Europe & Overseas
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Lot# : 1481 People's Republic of China
19th Recoverable Satellite 2004 (Aug. 24 - Sept. 09): Space flown cover numbered on reverese '00208' of 500, bearing Jiuquan special postmark dated '2004.9.25.20', together with another three souvenir envelopes, all mounted in original folder with slipcase Hopferwieser RC-04 = Euro 700.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1482 People's Republic of China
20th Recoverable Satellite 2004 (Sept. 27- Oct.15): Space flown cover numbered '00109' of 500, bearing on reveser Jiuquan special postmark dated '2004.10.17.20', together with the miniature sheet, mounted in original folder with slipcase, fine Hopferwieser RC-5a+a = Euro 1'200.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1483 People's Republic of China
Lot# : 1484 People's Republic of China
22nd Recoverable Satellite 2005 (Aug. 2 - Sept. 16): Space flown cover numbered '007/010', cancelled "2005.8.6.10" and postmarked on reverse "Beijing China Aerospace City 2005.9.17.20", together with official certificate Hopferwieser RC-07a = Euro 500.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1485 People's Republic of China
Lot# : 1486 Collections/lots worldwide
Rocket Mail 1957/64: Album 100+ covers and miniature sheets perf./imperf, incl. '1957 Topaz Jul. 1' cover, 1959 Poland 'Novy Targ', 1960 'S.O.A.R' flights Lincolnville USA as well as 1960 de Bruijn 'Ottange Moselle' Luxembourg (March 5, 1962) and 'Neuf Brisach Haute Rhin' (June 25, 1962) two covers together with unused sheetlets of four perf. and imperf., all signed by de Bruijn.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1487 France
De la Terre à la Lune' selection of 12 covers starting with two 1947 'Journées Jules Verne' Nantes, 1950 Nicolas Copernicus commemorative envelope of 'Congrès de la Astronautique' together with eight Karl Roberti Rocket mail covers of diff. 1935 launches as Paris P27, Guynemer RV4 and prohibited P28 flights Calais - Dover.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 1488 Dt. Reich
1916/82: Interesting German Rocket History convolute, incl. signatures of Wernher von Braun, Walter Dornberger and the British Air Spy Constance Babington-Smith (Member of British Aerial Reconnaissance), further two cards of 'Königsbrück-Übungsplatz" as well as seven WWII Fieldpost envelopes concerning German Airforce camps as 'Erprobungsstelle d. LW / Karlshagen Techn. Komp.' (Penemünde West).Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 1489 Collections/lots Europe
European Rocket Mail 1934/79: Album 60 covers of var. rocket starts, incl. GB 1934 Harris - Scarp and 1965 steam rocket 'Grillo' Brighton, 1934 Trieste three different, 1960 Maribor (3), Poland 1960 Klucze, Karl Roberti 1935 'Belgica' and 'Luxemburgia R..Kr. 1', G. Zucker Channel Rocket I (2) as well as 1962/63 Danish Rocket Union (9), 1964 Sweden 'Andra Svenska Postraket-Experiment' (3) plus later postal rockets further a Satellite 'Syncom 2' cover of French Polynesia and 'Ariane L01' compl. cover set of ten. Hopferwieser = Euro 1'200+Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1490 Collections/lots worldwide
1950/2000 ca.: Large 'Space' collection of worldwide stamps and souvenir sheets perf./imperf., the vast majority in unused mint condition, covering a wide range of space and associated thematics from austronauts to satellites and more, as issues honoring space pioneers and many more related topics. A wonderful offer of in total 24 albums with many compl. sets and special issues in fresh condition.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 800 CHFLot# : 1491 Collections/lots worldwide
Worldwide Space Philately - 1930/2010ca.: Lifetime stock of covers and cards, collected for half a century, including many space related issues in manageable quantities, the majority well sorted as there are two boxes of Mercury, Gemini and Apollo missions 1-17 together with Skylab 1/IV and forerunners, Banana-Box with Soviet related missions Soyuz, Salyut, MIR and ISS, two Banana Boxes with Satellite related covers as well as large box with unsorted material including many Europe related material. A good lot for specialists in six large boxes, in total ca. 75 kg, shipping charges apply.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHFLot# : 1492 Belgium
Belgium / France Rocket Mail 1935/60: Assembly of 35 covers of various Rocket Flights with Belgian frankings, starting with Zucker's Channel Rocket 'KI' from Ostende (1935), Adam de Bruijn experimental flights Blankenberg and Bouvigne(1945), US Boy Scout FDC 1960 (Feb, 8), further Carl Robertis Duinenberg (Seagull) and 'Belgica' flights (1935), De Schelde 'R.V.3', Nightflight Jupiter 'P.26' 1935 (4. Sept.), Albertine 'R.V. 8', two cards of Barbara 'P.31' (as such unrecorded) as well as nine envelopes of diff. Carl Roberti Experimental flights with French frankings. Viewing recommended Hopferwieser = Euro 2'000.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 1493 Collections/lots Europe
Various Rocket Mail 1934/60: Album with covers and sheetlets of Gerhard Zucker Rocket Flights in Grat Britain, incl. 1934 (June 6) Apex Start - Sussex Downs with a set of six unused vignettes in marginal part sheets ot ten values each, nine covers 'Harris -Scarp' and four 'Scarp - Harris', two covers 'Lymington Hunts' with Golightly vignettes, together with 'Italia 1Trieste flight' (1934 Oct. 30) with vignettes and three covers, Carl Roberti 'Luxembourgia R.Kr. 1' Rocket flights (2), further De Bruijn 'Mundus-Venus' 1960 sheetlets perf./imperf. as well as two used covers of Polish Experimental flights in "Klucze Oct.60" near Warsaw, with Francis J. Field typwritten note: "Two experimental mail rockets fired near Warsaw. One was recovered in good condition, but No. 2 rocket was completely lost with its mail compartment".Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 1494 Picture postcards of the world
Overseas Rocket Mail 1935/62: Selection of 50 covers, incl. Australian Rocket Society 1935/37 Maheno - Fraser Island Rocket Flight, 'Orion' Royal Silver Jubilee rocket and R.T.-7 together with 1966 'EUROPA 1' Launch covers and '3rd. ELDO LAUNCH' (EZ F-3) at Woomera South Australia , USA with 1936 1st American Rocket Plane 'Hewitt N.J. Feb. 23' and '1st international Rocket Flight to Mexico, 1939 Official Cuban Rocket Mail (3) with nine 1961 commemorative covers (EZ 46C4), in addition Japanese rocketmail with first Japanese Satellite 'Orumi 1' (EZ J002a). A fine lot Ellington-Zwisler = US$ 7'000.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1495 Collections/lots worldwide
Various Rocket Mail 1930/90ca.: Large box with hundreds of covers/cards with many signed items from Sigmund Jähn, Claude Nicollier and Rocket Mail pioneers as Zucker, de Bruijn and Nebel, etc., further many launch covers of various rockets and satellites from Australia, India, Eastern Germany, Netherlands together with European Rocket 'Ariane' launched at Guiana Space Center in Kourou and many US-American missions as well as Scout Rocket 'Baden Powell' Canal Zone 1960. Ex the Beatrice Bachmann Estate.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 950 CHFLot# : 1496 Netherlands
