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Spain - Incoming Mail 1850-1880
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  • Lot# : 7501 France

    1849: Cérès, 20 c. black, used on cover front, from PERPIGNAN (France) to MADRID (Spain), cut into top and touching base, tied by diamond grid cancel in black, with Perpignan datestamp in black alongside (20 Nov 1849), a charges mark '5Rs' in blue applied on arrival in Spain, there is a vertical filing crease well clear of stamp, an unusual and rare cover, one of five recorded to Spain with this franking.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 500 CHF

    Lot# : 7502 France

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    1849: Cérès, 1 f. carmin, used on cover, from PARIS to MADRID (Spain), just touching top at left otherwise four margins all round, tied by continuous grid cancel, with very fine Paris datestamp in black alongside (6 Feb 1852), a charge mark of '2.R' in red applied on arrival in Spain, to the reverse a Madrid arrival in red (11 Feb 1852), there is a horizontal filing crease clear of stamp, a very attractive and an extremely rare franking on an early cover to Spain. Cert. J.F. Brun (2007). Gi = $1'600.
    Starting bid : 1,500 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,500 CHF

    Lot# : 7503 France

    1854: Napoléon III, 20 cts. blue, used on cover, from ROUEN to LA JUNQUERA (Spain), four margins, tied by French Lozenge '2738' in black, with Rouen datestamp alongside also in black (1 Oct 1855), overstruck by Spanish charge mark '2Rs' in blue, on reverse an arrival La Jungquera in blue (14 Oct 1855), some soiling and small tears along top of cover, a vertical filing crease well away from the stamp, a fine cover, rare French destination mailing to Spain. 
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 7504 France

    1854: Napoléon III, 20 cts. dark blue, used on cover, from SEINE-PORT to PALMA DE MALLORCA (Balearic Islands), cut into top and base with irregular margins, tied by French Lozenge cancel in black, with SEINE-PORT datestamp alongside in black (24 June 1856), a paid to frontier boxed 'P.F.' in red, as well as a Spanish charge mark '2Rs' in blue, on reverse three transit marks, two unclear one a Paris datestamp in black (24 June 1856), some soiling around the edges of the cover, fault top centrally, however an interesting and scarce example.
    Starting bid : 90 CHF
    Hammer price : 160 CHF

    Lot# : 7505 France

    1860: Napoléon III, 40 cts. orange and two 80 cts. rose carmine, used on cover, from French Post Office in ALEXANDRIA (Egypt) to PALMA DE MALLORCA (Balearic Islands), tied by French Lozenge cancel, with Alexandria/Egypt datestamp (18 Aug 1860), black 'PD' retangular mark, endorsed 'Par paquebot anglais voie Marseille', Marseille transit datestamp in red (24 Aug 1860), Spanish postage due '8Rs' mark in black, on reverse two transit marks and an arrival in Palma de Mallorca in black (31 Aug 1860), some soiling to be expected, a fine cover, extremely rare French PO to unusual destination. 
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 7506 France

    1854: Napoléon, 20 cts. blue, 12 singles, used on part cover front, from BUENOS AIRES (Argentina) to CADIZ (Spain), tied by French Post Office dotted lozenge with anchor, very fine Buenos Aires datestamp alongside (14 Feb 1862), with 'P.D.' rectagular in red, blue handstruck '12Rs' applied on arrival in Spain, two horizontal filing creases affecting seven stamps, part of front at base is backed where there is an irregular edge, some soiling, however a rare and spectacular example.
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : 700 CHF

    Lot# : 7507 France

    1862: Napoléon III, 40 cts orange and 80 cts. carmine , used on cover, from PARIS to MADRID, tied unusually by a combination of dotted stars postmark in black and manuscript 'VIZCAYA' in ink, sent 11 Oct 1862, readdressed to VITORIA and Spanish 1862 4 cs. applied for Spanish domestic rate, tied by black '48' in double circle, Vitoria arrival in black on reverse (23 Oct 1862), vertical filing crease centrally, soiling in places, but overall a fine and interesting cover, exceptionally rare mixed French-Spanish franking.
    Starting bid : 1,500 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 7508 France

    1862: Napoléon III, 80 cts. rose carmine, used on cover, from PARIS to VITORIA, tied by a dotted stars postmark in black, Paris datestamp in black (11 Jan 1865), readdressed to MADRID and Spanish 1865 4 cs. applied for Spanish domestic rate, tied by black '48' in double circle, with rectangular 'PD' in red, Vitoria arrival in black on reverse (14 Jan 1865) and a further strike to front the following day, also Madrid arrival in black (16 Jan 1865) just visible on the edge of the cover at the back, central vertical filing crease clear of stamps, a fine and rare example of a redirected cover with mixed French-Spanish franking.
    Starting bid : 1,500 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,500 CHF

    Lot# : 7511 France

    1862: Napoléon III, 80 cts. carmine rose, strip of four, used on cover (folded front to back), from SHANGHAI to LAS PALMA DE GRAN CANARIA, tied by the '5104' lozenge of the French Post Office in Shanghai, readdressed to SANTA CRUZ DE TENERIFE, Shanghai datestamp on front in black dated Christmas Day (25 Dec 1866), endorsed 'via Southampton' and 'Canal del per Suez', with Suez Canal transit in red (10 Feb 1867), to reverse an arrival datestamps for Las Palmas/Canaries (20 Feb 1867) and Santa Cruz Tenerife (18 Feb 1867), cover opened out for illustration, a very rare example originating from a French PO in Shanghai sent to two Canary Islands, sent via the Suez Canal. 
    Starting bid : 1,000 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 7512 France

    1862: Napoléon III, 80 cts. rose carmine vertical strips of two and three, used on large part of cover, from VERACRUZ (Mexico) to SANTANDER, tied by a French dotted lozenge with anchor in black, with Veracruz datestamp in blue alongside (17 Feb 1868), black boxed 'P:P', also '20Rs' Spanish mark in red and a smudged 'MEXQUE' in black (17 March 1868), to reverse a Bordeaux datestamp (18 March 1868), part of back missing, reduced at sides, soiled, with a filing crease horizontally clear of stamps, which have perforation flaws and the top stamp of the strip of three has had a margin added along the left side, however a rare mailing and route, the cover sent via the French post from South America to Spain. 
    Starting bid : 250 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 7513 France

    1862/70: Napoléon III, 80 cts. carmine rose, and two 10 cts. bistre, used on a reduced cover, from THESSALONIKI (Greece) to CADIZ (Spain), tied by the '5095' lozenge of the French Post Office in Levant and a red rectangular 'PAQUEBOTS/DE LA/MEDITERRANEE', with very fine SALONIQUE TURQUIE datestamp in black (25 Aug 1868) from the French Consulate Service, manuscript 'Affranchie', black 'P.P.', a commercial cachet of 'John Nelson Abbott / Salonica' in blue and on arrival in Spain a '4.R.' charge mark applied to front, Marseille (2 Sept 1868) and Perpignan (3 Sept 1868) transit marks in black to reverse, as well as an indistinguishable Cadiz datestamp, extraordinarily rare cover, the only known letter from Greece to Spain with French franking.
    Starting bid : 2,800 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 7514 France

    1868: Empire, 80 cts. carmine, strip of three, in combination with eight Lauré 80 cts. carmine, comprising two singles and a strip of six, used on reduced cover, from PORTO CABELLO (Venezuela) to BARCELONA, tied by lozenge with anchor, with octagonal Porto Cabello datestamp in black to front (3 Nov 1868), Spanish charge mark '32Rs' in blue, 'LIGNEL/PAQ.FR.No1' on the reverse (3 Nov 1868) and 'LIGNEL/PAQ.FR.No.2' (9 Nov 1868), carried by French paquebot and then by railway, the recipient's name has been cut from front, vertical creases affecting  three stamps, some tears and wrinkles, but a very rare mixed franking on destination mail from South America to Spain.
    Starting bid : 1,500 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 7520 France

    1867: Napoléon III, 80 cts. rose, used on cover, from BUENOS AIRES (Argentina) to BARCELONA (Spain), tied by dotted lozenge, with French 'BUENOS AIRES/PAQ.FR.*No.2' datestamp alongside (30 Nov 1871), boxed 'P.P.' in red and a '1 Pesto' mark in black, endorsed via Lisbon, on reverse a Badajoz datestamp (28 Dec 1870) and arrival datestamps for Barcelona (1 Jan 1872), horizontal filing crease well clear of adhesive, a very clean and fresh cover, rare single French franking from Argentina to Spain.
    Starting bid : 180 CHF
    Hammer price : 180 CHF

