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Losnr. : 1798 Rumänien
1851/1945: Group of nine covers and one waybill comprising 1851 prestamp to France with Austrian Levant straight line BUKAREST datestamp, 1861 waybill for coach-post diligence Jassy to Tekutsch, 1867 stampless cover with rural "PL. COSULA / DIST. BOTOSANI" cds, three covers with single frankings 1868 18 b. rose Ploesti to Braila or 1880 25 b. blue Braila to Plovdiv (2), 1917 picture postcard from Sinaia to Constantinople bearing very rare negative all-Arabic handstamp of Osman Fieldpost, 1945 Dumbraveni to Switzerland with Soviet censor, also two covers with postage due, 1903 Brighton to Constantinople, forwarded to Bucharest with Romanian 50 bani green due, 1922 Prague to Arad.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 1.000 CHFLosnr. : 1799 Rumänien
1859/1976ca: Accumulation 300+ covers, stationery mint and used incl. fine military section, noted covers addressed to President Roosevelt, 1906 Welfare Fund set on registered cover, section of postcards .Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 2.200 CHFLosnr. : 1800 Rumänien
1872/79: Lot five covers incl. 1873 franco cover from Galatzi to Genova with 50 b. rose, 1874 Galatzi to Langnau Switzerland with Paris printing 15 b. red brown in a strip of three, 1875 Entire Campulung to Bucharest, 1877 Bucharest to Itzkany, border rate to Bukovina with fine strip of three of 5 b. brown, and 1884 Bucuresci to Slatina with strip of three of 5 b. green. Interesting lot.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 1801 Rumänien
1885/89: Lot six covers incl. 1889 double rate registered cover from Alexandria to Bucharest with pair 15 b. & 25 b. tied by thimble cds in violet, 1888 registered cover Ramnicu Sarat to Colchester, 1889 registered cover Bucuresci to Berlin, and 1887 Zatreni to Gudului Valcea, 5 & 10 b. tied by cds in violet. Nice group.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1802 Rumänien
1890/1911: Lot 14 covers / stationeries franked with King Carol in oval stamps incl. 1902 small cover with 5 b. green, tied by rare "PALAT REGAL BUCURESTI" cds in violet and directed to the Austrian painter and war correspondent Johann Schönberg in London, rural cancellations of RACACIUNI JUD. BACAU in blue, PURANI JUD. VLASCA and BOLDESTI JUD. PRAHOVA, registered cover Constanta to Leeds, Galati Cursa shipmail cancellation on cover to Kansas City, 1897 uprated Romanian response stationery card to Germany, and rural ORGOESTI and ZORLENI cds's from Jud. Tutova on cover to Quebec, Canada, Berlad registered to Porto Rico, and 'LA MULTI ANI 1900' Lithographed stationery postcard. Interesting group.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 1803 Rumänien
1926/57: Group of five covers incl. June 14, 1926 registered 1st flight cover Bucharest to Chisinau with special triangulat airmail vignette and cachet, also 1926 1st flight Bucharest to Galati with only 21 covers carried as well as three later items.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 1.600 CHFLosnr. : 1804 Rumänien
1941: Transnistria: Lot three covers and two stationeries incl. three covers 1943 from Birzula / Podilsk to the Red Cross in Geneva franked with Transnistria commemoratives to cover the 54 l. rate, Birzula censorship mark, Geneva arrival cds's, also two 1 l . stationery postcards uprated with 6 l. brown, despatched from Tiraspol to Rosiorii de Vede, both censored, one with Teleorman transit cds.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 550 CHFLosnr. : 1805 Rumänien
Romanian Occupation of Transnistria 1941/43: Interesting Selection 29 covers/postal stationery with better usages such as 'Cenzurat Oceacov /No. 1' censorship handstamp in blue and 'Cenzurat Oceacov /No. 2' in black, a large group of censorship markings from Odessa, a diverse lot with several useful items and cancellation interest.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 2.000 CHFLosnr. : 1806 Rumänien
1841 (Aug. 22): Disinfected entire lettersheet from Brailia to Trieste struck on reverse with NETTO DI FUORA SPORCA DI DENTRO cachet applied together with SIGIL. SATIS ROTHENTHURN wax seal (Health Office Rothenthurn). Fine.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 1807 Rumänien
1855 (Aug. 26): Disinfected lettersheet from Braila to Trieste struck with "ALT-ORSOVA gereiniget b.k.k. Rastelamte 14/10 1855" cds. on reverse, letter was rastel punched for fumigation with Trieste arrival mark on reverse.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 1808 Rumänien
1860/60: Lettersheet with no content from Jassy (17/10 60) to France and lettersheet also from Jassy (4/4 68) addressed to Vienna as a adjoining paper for a parcel with declared value of 850 goldmarks, booth items in good condition.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 1809 Rumänien
Crimean War 1855 (Sept/Oct): Lot three postage free official Entire letters from Kraijova to Arzignano in Venetia, sent between Sept 10 and Oct 29, 1855 from the Imperial-Regio Reggimento di Fanteria di Linea n. 45, named Arciduca Sigismondo d'Austria (1826 - 1891), originating from Verona to the Pretura di Arzignano, Fieldpost despatch "K.K. ÖST. F.P. KRAJOVA ../.." cds's on front, reverse with disinfection "Gereiniget b. k. k. Rastelamte ALT-ORSOVA ../10 1855" cds's, transit datestamps of Temesvar and Laibach and two-line Arzignano datestamps. Few minor imperfections and toning, nevertheless an interesting correspondence during the occupation of Valachia.rnNote: The 'Kaiserliches und königliches Infanterieregiment Nr. 45' took part in the occupation of the Principalities during the Crimean War. On, September 6, 1854 Bucharest was occupied, to participate in parade, together with a Turkish-Wallachian body of 20'000 men, commanded by the Turkish generalissimo Omar Paschà (1806-1871). On September 3, 1855, the regiment was transferred to garissons in Crajova, Carakal and Slatina.Ausruf : 450 CHFZuschlag : 900 CHFLosnr. : 1810 Russland
1828 (Oct & Nov): Disinfected entire letters (2), both from Taganrog bilingually addressed to Trieste, each disinfected on entry at Cracow, Poland and each struck there with origin handstamp "Russie" in black (Van der Linden fig. 2470). Reverse with Triest arrival datestamps in blue, both entires with a journey time of roughly 40 days. Fresh and fine cover.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1811 Russland
