Tradition und Erfahrung in klassischer Philatelie seit 1919


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  • Losnr. : 476 Frankreich

    1780/1890ca.: Collection 85 prephilatelic or stampless covers in and from France, primarily to Switzerland incl. 1780 from Noyers-Ménard and 1783 from Gacé, both to Morges showing "P.P.P.P." (Port payé en Passe Paris), "P: PAYÉ PARIS" in red 1824/25, framed "DEP. LIMIT." in red from Mulhouse and Guebwiller, 1842 cursive handstamp "37 / Allevard", "Comon d'instron publique" with tax control paraphe in red on revolutionary period lettersheet to Sevres, 1791 LIMOGES to Cologne, 1812/27 four entires with "P. 6 P. ANNONAY" to Lyon, "Deb. 68 LYON" on 1823 entire from ALAIS, 1812 "BANLIEU DE LYON" entire, 1825 "P. 12 P. MARSEILLE with handwritten "Franco frontière" to Morges, 1824 "P. 71 P. LA FLECHE with handwritten "affr. jusqu'à Pontarlier" to Morges, 1852 Marseille to Morges with taxation handstamp "35 cs" in red, in addition stampless covers from Morges to France (6), from old Italian States to France (9), from Austria (2), from the USA (2), from old German States (4), from French Guyana 1843, six entires within Italy, thre from Department conquis 1809/1812, Fieldpost covers incl. 1855 "CORPS EXPEDITIONNAIRE d'ITALIE", "CORPS EXPEDITIONNAIRE DES MERS DE CHINE" from Mai Phong, Vietnam to Brest, 1895 "Corps expeditionnaire de Madagascar" Diego-Suarez, 1838/40 two covers of the Chambre des Deputes, 1851 Assemblé nationale and ca. 1870 "III ARMEE GENERAL WERDER" on envelope to Strassburg.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 500 CHF

    Losnr. : 529 Div. Franz. Kolonien

    1859/1950ca.: Interesting Collection thousands stamps used/unused from French colonies incl. General Issues with Eagles, Napoleon and Cérès values showing in addition cancellation interest such as crisp "COCHINCHINE SAIGON 76" cds on 1872 Cérès 4 c. grey, A.E.F. & A.O.F. incl. large dealer series, Bénin with 1992 BENIN ovpts. on Dubois definitives and postage due, Cameroun, Alexandrie, Anjouan, Diego-Suarez, PO's in the Levant with early ovpt. Sage definitives, Tahiti with 1893 diagonal ovpts on Dubois type definitives and on postage due, Zanzibar 1894 ovpts., PO's in China, Congo français with 1891/92 ovpts on Dubois and 1892 ovpts on postage due, 1891 packet stamps, Cote d'Ivoire, Dahomey, Gabon with 1896 & 1888 ovpts on Dubois and 1889 ovpts on postage due, Guinée française, Guyane française with 1886/88 ovpts on Cérès and Sage, Haute-Volta, Inini, Indochine with early ovpts., 1945/48 VIET-NAM ovpts. on Indochina commemorative stamps, postage due and packet stamps, Madagascar with 1889/91 ovpts on Dubois and 1891 Numeral definitives, Martinique, Niger, Nouvelle-Calédonie with NCE ovpts on Sage, Océanie, Réunion with ovpts on Napoleon, Eagle, Cérès and Sage, Saint-Pierre et Miquelon with early SPM ovpts, Sénégal with 1887 ovpts. on Dubois, rare types included, Soudan with 1894 ovpt., Togo, Wallis & Futuna, Cilicien, Syria & Lebanon, Mayotte, Postes Serbes. An impressive lot with several sought after issues with an enormous catalogue value in six albums. To be studied carefully.
    Ausruf : 3.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 11.500 CHF

    Losnr. : 368 Grenada

    1795 (April 25): Entire letter from St. Georges, Grenada to Lancaster, struck on reverse flap with "GRENADA / Crown" handstamp in black. London arrival (June 26) and charged 1 s. 6 d. to pay in manuscript on receipt. Spike hole and creasing but a fine early entire with news of the Fédon Rebellion: "You will before this have heard the situation of the Islandof Grenada which is very alarming, on the 3rd of March an insurrection took place here, the Mulattos & Blacks in two different towns in the Island murdered all the white people and then took to the Woods where they have formned a very strong Camp, and every night brings fresh scenes of their depredations, they have at this time burned the principal parts of the Estates in the Island that lies any distance from the town of St. Georges, and every white inhabitant that they get hold of they cut off their head immediately...they are about 10 or 12 thousand strong. I have been commanding an armed schooner to keep them from getting any supply from Guadeloupe...". A fascinating and historic entire: it is interesting that the French settlers get no blame in the letter.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 320 CHF

    Losnr. : 482 Frankreich

    1849/1900ca: Interesting Lot 160 entires/covers incl. 1851 Cérès 25 c. on insufficiently franked cover, 1852 10 c. bistre on local cover Evreux to Paris, 1850 two examples 25 c. blue on overfranked cover St. Malo to Laval, 1851 Pair 40 c. orange on cover Calais to the UK, marked as underpaid, Présidence 25 c. blue with sheet margin, 1855 printed matter rate on mourning covers, 1853 Rouen local letter, 1854/62 20 c. blue on laiteux resp. azure, 1859 triple rate cover with strip of four 20 c., 1864 80 c. carmine on triple rate cover, 1861, two part covers with pair resp. strip of four 80 c. rose, sent to Buenos Ayres, 1862/73 three entires with postage due, 1868 mixed franking Napoléon perf. 5 c. green (2) anf Napoléon lauré 20 c. blue to Switzerland, 1867 Napoléon perf. 20 c. blue with sheet margin on cover, two examples on 1865 cover to Madrid, 80 c. in pair on cover to Veracruz, 1870 Napoléon lauré 4 c. grey in a strip of five Lyon to Chambery, 20 c. blue showing variety 'la corne', two examples on two entires, another example on entire to Italy, covers to Switzerland and Germany, 1868 cover to New York with pair Napoléon 80 c. rose, 1870 Bordeaux 20 c. blue type 1 report 1, two Ballon-monté covers transported with the 'Général Uhrich' with full content and the 'l'Armée de la Loire', as well as 1874 pair Cérès 80 c. rose on entire Paris to Veracruz. Has to be studied carefully.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 479 Frankreich

    1810/1912ca.: Interesting Lot 190 covers, postcard and stationaries incl. 1810 cover Paris to Fribourg Switzerland, 1841 Forwarder cover New Orleans to Austria given to the postal services in Le Havre, 1854 French PO in Alexandria Egypt with 90 c. to Zürich, 1864 Napoleon perf. four-colour franking tied by blue Anchor handstamp on Mediterranean Shipmail cover to Lyon with 'Carmel' ship cds alongside, 1871 cover with Napoleon 5 c. green in block of four, 1871 cover front from Paris to Puebla Mexico with Napoleon laureated 80 c. (3) and 30 c. (2), three 1871 September covers with diff. stamp combinations, value letters, Bordeaux issue frankings, mail abroad, primarily to Switzerland, 1888 stationery postcard despatched on French vessel nearby Aden, 1892 registered cover to Argentine with Avis de reception, 1891/96 Russian Imperial visit stationery, items from French colonies such as China with Hankeou and Shanghai Local Post, Tonkin 1900 Nam-Dinh red band cover, 1912 Tuyen-Quang registered cover to Switzerland with mixed franking, and 1903 Port Said Egypte postcard. To be examined.
    Ausruf : 750 CHF
    Zuschlag : 900 CHF

    Losnr. : 299 Italien

    1768 (Feb 2): Entire letter from Naples to London endorsed 'via Ostend', struck with NAPOLI handstamp (normally used as a provenance marking) in yellow, with London Bishop Mark "FE/26" displaying well on flap and scarce circular "O'CLOCK / 5 / W" Westminster time marking alongside. Charged 1 shilling due in manuscript.  An interesting letter stating that the artist Pietro "Fabris has delivered one picture, for which we have paid him £35, he says another is almost finished which he will bring us very soon..(Gabriele) Ricciardelli had begun several of thos you ordered, but he has been ill for above two months...we have paid Mr. Gorse £42 for the chest of claret, he is gone upon a jaunt to Rome with Mr. & Mrs. Hamilton..".rnrnNote: Pietro Fabris (1740-1792), artist, also under the patronage of Sir William Hamilton.rn         Gabriele Ricciardelli (1690-1777c.), artist, specialised in land and seascapes.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 200 CHF

