Alle Lose
Losnr. : 924 Österreich
1860/1914ca.: Briefalbum mit 50 Belegen zumeist 'Anschluss' resp. einige andere Briefe 1. Republik oder Aufdruck Österreich auf Hitler, sowie Nachportobelege 2. Republik. Dazu lose Belege mit u.a. Ansichtskarte mit Schiffsstempel "S. M. Schiff Hum", 2 Karten mit norwegischen Marken aber je Vignette 'ÖSTERREICHISCHER LLOYD TRIEST', weitere Schiffs- u. Bahnpost. Jubiläumsganzsachenpostkarte nach Burma weitergeleitet (wirklich?): Retour-R-Brief 1902 von Mexiko, Karte der Dreiländerecke, 5 Aufgaberecepissen und 3 Aufgabe-Prot. je mit attraktivem Zudruck eines Dampfschiffes der DONAU-DAMPFSCHIFF.GES. und 1 Brief adressiert an Kaiser Franz Josef I, 1 portofreier Beleg von Pola an das 'Commando SM Kanonenboot Kcrka' in Topla usw.Ausruf : 300,00 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 925 Österreich
1867/84: Interessantes Lot 14 Briefe und Vorderseiten, alle ins Ausland gerichtet dabei zehn Briefe im 15 Kr - Porto resp. 30 Kr - Doppelporto nach Italien, Grossbritannien und Deutschland. Dazu 3 Briefe im 25 Kr Porto nach 'Paris' beziehungsweise in die Schweiz. Ein eingeschriebener Brief der zweiten Gewichtsstufe nach Paris ist mit 66 Kreuzern frankiert. Die Qualität ist naturgemäss etwas gemischt. Weiterhin zwei Briefstücke, und drei Atteste.Ausruf : 1.200,00 CHFZuschlag : 1.500,00 CHFLosnr. : 926 Österreich
1872/1925: Very varied collection with page showing the 1872/74 Friedl produced "Franz Joseph Land" imperforate stamps (3, two in orange, one in green) modelled on the Cape Triangulars and two bicoloured designs showing vignette of Franz Joseph - one with initials "WB" of Weyprecht & Beyer the expedition leaders (these are all rare) and seven designs produced on their return from Franz Joseph Land, further 'Essays' produced by Friedl incl. registration label stamps, Radnittzky Essays for stationery, Postage Due covers, Registration receipts incl. one with 1867 10 kr., 1898 card with superb "Wien - Etablissement Venedig" cds, 1905 card with "Wien - Englisch Garten" cds, 1906, 1909 and 1913 Exhibition cards, 1919 Peace Conference (St. German en Laye) cover, 1918/20 covers with Customs and Censor labels etc. Ex collection Keith Tranmer.Ausruf : 200,00 CHFZuschlag : 550,00 CHFLosnr. : 927 Österreich
1892/1997: Sammlung mit über 30 älteren Sonderstempeln auf Belegen ab 19. Jahrhundert; Sammlung in 3 Ordnern 'The One Schilling Collection of Austria" enthaltend Belege die zumindest mit einem oder mehreren Schilling-Wert frankiert sind, Ganzsachen mit einem 1-Schilling Wertstempel und Briefe deren Frankatur einen Schilling ergibt. 1. und 2. Republik mit Christkindl, Kinderdorfflugpost, Bedarfsflugbelege. Auch einige lose 1-Schilling-Marken enthalten.Ausruf : 200,00 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 928 Österreich
Royalty 1900/22: Small group (7 items) with 1900 postcard with manuscript "Hof" denoting free postage, signed "Dolores" on picture side by the Archduchess and a piece with her red wafer seal "Von Erzherzogin Dolores", 1901 "Hof" card to St. Petersburg mailed with "Von Erzherzog Carl Stefan" red wafer seal, 1916 card with "Hof" in manuscrript personally written by Archduke Leopold Salvator with four line cachet and a further 1913 cover and card from the Archduke, 1922 cover and contents from Orosvar, Hungary to Mrs. Blacque Bey in Constantinople with crest of the Princess Stephanie of Belgium (married to Franz Josef's son Rudolf). An unusual group. Ex collection Keith Tranmer.Ausruf : 150,00 CHFZuschlag : 150,00 CHFLosnr. : 929 Österreich
1914/15: Album mit 63 K.u.K. Briefen, Karten, dabei div. Rotkreuz-Karten, ein eingeschr. Feldpostbrief vom Ungarischen Feldpost - Platzkommando (125) in Iwangorod (19.2.16) an das Rotkreuz Auskunftbüro in Wien, div. Feldpostkarten sowie Briefumschlag mit kompl. Inhalt von Prinzessin "Stéphanie de Belgique Lonyay", der Witwe von Kronprinz Rudolf.Ausruf : 100,00 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 930 Österreich
1918/25: Sammlung in 9 Ordnern und 3 Hüllen mit insgesamt 227 auf Blättern aufgezogenen und beschriebenen Belegen, dazu noch einige lose Belege. Bessere, teils hohe Frankaturen, interessante Destination u.a. Balkanländer wie Bulgarien und Rumänien; auch Schweden, Syrien usw. "RL" für Briefe in die Schweiz. Verwendungsformen, u.a. Express in die USA. Währungsmischfrankturen mit Schilling in der Übergangszeit.Ausruf : 1.000,00 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 931 Österreich
Losnr. : 932 Österreich
Österreich als Teil des Dt. Reichs (1938/45): Interessante Sammlung 75 Briefe, Karten, vorab Feldpost, dabei Karte vom 13.3.38 dem Ersttag der Dt. Besetzung, Feldpost 413 auf Karte vom 1. April 1938, div. Feldpoststp. von versch. Einheiten oder Ämtern in Österreich wie Reserve Lazarett 'Esplanade', weiter Territoriale Einheiten, Munitionsausgabestellen. Landesschützen, Wehrmachtsfürsorge, Luftwaffe und weitere mehr. Ein sehr reichhaltiges Angebot über Jahre zusammengetragen. Ex Sammlung Keith Tranmer.Ausruf : 250,00 CHFZuschlag : 250,00 CHFLosnr. : 933 Österreich
1938/46: German Occupation of Austria, the collection of covers/cards (160) from just before the annexation in 1938 with Hitler's Birthday cover, many covers with further special patriotic cancellations and cards including June 1939 NSDAP rally card from Tulln, thereafter a colourful range of covers and fine section of Prisoner of War covers/cards (28) mostly from different Stalags to UK or Italy and later usages to the USA; 1944 usages eventually delivered in 1946 with "Recovered P.O.W. Mail / from Europe" cachet (2, cachets different), a fine range of uses incl. Censorship etc. A most interesting lot. Ex collection Keith Tranmer.Ausruf : 250,00 CHFZuschlag : 250,00 CHFLosnr. : 934 Österreich
Military Mail 1866: War against Italy & Prussia, cover from 29th Infantry Regiment, Biedermann Brigade in Southern Army in Italy to Altlag cancelled by very fine "K.K. FELDPOST / EXPOS No. 4" cds (7/6) in black with arrival on reverse (16/6). Scarce so fine.Ausruf : 120,00 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 935 Österreich
Maritime 1870/1918: Collection of the Kriegsmarine (103 items) mostly prior to the First World War with accompanying illustrations and photographs, with range of letters and receipts from SMS Triton, 1894 form ex SMS Zrinyi at St. Vincent, 1886 letter from SM Bellona at Pola, letters and telegram from SMS Radetsky, 1870 letter from SMS Schwarzenberg at Pola with handstamped label on reverse, 1886 Turkish Telegram from SMS Taurus at Constantople to Pola, 1880 postal receipt handstamped from SMF Laudon at Cattaro with thimble cds, 1881 postal receipt with thimble cds of Castelnuovo ex SMS Narenta and an 1881 Telegram from same, 1902 postcard from Aden from SMS Zenta, 1914 card with "K.u.K. Kriegsmarine / SMS Pelikan" cds, 1908 cards from SMS Franz Josef with Japan 1½ s. purple cancelled "FUSAN / COREA" and another card from Dairen / Dalny, many more ships not mentioned, two fine volumes of seldom encountered material excellently written up by the leading specialist. Ex collection Keith Tranmer.Ausruf : 350,00 CHFZuschlag : 420,00 CHFLosnr. : 936 Österreich