1830 (Aug 22 / Sept 3): Disinfected entire letter from Odessa to Genova, carried outside the mails to Brody with manuscript Forwarding Agent notation on reverse "Basileo G. Pasuoli, Brody 7 7bre 1830" and struck on obverse with oval framed BRODY / IN GALIZ in black. Disinfected at Novara with large oval Eagle cachet "R. Giunta Sanitaria di Novara" in bright blue. Opens well for Exhibit display, scarce.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 180 CHFLosnr. : 1812 Russland
1845/51: Disinfected entire letters (2), both sent from Russian P.O. in Constantinople to Odessa, each disinfected on entry and each struck by black oval 'ODESSA QUARANTINE' handstamp in Cyrillic on reverse. Usual light strike, disinfection slits and rastel puches Tyukov and Vandervelde fig. 8.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1813 Russland
1855 (Sept 30): Entire letter written by a shop-keeper at the 'Ville de Paris' on the Nevsky Prospect in St. Petersburg to Sentier, Switzerland, carried privately out of Russia during the Crimean War and mailed unpaid from Belgium with LIEGE datestamp in red-brown (Oct 20). Reverse with Sentier arrival (Oct 24) and charged '40' rappen due in red manuscript. A most unusual and interesting forwarded usage.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1814 Russland
Shipmail in the Sea of Japan 1901 (Aug 19): Printed commercial envelope from Vladivostok to Yokohama franked Russia 10 kop. on reverse, tied by NAGASAKI JAPAN cds, front with boxed PAQUEBOT and red chop equivalent adjacent, very fine and rare.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1815 Russland
1909 (April 4): Picture postcard with Irkutsk motif to Shanghai bearing Imperial Arms definitive 3 kop. red, tied by oval "CHELYAB. 167 OMSK" Railway Line datestamp (Kiryushkin & Robinson R167.3) with cds's of the Russian and Chinese P.O.'s in Shanghai alongside. Holcombe notes on lower right.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1816 Russland
Russian Civil War - Russian Post in Constantinople 1921 (Jan 13): Registered cover from the French Fieldpost Office in Constantinople to Lausanne, showing on reverse as despatch address “I. Poplavsky / Poste Russe / Consple” and “Sanitary Unit of the Russian Army / Russian Post Constantinople” handstamp in blue, front bearing French Sower definitive 25 c. blue in a gutter pair with Millésime ‘0’, tied by ‘Tresor et Postes / 506’ cds with handwritten matching registration label ‘TP 506’ alongside, reverse with indistinct French “… 21 / CHARGEMENTS” cds and ‘Lausanne 11 Gare’ (Jan 21, 1921) arrival cds.rnNote: A handstamp with a similar design of the Russian Post in Constantinople, but reading “Russia Refugee Aid Organisation” is already known from the blog of Trevor Pateman.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1817 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
NO LOTAusruf : GebotZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1818 Russland Post in Levante
1890: 10 kop. red & green, a vertical pair used on reverse of registered 1897 envelope to St. Petersburg tied by "ROPiT / Constantinople" Cyrillic datestamp in black (Sept 4), with Odessa transit cds adjacent and St. Petersburg arrival (Sept 8). A fresh and fine cover.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1819 Russland Post in China
1903 (Apr 4): Cover from the Russian PO in Shanghai to Winterthur, endorsed "via Siberia", bearing Arms definitives ovpt KITAI, 1 kop. orange (2) and 7 kop. blue, three fresh adhesives with normal perf., tied by "SHANGHAI POTSHTOVA KONTORA" cds, reverse with Port Arthur transit (date slug error March 28), Moscow transit (April 16) and Winterthur arrival cds (May 2, 1903). Underfranked by one kopek, but not charged.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 100 CHFLosnr. : 1820 Russland Post in China
1917 (May 4): Prisoner of War printed envelope sent insured for five rubel from the Russian PO in Tientsin, first to Troizkosavsk, then forwarded to Beresovka Zabaikalsk Gubernia, franked on reverse with CENTS ovpt. Imperial definitives 14 k. blue & red in a horizontal pair, tied by Tientsin cds (Tchilinghirian fig. 491), sent via the Japanese PO's in Tientsin (May 18) and Changchun (May 24) with wax seal of the German-Austrian Charity Organization in Tientsin and Troitzkosavsk transit (May 19) and Beresovka arrival cds (June 9) on reverse. Attractive item.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 280 CHFLosnr. : 1821 Russland Post in China
1918 (Jan 8): Prisoner of War printed envelope sent insured for 1'500 rubels from the Russian PO in Tientsin to Chita, franked on reverse with CENTS ovpt. Imperial definitives 3 k. red, 4 k. red, 10 k. blue, 15 k. mauve & blue and pair of 50 k. violet & green, all tied by Tientsin cds (Tchilinghirian fig. 491), sent via the Japanese PO's in Tientsin (Jan 22) and Changchun (Jan 25) with wax seal of the German-Austrian Charity Organization in Tientsin and Chita arrival cds (Jan 16) in violet on reverse. Attractive item.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 360 CHFLosnr. : 1822 Russland Post in China
1918: Prisoner of War printed wrappers (2) for book mailing (one containing 6 books, the other 12) sent from the Russian PO in Tientsin to the Swedish Embassy in Irkutsk, both franked with CENTS optd. Imperial definitives 2 kop. green (2), 10 kop. blue and 50 kop. mauve & green on front, tied by Tientsin cds (Tchilinghirian fig. 491). Interesting pair.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1823 Russland Post in China
Russian PO's in China 1902/10: Lot 14 covers and postcards, incl. 1902 registered cover from Shanghai to Germany with a philatelic six colour franking and a rare combination of R-handstamp in violet and 3-label in an early UPU-style, 1903 registered cover with a comparable franking from the Russian PO in Peking to France with a combination of 'dotted R' handstamp 3-label in an early UPU-style, the stamps tied by type 6 cds which replaced the obliterator lost during the Boxer Rebellion, interesting destinations such as Alexandria in Egypt from Shanghai.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 1.300 CHFLosnr. : 1824 Russland Post in China
