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  • Lot# : 1260 Cuba

    Slave Trade 1825 (March 20): Entire lettersheet from Juara & Martel in Havanna, Cuba with black teo line handstamp 'Colonies / par Bordeaux' to the in the Slave Trade well known Agency 'Herbert' (& Sallier) in Nantes, France, with interesting content concerning 'boucauds' (Slaves) and the fear of American Crusers. Even as the slave trade ceased in other parts of the Atlantic, the Cuban slave trade continued on until 1867. The ownership of human beings as chattel slavery remained legal in Cuba until 1880.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1261 Ecuador

    1830/95: Interesting lot with 118 Ecuadorian forerunners, showing a broad variety of fine strucks (mainly in red) from various villages in Ecuador addressed to Quito, good condition, mounted on album pages and served in a small box.
    Starting bid : 750.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1262 Guatemala

    1 / 1
    1878: Indian Woman 4 r. violet, a used example (perforation somewhat touched by scissors on top at left hand side) on 1878 cover to Berlin, Germany tied by neat "25" numeral obliterator with superb circular "COBAN" datestamp (June 28) in red alongside. Struck with 'T / 1-10' marking in blue (Guatemala did not join the UPU until 1881) in London and charged '125 pf.' due in blue. Reverse with 'Correos / Guatemala' cds in red, London cds and Berlin arrival (Oct 16). This cover is unrecorded by Goodman, however a similar cover from this correspondence is illustrated on page 239. A fine and rare cover. Cert. Moorhouse (1997) Scott = $ 2'500.
    Starting bid : 750.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,400.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1263 Guatemala

    1902: Official 25 c. orange, a used example on 1905 registered front of cover from the President of Guatemala to the Nicaraguan Consul to France in Paris, tied by circular "GUATEMALA / 1 / O.A" handstamp with registration cachet (April 1) above in violet and Paris arrival (April 27). Illustrated on the cover of "El Quetzal" #301. A rare issue on letter.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 360.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1264 Haiti

    1 / 1
    1866: Great Britain 1865/73 4 d. vermilion, plate 13, a single example used on 1866 cover Port au Prince to Marseille tied by "C59" British P.O. in Jacmel obliterator in black. Reverse with "Jacmel" cds (Jan 10), London transit cds (Jan 30) where struck with "GB / 1F 60c." in black. Marseille arrival (Jan 31) where taxed with handstruck '10' décimes to pay as the 4 d. only covered the 'Inter-island' rate. A fine and most unusual cover. Cert. BPA (2021).rnProvenance: Collection Jack Blanc.
    Starting bid : 300.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 380.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1265 Haiti

    1889: 3 c. pale blue on Chile pink Columbus "Reply" card dated "PORT AU PRINCE", 26 OCT 89, with full message and despatch mark dated the same day. The card arrived in "KINGSTON", "JAMAICA" on OCT 30 1889 and received  the JAMAICA TRANSIT cachet. It received a PANAMA transit cachet on NOV 6 and arrived in VALDIVIA on DEC 7 1889. Cachets "JACMEL HAITI" and "PORT AU PRINCE" as well as KINGSTON from the inward journey are also on this most interesting item of postal history.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1266 Haiti

    1945: 3 c. slate grey / 2½ g. lilac, Full set of nine ABNC 'Die Proofs' in issued colours, of the 1945 'Red Cross' issue, all mounted, some with acetate protectors, generally very fine condition.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 200.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1267 Mexico

    Guadalajara 1856: ½ r. blue, two fine horizontal pairs, one with large portion of adjoining stamp at left showing slight doubling of the "CORREOS MEXICO" tablet at top, used on 27 March 1858 cover to Sayula tied by "FRANCO / GUADALAJARA" cds in black (Schatzkes fig. 297). A fine and choice cover. Signed G. Lamy.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 280.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1268 Mexico

    Guanajuato 1856: ½ r. blue, a horizontal strip of six used on 1860 entire letter to Mexico City, paying the ½-¾ ounce rate for a distance over 16 leagues, well tied by "FRANCO / GUANAJUATO" circular datestamps (Jan. 17) in black (Schatzkes fig. 476). File fold well away from the superb strip, a very scarce and most attractive entire.
    Starting bid : 400.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,700.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1269 Mexico

    Mexico City 1856: ½ r. deep blue, a fine horizontal pair used on September 1856 cover from Mexico City to Guadalajara carried at the initial rate (½ real for less than 30 leagues, 1 real for over 30 leagues) applicable until 20 December 1856, tied by lozenge of dots handstamp (Schatzkes fig. 826) in black - this only used in the first six weeks of issue. A fine and very scarce early usage.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 260.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1270 Mexico

    1 / 1
    Orizava 1856: ½ r. deep blue in a horizontal pair, 2 r. yellow-green and 4 r. used on 1858 cover to Puebla all tied by boxed and dated "ORIZAVA / JUNIO 8" datestamps in black (Schatzkes fig. 1090). A remarkable and rare three colour first issue franking paying the 7 reales rate. Cert. Mepsi (1993).
    Starting bid : 1,000.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 2,800.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1271 Mexico

    Durango 1856: 1 r. yellow, a used horizontal pair on 12 May 1857 entire letter from Mapimi to Durango, tied on despatch by straight line "MAPIMI" handstamp in red (Schatzkes fig. 269), and cancelled again in Durango dotted handstamp (Schatzkes fig. 235) in black to prevent re-use of the adhesives. Adhesives crossed by light file fold but rare.
    Starting bid : 120.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 140.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1272 Mexico

