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Losnr. : 2091 Nepal
1898/1998: Hundreds used / unused stamps, mounted separately for both conditions on leaves, incl. Crossed Khukris on native paper incl. colour error green instead of blue, 1899 ½ a black with clear imprint and pin-perforated, Siva Mahadeva issues up to 5 r., later definitive and commemorative issues, 1959 King Mahendra imperf in multiples, 1960 Child's Day in imperf. miniature sheet of four, 1966 National Flag with error: colour red missing 1981 Nepalese Postage Stamp Centennary souvenir sheet showing variety imperf. and 4 a. green imprint shifted to the left, 1985 Tuberculosis in a vertical imperf. corner marginal pair, 1986 Vishnu in block of four with shifted perf., and 1987 SAARC Summit with shifted perf. and red double imprint, modern material also in blocks of four and complete sheets.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2092 Nepal
1899/1917: Lot 400+ Bow & Two Kukris definitives mainly used with large cancellation and paper interest incl. a pin-perforated example from the early 1900 printrun, the rare vermillion printing of setting 6, later 1917/30 printrun examples with varieties such as double impression, tête-bêches, and large multiples up to complete sheets (4). Has to be carefully studied .Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 2093 Nepal
1907/46: Siva Mahadeva issue, lot 400+ stamps used/unused and 26 covers/documents, all three Recess Perkins Bacon printings and that from Kathmandu incl. 1907 essays, 1930 4 p. green compl. sheet of 100 with shifted perf., large multiples of 4 p. and 8 p. values on telegraph formulars with barred obliterator and correct telegraphic cancellations, 1941 issue imperf. in multiples up to a sheet of 1 r. red; the covers also with multi colour- and mixed PB & Kathmandu frankings.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 420 CHFLosnr. : 2094 Nepal
1940/60ca: Selection of Court Fee revenue stamps incl. 21 used and three large sized unused examples and 14 documents bearing these revenues alone or in combination with postage stamps, partially devalued by punching, penstrokes or handwriting, in addition a telegraph formular with postage stamps and two large sized landloard stamps. An appealing and attractive lot full of character.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 2095 Nepal
1786/1947: Group eleven documents with the first Royal Seal of Nepal in red called Lal Mohur used by all Kings including a very early usage from 1786 (= 1843 BS) under the reign of King Rana Bahadur Shah, which is much earlier than the year 1808 given by Hellrigl as the first date of usage. The group includes also two documents from 1916 and 1947, when second, so called Zodiac seal was in use pointing to their concurrent use. The seal shows a double-edged sword, most literally the royal arms, between two crescent-and-balls and an inscription in devangari. A fresh and interesting lot.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 340 CHFLosnr. : 2096 Nepal
1815/1949: Lot 39 Official stampless documents incl. 1815 cover sent during the 1814-16 Anglo-Gurkha War from Uzir Singh Tapa, the Commander of the western Front at Palpa to Prime Minister Bhimsen Thapa, several documents with different large trinlingual seals of Prime Ministers from later years, Seal of the Royal Palace and other official seals, also 25 stampless covers with postal datestamps of diff. shapes from Kalaya, Chisadagi, Chisapani, Kataharban, Chitwan, Bhagwanpur, Dhankuta, Hannumannagar, Bhadra, Pokhara, Palpa, Pyuthan, Butwal, Birganj, Sarlahi, Tatapani, Trisuli, and Rasuwa. A very varied and interesting lot.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2097 Nepal
1887/1990ca: Lot 100 stationeries and covers incl. 1887 'Horse' stationery postcards (eight unused & two used), later issues such as Sri Pashupati stationary, covers with primarily private and commercial usage, mixed issue frankings, Indian stamps used the embassy in Kathmandu (2 fronts), 1959 cover Kathmandu to Pali Tibet, 1964 Post war cover Kathmandu to Lhasa Tibet with 1963 'Fight Hunger' issue blacked, 1989 stationery envelope 60 p. blue with double or partial imprint of the indicium, official covers with and without stamps.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 480 CHFLosnr. : 2098 Nepal
Losnr. : 2099 Nepal
1902/10: Group twelve covers franked with stamps on poor native paper incl. ten covers with single 1 anna frankings from Palpa, Kathmandu & Pokhra, two double rate covers, one with horizontal pair of 1 anna from Parasi and another bearing 2 anna grey-violet from Pokhara. A diverse lot of cancellations and shades interest.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 2100 Nepal
1906/34: Three official documents with the Royal Zodiac seal in red, comprising a 1906 Message of the King, 1917 Royal Approval for the funds needed to repair the leprosy hospital in Pokhara, and 1934 Document related to a transfer of land with additional seals of the Prime Minister and four Generals. This seal shows the twelve signs of the Zodiac, beginning at twelve-o’clock: Aries, Pisces, Aquarius, Capircorn, Scorpio, Libra, Virgo, Leo, Cancer, Gemini and Taurus; it was introduced by King Prithvi Bir Bikram Shah but in use up to 1951.rnAusruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 2100A Nepal