Dutch Pioneer Rocket Mail 1934/50: Group of 17 flown covers, incl. Carl Roberti 'Komet P8'. 'Meteoor P.9', 'Poolster P.12' (2. of which one with POOLSTEP variety), 1935 'Venus P 15' (2), R-07 'Icarus R.V.1' (2), 'Santos Dumont', 'Neerlandia P.P.1', CR-11 'Zeemeeuw (Seagull) two covers, further Gerhard Zucker rocket flights in 'Katwijk aan Zee' three covers, of which one with yellow 'Air Torpedo' label and another with unrecorded usage of blue vignette in a vertical 'tête-bêche' pair (GZ14), as well as a third cover bearing rare triangular vignette in brown-black on beige paper (GZ 14b). A fine and scarce assembly Hopferwieser = Euro 3'000.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1497 Netherlands
Dutch Pioneer Rocket Mail 1934/60: Collection with 35 miniature sheets perf./imperf. and 90 covers of diff. rocket flights, starting with Carl Roberti 1934 imperf. 'Orion P.7' vignettes in unused miniature sheets of four and flown cover (CR-01), 'Komet P8' cover, 'Meteoor P.9', 1935 'Poolster P12' three covers of which one with inverted ovpt., Gerhard Zucker 1935 Katwijk aan Zee four covers including rare triangular vignette in brown used on cover to Den Haag, Carl Roberti 'Mrs P13' (2), P14, 'Venus P15', 'Icarus R.V.1' (2), 'R.V. 2' (4), 'Neerlandia' (3), Adam de Bruijn 1936 R328, 1936 RBO cover, 1938 PGR3, further 1945 b/w miniature sheet proofs perf./imperf.on white paper and 15 covers May/Nov., 1946 (May 17) after rocket flight dispatched to KLM first flight to New York (EZ50C1a) as well as 40 covers and miniature sheets with many varieties of later flights up to 1960. Viewing recommended.Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1498 Albania
1928: National Assembly for Constitution, overprint on never issued stamps, 36 sets in part sheets and larger blocks and some single stamps, unmounted og., few stamps have toning spots, the overprints are often shifted. Unusual offer for a set with such a small print run. Michel €4320.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 1499 Albania
Lot# : 1500 Albania
1912-92: Dealers stock in 4 stockbooks, like received beginning with an eagle overprint 1912 with certificate Raybaudi. In the prewar period, many better sets in place, often unused mounted, with e.g. rare overprint Mbr. Sqhitare on airpost - and also some unmounted material, quite few used. After war many topical sets, but also good values airpost stamps, e.g. the surcharges from 1950 used on pieces and unused. Very high catalog value!Starting bid : 800 CHFHammer price : 1,500 CHFLot# : 1501 Albania
Lot# : 1502 Belgium
1849: 20 Centimes with large margins on incomplete letter sheet with cancel "140" and red cancel "BRASSCHAET 11 JANV. 1851", "après le départ" and "B" in cercle from Stabroeck (rare!), addressed to Bruxelles, certificate Kaiser (1999).rnCorinphila 118th auction October 1999, lot 5948Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 3,000 CHFLot# : 1503 Belgium
1849/63: Small group with 1849 10 c. brown in pairs (3), two horizontal pairs, one with huge margins, and a vertical pair on piece; 1849 20 c. bue in a horizontal pair; 1858/63 20 c. blue and 40 c. marginal examples used etc. A generally fine group.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 1504 Belgium
1885: Wrapper band with printed "Service" at top, a local stampless usage within Marchienne-Au-Pont (July 21) and struck with unframed "T" marking in black ,forwarded on to Haumont, France where taxed on arrival at triple rate of 1 franc with Duval Postage Due 1881 40 c. and 60 c. black (Maury T19+T21) tied by Haumont cds's (July 22), refused and RETOUR / A L'ENVOYEUR / 1768 applied in red. Most unusual and attractive.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1505 Belgium
1915 (May 28): Registered picture postcard from Le Havre to Yverdon, Switzerland bearing five definitive Belgian adhesives, tied by "LE HAVRE (SPECIAL) SEINE INFre" cds, YVERDON arrival cds (June 1) alongside. Mail from the Belgian exile government in France.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 120 CHFLot# : 1506 Belgium
1849/1854, Selection of first issue used stamps and two early covers, comprising three examples of the 1849, 10 c. grey brown, over 30 later imperf. 10 c. including nine pairs, four used examples of the 1849, 20 c. blue and thrity later 20 c. imperfs., covers comprise an 1849 wrapper franked with Michel no. 2 and a 1858 example franked with 20 c. blue, additionally twenty 1858/1863 issues used, mixed lot, although a couple fine, a decent assembly.Starting bid : 240 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 1507 Belgium
1849-1990ca. Collection in 3 stockbooks, beginning with the first issue, used stamps have clean cancellations, there is a part of modern material unmounted og and a little collection of Luxembourg included. Owners catalog value. Michel about € 5000.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1508 Belgium
1849/2013: Collection, from the first issue on, quite well doted, and for most periods collected in parallel, unused and used, once a set is missing in used, once another set lacks in unused. Many good values already contained, e.g. a good example of the 5 Francs brown from 1878 used with a clean roulette cancel, a nice used 2 Francs 'Helmet' 1919. There are many good semipostals sets in both conditions and also the most of the better issues after WW2 are in place. The unused material is often mounted, the more modern the more likely unmounted. In 10 stockboocks, of which one contains duplication. Catalog value according to consignor (converted) = ca. CHF 15'000.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1509 Belgium
1851/2003: Collection in three volumes, the two first volumes contain used and unused mounted material, the unused material appears to be unmounted from 1948 on. The 50s are rather fragmentary, but from 1961 besides very few stamps complete. A few better railway and postal parcel stamps also contained unused only from the 60s on The third album is a preprinted 'Lighthouse' hingeless album with only unmounted stamps.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 1510 Belgium
1915-29: Good group unmounted stamps in blocks and as single stamps. Several complete sets of semipostals are present several times, mini-sheets thereof not counted as such, because they have folded perforation, definitives not complete, but good values in place, not counted are a few mounted stamps. Mi ca. € 4000.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 1511 France
French Forces in Bulgaria prior to the Crimean Campaign 1854 (June 23): Commercial business entire letter to Noilly Prat in Marseille, struck with "ARMÉE D'ORIENT / BAU A" circular datestamp in black. Charged on arrival with handstruck "25" handstamp on arrival (July 5). Commercial letters from the theatre of War are uncommon - the 25 centimes for both Military and Business mail lasted for a period of three weeks, the concessionary Military rate of 20 centimes was introduced on 1 July 1854.rnrnNote: See Francois X. Piat "A Crimean War Study" page 41.rnProvenance: Collection Francois Piat Lugdunum, Lyons, 7 Sept 2015, lot 43.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1512 France
French Forces in Bulgaria prior to the Crimean Campaign 1854 (July 14): Entire letter from Camp at Balchik, Bulgaria mailed unpaid to Marseille, struck on despatch with fine circular "ARMÉE D'ORIENT / QUARTR GAL" datestamp (July 14) in black. On arrival (July 25) struck with the newly introduced "30" centimes postage due handstamp (in use from July 1854 until July 1856 only) brought into use due to the volume of mail from the Crimea. A rare and early usage.Starting bid : 175 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1513 France
