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Catalogue 288: The Ing. Pietro Provera Collection (part IV)
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Lot# : 6001 Austria
1850: 2 Kr. schwarz Type Ib, ein ungebrauchtes farbfr. Stück, voll- bis breitrandig geschnitten, mit mässig verstrichenem, aber quarzlampenfrischem Gummi ohne Falzspuren, eine ansprechende Marke. Attest Ferchenbauer (2020) Ferchenbauer = € 2'200.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 800 CHFLot# : 6002 Austria
1854: 6 Kr. graubraun Type III, ein ungebrauchtes farbfr. Stück, voll- bis überrandig geschnitten mit Randstück oben, quarzlampenfrischer Gummi mit natürlicher Krakelierung mit minimen Falzspuren, eine ansprechende Marke. Attest Ferchenbauer (2020) Ferchenbauer = € 1'350+.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 6003 Austria
1850/61: Auswahl von sechs ungebrauchten Marken in vorab gut präsentierender Erhaltung, die Gummierung allerdings entfernt, verbessert oder nachgummiert, dennoch ein ansprechendes Lot mit 1850 HP 2 & 6 Kr, 1854 MP 2 & 6 Kr., 1858 3 Kr. Type I und 1861 5 Kr. rot. Weiterhin zwei nachgummierte Werte der 1867er Ausgabe. Sechs Befunde Ferchenbauer (2020) Ferchenbauer = € 2'700+.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 480 CHFLot# : 6004 Austrian Navy and Shipmail
Austrian Shipmail, Mailing Facilities on Board of Ships, Lake of Garda 1862 (Jan): Cover written in Malcesine and sent to Trieste, bearing 1861 5 kr. red, three fine and fresh adhesive, well embossed, tied by light ornate framed "Imp = Reg = Vapori" handstamp ('Muschelstempel') in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 353 / Müller 3421a). Reverse with RIVA transit and TRIEST arrival (Jan 5) cds's. Horizontal file fold well away from the franking, nevertheless a most interesting cover. Cert. Savarese Oliva (1992).Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 250 CHFLot# : 6005 Austrian Navy and Shipmail
Lake of Garda 1850/54c: Group three pieces and two covers with cancellations of the ornate framed "Imp = Reg = Vapori" handstamp ('Muschelstempel') in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 353 / Müller 3421a) struck on pieces with combination of 1 kr. yellow & 2 kr. black, on 3 kr. red, and on 6 kr. brown, one cover with 3 kr. red from Riva del Garda to Verona, another cover interestingly also with 3 kr. red but send from Peschiera in Venetia to Trento, thus a usage of an Austrian stamp in Lombardo Veneto. An appealing lot.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 340 CHFLot# : 6006 Austrian Navy and Shipmail
Austrian Shipmail, Mailing Facilities on Board of Ships, Adriatic Sea 1854 (July 5): Entire letter from Lussinpicolo to Trieste, bearing 6 kr. brown, Type III on handmade paper, a fresh adhesive with good to large margins, tied by fair framed octagonal "LUSSINPo 5 / 7 V. L. A." datestamp (VLA = Vapore Lloyd Austriaco) with LUSSIPo inverted in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 14 / Müller 3422g = 680 points). Reverse with oval TRIEST arrival datestamp in red of the next day. Horizontal file fold just mentioned for accuracy, but an appealing and desirable cover. Signed Emilio Diena.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 1,300 CHFLot# : 6007 Austrian Navy and Shipmail
Austrian Shipmail, Mailing Facilities on Board of Ships, Adriatic Sea 1854c (May 30): Cover from Sebenico to the Covanovich company in Trieste, bearing 1850 9 kr. blue, Type IIIb, a superb fresh and fine adhesive with enormous margins incl. parts of the right neighbouring stamp, tied by crisp strike of framed octagonal "SEBENICO 30 / 5 V.L.A." datestamp (Müller 3422l = 160 points). Reverse with oval TRIEST arrival (June 1) cds in red. Lightest horizontal file fold and minor acid ink just mentioned for accuracy, a beautiful cover. Signed SPEFA WIEN; cert. Ferchenbauer (1992).Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 6008 Austrian Navy and Shipmail