    Guadalajara 1856: 1 r. yellow, a fine used horizontal pair on 1857 cover from Guadalajara to the "Fabrica de Papel" in Tapalpa, endorsed at top "Por Sayula", tied by neat "FRANCO / GUADALAJARA" cds (July 14) in black (Schatzkes fig. 297). The Fabrica de Papel in Tapalpa was the first Latin American producer of paper. An unusual cover, routing endorsements are rarely found on early Mexican mail.
    Starting bid : 120.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1273 Mexico

    Guanajuato 1856: 2 r. yellow-green, a fine used example on 1 July 1857 entire letter from Cueramaro addressed to Manuel Doblado, Governor of the District of Guanajuato, tied in Celaya (Queretaro) by over-inked but rare "ADMON DE CORREOS DE CELAYA" Eagle cachet in black (Schatzkes fig. 1292).
    Starting bid : 120.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 140.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1274 Mexico

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    Maravatio / Morelia 1856: 1 r. yellow, a used vertical pair with both Morelia and Maravatio District overprints, on 1858 cover to Mexico City showing a Postal Fraud with the pair of Morelia overprinted 1 r. cancelled February 19 in black being re-used and tied by "FRANCO EN MARAVATIO" circular handstamps (Schatzkes fig. 712) in black (March 20). Some minor imperfections but a very rare usage. Cert. Mepsi (2013).
    Starting bid : 250.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 280.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1275 Mexico

    1 / 1
    Morelia 1856: 1 r. yellow, three fine single examples used on 15 July 1857 double rate cover to Mexico City (over 16 leagues), all tied by two strikes of "FRANCO / MORELIA" circular datestamps in black (Schatzkes fig. 901). The stamps lifted for checking and replaced, a most attractive cover. Cert. RPSL (2001). Provenance: Collection Fritz-Walter Lange.
    Starting bid : 120.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1276 Mexico

    Orizava 1856: 1 r. yellow, a superb used example from Plate I, with enormous margins on two sides, used at the newly introduced 1 real rate on 7 January 1857 cover from Orizava to Puebla tied by boxed & dated "ORIZAVA" datestamp in black (Schatzkes fig. 1090).
    Starting bid : 80.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 90.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1277 Mexico

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    Soyaniquilpan 1856: 1 r. yellow, a fine example used on 9 July 1858 entire letter from San Antonio to Mexico City tied by bold strike of two line "FRANCO / SOYANIQUILPAN" handstamp in black (Schatzkes fig. 1547). Scarce and superb. Cert. Mepsi (1993).
    Starting bid : 150.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 260.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1278 Mexico

    Tula 1856: 1 r. yellow, a vertical pair used on 2 March 1858 cover to Mineral del Monte tied by oval framed "FRANQUEADO / EN / ZIMAPAN" handstamps in black (Schatzkes fig. 1710). A rare District, internal docketing showing the letter took 10 days to deliver.
    Starting bid : 140.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 420.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1279 Mexico

    Guadalajara 1856: 2 r. yellow-green, a used example on 1858 entire letter from Chimaltitan to Tlaltenango, carried some 5 miles to the nearest Post Office and cancelled by extremely scarce "FRANCO EN / BOLANOS" handstamp (Schatzkes fig. 329) in black. Some wear to the entire but a rare usage.rnrn 
    Starting bid : 100.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 160.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1280 Mexico

    Guanajuato 1856: 2 r. pale yellow-green, a used example with large margins all round and showing vertical sheet margrinal rule at left, tied to 1857 entire letter to Mexico City by circular dotted handstamp and by "LEON DE LOS ALDAMAS" oval datestamp (Jan. 21) in black (Schatzkes figs. 501, 500). A scarce and attractive entire. Signed Todd AIEP.
    Starting bid : 100.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 320.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1281 Mexico

    Queretaro 1856: 2 r. yellow-green, a used example applied slightly off the edge of 29 March 1857 entire letter from Celaya addressed to Manuel Doblado, Governor of the District of Guanajuato, tied by manuscript pen strokes in ink. Unrecorded thus from Celaya. Scarce.
    Starting bid : 100.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1282 Mexico

    Toluca 1856: 2 r. yellow-green, a fine used example on 8 July 1857 Official entire letter to Tula tied by boxed & dated "TOLUCA" handstamp in black (Schatzkes fig. 1667) with Eagle Official cachet "Gobierno Mexico" at right. A charming usage.
    Starting bid : 120.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1283 Mexico

    Zacatecas 1856: 2 r. dull green, a fine example used on 1857 cover to Guadalajara tied by boxed & dated "ZACATECAS" despatch (April 11) in black (Schatzkes fig. 1851), with the Zacatecas District name applied over the initial despatch cancellation. An unusual usage.
    Starting bid : 100.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1284 Mexico

    Victoria 1856: 2 r. pale yellow-green, a superb used example with large margins all round, used on 1857 entire letter from Tula to San Luis Potosi tied by framed "TULA DE / TAMAULIPAS" handstamp in red (Schatzkes fig. 1839) with manuscript date at left "Julio 9" and, unusually "11" written in top margin of stamp, probably the actual day of sending. A magnificent and rare entire from a very scarce District.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 320.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1285 Mexico

