Tradition und Erfahrung in klassischer Philatelie seit 1919

Ansicht sortieren :
  • Losnr. : 1200 Div. Deutschland Sammlungen/Posten

    1872/1950: Lot 130 Belege aus versch. Dt. Gebieten, dabei Dt. Reich, Besetzungsausgaben 2. WK,  Zonenausgaben, Bundesrepublik, Berlin und Saargebiet, inkl. Bedarfspost, Satzbriefe und philat. Belege, gute bis gemischte Erhaltung, in einem Album
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 550 CHF

    Losnr. : 1201 Div. Deutschland Sammlungen/Posten

    1880/1955ca: Lot 440+ Briefe und Ganzsachen, dabei Deutsches Reich mit Paketkarten in die Schweiz, Post vom oder zum deutschen Postamt in Schanghai, auch aus SmyrnaInflationsfrankaturen, Zensur während des Ersten & Zweiten Weltkriegs, Sowjetische und Französische Besatzungszone, Berlin, frühe DDR mit DEBRIA-Block und Bundesrepublik. Muss besichtigt werden, in untersch. Erhaltung.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 600 CHF

    Losnr. : 1202 Div. Deutschland Sammlungen/Posten

    1880/1980: Umfangreicher Bestand mit einigen Tausend Briefen, Karten und Ganzsachen aus versch. Dt. Gebieten, dabei Dt. Reich, Zonenausgaben, Bundesrepublik, Berlin, Saarland etc. meist Bedarfspost mit z.T. besseren Frankaturen, Zensurpost, Sonderstempel, versch. Verwendungsarten und anderes mehr, meist in guter Erhaltung und fast jeder Beleg in einer Plastikhülle, sauber arrangiert in acht grauen Lagerkartons und das Ganze abgepackt in drei Brocki-Boxen.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 1203 Div. Deutschland Sammlungen/Posten

    1890/1920: Lot 145 Briefe, Karten und Ansichtskarten mit Schiffspostenwertungen, dabei Marine-Schiffspost, private Linien, Feldpost, Ak's mit Abbildungen der Schiffe, Reklamekarten der HAPAG und anderes mehr, in einem  Album, dazu ein Album mit 75 Belegen 'Schiffspost auf Schweizer Seen'.
    Ausruf : 350 CHF
    Zuschlag : 550 CHF

    Losnr. : 1204 Div. Deutschland Sammlungen/Posten

    1892/1945: Lot mit 191 Begleitadressen für Pakete adressiert in die Schweiz, dabei im Einzelnen 35 Stück von Bayern, 19 Stück von Württemberg und 137 Stück vom Dt. Reich, versch. Frankaturen und Frankaturkombinationen, übliche Bedarfserhaltung (wenige Marken wurden entfernt), in einer kl. Schachtel.
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : 550 CHF

    Losnr. : 1205 Div. Deutschland Sammlungen/Posten

    1893/1930ca.: Archive lot in three albums with over 240 covers/cards showing interesting frankings and usages with many addressed to Chemnitz, Germany, including 1919/20 mail from Fiume, Galicia (Poland), Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Romania, showing some Austrian Empire cancellations and registration labels used shortly after WW I, some philatelic made items for collectors purposes, but all postally used with many interesting markings. A fine assembly, inspection recommended.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 6.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 1206 Div. Deutschland Sammlungen/Posten

    1907/13: Kl. Sammlung mit drei Ganzsachen (zwei mit ZuF), drei Ansichtskarten und einem kl. Briefstück aus Haiti, Jamaica, Kolumbien und  USA, alle entw. mit dem gr. Ovalstp. von versch. Schiffen der HAMBURG-AMERIKA-LINIE, in guter Erhaltung, auf drei Albumblättern.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1207 Div. Deutschland Sammlungen/Posten

    1918/59: Lot 11 Briefe, dabei Ober Ost 1918 Ganzsachen-Postkarte mit Zusatzfrankatur Lettland innerhalb von Riga, Allenstein 1920 Antwort-Ganzsache mit Zusatzfrankatur,  Danzig 1927 Brief über Tel Aviv nach Jaffa, 1928 Zoppot nach Tel Aviv, 1932 Luftpostausstellung mit Zeppelin nach Chemnitz, Dez. 1939 Luftpost in die USA, Memel 1923 CENT - Überdrucke Massenfrankatur von Klaipeda nach Frankenhausen, Deutsches Reich 1935 zwei Luftpostbelege nach Montevideo resp. Buenos Ayres sowie Deutsche Post 1950 Berlin-Charlottenburg nach Haifa mit israelischer Zensur. Interessanter Posten.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 300 CHF

    Losnr. : 1208 Dt. Reich

    1942/45: Grösserer Posten Abwurfzettel der alliierten Streitkräfte mit Anti-Nazi-Propaganda, abgeworfen über versch. Gebieten des Dritten Reiches, in versch. Sprachen wie Deutsch, Französisch oder Polnisch, übliche Alterungsspuren, in einer Mappe.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 340 CHF

    Losnr. : 1209 Div. Deutschland Sammlungen/Posten

    1945/78: Sammlung resp. Lot mit einigen Hundert Marken gest./ungest., dabei Sowj. Besatzungszone und DDR mit den Marx-Blocks, Berlin mit beiden Aufdruckserien, moderne Ausgaben Bundesrepublik, dabei auch viele Genzsachen Bayern, Dt. Reich, Saargebiet und andere, vorab in guter Erhaltung, in sechs Alben und Einsteckbüchern.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 750 CHF

    Losnr. : 1210 Div. Deutschland Sammlungen/Posten

    1949/1950: Sammlung mit einigen Hundert Marken gest./ungest. vorab Einzelmarken und vereinzelte Viererblocks, dabei etaws Alt-Deutschalnd von Baden bis NdP und hier vorab kl. Werte und Serien, Dt. Reich mit ein paar Brustschild-Marken, Vielfalt in der Germania-Ausgabe mit Farbnuancen, Heftchenblättern und anderem mehr, Dt. Auslandspostämter und Kolonien, Besetzungsausgaben 1. WK inkl. Abstimmungsgebiete, Saargebiet und Saarland, Danzig, III. Reich mit kmpl. Serien und Gedenkblocks, alliierte Besetzung mit Gemeinschaftsausgben, Franz. Zone, BI-Zone, Währungsreform, das Gamze aufgelockert mit ein paar Briefen, Karten und Ganzsachen inkl. drei Zeppelin-Belege, vorab in guter Erhaltung und sauber arrangiert in vier Alben zum Teil mit Beschriftung.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.600 CHF

    Losnr. : 1211 Div. Deutschland Sammlungen/Posten

    1970/90: Umfangreicher Bestand mit einigen Hundert Briefen, Karten, Ansichtskarten und Ganzsachen moderne Schiffspost, dabei Belege von privaten Reedereien und auch von der Dt. Marine, gr. Anzahl Sonderstempel von den div.  Manövern, Instandstellung neuer Schiffe und anderem mehr. Auf Albumblättern mit teilweiser Beschreibung, abgepackt in zwei Banananschachteln.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1212 Finnland

    1 / 1
    1800: A church announcement with full content dated January 30, written in Finnish and addressed to the church of Alakiminki, showing on reverse a nice example of a blackish brown feather tied by red wax seal, a beautiful feather lettersheet. Cert Heikki Pahlman (2003).
    Ausruf : 350 CHF
    Zuschlag : 850 CHF

