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Lot# : 399 Scadta Consular mail
Czechoslovakia 1929 (Nov. 1): Registered Business envelope 'Vitrea Prague" franked with consular overprinted 'A' on Scadta 5 c. orange yellow in an horiz. block of six together with 30 c. blue, National postage 2 x 4 c. plus registration stamp, sent under the two cover system and tied in "Barranquilla 1.XI.29" to Cali. Despite some slightly toned perfs., a very scarce acceptance.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 400 Scadta Ecuador
1930: Envelope franked with airpost 10 c. deep brown (perf. little browned) from "Quito Jun. 13. 1930" to Bogota with special flight cachet: "RAID 'MENDEZ' - Quito - Latacunga - Bogota Junio 13 de 1930" as well as envelope franked with SCADTA 1929 1 s. rose and Landscape 16 c. red & yel.green tied by SCADTA Guayaquil cds. (20 XII) to the Swiss Chocolate company ' Maestrani' in St. Gallen. Only few known to Switzerland.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 401 Scadta Consular mail
Guatemala 1930 (Oct. 2): Colombia 4 c. stationery envelope sent registered to Cali, franked with three values together with SCADTA 1929 5 c. yellow, Gold currency 10 c. and 15 c. and Scadta Ecuador 20 c. registrion stamp plus Colombian National postage, all stamps applied in Guatemala tied by duplex "Correo Internacional 2 Oct. 1930 Guatemala C.A." in violet with additional machine cancel in transit of "Cartagena Oct.9 1930" in magenta plus SCADTA Cartagena 9.X.1930" cds. and "Cali 11.X.1930" arrival mark alongside. Despite some toned perfs., a genuine flown envelope. Acceptances from Guatemala are very rare.Starting bid : 850 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 402 Scadta Consular mail
Hungary 1931 (March 28): Colombia 4 c. stationery envelope sent registered from Budapest to Cali, franked on front with Zeppelin issue 1 P. + 2 P. + 40 f. airpost for the Zeppelin return flight with adjacent special flight cachet type II in green and "Friedrichshafen 30.3.31" arrival mark on reverse, additionally franked with SCADTA Gold currency 5 c. + 15 c. + Bolivar 10c. + 4c. National postage for the SCADTA flight from "Colon 16.IV.1931" (Panama) via "Buenoventura 17.IV.1931" to destination "Cali 18.IV.1931". Fine and rare combination cover with all evident transit cancels.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 800 CHFLot# : 403 Scadta Consular mail
Romania 1932 (March 9): Mixed franking cover from Timisoara to Bogota, franked with complete 1931 airpost set of five values to 20 L., dispatched to the 2. Zeppelin Southamericaflight at "Friedrichshafen 1.4.32" with additional German airpost 1.50 Mk. to "Pernambuco 7.IV.32" uprated with a Brazilian stamp of 600 r. and forwarded via "Barbados 14 MY 32" to "Barranquilla 21.V.32" franked with Scadta Gold currency 15c. green to "Bogota 23.V.32". Exceptional Zeppelin-Scadta combination from Romania with an unusual four country franking, showing all transit and arrival cancels on front or on reverse Sieger 143 Aa.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 2,000 CHFLot# : 404 Scadta Consular mail
Russia 1931 (May 5): Colombia 4 c. stationery envelope from Leningrad to Cali franked with five Russian adhesives cancelled by large "Leningrad-Berlin Air Link" cachets to "Berlin 5.5.31 20-24" uprated with Scadta Gold currency 5 c. + 10 c. + 15 c. plus Colombian National postage tied at "Barranquilla 25.V.1931" to "Cali 28.V.1931" bearing boxed "Buenaventura 26.MAY 1931" transit mark on revese. Fine flown combination cover.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 405 Scadta Consular mail
Saargebiet 1931 (Oct. 14): Mixed franking cover from Saarbrücken to Cali, franked with airpost 50 c. + 1 Fr. + 1926 5 Fr. and 1929 Volkshilfe 40 c. (2, not accepted), dispatched to the 3. Zeppelin Southamericaflight from "Friedrichshafen 17.10.31" to "Pernambuco 20.X.31" and forwarded via "Belem 27 OUT 1931" to "Barranquilla 30.XI.31" franked with a pair of Scadta Gold currency 5 c. yellow orange plus SCADTA Ecuador 1 S. registration stamp to "Cali 1.XII.31". Fine Zeppelin-Scadta combination cover with all transit cancels including straight line "VIA MARITIMA" on reverse Sieger 133 Aa.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 406 Scadta Consular mail
Slovenia 1930 (March 18): Colombia 4 c. stationery envelope sent registered from Gornja Radgona to Cali, franked on front and reverse with seven adhesives from Yugoslavia in combination with Scadta Gold currency 5 c. block of four + single value 10 c. plus National postage 8 c. and Scadta registration stamp of 20 c., all tied by Scadta "Barranquilla 12.IV.1930"cds.'s and showing New York transit (29.3.30) cancels on reverse. Fine and rare acceptance.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 407 Scadta Consular mail
Sweden 1930 (Oct. 6): Registered Colombian postal stationery envelope of 4 c. blue sent from Linköping to Cali, franked on front with five Swedish adhesives in combination with Scadta 1929 5 c. for internal and 5 c. block of four Gold currency issue for international Mail plus registration stamp together wirh Colombian National postage, sent via "Barranquilla 31.X.30" and backstamped at "Cali 2.XI.1930". Scarce acceptance from Sweden.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 408 Scadta Colombia