    Losnr. : 483 Frankreich

    1850/1960ca: Interesting Lot 70 covers from France and 120 covers/part covers from French colonies incl. February 1850 double weight cover with pair of the Cérès 20 c. black, October 1870 cover sent with the Ballon monté "Louis-Blanc", January 1871 cover to Bruxelles sent directly after the end of the Ballons montés, 1872 double weight cover with mixed franking of French and German stamps, 1873 private precursor postcard, 1869 Martinique three colour Eagle franking on part cover, 1893 Obock cover with mixed franking, 1902 registered cover to Germany with "NT MADAGASCAR" cds, 1904 Diego Suarez cover and postcard with bisected provisional stamps, 1907 Tahiti postcard with mixed franking, 1910 Djibouti registered cover,  better Levant cancellations such as Dedeagh and Dardanelles, Cameroon French Occupation, 1915 Postes aux Armes cover and free franking expeditionary forces postcard, 1916 Cameroun covers using French occupation franking and German obliterators, and 1940 Cameroon Douala Spitfire day cover. A lot which has to be studied carefully to be fully appreciated.
    Ausruf : 1.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.500 CHF

    Losnr. : 522 Franz. Post in der Levante

    1865/1880ca: Lot 170 used stamps or pieces and five covers from French Post offices abroad or Algeria incl. 1873 Tunis to Marseille with Siège 40 c. in a strip of three tied by 5107 Gros ciffre, 1879 Pointe-a-Pitre to Bordeaux with colonial Cérès 25 c. blue tied by corresponding Paquebot cancellation, 1882 Smyrne to Paris with blue cds, 1865 Salonque to Avignon with Napoléon perf. 10 c. & 40 c., pieces with cancellations of La Guayra, Port Cabello, Mexico, Cap Haitien, and Buenos Ayres, Levant Post offices with Varna Petit Chiffre 4018 in blue, Smyrna, Dardanelles, Alexandrette, Mersina, Galatz, Salonique, Beyrouth, Alexandria, Jaffa, Port Said, Shanghai, Yokohama, as well as post offices from Algeria incl. Guelma, Medeah, Arzeh, Blidah, Bouffarick, Setif, Tlemcen, and Bougie among others.
    Ausruf : 600 CHF
    Zuschlag : 700 CHF

    Losnr. : 466 Frankreich

    1849/72: Interesting Collection hundreds of stamps primarily used, collected in a specialised manner, some examples in mixed condition, incl. 1849 Cérès 20 c. black unused, with Jan 8 1849 cds, and as 1862 reprint, 20 c. blue not issued as a 1862 reprint, 1 fr. carmine, pairs of 10c. bistre to 40 c. orange, Présidence 10 c. bistre and 25 c. blue unused, Napoléon imperf. collected in a specialised way for shades, printing flaws, also in multiples, with sheet margin on cover, diff. perforations such as Percé en ligne, Susse, both on cover, reprints, Napoléon perf. again collected very specialised with shades and printing flaws, shifted perforation, Napoléon laureated with 5 fr. grey (2), 1 c. to 20 c. unused, large cancellation interest, 1871 Napoléon green on blue (3), also in a strip of three as part of a mixed franking, Bordeaux, partially also in unused condition, compl. report reconstruction, and 1871/75 Cérès, in addition postage due 1871/78 40 c. blue and 60 c. bistre as well as 50 covers.
    Ausruf : 2.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 4.200 CHF

    Losnr. : 497 Frankreich

    French Occupation of Fezzan 1943 (July 18): Registered envelope bearing 1943 Pittorica di Libia ovpt. "FEZZAN Occupation Française 5 frs." in red on 50 c. black & olive in a vert. pair together with parcel stamps 1 f. on 5 c. brown (pair), 1 f. on 50 c. orange (two vert. pairs) and 1 f. on 1 l. violet (block of five & single on reverse), all tied by SEBHA FEZZAN cds's with corresponding Italian registration label alongside, sent to Yaounde in Cameroun, front and reverse with two postal control handstamps of AEF and Cameroun, transit Douala (Sept. 25) and Yaounde arrival (Sept 28) cds's. Extremely rare stamps with a printrun of 85 examples for the ovpt. 1 l. parcel stamp, with this cover bearing six of these. Signed Alberto and Giulio Bolaffi Sassone 7+13+15+16 = € 56'500+.
    Ausruf : 9.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 520 Franz. Post in der Levante

    1863 (July 24): Entire from Alexandria to Basel, Switzerland, forwarded to Zug, bearing a mixed franking of Napoléon imperf. 80 c. rose and Napoléon perf. 10 c. bistre, two fine and fresh examples with large margins and good perf., respectively, tied by '5080' numeral lozenge of the French PO in Alexandrie with "ALEXANDRIE 24 JUIL. 63 EGYPTE" cds, framed PD and French entry "PAQ. AN. V. SUEZ 2 AOUT 63 AMB. MARS. 2"cds in red alongside, reverse with Paris and Basel transit and Zug arrival (5 AUG. 63) cds's. Light fold through the stamps but an interesting franking and charming entire. Postage is 50 c. from Egypt to France and 40 c. from France to Switzerland.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 150 CHF

    Losnr. : 546 Griechenland

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 20+22
    Incoming mail from Austria (1862): Double rate Entire sent unpaid from Trieste to Nauplion struck with framed "TRIEST 26/10" datestamp and rated "6/30" (Kr.) in blue ink (twice 3 Kr. local Trieste land rate and twice 15 Kr. Lloyd ship fee = 110 lepta), with 1862/67 20 l. blue, four examples and 80 l. carmine, overall fresh to fine with fair to large margins all round, tied by 'Nauplion' datestamps (Oct 20, julian) on arrival, reverse with Athens transit (Oct 18 62). The Austrian taxation of 110 lepta and the double rate for Greece of 40 lepta resulted in '150' (lepta ) noted in red crayon, the difference between the handwritten taxation of 150 l. and the added postage due of 160 l. is not clear to the describer. 
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 340 CHF

    Losnr. : 491 Frankreich

    French Occupation of Fezzan 1943: Airmail envelope from Yaounde Cameroun to Zouar in northern Tchad, bearing France Libre 2 fr. & 4 fr. definitives tied by Yaounde (March 23, 1943) cds with AEF postal administration handstamp alongside, reverse with BANGUI transit cds (April 3), forwarded to Sebha Fezzan, bearing on reverse Libia postage due 10 c. blue ovpt. "FEZZAN Occupation Française Taxe 1 Fr." in a vert. strip of three, the two upper stamps showing variety: double surcharge in black and red, all tied by SEBHA FEZZAN cds's (June 11, 1943). Extremely rare postage due with a printrun of only 95 examples, with this cover bearing three of them. Signed Alberto and Giulio Bolaffi, A. Diena Sassone 2+2a.
    Ausruf : 4.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 241 Estland

    Estonia under Swedish rule 1703 (Dec. 28): Entire Letter within Reval / Tallinn, sent by private courier outside the postal system from the Royal Swedish command General Major Horn to Captain Lieutnant Hinrich Schleyer giving order how to treat deserters, front with well preserved wax seal, in very good condition. An interesting cover during the first years of the Great Northern War (1700-1721) when Swedish controlled Estonia and Livland was attacked by Russian troops under Peter the Great who started to build St. Petersburg in 1703.rnProvenance: Harry von Hofmann collection, 359. Köhler auction (March 2015), lot 5003, offered with his original notes.
    Ausruf : 100 CHF
    Zuschlag : 360 CHF

    Losnr. : 384 Bulgarien

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 86K
    1911 (Feb 14): 50 st. orange-brown & black, a superb used example with Error "Centre Inverted", fresh and very fine, lightly cancelled by part Philippopel cds in black. An exceptional example of this great rarity, it is believed there are no more than 25 examples extant, possibly less. Signed Zagorsky Scott 97a = $ 4'250/Gi 167a = £ 7'000/Mi = € 7'500.rnrnNote: All known examples are used from Philippopel / Plovdiv. The error occurred as the bicoloured issue was printed first in one colour and then passed through the printer again for the second. The error remained un-noticed until discovered in 1918 by Nichola Kochanov in Sofia.
    Ausruf : 2.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 4.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 403 Dänemark