French Forces in Bulgaria prior to the Crimean Campaign 1854 (Aug 12): Cover at concessionary rate of 20 c., franked by 1853 20 c. blue, poor to fine margins, used from Balchik Camp, Bulgaria to Lyon, France tied by dotted "AO-A" lozenge of dots in black, with circular "ARMÉE D'ORIENT / BAU A" datestamp of despatch below (Aug 13). Fascinating content bemoaning the conditions of the Camp at Balchik where Cholera had already set in. However he delights in a ride to Kavarna with the letter bearing a hand-drawn illustration of the Monastery at Kavarna.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1514 France
French Forces in Bulgaria prior to the Crimean Campaign 1854 (Aug 17): Document on "Armée d'Orient" stationery, written at Varna by the Payeur Général de Bellot stating: "a considerable quantity of letters destined for the Beritish Army arrive at the French HQ Post Office. These letters only bear the single rate applicable to addressee's living in France, often remain several days with out Post Office...". The Postmaster goes on to state that he wishes for a British Postal Official to be attached to the French Post Office to facilitate the sorting of mails, this method being in use in Gallipoli already. "This NCO could come daily to the Office, where he would take the letters in bulk paying the charges due...". Letter annotated at top in manuscript, either by Lord Raglan or his ADC "Colonel Steele to operate" and further manuscript "Lord Pakenham" at top. Rare and important document.rnrnProvenance: Collection Bernard Berkinshaw-Smith.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 460 CHFLot# : 1515 France
French Forces in Bulgaria prior to the Crimean Campaign 1854 (July 29): Entire letter at concessionary rate of 20 c., franked by 1853 10 c. bistre in a horizontal pair, shaved at top only, from Varna to Chateauroux via Marseilles, tied by fine strikes of dotted "AOQG" lozenge in black. Circular "ARMÉE D'ORIENT / QUARTR GAL" datestamp of despatch at left. A rare usage of this adhesive during the Campaign. Illustrated in "A Crimean War Study" by Francois X. Piat on page 41.rnrnProvenance: Collection Francois X. Piat, Lugdunum, Lyons, Sept 2015, lot 44.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1516 France
French Forces in Bulgaria prior to the Crimean Campaign 1854 (Aug 29): Entire letter from Varna, Bulgaria (endorsed in manuscript at top) mailed unpaid to Sous le Sanluier, struck on despatch with fine circular "ARMÉE D'ORIENT / BAU SEDRE" datestamp (Aug 29) in black applied at Gallipoli and carried there direct from Varna. On arrival (Sept 8) struck with the "30" centimes postage due handstamp (in use from July 1854 until July 1856 only) brought into use due to the volume of mail from the Crimea.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1517 France
French Forces in Bulgaria prior to the Crimean Campaign 1854 (Aug 29): Entire letter at double the concessionary rate of 20 c., franked by 1853 40 c. orange, margins touched to large, from Varna to Chateauroux via Marseilles, tied by fine strikes of dotted "AOQG" lozenge in black. Circular "ARMÉE D'ORIENT / QUARTR GAL" datestamp of despatch at right. An extremely rare usage of this adhesive during the Campaign. Illustrated in "A Crimean War Study" by Francois X. Piat on page 41. Signed Baudot.rnrnProvenance: Collection Francois X. Piat, Lugdunum, Lyons, Sept 2015, lot 48.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1518 France
French Forces in Bulgaria prior to the Crimean Campaign 1854 (Sept 5): Cover from Gallipoli to a Lieutenant in the 3rd Regt. of Zouaves in Varna, with circular "ARMÉE D'ORIENT / BAU SEDRE" datestamp of despatch superbly struck; transit applied in Varna with circular "ARMÉE D'ORIENT / BAU A" datestamp (Oct 9) and eventual "ARMÉE D'ORIENT / QUARTR GAL" datestamp (Oct 17). Handstruck "2" décimes due marking in black. Mailed before the French embarked for Crimea, delayed due to lack of ships and held, after arriving in Varna, until the landings had been successful (the 3rd. Zouaves left for Crimea on 14 Sept 1854). A rare and most unusual cover with fine strikes of three different French Military datestamps.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 1519 France
French Forces in Bulgaria prior to the Crimean Campaign 1854 (Sept 6): Entire letter from Balchik Camp, Bulgaria from a French soldier, unusually mailed (as Troops were departing the following day) at the British Post Office (Sept 8) with "POST OFFICE / BRITISH ARMY" cds. Carried via French P.O. with "Constantinople / Turquie" cds (Sept 10) in black; thence via steamer "Gange" with small cartridge "PAQUEBOTS / DE LA / MÉDITERANÉE in red and charged without concession rate at "10" décimes in manuscript on arrival. Content "demain nous faisons route pour le côte de Crimée". A most unusual cover.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 250 CHFLot# : 1520 France
French Forces in Bulgaria prior to the Crimean Campaign 1854 (Sept 23): Cover from Burgas, Bulgaria ("au bivouac sous Burgas") to Tours, France franked by 1854 20 c. blue, margins good to touched, tied by dotted "AO-E" lozenge in black with circular "ARMÉE D'ORIENT / BAU E" datestamp (Sept 23) alongside. Marseille (Oct 6), Paris and Tours cd's on reverse. Burgas was General D'Arnaud's original choice for the Allied Forces to prepare for the Crimea, Lord Raglan was in favour of Varna. Burgas, states the writer, unlike Varna, is free from Cholera. Mail is rare from this Port.rnrnProvenance: Collection Francois X. Piat, Lugdunum, Lyons, 8 Sept 2015, lot 113.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1521 France
French Forces in Bulgaria prior to the Crimean Campaign 1854 (Sept 25): Entire letter from Camp at Balchik, Bulgaria mailed unpaid to Marseille, struck on despatch with fine circular "ARMÉE D'ORIENT / QUARTR GAL" datestamp (Sept 28) in black. On arrival (Oct 16) struck with the "30" centimes postage due handstamp (in use from July 1854 until July 1856 only) brought into use due to the volume of mail from the Crimea.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 1522 France
French Forces in Bulgaria prior to the Crimean Campaign 1854 (Sept 30): Entire letter in Italian from Varna, Bulgaria mailed unpaid to Rome, Papal States, struck on despatch with fine circular "ARMÉE D'ORIENT / QUARTR GAL" datestamp (Oct 1) in black. On arrival via Marseilles (Oct 16) struck with "Civitavecchia / Via Di Mare" and charged with "20" centesemi due marking in black. An unusual usage to the Papal States.Starting bid : 160 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 1523 France
French Forces in Bulgaria prior to the Crimean Campaign 1854 (Nov 3): Entire letter in Italian from Varna, Bulgaria mailed unpaid to Rome, Papal States, struck on despatch with fine circular "ARMÉE D'ORIENT / BAU C" datestamp (Nov 3) in black. On arrival via Marseilles and Antibes struck with "20" centesemi due marking in black. An unusual usage to the Papal States.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1524 France
French Forces in Bulgaria 1854 (Nov 8): Entire letter from a Capt. Beauregard in Varna, Bulgaria mailed unpaid to Calais, struck on despatch with fine circular "ARMÉE D'ORIENT / BAU C" datestamp (Nov 8) in black. On arrival (Nov 22) struck with the "30" centimes postage due handstamp in black. The majority of the fighting forces had left Bulgaria by this date, this letter being written three days after the battle of Inkerman.Starting bid : 180 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1525 France