1915/18: Group of six items from the Russian PO's in Tientsin, Peking and Shanghai, incl. three postcards, two of them announcing money transfers to POW's, one with relatively rare Russian Tien-Tsin censorship handstamp, registered covers from Shanghai to Copenhagen and Peking to Stockholm, franked with KITAI or CENTS optd. Imperial definitives. An interesting group.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 1825 Russland Post in China
1916/18: Selection of four Prisoner of War printed envelopes sent insured from the Russian PO in Tientsin to Troizkosavsk, Kolyvan Tomsk Gub. and Kransoyarsk, franked on reverse with different combinations of CENTS optd. Imperial definitives, tied by Tientsin cds (Tchilinghirian fig. 491), two of them sent via the Japanese PO's in Tientsin and Changchun with wax seals of the German-Austrian Charity Organization in Tientsin and arrival cds's on reverse. An interesting group.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 1826 Russland
1858/1918: Interesting Collection 130+ stamps with shade and cancellation interest on album pages incl. dotted numerals, horse carriage station marks and Russian Poland ring type numerals, shipmail cancellations, in addition some camouflage WWI postmarks, also on better issues, mostly good to very fine condition.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 2.400 CHFLosnr. : 1827 Russland
1858/1991: Collection in eight albums, in the general catalogue numbers nearly complete with plenty of better values used/unused or in mint condition, starting with two copies of No. 1, gutter pairs, surcharged values, airmails with better Zeppelin issues as 1931 Polar flight sets perf./imperf., 1935 Levanevsky ovpted. 'Moscow - San Francisco Flight' unused (2), airpost officials stamps, further miniature sheets with 1937 'Moscow Jubilee Aviation Exhibition, 1949 '70th Anniversary of Stalin' and 'Lenin Mausoleum' imperf. miniature sheet of four, in addition Russian P.O.'s abroad as Russian Levant with 1863 coat of Arms 6 k. blue (3, of which two unused and one used copies) together with 1865 2 k. and 20 k. used, complete 1909/10 overprinted City - Issues from Beiruth to Mount Athos and Trebizonde as well as issues for China, Wenden, Northern Army, also two used blocks German Occupation of Romania during WW 2 (Michel MS 1+2). A fine and comprehensive collection, carefull inspection highly recommended.Ausruf : 4.000 CHFZuschlag : 9.000 CHFLosnr. : 1828 Russland
1912/60ca: Selection hundreds stamps used/unused showing specialities and varieties incl. 1915 War charity issue, compl. set of four with Specimen ovpts., Arms definitives with shifted or inverted ovpts, 1917 Romanov essays and stamps with Isvestiya ovpts., 1918 liberation issue without chalk overprints,1912 Russian PO's in the Levant early RSFSR charity stamps, 1922 Volga famine 2'250 r. green on thin paper (4), 1927 definitive ovpts on postage due, rare types, RSFSR definitives with shifted or inverted ovpts, offsets, double prints, shifted perforations, handpainted RSFSR stamp essays, 1933 Baku issie Specimen perforation, 1933 Exchange control stamps 3 & 5 r. ovpts in a pair (2), Charkow ovpts, and 1961 Lomonossov with Pli accordéon, also Western Ukraine. Eleven certs.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 6.000 CHFLosnr. : 1829 Sowjetunion
1937/60: Enormous hoard of unmounted og / mint material incl. useful issues and souvenir sheets such as 1937 Moscow Airplane Show souvenir sheet, 1941 'Be a hero' & Militia, souvenir sheets 1947 29th anniversary of the October Revolution, 1947 800th anniversary Moscow, 1949 25th Date of Lenin's death, 70th Birthday Stalin, always in multitude with up to ten examples for each value,in five packed albums. Mi = € 140'000 following the consignor.Ausruf : 8.000 CHFZuschlag : 14.500 CHFLosnr. : 1830 Sowjetunion
1939/60: Enormous hoard of unmounted og material, always in large to very large multitude, often in complete sheets in eight packed sheet albums. Inventory enclosed Mi = € 384'000 following the consignor.Ausruf : 20.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1831 Russland
1859/1916: Lot 137 covers/postcards with several rare and interesting usages in Russia and abroad incl. 23 inland 1859/65 covers at the 10 kop inland rate with Arms definitive perf 12½ showing a variety of dotted numeral cancellations, 1869 printed matter at 7 kop rate from Berdiansk, 1870/72 two stationery envelopes despatched at Moscow city PO showing numeral ‘2’, 1884 formular postcard abroad, 1884 three colour franking Taganrog to Hydra Greece, 1899 postcard with blue Stanziya Kainsk cds, registered mail, mass frankings, 1902 registered cover sent from Port Arthur via Siberia to Lausanne, 1908 value letter to Jerusalem, 1908 Poltava Zemstvo cover, WWI camouflage cancellation on cover Kremenchug to Warsaw, 1908 SPB to Holland, missent with German shipmail to New York, 1904/06 Money Transfer Orders (4), 1914 Finnish censorship strip, 1906 postcard with mixed franking Russia - India, 1881 registered cover abroad from Kamenets-Podolski to Brussels, 1882 octagonal SPB railway cancellation in blue, also several pre-UPU multi-colour frankings abroad with 13 kop to Italy & France, 14 kop to Germany, 20 kop to Germany, Great Britain, Italy & France, 26 kop. double rate to France, 27 kop to Great Britain, 28 kop. to France, 30 kop. to Great Britain, 35 kop to Italy, 36 kop to the Netherlands, 40 kop double rate to France, also Russian Levant with 1904 Persia stationery postcard to the Russian ROPiT PO in Samsun, cover Odessa to Khios with Russian stamp tied upon arrival at the ROPiT agency in Khios, 1880 cover to Constantinople tied upon arrival, 1904 Jerusalem printed matter. A strong lot with high retail value.Ausruf : 2.500 CHFZuschlag : 6.000 CHFLosnr. : 1832 Russland