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 3+6+8+9
    1854/57: 2 sk. blue with 16 sk. lilac and 1858 8 sk. green, all with good to large margins on three sides, but touched or cut on the fourth, together with 1863 pin perforated 4 sk. reddish brown, all used on 1863 cover to Stroud, forwarded to Totnes, tied by '1' numerals of Copenhagen in black. Copenhagen despatch cds at left (4/8), London red transit cds (AU 7 63) in red, and Stroud numeral '757' alongside.  Reverse with Hamburg datestamps in black and red, Stroud Gloucestershire transit and Totnes arrival (AU 9) cds's. Some toning at left but a rare four colour mixed-issue franking paying the 30 skilling rate. Cert. Eichele (2018).
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 400 CHF

    Losnr. : 269 Danzig

    1802 (Sept 14): Registered entire letter from Danzig to Bordeaux, prepaid as far as Wesel with '6½' in red crayon, struck with both CHARGÉ and PAR WESEL in black (Van der Linden fig. 2138) at Maseyck with manuscript registration docket number '2272 Maseick' at top with "1o g." (1 ounce, 1 gros) weight alongside. Further struck in transit in Paris with CHARGÉ in red and charged on arrival in décimes at 15 francs 40 centimes. A rare and most unusual entire.rnrnNote: Rate breakdown: Normal rate 24 sols to Paris + 10 sols from Paris to Bordeaux.rn        1 ounce, 1 gros weight: 4½ x 34 sols = 153 sols = rounded up to 77 décimes.rn         Registration for double rate 77 x 2 = 154 décimes or 15 francs 4 décimes.
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : 460 CHF

    Losnr. : 307 Lettland

    Latvia under Swedish rule 1638: Lettersheet from Riga to Stockholm, sent by the council of Riga with an extensive honorific address to "Dem Erlauchten HochWohlgebohrnen Herrn Herrn Jacobo de La Gardie Graffen zur Ekhollm, Herrn zur Dagdö, Kolk, Ryda und Rundsön, Rittern. Königl. Maijtts und Reichs Schweden, Rath, Marsch. Vormundt. Auch General Velthern, Praesidenten des Königl. Kriegs-Gerichts zu Stockholm und Landt Richter in Uplandt p. - Unserem Gnägigen Herrn", reverse with well preserved paper seal, in very good condition. Shown in Harry von Hofmann "Lettland 1625-1915/18 Das Postwesenauf dem Territorium der späteren Republik Lettland", page 11.rnProvenance: Harry von Hofmann collection, 359. Köhler auction (March 2015), lot 5117, offered with his original notes.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 550 CHF

    Losnr. : 495 Frankreich

    French Occupation of Fezzan 1943 (July 6): Registered envelope bearing 1943 Pittorica di Libia ovpt. "FEZZAN Occupation Française 5 frs." in red on 50 c. black & olive in a upper left corner marginal hor. pair together with Airmail 0,50 on 50 c. brown in a block of four, all tied by SEBHA FEZZAN cds's with corresponding Italian registration label and AEF postal administration handstamp alongside, sent to Brazzaville, censorship strip, reverse with arrival (Aug. 2) cds. Rare Airmail stamp with a printrun of only 352 examples. Signed Alberto and Giulio Bolaffi, A. Diena Sassone 7+PA3 = € 17'500+.
    Ausruf : 2.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 246 Frankreich

    1 / 1
    Incoming Mail 1696 (Jan 5): Entire letter from Amsterdam to a banker in St. Malo, written in English, testifying to the death of the writer's husband 'whom God was pleased to call out of the World' and corroborated by his brother; struck on entry at Lille with superb strike of small formate "D'HOLLANDE" handstamp in black (Van der Linden fig. 969 = 8 pts., sole recorded year of use / Lenain 50). Manuscript charge '26' (sols) on front panel. Slightly weak file folds but one of the rarest of all French entry markings. Cert. Van der Linden (1996).
    Ausruf : 350 CHF
    Zuschlag : 440 CHF

    Losnr. : 465 Frankreich

    1849/1965ca: Interesting Collection and Lot hundreds stamps used/unused, incl. Cérès 1849 15 c. green, 40 c. orange (2) and 1 f. carmine, Presidence 10 c. bistre, Empire imperf. 1 f. carmine, Napoleon laureated 5 f. grey-violet (3), one with a crisp '5080' lozenge of Alexandria, 1871 unissued Napoleon laureated '10' on 10 c. bistre (defective), 1868 newspaper stamps imperf & perf, 1859 postage due, 1868 telegraph stamps imperf & perf, Bordeaux, Sage, 1881/92 postage due up to 2 f. and 5 f. black, 1914 orphelins, compl. set up to 5 f., 1923 Bordeaux congress unmounted og., 1925 Paris & 1925 Strasbourg souvenir sheets (marginal defects), 1936 Vue de Paris & Burelage used, and PEXIP souvernir sheet.
    Ausruf : 1.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 4.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 547 Griechenland

    1 / 7
    / /
    Katalognummer : 22a
    1861/1882: Large Hermes Heads, the unused collection with 1861 Paris printing 2 l., 20 l. and a fine large margined 80 l. carmine horizontal pair with large part og., 1862/67 consecutive printing 40 l. red-violet on bright blue (Mi 21/I = € 2'000) with large margins all round (cert. Simmermacher, 2009) and a superb corner marginal block of six of the 80 l. rose (cert. RPSL, 1956), some further fine examples from 1871/72 printings with 40 l. pair (cert. Simmermacher), 1876 Paris 30 l. and 60 l. (2, one is corner marginal), 1880 1 l., 10 l., 20 l. and 40 l. all overprinted SPECIMEN in black, 1882 20 l. carmine with sheet margin at left etc. (37 items).
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.300 CHF

    Losnr. : 271 Div. Deutschland Sammlungen/Posten

    1644/1812 Germany - France, two volume collection 90 entire letters showing diff. entry markings and rates of diff. exchange offices from  Lille with 1668 letter from cologne with '4' Patars marking, 'd/cologne' in manuscript and D'ALLEMAGNE hs. (7), Naumur office with D'HOLLANDE (2), Paris office with single line HAMBOURG (6) and 'P.P.P.P' on 1781 letter to Genova IT, MASEYK office (7), Anvers (7), Hamburg (2), postal route Trier and Lieser (9), Metz (2) as well as Sedan (10) incl. PAR MASEYK hs. in red, mainly fine strikes and markings with some good provenances as Manfred Jacques.
    Ausruf : 1.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.900 CHF

    Losnr. : 345 Portugal

    1702 (Nov 3): Entire letter, original written on Oct 7th, mailed from Madeira to London during War of the Grand Alliance, with manuscript "Forwarded by 13 Dec 1702, Saml & Jos. Clarke" (thus probably at Amsterdam) with London Bishop Mark on reverse "DE/16" in black and charged 3 shillings to pay. An interesting letter: "We have no notice how matter stand between us and Portugal nor whether our Grand Fleete gone. Our hopes are that these people will be neutral..". Portugal joined the Alliance with the League of Augsburg, Denmark and the Netherlands against France & Spain.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 200 CHF

    Losnr. : 367 Kap der Guten Hoffnung

    1791 (April 26): Entire letter from Cape of Good Hope to Stuttgart, datelined at base of letter "Vor Gebürg der Guten Hoffnung" and full date, docketed on face panel "Porto vob 2 briefen / von Amsterdam 2 guilden 12 kreuzer / betrifft also nur 1 Brief 1 guilden 6 kreuzer"; with fine readable contents from First Lieutenant Acherwald concerning the First Lieutenant von Franquements, Officer of the Cape Regiment, Herzog Karl Eugen of Hohenasperg serving in the East India Company. Internal docketing of receipt November 10, 1791. A rare and early entire that displays well.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 432 Frankreich

    1871/75: Cérès 10 c. bistre on rose in a horizontal pair and single 80 c. carmine, used on 1876 entire letter to Mexico City tied by 'Paris / R. Milton' cds's (June 19). Carried via St. Nazaire on the Paquebot 'Ville St., Nazaire', the reverse with superb strike of octagonal LIGNE B / PAQ. FR. No. 4 datestamp (June 20) in black (Salles fig. 1432). Vera Cruz cds on reverse (July 14) and obverse with charge marking "35cs." altered to "25cs." in black. Opens well for display, a most attractive entire.
    Ausruf : 120 CHF
    Zuschlag : 200 CHF