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    Lagos: 2 r. blue-green, a vertically bisected example used on entire letter dated Nov. 22 1857 from San Juan to Lagos, tied by oval framed "CORREOS / S. JUAN DE LOS LAGOS" oval handstamp (Schatzkes fig. 675) in black. File fold well above adhesive, a fine and scarce entire. Cert. E. Diena (1986) Scott = $ 600. Provenance: Collection Albert Quast, Harmers, Dec 1968, lot 165. Collection Peter Broennimann, Corinphila sale 192, 18 Nov 2014, lot 4064.rn                     
    Starting bid : 350.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 750.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1286 Mexico

    Mexico City 1856: 2 r. yellow-green and 4 r. red, the latter stamp with large even margins, used on 1860 double rate (½ to ¾ ounce) cover from Mexico City to Vera Cruz endorsed "pr. Extraordinario" (Express) tied by "Franco Mexico" cds (Dec. 28) in black. The 2 reales just touched and crossed by horizontal file fold but a rare and most attractive 6 reales franking. Signed Todd AIEP.
    Starting bid : 300.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 600.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1287 Mexico

    Mexico City 1856: 4 r. red, a fine example in a rich shade, used on 1861 cover to Guadalajara carried at triple rate (¾ - 1 ounce above 16 leagues) tied by "Franco / Mexico" cds (Jan. 3) in black. A choice and very fine cover.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1288 Mexico

    1 / 1
    Morelia 1856: 4 r. red, a horizontally bisected example, upper half, used to pay the 2 real rate, tied to 16 August 1858 entire letter to Mexico City by "FRANCO / MORELIA" circular datestamp in black (Schatzkes fig. 901). Superb and very scarce. Opinion Holcombe (1994) Scott = $ 250+.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1289 Mexico

    1 / 1
    Zacatecas 1856: 4 r. red, a vertically bisected example, left half, used to pay the 2 reales rate on 1858 entire letter from Zacatecas to Durango tied by boxed & dated "ZACATECAS" datestamp (April 12) in black (Schatzkes fig. 1851). File fold well away from the adhesive, fresh and very fine. Signed Calves, Todd AIEP. Cert. Mepsi (2013) Scott = $ 250.
    Starting bid : 175.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1290 Mexico

    Zacatecas 1856: 4 r. red, a vertically bisected example, left half, used to pay the 2 real rate, tied to 27 March 1858 entire letter to Fresnillo by "RIO-GRANDE" straight line handstamp in black (Schatzkes fig. 1905A). File fold and some wear but scarce. Signed J.K. Bash Scott = $ 250+.
    Starting bid : 150.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1291 Mexico

    1 / 1
    Zacatecas 1856: 4 r. red, a quadrisected example, top right corner of the stamp, used to pay the 1 real rate on 1859 entire letter from Fresnillo to Zacatecas tied by boxed & dated "FRESNILLO" datestamp (April 24) in black (Schatzkes fig. 1867). Fresh and very fine. Signed Calves, Todd AIEP. Cert. Mepsi (2013) Scott = $ 700.
    Starting bid : 300.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 440.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1292 Mexico

    1 / 1
    Queretaro 1856: 8 r. red-lilac, a quadrisected example, upper left corner of the stamp, used to pay the 2 reales rate on 11 June 1858 cover to Mexico City tied by oval framed "FRANQUEADO / EN QUERETARO" handstamp in black (Schatzkes fig. 1264). File folds away from the adhesive, fine. Signed Todd AIEP. Cert. Mepsi (2012) Scott = $ 225.
    Starting bid : 150.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 260.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1293 Mexico

    1 / 1
    Zacatecas 1856: 8 r. red-lilac, a quadrisected example, lower left corner of the stamp, used to pay the 2 reales rate on 1859 cover to Durango tied by boxed & dated "ZACATECAS" datestamp (Sept 7) in black (Schatzkes fig. 1851). Fresh and very fine. Signed Calves, Todd AIEP. Cert. Mepsi (2011) Scott = $ 225.
    Starting bid : 150.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 150.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1294 Mexico

    1 / 1
    Zacatecas 1856: 8 r. red-lilac, a quadrisected example used on cover to Monterey, tied by large part framed ZACATECAS datestamp (July) in black (Schatzkes fig. 1851). Scarce. Cert. Mepsi (1985) Scott = $ 225.
    Starting bid : 120.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1295 Mexico

    Vera Cruz 1861: ½ r. black on buff, a superb horizontal strip of four used on 30 May 1861 cover to Mexico City, tied by "FRANQUEADO / VERA CRUZ" circular datestamps (Schatzkes fig. 1749) in black. Choice and very fine - the usage of the four ½ real adhesives showing that the initial invoices of 2 reales stamps were too low in number for this busy port. A scarce and most attractive cover. Provenance: Collection "Hidalgo", Soler & Llach, Barcelona, 11 May 1995, lot 218.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 850.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1296 Mexico

    Guanajuato 1861: 1 r. black on green, a fine example with sheet marginal horizontal line at base, used on cover from Irapuato to Guanajuato tied by superb framed "YRAPUATO" handstamp (Schatzkes fig. 494) in black. One side flap reduced but most attractive.
    Starting bid : 100.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1297 Mexico