Losnr. : 2101 Nepal
Losnr. : 2102 Nepal
1959/1990ca: Lot 60+ Airmal Letter Sheets primarily unused incl. 1959 Blue Garuda issue, 1960 coloured Garuda, Mount Machapuchare and Airplane over the Himalayas with several varieties such as double print with one 50 p. brown used, omitted print, shifted indicium, and sheet folded incorrectly.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 700 CHFLosnr. : 2103 Nepal
Losnr. : 2104 Nepal
Losnr. : 2105 Saudi Arabien
Losnr. : 2106 Saudi Arabien
Losnr. : 2107 Saudi Arabien
Losnr. : 2108 Saudi Arabien
Losnr. : 2109 Saudi Arabien
Losnr. : 2110 Saudi Arabien
Losnr. : 2111 Saudi Arabien
Official stamps 1970: 'SERVICE' and Coat of Arms under Archway, the complete set of the fifth official issue, 17 values from 1 p. to 100 p. with 6 p. scarce 1st palm tree & crossed sabres watermark, rare 10 p. watermark sideways, a fresh set in unmounted og condition. Cert Ceremuga (2019) Gi = £ 4'630+.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 2112 Saudi Arabien
Official stamps 1970: 'SERVICE' and Coat of Arms under Archway, watermark Palm tree & crossed sabres, the complete set of the fifth official issue, 17 values in complete sheets of 100 in unmounted og condition with full selvedge. An outstanding rare offer of these officials, Gi = £ 300'000+ / partially unlisted in Michel.Ausruf : 15.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2113 Saudi Arabien
Losnr. : 2114 Sudan
Losnr. : 2115 Sudan
2008 (Jan): 2 SDG in red on £S8 Devil Firefish, an unused block of twenty-one (3 x 7), marginal from right of sheet, variety "Surcharge in Red Inverted", leaving the original value un-surcharged, fresh and very fine, unmounted og. Rare Gi = £ 1'050+.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2116 Sudan
Losnr. : 2117 Syrien
Losnr. : 2118 Syrien
1945/58: Collection of definitive and commemorative stamps as imperforated proofs, mostly without gum as issued, some gummed in unmounted condition, few CTO, very rare issues with an enormous catalogue value, in a stock book Yvert = € 19'000+ following the consignor.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 2.600 CHFLosnr. : 2119 Thailand
Losnr. : 2120 Vietnam Süd
1951: Emperor Bao Dai values: 1.20 p. yellow-brown, 3 p. blue and top value 30 p. blue-green, all in double pane (5 x 5) sheets of fifty subjects unused; some aging in margins but stamps unmounted og., these being the scarcer values of the Landscapes first issue Mi = € 8'000.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 2121 Vietnam Süd
1957/1978c.: Collection with South Vietnam 1955 Refugees set of six unused (Gi S5/S10 = £ 130), 1956 surcharged set of three in unused blocks of six, 1961 scarce Military Post (-) green, brown & orange Imperforate Proof pair missing deep brown and a block of four missing Inscriptions, second Imperforate Proof with green background only, unused with a complete sheet of 60, used examples and two covers (Gi SMF 115/116); 1967 Mobile Post Office booklet complete with strip of ten 3 d. (Gi S302 = £ 440), 1970 Hué coil 1 p. (5) unused, to 1972 including 60 covers; North Vietnam with 1946 buff paper 2 d. brown and 5 d. vermilion in complete sheets of 50; 1952 Cenral Annam imperf. values unused (3), 1953 'Woodblock' design cover, Lenin isssue 1950 cover, Dien Bien Phu 10 d. block of nine and 0.600 k in a block of four, 1956 Railway set of four unused, 1956 Hanoi Govt. Return set of four unused, 1956/57 Chu Chinh Lan set of seven unused to 1961 with a further 5 covers; and patchy collections of Laos and Cambodia. Some rare material noted.Ausruf : 600 CHFZuschlag : 1.100 CHFLosnr. : 2122 Jemen Königreich
1933: 4 B. brick red (1) and 5 B. grey (1) and 6 B. blue (4 - single and a horiz. strip of three), tied by four strikes of s cds. "Hodeida - 14. 6. 33" on reverse of a registered envelope to Lucerne, Aden transit and arrival cds. of Lucerne, a beautiful and rare item.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2123 Jemen Königreich
Kingdom of Yemen 1966 (Apr 20): Registered large format cover from Camp Mansur to Beyrouth, franked on front and reverse with 1965 Kennedy set, International Co-operationn Year incl. the miniature sheet and 1966 Builders of World Peace, all tied by cds's in violet, reverse with Beyrouth arrival cds (Apr 26, 1966).Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2124 USA
Losnr. : 2125 USA
1847/51: 5 c. red-brown on bluish, 10 c. black on bluish and 1851 3 c. orange-brown Type 1; used examples of fine appearance with good margins all round, minor imperfections with wrinkle on the 10 c., the first issue cancelled by circular red grid handstamps, the 3 c. by New Orleans cds. Certs. Moorhouse (2005) for two Scott = $ 1'300+.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 380 CHFLosnr. : 2126 USA
1861/62: Patriotic envelope bearing 1 c. blue, scissor separated at left with portion of adjoining stamp, 3 c. rose and 12 c. black (2) cancelled by circular PAID handstamps in black on 1863 cover to Vienna, Austria carried on the Cunard Steamer "Africa" (and not the 'Asia' as endorsed), with circular 'BOSTON BR. PKT. / 7 PAID / APR. 22' in red on front and on reverse, thence via Belgium with framed AACHEN / FRANCO transit in redand reverse with Vienna arrival (May 8) and five further datestamps as the Post Office searched for the addressee. A few minor imperfections due to journey and handling but a most attractive and rare usage.Ausruf : 2.500 CHFZuschlag : 5.500 CHFLosnr. : 2127 USA