French Forces in Bulgaria prior to the Crimean Campaign 1855: Prepaid entire letter mailed a French Officer in Rustchuk, Bulgaria to a Colonel in the War Office in Paris, with manuscript "Rustchouk 12 Juin 1855" notation at top left, and further "Rustchouk" at upper right as cancellation of despatch. "BUKAREST" Austrian Post Office transit (June 19) in black and thence via Hermannstadt and Valenciennes to Paris (June 29). Extremely rare entire from Rustchuk during the War period.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 1526 France
French Forces in Bulgaria prior to the Crimean Campaign 1854 (Sept 1): Official Military correspondence, an entire letter endorsed "Se. Mre." (Service Militaire) at top, addressed to the Payeur Générale Mr. de Bellot; from the commanding officer at Varna C. Le Vaillant. Blue Eagle cachet on reverse "Armée D'Orient - Le Chef D'État-Major De La 5 Division". The letter, in some detail, asks for Mail arriving for the Troops to be sent on immediately (the French embarked for the Crimea a week later). An important document.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 1527 France
French Forces in Bulgaria prior to the Crimean Campaign 1854 (Sept 2): Cover from the French Post Office in Constantinople to the French Consul in Varna, Bulgaria with "Constantinople / Turquie" despatch (Sept 2) in black. Framed "P.P." at left in black alongside fine "ARMÉE D'ORIENT / QUARTR GAL" circular datestamp of arrival (Sept 3); official Consular mail was carried free of charges. A fine and unusual cover.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 1528 France
French Forces in Bulgaria 1855 (May 20): Entire letter from Montpellier, France bearing 1853 20 c. deep blue tied by petit chiffres '2128' mailed to a Troopship "La Provençale" with the "Escadre de la Méditerranée" at Varna. Montpellier despatch cds at right (May 20). The letter mailed at the 20 centimes concessionary rate, with the writer giving thanks for a Map of Sebastopol recently received. Varna continued to be used as a Naval base throughout the duration of the War.rnrnProvenance: Collection Herry Schaefer.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1529 Great Britain
British Forces in Bulgaria prior to the Crimean Campaign 1854 (June 26): Entire letter written from Shumla (HQ of Ottoman Forces in Bulgaria), some 90 kms. West and inland of Varna (and more strategically placed to block a Russian advance), mailed to Middlesex and charged "3d." to pay for concessionary rate. A fascinating entire with outstanding content "Rested for the night in a Bulgarian village and marched at 3 the next morning for Shumla and although this is about 80 miles from Silistria we could distinctly hear the firing from the Russian Guns. We were told to keep a sharp look-out for "Bashi-Bazooks". On meeting Omar Pasha....I fell in with the Surgeon of the large hospital in Shumla, an Italian, who told me his hospital was filled with wounded men lying heaped together and dying almost hourly....he had to prepare 500 beds immediately as we diod not know whether Silistria had been taken. The Siege was raised on night of the 23rd (June). The Russians retreating across the right bank of the Danube and in the morning not a man was to be seen near its walls....Three weeks ago 2 Russian Spys were detected. They were ordered to be shot, but the Turks thought the death too good. They blindfolded them, shot them through the legs and body 16 times and at last shot them through the eyes and slit their throats...". A rare letter from this theatre of the War.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 460 CHFLot# : 1530 Great Britain
British Forces in Bulgaria prior to the Crimean Campaign 1854 (June 28): Entire letter from 'Aledyn Camp' near Varna to Brigg, Lincolnshire endorsed "From Lieut. Nicholson, 77th Regiment, Army of the East"; rated "3d." due on arrival for the concessionary rate. Interesting contents raise a familiar complaint "Everything connected with the War is kept a profound secret from us all....arrived at Varna we fully thought we were going to raise the Siege of Silistria, but after stopping a week at Varna we proceeded one day's march into the country....where we have been stopping ever since...". The writer, Lieut. Nicholson's grave is in the Light Division cemetry - "killed whilst gallantly leading his company in a charge at the Battle of Inkerman 5th Nov 1854". Opinion Todd (2014).rnrnProvenance: Collection Karajanov, Corinphila sale 133, 6-9 June 2002, ex lot 1073; Collection Francois X. Piat, Cavendish, Derby, 9 Sept 2015; Corinphila sale, 17 June 2019, lot 7250.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 1531 Great Britain
British Forces in Bulgaria prior to the Crimean Campaign 1854 (June 29): Cover and full contents to London endorsed "Via Marseilles / Camp at Varna 29th June", struck on reverse with "POST OFFICE / BRITISH ARMY" datestamp without code letter in black. Central stain but fine content: "We are still at Varna and no talk now the Russians have raised the seige of Silistria and cleared right out of the country across the Danube and they say actually evacuating the provinces. Our Cavalry have patrolled the country in every direction and can see no Cossacks...they have sent us rascally bad boots, Herbert is resposible (Sidney Herbert, Secretary of War)....they fall to pieces after two days wear. The Fleet wants to take us to the Crimea and that is all we want...".Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 1532 Great Britain
British Forces in Bulgaria prior to the Crimean Campaign 1854 (July 17): Entire letter from Camp in Shumla, Bulgaria endorsed "From the Army in Turkey" and "OHMS", carried at double concessionary rate to London and charged "6d." to pay. Reverse with "POST OFFICE / BRITISH ARMY" cds in blue (July 25) and London datestamps (Aug 7) in red. Fascinating contents from a Colonel on a mission to purchase horses and pack animals "I am 200 miles inland from Varna but little chance of receiving letters or sending any except when I chance to catch the Mail Bag with letters or dispatches for Omar Pasha or Lord Raglan...All currencies and coins are accepted here, we bought four horses for about £4 each...". An unusual entire almost entirely written "in country" from a British Officer, mailed on the return from his mission.rnrnProvenance: Collection Herry Schaefer.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 1533 Great Britain
British Forces in Bulgaria prior to the Crimean Campaign 1854 (July 18): Entire letter written Devna Camp to Bushmills, Ireland endorsed "From Army Service in Turkey", franked by 1854 1 d. red-brown, perf. 16 in a vertical strip of three paying the single concessionary rate tied in London by "36" numeral obliterators. Reverse with superb "POST OFFICE / BRITISH ARMY" cds without code struck in black (July 19) displaying well, and London and Coleraine cds's (Aug 2). Content "We cannot get leave to go to Silistria, a move is expected where, no one except Lord Raglan and Omar Pasha know, everyone thinks the Crimea". A fine and most attractive entire. Cert. BPA (1978).Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 1534 Great Britain
British Forces in Bulgaria prior to the Crimean Campaign 1854 (July 24): Cover to London endorsed "from British Army, Turkey" to a Saddler in Old Bod Street, London franked by 1854 1 d. red-brown on blued, perf. 16, horizontal strip of three, tied on arrival by London "44" numeral obliterators on arrival. Reverse with "POST OFFICE / BRITISH ARMY" cds (July 24). A fresh and fine cover.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1535 Great Britain