    Mexico City 1861: 1 r. black on green, a vertical strip of three used on reverse of 1861 entire letter to Parral endorsed "via Zacatecas y Durango" at top, tied by "Franco / Mexico" circular datestamps (Nov 30) in black. An attractive and scarce entire. Signed Todd AIEP.
    Starting bid : 120.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1298 Mexico

    1 / 1
    Guanajuato 1861: 2 r. black on pink (2) and single 1 r. black on green, used on 30 January 1864 cover to Mexico City (68 leagues) tied by "CORREOS / GUANAJUATO" negative seal handstamp (Schatzkes fig. 480) in black. Noticeable plate wear on the right hand 2 r. adhesive obscuring "DO" of DOS. A most attractive and scarce 5 reales franking for the 1-1¼ ounce rate. Cert. Mepsi (1995). Provenance: Collection "Hidalgo", Soler y Llach,11 May 1995, lot 258.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 650.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1299 Mexico

    Mexico City 1861: 1 r. black on green and 2 r. black on pink, used on October 1863 "Between the Lines" cover to Zacatecas tied by oval framed "DILIGENCIAS GENERALES / ADMON / DE MEXICO" handstamp (Schatzkes fig. 830) in black. The cover carried "Between the Lines" and thus the Imperial stamp unaccepted by the Liberal forces in Zacatecas and the letter handstamped "3" in black for a further 3 reales to pay upon receipt. The cover with some splitting at edges but rare. Signed Todd AIEP.
    Starting bid : 250.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 420.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1300 Mexico

    Chihuahua 1861: 2 r. black on pink, a fine example used on 1862 cover to Parral tied by framed "ROSALES" and "FRANCO" handstamps in red (Schatzkes fig. 165+165A). A scarce and exceptionally attractive cover. Provenance: Collection Joseph Schatzkes.
    Starting bid : 120.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 500.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1301 Mexico

    1 / 1
    Mexico City 1861: 2 r. black on pink, worn plate, a fine example used on 1863 cover from Mexico City to Guanajuato tied by "Franco / Mexico" cds in black (Nov. 29). The cover carried "Between the Lines" and thus the Imperial stamp unaccepted by the Liberal forces and the letter handstamped "2" in black for a further 2 reales to pay upon receipt (Dec. 3). Rare. Cert. Mepsi (2018).
    Starting bid : 250.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 280.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1302 Mexico

    Mexico City 1861: 2 r. black on pink, a fine example used outside of District on 1862 entire letter to Colima tied by neat "FRANCO / GUADALAJARA" circular datestamp (March 28) in black (Schatzkes fig. 297). A scarce and fine out of District usage, most uncommon in this period. Signed Todd AIEP.
    Starting bid : 120.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1303 Mexico

    Mexico City 1861: 2 r. black on pink, a fine example showing vertical marginal rule, used on 1862 cover to Puebla tied by oval framed "DILIGENCIAS GENERALES / ADMON / DE MEXICO" handstamp (Schatzkes fig. 830) in black. Scarce.
    Starting bid : 100.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1304 Mexico

    1 / 1
    Morelia 1861: 2 r. black on pink, a used example on 5 June 1861 cover to Mexico City tied by very scarce oval framed "DILIGS. GENERALES / ADMON. DE MORELIA" Eagle cachet in black (Schatzkes fig. 899) with framed "GRATIS" handstamp in black above. The stamp crossed by ironed file fold but a rare usage. Cert. Mepsi (2018).
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 340.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1305 Mexico

    1 / 1
    Puebla 1861: 2 r. black on pink, a used horizontal pair with large "PUEBLA" overprint (used during the French Occupation of the District) on 19 December 1863 entire letter to Puebla cancelled by "TEHUACAN / FRANCO" handstamp in black (Schatzkes fig. 1233). Small imperfections but scarce. Cert. Mepsi (2018).
    Starting bid : 120.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 140.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1306 Mexico

    Puebla 1861: 2 r. black on pink used on covers (2), with 1862 single franking to Jalapa bearing top marginal example tied by "PUEBLA / ABRIL 29" datestamp in black (Schatzkes fig. 1153) and 30 Octcober 1862 single franking to Puebla tied by fine "FRANCO / TEHUACAN" handstamp in black (Schatzkes fig.1232). A choice pair.
    Starting bid : 100.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 100.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1307 Mexico

    San Luis Potosi 1861: 2 r. black on pink, a fine example used on 1864 cover from SLP to Monterey tied by oval "CORREOS / S. L. POTOSI" datestamp (May 2) in black (Schatzkes fig. 1446). The cover carried "Between the Lines" and thus the Imperial stamp unaccepted by the Liberal forces and the letter handstamped "2" in black for a further 2 reales to pay upon receipt (May 11). Some docketing on front panel but rare.
    Starting bid : 250.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 250.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1308 Mexico

    Vera Cruz 1861: 2 r. black on pink, a very fine used example tied to 1861 cover by framed "MINATITLAN" boxed handstamp (Schatzkes fig. 1790) and by manuscript date "Julio 25". A scarce and fine cover.
    Starting bid : 100.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1309 Mexico

    Victoria 1861: 2 r. black on pink, a used example with good margins all round used on 1862 cover from Cuidad Victoria to Tampico tied by fancy framed "FRANCO" handstamp in red (Schatzkes fig. 1818). Acid ink and pencil fault but a rare District and cancellation. Signed J.K. Bash.
    Starting bid : 150.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 280.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1310 Mexico

