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Lot# : 2854 Collections/lots Europe
1900/70: Remainder resp. lot with several thousand stamps used/unused and in mint condition representing a wide array of countries worldwide incl. Switzerland, with better single items, full sets, souvenir sheets etc., mainly in good conditon and housed in nine albums and stockbooks.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 2855 Collections/lots worldwide
1945/93: Lot several hundred souvenir and miniature sheets, mainly unused mint, including collection 'Cosmonautica' with complete sets and sheetlets of various countries, all issued 1964.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 2856 Collections/lots worldwide
1950/90(ca.): Lot 300 souvernir sheets used/unused/on cover worldwide, includes a lot of topical content.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2857 Collections/lots worldwide
1950/2000: Large accumulation 'modern philately', several hundred cards and covers covering a wide array of countries worldwide, mainly FDC's showing full sets, blocks of four, souvenir sheets, various topics etc., also some ordinary mail, housed in three boxes, seven albums and in one big envelope.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2858 Collections/lots worldwide
1970/2000: Collection resp. lot with several hundred FRAMAS (postage stamps printed by electronic vending machines) used/unused and on covers, incl. a large part of Switzerland with varieties, Scandinavian countries, Brazil incl. Michel No.1, Australia, Japan etc., housed in eleven Albums and stockbooks, a bargain to start a new collection.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 350 CHFLot# : 2859 Collections/lots worldwide
1850/1950: Lot thousands primarily used and unused stamps from several countries, mostly smaller singles and sets as well as some souvernir sheets, in five Schaubek albums.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 2860 Collections/lots worldwide
1850/1980: Collection several thousand stamps used/unused from Albania up to the USA, mainly small and medium values including full sets, colonials etc., mainly in good condition and housed in an old KABE-album.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 2861 Collections/lots worldwide
1880/2010 (ca.): Lot Thousands used/unused stamps, incl. Liechtenstein with 1928 70th Anniversary used, 1936 Zepellin mint & in cover, Austria, Hungary, Germany with old German States, Reich, GDR, FRG, USA, Commonwealth, hologram stamps, and thematic issues Chess, in addition about 200 covers.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 2862 Collections/lots worldwide
1950/2000: Dealer's stock with several thousand stamps unused/mint in full and part sheets, incl. souvenir sheets and some covers, from France, GB, Portugal, Açores, Madeira, Ethiopia, Iran, Thailand, Vietnam, USA and many other countries, housed in eight stockbooks and sheet folders.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 2863 Collections/lots worldwide
1960/2000: Important selection with several hundred items 'modern philately', incl. daily mail, FDC's, Maximaphila and other philatelic products covering a wide array of countries incl. Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Germaniy, Vatican, Israel, Rhodesia etc., housed in eleven albums and in five boxes.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2864 Collections/lots worldwide
Lot# : 2865 Collections/lots worldwide
1850/1950: Old time lot with several thousand stamps used/unused representing a wide array of countries all over the world, mainly small values and incompl. sets but one may be find also better items by careful inspection, housed in four thick KA-BE and Schwanenberger albums.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 2866 Collections/lots worldwide
1850/1950: Lot several thousand stamps used/unused representing a wide array of countries all over the world incl. Switzerland, although mainly small values and incompl. sets some better items may be traced by careful inspection, in good to mixed quality and housed in three large old albums.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 2867 Collections/lots worldwide
1850/1970: Remainder with several thousand stamps used/unused or in mint condition representing a wide array of countries all over the world, incl. better values, full sets, blocks of four, souvenir sheets and duplicates, mainly in good condition and housed in 21 stockbooks an in a large size envelope.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHFLot# : 2868 Collections/lots worldwide
