Alle Lose
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Losnr. : 537 Franz. Kol. allgemeine Ausgaben
Losnr. : 538 Franz. Kol. allgemeine Ausgaben
1859/71: 10 c. brown Eagle (pair, touched at left), 1871 5 c. green Napoleon (2), and 1871 10 c. brown Cérès, all tied with black lozenge on cover from St. Denis / Réunion (cds of Dec 13, 1872 on reverse) to France, showing French transit railway marks and arrival mark of Bordeaux (Jan 11, 1873) on reverse. The 10 c. Cérès is touched and the address is partially rewritten. A unique combination of three issues in two colours to pay the 50 c. tariff towards France and a late use of the Eagle issue. Signed Calves; cert. Scheller (2010).Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 539 Franz. Kol. allgemeine Ausgaben
1871/72: 80 c. rose Napoleon laureated (complete strip of 10) and 40 c. orange Cérès (strip of 5), all tied by black lozenge on cover from St. Denis / Réunion (cds of May 4, 1872 alongside) to Nantes (France), red framed "PD" and red octagonal French entry mark "COL. FR. SUEZ - P. F. AMB. MAR" (June 2) on front and Nancy arrival mark (June 3) on reverse. The large format cover shows filing folds away from the stamps, the right lower corner is repaired, and the addressee's name is erased. A fine item presenting the 10 fr. tariff. Signed Brun and Calves; cert. Behr (2010).Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 3.200 CHFLosnr. : 540 Franz. Kol. allgemeine Ausgaben
1871/72: 40 c. orange (2), plus 1872 5 c. green and 15 c. brown, all tied with black lozenge "SNG" on folded cover to London with cds "SENEGAL-ET-DEP St-LOUIS 23 MAI 76", framed black "P.D." and red London arrival mark (Jun 8) alongside. Small margin faults, but a very attractive three-colour presentation of the 1 fr. tariff one month before the French colonies joined the GPU. Cert. Behr (2010).Ausruf : 800 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 541 Franz. Kol. allgemeine Ausgaben
1892/1906: Twelve values from 1 c. to 1 fr., set lacking the 15 c. blue without the name of the colony, printed on Bristol paper; in addition six essays of the 1906 French Westafrica issue of the oil palm and Ballay motif, again without the name of the colony and partially without the face value. A very nice selection.Ausruf : 1.200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 542 Franz. Äquatorial Afrika
Afrique Equatoriale. 1940: 2 fr. black & green of the 1937 definitive series (Paul Crampel) as an example from the lower right corner of the sheet, with black overprint "LIBRE", fixed to original paper; unissued stamp with a very small print run of 25. Cert. Guy de Vachat (2010) Not listed in Cérès or Yvert.Ausruf : 800 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 543 Franz. Äquatorial Afrika
1940: 53 unused stamps of the 1937 definitive series with black or red overprint "AFRIQUE FRANCAISE LIBRE" or "LIBRE", showing variations double, inverted or shifted overprints. Certificates Guy de Vachat (2010).Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 545 Franz. Westafrika (Occident.)