    Losnr. : 480 Frankreich

    1849/1874: The collection on leaves with 1849 Cérès 20 c. on cover, 1853 40 c. and 80 c. on 1860 cover to Lima, Peru; 1853 40 c. pair on 1859 cover to Mauritius with bold "Packet Letter" arrival, 1867 cover with 40 c. tied by Suez '5105' gros chiffres, 1867 cover with 40 c. pair tied by Anchor lozenge with 'Cuba' Consular mark below, 1869 cover to Odessa, Russia with Laureated 20 c. and 80 c., 1871 cover from Paris to St. Malo with Siège 20 c. tied in red, 1874 cover to Moscow with 1871/75 80 c. pair, 1872 three colour 2 fr. 60 c. franking to Havana etc. Condition varies but an attractive group (18 covers + 2 stamps).
    Ausruf : 750 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 492 Frankreich

    French Occupation of Fezzan 1943 (May 19): Airmail envelope bearing 1943 Pittorica di Libia ovpt. "FEZZAN Occupation Française 10 frs." in red on 1,25 l. blue in a vert. pair, the upper stamp with variety: double overprint, tied by MOURZOUK 19 MAI 1943 R.F. FEZZAN" cds with corresponding registration label alongside, sent to Sebha, reverse with arrival cds of the next day. Extremely rare stamp with a printrun of only 181 examples, only few pairs of normal stamp and variety are known, signed Calves and E. Diena Sassone 8+8a = ca € 30'000.
    Ausruf : 2.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 393 Bulgarien

    1 / 5
    / / /
    Katalognummer : 66/68 Ums
    1907 (Aug 15): 20th Anniversary of the reign Ferdinand I, the collection on leaves with progressive Proof in bright carmine for the 10 st., 5 st. green in an imperforate block of four (Mi 66U = € 440), 10 st. red-brown imperforate card paper Proof pair and block of four, 25 st. blue in an imperf. pair (Mi 68U = € 400); 5 st. green imperforate between stamp and margin used, unused 5 st. block with double perforation variety, 10 st. imperf. between stamp and margin at base unused, 10 st. imperforate between vertical pairs unused (3) and used, 25 st. imperf. between pairs unused (4), usages on covers (2) and Money Orders (2). A charming and highly catalogued assembly (21 items). Ex collection Earl Galitz.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 480 CHF

    Losnr. : 284 Grossbritannien

    1788 (Feb 14): Entire letter from Lerwick, Shetland Islands to Kirkland House, Leven mailed via Leith and struck with fine two line EDINBURGH / SHIP LRE in red (Robertson S1). Charged '5' in manuscript with '1' (penny) for Ship's Captain deleted. Edinburgh Bishop Mark "MR/8" in red displaying well on reverse. Some weak folds but a scarce entire, unusually for this period written by a Lady, one Barbara Ross, complaining of an unpaid debt from two years before for the provision of stockings.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 360 CHF

    Losnr. : 481 Frankreich

    1803/05: Selection of dated circular postmarks in red (19) or black (5, scarce) applied on reverse of in total 24 letters indicating year, day and month of the French Republican Calendar (1793/1805), incl. some Paris Route postmarks as 'D.4.E', 'G.6.E', 'G.5.E' OR 'T.4.E', all in black, as well as Departement handstamps as 55/SARRE LIBRE in red, P.25.P. ST.-VALLIER, 49/VITRY-LE/FRANCAIS or 58/CHAUMONT (LOISE). All fine and scarce. The revolutionary system was designed in part to remove all religious and royalist influences from the calendar, and was part of a larger attempt at decimalisation in France, which also included decimal time of day.
    Ausruf : 850 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 322 Malta

    1783 (Oct 11): Entire letter written in German from Malta to Heilbronn endorsed 'par Augsbourg', addressed to a 'Senateur de la Ville libre et Imperiale de Heilbronn', mailed via Messina with provenance handstamp MESSINA applied in yellow in transit at Naples (Van der Linden fig. 1990D, earliest recorded use by five years). Manuscript '10' (grana) for Naples with manuscript 'd'Italie' alongside, '8' (kreuzer) for Austrian charge at Innsbruck and '16' kreuzer total due in red crayon on arrival. A very rare entire.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 228 Tschechoslowakei

    Bohemia 1754 (Sept 13): Entire letter from Töplitz near Prague to Nancy, France via Cassel and Maseyck, struck with extremely rare PAR MASEYCK in black (Van der Linden fig. 2137, first and only year of use) applied in Sedan with 'Franco' deleted by "Cito" (Express) in manuscript. A plethora of rate markings in manuscript: Töplitz-Leipzig ( 2 groschen), then Leipzig-Cassel (3 gr.), Kassel-Warburg 1½ gr. with resulting '4½' in red ink at right, 14 Brabant sols and a final '22' sols to pay upon receipt. Rare.
    Ausruf : 350 CHF
    Zuschlag : 440 CHF

    Losnr. : 425 Frankreich

    Cuba 1862: 10 c. bistre in a horizontal strip of four and single 80 c. carmine, used on 1867 double rate cover from Havana, Cuba to Mexico, lightly cancelled by Anchor lozenge of dots in black. Reverse with circular LIGNE B / PAQ. FR. No. 1 datestamp (Aug 6) in black (Salles fig. 1431) and carried on the Paquebot 'Panama' which arrived at Vera Cruz on August 13th. Struck on arrival with "4" (reales) due marking in black. An attractive and scarce usage.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 200 CHF

    Losnr. : 551 Griechenland

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 13
    Dedeagatch 1913: Cover to Volos franked by 1913 provisional 10 l. blue, discoloured due to glue on reverse as these stamps were issued without gum, with part circular Control cachet and tied by straight in red, mailed to the Bank of Greece in Volos with manuscript 3/9/13 in red on front and Volos arrival cds on reverse (Sept 14) in black. A very rare cover. Signed Orestis Vlastos.rnrnNote: The issue date in both Michel and Stanley Gibbons is erroneous. The Hellas catalogue correctly states September 2, 1913 as the day of issue.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 240 CHF

    Losnr. : 506 Franz. Guyana

    French Guyana 1921 (July 9): Typographed from Woodblock Plate, 75 c. violet on orange buff paper, rouletted on two sides and imperforate at right and at base, an unused example with large part oval Control cachet 'TRANSPORT / ST. LAURENT' in red, without gum as issued. Small thin at left, a fine example of an extremely rare stamp with just 120 examples issued. Signed Brun Gi 1 = £ 1'700/Scott CL2 = $ 2'600/Maury 2 = € 2'600/Yvert = € 2'300.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 650 CHF

    Losnr. : 420 Frankreich

    1860 (March 21): Entire letter to Montevideo, Uruguay, written in Le Havre, franked with Napoleon imperf. 10 c. bistre, touched at base and 20 c. blue, a fine example, both with fresh colours and tied by '1495' numeral lozenge, red "P.P." and "BUREAU-MARITIME HAVRE 21 MARS 60" alongside. Part paid cover to the United Kingdom from where it should have been sent with British vessel to its destination, however there are no further British datestamps proving this.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 150 CHF

    Losnr. : 444 Frankreich

    Postage due 1863: Typography 15 c. black type I, a fresh irregular block of 16 from the left side of the printing sheet showing gutter at right and sheet margin at left, positions 8-10, 13-15, 16-20 and 21-25, (two vert. folds through first and fourth column, hor. fold through pos. 16, pinhole at position 22, thin in pos. 24), in unmounted og condition. This multiple shows transfer varieties in pos. 17 & 21 Yvert = € 1'300 for four unused blocks of four / Maury 3/IB = € 810 for four unused blocks of four.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 449 Frankreich

    1 / 1
    1886: Entire from Nimes to Bagnols bearing Sage 10 c. black in a vert. pair and 25 c. bistre (def.), tied by NIMES Bd GAMBETTA cds (June 19), underfranked and therefore taxed with postage due Typographie 1878 60 c. blue and Duval 15 c. black (def.), tied by "BAGNOLS-SUR-CEZE 11 JUIN 86 GARD" cds's. Letter of the fifth weight rate instead of the fourth weight rate, postage 120 c. for an unfranked or underfranked item minus the actual franking of 45 c. Cert. Brun (2019) Yvert = € 1'600+.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 350 Russland

    1775 (March 20): Entire double rate letter from St. Petersburg to Beaune endorsed 'fco Wesel', struck with superb framed ST. PETERSBOVRG despatch in black (Dobbin 0.02 = 8 pts.). Reverse with Russian charge '44' kopeks in manuscript and obverse with superb strike of PAR MASEYCK in red applied in Sedan on entry (Van der Linden fig. 2137). Manuscript 'dl' at top denoting doube letter and charged with '4' Brabant sols and, at right "3#2 = 32 sols x 2 = 64 sols to pay. A fine and attractive entire.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 460 CHF

