Ansicht sortieren :
Losnr. : 1194 Hongkong
Losnr. : 1195 Hongkong
1891: Surcharged in English and Chinese, 20 c. on 30 c. grey-green, 50 c. on 48 c. dull purple, $ 1 on 96 c. purple on red mint, the 20 c. without gum and minor thin, the 50 c. superb mint with large part og. and excellent colour, the $ 1 with natural gum cracking and part og. Rare set Gi = £ 570.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 1196 Hongkong
Losnr. : 1197 Hongkong
Losnr. : 1198 Hongkong
Losnr. : 1199 Hongkong
1912/21: "Specimen" set of eighteen stamps (missing both 25 c. values), complete including 1 c. through to 20 c., 30 c., 50 c. with four examples incl. white back and emerald back (Gi = £ 350), £ 1, $ 2, $ 3, $ 5 with additional white back variety (Gi = £ 400) and $ 10, fresh and fine, large part og.Ausruf : 1.200 CHFZuschlag : 1.200 CHFLosnr. : 1200 Hongkong
Losnr. : 1201 Hongkong
Losnr. : 1202 Hongkong
Losnr. : 1203 Hongkong
2000 (Jan1): New Millenium, the $ 1.30 c. and $ 2.50 c., the two values in blocks of four with variety horizontal interpanneau margin between the two blocks, creased along margins, otherwise fresh and fine, unmounted og. Unusual and rare.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1204 Hongkong
2001 (Jan 1): Year of the Snake Miniature Sheet, the imperforate $ 5 miniature sheet se-tenant with perforated Miniature Sheet featuring the four values of the set, the perforated sheet diagonally overprinted "Specimen" in gold. Rare and fine, unmounted og.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1205 Hongkong
Losnr. : 1206 Hongkong
Losnr. : 1207 Indien
1792 (Jan 20): Entire letter from Nagapatam addressed to Dunkeld, Scotland with interesting contents "the Army is ready to march for Seringapatam, Tipoo Sahib's capital ..." struck on obverse with two line "LONDON / SHIP LRE." in black, reverse with red Bishop mark, manuscript 'N1' and seal, obverse with manuscript accounting rates (8 d. + 2 d. + 2 d.) for 1 s. due. A scarce and early entire.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 1208 Indien
1827 & 1835: Entire letters (2) to Calcutta, later entire from Hobart / Tasmania endorsed "per Royal George" and struck on arrival with "Calcutta / GPO" cds in red and framed "Inld. Ptg-3/Ship Do.-3" in black; 1827 entire from UK with similar markings but rate (5+2=7) in manuscript, and entire readdressed to Jubblepore.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 550 CHFLosnr. : 1209 Indien
1829 (Dec 1): Long entire letter from Shergotty to Kilmarnock, Scotland with framed "Calcutta / GPO" despatch on reverse (Jan 6, 1830) in black; struck on arrival with framed "INDIA LETTER / PENZANCE" (Robertson IN7) and framed "MISSENT TO / LONDON" both in black, Scottish Add "½" marking and total charge of 3/2 d. due in manuscript. Also a further 1829 entire ex Madras via Portsmouth per "Ganges" rated 4/4 d. due.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 1210 Indien
1836 (Dec): Entire letter from Camp Dreg at Muttra to Ireland, struck on reverse with scarce framed "MUTTRA / P.P. PD" in black with postage noted at 14 annas, transit of fine framed "Calcutta / GPO / Ship Letter" (Dec 17) in black, red Dublin datestamp (May 5) and Parsonstown arrival cds of the following day. Obverse with fair "INDIA LETTER / LIVERPOOL" in black and manuscript charge of 1 shilling. A fine entire with full transcript describing visits to Fatihpur-sikri and Agra. Provenance: Collection Hammond Giles.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 1211 Indien