Afrique Occidentale. 1940/45: Airmail issue 1940 without the name of colony and partially without the face value, one set imperf., one perforated in unused quality; in addition 1945 London emission, the complete set imperf., glued on a large carton Cérès = € 1700+.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 557 Franz. Kongo
1891/92: 8 c. on 1 c. black on azure mint, "COngo" optd 10 c. on 40 c. orange-red mint but with faults, 1892 surcharged values on Postage Dues set of four mint, 1891 Colis Postaux 10 c. black on green mint and 1893 10 c. grey mint. Imperfections but a seldom seen and scarce selection.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 562 Franz. Somaliküste
Cote de Somalis. 1938: 1 c. and 2 c. of the "Djibouti view" definitives, three colour essays; in addition a proof of the frame design of this issue. Cert. Guy du Vachat (2010).Ausruf : 240 CHFZuschlag : 240 CHFLosnr. : 563 Franz. Somaliküste
Losnr. : 564 Franz. Somaliküste
1894: "DJ" on 5 c. green mint, 25 c. on 2 c. and 50 c. on 1 c. provisionals mint, 1894 and thereafter near complete with rare 1894 25 fr. and 50 fr. values, 1899 0.40 on 4 c. used, 1902 surcharges mint, also 1902 and 1909 sets mint. A fine lot in much above average quality Yvert = € 2'000+.Ausruf : 700 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 565 Franz. Somaliküste
1902: 1 c. to 1 fr. definitive series with inverted colours in unused condition, in addition "warrior" design from the same issue imperf. in different colours with a face value of 0 fr. and essays of the three designs of this issue on flimsy paper. Certificates Calves & Scheller (2010).Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 577 Franz. Guinea
Guinée française. 1892: Definitive set of 13 values mint, 1900 colour change set of four mint, 1904 pictorial definitive set of 15 mint and Postage Due set mint, 1906/07 definitive set of 15 values mint and Postage Due set of eight mint; fresh colour, minor faults but scarce Yvert = € 1'300+.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 578 Franz. Guinea
Losnr. : 579 Franz. Indochina Allg. Ausgaben
Indochine. 1889: 5 c. on 35 c. mint, 1892/96 definitive set of 14 values complete mint, some with faults, 1900 colour change set of five values mint, 1904 definitive issue to 10 fr. red on blue-green complete mint and Parcel Post 10 c. values (2) mint. Despite imperfections a generally fresh and fine selection Yvert = € 1'000+.Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 580 Franz. Indochina Allg. Ausgaben
Losnr. : 594 Franz. Post in Marokko
Maroc. 1903: 5 c. on 5 c. blue tax stamp with black framed "P.P." (2), tied on local cover with cds "TANGER MAROC 10 OCT 03" alongside. Upper backflap is missing. This stamp has a printing figure of only 150 subjects. Signed Calves; cert. Scheller (2009) Cérès = € 2'500 for the stamps only.Ausruf : 600 CHFZuschlag : 900 CHFLosnr. : 595 Franz. Post in Marokko
1911: 5 c. on 5 c. blue with black framed "P.P." in horizontal position and 10 c. on 10 c. brown tax stamps with doubled black framed "P.P." on cover to France with cds "TANGER MAROC 10 OCT 03" alongside. Upper backflap is missing. This 5 c. stamp has a printing figure of only 150 subjects, the 10 c. of only 300 subjects. Signed Calves; cert. Brun (2009) Cérès = € 5'700 for the stamps only.Ausruf : 1.200 CHFZuschlag : 1.600 CHFLosnr. : 596 Franz. Post in Marokko
1913: Mixed franking on the reverse of a registered telegram cover (folded vertically and horizontally), incl. 10 m. red and 25 m. blue of the 1912 cherifienne issue together with 5 c. on 5 c. green (2, one with fold) and 25 c. on 25 c. blue of the 1911 definitives, all tied by the respective cds's; forwarded to France with arrival on Jan 8, 1913. Cert. Calves (2010).Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 597 Franz. Post in Marokko
Losnr. : 598 Franz. Post in Marokko
