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Losnr. : 102 Frankreich
1928: Second Catapult Flight from the 'Ile de France' to Le Havre, franked by Pasteur 10 fr. on 1.50 fr. blue, very well centered, with Semeuse 50 c. red and 1 fr. blue, both in hor. pairs, tied by octagonal 'Le Havre' datestamp (August 23) in black, with registration label 'New York Au Havre' below and five line 'Première Liason Postale Aérienne' cachet. Backstamped on arrival (Aug 23) and returned to New York with oval 'NEW YORK REG'Y DIV 8-31 1928' on reverse. A very rare cover, cert. Brun (2016).Ausruf : 2.500 CHFZuschlag : 5.000 CHFLosnr. : 103 Frankreich
1930 (Nov 7): Airmail 1 f. 50 c. carmine, a fine unused block of four perforated EIPA 30, marginal from right of sheet and perfectly centred, merest tiny spot mark on first stamp, otherwise fresh and very fine, full unmounted og. Rare Maury 5A = € 21'000/Yvert = € 20'000.Ausruf : 4.000 CHFZuschlag : 4.000 CHFLosnr. : 104 Frankreich
Losnr. : 105 Frankreich
1927/36: Album page with Airmail issues from 1927 Merson 2 fr. and 5 fr. surcharged set of two unused, 1936 Airmail set of seven values to scarce 50 fr. green unused, and 1936 'Burelage' 50 fr. airmail, all largely fresh and fine, large part og. Maury/Yvert = € 2'500+.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 280 CHFLosnr. : 106 Frankreich
1927/36: Album pages with Airmail issues from 1927 Merson 2 fr. and 5 fr. surcharged set of two unused (signed Calves), 1930 Airmail sets of two values (2) and a fine 'coin daté' block of the 1 fr. 50 c., 1936 Airmail set of seven values to scarce 50 fr. green unused, and marginal 1936 'Burelage' 50 fr. airmail, all largely fresh and fine, large part og. Maury/Yvert = € 3'000+.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 107 Frankreich
1892: Parcel Post 'Apport à la gare' 25 c. brown on yellow, perf. 13½, five unused examples with gum (Maury = € 5'000, all signed Brun); 1928 15 c. green 'Livraison par exprès' unused with full gum (Maury = € 800, signed Brun), 1938 later values with 'D' overprints in black etc., generally fine, an unusual and highly catalogued group (14 items).Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 108 Frankreich
Losnr. : 109 Frankreich
1849/1902: Classic collection on leaves with 1849 5 c. green unused (signed Calves), 10 c. bistre used (signed Brun), 20 c. black unused, 25 c. blue used, 1852 Présidence 25 c. blue réimpression unused, 1853 1 c. unused (3), 5 c. unused (4), 20 blue (shades) unused, 1862 with set unused or used, 1870 Siège issue unused, 1863/70 laureated issue unused complete excl. 40 c. and 5 fr., 1870 Bordeaux issue 1 c. unused (2), 2 c. brown unused (3), 4 c. unused, 10 c. used (2), 30 c. brown unused, 40 c. carmine unused, Cérès 1871/75 with fine range of unused incl. 1 c. and 2 c. blocks, 1876 Type Sage incl. 25 c. ultramarine and 75 c. carmine unused, Type II with fine unused ranage, 1900 Merson set etc. also 1885 Monaco 5 c. unused pair. Highly catalogued collection with viewing recommended.Ausruf : 2.500 CHFZuschlag : 2.500 CHFLosnr. : 110 Frankreich
1849/1940 ca.: Collection 200 primarily used stamps incl. 1849 5 c. green and 1 fr. carmine, Republique 10 c. bistre, Napoleon, Empire piquage Susse, Bordeaux incl. 80 c. rose in a pair with Gros Chiffres of Alexandria, touched at bottom, Type Sage, later definitive and commemorative issues such as 1936 Burelage unmounted og., postage due with 1882 2 fr. black, Airmail with 1930 'EIPA 30' perfin on piece, in addition French Colonies General issues with 1872 5 c. dull green in pair, French Andorra with 1931 Merson 20 fr. unused as well as Monaco with 1885 5 fr. carmine on green, one pulled perf.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.700 CHFLosnr. : 111 Frankreich
1849/1965 ca.: Collection with 1849/50 Cérès 10 c. bistre used (4), 5 c. green on greenish (4, including one mailed as a single franking on cover), 20 c. black (17, incl. two pairs), 25 c. blue (15, icl. a strip of four and two covers), 40 c. orange (6) and 1 fr. carmine (4) all used, together with 1862 reprints of 10 c., 20 c. in pair and 25 c. in issued colours; 1853 Présidence 10 c. bistre used (3) and 25 c. blue (15, incl a pair and two covers); 1853/61 issue similarly duplicated with fine examples incl. 10 c. in used block of six, 20 c. in used blocks of four (2), 80 c. in a strip of four and fine 1 fr. carmine used, unusual 1857 cover from Paris to Amsterdam via Hamburg, fine 1860 cover to Peru with 2 x 20 c and 2 x 40 c. and cover to Vienna with three 80 c.; 1862 perf. issue with 5 c. green unused (3), cover to Mexico with two 80 c., 1863/67 1 c. bronze in an unused block of four and used in strip of five, 1867 5 fr. grey used (3, one on large piece), 1870 Bordeaux issue incl. 2 c. unused (4) and 30 c. unused (2), 2 c. used (Report I), 10 c. bistre in a vertical used strip of three, 20 c. with rare Type I on cover, 80 c. used (6); 1871/75 Cérès issue with Ballon Monte to St. Lo, 1870 card with Cérès Essays postally used, 1872 mixed issue three colour franking to Russia; Type Sage issue with a range of fine covers, 1923 Philatelic Congress 1 fr. unused, 1925 Miniaature Sheet with four 5 fr. carmine used from the Paris Exhibition, 1927/36 Airmails incl. 50 fr. Burelage unmounted, 1927 Strasbourg 5 f. and 10 f. used, 1929 Havre Exhibition 2 fr. used on cover, fine range of Postage Dues incl. multiple and covers (2) etc. A fine and interesting collection with fine covers and cancellation interest throughout. Viewing is recommended.Ausruf : 6.000 CHFZuschlag : 9.000 CHFLosnr. : 112 Frankreich