    Lot# : 7522 France

    1872: Lauré, 30 cts. brown, two singles and a Cérès 40 cts. orange, used on cover, from MEXICO to MADRID, through French Postal Agency via Havana, tied by lozenge with anchor, combined with Mexico 25 cts. ultramarine blue (SALTILLO), tied by indistinguishable datestamp, to the reverse a dispatch 'FRANCO/ADMON GIAL MEXICO' datestamp in black (15 April 1872), to front a black MEXIQUE datestamp  (19 April 1872), with 'P.P.' mark in black, Spanish postage due '1 Pesto' also in black, a further datestamp to the reverse VERA-CRUZ/PAQ.FR.B N** in black, carried by French steamer to Havana, an extraordinary mixed French-Mexico franking, a delightful cover in surprisingly fine condition, exceptionally rare. (Mendoza Cortina Archive).
    Starting bid : 3,600 CHF
    Hammer price : 3,600 CHF

    Lot# : 7525 France

    1876: Sage; 20 cts. brown pair and 30 cts. light brown six pairs, used on cover front, from French Post Office in MEXICO to ASTURIAS addressed via SANTANDER, tied by datestamp in black (20 Sept 1878), the 30cts. are affixed over the top of three Mexican Hidalgo 25 cts. blues, front has been attached to card, apparent faults reinforced by backing, extremely rare mixed franking cover out of Mexico to Spain.
    Starting bid : 2,500 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 7526 Portugal

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    Catalogue# : 9, 11
    1856/58: King Pedro V, 5 r. brown, three singles together with a 25 r. rose pink, used on cover, from LISBON to BARCELONA, tied by '1' black cancel, with Lisbon datestamp in black alongside (7 Oct 1860), also a '1.R.' handstamp in black applied on arrival in Spain, on reverse a Barcelona arrival (13 Oct 1860), horizontal filing crease well clear of stamps, the 25 r. is cut into along base and top, the 5 r. stamps are all touching in places although very presentable, a rare 40 r. rate to Spain.
    Starting bid : 450 CHF
    Hammer price : 500 CHF

    Lot# : 7527 Portugal

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    Catalogue# : 12, 16
    1862: King Luis, 5 r. brown, 100 r. purple brown, used on a cover front, from FARO (Portugal) to ARNEDO (Spain), dated 5 April 1865, cancelled by '208' barred cancel, with Faro datestamp and Faro Registry mark both in black and attractively placed in bottom corners, the 100 r. does have a tone spot and irregular margins at top corners, otherwise fine, a very rare use of a high value and Registered letters to foreign destinations extremely rare.
    Starting bid : 950 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,600 CHF

    Lot# : 7529 Portugal

    1 / 2
    Catalogue# : 12,14
    1862: King Luis, 5 r. brown pair, 25 r. red carmine, used on a cover front, from LISBON (Portugal) to BADAJOZ (Spain), dated 2 Dec1865, tied by black '1' cancel, with Lisbon datestamp, 5 r. just touching top of one and bottom of the other although big margins and 25 r. cut into top, some slight toning along top edges of two stamps, vertical filing crease clear of stamps, a scarce example. 
    Starting bid : 100 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 7530 Portugal

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    Catalogue# : 12, 14
    1 / 1
    1862: King Luis, 5 r. brown pair, 25 r. red carmine, used on a cover, from PORTO (Portugal) to CADIZ (Spain), dated 28 Aug 1866, tied by black cancel, with Porto datestamp alongside (28 Aug  1866), also a Cadiz Franco oval datestamp (2 Sept 1866), to reverse a Lisbon transit (29 Aug 1866) and Badajoz datestamp in black applied on arrival in Spain (30 Aug 1866), horizontal filing crease clear of stamps, which are very fine to superb with huge margins, a super cover, rare especially with such fine adhesives. Cert. NFACP (1997).rnrnProvenance: Mario Basto.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 360 CHF

    Lot# : 7531 Portugal

    1 / 2
    Catalogue# : 13, 14
    1862: King Luis, 10 r. yellow, 25 r. red carmine, both with large margins all round, used on a cover front, from PORTO (Portugal) to VILLAGARCIA (Spain), dated 25 Aug 1866, tied by black cancel, with Porto datestamp alongside, central vertical filing crease well away from stamps, a scarce and attractive front.rn 
    Starting bid : 90 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 7532 Portugal

    1 / 3
    Catalogue# : 13, 14
    1862: King Luis, 10 r. yellow two singles and 25 r. red carmine two singles, used on a cover, from PORTO (Portugal) to VILLAGARCIA (Spain), dated 12 May 1866, tied by '52' black cancel, with Porto datestamp alongside, to reverse a Valença transit (15 May 1866) and a faint Spanish arrival, does have a vertical filing crease between the two 25 r. stamps, adhesives cut into in places but an attractive franking, scarce on mail to Spain.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 200 CHF

    Lot# : 7533 Portugal

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    Catalogue# : 13, 14
    1862: King Luis, 10 r. yellow and 25 r. red carmine, used on a cover, from PORTO (Portugal) to VILLAGARCIA (Spain), dated 6 Aug 1866, tied by '52' black cancel, with Porto datestamp alongside, to reverse a Valença transit (7 Aug 1866) and Spanish arrival both too faint to decipher, does have a vertical filing crease clear of stamps, adhesives cut into in places but an attractive franking, scarce on mail to Spain.
    Starting bid : 180 CHF
    Hammer price : 260 CHF

    Lot# : 7534 Portugal

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    Catalogue# : 18, 20
    1866/67: King Luis, 10 r. yellow and 25 r. red carmine, used on a cover, from LISBON (Portugal) to MADRID (Spain), dated 10 April 1867, tied by '1' black cancel and a Lisbon datestamp, to reverse Badajoz transit too faint to decipher, 10 r. has tear at base up to mid point, both with large margins, a scarce franking using the second issue of King Luis.
    Starting bid : 100 CHF
    Hammer price : 100 CHF

    Lot# : 7540 Portugal

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    Catalogue# : 38C
    1870: King Luis, 25 r. carmine, three singles, used on cover, from PORTO to MADRID, tied by black cancel with Porto datestamp alongside (20 July 1874), to reverse a Madrid arrival (22 July 1874), there is a horizontal filing crease clear of stamps, two stamps trimmed perfs at base, otherwise fine and scarce franking.
    Starting bid : 120 CHF
    Hammer price : 120 CHF

    Lot# : 7541 Portugal

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    Catalogue# : 38C
    1870: King Luis, 25 r. carmine, three singles, used on cover, from PORTO to MADRID, tied by black cancel with Porto datestamp alongside (25 July 1874), to reverse a Madrid arrival (27 July 1874), there is a horizontal filing crease clear of stamps, small tear at base, an interesting composition of stamps and correctly franked at the 75 r. rate, scarce.
    Starting bid : 120 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 7545 Modena

    1852: Eagle with Crown, 10 cts. black on rose and two single 40 cts. black on blue, used on cover, from CARRARA  (Modena, Italy) to BARCELONA (Spain), via SARDINIA, tied by continuous bars cancel in black, with CARRARA datestamp alongside (5 July 1855), a two line 'VIA DI/SARZANA' in black, 'P.P' mark also in black, charge mark applied in Spain '4R' in blue, on reverse transits for Genoa and Sarzana both in black (6 July 1855), Nizza Maritta datestamp in black (8 July 1855) and Barcelona arrival in blue (12 July 1855), extremely rare cover, just three covers known with Modena stamps to Spain.
    Starting bid : 3,000 CHF
    Hammer price : 3,400 CHF

    Lot# : 7546 Sardinia

    1 / 1
    1855/63: King Emanuel II, 10 ct. grey-olive, 40 ct. red carmine and 80 ct. yellow-orange, used on Registered cover, from MILAN to IBIZA (Balearic Islands), via Sardinia, tied by red Milan datestamps (2 Sept 1861), with red 'ASSICURATO' alongside, a 'P.D.' in red, French transit 'SARDAIGNE NICE' (4 Sept 1861), on reverse a Ventimiglia datestamp in black (4 Sept 1861) and Genoa (5 Sept 1861), 10 ct. just cut into at base, otherwise a very fine cover, rare tri-colour franking paying double weight letter to France plus registration fee. Cert. S. Sorani (1996).
    Starting bid : 1,200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 7547 Sardinia