    Losnr. : 1213 Finnland

    1 / 1
    Katalognummer : 1/II
    1 / 1
    1856/58: 5 kop. blue, large Pearls, a used example with large margins all round, cancelled solely by pen cross. A most attractive example. Cert. L. Nielsen (2010) Mi = € 1'800.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 440 CHF

    Losnr. : 1214 Finnland

    Finish Occupation of Eastern Karelia / Itä-Karjala 1941/43: Group 20 covers, a diverse lot primarily with philatelic frankings, one FDC, also one cover from the Finish Fieldpost to Berlin with Finish and German censorship.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 300 CHF

    Losnr. : 1215 Frankreich

    1597 (Sept. 8): Henry IV King of France (1553-1610) also known by the epithet Good King Henry or Henry the Great, entire lettersheet signed by the King'sown hand: "Henry" written in the Field at Amiens (Northeastern France) and addressed to the Governor of Langedoc (South France). Fine Military letter concerning the payment of their troups. Transcription of French text together with  a German translation attached.The Spanish had captured the city of Amiens between 13 May and 25 September. Henry IV of France, after the surprise of the capture, immediately and quickly built up an army besieged Amiens on 13 May 1597.
    Ausruf : 700 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 1216 Frankreich

    1658 (Dec.15): Christine of France (1606 – 1663) Autographed lettersheet  'La Duchesa di Savoia Regina di Cypro', written in Italian language at Lyon (F) and signed by her own hand, addressed to 'Marchese Villa all Armata' (in the Army), with waver wax seal on reverse. Christine 'La Cretienne' was a sister of Louis XIII and Duchess of Savoy. At the death of her husband Victor Amadeus I in 1637, she acted as regent of Savoy between 1637 and 1648.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1217 Frankreich

    Seconde Fronde, French Civil War (1650-1653): Eintire lettersheet addressed to the French Secretary of State for War Michel Le Tellier (1603-1685), written  and signed by the French intendant Michel d'Aligre March 26, 1652 'sur les necessitez de l'armée de Cat(alog)ne' in the camp of 'S(ain)t Boy' (Sant Boi de Llobregat, ES), concerning a victorious battle and complaining about the missing food. Cert. Pothion, Ex. H.U. Sieber.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 200 CHF

    Losnr. : 1218 Frankreich

    Incoming Mail 1753/56: Two early privat letters, incl. 1753 (Dec. 1) written in St. Pierre, Martinique to Madame la Veuve de Vaucourtoir in France together with 1756 (Nov. 18) entire letter from Safi 1756, Morocco to Marseille, without postal markings and probably carried by Ship's Captain direct to Roux et Fils. Fine and scarce.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 200 CHF

    Losnr. : 1219 Frankreich

    Incoming Mail 1768 (Aug 22): Entire letter from Bad Dürckheim to Ribbeauville, Alsace with DE TURCKHEIM straight line in black (Feuser 781-2) together with 1763 (April 9) entire letter from Speyer to St. Diez, Lorraine, both with endorsed 'p. Strasbourg' and immensely rare "R:HAVSEN" in red (Van der Linden fig. 2431 = 10 pts.) respectively in black (Van der Linden fig. 2431, earliest recorded usage). A fine and scarce pair.rn 
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1220 Frankreich

    1779: 'Grande Poste', a fine complete example of the 'Journal Politique' or 'Gazette des Gazettes' for July to September 1779 with 96 pages, some stains and aging, with fascinating content from Russia, Germany and primarily France, struck on the outside cover with fine impression of circular PERIODIQUE / CROWN / FRANCS handstamp in black (Legendre 53). Scarce and most unusual.
    Ausruf : 100 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1221 Frankreich

    1852: Cérès 25 c. blue, horiz. pair wirh sheet margin at right in deep fresh colour, nicely cancelled by small numeral  '3498' of Awassy-sur-Blaise, cds alongside "3 NOV 52", addressed to Moutier en D.P.R.. Signed Calves and Raybaudi.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 300 CHF

    Losnr. : 1222 Frankreich

    1 / 1
    Peru 1853: 10 c. bistre, 20 c. blue, 40 c. orange and a spectacular horizontal strip of seven 80 c. carmine, all stamps with four margins, used on 1855 triple weight cover from Le Havre to Lima, Peru; cancelled by 1495 petit chiffres with 'Bureau Maritime / Havre' cds in red below (Feb 23) and framed 'P.P.' in red. Framed FOREIGN PAID in greenish ink on front and reverse with both London and Southampton (March 1) transits alongside circular 'Vapor / Lima' arrival in blue. A superb and rare cover. Signed A. Diena. Cert. von der Weid (1997).rnProvenance: Collection Mont-Blanc, Corinphila sale 104 (Sept 1998), lot 7944 ; collection Sylvain Wyler, Corinphila sale 205 (June 2016), lot 2064.
    Ausruf : 2.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.600 CHF

    Losnr. : 1223 Frankreich

    1 / 1
    China 1853: 20 c. blue, two horizontal strips of four, each with just touched to good margins all round and one strip over edge at base, used on 1861 entire letter at double rate to Shanghai, China tied by 1031 petit chiffres with 'Crest' cds of despatch alongside (Jan 28). Framed 'P.P.' in red and reverse with Marseille cds (Jan 29) and 'Hong Kong' transit datestamp in black and docketing of reply (April 19) inside. A superb and rare entire. Cert. Boule (1999).rnProvenance: Collection Sylvain Wyler, Corinphila sale 205 (June 2016), lot 2050.
    Ausruf : 2.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.200 CHF

    Losnr. : 1224 Frankreich

    1863/70: Laureated 1 c. bronze on green, 4 c. grey and 1871 Siège 10 c. bistre (2) used on 'Affranchisement composé' 1871 entire letter to Lyon making up the newly introduced 25 c. rate tied by gros chiffres '2046D' of Lillle / Place St. Martin with cds adjacent (Sept 10). Fine illustrated engraved letterhead inside and a most appealing second week usage.
    Ausruf : 120 CHF
    Zuschlag : 140 CHF

    Losnr. : 1225 Frankreich

    1863/70: Laureated 1 c. bronze on green, 4 c. grey and 1871 Siège 10 c. bistre (2) used on 'Affranchisement composé' 1871 entire letter to Lyon making up the newly introduced 25 c. rate tied by gros chiffres '4082' of Valines with cds adjacent (Sept 14) with circular 'OR' (Origin Rurale) above. Slight file fold away but an attractive second week usage.
    Ausruf : 120 CHF
    Zuschlag : 130 CHF

    Losnr. : 1226 Frankreich

    1863/70: Laureated 1 c. bronze on green, 10 c. bistre (2) and Bordeaux imperforate 1870 4 c. grey with large margins all round, used on 'Affranchisement composé' 1871 entire letter to Chamond tied by '2145' gros chiffres of Lyon with cds below (Sept 13). An attractive second week usage and a rare make-up of the newly introduced 25 centime rate.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 280 CHF

    Losnr. : 1227 Frankreich

    1863/70: Laureated 1 c. bronze on green, 1870 Bordeaux imperforate 4 c. grey with large margins all round and Sept. 1871 Cérès 20 c. blue, used on 'Affranchisement composé' 1871 entire letter to Comines tied by '2045' gros chiffres of Lille with despatch cds alongside and below (Sept 20 and 21). Unobtrusive file fold touches the 20 c. but a scarce and attractive 'three issue' mixed franking.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1228 Frankreich