    Losnr. : 450 Frankreich

    1 / 1
    1890: Ennvelope from Stuttgart to Saint Leu bearing German Empire 10 pf carmine in a strip of four (rightmost stamp def. at top right), tied by STUTTGART cds (Feb. 13), underfranked and therefore taxed upon arrival with postage due Typographie 1878 60 c. blue and Duval 10 c.  and 30 c. black, tied by indistinct St. Leu cds's (Feb. 14). The cover shows some tear and wear, still an interesting postal history item. Cert. Brun (2019) Yvert = € 1'600+.
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : 900 CHF

    Losnr. : 478 Frankreich

    1849/50: Cérès 20 c. black on yellowish, an irregular block of six and a horizontal pair, margins touched to large, tied to large part piece by multiple strikes of the mute Paris Star in black - rare and of fine appearance but with faults; 40 c. orange in a vertical pair with margins all round used on 1851 Ladies' envelope to London cancelled by 'grille sans fin', 1 fr. carmine in a rich shade with touched to large margins all round used on 1853 cover front to Nismes from Versailles; and an 1871 cover with Bordeaux 40 c. orange used from Bourges.
    Ausruf : 600 CHF
    Zuschlag : 800 CHF

    Losnr. : 372 Belgien

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 18+17
    1865: 1 fr. violet and 40 c. rose used on cover to the French Consul in San Francisco, USA tied by dotted '12' lozenge of Anvers with cds adjacent (April 30) and framed 'PD' in black. Circular "N. York Am. Pkt. / Paid' datestamp at right in red and manuscript '20' credit to USA in red ink. Reverse with both 'Angleterre Par Ouest 1' (April 30) and 'Etats-Unis Par Ostende' (May 1) above scarce "AM. PACKET" handstamp all in black. An unusual and attractive cover.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 800 CHF

    Losnr. : 309 Lettland

    Latvia under Swedish rule 1640 (Nov. 10): Lettersheet from Riga to Stockholm, sent with an extensive honorific address to "Dehnen Erlauchten Hoch und Wohlgebornen Herren Hern Praesidenten und Assesoribus Des Hochlöblich & Königl: Ober- & Kriegs Gerichts Zu Stockholm ... Respectiv Hoch Gnädigen Undt Hochgebietenden Herrn Dienst Untertänigst", reverse with well preserved wax seal, backed inside but in general in good condition. rnProvenance: Harry von Hofmann collection, 359. Köhler auction (March 2015), lot 5118, offered with his original notes.
    Ausruf : 100 CHF
    Zuschlag : 300 CHF

    Losnr. : 543 Griechenland

    1835 (May 13): Disinfected tiny entire letter (contents refer to 'the usual Romanian courier') from Salonica to Trieste with reverse flap displaying well, missent to Livorno in error with a notation of payment due at top of cover for the amount of 1'230 sous (florini); with large part framed LAZZARETTO SAN / ROCCO DI LIVORNO cachet alongside and the entire presumably returned as enclosure and handstamped by circular NETTO E FUORA ET DI DENTRO circular cachet applied in Rothenthurn. An unusual entire.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 280 CHF

    Losnr. : 308 Lettland

    Latvia under Swedish rule 1638 (Okt. 28): Private Lettersheet from Riga to Stockholm, sent with an extensive honorific address by Melcher Droding to "Dhen Wolgebornen Edlen Herrn Clas Flemming Erbgesessener zu Willnäss Uundt Nornäss Der Reich Sweden Rats Admiral Landrichter zu Süder Finland Uund General Stathalter zu Stockholm Meinen Gnädigen Herrn", in fine condition. Shown in Harry von Hofmann "Lettland 1625-1915/18 Das Postwesen auf dem Territorium der späteren Republik Lettland", page 10.rnProvenance: Harry von Hofmann collection, 359. Köhler auction (March 2015), lot 5116.
    Ausruf : 120 CHF
    Zuschlag : 360 CHF

    Losnr. : 359 Spanien

    1660/1798: Selection of 20 letters from the Iberian Peninsula, incl. early 1660 Forwarder from Madrid to Italy, 1684 letter from Cadiz to Livorno, 1693 letter from Napoli via Spanish P.O. in Genova to Madrid, 1737 letter taxed with 2 L 14 c. sent 'via di Francia' from Barcelona to Genova, 'B.Cataluna' h.s. on 1776 letter to Palermo, 1786 Crown cancel and ANDALUCIA/VA XA on letter from Malaga to Napoli (signed Vollmeier), 1789 'V/VALEN/CIA oval h.s. on letter to Genova, taxed with £2.6, together with four printed documents from Naples to Madrid as well as four letters from Lisbon to Italy.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 700 CHF

    Losnr. : 548 Griechenland

    1861/1970: Old time collection witth several hundred stamps used and partly as well as unused, showing a broad variety in large and small Hermes Heads incl. surcharged values, those all with colour shades and diff. cancellations, further issues as 1896 Olympic games and later sets, Revolution issues of 1922, aimail set 1926 and later issues,1933 Zeppelin set, 1951 Reconstruction set, surcharged values, postage dues, welfare issues and such with value added tax and many more, mainly in good condition and housed in one album.
    Ausruf : 1.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.400 CHF

    Losnr. : 464 Frankreich

    1849/1940ca: Collection hundreds of stamps primarily used in mixed condition incl. 1849 Cérès 15 c. green, 1 fr. carmine (2), Présidence 10 c. bistre, Napoléon perf. 80 c. unused, 5 fr. grey, Bordeaux, Sage incl. cancellation interest, Blanc with Millesiemes, Orphelins 1917,1922,1926 up to 5 Fr used and unused, Sourire du Reims, diff. types of the landscape definitives of the 1930s, 1936 Airmail set and Burelage used/unused, PEXIP souvenir sheet unused and on cover, in addition postage due and 39 covers.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 3.600 CHF

    Losnr. : 232 Belgien

    1704 (Sept 26): Entire letter from Leiden, Netherlands to Nancy, endorsed in manuscript 'Franco par Liege' as Lille, the usual entry point to France, was closed due to the War of the Spanish Succession. Struck at Namur with small format LIEGE handstamp in black (Van der Linden fig. 1927 = 7 pts., sole year of use, believed but four examples known). Reverse with '3' (sols) credit for Liege-Namur and rated '9' sols to pay upon arrival in Nancy. Rare.
    Ausruf : 175 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 518 Franz. Post in der Levante

    1852: Entire letter from Smyrna to Syros struck with "Smyrne / Turquie" cds in black and fine EUROTAS French Paquebot datestamp (July 26) in black (Salles fig. 775), applied on the return leg of the Eurotas's maiden and only 1852 voyage (the ship only did six in total prior to being sunk in Alexandria harbour in 1854). Disinfected with slits and charged '60' lepta due for a double weight letter. Scarce.
    Ausruf : 120 CHF
    Zuschlag : 220 CHF

    Losnr. : 391 Bulgarien

    1 / 1
    Katalognummer : 30+33 var
    Parcel Post 1945 (Jan): 1 leva deep carmine, perf. 11½, optd. "All for the Front" in three lines in Cyrillic in black, an unused marginal pair with first stamp showing variety "Overprint Double, One Inverted" and 20 l. brown in an unused horizontal strip of three, marginal from left of sheet, variety "Imperforate Vertically Between" second and third stamps, both items encased within original P.V.Karaivanoff certificates (1948 and 1945); scarce and unlisted in Michel. 
    Ausruf : 120 CHF
    Zuschlag : 130 CHF

    Losnr. : 296 Italien

    1650 (Aug. 30) Doge Francesco da Molin, the 99. Doge of Venice (1646-1655): Vellum manuscript addressed to the Nobel Bernardo Donati, Capitaneo Verone, written and signed by the official secretary  Gio(vanni) Alvise Vincenti with archive note on reverse written by a second hand: "Che si spediscail castellario / del Castel Vecchio a Peschiera". Although the official lead seal is missing, a fine early document with attached transcription by Dott.ssa Loretta Piccinini.rnProvenance: Collection P. Vollmeier
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 550 CHF

