Europe & Overseas
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Lot# : 595 Brasil
1867 (22 Jan): Entire letter from Rio de Janeiro to Montevideo, Uruguay, bearing in reverse a combination franking of Verticais 180 r. black, a lower sheet marginal example and Dom Pedro 1866 10 r. vermillion, tied by dotted obliterator, front struck by "RIO-DE-JANEIRO" despatch cds in black and framed "P.P." in red. The Dom Pedro adhesive glued over the edge, nevertheless an interesting combination to a better destination.Starting bid : 4,000 CHFHammer price : 4,000 CHFLot# : 596 Brasil
1877 (15 July): Entire letter from Rio de Janeiro to Langenthal, forwarded to Langnau, Switzerland, endorsed "p. Orinoque", bearing 1866 60 r. black perforated, scissor cut at right in mixed franking with 1877 Dom Pedro 200 r. black rouletted, tied by segmented cork cancels, with "RIO DE JANEIRO" despatch cds alongside, French "BRESIL / BORDEAUX" entry cds in blue (6 Aug) tying the lower adhesive. Reverse struck by BERN transit, and LANGENTHAL arrival (7 Aug), then LANGNAU on the same day. Interesting franking in the new 260 reis rate to Switzerland valid from July 1877 coming from the well known company Luchsinger in Rio Grande do Sul.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 250 CHFLot# : 597 Brasil
1866: Dom Pedro 100 r. green, a single example used on 1874 cover from Ceara to Paris cancelled by two strikes of segmented cork handstamps in black with CEARA cds below (Dec 19). Underpaid by 220 reis as found to be double weight and struck with oval "INSUFFICIENTE" in red. Carried by PSNC Steamer and struck with "BRESIL / BORDEAUX" entry marking (Jan 10) and '16' décimes charge marking also in red and rare thus.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 598 Brasil
1866: Dom Pedro 200 r. black, a single example, used on 1873 entire letter from Rio de Janeiro to Seyne Sur Mer, France cancelled by segmented cork handstamp in black with Rio de Janeiro cds at left (Aug 7) and framed "P.P.". Carried via England with Calais entry marking in black (Sept 1) and handstruck '12' décimes charge marking in black. A fine entire.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 599 Brasil
1866: Dom Pedro 200 r. black, two examples used on 1875 cover from Rio de Janeiro to Bordeaux cancelled by segmented cork handstamps in black. Underpaid for double weight and struck with oval "INSUFFICIENTE" in red. Carried on French Packet "Mendoza" with "RIO JANEIRO / PAQ. FR. J No. 4" datestamp (Oct 3) at left (Salles fig. 1079) in black. Marked '2' for double and charged '16' décimes charge marking in black, Bordeaux arrival on reverse of an attractive cover.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 600 Chile
Lot# : 601 Chile
1865: Santiago print, 5 c. rose-red, a magnificent horizontal strip of three with huge margins all round and showing portions of six adjoining stamps, tied by "CANCELLED" obliterators on 1867 cover to Lima, Peru with Santiago despatch cds in red adjacent. Reverse with Lima arrival cds (May 11) in black. One back flap missing but most attractive.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 360 CHFLot# : 602 Chile
Lots & Collections 1856-2001: Traditional collection with a few classics, '100th Anniversary of Indenpendence 1910', used / unused, Airmails Testart used complete and a fine unused, never hinged modern part in two albums on blank pages. Ideal to be continued.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 603 Chile
Air Mail, Military Pioneer Flight - 3. Postal Flight in Chile Tacna - Santiago 1924 (Feb. 25): Envelope franked with 10 c. blue tied by "TACNA 24. FEB.1924" cds. together with 'Rueda Alada' special vignette and two diff. types of telegraph seals recto-verso, tied by "Administracion Principal" h.s.and "Santiago March 15" arrival mark on reverse. Envelope and label with minimal stains, otherwise fine and scarce. In addition unused 'Rueda Alada' label, printed recto-verso on ungummed paper. Ex. collection René Lazo, Conception, illustrated in Madsen p. 10.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 604 Chile
1928 (June 30 - July 22): CORREO AÉRÉO CHILE - The two rare airmail stamps $6 on 10 c. deep blue and $3 on 5 c. slate blue (S.G.201), two of each value unused mint together with usages on cover from Santiago to Buenos Aires, first used July 22nd, the second usage on 'Savoy y Fornos' hotel envelope from Iquique to Valparaiso Sept. 24th, fine an scarce usage RPSL certificate (2022) Michel 168I + 173 II, S.G. 196+201.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 605 Chile
1928 (July 5): C.G.A. (Compagnie Générale Aéropostale); Registered front of Czech Consulate envelope in Santiago franked with 6 P. on 10 P. (3) and airpost 10 P. orange to Prague together with a commercial envelope to France, franked with airpost 1 P. und 6 P. on 10 c. deep blue plus 10 c. National postage cancelled by "Santiago Correo Aereo 28 JUN 28" cds. with adjacent C.G.A. special cachet of Santiago, carried by train to Mendoza in Argentina and flown from there on a 'LATE 25' aircraft to Buenos Aires. Date of issue in Michel catalogue 6 P. on 10 P. 'June 30 1928' (sic!). Scarce pre-FDC usage and destination respectively.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 1,500 CHFLot# : 606 Chile
1928 (Aug.17): CORREO AÉRÉO CHILE $3 on 5 c. slate blue used on 15 c. stationery envelope from Iquique to "Santiago AGO 28", fine an scarce usage. Between 1 July and 28 August, only 2,782 copies were sold out of a total of 150,000 printed. The remaining stamps were destroyed due to early forgeries Michel 173 II, S.G. 201.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 607 Chile
1928 (Oct. 6): Registered envelope to Paris franked with compl. set of first 'Correo Aéreo' set without wmk. including 10 p. with scarce blue ovpt., cancelled by "Correo Santiago 6. Oct.28", backstamped in Buenos Aires with CGA special cachet 11 Oct. 1928 on reverse. Further selection 1928 'CORREO AÉREO' stamps used/unused, incl. $2 in the rare vermilion shade, blue overprints, watermarks in upright and sideways positions as well as $10 used horizontal strip of five showing both varieties as 'Condors Head' and short 'C' of CORREO overprint.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 608 Chile