    1870: Bordeaux 5 c. bright green on greenish, Report II, four examples with touched to large margins all round, used on 1871 entire letter from Marseille with "Marseille / Bateau A Vap." despatch cds at left (May 10) to Arzew, Algeria tied in transit by gros chiffres '5051' of Oran, Algeria. Backstamped at Oran and superb strike of "Arzew / Algerie" arrival (May 15). A scarce and most attractive cover.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 220 CHF

    Losnr. : 1229 Frankreich

    1870: Bordeaux 5 c. green on greenish, Report II, a large even margined example overlapping Sept. 1871 Cérès 20 c. blue on 1871 'Affranchisement composé' cover to Paris tied by gros chiffres '2659' of Nimes with cds alongside (Sept 17). A fine and attractive cover paying the newly introduced 25 centime rate.
    Ausruf : 120 CHF
    Zuschlag : 120 CHF

    Losnr. : 1230 Frankreich

    1870: Bordeaux 5 c. green on unusually blued paper, Report II, a large even margined example used with Sept. 1871 Cérès 20 c. very deep blue on 1871 'Affranchisement composé' entire letter to Paris tied by gros chiffres '2046D' of Lille / Place St. Martin with cds of despatch alongside (Sept 11). A fine and attractive cover used in the second week, paying the newly introduced 25 centime rate.
    Ausruf : 140 CHF
    Zuschlag : 140 CHF

    Losnr. : 1231 Frankreich

    1872: 5 c. green and 25 c. blue (strip of three), tied by dotted numeral mark "6307" of Bordeaux to entire letter sent to Poti Black Sea Russia with Bordeaux (May 7, 1875) despatch cds and framed 'PD' handstamp in red alongside, on front and reverse a plethora of French and five diff. Russian TPO cds's, Tiflis transit and Poti arrival (May 13) cds's.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 220 CHF

    Losnr. : 1232 Frankreich

    1875 (Feb 16): Cover from Paris to Santiago, Chile, endorsed "Voie Southampton et Panama",  bearing 1871 Cérès 25 c. blue, two horizontal pairs and 30 c. brown tied by mute star obliterator, Paris despatch cds and framed "P.P." in red alongside Upon arrival oval 'Valparaiso / Multada 10 c' handstamp in red on front, reverse with 'Valparaiso Chile 30 Mzo 75' arrival cds in red. Fresh and attractive usage, rare mail via Panama to the Pacific.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 240 CHF

    Losnr. : 1233 Frankreich

    1872 (Nov 3): Entire letter from Bordeaux to Caracas, Venezuela, endorsed "Via St. Nazaire",  bearing 1871 Cérès 25 c. blue in a horizontal stip of four tied by '532' Gros chiffre numeral and Bordeaux despatch cds, framed PD in red alongside, reverse with 'Ligne A Paq Fr No 3' (Nov 7) shipmail transit cds. Fresh and fine usage.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 240 CHF

    Losnr. : 1234 Frankreich

    1871/75: Cérès 25 c. blue in a fine strip of four, used on 1875 entire letter from Marseille to Port Louis, Mauritius; all tied by '2240' gros chiffres with Marseille cds of despatch (Nov 21) at left. Reverse with 'Mauritius' arrival (Dec 19) cds in blue. Fresh and very fine, a delightful entire to a scarce destination.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 300 CHF

    Losnr. : 1235 Frankreich

    1936: Exposition philatelique du Havre, an unmounted og example Yvert = € 1'600.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 160 CHF

    Losnr. : 1236 Frankreich

    Ballon Monté 1870 (Sept 23): Entire letter from beseiged Paris to London franked by Laureated 30 c. brown tied by Paris Star 12 with despatch cds alongside 'Paris / Bd. Beaumarchais / 23 Sept 1870' in black and framed 'PD' at right. Probably flown on Ballon 'Le Celeste' or 'Le Non Dénommé No. 1' (this landing in occupied territory and thus the more likely with delayed arrival date) with "London / Paid" arrival cds at left (Oct 18) in red.
    Ausruf : 180 CHF
    Zuschlag : 200 CHF

    Losnr. : 1237 Frankreich

    Ballon Monté 1870 (Sept 27): Tiny entire letter from beseiged Paris to St. Hippolyte franked by Laureated 20 c. blue tied by Paris Star 17 with 'Paris / 1e. / 27 Sept 1870' despatch cds, carried on the Ballon 'Les États-Unis' for a journey of 58 km., with reverse showing 'Lyon à Paris' cds (Oct 2) and 'St. Hippolyte' arrival cds. Superb and most attractive Maury = € 775.
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1238 Frankreich

    Ballon Monté 1870 (Sept 29): Postcard from beseiged Paris to Brussels, Belgium franked by Laureated 10 c. bistre and 20 c. blue tied by Paris Star 2 with 'Paris / R. St. Lazare / 29 Sept 1870' despatch cds alongside and framed 'PD' in red. Carried on Ballon 'Le Non Dénommé No. 1' (which landed in occupied territory). Reverse with 'St. Josse ten Noode' arrival cds (Oct 19) in black. A very unusual postcard usage to a destination abroad.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 200 CHF

    Losnr. : 1239 Frankreich

    Ballon Monté 1870 (Oct 21): Entire letter from beseiged Paris to Albert, Somme endorsed 'Garde Mobile du 6e. Bataillon de la Somme 1ere Compagnie' sent unpaid and struck with framed italic "Trouvé à la Boite" and "Paris / 21 Oct 70" despatch cds alongside "30" centimes charge marking. Flown on the Ballon 'Le Garibaldi' with reverse showing 'Lille à Paris' cds (Nov 1) and 'Albert' arrival cds (Oct 2 -error). A fine and unusual entire.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1240 Frankreich

    Ballon Monté 1870 (Oct 27): Entire letter from beseiged Paris endorsed with printed 'Par Ballon Monté' franked by Laureated 20 c. blue tied by Paris Star, carried on the Ballon 'Le Colonel Charras' on its 250 km. flight, struck on reverse with 'Caen à Paris' cds (Nov 2) and Mézidon arrival cds (Nov 2). Scarce and fine Maury = € 435.
    Ausruf : 175 CHF
    Zuschlag : 180 CHF

    Losnr. : 1241 Frankreich

    Ballon Monté 1870 (Nov 9): Printed "Agence Havas, édition Allemande" entire addressed to the Rheinisch Zeitung, Cologne endorsed 'Ballon Monté' carried on the Ballon 'Le Daguerre' underpaid with 1870 Siège 10 c. bistre tied by Paris Star with "Paris / 6e / 9 Nov 70" despatch cds alongside and two line "AFFR. INSUFF / ETR." in black. No arrival datestamp but scarce aand most unusual Maury = € 1'600.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1242 Frankreich

    Ballon Monté 1870 (Nov 22): Small entire letter from beseiged Paris to Toulouse, endorsed 'Par Ballon Monté', with 'Paris / 7e. / 22 Nov 1870' cds in black and struck with faint "P.P." framed in blue, carried on the Ballon 'Le Ville D'Orleans' which landed in Norway after a flight of 1305 kms., reverse with Toulouse arrival cds (Dec 12) in black. Rare Maury = € 700.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 340 CHF