    1855/63: King Emanuel II, 20 ct. indigo, used on redirected mourning cover, from RAVENA (Papal States) to MADRID (Spain), via Sardinia and redirected to BIARRITZ (France), dated 18 July 1862, tied by Ravenna datestamp, insufficently franked with black FRANCOBOLLO / INSUFFICIENTE, sent by rail from Ancona to Bologna, Emilia-Romangna, reaching Turin on the 19th July, then to the Irun frontier on the 22nd and Madrid 24th July where blue charge mark applied '8Rs' and crossed out, addressee not found, redirected to Biarritz, returned to Irun 27th July and reaching Bayonne 6th Aug, sent then by rail to Salies de Bearn (7th Aug) and to Bayonne again (8th Aug), numerous transit marks to the reverse, damage to lower right corner and some scuffs and imperfections to be expected, a fine stamp and a cover full of character.
    Starting bid : 600 CHF
    Hammer price : 700 CHF

    Lot# : 7548 Italy

    1863/66: 40 c. carmine and 60 c. lilac, used on cover, from GENOA to HAVANA (Cuba), dated 6th November 1867, tied by black '13' cancel, with Genoa datestamp alongside (6 Nov 1867), also a French transit in red 'ITALIE/5 LANSLEBOURG 5', overstruck by a boxed 'NE2' mark in blue (Northern Europe) appleid on arrival in Havana (Spanish territory), handwritten '0,20' due, on the reverse a Torino datestamp in black (7 Nov 1867) and arrival Havanna in blue the date unclear, small imperfections on cover due to original ink pen strokes, otherwise fine, a scarce 100 cent rate and rare cover sent from Italy to Cuba.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 300 CHF

    Lot# : 7549 Toscana

    1851/53: Tuscany, 2 cr. blue-green and 6 cr. blue pair, used on cover, from LIVORNO (Italian Tuscany) to MADRID (Spain), tied by black line cancel, with Livorno datestamp alongside (9 Nov 1853), also indistinct French transit and a Spanish '9R' charge mark in red, Marseille datestamp on reverse in black (14 Nov 1853), Bayonne also in black (16 Nov 1853) and a red datestamp which is unclear, there is a horizontal filing crease through the 2 cr. and just touching lower left otherwise margins all round on both issues, a very rare cover, the earliest know example from Tuscony to Spain.
    Starting bid : 2,000 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 7550 Papal state

    1865: Coat of Arms, 6 b. black on grey and 8 b. black on white pair, used on cover, from ROME to PALMA DE MALLORCA (Balearic Islands), tied by Rome datestamp in black (17 March 1855) and a Spanish '18Rs' mark in blue, with a black 'P.P' and red French transit datestamp, there is a vertical filing crease running between the two values, small fault top of cover, otherwise a fine and scarce example to Spain. 
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 7551 Papal state

    1865: Coat of Arms, 4 b. black on light grey-brown and a pair and single 6 b. black on grey, used on cover, from LORETO to PALMA DE MALLORCA (Balearic Islands), tied by diamond grid cancel in black, Loreto straight-line alongside also in black, with a Spanish '4Rs' mark in blue, a red 'P.P' and red French transit datestamp (22 Dec 1855), some soiling, a fine example of the 22 b. rate to Spain. 
    Starting bid : 150 CHF
    Hammer price : 220 CHF

    Lot# : 7552 Toscana

    1851/53: Tuscany, 1 cr. light carmine, 4 cr. green and 9 cr. purple brown, used on cover, from LIVORNO (Tuscany) to PUEBLA (Spain), tied by black Livorno datestamp (16 Aug 1856), French transit in red (20 Aug 1856) and a Spanish '4R' charge mark in blue, vertical filing crease clear of stamps, 1 cr. is cut into on one side, otherwise very fine, attractive and rare tri-colour cover to Spain. 
    Starting bid : 750 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 7553 Papal state

    1852: Coat of Arms, 2 b. black on olive green, 3 b. black on orange bistre four singles, 5 b. black on light pink and a 8 b. black on white, used on cover, from LORETO (Papal States) to PALMA DE MALLORCA (Balearic Islands), tied by diamond grill cancel in black, with handstruck black Loreto alongside, a French transit datestamp in red overstruck by a Spanish '4Rs' due mark in black, to the reverse transit marks for La Junquera (1 Sept 1859), Perpignan (3 Sept 1859) and an arrival in Mallorca (9 Sept 1859), there are vertical and horizontal filing creases one which runs vertical through the 8 b. although the stamp looks to be unaffected, an attractive configuration despite being cut into, visually appealing and rare. 
    Starting bid : 750 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 7554 Papal state

    1852: Coat of Arms, 7 b. black on blue pair and 8 b. black on white, used on cover, from ROME (Papal States) to VALENCIA (Spain), tied by diamond grill cancel in black, with Roma datestamp alongside (2 Dec 1856), 'P.P.' mark in red, a French transit datestamp in red (8 Dec 1856) part overstruck by a Spanish '4Rs' due mark in blue, to the reverse transit marks for Marseille (9 Dec 1856), Perpignan (10 Sept 1856) and an arrival in Valencia (13 Dec 1856), there is a horizontal filing crease through the lower part of the 8 b., tear and some toning to cover, however a scarce example.     
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 300 CHF

    Lot# : 7555 Papal state

    1852: Coat of Arms, 1 b. black on grey green two singles and 7 b. black on blue six singles, used on cover, from LORETO (Papal States) to PALMA DE MALLORCA (Balearic Islands), tied by diamond grill cancel in black, with Loreto handstamp alongside, red 'P.P', as well as a French transit datestamp in red (21 Feb 1857), a Spanish '8Rs' due mark in blue, to the reverse there are transit marks for Lyon (21 Feb 1857), Gap (23 Feb 1857) and one other the location unclear (25 Feb 1857), there is a horizontal filing crease which runs through the 7 b. on the far right side, despite this and stamps touching and being cut into in places an extremely attractive franking, the stamps very fresh, eye catching double rate and exceptionally rare. 
    Starting bid : 550 CHF
    Hammer price : 650 CHF

    Lot# : 7556 Toscana

    1851/53: Tuscany, 4 cr. green two singles and a 6 cr. blue, used on cover, from LIVORNO (Tuscany) to PALM DE MALLORCA (Balearic Islands), tied by black bars cancel, a Livorno datestamp in black alongside (7 March 1857), with Spanish '4R' charge mark in blue, to reverse a French transit datestamp (11 March 1857) and a further datestamp name unclear (13 March 1857), there is an ironed out vertical filing crease through the center of the stamps which are cut into in places, although very fresh, a rare cover and most attractive. 
    Starting bid : 550 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 7557 Toscana

    1853/55: Lion, 2 cr. blue-green and 6 cr. dark blue pair, used on cover, from LIVORNO (Italian Tuscany) to PUEBLA (Spain), sent 2 April 1857, tied by black Livorno datestamp (2 April 1857), with red 'P.P.' and Spanish charge mark '4R' in blue, French transit 'TOSC. 1S.E:/Marseille' (4 April 1857), on reverse Paris and Lyon transit marks in black (5 April 1857), a further black datestamp of Lugo (11 April 1857) and Noya Coruña in green (12 April 1857), small tear top of cover, a fine and exceptionally rare franking to Spain.
    Starting bid : 750 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,200 CHF

    Lot# : 7558 Toscana

    1853/55: Tuscany, 2 cr. blue-green single, 9 cr. brown-lilac, six singles, used on cover, from LIVORNO (Italian Tuscany) to PALMA DE MALLORCA (Balearic Islands), tied by Livorno datestamp in black (8 April 1857), 'P.D' in black erased with rectagular crossed line cancel also in black, Spanish charge mark '16Rs' in blue applied on arrival in Spain, carried by Corsican steamer and franked 56 cr. corresponding to four times the rate, two indistinct transit datestamps in black to reverse, horizontal filing crease lower section well away from stamps; an exceptionally rare cover, probably the highest franking to Spain from Tuscany.
    Starting bid : 4,000 CHF
    Hammer price : 4,000 CHF

    Lot# : 7559 Papal state

    1852: Coat of Arms, 1/2 b. black on greenish grey, pair, and 7 b. black on light blue, three singles, used on cover, from LORETO (Papal States) to PALMA DE MALLORCA (Balearic Islands), tied by diamond grill cancel in black, with Loreto handstamp alongside, red 'P.P', a transit datestamp in red (25 May 1857), the Spanish '4Rs' postage due mark in blue, on reverse Lyon and Marseille transit datestamps (24 and 25 May 1857) and Balearic arrival in black (31 May 1857), horizontal filing crease lower portion running through the 7 b. stamps, small tears to top, otherwise fine, a extremely rare franking on a cover to Spain.
    Starting bid : 750 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 7560 Papal state

