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  • Lot# : 1462 People's Republic of China

    1963 (Sept 25): Monkeys, both sets of three values unused, perf. and Imperforate, fresh and very fine, unmounted og. Scarce Mi 741/743B = € 410 / Gi = £ 290.
    Starting bid : 140.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 410.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1463 People's Republic of China

    1963 (Oct 15): Hwangshan Lanscapes, the set of sixteen values complete unused, fresh and very fine, unmounted og. Scarce Mi 744/759 = € 1'800 / Gi = £ 700.
    Starting bid : 300.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,600.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1464 People's Republic of China

    1964 (Aug 5): Peonies, complete set of fifteen values, fresh and very fine, unmounted og. Scarce Mi 795/809B = € 695 / Gi = £ 375.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 550.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1465 People's Republic of China

    1964 (Aug 5): "Glorious Crimson & Great Gold Pink" Peonies 2 y. Miniature Sheet, an unused example as issued, superb Mi Block 9 = € 3'000 /Gi = £ 2'000.
    Starting bid : 600.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,450.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1466 People's Republic of China

    1965: 8 f. multicoloured, '30th Anniversary Zunyi Conference', the set of three values unused with full og. Gi. = £225.
    Starting bid : 100.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 220.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1467 People's Republic of China

    1965: 8f multicouloured, 30th aniversary of the Tsunyi Conference two values with additional franking on commercial letter to Poland. Unusual item
    Starting bid : 150.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 160.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1468 People's Republic of China

    1967/1968: 8 f. red / 10 f. red: 'Poems' three domestically used examples on entires, all with further slogans on patriotic letters, roughly opened and some wear. Very scarce.
    Starting bid : 300.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 300.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1469 People's Republic of China

    1 / 2
    Catalogue# : 2386, 2391, 2392, 2402,
    1969: 8 f. multicoloured, "Red Lantern", with additional franking on red envelope to Switzerland. Unusual commercial usage, some wear but still an attractive and very rare letter.
    Starting bid : 150.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 260.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1470 People's Republic of China

    1971: 4f/22f, 50 Years "Chinese Communist Party" complete unused with full original gum, set of nine including unfolded strip of three.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1471 People's Republic of China

    1978 (March 18): National Science Conference, 8 f. triptych Miniature Sheet, fresh and very fine, unmounted og. Mi Block 11 = € 700 / Gi = £ 325.
    Starting bid : 160.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 280.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1472 People's Republic of China

    1978 (May 5): Galloping Horse, 5 y. Miniature Sheet unused, fresh and very fine, unmounted og. Mi Block 12 = € 850 / Gi = £ 325.
    Starting bid : 180.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 320.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1473 People's Republic of China

    1978 (Nov 1): Hsingkiang Bridge 2 y. Miniature Sheet, unmounted og. Superb Gi = £ 225.
    Starting bid : 100.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 200.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1474 People's Republic of China

    1883/1994: Convolute, from little dragons on, mostly smaller values but often in quantities, generally abundant used and unused. PRC some better stamps. Most modern years contain much of never hinged material, including souvenir sheets. Added a preprinted album (Lighthouse) 1992/96, which is partly filled 1992 and 1993 and of which the year 1994 appears complete.
    Starting bid : 300.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,400.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1475 People's Republic of China

    1948/1996: Lot of PRC, only better counted in two stock books + 5 stock cards, including modern collection not counted catalog value Mi = € 5'700 following the consignor.rn 
    Starting bid : 1,000.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 2,200.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1476 People's Republic of China

    1949/51: Small collection of mainly unused provincial issues, including some frequently underestimated values, including the 1950 $50,000 bright green per five, and a good range of other stamps. In total around one hundred-thirty stamps.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 260.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1477 People's Republic of China

    1949/1980: Collection on leaves, predominantly used, containing 1968 8F Mao's instructions for the "Central Committee", and many other better stamps of the Cultural Revolution, 69/ unfortunately some only in part sets.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 280.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1478 People's Republic of China

    1949/1987: Small unused stock of the issues of the People's Republic early years, the key values are mostly reprints. Nontheless a good range which merits further inspection.
    Starting bid : 400.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 600.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1479 People's Republic of China

    1949/2002: Accumulation of philatelic material from the People's Republic of China, with a small quantity of Mongolia also included in three stockbooks and on pages. The material contains large units, and blocks as well as FDC and commercial letters. Later issues are neatly arranged and appear to be with full original gum, whereas earlier material is often in used condition, sometimes with some duplication.
    Starting bid : 700.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 700.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1480 People's Republic of China

    1950: Port Arthur and Dairen $20 dull green "Gate of the Heavenly Peace" key value, three copies with fifteen other values from the set very fine unused. Gi.=1'665.
    Starting bid : 150.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 340.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1481 People's Republic of China