    Losnr. : 1243 Frankreich

    Ballon Monté 1870 (Nov 29 & 30): Covers (2) from beseiged Paris, one endorsed 'Ballon Monté' franked by Laureated 20 c. blue tied by Paris Star No. 1 and flown on Ballon 'Le Jules Favre No. 2' with 'Paris à Givet' cds (Dec 6) on reverse, the other with small imperfections franked by Laureated 40 c. orange tied by Paris Star 21 with 'Paris / 6e / 29 Nov 1870' cds and mailed to a Parliamentary Deputy in Florence, Italy also flown on Ballon 'Le Jules Favre No. 2' with Susa and Firenze backstamps (Dec 6). Scarce pair.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 300 CHF

    Losnr. : 1244 Frankreich

    Ballon Monté 1871 (Jan 23): Cérès 20 c. blue used on 1871 entire letter to Marseille tied by Paris Star '25' with 'Paris / R. Serpentine' cds at left (Jan 23) carried on Ballon Monté "Le Torricelli" with Marseille arrival cds (Feb 2) on reverse. Minor bends to entire but scarce Maury = € 600.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 150 CHF

    Losnr. : 1245 Frankreich

    1910: Grand Meeting d'aviation and Le Circuit de l'Est from 7. - 17 August, b/w picture postcard showing aircraft of Mr. Leblanc, addressed to Paris, front side bearing postage and rare embossed label from that event.
    Ausruf : 100 CHF
    Zuschlag : 130 CHF

    Losnr. : 1246 Frankreich

    1926: Mineraline, booklet including four out of the original ten stamps, two stamps from base, two stamps from top of the booklet sheet in unmounted og condition Yvert = € 7'250 for the full booklet / Maury 5 = € 7'800 for the full booklet.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 440 CHF

    Losnr. : 1247 Frankreich

    1930: Sourire de Reims, complete booklet with eight stamps unmounted og, slight scratch on reverse of booklet Yvert = € 1'350 / Maury 141 = € 1'350.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 200 CHF

    Losnr. : 1248 Frankreich

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    1870 (Aug. 10): Telegram, locally used within Paris, franked with 1868 1 f. orange perf. 11½ x 12½ on pre-printed telegram form. A fine and scarce usage, cert. Bolaffi  (2007).rn 
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1249 Frankreich

    1 / 1
    1849/62: Small group with Cérès 10 c. bistre brown pair cancelled by central strike of the grill, of fine appearance but with corner crease (cert.), an attractive four colour piece bearing 1852 10, 20, 40 and 80 c. values tied by BS2 and 'Recomandirt' in red; 1867 entire franked by 1862 5 c. green in a strip of four used from Lille to Cambrai tied by 2046 gros chiffres (cert.).
    Ausruf : 175 CHF
    Zuschlag : 300 CHF

    Losnr. : 1250 Frankreich

    1849/1960: Collection few hundred stamps used/unused, incl. some better values as airmails incl. Burelage 50 fr., Samothrace, 1925 Paris exhibition sheet, PEXIP souvenir sheet, few colonials etc., good to mixed condition and housed in an album.
    Ausruf : 350 CHF
    Zuschlag : 650 CHF

    Losnr. : 1251 Frankreich

    1849/1985: Collection several hundred mainly used stamps, incl. some better values from the classic period, airmails, pre-cancels, PEXIP sheet, Caisse d'amortisation, few war orphans, some booklets incl. Red Cross, inbetween some cards, covers and postal stationery items can be found, nicely arranged in four albums and in one stockbook.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 520 CHF

    Losnr. : 1252 Frankreich

    1760/1843: Album 80 pre-stamp letters, predominantly Departement handstamps with or without P.P. as P.24.P Besançon, P.38.P. Dôle, etc. further P.P.P.P. in red and P.16.P. Cozes on 1815 entire letter to Vendome, CORRESPONDANCE NATIONAL ET ETRANGERE A PARIS oval handstamp on 1806 letter to Grenoble, PORT PAYÉ in black and octogonal 60 P.P. /E Nin red on 1826/29 covers to Salin, Dept. Jura, large and small P.PAYÉ PARIS in red, 60 P.P. in black, L.F.R.2 on letter to Belgium, 1802 letter from 30/TOULOUSE to Monaco, single line CHARENTE albino h.s. (1760) and 55 THIONVILLE on 1827 letter to Barcelona, Spain.rn 
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 400 CHF

    Losnr. : 1253 Frankreich

    1770/1960: Lot 150 covers/cards, incl. 1855/74 domestic usages with 1853 Napoléon imperf. single frankings (30), two envelopes franked with Bordeaux 20 c., of which one used 23.03.71 during the Paris Commune, further 1871/75 Cérès single frankings (25), as well as 1908 and later usages.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 440 CHF

    Losnr. : 1254 Frankreich

    1792/1872: Lot 190 covers, primarily stampless incl. noms révolutionnaires, 1810 ´Préfet Dept de Vaucluse´, 1810 ´Préfet Dept du Gard´, Departments conquis Po, Genes, Mediterranée & Roer, taxation, franchise, Sardaigne Savoie, military covers, 1854 Quimper pour Corps expeditionnaire d'Italie Rome, 12 covers 1814/41 to Buckingham or Bucks UK, cancellation interest with 1836 ‘Bau DE LA Cbre DE PARIS‘, ‘B. DE LA MAISON DU ROI´, 1810 ‘P.P.’ avec bonnet phrygien, Cardinal Lemoine, ASNA Commune, French Levant from Constantinople & Smyrne; in addition 70 semi-modern covers, nearly all to Switzerland, incl. Sage 5 c. stationery envelopes unused with original sleeve, military mail, Swiss postage due, precursor postcards, dumb cancellations, stationery, Red Cross covers, express and registered mail, card from Strasbourg from December 1918 with French Semeuse definitive and German cds, two 1929 Monaco covers.
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : 400 CHF

    Losnr. : 1255 Frankreich

    1803/05: Selection of dated circular postmarks in red (20) or black (8, scarce) applied on reverse of in total 28 letters indicating year, day and month of the French Republican Calendar (1793/1805), incl. some Paris Route postmarks as 'D.4.E', 'G.6.E', 'G.5.E' OR 'T.4.E', all in black, as well as Departement handstamps as 55/SARRE LIBRE in red, P.25.P. ST.-VALLIER, 49/VITRY-LE/FRANCAIS or 58/CHAUMONT (LOISE). All fine and scarce. The revolutionary system was designed in part to remove all religious and royalist influences from the calendar, and was part of a larger attempt at decimalisation in France, which also included decimal time of day.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1256 Frankreich

    Crimean War 1855/56: Selection of three envelopes, all franked with 1853 20 c. blue and each tied by with diff. dotted Armée d'Orient  lozenges, incl. clear strike of AOQG Quartier Generale (May 13) to Paris, AOGI + Armée d'Orient B(ure)au G(ener)al (13. Sept.)  to Grasse (near Nice) as well as AOC + Armée d'Orient B(ure)au C 8 (Jan 22, 56) taxed with '4' on envelope to Lyon, signed G. Lamy. Some ageing, but a fine group.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 400 CHF

    Losnr. : 1257 Frankreich

    1870/78: The cover selection with September 1871 'Affranchisement composé' frankings for new 25 c. rate, 1870 Bordeaux issue covers with 1871 entire with 10 c. bistre (2) and unusual label on reverse, single 40 c. orange on cover, two covers with Siège 40 c. orange cancelled on arrival in Barcelona and an 1870 entire letter carried on Ballon Monté 'Le Vauban'; generally fair to fine group.
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 750 CHF