1930 (Nov. 30): Do-X / Scadta combination - Sonntag stationery envelope 4 c. blue to Cali franked with German Reich Zeppelin stamps 2 RM blue + 4 RM brown, both tied by "Friedrichshafen (Bodensee) 13.11.30", showing red Do X flight cachet alongside, sent via Rio (22.IV.31) and franked by Scadta 1929 5 c. + 10 c. + 15 c. cancelled on board by "Dornier Flugschiff DO X 30. Jan. 31" and Do-X special cachet in black (applied in Rio), sent via Barranquilla (July 16) with additional Colombian adhesives and backstamped on arrival "Scadta / Cali 20.VII.31". Fine and scarce. See Corinphila sale 141, lot 3637.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 409 Scadta Colombia
1931 (Aug. 4): Do-X / Scadta combination - Sonntag 4 c. blue stationery envelope franked with five values of Brazil and tied by "Correio Aereo Rio 2 A Scc Sao 4. VIII.31" with black DoX cachet alongside, sent via Port of Spain / Trinidad (Aug. 19) to Barranquilla (Aug. 31) franked in transit by horizontal pair of Scadta 1929 15 c. green and in Cali on reverse by 5c. + 10 c. + 15 c. + registration stamp plus National postage of 16 c., all tied by "Scadta / Cali 10.IX.1931" cds. On arrival additionally franked with semi-official Expreso Ribon 6 c. red and cancelled by "Conducto Ribon Correos - Cali 10 Set. 1931" in violet. Only two combination covers with Ribon Express delivery known. Fine and scarce. See Corinphila sale 141, lot 3706.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 410 Colombia
1920/55: Album with airmail issues, mainly unused sets and souvenir sheets, incl. 1920 Unicolores 'Sea and mountains' and Cliff and Lighthouse' 10 c. vert. pair together with blocks of four in carmine and vermilion (certs. Philatelic Foundation), part set of SCADTA 1921 issue to 2 p. in marginal unused blocks of four as well as set of seven 1928 first flight covers 'Peru-Ecuador-Colombia' (Oct. 22) from Paita to Barranquilla, bearing the complete handstamped PE Scadta stamps to 5 peso, incl. registered usage.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 411 Scadta Consular mail
1923: Selection of Scadta Consular Machine overprints in complete sets to 5 p. plus registration stamps, all used, including issues for Spain, Great Britain, Netherlands with large and small 'R', Panama and Venezuela Mi = EUR 2590.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 412 Scadta Consular mail
1923: Selection of machine overprinted SCADTA sets of twelve values up to 5 p. with registration stamp, all unused mint with original gum (some with tropical spots on gum side as usual), incl. issues for Alemania, Belgium with both types of registration stamps, Denmark, Spain, USA with 15 and 30 c. with N.Y. lithograph overprint, France, Great Britain, Holland, Italy with the three addtional values 1 p. to 3 p. with small overprint of 8 mm instead of 12 mm, further the complete sets for Panama, Switzerland and Venezuela. A fine group Scott = US$ 3'600, Michel = € 5'750.Starting bid : 850 CHFHammer price : 1,400 CHFLot# : 413 Scadta Colombia
Lot# : 414 Scadta Colombia
1932/33: Group of four envelopes showing meter mark frankings at Cts 005, Cts. 010 and Cts. 015 with additional frankings, one 'Banco de Colombia Manizales' (Lic.9), two 'Banco de Bogota' (Lic.11) all three sent to Barranquilla as well as one from 'El Tiempo, Bogota' (Lic.5) with blue special cachet:" Por via aérea en Colombia unicamente" in blue and sent to USA. The usage of meter marks on airmail covers are fairly rare.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 415 Scadta Colombia
1923/35: Interesting group of eleven incoming covers/cards, including first flights, one DoX envelope franked with 2 x 5 c. gold currency, envelope from Germany franked with Consular small 'A' on 6 x. 5 c. orange, 1929 envelope from France without Scadta stamps and franked with 3 x 5 Fr. as well as similar usage from Switzerland, also without Scadta stamps, further an incoming envelope (14929) from Costa Rica as well as handstamped 'E.U.' on Scadta 1923 30 c. blue in a horiz. strip of three and four on piece.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 416 Scadta Colombia
1922/34: Group of 17 covers/cards, including first flights, 1922 cover franked with Scadta stamps used in Medellin, better frankings as Scadta 1923 40 c. purple used together with 50 c. green on first flight cover to Cristobal C.Z., Expreso ribon usage on Zeppelin photocard used on first flight 'Primer Correo Aereo Transversal from Cali to Bogota as well as American Clipper Mail, piloted by Charles Lindbergh with postmaster's signature.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 417 Cuba
1860: 'Y¼' on 1857 2 r. rose-red, overprint Type A, a fine mint example of rich colour with large margins all round, minor ironed bends as well as Type E with fraction bar to right of figures, four margined example, tiny hinge thin, both stamps fresh unused. Edifil 10&10E = € 615.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 418 Cuba