1860/2000(ca.): Lot thousands used/unused Revenues, Fiscals, back-of-the-book issues such as Telegraph stamps or Postage Due as well as vignettes in 15 albums, primarily from European countries such as Switzerland, Germany, Austria, France, Great Britain, Italy and Turkey, but also United States or Mongolia. A large diversity of material in this interesting lot.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 2,000 CHFLot# : 2869 Collections/lots worldwide
1870/1950(ca.): Perfin collection with hundreds stamps, primarily Switzerland from Sitting Helvetia to Pro Juventute, all perfins sorted according to catalogue, in addition perfins from Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Portugal, Spain and the USA.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 2870 Collections/lots worldwide
1880/1980: Lot several thousand stamps used/unused, incl. Brit. Colonies, Austria, Germany and Russia as well as some overseas.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 2871 Collections/lots worldwide
1890/1980(ca.): Lot 300 covers with better items such as early Airmail, Tin can mail, British colonies, Liechtenstein first day covers from the 1950s, in addition special contemporary book with 1937 Coronation Omnibus issues.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 2872 Collections/lots worldwide
1900/80: Dealer's stock of several thousand stamps used/unused or mostly in mint condition, incl. single stamps, strips, blocks of four, part sheets and full sheets, from Austria, France and Colonies, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Spain, Vatican, various African countries, Israel, Japan, Mexico and many others, in addition hundreds of souveir sheets, some private labels and other philatelic products, partly heavy duplication, housed in eleven albums, stockbooks and folders very high cat'value.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 800 CHFLot# : 2873 Collections/lots worldwide
1931/1990ca.: Lot 17 stamps and 430 covers related to flights over the North Pole, including 1931 Zeppelin Polarfahrt, all three values unused hinged, 1968 cover with Nobile autograph, first flight covers from different airlines over the North Pole, expeditions in the arctic area, and remote P.O.'s in Sweden and Canada.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 2874 Collections/lots worldwide
1960/2000: Lot several thousand stamps and souvenir sheets used/unused and in mint condition from various countries all over the world, incl. topics as 'Millenium', 'World Refugee year', 'Freedom from Hunger', 'Hong Kong's return to China', in addition a selection of full sheets, part sheets and modern philatelic products, housed in nine albums, stockbooks, folderns and in a large size envelope.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 2875 Collections/lots worldwide
1850/1950: A very interesting selection with several thousand stamps used/unused representing a wide arrray of countries all over the world, incl. many better single values and full sets, noteworthy are Baltic States, Greece, GB and Colonies, Italy, Portugal and Colonies, Turkey, Latin America etc., in good condition and housed in three large approval folders.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 2876 Lots and Collections, United Nations
1997: UNO New York Earth Summit souvernir sheet and Geneva Sommet Planète Terre souvernir sheets (2), together in a vertical strip of three, unusual combination for the specialist.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2877 Collections/lots worldwide
1871/1980(ca.): Lot Thousands used/unused stamps as well as souvernir sheets, primarily from Asia and Southern America incl. collections from Poland, Hungary with imperf. issues, and Sinagpore, in ten albums.Starting bid : 700 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2878 Collections/lots worldwide
1843/1940: Collection several hundred stamps used/unused, including better sets and single values, noteworthy are Portugal and Colonies, Brazil with Bulls and Goats eyes, Chile with first issues including one strip of five Christopher Columbus 20 c. green (Ex-Corinphila October 1967), Iran, Siam etc., housed in one album.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 2,000 CHFLot# : 2879 Collections/lots worldwide
1900/2000: Important lot with several thousand stamps used/unused and in mint condition, incl. full sets, souvenir sheets in quantities, various topics as well as a few covers, partly on stockcards and the whole housed in four boxes.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 2880 Collections/lots worldwide