    1852: Coat of Arms, 6 b. black on grey and 8 b. black on white, two singles, used on cover, from LORETO (Papal States) to PALMA DE MALLORCA (Balearic Islands), tied by diamond grill cancel in black, with Loreto handstamp alongside, red 'P.P', a transit datestamp in red (22 Sept 1857), the Spanish '4Rs' postage due mark in blue, on the reverse are Lyon and Marseille (23 Sept 1857) and Bordueax transits in black (24 Sept 1857) and an arrival Balearic also in black (28 Sept 1857), there is a horizontal filing crease not affecting stamps, a rare franking on destination mail from Italy to Spain.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 7561 Toscana

    1853/55: Lion, 1 cr. purple-lilac, 4 cr. dark green, and 9 cr. brown-purple, used on cover, from LIVORNO (Italian Tuscany) to PUEBLA (Spain), tied by black Livorno datestamp (10 March 1858), with Spanish charge mark '4R' in blue and one in black, carried by Corsican steamer, French transit in red 'TOSCANNE/ANTIBES', on reverse Bordeaux and Lugo transits in black (18 March 1858), Noya in blue (20 March 1858), heavy vertical filing crease centrally running down right side of 4 cr. which has a tear midway down that side, 9 cr. touching top otherwise margins all round, 1 cr. cut into and has a fault at top, diagonal crease to top left of cover, soiled, however a rare tri-colour example from Tuscany to Spain. Gi = €3'500.
    Starting bid : 550 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 7562 Papal state

    1852: Coat of Arms, 4 b. black on pale yellow, two singles, 6 b. black on greenish-grey and 8 b. black on white, used on cover, from ROME (Papal States) to VALENCIA (Spain), tied by diamond grill cancel in black, with Rome datestamp to the top corner also in black (21 July 1859), a black 'P.P', a handstruck '10' crossed out and below a Spanish charge mark '4.Rs.' in black, Marseille transit in red (26 July 1859), to reverse there is a Valencia arrival in Black (29 July 1859), stamps are cut into in places, the 4 b. and 6 b. have faults, stain to part of front and some soiling, a rare configuration of 22 b. on cover to Spain.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 360 CHF

    Lot# : 7563 Naples

    1858: Coat of Arms, 5 gr. pink carmine and 20 gr. pink, used on a reduced cover, from NAPLES to MADRID, tied by retangular framed 'ANNULLATO' in black, boxed 'P.P.' alongside in red, with '4R' Spanish due mark in blue, French transit in black of Marseille (27 Dec 1859), part of back missing, vertical filing crease centrally well away from stamps, otherwise fine, a scarce use of the 20 gr. on cover to Spain in combination with the 5 gr. Gi = €5'900.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 7564 Toscana

    1853/55: Provisional Government, 20 ct. blue and 80 ct. light reddish-brown, used on cover, from LIVORNO (Italian Tuscany) to BARCELONA (Spain), tied by red bar cancel and Livorno datestamp (27 Feb 1860), with Spanish charge mark '4.Rs.' in black alongside a Marseille transit in red (1 March 1860), endorsed at top via Marseille Postal, three datestamps to reverse however the only readable example is La Junquera in black (3 March 1860), there is an ironed out vertical filing crease to the right hand side of cover which travels through the stamps just off center, although this is not easily noticable, despite this a very attractive two colour franking, extremely rare stamps on cover especially to Spain. Gi = €11'100.
    Starting bid : 1,200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 7565 Papal state

    1852: Coat of Arms, 4 b. black on yellow and 6 b. black on grey three singles, used on cover, from LORETO (Papal States) to PALMA DE MALLORCA (Balearic Islands), tied by diamond grill cancel in black, with Loreto handstamp alongside, black 'P.P', as well as a transit datestamp of Antibes in red (16 April 1860), the Spanish '4Rs' postage due mark in black, on the reverse there is Bordeaux (17 April 1860), La Junquera (18 April 1860) and arrival Palma de Mallorca (24 April 1860) all in black, damage to top centrally repaired, a rare usage on destination mail from Italy to Spain.
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 7566 Italy

    1861: Kingdom, 50 gr. grey blue pair, used on cover front, just clear down the right side and left top with good margins elsewhere, dated by strike of the 'PARTENZA DA NAPOLI' (11 May 1861) to front, sent from NAPLES to MADRID, tied by black datestamp and red French transit of Marseille (16 May 1861), red 'P.P.' alongside, Spanish charge mark '16Rs' in blue and a further '2' handstamp also in blue, endorsed top, and carried by; 'Messageries Imperiales', addressed to; 'Marquis of Alcanices and Balbases, Duke of Algete and Alburquerque', a member of nobility, vertical filing crease well clear of stamps, an incredible front franked with a pair of the 50 gr. the rarest of Naples stamps on cover, extraordinary example. Gi = €320'000. each on full cover.
    Starting bid : 15,000 CHF
    Hammer price : 15,000 CHF

    Lot# : 7567 Italy

    1861: Kingdom, 5 gr. carmine and 20 gr. yellow, used on cover, from NAPLES to MADRID, tied by Naples datestamp (1 June 1861), with red 'P.P.' and blue Spanish charge mark '4R' alongside, also a French transit datestamp for Marseille (4 June 1861), to reverse two Bordeaux transit marks, vertical filing crease not affecting stamps, stain following crease, 5 gr. is cut into in place the 20 gr. very large margins, a scarce franking on cover and especially rare to Spain.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 7568 Italy

    1861: Kingdon, 1/2 gr. grey brown, 1 gr. black, and 2 gr. light blue, used on cover front, from NAPLES to CADIZ, tied by Naples datestamp (22 July 1861), with red 'P.P.' and blue Spanish charge mark '4R' alongside, also a French transit datestamp for Marseille (25 July 1861), vertical filing crease not affecting stamps, endorsed 'Circulaire Lithographié', the tri-colour franking of 2 1/2 gr. corresponding to a special rate, a rare and interesting front.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 7569 Italy

    1861: Kingdom, 10 cts. yellow brown, 80 cts. yellow (Sardinian stamps) and 20 cts. Indigo (Italian perforated), used on cover front, from CARRARA (Tuscany) to MADRID (Spain), tied by Carrar datestamp (2 Oct 1862), with further strike alongside, also red transit datestamp 'ITALIE/5 LANSLEBOURG 5' (5 oct 1862), a 'P.P.' in black and a blue Spanish charge mark '4R' applied on arrival in Spain, the 80 cts. just touching small part of base otherwise good margins all round, a very fine example of a tri-colour franking from mixed issues, extremely rare and reproduced in Zanaria-Serra 'I Matraise'.
    Starting bid : 750 CHF
    Hammer price : 800 CHF

    Lot# : 7570 Papal state

    1865: Coat of Arms, 6 b. black on grey and 8 b. black on white two singles, used on cover, from ROME to VALENCIA (Spain), tied by diamond grill cancel in black, with Rome datestamp in black alongside (22 April 1865), a black 'P.P', as well as a transit datestamp of Marseille in red (25 April 1865), the Spanish '4Rs' postage due mark in blue, on the reverse a La Junquera transit in blue (27 April 1865) and arrival Valencia in black (30 April 1865), a fine example of the 22 b. rate to Spain, scarce.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 7571 Papal state

    1865: Coat of Arms, 6 b. black on grey and 8 b. black on white pair, used on cover, from ROME to BARCELONA (Spain), tied by diamond grill cancel in black, with faint Rome datestamp in black alongside (10 April 1866), also a black 'P.P', red French transit datestamp and a Spanish '4Rs' postage due mark in blue, endorsed top "Urgentissima' (most urgent), addressed to 'Cesare Boccolini' (Italian opera singer), on the reverse a Barcelona arrival datestamp (14 April 1866), does have a horizontal and diagonal crease not affecting stamps, soiled, otherwise a fine example of the 22 b. rate to Spain, rare.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 7572 Italy

    1863/65: 40 c. carmine, used on reduced cover, from MESSINA to FRANCE, misdirected to SPAIN, where an erroneously applied postage due '4.Rs.' mark in blue was struck, later crossed out by hand once error discovered, stamp tied by Messini datestamp (24 Feb 1866) and a further strike alongside, with boxed 'P.D.' in black and red French transit, on reverse the Spanish 'LA JUNQUERA' in blue (2 March 1866) indicating the cover went first to Catalonia, Spain, before being directed to France, horizontal and vertical filing creases centrally not affecting the franking, a most interesting and scarce cover.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 200 CHF

    Lot# : 7573 Italy

    1867: 20 c. light-blue vertical pair, used on cover, from SOVONA to IBIZA (Balearic Islands, Spain), tied by black cancellation, with Savona datestamp alongside (16 Sept 1869), a rectangular 'FRANCOBOLLI/INSUFFICIENTE' struck in black, together with Spanish due marks '14' and 'ITALIA' in blue, to the reverse Le Junquera datestamp in blue (19 Sept 1869), horizontal filing crease through second stamp, some toning to cover and stamps, a scarce example of mail from Italy to the Balearic Islands.
    Starting bid : 120 CHF
    Hammer price : 240 CHF