Cuba used in Puerto Rico: Lot three covers incl. 1855 1 r. green on blued, used on 'turned' front of Official cover to Rio Grande, tied by network handstamp in black with 'Admon. Gral. / Puerto Rico' cds and handstruck '1' in blue; reverse with 1857 ½ r. blue, no wmk, similarly tied with double ring 'Dorado' datestamp in blue, 1862/64 ½ r. green on bright rose, three examples as well as a block of four, both tied to 1867 Official cover fronts to Guayamas by oval network handstamps in black.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 340 CHFLot# : 419 Ecuador
Colonial 1795c.: Unpaid cover to Tuqueres, addressed to the Governor of Pasto province, rated 10½ ounces at top, struck with straight line DEBE and QUITO both in red on despatch (Guinovart & Tizon 3+8 = EXT), rated '12' reales due to pay in manuscript; also a prepaid 1807 entire letter to Popayan with FRANCA and QUITO both in red (Guinovart & Tizon 5+12 = RRR). A fine and scarce pair.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 250 CHFLot# : 420 Ecuador
1829 (Nov 30): Cover prepaid from Guayaquil to Lima, Peru struck with oval SENCILLA and fine REPUBLICA DE COLOMBIA / GUAYAQUIL / FRANCA HASTA / TUMBES each in red. Tumbes was the border point and the letter was then charged with '4' reales due in manuscript from Tumbes to Lima. A rare and appealing cover.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 421 Ecuador
1842 (June 12): Delightful large registered cover to Quito with lines, cross-hatching and '#' at edges denoting registration, struck with superb LATACUNGA straight line in red and LATACUNGA / FRANCA in red with manuscript 'Certificacion' between. Full dated docketing on reverse, refolded for Exhibit display, a rare and fine cover.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 422 Ecuador
1842 (Sept 29): Cover sent registered to Portoviejo struck with oval CUENCA / DE / OFFICIO and framed oval manuscript filled 'Certificacion à Cuenca / Salio en 29 Sett. 1842', both in red. Docketing of sender and receiver on reverse. Manuscript rate '3' reales on front panel which has some staining, nevertheless a rare cover.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 423 Ecuador
1842: Registered prepaid cover to Quito with manuscript 'de Of.o' (De Oficio) at top, further manuscript 'Certificacion a Ambato' on front panel with inked frame and '#' markings at sides for registration, struck with AMBATO / FRANCA in red. Reverse with docketing of sender 'Ambato 22 de Mayo 1842'. A very scarce registered usage.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 424 Ecuador
1847: Cover to the Ecuador Consul General in Washington D.C., struck on arrival with 'NEW YORK / SHIP / JUL 21 / 7 cts.' in red, reverse with manuscript docketing 'Quito 8 June 1847, Rec'd 22 July 1847' and near complete red wax seal of the Minister of Foreign Affairs (Manuel Gomez de la Torre). Edge wear but scarce.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 425 Ecuador
Lot# : 426 Ecuador
Lot# : 427 Ecuador
1863: Cover from Guayaquil to Lima struck on despatch with GUAYAQUIL datestamp in black (Dec 28), framed red P.P. alongside and reverse with Lima arrival cds (Jan 2, 1864). Fine oval CONDUCCION / DEL CARTERO / GRATIS in black applied on arrival. Unusual cover.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 428 Ecuador
Lot# : 429 Ecuador
1870: Stampless Official cover from Guayaquil (British P.O. cds on yellow seal on reverse) mailed to Avignon, France addressed to the Ecuador Foreign Minister, rated double in manuscript at upper left, struck with oval QUITE / DE / OFICIO in blue, via British P.O. in Panama (Nov 21) and London (Dec 15) where 'GB/1F 90c' Accountancy marking applied in black and charged '24' décimes in manuscript on arrival. Tatty at edges but very scarce.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 360 CHFLot# : 430 Ecuador
'Real Audencia de Quito' 1780/1861: Cover collection on leaves (12 items) with predominantly straight line handstamps in red, prepaid 'Franca' covers from Alausi, Babahoyo (in black), Cuenca, truncated 'Guayaga' Colonial handstamp on cover to Lima in 1780, 'Guaiaquil', Ibarra, Jipijapa, Otavalo (late use of truncated handstamp on de Oficio envelope in 1861), Quito; and unpaid 'Debe' covers from 'Guaiaquil' and Guayaquil.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 431 Ecuador
'Departmento de Ecuador' 1820/30c.: Collection of nine items with 'Republica de Colombia' oval handstamps, most struck in red, with prepaid 'Franca' strikes of Alausi, Ambato, Ibarra, Latacunga, Riobamba, Tuquerres (in black) and unpaid 'Debe' covers from Ambatoi, Otavalo, Quito. Strikes fair to very fineStarting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 360 CHFLot# : 432 Ecuador
1825/40c.: Republica de Colombia oval markings on covers (16), with prepaid examples from Alausi, Cuenca, Guaranda, Ibarra, Latacunga, Loja (2), Otavalo, Popayan, Quito, Riobamba and unpaid examples from Cuenca, Ibarra, Latacunga, Otavalo, Riobamba, all fine to very fine strikes in red.
Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 433 Ecuador
1835/1847: Covers (8) with 1835c. cover with GUAYAQUIL / FRANCA in red and framed SENCILLA to Popayan, 1836 entire from USA to Chile with oval S. SWEETSER / U S CONSUL Agent's cachet of Guayaquil, 1846 cover with framed OTAVALO in red, 1848 GUARANDA / DE OFICIO used to Quito, July 1847 consignee's letter from Guayaquil to Bordeaux cancelled in Paris (Oct 12), 1849 entire to Lima struck with MO.CRISTI and DEBE in bluecharged '2' reales due.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 1,800 CHFLot# : 434 Ecuador
1835/65: The collection of Republican usages of pre-philatelic covers with prepaid examples (in red) from Alausi, Ambato, Babhoyo, Bolivar (2 different), Cuenca, Guano, Guaranda (2 types), Guayaquil (3 types), Ibarra, Latacunga (2 types), Loja, Montecristi (rare), Otavalo, Portoviejo, Quito (4 types), Quti Registered cover, Riobamba (2 types), Tulcan and Unpaid 'Debe' examples (in red) from Alausi, Ambato, Babahoyo (in black), Bolivar (in blue and in red), Cuenca, Guano, Guaranda, Guayaquil (2, one in blue), Ibarra (in red and in blue), Latacunga, Otavalo, Quito (2 types), Riobamba, Tulcan (60 items).Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,700 CHFLot# : 435 Ecuador
Lot# : 436 Ecuador
1833/1937: The collection of Official pre-philatelic or stampless covers with prepaid examples ('De Oficio' in red or in manuscript) from Babhoyo, Cuenca (2, one in blue also a registered cover), Esmeraldas in black (2 different), Guayaquil (in black), Guano, Ibarra (4 types, two in black), Latacunga, Loja, Otavalo, Pillaro, Quito (2 types, one in blue, one in black), Riobamba, Tulcan (in black). An interesting lot, 33 items.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 700 CHFLot# : 437 Ecuador
1872: 1 r. yellow on blue quadrille lined paper, a fresh unused block of 45 (9 x 5), two stamps at top with minor closed tears and some minor bends but a very rare multiple that displays well, with superb large part original gum Gi. 8 = £ 9'000/Scott = $ 2'700.
Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 1,200 CHFLot# : 438 Ecuador
1872: 1 r. yellow on quadrille lined white wove paper, a complete sheet of 90 subjects (9 x 10), with marginal rule all round, clear impression for this stamp but with damage to lower left corner affecting position 82 and a stain on positions 8-9 at top right, the reverse with tone spots but with large part gum, a rare sheet Scott = $ 5'400.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 800 CHFLot# : 439 Ecuador
1872: 1 r. yellow on lined quadrille paper, the unused block of 45 (9 x 5), being the upper half of the sheet of 90 subjects, of rich colour and large margins all round, some negligible creasing as usual with a block of this size, position 8 with tiny closed tear at top and natural stain from gum on position 9. Fresh and fine, with large part or unmounted og. Scott = $ 2'700.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 440 Ecuador
1865: ½ real ultramarine, an unused reconstructed sheet of the 84 subjects (12 x 7), showing the complete marginal rule all round, made up from an irregular block of 55, overlapping a large block of 73 which is missing eleven stamps at lower right, showing the decay in the plate and the smearing of the ink on the thin paper. Inevitable ironed creases, nevertheless large multiples of this stamp are much rarer than that of the 1871 issue Scott = $ 5'000+.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,600 CHFLot# : 441 Ecuador
1865: ½ real ultramarine on white wove paper, used example on 1869 cover front to France, tied by QUITO / FRANCA datestamp in black. British P.O. 'Panama Transit' cds (Dec 29) in black and thence via French Paquebot 'Louisiane' with octagonal PANAMA / PAQ. FR. A No. 1 datestamp (Salles fig. 1413) in black (Jan 1, 1870). Charged '12' décimes handstruck due on arrival. Some peripheral aging but very scarce.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 1,300 CHFLot# : 442 Ecuador
Lot# : 443 Ecuador
1865/67: 1 r. orange, a fine unused block of four marginal from left of sheet of rich colour and clear impression and large part og. Slight piece of margin missing at top but a magnificent and rare multiple in this shade and impression. Beleived to be the sole recorded block.