    1951/1990c.: The primarily unused collection in wonderful fresh quality, with 1951 Emblem set, Taiping original set, 1952 Tibet set, 1955 Scientist's set four sheets, Five Year Plan set, 1958 Monument sheet, 1960 Goldfish part set of ten, Chrysanthemums part set of fourteen, 1961 Pottery Horses set, 1962 Ancient China, 1963 Butterflies set of twenty, 1963 Children set, 1964 Yenan set, Industry set, 1965 Climbers, Chinkiang Mountains, 1967 Five Year Plan set of two, Mao Literature & Art set used, 1968 Mao thoughts 8 f., 1969 Chen Pao Tao, 1970 Tiger Mountain, 1971 Paris Commune, 1972 Yenan Forum, Shipping set, 1973 Pandas, Ballet, 1978 Laquerware 3 y. mini sheet, 1981 Baoyu mini sheet, Year books (7). An extremely fine lot.
    Starting bid : 2,000.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 7,500.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1482 People's Republic of China

    1963/1980: Small accumulation on two pages, beginning with the 1963 "monkeys" imperforate with full original gum, 1978 "water country modernisation" in se tennent strip of five. 1979 "Pilgrimage", 1980 "Paintings" and others, including a few singles.
    Starting bid : 150.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 320.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1483 People's Republic of China

    1978/81: Stockbook with some better stamps or sets inclduing souvenir sheet 'Lotosflower', some cheaper older stamps, or stamps from other countries left in Mi = Euro 820.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 240.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1484 People's Republic of China

    1950/1997: Group of over thirty covers of various periods including 1950's Flag set and Postal Conference, 1971 Enver Hoxha 52 f. high value single franking on letter to Zurich.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 650.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1485 People's Republic of China

    1954/1977: 8 f.  'Servicemen and Militia' single franking and 52 f. 'Peonies' two single frankings with fourteen other entires including some more franked with high values to France.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 340.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1486 People's Republic of China

    1963/85: Red album with covers /cards (89) incl. late usages mailed by an Ambassador to China, all to Switzerland but featuring issues rarely found on cover including 1961 Pottery Horses set on cover, 1962 Ancient China set on cover, 1963 Children sets (2) of twelve values Imperforate on four covers, 1963 Monkeys imperforate sets of three (5) on covers (5), 1964 Peonies set of 15 used on three covers, 1971 Commune issue on cover, Communist Party triptych on covers (2), 1972 Shipping set of four on cover, 1973 Pandas set of six (3) on covers (3), 1978 Horses set of ten on two covers etc. together with a 1950 Swiss cover and two DPRK covers. An extraordinary lot with issues barely, if ever, seen on cover.
    Starting bid : 2,000.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 8,500.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1487 People's Republic of China

    1963/85: Green album with covers /cards (87) incl. late usages mailed by an Ambassador to China, all to Switzerland but featuring issues rarely found on cover including 1963 Monkeys imperforate set of three, 1971 Communist Party triptych on postcard, 1963 Hwangshan 50 f. used on postcard, 1973 Children's day strips of five on covers (2), 1974 Mao Directives strips of three on covers (2), 1977/78 FDC's etc.
    Starting bid : 400.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,200.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1488 People's Republic of China

    1967/68: 8 f. six 'Cultural Revolution' stamps as single franking on entires with Mao as 'Sun' and 'Anti American Declaration', as well as four others and five unused postcards. The condition is good in places but mostly worn. Very rare.
    Starting bid : 300.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 300.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1489 People's Republic of China

    1973/83: Archive lot 25 airmail covers Cultural Revolution period with mostly colorful philatelic frankings, including full sets, e.g. 'Red Lantern', all addressed to Australia.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 950.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1490 Manchukuo

    1935: 10 f. blue, 5 f. emerald and 1 f. brown-red, as 16 fen three coulour franking on registered letter originating from the "Department of Foreign Affairs" to Belgium. A rare letter of good quality.
    Starting bid : 100.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1491 Manchukuo

    1939/1943: Group of 8 commercial covers from MOUKDEN or HARBIN to Switzerland, including two registered, franked with a range of the Pagoda and Native design stamps. In addition there are two FDC's and two picture postcards.
    Starting bid : 150.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 200.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1492 Macau

    1884/1999: Fine collection in one volume beginning with the 1884 'Crown' issue and a range of the general colonial designs. From the 1980s to the re-integration into China the collection shows a good range of completeness, all unused with full og. Attractive lot.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 220.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1493 Macau

    1887/1911: Lot of four "improvised" stamps with 1887 fiscals overprinted "Correio" including the 5r on 60r green unused with full margins, the 40r on 20r green fine used, cancelled British double circle, dated MACAU NO 12  87. Furthermore the 1911 2 a black on both paper types. The overall condition is fair to fine. Gi.=£1'890.
    Starting bid : 250.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 260.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1494 Macau