    Lot# : 7574 Italy

    1870: 20 c. light-blue and 30 c. brown, used on cover, from MILAN to TOLOSA (Spain), tied by black '181' cancel, with Milan datestamp in black alongside (13 Sept 1870), also a 'P.D.' mark also in black, to reverse a Consulate of Spain cachet in blue, Torino datestamp (14 Sept 1870) in black and faint arrival dated 19 October 1870, some slight toning around stamp, however a fine example of a 50 c. rate using stamps from different issues going to Spain.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 7575 Papal state

    1868: 5 cts. blue-green, 10 cts. vermilion-orange and 40 cts. lemon-yellow, used on cover, from ROME to SEVILLA (Spain), cancelled by lozenge, tied by a Rome datestamp (31 Dec 1869), with a black 'P.P' alongside, also a red French transit datestamp (2 Jan 1870), the Spanish '4R' postage due mark in red applied to front on arrival in Spain, on the reverse a Sevilla arrival in black (7 Jan 1870), 5 cts. has a tear and is damaged across the top, however a neat and tidy tri-colour franking, attractive and scarce.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 7576 Papal state

    1867/68: 5 cts. blue-green, 10 cts. vermilion-orange and imperforate 40 cts. yellow, used on cover, from ROME to SEVILLA (Spain), cancelled by diamond lozenge, with Rome datestamp (14 Jan 1870) alongside which coincides with a red French transit (16 Jan 1870), a black 'P.P' and Red Spanish '4R' postage due mark also to front, on the reverse are black datestamps for Marseille (17 Nov 1870) and Bordeaux (18 Jan 1870) and an undated Sevilla arrival in black, 5 cts. has some creases, otherwise an attractive small envelope with a three colour franking, scarce.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 7580 Lombardy-Venetia

    1 / 1
    1850/63: Carta a mano 5 c. 'giallo ocra' and 30 c. 'bruno lilliaceo' type III together with Carta a macchina, vertical pair of 45 c. 'azzuro' type III on obverse of registered cover from Bormio to Cadiz, on reverse Carta a mano 30 c. 'bruno lilliaceo' type III in a horizontal strip of three, the examples on obverse tied by double-line "Bormio 9 GIU." datestamp, those on reverse by straight-line RACCOMANDATA handstamp. The front of the cover struck by a plethora of instructional handstamps including RACCOMANDATA and FRANCA in black, two PD in red, one framed, French "AUTR. 15 JUIN 57 BRIACON" entry cds and CHARGÉ handstamp, both in red as well as Spanish "8 Rs" due and "CL. / 20 JUN" handstamps. The reverse with in three French transit cds's from GAP, MARSEILLE, and BORDEAUX as well as two ambulant cds's. Unfortunately part of the franking on reverse is missing preventing a thorough postal history analysis, nevertheless from its obverse an attractive cover, the only known registered cover from Lombardo-Veneto to Spain. Cert. Ferchenbauer (2023) Ferchenbauer = RR.
    Starting bid : 1,000 CHF
    Hammer price : 2,400 CHF

    Lot# : 7581 Norway

    1 / 2
    Catalogue# : 2+5
    1856: Oskar 2 sk. orange and 8 sk. carmine, a pair and a single example (horizontal filing fold), on cover front to Rivadeo, Galicia, each adhesive tied / cancelled by '14' numeral with "CHRISTIANSSUND 31 7 1857" despatch cds in blue, framed PP in red, SANDÖSUND transit (Aug 4) cds, and French "NORVEGE - QUIEVRAIN 7 AOUT 57 AMB. B" entry cds, both in black alongside. Taxed in Spain with "4 Rs." in black. Correct franking of 26 skilling following the January 1852 rate via Prussia and France.
    Starting bid : 1,000 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,000 CHF

    Lot# : 7582 Norway

    1 / 2
    Catalogue# : 2+5
    1856: Oskar 2 sk. orange and 8 sk. carmine in a strip of three, on cover front to Valencia, each adhesive tied by clear '25' numeral with "BERGEN 16 / 7 1858" despatch cds in blue, framed PP in red, SANDÖSUND transit (July 20) cds, and French "NORVEGE - QUIEVRAIN 23 JUIL. 58 AMB. D" entry cds, both in black alongside. Taxed in Spain with "4 Rs." in blue. Correct franking of 26 skilling following the January 1852 rate via Prussia and France.
    Starting bid : 1,000 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 7585 Lombardy-Venetia

    1854/55: Carta a macchina 10 c. black, 30 c. brown and 45 c. blue, three fine and fresh single examples with overall good to large margins, the 10 c. adhesive shaved at top, all tied by "COMO 30 / 3" (1858) cds, with "P.P.", French entry CULOZ cds, AUSTRIA and FRANCA handstamps, all in red alongside on entire letter to Madrid, taxed upon arrival with "4 R." due in blue. Reverse with LYON and PARIS transit as well as Madrid arrival (April 6) cds's. Correct 85 centesimi / 17 kreuzer franking for the 1858 rate via France until the outgoing border with 7 kreuzer per 10 grams for Austria and 10 kr. per 7.5 gram for France. An exceptional franking from the Pizzala correspondence, signed E. Diena Ferchenbauer = € 15'000.rnrnReference: Another cover from the same correspondence with an identical franking is displayed in Ferchenbauer, vol. I on page 159.
    Starting bid : 2,500 CHF
    Hammer price : 2,500 CHF

    Lot# : 7588 Austria

    1 / 3
    Catalogue# : 10/I+13/I+15/I
    1858 (Nov): Franz-Joseph 2 Kr. gelb und 15 Kr. blau sowie 5 Kr. rot, neun Einzelwerte, alle in Type I, wie bei einer derart grossen Frankatur zu erwarten mit kleinen Einschränkungen, vorab aber vollzähnig und gut ausgeprägt, je ideal klar und übergehend entw. mit Einkreisstp. "STEINSCHÖNAU 4 / 12" (1858), auf Briefvorderseite nach Bilbao mit Alterspatina und Wasserflecken, diese auch auf die Frankatur übergehend. Dieser nebengesetzt findet sich ein roter "P.P." und ein sehr zarter franz. Grenzübergangsstp. "PRUSSE ERQUELINES 9 DEC 58" sowie ein spanischer Taxierungsstp. von "8 R." in Blau. Portogerechte Frankatur bis zur franz. - spanischen Grenze für einen ehemals doppelgewichtigen Brief mit zweimal 13 Neukreuzer für Österreich und zweimal 18 Neukreuzer für Frankreich, der Brief muss also zwischen 15 und 20 Gramm gewogen haben, zudem eine typenreine Verwendung der seltenen Type I im zweiten Monat dieser Ausgabe, aus der Glasbläserstadt Steinschönau in Böhmen an eine seltene Destination im Baskenland.
    Starting bid : 1,200 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,400 CHF

    Lot# : 7589 Norway

    1 / 2
    Catalogue# : 2, 5
    1856/57: King Oscar I, 2 sk. orange-yellow, 8 sk. carmine pair and a single, used on a front, from BERGEN (Norway) to VALENCIA (Spain), via Prussia, tied by Bergen datestamp in black (16 July 1859), with red 'PD' mark, a French transit 'NORVEGE QUIEVRAIN' in black (23 July 1859) and the Spanish postage due mark '4R.' in blue, does have a vertical crease through the second 8 sk., otherwise a fine and scarce example of the 26 sk. rate.
    Starting bid : 100 CHF
    Hammer price : 140 CHF

    Lot# : 7590 Norway

    1856/57: King Oscar I, 2 sk. orange-yellow, 8 sk. carmine pair and a single, used on a front, from BERGEN (Norway) to VALENCIA (Spain), via Prussia, cancelled by a black '25' in circles, Bergen datestamp in black alongside (19 Aug 1858) as well as a Sandösund in black (24 Aug 1858), there is a red 'PD' mark, part a French transit and the Spanish postage due mark '8Rs.' in blue, does have a vertical crease through the third 8 sk., otherwise a scarce franking to Spain.
    Starting bid : 100 CHF
    Hammer price : 200 CHF