Provenance: Collection 'Crown Point', Corinphila sale 131 (Oct 2001), lot 6738.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 1,500 CHFLot# : 444 Ecuador
1865/67: 1 r. orange, a fine used block of four in a rich shade with clear impression, positions 76-77/85-86, good even margins all round, cancelled by AMBATO datestamps (4.OCT.67) in black.
Provenance: Collection 'Crown Point', Corinphila sale 131 (Oct 2001), lot 6739.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 445 Ecuador
Lot# : 446 Ecuador
1865: 1 r. yellow, a fine unused block of twenty five (5 x 5), positions 46-50/55-59/64-68/73-77/82-86 on sheet of 90 subjects, on thick wove paper, one with pinhole but a scarce multiple of good colour and large part or unmounted og. Signed Buhler.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 447 Ecuador
1865: 1 r. yellow, a complete sheet of 90 subjects (9 x 10), with marginal rule all round, somewhat over-inked leaving a blotchy impression, manuscript at top from previous collector '1st Janv. 1865 papier blanc uni'. Minor marginal closed tear at lower right corner but of rich colour and with large part or full original gum Scott = $ 2'250.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 1,700 CHFLot# : 448 Ecuador
1865: 1 r. yellow, a complete sheet of 90 subjects (9 x 10), with marginal rule all round, clear impression for this stamp but with slight oil stain from gum affecting positions 49-50/58-59, fresh and fine with large part or unmounted og. Scott = $ 2'250.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 449 Ecuador
1865: 1 r. yellow, a reconstruction of the sheet of 90 (9 x 10), with position 1 single, positions 2-9/10-18/19-27 in creased block of twenty six, positions 28-36/37-45 in a fine block of eighteen, lower half of sheet in a fine block of 44 with position 81 as a single. Majority fresh and fine with large part og.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 450 Ecuador
Lot# : 451 Ecuador
1865: 1 r. yellow, clear printing, a fine horizontal pair with large margins all round, slight scissor cut in margin at base, used on 1869 cover to Lima cancelled by newly introduced GUAYAQUIL / FRANCA datestamp (Dec 26) in blue. Part Lima cds (Dec 31) on reverse.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 452 Ecuador
1865: 1 r. green, pairs (one vertical, one horizontal, some marginal faults) each used on 1868 entire letters from Guayaquil to Gonzales Chavez in Lima, each tied by dotted FRANCA lozenge in black, both with arrival datestamps on reverse. Scarce stamp on letter.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 453 Ecuador
1865: ½ r. blue, a single example used on 1866 cover to Guaranda with single 1865 1 r. green and a wonderful horizontal strip of nine (the width of the sheet) all tied by six strikes of the RIOBAMBA cds (Oct 27) in black, annotated at top '21 o.' and correctly franked for the 21 ounce letter by 10½ reales in adhesives. Full docketing on reverse and inside, a few imperfections but a very rare cover. Cert. Moorhouse (2014).Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 454 Ecuador
1866: 4 r. brown-red, two examples used on 1870 cover, refolded for display, mailed to La Esperanza and tied by QUITO / FRANCA datestamps in black (March 15). Some minor ironed creasing away from the adhesives, a scarce franking paying the rate for a 16 ounce letter. Rare.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 455 Ecuador
1866: 4 r. red, horizontal pair, position 9-10 on sheet and a defective single example with margin at base, used with strip of three 1 r. yellow and bisected 1 r. yellow, all used on folded cover front to Chimbo tied by dotted lozenge on despatch at Guaranda. Annotated '1 lb. 1 g.' = 33 grams at upper right and thus a further stamp 1 real missing at left but a very rare cover showing probable re-use of the 4 reales pair and a fine example of the 1 r. yellow bisected.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHFLot# : 456 Ecuador
1866: 4 r. brown-red, horizontal pair in a matt shade used with horizontal pair off 1865 1 r. green, slight faults, used on folded cover to Riobamba cancelled by GUARANDA datestamps in black. Cover tear but a rare usage of the scarcest values of the first issue on a 20 ounce rate cover.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 1,300 CHFLot# : 457 Ecuador
1871: ½ real blue on blue surfaced paper, two large mint blocks of 42 (6 x 7), being the left and right halves of the sheet of 84 subjects respectively, some typical creasing due to the thin paper and some natural aging, but in fresh vivid, slightly different shades, with large part or unmounted og. Scarce Scott = $ 4'200.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 1,300 CHFLot# : 458 Ecuador
1871/72: ½ r. ultramarine on surfaced blued wove paper, complete unused sheet of 84 subjects (12 x 7) in a vivid shade, positions 10 and 40 with holes and some stamps with tears and creases at sides of sheet and natural surface colour loss in places, nevertheless a scarce and most interesting sheet showing the somewhat haphazard arrangement of the the plate Scott = $ 4'200.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 1,300 CHFLot# : 459 Ecuador
Lot# : 460 Ecuador
1871/72: 1 r. yellow on greyish blue surfaced paper, fine mint example marginal from base of sheet (position 86) with large part og., and a vertical pair with just clear to good margins all round, used on large part cover to Riobamba cancelled by rare fancy CHIMBO circular handstamp in black Scott = $ 1'000+.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 461 Ecuador
1872: 1 r. yellow on quadrille lined paper, the small group with unused examples from position 4 marginal from top of sheet, corner marginal pair from lower right of sheet (positions 89-90) with gum, used pair with 3154 numeral cancel in black and a cover to Lima with a vertical pair showing characteristic over-inking. A scarce group.Starting bid : 180 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 462 Ecuador
1865/72: ½ real ultramarine, study on leaves with used (21), used on piece (5), further example on turned cover front to Pelileo from Riobamba, covers (both dated 1866) with single usages from Ambato and Esmeraldas, ½ r. and 1 r. green on cover to Guaranda from Ambato (1866), and 1871 ½ r. in block of 42 (6 x 7) being the left half of the sheet of 84 on surface blued paper unused, blocks of four (2) and a block of ten unused and 1871 ½ r. on cover front from Pelileo.
Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 1,200 CHFLot# : 463 Ecuador
1865/72: ½ r. ultramarine, a study group with used examples of 1865 ½ r. (3), 1873 ½ r. (4), 1872 issue in mint blocks of 18, another block of 18 (6 x 3) from top left of sheet, irregular block of 44 from right of sheet, block of 42 from left of sheet (6 x 7), and a February 1871 cover with saingle ½ r. cancelled by 'Quito / Franca' cds in red. A generally fine and scarce selection.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 1,050 CHFLot# : 464 Ecuador
1865: 1 r. yellow, album page with two used horizontal pairs, one with complete 3154 lozenge of dots in black and another with 3154 in red, third pair with undated 'Jipijapa' in red, also an attractive 1872 cover to Lima bearing a touched horizontal pair tied by 'Guayaquil / Franca' cds (Oct 26) in blue.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 465 Ecuador
1829/72: Small group of seven better items with ½ r. deep blue (2) used with 1 r. green on 1865 cover front to Guaranda, 1 r. green in a splendid horizontal strip of eight used at Riobamba from the same correspondence (cert.), 1 r. green bisected on piece used at Cuenca (cert.), 1865 1 r. buff in a used vertical pair (pos. 1/10) showing the embossed 'Coat of Arms' seal, 1871 ½ real blue on blue surfaced paper, in a mint half sheet of 42 (pos. 7-12/79-84), also a matched pair of pre-stamp covers sent prepaid and unpaid from Ambato. Generally fine, a good lot.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 466 Ecuador
1865/72: Cancellation collection on leaves with stamps (16) and covers (4), each bearing single ½ r. ultramarine, one cancelled by framed AMBATO in black, another used at RIOBAMBA to Quito (signed Jamet), 1872 cover with ½ r. tied by IBARRA / FRANCA in blue, circa 1866 cover with ½ r. tied at Guaranda by pen cancellation, off-cover usages from Cuenca (in manuscript and by oval handstamp in red), Chimbo, flower cancel of Pelileo, ten pointed star in red used at Quito etc.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 1,050 CHFLot# : 467 Ecuador
1865/72: The collection on leaves and loose with much of interest including fine piece with ½ r. ultramarine used (6) from early printings and a cover used in 1865 (scarce), later printings ½ r. used (7) and a cover from La Esperanza and a pair on cover from Ibarra, 1872 ½ r. unused (6) and used together with a cover bearing a marginal example, 1 r. yellow on quadrille in half sheet of 45 (Scott 1) and a block of 12, 1865 1 r. buff in unused block of six (Scott 4d) with Holcombe opinion, 1872 1 r. on surface blued paper in unused block of four, plentiful used examples incl. plated multiples and usages on cover (10), 1 r. green used (9) and two bisects on piece and three covers, rare 4 r. brown-red used with 1 r. yellow on cover to Riobamba from Guaranda, further usages on letter, seven further 4 r. used (all genuine) and an irregular 'block' of three with manuscript pen cross. A splendid basis for specialised expansion (115 items).Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : 6,500 CHFLot# : 468 Guatemala
1873: 4 r. dull reddish violet, unused example, thin at top, and 13 used examples, a few with faults, cancelled by obliterator or Guatemala cds's, a good plating group (Scott = $ 1'000+); also a 'Matthews' cover to London franked by 1881 Quetzal 10 c. used from Zacapa (signed Holcombe).Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 469 Mexico
1888: Registry Identification Booklet with imprinted numeral issue 20 c. carmine on first page, a unique piece of stationery designed by the Post Office to identify the recipient of registered mail or Monay Orders; functioning in a similar way to an ID or Passport for the Post Office. The booklet with green covers and green, white and red Mexico ribbon contains coupons for receipt of mail with instruction for use in 10 languages. A superb unused example of this rarity, to date no 'used' examples of the Booklet have been recorded.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 470 Mexico
1892: Inset 10 c. vermilion, advertising postal stationery envelope, H&G B38A, a fresh and fine unused example. Rare and very fine, the envelopes with advertising were sold by the Post Office at half the 10 centavos franking value, the 'stam' itself not being valid unless the advertising sheet was still attached.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 471 Mexico
1856/1956c.: Collection in stockbooks and on leaves and loose, with 1856 4 r. carmine used (genuine) and further Hidalgo values from 1856 and 1861 issue incl. 1861 1 r. black on green with right side of design missing used in Orizava, Eagle issue with 4 r. red used, later classic issues with unused and used and cancellation interest, Sonora issues used on piece, Officials etc.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 380 CHFLot# : 472 Nicaragua