    1884/2015c.: Collection with first Crown issue unused with duplication and some fine used, 1884 surcharges unused and some used with fine study of the 20 r. on 50 r. green with opts. in black and in red, 1885 Crown issue colour changes unused, 1885 local surcharges with fine unused and used range, 1887 Fiscals surcharged 5 r., 10 r. and 40 r. small format unused, 5 r. on 20 r. large format unused (2), 1888 Cameos and provisional issues unused or used, 1894 set of twelve unused, 1898 Vasco da Gama set unused (2 sets) and used; 1898 set of eighteen unused, 1900 Provisionals unused and used, 1905 Postage Due unused and used, 1911 Republica set unused, 1913 provisionals incl. multiples unused, 1913 Cérès set of sixteen unused, 1934 Galley set of 21 values with imprint unused, 1938 Vasco da Gama set unused, Airmails set unused, thereafter complete unused with most sets also used, incl. 1948 set of thireen incl. (unissued) 1 a. blue, 1950 set of eight, 1951 Junk set of three etc. through to 2005 incl. presentation packs minature sheets etc. A marvellous collection of seldome seen material STC Michel € 50'000+.
    Starting bid : 7,500.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 7,500.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1495 Macau

    1885/1953: The Postal Stationery collection, with unused stationery and letter-cards fine unused including the 1894 overprinted issue, 1898 views, rare 1898 stamped to order Vasco da Gama cards with 1 a. red and 1 a. red + 2 a. violet adhesives unused, letter-cards and air-letters, fresher condition than usually found. A scarce group (77 items).
    Starting bid : 250.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 550.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1496 Taiwan

    1952/1970: Small collection of stamps and fourteen covers including the 1964 CHU KWANG TOWER issue unused, together with a range of other issues from the 1960s.
    Starting bid : 150.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 220.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1497 Taiwan

    1953/1968: Republic of China, small range consisting of 1953 General Ching Kai-shek high values $5/$20 in Blocks of six all with sheet numbers and eight later miniature sheets.
    Starting bid : 250.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 360.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1498 Taiwan

    1945/2010: Accumulation on stock cards including some better miniature sheets including the rare 1955 'Air force badge' and President 'Chiang Kai-sheck' sheets, both complete with selvedge. Good assembly with substance
    Starting bid : 500.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 600.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1499 Taiwan

    1945/2008c.: Unused Collection from Japanese Occupation onwards with Oct 1945 set of three and surcharged set of nine, fine range of overprinted issues of China, 1949 Nationalist Republic issues with set of seven on $ 44 carmine complete, 1950 surcharged set of twelve, 1950 Koxinga set complete, Ballot Box set perf. and imperf and miniature sheet, 1952 Scroll sets of six perf. and imperf., 1952 Chiang Kai-shek set of five perf. and (marginal) imperf., 1952 Chiang Kai-shek set of five perf. and imperf., 1953 Anti-TB set, 1953 1952 Chiag Kai-shek set of fifteen and the rare Souvenir booklet with imperf. set, 1954 Silo Bridge set and imperf. sheet ex Booklet, 1954/55 Trees set of four, 1954 Relief Fund set of three, 1955 Re-election of Chiang Kai-shek set of four and imperf. sheetlet, 1955 Armed Forces set of four and imperf. sheetlet, 1955 Birthday set of three and imperf. sheetlet, thereafter with complete run incl. some useful FDC's and commercial covers. A splendid collection STC Michel = € 20'000+.
    Starting bid : 3,500.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 6,500.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1500 Taiwan

    1946/1990: Varied lot containing around 230 covers, many commercial with a multitude of issues, many to Switzerland. Noteworthy here is a large "Sample" bag with the franking attached to the linen. There are also a number of philatelic items but the number of really modern issues is moderate. A good specialist lot.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 200.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1501 Dubai

    1 / 2
    Catalogue# : 26/33 B/C
    1963: 1NP/50NP "one hundred years "RED CROSS" eight values imperforate and perf 12 1/2 one hundred sets each in complete sheets of fifty mnh.rn 
    Starting bid : 300.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 380.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1502 Ethiopia

    1900/1906: Collection of twenty four covers and postcards (three with some stamps removed) from the days of Minister Ilg at the Court of Menelik II including a card written by his wife to order fashion and cookery magazines. As Ethiopia did not join the UPU until 1. November 1908 all of the letters and cards bear a double franking with French Somalia stamps. There are also some contents still present. This lot is of significant historical interest and will provide an insight into the history of this contested area.
    Starting bid : 1,000.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 4,800.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1503 Ethiopia

    1901/1993: Collection in two volumes, with some earlier items including a single franking 1/2 g green and black on printed matter to Switzerland dated 1928, a registered letter from the Italian office dated 1936 and a range of modern issues including some blocks of four. For good measure the lot also includes three letters from China in the later 1970s.
    Starting bid : 120.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 160.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1504 Iran

    1886: Typographed 1 kr. slate used on Postman's waybill receipt with hole-punch, tied by SENNEH cds (Oct. 7) with Teheran cds on reverse (Oct. 16). Minor edge wear but scarce.
    Starting bid : 150.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1505 Iran