1840 (April 25): Entire letter from Jersey, Channel Islands to Calcutta, prepaid via London (May 10, 1840), and sent care of Agents in Calcutta with oval "Forwarded By - Messrs. Bagshaw & Co. - Calcutta" in black (July 23) to Moughyr. A fine and interesting Overland Mail entire mailed via Malta, Alexandria, Suez and Bombay; with the Agents paying the 14 annas due. Provenance: Collection Scott-Archer.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 1212 Indien
1842 (Dec 15): Cover from Agra addressed to Major Roberts of the Horse Artillery at Camp Ferosepore, after the retreat from Afghanistan, struck on reverse with fine framed "Agra / Bearing" datestamp on reverse (6 annas). A scarce entire to this isolated Camp.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 280 CHFLosnr. : 1213 Indien
1854 (Nov 7): Cover and complete original contents struck on obverse by exceptional negative seal handstamp "MIRZAPORE / POST / OFFICE" in black (unrecorded), with reverse showing doubel circle Mirzapore despatch cds in red and 'Rewah' arrival cds of the following day. Faults to envelope but a rarity.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1214 Indien
Losnr. : 1215 Indien
1854: ½ a. blue, Die I, corner marginal example from position 96 on the sheet of 96 subjects, a fine used example showing variety "H" of "HALF ANNA" completely missing. Large margins all round with the numeral cancellation leaving the variety clear, a dramatic and rare variety. Cert. RPS (1988).Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 1.500 CHFLosnr. : 1216 Indien
Losnr. : 1217 Indien
1856 (Aug 6): The marvellous illustrated large part cover addressed to the Supreme Court in Calcutta franked by vertical pair of 1854 ½ anna blue, huge margins all round, tied by "151" numeral obliterator of despatch in black of Dagshai, reverse with despatch cds of Daghai in red and Calcutta 2nd Delivery arrival cds in red (Aug 14). A wonderful cover of great rarity, the only other printed cover bearing a first issue adhesive is on a Ocean Penny Postage envelope in the Heddergott collection, this being the sole example of an Indian printed envelope bearing the India first issue. Dramatic and delightful usage for the connisseur.Ausruf : 15.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1218 Indien
1855 (Sept 7): Cover from Chittagong to Caen, France bearing splendid three colour franking of 1854 1 a. red (Die I), 2 a. green and two cut square 4 a. blue & red (4th printing, Head Die III, Frame Die II) all tied by lozenge of dots in black and by '20' decimes charge mark applied on arrival and by "Indes Or. / Marseille" entry marking (Nov 3). Framed "India Paid" in red at left and reverse with Chittagong manuscript filled circular despatch in red, Calcutta transits (Sept 12), Caen arrival cds (Nov 4). Slight stain under the charge marking, but a wonderful and attractive cover for the connisseur. Cert BPB (2000).Ausruf : 25.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1219 Indien
1855: Cover from Calcutta to Bordeaux franked by 1854 4 a. blue & red, 4th printing (two cut square examples) tied by lozenge of dots in black and by sender's cachet in blue. Framed "India Paid" in red at right overstruck by circular "Indes Or. / Marseille" entry marking, reverse with Calcutta cds in red (Aug 8) and Bordeaux arrival cds (Sept 13).Ausruf : 1.800 CHFZuschlag : 3.600 CHFLosnr. : 1220 Indien
1857 (Feb 9): Entire letter from Moulmein to Le Havre, France franked by 1854 2 a. green and 1856 4 a. black in a vertical pair, all tied by "B/127" numeral obliterators. Backstamped with framed "India Paid" in red, Moulmein cds (Feb 10), Calcutta cds and Le Havre arrival (April 1) cds. The obverse being correctly struck with framed "India Unpaid" in black and charged with '8' decimes due marking handstruck in black to collect. Slight file fold just touching the 2 annas adhesive but of negligible importance on such a scarce entire. Cert. Holcombe (1997).Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.400 CHFLosnr. : 1221 Indien