    Losnr. : 1258 Franz. Somaliküste

    Cote des Somalis 1894: Méharistes of Obock ovpt. DJIBOUTI 5 f. red, a fine and fresh example, large margins, fine mint. A scarce and desirable stamp. Signed Scheller Yvert = € 2'300.
    Ausruf : 180 CHF
    Zuschlag : 750 CHF

    Losnr. : 1259 Franz. Indochina Allg. Ausgaben

    Indo-China 1892/1937c.: Collection of covers/cards (37) with 1915 cover to Saigon franked by 10 c. black & orange tied by VAPEUR No. 1 datestamp, 1901 cover franked 15 c. to France cancelled at 'Nam-Dinh', further usages with 'Lang-Son / Tonkin' on 1903 card, 1904 card with 1 c. cancelled 'Kompong Tiam / Cambodge' cds, 1906 card with 5 c. tied 'Nui-Deo / Tonkin' cds, later airmails and a few France Postage Dues multiples used in Indo China.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 260 CHF

    Losnr. : 1260 Franz. Indochina Allg. Ausgaben

    Mong-Tzeu 1903/: Collection with 1906/07 set of sixteen values, 1906 set of seventeen to 10 fr., 1908 set of seventeen unused, 1919 set of seventeen unused, four Indo-China covers, 1901 Hoi-Hao 5 fr. lilac unused and used etc.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 800 CHF

    Losnr. : 1261 Franz. Indochina Allg. Ausgaben

    1940/62 ca.: Archive lot 80 envelopes from Haipong, Vietnam, Indochine, all addressed to the Swiss Trading Company Diethelm & Co. in Zurich, incl. interesting frankings and airmail usages, starting with censored item (1940), further  many high and unusual airpost frankings, the earlier franked with issues of the French Indochina, the later ones, from 1954 onwards, franked with Vietnam. In total 50 larger sized business envelopes together with 30 regular sized.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 2.400 CHF

    Losnr. : 1262 Franz. Post in der Levante

    1 / 1
    Metelino 1853 (Nov 17): Entire letter from Metelino to Lyon, struck with superb and extremely rare cursive "Mételin" handstamp in black (Pothion = 32 points) with "SMYRNE TURQUIE 17 NOV 53" transit cds alongside, reverse with Marseille transit as well as Lyon arrival (Nov 27, 1853) cds's, charged with '10' décimes upon arrival. An appealing cover; cert. Boule (1999).rnNote: Until the end of 1856, postage of prepaid and unpaid covers was identical. 
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : 650 CHF

    Losnr. : 1263 Franz. Post in der Levante

    Rhodos 1854 (June 6): Entire letter from Rhodos to Paris, struck with crisp and extremely rare cursive "Rhodes" handstamp in black (Pothion = 32 points) with Smyrne transit cds's (June 6/7, 1854) alongside, reverse with Paris arrival (June 17, 1854) cds, charged with '10' décimes upon arrival. An appealing cover.rnNote: Until the end of 1856, postage of prepaid and unpaid covers was identical. 
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 460 CHF

    Losnr. : 1264 Franz. Post in der Levante

    1 / 1
    Rhodos 1861 (Dec 13): Entire letter from Rhodos to Flaviac Ardèche, franked with 1853/60 Napoléon imperforated 10 c. bistre type II and 40 c. orange, cancelled together by one light strike of Petits Chiffres '3772' numeral with superb cogwheel "RHODES TURQUIE 13 DEC 61" cds (Pothion = 29 points) and framed "P.P." in black alongside, reverse with Marseille-Lyon TPO and Flaviac arrival (Dec 25, 1861) cds. Both adhesives touched at one side, file fold well away from stamps and strikes, an attractive and scarce cover; signed Lamy; cert. Robineau (1979).
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 550 CHF

    Losnr. : 1265 Franz. Post in der Levante

    Rhodos 1879 (Feb 7): Entire letter from Syros to Rhodos, franked with Greece Large Hermes Heads 30 lep. brown Athens printing (Mi 45), fair to large margins, fresh colour, tied by "SYRA 7 FEB 79" cds (Julian calendar) in black, reverse with "SMYRNE TURQUIE D'ASIE 20 FEVR 79" transit cds (Gregorian calendar) and cogwheel "RHODES 22 FEVR 79" cds in blue. Cover opened up for display, a rare item showing the postal relationsship between Independent Greece and Greek Islands under Osman rule.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 400 CHF

    Losnr. : 1266 Franz. Post in der Levante

    1 / 1
    Rhodos 1879 (July 29): Entire letter from Bristol to Rhodos, franked with Victoria definitive 2½ d. rosy mauve (Gi 141), a fresh and fine adhesive, tied by "BRISTOL JY 29 79 / 131" duplex datestamp in black, French Calais entry cds in red alongside, reverse with Lyon - Marseille Spécial TPO transit cds and cogwheel "RHODES 9 AOUT 79" arrival cds in blue. Cover opened up for display, a very rare incoming item from the United Kingdom; cert. Roumet (2006).
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1267 Franz. Post in der Levante

    1 / 1
    Salonico 1813 (May 1): Entire letter from Salonico to Lyon, struck with extremely rare framed "SALONIQUE" in black (Pothion = 34 points), "Milano LT" transit handstamp in red alongside. The cover was slitted and purified with vinegar, charged '14' décimes upon arrival. An exceptionally rare cover, cert. Brun (2017).rnProvenance: David Franco collection, Feldman sale (Dec 2017), lot 30079.rnNote: Starting in May 1812 the French postal administration established a separate postal service to Constantinople starting in Laibach. The first French post offices related to this service were opened in Constantinople, Smyrne and Salonico. One of the few covers known before the offices were already closed in December 1813.
    Ausruf : 2.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 3.400 CHF

    Losnr. : 1268 Franz. Post in der Levante

    Salonico 1860 (April 3): Entire letter at triple rate from Salonico to Milano, endorsed "Via Genova", franked with 1853 Napoléom imperforated 20 c. blue, 40 c. orange and 80 c. rose, a single and a vertical pair (touched at left and top), tied by Petits Chiffres '4102' numeral in black, cogwheel "SALONIQUE TURQ. D'EUROPE 3 AVRIL 60" cds (combination in Pothion not listed), framed "P.P." in black and "PIROSCAFI POSTALI FRANCESI" in red alongside, reverse with Genova transit and Milano arrival (April 13) cds's. File fold leading to some stamp imperfections, but an impressive franking.rnNote: Until end of 1860, the single rate from the Levant to Sardinia was 100 centimes.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 360 CHF

    Losnr. : 1269 Franz. Post in der Levante

    Salonico 1862 (May 27): Entire letter at double rate from Salonico to Constantinople, franked with 1853 Napoléon imperforated 20 c. blue in a strip of five, a fresh and fine multiple with fair to enormous margins and vivid colour, tied by Petits Chiffres '4102' numeral in black, cogwheel "SALONIQUE TURQ. D'EUROPE 27 MAI 62" cds (combination in Pothion not listed) and framed "P.P." in black alongside, reverse with Constantinople Turquie arrival (May 31) cds's. An impressive franking.rnNote: From 1862 to 1865, the single rate was 50 centimes for ten gr. each.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 280 CHF