1928 (Dec. 19): VUELO LIMA NUEVA YORK via BUENOS AIRES, pioneer flight cover carried by the Peruvian pilots Cpt. Carlos Pinillos and Lieut. Carlos Zegarra (Navigator) carried on the leg Santiago de Chile to Buenos Aires, franked with Chile 25 c. and tied by Santiago Maritima handstamp backstamped Buenos Aires same day, numbered '10' in manuscript and signed by both pilots.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 609 Chile
1928/30: 'CORREO AÉREO CHILE' 30 c. brown double overprints with one inverted variety unused copy (signed Victor Vargas) together with scarce usage on airmail cover carried by FAM 9 flight service by Panagra from Santiago to Balboa, Canal Zone. To date only five unused examples and two used on cover known. Fine and scarce Mi. 178 III var.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 800 CHFLot# : 610 Chile
1930 (Feb. 8): Registered José Sonntag 4c. stationery envelope to Cali Colombia, franked with Chile 1928/30 ovpted airmail issue $3.80 + 20 c. covering the postage to Colombia, cancelled by "CORREO AERIO SANTIAGO 8 FE 30" sent via "Buenaventura 21. Feb. 1930" with addtional Scadta 1929 30 c. plus 12 c. National postage applied on reverse and 20 c. registration on front, tied by "CALI 25.II.1930". Scarce combination envelope.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 611 Chile
1930 (Sept. 17): Commercial usage of blue overprinted 5 P. (2) an 10 P. in combination with 1930 'Centenary of Chilenian Nitrate Export' 25 c. (2) and 70 c. completing the postage of $17.10, cancelled "LOS ANDES CHILE 11. SET.30" to Mulhouse, France with "Correo -Aereo Santiago 18. Set.30" transit mark on reverse. Fine and rare.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 612 Chile
1935 (Nov. 15-29): Chile Acceptances Graf Zeppelin Shuttle Flights Recife - Bathurst, registered envelope from Valparaiso (Nov. 8) of 1st pendulum flight to London (without arrival mark) as well as a second registered cover of 3rd pendulum flight from Santiago (Nov. 26) sent "Via Condor" and addressed to Hermann E. Sieger with "Böblingen Flughafen 3.12.35" arrival mark on reverse Sieger 331D + 337D.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 613 Chile
Air Mail Lots & Collections 1912/18: Lot three postcards, incl. 'Luis Acevedo Primer Aviador Chileno' portrait card used 1912 (June 16.) from Santiago to France, 'Feliz Año Nuevo' postcard depicting 'Dagoberto Godoy' commemorating the flight across the Andes 1918 (Dec. 12) from West to East as well as original autograph of 'Francesco De Pinedo' on reverse of an unused picture postcard showing his legendary flight route crossing the South Atlantic to Buenos Aires 1927 (March 2). A fine and rare trio.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 614 Chile
Luis Testart 1927/28: Small collection with compl. set of five to 2 p. on 10 c. used and the usages on seven covers, including early 1927 May 9 and July 11 usages from Santiago to Valparaiso, 40 c.used on Hotel Savoy Santiago printed envelope to Valparaiso (July 13), 2p. used on cover from Santiago (Sept. 26), 1p.60 c. used on 20 c. stationery envelope from Valparaiso (Oct.21), 1p.60c three values on cover from Valparaiso as well as complete set franking of all five values on 1928 Feb. 28. large envelope to Santiago, showing 'L.Testart' handstamp and "Santiago Reception" arrival mark on revese. Fine. Luis Testart started a flight service between Santiago and Valparaiso on May 4, 1927 until March 16, 1928.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 1,600 CHFLot# : 615 Chile
1928 (Apr. 26/June 14): Group of three envelopes of which two registered, showing Cia Gral AÉROPOSTAL / LINÉAS LATÉCOÈRE / SANTIAGO' rubber cachet in red, incl. one early usage to Paris (April 26) and two registered to Austria and to Zurich, Switzerland. Fine and scarce, the cachet only in use on mails leaving Santiago between April 24th to June 24th 1928 Madsen p. 20 and 481.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 616 Chile
1928 (Oct. 11) / 1929 (April 27): CGA Company Mail - Group of three envelopes to Paris, all showing 'SERVICIO PRIVADO - Cia Gral AÉROPOSTAL / LINÉAS LATÉCOÈRE / SANTIAGO' rubber cachet in violet applied in Santiago only on CGA Company Mail and on reverse with black "A EXPEDIER DE BUENOS AIRES / PAR AVION" applied on unregistered mail only. Fine and scarce usages. The cachet first time applied on mail leaving Santiago July 8th, 1928 Madsen p. 20 and 481.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 617 Chile
Aéropostale and Air France South Atlantic Services 1928/39: Collection 73 envelopes with better frankings and destinations, incl. many registered usages, last day usage of "Correio Aereo Rio de Janeiro 28 Jul 1929" cachet on reverse of small envelope from Santiago (July 27 1929), 'Primer Correo Aereo Directo Chile-Europa Agosto de 1929" on envelope to England, many covers addressed to Switzerland, 1930 (June 7) First Flight Service ''Totalmente Aéreo' first flight covers (2), 1930 (Oct. 1) First Flight Service Arica - La Paz, high franking of $34 on 1931 cover to Berlin, rare 2p vermilion franking plus additional postage used on 1933 envelope to Zurich, 1934 envelope to Oslo, Norway, boxed 'Entièrement Tranporté par Avion' in black on cover signed by Jacques Néri Radio as well as extremely high franking of $192.20 on 1935 (Dec. 24) on heavy envelope of 140 gr. to Vienna, Austria. A fine offer, viewing recommended.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 1,200 CHFLot# : 618 Chile
Chile Airmail Services 1929/45: Collection 59 covers starting with domestic services as1929 'Linea Aérea Militar' service from Santiago to Arica and forwarded to Chuquicamata and 1929 (May 13) registered cover to Tacna, Panagra First Flight service extension of FAM 9 line with Guayaquil-Valparaiso First Flight (July 18) and other destinations as Arica, Lima, Bogota, Miami and NY with 1930 (Feb. 20) envelope of 55 gr. weight bearing high $64.45 franking as well as heavy $110.70 postage on 1931 (April 5) envelope to New York, FAM 8 service from Mexico to Chile, FAM 9 flight service by Panagra to Guyaquil (Nov. 5, 1930), three 'Inglaterra /Correo Aereo' stamped envelopes via NY and by ship to London (1931/32), Chile acceptance to First Mail- and Passenger Flight service by Charles Lindbergh 1935 (Nov. 25), rare usage of airpost 10p block of four on cover to Bremen (Germany) as well as some domestic usages. A fine lot to be discovered, viewing essential.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 619 Chile