1900: Coloured Proofs by American Banknote Co. for Postal Stationery envelopes (7) with 2 c. orange on buff, 4 c. brown on buff, 5 c. blue, 10 c. purple, 20 c. deep brown, 30 c. yrtle green and 50 c. carmine all on white wove paper, punch-holed and overprinted SPECIMEN in red. Ex ABN archives, a scarce group.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 180 CHFLot# : 473 Panama
Lot# : 474 Panama
Lot# : 475 Panama
1878/1905: The collection on leaves and loose on cards and pochettes, rather messily arranged, but with 1878 first issue incl. 20 c. red in a marginal strip of three unused, 1887 Colour Trial printings of the first Map issue on glazed paper for 20 c. and 50 c. values in a variety of colours, 1887 10 c. on cover to Bremen from Colon and another similar franking ex Bocos del Toro to USA, 1892 issue with 10 c. on 1896 cover by French Mailboat, 1904 cover with 2 x 5 c. blue reg'd to New York, 1905 cover with third Panama 1 c., 2 c. pair sent reg'd/AR to Wisconsin etc., together with two fine pages of classic Colombian issues used in Panama. A splendid lot that will repay careful viewing with many hundreds of stamps and 30 covers/cards.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 5,500 CHFLot# : 476 Panama
1918/20c. Essay for proposed design by Bruce Hay, engraver for the American Banknote Company, featuring three funnelled liner, possibly for Panama bicoloured Canal Issue judging tby the outer scroll work, beautifully engraved in black on thick card. A rare and most appealing piece of artwork.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 477 Panama
1904/69: The superb collection of Postal Stationery, with 1904 Map 2 c. carmine on white used with rare CHITRE datestamp (H&G 8) in violet, 1906 2 c. Balboa card used on the German Ship 'Mecklenburg', 1921 2 c. carmine with SPECIMEN opt. in red, 1924 1 c. green cards mint (2) and up-rated used example, 1924 circular Coat of Arms 1 c. green cards mint and used (H&G 15 = RRR), 1939 illustrated 1 c. green cards (48) mint or used, envelopes, letter-cards, registered envelopes, one or two ABN Proofs etc. A marvellous lot in generally excellent condition throughout.Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHFLot# : 478 Peru
Colonial 1592: Entire letter mailed from Lima to Cuzco endorsed 'Inquiss.on' at lower left, the letter signed and clearly dated inside. Exceptional early letter mailed just 100 years after Colombus's first voyage to the Americas and only 50 years after Pizarro's brutal destruction of Inca society. A rare entire.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 2,000 CHFLot# : 479 Peru
Colonial 1629 (June 15): Entire letter to Guancayo signed by the Captain-General and Viceroy of Peru 'El Conde de Chinchón' (Viceroy from 1629-1639) and once believed to be the first person to be cured by quinine. Exceptional quality and a fine and very early entire.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 480 Peru
1633 (Nov 3): Entire letter from the Viceroy of Peru, Luis Jeronimo Fernandez de Cabrera y Bobadilla (1589-1647) IV Condé de Chinchón, addressed to Guancanca endorsed at lower left "Virrey" (Viceroy) and signed in full inside by the Viceroy during his term of Office (1629-1639). An extremely early letter from Lima - Pizarro arrived there less than 100 years before and mail from this period was mostly destroyed during the 1687 earthquake. Rare.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 481 Peru
1770 & 1790: Entire letter from Huamanga to Lima struck on front panel with HVAMA. handstamp in red (unlisted by Colareta and Tizon), and circa 1790 cover from Huamanga to Yca rated '4½' reales in manuscript struck with rare HVAM handstamp in red (Colareta fig. 1 = 95 pts. / Tizon unlisted). Exceptional and scarce pair.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 482 Peru
1774 (June 19): Entire letter from Lima to 'Tacunga' (Latacunga), beautifully written by scribe and signed in a different hand at base, fully dated and struck with very fine LIMA straight line handstamp in red (Colareta fig. 1/ Tizon fig. 2 = EXT) six years prior to the Colareta listing and a year after Tizon's. Charged '4' reales in manuscript. Rare and fine entire.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 250 CHFLot# : 483 Peru
1777: Folded letter from Lima addressed to Jose Diguja, President of the Real Audiencia de Quito (1767-1778), with manuscript '5' reales charge and struck with straight line LIMA handstamp in red (As Colareta fig. 1 but 27 x 8 mm./Tizon fig. 2 = EXT). Exceptional and very scarce cover.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 484 Peru
1778 (Feb 8): Cover from Huancavelica (Guancav) to Lima rated '2' reales in manuscript, struck with superb truncated GUANACAV.CA in red (Colareta fig. 1 = 90 pts. / Tizon 1 = EXT). A rare and splendid cover with the full impression of the handstamp.
