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Losnr. : 790 Italienische Kolonien
Tripolitania 1934 (Jan. 22/26): Complete set of overprinted special issue used on two registerd cards and two envelopes in combination with adhesives of Libya (1) or issues for the General Colonies (3), all tied by Tripoli d'Africa datestamps showing special flight and 'Perduta' cachets in red as well as Roma special flight dcs. (Feb. 1st.) Longhi 3086 = € 6'000 for compl. set on four covers/cards, Sassone GP66-GP66c = € 2'225.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 791 Italien
Losnr. : 792 Italien
1860/1990: Lot several thousand stamps used/unused from Italy including San Marino, Vatican, Trieste etc, mainly small values and partly in heavy duplication, good to mixed condition, housed in 12 albums and stockbooks.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 1.500 CHFLosnr. : 793 Italien
1918/60: Small dealer's stock with several hundred stamps unused or maily in mint condition, with occupation issues of Venezia-Giulia and Trento and Trieste after WW 1, incl. pairs, blocks of four, part sheets and full sheets, furthermore Italy after WW 2 mostly in full post office counter sheets, fine.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 794 Italien
1860/1980: Lot several thousand stamps used (mostly) and unused, mainly small values in heavy duplication, by careful inspection also some better items and full sets noted, good to mixed condition and housed in five large stockbooks.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 550 CHFLosnr. : 795 Italien
1850/2000: Collection resp. lot with several hundred stamps used (mainly) and unused, starting with some values Italian States, better items joined by certificats, later issues with full sets, souvenir sheets, miniature sheets, postage dues, few varieties and specialities, good condition and housed in two large stockbooks.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 2.600 CHFLosnr. : 796 Italien
1908/29: Vittorio Emanuele III, profile definitve series mint specialised collection on leaves, with range of varieties including off-sets on the reverse, 1908 set of three imperforate (Sassone 83e/85e), 25 c. blue and 40 c. brown marginal example imperf. at right (83i+84i) and another with watermark inverted (84i), 25 c. imperf. on two sides (83f), mis-cut examples and 25 c. and 50 c. imperf. between stamp and margin at top (83g+85g), 40 c. imperf. between stamp and margin at base (84g), 1917 20 c. orange in an imperf. pair (109d), 20 c. in a pair with sheet margin mis-perforated horizontally, 60 c. carmine with two single examples with same error, 1925 30 c. grey imperf. (185a), block of four with off-set (185g), 1926 20 c. violet imperf. at base in pair (204b), 60 c. orange in imperf pair (205aa), 60 c. vertical pair imperf. at base (205b), condition generally fine to very fine, an interesting assembly (64 items).Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 420 CHFLosnr. : 797 Italien
1850/1960: Collection resp. lot with several hundred stamps used/unused, the main value being the section with Old Italien States and Italy with better single items and full sets incl. Manzoni and others, good condition and housed in one album, in addition two stockbooks with modern Vatican partly in blocs of four owner's cat = Mi over € 12'500.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 798 Italien
1862/1980: Collection with several hundred stamps used/unused, incl.many better sets as 1922 Congresso Filatelico, Manzoni up to 5 L., 1924 Crociere Italiana, airmails with Zeppelin and Balbo, Espressi, postage dues and other revenues, stamps with advertising Tabs (26!), parcel stamps, better unused singles and sets from the early fifties etc., mainly in good condition and housed in three albums.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 1.800 CHFLosnr. : 799 Italien
1860/1889: Mint collection on leaves, with 1862 20 c. and 80 c. values imperf. between stamp and margin at base (signed), 80 c. fine unused with gum (signed, cert.), 1863 20 c. blue imperf. pair with lower stamp double embossed head (cert.), 1863 15 c. blue, Type I unused (cert.), 1863 London print 2 lire vermilion (cert.), Turin printing 10 c. grey marginal from top of sheet (cert.), 1862 unadopted Essay sheets of 25 in various colours, 1863 15 c. blue, Type I, unused (cert.), 1890 'Valevole' set, 1879 values unused, 1901/26 with complete set to 5 lire imperforate, 2 c. with double print variety unused (Sassone 69a), 75 c. rose imperf. between stamp and margin (201e), bi-coloured 1 lire brown & green with varieties and imperf. examples, 1906 5 c. and 10 c. with plentiful array of varieties incl. 5 c. and 10 c. in imperforate pairs and 10 c. in an imperforate block of ten from corner of sheet (82e), 10 c. in imperf. between vertical strip (82g), 1910 10 lire mint (3) etc. A fine lot with much of interest (138 items).
Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 2.200 CHFLosnr. : 800 Italien
1861/1942: Collection in an album with several hundred stamps unused or in mint condition, incl. plenty of better single values and full sets as postage up to L. 2, surcharged journal stamps of 1878, Congresso Filatelico 1922, Manzoni up to L. 5, Crociera Italiana, Zeppelins, Balbo, Lombardi, Calcio 1934 and many others, also postage dues and other revenues, diff. varieties as pairs with sheet margins and blocs of four, Airmails incl. Roma - Mogadiscio with the official stamp 10 L., Military stamps, Espressi, parcel stamps etc., some items joined by certificates, in good to very good condition.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 2.800 CHFLosnr. : 801 Italien
1861/1945: Collection in blue album with 1861 Neapolitan Provinces set of eight and Italy first issue perf. set of four unused, 1863 40 c. rose unused, 1867 20 c. blue unused, 1878 set of seven values unused, 1889 45 c. olive green unused, thereafter largely complete with 1901 definitives, 1922 Trieste Exhibition set of four, Advertising Labels set of 19, Manzoni set of six etc., together with full range of Expresses, Parcel Post, Pneumatic Post, BLP overprints and Airmails, also some Colonies. A splendid lot in generally much above average quality.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 4.800 CHFLosnr. : 802 Italien
1851/1936: Collection 200 primarily used stamps incl. Modena, Napoli with 1860 ½ tor blue and Savoy cross, Parma with 1852/53 Arms definitives, 1859 provisional government issue used/unused and 1853 newspaper tax stamps unused, Romagna with 1859 8 baj., Sardinia with 1851 5 c. black and 40 c. rose, 1853 embossed definitives, 1855 Victor Emmanuele definitives, Sicily with 10 gr. and 50 gr. unused, Stato Pontifico with 1852 1 scudo, Tuscany with 1851 2 so. scarlet, 1859 1 qu. black and 1 so. black, 1860 provisional issue incl. the very rare 3 l. ochre, Italy Kingdom with 1863 5 c. grey and 40 c. carmine unused, 1889 Umberto 5 l., 1925 Manzoni 5 l., Official stamps incl. Roma-Chicago and Roma-Mogadiscio flights unused, in addition San Marino, Vatican, and Fiume. Six opinions and two certs., a very interesting lot which should be carefully viewed.Ausruf : 2.500 CHFZuschlag : 8.500 CHFLosnr. : 803 Italien
1861/42: Collection in two blue albums with vast stock / range incl. early unused definitives, from 1910 with commemorative sets unused and/or used, incl. 1922 Philatelic Exhibition, Manzoni set with additional 5 l. value unused and used, thereafter largely complete incl. 1961 'Gronchi Rosa' unused, further Airmails incl. 1930 Balbo 7 l. 70 c. unused (2), Zeppelin sets (5), Triptyches, Expresses, Postage Dues etc. Generally fair to fine, an extensive and highly catalogued collection.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 5.500 CHFLosnr. : 804 Italien
1861/1942: Superb collection in unused blocks of four, including 1861 80 c. orange imperf. in marginal block (Bolaffi cert.) 80 c. perf. block, 1863 15 c. blue in blocks, 1863 Turin printing blocks, 1879 issue multiples, 1889 5 l. block, 1891 5 l. block, 1901 40 c. brown block, 1910 10 l. block, 1922 Trieste Exhibition set in blocks (Bolaffi cert.), 1923 Manzoni set in corner marginal matching blocks, 1924 Crociera set, 1925 Giubileo both perfs. in blocks, thereafter with fine range of commemoratives incl. 1934 Football set, Airmails incl. scarce 1930 7 l. 70 c. in unmounted block (signed A. Diena), 1933 zeppelin set in mint blocks, Rome-Mogadiscio 10 l. blue in block of four unmounted from base of sheet signed G. Bolaffi (Sass = € 9'500), scarce Express issue multiples etc. A marvellous, highly catalogued, collection in generally fine to superb quality throughout.Ausruf : 6.000 CHFZuschlag : 20.000 CHFLosnr. : 805 Italien
1852/1900c. Collection on Maury album leaves, primarily unused, with Lombardy Venetia from 1850 largely unused, Modena from 1852 unused, Naples incl. 1860 Savoy Cross ½ t. blue used (signed), Neapolitan 1861 set unused, Papal States from 1852 incl. unused 1 scudo rose (signed Calves), Parma largely complete, Romagna 1859 issue with rare 4 baj. unused (signed Calves), Sardinia with Cavallini cut-outs, 1850 issue and 1853 embossed issue 5 c. unused and 20 c. and 40 c. fine used on piece, Sicily with set of six unused with duplication, Tuscany with Provisional Government values unused, Italy with 1863/64 values to 2 lire unused, 1877 10 c. blue and 20 c. orange unused, Jan 1878 set of eight overprinted unused, rare 1870 Postage Dues unused, San Marino from 1877 incl. 1894 1 lire ultramarine unused (signed); majority fair to very fine, an outstanding collection of enormous catalogue value, viewing is recommended.Ausruf : 6.000 CHFZuschlag : 6.500 CHFLosnr. : 806 Italien