1865/1950ca: Interesting Lot 240 Soviet covers, directed within the Soviet Union and towards Western Europe incl. usage of commemorative issues, stamp exchange issues, 1922 Philately for the children on ovpt stationery lettercard, 1923 Vistavka issue imperf in pairs on cover, 1925 usage of advertisement labels (2), 1926 Proletarian Esperanto congres, further registered letters, express mail with a large diversity of labels from smaller villages, late usage of Imperial labels, mixed frankings with Polish stamps in 1939, 1942 cover with 'Be a hero' issue on local cover within the Moscow district and 'People's Militia' on registered cover, 1947 Moscow anniversary, cut out from souvernir sheet, 1949 Lenin Mausoleum miniature sheet cut down on cover, 1949 cut outs from Stalin souvernir sheet on cover (2), many covers from Moscow or Leningrad but also from Central Asia or Georgia with bilingual datestamps and labels. In addition ten Imperial covers incl. 1865 triple rate cover with 30 kop. carmine and green, 1870/73 four covers to France, Switzerland and the Netherlands with the corresponding frankings, 1903 registered cover from train station to Switzerland, 1905 mixed Austria - Russia franking, 1909 registered cover with add. court stamp, and 1918 Ekaterinodar CTO usage of the Romanov overprinted definitives. To be studied carefully to be appreciated.Ausruf : 5.000 CHFZuschlag : 10.000 CHFLosnr. : 1833 Russland
1869/1970: Lot 25 covers / postcards, incl. French commemorative stationery postcard for the 1896 Paris visit of czar Nicolas, 1904 reg cover Samarkand to Stari Bukhara, 1905 cover to Portugal, 1911 Tiflis to Täbriz, 1908 cover to Mount Athos, 1915 reg cover Baku to Petrograd, German Fieldpost cover 1915 with usage of 1875 definitive 2 kop. black & rose, tied by "K. P. Feldpoststation Nr. 173" cds, 1916 cover from the Belgian ship ‘Elbruz’ under blockade in Nicolajev to France, Russian WWI Fieldpost and 1924 cover with 'Forces of the Revolution' multiples. An interesting lot to be studied.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1834 Russland
1900/1913: Interesting Selection 43 Registered covers with 3- and R- UPU type labels incl. usages in larger cities but also from smaller offices such as Teriberka Arkhangelsk on quadruple rate cover, Arkhangelsk city post, Kharkov train station, Maksimov & Dolinsk Kherson Gub, Kalarash Bessarabia, different types of Kiev and Odessa labels, Rostov train station, Novotsherkassk Don oblast, Mikhailovskoje Orenburg gub, Revel train station PO, Myshkin Jaroslavl gub, Lgov Kursk gub, Logishin & Nesvishe Minsk gub, Golovchin Mogilev gub, Bolshoje Murashkino Nishni Novgorod gub. A clean and attractive lot mounted on leaves from the collection of Harry von Hofmann with his write up.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 1835 Russland
1906/58: Collection on leaves with postcards franked by Imperial Arms 3 kop. red , including1906 card with NIZHNI-PERM Steamship cancel, 1907 usage with KAZAN-ASTRAKAN oval, Railway TPO's # 89 on 1915 card, #240 Mosiervil-Reval on 'Active Service' postcard, 1907 'Irkutsck-Chita' usage, #124 'Chelyabinsk-Samara' on card, a good range with one or two more modern covers and 1958 Brussels Exhibition set imperf. in sheets (23).Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1836 Russland
TUVA 1935: Lynx 50 k. deep blue, single example used on registered cover to Arthur Maury in Paris, tied by "Turan" cds (March 26) in black with framed registration cachet at lower left. Fresh and fine with Soviet Philatelic Society cachet on reverse. Rare.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 1837 Russland
TUVA 1926/: Collection with 1926 first issue set unused (2) with original gum and scarce thus, June 1927 surcharged set of four unused (lacquered ink), July 1927 set of 14 unused with some duplication, April 1932 set of six unused (2), 1932/33 35 k. on 18 k. and 35 k. on 28 k. unused, rare 15 k. on 6 k. orange provisional with 6¼ mm. opt. unused (signed Sieger), 1934 perf. (2) and imperf. sets unused, 1934 air sets unused (2), thereafter complete to 1936 air set. A scarce and attractive collection Gi = £ 1'500+.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 550 CHFLosnr. : 1838 Russland
TUVA 1935: Covers (4) with 1935 Landscapes set seven used on registered cover to Vienna tied by 'Turan' cds's (March 25), 1935 Animals set of ten used on registered cover cancelled by "Turan" datestamps (March 26), rare but addressee's name deleted, 1937 registered covers (2) both actually mailed to New York bearing 13 values of the 1937 issue with all stamps tied by 'Kizil' cds's (Feb 13, 1937) in violet and backstamped in USA on March 14, some faults to each but a rare group.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 1839 Mongolei
1924 (Aug): 2 c. brown, black & rose on brownish, perf. 13½, a superb used block of four cancelled in Ulan Bator, matched with a similar block perf. 10, a scarce pair of multiples Gi = £ 260+.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 1840 Mongolei
1926 (Sept-Nov): Fiscal stamps optd. for Postage in black, 5 c. purple and 10 c. green (2) used on red-band envelope to China tied by framed 'Urga' handstamps in black, struck on front and back with four circular 'T' handstamps in black. A very rare issue on letter.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 1841 Mongolei
1926 (Nov 3): New Currency 5 m. black & pale lilac and 20 m. black & blue, perf. 11, each in unused blocks of four, the 20 m. corner marginal from top right of sheet, fresh and very fine, unmounted or superb large part og., and both values in fine used blocks of four cancelled at Ulan Bator. Scarce multiples Gi = £ 420+.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 1.000 CHFLosnr. : 1842 Mongolei
1926 (Nov): 25 m. black & apple-green used on reverse of 1929 incoming cover from Manchuria to Ulan Bator tied by neat ULAN BATOR cds (June 3), franked on front by Kirin & Heilungkiang 1929 Unification 10 c. blue (Gi 27) tied by unclear cds in black with further strike of the Ulan Bator cds alongside. The cover would open well for Exhibit display. A scarce usage.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 1843 Mongolei
1926: 1 t. black, blue-green & brown used on registered 1927 red-band envelope to Peking, China tied by scarce ULIASUTA framed datestamps (Feb 19) in black with further strike at right with registration cachet; overlapped by defective China 1913/15 Postage Due 4 c. blue (6). Despite faults a rare cover.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 1844 Mongolei