1914/18: Collection of Fieldpost covers/cards (45) with accompanying illustrations, including study of the port of Pola with different cancellations and seals and card with patriotic label neatly tied, thereafter with a fine study of Torpedo Boat usages from S.M.B. 80, 81T, 82, 83T, 84F, 85F, 86, 87F, 88F, 89F, 90, 91F, 92, 93F, 94F, 96F, 98M, 99M, 100M, with some duplication and datestamps or cachets mostly struck in red or violet. A very scarce group. Ex collection Keith Tranmer.Ausruf : 150,00 CHFZuschlag : 260,00 CHFLosnr. : 937 Österreich
1914/18: Collection of Fieldpost covers/cards (69) with accompanying illustrations including privately printed patriotic colour Feldpost cards with Emperors and Generals etc (16 different), FPO usages from Scutari, Albania; usages from occupied Italy incl. scarce 1918 usages from "San Pietro al Natisone", Codroipo, Cividale del Fruili, Latisana, San Giorgio di Nogaro; further FPO cardfs and three pre-stamp entires. Ex collection Keith Tranmer.Ausruf : 150,00 CHFZuschlag : 500,00 CHFLosnr. : 938 Österreich
1914/18: Collection of Fieldpost covers/cards (167) from Austrian and Hungarian forces with accompanying illustrations and photographs with cards from the 1st. / 2nd. / 3rd. and 4th. Regiments of the "Tiroler Kaiserjäger" from a multitude of different FPO's: 64, 98, 177, 200, 207, 215, 216, 218, 221, 224, 226, 250, 291, 294, 297, 323, 395, 401, 432, 481, 510, 516, 522, 606, 612, 613, 630; postcards by War Artist's in colour of serving soldiers, together with the "Neue Freie Presse" dated 29 July 1914 containing Franz Josef's speech on the declaration of War against Serbia. Ex collection Keith Tranmer.Ausruf : 175,00 CHFZuschlag : 360,00 CHFLosnr. : 939 Österreich
Losnr. : 940 Österreich
1914/18: Collection of Fieldpost covers/cards (80) with accompanying illustrations including unusual 1917 cover from Kerchan (Turkey) to Constantinople from a female soldier or nurse censored wwith handstamp and red wafer seal, 1916 cards from Palestine with "K.u.k. Ersatz-Abteilung / der Geb. Haub. Div. v Marno" in red and in violet, 1915 card from Armoured Traiun "K.u.k. Panzerzug Nr. 2" in red (Carpathian Front), Macedonia Campaign FPO 207, 212, 335 and 519b cards, Patriotic labels on cards incl. "Gott Strafe England" label neatly tied, Red Cross cards (6), Field Hospital usages, Hospital Trains usages (6), cards from famous Officers with signatures, 1918 card to Norway with FPO and sender's regiment blacked out etc. A fine lot with much of interest to the specialist. Ex collection Keith Tranmer.Ausruf : 250,00 CHFZuschlag : 250,00 CHFLosnr. : 941 Österreich
1914/18: Collection of Fieldpost covers/cards (125) with accompanying illustrations, largely concentrating on units of Field Artillery and Mortar Batteries from many different fronts of the War, including Dec 1914 card from Metz with "30.5 cm. M. 11 Mörser Batt. No. 3" in violet, card to Switzerland with 5 h. green pair tied by "K.u.k. Artillerie Korps 12" in violet (Romanian front), cards from Mortar Batteries 1, 7, 10, 13, 15, 19, 20, 21 with cachets mostly in violet and range of different FPO cds's, Anti-Aircraft unit cachets from Hungarian FPO 91 and Austrian FPO 130 and 374, 1916 card from an Anti-Balloon artillery unit, FPO 452 card from Aleppo with "Kanonbatterie No. 20" bilingual cachet in blue, 1917 card with "K.u.k. China-Gebirgskanonenbatterie Nr. 3" cachet in violet (Guns originally ordered by China but never delivered due to outbreak of the War); together with a more general volume of Field Post Office usages incl. a scarce stamped 1916 Money Letter. Generally fine, an interesting lot. Ex collectcion Keith Tranmer.Ausruf : 250,00 CHFZuschlag : 250,00 CHFLosnr. : 942 Österreich
1914/18: Collection of Fieldpost covers/cards (68) and stamps loose and in multiples, with accompanying illustrations and ephemera with Army Newspaper stamp usages to and from the Front ex FPO's 185, 239, 333, 340 (Russia) or cancelled on arrival, 1915 cards from FPO 88 and FPO 130 used to the USA (unusual), 1915 card with Hungary 3 f. orange tied FPO 81 from 5th Army base in Serbia, Hungarian FPO 91 usage from Russia to Switzerland at 20 h. rate, 1916 cover franked 25 h. ex Feldpost 67 (Galicia) to Norway, 1916 card with "K.u.k. Ski-Jaegerabteilung", cards from famous Commanders incl. Conrad von Hötzendorf, Böhm-Ermolli, Josef Roth, Trollmann, von Strausenburg, Wenzel-Wurm etc., 1916 card from Prinz Eugen at FPO 239, 1915 card with "King Gustaf of Swede's Regiment" cachet in violet, another outstanding lot. Ex collection Keith Tranmer.Ausruf : 250,00 CHFZuschlag : 300,00 CHFLosnr. : 943 Österreich
1914/18: Collection of Fieldpost covers/cards (140) from Austrian and Hungarian forces with accompanying illustrations and photographs, from a range of Units incl. Infantry detachments, Telegraph construction unit at FPO 56, Austrian FPO's 6, 56, 73, 86, 96, 98, 109, 160, 220, 324, 369, 391, 399, 407, 431 and many more, delightful hand-illustrated 1915 card from 8th Infantry regiment ex FPO 204, another hand-illustrated 1915 card from FPO 301, Bosnian and Russian front usages, 1916/17 card and cover each handstamped "Desinfiziert" (Disinfected) in violet or red, many cards with photographs showing the writer of the card, range of coloured Red Cross cards etc. Ex collection Keith Tranmer.Ausruf : 250,00 CHFZuschlag : 320,00 CHFLosnr. : 944 Österreich
K.u.K. Luftfahrttruppen 1914/18: Interessante Sammlung von 40 Briefe/Karten von versch. Einheiten, dabei Luftschifferabteilung-Flugzeugdepot Nr. 3, Fliegerkompanie Nr. 1 bis 101 (27 Belege), Fliegerparks No. 1-9 (neun Karten), nicht alle Einheitsnummern enthalten, dennoch in diesem Umfang ein seltenes Angebot.Ausruf : 400,00 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 945 Österreich
1914/18: Ausstellungssammlung 'Stempel der Sanitästruppen' mit 163 interessanten Belegen u.a. "K. u. K. Bakteriologisches Feldlabor", "Zahnärztl. Feldambulatorium", "Mob. Epidemiespital", div. Spitalzüge, medizinische Versorgung der Kriegsgefangenen, Kriegsgräberfürsorge usw. Dazu beigegeben ca. 70 weitere Belege Weltkrieg I, u.a. 3 Blätter Kriegsmarine mit 6 Belegen.Ausruf : 500,00 CHFZuschlag : 900,00 CHFLosnr. : 946 Österreich
Austrian Shipmail, Mailing Facilities on Board of Ships, Adriatic Sea 1854 (Nov 30): Entire letter from Sebenico to the Covacevich company in Trieste, endorsed "Col Vapore" bearing 1850 9 kr. blue, Type IIIb, a superb fresh and fine adhesive with large to huges margins, tied by light strike of framed octagonal "SEBENICO .. / 1. V.L.A." datestamp (Müller 3422l = 160 points). Reverse with TRIEST arrival datestamp in red. Lightest horizontal file fold just mentioned for accuracy, a beautiful cover.Ausruf : 150,00 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 947 Österreich