1932/39: Selection of 22 Air France 'New Year' - Greeting cards, including nine diff. types starting with the rare early cards from 1932, all used from Chile to France and Germany with one to Austria and another to Prague, further two to Switzerland and England. All fine. Note: Chilean Xmas cards are much rarer than those from Argentine.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 620 Chile
Lot# : 621 Chile
Telegraph stamps 1883: Large format (Especializado T1-T6), the complete set of six stamps in imperforate blocks of four on ungummed paper, never hinged and fine. rnNote: These multiples were part of the American Bank Note working proof sheets which were extensively damaged and therefore cut up in 2018.rnProvenance: Collection Martyn Cusworth, Köhler sale 366 (March 2018), ex lot 1134.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 622 Colombia
Prephilately 1559 (10 Nov): Letter from Vélez to Tunja, concerning pending accounts. An extremely scarce cover from 16th century Latin America. Cert. Martinez (2021).rnNote: The first Spanish settlement on the American continent was Santa Maria de la Antigua del Darien, established in 1510 in Colombia. The Spanish cities of Vélez and Tunja were founded in 1539, only 20 years prior to this letter. In this period, it is estimated that only around 1'000 Spaniards were in the territory of nowadays Colombia.rnProvenance: Collection Jorge Enrique Arbelaez.Starting bid : 4,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 623 Colombia
1569 (26 July): Letter from Popayan to Nueva Segovia de San Sebastian de Caloto, nowadays Caloto. An extremely scarce cover from 16th century Latin America. Cert. Bortfeldt Colomphil (2009).rnNote: Two page cover, signed among others by Sebastian de Belalcázar (1490-1551) was a Spanish conquistador. Belalcázar, also is known as the founder of important early colonial cities in the northwestern part of South America; Quito in 1534 and Cali, Pasto and Popayán in 1537. Belalcázar led expeditions in present-day Ecuador and Colombia and died of natural causes after being sentenced to death in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia in 1551.rnProvenance: Collection Juan Santa Maria.Starting bid : 3,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 624 Colombia
1620 (20 Feb): Cover from Vélez to Tunja, showing large parts of the content. An exceedingly rare cover from 17th century Latin America. Cert. Martinez (2021).rnNote: In this period, it is estimated that only between 3'000 and 4''000 Spaniards were in the territory of nowadays Colombia.rnProvenance: Collection Jorge Enrique Arbelaez.Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 625 Colombia
1691 (24 April): Entire letter from Naré to Santa Barbara carried through Los Llanos crossing, dealing with a judicial process. An exceedingly rare cover from 17th century Latin America. Cert. Martinez (2021).rnNote: In this period, it is estimated that only between 3'000 and 4''000 Spaniards were in the territory of nowadays Colombia.rnProvenance: Collection Juan Santa Maria.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 626 Colombia
1756 (Feb 1): Entire letter from Santa Fé de Yndias (Bogotá) to Velez (Barbosa), with full text, without postal markings which were yet to be introduced, carried by Official means by the Crown and the Correos Mayores del Conde de Castillejo, probably with the annual 'gold' fleet. Early and very rare.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 627 Colombia
1766 (26 Dec): Cover from Hacienda de San Matias presumably to Tumaco, showing rare manuscript notation "Al portador se le paga" denoting that the messenger carrrying this letter had to be paid on delivery at 27 Dec. Cert. Martinez (2021).rnProvenance: Collection Jorge Enrique Arbelaez.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 628 Colombia
'Ruta Principal: Cartagena - Santa Fé - Popayan - Quito - Piura- Trujillo - Lima' 1782 (July 2): Colonial entire letter sent prepaid from Bogotá to Popayan, struck with straight line italic "SANTA FÈ" despatch handstamp in red (Tizón fig. 2 = RR) and fine "FRANCA" below in red (Tizón fig. 6 = RRR) with manuscript "2" reales prepaid. A fine and rare entire.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 629 Colombia
1783 (Oct 5): Colonial entire letter from Caloto to Cartago, a consignee's / registered letter endorsed at lower left "Caloto con 12 dob. de a cuatro" (doubloons, each approximately 6.7 grams of gold, thus 80 grams of gold were with the letter), struck with straight line "FRANCA" in brown (Tizón fig. 3 = RRR) with manuscript "Calotto" below and manuscript rate "7½" reales. Rare - one of just a handful of Money letters recorded in this period.rnProvenance: Collection Juan Santa Maria, Investphila, Lugano, Sept 2009, lot 266.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 630 Colombia
'Ruta Principal: Cartagena - Santa Fé - Popayan - Quito - Piura- Trujillo - Lima' 1788/1809c.: Colonial cover front of unpaid letter from Cartagena to Rio Negro rated "38½" reales due in manuscript, struck with abbreviated "CARTAGN" handstamp in red (Tizón fig. 2 = RR) and straight line "DEVE" above (Tizón fig. 3 = RRR). Rare.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 631 Colombia
1789/98ca.: Colonial prepaid cover from Medellin to Antioquia with manuscript '9 oz.' on reverse, struck with superb "MEDELLIN" straight line in red (Tizón fig. 1 = RRR) and straight line "FRANCA" (fig. 5 = RRR) with manuscript rate prepaid '36' reales de plata alongside. Superb and rare.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 632 Colombia
1800 (25 March): Prepaid Letter From Guadalupe to the Mayor of Vélez, showing manuscript notation "Franca". A very rare correspondence originating from a tiny town which had not postal services during the Spanish colonial period. Cert. Martinez (2021).rnProvenance: Collection Jorge Enrique Arbelaez.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 633 Colombia
1805 (Oct 25): Colonial entire letter from Buga to Popayan, prepaid with manuscript '1½' reales at right, struck with faintly framed "BVGA" handstamp (Tizón fig. 1 = RRR) with "FRANCA" below (fig. 4 = RRR) each in brown. A fine and attractive entire.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 634 Colombia