1849/1980: Collection several hundred used stamps, incl. some better values, airmails, souvenir sheet Strasbourg, postage dues, a few modern covers etc., good to mixed condition and housed in one album.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : 360 CHFLosnr. : 113 Frankreich
1854/1980 ca.: Collection hundreds primarily used stamps incl. Cérès 1871 4 c. grey in an unused pair, large cancellation interest, a selection of vignettes and in addition 550 covers incl. cases of postal fraud as well as 20 picture postcards from the Vosges during WWI, in three albums.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 114 Frankreich
1980/2010: Large selection of modern valid postage, incl. single values, full sets, souvenir sheets, miniature sheets, booklets and other funny products by the new issues department, housed in four stockbooks owner's calculated postage value = € 1'000+.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 420 CHFLosnr. : 115 Frankreich
'Blocs Spéciaux' 1946/58: Paris Conference issue sheet, Palace Chaillot UN issue, 1947 UPU imperf. sheet (200 printed), 1955 Tourist sheets (rare, just 21 printed), 1957 'Moissonneuse' sheet (just 22 printed) and 1958 Technical Achievements sheet (only 20 printed), all fresh and fine, unmounted og. Yvert/Maury = € 6'000+.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 1.700 CHFLosnr. : 116 Frankreich
1946/58: Paris Conference issue, Palace Chaillot UN issue, 1953 French Theatre sheet (just 18 printed), 1955 Celebrities sheet with Renoir 50 fr. (just 21 printed), 1957 'Moissonneuse' sheet (just 22 printed), 1958 Doctors sheet (just 22 printed), all fresh and fine, unmounted og. Yvert/Maury = € 6'000+.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 1.700 CHFLosnr. : 117 Frankreich
1946/54: Paris Conference issue sheet, Palace Chaillot UN issue, 1951 Paris UN issue sheet (only 20 printed), 1953 Armoires sheet with Gascogne 70 c. and Berri 80 c. values (only 18 printed), 1954 Tourist Sheets with 'Ajaccio' 20 f. (just 19 printed) and 1954 Red Cross sheet with Maternité 12 f. + 3 f. and 'Jeune Fille' 15 f. + 5 f. (only 20 printed), all fresh and very fine, unmounted og. Yvert/Maury = € 7'800.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 2.000 CHFLosnr. : 118 Frankreich
Pneumatic Posts of Paris 1879/1949c.: Collection with May 1879 50 c. red stationery cards (one used from the 'Exposition / Paris' in September 1879 - apparently only two such are recorded), 30 c. on 50 c. red stationery cards mint (2) and another used in first month of issue, 75 c. black on blue letter-card unused and a used example (May 1880), scarce 1880 50 c. in red on 75 c. black on blue stationery letter-card mint (2 different types) and used, 1880 Chaplain design 50 c. red card mint (6), 30 c. on 50 c. red Chaplain cards mint (2) and used, response cards mint, 50 c. black on blue letter-card mint, 1883 30 c. red Chaplain cards mint (3) and used (2), 1882 30 c. 'Map' cards mint and used, 30 c. reply cards unused, 50 c. letter-cards mint and used, 1890 60 c. Type Sage franking sent from Pl. Victor Hugo, 1891 30 c. black card with framed 'Trouvé dans la Boite', 1897 50 c. on Chaplain 60 c. red envelope used with Type Sage 50 c. red on yellow pair (rare), 1901 Chaplain 50 c. red envelope used with Type Sage 1 fr. olive (rare), a generally fine and very scarce collection with many rarities present (145 covers / cards).Ausruf : 3.500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 119 Frankreich
Paris L'Exposition Universelle 1878/1900 ca.: Wonderful collection with 1878 up-rated formula card franked Type Sage 5 c. and 10 c. cancelled by Exposition cds (July 11, 1878), Official printed Notice franked 2 c. as sent to participants, 1894 Lyon Exposition with 15 c. blue illustrated stationery envelope reg'd to Belgium, 15 c. blue illustrated letter-card (only 6'000 printed) fresh unused, Carnot illustrated 15 c. letter-card unused (2'000 printed), multi-franked card from Lyon / Rhone Expo, 1887 reg'd usage of illustrated advertising envelope, 1896 India ¼ anna card selling the Paris Exhibition Bonds issued by the French Govt., 1889/1890: Specialised collection with "Robida" and other manufacturer's (artists incl. T. Bianco, Guillaume (complete set of 10), Tempestini etc.) Floral series of cards, postcards unused and used (450+) with hardly any duplication, ephemera including 'Carte de Service' for Sept 16-30, 1900 and an 1889 'Tombola' raffle ticket, 1900 lottery ticket booklet with reduced entrance and travel, 1 franc entrance ticket, exhibitior's card and photograph, rectangular silver medal, 'Key Plan' advertising booklet by the Septic Tank Co., advertising Trade Cards and a stereograph photo card of the Eiffel Tower; printed covers from the Exhibition both stampless and handstamped and franked, 'Stamps of the Nations' labels used on cards (14),Official printed envelopes unused and used, 'Carnet du Passe-Partout de L'Exposition' with 34 colour cards incl. 