Losnr. : 948 Österreich
Maritime Mail 1869/1979: Collection (circa 50 items) with four Sächsische Böhmische labels of 1869, 1898 'Unterach-Kammer No. 2' handstamp on 2 kr. stationery card used on Lake Attersee, 1894/97 cards with usges of "Heranskretchen" thimble cds, 1913 "Gruss von Bord d. Elbdampfer / Prinzessin Luise" cachet on card, further S.B.D.G. usages with cards showing ships / ship's name, mail on Lake Constance, 1922/26 "DDSG / Mauthausen" cds's on receipts etc. Ex collection Keith Tranmer.Ausruf : 150,00 CHFZuschlag : 160,00 CHFLosnr. : 949 DDSG
Syria - Incoming Mail 1856 (Sept 14): Entire letter from Elberfeld, Germany to Aleppo, with sender's cachet at top left and oval Forwarding Agent's cachet "D.P. DUTILH & COMP. / TRIESTE" in blue at lower left. From Trieste (Sept 26), carried by Lloyd Steamer and oval sunburst handstamp "AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO / ALEPPO" applied on arrival in blue (Tchilinghirian & Tranmer fig. 2), rated at '12' kreuzer in manuscript. A rare and most unusual entire. Ex collection Keith Tranmer.Ausruf : 250,00 CHFZuschlag : 360,00 CHFLosnr. : 950 DDSG
Danube Steam Navigation Co in Romania: 1870 10 kr. red, a used example on 1870 entire letter from Calafat to Braila, tied by clear "CALAFAT 15 / XI" cds of the DDSG Post Office in blue (Tchilinghirian fig. 782). Lightest vertical file fold not destracting from the fresh and very rare usage of this adhesive, from the Faranga correspondence. Ex collection Keith Tranmer Mi = € 2'200.Ausruf : 250,00 CHFZuschlag : 360,00 CHFLosnr. : 955 Österreich. Levante
Cyprus 1864c (Jan. 6): Envelope from Larnaca to Ravenna bearing 1863 2 s. yellow perf. 14 (2) in mixed franking with 1864 5 s. rose and pair 10 s. blue perf. 9½, five fine examples with overall good perfs, tied by three light to fair strikes of "LARNACA DI CIPRO 6 / 1" cds (Tranmer fig. 3) in black, the rightmost stamp struck in addition by oily SMIRNE transit cds. "P.D." and framed "PIROSCAFI POSTALI AUSTRIACI" handstamps alongside, reverse with "LLOYD AGENZIE SMIRNE" and BRINDISI transit as well as RAVENNA arrival cds's. Cover front and reverse separated and re-united with hinges, the three-colour franking of utmost rarity overpaying the Italy rate by one soldo. An exceptional postal history item of the Austrian Levant in general and Cyprus in particular. Certs. RPS (1975), Goller (2022) Ferchenbauer = € 10'000+ for a three colour-franking of the 1863 issue.rnProvenance: Spink, London, Dec 2008, lot 657.Ausruf : 5.000,00 CHFZuschlag : 7.000,00 CHFLosnr. : 956 Österreich. Levante
Cyprus 1864c (July 7): 1864 Arms 15 s. brown perf. 9½ in a vertical pair, well emossed with overall good perforation (one blunted), tied by light "LARNACA DI CIPRIO 7 / 7" cds (Tranmer fig. 3) in brown. An appealing multiple from this rare office. Opinion Goller (2022).rnProvenance: Collection Colonel J. R. Danson. Spink, London, Dec 2008, lot 656.Ausruf : 200,00 CHFZuschlag : 200,00 CHFLosnr. : 957 Österreich. Levante
Cyprus 1864 (Nov. 2): Entire letter from Larnaca to Alexandria bearing pair 1864 Arms 10 s. blue perf. 9½, good perforations and centering, tied by indistinct straight-line "LARNACA 2. NOV" datestamp (Tranmer fig. 1) in black, reverse with "ALEXANDRIEN 8 / 11" arrival cds. Light horizontal file fold well away from the adhesives not distracting from this interesting usage, the franking presenting the pre-1866 port-to-port rate. An appealing early franked usage from this rare Office. Cert. Goller (2022). Provenance: Spink, London, Dec 2008, lot 659.Ausruf : 750,00 CHFZuschlag : 750,00 CHFLosnr. : 958 Österreich. Levante
Cyprus 1867 (Feb. 4): Entire letter from Larnaca to Trieste bearing 1864 Arms 15 s. brown perf. 9½, immaculate perforations, very good centering and embossing, the superb example tied by light "LARNACA DI CIPRO 4 / 2" cds (Tranmer fig. 3) in brown, reverse with oval "TRIEST 14 / 2" arrival datestamp. The fresh and fine entire presents well the post-1866 unified Levant rate, a desirable item from this rare office. Cert. Goller (2022).rnProvenance: Spink, London, Dec 2008, lot 662.Ausruf : 750,00 CHFZuschlag : 750,00 CHFLosnr. : 959 Österreich. Levante
Cyprus 1867 (Dec.): Cover from Larnaca to Syra, internally dated "Larnaca 23 10bre 1867", franked with pair 1864 Arms 10 s. blue perf. 9½ (perf. irregularities at right), tied by indistinct "LARNACA DI CIPRO" cds (Tranmer fig. 3) in black. Reverse with "LLOYD SMIRNE 10 / 1" transit and SYROS arrival (Dec. 31, julian) cds's. Upon arrival, the cover was charged for inland postage with '20' lepta in blue crayon and a fine and fresh Large Hermes Head 20 lepta blue (Mi 19) was applied and tied by light SYROS cds. Vertical file crossing the Hermes Head, cover slightly tatty, nevertheless a desirable combination cover from this rare office, especially in combination with the Arms issue. Certs. Holcombe (1990), Goller (2022). Provenance: Spink, London, Dec 2008, lot 663.Ausruf : 750,00 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 960 Österreich. Levante
Cyprus 1869 (Jan. 6): Envelope from Larnaca to Lons-le-Saunier, Jura, France bearing pair 1864 15 s. brown perf. 9½ in mixed franking with 1867 Coarse whiskers 10 s. blue, three fine examples with overall good perfs, tied by two fair strikes of "LARNACA DI CIPRO 6 / 1" cds (Tranmer fig. 3) in brown. "P.D." in red and "A." handstamps as well as French entry (Jan. 23) cds in red alongside, reverse with TRIEST transit and French Bureau de Passage '1307' as well as "LONS-LE-SAUNIER" arrival (Jan. 24) datestamps. Cover roughly opened and backflap missing, nevertheless a fresh and fine combination franking to pay the 40 soldi rate to France. Cert. E. Diena (1991), Goller (2022). Provenance: Spink, London, Dec. 2008, lot 673.Ausruf : 1.000,00 CHFZuschlag : 4.000,00 CHFLosnr. : 961 Österreich. Levante
Cyprus 1867: Coarse whiskers 25 s. grey, 15 s. brown and pair 3 s. green, tied to piece by circular "LARNACA DI CIPRO" datestamp (Tranmer fig. 3) in brownish-black presumably reflecting the double rate to Italy. An attractive combination from this rare Office.rnProvenance: Spink , London, Dec 2008, ex lot 670.Ausruf : 750,00 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 962 Österreich. Levante
Cyprus 1870 (Jan. 4): Entire mourning letter from Larnaca to Roma, Papal States bearing 1867 Coarse whiskers 25 s. grey-lilac, overall fine perf. (some perf. toning), tied by fair "LARNACA DI CIPRO 4 / 1" cds (Tranmer fig. 3) in brown, "P.D." handstamp alongside, reverse with TRIEST transit, UDINE - Verona ambulant and ROMA arrival (Jan. 15) datestamps. Cover shows the usual ink dash applied in Rome, an attractive entire from this rare office, signed Calves & A. Diena; cert. Goller (2022). Provenance: Collection Henry W. Houser, Robson Lowe, Zurich, 18 June 1992, lot 1197; Spink, London, Dec. 2008, lot 674.Ausruf : 1.000,00 CHFZuschlag : 1.000,00 CHFLosnr. : 963 Österreich. Levante