1860/1970: Lot with a few hundred covers, cards, picture postcards and postal stationery items from Italy and related areas, mainly small frankings, inbetween some interesting items 'Repubblica Sociale Italiana' as well as destinations abroad, mixed condition, loose and in three albums, the whole arranged in a box.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 1.000 CHFLosnr. : 807 Italien
1908/70c.: Collection of covers/cards (170) nearly all featuring Express 'Espresso' usages, with Italy, San Marino and Vatican items together with cards from Rodi (4), Fiume, Libia and Somalia, interesting World War II covers with Censors etc. and a variety of handstamps and labels denoting Express usage, a fine basis for further specialised expansion.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : 1.300 CHFLosnr. : 808 Italien
1918/25: Lot 145 advertising postcards at 10 c., 15 c., 25 c. and 30 c., the so called 'cartoline con tassello pubblicitario', all with Red Cross imprint: 'Concessione Croce Rossa' showing different adverts in red, blue green (ardesia) or lilac, predominantely used, further two 15 c. letter cards 'Talmone' and 'Martiny' used as well as three different WW II postcards for the Italian armed forces. A fine and scarce group.Ausruf : 600 CHFZuschlag : 1.300 CHFLosnr. : 809 Italienische Kolonien
Losnr. : 810 Italienische Kolonien
Levante Italian P.O. in Albania 1902/09: Three postcards (one is a Panorama card of Janina), with 1907 usage to Turin franked by 1901 10 pa. on Italy 5 c. green (2) tied by JANINA squared circle, 1914 card franked 'Scutari' 10 pa. on Italy 5 c. green cancelled 'Scutari / Poste Italiane' cds, and 1915 card with 'Valona' 10 pa. on Italy 5 c. green tied by 'Poste Italiane / Valona' cds.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 811 Italienische Kolonien
Italian P.O. in Tunis / Uffici postali all' Estero 1863/65: Italy 10 c. ochre and 30 c. brown, used on 1870 entire letter from Susa to Genova, the 10 c. tied by dotted '235' numeral in black, the 30 c. adhesive tied in manuscript, with TUNISI / POSTE ITALIANE cds alongside (Nov 18). Reverse with Cagliari cds of transit and Genova arrival cds. An unusual cover.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 812 Italienische Kolonien
1874: 'Estero' 10 c. ochre and 20 c. blue used on 1876 entire letter from Tunis to Padova tied by dotted '235' numeral with TUNISI / POSTE ITALIANE cds (March 16) alongside. Italic 'coi Postali Italiani' below and reverse with Cagliari cds (March 17) and Padova (March 21) arrival cds. Scarce 30 centesemi rate in use for just 20 months from January 1876.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 813 Italienische Kolonien
Losnr. : 814 Italienische Kolonien
1881/83: 'Estero' 5 c. green in a vertical strip of three and single 10 c. carmine used on 1887 cover to Palermo tied by barred 235 numeral in black, with TUNISI / POSTE ITALIANE cds below (Jan 14). Reverse with Palermo arrival cds (Jan 16). Slight aging as usual but scarce.Ausruf : 180 CHFZuschlag : 180 CHFLosnr. : 815 Italienische Kolonien
1879: Italy 20 c. orange, a fine example tied to 1894 cover to Palermo, Sicily by TUNISI squared circle datestamp (Dec 21) in black with information strike alongside. Reverse with Palermo datestamp of arrival. Slight trim to envelope and file fold away from adhesive but a scarce single franking.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 816 Italienische Kolonien
Losnr. : 817 Italienische Kolonien
1881/83: 'Estero' 10 c. carmine in a vertical pair, lower stamp showing a Plate Flaw on Umberto's hair, used on 1887 cover to Genova tied by barred '235' numeral and by 'Tunisi / Poste Italiane' cds. reverse with Genova cds (Nov 12) and 'S. Martino D'Albaro' arrival cds.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 818 Italienische Kolonien
1881/83: 'Estero' 20 c. orange, horizontal pair used on 1881 cover to Genova tied by barred 235 numeral in black, with italic 'coi Postali Italiani' handstamp alongside and TUNISI / POSTE ITALIANE cds below (Nov 2). Reverse with Cagliari transit cds and Genova arrival cds. Minor aging as usual, a scarce cover. Signed A. Bolaffi.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 819 Italienische Kolonien
1889: Italy 45 c. olive green, a fine example tied to 1893 registered cover to Palermo, Sicily by TUNISI squared circle datestamp (Sept 27) in black with information strike alongside. Reverse with Cagliari transit cds and Palermo datestamp (Sept 29) of arrival. Slight trim to envelope at left but a scarce single franking.
Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 820 Italienische Kolonien
Losnr. : 821 Italienische Kolonien
Africa Orientale 1941: Unissued set of four values 'Due Popoli / Una Guerra' with values at left in amharic script and Italian value in centre, the set of four values 10 c. brown, 50 c. lilac, 75 c. carmine and 1 lire 25 c. ultramarine, all fresh and fine, superb large part typically speckled og. Rare - just 100 sets printed thus. Signed G. Bolaffi. Cert. A. Diena (1970) Sassone = € 15'000.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 2.200 CHFLosnr. : 822 Italienische Kolonien
Cirenaica 1934: Cirenaica Airmail Stamps Coroncina, the four official stamps of the four colonies Cireneica, Eritrea, Somalia, and Tripolitania, all showing 'SERVIZIO DI STATO' and 'SAGGIO' overprints in black, fresh and fine, unmounted og. An exceedingly rare group of proofs. Signed and certs. Raybaudi (1986); E. Diena (1993) Not listed in Sassone.Ausruf : 3.000 CHFZuschlag : 4.800 CHFLosnr. : 823 Italienische Kolonien
Losnr. : 824 Italienische Kolonien
Losnr. : 825 Italienische Kolonien
1925 (Nov): 'Giubileo' 1 lire deep blue, optd. 'Eritrea' in black., perf. 13½, a magnificent mint example, with perfect centering for this rare stamp, superb unmounted og (somewhat browned as usual with this issue). Extremely rare. Cert. A. Diena (1963) Sassone = € 45'000.Ausruf : 3.000 CHFZuschlag : 5.500 CHFLosnr. : 826 Italienische Kolonien
Losnr. : 827 Italienische Kolonien
Losnr. : 828 Italienische Kolonien
Losnr. : 829 Italienische Kolonien
Losnr. : 830 Italienische Kolonien
Losnr. : 831 Italienische Kolonien
1928/41: Parcel Post 50 c. orange, issued in 1940, the superb unused example overprinted in black, centred to top and of fresh colour, left hand stamp showing crushed 'S' in 'Somalia', fine unmounted og. An outstanding example of this great rarity. Signed Oliva. Cert. A. E. Fiecchi (1970), E. Diena (1989) Mi 43/II = € 17'000/ Sassone = € 24'000.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 2.400 CHFLosnr. : 833 Italienische Kolonien
Losnr. : 834 Italienische Kolonien
Losnr. : 835 Italienische Kolonien
1941: East Africa - British Occupation, Commemorative issues 10 c. - 10 L. full set of nine values with red or violet surcharge BRITHS OCCUPATION, all with full original gum and showing signatures from various experts, joined by a certificate Raybaudi of 2009, in addition six revenue stamps bearing the same surcharge Sassone = € 3'400.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 836 Italienische Kolonien
1941: Complete set of five values with overprints in black, 20 c. to 2 lire, presumably issued as proofs, the 30 c. on 15 c. green with variety: 'H' in BRITISH shortened, fresh and fine, unmounted og. Rare. Signed Sorani; Cert. Sorani (2010) Sassone = € 11'000.Ausruf : 1.200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 837 Italienische Kolonien
1941: Overprinted Revenue stamps, complete set of eleven values with overprints in black, 10 c. red to 50 lire red on yellow, not issued, a fresh and scarce issue, rarely seen in unmounted og. condition (2 lire with minute hinge remnant). Cert. Raybaudi (1997) Sassone = € 87'000.Ausruf : 10.000 CHFZuschlag : 11.500 CHFLosnr. : 838 Italienische Kolonien
1893/1934: Various Italian Colonies and Occupation issues, Collection in an album with some hundred stamps used/unused or in mint condition travelling through the Italian Empire, incl. better items and full sets, airmails, parcel stamps, postage dues etc., noteworthy are Italian East Africa, Libia, Cyrenaica, Somalia and Tripolitania, fine.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 839 Italienische Kolonien
Losnr. : 840 Italienische Kolonien
1912/41: Libia incl. Cirenaica and Tripolitania, Collection in one Marini album with several hundred stamps used/unused or in mint condition, incl. many better single items (partly joined by certificates) or full sets, airmails, parcel stamps, postage dues and other revenues, all through in good to very good condition.Ausruf : 600 CHFZuschlag : 1.200 CHFLosnr. : 841 Italienische Kolonien
1903/36: Somalia and Oltre Giuba, Collection in a Marini album with several hundred stamps used/unused or in mint condition, incl. many better single items and full sets, airmails, parcel stamps, postage dues and other revenues, all high priced items joined by certificates, all through in good to very good condition.Ausruf : 600 CHFZuschlag : 1.700 CHFLosnr. : 842 Italienische Kolonien
1893/1934: Eritrea, Collection in a Marini album with several hundred stamps used/unused or in mint condition, incl. many better values and full sets, airmails, parcel stamps, postage dues and other revenues, better items joined by certificats, in good condition.Ausruf : 600 CHFZuschlag : 1.800 CHFLosnr. : 843 Italienische Kolonien