    1902 (March-April): Meched provisional 1 kran aniline rose-red, imperforate on hard smooth surfaced paper, a fine used example with good if slightly irregular margins all round, counter-signed by Victor Castaign in violet, cancelled by part MECHED cds in black at lower left. An extremely rare stamp with just 200 printed. Signed Sadri Scott 228 = $ 3'500/Mi 178 = € 3'000/Gi = £ 2'500.
    Starting bid : 600.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 700.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1506 Iran

    1903/04: Muzaffer ed-Din, the definitive set of thirteen values complete to 50 kr. green, minor gum bend on the 10 ch., otherwise fresh and fine, large part og. A scarce set Gi = £ 450/Scott 351/363 = $ 800.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1507 Iran

    1911/13: 3 ch. green & grey, a horizontal pair used on reverse of 1920 cover to Teheran tied by ARDEBIL cds of despatch (June 22) and the adhesives further obliterated with violet between Kazvin and Recht when the cover was opened by Rebel Censor and resealed with white label handstamped in black and further tied by framed "The Post of the Soviet Republic of Iran 1299" cachet. Recht transit cds (July 4, then in the hands of Kuchik Khan) and circular "Passed by Government Censor No. 4" cachet in black on obverse alongside Teheran arrival (July 10). A rare cover. Provenance: Collection Bernard Lucas.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1508 Iran

    1911/13: 6 ch. brown-lake & green, a horizontal pair used on reverse of 1920 cover to Teheran, tied by Recht cds (June 24) with a further adhesive (2 ch.) lost in transit with manuscript noting same; fine strikes of framed "Post of the Soviet Republic of Iran 1299" handstamp applied by Rebel Kuchik Khan forces and circular "Passed by Government Censor No. 4" cachet in black on obverse. Teheran arrival (June 28). Scarce.
    Starting bid : 120.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 120.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1509 Iran

    1911/13: 9 ch. indigo-lilac & brown, a single example used on 1920 cover to Recht and thereafter to Kazvin, tied by Meched cds (June 5) with two fine strikes of framed "Post of the Soviet Republic of Iran 1299" handstamps applied by Rebel Kuchik Khan forces and two circular "Passed by Government Censor" cachets all in black. Reverse with Teheran cds (June 14), Recht cds (June 19) and Kazvin cds (June 22). Scarce.
    Starting bid : 175.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 175.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1510 Iran

    1 / 1
    1917 (Jan.): Kermanshah Provisional issue "24 Chahis" in black on 1 kr. carmine & blue, perf. 11½ x 11, an unused example with large part og. Rare. Signed Sadri. Opinion Sadri (2022) Gi = £ 500/Scott 587 = $ 1'500.
    Starting bid : 400.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1511 Iran

    1922: Overprinted 'Controle / 1922', seventeen values in horizontal strips of three (only one 3 ch. value), applied to part pages from the Saint Louis, Mauretania UPU book, all handstamped "SPECIMEN / COLLECTION / MAURITANIE" in red, together with provisional 3 ch. on 12 ch. blue & green strip and defective 6 ch. on 24 ch strip of three. Minor faults to the pages but a unique group for the specialist Mi 462/480 = € 1'200+ as unused/Gi = £ 2'700+ as unused.
    Starting bid : 400.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1512 Iran

    1926 (May): "Regne de Pahlavi 1926" overprinted set of sixteen values unused on medium thick paper, perf. 11½, good colours, fresh and fine, 30 kr. without gum, balance large part og. A very rare set in genuine condition. Most signed Sadri Mi 518/533 = € 2'250/Gi = £ 1'600.
    Starting bid : 300.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 400.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1513 Iran

    1929: Reza Shah Pahlavi, bicoloured definitive set of sixteen values complete, fresh colours, all mounted on album page, part og. A scarce set Gi = £ 325/Scott 744/759 = $ 945.
    Starting bid : 150.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1514 Iran

    1929: Reza Shah Pahlavi, bicoloured definitive set of sixteen values complete, fresh colours, part og.; and 1931/32 definitive set of eleven values with fine appearance, typically browned large part og. Scarce sets Gi = £ 485/Scott 744/759+760/770 = $1'300+.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 260.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1515 Iran

    1935 (April): "Postes Iraniennes" overprinted sets of eight and nine respectively, unused with 1929 set very fine with large part og., the 1931-32 overprrinted set with large part og. but the 27 kr. with browned gum, fresh appearance and scarce; also a 1939 Royal Wedding set of five unused Gi = £ 600+/Scott 810/826 = $ 3'000.
    Starting bid : 250.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 950.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1516 Iran

    1 / 1
    1935 (April): "Postes Iraniennes" overprinted set of fifteen values to 5 r.  dark brown & red-orange (this high value with APS 2016 certificate), fresh and fine, large part og. A scarce set Gi = £ 170/Scott = $ 650.
    Starting bid : 175.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 180.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1517 Iran