1897: Mixed franking on a small cover, franked with 10 c. blue and 25 c. rose of the local French Mazagan issue of 1893 tied by cds of Brudo (Aug 13, 1897), later on an additional 25 c. on 25 c. black on rose paper of the French PO in Maroc was added for transit in Mazagan and postmarked there; cover was forwarded to France with Lyon receiver on reverse (Aug 25, 1897). Vertical fold away from the stamp, not distracting from this great combination. Cert. Guy du Vachat (2010).Ausruf : 600 CHFZuschlag : 700 CHFLosnr. : 599 Franz. Post in Marokko
Cherifienne Post 1912: Three sheets with essays of different values (5 m. and 10 m. on the same sheet, 2 m. and 50 m.), showing varieties like double impression perpendicular to each other or print of one value over the other. A fine group. Certificates Guy du Vachat (2010).Ausruf : 300 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 602 Nossi Be
Nossi Bé. 1891: Postage Due 50 c. on 30 c. brown mint, October 1891 Postage Due 25 c. on 5 c. green mint and "0.25" c. on 75 c. carmine used, 1893 Postage 25 c., 50 c. and 1 fr. values mint, 1894 definitive set of 13 values mint; a few with imperfections but generally fine and a scarce assembly Yvert = € 1'200+.Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 603 Obock
Losnr. : 604 Obock
1892: Curved "Obock" surcharges 1 c., 4 c., 5 c., 10 c., 40 c. and 75 c., mint, 1892 re-valued surcharges on horizontally surcharged issue with 1 c. on 25 c., 2 c. on 10 c., 4 c. on 15 c., 5 c. on 25 c., 20 c. on 10 c., 35 c. on 25 c. and 75 c. on 1 fr. mint, some with thins and minor imperfections, part to large part og. Yvert = € 1'500.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 605 Obock
Losnr. : 606 Obock
Losnr. : 607 Obock
Losnr. : 608 Obock
1892: Postage Dues, curved "Obock" on imperforate 10 c. and 60 c. black mint, the 60 c. with stain on front; 1892 horizontal surcharge: the set of 12 values complete to 60 c. black and including the 2 fr. maroon, a few with imperfections but generally fine part to large part og., a scarce selection Yvert = € 1'000+.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 610 Reunion
Réunion. 1846/73: Two covers, incl. 1846 entire with fair only black "St. Denis-Reunion" despatch cds and fine circular "PP" alongside to Loudeac , endorsed "per Anna via Nantes" at lower left. In addition, small cover to Avignon franked by General Colonies 1871 Cérès 25 c. blue, clear margins, tied by dotted lozenge and octagonal "Corr. D'Armées / St. Denis" in black. Despatch cds at lower left and reverse with circular "Ile De Reunion" Anchor cachet in black, Marseille cds and Avignon arrival cds.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 611 Reunion
1871: Pair of the French 25 c. blue Cérès, tied with a lozenge mark on cover from St. Leu / Réunion (cds from Feb 4, 1876 alongside) to Toulouse, "COL. FR. SUEZ - P. F. AMB. MAR" (Feb 28) on front and Toulouse arrival mark on reverse (Feb 28). Taxation of 6 décimes in Réunion which was later on crossed out. 50 c. was the correct tariff with British or French steamers towards France until July 1st, 1876, when all French colonies joined the UGP. An extremely rare item with stamps of the motherland used in a small office in the colonies. Part of the lower backflap is missing. Cert. Roumet (2010).Ausruf : 1.500 CHFZuschlag : 1.700 CHFLosnr. : 612 Reunion
Losnr. : 613 Reunion
1859/65: Eagle issue 20 c. blue, single and horizontal strip of four used on 1869 cover to Bordeaux, all tied by dotted lozenge obliterators in black with superb "RÉUNION / ST. BENOIT" despatch cds at left (Aug 27). Bordeaux arrival cds (Sept 27) on reverse. File folds affecting two stamps at right and one at left but nevertheless a rare and attractive franking. Signed Calves.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 600 CHFLosnr. : 614 Reunion
1885/91: Three covers with different combinations of general colony stamps, either overprinted with RÉUNION or revalued with different overprints, sent registered between 1887 and 1893 from St. Denis or St. Pierre either to Strasbourg (Alsace, German at that time) or to Budapest. Although of philatelic origin, this is a fine ensemble. Certificates Behr (2010).Ausruf : 500 CHFZuschlag : 1.400 CHFLosnr. : 615 Reunion