1893/1941: Mint Collection in a printed album with 1932 General Issues Garibaldi set of 17, 1934 Milan Fair and Football set of 12 complete, Libia issues from 1912 with scarce 5 l. definitive, 1926 perf. 11 pictorial set of 8 incl. rare 50 c. (cert.), 1927 Parcel Post set of 11 values (cert.), Tripolitania from 1923 incl. 1930 50 c. brown airmail and 1933 Zeppelin set, 1934 Airmail Oasis set of seven complete, 1934 Mogadiscio set, 1924 'Segnatasse per Vaglia' set of six; similar fine selection from Cirenaica with 1933 Zeppelin and Nort Atlantic sets etc. Fresh and generally fine throughout.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 850 CHFLosnr. : 844 Italienische Kolonien
1912/41: Various Italian Colonies, Collection in an album, some hundred stamps used/unused or in mint condition covering the General issues, Castelrosso, East Africa and as main part Egeo incl. many individual issues of the small Islands, noteworthy here are a full set with black surcharge 'XXI Congresso Idrologio', Calcio, Airmails incl. Zeppelin and Balbo, parcel stamps and postage dues, better items joined by certificates, in addition some duplicates, in good to very good condition.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 2.000 CHFLosnr. : 845 Italienische Kolonien
1893/1941: Collection with primary interest in varieties, incl. Cirenaica 1923 20 c. imperf. between stamp and top margin unused, 1926 St. Francescano 5 l. + 2.50 c. olive optd. in red and black (Sassone = € 3'500) unused and further example with red opt. imperf. between stamp and lower margin unused (Sass = € 2'200), April 1927 60 c. imperf. between stamp and top margin unused (Sass = € 2'000), Volta 50 c. optd. Eritrea and Cirenaica unused, Libia with 1912/18 opt. varieties, Pictorial imperf. and Centre Inverted varieties, 1 l. and 5 l. in imperf. between pairs, 1924 20 l. green in strip of four imperf. between stamp and margin (Sass = € 1'000+), 60 c. blue in vertical imperf. between strip of three (Sass = € 2'200) and a pair unused, 1924/29 imperf. between pairs of 10 c., 30 c., 50 c. and 1 l., 'Giubileo' perf. varieties unused, Parcel Post sets, Eritrea with 1893 20 c. orange in unused corner block of eight and 25 c. blue in corner block of six unused, Somalia with Parcel Post and Postage Due sets unused, Tripolitania with 1924 Manzoni 30 c. imperf. block of four (Sass = € 2'000+), Vaglia set unused etc. Varieties and highöly catalogued items abound, a fine and scarce offering.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 5.000 CHFLosnr. : 846 Italienische Kolonien
1893/60: Exceptional collection of mint & used, with nearly all better sets and singles with General Issues complete, Castelrosso 1922 set of nine mint, on cover and used on piece, Cirenaica complete less two perf. varieties and incl. 1923 Manzoni and rare 1934 Official 25+2 l. brown-carmine (Sassone = € 3'250), Eritrea complete from 1893 incl. 1924 Manzoni set unused, 1925/28 'Giubileo' 1 l. blue perf. 13½ used, signed (Sass = € 12'500) and rare 1934 Official 25+2 l. brown-carmine unmounted og., signed (Sassone = € 6'500) and rare back-of-the-book material incl. 1916/24 Parcel Post 10 c. blue, 3 l. yellow and 4 l. grey pairs unused (Sass = € 5'500+), 1927/29 Parcel Post 10 c. blue used (Sass = $ 1'600) and 10 l. and 20 l. values unused, Libia with 1912 5 l. blue & red unused, 1921 values with centre inverted variety, 1924/29 pictorial 55 c. unused, 1930 1 l. 75 c. brown perf. 13½ used, 1915 and 1927 Parcel Post sets unused, Fezzan June 1943 1 f. 25 c. opt. used, piece with June 1943 Airmail 0.50 c. on 50 c. brown signed Bolaffi (Sass = € 4'000), Oltre Giuba with 1925/28 'Giubileo' 60 c. carmine (extensively signed) and 1 l. blue perf. 13½ unused (Sass = € 17'000), Postage Dues, Vaglia issues unused, 1925 Parcel Post set unused, Somalia with Benadir optd. 1905 set used, 1924 Manzoni set unused, 1925/28 'Giubileo' 1 l. 25 c. blue perf. 11 unused signed, 1927 unissued set of two values unused (Sass = € 3'500), 1932 Pictorial issue with compound perfs. used, rare 1934 Official 25+2 l. brown-carmine (Sassone = € 3'250) signed, 1934 Airmail 25 c. blue optd. unused (Sass = € 3'250) signed, three large india paper imperforate unadopted Essays, 1936 Airmails optd. 'Saggio', fine Express section, 1917-1926 Parcel Post sets near complete unused (incl. unissued 1923 set) or used, Postage Dues complete, Vaglia sets unused, Tripolitania with 1924 Manzoni set unused, 1925/26 'Giubileo 1 l. 25 c. blue perf. 11 unused (Sass = € 3'250), 1932 VI Fiera Campionaria set perf. and imperf. unused, 1934 Official 25+2 l. brown-carmine (Sassone = € 3'250) signed, British Libya issues in complete sets, Africa Orientale with Military Franchise and the unissued 1941 British Occupation overprinted issue (Sass = € 2'500), a marvellous collection.Ausruf : 7.500 CHFZuschlag : 16.000 CHFLosnr. : 847 Italien