1930/80: Important lot with several thousand stamps used/unused and in mint condition covering a wide array of countries worldwide, incl. blocs of four, part sheets, souvenir sheets etc., partly heavy duplication, housed in 16 albums, stockbooks, folders, in a small box and in two large size envelopes.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 800 CHFLot# : 2881 Collections/lots worldwide
1860/1980(ca.): Collection with thousands used/unused stamps in 15 albums with many interesting areas such as British Commonwealth incl. many early issues, China, French Colonies, Germany, Iceland, Iran, Italy, Japan, Liechtenstein, Malaysia, Nepal, Netherlands, Spain, Saudi-Arabia, Tannu-Tuva, and Vietnam.Starting bid : 850 CHFHammer price : 2,800 CHFLot# : 2882 Picture postcards of the world
1850/1950(ca.): Schaubek album 1902 with thousands primarily used stamps, strength in European material with better singles and sets incl. Switzerland with Rayons and Strubels, but also USA with classic values, Australia, New Zeeland and Tanzania.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2883 Collections/lots worldwide
1850/1940(ca.): Lot primarily used stamps from USA and British Colonies incl. better values such as USA 1851 & 1860 definitives, early Australian States and Australian Confederation, Barbados, Trinidad, Cape of Good Hope, Ceylon and India.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2884 Collections/lots worldwide
1850/93(ca.): Worldwide collection Hundreds used/unused stamps in Heitmann Album, incl. Germany with Old States, Austria with Lombardo-Veneto, Old Italian States, Spain, Portugal, Iceland, Finland, Japan, Egypt, British & Portugese Colonies.Starting bid : 1,100 CHFHammer price : 1,500 CHFLot# : 2885 Collections/lots worldwide
1849/1970(ca.): Lot hundreds used/unused stamps and several covers, primarily related to UPU congresses and stamp shows incl. better sets and singles with USA 1926 New York stamp show souvernir sheet mint, Australia 1928 Melbourne souvernir sheet mint and used on cover, Great Britain 1929 PUC set mint, Poland 1928 Warsaw stamp show souvernir sheet mint, 1923 France Bordeaux Congress mint (3), in addition France 1871 Siège 40 c. orange unused, 1927 5 fr. Salon de l'aviation unused as well as France varieties and Monaco 1956 Marriage special sheets unmounted og. A fine lot Stated to catalogue Yvert (1984) = EUR 10'700.Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : 1,400 CHFLot# : 2886 Collections/lots worldwide
1850/2005(ca.): Lot thousands used/unused stamps in 30 albums, incl. starter collection Vatican as well as Switzerland with Pro Juventute, Pro Patria, se-tenants, FDC's and doubles from all over the world.Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2887 Collections/lots worldwide
1851/1925c.: Worldwide Collection with Thousands of stamps used/unused including valuable singles and sets such as Switzerland Poste Locale or Great Britain 1891 definitive £ 1 green, hosted in three Schaubek albums.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 2,000 CHFLot# : 2888 Collections/lots worldwide
1841/1935(ca.): Group of hundreds primarily used stamps in three red Albums Universelles de Timbre-Poste made by Arthur Maury (11th and 13th edition) including text up to 1894 and 1901 respectively. Stamps in mixed quality with some useful subjects, albums in good to fine shape.Starting bid : 1,600 CHFHammer price : 1,600 CHFLot# : 2889 Collections/lots worldwide
1850/1920: Collection in an old Schaubeck Album 'Victoria Ausgabe', many hundred stamps used/unused with a strength in British Colonies and Far Eastern countries, including China Small Dragons, Cape Triangulares, Switzerland officials IKW, some French and Portuguese Colonies and Latin America as well as interesting part Thailand and Australasia. A fine collection in a well filled album.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 2,600 CHFLot# : 2890 Collections/lots worldwide
1880/1960c.: Attractive All World Collection thousands of stamps used/unused incl. Germany and areas with better stamps and sets such as Zeppelin issues used, Colonies up to 5 m. Hohenzollern, Austria and areas, BeNeLux, Monaco up to 5 fr. 1891, France and colonies with better postage due, Commonwealth, United States up to $5 Columbian Exposition and $1 Trans-Mississippi used, Canada 1897 Jubilee issue $2, Iran, India up to 5 r.,Thailand with overprints, Korea, Japan, China with overprint issues and Foreign PO's, Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 9,500 CHFLot# : 2891 Collections/lots worldwide