    Losnr. : 394 Bulgarien

    1906/1915c.: Balance of a collection with focus on Balkan War with 1912 set of three on covers/cards (9) incl. one cancelled on Tirnovo-Rustschuk TPO, 1913 stampless Military cover from Quartermaster at Sliven to Nova Zagora, two covers from newly occupied Lovengrad in Dec 1912 from the Commandant's Office and another in 1913 from the Field Hospital with cachets, Romania 1906 set mint and on covers cards (3) and Silistria unused block of six, Turkey covers, Macedonia with unissued 1906 unused set, pictures and cards of Ferdinand I etc.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 340 CHF

    Losnr. : 550 Griechenland

    1 / 1
    Katalognummer : 1/3
    Dedeagatch 1913 (July 18): Complete sheets of eight (3) each showing one 5 lepta black, four 10 lepta with one tête-bêche and vertical strip of three of the 25 lepta, each the sheet either vertically imperforate at sides, imperf. at base or imperf. at top and at base; each struck with three circular Anchor Control cachets (Fleet of the Aegean) in red; also a group of the hastily printed forgeries on blued paper unused (6) and used (6) issued on September 25, 1913. A scarce group Mi = € 540+.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 200 CHF

    Losnr. : 422 Frankreich

    1853: 80 c. carmine, two examples used on 1860 envelope endorsed 'voie Anglaise de Southampton pour le Brésil', each tied by '2703' petit chiffres of Rochefort-Sur-Mer (July 5) with framed 'P.P.' in red, addressed to a Naval Lieutenant on board the Frigate "La Pandore, Station du Brésil et la Plata", with London transit cds in red on obverse. One stamp with small marginal fault but a scarce and attractive cover.
    Ausruf : 175 CHF
    Zuschlag : 300 CHF

    Losnr. : 498 Frankreich

    1 / 1
    French Occupation of Fezzan 1943: Overprinted Parcel stamps, compl. set of seven values from 1 f. on 5 c. brown to 1 f. on 4 l. grey, all in hor. pairs tied by SEBHA FEZZAN cds's to pieces. Extremely rare stamps with a printrun between 35 examples for the ovpt. 4 l. parcel stamp and up to 90 examples for the ovpt. centesimi values, nearly impossible to assemble again. Signed Alberto Bolaffi; cert. Giulio Bolaffi (1980) Sassone 13-19 = € 164'000+.
    Ausruf : 9.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 270 Div. Deutschland Sammlungen/Posten

    1600/1820: Album 50 letters Germany domestic mail, starting with 1648 entire letter from Speyer with triple 'cito' marking to Wormsthal, 1651 receipt of Oehringen, Württemberg, 1644 letter from Speyer with 'Franco Frankfurth' at '4 Gutegr.' to Osterode, Hannover, further diff. markings and rates by T&T, letters from Prussia, Rostock to Frankfurt (1757), manuscript markings as 'de Kempten', 'frey Hamburg' as well as single line hs. 'V.HOF' single line hs. 'frco Nrnbg' on 1788 letter to Kempten.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 320 Malta

    1766 (April 8 and 15): Entire letter from Rome to Malta, the original added to one week later in a different hand, carried via Naples and Messina (Sicily) to Malta, with "Roma" straight line handstamp in yellow (as Van der Linden fig. 2450B, this being the un-illustrated type) applied in Naples and docketing on side panel at left "1.8" (1 taro, 8 piccoli ?). Acid ink fault at base but a scarce entire.
    Ausruf : 120 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 291 Irland

    1782 (Nov 18): Entire letter from Dublin to Cognac, France endorsed 'Post Paid' at top, with manuscript '6' (pence) in red ink, Dublin and London strikes of different circular POST / PAID in dull and bright red respectively; circular Bishop Mark "NO/18" of despatch displaying well on flap and circular "D'A/B" (D'Angleterre par Brussels) in blue (Van der Linden fig. 871). Charged '30' sols due in manuscript on delivery (docketed internally Dec 9). A fine and scarce entire.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 532 Ungarn

    1 / 1
    Katalognummer : 10
    1871: Engraved 5 kr. red, a single and horizontal pair, used on 1873 registered cover from Sibinj to Oriovac, tied by bold strikes of the rare SIBINJ circular datestamp (5/12) in black (Gudlin = 800 pts.). Circular 'Preporuceno / Recomandirt' registration cachet with docket number '146' in manuscript and framed Croatian 'Too Late' and 'Declared' handsstamps at right. Some manuscript docketing but opens well for Exhibit display.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 200 CHF

    Losnr. : 248 Frankreich

    1 / 1
    1704 (July 30): Entire letter from Aix La Chapelle to Nancy, struck on entry at Lille with superb strike of "DE.COLOGNE" handstamp in black (Van der Linden fig. 944 = 10 pts.) in use during the War of the Spanish Succession. Rated '28' (sols) in manuscript on front panel. The letter with weak folds and unobtrusive spike hole in centre but of great rarity, there being but two examples of this marking recorded. Cert. Van der Linden (1995).
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 500 CHF

    Losnr. : 429 Frankreich

    1871 (Sept. 7): So called September entire from Vienne to Lyon, bearing a mixed franking of Siège 20 c. blue and Bordeaux 5 c. green, two fine and fresh examples with large margins and good perf., respectively, tied by '4199' numeral lozenge Vienne with "VIENNE 7 SEPT 71 (37)" cds alongside, reverse with Lyon arrival (8 SEPT. 71) cds. Attractive presentation of the increased inland rate which had to be covered with mixed frankings due to the lack of a 25 c. - stamp.
    Ausruf : 100 CHF
    Zuschlag : 100 CHF

    Losnr. : 353 Russland

    1785 (Aug 15): Entire letter from Moscow to Lyon, France struck at upper right with 'MOSCOV' despatch handstamp in black (Dobbin 0.02A = 7 pts.) with flap showing Russian rate '39-44' kopeks. Manuscript 'frW.' at lower left (franco Wesel), MASEYCK handstamp of transit in black and rated '32' sols to pay upon receipt. Some damp aging but not unattractive and a fine strike of a scarce marking. Ex collection Adler.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 190 CHF

    Losnr. : 488 Franz. Somaliküste

    1 / 1
    1902 (April 8): Registered Envelope from Djibouti to Cairo, sent from the French Legation in Ethiopia, franked with 1894/1902 40 c. orange & green-blue on front ant two examples of 0,05 on 75 c violet-brown on orange on reverse, all tied by "COTE FRANCAISE DES SOMALIS DJIBOUTI 8 AVRIL 02" in blue, octogonal 'R' in blue alongside, reverse with Caire (19 IV 02) arrival cds. An impressive cover, cert. Bolaffi (1974).
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 412 Finnland

    1 / 1
    Katalognummer : 46
    1891: 3 r. 50 k. black & light grey, a fine used example, tied by neat trilingual Helsinki - Helsingfors cds (March 1st, 1900) to large format value envelope with a total insurance amount of 4'200 mark, sent to Ryttylä, reverse closed with business and postal administration wax seals. The stamp slightly overpaying the rate and some toning but a very scarce usage. Mi = € 8'000 / Facit 46 = 75'000 skr.
    Ausruf : 750 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.300 CHF

    Losnr. : 287 Grossbritannien

    1665/1735: Selection of 16 letters or lettersheets from England, incl. 1686/88 two incoming letters to London with Bishop Mark MA/7 and IA/30 respectively, 1675 Venturini letter to Livorno, 1725 letter 'Franco p. Turin'  from London to Siena showing London FPO hs. in red, 1735 incoming letter from New York to London, D'ANGLETERRE hs. in black on 1789 letter to Genova as well as on two 1789 letters to Morges and Yverdon in Switzerland, further two letters from Lissabon to London 1764/73 together with to merchant letters from London to Madeira. A fine and choice group.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 500 CHF

    Losnr. : 255 Frankreich

    Incoming Mail 1790 (June 15): Entire letter from Berlin to St. Quentin, France via Maseyck and Paris, endorsed at lower left "mit Wechsel an werth P500", and underlined in red with '10' stuyver in same ink; struck in transit with MASEYCK handstamp in black and, in Paris with "CHARGÉ" registration handstamp in red (Lenain 60, in use two years). Charged '50' sols due in manuscript upon receipt, the equivalent of a double letter. A rare and quite charming entire.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 200 CHF

    Losnr. : 442 Frankreich

    1902 (June 25): Letter and autograph by the hand of Emile Zola (1840-1902) in which he writes from Milano (to his publisher?) that he will send him very soon the first chapters of 'Vérité', one of his last publications. 'Vérité' was the third out of four volumes of his last cycle of novels 'Quatre Evangiles' of which his last volume was never finished, as Zola died only three months later due to a carbon dioxide poising when heating his flat.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 550 CHF