    Losnr. : 1270 Franz. Post in der Levante

    Salonico 1864 (Jan 19): Entire letter from Salonico to Genova, franked with 1862 Napoléon perforated 80 c. rose, a fresh and fine adhesive with vivid colour, tied by Gros Chiffres '5095' numeral in black, cogwheel "SALONIQUE TURQUIE 19 JANV 64" cds (Pothion = 12 points) and framed PD in black alongside, reverse with Les Dardanelles Turquie (Jan 23) transit and Genova arrival (Feb 4) cds's. An attractive entire.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 190 CHF

    Losnr. : 1271 Franz. Post in der Levante

    1 / 1
    Salonico 1865 (Sept 25): Entire letter from Salonico to Milano, franked with 1862 Napoléon perforated 20 c. blue in a right marginal vertical strip of four including a tête-bêche pair, a fresh and fine multiple with vivid colour, tied by Gros Chiffres '5095' numerals in black, cogwheel "SALONIQUE TURQUIE 25 SEPT 65" cds (Pothion = 12 points) and framed PD in black alongside, reverse with Les Dardanelles Turquie (Sept 29) and Napoli transit (Oct 12) cds's as well as Milano arrival cds's. The cover slitted not affecting the multiple, an extremely rare tête-bêche franking in the Levant. Signed Miro, Enzo Diena and Calves; cert. Roumet (2000) Yvert = € 3'500 for a tête-bêche pair on cover.rnNote: From 1861 to 1865, the single rate from the Levant to Sardinia was 80 centimes for 7.5 gr. each.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.700 CHF

    Losnr. : 1272 Franz. Post in der Levante

    1 / 1
    Salonico 1868 (Aug 18): Unpaid Letter sheet from Salonico to Birmingham, struck with cogwheel "SALONIQUE 18 AOUT 68" cds in black, framed "PAQUEBOTS DE LA MEDITERRANEE" handstamp in red and arrival cds (Aug 27) alongside, reverse with Marseille and London transit cds's. The front bears the postal treaty mark "FR / 2f 40c" in the extremely rare red colour (van der Linden fig. 1266, not listed in red) which shows the postage France got from the United Kingdom for each ounce of weight, the receiver had to pay '9' pence. Cert. Roumet (2006).
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : 550 CHF

    Losnr. : 1273 Franz. Post in der Levante

    1 / 1
    Salonico 1871 (May 30): Letter sheet from Salonico to Genova, franked with 1870 Bordeaux definitive 30 c. brown in a vertical pair, a fresh and fine adhesive with vivid colour and fait to enormous margins including parts of two neighbouring stamps, tied by Gros Chiffres '5095' numerals in black, cogwheel "SALONIQUE TURQUIE 30 MAI 71" cds (Pothion = 12 points) and framed PD in black alongside, reverse with Les Dardanelles Turquie (Jan 23) and Messina transit cds's. A rare franking; signed Brun; cert. Roumet (2000).
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 550 CHF

    Losnr. : 1274 Franz. Post in der Levante

    1 / 1
    Smyrne 1857 (Feb. 7): Entire letter from Smyrna to Lyon, franked with Napoléon imperforated 10 c. bistre type I and vertical pair of 20 c. blue type I, the lower stamp showing variety 'POSTFS' (Yvert 14Ah/Maury 14/Ik), tied by type 15 circular datestamp "SMYRNE TURQUIE 7 FEVR. 57", framed "P.P." alongside, reverse with Marseille and Marseille-Lyon Special TPO as well as Lyon arrival cds's (Feb. 12). The 10c. stamp is touched at base, the cancellation applied six times on three stamps, but a very early usage of stamps in this case with a variety; cert. von der Weid (1986).rnNote: Usage of stamps in French Levant offices in general is known from the beginning of 1857. In Smyrna, the usage of stamps is known from February 1857 making this item a very early usage. The stamps were obliterated in Smyrna between February and Mai with the datestamp not with the Petits Chiffres numeral '3709' of the Bureau de recette. This could be due to the lack of the numeral obliterator which would also explain the heavy cancellation of the stamps on this item.
    Ausruf : 300 CHF
    Zuschlag : 300 CHF

    Losnr. : 1275 Franz. Post in der Levante

    Smyrne 1860 (Jan. 17): Letter sheet from Smyrna to Berlin, franked with Napoléon imperforated 10 c. bistre, 20 c. blue and 40 c. orange, all in type I, tied by Petits Chiffres numeral '3709' with "SMYRNE TURQUIE 17 JAN. 60" cds, framed PD, Paris and Aachen Franco transit cds in red alongside, reverse with French TPO as well as Berlin distribution cds's (Jan. 29). The 20c. stamp is touched at top, the other stamps have fair to good margins, a fine usage to Prussia.rnNote: Receiver of this letter is Ludwig Peter Spiegelthal, who was Consul General of Prussia in Smyrna from 1851 to 1859. He was very much interested in archeology of that region. 70 c. was the single rate to Prussia starting in January 1857.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 260 CHF

    Losnr. : 1276 Franz. Post in der Levante

    1 / 1
    Smyrne 1862 (Feb 11): Unpaid Entire letter from Smyrna to Athenes, despatched at the French PO in Smyrna and struck with  "SMYRNE TURQUIE 11 FEVR 62" cds, reverse with Piraeus transit (Feb 2, Julian calendar) and Athenes arrival cds of the same day. Upon arrival '65' lepta due were noted in red crayon on front, in addition 1861 Paris Printing 40 lep. mauve and 1861/62 First Athens Printing 5 lep. blue-green and 20 lep. deep blue were added, three fresh adhesives with fair to large margins, tied by '1' numeral of Athens. 20 lepta shaved at right top, but a very fine and scarce cover. Cert. Holcombe (1992).
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 750 CHF

    Losnr. : 1277 Franz. Post in der Levante

    1 / 2
    Katalognummer : 14+17
    1 / 1
    Smyrne 1862 (May 13): Entire letter from Smyrna to Marseille, franked with Napoléon imperforated 20 c. blue type II and 80 c. rose, two fresh and fine adhesives with fair to large margins, tied by Petits Chiffres '3709' numeral, type 15 "SMYRNE TURQUIE 13 MAI 62" cds, framed "P.P." and framed "PAQUEBOTS DE LA MEDITERRANEE" in red alongside, reverse with Marseille arrival cds (May 21). An attractive cover at double rate; signed Brun, cert. Roumet (2005).rnNote: Shipmail journey from Smyrne with the vessel 'SIMOIS'.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 220 CHF

    Losnr. : 1278 Franz. Post in der Levante

    Smyrne, Paquebots 1869 (May 18): Letter sheet from Smyrna to Lyon, franked with 1868 Napoléon lauré 20 c. blue and 40 c. orange, two fresh and fine adhesives with vibrant colour, tied by decorative Ancre lozenges in blue, octagonal "SMYRNE PAQ. FR. X . 18 MAI 69" datestamp (Salles fig. 911) and framed PD, both in blue alongside, reverse with Messina transit cds and Genova rectangular datestamp (May 26). A wonderful cover of great visual appeal. Signed Calves.rnNote: Shipline X from Marseille to Syria via Smyrna and Alexandria was opened in 1866.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 200 CHF