Note: It is interesting to note that both the illustrations in Colareta and Tizon are erroneous, omitting the 'ca' above the handstamp.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 485 Peru
Lot# : 486 Peru
1785: Entire letter to Lima mailed when Quito was part of the Real Audiencia de Peru, rated '5' reales in manuscript, struck with superb QUITO handstamp and straight line FRANCA. in red at right (Tizon fig. 2 = EXT and fig. 9 = EXT). Exceptionally fine and very scarce entire.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 487 Peru
1790c.: Cover from Jauja to Yca rated '2½' reales in manuscript, struck with exceptional JAUJA handstamp in brown (Colareta fig. 1 = 90 pts. / Tizon 1 = RRR) with transit handstamp PERÙ in red well struck above (Colareta fig 2 = 95 pts. / Tizon fig. 8 = RR).Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 340 CHFLot# : 488 Peru
Lot# : 489 Peru
1797 (Feb): Document headed 'Real Renta de Correos de..' with PVCARA handstamp in black (Colareta fig. 2 = 90 pts./ Tizon fig. 1 = EXT) for registered packet to Cuzco containg 200 pesos, clearly dated on despatch and again in manuscript at Cuzco on arrival (Feb 17). Some aging but very scarce.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 160 CHFLot# : 490 Peru
1797: Cover sent registered from Huancavelica (Guancav) to Yca rated '15' reales in manuscript, struck with truncated two line CERTIFN / AGUAVCAVA handstamp in red (Colareta fig. 2 = 90 pts./Tizon 4 = EXT). Docketing at right possibly to do with rates and dated in manuscript 'Correo en Mayo a 97 - 41 r.'. Scarce and very early registered usage from this town.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 491 Peru
1800c. Colonial cover front and back to Yca struck with truncated GUANCA / VELICA handstamp in red (Colareta fig. 3 = 85 pts./Tizon 2 = RRR) and, on reverse fine strike of PERÙ handstamp in red (Colareta fig. 2 = 95 pts./Tizon 8 = RR). Rare and most attractive usage.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 180 CHFLot# : 492 Peru
1800c.: Cover from Pisco addressed at top 'Real Renta de Alcan. de Pisco' to the Customs Office in Yca, struck with straight line PISCO in red (Colareta fig. 1 = 50 pts / Tizon not seen in Colonial period). Colareta records the cancellation as in the Republic era and Tizon lists the cancellation but does not indicate rarity. The addressing indicates the cover is definitely a Colonial usage. Rare.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 493 Peru
1803 (Aug 26): Registered cover front to Oruro, Bolivia with edges marked with '#' all round, struck on front with exceptional strike of two line CERTIFICACION / A LIMA in red (Colareta fig. 4 = 90 pts/Tizon fig. 19 = RRR) with FRANCA below in red and manuscript 'Salio Julio 26/803'. Docketing of receipt on reverse. A rare cover.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 494 Peru
1803 (Aug 26): Registered cover to Buenos Aires with edges marked with '#' all round, struck on front with exceptional strike of two line CERTIFICACION / A LIMA in red (Colareta fig. 4 = 90 pts/Tizon fig. 19 = RRR) with FRANCA below in red and manuscript 'Salio Agto. 26/803'. Docketing of receipt at top and possible charge of 9 reales on reverse. A splendid and rare cover to an unusual destination at this date. Cert. BPA (1962).Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,300 CHFLot# : 495 Peru
1805c.: Colonial cover from Huancavelica to Yca (note Real Renta de Alcavalas endorsement at top), rated '2½' reales and altered to '3', struck with fine truncated GUANCA / VELICA handstamp in red (Colareta fig. 3 = 85 pts. / Tizon 2 = RRR). Fresh and fine cover.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 496 Peru
1809c.: Front of cover to Cadiz endorsed 'Frigata Preciosa, por Guayaquil' struck with origin marking PERU in red (21 x 7mm.), straight line GUAYAQUYL in red (Tizon fig. 2 = RRR) and manuscript '6'. On arrival large '8R' due marking applied, also in red. Rare.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 1,200 CHFLot# : 497 Peru
Lot# : 498 Peru
1810c.: Cover front to Antonio Alvarez Jimenez, Brigadier del Ejército in Chiloe rated '4½' reales in manuscript with good strike of the very rare truncated two line INTERCEPTADA / DELIMA handstamp in red (Colareta fig. 1 = 100 pts./Tizon unrecorded). A rarity - this being acknowledged as probably the first Censor handstamp ever applied to mail.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 500 CHF
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