U.S. Postal Agency in China 1921 (Jan 21): 30 c. on 15 c. tied by “U.S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China, R.D.” oval registry handstamp on registered cover to Rotterdam, some toning, purple “U.S. Postal Agency Shanghai, China, Sta. A, Registered Jan. 29, 1921” double-circle datestamp on reverse, New York registry transit cancel, also arrival backstamp (March 8, 1921). Fine, a very rare usage.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 460 CHFLosnr. : 2128 USA
1843/1988: Collection several hundred stamps used/unused or in mint condition, starting with four stampless envelopes, one small Valentine of 1851, seven envelopes 1862/69 to the same address in Dresden/Prussia (mixed quality), some high values as Omaha $ 1.-, Pan American exhibition 1901 in Buffalo 5 c. and 8 c. on registered envelope to Locarno, single stamps, pairs, blocs of four, coil stamps, colour shades, pre-cancelled items, airmails, souvenir sheets, booklets, modern combination sheets etc., mainly in good condition and nicely arranged in eight albums, the whole packed in a large removal box.Ausruf : 800 CHFZuschlag : 1.300 CHFLosnr. : 2129 USA
1847/1982: Lot several hundred used stamps, incl. some better values as No.1, furthermore precancelled stamps, perfins, stationery clips stationery envelopes, various cancellations etc., mostly in good condition and housed in total 14 albums and stockbooks, the whole arranged in a large box.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 1.400 CHFLosnr. : 2130 USA
1870/2010: Collection several hundred stamps used/unused or mainly in mint condition, incl. single stamps, blocks of four, souvenir sheets, few full sheets and booklets, high face value and housed in three albums, in addition two stockbooks with used duplicats, all arranged in a box.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 350 CHFLosnr. : 2131 USA
1926/60c.: Large album with unused in multiples, 1926 10 c. blue Airmail in Plate blocks of four or six unused, 1935 Trans-Pacific Airmail plate blocks, 1939 Airmail 30 c. blue in a plate block of six, 1960's Flag Issue in complete sheets, Philippines 1950's Miniature sheets and a few covers etc.rnAusruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 420 CHFLosnr. : 2132 USA
1858/1960: Lot 126 lettersheets, envelopes. postcards and postal stationery items, the latter ones partly uprated, incl. six stampless items, diff. frankings and special cancellations, sent to various destinations in the USA and in Europe incl. Switzerland, good to mixed condition, neatly arranged in two albums with descriptions.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 950 CHFLosnr. : 2133 USA
1874/1902: Four US inland stationery postcards used abroad incl. three 1874 cards 1 c. brown with additional 1 c. blue definitive, all tied by fancy mute handstamps, one sent to Switzerland with rare "NEW YORK PAID ALL / SEP 2 / VIA BREMEN" handstamp (Winter 255) in red, listed only from June to Aug. 1874, another two cards to Germany, one with "NEW YORK Br TRANSIT" in red, 1902 1 c. black stationery with 'Trans-Mississippi International Exhibition' print on reverse sent to Sta CRUZ DE TENERIFA (CANARIAS) via MADRID with US postage due '5 cents' and Spanish 'M / 0,10', in addition a French picture postcard franked with 10 c. stationery cut out, directed to Santa Cruz de Tenerife but 'MISSENT TO NEW YORK' and 'MISSENT, SANTA CRUZ, CAL.'Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 340 CHFLosnr. : 2134 USA
1880/1990: Large accumulation of postal stationery items used and mainly unused, incl. envelopes of various sizes, cards and wrappers, beneath the official US mail also some items from private forwarders as Wells Fargo, Boyd's City Post, New Jersey Express Company and some others can be found, mostly in good condition and nicely arranged in total nine albums, the whole packed into a large removal box.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 2135 USA
1886/1969: Group of 20 share certificates (Non-Valeurs) of diff. American Railway Companies, all with decorative illustrations as various steam locomotives and each with full decription in French and German attached, incl. 1886/87 Peoria, Decatur & Evansville Railway Company of 100 shares printed by Franklin Bank Note Company in New York, 1890 Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad Company, 1916 Pacific Railway Company, 1904 Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway Company, 1923 St. Joseph, South Bend & Southern Railroad Company, just to mention a view. Some folded and with 'Cancelled' markings as usual, but a most attractive offer, not only for railway collectors.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2136 Philippinen
1899/1900: Lot six covers / stationery from the US occupied Philippines to Switzerland, two bearing only US stamps without overprints, three with mixed frankings of US stamps and PHILIPPINES - ovpt. stamps and on stationery and one 1900 Philippines stationery with matching definitive. An interesting group, five endorsed "Via Canal de Suez", four registered, all with US Fieldpost datestamps in black, violet or pink.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 700 CHFLosnr. : 2137 USA