    Losnr. : 1279 Franz. Post in der Levante

    1 / 1
    Smyrne 1871 (March 10): Letter sheet from Smyrna to Salerno, franked with 1870 Bordeaux 20 c. blue type III report 2 in a horizontal strip of three, a fine and fresh multiple with good to enormous margins all round, tied by Gros Chiffres '5098' numeral, type 15 "SMYRNE TURQUIE 10 MARS 71" cds and framed PD in red alongside, reverse with Messina and Napoli transit cds's as well as Salerno arrival cds (March 14). A rare and attractive franking cover at single rate. Cert Behr (2000).rnProvenance: collection Blanc.rnNote: An extremely rare franking with adhesives of the Bordeaux issue, correct rate of 60 c. to Italy after January 1866.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 1280 Franz. Post in der Levante

    Smyrne 1873 (Jan 17): Letter sheet from Smyrna to Lyon, franked with 1872 Cérès 80 c. rose, four fresh adhesives, tied by Gros Chiffres '5098' numeral, type 15 "SMYRNE TURQUIE 17 JANV 73" cds and framed PD in red alongside, reverse with Marseille-Lyon Special TPO transit cds (Jan 25). Some perforation irregularities, a rare and attractive cover at quadruple rate.rnNote: After the Franco-Prussian war, the Levant rates were increased from 40 c. to 80 c. per 10 gr. starting in July 1871 until France joined the UPU in 1876.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 160 CHF

    Losnr. : 1281 Franz. Post in der Levante

    1 / 1
    Smyrne 1873 (Jan 17): Entire letter from Smyrna to Marseille, franked with 1870 Siège 40 c. orange in a horizontal pair, the positions 145 and 146 showing variety '4 retouché' in the right stamp, cancelled by Gros Chiffres '5098' numeral, type 15 "SMYRNE TURQUIE 17 JANV 73" cds, framed PD and framed "PAQUEBOTS DE LA MEDITERRANEE", both in red alongside, reverse with Marseille arrival cds (Jan 25). Some perforation irregularities, a rare franking on an attractive single rate cover. Signed Brun; cert. Roumet (2007).
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : 320 CHF

    Losnr. : 1282 Franz. Post in der Levante

    Smyrna 1837/1901: Collection 19 covers from or to the French Levant post office in Smyrna incl. four desinfected entires with 1837 to Marseille & 1844 to London, forwarded to Boston, both slitted and struck with "Purifiée à Marseille" handstamp, 1846 with "PURIFIE AU LAZARET MALTE" handstamp, 1843 to Athens with Greek disinfection cachets applied in Piraeus; prepaid mail to Italy with 1865 first rate cover to Genova franked at 80 c. rate and 1870 double rate cover to Messina with Napoléon laureated 80 c. & 40 c., 1869 single rate cover to Marseille with strip of four Napoléon laureated 10 c. bistre, 1870 unpaid entire to New York with rare "FR / 2f 40c" postal treaty mark, two covers with octagonal Smyrne Paquebots datestamps, five covers with Sage frankings, in addition usage of a French and a Austrian Levant stationery postcard from Smyrne .
    Ausruf : 750 CHF
    Zuschlag : 800 CHF

    Losnr. : 1283 Franz. Post in der Levante

    Thessaloniki & Volos 1857/1902: Collection 24 covers from the French Levant post office in Salonico incl. 1857 unpaid entire, 1859 double rate cover to Livorno with Petits Chiffres '4012', six covers 1867/75 to Italy, one to Constantinople and one to Marseille, all with Gros Chiffres '5095', two items from the Bureau de Recette "Salonique / Qtier Franc", three 1878/79 covers with cogwheel cancellations in blue and violet, charged postcards and incoming mail from Spain; in addition two entires, sent in 1869/79 from Volos to Lyon, franked with Napoléon perforated and Sage, both cancelled upon arrival in Marseille. One cert. Roumet.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.400 CHF

    Losnr. : 1284 Franz. Post in der Levante

    1 / 1
    Volos 1871 (Nov 4): Incoming Entire letter from Marseille to Volos, franked with 1867 Napoléon laureated 80 c. rose, a fresh and fine adhesive with vivid colour, tied by framed "P.P. in blue (Pothion = 37 points) of the Russian post office in Volos (Tchilinghirian fig. 173), no further handstamps alongside or on reverse. An extremely rare provisional cancellation upon arrival, if the adhesive was not cancelled at despatch or on the vessel, only few items known. Cert. Roumet (1999).rnNote: The bureau de distribution of Volos was opened between 1857 and 1861 when a Petits Chiffres '4019' was attributed to it while not one item with this cancellation is known. The office was re-opened again betwen 1879 and 1881. Between 1861 and 1879, Volos shows an extremely interesting group of cancellations including this Russian PP, private cachets, a company handstamp of the Messageries Impériales or an straight-line 'COI POSTALI FRANCESI'.
    Ausruf : 2.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1285 Franz. Post in der Levante

    Volos 1876 (May 16): Entire letter from Volos to Genova, franked with 1872 Cérès 30 c. brown, a fine adhesive with vivid colour, tied by straight-line "col Postali Francesi" in black (Pothion = 32 points), reverse with Napoli transit (May 24) and Genova arrival (May 26) cds's. Minor toning at the perforation of the adhesive, a very rare provisional cancellation.rnNote: This straight-line cancellation was in use in Volos on outgoing and incoming mail.
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : 380 CHF

    Losnr. : 1286 Franz. Post in der Levante

    Aegean Islands 1856/1902: Collection ten covers from the French Levant post offices in Meteline, Vathy & Rhodos incl. Meteline two 1858/64 entires to Marseille with 50 and 100 c. frankings of Napoléon imperforated and perforated, respectively, the franking tied by Petits Chiffres '3771' and Gros Chiffres '5093', respectively; Vathy on Samos two 1896/98 Sage frankings, one sent registered, both with cogwheel cancellations; Rhodos 1856 unpaid cover to Syros, 1868 franked cover to Marseille, four outgoing Sage frankings, one to Great Britain, one to Algeria and one to Finland. Two certificates.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 900 CHF

    Losnr. : 1287 Franz. Post in der Levante

    1 / 1
    Canea 1899 (Feb 22): Registered Envelope from Heraklion to Berlin, franked with 10 pa. blue adhesive of the British post offices in Crete (Gi B2) and French Levant 1 pia. on 25 c. black on rose in a horizontal pair, all tied by "LA CANEE CRETE 22 FEVR 99" cds in black, framed R alongside, reverse with Berlin distribution cds (March 1, 1899). Cert. Roumet (2002).rnNote: In November 1898, British, French, Italian and Russian troops were stationed in separate zones of Crete after the autonomy of Crete under Osman suzerainty. Overseas mail from the British mail from the British sector had to be franked with the corresponding British stamp and to be forwarded to the Austrian or French post offices at Canea where it was franked with the corresponding stamps.
    Ausruf : 150 CHF
    Zuschlag : 480 CHF

    Losnr. : 1288 Franz. Post in der Levante

    Hierapetra 1898 (Sept 14): Free of charge military Envelope from Hierapetra to Paris, handstamped with crisp "HIERAPETRA CRETE 14 SEPT 98" cds in black, military handstamp "SECTEUR FRANCAIS CRETE LE COMMANDANT" alongside, reverse with rare Sitia Crete and Marseille transit cds's.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : nicht verkauft