Austrian Shipmail, Mailing Facilities on Board of Ships, Adriatic Sea 1860 (Dec 25): Entire letter from Trieste to Postire on the Brač island, bearing 1858 15 kr. blue type II, a fine and fresh adhesive, tied by superb framed octagonal "TRIESTE 23 / 12 V. L. A." datestamp in black with day slug inverted (Müller 3422p = 400 points). Reverse with Zara two line transit datestamp and "St. PIETRO DELLA BRAZZA" transit (Dec 28) cds. Lightest horizontal filing folds at base well away from stamp and postmark, some staining of the cover, nevertheless an attractive usage.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 6009 Austrian Navy and Shipmail
Austrian Shipmail, Mailing Facilities on Board of Ships, Adriatic Sea 1870 (June 14): Stationery postcard 2 kr. yellow, sent from Zengg / Segna to Graz, the indicium cancelled by perfect strike of framed octagonal "ZENGG 14 / 6 V.L.A." datestamp in black (Klein 7929 = 400 points). Obverse struck by GRAZ arrival (June 16) cds. A most attractive and rare usage of a stationery postcard.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 900 CHFLot# : 6010 Austrian Navy and Shipmail
Austrian Shipmail, Mailing Facilities on Board of Ships, Adriatic Sea 1874c (Oct 18): Envelope from Lesina to Gelsa, bearing 1874 fine whiskers 5 kr. red, a fresh and fine adhesive with perforation, tied by crisp strike of framed octagonal "LESINA 18 / 10" datestamp with VLA missing in black (Klein 7925 = 500 points). Reverse with GELSA arrival (Oct 21) cds. Part of backflap missing, nevertheless an appealing and desirable local cover mailed on the Hvar island in Dalmatia.rnProvenance: Collection Dr. Anton & Elisabeth Jerger, Öphila (Oct 2004).Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 250 CHFLot# : 6011 Austrian Navy and Shipmail
Austrian Shipmail, Mailing Facilities on Board of Ships, Adriatic Sea 1881 (Dec 26): Stationery envelope 1867 5 kr. red from Cherso / Cres to Rovigno, the indicium cancelled by clear oval "CHERSO 26 / XII / 81 V. No 26" datestamp (V = Vapore) in blue (Tchilinghirian similar to fig. 37 / Klein 7923 = 700 points). Reverse with ALBONA transit and ROVIGO arrival (Dec 28) cds's. Tear in the the stationery at top, shortened at base, a very attractive strike of this rare shipmail obliterator on appealing stationery.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHFLot# : 6012 Austrian Navy and Shipmail
Austrian Shipmail, Mailing Facilities on Board of Ships, Adriatic Sea 1850/64c: Group ten pieces cancelled with VLA - Vapore Lloyd Austriaco datestamps incl. extremely rare CURZOLA (Müller 3422d = 1000 points), FIUME (Müller 3422e = 680 points), SEBENICO on marginal strip of three 3 kr. red, SPALATO, and ZARA on three pieces with 1850 9 kr. blue on 1858 15 Kr. blue, and on piece with 1858 10 kr. brown in combination franking with 1861 5 kr. red. Also ZENGG on 1864 5 kr. red (Müller 3422r = 320 points). An interesting and appealing lot.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 6013 Austrian Navy and Shipmail
Austrian Shipmail, Mailing Facilities on Board of Ships, Adriatic Sea 1850/64c: Group six covers / entires struck with VLA - Vapore Lloyd Austriaco datestamps incl. CATTARO, LUSSINPICOLO with handwritten name of the city (Müller 3422g = 680 points), SEBENICO, SPALATO, TRIEST and ZARA on 1864 15 kr. brown (Müller 3422q = 700 points). An interesting and appealing lot.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 6014 Austrian Navy and Shipmail
Austrian Shipmail, Port Markings for Ship letters, Adriatic Sea 1861c (May): Cover from Spalato to Zara, bearing 1858 5 kr. red type II in a mixed issue 'gemelli' franking of same colour and denomination with 1861 5 kr. red, tied by fair two-line "SPALATO / COL VAPORE" handstamp in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 22 / Müller 3423i). Reverse with SEBENICO transit cds and two line ZARA arrival (May 23) datestamp. Address erased and skillfully restored, light filing folds just mentioned for accuracy, a rare combination, especially in combination with this Shopmail cancellation. Cert. E. Diena (1983) Ferchenbauer = € 2'500.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 6015 Austrian Navy and Shipmail