Literature: The American Philatelist, issued by The American Philatelic Association, a fine run starting in 1887 (volume I) - 1893, 1901, 1904 - 1905, 1908 and 1912 - 1918, in addition the 1904 yearbook and the 1913 membership directory. The journals hardbound in 19 volumes and in very good shape.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2138 Argentinien
1874: Combination cover to France carried by SGTM (Société Générale de Transports Maritimes) with 1867/68 5 c. vermilion tied by Buenos Aires cds and France 1871/75 Cérès 25 c. blue in a strip of four tied on arrival by Marseilles 2240 gros chiffres in black and by PLATA / MARSEILLE entry marking in red (Salles fig. 1146). Struck with very scarce 'P' SAVOIE' Paquebot handstamp (as Salles fig. 1149) in black (also with endorsement in mss. at top). Marseille cds of transit (July 20) on reverse of a fine and attractive cover.Ausruf : 240 CHFZuschlag : 550 CHFLosnr. : 2138A Argentinien
1893 (March 16): Stationery wrapper Rivadavia 2 cts. green (Higgins & Gage 17), cancelled by Buenos Aires cds, sent from the newspaper 'El Diario' to Julio Popper at the premises of the well-known Wehrhahn company in Punta Arenas in Patagonia, Chile. The Wehrhahn company was established in 1885 , the oldest one in Tierra del Fuego and owner of the concession for large parts of that region. The lot includes another 1892 wrapper from 'El Diario' to Anvers, Belgium and an extensive write-up related to the Wehrhahn company and Punta Arenas.rnNote: The receiver Julio Popper (1857 – 1893) was a Romanian-born Argentine engineer, adventurer and explorer. Known as a modern "conquistador" of Tierra del Fuego in southern South America, he was a controversial and influential figure. He arrived in Argentina in 1885, where he became attracted by the possibility of gold mining in Tierra del Fuego. In 1886 he received a permit from the Argentine Government to form an exploration company to mine for gold near San Sebastián. On September 7, he found gold dust on the beach of El Páramo, in San Sebastián Bay. The expedition was rigorously and strictly enforced according to military standards with heavily armed men, with Popper in direct command of everything. Popper succeeded in unearthing large amounts of gold and his Compania de Lavaderos de Oro del Sud realized enormous capital gains on the Argentine stock exchange. A mint built to manage the gold has been adapted as the Museum at the End of the Earth, officially known as the Museo Territorial. In Patagonia, Popper maintained dominance with his private army. He issued his own coins and stamps to symbolize his power.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 1.100 CHFLosnr. : 2139 Argentinien
Losnr. : 2140 Argentinien
1859: Cabecitas - Study of 1 Peso 'Liberty Heads', 70 predominantly used singles on album pages, displaying fine to worn impressions in various schades of blue, various cancels and varieties as 'missing stop after 1' and defective corner (pos. 12), generally fine four margin examples. An excellent reference collection Scott = $ 2'100.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 2141 Brasilien
1843: Entire letter from Buenos Aires, Argentina (July 15) to Rio de Janeiro, rated in manuscript '120' reis to pay, struck with superb British P.O. "RIO-JANEIRO" double arc datestamp (5 Aug, 1843), just five days after the Bullseye issue was released. Scarce.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 120 CHFLosnr. : 2142 Brasilien
1843: 30 r. grey-black, intermediate impression, a used example with good to large margins all round and horizontal dividing line at base, slightly aged and natural small paper flaw, cancelled by large part framed CIDADE / DE / NICHTEROY handstamp (Ayres fig. 1371) in black. Signed A. Diena Scott = $ 525.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 2143 Brasilien
Losnr. : 2144 Brasilien
Losnr. : 2145 Brasilien
Losnr. : 2146 Brasilien
1850: Inclinado 30 r. black on 'Bull's Eye' yellowish medium paper, Type II, the superb used example with large even margins all round, neatly cancelled by large part 'Correio Ceara' datestamp (Dec 2) in black. An exceptional and extremely rare stamp, formerly a horizontal pair housed in the Niso Vianna collection and since separated, this example being much finer than the other known example used in Rio de Janeiro (Walter Taveira sale, Investphila, 16 March 2012, lot 1372). Just three used examples of this rarity are recorded and one of the highlights of Brazilian classic philately. Cert. Peter Meyer (2014) RHM 5C = RR.Ausruf : 15.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2147 Brasilien
1898: Surcharged newspaper stamp 300 r. on 200 r. black in a hor. pair and 1899 100 r. on 50 r. green grey, tied by "RIO DE JANEIRO 29 JAN 1902" cds to registered shipmail cover to Yokohama, endorsed "p. Chili" (shipname), reverse with London and Hongkong transit and Yokohama arrival datestamps. A Japanese address label was attached to the obverse.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 170 CHFLosnr. : 2148 Brasilien
1843/1985: Collection several hundred stamps used/unused or in mint condition, incl. Bulls eyes 30 R. and 60 R., various Goats eyes, Dom Pedros, Telegraphs, Newspaper stamps, Airmails, Officials, commemorative issues, souvenir sheets etc., inbetween also some cards, covers and postal stationery items, the latter used and unused, good conditon and nicely arranged in four albums and in one stockbook.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 2.000 CHFLosnr. : 2149 Brasilien