    1938 (March 15): 60th Birthday of Riza Shah Pahlavi, the sheetlets of four, Imperforate, complete set of ten values unused, fresh and fine, large part og. or unmounted og., rare Scott 870A/870H = $ 1'500.
    Starting bid : 400.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1518 Iran

    1938 (March 15): 60th Birthday of Riza Shah Pahlavi, a fine selection of the sheetlets of four with Imperforate examples of 5 d. (two), 10 d., 30 d. (two), 60 d. (two), 90 d. (three), 1 r. (two), 1 r. 50 d., 5 r. and 10 r. unused and used examples of the 30 d. and First Day of Issue usage of the 1 r. violet sheet; perforated sheetlets with 5 d., 10 d. (two, one creased), 30 d., 60 d., 90 d. (two), 1 r., 1 r., 50 d. (two) and 2 r., used examples of 10 d., 30 d., 60 d., 90 d., 1 r. and 5 r. values. The very scarce used examples as ever with slight surface scuffs, the unused with large part or unmounted og. Generally fine and very seldom seen (33 sheets).
    Starting bid : 400.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 550.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1519 Iran

    1936/37: Reza Shah Pahlavi lithographed definitive set of fifteen unused, fresh colours, 1.50 r. and 2 r. with slight browning on gum, the rare 10 r. blue & brown very fine, large part og. Gi = £ 180/Mi. 701/715 = € 320/Scott 841/855 = $ 540.
    Starting bid : 120.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 140.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1520 Iran

    1938/39: Reza Shah Pahlavi with two sashes, the lithographed redrawn definitive set of fifteen unused, fresh and very fine, large part og. Scarce Gi = £ 180/Mi 701/715 = € 320/Scott 856/870 = $ 335.
    Starting bid : 120.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 120.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1521 Iran

    1875: Lion issue redrawn by Reiderer, wide spacing, 4 sh. bright red, the selection of unused (3, Type A and two examples Type C), and used examples (2) Types A and C. Scarce Scott 13 = $ 1'200.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 200.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1522 Iran

    1875/76: Lovely selection with 16 stamps from the 'Lion issue' used (14) and unused (2), en detail 1 ch. black (6 incl. a horiz parir), 2 (1), 4 ch. red-brown (4), 8 ch. yellow-green (4) and 1 kr. carmine (1), all in deep colour and of fresh appearance.
    Starting bid : 500.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1523 Iran

    1911/35: Lot several hundred stamps used/unused and partly on small pieces, showing a broad variety of surcharges, cancellations, provisionals with R-labels, airmails and more, in addition some envelopes opened up for presentation, good to average condition and housed on album pages.
    Starting bid : 300.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1524 Iran

    1924/40c.: The extensive collection well arranged in green album with 1924 cover with 1 ch. orange (3) and 3 ch. orange-brown with Shah deleted with black squares, 1925 surcharge sets (2) unused and used, Pahlavi 1926 optd. set used and duplication and some unused (appear genuine) with multiples of the 1 ch. (15), 26 ch. (15) and 1 kr. (4), 1928 Airmail set unused (4), 1928/29 Airmail set in blocks of four, 1929 2 t. optd. SPECIMEN, 1931 2 ch. and 16 ch. optd SPECIMEN, 1930 airmail set of 17 unused (2) and duplication, 1931/32 27 ch. unused (5), 1933/34 set unused to 3 r., 1935 pictorial set unused (3), 1935 issue 'Iran' airmail covers, 1936/37 definitive (one sash) set unused, the collection with many unused and used multiples, unlisted varieties, useful covers and of high catalogue values (Scott $10'000+). Viewing is recommended.
    Starting bid : 2,500.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1525 Iran

    1902/60c: The Postal History collection (200+ items) with 1910 receipt with three 1909 10 ch. tied by "Gonabade" datestamp, 1913 registered postcard with three colour franking, thereafter a wide ranging assembly with unusual datestamps throughout, rare 1922 receipt bearing "Controle / 1922" 30 kran red & green (ten examples, Scott 662), 1924/25 two 3 ch. orange-brown on cover with Shah's face deleted in black used from Kachan, 1928/29 airmail issue covers, 1939/45 Censored covers with Anglo-Soviet, British, German, US  Reseals noted etc. Viewing is recommended.
    Starting bid : 1,000.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,000.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1526 Israel

    1948/1976: Unusual used collection in two pre-printed albums and seven cover albums incluing 1948 "Coins" with "TAB" and without TAB on FDC, 1949 "Coins" miniature sheet,  1952 state "Coat of Arms" with TAB and on FDC. The postal history section includes registered official covers for a number of small post offices such as: "AL NUSEIRAT", "DIR EL BALAH","EL-ARISH", "GABALYA" as well as a range of items relating to the "Six Day War".
    Starting bid : 500.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 650.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1527 Israel