1807 (March 16): Colonial entire letter from Cartago, province of Antioquia to Rionegro, prepaid and struck with framed "CARTAGO" in red (Tizón fig. 1 = EXT) with similarly fine strike of unframed "FRANCA." in red below (fig. 2 = EXT). An interesting and scarce entire: believed unique with both markings.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 635 Colombia
Lot# : 636 Colombia
'Ruta Principal: Cartagena - Santa Fé - Popayan - Quito - Piura- Trujillo - Lima' 1808 (June 19): Colonial prepaid entire letter from San Bartholomé to Medellin ò Antioquia, with two strikes of the "SB" despatch marking (Tizón 1 = EXT) and abbreviated straight line "FRANCA" below, both in brown (fig. 2 = RRR). The finest of the five reported covers with this marking and unique with the handstamp struck twice. Cert. Bortfeldt (2009).rnProvenance: Collection Juan Santa Maria, Investphila, Lugano, Sept 2009, lot 291.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 637 Colombia
'Ruta Principal: Cartagena - Santa Fé - Popayan - Quito - Piura- Trujillo - Lima' 1809 (Dec 30): Colonial entire letter from Cartagena to Popayan sent unpaid, rated '4' reales due in manuscript struck with abbreviated "CARTAGENA / DE INDIAS / DEBE" framed handstamp in red in first recorded year of use (Tizón fig. 4 = RR). Exceptional for this and very rare.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 638 Colombia
1811 (July 9): Colonial registered prepaid cover from Santa Fé (Bogotá) to Medellin and re-addressed to Antioquia, with "#" surrounding the edge of front to denote registration, struck with framed "SANTA FÉ / YNDIAS / FRANCA" and manuscript framed and filled "CERTIFICACION A STFE. / SALIO EN 9 DE JULIO 1811" both in red (Tizón fig. 7+9 = EXT). Reverse with manuscript '21 oz.' and full rate: "Las 10 à 7 = 70, Lat 11 à 3½ = 38½, Porte 108 + Drõs = 120" reales de plata. Unique example of registered mail in the Colonial period from present day Colombia. A wonderful cover.Starting bid : 2,400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 639 Colombia
1821/22c.: Cover to Tomas C. de Mosquera at Iscuande, prepaid with manuscript '3' on front and exceptional strike of wreathed "F / NOVITA" handstamp in black (Tizón fig. 3 = EXT). Probably in the Republican period and not a Colonial strike, nevertheless sublime and of great rarity.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 360 CHFLot# : 640 Colombia
1867: Registered cover front to the 'Director Pral de Correos' in Honda, with surround struck with twelve "0" weight markings in red denoting registration, struck with oval framed "BOGOTÁ / DE OFICIO" at left and two line manuscript dated "Certificacion à Bogota / Salio en 5 de Abril 1867" also in red. Closed tear at right but of delightful appearance and very scarce.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 641 Colombia
Prephilately Lots 1803/67c.: Bogotá, covers (4) with 1803c. cover to Lima unpaid with framed "SANTA FE´/ YNDIAS / DEBE" in red and rated "5" reales due, 1820 entire (with internal printed heading "Estado Mayor General") prepaid with three line "SANTA FÉ / DE BOGOTA / FRANCA" in red, 1833c. unpaid cover to Popayan with oval "REPUBLICA DE COLOMBIA / BOGOTA / DEBE" and handstruck "2" reales rate both in red; 1867 registered cover front to Neiva with italic "Certificacion à Bogota / Salio en 14 de Febr. /867" with date filled in manuscript and "0" weight markings at edges to denote registration. A rare group.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 642 Colombia
1813/55c.: The group of covers/ entires (17) with prepaid entire to Medellin with "YOLOMBO / FRANCA" in black, 1825 entire "DEBE" and truncated "VECA DE SUPIA" in red, prepaid covers/entires from REMEDIO / FRANCA" in red or black, Official cover with framed "SOPETRAN / FRANCA" in black, prepaid official cover from Zaragosa to Medellin with framed "SARAGSA / FRANCA" in black, fine framed "POPAYAN / FRANCA" in red; condition varies but many fine noted.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 643 Colombia
1824/45c.: The small group of covers (6), with 1824 prepaid entire to Popayan showing well struck "FRANCA" and truncated "VECA DE SUPIA" in red (rare) and rated "3" reales, 1833 prepaid entire to Bogotá rated "2" with oval "REPUB. DE COLOMBIA / POPAYAN / FRANCA" in red, 1833 prepaid entire to Medellin with "REMEDIO / FRANCA" in black, circa 1833 cover to Medellin endorsed "Correos" with framed "S. LUIS / FRANCA" in red, circa 1833 cover prepaid to Medellin with "S. PEDRO / FRANCA" framed in red, circa 1845 cover to Bogotá prepaid "1½" reales with superb "SOCORRO / FRANCA" in red. A delightful group.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 360 CHFLot# : 644 Colombia
Lot# : 645 Colombia
Lots & Collections 1859-1996: Collection in 3 preprinted albums (Colombian edition) incomplete until about 1923, from 1924 apparently complete, mostly unused but with used inbetween. The famous Barranquilla set is complete with fine 10 p. unused no gum (other values gummed or used), airposts 1932 mounted etc. From 1960 almost only unused unmounted. Ideal inventory to be continued.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 800 CHFLot# : 646 Colombia
1860/1960: Collection of stamps set-out on fourteen stock pages, including selection of early Colombia states and registration stamps as well as 'AR', the odd set, several part sets, a few better values and includes some fine examples, some duplication in places, a good range of material represented.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 460 CHFLot# : 646A Scadta Consular mail
1921/29: Collection of SCADTA Issues used and unused starting with 1921 10 c. yellow, 30 c. rose and 50 c. green, 1923/29 1 p. - 5 p. unused, further 1921 Consular Issues handstamped 'A' compl set to 5 p. and 1923 Canada handstamped (7mm) part set to 60 c., 1923 machine ovpted. part set to 1 p. without registration stamp for Belgium, 'E.U.' high peso values in marginal corner pairs of upper right of sheet, further part sets to 1 p. without registration stamp of Denmark, France, Italy, Netherlands, Switzerland and GB in part sets to 1 p. with registration stamp as well as Panama compl. set to 5 p.and 1929 Ecuador part set to 15 s., all fine o.g. or part o.g., some signed A. Rendon Mi. = Euro 3'500+.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 647 Colombia