1850/88: Collection with Inclinado 60 r. black, Type I on Bull's Eye paper, 60 r. and 90 r. black, Type II, used examples each on Bull's Eye paper, 1850 Inclinado 30 r. and 90 r. unused, 1854 600 r. black used, Dom Pedro's unused or used etc. Many of the better items with certificates P. Meyer (2014).Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 2150 Brasilien
1866/78: Dom Pedro Issue collection showing French Maritime Cancellations throughout, with dotted 'Anchor' usages (15), good strikes of 'Bahia / Ligne J' datestamps in black (12 items) including rouletted Barba Blanca 50 r. blue block of four, 'Rio de Janeiro / Ligne J' datestamps on loose stamps (21) including strikes in red; various furhter types incl Havre, Marseille and Calais arrival datestamps incl. piece with 1866 perf. 10 r. two pairs and 500 r. orange; another piece wqith 1866 10 r. (2) and 100 r. green tied by octagonal BRESIL / GUIENNE etc. A generally fine lot (103 items).Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 2.400 CHFLosnr. : 2151 Brasilien
1866/78: Dom Pedro Cancellation Collection, 10 r. to 1000 r. in total 300 stamps showing predominantly mute cancels of various types, colours andin diff. shades, including five covers with 1876 cover from Rio de Janeiro to France franked with horizontal pair of 200 r. black, rouletted 200 r. single franking on cover To New York (1882) as well as fine LAGUNA h.s. in red on rouletted. 20 r. red lilac in a vert. strip of three. All neatly mounted up on album pages. Fine.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 950 CHFLosnr. : 2152 Brasilien
1852: Two covers from Rio de Janeiro with British steamers to Porto, showing on reverse RIO JANEIRO despatch and LISBOA or TRANSATLANTICO arrival datestamps, on front oval "LEY de 20/4 50 15 Rs" in red and Portuguese taxations, one cover shows in addition the blue "P. BRITo" handstamp for incoming mail from the United Kingdom, both entires show disinfection slits.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2153 Brasilien
1884/1934: Lot 26 covers and stationery items incl. 1884 100 r. lilac, Type III, used examples on three individual covers to Scandinavia with 1888 cover (and full contents) to Drammen, Norway, tied by bold 'Rio de Janeiro' cds (July 2) in black; 1886 cover from Rio Grande to Ribe, Denmark, and 1888 cover via Maranhao to USA; 1890 Southern Cross 1000 r. bistre used on 300 r. black postal stationery envelope sent registered / AR to Colchester; 1925 200 r. red embossed postal stationery letter-card with 'Hotel Gloria' advertising at top and internal advertisements for 'Chrysler Six' garage and reverse with sepia illustration of 'Senado Federal, Rio de Janeiro' (RHM CBH-04); 1927 200 r. red embossed postal stationery letter-card with 'Caxambú' advertising at top and internal advertisements for ''Antalgina' and reverse with sepia illustration of 'Avenida Rio Branco, Rio de Janeiro' (RHM CBH-09); 1933 100r. violet postal stationery cards, with illustrated views of Rio de Janeiro, the complete set of 20 cards, all fresh and fine unused (RHM BP-84/BP-103).Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 480 CHFLosnr. : 2154 Chile
Losnr. : 2155 Chile
Desmadryl 5 c. pale red brown, the magnificent used horiz. strip of three with full to large margins on all sides, portions of adjoining stamps at right and at base, all tied on 1856 cover to Valparaiso by six barred target obliterators in black, Santiago despatch cds (March 31) in red below, a delightful and rare cover.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 1.600 CHFLosnr. : 2156 Chile
1854/62: Small used group with Desmadryl 5 c. pale reddish brown in a fine margined horizontal pair, 5 c. single example marginal from left of sheet in a deeper shade, 2nd London printing 5 c. red-brown on blued in a delightful strip of three and 10 c. blue in a similarly attractive strip of four (signed Balasse).Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 2157 Chile
1854: Gillet printing, 5 c. Burnt Siena, a used horizontal strip of four in a rich dark shade, ample to large margins all round, neatly cancelled by concentric ring handstamps in black. A wonderful and extremely rare multiple, finer even than the Joseph Hackmey strip of four (Corinphila, Sale II, Nov 2018, lot 6049). An exceptional and beautiful multiple. Cert. Moorhouse (2004).Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 3.400 CHFLosnr. : 2158 Chile
Losnr. : 2159 Chile
Estanco 10 c. blue, a vertical pair on 1858 entire letter endorsed 'por Vapor' to Valparaiso, lower stamp diagonally bisected and tied by target obliterator in black, with 'Copiapo' cds of despatch (Feb 20) below. File fold away from adhesives, a fine entire.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 100 CHFLosnr. : 2160 Chile
Losnr. : 2161 Chile
Losnr. : 2162 Kolumbien
1917: Lot seven complete Perkins Bacon Proof sheets of 100 values, each in the issued colours printed on ungummed wove paper, including 'Caldas' ½ c. bistre, 'Torres' 1 c. green, 'Narino' 2 c. carmine, 'Bolivar' 5 c.dull blue, 'Cordoba' 10 c. grey, 'Boyaca Monument' 20 c. red and 'Sucre' 1 p. sky-blue, of which ½ c. and 5 c. printed on watermarked "Special Paper London EC", 2 c., 10 c. and 20 c. with violet Administration handstamp. Despite some minor imperfections a very scarce offer.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 2163 Kolumbien