    1948/1985: Clean collection in three stockbooks and five cover albums. Contained are a number of earlier items with "TAB" such as the 1949 "Second Jewish Coin" set, the 1950 500pr brown and light brown "Eilat Post Office", 1952 1000pr blue and grey "State Coat of Arms", a vast array of first day covers and other material.
    Starting bid : 120.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 200.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1528 Japan

    1 / 1
    Catalogue# : 99/120
    1913/14: ½ s. brown - 1 y. green and brown definitive issues both with and without watermark, overprinted "MIHON" = "SPECIMEN" in black, some lower values with small faults, otherwise fine and scarce.
    Starting bid : 150.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1529 Japan

    1871/1965: Significant, attractively presented collection in seven self designed albums with a strong range of the 1871 Dragon series, which is represented by sixteen copies. The 1872 section contains two copies, a 1/2 s and a 2 s. Later sections need to be viewed with a degree of caution, as there are inevitably a small number of forgeries present, although here too is much substance like the 1872 high values. The pre 1876 century section overall is much better than most. The subsequent issues are interlaced with a range of unusual letters, such as a 5 s brown multiple franking from YOKOHAMA to EDINBURGH on a very attractive pre-printed letter originating from the Japan Seismological Society, franked 10s pale blue to PARIS. the 1896 war with China issue constitutes the franking of an overseas letter at the 20s rate to Switzerland. The collector valued the unusual and acquired postcards used in Manchuria and Corea as well as a 1902 money transfer order. Post WWI the collector acquired  more and more unused material as well as the used. Further mentions must include the 1919 airmail set, both with cert Pape BPP and a 1929 around the world flight Zeppelin card with Japanese franking. The 1931 miniature sheet "COMMUNICATIONS" is twice included in unused with full og. Later sections include the National Parks miniature sheets, apparently complete unused and used. From this period the collection displays a good range of completeness, with the key items present, including the 1949 postal week in a complete sheet and on cover. Viewing is a must. Excellent collection with much substance in largely very agreable quality.
    Starting bid : 4,000.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 7,000.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1530 Japan

    1875/1960: Small collection containing some earlier covers with better stamps, for example 1906 1 1/2 s blue Victory parade on foldable three part parade card, some earlier registered letters to Europe, 1936 Fuji National Park and some stamps of the period. The condition sometime leaves something to be desired. Still a lot with interest. 
    Starting bid : 150.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 280.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1531 Japan

    1890/1960ca: 100+ items of which majority picture postcards often uncirculated plus some covers including airpost envelope 'Osaka-Dairen', further nice modern topical covers addressed to Switzerland.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1532 Japan

    1895/1919: Covers (4) to Switzerland with lovely seven colour 1897 registered cover with Koban 1883/88 5 r. grey pair, 1 s. green, 2 s. carmine rose, 3 s. lilac, 5 s. ultramarine, 8 s. blue-lilac and 10 s. orange-brown used from Tokyo to Chaux-de-Fonds; 1895 cover with Koban 2 s. carmine and 4 s. bistre pair from Yokohama with Swiss Consular cachet on reverse; and two July 1919 multiple frankings used in first weeks of the Dove issue. A charming group.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 260.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1533 Japan

    1905/1955: Accumulation of 29 cards and letters all commercially used, including a 1918 greeting card from a German POW from NINOSHIMA Camp. In addtion there are thirty-three unused picture postcards depicting mainly local scenes.
    Starting bid : 100.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 120.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1534 Japan

    Ryukyu Islands 1948/1970: Collection in a large self designed Album cosisting predominantly of mint full og. items, beginning with 1948 US military Govt in both papers complete, later among most others the 1952 3 Y. establishment of Government. The collection displays a good range of completeness throughout with only a handful of gaps. Later it is complemented by a number of FDC. Unusual lot with a high catalogue value.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 200.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1535 Ryukyu

    1948/1972: Unused collection on pre-printed pages, apparently complete, except for 1952 100 Y. overprint and one 1970's stamp, almost exclusively very fresh with full og., fine and surprisingly scarce.
    Starting bid : 300.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1536 Japan

    The Official 1896 Presentation Album of Japanese Stamps: "Dai Nippon Teikoku Ubin Kitte Eukakushi" (The Postage Stamp History of the Japanese Empire), with all postage and telegraph issues and postal stationery from 1871/1896 and two 1874 Express labels; printed in both Japanese and English, complete and bound in silk with the original ties for binding at side, binding lightly loosened. The book contains original examples of all stamps except for seven which were no longer available even in the Post Office archives. Between pages 88 and 89 of the book there is a fold-out page detailing the exact numbers printed of the original issues. A wonderful example of what is, perhaps, the most sought after book in all philatelic literature of Asia and of the utmost rarity to both bilbliophiles and philatelists.
    Starting bid : 10,000.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 10,000.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1537 Japan