1932 (July): 10 t. Colour Trial of the top value, perf. 10½ x 12, printed in sage green (issued in deep ultramarine) and applied to thick grey card handstamped "PROJECT / 5 March 1932" in Cyrillic in red. Rare and fine.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 1845 Mongolei
1932 (July): 10 t. Colour Trial of the top value, perf. 10½ x 12, printed in grey (issued in deep ultramarine) and applied to thick grey card handstamped "PROJECT / 5 March 1932" in Cyrillic in red. Rare and fine.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 340 CHFLosnr. : 1846 Mongolei
1932 (July): 10 t. Colour Trial of the top value, perf. 10½ x 12, printed in brown (issued in deep ultramarine) and applied to thick grey card handstamped "PROJECT / 5 March 1932" in Cyrillic in red. Rare and fine.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 440 CHFLosnr. : 1847 Mongolei
1958: Russia Lenin 30 kop. red used on cover tied by superb strike of ULAN-BATOR cds (Feb 24) in black. Scarce and fine cover.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 100 CHFLosnr. : 1848 Mongolei
1924/1980: Collection with huge range of first issue 1924 1 c. to $ 1 values unused and used incl. 1 c. unused (13) and used (5), 2 c. unused (18) and used (62), 5 c. unused (41) and one 5 c. perf. 10, 5 c. used examples (48), 10 c. unused (25) and used (91), 20 c. unused and used (18), 50 c. unused (20) and used (33), $ 1 unused (15) and used (20); perforated through (for sale abroad) with unused range, entire album with hundreds of 1926 POSTAGE overprints on Fiscal issue study unused and used with many signed examples and many of a dubious nature, 1926 5 m. lilac unused (19) and used (49), 20 m. blue unused (29) and used (38), 1926/27 values in quantities unused and used to 5 t. value with 40 m. unused (35) and used (33), 50 m. unused (34) and used (62), 1 t. unused (9) and used (36), 3 t. used (12), 5 t. unused (8) and used (6), 1932 Pictorial sets unused (10+) and used, 1945 Choibalsan 1 t. black-brown unused (31) and used, 1951 Lenin unused (7), 1953 Choibalsan 3 t and 5 t. unused (5 of each), 1956 Independence 30 m. unused (4) and tête-bêche pairs unused (3), thereafter with large albums full of more modern issues unused with Miniature Sheets and on FDC's to circa 1981. An extraordinary lot of enormous catalogue value.Ausruf : 3.500 CHFZuschlag : 16.000 CHFLosnr. : 1849 Spanien
1646 (Nov. 2): Philipp IV King of Spain (1605-1665): King's letter with papered wax seal on reverse, written in Zaragozoa (Spain), and signed by the Kings own hand 'Yo El Rey', countersigned by Don Fernando Ruiz de Contreras. Entire letter addressed to the 'Duke of Amalfi 'Governador General de las Armas y execitos de mis estados de Flandres' Ottavio Piccolomini (1599-1656), involved in the conspiracy to oust the Duke of Wallenstein in the 30 year's war. Some age stains, but a fine historical document. Complete transcription attached.Ausruf : 600 CHFZuschlag : 850 CHFLosnr. : 1850 Spanien
1681 (Nov. 4): Carlos II King of Spain and Naples and Sicily (1661-1700), also known as El Hechizado or the Bewitched, was the last Habsburg ruler of the Spanish Empire- Autographed King's letter, written in Madrid, signed by his own hand 'yo el Rey'. Fine 4 p.p. folio letter with waver wax seal on p. 5, two entire lettersheets with stitch binding and imprinted heading: SELLO TERCERO, TRENTA Y Q.V. AT ROMA VEDIS ANO DE MIL Y SEISCIENTOS Y OCHENTA UNO, addressed to the Vice-King of Naples Fernando Fajardo y Alvarez de Toledo, Marques DE LOS VELEZ (1635-1693), concerning Ranuccio II Farnese, Duke of Parma (1630-1694). Some age stains, but fine early courier document.rnAusruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1851 Spanien
1689 (Jan. 31): Kingsletter signed 'Yo El Rey' by Carlo II King of Spain (1661-1700), entire lettersheet with complete waver wax seal on reverse, sent from Madrid to "A muy Padre Cardenal Coloredo mi mui charo y mui amado Amigo" (Leandro Colloredo, Congr. Orat.) staying in Venice during the papal conclave of 1689, convened after the death of Pope Innocent XI and led to the election of Pietro Vito Ottoboni as Pope Alexander VIII. Sensibly restored broken paperfold, just to be mentioned, otherwise a fine and delightful entire.rnAusruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1852 Spanien
1705 (Nov. 4): Felipe V King of Spain (1683-1746) known as "Philipp V of Anjou", King's letter written in Barcelona signed by the King's own hand 'Yo el Rey', with black wax seal on reverse and addressed to the Spanisch Ambassador in Vienna Cesare Michelangelo d'Avalos (1667-1729), Marchese del Vasto and Pescara and Knight of the Golden Fleece (1700).Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1853 Spanien
1768/92: Lot three eintire letters from Spain including 1768 letter from Barcelona endored 'Par Hamburg' to Glücksstadt, Denmark showing framed CATALUNA' h.s. in black, 1780 letter from Cadiz to Langensaltza (Kursachsen) struck with fin CADIZ h.s. in red as well as letter from Madrid to Stuttgart 'Par Paris, Rheinhausen' showing "d'espagne" in in black ink and red crayon "1 f." for 1 guilden and "54x und 6x" at right. Scarce and attractive entires.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 1854 Spanien
1813 (Sep.1): Entire letter bearing 90 / BARCELONE handstamp in red taxed '12' in manuscript applied during the French occupation of Cataluna, a fine strike and rare thus.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1855 Spanien
1822/34: Disinfected entire letters (3) two treated at the Bayonne Lazaret, with 1822 printed prices current entire from Madrid to Paris slitted and toasted, 1823 entire to Naples with two strikes of MALLORCA straight line in red and disinfected at Perpignan, 1834 entire to London with SANTIAGO / DE / GALICIA despatch and rare "1 oz. at 8s/8d per Oz" italic handstamp and rated thus in manuscript.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1856 Spanien
1850 (Jan 1): 6 cs. black, Type II, a used horizontal strip of four, ample to large margins all round but just grazed at top of fourth stamp, first stamp with small thin at top and minor bends, neatly cancelled by araña handstamps in black. A scarce multiple. Cert. E. Diena (1983) Mi = € 170+.Ausruf : 90 CHFZuschlag : 260 CHFLosnr. : 1857 Spanien