1857 (May 5): Entire letter from Akyab to Le Havre, France franked by imperforate 1854 2 a. green and 1856 Die I 8 a. carmine each boldly tied by "B/5" Akyab numeral obliterators in black. Struck in error initially with framed "India Paid" in red, and altered with framed "India Unpaid" when clerk noticed cover was addressed to France. Reverse with Akyab cds in red (May 6), Calcutta cds in red (May 16), thence carried by French Ship and charged due on receipt with "8" decime charge in manuscript. Le Havre arrival cds (June 29). A delightful and rare combination franking in the foremost quality.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 3.400 CHFLosnr. : 1222 Indien
1862 (March 7): Cover from Calcutta to Chertsey, Surrey franked by three examples of the 1856 2 a. yellow-buff tied by Calcutta duplexes with framed "India / Paid" alongside in red. Chertsey arrival (April 15) on reverse of an unusual cover.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 1223 Indien
1862 (Nov 12): Entire letter from Bombay to London franked by 1856/64 2 a. yellow-buff and 4 a. grey-black tied by scarce "Bombay / India Paid" duplex in black. Red London arrival cds (Dec 6) alongside and reverse with Forbes & Co. sender's cachet in blue. A charming entire.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 1224 Indien
1862/64: Entire letters (2) from Calcutta to Edinburgh via Marseilles, earlier entire with 1856 2 a. orange-buff and 4 a. black, 1864 entire with 2 a. yellow, 4 a. black and 1860 8 p. purple on white paper; both covers cancelled by "B/1" obliterator and by oval "Forwarded By / Gladstone Wyllis & Co" cachets. A fine matched pair, also an 1872 cover franked by 1868 8 a. carmine to Glasgow.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 280 CHFLosnr. : 1225 Indien
1864: Cover from Calcutta to London franked by 1860 8 p. mauve on white paper, defective corner, 1856 2 a. orange and 4 a. grey-black all tied by blue "B/1" numerals, re-addressed on arrival with Great Britain 1857 1 d. red pl. 87 tied by London duplex. Large part of flap missing but an attractive cover.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 170 CHFLosnr. : 1226 Indien
1866 (Aug 13): Cover to Wales franked by 1865 2 a. yellow and 4 a. green with 1860 8 p. purple on white paper, all tied by "220" numeral obliterators with "Abbotabad" cds below and framed "India / Paid" in red. Reverse with Lahore transit (Aug 15), Bombay transit (Aug 23) and Neath arrival cds. An attractive cover.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 160 CHFLosnr. : 1227 Indien
1866 (Oct 7): Cover and complete original contents from Tezapore to Scotland, franked by 1865 1 a. chocolate, pair and two singles, tied by "B/177" obliterators in blue. Framed "India Paid" in red at lkeft and circular Caledonian Railway TPO marking "CR/PO" in red. A fine and attractive entire.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 180 CHFLosnr. : 1228 Indien
1867 (July 29): Cover from Abbotabade to Neath, Wales franked by rare usage of 1860 8 p. mauve on blued paper (Gi = £ 100) with 1865 2 a. orange and 1866 4 a. green tied by '220' numeral duplexes. Lahore transit in red on reverse and Neath (Sept 5) arrival cds. Some edge wear but a scarce franking.Ausruf : 160 CHFZuschlag : 160 CHFLosnr. : 1229 Indien
Losnr. : 1230 Indien
1867: Cover from Calcutta to Nantes, France bearing 1866 4 a. green and pair of 1860 8 p. mauve all tied by "B/1" obliterators of Calcutta in blue and also tied by italic "Stamped"; Marseille entry mark on front and Nantes arrival (Feb 7) on reverse.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1231 Indien