1918/24: Small collection 250 stamps used/unused, incl. full sets, surcharged values, postage dues, military stamps. surcharged values for the occupied Carnaro islands etc., fine.Ausruf : 120 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 848 San Marino
1892: Arms definitives 10 c. in the rare ultramarine shade, ovpt. 'Cmi. 5' showing variety: 'Cmi' with wiggly line below, fresh colour, tied by "REPUBBLICA DI SAN MARINO / BORGO 2. G... 18.2" partial cds strikes to piece. A very rare stamp showing the ovpt. variety only at position 12 and 41. Cert. Avi (2016) Sassone = € 20'000+.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 4.200 CHFLosnr. : 849 San Marino
Losnr. : 850 San Marino
1892: 1 lire carmine on yellow wove paper, a superb unused block of four in a vibrant bright shade and good centering for this scarce stamp, superb unmounted og. Rare thus and a key item in San Marino philately. Cert. A. Diena (1969) Sassone = € 16'000+.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 2.600 CHFLosnr. : 851 San Marino
1877/2002: Collection in four albums with several hundred stamps unused or in mint condition, nearly compl. in the early years with all the good single values, only 1894 1 Lira blue (Sass. 31) missing, Zeppelin issue, parcel stamps, postage dues, the colourful modern section with souvenir sheets, miniature sheets and other products from the new issues service, fine owner's cat appr. Mi Mk 32'000.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 2.200 CHFLosnr. : 852 San Marino
Postage Due 1924 (July 1): Overprinted set of six values on 'Segnatasse per Vaglia' of Italy, the key 3 lire carmine value being well centred with full unmounted og. (signed E. Diena). A scarce set. Cert. E. Diena (1979), Bolaffi (1981) Sassone 1/6 = € 7'500+.
Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 1.200 CHFLosnr. : 853 San Marino
1931: Unissued set of six Postage Due 'Mascherine Specimen' values (5 c., 10c. and 30 c.), with three examples surcharged in black on Postage Due 15 c. blue & black, further three examples surcharged in rose carmine on 15 c. blue & red, never issued, centering fine to very fine, with full original unmounted og. Extremely rare with just 100 stamps printed thus. Signed G. Bolaffi, A. Bolaffi. Cert. Bolaffi (1986, 85%) Sassone = € 20'000.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 2.400 CHFLosnr. : 854 Vatikanstaat
1951/53: Lot ten stamps unmounted og. incl. Graziano Airmail 300 l. lilac brown and 500 l. blue as well as Basilica Airmail set of two values, 500 l. brown and 1000 l. blue, in matching lower left corner blocks of four (slight nick in margin of 500 l.) Mi 185-186 & 205-206 = € 920/Sass = € 970.Ausruf : 50 CHFZuschlag : 100 CHFLosnr. : 855 Vatikanstaat
1929/73: Collection in a Marini album with several hundred stamps used and mostly unused, incl. better sets and values as Provisionals of 1934 (Cert. Enzo Diena 1990), souvenir sheet of 1952, airmails with 200 L + 500 L of 1948 (Cert. Giulio Bolaffi 1973) and Graziano (Cert. Sorani 1994), postage dues, parcel stamps etc., in good to very good condition.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 380 CHFLosnr. : 856 Vatikanstaat
1929/89: Compl. collection in an album with several hundred stamps unused or in mint condition, incl. 'Provisional' set of 1934, Graziano and other airmails, souvenir sheets etc., in addition one album page with stamps Papal state, fine.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 857 Lettland
Losnr. : 858 Luxemburg
1852: 10 c. black in diff. shades, six unused stamps from printruns 2, 3, 6, 7, and 11 (2), all with good margins, one with mirror-inverted watermark, two with minor faults, in addition an essay. An attractive assembly, six signed FSPL, Balasse & Richter Mi = € 15'600+.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.100 CHFLosnr. : 859 Luxemburg
Losnr. : 860 Luxemburg
Losnr. : 861 Luxemburg
1852/1980: Collection several hundred stamps used/unused or in mint condition, incl. some better single values and full sets as United Europe, plenty of 'Caritas' issues, souvenir sheets, German occupation WW 2 etc., in good condition and housed in one album.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 862 Luxemburg
1944/94: Complete mint collection after WW 2, incl. souvenir sheets, miniature sheets, postage dues and a few booklets, housed in two LINDNER albums.Ausruf : 450 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 863 Monaco
1872: Cérès 5 c. green, 30 c. brown and three 80 c. carmine, all used on registered insured cover from Monaco to Tarbes endorsed 'Valeur Mille Francs' at top tied by scarce '2387' gros chiffres, with straight line CHARGÉ in red and MONACO despatch cds (Oct 4) all on front. Reverse with rate box in red, Marseille cds and Tarbes arrival cds. Minor perforation imperfections otherwise a most attractive and scarce usage.