British Forces in Bulgaria prior to the Crimean Campaign 1854 (Aug 9): Cover and full contents from Monasteri, Bulgaria (preumably the ancient ruined Monastery north of Varna) written by Capt. Thomas of the Royal Horse Artillery to Bromley, Kent endorsed "via Marseilles", and charged "3d." due on arrival at concessionary rate; with interesting content recounting the sad story of an Officer taking his own life by drinking an entire vial of laudanum.rnrnStarting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 1536 Great Britain
British Forces in Bulgaria prior to the Crimean Campaign 1854 (Aug 14): Great Britain Embossed 6 d. purple, good margins to just shaved on cover from Varna to Northampton at above ½ ounce double rate, tied by London "46" numeral obliterator in transit. Flap opens for display showing fine "POST OFFICE / BRITISH ARMY" cds in black (Aug 14). Top flap missing and repairable slight cover fault at top left. A very rare usage - the Embossed issues were not available from the Field Post Offices. Cert. BPA (2011).rnrnProvenance: Collection Herry Schaefer.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1537 Great Britain
Unfortunately this lot was withdrawn from this auction.Lot# : 1538 Great Britain
British Forces in Bulgaria prior to the Crimean Campaign 1854 (Aug 19): Unpaid cover and full contents to Leamington sent from Kavarna Bay, Bulgaria (on the coast, north east of Varna) with poor "POST OFFICE / BRITISH ARMY" cds on reverse (Aug 21). London arrival cds (Aug 31) on reverse and charged 3d. to pay in manuscript. The writer states: "On the 14th we were taken with the Cholera. In 20 hours, 40 men were buried. We now have 105 men dead, about 200 sick. The Officers are all in good health but are almost punched up with watching over the sick".Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 1539 Great Britain
British Forces in Bulgaria prior to the Crimean Campaign 1854: Cover franked by 1 d. red-brown on blued, perf. 16, a horizontal strip of three, from "Asst. Surgeon Miller, H.M. 77th Regt." to Dublin, Ireland endorsed "via Marseilles", tied by London "47" numeral obliterators in transit. Reverse with "POST OFFICE / BRITISH ARMY" cds in black (Aug 24) and both London and Dublin (Sept 8) datestamps. A fresh and very attractive cover.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 1540 Great Britain
British Forces in Bulgaria prior to the Crimean Campaign 1854: Cover franked by 1841 1 d. red-brown on blued paper, imperforate, a vertical strip of three, margins good to shaved, used on 28 August cover to Kelso, Scotland tied by London Foreign Branch "31" numeral obliterators in transit. "POST OFFICE / BRITISH ARMY" cds in black and London cds on reverse (Sept 9). Top flap missing but a most attractive and extremely rare usage with an imperforate franking.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1541 Great Britain
British Forces in Bulgaria prior to the Crimean Campaign 1854 (April 29): Cover endorsed "Pre Paid", mailed from London at 2 s. rate for a 1¼ ounce letter, originally addressed to "Dr. F. Hastings Baxter, 54th Regiment, St. Vincent Transport No. 18, Malta" and presumably readdressed prior to departure or in Malta (but no backstamp) to "Medical Staff, Varna". An early incoming cover, it appears from the known dates that Dr. Baxter was amongst those sent to essay the potential of Varna and its environs for the major disembarkation of British troops in June 1854. Some sensible restoration but a most unusual cover.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1542 Great Britain
British Forces in Bulgaria prior to the Crimean Campaign 1854 (June 2): Mourning envelope to "George Evans, Staff Assistant Surgeon, with the Medical Staff, The Eastern Expedition, Scutari, Constantinople, Turkey", franked by 1847/54 Embossed 6 d. deep mauve, touched at top and at base, tied by London numeral obliterator, for double the concessionary rate (above ½ ounce). "Scutari, Constantinople" deleted and replaced by "Varna" in manuscript. A very rare usage of an Embossed adhesive addressed to this Campaign. Signed Holcombe.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1543 Great Britain
British Forces in Bulgaria prior to the Crimean Campaign 1854 (July 2): Great Britain 1854 1 d. red-brown on blued perf. 16, a single example and an irregular block of five, used on cover from Neston near Chester to "Dr. F. Hastings Baxter, 54th Regiment, Varna", all tied by "184" numeral obliterators of Chester in black with NESTON despatch (July 22) alongside. Reverse with Chester cds (July 22) in blue, London cds in red and manuscript "Rec'd at Varna Aug 15, 1854". One or two trivial imperfections to the adhesives, but a fine and rare example of the 6 d. for over ½ ounce concessionary rate.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 1544 Great Britain
British Forces in Bulgaria prior to the Crimean Campaign 1854 (July 23): Letter from Devna Camp to Varna endorsed at base "To Ansell (actually W. Angell) Esq. Postmaster Gen'l, Varna", with complete letter concerning payment for letters to the Light Division after deductions for returned letters to a Capt. Shadwell; and "I have made enquiries concerning the packet of letters amounting to £1.10s.0d. said to be addressed to Colonel Sullivan. They have never arrived...". The Army Post Office came under heavy criticism during their time in Bulgaria. Scarce and a fine letter that displays well.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1545 Great Britain
British Forces in Bulgaria prior to the Crimean Campaign 1854 (July 25): Great Britain 1854 1 d. red-brown on blued perf. 16, a single example and a horizontal pair, used on entire letter from Truro to "Capt. C.L. Cocks of the Coldstream Guards, Alladyn, near Varna, Turkey", tied by "814" numeral obliterators in black with Truro cds (July 25) and London transit on reverse. Some imperfections to the thin paper entire, but a fresh and fine cover.rnrnNote: Cocks's correspondence is housed, on photocopy, in the Army Museum in London. There was no mail from him after 15 July 1854. The Coldstream Guards lost 329 Officers and men to sickness in 1854, a further 100 men were killed in action.rnrnStarting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1546 Great Britain
British Forces in Bulgaria prior to the Crimean Campaign 1854 (Nov 27): Great Britain 1 d. pink postal stationery envelope used with 1854 1 d. red-brown on blued perf. 16, a horizontal pair, to "Major Andrews, 28th Regiment, Commanding British Depot, Varna, Turkey", tied by London numeral obliterators in black. A fine and unusual make up of the 3 d. Soldier's concession rate.rnrnContents: "Mrs. Sayer presents her compliments to the Officer in Command of the Troops at Varna. She begs to inform him that 3 Cases have been shipped from England and forwarded to him at Varna. The cases contain Wearing Apparel of all kinds for the immediate relief of the poor Soldiers, wives and children with the Troops in the East. Mrs. Sayer....will esteem it a great favour if trhe Commanding Officer, will kindly trouble himself to see that the contents of the cases be properly and fairly distributed. The cases leave on the 10th in the "Gladiator" for the Black Sea". It can be seen by the tone of the letter that Mrs. Sayer, like a great many others, had been appalled by stories in the Press of the conditions in Varna. For more on Major (later Lt.-Colonel) Andrews, see the "Athenæum", issue 1514, of 1 Nov 1856 where he writes about the Army's stay in Devna Camp.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 460 CHFLot# : 1547 Austrian Levant