Lot# : 648 Ecuador
1800/1845c.: The large collection from Colonial period onwards with covers/fronts (43), with 1816c. cover to Quito rated "16" reales with oval "REPUBLICA DE COLOMBIA / LATACUNGA / FRANCA" in red, 1835 entire to Popayan rated "4" with "GUAIAQUIL / DEVE" in red, 1844/1849 entires (3) with "GUAYAQUIL / DEBE" in red, 1848 cover from Ambato with fine "FRANCA" and an 1848 cover and a front with "AMBATO / FRANCA" in red, prepaid covers or fronts from Alausi, Bolivar (with prepaid covers in red and blue), Cuenca, Guano, Guaranda, Ibarra, Latacunga (three with fine strikes), Otavalo (2, one in blue), Quito with prepaid marking in red and two "QUITO / DEBE" items in blue, Tulcan, and 1865 cover with framed "DE OFICIO" in black, incl. an 1835 printed form ex the Guayaquil Post Office detailing a letter to Paita. Many strikes very fine, a superb basis for continuation in this fascinating field.Starting bid : 850 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 649 Ecuador
Issued Stamps 1871 (1 June): Double rate Entire letter from Guayaquil to Lima, belonging to the famous Chavez correspondence bearing two single examples of ½ r. greyish blue from a dry print run and three single examples of 1 r. olive-yellow, all cut intentionally narrow with one 1 reales adhesive cut in twice, tied by three clear strikes of FRANCA handstamp, reverse with light LIMA arrival (8 June) cds. A rare and unusual cover, the franking paying correct the 4 reales double rate to Lima.Starting bid : 6,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 650 Ecuador
1873 (21 Feb): Cover from Guayaquil to Trujillo, Peru, this being a most unusual destination within this foreign country, franked at 2 reales single external rate within America, bearing 1 r. yellow-buff from the third period of printing in combination of identical denomination but different colour with 1 r. green, tied by crisp FRANCA dotted lozenge and GUAYAQUIL despatch cds. A late usage in 1873, only four covers are known with this combination franking in the issued colours of yellow and green. Signed Lamy.rnProvenance: Collection Fiorenzo Longhi.Starting bid : 7,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 651 Ecuador
1870/72: 1 real deep yellow on medium white wove paper, a fine unused block of 25, sheet margins with marginal framelines cut away, positions 46-50/82-86, with position 64 with "Indented Left Vertical Frameline" flaw and position 66 with "Diagonal Scratch from Centre Circle to Base" Plate flaw. The multiple shows insect bite at right of position 76, nevertheless of fresh colour and large part or unmounted og. Signed Bühler.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 652 Ecuador
Lot# : 653 Ecuador
1871 (26 Aug): Large cloth used for jurdicial correspondence and carried from Riobamba to Quito, bearing 4 r. pale rose in block of 17 originating from positions 49 / 59-62 / 72-75 / 85-88 / 98-101 from the base of sheet, together with 1 r. yellow-buff, tied by second type cds of RIOBAMBA, overpaying by ½ r. the 34½ ounces noted in manuscript. The cloth was was reused four days later and adressed back from Quito to Riobamba by applying 4 r. scarlet, a strip of three and a single, ½ r. blue and 1 r. yellow-buff, thus making up an infrequent three-colour franking including the 4 reales, all tied by QUITO cds in red.rnNote: The largest multiple known, in used condition, of the scarcest first issue value. The largest recorded franking in the classic period of Ecuador. Presumably, the most important item of Ecuadorean postal history and philately.rnProvenance: Collection Fiorenzo Longhi.Starting bid : 60,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 654 Guatemala
Prephilately & Stampless Mail 1794/1810c.: Chiapas, the small group with two Official fronts to Guatemala each struck with rare framed "TONALÀ" handstamps in black - one at single, the other at double rate; two further large fronts to Guatemala with one rated "55½" reales with two fine strikes of framed "TUXTLA" handstamps in brown, the other rated "75" reales with framed "TUXTLA" in black. Scarce.Starting bid : 180 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 655 Guatemala
1795/1857c.: The collection from Colonial period onwards (24 covers/fronts) with front rated "15" reales showinbg superb framed "TOTONI / CAPAM" in black, front with Colonial period "♚ / QUETZAL / TENANGO" in red (rare); fronts with "♚ / VIVA RVII / GUATEMALA" in black, fronts (2) with rare "QUETZAL / TENANGO" handstamps in red (one with dotted frame) and a later cover with handstamp in black and "2" rate marking; front with framed "CHIQUI / MULA" in black, front to Guatemala with rare framed "Mazatenango" in black, front with "43" reales ate and straight line "CUYOTENANGO" in black, circa 1815 front with fine italic "Peten" in black, cover to Mexico with handstamp "4" in red and framed "GUATEMALA" in black; turned front with "Cuidad / Real" in red, cover to Comitan with framed "Franqueado / GUATEMALA" in red, 1815 cover with "SOLOLA" str. line in red (ex Madden), 1857 cover to Guatemala with framed "Amatitlan" and manuscript dated in black, 1857 entire to Santa Ana with GUATEMALA cds in green etc. An excellent group, nearly all different and a splendid start for future continuation.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 656 Guatemala
1855: Envelope from Guatemala City to Aurillac, France prepaid to Belize with GUATEMALA datestamp (July 2) alongside "4" (reales) rate mark both in green. Reverse with British P.O. BELIZE cds (July 16), thence via London (Aug 15) with red cds on reverse and struck with "COLONIES / &C. art. 13" in red. Taxed '30' décimes handstruck on arrival (Aug 18). A most attractive and scarce cover.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 120 CHFLot# : 657 Guatemala
1871 (1 March): 1 c. ochre in a complete sheet of 150 (10 x 15) adhesives in imperforated and unused condition without gum. Oval "Controle T.P." of the French state printing house in the top margins. Tear in margin at top, some wrinkles, nevertheless and interesting and impressive multiple.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 658 Guatemala
Lot# : 659 Guatemala