Rate: 25 centimes postage, Registration 50 centimes, Insurance of 20 c. per 100 francs = 2 fr. 75 c.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 3.200 CHFLosnr. : 864 Monaco
Losnr. : 865 Monaco
1891/94: 5 fr. carmine on greenish, used example on registered 1897 cover to Nuremberg, tied by 'Monte-Carlo / Pt. de Monaco' datestamp (March 4) in black. Repeated information strike at left and framed 'R' all in black. Reverse with Nuernberg arrival cds (March 6).Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 866 Monaco
1885/2006: Interesting Collection hundreds primarily unused sets and singles with many better issues such as 1885 Charles III definitives 1 fr. used and 5 fr, unused, signed Brun, 1919 Widows issue compl. up to 5 fr. red, signed Raybaudi, 1920 Princess Charlotte 5 + 5 fr. red, later commemorative issues such as 1933 buildings, 1947 Anniversary souvernir sheet on blueish paper, 1949 UPU imperf., 1964 EUROPA set of two in a special miniature sheet, and 1971 'ALBERT DÜRER', in addition postage due. Six certs.Ausruf : 3.000 CHFZuschlag : 3.000 CHFLosnr. : 867 Monaco
1885/1901: Cover selection (14 items) with first issue 1885 25 c. green used on 1890 cover to Leipzig, second issue frankings with 1893 single 25 c. green on cover to USA, 1897 cover sent registered with 25 c. green (6 examples) to Germany and a cover (sent on same day) with 10 c. bistre on yellow (6) and single 40 c.; up-rated postal stationery usages (6) with one registered from La Condamine; an attractive and scarce group.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 868 Montenegro
1874: 5 nkr. rose-red, perf. 9¾, a fine used example on hand-written 1876 postal receipt form, neatly tied by CETINJE datestamp (17/3) in black. Red seal at left and interesting notations of contents of the parcel 'gruppo d'oro' including "120 Imperali, 28 Napoleooni, 14 lire Turche and 3 lire Inglese" and, at base, 'Porto Soldi 34'. File fold and stain from wax seal but extremely rare.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 869 Montenegro
1874: 10 nkr. violet, perf. 10¾, used on cover to Neustadt, Austria tied by single ring CETINJE datestamp (April 12) in black, reverse with transits of Cattaro (12/4), Triest (18/4) and Neustadt arrival cds. Slightest imperfections but a very rare first issue cover.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 500 CHFLosnr. : 870 Montenegro
1893: 2 nkr. yellow, perf. 10½, 3 nkr. pale yellow-green perf. 11½ and 1894 20 nkr. pale brown, perf. 11½, all used on 1896 registered cover to Vienna tied by two fine strikes of PODGORITZA cds's (August 16) with pink registration label above. File fold away from adhesives and some removable hinge remnants on obverse but a rare commercial high franking of the issue.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 871 Montenegro
1890/93: 2 nkr. yellow in a horizontal strip of four, perf. 11½ and 3 nkr. green in a horizontal strip of four, perf. 11½, used on reverse of 1893 registered cover to Kiev, Russia tied by CETINJE datestamps (17/11) in black. Large red wax seal and Kiev arrival datestamp (Nov 20, julian) alongside. Front with framed Cetinje registration cachet. Minor imperfections but a rare and most unusual usage.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 872 Montenegro
Losnr. : 873 Montenegro
Losnr. : 874 Montenegro
Losnr. : 875 Montenegro
1893: Surcharged issue, two covers to Vienna, with 1896 cover bearing complete set of seven values to 25 nkr., all perf. 10½, used from Cetinje, the other a 10 nkr. blue postal stationery envelope bearing the complete set excl. the 15 nkr. tied by small 'Cetinje' datestamps. Minor faults but a scarce pair.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 420 CHFLosnr. : 876 Montenegro
1894: 1 nkr. grey-blue, perf. 10½, a fine used strip of three, 1898 2 nkr. pale bluish green, perf. 10½ and 10 nkr. lilac-red, perf. 11½ all used on 1899 registered cover tied by 'Cetinje' datestamps (March 10) with pink registration label below. Reverse with 'Koto / Cattaro' cds (11/3) of arrival.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 877 Montenegro
1894: 1 nkr. grey-blue, perf. 10½, a vertical pair, horizontal strip of three and, on reverse, a block of ten used with 1898 5 nkr. orange, perf. 10½ on 1900 registered letter to Cattaro, all tied by 'Cetinje' datestamps (March 7) in black. Pink registered label at left and reverse with 'Kotor / Cattaro' arrival cds of the same day. One 1 kr. with rounded corner but an impressive and attractive cover sensibly opened for exhibit display.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 250 CHFLosnr. : 878 Montenegro