    Lot# : 7594 Denmark

    1 / 3
    Catalogue# : 3+4+6+8
    1 / 1
    1854: 4 sk. brown, 6th printing in a four-colour combination with 1855 2 sk. blue, 1857 16 sk. greyish-violet with dotted background, and pair 1858 8 sk. green with wavy lined background, five fine and fresh examples with overall good to large margins, the 4 sk. adhesive shaved at top, on entire letter to Lloret de Mar, Catalonia. The adhesives cancelled by five strikes of duplex "34 : KIOBENH.JERNSB:PST:CONT. 7 / 11 1859" datestamp, "P.P." in black, French "TOUR-T. VALENCIENNES 10 NOV. 59" entry cds in red and Spanish "4 Rs" taxation handstamp in black alongside as well as 'f 6½' (silbergroschen weiterfranko) in red crayon. On reverse transit cds's of the Danish and Thurn & Taxis P.O.'s in Hamburg, Spanish "ESPANA LA JUNQUERA" entry and GERONA transit cds's. The 38 skilling franking covers the 37 skilling rate in force to the French border between 1856 and March 1860, a beautiful item full of postal history interest, only two letters are recorded in this rare rate. Certs. Möller (2002), Nielsen (2003). rnProvenance: Collection Per Lorentzen.
    Starting bid : 3,000 CHF
    Hammer price : 3,000 CHF

    Lot# : 7595 Netherlands

    1 / 2
    Catalogue# : 2
    1 / 1
    1852: King Willem III, 10 c. pink carmine vertical strip of three and one single, used on cover, from AMSTERDAM to MADRID, tied by Amsterdam datestamp in black (31 Aug 1859), with 'P.P.' mark in black alongside, as well as a French datestamp 'PAYS BAS VALN** in red (2 Sept 1859), on arrival in Spain a blue '4R.' charge has been applied, Madrid arrival in black on reverse (5 Sept 1859), vertical filing crease away from stamps, the single is cut into on one side, the strip of three has large margins all round, a fine example of a 40 c. rate, scarce going to Spain. Cert. H. Vleeming (2016).
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 420 CHF

    Lot# : 7596 Netherlands

    1 / 2
    Catalogue# : 1, 2
    1 / 1
    1852: King Willem III, 5 c. light blue strip of five and one single with a 10 c. pink carmine, used on cover, from AMSTERDAM to BARCELONA, dated 26 Sept 1862, cancelled by black rectangular 'FRANCO' and tied by a French datestamp 'PAYS BAS VALN** in red (28 Sept 1862), with Spanish '4Rs.' charge mark in black and a 'P.P.' also in black, to the reverse a La Junquera and Barcelona datestamps in black (30 Sept 1862), vertical filing crease through third stamp centrally, some soiling, the single 10 c. has irregular side and is cut into, the 5 c. strip and single are good to large margins, a scarce combination to make up the 40 c. rate, rare to Spain, six covers recorded. Cert. H. Vleeming (2016).
    Starting bid : 450 CHF
    Hammer price : 550 CHF

    Lot# : 7597 Netherlands

    1 / 2
    Catalogue# : 2
    1 / 1
    1852: Willem 10 c. red on thick paper, plate X, four fine and fresh single examples with fair to large margins, on cover to Bilbao, each adhesive tied by framed FRANCO  with light "ROTTERDAM 21 / 5" despatch cds in red, "P.P." in black, and French "PAYS-BAS ERQUELINES 23 JUIN 63" entry cds in red alongside. Reverse with Spanish "ESPANA 24 MAY 63" entry cds and taxed on front with "4 R" in red. One cover fold below the third stamp from left, a very rare destination for a cover of the first issue, cert. Vleeming (2016).
    Starting bid : 750 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 7598 Denmark

    1 / 4
    Catalogue# : 6
    1 / 2
    1864: Crown Insignia, 16 sk. red-lilac, horizontal pair and single, used on cover, from COPENHAGEN to BARCELONA, tied by black '1' in circles, sent 24 March 1864, with Copenhagen datestamp in black, P.P. in red, French transit in blue (24 March 1864), '8.Rs.' charge mark in blue applied on arrival in Spain, to reverse an arrival in Barcelona (26 March 1864), vertical filing crease centrally well clear of stamps, a very rare double rate letter franked at a 48 sk. rate sent to Spain, four covers known to Spain (Facit 2002), the only recorded example with this franking, unique. Cert. E. Diena (1982), E. Paaskesen (1987) and L Nielsen (2004).
    Starting bid : 4,000 CHF
    Hammer price : 4,600 CHF

    Lot# : 7599 Austria

    1 / 2
    Catalogue# : 11/II+14/II+15/II
    1859: Franz-Joseph 3 Kr. schwarz (2), 10 Kr. braun und 15 Kr. blau, alle in Type II rückseitig auf Umschlag nach Madrid, vorab vollzähnig (die drei linken Werte beim Öffnen zerissen), je klar und übergehend entw. mit Einkreisstp. "TRIEST 23 / 1" (1860), nebenges. "P.P." und franz. Grenzübergangsstp. "AUTRICHE CULOZ 25 JANV. 60", beide in Rot sowie ein spanischer Taxierungsstp. von "4 R." in Blau. Rückseitig und teils auf die Frankatur übergehend wurde der Transitstp. von LYON, ein Ambulant LYON - PARIS sowie der Ankunftsstp. "MADRID 1 FEB 60" abgeschlagen. Brief zu Präsentationszwecken dreiseitig geöffnet, eine portogerechte Frankatur bis zur franz. - spanischen Grenze für einen ehemals einfachgewichtigen Brief mit 13 Neukreuzer für Österreich und 18 Neukreuzer für Frankreich, der Brief muss also unter 7,5 Gramm gewogen haben.
    Starting bid : 1,250 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 7602 Netherlands

    1 / 2
    Catalogue# : 1, 2, 3
    1 / 1
    1852: King Willem III, 5 c. light blue, 10 c. pink carmine pair and 15 c. yellow orange, used on cover, from AMSTERDAM to MARID, tied by Amsterdam/Franco datestamp in black (15 Sept 1859), with a French datestamp 'PAYS BAS VALN**' in red alongside (17 Sept 1859), and a Spanish '4R.' charge mark in blue and a 'P.P.', there is a horizontal filing crease away from stamps, cover is fragile with some separation of back flap and tears to left and base, with the exception of the 5 c. the stamps are cut into in places, however an extremely rare tri-colour franking, only two recorded to Spain. Georg Büller expert mark, certs. NVPH (2001), Vleeming (2016).
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : 600 CHF

    Lot# : 7604 Sweden

    1 / 2
    Catalogue# : 10
    1858: Imperial Coat of Arms, 24 ö. orange yellow pair and one single, used on cover, from HELSINGBORG (Sweden) to MALAGA (Spain), tied by Helsingborg datestamp in black (25 June 1863) with additional strike alongside, also a red oval 'PD' mark, French transit datestamp (27 June 1863) and red Spanish '4R' charge mark, on the reverse a Irun datestamp in red (29 June 1863) and arrival Malaga in black (3 July 1863), slight soiling and tear to base, first stamp has perf fault, there is toning to edges of stamps, otherwise a fine and scarce example of 72 ö. rate to Spain.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 320 CHF

    Lot# : 7605 Austria

    1 / 2
    Catalogue# : 22
    1861: Franz-Joseph 15 Kr. blau, zwei Einzelwerte, farbfr. und vorab vollzähnig (leichte Zahntönung), zus. zart und übergehend entw. mit Einkreisstp. "INNSBRUCK 3 / 11" (1863), nebenges. roter "P.D." und ein schwarzer franz. Grenzübergangsstp. "AUTRICHE STRASBOURG" vom Folgetag sowie ein spanischer Taxierungsstp. von "4 R." in Rot. Rückseitig spanischer Grenzübergangsstp. "ESPANA IRUN 6  NOV. 63 und Ankunftstp. MADRID vom Folgetag. Die korrekte Frankatur bis zur franz. - spanischen Grenze betrug 13 Kr. für Österreich und 18 Kr. für Frankreich, der Brief ist also um 1 Kr. unterfrankiert, was jedoch nicht zu einer Taxierung führte. Brief zweiseitig geöffnet, ein interessantes Stück, Attest Eichele (1999).rnProvenienz: Sammlung Sylvain Wyler.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : 500 CHF

    Lot# : 7608 Norway

    1 / 2
    Catalogue# : 2, 10
    1856: King Oscar I, 2 sk. orange-yellow and 1863 24 sk. brown, used on cover, from CHRISTIANSSUND (Norway), to BILBAO (Spain), via Prussia, tied by a single and well placed Christianssund datestamp in black (4 July 1864) with additional strike alongside, red 'PD' mark and the Spanish charge mark '4R.' in black, on the reverse a Sandösund datestamp (9 July 1862), Paris transit in blue (13 July 1862) and Beasain Guipuzcoa black datestamp (15 Jul 1862), does have a horizontal filing crease centrally well away from stamps, some separation along folds and slight soiling, a rare combination on cover to Spain.
    Starting bid : 800 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 7609 Sweden