1881: Quetzal issue, a stockbook of over 650 stamps selected for cancellation interest, mostly cork obliterators, some datestamps and numerals, few fakes and dubious cases identified as such. Partly sorted but requiring further study to yield the full potential of this signifcant assembly.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 660 Haiti
1887: Liberty Head, 5 c. green, horizontal pair, used on cover, from Jacmel to Manchester, England, dated 31 March 1887, tied by two strikes of the Jacmel datestamp in black, to reverse an arrival dated 17 April 1887, some toning to envelope and creasing top corner slightly affecting top corner of right stamp, otherwise fine and scarce multiple.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 661 Mexico
Prephilately, Intendencia de Chiapas 1795c.: Colonial cover from Ciudad Real to Guatemala, rated '5' (reales) in manuscript, struck with framed "CIUDADA RL." handstamp in brown (Yag & Bash CP20 / Tizón fig. 1 = RRR). Exceptional strike and very rare.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 662 Mexico
Intendencia de Chiapas 1798/1802c.: Colonial cover front from Tonala to Ciudad Real, struck with rare "TONALAԅ" handstamp in black (Yag & Bash CP70 / Tizón fig. 1 = RRR) with manuscript rate '2½' (reales) above, slight closed tear at top; and a further 1805ca. front to Ciudad Real charged at '5' reales struck on despatch with straight line "TAPACHULA-" handstamp in black (Yag & Bash unlisted / Tizón fig. 1 = R). A scarce pair.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 663 Mexico
Intendencia de Chiapas 1808 (Jan 26): Colonial cover front to Quetzaltenango dated at top, struck with superb framed "COMI / TAN" despatch handstamp in red (Yag & Bash CP16 / Tizón fig. 2 = RR) and a 1808c. front to Guatemala with file stitching at top, struck with italic framed "Franqueado / en Comitan" again in red (Yag & Bash CP17 / Tizón fig. 3 = RR). A rare pair.rnStarting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 664 Mexico
Foreign Post Offices, 1868: Mexico 50 c. black on yellow, perf. (1-70) used on 1870 entire letter from Mexico City to Madrid, Spain (Mendoza Cortina correspondence) endorsed "Via Francese" at top, tied by "Franco / Mexico" cds in black (Feb 10) in combination with France laureated 1867 80 c. carmine tied by "Anchor" lozenge of dots alongside. Octagonal "MEXIQUE" Consular handstamp (Feb 13) in black (Salles fig. 1361) and reverse with circular "LIGNE B / PAQ. FR. No. 3" circular datestamp (Salles fig. 1431) and carried on "Imp. Eugenie" to St. Nazaire. Paris transit (March 10) and Madrid arrival (March 13) in red. A charming and extremely rare entire in the finest quality. Signed Todd AIEP.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 1,600 CHFLot# : 665 Mexico
Incoming Mail 1867: France laureated 20 c. blue, eight examples, used on 1870 cover to Vera Cruz, Mexico endorsed "Por Vapor frances de St. Nazaire", all tied by "IB" dotted lozenge and "Irun a Bordeaux" TPO cds (June 13) in black with framed 'P.P.' in red. Reverse with "LIGNE B / PAQ. FR. No. 4" datestamp (June 16) in black (Salles fig. 1431) and carried on steamer "Nouvelle Monde" and taxed on arrival with "2" (reales) due on delivery in black. Two stamps with nibbed perfs. at base but a remarkable and unusual double rate franking. Cert. Von der Weid (2009).Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 666 Mexico
Issued stamps, Guadalajara 1856: ½ r. blue, a used block of four, with large margins on three sides and showing horizontal sheet marginal rule at top, just shaved at right, lightly cancelled by oval framed "FRANQUEADO / EN / GUADALAJARA" handstamp (Schatzkes fig. 293) in black. Scarce Scott = $ 180+.Starting bid : 140 CHFHammer price : 160 CHFLot# : 667 Mexico
Lot# : 668 Mexico
Zacatecas 1856: ½ r. blue, a horizontal strip of four, good to very large margins all round, used on small tied piece tied by boxed & dated "FRESNILLO" datestamps in black (Schatzkes fig. 1867) and a ½ r. blue in a vertical strip of four with diagonal District overprint, cancelled by straight line "ZACATECAS" handstamps in black (Sch. fig. 1849). Fine multiples.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 669 Mexico
Zacatecas 1856: 1 r. yellow, a huge margined used example on November 1856 cover from Aguascalientes to Guadalajara neatly cancelled by diamond lined "A" handstamp (Schatzkes fig. 1929) in black. Small hinge mark on face of cover but a beautiful strike of this rare marking. Signed Jaretzky, Todd AIEP, J.K. Bash.rnProvenance: Collection Mondolfo, Corinphila sale 70, March 1984, lot 3136.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 670 Mexico
1856: First Issue 1 r. yellow, a superb collection on album leaves with single examples (4) with cancellations including "O" and "½" in black; pairs on or off piece (12) with fine cancellations of Ameca, Colima, Guadalajara, rare framed Huauchinango, Matamoros, Papantla, Queretaro, rare fancy Rio Verde in black, San Andres Tuxtla (in blue), SLP, Vera Cruz etc., covers (5) with single usages from Matamoros, Misantla, Nieves, San Juan Bautista; and three 1 r. yellow on cover from SLP to Mexico City. A delightful group (21 items).Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 380 CHFLot# : 671 Mexico
Lagos 1856: 2 r. green, a fine example in a pale shade, used on 1857 cover from Encarnaion to Guadalajara tied by two bold strikes of "FRANCA" handstamps (Schatzkes fig. 670) in black. A fine and attractive cover. Signed Jaretzky., Todd AIEP.rnProvenance: Collection Mondolfo, Corinphila sale 70, March 1984, lot 3171.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 120 CHFLot# : 672 Mexico
San Luis Potosi 1856: 2 r. green, a single example and a vertically bisected example, used on 1861 cover from Mexico City to Durango tied by bold strike of circular "FRANCO / SAN LUIS POTOSI" datestamp (Sept 26) in black (Schatzkes fig. 1443). A very late usage of the first issue, the reverse with manuscript Forwarding Agent's notation "Recibida Encaminada per SLP, Settbre 26/61". An attractive and rare forwarded usage. Signed Todd AIEP. Cert. Jaretzky (1983) Scott = $ 600++.rnProvenance: Collection Mondolfo, Corinphila sale 70, March 1984, lot 3176.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 1,500 CHFLot# : 673 Mexico