'Diorama de Fashoda' with discount vouchers still attached on three, cards/covers with Exhibition P.O. usages in Alma, Beaux Arts, Iena, Invalides, Presse, Rapp, Suffren, Vincennes and 'Camp de Satory', 1889 50 c. Telegram form with Expo cancel in blue, 1889 reg'd cover to Turin with 75 c. and 1 fr. from Minister of Commerce, Pneumatic Mail (4), together with an extensive library: hardbound 'Merveilles de L'Exposition de 1900' Volumes 1 & 2, profusely illustrated on 1'800 pages, 'Reports of the U.S. Commissioners to the Universal Exposition of 1889' published in 1890 in Washington DC. with 500+ pages incl. illustrations and maps; 'En 1900' by Paul Gers, an illustrated summary on 300 pages; 'L'Exposition Universelle de 1900' illustrated with 500+ pages and compl. flyer with Map of the Exhibition grounds, an album of 24 original photographs, Catalogue 'Général Officiel' for Group X (Classes 55-62) printed in Lille, 'Guide-Album du Touriste' (1889) with illustrations and advertising, softback incl. 'Catalogue - La Roumanie a L'Exposition' (190 pages), Express Guide to Paris Exposition by American Express Co., Official Illustrated catalogue, Charles Kiddle 'Poster Stamps of the Exposition' (2000) etc. A splendid lot.Ausruf : 12.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 120 Div. Franz. Kolonien
Losnr. : 121 Div. Franz. Kolonien
Madagascar 1891/1969: Collection/stock with range of all issues unused or used, 1908/17 sets unused (4) and duplication, thereafter with most issues and sets in reasonable quantity, France Libre, Airmail issues, Postage Dues and Parcel Post stamps.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 240 CHFLosnr. : 142 Frankreich
French Colonies 1876/1920: Small collection in an album with a few hundred stamps used/unused, incl. some better values from mainland as well as from various post offices abroad as Alexandria, China, French Levant, Port Said and others, also a portion af General issues for all the Colonies, furthermore stamps of French and Spanish Andorra, in good condition.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 1.200 CHFLosnr. : 143 Albanien
Losnr. : 144 Albanien
1913: Turkey overprinted 20 pa. rose stationery card used to Trieste cancelled at Vlone in violet (21/9) and circular 'Postat e Qeverrles se Përkohëshme' in black at left; also a creased registered cover to Trieste bearing 1913 Eagle surcharged issue 20 pa. rose, 1 pi. blue and 2 pi. slte-blue all tied by 'Vlone' cds (also 21/9) in violet.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 180 CHFLosnr. : 145 Albanien
Losnr. : 146 Albanien
1913/78c.: Collection with overprints on Turkey values (some signed) incl. 10 pa. green used (signed Köhler), March 1914 set unused and used on piece, 1919 overprinted issues (3) in complete sets unused or used, Feb 1920 optd. Eagle set unused (some are signed), 1924 Red Cross sets unused, 1925, 1927 and rare 1928 Airmail sets unused, 1928 King Zog optd. issues unused, 1929 Airmail set of seven unused, 1931 'Tirane-Rome' set unused, 1934 optd. set unused, 1939 set of fifteen unused, 1940 airmail set unused, German Occ. issues, the two 'Greek' issues unused and a fine section of Postage Dues etc. Generally fine, overprints obviously cannot be guaranteed throughout but an appealing and highly catalogued collection.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.000 CHFLosnr. : 147 Albanien
Katalognummer : 29/30+33/34+P6/P91913: Covers/cards (10) with three covers bearing single frankings of 1 fr. brown on 1914 registered covers to Sarajevo, three with 50 q. violet single frankings to Sarajevo, 5 q. green on postcard and 2 q. on 10 q. stationery card; together with two creased but scarce covers sent stampless from Vienna to Scutari franked on reverse 'Taksë' surcharged Postage Dues with 10 pa. and 20 pa. values on one cover and 1 gr. and 2 gr. on the other; all are cancelled at Shkodër.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 148 Belgien
1849/1940ca.: Lot 90 primarily used stamps incl. Epaulettes & Medaillons, 1865 1 fr. violet unused, 1869 Leopold II 5 fr. red-brown (2, one with tiny thin on reverse), 1918 Red Cross 5 fr. and 10 fr. unused, signed Richter, 1919 Albert with helmet 50 c. to 10 fr. unused, in addition railway stamps and occupation issues Allemagne and Eupen & Malmedy.Ausruf : 600 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 149 Belgien
1849/1986: Collection several hundred stamps used/unused or in mint condition, incl. some better single values up to 100 Fr., full Helmet set, tête-bêche pairs, souvenir sheets, booklet panes etc., in good condition and housed in one album.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 460 CHFLosnr. : 150 Div. Belgische Kolonien
Belgian Congo 1921: Bradbury, Wilkinson & Co. printer's salesman's sample for the Airmail issue set of four, all unusually struck in their issued colours, Imperforate and each affixed to card, all four perforated SPECIMEN horizontally at base. Scarce and most attractive set.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 300 CHFLosnr. : 151 Rumänien