    1 / 1
    Zacatecas 1861: 2 r. black on pink without District name, showing portion of adjoining stamp at top, used on 13 May 1864 cover from Zacatecas to Mexico City and cancelled by large "8" handstamp in black obliterating Hidalgo (Schatzkes fig. 1849E). Internal docketing shows the cover was received in Mexico City on May 19th. A very rare Provisional usage of this issue after demonetisation (Follansbee NF 8A). Signed Todd AIEP. Cert. Mepsi (2013). Note: Zacatecas was in Liberal hands and no supplies of the 1861 issue were invoiced after June 1861, until a supply of 2'850 2 reales adhesives were sent on 3 March 1864.
    Starting bid : 400.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,300.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1311 Mexico

    Mexico City 1861: 2 r. black on pink and 4 r. rose-red on yellow, fine examples used on 1862 cover to Guadalajara tied by Mexico City network handstamps (Schatzkes fig. 827) in black with oval "CORREOS / MEXICO" datestamp (April 10) below. Internal restoration but nevertheless an attractive usage at a scarce rate.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 240.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1312 Mexico

    1 / 1
    Mexico City 1861: 1 r. black on green and 8 r. green on red-brown, used examples with the 1 r. showing "void flaw" at upper right corner, on 31 March 1864 cover to Guadalajara tied by "Franco / Mexico" circular datestamps in black. An extremely rare franking paying the 2 ounce rate for a distance above 16 leagues. Cert. Mepsi (2001). Provenance: Collection Jim Mazepa.
    Starting bid : 500.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,700.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1313 Mexico

    1 / 1
    Guadalajara 1861: 4 r. black on yellow, a diagonally bisected example paying the 2 reales rate, used on 11 May 1861 entire letter to Leon tied by "FRANCO / GUADALAJARA" circular datestamp (Schatzkes fig. 297) struck in blue: in use in this colour from the 2nd to the 28th May 1861 only. Sone minor wear but very scarce. Signed J.M. Bartels, R. Calves. Cert. Mepsi (2018) Scott = $ 190+.
    Starting bid : 175.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1314 Mexico

    Vera Cruz 1861: 4 r. black on yellow, a used example on 28 May 1861 cover to Puebla tied by light "FRANQUEADO / VERA CRUZ" cds in black (Schatzkes fig. 1749). File fold well away from the adhesive, a scarce stamp on letter. Signed Todd AIEP.
    Starting bid : 150.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 240.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1315 Mexico

    1 / 1
    Lagos 1861: 4 r. black on yellow, a quadrisected example used to pay the 1 real rate on 3 May 1861 entire letter to Leon de los Aldamas, tied by straight line "LAGOS" handstamp in black (Schatzkes fig. 657). File fold just away from the adhesive, a rare and attractive usage. Signed J.K. Bash. Cert. Mepsi (2001) Scott = $ 700. Provenance: Collection Erich Koenig, Sotheby's, New York, 30 May 1995, lot 197.
    Starting bid : 250.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 550.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1316 Mexico

    1 / 1
    Mexico City 1861: 4 r. deep rose on yellow, a very fine used example on 12 September 1863 cover to Vera Cruz lightly tied by "FRANCO / MEXICO" cds in black. A very fine stamp in a most unusual shade. Scarce. Cert. Mepsi (2011).
    Starting bid : 250.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1317 Mexico

    Vera Cruz 1861: 4 r. pale 'claret' on yellow, a superb used example on 1 Nov. 1861 entire letter to Puebla lightly tied by "FRANQUEADO / VERA CRUZ" cds in black (Schatzkes fig. 1749). Exceptional quality.
    Starting bid : 300.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 360.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1318 Mexico

    1 / 1
    Puebla 1861: 4 r. dull rose on yellow, a diagonally bisected example paying the 2 reales rate, used on 1861 entire letter to Orizava tied by two line "PUEBLA / OCTUBRE 5" handstamp in black (Schatzkes fig. 1153). The entire with a couple of insignificant holes not detracting from the appearance, a scarce and most attractive entire: the "splits" were used in Puebla for a twelve day period in 1861 - Fayolle and Chapman state September 26-Oct 4, 1861 - however the new invoice was only consigned on October 4th and had yet to be received. Cert. Mepsi (1985) Scott =rn$ 950. Provenance: Collection J.K. Bash, Bexar, Houton, Oct 1988, lot 681. Collection P. Broennimann, Corinphila sale 192, Nov 2014, lot 4207.
    Starting bid : 400.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1319 Mexico

    Guanajuato 1861: 8 r. black on red-brown, a quadrisected example to pay the 2 reales rate, lower left corner of the stamp with sheet marginal line below, used on 1861 entire letter to Guadalajara tied by oval framed "LEON DE LOS ALDAMAS" datestamp (Sept. 6) in black (Schatzkes fig. 500). A fresh and very fine entire. Signed Todd AIEP Scott = $ 250+.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 240.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1320 Mexico

    1 / 1
    Guanajuato 1861: 8 r. black on red-brown, a quadrisected example to pay the 2 reales rate, lower right corner of the stamp, used on 19 October 1861 cover to Celaya tied by Silao de la Victoria "Eagle" handstamp (Schatzkes fig. 529) in black. Some creasing away from the adhesive but scarce. Cert. Mepsi (2013) Scott = $ 250+.
    Starting bid : 150.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 340.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1321 Mexico