    The Unofficial 1896 Presentation Album of Japanese Stamps: "Dai Nippon Teikoku Ubin Kitte Eukakushi" (The Postage Stamp History of the Japanese Empire), produced by the facsimile dealer K. Wada in Tokyo in late 1896 due to the demand for the copies of the original (which were only distributed to high Officials around the world by the Japanese Dept. of Communications). Virtually a copy of the original work, the stamp specimens are outstanding facsimilies throughout, produced in a similar silk wrapper with differing notation on the front and different purple ties. This example also contains the fold-out table. The issue of this book was suppressed by the Japanese Government and, though full of forgeries, this book is of the same magnitude of rarity as the original though obviously the contents are not of the same value. An exquisite book en-cased in a hand-crafted box for protection.
    Starting bid : 1,000.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 5,500.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1538 Corea

    1903: 2 ri grey to 2 w purple and orange, very fresh complete series of thirteen values with large part original gum. Very fine and scarce.
    Starting bid : 500.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 500.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1539 Corea

    1903: 2 w purple and orange "Birds", two unused copies, one with part original gum, together with 1 won lilac and pale lilac, also unused and two further unused values. Rare ensemble. Gi.= £810.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 420.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1540 South Korea

    Southern Korea 1951: 500 w multicoloured, "The Flags of the participants in the Corean War", complete series of 44 values with full original gum, many with sheet margins.
    Starting bid : 150.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 240.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1541 Corea

    1884/1903: Fine accumulation of Korea beginning with 5 m rose and 10 m blue in quantity unused, also the unissued values 25/100 m per 20, in some cases many more. Later issues to 1903 include the "Birds" with many duplicates including a 2 w purple and orange fine used. Very unusual offering.
    Starting bid : 750.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 2,000.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1542 North Korea

    Northern Korea 1946/2002: Specialised collection from 'Soviet Occupation' with many good issues such as 1946 50 ch brown 'General Kim Il Sung', 1964 5 ch chestnut 'CHONGSAN RI' unissued with full og. 1966 'Revolutionay Fighters' with full og. and 1978 (May 5) 'Visit of the Chinese Premier' in PYONGYANG, which was withdrawn before issue. Fine collection with many interesting issues.
    Starting bid : 500.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 3,200.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1543 Corea

    1953/1985: Group of 90+ commercial letters, principally from the south, but also five letters and cards from the North to and from a member of the Swiss delegation to oversee the peace or cease fire following the Korean War. Very rare to find any mail from this UN precursor mission.
    Starting bid : 150.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 340.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1544 Laos

    1951/2004: Dealer's stockbook with thousands of adhesives both unused & used, a fine lot with enormous catalogue value Mi = € 24'800 following the consignor.
    Starting bid : 600.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 700.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1545 Mongolei

    1924/2010: Collection with strong beginning displaying an excellent run of the issues to 1932, both used and unused, due to the known complexities of these issues we sell the collection 'as is', the later issues are also well represented and in the later days all in v. fine mnh.
    Starting bid : 400.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,100.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1546 Mongolei

    1928/1977: Group of 11 covers including an exceptionally rare, reduced size registered letter from ULAN BATOR, franked with 7 stamps from the "Emblem 1926" issue. The remainder of the covers are much later and include eight balloon letters.
    Starting bid : 100.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 120.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1547 Nepal

    1930 (Aug.- Dec.): Sri Pashupati Redrawn Issue perf. 13 ½, Recess Perkins Bacon & Co, London, type B, 8 p. scarlet on ungummed cream wove paper, part sheet of 95 stamps with missing vertical strip of three and pair of lower right bottom corner sheet, sheet margin on three sides showing '8 PICE' inscription at lower left margin, together with 1935/36 4 p. green in a part sheet of 98 marginal with missing lower right pair of sheet, minor imperfections but scarce multiples. Ex 'The Perkins Bacon' Archive formerly offered at Robson Lowe Dec. 1996 Gi. = £ 3'120.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 300.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1548 Saudi Arabia

    1916: Page from Mohamed El-Chafai Bomboatman, stamp dealer in Port Said, with marginal examples of the rouletted 1916 set of four values ⅛ pi. yellow, ¼ pi. green, ½ pi. red and 1 pi. blue all marginal and stuck down, presumably sent direct to His Majesty King George V as annotated in the King's handwriting "These stamps are the new issue since the Sherif ogf Mecca has been on our side. The value is 1/10 P.T. = ¼ d. (¼ PT = nearly ¾ d.), ½ PT = 1¼ d., 1 PT = 2½ d. (and signed) Geo.". An extraordinary document, both historically and philatelically, with confirming letter from Sotheby's of London stating this to be in King George V's handwriting.
    Starting bid : 1,000.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,000.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1549 Saudi Arabia

    1965/72: Saud Cartouche, Redrawn Airmail set of 24 values to 33 p. unused, excl. the rare 2 p. and 5 p. values, fresh and very fine, unmounted og. Scarce Gi = £ 1'375+.
    Starting bid : 350.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 350.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1550 Saudi Arabia