Losnr. : 2164 Kolumbien
1923/29: Arms 1 ½ c. chocolate in a complete Perkins Bacon Proof Sheet of 100 values with wide sheet margins allround, printed on ungummed wove paper, showing double print of complete first vertical row at left, small ink spot between pos. 33/34, vertical and horizontal folds away from stamps, but nevertheless a fine and scarce multiple Gibbons 393.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 2165 Kolumbien
1937 (4. Jan): Barranquilla Industrial Exhibition, Waterlow Imperforate Proofs on gummed wove paper, complete set of three with 5 c. maroon, 15 c. light blue and 50 c. red-brown, each in marginal blocks of six, in addition 5 c. and 15 c. vertical pairs of left or right corner sheet. All fresh and fine SG 493/95.Ausruf : 180 CHFZuschlag : 240 CHFLosnr. : 2166 Kolumbien
Losnr. : 2167 Kolumbien
1949 (Dec. 15): Commemorative issue 50th Death Anniversary of Francisco Javier Cisneros (1836-1898), Waterlow Imperforate Proofs on gummed wove paper, complete set of three of 50 c. each in the issued colours and in matching horizontal blocks of right of sheet. Fresh and fine SG 717/719.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 260 CHFLosnr. : 2168 Kolumbien
1887: Registered envelope from Medellon to Munich, bearing Registration stamp 10 c. red on orange with handwritten '2798' with Colombia 1883, 10 c. orange in a hor. pair, cancelled by oval 'MEDELLIN' handstamp in violet, Barranquilla registration handstamp, Colon cds and 'London Registered' cds in red in transit, reverse with Munich arrival cds's (June 12, 1887). A fresh and fine cover.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2169 Kolumbien
1917; Registration 10 c. deep blue (Tequendama Falls) large part of Perkins Bacon Proof sheet of 47 values on unwatermarked wove paper without gum of former sheeet of 50 with sheet margins allround, large brown spot on top of sheet margin and slight paper wrinkles, otherwise fine and scarce Gibbons R370.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 340 CHFLosnr. : 2170 Kolumbien
1917: Acknowledgment of Receipt Sabana Station 4 c. bistre-brown large part of of Perkins Bacon Proof sheet of 79 values on unwatermarked wove paper without gum of top of sheet, bearing receiving Colombian Administration handstamp in violet. Scarce Gibbons AR116.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 2171 Kolumbien
1865/72: Entire letters (6) to France or USA with British P.O. datestamps on reverse of CARTHAGENA, SANTA MARTHA, PANAMA and one with GUAYAQUIL cds., four struck with Accountancy marking 'GB / 1F 60c.' in black, the Guayaquil cover with 'GB / 2F 87½c.' in black in London; interesting variety of décime rates handstruck on arrival: 8, 10, 12, 16 and 24.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 240 CHFLosnr. : 2172 Kolumbien
Correo Semanal del Dorado 1868/70: Collection on five sheets, well written up, incl. two covers, five blocks of four, a pair and two singles. The two covers of July and November 1870 were sent from the Laguna de Siecha in the Guasca district, both directed from Geo Crowther to Enrique Urdaneta in Bogota and each bearing a single private post adhesive of 1 real, tied by handwritten 'G', standing probably for Guasca. The blocks of four, three of them in tête-bêche configuration, and the other adhesives show the diversity of papers used for printing with thin bluish, white vertically laid and ordinary thick papers, as any available piece of paper was used. A rarely seen offer of this elusive issue including several items described in Bortfeld, Private Mail Carriers of Colombia on pages 59-68. There are only about ten covers known from this private mail carrier.rnNote: It was believed that in the Siecha Lake (in the Guasca municipality of the Cundinamarca Department), a difficult to access lagoon at an altitude of more than 3,000 metres, the Muisca people had hidden from the Spaniards the legendary El Dorado treasure. A Colombian citizen, Enrique Urdaneta partnered with the English engineer George Crowther and acquired in 1866 the shares that enabled them to drain the lake. As communication was difficult due to geographical reasons, a private carrier service was established in 1868. This first Colombian private carrier provided a weekly mail service of El Dorado, which transported mail from the Siecha lagoon to Bogota, which lasted to 1870. Adhesives were created, a cliché was cut, the value of postage stamps was set to 1 real (10 centavos de peso) and printed on various available papers. There are only about ten covers known. The November cover being part of this lot is thought to be the last one sent. Two days later Crowther and twelve coworkers died in a tunnel which brought the whole project to an end.Ausruf : 7.000 CHFZuschlag : 11.500 CHFLosnr. : 2173 Scadta Konsularpost
1923: Scadta issue handstamped 'Br.' for Brazil in black on 30 c. blue in a complete sheet of 25 values and complete sheet margins all round, fresh and fine original gum. One of only two complete sheets in existence showing the layout of the Control Dots. Ex Collection Gebauer.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 550 CHFLosnr. : 2174 Scadta Konsularpost