1868: 8 a. carmine, Die II (three examples) with 1865 2 a. deep orange and 1866 4 a. green all tied to quadruple rate cover from Bombay to Aden by manuscript pen strokes and Bombay datestamps (Jan 12) in black, reverse with Aden arrival cds (Jan 18). The adhesives with faults but a dramatic high franking.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 180 CHFLosnr. : 1232 Indien
1869 (Dec 30): Cover from Edinburgh to India franked by 1858/79 1 d. red pl. 105 and 1867 1 s. green pl. 4, addressed to the secretary of the Lieutenant Governor of the North West Provinces with reverse showing oval "Sea Post Office-D" and very scarce "Lieutenant Governor's NWP Camp" datestamp of arrival in red. Some edge wear to envelope but rare. Ex collection Gerald Sattin.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 1233 Indien
Losnr. : 1234 Indien
1870 (Aug 16): Cover from Bombay to Suez carried on Steamer "Nubia", franked on reverse with 1865 1 a. brown in a strip of six all tied in manuscript and by Bombay duplexes; obverse of cover with British P.O. "SUEZ" single ring cds in black (Sept 1) and British P.O. "CAIRO" cds in blue (Sept 3). Fresh and fine, an attractive cover.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 180 CHFLosnr. : 1235 Indien
1872 (Nov 28): Delightful three colour franking cover to Port Said, Egypt bearing 1860 8 p. mauve on white paper, 1865 2 a. orange and 1868 Die II 8 a. carmine (deep shade) all tied by 'Tellichery/90' duplexes in black. Carried by French ship and struck with circular "Poss. Angl. Ang. V. Suez / Alexandrie" in red (Dec 23). Addressee not found and cover returned with oval "Dead Letter Office / Bombay" (May 8, 1873) and framed "D.L.O. / Madras" (May 13). Some creasing due to journey and waiting time, but a rare and most appealing cover.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 1236 Indien
1872 (Dec 2): Cover from Bombay to Suez carried on Steamer "Khedeive", franked on reverse with 1865 1 a. brown in a strip of four and single 2 a. orange all tied in manuscript and by Bombay duplexes; obverse of cover with British P.O. "SUEZ" single ring cds (Dec 15) and British P.O. "CAIRO" cds both in black. Fresh and fine, an attractive cover.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 160 CHFLosnr. : 1237 Indien
1872 (Sept 6): Cover from Bombay to Cairo franked by 1865 2 a. orange and 1866 4 a. green tied by Bombay duplex, single ring "SUEZ" British P.O. cds of transit in black and "CAIRO" British P.O. receipt on front (Sept 23) with reverse showing oval "Sea Post Office" datestamp in blue of transit (carried on Steamer Geelong). A fine and scarce cover.Ausruf : 180 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1238 Indien
1872 (Nov 11): Cover from Bombay to Suez carried on Steamer "Surat", franked for double rate on reverse with 1865 2 a. orange in a strip of five and a single, one damaged on application, all tied in manuscript and by Bombay duplexes; obverse of cover with British P.O. "SUEZ" single ring cds (Nov 25) and British P.O. "CAIRO" cds. Despite fault, an attractive cover.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 1239 Indien
1873 (Oct 31): Printed Matter entire letter from Calcutta to Amsterdam, franked by 1860 8 p. purple on white and 1865 2 a. orange tied by bold "B/1" Calcutta obliterators. Black "PD" at right and reverse with Calcutta cds and Amsterdam arrival (Nov 24). Rare.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 1240 Indien