1840/87ca.: Collection hundreds primarily used stamps in a well-collected ornamental Schaubek's Illustriertem Briefmarken-Album, 9th edition 1887 with original cover with elaborate embossing and clasp. The collection includes better classical items from areas such as Baden and Bayern numeral issues, Belgium from Epaulettes, Bremen, Denmark, Germany Brustschilde, Finland rouletted issues, France 1849 Cérès and Bordeaux definitives, postage due, French Colonies General issue, Greece Large Hermes Heads, Great Britain Embossed isues and later definitives up to £ 1, Lübeck, Mecklenburg, Sicily, Netherlands, Poland 1860 10 k. used, Portugal 1853 definitives, Romania, Sweden incl. 1855 3 sk. green, Switzerland with Cantonals, Thurn & Taxis, Turkey. In addition overseas countries with their classic issues, incl. Ceylon, China 1878/85 definitive issues used, Japan, India incl. 1854 definitives, Persia, Egypt, Suez Canal issue unused, Cape of Good Hope including multiples, Reunion, Brazil Bull's Eyes and consecutive definitives, Argentina local issues, Canada, Mexico, British Colonies and many more. The lot has to be carefully inspected to be fully appreciated.Starting bid : 8,500 CHFHammer price : 11,500 CHFLot# : 2892 Picture postcards of the world
1919/73: Lot four covers Switzerland with Airmail 50 Rp. green (def.), in addition Iceland 1930 Allthing 10 kr. lilac-red in in block of four imperf. (printer's waste) as well as some Northern Cyprus stamps.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2893 Collections/lots worldwide
1920/40(ca.): Lot 40 covers and 80 picture postcards, primarily from Europe to Switzerland, incl. telegram covers as well as covers from Dutch Indies and Egypt.
Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 120 CHFLot# : 2894 Collections/lots worldwide
1900/93: Lot 120 covers/cards and documents, including picture postcards, prisoner of war WW II as well as German postal forms (unused).Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 130 CHFLot# : 2895 Collections/lots worldwide
1674/1864(ca.): Lot 45 prephilatelic entire letters or outer letter sheets and covers without stamps primarily from and to France, Austria and Italy, sent within these countries but also abroad, incl. better items such as 1674 Venice to Vienna (2), 1807 'Beau Gal GRANDE ARMÉE' to Paris, 1811 French Army in Spain (2), 1856/64 St. Denis Réunion via Suez to Nantes (3), and eight covers from the Dardanelles or Constantinople to France & Italy, incl. two with Malta fumigation. In mixed quality but interesting.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 2896 Collections/lots worldwide
1826/1920: Lot 19 covers/fragments/postcards and 30 stamps from Mediterranean and Levant, incl. early covers from Trieste, 1840 Smirna ship paper, Crimean War Penny Red (def.) with OXO cancellation, 1859 cover Syros to Berdiansk, postcards from Austrian P.O. in Smyrna, 1913 Russian Levant Romanov tricentennary issue, compl. set of 15 unused, group in mixed condition but interesting.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 2897 Picture postcards of the world
1867/1936: Lot five covers and 20 stamps, incl. four Airmail and Zeppelin covers, one with US Zeppelin stamps,1871 cover with Alsace-Lorraine occupation stamps to Switzerland, four of these occupation stamps incl. 25 c., in addition old Japan, Venezuela and Colombia. To be examined.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 180 CHFLot# : 2898 Collections/lots worldwide
1871/1960(ca.): Lot about 200 stationery postcards, envelopes and wrappers from Austria, Romania, Great Britain, Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, and USA.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2899 Collections/lots worldwide
1912/14: Postcards (42) all addressed to Switzerland, many franked on viewside of card with items from Argentina, Australia, Brazil, British Guiana, Chile, Colombia, East Africa, Natal, Paraguay, Peru, Samoa, Somaliland, Transvaal, Uruguay etc.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 2900 Collections/lots worldwide
1912/42: Lot four vintage journey albums with original photographs, incl. hunting scenes in Africa, Cataract Hotel in Assouan (1934/35), 1929 trip to the Balkans with views of Constanta/Romania or Skutari/Albania as well as private pictures taken by a German Soldier in WW II in Greece.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 2901 Collections/lots worldwide
Lot# : 2902 Collections/lots worldwide