1856: 2 r. green, the collection on leaves with usages on piece (5) including superb example with vertical pre-printing paper fold used in San Luis Potosi, further usages from Jalapa, Mexico, Tepic and Zamora; front of cover with 2 r. tied by oval Culiacan handstamp, fine range of covers (7) with single frankings from Aguascalientes, Cordova, Cuernavaca, rare oval Hostotipaquillo, Mazatlan (in red), Morelia, San Luis Potosi; generally very fine (13 items).Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 380 CHFLot# : 674 Mexico
1856: ½ r. blue, the small group on album leaves with used pairs from Apam (cancelled in blue) on piece, Fresnillo, Guadalajara (2, one on piece) and Tecolotlan; and three covers with pair showing plate scratch used from Zamora to Sallula, pair of ½ r. witzh singlew 2 r.- green used from Guadalajara and single ½ r. blue with 1 r. yellow pair used from Pachuca. Generally fine, an attractive lot (8 items).Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 675 Mexico
1865: Eagle 4 r. green (Inv 82-1865), a fine example used on 1865 cover from Mexico City to Santander, Spain endorsed "Via St. Nazaire", tied by "FRANCO / MEXICO" cds in black. Unfortunately no arrival datestamp but charged "4 Rs." due in black. A most attractive cover. Signed Todd AIEP.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 360 CHFLot# : 676 Mexico
1866: Maximilian engraved 50 c. green (119-866), a used example on cover, with full original contents, mailed from Mexico City to Havana, Cuba endorsed "Estraordinario" tied by "Franco / Mexico" cds (19 Nov 1866) in black. The cover with presumed straight line "YNDIAS" handstamp in black at right and handstruck "3" reales due upon delivery at left. The envelope with some edge wear at base and at left but of great rarity. Cert. Todd AIEP (2024).Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 6,000 CHFLot# : 677 Mexico
1868: Mexico 12 c. black on green imperforate (2-71), a used example on 1871 cover from Vera Cruz to Madrid, Spain tied by "Very Cruz" despatch cds (May 13) in black; in combination with France laureated 1867 40 c. orange tied by crisp "Anchor" lozenge of dots at left. Octagonal "MEXIQUE" Consular handstamp (May 15) in black (Salles fig. 1361) and reverse with two circular "LIGNE B / PAQ. FR. No. 1" circular datestamps (Salles fig. 1431) and carried on "Guadeloupe" to St. Nazaire. Underpaid by 40 centimes and taxed on arrival in Cadiz with large "1" peseta due marking in blue. A most unusual and attractive cover.Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : 1,700 CHFLot# : 678 Mexico
1868: 50 c. black on yellow imperforate (4-71) used on cover to Vitoria, Spain endorsed "Via de St. Nazaire" tied by "Puebla" despatch cds (Aug 10) in black. The cover would have been carried on the "Floride", with Vitoria arrival on reverse (Sept 12) where charged "4 Rs." due to pay in blue. A fine and attractive cover. Signed A. Diena, Todd AIEP.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 340 CHFLot# : 679 Mexico
Lots & Collections 1856/70c.: Mexico collection with 1856 ½ r. blue unused or used (18 items incl. pair and strip of three), 1 r. yellow (6 items incl. fine pair cancelled "Mapimi"), 2 r. green used (23) with fine piece cancelled at Tancitaro, 4 r. red unused and used (4) and a fine used strip of three, 8 r. lilac quadrisect on piece (cert.); fine range of Eagle issue used, Bolivia with 1867 5 c. lilac fine used (signed), Chile 10 c. deep blue in a used strip of three, and small range of early Peru. Condition varies, all Mexico and noted items are genuine.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 680 Mexico
1856/61: The classic used collection on leaves with pre-stamp covers from Puebla, San Luis Potosi and Toluca; 1856 ½ r. blue (5), 1 r. yellow used (10) and four pairs (one with scarce Atotonilco str. line), and a strip of three on piece and cover with 1 r. tied by scarce Guanajuato grid handstamp, 2 r. green (19) used on or off piece, one with rare "Admon de Queretaro" Eagle cachet and three covers (one ex Rincon de Romos); fine range of 4 r. carmine used (9) and vertically bisected example on cover ex Guanajuato; 8 r. lilac diagonal bisect on piece with 1972 cert., 8 r. quadrisected on cover (signed A. Diena); 1861 ½ r. on piece, 1 r. black on green used on piece with 2 r.; range of 2 r. grey used (5) and a cover; 4 r. black on yellow vertical bisect on piece; Gothic 8 r. used etc. A delightful lot (64 items).Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 2,000 CHFLot# : 681 Mexico
1856/68: Interesting Lot five used stamps / multiples / pieces and nine covers, incl. 1856 ½ . blue Puebla district in a strip of three neatly cancelled by "Chalchicomula" handstamp, 1 r. orange without district name in a pair cancelled by framed HUATUSCO handstamp, 2 r. green Zacatecas district, tied by AQUASCALIENTES datestamp to piece; 1861 8 r. black on red-brown Guanajuato district, cancelled by part oval "CORREOS / GUANAJUATO" handstamp; 1868 Error of Colour 12 c. black on buff Puebla district with part PUEBLA cds. Covers include 1856 ½ r. blue Morelia district tied by oval "FRANQUEADO / EN / COLIMA" handstamp to 1858 circular, 2 r. Jalapa district in the rare emerald shade tied by boxed JALAPA datestamp, 2 r. green Mazatlan district tied by PANUCO straight line handstamp, 2 r. green Morelia district tied by superb circular "FRANCO / EN / SAHUAYO" handstamp in brown, 2 r. green & 4 r. carmine Puebla district tied by framed ACATLAN handstamp; 1861 4 r. black on yellow Colima district, a vertically bisected example tied by oval "FRANQUEADO / EN / COLIMA" handstamp, 4 r. black on yellow Durango district, a diagonally bisected example tied by framed FRANCO handstamp, 8 r. black on red-brown Guanajuato district, a quadrisected example tied by "LEON DE LOS ALDAMAS" datestamp; and 1868 12 c. blue on pink imperf. inv. 30-70 tied by unlisted CIENEGAS handstamp with fancy "CORREOS / ADMON DE LOS DE / CIENEGAS" handstamp alongside. Three certificates.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,900 CHFLot# : 682 Mexico
1856/2000: Collection in three expensive 'Lighthouse' albums (hinge-less variant) with a well sorted and quite varied collection up to middle priced stamps in the first album. The period 1964-2000ca. appears to be almost complete and never hinged. A perfect inventory for further development.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 683 Mexico