1929 (June 10): Envelope from Esmeraldas endorsed 'Pagado 30 cts. Oro' in manuscript bearing 1928 Garcia Moreno 10 c. black tied by boxed "P.A.G.A.C. SERVICIO AEREO ECUADOR" handstamp, backstamped on arrival by boxed Buenaventura agency cachet. A fine commercial airmail usage without airpost stamp (fee pre-paid in cash) with a scarce cancellation.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 2175 Scadta Konsularpost
1928/31: Assembly of 26 Scadta usages in Ecuador, including 1928 (June 16) first flight cover from Guayaquil to Buenaventura (June 17) used before issue of the Provisional stamps (Aug. 28. 1928), Provisional 1s. on Scadta 20c. grey used on cover (1929, March 25) from Ambato to Esmeralda (March 27), 15 covers franked with 1928 Provisional 1 1/2s. on Scadta 30c. blue plus eight covers franked with 1929 1 1/2s. grey blue, all from Esmeraldas to Buenaventura, further 1931 registered envelope from Guayaquil to Buenaventura, Colombia by 'Correo Aereo Panagra' as well as legal size envelope of Banco Central del Ecuador in Guayaquil franked with 1 1/2s. plus 3s cancelled by SCADTA advertising meter mark "El Ecuador tiene un / servicio aereo completo / Aprovechelo". Some stained perfs., but predominantly a fine and interesting assembly.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 3.300 CHFLosnr. : 2176 Costa Rica
1890: 2 c. green postal stationery card (H&G 3), used from San Jose to Rotterdam, Netherlands up-rated with 1889 1 c. brown tied by 'San Jose / Costa Rica' cds (Nov 7, 1890) in black. Rottedam arrival cds at left (Nov 28) and reverse with New York transit. Fresh and fine usage.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2176A Cuba
1948 (June): Waterlow engraved Proofs for the 'Death of Maceo' 1 peso value in black & violet, the completed design in an Imperforate Proof block of ten (5 x 2) with security punch-holes with sheet margin at base and manuscript "Vignette Plate correct, Lay a shade lower 18.6.48" in red ink, together with a matching block of ten of the Frame only in black with "Plate & Colour OK 10/6/48" in black ink in margin, both blocks with gum. Some minor bends as these were working Proofs, superb and rare.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2176B Cuba
1951 (March-April): Waterlow engraved Proofs for the Miguel Teurbe Tolón 1 c. value in Prussian green, ultramarine & red, the completed design in an Imperforate Proof block of ten (5 x 2) with security punch-holes, the sheet margin at left with wonderful engraved scrolling and the lower margin with manuscript "Plate Colours OK, 10.5.51" in black and "Test for comb perf." in red ink, together with a matching block of ten of the Cuban Flag only with "Colour OK 30.3.51" in black ink in margin, both blocks with gum. Some minor bends as these were working Proofs, superb and rare Gi 552.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2176C Cuba
1951 (March-April): Waterlow engraved Proofs for the Narciso Lopez 2 c. value in red & grey-black, the completed design in an Imperforate Proof block of twenty (10 x 2) with central interpanneau margin and security punch-holes, the sheet margin at left with wonderful engraved scrolling and the lower margin with manuscript "Plate Colour OK, 1.3.51" in black and "Test for comb perf. 2'000'000 stamps = 20'000 pulls, Casement wording and lay correct 1.3.51" in violet ink; together with a matching block of twenty of the Lopez vignette only with "Colour OK 30.4.51" in black ink in margin, both blocks with gum. Some minor bends as these were working Proofs, superb and rare Gi 553.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2176D Cuba
1951 (April): Waterlow engraved Proofs for the López landing at Cardenas Airmail 5 c. value in olive, scarlet & ultramarine, the completed design in an Imperforate Proof block of ten (5 x 2) with security punch-holes, the sheet margin at base with wonderful engraved scrolling and the lower margin with manuscript "Plate Colours OK, 16.4.51" in blue ink, together with a matching block of ten of the landing and Cuban Flag vignette only with "Make-up and lay Correct 10.4.51" in red ink in margin and notations concerning the printing of the flag with "remove all lines throughout", both blocks with gum. Some minor bends as these were working Proofs, superb and rare Gi 556.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2176E Cuba
1951 (April): Waterlow engraved Proofs for the 'Raising the Flag' Airmail 8 c. value in red-brown, blue & red, the completed design in an Imperforate Proof block of twenty (10 x 2) with security punch-holes, the sheet margin at left with fine engraved scrolling and the lower margin with manuscript "Test for comb perf., 350'000 stamps = 3'500 pulls" in violet ink with "Brown wording correct / Lay a triple lower as marked, 4.4.51", together with two matching blocks of ten of the Cuban Flag vignette only with "Colours OK 27.3.51" in black ink in margin both blocks with gum. Some minor bends as these were working Proofs, superb and rare Gi 557.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2176F Cuba