Cyprus 1872 (Sept. 10): Registered Envelope from Larnaca to Milano bearing on front pairs of 1867 Coarse whiskers 3 s. green and 25 s. grey-violet (one repaired corner) and single example 10 s. blue, on reverse two un-cancelled examples 5 s. red (one with tear), seven overall fine examples, tied by fair strikes of "LARNACA DI CIPRO 10 / 9" cds (Tranmer fig. 3) in brown, an information strike and straight-line RACCOMANDATA handstamp in brown alongside. The large-sized envelope shows a handwritten note "Gm 34" and "Sotto recepisse = N. 93" and is directed to a member of the Government of Egypt. Reverse with "LLOYD AGENZIE SMIRNE" and BRINDISI transit datestamps. As to be expected for an object of that size, it shows edge wear and was folded vertically and horizontally without affecting the franking on obverse or reverse. A most interesting four-colour franking, with the the total amount of 76 soldi not understandable. As a third weight rate cover it should show three times 23 soldi for the postage and 10 soldi for the registration, the 10 soldi for the receipt should have been placed on the receipt itself. An exceptional item for an advanced Levant collection, exhibited at the WIPA 1933 Exhibition in Vienna. Cert. E. Diena (1991), Goller (2022) Ferchenbauer = € 8'500 for a four-colour franking. Provenance: Collection Shaida, WIPA (1933); Spink, London, Dec. 2008, lot 678.Ausruf : 2.500,00 CHFZuschlag : 3.200,00 CHFLosnr. : 964 Österreich. Levante
Cyprus 1873 (July 15): Envelope from Larnaca to Lugnano nearby Narni, Umbria, first erroneously forwarded to Lugano, Ticino bearing 1867 Coarse whiskers 3 s. green, 5 s. red and 15 s. brown, overall fine perf. (5 s. with perf. irregularities at the cover's edge), tied by fair "LARNACA DI CIPRO 15 / 7" cds (Tranmer fig. 3) in brownish black, "P.D." handstamp alongside. Reverse with "LLOYD AGENZIE SMIRNE" and BRINDISI transit as well as "GENEVE / BUREAU DES FACTEURS 26 VII 73" arrival cds's in red. There the misdirection to Switzerland was recognized and the cover was sent back to Italy with "AMELIA UMBRIA" (July 30) transit cds. Cover roughly opened, a most attractive three-colour franking from this rare office, correctly franked with 15 soldi for the Austrian Levant and eight soldi for Italy. Cert. Goller (2022). Provenance: Spink, London, Dec. 2008, lot 680.Ausruf : 1.200,00 CHFZuschlag : 1.300,00 CHFLosnr. : 965 Österreich. Levante
Cyprus 1874 (May 19): Cover from Larnaca to Piraeus, franked with pair 1867 Coarse whiskers 5 s. red, tied by "LARNACA DI CIPRO 19 / 5" cds (Tranmer fig. 3) in black. Reverse with "LLOYD SMIRNE 22 / 3" transit and PIRAEUS arrival (March 13, julian) cds's. Upon arrival, the cover was charged for inland postage with '20' lepta in red crayon and a marginal Large Hermes Head definitive 20 lepta blue (cut in at right, tear) was applied and tied by indistinct '2' numeral of Piraeus. File folds well away from the adhesives, in spite of the defective Greek stamp a desirable combination cover from this rare office, cert. Goller (2022). Provenance: Spink, London, Dec. 2008, lot 683.Ausruf : 500,00 CHFZuschlag : 500,00 CHFLosnr. : 966 Österreich. Levante
Cyprus 1876 (Oct. 17): Entire letter from Larnaca to Metelino / Mytilene bearing 1876 Coarse whiskers 10 s. blue, overall fine perf. (rounded corner at top left), tied by clear "LARNACA DI CIPRO 17 / 10" cds (Tranmer fig. 3) in black, reverse with "LLOYD SMIRNE" transit and indistinct arrival (Oct. 23) cds's. Cover partially opened at the edges, an attractive presentation of the UPU rate from this rare office, opinion Goller (2022).rnProvenance: Spink, London, Dec. 2008, lot 687.Ausruf : 400,00 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 967 Österreich. Levante
Austrian P.O.'s in Cyprus: Selection of six used examples and three pairs cancelled by circular "LARNACA DI CIPRO" datestamp (Tranmer fig. 3) in black or the typical brownish black on 1863 perf. 14 2 s. yellow, 1864 perf. 9½ 3 s. green, pair 5 s. rose, 10 s. blue, two single examples, one on large part cover to Sira, twice 15 s. brown, and pair 1867 Coarse whiskers 10 s. blue. The elusive selection includes also strikes of the two-line LARNACA datestamp (Tranmer fig. 1) in black on a single example and in the extremely rare blue colour on a pair of the 1864 10 s. blue.rnNote: Tranmer lists only one other stamp with the the blue two-line datestamp, the present pair was unknown to him. rnProvenance: Partially ex Spink, London, Dec 2008, lot 655.Ausruf : 1.000,00 CHFZuschlag : 2.200,00 CHFLosnr. : 968 Österreich. Levante
Albania 1867: 10 s. blue, a used example on 1871 entire letter to Trieste, tied by "ANTIVARI" cds (22/8) in blue (Tchilinghirian fig. 467). Reverse with Triest arrival in black. File fold well away from the adhesive, a scarce and fine entire. Cert. Puschmann (2009).Ausruf : 150,00 CHFZuschlag : 220,00 CHFLosnr. : 969 Österreich. Levante
Albania 1882/92: Cover to Ornavasso, Italy with Austrian Levant 1874 10 s. blue tied by "SAN GIOVANNI DI MEDUA" cds (April 28, 1882) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 470) via Austrian P.O. on Corfu and Brindisi, and an 1892 20 pa. on 5 kr. postal stationery card used to Limburg, Netherlands similarly tied by superb strike of the "SAN GIOVANNI DI MEDUA" cds. A scarce pair.Ausruf : 160,00 CHFZuschlag : 180,00 CHFLosnr. : 970 Österreich. Levante
Anatolian Black Sea ports 1901/14: Card franked by 20 pa. on 10 h. rose tied by bold strike of "INEBOLI / OESTERREICHISCHE POST" cds (March 16, 1901) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 1008) and a most unusual 1914 registered cover franked by 1908 2 pi. red on yellow tied by "INEBOLI / ÖSTERR. POST" code 'a' cds (July 29) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 1009), with "Controle Poste Militaire" Reseal label, held by the French authorities and released some two years into the war with Paris cds (Jan 1916). A rare pair.Ausruf : 200,00 CHFZuschlag : 650,00 CHFLosnr. : 971 Österreich. Levante
Constantinople 1834 (Oct 10): Disinfected entire letter from Constantinople to Versoix, Geneva, Switzerland, disinfected in transit with part red wax seal and two line "Geräuchert von Contumaz-Amte / SEMLIN am 23 8ber 1834" in black with various rate annotations on obverse. A scarce usage.Ausruf : 120,00 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 972 Österreich. Levante