Crimean War - Austrian Forces 1856: Entire letter from Fokshani, Romania to Rustschuk, Bulgaria sent prepaid, with straight line FRANCO in black and fine strike of "KK FELDPOSTAMT / 3s Ae Cs" Imperial Field Post datestamp (21/7) in black of the the Third Army Corps, crossed to denote prepayment in manuscript with reverse showing Austrian PO "BUKAREST" transit cds in black. A fine and rare entire - the Austrian Forces remained in occupied Moldavia-Walachia after the Crimean War had ended at the Congress of Paris in the hope of acquiring the occupied territories permanently.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 1548 Austrian Levant
Crimean War - Austrian Forces 1856: Entire letter from Ismailia, Romania to Rustschuk, Bulgaria sent prepaid, with straight line FRANCO in black and fine strike of "KK FELDPOSTAMT / 3s Ae Cs" Imperial Field Post datestamp (11/9) in black of the the Third Army Corps, crossed to denote prepayment in manuscript with reverse showing very fine Austrian PO "GIURGEVO" cds in black (a Field PO at this date, it became an Austrian PO in 1857). A fine and rare entire - the Austrian Forces remained in Moldavia-Walachia after the Crimean War had ended at the Congress of Paris in the hope of acquiring the occupied territories permanently.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1549 Bulgaria
Russo-Turkish War 1877 (July 11): Prepaid cover from Sevli-Sevlievo, Northern Bulgaria to Winkeln, Switzerland, struck on despatch with straight line "FRANCO" and unrecorded "SEVLI / POSTHORN / SEVLIEVO" bilingual negative seal handstamp, both in bluish-black (unrecorded by Tchilinghirian). Manuscript "8/2 80 rap" on face panel. Rare and superb - no other postmarks for Sevli-Sevlievo have been recorded however on the evidence of other towns occupied by the Russians in Northern Bulgaria it is probable a circular datestamp was supplied in December 1877. A fine and impressive cover of great importance.rnrnProvenance: Collection Karajanov, Corinphila sale 133, 6-9 June 2002, lot 1095.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1550 Bulgaria
Russo-Turkish War 1877: Russia 4 k. green postal stationery card, a used example from Field Post Office No. 12 at Ziminitza to Zaraisk, cancelled by very fine "POLEVOE POCHTOVOE OTDELENIE / 12 (1) 12" in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 61) dated July 16, 1877 (FPO.12 under 1 - HQ) with Moscow transit cds (July 26) and arrival (July 27) in black. Note the "Russia" in address: whilst the card is accepted as full postage, no concessionary rate deduction was made to troops serving in Bulgaria. Superb and very rare.rnrnProvenance: Collection Karajanov, Corinphila sale 133, 6-9 June 2002, lot 1098.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1551 Bulgaria
Russo-Turkish War 1877: Soldier's letter sent stampless from Field Post Office No. 9, Bulgaria to St. Petersburg. Struck on reverse with very fine "POLEVOE POCHTOVOE OTDELENIE / 9 (1) 9" in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 61) dated August 28, 1877 (FPO.9 under 1 - HQ) with St. Petersburg arrival (Sept 7) alongside. Possibly rated '26' to pay in manuscript for a double deficiency charge of the 13 kopek pre-War rate. Opening tears as to be expected but a very rare and extremely early usage of the Field Post Office 9 datestamp.rnrnProvenance: Collection Dr. A.H. Wortman; Collection Lipschutz; Collection 'Cihangir', Corinphila sale 121, 29 April 2000, lot 422rnrnNote: The Russian Armies crossed the Danube into Bulgaria on 15/27 June 1877. By the end of July 1877 the Russians occupied the area of Northern Bulgaria up to the line between Plevna - Shipka Pass - Shumen. The Czar Alexander II established his personal HQ on Bulgarian soil at Byela and later at Gorna-Studena. The presence of the Czar undoubtedly added to the need for better communications between the Front and the Field Post Offices, Headquarters, Moscow and St. Petersburg. The Czar approved a scheme for opening Postal Stations every 15 versts (10 miles) on 28 July 1877.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1552 Bulgaria
Russo-Turkish War 1877: Russia Formula postal stationery card of 1872, a used example - written by the famous Bulgarian patriot Todor Zaprjanoff from Field Post Office No. 1 beseiging the town of Pleven to Mrs. Alexandrina Zaprjanoff in Braila, Romania, cancelled by very fine "POLEVOE POCHTOVOE OTDELENIE / (1)" in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 60) dated Sept 3, 1877 (FPO 1 - HQ) with transit cds "POLEVOE POCHTOVOE OTDELENIE / 15 (1) 15" Field Post Office 15 cds (Tchilinghirian fig. 61) also in black (Sept 10) - believed located at Zimnicea. Braila arrival cds (Sept 12). Slight staining due to wartime conditions but extremely rare. Cert. Nakri (2010).rnrnProvenance: 'Lion of the Balkans', Corinphila sale 201, 26 May 2015, lot 8247.rnNote: Pleven was beseiged from 16 July 1877 until the town surrendered on 12 Dec 1877 to Russian and Romanian troops under General Todleben.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1553 Bulgaria
Russo-Turkish War 1877: Russia 7 k. grey & red, a used example on letter-card from Veliko-Tarnovo, Gorna Studena district to Warsaw, Poland endorsed "From the Southern Army on Active Service" and "Russia", presumably handed to a returning colleague to mail and tied by "POSTAL WAGON 25-26 (4)" datestamp (Oct 8) in black, a Postal Wagon on the Granitsa - Zombkovitsi / Sosnovitsi Line. The beseiged city of Plevna had fallen to the Russians two days prior to the writing of this card. Rare and exceptional.rnrnrnrnStarting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1554 Bulgaria
Russo-Turkish War 1877 (Oct 18): Russia 4 k. green postal stationery card, a used example from Field Post Office No. 9 at Byela Gorna (20 miles South East of Svishtov, occupied in June 1877) to St. Petersburg, cancelled by very fine "POLEVOE POCHTOVOE OTDELENIE / 9 (1) 9" in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 61) dated Oct 25, 1877 (FPO. 9 under 1 - HQ) with St. Peterburg arrival (Nov 2) in black. Whilst the card is accepted as full postage, no concessionary rate deduction was made to troops serving in Bulgaria. Superb and very rare.rnrnProvenance: Collection Dr. Raymond Casey; Collection 'Cihangir', Corinphila sale 123, 26 Oct 2000, lot 4180.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1555 Bulgaria
Russo-Turkish War 1877: Soldier's letter from Russian Field Post Office No. 1 at Tirnovo mailed to the Forward Command, cancelled by very fine "POLEVAYA POCHTOVAYA KONTORA / (1)" in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 60) dated Dec 29, 1877 (FPO. 1 - HQ), returned back from a forward unit to Field Post Office No. 1 with further strike in black (Dec 31). Mailed just after the fall of Plevna (Dec 10) and the surrounding area (Plevna had been starved to defeat with a siege lasting from July). Superb and rare.rnrnProvenance: Collection 'Cihangir', Corinphila sale 123, 23-25 Oct 2000, lot 4182.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1556 Bulgaria
Russo-Turkish War 1878: Private entire letter carried free of charges to Field Post Office No. 1 based at Tirnovo, with rare bilingual (Russian at top, Bulgarian at base) "SISTOV P.K. - SISTOV POST OFFICE 1" cds (Jan 12) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 62) "Sistovskaya Poshtenska-Kont " and good strike of "POLEVAYA POCHTOVAYA KONTORA / (1)" in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 60) dated Jan 18, 1878 (FPO. 1 - HQ) of arrival. A fine cover confirming that Field Post Office 1 had moved to Tirnovo. Rare and particularly fine.rnrnProvenance: Collection Franz See, Corinphila sale 62, 9-10 May 1979, lot 2155.Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1557 Bulgaria