    1 / 1
    Colima 1861: 8 r. black on red-brown, a diagonally bisected example used as seal on reverse of refolded 1863 cover to Guadalajara to pay the 4 reales rate, tied by oval framed "CORREOS / COLIMA" datestamp (June 11) in black (Schatzkes fig. 179). The stamp with ironed horizontal crease but without surcharge and a probable postal fraud usage. Scarce. Signed J.K. Bash. Cert. Mepsi (1995) Scott = $ 750.rnProvenance: Collection Erich Koenig, Sotheby's, New York, 30 May 1995, lot 136.
    Starting bid : 250.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 280.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1322 Mexico

    Mexico City 1861: 8 r. green on red-brown, a fine used example of vivid colour and large margins on 10 November 1863 cover to Vera Cruz, neatly tied by "FRANCO / MEXICO" cds in black. A very rare stamp on letter and most attractive. Signed Todd AIEP. Provenance: Collection Renato Mondolfo RDP, Corinphila sale 70, 26-31 March 1984, lot 3333.
    Starting bid : 500.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 850.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1323 Mexico

    Mexico City 1867: Gothic Mexico 2 r. black on pink, a fine used example on 12 April 1868 entire letter to Zacatecas tied by "Franco / Mexico" cds in black. A scarce issue on letter.
    Starting bid : 120.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1324 Mexico

    1 / 1
    1892: 10 p. carmine, unusually well centred, unused example with original gum, a very rare stamp indeed. Certificate Behr (2009).
    Starting bid : 300.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 300.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1325 Mexico

    1 / 1
    1934: 20 p. brown and brown lake, 'National University' unused, gum faults, signed A. Diena and Certificate MEPSI (2011).
    Starting bid : 150.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 150.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1326 Mexico

    1856: Range of covers (10) and two cover fronts, with single frankings of 1 r. yellow from Guanajuato, Mexico City and Toluca; 1 r. pair on cover from Toluca and five examples of the 1 r. used on 1857 front from Guadalajara; 2 r. green single frankings on covers from Catorce, Durango, Queretaro, San Juan del Rio, San Luis Potosi and Sombrerete and a cover front with 2 r. tied by rare "Fuerte" handstamp in red. A most attractive group. 
    Starting bid : 250.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 440.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1327 Mexico

    Mexico City 1861: Cover fronts (2) from Mexico City to Mazatlan, a distance of some 500+ miles and in insurrection against the Conservative / Imperial Govt., with 26 Oct. 1862 cover front bearing 2 r. black on pink tied by Mexico network cancel with "CORREOS / MEXICO" datestamp adjacent (Oct. 26) and endorsed "Por la via de Durango", and a second front from the same correspondence franked 1 r. black on green and 2 r. black on pink similarly cancelled (Nov. 2) endorsed "Por la via de Morelia y Colima". Despite faults a most unusual pairing.
    Starting bid : 150.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1328 Mexico

    1861: Covers (8) with single 1 r. black on green tied by fine oval "Franco / Salamanca" in black, 2 r. black on pink single frankings with generally superb strikes from Culiacan, Guanajuato, Jalapa, Mexico City (stamp with position 65 plate flaw), Queretaro, San Juan del Rio and Zacatecas and an 8 r. black on red-brown used from Mexico City to Puebla.
    Starting bid : 250.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 250.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1329 Mexico

    1863/64: Correpondence (9, all except two covers with long and complete contents) from Metz to a Lieutenant Colonel of the Engineers serving with the Corps Expeditionaire du Mexique, all covers with 1862 Empire frankings: seven covers mailed via Great Britain at 50 c. rate and two by French ships at concessionary 20 c. rate, eight cancelled by '2336' gros chiffres of Metz (last cover cancelled at Roussy-Le-Village and written in Mondorf, Luxembourg) and sent via Paris with Control datestamps (to check and endorse the rates) of transit, with one February 1864 cover at 50 c. rate showing rare usage of "CORPS EXP. MEXIQUE / BAU A" circular datestamp (April 1) applied as a backstamp. Plus two further covers to the Colonel mailed locally upon arrival home to Metz (March 1866) and a local May 1866 cover with fine "Paris A Strasbourg / A" TPO cds. Some imperfections to be expected but a fascinating and rare correspondence (11 covers).
    Starting bid : 2,500.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1330 Nicaragua

    1929: 50 c. / 1 Cor "Airplanes over "Mt MOMOTOMBO" three 'Die Proofs' in unissued colours, red blue and green, mounted to card, all somewhat foxed.
    Starting bid : 100.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1331 Panama

    1857/61: Washington 10 c. green, a fine example of good colour used on 1859 cover endorsed "via Panama" to Francestown, New Hampshire; neatly tied by "SAN FRANCISCO / Cal." despatch cds (Dec 5) in black. An attractive usage.
    Starting bid : 75.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 80.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1334 Paraguay

    Colonial 1778 (Nov. 7): Large part entire letter to Buenos Ayres, rated "1½" reales in manuscript, struck with fine strike of rare "PARAGVAY" straight line handstamp in greyish-black. Scarce with contents at this early date.
    Starting bid : 180.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 260.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1335 Paraguay

    Colonial 1796/1800c.: Cover to Buenos Ayres, rated "1" real in manuscript, struck with superb truncated "YTAPUA" handstamp in red. Somewhat aged but very rare.