1864: 2 s. yellow in a horizontal pair with distinct machine offset on reverse, a fresh multiple with good perforation (thins at the top left corner and at the right side outside the design), cancelled together by "CONSTANTINOPEL 20 / 12" cds. Appealing pair, opinion Ferchenbauer (2022) Ferchenbauer = € 1'300 for the pair, RR for the offset.Ausruf : 300,00 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 973 Österreich. Levante
1867: 3 s. green and 10 s. blue in a horizontal pair, used on 1873 cover to Livorno tied by "CONSTANTINOPEL" cds (20/9) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 386). "P.D." adjacent in black and reverse with Brindisi transit and Livorno arrival (Sept 25) cds. An attractive cover. Opinion Ferchenbauer (1999).Ausruf : 150,00 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 974 Österreich. Levante
1867: 2 s. yellow, a used horizontal pair tied to 1871 disinfected Printed Matter entire letter to Vienna by "CONSTANTINOPEL" cds (24/10) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 386). The letter rastel punched for disinfection including on the adhesives, and some cross-writing on obverse but a rare franking.Ausruf : 250,00 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 975 Österreich. Levante
1867/74: 10 s. blue, two examples (one on reverse) used on 1881 registered cover from Constantinople to Cette, France addressed to a Ship's Captain care of the Consulate, each tied by "CONSTANTINOPEL / LLOYD" cds's (Nov 16) in black. Framed "RECOM / No. 346" at left and straight line RECOM adjacent, thence via Brindisi (Nov 20). "Chargements / Cette" cds (Feb 17, 1882) applied and cover returned to sender with "RETOUR / A L'ENVOYEUR / 622" in red and French P.O. in Constantinople arrival (Feb 26) and "CONSTANTINOPEL" cds of Austrian P.O. (Feb 26). Cover sensibly opened for display, a most unusual returned usage.Ausruf : 120,00 CHFZuschlag : 140,00 CHFLosnr. : 976 Österreich. Levante
Crete, Austrian Lloyd Agency in Candia 1872c (Sept 2): Cover from Rethymno to Piraeus, Greece bearing 1867 coarse whiskers 10 s. blue, slight aging, neatly tied by RETTIMO datestamp (Tchilinghirian fig. 549) in black. Charged on arrival with Large Hermes 20 lepta blue tied by indistinct arrival cds. Vertical file fold well away from the adhesives, still a beautiful cover. Cert. Holcombe (1981). Ex collection Keith Tranmer.Ausruf : 150,00 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 977 Österreich. Levante
Egypt 1853: Unpaid entire letter to Marseille endorsed "Vapeur Autrichienne voie de Triest" struck with ALEXANDRIEN cds (March 8) in black with rare "AUTR. / 2 DA ANCON 2" (unrecorded by Van Der Linden) and struck twice with "A.T." in black. Single rate (9 kr.) deleted and replaced by double rate French charge '20' décimes due on arrival in Marseille (March 27). A most unusual mis-routed entire.Ausruf : 150,00 CHFZuschlag : 150,00 CHFLosnr. : 978 Österreich. Levante
Egypt 1882: 2 s. yellow Fine whiskers, a fresh example with good perforation (minute thins at the top right corner), cancelled by light thimble "ALEXANDRIEN 2 / 9 84" cds. A rarity of the Austrian Levant adhesives, cert. Ferchenbauer (2015) Ferchenbauer = € 3'500.Ausruf : 600,00 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 979 Österreich. Levante
1866/1914: Collection on leaves and loose with fine 1871 cover bearing 1867 3 s. green and pair of 10 s. blue to Genova cancelled at Constantinopel, extraordinary cover front with 1867/74 four colour franking of 3 s. green, 5 s. red, two 15 s. pale brown and a defective 10 s. tied by "Letter Arivate / Per Mare / Varna" datestamps (ex Jerger), 1910 registered cover to Manchester with scarce 1908 60 pa. and 2 x 10 pa., 1896 card from Beirut, 1894 card from Canea, card and cover from Chios, 1905/09 cards (4) from Salonich to Brussels and Geneva, 1866 cover with Arms 10 s. blue, perf. 9½ ex Smyrna, 1897 registered cover with 8 pa. on 2 kr. block of ten used from Smyrna, 1908 registered cover from Smyrna to Copenhagen, 1912 1 pi. on cover from Vathy, Packet Cards (4) used from Vienna to Constantinople etc. Condition varies but a most interesting lot (53 items).Ausruf : 350,00 CHFZuschlag : 360,00 CHFLosnr. : 980 Österreich. Levante
1867/73: Covers (4), all with Greece Large Hermes heads used to pay inland fees on arrival, with 1864 3 s. green, perf. 9½, three examples, used on 1867 cover to Corfu tied by PREVESA cds's (3/11) in black taxed with 20 l. blue on arrival tied by 'Kerkyra' cds, 1868 cover from Candia, Crete to Syra with 1864 10 s. blue pair almost entirely covered by two 20 l. blue cancelled on arrival and 1872 and 1873 covers each with 1867 10 s. blue cancelled by RETTIMO cds in black or blue, each taxed by 10 l. orange pair on arrival (one with cert. RPSL). Condition varies but a scarce group. Ex collection Keith Tranmer.Ausruf : 250,00 CHFZuschlag : 650,00 CHFLosnr. : 981 Österreich. Levante
Holyland 1867/1910: Group of covers/cards (5) with 1881 cover to Kidderminster franked by 1867/74 10 s. blue tied by fine "JERUSALEM / GERUSALEMME" cds (Tchilinghirian fig. H) via Modane, 1899 cards (2) used to Germany each with "BETHLÉEM" cachets in red, each with 10 pa. or 20 pa. adhesives cancelled in Jerusalem (fig. K) in red on Christmas Day; 1908 5 pa. green stationery envelope cancelled by "JERUSALEM / ÖSTERR. POST" code b cds in black (fig. M) and 1908 10 c. used on 1913 postcard tied by "JAFFA / ÖSTERR. POST" cds with scarce "AUS JERUSALEM / ÖSTERR. POST" handstamp alongside (fig. 3). A scarce group.Ausruf : 250,00 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 982 Österreich. Levante
Albania 1867/1913: Covers/cards (8) and a piece with this last showing 1867 5 s. red and 10 s. blue pair tied by "ANTIVARI" cds in brown (Tchilinghirian fig. 467), in combination with Turkey Dulos 1 pi. Postage Due tied by circular all Arabic "Scutari" handstamp in blue (Coles & Walker fig. 3); 1908/14 cards (3) with "DURAZZO / ÖSTERR. POST" cds's in black or in blue, 1914 cover to Trieste with 1914 20 pa. tied by "SCUTARI in ALBANIEN / ÖSTERR. POST", 1914 cover with 1908 20 pa. tied by "VALONA / ÖSTERR. POST" cds and another with 1 pi. franking to Abbazia, togther with a registered 1 pi. 20 pa. franking from Valona. A scarce group.Ausruf : 300,00 CHFZuschlag : 300,00 CHFLosnr. : 983 Österreich. Levante
Romania 1903/13: Group of three items from Constantinople with 1903 card with 20 pa. to Bucharest tied by "CONSPOLI-CONSTANTA-BUCURESCI" cds, 1906 card to Budapest with 20 pa. tied by "SMYRNE-CONSTANTIUNOPLE-CONSTANTA" cds and 1913 registered Parcel Card to Budapest franked by 1908 2 pi. and 5 pi. tied by "Constantinopel I / Osterr. Post" cds's with "ALEXANDRIA-CONSTANTA" cds (Oct 22) at base. A scarce trio.Ausruf : 200,00 CHFZuschlag : 210,00 CHFLosnr. : 984 Österreich. Levante