1875: Pair of covers, both with original contents, from same correspondence ex Poona to Versailles, France; one fully paid (Aug 27) with fresh pair of 1868 8 a. deep rose with "Sea Post Office-A" cds on reverse; second earlier cover (June 25) bearing single 8 a. deep rose, underpaid and struck with framed "GB / 1F 66c" accountancy marking and framed "Insufficient" handstamp in black and charged 15 decimes due on arrival. A scarce and appealing pair.Ausruf : 220 CHFZuschlag : 260 CHFLosnr. : 1241 Indien
Losnr. : 1242 Indien
1876 (Oct 2): Cover from Bombay to Suez franked by 1865 2 a. orange and 1866 4 a. green tied by Bombay duplex, single ring "SUEZ" British P.O. cds of receipt on reverse (Oct 15) and large circular "PD", obverse showing Egyptian P.O. in Suez cds. An attractive cover.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 160 CHFLosnr. : 1243 Indien
1877 (April 16): Cover from Bombay to Suez franked by 1865 2 a. orange and 1866 4 a. green tied by Bombay duplex, single ring "SUEZ" British P.O. cds of receipt on front (April 28) with reverse showing "Sea Post Office-B" cds of transit.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1244 Indien
Losnr. : 1245 Indien
1911 (Feb 18): Cover sent registered by World's first Official Airmail from Allahabad - Naini Flight, thence to Bombay franked by 1902/11 3 p. grey pair, 1 a. carmine and 2 a. mauve all tied by bold "First Aerial Post / U. P. Exhibition Allahabad 1911" cachets in red. Reverse with Allahabad registered label and cds with Bombay arrival. Rare registered usage.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 1.700 CHFLosnr. : 1246 Indien
1911 (Feb 18): Cover sent by World's first Official Airmail from Allahabad - Naini Flight, thence to Austria (unusual destination) franked by 1892 2 a. 6 p. green tied by bold "First Aerial Post / U. P. Exhibition Allahabad 1911" cachet in red. Reverse with Allahabad cds and Zipf (March 10) arrival.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 1.600 CHFLosnr. : 1247 Indien
1925 (Feb. 16): Anglo-Indian Air Survey Calcutta - Delhi, 1/2 a. on 1/4 a. stationery card tied by 'Havelock Square 16 Feb.25/5 30 AM' cds to Delhi, taxed 1 a. and bearing special label in pink, triangle cancellation in violett on reverse, signed by Stephen Smith Pradip Jain: Mail carried = 40 postcards.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 1248 Indien
Losnr. : 1249 Indien
1845 (Nov 25): Entire letter from Pondicherry to Madras, struck on reverse with fine framed "PONDICHERY / Paid" datestamp in red, opens well for display. Fine and attractive entire; also a further entire to Marseille via Madras with same datestamp showing "Pondicherry" with two "R's".Ausruf : 160 CHFZuschlag : 160 CHFLosnr. : 1250 Indien
1856: Cover with framed "PONDICHERRY / Paid" datestamp in red used to Karikal and struck with red framed "KARICAL / Paid" arrival alongside (Dec 19), and matching stamped cover from 1859 with India 1856 ½ a. blue tied by Pondicherry "C/111" obliterator with cds in red of despatch and Karikal arrival in red.Ausruf : 160 CHFZuschlag : 160 CHFLosnr. : 1251 Indien
Aden 1868: 8 a. carmine, Die II and 1882 3 a. orange used on registered cover "per Cathay" to Bombay tied by "B" in bars obliterator with Aden cds alongside (Aug 18), circular "R" and framed "Registered / Aden" handstamp at left. Some small envelope imperfections but a rare usage.Ausruf : 220 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 1252 Indien
Burma 1861 (Oct 13): Cover from Moulmein to USA with three colour franking of 1856 ½ a. blue, 1 a. brown and 1855 8 a. carmine on deeply blued glazed paper, all tied by "B/127" obliterators of Moulmein with corresponding cds in red alongside. Framed "India / Paid" in red, thence via London (Dec 3) and charged "16 Cents" due on receipt. A rare transatlantic Burmese usage.Ausruf : 240 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 1253 Indien