Losnr. : 152 Bulgarien
1868 (Nov 8): Entire letter from Constantinople struck in transit with fine VIA VARNA handstamp in black on front. Reverse with Vienna transit cds (18/11), Zara cds (22/11) and BUDUA thimble datestamp of arrival (25/11). Some acid ink at top panel but an unusual destination and routing.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 150 CHFLosnr. : 153 Bulgarien
Russian mail during War of Liberation 1877 (May 31): Official entire letter sent to the Acting Army in Bucharest, reverse with "UNGENI 31 MAI 1877" transit cds and "POLEVAYA POTSHT. KONTORA 9 IYUL. 1877" arrival cds og the Main Fieldpost Office, red wax seal alongside. A fine item from the beginning of the war.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 154 Bulgarien
Russian mail during War of Liberation 1877 (July 28): Envelope sent from the Acting Army to St. Petersburg with "POLEVOJE POTSHT. OTDELENIE 15 28 JUL. 1877" cds on reverse, Strilny transit and St. Petersburg arrival cds's (8 Aug.), in addition red St. Petersburg suburb railway cancellation, rarely seen in combination on Fieldpost items.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 700 CHFLosnr. : 155 Bulgarien
Russian mail during War of Liberation 1877 (Aug 17): Stationery postcard 4 kop. green sent from Kishinev, Bessarabia to Weissenstein, nowadays Estonia with "KISHINEV 17 AVG. 1877" ornamental despatch cds, two railway TPO cds's, a rare un.numbered TPO Taps-Derpt and a Weissenstein arrival cds (Aug 23). Vert. fold and small tear, but very interesting content in German language describing the preparation to transfer hospital equipment to Simnitza.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 156 Bulgarien
Russian mail during War of Liberation 1877 (Sept 11): Outer letter sheet from Kiev with "KIEV 11 SEP. 1877" ornamental cds on reverse, closed with an official paper seal, sent to the Acting Army in Cernavoda at the Danube in the Dobrudsha, then in Turkey, now in Romania. This cover passed three different Fieldpost agencies, no. 2 in Bukarest (16. SEPT), no. 15 in Zimnitsa (19. SEPT.), and finally no. 13 in Cernavoda (24. SEPT.). A rarely seen combination of three Fieldpost offices on one cover, an interesting cover.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 157 Bulgarien
Russian mail during War of Liberation 1877 (Sept 25): Official entire letter sent from the Acting Army in Bucharest to Bendery in Bessarabia, reverse with crisp "POLOVOJE POTSHT OTDELENIE 12 25 SEN 2877" despatch cds, "UNGENI 28 SEN 1877" transit and "BENDERY 29 SEN 1877" arrival cds, official paper seal alongside.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 650 CHFLosnr. : 158 Bulgarien
Losnr. : 159 Bulgarien
Losnr. : 160 Bulgarien
Losnr. : 161 Bulgarien
Russian mail during War of Liberation 1878: Two covers from Gomel, sent in June 1878 to Plovdiv and in August 1878 to San Stefano, respectively, with the corresponding Russian transit cds's on reverse. The addressee was a delegate of the Red Cross and a participant at the peace conference of San Stefano, finishing the Russo-Turkish War.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 162 Bulgarien
Russian mail during War of Liberation 1877: Romania Prince Carol 1876 definitives, 5 b. brown, a former pair, separated and re-united with hinges, left stamp damaged, and 15 b. red brown, all three cancelled by cds's of the Russian Fieldpost agencies. The usage of Romanian stamps on Fieldpost items is extremely rare.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 163 Bulgarien
1882: 25 st. blue & deep blue and 50 st. deep blue & pink, used on 1889 Parcel Post receipt form to Sevlievo in combination with Fiscal 10 st. myrtle green, all tied by NIKOPOLI datestamps with registration label below. Some edge wear at left but a scarce usage.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 164 Bulgarien
1882: 25 st. blue & deep blue and 50 st. deep blue & pink, used on 1889 Parcel Post receipt form to Sevlievo in combination with Fiscal 10 st. on 25 c. deep brown, all tied by TIRNOVO datestamps (1/XI) in blue with green registration label below. Some edge wear at left but a scarce usage.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 165 Bulgarien
Katalognummer : 18+20+36+37+431882: 25 st. blue & deep blue and 50 st. deep blue & pink, used on 1888 Parcel Post receipt form to Sevlievo in combination with Fiscal 10 st. myrtle green with corner fault ex Sofia, another form with 1882 50 st. deep blue & pink used with 1889 1 leva vermilion ex Tirnovo, and a third form with 1896 usage showing 1889 50 st. grey green (2) and 1896 25 st. red (2) used from Sophia. A few imperfections but a scarce group.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 166 Bulgarien
Losnr. : 167 Bulgarien
1882: 50 st. deep blue & pink and 1891 1 leva vermilion used on 1889 Parcel Post receipt form to Sevlievo with Fiscal 10 st. myrtle green, all tied by small SOPHIA datestamp (15/IX) in black with two green registration label above. A fine and scarce mixed issue usage.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 168 Bulgarien