1895/1913: Covers/cards (6) with 1905 cover from Trebizond franked on reverse with 20 pa. pair tied by "TRAPEZUNT / ÖSTERR. POST" cds to Cosp., 1905 20 pa. on 10 h. stationery card cancelled "ADRIANOPEL / OESTERREICHISCHE POST" cds and a postcard usage, 1906 cover franked 1 pi. tied by "SAMSUN" cds of same type, and an unusual 1913 registered cover to USA from the "American Consul General at Large" with seal on reverse, franked by 1908 1 pi. pair tied "SAMSUN / ÖSTERR. POST" cds. A scarce group.Ausruf : 180,00 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 985 Polen
1920 (March 12): Already used stationery envelope of the USA 3 c. red with add. franking 3 c. violet, used again from Zbaraż, Tarnopol Voivodeship, bearing 1919 Sejm issue 1 mk. violet (Fischer 113), tied by Zbaraż cds in blue, a matching registration handstamp alongside and directed to South Norwalk, Connecticut. The obverse was struck with the scarce "C.T." in circle censorship type 2 handstamp of Tarnopol in violett, reverse with pink arrival cds (April 26). A correctly franked cover with 50 f. postage and 50 f. registration fee, cert. Petriuk PZF (2020).Ausruf : 300,00 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 986 Polen
1924 (March 8): Express envelope from Warsaw to Prague-Smichov, bearing 1924 Arms issue 500'000 mk. dark brown, a single example and a vertical strip of three and 200'000 mk light blue (Fischer 179+177), tied by "WARSZAWA 2" cds's in black, reverse with SMICHOV arrival (March 11) cds. The correct special rate to Czechoslovakia with express surcharge would have been 1'550'000 mk. in the tariff of March 1-15, 1924, the overpayment of 2'200'000 mk can be explained by the short duration of the rates in that period of hyperinflation. Following Mr. Petriuk, the largest franking known of the 500'000 mk. adhesives, cert. Petriuk PZF (2022).Ausruf : 400,00 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 987 Polen
Losnr. : 988 Polen
1919/33: Lot 14 covers / cards / postal documents with definitive stamps or postage due, incl. three covers from the period of hyperinflation in January 1924 to Germany and the USA, respectively and three documents / postcards bearing postage due in the old marka currency, partially in combination with due in the new zloty currency, one COD parcel document with a marka usage even in 1927. A most interesting lot, six certs. Petriuk PZF (2021/2022).Ausruf : 500,00 CHFZuschlag : 650,00 CHFLosnr. : 989 Portugal
1853: Dona Maria 5 r. red-brown, a used example with large margins all round, tied to 1854 Newspaper wrapper (A Nação) addressed to Vianna do Castelo by Lisbon "1" numeral obliterator and by contemporary graffiti around the frame. Lisbon despatch in blue at left (June 7) and reverse with Porto transit in blue. Rare with few examples of the 'single sheet' reduced rate known.Ausruf : 250,00 CHFZuschlag : 380,00 CHFLosnr. : 990 Portugal
1862: 25 r. rose-red, two entire letters from Lisbon to Paris, France, each with three margined single franking, mailed via St. Jean de Luz. An attractive pair, one taxed with '15' décime handstamp and the other found to be over 7½ grams and taxed '30' décimes in manuscript.Ausruf : 100,00 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 991 Portugal
1870: 5 r. black and 10 r. yellow in a horizontal pair, each cancelled on obverse of document by scarce Cintra "21" numeral obliterators, the reverse of the 1871 document receipted with imperforate 30 r. red & purple Fiscal in manuscript (10 June, 1871). Scarce.Ausruf : 100,00 CHFZuschlag : 140,00 CHFLosnr. : 992 Portugal
Losnr. : 993 Portugal
Losnr. : 994 Portugal
1870/76: 10 r. yellow, 50 r. green and 100 r. lilac, all used on 1872 cover to Brooklyn, New York tied by "1" numeral obliterators of Lisbon with oval despatch datestamp (July 9) at left in black. London transit cds (July 13) in red and crayon "6½" credit to Portugal at left, carried on Cunard steamer "China" with "New York / Paid All" cds in red of receipt (July 23) with "2 / Cents" credit marking adjacent. A charming and most attractive three colour Transatlantic franking.Ausruf : 750,00 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 995 Portugal
1853/76: Stockcard with Dona Maria 50 r. green used with large margins all round, 1855/56 Pedro V 5 r. brown, a three margin used example with small '1' numeral obliterator of Lisbon and a 100 r. lilac pair with large margins all round on piece cancelled in Porto, 1862 Borja Freire imperforate Colour Proofs for 100 r. value in orange-brown and in green on pink paper, and 1870 straight label 50 r. green in an unused pair. Scarce group.Ausruf : 250,00 CHFZuschlag : 260,00 CHFLosnr. : 996 Portugal
1853/1992: Collection housed in 3 volumes, the classic period somewwhat sparse, some fine sets in the 20's and 30's, thereafter relatively complete unused, including several better souvenir sheets, post-war issues mostly unmounted. 1948 issues for Portuguese Colonies unused, mostly unmounted og. A fine lot.Ausruf : 400,00 CHFZuschlag : 850,00 CHFLosnr. : 997 Portugal
Losnr. : 998 Portugal
1870/76: Straight label collection of covers (20), with remarkable three colour franking cover to Christiania, Norway bearing 5 r. black, 10 r. yellow and 80 r. orange tied by "219" numeral obliterators of Villa Nova de Portimão with manuscript '1½' credit in red crayon, the adhesives with faults but one of just two classic period covers known to this destination*; 1875 cover with 80 r. orange single franking to France (2) and a double rate cover with 80 r. (3) and 80 r. single frankings (2) to Brazil; 1874/75 covers (2) with 120 r. blue single frankings to Italy, further 120 r. franking to Italy with 20 r. bistre pair and single 80 r. orange; internal usages with 5 r. single franking and 5 r. and 20 r. usage, single frankings of 25 r. rose (5), double rate cover with 25 r. pair ex Villa Real de St. Antonio via Faro; condition variable but some rare frankings.rnProvenance: Collection George Pearson, Philipps, London, 22 March 1990.Ausruf : 750,00 CHFZuschlag : 750,00 CHFLosnr. : 999 Portug. Kolonien allgemein
Losnr. : 1000 Portug. Kolonien allgemein
Losnr. : 1001 Portug. Kolonien allgemein
1915/1938: Collection of forty two entires originating or incoming mainly from Portugese Colonies, here noted Lourenco Marques, Inhambane, Angola, Mozambique and Timor. Most of the outward mail is directed to Italy, the incoming items are often from Italy. A very varied lot with a number of not often seen items including three Telegrams.Ausruf : 500,00 CHFZuschlag : 600,00 CHFLosnr. : 1002 Rumänien
1846: Cover from Walachia probably to Belgrade, with complete red wax seal on reverse (similar to Kiriac fig. 61) with central Eagle and docket number '1587' in manuscript above, notation of weight at upper right "6½" (drams = 20 grams), transferred from courier system to postal system on the border with straight line "FETISLAM" handstamp in black (prior to the name change to Kladovo) with manuscript "primljeno 13 August 846". Rare.Ausruf : 750,00 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1003 Rumänien