Burma 1885 (Aug 12): Registered cover to Rangoon franked by India 1883 ½ a. deep blue green, pair and block of four, all tied by barred obliterator and by framed " R / PEGU" handstamp in black. Reverse with Pegu despatch and Rangoon arrival cds. Ex collection Gerald Davis.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1254 Indien
Cover to France franked by India 1866 4 a. green pair, cancelled by bold strikes of "F.F." (Field Force) obliterators in black, reverse showing part "Field Force Post Office / Abyssinia" datestamp in red and part unframed "India Paid" in red. London transit cds in red (Jan 20, 1868) and Calais entry mark on front of the same day. Flap missing but a rare and attractive usage to an unusual destination. Cert BPB (2000).Ausruf : 6.500 CHFZuschlag : 6.500 CHFLosnr. : 1255 Indien
Cover to France franked by India 1856 2 a. orange in a block of four, all cancelled in manuscript and by fine strikes of "F.F." (Field Force) obliterators with faint "India Paid" alongside. Reverse showing "Field Force Post Office / Abyssinia" datestamp in red (Feb 8) and "Malta" transit cds in black (Feb 15) alongside Avranches arrival cds (Feb 20). A unique and extraordinary cover. Cert BPB (2000). Provenance: Collection William C. Hinde.Ausruf : 6.000 CHFZuschlag : 6.000 CHFLosnr. : 1256 Indien
(Dec 7): Early incoming cover to Captain H. B. Elliot of the Sapper's & Miner's attached to the 'Field Force, Abyssinia', franked at Officer's rate by India 1866 4 a. green tied by Bangalore duplex and manuscript 'Stamped'. Reverse with Bombay transit (Dec 11) and fine strike of FIELD FORCE POST OFFICE / ABYSSINIA datestamp 29 DE 67 in red. This cover is mentioned in Sciaky on page 41 as one of two recorded arriving at Zulla prior to 1868. Minor vertical bend to the left of adhesive otherwise a fine and very rare cover.Ausruf : 3.500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1257 Irak
Losnr. : 1258 Irak
Katalognummer : O298s/O323s330s/337s+339s/341s1948: Faisal II, Official set of 26 values, fresh mint, overprinted "Specimen" diagonally in red; Airmail set of eight values optd. "Specimen" and UPU set of three values optd. "Specimen" in red, all fresh and very fine, unmounted og. Scarce.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 1259 Irak
Losnr. : 1260 Irak
Losnr. : 1261 Irak
Losnr. : 1262 Jamaica
Losnr. : 1263 Jamaica
Losnr. : 1264 Jamaica
Losnr. : 1265 Kenia
Losnr. : 1266 Kenia
Losnr. : 1267 Straits Settlements
1893 (March 7): Cover from Johore Bahru to Strasbourg, franked by Johore 1891 2 c. dull purple & yellow and by Starits Settlements 1883 5 c. blue, the former tied by bold strike of rare "Loonchu / Johore" star and crescent handstamp in red and both adhesives tied "Singapore" cds in black (March 8). Red "Johore Bahru / Paid" cds at left (March 7) and reverse with further Singapore datestamp and Strassbourg arrival cds (April 7). A delightful and very rare cover. Cert. Holcombe (1997).Ausruf : 6.000 CHFZuschlag : 8.500 CHFLosnr. : 1268 Straits Settlements
Losnr. : 1269 Straits Settlements
1906/12: $ 500 purple & orange on chalk surfaced paper, a fresh mint example of excellent colour overprinted "Specimen" in black, lightest of scuff marks on value tablet at upper right, otherwise exceptional and extremely rare, large part og. Cert. BPA (2012) Gi = £ 2'750.Ausruf : 800 CHFZuschlag : 2.600 CHFLosnr. : 1270 Straits Settlements
Losnr. : 1271 Straits Settlements
Losnr. : 1272 Straits Settlements
Losnr. : 1273 Malaiische Staaten allg.
Losnr. : 1274 Malaiische Staaten allg.
Losnr. : 1275 Malaiische Staaten allg.
Losnr. : 1276 Malaiische Staaten allg.