1850 (March): 12 cs. blue, an unused example of fresh colour, large even margins all round, large part og. A very fine example of this rare stamp. Cert. Comex (1984) Edifil 2/Mi = € 2'500.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 1858 Spanien
1850 (Jan 1): 5 r. red, a used example with just clear to good margins all round, cancelled by scarce "0" handstamp of Alicante struck in red. Central pinhole does not affect the appearance of a scarce stamp. Cert. Exfima (1975) Edifil 3/Mi = € 300+.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 160 CHFLosnr. : 1859 Spanien
1850 (Jan 1): 6 r. blue, an unused example of fresh rich colour, Transfer Type XII on the report block of 25 subjects, large even margins all round, large part og. A very rare stamp. Cert. F. Graus (1991) Edifil 4/Mi = € 3'500.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 1.800 CHFLosnr. : 1860 Spanien
1851: 6 c. black, a fine used example on July 1, 1851 entire from Barcelona to the Alcazar of Segovia endorsed "Muestras sin valor" (Samples without value) tied by 'araña' in black. The contents are from the sister of the young Caballero Cadete but the additional enclosure is missing, nevertheless a rare and early Sample Mail entire.Ausruf : 75 CHFZuschlag : 160 CHFLosnr. : 1861 Spanien
1851 (Jan 1): 12 cs. lilac, a used example with large margins all round from the top left corner of the sheet, of lovely delicate colour, neatly cancelled by araña handstamp unusually struck in red. Small thin in top margin only not affecting the appearance of a fine and scarce stamp. Cert. Comex (2005) Edifil 7/Mi = € 200.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 280 CHFLosnr. : 1862 Spanien
1851 (Jan 1): 5 r. rose-red, an unused example with ample to large margins all round and sheet marginal at base, merest trace of thin in top margin otherwise fresh and fine with large part typically somewhat browned og. A rare stamp unused. Certs. CEM (1986), F. Graus (1987) Edifil 9/Mi = € 2'500.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 800 CHFLosnr. : 1863 Spanien
1852: 6 cs. rose-red, a used horizontal strip of eight, large margins all round but eighth stamp just shaved at right, all neatly cancelled by barred oval obliterators in black. A scarce and most attractive multiple.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 440 CHFLosnr. : 1864 Spanien
1853: 6 cs. carmine in thin white paper, a used block of eight (4 x 2) with large margins all round, each stamp neatly cancelled by oval of bars obliterators in black. A charming and scarce multiple. Signed A. Diena, A. Bolaffi Mi = € 500.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 1865 Spanien
1865: 2 r. grey-lilac imperforate, two examples with large margins all round, second stamp scuffed in margin at top, used on 1865 cover to Philadelphia via England tied by circular '2' handstamp of Cadiz with despatch cds below (July 1). London transit cds in red (July 5) and thence carried by American Packet direct to Philadelphia (July 17). Cover with slight faults and creased through one adhesive but a rare Transatlantic usage. Cert. Graus (1986).Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 1866 Spanien
1850/1954: Collection several hundred stamps used/unused, early issues with some better values and full sets as 10 R. green of 1951 (cert. COMEX 1997), colour shades, cancellations, paper varieties, full Cervantes set of 1905, few souvenir sheets, officials, locals and issues for the Anti Tuberculosis Fund as well as a small selection of Spanish Colonials, mainly in good condition and housed in three Albums and on four stockcards.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 2.000 CHFLosnr. : 1867 Spanien
1823/25: Correspondence of six entire letters between Spain and Dôle (F) with the corresponding letters back to Spain, all written during the French intervention, showing (M) / ARM.D'ESPAGNE (Madrid), (H) / ARM.D'ESPAGNE and D BIS / ARM.D'ESPAGNE (Madrid). Fine and seldom seen military handstamps.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1868 Schweden
1744 (Aug 14): Entire "King's Letter" from Stockholm by sea to Andres Wigelius, Gut Plackmann (about 20 miles from Port Kunda, Estonia), the front panel decorated with Meander and seven "Crowns" in manuscript. Extremely rare.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1869 Schweden
1858/1989: Collection several hundred stamps used/unused or in mint condition, incl. some better values, full sets, plenty of booklets and a few cards and covers, in addition a small selection of Danish stamps and booklets, housed in four albums and one stockbook owner's cat = € 2'700.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 1870 Türkei
Tughra Second Printing 1863/64: 2 pia. blue on thin paper showing through, in a tête-bêche block four, head to head with the control bad in red on top and base of the block, two stamps mint, two unmounted og. An attractive and fresh multiple.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.400 CHFLosnr. : 1871 Türkei
1869 (June 25): Entire letter from Livorno via Marseille to Aleppo, Syria sent unpaid and struck on obverse with VIA DI / MARE in black and large "TAXE" in greenish ink with '6' decime charge in manuscript alongside; carried on French Paquebot 'Godavery' with superb circular 'LIGNE V / PAQ. FR. No. 2' datestamp (June 29) struck in blue (Salles fig. 887). Pearled 'Alexandrette / Syrie' transit cds in black (July 12) on reverse and taxed for the final leg of the journey with Turkey Postage Due 20 pa. and 1 pi. brown tied by framed 'Halep / 81' handstamps in blue-black. Opens well for display, a rare and appealing cover. Signed A. Diena. Cert. Sorani (2005).Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 800 CHFLosnr. : 1872 Türkei
Vilayet of Manastir 1901: 1 pi. blue in a horizontal strip of three, used on reverse of registered cover to London, tied by FLORINA bilingual datestamps in blue (Coles & Walker fig. 8) with Salonique transit and 'Registered / London' arrival in red. Opening tear at top but scarce.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1873 Türkei