1848: Money Letter cover from Walachia probably to Belgrade, with complete oval red wax seal on reverse, clearly dated 1847 with Eagle above and annotation of amount to accompany the letter at right. Receipted internally "1 April 48". Rare and fine cover that displays well. Ex collection Dr. S. Ostojic.Ausruf : 500,00 CHFZuschlag : 500,00 CHFLosnr. : 1004 Rumänien
French Post Office in Braila 1862: Entire letter from Braila to Athens franked by France 1853 10 c. bistre with four large margins and slightly discoloured 40 c. oange just shaved at top (Maury 13+16), tied by "5087" gros chiffres in blue with perled "BRAILA / WALLACHIE" cds (Nov 30) in blue with repeated information strike at lower left. Manuscript '50' (lepta) in red crayon and taxed with Greece 1862 1st Athens fine printing 10 l. orange on bluish overlapping 40 l. lilac on blued (Mi 12/IIa+14/II) tied by "1" Athens lozenge. Reverse with Athenms arrival cds (Dec 8j). Vertical file fold affects the 10 c. adhesive but not the appearance of a remarkable and extremely rare franking. Signed Orestis Vlastos. Cert. R. Simmermacher BPP (2003).rnrnProvenance: Collection Constantin Matheos, DF, Geneva, 12 May 2003, lot 30375.Ausruf : 1.500,00 CHFZuschlag : 2.600,00 CHFLosnr. : 1005 Rumänien
Austrian occupation during the Crimean War 1850: 6 kr. brown and 9 kr. blue, both on handmade paper in type III, fine and good to large margined examples used on 1855 entire letter to Vienna from the Kurti correspondence, cancelled by light "KK. ÖST. F.P. KRAJOVA" datestamp (Jan 30) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 735). Rastel punched, with one hole through the 6 kr. adhesive, reverse flap (opens for display) with "Alt-Orsova Rastelamt" disinfection (Jan 31) and Wien arrival (Feb 5) datestamps. Horizontal file fold just mentioned for accuracy, an attractive and scarce usage at Civilian rate through the Military Post Office period during the Crimean War. Cert. Ferchenbauer (2022).Ausruf : 500,00 CHFZuschlag : 700,00 CHFLosnr. : 1006 Rumänien
Austrian Post Office in Braila 1861 (Dec 6j/18g): Cover from Braila to Syra, Greece struck on despatch with two line "IBRAILA / 18. DIC" despatch handstamp in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 728) with reverse showing "Hermannstadt" transit cds (Dec 22), the cover travelling overland via Triest with Syros arrival (Dec 21j). Taxed on arrival at '155' lepta in red crayon, with 45 lepta credit for Levant rate and 20 lepta due for inland charge; franked by 1861 Paris Print 5 l. green on greenish, 10 l. orange on blued, 20 l. deep blue on blued and three overlapping 40 l. mauve on blued all tied by "67" dotted lozenge of Syros. Trivial imperfections but a spectacular and extremely rare cover. Cert. Simmermacher (2003).rnrnProvenance: Collection J. Hess Barr.rn Collection Constantin Matheos, DF, Geneva, 12 May 2003, lot 30056.Ausruf : 2.500,00 CHFZuschlag : 4.400,00 CHFLosnr. : 1007 Rumänien
Austrian Post Office in Braila 1866 (June 1j/13g): Cover from Galatz to Corfu, sent prepaid from Austrian P.O. with "FARNCO" straight line handstamp and "GALATZ" despatch cds (13/6) in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 744). Taxed for inland postage upon arrival with 1862/67 Athens printing 5 l. green on greenish (2) and 10 l. orange on blued, this last just touched at top, all neatly tied by "106" lozenge of dots in black. Kerkyra cds of receipt on reverse (June 14j). Small imperfections but a rare usage.Ausruf : 500,00 CHFZuschlag : 950,00 CHFLosnr. : 1008 Rumänien
1863/67: Cancellations on Austrian Levant issues with seven loose stamps and two small pieces showing JASSY, JBRAILA, GALATZ and BUCAREST cd's, including stampless 1861 letter from GALATZ to Jassy, further a small piece bearing four 1863 15 soldi brown cancelled by LLOYD KUSTENDJE cds's in black (Tchilingirian fig. 844), one stamp with corner perf. gone, but an attractive item Ex collection Rothschild Lot 1535, Oct. 1947 and Ex collection Jerger Corinphila May 2004, Lot 853.Ausruf : 200,00 CHFZuschlag : 420,00 CHFLosnr. : 1009 Rumänien
1858 (July 21): Bull's Head 27 parale black on rose horizontally laid paper, an unused example without gum, good to large margins on three sides and close at base, a fresh adhesive of delightful appearance and very fine impression, slightly repaired on reverse but an exceptional example of this great classical rarity, with just 14 examples recorded in unused condition, of which three are housed in museum collections. Signed Heimbüchler BPP Mi = € 55'000 / Gi 1 = £ 42'000.rnReference: Illustrated and described in Heimbüchler Handbook I on pages 264/265, adhesive no. 6; Edition d'Or Volume XII on page 49.rnProvenance: Austrophil (Dec 1959); Roumet (May 1961); Corinphila sale 60 (April 1978), lot 2044; 'Moldau' Grand Prix International Collection, part 2, Corinphila sale 171 (Sept 2011), lot 6020.
Certs. Heimbücheler BPP (2010) & Friedl Expert Committee (1959)
Ausruf : 25.000,00 CHFZuschlag : 40.000,00 CHFLosnr. : 1010 Rumänien
1858 (July 21): Bull's Head 54 parale green on bluish green horizontally laid paper, a superlative unused example with enormous margins all round, a fine adhesive of fresh vivid colour and very fine impression, tiny bend not destracting from the splendid appearance of this very rare stamp of this great classical rarity, with large part original gum (catalogue values are for used examples). Just 25 examples recorded in unused condition, with the present example being one of the most attractive ones in existence. Signed Köhler, A. Diena, E. Diena and Heimbüchler BPP Mi = € 22'000 / Gi 2 = £ 21'000.rnReference: Illustrated and described in Heimbüchler Handbook I on pages 300/301, adhesive no. 3; Edition d'Or Volume XII on page 49 (3).rnProvenance: Köhler sale 129 (Dec 1950), lot 1356; Shanahan sale 70 (July 1958), lot 577; Shanahan sale 77 (Nov 1958), lot 232; Collection Urwick, Robson Lowe (Sept 1964), lot 505; 'Moldau' Grand Prix International Collection, part 1, Corinphila sale 167 (Dec 2010), lot 7024.Ausruf : 15.000,00 CHFZuschlag : 36.000,00 CHFLosnr. : 1011 Rumänien
1858 (July 21): Bull's Head 81 parale blue on grey blue wove paper, a superb unused example without gum, with huge to enormous margins all round, a fresh adhesive of very fine appearance and without faults, an excellent crisp impression with minute spots as are characteristic of the nature of the delicate wove paper utilised and are no faults. A most attractive example of this great classical rarity, just 37 examples recorded in unused condition, half of them cut round or with major faults. Signed Heimbüchler BPP Mi = € 42'000 / Gi 3 = £ 40'000.rnReference: Illustrated and described in Heimbüchler Handbook I on pages 364/365, adhesive no. 2; Edition d'Or Volume XII on page 49.rnProvenance: Luder (Corinphila) 1924; 'Moldau' Grand Prix International Collection, part 2, Corinphila sale 171 (Sept 2011), lot 6022.