    1 / 2
    Catalogue# : 9, 12, 16
    1858: Imperial Coat of Arms, 12 ö. blue, 50 ö. carmine vertical pair, with 1866 20 ö. orange vertical pair, used on cover, from STOCKHOLM (Sweden) to CADIZ (Spain), tied to back of envelope by Stockholm datestamp in black (9 Feb 1869), with KIEL/HAMBURG mark in black alongside, to the front there is a oval 'Prussia' in black, red 'P.D.', 'FRANCO' in black and a 'CADIZ FRANCO' datestamp also in black (17 Feb 1869), the cover has be opened out and has apparent damage including tears top and to back flap (part missing), these have been repaired or reinforced, some slight toning to cover and three of the stamps, however an extremely rare combination of issues, franked at 152 ö. rate, the only known example of this rate and use. 
    Starting bid : 4,000 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 7610 Russia

    1 / 2
    Catalogue# : 15
    1865: 10 kop. brown & blue without watermark, three fresh and fine single examples tied by indistinct RIGA (March 29, 1872) cds to cover to Rivadeo, framed "P.D." and Prussian "AUS RUSSLAND" cds, both in red alongside, reverse with "RIVADEO .. ABR 72" arrival cds. Correct 30 kopeck rate to Spain.
    Starting bid : 750 CHF
    Hammer price : 750 CHF

    Lot# : 7611 Austria

    1 / 2
    Catalogue# : 37/I+40/I
    1867: 5 Kr. rot und 25 Kr. lilagrau, beide im groben Druck, auf Umschlag nach Barcelona (Briefbug durch die Marken, rücks. grob geöffnet), zart entw. "WIEN 25 6 72". Nebengesetzt zunächst ein Zweizeiler "INSUFFISAMENT AFFRANCHIE", dieser mit Rötel durchgestrichen und dann roter gefasster "P.D." gesetzt. Portogerecht mit 30 Kreuzern oder 6 Silbergroschen für die erste Gewichtsstufe im Tarif vom Juli 1864, Weiterfranko notiert mit Rötel.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 7616 Sweden

    1 / 2
    Catalogue# : 10, 11
    1858: Imperial Coat of Arms, 24 ö. orange, 30 ö. brown (four singles) used on cover, from GOTENBURG (Sweden) to MALAGA (Spain), tied by 'SÖDRA ST. BANAN' datestamp (27 April 1866), purple oval 'P.P.' mark, French transit 'SUEDE' in black, Spanish charge mark '4R' corrected to ''8R', with Malaga arrival on reverse in black (4 May 1866), vertical filing crease left side well away from stamps, soiling and hinge remains to back, however a spectacular 144 Ö. franking, extremely rare to Spain.rn 
    Starting bid : 1,000 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,000 CHF

    Lot# : 7617 Norway

    1 / 3
    Catalogue# : 6, 8, 9, 10
    1 / 1
    1863: Coat of Arms, 2 sk. yellow, 4 sk. blue, 8 sk. red-pink and 24 sk. brown, used on a cover, from CHRISTIANIA (Norway) to CARTAGENA (Spain), via Prussia, tied by Christiania datestamp in black (19 Oct 1866), red 'PD' alongside, endorsed 'Franco', on reverse a Sandösund transit in black (20 Oct 1866), Lübeck circular also in black (23 Oct 1866) and arrival Cartagena again in black (28 Oct 1866), edges soiled and worn in places but do not detract, a spectacular four colour rare 38 skilling franking, unique to Cartagena. Cert. F.C. Moldenhauer (1992).
    Starting bid : 1,800 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 7618 Netherlands

    1 / 2
    Catalogue# : 6
    1 / 1
    1864: Willem 15 c. orange, single example, pair and strip of three with fair to large margins, on double rate cover to Madrid, each adhesive tied by lightly oily framed FRANCO with "ROTTERDAM 16 MRT 67" despatch cds in red, as well as "P.P." in black and "P.D" in red alongside. Reverse with Prussian "EMMERICH - OBERHAUSEN" train datestamp and "MADRID 21 MAR 67" arrival cds. Sent via Germany, the weiterfranko of 'f12' groschen was noted on front in blue crayon, signed Friebel; cert. Vleeming (2016).
    Starting bid : 750 CHF
    Hammer price : 750 CHF

    Lot# : 7621 Netherlands

    1 / 2
    Catalogue# : 7/I
    1867: Willem 5 c. blue, type I in a fresh strip of seven (perforation irregularities), on cover to Ibiza, Balearic Islands, the adhesives tied by numeral '5' lozenge, one stamp tied in addition by "AMSTERDAM 4 NOV 70" despatch cds in black. Reverse with Belgium "PAYS-BAS PAR ANVERS-STATn 4 NOV 70" entry and Spanish "ESPAGNE MIDI II 5 NOV 70" entry cds's, taxed on front with "4 R" in red. Unusual franking to pay the 35 c. rate in the January 1867 rate.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,100 CHF

    Lot# : 7622 Austria

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    Catalogue# : 39/I
    1867: 15 Kr. braun, grober Druck im senkr. Paar, auf Faltbrief nach Bagur, Katalonien, sauber und übergehend entw. mit ovalem Datumsstp. "TRIEST 12 12", nebenges. roter gefasster "P.D.", rücks. Transitstp. "LA BISBAL 18 ... 70 GERONA". Portogerecht mit 30 Kreuzern oder 6 Silbergroschen für die erste Gewichtsstufe im Tarif vom Juli 1864.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 7624 Russia

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    Catalogue# : 21x
    1866: 10 kop. brown & blue on horizontally laid paper, a fresh and fine single example and a vertical pair, tied by indistinct RIGA (Feb 12, 1871) cds to cover to Orense, framed "P.D." in red alongside, reverse with March 1871 arrival cds. Correct 30 kopeck rate to Spain.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 7625 Russia

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    Catalogue# : 17
    1865: 30 kop. carmine & green without watermark, a fresh and fine single example tied by indistinct RIGA (Feb 17, 1871) cds to cover front directed to Rivadeo, framed "P.D." and Prussian "AUS RUSSLAND" cds, both in red alongside. Correct 30 kopeck rate to Spain.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : 500 CHF

    Lot# : 7626 Netherlands

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    Catalogue# : 11/I+12/I
    1867: Willem 25 c. dark violet and 50 c. golden (minor oxydation), both in type I, on cover to Madrid, the adhesives tied by numeral '44' lozenge, "'sGRAVENHAGE 16 JUN 71" despatch cds and framed "P.D.", all in black alongside. Reverse with Belgium "PAYS-BAS PAR ANVERS-STATn 16 JUIN 71" entry and "MADRID 20 JUN 71" arrival cds's. A rare usage of the 50 c. adhesive.
    Starting bid : 300 CHF
    Hammer price : 750 CHF

    Lot# : 7627 Austria

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    Catalogue# : 36/I+37/I+39/I
    1867: Ganzsachenumschlag 5 Kr. rot mit Zusatzfrankatur 3 Kr. grün (2), 5 Kr. rot und 15 Kr. braun, alle im groben Druck, versandt nach Barcelona, Wertstempel und Freimarken sauber und übergehend entw. "WIEN 22 / 7 71", nebenges. roter gefasster "P.D.", rücks. Ankunftsstp. BARCELONA. Um einen Kreuzer überfrankiert über dem korrekten Porto von 30 Kreuzern oder 6 Silbergroschen für die erste Gewichtsstufe im Tarif vom Juli 1864.
    Starting bid : 600 CHF
    Hammer price : 600 CHF

    Lot# : 7632 Sweden

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    Catalogue# : 17A, 21A, 24A
    1872: Numerals, 3 ö. light brown, 12 ö. blue and 30 ö. brown, used on cover, from GÖTENBORG (Sweden) to JEREZ DE LA FRONTERA (Spain), tied by Götenborg datestamp in black (18 May 1873 - although the letter is headed up 9th May 1873), with 'P.D.' in red alongside, handwritten '3½', sent via Prussia with a three-line 'KIEL/ 11 5 1/HAMBURG' to reverse, also Madrid transits (15 May 1873) and arrival in black (16 May 1873), faint horizontal filing crease below stamps, a fine and rare rate and destination.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 7633 Denmark