1920: Turkish Grand National Assembly, government issue with black handstamp ovpt. 'OSMANLI POSTALARI 1336' type I in black on Ottoman notary fiscal stamp 100 kurus brown, unused without gum. A very rare stamp in unused condition, cert. Nakri (2020) Mi = € 1'600.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 480 CHFLosnr. : 1874 Türkei
1920: Turkish Grand National Assembly, government issue with black handstamp ovpt. 'OSMANLI POSTALARI 1336' type I in black on Ottoman religious tribunal revenue stamp 100 kurus brown (repaired) with Angora cds cancellation; in addition Airmail Tax stamp ovpt. 'Bes lira' on 15 ghrusch green & yellow in unused condition (two light brown spots). Two very rare stamps, two certs. Nakri (2020) Mi = € 6'500.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1875 Türkei
1863/1957: Interesting Collection hundreds stamps used/unused, well written up on leaves, incl. 1863 Tugra stamps and postage due, Duloz stamps and postage due, Crescent definitives, 1914 pictorial set up to 200 pia. mint, back of the book issues such as newspaper stamp and revenue, in addition issues for Austrian and Russian PO's in the Levant; 1920/21 provisional ovpt stamps of the New Government in Ankara, 1922 new definitives of the Turkish Republic; Allied Occupation of Turkey comprising French in Cilicia, Greeks in Thrace, Romanian PO in Constantinople; Turkish Republic 1924 Peace Treaty of Lausanne mint, complete set, Star & Crescent definitives with 100 pia mint, 1926 Landscape & Atatürk definitives up to 200 pia mint, two Izmir Exposition sets, Airmail, 1935 Congress of International Women's Alliance mint, later issues; in addition 1938/39 Hatay Sandjak of Alexandretta, also obligatory tax stamps, aviation fund, Red Cross, Children welfareAusruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 1.100 CHFLosnr. : 1876 Türkei
1865/1970ca: Collection hundreds stamps used/unused incl. Crescent & Duloz definitives, 1920/21 provisional overprints, Airmail issues, later issues, also postage due, official stamps, Liannos stamps, and charity surtax issues.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1877 Türkei
1865/1985: Collection several hundred stamps used/unused or in mint condition, incl. some better values, surchrged stamps. full sets incl. 1935 12th Congress of the International Women's Alliance, souvenir sheets, officials, postage dues, stamps with value added tax and some duplicats, good conditon and housed in three albums and in one stockbook.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 570 CHFLosnr. : 1878 Türkei
1880/1955.: Postal History selection (45) largely mail between Turkey including Ottoman P.O.'s in Iraq and Lebanon with destinations in Persia / Iran, with cover franked by 1876 20 p. violet on green pair, cover franked 1880 20 pa. black on rose pair, cover bearing 1892 5 pa. green block of four cancelled "Bagdad / Turquie" cds, 1897 cover from French P.O. in Trebizonde, with 1901 covers ex 'Bagdad' and Kerbela, 1907 cover at 1 pi. rate from Beirut via Baghdad to Teheran, 1915 cover with 1914 1 pi. used from Kerbela, 1916 cover franked by Persia 6 ch. from Hamadan to Koum showing bilingual Persian / Russian Censor cachet in black, 1943 1.50 r. stationery card from Teheran to Galata with trilingual Censor cachet in violet, condition varies but some fine and scarce covers present.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 850 CHFLosnr. : 1879 Türkei
1914/18: First World War selection of largely German Field Post Office covers/cards (70) from the Middle East theatre of Operations and nearly all Censored, including 1917 card with FELDPOST / MIL.MISS / DAMASKUS and similar usage on 1916/17 Feldpost cover and cards with ALEPPO cds and 1916/18 usages with CONSTANTINOPLE and SMYRNA cds's and a rare usage with MIL. MISS / MARDIN in March 1918, "A.O.K. 4" datestamps on cards, range of cards with Unit cancels, Mortar Battery cachets, Hospital and Sanitas Depot cancels, range f Feldpost numbers noted. Generally fair to very fine, a scarce group with viewing recommended.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 850 CHFLosnr. : 1880 Ukraine
1918: Lot 39 stationery postal cards incl. Kerenski 5 kop. (35) but also four Imperial 3 kop. stationeries, all ovpt with Tridents of the Kiev district (Bulat 1,3,7,17), primarily used from PO’s of the Central Ukraine as inland mail or abroad, majority from private or business correspondence.rnProvenance: ex collection Zelonka, many ex collection Seichter with his notes.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 1881 Ukraine
1918: Lot 55 stationery postal cards, primarily Kerenski 5 kop. (34) and Kerenski response cards (13) but also six Imperial stationeries 3 kop. and two 3 kop. response cards, all overprinted with Tridents from different districts except Kiev, despatched as inland mail or abroad, some with additional frankings. Interesting selection with a lot of cancellation interest, majority from private or business correspondence. Many competent signatures such as O.E.P., UPV, Seichter, Bulat, Kobylanski BPP.rnProvenance: ex collection Zelonka, many ex collection Seichter with his notes.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 1.500 CHFLosnr. : 1882 Jugoslawien
1918/56: Collection with better sets and values used/unused, incl. issues for Bosnia, Croatia and Slovenia followed by the general issues from 1921 onwards and postage dues as well as eight pre-stamp covers, in an album.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 1883 Jugoslawien
1919/54: Lot hundreds stamps used/unused and 50+ covers/postcards incl. Venezia Julia, Trieste A, Trieste B, Istria, and Dalmatia. Has to be studied.Ausruf : 800 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1884 Jugoslawien
1919/20: Album with 60 covers/cards, predominantely franked with 1919 Chain Braker Issue, showing various better frankings and interesting usages with many multiple frankings as pairs, strips and blocks of four, further bisects and usages on SHS cards. A fine interesting group.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 460 CHFLosnr. : 1885 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