    Losnr. : 534 Ungarn

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 10a
    1871: Registered envelope from Mehadia to Temesvar bearing Engraved 5 kr. carmine, a single and a pair, overall fine and fresh, tied by "MEHADIA 23/6" cds's (Gudlin = 250 points) with "AJANLOTT SZ" alongside, reverse with "TEMESVAR AJANLOTT 2./6 74" arrival cds. One corner fault and cover slightly shortened at top, but an appealing item. Mehadia in the Banat-Serbian Military Border district is now located in Romania.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 190 CHF

    Losnr. : 252 Frankreich

    Incoming Mail 1763 (April 9): Entire letter from Speyer to St. Diez, Lorraine endorsed 'p. Strasbourg' with manuscript despatch "de Spire" and struck on entry at Strabourg with "R:HAVSEN" straight line in black (Van der Linden fig. 2431, earliest recorded usage), and charged '8' sols due upon delivery. A rare entire, the 'Rheinhausen' marking is misleading in that the letter went nowhere near the town itself.
    Ausruf : 175 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 428 Frankreich

    1870: Siège 10 c. bistre, 20 c. blue and defective 1870 Bordeaux 40 c. orange, all used on 1871 cover from Chaussin to a Military Doctor in Cetinje, Montenegro; tied by '986' gros chiffres in black with Chaussin cds (Oct 10) at left. Framed 'P.P.' in red and reversse with Triest transit datestamp (Oct 13) and CATTARO cds. Despite faults an attractive and scarce mixed issue franking to an extraordinarily scarce destination at this date.
    Ausruf : 120 CHF
    Zuschlag : 360 CHF

    Losnr. : 415 Frankreich

    1744 (Aug. 22): Louis XV King of France and Navarre (1710-1774) known as Louis the Beloved, pre-printed parchment document with partial wax seal attached issued in Metz and signed by the King 'Par le Roi': Louis. Fine large document concerning the convocation or staffing of the new founded Batallion of the Infantry Regiment in Ponthieu. The 'Régiment de Ponthieu' known from 1776 onwards as 'Régiment d’Austrasie' or '8th 'Régiment d’Infanterie de Ligne' and remained part of French Army until the Regiment was disbanded in 1998.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 850 CHF

    Losnr. : 244 Finnland

    1779 (April 25): Entire letter written from Helsingborg to Weisenberg (now Rakvere, Estonia) endorsed on obverse "per Stockholm, Finlands, Peterburg, Narva" struck in transit with fine 'ST. PETERSBOVRG.' handstamnp in black (Dobbin 0.01B = 8 pts.). Reverse flap with "Franco Lilla Abborfrss" (Ahvenkoski) in manuscript. Prepaid to Swedish border at 10 silver öre, 12 kopeks to Narva, charged on arrival 29 kopeks due to pay; docketed on reverse. A rare and splendid entire.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 800 CHF

    Losnr. : 493 Frankreich

    1 / 1
    French Occupation of Fezzan 1943 (June 15): Airmail envelope bearing 1943 0,50 on 50 c. violet, Pittorica di Libia 1 f. on 25 c. blue and Airmail 0,50 on 50 c. brown, tied by SEBHA FEZZAN datestamp with "PAR AVION" handstamp alongside, sent to Zouar in Northern Tchad, reverse with arrival cds. Very rare stamps with small printruns of about 350 examples, signed Bloch and Roumet, cert. Calves (2009) Sassone 11+12+PA3 = € 6'900.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 265 Bayern

    1773 (May 28): Entire letter from Augsburg, Bavaria to St. Etienne, mailed via Rastatt and Strassbourg where struck with D'ALLEMAGNE entry marking in black (Van der Linden fig. 886), prepaid as far as Strassbourg at '12' kreuzer on reverse and charged '33' sols du upon receipt (24 sols for a letter from Germany + 9 sols for Paris-St. Etienne). A fine entire - complete with some of the original cloth samples inside.
    Ausruf : 120 CHF
    Zuschlag : 120 CHF

    Losnr. : 528 Div. Franz. Kolonien

    1892/1967ca: Collection hundreds used/unused stamps from Cote des Somalis and Obock incl. Cote de Somalis with 1894 DJ and DJIBOUTI ovpts. on Obock Dubois issues as well as on Méharistes 1 fr. on 5 fr., 1894 Vues de Djibouti definitives up to 50 fr. blue & rose, 1899/1902 ovpts on this issue up to 0,75 on 5 fr., 1902 Guerriers and later definitive and commemorative issue s, , postage due, Obock with 1892 Dubois with bend 'Obock' ovpts and straight OBOCK and numeral ovpts, 1893 Méharistes triangular stamps, 1894 Guerriers issue with bisected stamps on pieces and 1894 triangular Méharistes definitives up to 50 fr., as well as postage due with straight OBOCK ovpts. up to 2 fr. brown.
    Ausruf : 800 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 237 Belgien

    Incoming Mail 1793 (July 9): Entire letter from Cadiz to Gand / Ghent endorsed 'via Coruña' at left, struck with straight line CADIZ despatch in red. The entire carried via England with unusual manuscript notation of rates at top: "Deboursé  en angleterre 13 / pour ordinaire 6 = 19" (sols) due to pay. The rate from England was 1/6d. = 13 sols + Thurn & Taxis Post charge of 6 sols for a letter under ¼ ounce. A scarce and appealing entire.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 220 CHF

    Losnr. : 542 Griechenland

    1821: Entire letter begun from Athens (March 12) and continued in Corfu, Ionian Islands (April 17) mailed to Dublin, Ireland struck with circular ISOLE IONIE handstamp in bluish ink with '5d.' manuscriot inserted, disinfected with vertical slits at Otranto with straight line OTRANTO in red, manuscript '15' on front applied at Naples in grana, Venice, Augsburg, to London (May 24) and to Dublin where charged '6/-' (shillings) in manuscript. An unusual entire.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 550 CHF

    Losnr. : 305 Italien

    1600/1805: Selection 18 entire letters starting with Corsini letter from Hamburg to Florence, five letters with markings of the Mantova exchange office (1666/1777), Trient exchange office (2) including letter from Amberg to Brescia (1788), red 'Germania' hs. on 1796 letter from Nuremberg to Napoli, further high boxed 'MILAN/F' hs. in violett, red and blue of which one to Kempten, another to Port Maurice / Genes (forwarded from Zurich) and the third in blue on entire from Augsburg to Torino. A fine group.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 400 CHF

    Losnr. : 407 Finnland

    1 / 1
    1866: 5 Penni dark brown on brownish paper due to light gum treatement on top, nearly compl. perforation and also showing variety: horiz. rouletted through the middle of the stamp, in addition 5 Penni brown lila bloc of four, perforation cut by scissors and cancelled "ABO 01/10 1873" and 40 Penni carmin with ink mark and boxed "NY (BORG)". Two Certs Schwenson 2013 MI 5+9 = € 1'740/Facit = SEK 5'275.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 300 CHF

    Losnr. : 267 Dt. Reich

    1787 (July 28): Entire letter at double rate from Remscheid to Bordeaux endorsed at top "de Wermerskirchen", struck there with superb framed "DE / WK " Posthorn" handstamp in black (Feuser 3855-1 = 1'500). Manuscript rate of '35' (sols) to pay upon arrival in Bordeaux. The letter would have travelled via Köln, Aachen, Lille and Paris. A great rarity of Rhineland Postal History in outstanding quality.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 473 Frankreich

    1853/60: Small correspondence (5 covers) to Padua / Padova, three franked by 1853 20 c. blue and 40 c. orange, one unusual 1862 cover from Cherbourg with blue label applied over manuscript "Affranchisement Insuffisant" and twice struck with "PD" in red, two further covers similarly franked from Paris and Cherbourg; another cover with 1853 20 c. deep blue and pair of 40 c. oranage tied by lozenge of 'gros points', and a stampless cover with large "32" charge marking in black.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 306 Italien

    1646/1805: Album 40 entire letters, incl. 1669 letter showin large 'L' of Lyon to Genova, 1669 letter from Messina to Genova bearing larg 'N' of Napoli together with two entires showing large 'V' of Venice, both to Genova, further a choice selection of diff. handstamps of the Napoli P.O. in Rome with 13 entires showing 'Genova' hs. in black (5) or red (8), 'Germania' (5), 'Milano' in black and red, NAPOLI (3), PALERMO, Roma, Romagna (3) and Toscana (2) in red. Fine.
    Ausruf : 750 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 549 Griechenland