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    Catalogue# : 16 lA, 17 lA, 18 IA, 19 lA
    1 / 1
    1870: Numerals, 2 sk. grey and blue, 3 sk. grey and green, 4 sk. grey and carmine, and 8 sk. grey and brown, used on cover, from COPENHAGEN (Denmark) to JEREZ DE LA FRONTERA (Spain), tied by '1' in circles, also a single strike of the Copenhagen datestamp (23 Aug 1873), with red 'P.D.' mark, handwritten '4' in red crossed through with blue line, sent via Prussia with 'KIEL/26 8 I/HAMBURG' in black on reverse, alongside a Jerez/Cadiz arrival (30 Aug), horizontal filing crease centrally not affecting stamps, 2 sk. and 3 sk. have minor perf fault otherwise a very fine and attractive cover, an extremely rare four colour franking, one of two known. Cert. L. Nielsen (1999) and C. A. Møller (2004).
    Starting bid : 2,600 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 7634 Sweden

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    Catalogue# : 16a, 19A, 22A
    1 / 1
    1866/72: Icon, 20 ö. red, Numerals, 5 ö. green and 20 ö. red, used on cover, from STOCKHOLM (Sweden) to ALICANTE (Spain), tied by Stockholm datestamp (24 Sept 1873), also two strikes of the boxed 'PD' in black alongside, a 'FRANCO' rectangular mark in black below, handwritten '45', sent via Prussia with three-line 'LUBECK/LAUENBURG' mark in black and circular datestamp 'PK XP.NR2.NE**/25' and faint arrival in black (4 Oct 1873), some creasing top affecting both 20 ö., central 20 ö. has tear in bottom margin not obvious, vertical and horizontal filing creases away from adhesives, a scarce mixed franking and rare usage. Cert. H. Obermüller Wilén (1990).
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : 500 CHF

    Lot# : 7635 Sweden

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    Catalogue# : 21A, 24A
    1 / 1
    1872: Numerals, 12 ö. blue and 30 ö. brown, used on cover, from STOCKHOLM to JEREZ DE LA FRONTERA (Spain), tied by black datestamp 'NO.2 NED 13.8.1874' (13 Aug 1874), with red 'PD' alongside and handwritten '2' in red-brown crayon, to the reverse an indistinguishable French transit datestamp, horizontal filing crease well away from stamps, the certificate mentions one short perforation, otherwise a very fine cover, rare origin to destination. Cert. Dr. H. Obermüller Wilén (2001).
    Starting bid : 400 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 7638 Great Britain

    1848: Embossed, 10 d. brown, used on cover, from LIVERPOOL to CADIZ (Spain), cut into at base otherwise clear and with huge sheet side marginal to right, cancelled by indistinct '466' numeral, manuscript 'Via France', dispatch datestamp (22 Jan 1849) in black and London transit (23 Jan 1849) in red to reverse, faint French datestamp front, with double strike of the red oval 'P F' (paid to Franco-Spanish frontier), 11 Reales Due charge mark '11 R' in red, arrival to back (? Feb 1849), horizontal filing crease and soiled, however an good example of a single franking to Spain, scarce.
    Starting bid : 200 CHF
    Hammer price : 220 CHF

    Lot# : 7639 Great Britain

    1847: Embossed, 1 s. green vertical pair and 1850 Line Engraved 1 d. red imperforate, used on cover, from LONDON to JEREZ DE LA FONTERA (Spain), 1 s. cut into sides and base, 1 d. almost three margins, tied by a London oval '19' and Calais arrival (26 April 1851), as well as the oval 'P F' in red (paid to the Franco-Spanish frontier), manuscript 'via France', with '26 Rs' due mark in red, London transit to reverse (25 April 1851 - although letter headed up 16th April), horizontal filing crease well clear of adhesives, an attractive franking neatly tied, the embossed in combination with an SG8 imperforate is not common.
    Starting bid : 460 CHF
    Hammer price : 460 CHF

    Lot# : 7640 Great Britain

    1847/48: Embossed, 10 d. brown, vertical pair with 1 s. green, two vertical pairs (one stamp is half), used on cover, from LONDON to CADIZ (Spain), cut into, tied by a London oval '12', manuscript 'via South-n' indicating carried from Southampton by sea, with '56 R' in red Spanish charge mark, sent 4 Nov. 1852, with London transit in red on the reverse, also straight-line 'FENCHURCH.ST' in blue, horizontal filing crease not affecting stamps, an extremely high franking cover, with four 1 s. (an additional piece of the halved stamp may have been fixed to the cover at one time), a 5s 8d, exceptionally rare usage.
    Starting bid : 650 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,200 CHF

    Lot# : 7641 Great Britain

    1854: Embossed, 6 d. purple, together with 1855 1 d. red, perf 16, and horizontal pair 1855 2 d. blues, perf 14, used on cover, from LONDON to MADRID (Spain), tied by a London oval '15', with dispatch datestamp on reverse (20 July 1855), sent via France with Calais transit (24 July), paid to Franco-Spanish frontier with red oval 'P F', 4 Reales Due charge mark '4 R' in blue, arrival on reverse (25 July), small tear to cover just above the second 2d blue and horizontal filing crease not affecting stamps, a fine and rare tri-colour example of an 11d rate into Spain.
    Starting bid : 500 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 7642 Great Britain

    1856: Surface Printed, 1 s. green, used on cover, from LONDON to MADRID (Spain), perfs trimmed left, tied by a London W/1, with 'INSUFFICIENTLY/PREPAID' mark in red, and manuscript 'over 1/2 oz', a 'PD' mark overstruck with a London '30' both in red, also to front the Spanish '4R' charge mark in blue indicating 4 Reales to be paid, envelope reduced on left side, an interesting and scarce postage due item.
    Starting bid : 100 CHF
    Hammer price : 100 CHF

    Lot# : 7643 Great Britain

    1854: Embossed, 6 d. purple and 1855 Surface Printed 4 d. carmine (blued paper), used on cover, from LONDON to BILBAO (Spain), 6 d. cut into one side otherwise clear all round which is rare on this issue, tied by London oval '26' and Calais arrival (11 March 1856), with oval 'P F' in red (10d rate to the Franco-Spanish frontier), with 4 Reales due mark in blue '4R', London datestamp in black (10 March 1856) and red arrival to reverse, faint horizontal filing crease well clear of stamps, a scarce combination franking.
    Starting bid : 140 CHF
    Hammer price : 180 CHF

    Lot# : 7644 Great Britain

    1854: Embossed, 6 d. purple and 1856 Surface Printed 4 d. carmine, used on cover, from LONDON to CADIZ (Spain), 6 d. cut to shape, tied by London oval '15', with Calais transit (30 April 1856) alongside, manuscript 'via France', an oval 'P F' in red (10d rate to the Franco-Spanish frontier), and '4R' charge mark in blue applied on arrival in Spain, London datestamp (29 April 1856) in black and arrival (7 May 1856) in blue to reverse, vertical and horizontal filing creases clear of stamps, some acid ink erosion top centrally and soiling, otherwise fine, a scarce two colour combination franking.
    Starting bid : 120 CHF
    Hammer price : 120 CHF

    Lot# : 7645 Great Britain

    1855: Line Engraved, 2 d. blue, Small Crown, Perf 16 and 1856 Surface Printed 6 d. lilac, used on cover, from LONDON to RIVADEO (Spain), tied by indistinct London hooded cancel, sent via France, with Calais transit (19 April 1858) alongside, red 'PP' in circle and black '4 Rs' charge mark, to reverse an undated blue circular 'UP EAST S***FIELD', Paris transit (20 April) and Rivadeo arrival in blue (26 April), a fine example of an 8d franking into Spain. Gi = £790.
    Starting bid : 100 CHF
    Hammer price : 140 CHF

    Lot# : 7652 Great Britain

    1847: Embossed, 1 s. green, cut to shape, used on cover, from LONDON to JEREZ DE LA FONTERA (Spain), tied by a London duplex (11 Dec 1860), endorsed 'Via France', red oval 'PD' to front and small green embossed label "WINE DUTIES COMMITTEE / REDUCTION', arrival on reverse in black (18 Dec 1860), faint vertical filing crease centrally clear of stamp, a good single franking 1s rate cover.
    Starting bid : 80 CHF
    Hammer price : 200 CHF

    Lot# : 7653 Great Britain

    1862: Surface Printed, 4 d. bright red, and 1858 2 d. blue, plate 9, used on cover, from MOTHEWELL (Scotland) to SEVILLA (Spain), tied by Motherwell '361' duplex (22 March 1862), with 'INSUFFICIENTLY/PREPAID' in black and a manuscript 1/2, a red 'PD' cancelled by London '30' in black, also a '4R' due mark in blue overstruck with '8R' in black, on reverse Manchester in black (23 March) and London in red (24 March) transit marks, Sevilla arrival in black (29 March), damage to top centrally, horizontal filing crease clear of adhesives, some soiling, otherwise fine and scarce postage due letter Scotland to Spain.
    Starting bid : 140 CHF
    Hammer price : 240 CHF
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