Katalognummer : 23/I+23/II1884 (May 1): Typographed surcharge '15' in carmine on 25 st. blue and deep blue second printing, used examples (9) fresh and fine, with lithographed surcharge '15' in vermilion on 25 st. blue and deep blue, third printing, with unused examples (3, two of which show 'Dot above lion's tongue') and used examples (9, one with 'Dot'), all generally fresh and fine, a remarkable study MI = € 3'240.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 169 Bulgarien
1884/93: Range on cards with 1884 5 st. used at Lom Palanka, 25 st. used and 50 st. unused and used, 1885 imperf. 5 st. used (4), 25 st. used (4) and 50 st. used (3), 1887 issue with 5 st. used (8), 25 st. unused and used (6), 50 st. unused (3) and used (3), 1893 5 st. in an unused block of four, 1895 surcharged issue 30 st. on 50 st. blue imperf. unused (5) and used (8) together with a scarce usage on cover, and perf. 30 st. on 50 st. unused (2) and used (8), quality is generally fair to fine, a scarce group.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 170 Bulgarien
Katalognummer : 34+371889: Parcel Post receipt forms (4) to Sevlievo, all franked by Small Lion issue, with 1894 example bearing 25 st. blue (3) from Roustchouk, another from Sophia franked by 1889 25 st. and two 1 leva, 1895 example with 25 st. blue (6) used from Sophia, and another with single 25 st. blue and two 1 leva vermilion. Fair to fine, a scarce group showing 75 st., 1 leva 50 st. and 2 leva 25 st. rates.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 171 Bulgarien
1879/1963: Collection several hundred stamps used/unused and after WW 2 partly in mint condition, some heavy duplication in the catalogue range 1-11, later on with better sets as five times 2nd Balcan games and 1x 4th Balcan games, airmails, officials, postage dues etc., good condition, on album pages and in two albums.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.100 CHFLosnr. : 172 Kroatien
Losnr. : 173 Tschechoslowakei
Blindman's Mail 1914: Cover from Prague bearing Austria 1908 3 h. dull lilac tied by 'Praha' datestamp (Dec 14), the address written by braille pins, reverse with unclear red circular cachet. Most unusual, carried under the first rate for the blind 3 heller for up to 50 grams. See Gavin Fryer 'Blindman's Mail' page 91 for a detailed listing of the Austrian rates. Scarce.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : 120 CHFLosnr. : 174 Tschechoslowakei
Losnr. : 175 Tschechoslowakei
Losnr. : 176 Tschechoslowakei
Losnr. : 177 Tschechoslowakei
Losnr. : 178 Tschechoslowakei
1918/1938c.: Collection with many thousands of stamps and sets used/unused, including range of 1918 Scouts sets, Hradcany issues on cover or Parcel Cards and usages as Temporary Postage Dues, mixed issue usages with Austria, Printer's waste or Proofs in blocks, 1918 Falcon issue with imperf. Proofs and some Printer's waste, 1919 stampless covers with str. line 'Franco', 1919/20 Czech Army in Siberia with YMCA stampless cover with violet circular cachet, issued stamps incl. multiples and some fantasies, 1920 Masaryk issue with Proofs, 1920 and 1922 Airmail sets unused and used, 1925 Olympic set unused, 1926 Sokol Congress set unused and used (2), 1925/26 study of the Masaryk watermark positions as well as 1934 1 kr. lilac Music Sheet and perf. 13¾ sets, carefull inspection recommended.
Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 4.000 CHFLosnr. : 179 Tschechoslowakei
1918/2012: Collection with several thousand stamps unused /used, incl. plenty of full sets, souvenir sheets, minitature sheets, booklets and other products by the new issues department, also a part Slovakia, mainly in very good condition and housed in total seven large Schaubek albums and on additional album pages.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 1.300 CHFLosnr. : 180 Tschechoslowakei
1945/2000: The enormous remainder of a collection in 45 albums with thousands of stamps used/unused and covers, cards, miniature sheets, FDC's, etc, nearly all, what ever had been issued, further some pre-war commercial mail and stationery- or advertising cards as well as 1850/1918 stampless forms, receipts and documents from the Austrian administration in Bohemia and Moravia.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 1.900 CHFLosnr. : 181 Dänemark
Losnr. : 182 Dänemark
1854/57: 2 sk. blue, just shaved at top, 8 sk. green, 16 sk. lilac-grey imperforate with clear margins all round, used on 1865 cover to London tied by '19' numeral handstamps of Frederikshavn with despatch datestamp at left (16/4), in combination with perforated 1865 4 sk. red. Unframed 'P.D.' in red and 'London / Paid' arrival cds also on front. Reverse with 'Luebeck' transit cds. A fine and scarce mixed issue four colour franking. Cert. Nielsen (1988) Facit 3+5+6+13c.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 183 Dänemark