    Losnr. : 1289 Franz. Post in der Levante

    Hierapetra 1898 (Oct 11): Free of charge military Envelope from Hierapetra to Paris, handstamped with crisp "HIERAPETRA CRETE 11 OCT 98" cds in black, clean military handstamp "SECTEUR FRANCAIS CRETE LE COMMANDANT" alongside, reverse with La Canee Crete, Marseille and Vire transit as well as Paris arrival cds's.
    Ausruf : 200 CHF
    Zuschlag : 280 CHF

    Losnr. : 1290 Franz. Post in der Levante

    San Nicolo 1899 (Jan 4): Free of charge mourning Envelope from San Nicolo to Paris, handstamped with "SAN NICOLO CRETE 4 JANV 99" cds in black, military handstamp "4eme Régiment d'Infanterie de la Marine Attaché à l'Ile de CRETE / Chef de Bataillon, Commandant" in blue alongside, reverse with La Canee Crete transit cds.rnProvenance: Johann Ulrich Schmitt collection; 366. Köhler sale (March 2018), lot 5317.rnNote: San Nicolo is the smallest post office of the six offices in the French sector in Crete, a very rare usage.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 850 CHF

    Losnr. : 1291 Franz. Post in der Levante

    Sfax 1883 (March 28): Free of charge military postal card from Sfax to Besançon, struck with superb "SFAX (TUNISIE) TRESOR ET POSTES 28 MARS 83" cds in black, "ARRIVEE BESANCON 3 AVRIL 83" alongside. A marvellous Fieldpost postcard, with Shorthand writing on reverse.
    Ausruf : 100 CHF
    Zuschlag : 100 CHF

    Losnr. : 1292 Franz. Post in der Levante

    Crete 1897/1909: Collection 14 covers from the French Levant post offices in Candia, Canea, Rethymnon & Sitia incl. Candia three items, one incoming card from Hong Kong; Canea six covers, four with military franchise handstamps, Rethymnon three items, two incoming from Mexico and ROPiT PO in Constantinople; and Sitia two military franchise envelopes from this very rare office.
    Ausruf : 500 CHF
    Zuschlag : 700 CHF

    Losnr. : 1293 Franz. Post in der Levante

    1 / 1
    Jaffa 1854 (Aug 18): Entire letter from Jaffa to Marseille, struck with superb extremely rare cursive "Jaffa" handstamp (Pothion = 32 points), reverse with "ALEXANDRIE EGYPTE 21 AOUT 54" transit cds as well as Marseille arrival (Aug 29) cds. Cover refolded for display and slightly creased, but an appealing cover. Cert. Robineau (1993).
    Ausruf : 400 CHF
    Zuschlag : 850 CHF

    Losnr. : 1294 Franz. Post in der Levante

    Jaffa 1855 (April 16): Envelope from Jerusalem via Latakia to Castres sur l'Agout, France, struck with straight-line "Jerusalem. 16.Avril.1855" handstamp in blue, with cogwheel "JAFFA SYRIE 17 AVRIL 55" cds (Pothion = 23 points) and framed "PAQUEBOTS DE LA MEDITERRANEE" handstamp in red alongside, reverse with "ALEXANDRIE EGYPTE 19 AVRIL 55" and Marseille transit cds's as well as Castres sur l'Agout arrival (May 2) cds. Cover slightly soiled, but a very interesting cover full of postal history content from the Holyland.rnNote: The origin of the blue datestamp is not entirely clear. It could have been applied at the Austrian post office in Jerusalem which was opened at about 1852, in 1855 it used for the first time the Gerusaleme sunburst handstamp described in Tranmer, however all the cancellers show the Italian city of the name up to the 1890s. The French consular post office, on the other side used the Jerusalem cross / Croix potencée since 1852.
    Ausruf : 750 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.600 CHF

    Losnr. : 1295 Franz. Post in der Levante

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    Jaffa 1862 (May 9): Entire letter from Jaffa to Paris, franked with Napoléon imperforated 10 c. bistre, five single adhesives, tied by Petits Chiffres '3768' numerator with corresponding cogwheel "JAFFA SYRIE 9 MAI 62" cds, framed PD in black and French Marseille entry cds in red alongside, reverse with "ALEXANDRIE EGYPTE 10 MAI 62" transit and Paris arrival (Mai 18) cds's. Two adhesives touched, but a rare franking to cover the 50 c. rate to France on an appealing cover. Signed Lamy; cert. Robineau (1996).
    Ausruf : 750 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.000 CHF

    Losnr. : 1296 Franz. Post in der Levante

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    Jerusalem 1873 (April 5): Envelope from Jerusalem via Jaffa to Paris, franked with 1872 Cérès 80 c. rose, tied by Gross Chiffres '5089' numerator with Jerusalem cross in blue (Pothion = 35 points), cogwheel "JAFFA SYRIE 5 APRIL 73" cds and framed PD in red alongside, reverse with "ALEXANDRIE EGYPTE 6 AVRIL 73" transit and Paris Etranger arrival in blue (April 15) cds's. Some perforation irregularities just mentioned for accuracy, but a scarce and attractive usage of the Jerusalem cross. Cert. Roumet (1999).rnNote: Starting in 1852, mail despatched at the consular post office in Jerusalem was struck with Croix potencée and transfered with messengers to the French post office in Jaffa where stamps were added and postmarked. Osman authorities did not allow the selling of foreign adhesives in Jerusalem.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.700 CHF

    Losnr. : 1297 Franz. Post in der Levante

    Jerusalem 1874 (Oct 2): Entire letter from Jerusalem via Jaffa to Cairo, Egypt, franked with 1870 Siège 40 c. orange, a fine single, tied by crisp Gross Chiffres '5089' numerator with Jerusalem cross in blue (Pothion = 35 points), cogwheel "JAFFA SYRIE 2 OCT 74" cds and framed PD in red alongside, reverse with "ALEXANDRIE EGYPTE 4 OCT 74" transit cds. A scarce and attractive usage of the Jerusalem cross. Cert. Roumet (1999).
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.900 CHF

    Losnr. : 1298 Franz. Post in der Levante

    Holyland 1855/1902: Collection eleven covers from the French Levant post offices in Jaffa & Jerusalem incl. Jaffa 1855 unpaid entire to Marseille, 1868 Jaffa to Grenoble with Napoléon perforated 40 c. tied by Gros Chiffre '5089', 1860 entire with 60 c. franking from the French consular office with rare Jerusalem Cross via Jaffa and London to Glasgow, five items with type Sage frankings, envelope from the French consular office in Jaffa sent unpaid and charged in France; in addition stationery postcard and picture postcard, cancelled 1901/02 by 'Jerusalem Palestine' cds's. One certificate.
    Ausruf : 1.000 CHF
    Zuschlag : 1.700 CHF

    Losnr. : 1299 Franz. Post in der Levante

    Aleppo 1856 (Aug 3): Unpaid Entire letter from Winterthur, Switzerland via Beirut to Aleppo, endorsed "Via Marsiglia" and "Alexandretta de Siria", struck by "WINTERTHUR 3 AUG 56 11 M" cds in black, French St. Louis entry cds in red alongside as well as superb and very rare two line "POSTE FRANCAISE / D'ALEP" handstamp (Combination with Beyrout cds not listed in Pothion) and TAXE, both in blue, reverse with Zürich, Mulhouse, Marseille and "BEYROUT SYRIE 13 AOUT 56" transit cds's. Taxed with '20' décimes due upon arrival, a fresh and fine cover.
    Ausruf : 250 CHF
    Zuschlag : 360 CHF
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