1910/50(ca.): Lot 50 covers, primarily from British Colonies and South America, incl. Sudan, India, Canada, Australia, Caribbean Islands, Argentina, Brazil, and Chile.Starting bid : 180 CHFHammer price : 180 CHFLot# : 2903 Collections/lots worldwide
1843/1960(ca.): Interesting Lot 100 covers, incl. France, Austria incl. Journal Tax Stamp, Switzerland Airmail, Penny Red with MC obliteration, UK sent abroad, Commonwealth, Greece, Russia, Egypt, Airmal, and Scadta.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 2904 Collections/lots worldwide
1868/1933: Lot nine covers, all sent to Prague or Eger in Bohemia, incl. 1908 registered cover from Japan, endorsed 'Via Siberia', 1878 registered cover from Paris in a short lasting tariff, and airmail from St. Gallen and WIPA Vienna.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 340 CHFLot# : 2905 Collections/lots worldwide
1850/1980: Lot 150 covers/cards, including stationery items and parcel cards, some with interesting usages and frankings, in two stationery albums.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 2906 Collections/lots worldwide
1880/1980: Selection with 320 postal stationery items used/unused, incl. Bavaria, German Reich, Italy, Argentine, Dutch Indies, Japan etc., also some illustrated items as well as such with uprating, in good to mixed condition and housed in two albums.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 250 CHFLot# : 2907 Collections/lots worldwide
1910/60: Lot several hundred picture postcards used/unused representing various countries in Europe and a small part in overseas, all small size in b/w and coloured, although mostly general views, any specific item of interest may be found, in average conditon and housed in two small boxes.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 2908 Collections/lots worldwide
1808/46: Lot eleven pre-stamp covers, all sent to Prague/Bohemia, six from Germany, four from France and one from London, incl. interesting invoice for 300 bottles of French wine to Prince Lobkowitz, 1813 lettersheet addressed to Frhr. Aloys Philipp Karl von Greiffenclau zu Vollrads as well as three entire lettersheets addressed to duchess (Christine) von Brühl Scha(a)ffgotsche.Starting bid : 240 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2909 Collections/lots worldwide
1786/1928: Lot seven covers and one postal stationery wrapper, incl. 1786 entire letter from Leipzig to Riga, returned with handwritten notion, 1863 USA Printed Matter entire letter from New Orleans to Intra/Italy franked by 1861 Black Jack 2 c. tied by circular target cancellation, Romania 1863 entire letter from Caracal prepaid to Galatz and 1870 Stampless Money Letter from Jassy to Vienna, as well as 1901 China Postcard franked by 1900 CIP 4 c. chestnut lightly tied, used with 'Chine' overprinted 10 c. black on lilac tied by French P.O. "Shanghai" cds for onward transmission. Interesting lot.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 480 CHFLot# : 2910 Collections/lots worldwide
1840/1950: Lot 94 covers, cards, picture postcards and leaflets from Switzerland, Liechtenstein, German Reich, Guatemala etc., incl. better frankings and airmails, in addition three souvenir sheets from Romania as well as two old shares issued by the American Telephone and Telegraph Company, house in two albums.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 2911 Collections/lots worldwide
1890/1955(ca.): Lot 110 worldwide covers incl. many Commonwealth set covers, but also Australian States stationery postcards/wrappers and covers, 1904 Russia Orphan Charity set, 1911 Italian P.O. Constantinople, 1916 British Occupation Togo Lome, 1932 Palestine to Prague, 1940 Afghanistan via Russia to Germany, and 1953 Vietnam Airmail covers.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 2912 Collections/lots worldwide
1927/43: Lot four envelopes concerning Polar Flights and Expeditions, incl. 1927 (Apr. 30) Wilkings North Polar Expedition, 1932 Russian Polar Expedition Arkhangelsk 28.6.32, Thor Solbergs Flight USA - Norway (signed) as well as Y.M.C.A envelope bearing five different stamps of Canada (2), Iceland, greenland and GB tied by "C.A.P.O No.10 My 4 43", carried in a Hudson Bomber across the North Atlantic WWII with complete route description in manuscript and signed by the commander.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2913 Collections/lots worldwide
1840/1910c.: Classic selection of covers/cards (37) in small green album, with Austrian Levant with stampless usages, Brazil with Dom Pedro covers, Cape Verde 1895 up-rated stationery card, Cuba with 1894 and 1899 usages, Great Britain including 1862 cover to Penang/Malaya, 1869 cover franked at 1 s. 1 d. to Aden, 1874 cover with 6 d. grey used to Sierra Leone, USA with Transatlantic Mail to France including Forwarding Agent entire and 1847 5 c. on cover.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 380 CHFLot# : 2914 Collections/lots worldwide