1854: 2 sk. blue, 16 sk. grey-violet (2) and 1858 4 sk. orange-brown used on 1858 mourning envelope to Paris tied by '1' numeral handstamps of Copenhagen with 'clock' datestamp alongside in black. Two strikes of P.D. in black and French Valenciennes entry marking in red (Dec 7) on front, reverse with Hamburg Thurn & Taxis P.O. transit and arrival cds. Stamps with margins touched in places but a scarce and appealing franking.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 184 Dänemark
1858: 8 sk. green imperf. in mixed franking with 1864 2 sk. blue and 4 sk. red, both perf. 13:12½, tied by numeral '1' at Copenhagen to registered 1866 envelope to Dublin with "KJØBENHAVN 22 12 S 4" despatch cds, framed "Anbefalet" in red and handwritten "8 sk" , "DENMARK (CROWN) REGISTERED" in red, and "REGISTERED 25 DE 66 LONDON" in red alongside as well as "H&K PACT DE 25 66" transit and "DUBLIN REGISTERED DE 25 66" arrival cds's on reverse. The only cover known from Denmark to Ireland franked with skilling definitives, these paying the 14 sk. letter rate while the 8 sk. registration fee was paid in cash and noted on the front. Some stamp irregularities, but a unique showpiece Facit 8+11+13.Ausruf : 10.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 185 Dänemark
1864: 2 sk. blue, 3 sk. lilac, 4 sk. red and 8 sk. olive-brown, all used on 1870 registered cover from Odense to London tied by '51' numeral handstamps in black with Odense cds below (2/7); the 4 sk. additionally tied on arrival by scarce circular DENMARK / REGISTERED datestamp (July 4) in black. A most attractive and rare four colour franking.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 186 Dänemark
1851/1925: Lot 13 better stamps used (7) and unused (6), incl. one stripe of five 4 Sk. reddish brown of 1859, 16 Sk. lilac imperf. of 1863, bloc of four 3 Sk lilac of 1864, 5 ö. Pakke-Porto etc, in addition a cover 4 Rsk. brown of 1864 and a semi official airmail cover bearing Naestved-label of 1925, good condition and mainly joined by certificates, on album pages.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 850 CHFLosnr. : 187 Grönland
1945: Liberation issue, compl. set of nine values in blocks of four, all neatly cancelled by one centric strike of "JAKOBSHAVN -4.-5.1970" cds. Cancellations from Greenland are rarer than those from the Greenland postkontor in Kopenhagen Facit 19-27 = SEK 30'000+ / Mi = € 2'800.
Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 340 CHFLosnr. : 188 Dänisch Westindien
Danish West Indies 1875: Hamburg American Packet Company HAPAG 10 c. black, greyish-blue and deep yellow, with impressed anchor vignette in white, a fine unused example with large part og. Cert. Debo (1977) Mi = € 130.; also a fine 1917 cover to Denmark franked by USA Franklin 5 c. blue tied by scarce CHARLOTTE AMALIE / SAINT THOMAS duplex (June 8) with Reseal Censor at left. A scarce pair.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 314 San Marino
Losnr. : 434 Div. Franz. Kolonien
Tunesien 2. Südamerikafahrt vom 3. bis 13. Juni, 1933:R-Brief ab Bizerte "30.5.33" mit attraktiver Buntfrankatur und Aufgabestp. "Friedrichshafen 3.6.33" nach Pernambuco. Marke zu 2 Fr. ursprünglich schon defekt aufgeklebt, linke obere Ecke fehlend, mit übergehendem Stempel, eine seltene Zuleitung Sieger = € 750.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 220 CHFLosnr. : 439 Estland
1937: 10 s. blue Stationery Advertising Letter Cards, Group of 28 cards with the series No.1 to No. 14 and No. 16 to No. 28, all printed in blue on light greenish blue paper showing different advertisements on front and on reverse, all fine unused examples with series No. 16 duplicated. A scarce assembly.Ausruf : 600 CHFZuschlag : 1.700 CHFLosnr. : 440 Finnland
1766/1903: A fine selection of four covers and 20 stamps used/unused, starting with a forerunner from Abo to Castelholm, two stationery envelopes Tammerfors resp. Sordavala to Helsingfors, 1858 Large Pearls cancelled by ink cross and boxed Gasmlekarleby, 1860 Coat of Arms serpentine roulette Type I 5 Kop. blue in a horiz.pair with boxed Uelaborg and others, nine items joined by certificats, good condition and housed on album pages.Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 2.200 CHFLosnr. : 661 Griechenland
1861: Paris printing, the famous 1861 cover with 1 lepta deep brown on cream paper in a delightful horizontal strip of five with large even margins all round, together with 5 lepta green on pale greenish paper in a horizontal strip of three with close to large margins all round, each strip in a delightful shade, neatly tied by '14' numeral handstamps in black with 'Argos' cds at right (Dec 13) and reverse with Athens and Syros datestamps. A few minor imperfections to the letter-sheet but a spectacular first issue franking.
Provenance: Collection Maurice Burrus (Nov 1962), lot 1327.Ausruf : 8.000 CHFZuschlag : 15.000 CHFLosnr. : 662 Griechenland
1862: Provisional Athens printing, 5 lepta green on greenish in a remarkable horizontal strip of four in a deep rich shade, large margins all round and portions of adjoining stamps at base and at left, used on 1867 cover to Piraeus tied by dotted '18' numeral of Tripolis with corresponding cds below in black. Reverse with Piraeus arrival (April 17). One side flap missing of no importance, a rare and most attractive usage.