    1866/83: Lot six entires / lettersheets incl. 1866 London via Brindisi incoming to Patras with 10 l. & 80 l. used as postage due upon arrival, 1870 Syros to Genova with the same franking used in this case as definitives, May 1876 Kerkyra on Corfu to Venezia with 10 l. & 20 l. definitives, and three items with 30 l. UPU frankings to Venezia, Padova, and Trieste showing 30 l. brown Paris and Athens print and 30 l. blue. Interesting ensemble.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 533 Ungarn

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    Katalognummer : 10a
    1871: Two lettersheets sent in 1872/73 from Orsova to Temesvar bearing each fine and fresh examples of Engraved 5 kr. carmine, tied by ALT-ORSOVA or ORSOVA cds's, reverse with Temesvar arrival cds. Nice pair showing the switch from the German Alt-Orsova to the Hungarian Orsova datestamp. Orsova being an important place at the Danube, at that time the border between the Upper Danube belonging to the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Lower Danube belonging to Romania and Turkey.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 266 Bayern

    1784 (March 18): Registered entire letter from Eichstätt, Bavaria to Beaune with manuscript "v. Eichstedt" and "#" at top right, and "fco. RH" at lower left (Rheinhausen), with smudged straight line D'ALLEMAGNE in black (Van der Linden fig. 887) and large "Chargé" applied at Strassbourg on entry in black. Charged at double rate for the registration with manuscript '24' (sols) due upon receipt. Scarce and fine entire.rn 
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 517 Franz. Post in der Levante

    1802 (Jan 11): Entire letter from Constantinople to Paris endorsed 'via Vienne', thence via Semlin where disinfected with "Netto e Fuori et di Dentro" cachet on reverse in black. Forwarded, presumably in Vienna, with manuscript "G.O.G. & Co. - 6 Fevr." along flap with French "d'autriche" origin marking on front in black; charged '12' décimes due upon delivery.
    Ausruf : 100 CHF
    Zuschlag : 100 CHF

    Losnr. : 400 Kroatien

    1941/45: Collection hundreds stamps primarily in unused or unmounted og condition, incl. 1941 Yugoslavia definitive overprints, all three compl. sets, the third set signed von Fleck, 1942 Zagreb souvenir sheet perf./imperf., Ustasha Youth Organization souvenir sheet perf./imperf., 1944 Francetic colour proofs, 1945 Storm division, compl. set of three stamps, signed Velickovic, in addition postage due and compulsory surtax issues. Mounted on sheets, well written up.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 240 CHF

    Losnr. : 552 Griechenland

    Western Thrace 1913: Postal Stationery envelopes 1 pi. blue envelopes (2) with first design both pre.cancelled at Gumuldjina with negative seals on 'Panama' and 'Discret' stock; 1913 envelopes with modified inscription 1 pi. blue envelope (143 x 110 mm.) used with First Day cachet in arabic 27 September 1329 (Oct 10, 1913, gregorian) on 'Elegant' stock, 2 pi. violet envelope on 'Panama' stock with same cachet, each with Gumuldjina negative seal handstamps; 1 pi. blue envelope on 'Panama' stock with design at left (143 x 110 mm.) used with 'Soflu' red seal, and 1 pi. blue used examples (2). Scarce group (7).
    Ausruf : 120 CHF
    Zuschlag : 120 CHF

    Losnr. : 355 Russland

    1790 (Oct 4): Entire letter from St. Petersburg to Hodimont, Belgium, 'près d'Aix la Chapelle', struck on despatch with fine 'ST. PETERSBOVRG' handstamp in black (Dobbin 0.01B = 8 pts.), endorsed 'frW' (franco Wesel) at left. Manuscript 1-44 kopek charge on reverse and red '11' groschen Prussian credit, charged '7' stuyvers on arrival both marked on obverse. An attractive and scarce entire.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 150 CHF

    Losnr. : 536 Ungarn

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    Katalognummer : 11
    1873c. 5 kr. rose postal stationery envelope sent registered to Pest, cancelled by fine strike of rare GYIMES datestamp (22/6) struck in black (Gudlin = 500 pts.) - now Ghimes, Romania - with framed 'Ajanlott' at left and Engraved 1871 10 kr. blue similarly tied on reverse but overstruck by 'Pest' arrival cds. Csik Martonfalva transit adjacent (23/6) in black. Scarce cancellation.
    Ausruf : 175 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 508 Franz. Guyana

    French Guyana 1922 (Feb. 22): Part cover bearing Cayenne 'Winged Helmet' issue 1921 T.A.G. 75 c. black on chair imperforate, good to large margins and General Airmail Issue 1921 TAG 75 c. black on rose, fair to good margins together with Guyana definitive 25 c. violet, the Airmail stamps tied by AVION handstamp, all three stamps tied by "ST. LAURENT" cds's in black, cover sent within Cayenne, then forwarded. Signed Brun.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 800 CHF

    Losnr. : 499 Frankreich

    French Occupation of Fezzan 1943 (July 18): Envelope bearing 1943 parcel stamps 1 f. on 10 c. blue, an enormous top left marginal pair, tied by SEBHA FEZZAN cds's with corresponding provisional Fezzan datestamp alongside, sent to Zouar in Northern Tchad. Extremely rare stamp with a printrun of 90 examples. Signed Wolf, Alberto and Giulio Bolaffi Sassone 14 = € 16'000.
    Ausruf : 1.500 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 239 Dänemark

    1608 (pencil dated): Beautiful honorific addressed cover to Itzehoe, Schleswig Holstein addressed to the Bürgermeister and councillor of Itzehoe with manuscript below 'Belanget die schuster und tüffelmacher von Stade'. Reverse with large seal with date at base 1590. One side flap missing but a charming and early cover.rnrnProvenance: A similar cover was in the collection J. J. Engellau, Corinphila sale 65, June 1981, lot 5001.rn                   Postilijoen, Malmo, 2007.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 200 CHF

    Losnr. : 234 Belgien

    1771 (Feb 22): Entire letter written by Captain Poult of Schmid's Grisons Regiment at Namur, Austrian Netherlands to Pont au Engadine, Chur, Grisons struck with NAMUR straight line in black and endorsed 'fco. Frankfort' at lower left. Various manuscript rates on front panel '12' (kreuzer) deleted at Cologne and '14', '15' and '18' (kreuzer) all in red crayon. A rare and most appealing entire.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 320 CHF

    Losnr. : 462 Frankreich

    1849/1950: Collection several hundred stamps used/unused, incl. some better values mainland France with war orphans, Colonial issues for Algeria, AEF, AOF, Camerun, Congo, Dahomey, Reunion and others, those partly with full sets, some varieties, souvenir sheets and plenty of duplicats, in addition some issues  for British possessions overseas as Basutoland, Bechuanaland, KUT and New Zealand, good to mixed condition and housed in four stockbooks.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 440 CHF

    Losnr. : 516 Franz. Indochina Allg. Ausgaben

    1892/1950ca: Lot 220 covers from Cochinchina and primarily Tonkin incl. two 1897 covers 'Corps d'Occupation du Tonkin' from Dapcau to France, four red band covers 1901/08 from Binh Tay, Lang Son, Hanoi and the PO in Canton, covers with cancellation interest, Airmail covers with French and Dutch planes from the 1930s, 1945 VIET MINH liberation cover, in addition few stamps from Vietnam.
    Ausruf : 600 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.500 CHF

    Losnr. : 527 Div. Franz. Kolonien

    1900/70: Large accumulation with several thousand stamps used/unused covering French Post Offices and Possessions all over the world from A.E.F. up to Wallis and Futuna, noted are single stamps, full and part sets, souvenir sheets, duplicats and plenty of topical items, nicely arranged in total six stockbooks and a few small stockcards, the whole packed in a box.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 231 Belgien

    1661 (Feb 2): Entire letter from Ghent / Gand to Paris, carried under the Thurn & Taxis post, front panel showing weight "6" in manuscript alongside charge "11" (sols) applied in Paris on arrival, Reverse (displaying well at left) showing very rare Courier handstamp "IR" in black (Van der Linden fig. 1773), probably applied by the Courier when the letter began the Lille to Paris leg of the journey.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft
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