    1968/72: Saker Falcon, the complete set of four values, fresh and fine, unmounted og. A scarce set Gi = £ 500.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 260.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1551 Hedjas

    1916/1927: Well filled collection of the issues of Hedjas and Nedjd. The collection is predominantly unused and contains many of the difficult and rare overprint stamps, particularly the railway fiscals of the Hedjas in their form. The condition is gererally fine to very fine. An unusual offering of philatelically challenging collecting area.
    Starting bid : 700.00 CHF
    Hammer price : not sold

    Lot# : 1552 Thailand

    1903 (Aug 20): Picture postcard to France depicting a 'Siamese band', bearing on the picture side King Chulalongkoen 1 a. green, tied by small "CHANTABOURI 20.08.03" cds, it shows in addition an unusual negative seal. Text written on January 25, 1904, additional 3 a. adhesive added on the address side, tied by large bilingual CHANTABURI cds (Jan 25, 1904), sent to France, found to be underpaid by '3½' (c.) as noted in blue crayon, both Siamese and Frech 'T' in traingle handstamps applied. Upon arrival in Dompaire French Postage Dues 5 c. blue and 1 c. black in a horizontal pair were added and tied. Card with some repair, fore-shortened at right, otherwise fine.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 240.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1553 Thailand

    1908: 1 a. on 24 a. purple and blue used as single franking on pre-printed Telegram envelope to the German Siamese Trading corporation, despatched by the German Telegram Service BANGKOK. The stamp is cancelled BANGKOK 2c and the envelope bears an arrival mark BANGKOK 1b. Minor ageing, Telegram usages are scarce.
    Starting bid : 250.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 320.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1554 Thailand

    1920/21: Scout's Fund First and Second Issue in complete sets of six, unmounted og, together with Scouts' Fund Third Issue in a compl. set of seven values to  50 s. + (30 s.), in unused condition. Three certs. Scheller (2022) Gi = £ 900.
    Starting bid : 400.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 650.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1555 Thailand

    1926: 1 t. green & lilac to 20 t.brown & grey blue "Coronation Stone", complete set of six values unused, very fine, with large part original gum Gi = £ 1'200.
    Starting bid : 150.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 650.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1556 Thailand

    1883/1889: King Chulalongkorn lot of seventy-four used and unused stamps with a number of different cancellation. The 1s blue is contained nineteen times with different shades noted, the 1a rose carmine fifteen times, the 1s red nineteen times, the 1s yellow seven times and the 1s brown ochre high value twelve times, with the 1889 handstamp overprint making up the balance of two. The condition is mostly fine to very fine.
    Starting bid : 300.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 420.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1557 Thailand

    1905/1939: Pleasing unused collection containing many of the key items of the period, such as the 1905 18a brown and two copies of the 1 t bistre and blue. Both 1910 King Rama VI and 1925 King Rama VII comprise among others the 20 b high values. An excellent opportunity to acquire some of the scarcer unused stamps of the period.
    Starting bid : 300.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 900.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1558 Thailand

    1909/1977: Group of over 160 covers with a number of remarkable specialities included. Firstly there is an invitation to celebrate the Kaiser's Birthday in 1909 at the German Club in Bangkok, participants are requested to dress patriotically. The card is embossed by the club and gives an amazing insight into the prevailing Zeitgeist. A further hugely insightful card sent be the German Consulate in 1913, notifies the recipient in Germany that an enquiry into a missing parcel has been unsuccessful and a further parcel has enquiries still ongoing. Evidence that the consular service provided support even in postal matters.
    Starting bid : 250.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 1,400.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1559 Tibet

    1912/33: 1/6  t. green on cover backstamped on front with indistinctive arrival mark 'Gyantse'-type (Hellrigl T3), further 2 t. in the rare orange shade (1951) horizontal pair on reverse of registered envelope with late registration marking (Hellrigl Type 94 'Lhasa XI') and route instruction 'From Lhasa to Gyantse" on front as well as Shigatse local cover franked with1933 1 t. and 2 t. issue plus an unknown red and golden seal (80 x 68 mm) printed on a sheetlet.
    Starting bid : 150.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 160.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1583 Collections/Lots Middle East

    1948/1966: Collection Middle East including: BAHRAIN, MUSCAT, KUWAIT, CYRENAICA, ADEN and States, SHARJAH, DUBAI, QUATAR and MOROCCO, predominantly unused with full og., some very fine used in one large stock book, often both perforated and imperforate versions. Excellent quality throughout.
    Starting bid : 200.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 440.00 CHF

    Lot# : 1584 Collections/lots Asia

    1890/2000: Collection in two volumes comprising most Asian countries with China featuring many overprints and postmarks, Japan including 1941 and 1949 National Park minature sheets, 1953 "Year of the Horse" miniature sheet, Afghanistan includes a postcard from the 1963 "Hindukush Expedition". A varied lot with a nuber of pleasant surprises. 
    Starting bid : 250.00 CHF
    Hammer price : 250.00 CHF
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