Provenance: Collection Maurice Burrus (Nov 1962), lot 1379.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 3.000 CHFLosnr. : 663 Griechenland
1913: Bradbury, Wilkinson & Co. printer's salesman's sample for Suda Bay 25 lepta value, printed in black & purple (issued in black & blue), Imperforate and affixed to card, perforated SPECIMEN horizontally at base. Scarce and very attractive.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : 320 CHFLosnr. : 664 Kreta
Crete 1900: Bradbury, Wilkinson & Co. printer's salesman's sample for the first issue, 20 lepta design in steel blue (issued as a 5 l. in green), 2 dr. value in myrtle green (issued in brown) and 5 dr. value in black & pale blue (issued in black & green), all three Imperforate and affixed to card, perforated SPECIMEN horizontally at base. Fresh and very fine, a rare group.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 665 Kreta
1905/07: Bradbury, Wilkinson & Co. printer's salesman's sample for the 10 lepta value in brown (issued in red), 1 dr. in black & orange-brown (issued in black & rose), 3 dr. in black & dull blue (issued in black & orange), 5 dr. in black & deep rose-red (issued in black & olive-green), together with 1907 1 dr. in black & orange (issued in black & green), two affixed to card, all five perforated SPECIMEN horizontally at base. A rare and beautiful group.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 800 CHFLosnr. : 666 Griechenland
1861/1954: Collection in an album with several hundred stamps used/unused or in mint condition, starting with 350 large Hermes Heads on 13 stockcards, later issues with better single values and full sets as Olympic Games, 100 Dr. redbrown/olive (Mi 371), National Youth Origanisation (both sets), airmails incl. Zeppelin set, Greek Art 1954 etc., furthermore postage dues, obligatory tax stamps, Thrace incl. Greek occupation, local issues for Lemnos, Northern Epirus and Samos, in addition a small selection of stamps from Crete.Ausruf : 750 CHFZuschlag : 1.800 CHFLosnr. : 667 Griechenland
1861/80: The collection of Large Hermes Heads on covers (28) with spectacular February 1862 cover bearing Paris 5 l. and 40 l. used with 1st Athens 20 l., Jan 1862 cover with two Paris print 10 l. orange on blued, 1864 attractive four colour franking with 5 l., 10 l., 20 l. and 40 l. from Patras to Trieste, delightul 1868 cover with vertical strip of four 5 l. green from Piraeus, 1868 entire from Amfissa with superb 10 l. pair tied by '45' lozenge, three colour frankings (2) to Genova with 5 l., 20 l. and 40 l., 1873 cover from Constantinople with single 80 l. carmine, 1873 cover to Vienna with three colour 10 l., 20 l. and 40 l. franking, combination usages, all told too many lovely covers to list and three charming pieces. Viewing is a pleasure.Ausruf : 5.000 CHFZuschlag : 7.000 CHFLosnr. : 668 Ungarn
Losnr. : 669 Ungarn
Losnr. : 670 Island
Losnr. : 671 Italien
1197 (May 18): Vigonza (Padua), Notary document on vellum (229x123 mm), a fine script of grant a land, showing notary sign at bottom left. The notary public drew up and notarized the deed: " ... presente conscentiente filio suo Widone, Viviani fillium presbyter..." who paid the Notary's copy of the deed and also the cost of the delivery. In the XII century Notaries were named notarii regii, (appointed by the Emperor) and they made the contracts from diff. parties. A courier, usually a notary's servant, delivered the documents to the party involved. Fine early document with transscription by Dr.ssa L. Piccinini attached.Ausruf : 700 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 672 Italien
1212 (March 15): Padua - Notary document on vellum (198x134 mm), fine script, starting with ' X-X' the 'signum tabellonis' (notary marking sign) at top left and a calligraphig 'E' (EGO) at bottom left. The beneficiary of the investiture (Noble Ceto) paid the Notary's fee and the delivery of the document by the Notary's messenger to his palace located in Camposanpiero (18 km, north of Padua). Archive note on reverse, a remarkable and early document of a private messenger service with transscription attached.Ausruf : 650 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 673 Italien
1227 (March 22): Monselice (Padua) - Notary document on vellum (194x126 mm), regarding the sale of 1/5 of a vineyard in Monticello of Monselice by the Abbess of the Saint Zacharia's Abbey in Venice for 4 libras (Venetian money). Calligraphic sigullum at bottom left. A fine document of a private messenger service with an archive note on reverse, in a good state of preservation and with transscription by Dr.ssa L. Piccinini attached.Ausruf : 650 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 674 Italien
Diplomatic letters XIV century (May 23): Entire letter with embossed waver wax seal sent by Medical Doctor Giovanni Ludovico de Lambertazzi "utriusque imperialis doctori..." from Padua to Bishop-Prince of Trento Giorgio I of Liechtenstein, asking him a reference letter for the Papal court ".... literas quias indebam curia romana exire...", carried by Venetian couriers along the route Bassano - Primolano - Trento. Dated, without year, transcription by Dr.ssa L. Piccinini attached.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 675 Italien
1402 (Aug. 23): Entire lettersheet from Bishop-Prince of Trento Giorgio I of Liechtenstein "Georgius Dei gratias / Episcopus Tridentini" (1390-1419) to the famous Medical Doctor Pietro de Tommasi at the University of Padua, informing him about the assignment of a German crossbow (Capricorn-shaped) as compensation for his services; "Bone et Egregie Magistro Petre, transmittibus vobi unam Balestram alemanicam facta Capricorum ....". Fine entire with waver wax seal, vertical folding crease, otherwise fine early letter carried by imperial courier. Transcription by Dr.ssa L. Piccinini attached.Ausruf : 1.000 CHFZuschlag : 1.000 CHFLosnr. : 676 Italien