Russo-Turkish War 1878: Cover from Constantinople to Prince Tzerkasy's quarters at Gabrovo, endorsed "via Ungheni" bearing Germany 1875/79 20 pf. blue, crossed by file fold, tied by single circle 'Kais. Deutsch. P.A. Constantinopel NI 2' cds on despatch. Rare all Cyrillic 'ГАБРОВСКОЕ П.О.1 ГАБРОВСКО ПОЩЕНСКО ОТД 22 ЯНВ 1878 = POSTAL BRANCH OF GABROVO 22 JANUARY 1878' struck in blue on front (Tchilinghirian fig.68) and reverse with 'Bucuresci' transit and very rare 'ПОЛЕВАЯ ПОЧТ.КОНТОРА. (1) 10 ЯНВ 1878 = FIELD POST OFFICE (1)' datestamp in black. Cover with japan papered inside for protection. Immensely rare, the finest of the two covers recorded from this correspondence. Signed Nakri AIEP.rnrnProvenance: Collection 'Lion of the Balkans' Corinphila sale 201,26 May 2015, lot 8249.Starting bid : 5,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1558 Bulgaria
Russo-Turkish War 1878: Turned Official entire letter carried free of charges from Gabrovo with rare bilingual (Russian at top, Bulgarian at base) "GABROVO P.O. / POSTAL BRANCH OF GABROVO 1" cds (Jan 30) in blue (Tchilinghirian fig. 68) "Gabrovskoe Poshtenska-Kont". Inside the turned entire shows "TIRNOVO P.O. / TIRNOVO POST OFFICE 1" cds (3 Dec 1877) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 64) "Tirnovskaya P.K. - Tyrnovska Poshtenska Kont. 1". On the day after this cover was sent for the second time, the Russo - Ottoman Armistice was signed (31 Jan 1878). Rare, a most unusual turned cover.Starting bid : 850 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1559 Bulgaria
Russo-Turkish War 1878: Cover carried free of charges from Sistov to Tirnovo, with rare bilingual (Russian at top, Bulgarian at base) "SISTOV P.K. - SISTOV POST OFFICE 1" cds (April 9) in blue-green (Tchilinghirian unrecorded type) "Sistovskaya P.K. - Svishtovska Poshtenska-Kontara 1", whilst unrecorded by Tchilinghirian this type is known in use at Gabrovo and Tirnovo, this example shows the date-slugs awry and inverted. The Russian Military Post Offices remained open until transferred to the new Bulgarian Postal Administration on 1/13 May 1879. An extremely rare cover.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1560 Bulgaria
Russo-Turkish War 1878: Cover carried free of charges from Gabrovo to the Commander of the 2nd Section of the 1st Detachment, with two strikes of rare bilingual (Russian at top, Bulgarian at base) "GABROVO P.O. / POSTAL BRANCH OF GABROVO 1" cds (May 19) in blue (Tchilinghirian fig. 68) "Gabrovskoe Poshtenska-Kont. 1". Blue Imperial Eagle regimental cachet used as seal on reverse of a fine and rare cover. Signed Nakri AIEP.rnrnProvenance: Collection Gordon Torrey, Corinphila sale 99, 19-20 June 1997, lot 8955; Collection Y. Nakri AIEP, DF, Geneva, 10 June 2016, lot 60178.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1561 Bulgaria
Russo-Turkish War 1878: Serbian Military Forces, a Military Official letter mailed without charge from Vidin, Bulgaria to Belgrade, Serbia, struck with Serbian circular "VOJNA POSTA / VRHOVNE KOMANDE" circular datestamp (June 9) in black. Serbian Forces served alongside the Russians during the Russo-Turkish War, having been beaten by the Turks in September 1876 at Aleksinatz and in October at Djunis. Rare and very fine cover.rnrnProvenance: Argyll Etkin, London, May 1979.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 1562 Bulgaria
Russo-Turkish War 1878: Official cover carried free of charges from Gabrovo with superb strikes of rare bilingual (Russian at top, Bulgarian at base) "GABROVO P.O. / POSTAL BRANCH OF GABROVO 1" cds (July 27) in green (Tchilinghirian fig. 68) "Gabrovskoe Poshtensko-Otd. 1". A fine cover, the cancellation rated "RRR" in Tchilinghirian & Stephen.rnrnProvenance: Collection Franz See, Corinphila sale 62, 9-10 May 1979, lot 2167; Collection Mehrtens; Collection 'Cihangir', Corinphila sale , 23 Oct 2000, lot 4177.rnStarting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1563 Bulgaria
Russo-Turkish War 1878: Cover carried free of charges from Field Post Office No. 19 based at Nikopol / Nicopolis to Sofia, still operating in 'interim' period, struck with very fine "POLEVOE POCHTOVOE OTDELENIE / 19 (1) 19" in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 61) dated Nov 11, 1878 (FPO. 19 under 1 - HQ) with obverse showing early and rare strike of bilingual "SOFIA / SREDYETZ" circular datestamp (Nov 15) in blue (Tchilinghirian fig. 70) - with further strike on receipt within the letter. Rare and fine.rnrnProvenance: Collection Franz See, Corinphila sale 62, 10 May 1979, lot 2158.rnStarting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 1564 Bulgaria
Russo-Turkish War 1878: Russia 7 k. grey & red, a used example on the famous 1878 cover from Lom Palanka to Prague, cancelled in manuscript at "Lom-Palanka" on despatch in ink with transit cds of bilingual "SOFIA / SREDETZ" in blue (Dec 12) alongside (Tchililinghirian fig. 70). Reverse with Odessa transit cds (Dec 22) in black and Prague arrival cds (6 Jan 1879). All mail going abroad was sent via Russia as Mail routes were Military only. We have recorded only two covers bearing Russian adhesives from this Campaign (the other was ex Stevens), this being the only recorded cover to a destination abroad. Unique. Cert. Zagorsky (1990).rnrnProvenance: DF, Zurich, 16-21 Nov 1997, lot 32073.Starting bid : 7,500 CHFHammer price : 10,000 CHFLot# : 1565 Bulgaria
Russo-Turkish War 1878 (Dec 30): Complete printed Telegram formula letter-sheet addressed to Rustchuk, with full Imperial Eagle seal attached to reverse, dated in manuscript at base and received in Rustchuk on 2 January 1879. The charges for a private Telegrams are believed to be 1 kopek per word. Rare.rnrnProvenance: Collection Karajanov, Corinphila sale 133, 6-9 June 2002, lot 1086.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1566 Bulgaria
Russo-Turkish War 1878: Folded Postal document N.44, re-numbered 439 at top left, printed in Cyrillic from one O. Scherner, operator of the Bulgarian-Romanian Border Post Station at Sistov to the Postmaster at Tirnovo stating that he needs an extension to the deadline in the matter of the exchange of Jewish post-writers, there being a lack of candidates in the region; signed on behalf of the Postmaster.rnrnProvenance: Collection 'Cihangir', Corinphila sale 123, 23-25 Oct 2000, lot 4174.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 1567 Bulgaria
Russo-Turkish War 1878: Cover carried free of charges from Field Post Office No. 1 still based at Tirnovo to Sofia, struck with superb "FIELD POST OFFICE / (1)" circular datestamp (Tchilinghirian 60) in black "Polevaya Poctovaya Kontora - 1". Russian Troops were now in control south of the Shipka Pass and had advanced as far as Adrianople. These Military covers are perhaps much rarer than perhaps they should be, due in no small part to the fact that Franz See's collection was destroyed during the Soviet occupation of Bucharest in 1944.rnrnProvenance: Collection S.V. Prigara.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1568 Bulgaria
Russo-Turkish War 1879: Russia 1868/75 5 k. black & lilac and 1875 2 k. black & red used on small piece, neatly tied by bilingual "SEVLI / SEVLIEVO" circular datestamps (2 March 1879) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 67 = "RRR"). The Office was opened by the Russian forces in June 1877 and a Postal Agency opened in December 1877. Extremely rare and very fine.rnrnProvenance: Collection Karajanov, Corinphila sale 133, 6-9 June 2002, lot 1096.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 2,200 CHFLot# : 1569 Bulgaria