1850/1973: Small selection with 13 better stamps used (2) and unused (11) from Canada (2), Switzerland (2) and USA (9), old certificates for four items, in addition four engravings in various sizes showing members of the UPU, on album pages.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 700 CHFLot# : 2915 Collections/lots worldwide
1870/1930: Lot 330 postal stationery items used/unused from various countries all over the world, incl. Austria, a large pat of Italy, Germany incl. Geman States, Argentina, Japan etc.,a few items with uprating for destinations abroad, in addition a bunch of covers and other items, partly in mixed condition.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 2916 Collections/lots worldwide
1880/1980: Remainder with several hundred stamps used/unused from many diff. countries as Belgium, Cyprus, Monaco, Vatican, Israel etc., incl. better single items, many compl. sets and souvenir sheets, some heavy duplicaton in places, housed in nine albums and stockbooks as well as on stockcards.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 380 CHFLot# : 2917 Collections/lots worldwide
1900/80: Lot with a few hundred cards, covers, picture postcards and postal stationery items from various countries worldwide except Switzerland, including daily mail franked by small values, FDC's, censor mail WW II etc., housed in ten albums and one small box.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 2918 Collections/lots worldwide
1900/60: Lot 220 cards, covers and postal stationery items from Scandinavia, China, Guatemala, Japan, Vietnam, USA and many others, showing better frankings and FDC's, special cancellations, airmails etc., in addition some souvenir sheets and single stamps, housed in four albums.Starting bid : 380 CHFHammer price : 1,500 CHFLot# : 2919 Collections/lots worldwide
1850/1950(ca.): Lot 150 worldwide covers incl. 1862 UK 6 p. mauve pair Leeds to Basel, 1878 Mexico Oaxaca overprint 25 c. to Mexico City, 1915 Togo British Occupation with German cds LOME TOGOGEBIET, 1944 Campione set, 1946 US Airmail with 'R.F.' overprint, in addition some stamps such as Vatican 1933 Holy Year compl. set of four unmounted mint og.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 460 CHFLot# : 2920 Collections/lots worldwide
1880/1980: Lot several hundred cards, covers and postal stationery items covering a wide array of countries worldwide, incl. better frankings, cancellations, airmails etc., housed in five albums and in a small box, in addition a small selection of loose stamps and souvenir sheets.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 2,200 CHFLot# : 2921 Collections/lots worldwide
1900/80: Lot some hundred covers, cards, picture postcards and postal stationery items (the latter used and unused) from Belgium, Denmark, Liechtenstein, Eastern European as well as Asian countries, in good to mixed condition and housed in a box.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 2922 Collections/lots worldwide
1900/80: Lot some hundred covers, cards, picture postcards and postal stationery items (the latter used and unused) , mainly daily mail from Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, Mexico, USA etc., mostly addressed to Switzerland, in good to mixed condition and housed in a box.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 1,600 CHFLot# : 2923 Collections/lots worldwide
1768/1923: Fine selection 37 transit covers and covers with postal treaty marks, incl. entire letters Bruxelles to Frankfurt (1769), Brighton to Calcutta (1842), and Jersey to Porto (1854).Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 2924 Collections/lots worldwide
1880/1980: Lot several hundred covers, cards, picture postcards and postal stationery items, incl. a large part of Switzerland but also France, Germany, Italy, various overseas countries etc. mainly daily mail but also special cancellations, various usages as well as some specialities, in good to mixed condition and housed in three boxes.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 2925 Collections/lots worldwide
1840/1963: Lot 125 covers/cards with interesting frankings and usages, incl. some airmails.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2926 Switzerland