General colonies issues overprinted with Réunion. 1891: 80 c. rose Cérès (block of 10), 1 fr. olive Sage (block of 10) and 25 c. black/rose Alphée Dubois, all tied with blue cds "RÉUNION St.-DENIS 9. FEVR. 92" on large format cover with corner faults, sent registered to Waterberg (Transvaal, South Africa), blue French framed "R" mark and red British "Registered Mauritius" (Feb 11) alongside, endorsed "via Maurice - Natal" with Natal arrival mark on the reverse. A spectacular cover.Ausruf : 2.000 CHFZuschlag : 2.800 CHFLosnr. : 616 Reunion
1901: 15 c. overprint on 75 c. violet on orange paper, with the overprint either doubled or doubled inverted, in addition point after "c" in overprint in a higher position; cancelled to order on two covers (addresses partially erased) in St. Denis (Dec 30, 1913). Certificates Guy du Vachat and Scheller (2010).Ausruf : 800 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 617 Reunion
Losnr. : 618 Reunion
Losnr. : 619 Reunion
Losnr. : 620 Reunion
Losnr. : 621 Reunion
1885/86: Surcharges with 5 c. on 30 c. brown and 5 c. on 40 c. orange mint, 1877 set of four values mint, 80 c. rose mint, 1877 type with scarce 30 c. brown and 40 c. orange-red mint, 1881 type complete to 40 c. mint, 1892 complete set mint, thereafter a near complete run including Postage Dues etc. A fine lot, some with imperfections Yvert = € 900+.Ausruf : 200 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 622 Reunion
1901/38: Small lot of interesting Réunion stamps, incl. 1901 5 c. on 40 c. group issue in a strip of three, with one stamp showing the variety: overprint inverted and another one with missing bar over the old value, the 1917 pair 1 c. on 4 c. with inverted overprint resp. without overprint (signed Brun), part of the 1933 landscape series (20 values) as single proofs without face value (signed Scheller), in addition two values of 1938 airmail issue without face value and imperf. in block of four or as gutter pair (one stamp with fold). Certificates Behr & Guy du Vachat (2010).Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 624 Senegal
Sénégal. 1868/88: Three covers incl. Colonies générales Eagle 20 c. blue on small 1868 envelope to "2nd Regiment de Currassiers, Camp De Chalons" tied by "SNG" Senegal lozenge of dots in blue with octagonal "CORR. DES ARMÉES-ST. LOUIS" alongside, in addition Sage imperforate 25 c. ultramarine on 1883 cover to Algeria tied by blue "Gorée-Senegal" cds with octagonal "Col. Fr.-Paq.Fr.J.No. 5" alongside, and 1888 10 c. black on lilac stationery postcard to Germany carried on the "Orenoque", cancelled by "Gorée / Senegal" cds in black with bold strike of octagonal "LIGNE J-PAQ. FR. No. 4" datestamp in blue alongside.Ausruf : 350 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 625 Senegal
1906/40: Lot of twelve unused/used Senegal stamps incl. 1906 Général Faidherbe and oil palms imperf., without or with shifted imprint "Sénégal", 1914 pair of 0,04 on 15 c. definitive with shifted and doubled overprints and 1940 airmail 4.90 fr. brown-olive pair with shifted and tripled overprints. A very fine lot. Signed Brun & Scheller; cert. Scheller (2010) Cérès = € 2'200+.Ausruf : 400 CHFZuschlag : 400 CHFLosnr. : 626 Senegal
Losnr. : 627 Senegal
1942: Four non-adopted essays for the 100 fr. airmail stamp.Ausruf : 240 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 628 Franz. Sudan
Losnr. : 629 Franz. Sudan
1894/1900: Definitive series type group, in total 19 values, overprinted "SPECIMEN" and glued to a black carton; eventually a series for the UPU archive or to be transferred to other UPU members. For the specialist. Cert. Scheller (2010).Ausruf : 150 CHFZuschlag : nicht verkauftLosnr. : 632 Franz. Gebiete in d. Antarktis
T.A.A.F. 1957/95: Collection of proofs and special prints unused/mint in three volumes with imperforated values, miniature sheets, colour proofs, many artist signed 'Epreuves de luxe', incl. colour proofs of 1957 International Geophysical Year, 1959 luxury sheet with airmail 200 F together with 20 F coat of arms as well as rare perf. sheet with Albatros/Skuas/Cormoran unused with full original gum. All through the collection in fresh and fine quality Maury-Cérès = high cat. value.Ausruf : 2.500 CHFZuschlag : 3.800 CHF
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