tradition and experience in classic philately since 1919


June 7,2017

10:00 Catalogue 213: Europe A-F
12:30 Catalogue 213: France & Colonies
15:30 Catalogue 214: Greece - Postal Routes on Overseas Mail 1861-1878
17:00 Catalogue 213: Europe Greece, Hungary

June 8,2017

09:00 Catalogue 213: I-N
11:30 Catalogue 215: Norway Shipmail - The Dr. Albert Louis Collection
13:00 Catalogue 213: Europe O-U
15:00 Catalogue 213: Great Britain & Colonies
17:00 Catalogue 213: Overseas A-Z
18:00 Catalogue 213: Latin- and Southamerica

June 9,2017

09:00 Catalogue 213: Europe & Overseas Collections and Accumulations
10:30 Catalogue 216: Switzerland 1862 and later issues
13:00 Catalogue: 216: Switzerland & Liechtenstein
14:30 Catalogue 216: Switzerland Collections & Accumulations

June 10,2017

08:45 Catalogue 216: Switzerland - Pre-Stamp
09:30 Catalogue 217: Collection Jack Luder (part 1)
11:30 Catalogue 216: Switzerland - Collection 'Seebub'
13:00 Catalogue 216: Swiss Classic Issues
14:30 Catalogue 216: Switzerland - Rayons
16:00 Catalogue 216: Sitting Helvetia imperf. (Strubel)

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