1951 (April): Waterlow engraved Proofs for the Government House, Special Delivery 10 c. value in brown-orange, scarlet & ultramarine, the completed design in an Imperforate Proof block of twelve (6 x 2) with interpanneau margin and security punch-holes, the sheet margin at base with fine engraved scrolling and the lower margin with manuscript "Plate & Colour OK, 11.4.51" in blue ink, together with a matching block of ten of the Cuban Flag only with "Colour OK 6.4.51" in black ink in margin, both blocks with gum. Some minor bends as these were working Proofs, superb and rare Gi E559.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 2177 Cuba
1855/1860: The Exhibit collection well written up on leaves with April 1855 wmk. loops ½ r. blue-green, 1 r. green and 2 r. carmine all on blued paper unused, Sept 1855 ½ r. blue-green, 1 r. green and 2 r. orange-red on yellowish unused (Scott = $ '875), May 1855 cover to Cardenas used with ½ r. blue-green in first month of issue, 1855 ½ r. blue-green unused and used examples (81) incl. pair with CORRFOS VARIETY, cancellation study with registration "O" handstamps in blue (3) and a large manuscript cancelled block of 42 and covers with usages from Banguela and Guamutas; 1855 1 r. green, wmk. loops, unused and used (24) and the unique March 1861 cover with usage from Algeciras to Jerez la Frontera via Gibraltar - the unique and only known usage of a Cuban 1855 adhesive used within Spain and accepted for postage; 1855 2 r. carmine unused with large margins and fine og. (rare, Scott = $ 1'000), and used (7), 2 r. orange-red used (20); rare local "Y¼" on 2 r. used (2) and the unique cover front bearing a horizontal pair "Y¼" on 2 r. mailed from Havana to Cardenas (ex Goldsmith, PF cert. 2008) ; 1856 issue, wmk. lines, with ½ r. unused (11) and plethora of used (25) incl. a block with CORRFOS variety and four covers; 1856 1 r. green and 2 r. bright red, wmk. lines unused (Scott = $ 2'000+) and used examples; 1857 issue with unused multiples of all three values, ½ r. blue unused (18) and used (320) incl. a complete divided sheet (two blocks of 80 subjects) with full SELLOS MEDIO REAL PLATA imprint at top and manuscript cancelled, further block of 80 stamps (8 x 10), block of six unused with one stamp showing "Void Corner" variety and a single used example; "Dot before Correos" variety used, CORRFOS varieties in unused blocks, used pairs including a rare cover with pair; ½ r. on covers (19) and a range of cancels; 1857 1 r. green unused (28 and two covers), single 1 r. used with "Mexico / Vera Cruz" grill cancellation during the 1861 Expedition, pair used on piece in Coruña, Spain and another pair used in Cadiz; 1857 2 r. rose red unused (15) incl. a block of four and used examples (13); 1860 "Y¼" on 2 r. unused (2) and used (8) with positions identified; and a fabulous 1860 cover with "Y¼" on 2 r. red tied by parilla to local Havana cover (cert. Philatelic Foundation 2006) , Careful viewing is recommended. A fine collection with four or five major rarities of Cuban Philately surrounded by much more of interest.Ausruf : 7.500 CHFZuschlag : 11.500 CHFLosnr. : 2178 Ecuador
British P.O. 1854 (Oct 10): Entire letter from Guayaquil to Lima struck with fair undated GUAYAQUIL / PAID circular handstamp in red, reverse with British P.O. GUAYAQUIL datestamp in black (Oct 11). Carried on the PSNC Steamer 'Bogota' to Lima with blue arrival on reverse.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 2179 Ecuador
1870 (Oct 25): Entire letter sent during the Franco-Prussian War from Guayaquil to besieged Paris mailed at the French Postal Agency with sender's cachet 'Poudavigne & Co / Guayaquil / 25 Oct 1870' and rare "GUAYAQUIL" circular datestamp of the same day adjacent without the usual 'Franca' at base. The entire (an "entrée tentative") is internally docketed as being answered on March 6, 1871. Rare and most unusual.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 420 CHFLosnr. : 2180 Ecuador
1885: Pacific Steam Navigation Co. Cargo receipt for shipping to New York, printed in red with fine illustration of Steamer, franked by 1884-1885 optd. Fiscal 2 c. brown, the receipt for 42 bags of Cocoa weighting 6'020 lbs. in total. Handstamped "Said to weigh, but not / responsible for weight" in violet. Folded but nevertheless a very rare document.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 260 CHFLosnr. : 2181 Ecuador
1894: Rocafuerte 2 c. brown postal stationery card, a fine used example to Algeria wth 1 c. slate Fiscal optd. '1884-85' tied by 'UPU / Guayaquil' cds in black. Mailed via London (Oct 18) with red transit and 'Arzew / Oran' arrival cds (Oct 22) in black; also 3 c. black on green postal stationery card used in 1896 to Narva, Estonia via St. Petersburg with arrival cds on reverse. Scarce and attractive pair.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 2182 Ecuador
1898: Card from Jena, Germany bearing 10 pf. carmine tied 'Jena' cds, thence via St. Nazaire to Guayaquil with fine oval CORREOS / GUAYAQUIL ECUADOR arrival (Dec 3), framed TRANSIT / GUAYAQUIL in black at left. Delivery attempted and failed, struck with 'Non Reclame' in violet and readdressed to San Francisco (Dec 28). Addressee again unfound struck with circular 'Name Not in P.O. Directory' in violet and four line 'Advertised / Due 1 ct.', eventually returned to Jena (April 27, 1899) via Dead Letter Office. Unusual card.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 110 CHF
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