    New Starting Price from the consigner received after catalogue printing

    Starting bid : 400.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1336 Paraguay

    Colonial 1811 (Jan. 19): Entire letter from Asuncion to Buens Ayres, rated "1½" reales in mansucript, struck with superb straight line "PARAGVAY" handstamp in red. The entire written just four months before Paraguay declared independence from Spain. An exceptional strike for this marking and very rare on an entire letter.
    Starting bid : 400.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 480.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1337 Paraguay

    1854 (May 7): Entire letter from Asuncion to Corrientes, endorsed "por ubsequio del Sr. Dn. Pedro Rivas" at lower left, struck with fine strike of oval framed "ADMON GRAL / DE / CORREOS / DE LA R. DEL P." handstamp in brown. Exceptional for this marking and letter with interesting contents.
    Starting bid : 120.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 140.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1338 Paraguay

    1860 (Nov. 20): Entire letter tfrom Asuncion to Buenos Ayres endorsed "pr. Spora", rated "1" real prepaid in red manuscript, struck with oval framed "ADMON. GRAL DE CORREOS / DE LA. R. DEL P." handstamp in black at lower left. A fine and very scarce entire.

    New Starting Price from the consigner received after catalogue printing

    Starting bid : 150.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1339 Paraguay

    1878/1964: Collection in a large Schaubeck album and three other books, containing a collection of Paraguay, its officials and approximately thirty-five letters and postal stationery. The album shows a good range of completeness with many specialised pieces, so 1878 handstamp surcharge 5 c. on 1 r. containing four copies including the blue overprint fine used. The 1904 lion design is included with forty-three proofs on thick card, the letters include a 1900 "Villa Hayes" letter to Switzerland. Collections of Paraguay are not often found. The quality is largely good or better.
    Starting bid : 500.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 500.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1340 Paraguay

    1909/1948: Collection of seventy-two mostly airmail entires, with PANAM, First Flight RIO de JANEIRO to ASUNCION and mixed franking Brazil and Paraguay, 1932 and 1935 Zeppelin Flights, Condor and Air France flights, many registered items and other unusual material.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 280.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1341 Peru

    1 / 1
    British Post Offices 1867: Great Britain 10 d. red-brown, a single example (Gi Z51) used on 1872 entire letter from Callao to France endorsed "per RM Steamer", tied by bold "C38" obliterator in black. Reverse with Callao cds (May 14) and London cds in red (June 13) where "GB / 1F 90c." accountancy marking applied in black. Taxed at single rate on arrival with handstruck '15' décimes charge marking in black. An attractive and extremely fine and scarce cover. Cert. BPA (2021).rnProvenance: Collection Jack Blanc.
    Starting bid : 750.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,200.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1342 Peru

    1 / 1
    1866/67: Llama 10 c. vermilion, used on 1874 entire letter from Lima to Bordeaux, France endorsed "via Panama" tied by Lima cds (May 13) in black. Thence via British P.O. in Callao with the rate to Panama prepaid with Great Britain 1873/80 6 d. grey pl. 13 (Gi. Z46) tied by bold "C38" obliterator in black. Reverse with Callao datestamp (May 14) and London transit cds (June 12) where framed '"GB / 1F 90c.'' accountancy marking was applied. Charged due with '15' décimes handstruck in black on arrival. A fresh and fine entire of great scarcity. Cert. RPS (1957), BPA (2021).rnProvenance: Collection Julio Lugón Badaracco, Corinphila sale 187, May 2014, lot 5193; Collection Jack Blanc.
    Starting bid : 500.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 500.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1343 Peru

    1 / 1
    1857 (Dec. 1): PSNC 1 r. deep blue on blued paper, an unused example of rich colour, superb large margins all round, part og. A rare stamp so fine. Cert. BPA (2021) Scott = $ 1'700.
    Starting bid : 650.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 650.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1344 Peru

    1 / 1
    1857 (Dec. 1): PSNC 2 r. brown-red on blued paper, an unused example of rich colour, large margins all round, part og. A rare stamp so fine. Cert. BPA (2021) Scott = $ 1'900.
    Starting bid : 750.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 750.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1345 Peru

    1857/63: PSNC collection with two genuine used examples of the 1 r. blue on blued paper, each cancelled by Lima datestamps (Jan. and Feb., 1858) in black but with close to touched margins (Scott = $ 4'500), 1 r. red-brown and 2 r. blue (reversed colours) each printed on vertically laid paper (Scott = $ 800), the early 1861/63 reprints by Perkins Bacon, 22 examples, with 2 r. in brown and deep brown (2), 1 r. in red-brown (5, incl. a pair) and 2 r. in pale red-brown, 1 r. green and 2 r. green (5 incl. a pair), 1 r. in deep blue and in grey-blue, 2 r. in deep blue (2), 1 r. orange-yellow (3 and a pair) and 2 r. orange-yellow (3); generally fine, a scarce and most attractive assembly.
    Starting bid : 750.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,400.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1346 Peru

    1858 (March 1): 1 d. deep blue, an unused example, Transfer Type 8 on the bloc report of 20 subjects, with large even margins all round, of fresh colour, large part og. A very rare stamp unused, especially so with gum Scott = $ 275.
    Starting bid : 150.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 150.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1347 Peru