Losnr. : 1277 Malta
Losnr. : 1278 Malta
Losnr. : 1279 Mauritius
1848: Post Paid Earliest Impression, 1 d. orange-vermilion on yellowish paper, used example with margins just touched at top, close but clear at left and at base, huge margin at right; cancelled by two strikes of rare framed "PAID." handstamp in black. Slight central thin but a stamp of rich vibrant colour and extremely clear definition in the diagonal lined background. A rarity. Certs. Calves (2010) and BPA (2011) Gi = £ 15'000.Ausruf : 2.500 CHFZuschlag : 2.500 CHFLosnr. : 1280 Mauritius
1848/57: Post Paid Early Impression 1 d. vermilion on greyish paper, position 11 on sheet of twelve subjects, a lovely used example with large margins all round, minor corner bend at lower right, cancelled by near complete "1" circular numeral of Mahebourg in blue. Exquisite appearance. Certificates RPS (1926) and BPA (2011) Gi = £ 2'500. Provenance: Collection Hiroyuki Kanai, Nov 1993, lot 42.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 2.600 CHFLosnr. : 1281 Mauritius
1848/58: Post Paid Intermediate Impression, 1 d. dull vermilion on greyish paper, position 2 on sheet of twelve subjects, clear to large margins all round, cancelled by complete strike of "2" circular numeral of Flacq in black. A fine and scarce stamp. Certificates BPA (1996 and 2011) Gi = £ 2'500.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 1.600 CHFLosnr. : 1282 Mauritius
1848/58: Post Paid Intermediate Impression, 2 d. deep blue on blued paper, position 3 on sheet of twelve subjects, a fine used example with two very minor thins but good margins all round, lightly cancelled in black; of excellent colour and definition of the background (in this describer's opinion very close to an early impression). A rare and attractive stamp. Signed Calves; Cert. BPA (2011) Gi = £ 3'500.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 1.400 CHFLosnr. : 1283 Mauritius
1848/57: Post Paid Intermediate Impression 2 d. blue on blued paper, position 11 on sheet of 12 subjects, a superb appearing example cancelled by completed strike of circular target handstamp in black, cleaned at left in margin, an attractive and scarce stamp. Cert. BPA (2011) Gi = £ 2'750.Ausruf : 600 CHFZuschlag : 1.200 CHFLosnr. : 1284 Mauritius
1848/58: Post Paid Intermediate Impression, 2 d. blue, position 7 on sheet of twelve subjects and thus showing "PENOE" for "PENCE" error, clear to large margins all round, cancelled by complete strike of "7" circular numeral of Petite Rivière in black (rare) leaving the variety clear. Barely noticeable corner bend at lower left not affecting the appearance of an attractive stamp. Cert. BPA (2011) Gi = £ 6'000.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 3.000 CHFLosnr. : 1285 Mauritius
1848/58: Post Paid Worn Impression, 1 d. red on greyish paper, position 7 on sheet of twelve subjects, used example with slightly oxidised colour but with clear margin at right, huge at top and at base and, most unusually, with full sheet margin at left. Cert. BPA (2011) Gi = £ 650.Ausruf : 180 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 1286 Mauritius
Losnr. : 1287 Mauritius
1848/58: Post Paid Worn Impression 1 d. red brown on yellowish paper, position 8 on sheet of twelve subjects, a slightly oxidised used example with good to large margins all round, cancelled by complete strike of scarce "6" numeral of Curepipe in black. Signed Calves; cert. BPA (2011) Gi = £ 700.Ausruf : 220 CHFZuschlag : 340 CHFLosnr. : 1288 Mauritius
1848/58: Post Paid Latest Impression, 2 d. blue, position 7 on sheet of twelve subjects and thus showing "PENOE" for "PENCE" error, clear to large margins all round, cancelled by complete strike of "Mauritius / GPO" datestamp (Dec 24, 1857) in black, leaving the variety clear. Thinned at base and at top with pressed creasing but a rare use of the datestamp on this issue. Cert. BPA (2011) Gi = £ 1'500.Ausruf : 260 CHFZuschlag : 550 CHFLosnr. : 1289 Mauritius
Losnr. : 1290 Mauritius
1859: Lapirot 2 d. blue, early impression used, with margins just clear all round and cancelled by barred obliterator in black, 1859 Dardenne issue 1 d. red unused without margins but very rare in this state, and Dardenne 2 d. blue a superb appearing used example cancelled by circular "Paid" in black. All have faults including creases and thins but rare nevertheless, all three with cert. BPA (2011) Gi = £ 11'000+.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.400 CHFLosnr. : 1291 Mauritius
Losnr. : 1292 Mauritius
1921/26: Arms set of eighteen values to 50 r., fresh mint complete set, all overprinted "Specimen" in black or red, fine, large part og., also November 1925 overprinted set of three, also overprinted "Specimen", fine large part og Gi = £ 735.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 440 CHFLosnr. : 1293 Mauritius
1938/49: Definitive set of eleven (missing the 3 c. value), with all values fresh and very fine, perforated "Specimen" , the 5 c. with bulge at left of 'Mauritius' tablet, not noted by SG, fine unmounted og Gi = £ 325 as full set.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHF
Ansicht sortieren :