1870/1950(ca.): Collection Switzerland covers with perfin stamps and commercial advertisements, perfins starting with Stehende Helvetia, and UPU stationeries, in addition some covers from France, Great Britain, USA, Germany and the Netherlands. An attractive lot.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2927 Picture postcards of the world
1928/83.: Lot 40 commercial airmail covers, mainly to Switzerland, incl. Zeppelin Mail (3) from Southamerica, L.A.T.I. usage (1) from Brazil to Basle, WW II censored items as envelope from Neth. Indies sent via Hong Kong - USA to Switzerland or 1941 (Nov. 14) envelope from Suva/Fiji sent by PANAM via Honolulu (Nov. 15) to Australia as well as another First Transpacific cover dated "Suva 9.Nov,41" and backstamped in Sydney (Nov. 12). An interesting selection.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2928 Picture postcards of the world
1890/1939: Interesting cover lot in three albums with 350 envelopes/cards and wrappers, including better picture postcards as 'View of Port of Prince', a correspondence from Malta to Berne as well as another correspondence to 'Société pour l'Industrie Chimique' in Basel.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 1,300 CHFLot# : 2929 Picture postcards of the world
1900/1940(ca.): Lot 860 covers originating primarily from one correrspondence to La Chaux-de-Fonds, incl. many interesting items from Near and Middle East such as Turkey with Red Crescent vignettes, Egypt, Sudan, Iran, Iraq with Overland Mail label, Ethiopia, Palestine, in addition Dutch Indies, Belgium Congo, Italy, Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, Iceland, Portugal, Mocambique, Spain, Morocco, Japan, China, Madagascar, Togo, Reunion, French India, Hongkong, Seychelles, and Singapore. In spite of its mixed quality, a rarely seen large variability in such a correspondence lot, many interesting items, some of them photographed for the webpage. To be inspected carefully in order to be appreciated.Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : 7,000 CHFLot# : 2930 Zeppelin & Airmail
1934: Confirmation signs for Airmail despatch, lot eleven items German Reich (3) as well as deliveries from other countries (8) addressed to overseas, each document showing a clear strike of the green special cachet with fir twig from the post office Berlin or Stuttgart DEUTSCHE LUFTPOST - EUROPA SÜDAMERIKA - WEIHNACHTEN 1934, a rare selection of this popular Christmas topic Mi = EUR 1'925 for the cachets.Starting bid : 800 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2931 Collections/lots worldwide
1920/70: Lot 260 Airmail covers from diff. countries such as Germany, Switzerland, South America among others, incl. First, Special, and Pioneer Flights, picture postcards, modern issues as well as some vignettes, primarily in good condition, in four albums.Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2932 Lots/Accumulations Thematic Philately
1957/86: Collection Cosmos with many hundreds stamps used/unused, primarily from Eastern Europe.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 100 CHFLot# : 2933 Collections/lots worldwide
Lot three topic collections, including mushrooms, Royals and Sports with some original autographs from the Swiss Bobsleigh- and Ski-Team.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2934 Collections/lots worldwide
1910/2000(ca.): Collection 180 banknotes from all over the world, primarily direct out of the printing machine, a lot from Germany and Austria.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 160 CHFLot# : 2935 Collections/lots worldwide
1900/55ca.: Album several hundred unused vignettes, incl. blocks of four, compl. sheets or part sheets from Germany, England, France and Sweden.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 170 CHFLot# : 2936 Collections/lots worldwide
1900/55ca.: Album several hundred unused vignettes, incl. blocks of four, compl. sheets or part sheets from Germany, Belgium, Italy, Austria and Switzerland.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 2937 Lots/Accumulations Thematic Philately
1930/2000(ca.): Thematic collection Motorcars with hundreds used/unused stamps and covers, issued all over world,, incl. many compl. sets and miniature sheets as well as some early postcards and vignettes, in nine albums.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2938 Collections/lots worldwide
1950/90ca.: Thematic collection Christmas with several hundred covers/cards showing X-mas cancels as well as some 'Christkindl' - envelopes, in ten albums.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2939 Collections/lots worldwide