    1858 (March 1): 1 d. deep blue, a replating of the Hausberg bloc report of 20 subjects, missing just 20, including seven horizontal pairs, all cancelled in black. Generally fine, a scarce group Scott = $ 900+.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 280.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1348 Peru

    1 / 2
    Catalogue# : 3a
    1858: 1d deep blue, vertical pair with good to wide margins of fresh vibrant colour, cancelled framed "CHICLAYO" in blue on letter dated 9. April 1861 with full content to Lima. A fine and rare letter.
    Starting bid : 150.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 180.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1349 Peru

    1858 (March 10): Medio ½ peso rose-red, Error of Colour for buff, Hall Type E, a used example with large margins all round, neatly cancelled by Tacna datestamp (17 May 1858) in black. A very fine example of this rare stamp. Signed A. Puppo Gi 4b = £ 4'750/Scott = $ 4'750.
    Starting bid : 1,000.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,000.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1350 Peru

    1 / 1
    1858: 1 d. pale slate-blue, a fine horizontal pair with good margins all round, used with 1860/61 1 d. deep blue vertical pair on 13 April 1860 cover from Concepcion (which had no cancelling device at this date) near Jauja to Lima, each pair cancelled by fine dotted "JAUJA" despatch handstamps in blue. An outstanding and extremely rare, most probably unique, mixed issue combination cover. Cert. Philatelic Foundation (1972) and Brian Moorhouse (2008). Provenance: Collection "Crown Point", Corinphila sale 131, 8 Oct 2001, lot 6861.
    Starting bid : 1,200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,200.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1351 Peru

    1858 (Dec.): 1 p. red, a fine large margined example in a pale rose shade, contemporary scuff at top margin, used on 1859 entire letter to Cochabamba tied "Admon. Pral de Correos de Tacna" cds (Jan. 18) in black. Rated "1½" reales to pay in manuscript on receipt.
    Starting bid : 150.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1352 Peru

    1857/58: 1 p. red, a fine used example cancelled by superb strike of dotted "Huancayo" in black, with two 1 p. red single frankings on covers with enormous example used on 1859 entire from Tacna to Cochabamba, Bolivia and a superb example used as single franking from Lima to Cajamarca. A splendid group.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 200.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1353 Peru

    1 / 1
    1860/61: 1 d. deep blue, a group of five pairs, three being vertical with one showing major printing flaw, together with 1 d. blue vertical pair on cover to Lima (signed Calves and Holcombe), together with an 1860 cover from Callao to Arequipa franked by 1 peseta brick-red. An attractive group.
    Starting bid : 250.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 250.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1354 Peru

    1862: 1d vermillion, embossing on side, rotated 90 degrees clockwise, close to good margined copy cancelled "ARICA", a second copy is cancelled "YQUIQUE" with faults. Rare.
    Starting bid : 150.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1355 Peru

    1862/63: le Coq 1 d. pink, a single example with variety "Arms Embossed Sideways", used in 1865 entire letter to Lima tied by "Tacna" cds (Dec. 21) in black. Reverse with Lima arrival (Dec. 26) in blue. The cover with file folds well away from the adhesive, a very scarce usage of this variety on letter. Signed Puppo.
    Starting bid : 250.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 250.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1356 Peru

    1 / 1
    1862: Le Coq 1 d. red, a diagonally bisected example used to pay the 5 c. rate, tied to 1866 cover to Lima by Callao cds in black (April 12). Framed "LIMA / DISTRIBUTION" handstamp at right and reverse with Lima arrival cds (same day). File fold well away from the adhesive, a scarce usage. Cert. BPA (2021) Scott = $ 350.
    Starting bid : 250.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 260.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1357 Peru

    1868: Le Coq 1 d. green, a used example showing variety "Arms Embossed Inverted", cancelled by part "PACIFIC STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY / VAPOR COPIAPO" in blue. Exceptionally rare used thus, nearly all used examples showing this variety are cancelled in December 1872 Scott = $ 1'200.
    Starting bid : 400.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 650.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1358 Peru

    1868: Le Coq 1 d. green, a used example showing variety "Arms Embossed Inverted", cancelled by part "Iquique / Peru" cds (Dec., 1872) in black. Rare and very fine Scott = $ 1'200.
    Starting bid : 300.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 300.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1359 Peru

    1 / 1
    1868: 'Le Coq' 1 d. blue-green, fine used example with good margins all round, showing variety "Frame Inverted", neatly cancelled, rare variety, very fine. Signed and certificate Alberto Diena (1962). Scott = $ 1'200.
    Starting bid : 300.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 300.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1360 Peru

    1868: 'Le Coq' 1d blue-green, fine used example with good margins all round, showing variety "Frame Inverted", neatly cancelled TACNA, rare variety, signed Herbert Bloch. Rare and very fine Scott = $ 1'200.
    Starting bid : 300.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 300.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1361 Peru

    1 / 1
    1868: 1 d. green, a diagonally bisected example used on small part piece to pay the 5 c. rate by Train to Callao, tied by readable strike of the very rare oval "COMPANIA DE LOS / FERROCARRILES / DE LIMA" cachet in black (Emsing E194). This private company marking of the owner's of the Railway was probably applied due to Government pressure on the company not to carry uncancelled mail - a fine of ten times the postage was levied on each item. Just a fragment but very rare. Cert. E. Diena (1987) Scott = $ 2'000 on cover.
    Starting bid : 100.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 200.00 CHF
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