1990/2017ca: Lot hundreds stamps and covers incl. a selection of Albania with few transported covers after the end of communism, incoming mail to Albania from the last century, further on definitives from Montenegro, Serbia, France with Epreuves, and other areas.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 1886 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
1900/2000: Large lot with several thousand stamps used/unused or in mint condition from various European countries except Switzerland, mainly small values, full sets, plenty of topics as animals, birds etc., in addition a selection of full sheets from Hungary cancelled to order and a bunch of modern postal stationery envelopes, all arranged in total 14 stockbooks and in two small boxes, the whole packed in a large removal box.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 1887 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
1970/2000: Lot several hundred stamps, souvenir sheets, booklets and other items as supplied by the new issues departments, mainly in mint condition, noteworthy are Finland, Monaco, Norway, Portugal, Vatican and some others, also a few postal stationery items can be found, housed in eight stockbooks and arranged in a box.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 1888 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
1936/2000: Collection with some hundred mint stamps of Great Britain incl. full sets, souvenir sheets, some booklets and plenty of valid postage, in addition small selections of Moanco and Vatican, housed in four luxury Marini albums with cover and two stockbooks.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 480 CHFLosnr. : 1889 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
1900/60: Mixed selection with few hundred stamps used/unused French Colonies as well as Spanish Patriotic issues 1936/38, those on album pages, furthermore several part sheets German Reich with diff. values of the so called 'Holztaube' unused, a special album containing old banknotes and 'Notgeld' of Germany 1914/24 and last but not least a bunch of cards and covers, mixed condition and all arranged in a box.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 1890 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
1864/1951c.: Lot 100+ stamps and ten covers incl. Italy Lombardo Veneto 1864 Arms 10 so. blue in a block of 12 unused, 1864 so. and 5 so in pairs on entire from Thiene to Milano paying the 16 so. rate, 1917 Eritra cover Asmara to Philadelphia, 1918 Meran Hilfspost unused, 1919 FIUME ovpt franking on registered cover to Vienna, 1932 Dante commemorative set unused, 1951 British occupied Italian colonies Eritra on three telegraph forms, France 1870 cover with marginal Bordeaux 10 c. bistre pair, Greece 1926 Airmail 3 dr. sheetlet with blank field, and Greece 1912 cover Mytilene to Saloniki with Greek and Russian arrival cds's on reverse, Bulgaria Postage Due stamps, Albania 1913 Double Headed Eagle on Turkish stamps, Croatia 1945 red Cross never issued, Serbia 1866 20 pa rose in a strip of three on piece, 1867 2 pa. imperf in a used strip of three and an unused single.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 1.200 CHFLosnr. : 1891 Sammlungen/Posten Weltweit
1880/1980: Lot several hundred stamps used/unuesed, noteworthy are Austria and Bosnia Herzegowina, Belgium with compl. sets, Germany with related aereas incl. German Reich with OSTROPA and Exportmesse Hannove rsouvenir sheets, further Monaco and Liechtenstein as well as some East Europe, South Africa and PR of China, mainly small values and minor sets, condition varies, but generally fine.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 1.300 CHFLosnr. : 1892 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
1910/23: Lot 80+ Airmail vignettes incl. Hungary 'Nemzetközi Repüloverseny 1910', 'Fernflug Berlin - Wien 1912', 'Gordon Bennett Stuttgart Württemberg 1912', '1. Internationale Flugausstellung 1912 Wien Rotunde Prater', 'Reichsverein Luftschiffahrt', 'Rouen 1922', 'Meeting de Rouen 1923' and 'Amiens 1923', two last cancelled, also three picture postcards from Vienna 1912 and unused inscribed 'Fernflug Berlin-Wien'.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 1893 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
1900/2000: Lot several hundred stamps unused or in mint condition from Austria, small selection German Occupation WW 2 unused, stamps from other countries as well as a few cards and covers German Reich, good to mixed condition and housed in various albums, stockbooks and on album pages, all packed in a large removal box.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 1894 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
1862/1942: Collection some hundred stamps used/unused from Romania and Poland, incl. some better values and plenty of full sets, souvenir sheets and duplicats, in good condition and nicely arranged in two stockbooks.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 420 CHFLosnr. : 1895 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
1930/2000: Lot some thousand stamps, souvenir sheets, booklets and booklet panes as well as other items as supplied by new issues departments, mainly in mint condition, noteworthy amongst others are Albania, Baltic States, Denmark, Germany (Bundesrepublik), Soviet Union, Sweden etc., all in perfect condition, housed in 11 Leuchtturm stockbooks and arranged in a box.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 750 CHFLosnr. : 1896 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
1918/22: Selection hundreds primarily unused stamps, proofs, specimen, unissued stamps, stamps with missing perforation from Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina & Slovenia, incl. better issues such as Croatia Stormtrooper souvenir sheet. Has to be studied carefully, eleven certs. Mi = € 20'000 following the consignor.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 3.400 CHFLosnr. : 1897 Sammlungen/Posten Europa
1899/1930ca.: Lot over 1'000 picture postcards mainly used with some unused, incl. Belgium (approx. 500), Germany and Italy as well as other countries.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHF
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