1960/90: Large spezialized collection 'Ungezähnte Weltraritäten', several hundred imperf. mint stamps in full sets as well as souvenir sheets, mounted on specially designed album leaves with description and signature, housed in seven albums with slip-cases very high catalogue value.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 2940 Lots/Accumulations Thematic Philately
Motorcars 1910/80(ca.): Lot hundreds used/unused stamps and covers with automobile-related themes such as motor inventors, motor shows, car races, vintage cars, Alpine bus routes, old picture and stationery postcards, primarily items from Germany and Switzerland in seven albums.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 2941 Collections/lots worldwide
1950/90ca.: Thematic collection Flora & Fauna in 15 albums, incl. compl. sets with some miniature sheets as well as several hundred covers/cards or souvenir envelopes.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 2942 Collections/lots worldwide
1960/2000: Colourful topical collection 'Flora and Fauna', several hundred full sets and souvenir sheets showing butterflies, fish, flowers etc., housed in seven album and stockbooks.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 480 CHFLot# : 2943 Lots/Accumulations Thematic Philately
Railways 1880/2000(ca.): Lot thousands used/unused stamps and covers, incl. old picture postcards, covers with TPO and railway station postmarks, railway - related special postmarks and cachets, Gotthard, mountain railways, a diverse lot in 22 albums/boxes to be inspected.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 2944 Collections/lots worldwide
1900/80: Thematic collection 'Ships' with several hundred cards and covers in eight albums, including better picture postcards, steamboats also from Switzerland, ship cancellations, souvenir envelopes as well as some loose stamps.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 2945 Lots/Accumulations Thematic Philately
Scout Movement 1930/80(ca.): Stockbook Hundreds used/unused stamps incl. many interesting singles and sets related to Scout live, Jamborees, and Baden-Powell, sometimes in multiples.Starting bid : 450 CHFHammer price : 450 CHFLot# : 2946 Collections/lots worldwide
1950/80: Lot with several topical collections. incl. 'Die Sonnenfinsternis' (Eclipse of the sun), 'Die Eroberung des Mondes' (Conquest of the Moon), 'Kuriositäten auf Banknoten' (Curiosities on Banknotes), 'U.I.T. 1865-1965', 'Booklet panes on FDC's', 'Numis-Briefe' (Covers with coins) etc., housed in ten albums.Starting bid : 450 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 2947 Collections/lots worldwide
1915/90: Four volume topic collection 'Animals' with mainly unused mint sets and some miniature sheets from Afghanistan to Zambia, including better PRC as 1960 Chinese goldfish set.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 2,400 CHFLot# : 2948 Lots/Accumulations Thematic Philately
1900/2000(ca.): Lot thousands unused/used stamps, often in multiples, incl. Animals, Flowers, Ships, Railway, Paintings, Olympia, Walt Disney, Movies.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 2949 Collections/lots worldwide
1950/90: Flora and Fauna collection with many hundred compl. sets unused from Afghanistan to Trengganu, incl. some miniature sheets, imperf. sets as well as some better PRC issues, in six albums.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 950 CHFLot# : 2950 Lots/Accumulations Thematic Philately
1960/2000(ca.): Lot thousands unused/used stamps, incl. Europa, UNO, WHO, UNICEF, and Year of Child thematics.Starting bid : 700 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 2951 Collections/lots worldwide
1945/90: Five volume topic collection Fruits & Flowers with mainly unused mint sets and some miniature sheets from Afghanistan to Zambia, including better PRC with 1964 Chinese Peonies and the Glorious Crimson miniature sheet .Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 3,100 CHFLot# : 2952 Collections/lots Europe
1907/49: Group of five books incl. Junod-Jaccard, 1871 L'Entrée en Suisse de l'Armée de l'Est, printed 1907, Zumstein Briefmarkenkatalog Schweiz 1914, and three volumes Bertrand Mémorial Philatélique.Starting bid : BidHammer price : 65 CHFLot# : 2953 Cape of Good Hope
1950: Stevenson Alan, the Triangular stamps of Cape of Good Hope, hardbound with gold stamped spine & front, H.R. Harmer Ltd. first edition142 pp. with 21 Plates, of which four in colour plus illustrations in text, occasional foxing, THE classic book of C.G.H.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 220 CHF
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