Cert. Heimbüchler ( 2010)
Ausruf : 25.000,00 CHFZuschlag : 40.000,00 CHFLosnr. : 1012 Rumänien
Dieses Los wurde leider wieder zurückgezogen.Losnr. : 1013 Rumänien
1858 (Nov.): 40 pa. blue on thin white wove paper, a used example with close but clear margins, used on 1858 cover, crossed to denote full payment, to Galatz tied by bold strike of "JASSY / MOLDOVA" despatch cds (211/11) in blue (Kiriac fig. 279). An attractive and scarce cover used in first month of issue.Ausruf : 300,00 CHFZuschlag : 1.900,00 CHFLosnr. : 1014 Rumänien
1864 (Sept.): Plate -printed 30 pa. blue on white wove paper, a complete sheet of forty subjects (8 x 5) of fine fresh colour, showing the "Frame Break above FRANCO" flaw on position 31 (depending on orientation) and the tête-bêche pair and stamps printed sideways, unused without gum. Sold with an article by Fritz Heimbüchler from "Der Rümaniensammler". A very scarce and attractive sheet.Ausruf : 300,00 CHFZuschlag : 460,00 CHFLosnr. : 1015 Rumänien
1862 (June): Handstruck 30 pa. blue on white wove paper, a used example on cover to the Minister of Finance in Bucharest, large to huge margins all round, tied by scarce "TURNU-SEVERIN" cds (27/8) in black (Kiriac fig. 358) with repeated information strike alongside. Reverse with 'Fortuna' red wax seal and Bucharest arrival cds (31/8). Scarce. Signed L. Pascanu.Ausruf : 250,00 CHFZuschlag : 480,00 CHFLosnr. : 1016 Rumänien
1862 (June): Handstruck 30 pa. blue on white wove paper, a used example on cover to Braila, clear to good margins all round tied by scarce usage of "BUCURESCI" cds (29/7) in red (Kiriac fig. 366) with repeated information strike at top. Braila arrival cds (30/7) in blue on reverse. Small age spot just touches corner of margin but an attractive and scarce cover.Ausruf : 200,00 CHFZuschlag : 600,00 CHFLosnr. : 1017 Rumänien
1864 (Sept.): Plate-printed 30 pa. deep blue on horizontally laid paper, an unused example with enormous margins all round and showing portion of adjoining stamp at right, minor bend unapparent on face and slight age spot at far right, unmounted og. A rare stamp so fine. Opinion Gmach (2012) Mi = € 400.Ausruf : 200,00 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1018 Rumänien
1913 (Dec. 25): Silistria / South Dobrudja issue, the Imperforate Proof set of ten values in unissued colours with additional examples of the 5 b., 25 b. and 40 b. and four unadopted Essays for the 15 b. with Mosque in different colours, fresh and fine (17 items).Ausruf : 200,00 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1019 Rumänien
Losnr. : 1020 Rumänien
Romania, Dr. Magnus (Legrand, Jacques Amable) 1869; TIMBRES DE MOLDAVIE ET DE ROUMANIE, 2ème édition, published by J.-B. Moens, Bruxelles 1869. 65 pages (first three pages loose), leather hardbound with raised spine, gold stamped spine and front. The first book dealing with Romanian philately, a very early monograph from the publishing house of Moens of utmost rarity, not in the philatelic literature collections of Garratt-Adams & Hackmey.Ausruf : 500,00 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1021 Rumänien
1866/1956: Collection in one self-designed album, beginning with the reign of Prince Carol I 1866. This issue contains 10 imperforate values in various denominations. In the classical and semi-classical period the collector accumulated mostly used items including the 1906 Jubilee Exhibition in Bucharest and the provisional issues of WWI. The 1920 series is the last issue in mainly used condition, thereafter the collection is predominantly unused. The imperforate 1926 King Ferdinand 60th Birthday issue is complete unused, as is the 1928 air mail issue. The 1932 Philatelic Exhibition Block is present in both used and unused, the 1934 Mamaya Jamboree Fund overprinted is unused with full og, the 1940 miniature sheets with perforations are also present.Ausruf : 200,00 CHFZuschlag : 300,00 CHFLosnr. : 1022 Russland
Losnr. : 1023 Russland
Losnr. : 1024 Russland Zemtsvo
1918 (21.Apr.): Gadiach (Poltava Governement) 3 Kop green and brownish red and 3 kop. brownish red and green, both with wide margins allround, each tied by "Gadiach 21 Apr. 18" cds's on local cover with 'Gadiach' arrival mark on reverse Schmidt 16+17. Small horizontal bend at base, not affecting the adhesives. Ex Fabergé Zemstvo Collection, Corinphila Dec.1999, Lot 1567.Ausruf : 250,00 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1025 Russland Zemtsvo
Ustiuzhna (Novgorod Gubernnia) 1889: 3 kop. black on rose-orange paper, an unused marginal example with good perforation and large part og. Small thin at top of reverse and lightest fold in the margin at lower right, just mentioned for accuracy, not impairing at all the attractive appearance of this adhesive of utmost rarity. Certs. RPS (2009), Furnon AIEP (2021) Schmidt 3 = RRRR / Soloviev 3 = € 75'000.rnProvenance: Collection Terry Page (2009).rnNote: One of the great rarities of the Zemstvos, when Schmidt compiled his 'Small Schmidt' in 1934 he was aware of only two examples. Later some examples were found but still a very rare stamp. Unknown to Chuchin, not in the Oleg Fabergé collection sold by Corinphila in 1999.rnAusruf : 2.000,00 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1026 Russland
1869/1900c.: ZEMSTVO Collection consisting of around eight hundred copies and a large part sheet of over sixty stamps from 'Dneprovsk' 1890 in two Albums. Among many others we noted an 1881 'Besetzk' block of eight with different types se-tenant, 'Glasov' a good run from 1888, the 1878 'Gryaovetz' 2 k. blue, 1871 'Kasimov' 3 k. black on yellowish paper, 1869 'Livny' 3 k. black on dark red, 1870 'Malmyzh' issue, 1881 'Pereslav', and a stunning 1890 'Zolontonsha' 2 kopek block of nineteen, with the bottom row turned 90 degrees counter clockwise. A fine collection with many better pieces, viewing recommended.Ausruf : 2.000,00 CHFZuschlag : 4.800,00 CHFLosnr. : 1027 Russland Zemtsvo
Russia - Zemstvo, Koprowski, Samuel 1875; Les TIMBRES-POSTE RURAUX DE RUSSIE Nomenclature générale de tous les timbres connus jusqu'à ce jour avec leur prix de vente. Précédé d'une introduction sur l'histoire des postes rurales, avec notes géographiues et historiques, illustré de 130 gravures. Hardbound 108 pages. This book was part of the personal library of J.-B. Moens, the first book edited by him, before he started to become the author of the 'Bibliothèque des Timbrophiles' series of publications, in addition the first book dealing with Russian philately at all.Ausruf : 250,00 CHFZuschlag : 250,00 CHF