Literature. Small group with Joseph Schatzkes "Cancellations of Mexico" original printing without dust-jacket (numbered 48), "Postmarks of Mexico 1874-1900" by Karl Schimmer both with library tags on spines; Auction catalogues incl. rare Albert Quast sale with photo plates (RL, May 1960); Collection Isaac Backal (Soler y Llach, Nov 1990), Collection "RHS" (SyL, March 1994); Collection "Hidalgo" (SyL, May 1995); Collection Schatzkes (SyL Nov 2002) etc.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 684 Nicaragua
1796/1810c.: The collection of Colonial covers/fronts (9) with large Official front to Guatemala with str. line "NICARAGUA" superb in black rated at "46" reales and a small front to Costa Rica with same handstamp equally fine, 1800c. front to Guatemala rated "8" reales with "Managua" handstamp well struck in black, circa 1800 fronts (2) with fine strikes of scarce oval framed "VIEXO" in brown -one rated "9" and the other "19" reales, 1796 cover and a front used to Guatemala each struck with framed "MASAYA" in brown. A scarce assembly.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 685 Panama
1872: Group containing 15 items - Two stampless letters from COLON (Aspinwal) 1872 and 1873 to New York. There is a fine registered cover with 5x 2 c. issue 1892 + registration stamp from 1900 + registration label from New York to Germany; 7 registered envelopes all addressed to same person in Budapest, each letter with registration label from New York and franking with 1903 overprint stamps in various combinations, including inverted, 3 other letters also to Budapest including 2 AR-covers (one with 'retardo' stamp) and a letter unregistered + one front. 1 cover issue 1905 on envelope endorsed 'CANAL COMMISSION CANAL ZONE' from local use.Starting bid : 800 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 686 Paraguay
Lot# : 687 Paraguay
1860 (Nov. 20): Entire letter from Asuncion to Buenos Ayres endorsed "pr. Spora", rated "1" real prepaid in red manuscript, struck with oval framed "ADMON. GRAL DE CORREOS / DE LA. R. DEL P." handstamp in black at lower left. A fine and very scarce entire.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 688 Peru
Prephilately 1793/94: Prepaid cover from Cadiz to Lima, Peru endorsed internally and on obverse by Spanish ship "Princesa" of the Armada Real, struck with framed "CADIZ / FRANCO" handstamp in red (Tizón fig. 34). The cover crossed to denote prepayment - an extremely expensive, risky and unusual move during this period - this being the first example of such this describer has seen.rnNote: As if to show the danger and unnecesary expense of prepayment at this date, the "Princesa" was captured by the British Royal Navy on 16th September 1796 by the "Seahorse", under Capt. Thomas Francis Freemantle off Corunna; and renamed after joining the Royal Navy.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 350 CHFLot# : 689 Peru
1826: A wonderful document 5 page hand-written document headed "1826 / Drôs de Certificados" with a complete listing of all the registered mail items sent from Puno during the year 1826, the amounts received for the service and signed off at base as confirmed "Puno, Mayo 1, 1827 Conforme" in manuscript; handstamped on front "RENTA DE CORREOS DE PUNO" in red ink. Some minor edge wear and corner creases but extraordinary and unique - it is extraordinary how little registered mail was actually sent during this turbulent period in Peru's history.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 690 Peru
Prephilately Lots & Collections 1790/1800: Four Colonial pre-philatelic covers, two items from Spain including incoming official folded cover sent to Arequipa, with fine oval Correo Real 'Crown' mark in black, endorsed "Por el Rey" (for King) with manuscript '22' rating, also two covers with rare 'MZ' framed mark in red (2) and a fine 'CADIZ/FRANCA' with scroll handstamp in red, an interesting and not often seen group. Ex the Brian Moorhouse Estate.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 691 Peru
1791/1808: Printed Colonial Government forms (8) with 1791 examples (2) from the Custms headed "Real Aduana de Pisco" and handstamped with circular King Charles IV seal in black; 1794 Printed Customs form from Lima for taxes (Alcabales) due, 1807 hand-written registration receipt from Lima, 1808 Bolivian "Tornaguia" Customs House receipt handstamped "♚ / RL ADUANA E ORURO" in red and January 1823 "Tornaguia" Customs House receipt handstamped "♚ / RLA DMND LAMPA" in red, similar Customs House receipt with "♚ / RLA DMND AZANGARO" handstamp in black; and Bolivian 1829 Customs form, with handstruck circular "ADUANA NACIONAL D COCHABAMBA" and Sun vignette in black. Rare.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 692 Peru
1813/1866: Group of six stampless covers, including scarce 1813 registered from Lima to Truxillo with 'FRANCA' and two lined 'CERTIFICACION / A.LIMA'; 1831 entire Valparaiso to Arequipa with forwarding agent cachet; 1857 cover Arica to Lima with British PO 'ARICO' datestamp; two others originating from Peru and one from London to Puno endorsed "per W. India mail via Panama" with British PO mark, an interesting group (6). Ex the Brian Moorhouse Estate.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 693 Peru
1846/56: Printed Documents (15) concerning registered mails to be carried from various Ports to Lima by P.S.N.C. Steamers (most of these annotated in pencil at top), with Trujillo example showing superb oval framed "VAPOR" in black, Huaraz example with str. line "VAPOR" in black, 1854 Lambayeque example with superb oval framed "VAPOR" in red; Paita with framed "VAPOR" in black; further examples from Lima, Casma, Chiclayo, Chincha Alta, Islas de Chincha (diamond framed "VAPOR" in blue), Islay, Pisco, Yca and Yungay (framed "VAPOR" in black) and an 1846 with handstamped "Capitania del Puerto Del Callao" Anchor marking. Also a printed Bill of Lading showing a Steam Packet with the form designating the PSNC "Lima" to carry a "Melted bar of Silver" from Callao via Panama and Chagres to London. Some edge wear but many superb, a remarkable group - a shame these had not been recorded prior to Mike Robert's wonderful recently published PSNC book.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 360 CHF
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