1470 (June 9): Letter from Venice to the Magistrate of Vicenza Castellan Minotto, informing the Podesta that dipisitions were established so deptors were to pay their depts. The last word 'dettur' in the address means that the letter has to be delivered in receivers hands. Transcription by Dr.ssa L. Piccinini attached.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 677 Italien
Maritime Routes 1483 (Nov. 9): Merchant's letter from Girolamo Contareno in Aleppo, Syria to Noble Ambrogio Malipiero in Tripoli, answering the letter of Nov. 2 and informs him about business contacts with other merchants, financial issues and that he will go soon to Beirut. Ink cross on address-side as symbol of the paid postal fee. Photocopy of transcription by Dr.ssa L. Piccinini attached.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 678 Italien
Courier of Rome 1486 (July 29): Letter sent from the Archbishop of Nicosia Benedetto Superanzio 'Archiepiscopus nicosiensis' in Rome to the Doge of Venice Marco Barbarigo (1485-1486) asking for 500 ducats for services given. Fine, transcription by Dr.ssa L. Piccinini attached.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 679 Italien
1501 Aug. 19): Merchant's letter with embossed waver seal from Alvasi Bonasi written in Damscus (Syria) to "Spettabile domino Joani andrea de bortolo / tanquam fratri carissimo / Aman" Giovanni Andrea de Bortolo in Amman (Jordan) with arrival note "1501 adj. 24 auosto in aman / da se alvixr bonase". Below the address before the name of the city of destination is an inscription of uncertain interpretation written by another hand: "el medronno ... Piurin / in naman Jm Jn denari 100 peattor nr trippolj". A scarce item, photocopy of transcription by Dr.ssa L. Piccinini attached.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 240 CHFLosnr. : 680 Italien
1504 (March 30): Letter with embossed waver wax seal delivered by boat from the Convent of San Salvador in Venice to the Venetian Noble Enrico Barbarigo, the 'Podesta' (Magistrate) of Torcello, the small island near Venice. The Venetian monks write to the Podestà complaining that the monks of Torcello have held part of the wax coming from Treviso. Photocopy of transcription by Dr.ssa L. Piccinini attached.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 681 Italien
1515 (Aug. 3): Diplomatic-Political Letters, Venetian letter with embossed waver wax seal sent from Domenico Contarini, Attorney-General of the Republic of Venice "Dominicus Contarenus / procurator Generalis" in Este (Padua) to the Council of Venice "Excellentissimis Dominis Capitibus / Jllustrissimi Consilij X" with four times 'cito', Venice should be aware some citizens had been killed in Codignola (Romagne, Papal State), the episode endangers the neighbourhood of the 'Serenissima Republic'. Archive note and endoresed 'L. (Loredan the Doge, cum capitibus") in two diff. handwritings. A fine example of Venetian courier mail with transcription by Dr.ssa L. Piccinini attached.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 682 Italien
1524 (Dec.30): Letter with embossed waver wax seal sent from the Chancellor of Bergamo (Rectoris Bergoni) to the Council of Venice "Excellentissimis Dominis Capitibus / Excellentisimi Consilij Decem, dominis / observandissimis' with four times 'cito', 'cito', 'citissime' volandissime' informing the council of finding a private officer willing to meet secretely with the Milanese Noble Ser. AmbrogioTrivulzio. Another fine example of Venetian diplomatic mail, transcription by Dr.ssa L. Piccinini attached.Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 683 Italien
Losnr. : 684 Italien
Alvise Giovanni Mocenigo (1701–1778) Doge of Venice from 1763 -1778, official parchment (370 x 260 mm) dated May 21 1762 to the Noble Giovannelli, Captain of Verona with attached lead seal: ".. SI ...GENICO..GRA.DUX VENETIAR" He restricted the privileges of the clergy and, in consequence, came into a bitter conflict with Pope Clement XIII.Ausruf : 700 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 685 Italien
Losnr. : 686 Italien
1796/1849: Lot 240 prephilatelic covers showing a vast variety of cancellations in black and red incl. fancy one's, mainly fine strikes, the major part being official mail from various city or village departments, good condition and housed in two large folders.Ausruf : 250 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 687 Lombardo-Veneto
1850: Carta a mano 15 c. rosso Type I, in deep fresh colour and with full margins all around, tied on cover to Padova by black straight liner VENEZIA/8 GIUG, a lovely cover from the eight day after introducing the postal service. Sign. Raybaudi Sassone = € 1'000/Ferchenbauer = € 1'400.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : 200 CHFLosnr. : 688 Lombardo-Veneto
1850: 15 c. red vermillion type IIa on ribbed paper and 30 c. brown type I, both fresh and fine with good to large margins all round, tied by "S M MAGDALENA / 27. APRe" two line datestamp (Sassone = 4 punti) to piece. Cert. Puschmann (1988) Ferchenbauer = € 800+.Ausruf : 100 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 689 Lombardo-Veneto
1850: 15 c. red vermilion type I on ribbed paper (carta a coste verticali) with highlighted central design, a fresh and fine example with large margins all round, tied by two-line "VENEZIA 28 FEBo" (1851) to entire to Padova, reverse with arrival two-line datestamp of the same day. Sassone = € 875+ / Ferchenbauer = € 650+.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauft
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