 sk. + 9 sk. Danish share) due from recipient. A fine and unusual entire to a scarce destination.Starting bid : 180 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 1050 India
1866 (June 14): Cover front from Geneva to Bombay franked by Switzerland 30 c. vermilion (three examples) mailed to Bombay, on arrival the addresse had left and the letter was forwarded on to Poona with India 1856/64 1 a. brown (2) applied and tied by Bombay numeral '1' obliterators and in manuscript "July 10". Small faults to the front but very rare and colourful Exhibition item. Cert. BPP (1997).Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1051 India
1866 (Aug 27): Cover from Abbotabad to Neath, Wales franked by 1865 8 p. purple and 2 a. orange (one and strip of three) tied by "220" numeral obliterator, framed "INDIA PAID" in red alongside, Lahore and Bombay transit marks on reverse, backflap missing.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 1052 India
French India 1857 (July 7): British India 1855 ½ a. blue (vertical pair, one short tooth) tied by Pondicherry "C/111" obliterator to cover with framed "PONDICHERRY / Paid" datestamp in red on reverse, sent to Karikal with red arrival mark alongside (July 8), in addition two later definitives with Karikal cds's.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 180 CHFLot# : 1053 India
Lot# : 1054 India
India used abroad - Zanzibar 1899 (May 10): Form bearing India 1 a. violet and 1 rupee carmine-red Fiscals, each cancelled by oval "Zanzibar Government / Registration Office" cachets in violet, notorised and signed by the "First Minister of the Zanzibar Government" at base (Lloyd William Mathews). Some splitting but most unusual.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1055 India
India used abroad - Dubai 1943 (Aug 22): India 2 a. 6 p. Dak bullock cart definitive tied by Dubai meter datestamp to reverse of envelope, sent to Bombay, censor marks in black and violet, censorship strip as well as Bombay GPO arrival cds (Aug 3), very fine.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1056 India
India used abroad - Dubai 1944: India KGVI 1 a. 3 p. (pair) tied by indistinct Dubai meter datestamp to reverse of envelope, sent to Bombay, censor marks in black and violet, censorship strip as well as Bombay Dely arrival cds (March 10, 1944), some staining but still fine.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not sold
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