1894: 20 nkr. brown, perf. 11½, used example on 1897 registered cover to St. Petersburg tied by 'Cetinje' datestamp (Sept 20) in black. Pink registration label at lower left and reverse with St. Petersburg arrival cds in violet (Sept 14, julian). Slight corner fault to envelope but a scarce commercial usage.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 879 Montenegro
1894: 30 nkr. purple-brown, perf. 10½, used on registered 1894 cover to Kiev, Russia tied by 'Cetinje' cds with framed registration cachet at upper left. Reverse with Kiev arrival cds (March 28, julian). Minor imperfections but an attractive and scarce single franking.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 880 Montenegro
1895: Newspaper 10 nkr. blue & red, perf. 10½ used with 1898 2 nkr. pale blue-green pair, 5 nkr. orange and 7 nkr. grey, all perf. 10½ on 1900 registered cover to Cattaro tied by 'Cetinje' datestamps (March 15) in black. Pink registration label folded over edge of cover and the cover with closed tear at top but with original 'Avis de Réception' yellow form of posting. An attractive usage.Ausruf : 180 CHFZuschlag : 480 CHFLosnr. : 881 Montenegro
1896: 3 nkr. brown & green, 20 nkr. blue-green & ultramarine and 25 nkr. deep blue & yellow used on 1896 registered value declared cover to Cattaro tied by 'Cetinje' datestamps; endorsed at top 'Valeur 200 francs - 2 billets' in manuscript. Unusual cover.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 882 Montenegro
1898: 2 nkr. pale blue-green, perf. 11½ and 3 nkr. bright carmine, perf. 10½, tied to cover to Cetinje by RIEKA cds (2/2) in black with rare transit of LLOYD AUSTRIACO / LXXII datestamp (3/2) alongside in blue. Reverse with Cetinje arrival cds. Minor faults but a very rare and most appealing usage.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 250 CHFLosnr. : 883 Montenegro
Losnr. : 884 Montenegro
1898: 15 nkr. lilac-brown, perf. 10½, a fine single usage on 1901 registered cover to Podgoritza tied by NIKCHITCH datestamp (May 2) in black. Pink registration label at right and reverse with Podgoritza arrival cds. Slightly roughly opened at right, could be trimmed, but a scarce commercial usage from this town.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 885 Montenegro
1874/1898: The Postal History collection with covers/cards/fronts of covers (65+) bearing the first issue types, with some fine frankings noted including covers to Russia, inevitably some philatelic usages from Leonie Berger and Otto Bickel but a fine range of commercial covers, postal stationery and a range of the early town postmarks from Cetinje, Dulcigno, Podgoritza, Rieka etc.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 4.000 CHFLosnr. : 886 Montenegro
1896: Bicoloured issue, the collection of covers/cards (31) on album leaves, with interesting frankings from the issue and usages from Cetinje, Podgoritza, Rieka etc., some postal stationery usages and a few cards from Bickel but most from other correspondences, a scarce and attractive group.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 2.200 CHFLosnr. : 887 Niederlande
1852: 10 c. rose carmine, three superb examples from Plate V, all marginal from top of sheet, positions 76, 77 and 78; neatly cancelled by 'Amsterdam' half-round datestamps (12/12) in black to 1857 cover to Bordeaux. Framed 'Na Postyd' (Too Late) handstamp at right in black alongside 'Valnes' entry marking in red (Dec 14). Reverse with Paris and Bordeaux datestamps in black. A charming and rare cover.
Provenance: Mercury auction (April 28, 1953); Corinphila sale 107 (September 1998), lot 1541.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 888 Niederlande
1852: 15 c. orange-yellow, a fine four margined example used in combination with 1864 5 c. blue and 10 c. rose-carmine on 1865 cover from Gravenhage to Paris tied by framed FRANCO handstamps in black and by 'Valnes' entry marking in red. 'Gravenhage' despatch cds at left (28/1) in red and 'P.D.' in black; reverse with Paris arrival cds (Jan 30) in black. Vertical file fold just to the left of the adhesives, a spectacular and extremely rare first and second issue combination cover. Cert. NBVF-V (1998).
Provenance: Alfred J. Caspary (November 1957), lot 943; Corinphila sale 107 (September 1998), lot 1571.
Ausruf : 5.000 CHFZuschlag : 5.000 CHFLosnr. : 889 Niederlande
Losnr. : 890 Niederlande
1852/1985: Lot several hundred stamps used/unused or in mint condition, incl. some better values, full sets, postage dues, souvenir sheets, miniature sheets and duplicats, all the high Gulden values missing, good to mixed condition and housed in five stockbooks.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 250 CHF
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