Russo-Turkish War 1879: Cover carried free of charges from Sofia to Rustchuk, no side flaps, struck on despatch with bilingual "SOFIA / SREDETZ" circular datestamp (April 21) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 76) and further strike on reverse (April 22). Arrival of bilingual "RUSHCHUK - RUSCHUK" cds with stars struck in black (April 25) also on obverse (Tchililinghirian fig. 73 = "RRR"). Rare cancellations: the Sofia cds is known in 1879-1880, the Rustchuk datestamp known only in 1879. The illustration in Tchilinghirian was taken from this cover.rnrnProvenance: Collection Franz See, Corinphila sale 62, 10 May 1979, lot 2172.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 1570 Bulgaria
Russo-Turkish War 1879: Cover carried free of charges from Varna to Sofia, trimmed at base, struck on despatch with bilingual "VARNA / VARNA" circular datestamp (April 25) in greenish-black (Tchilinghirian fig. 76) and arrival of bilingual "SOFIA / SREDETZ" in blue (April 27) alongside (Tchililinghirian fig. 70). Rare cancellations: the Sofia cds is known in 1879-1880 only, the Varna cds known only between 1878-1879. Signed Nakri AIEP.rnrnProvenance: Collection Y. Nakri AIEP, DF, Geneva, 10 June 2016, lot 60184.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 350 CHFLot# : 1571 Bulgaria
Russo-Turkish War 1879: Cover front carried free of charges from Burgas to Sofia, struck on despatch with bilingual "BURGAS / BURGAS" circular datestamp (April 26) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 84) and arrival of bilingual "SOFIA / SREDETZ" in blue (April 29) alongside (Tchililinghirian fig. 70). Rare cancellations: the Sofia cds is known in 1879-1880 only, the Varna cds known only between 1878-1879. Note the IIII for April in the Burgas cancellation. The illustrations in Tchilinghirian & Stephen are both taken from this item.rnrnProvenance: Collection Franz See, Corinphila sale 62, 10 May 1979, lot 2173.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 1572 Bulgaria
Russo-Turkish War 1879: Cover from Varna to Helsinki, Finland; mailed by a soldier in the Russian Army with very fine bilingual "VARNA / VARNA" circular datestamp (April 27) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 76), known in use 1878-79, with further strike of the datestamp and two St. Petersburg transit cds's (May 5 and 6). Obverse with "ANK" arrival (May 18). An extraordinary cover to a most unusual destination. Signed Nakri AIEP.rnrnProvenance: Collection Y. Nakri AIEP, DF, Geneva, June 2016, lot 60182.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1573 Bulgaria
Russo-Turkish War 1879: Russia 1875/79 7 k. grey & red, a used example on small piece, neatly tied by bilingual "FILLIPPOPOL / PLOVDIV" circular datestamp (9 June 1879) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 77 = "RRR"). Plovdiv came under occupation after the Armistice was signed in January 1878. It had formerly been the Headquarters of Soliman Pasha. Russian adhesives used in Bulgaria are amongst the great rarities of both Russian and Bulgarian philately. Extremely rare and very fine.rnrnProvenance: Collection Karajanov, Corinphila sale 133, 6-9 June 2002, lot 1097.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1574 Bulgaria
Russo-Turkish War 1879: Official Parcel cover with Official seal carried free of charges from Odessa via Varna to Sofia, no side flaps, with "ODESSA" despatch cds in black, bilingual "VARNA / VARNA" circular datestamp (Aug 31) of transit in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 76) and arrival of bilingual "SOFIA / SREDETZ" in blue (Sept 4) alongside (Tchililinghirian fig. 70). Rare cancellations: the Sofia cds is known in 1879-1880 only, the Varna cds known only between 1878-1879.rnrnProvenance: Collection Y. Nakri AIEP, DF, Geneva, 30 June 2017, lot 60196.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHFLot# : 1575 Bulgaria
Russo-Turkish War 1880: Prepaid cover from Burgas to Constantinople, struck on despatch with bilingual "POSHTA / BURGAS" circular datestamp (Feb 21) superb in blue (Tchilinghirian as fig. 79, now with "Posta" instead of "Burgas" at top) of the Russian Civil Post Office and straight line "FRANCO" in blue - of a type also recorded from Sliven. Constantinople arrival on reverse of a very fine cover, the discovery example of this datestamp. Rare.rnrnProvenance: Corinphila sale 202, 19 Nov 2015, lot 650.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 1576 Bulgaria
ROPIT 1879: Russian Levant 7 k. carmine & green, a single example used on 1882 cover from Varna to Constantinople tied by oval framed "R.O.P.I.T. / VARNA" datestamp (Nov 25) in blue (unrecorded by Tchilinghirian) and Constantinople ROPIT Office of arrival on reverse in black (Nov 27). A superb and extremely rare cover - the sole recorded franked usage from this ROPIT Office. Unique. Cert. Mikulski. rnrnProvenance: Collection 'Pavlovsk', Corinphila sale 92, 2-9 March 1996, lot 4760.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 5,000 CHFLot# : 1577 Bulgaria
ROPIT 1881: Entire letter sent unpaid from the ROPiT Office in Varna to the ROPiT Office in Burgas, struck with oval framed "R.O.P.I.T / VARNA" datestamp (Sept 10) in greenish-black (Tchilinghirian unrecorded - but of the Burgas type) on reverse and blue crayon "T" at left, obverse with "R.O.P.I.T. / BURGAS" arrival of the following day, a most unusual usage between two Bulgarian ROPiT offices. A remarkable and unique rarity from this small ROPiT Office. Certificate Mikulski (1991).rnrnProvenance: Collection 'Pavlovsk', Corinphila sale 92, 2-9 March 1996, lot 4759.rnrnStarting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 7,500 CHFLot# : 1578 Bulgaria
ROPIT 1884: Russian Levant 7 k. blue, a vertical pair used on 1886 registered cover from Burgas to Brousse, Turkey tied by wonderful strike of oval framed "R.O.P.I.T. / AGENT V. BURGASYE" datestamp (April 26j) in blue (Tchilinghirian fig. 86). Oval "T" at right in blue as paid at internal Russian rate only. Reverse with ROPiT Constaninople arrival in black. Transferred to the Turkish P.O. in Constantinople (May 10g) and taxed on arrival in Brousse with Turkey 1886 2 pi. orange & pale blue (Michel 52) tied on arrival (May 15g) for the internal leg of the journey. Some negligible aging but a magnificent and rare cover of great appeal.rnrnProvenance: Collection Karajanov, Corinphila sale 133, 6 June 2002, lot 1100.rnrnStarting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 7,000 CHFLot# : 1579 Bulgaria
1882, 3 s. orange and yellow, background inverted, used, attractively cancelled, beautifully centered, vivid fresh colour, strong bright impression, very fine example of this rare error; nine recorded, signed by Karaivanoff and Holcombe. Gi = €3'500.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,500 CHFLot# : 1580 Bulgaria
1885: '50' st. on 1 fr. black on red, lithographed surcharge, used on registered 1898 cover to Budapest tied by bilingual ROUSTCHOUK cds (Dec 13) in black. Registration cachet at left and reverse with Budapest arrival cds (Dec 27). A late usage but paying the correct rate, file fold well away from the rare adhesive. Cert. Franz See AIEP (1973) Mi = € 3'000.rnProvenance: Corinphila sale 133, June 2002, lot 1210.rnNote: For a similar usage, see Dr. G. Popov 'Bulgariens Provisorien' page 30.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 600 CHF
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