Austrian Shipmail, Port Markings for Ship letters, Adriatic Sea 1867c: Stationery envelope 1867 coarse whiskers 5 kr. red, sent from Lesina to Ragusa, the indicium cancelled by two-line "LESINA / COL VAPORE" handstamp in black (Tchilinghirian similar to fig. 21 / Klein 7946 = 350 points). Reverse with two line "RAGUSA 14 OTTe" arrival datestamp. Two purification slits away from the indicium. Roughly opened at top, nevertheless an attractive cover with this rare Shipmail cancellation.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 6016 Austrian Navy and Shipmail
Austrian Shipmail, Port Markings for Ship letters, Adriatic Sea 1868 (July 22): Entire letter from Curzola to Trieste, bearing 1867 coarse whiskers 5 kr. red, a fresh and fine single adhesive, tied in transit by clear "LESINA / 22 / 7 / COL VAPORE" cds in black (Tchilinghirian type AC-5 / Klein 7946 = 350 points). Reverse with SPALATO transit and oval TRIEST arrival (July 25) datestamps. Lightest filing fold, but a very rare cancellation.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 340 CHFLot# : 6017 Austrian Navy and Shipmail
Austrian Shipmail, Port Markings for Ship letters, Adriatic Sea 1870 (Feb 18): Entire letter from Curzola to Trieste, bearing 1867 coarse whiskers 5 kr. red, a fresh and fine single adhesive, tied in transit by fair "MILNA / 18 / 2 / COL VAPORE" cds in black (Tchilinghirian type AC- / Klein 7948 = 250 points). Reverse with SPALATO transit and framed TRIEST arrival (Feb 24) datestamps. A rare cancellation.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 6018 Austrian Navy and Shipmail
Austrian Shipmail, Port Markings for Ship letters, Adriatic Sea 1880 (Sept 24): Stationery postcard 1874 fine whiskers 2 kr. brown with additional franking of 1874 2 kr. green, sent from Sibenik to Torino, indicium and stamp cancelled by bilingual "SIBENIK / SEBENICO" despatch cds, the adhesive in addition in transit by two-line "SPALATO / COL VAPORE" handstamp in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 22 / Müller 3423i). A fine and fresh Shipmail item, signed Sorani.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 160 CHFLot# : 6019 Austrian Navy and Shipmail
Austrian Shipmail, Port Markings for Ship letters, Adriatic Sea 1850/74: Group twelve pieces with all adhesives cancelled / tied by two-line "SEBENICO / COL VAPORE" handstamp in black (Müller 3423g). A lot with a large diversity of frankings incl 1850/54 three examples of 3 kr. red, two pieces with combination 3 kr. & 6 kr., and single 9 kr. blue, 1858 15 kr. blue, 1861 5 kr. red and 15 kr. blue, 1864 strip of three 5 kr. rose and 15 kr. brown as well as 1867 postcard cutout 2 kr. brown with add. franking of 3 kr. green.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 6020 Austrian Navy and Shipmail
Austrian Shipmail, Port Markings for Ship letters, Adriatic Sea 1864/&7: Group six pieces with Shipmail cancellations incl. "MACARSCA / COL VAPORE" on 1864 15 kr. (Müller 3423d = 250 points) and on 1867 5 kr. red (Klein = 250 points), "MILNA / COL VAPORE) on two pieces with 1867 5 kr. red (Klein = 250 points), "SEBENICO / COL VAPORE" on 1867 5 kr. red (Klein = 300 points), and "a perfect "ZARA / COL VAPORE" (Müller 3423k= 60 points) on 1864 5 kr. rose.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 6021 Austrian Navy and Shipmail
Austrian Shipmail, Port Markings for Ship letters, Adriatic Sea 1850/74: Group eight covers / entires incl. "CATTARO / COL VAPORE" on 1863 5 kr. rose (pair & single) and 15 kr. brown, all perf. 14, "SEBENICO / COL VAPORE" on large margined 1854 9 kr. blue, "SEBENICO / COL VAPORE" on 1858 5&10 kr. and 15 kr. frankings, the last partially prepaid to the Papal States, "SPALATO / COL VAPORE" on 1858 15 kr. blue used to Trieste, also "TRIESTE / COL VAPORE" on two covers with 1861 15 kr. blue and 1867 5 kr. red. A most interesting lot.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 6022 Austrian Navy and Shipmail
Austrian Shipmail, Origin Markings for ship letters, Lake of Garda 1858 (Aug): Lettersheet written in Tione di Trento and despatched at the vessel in Riva della Garda, directed to Paris, bearing 1 kr. yellow (2) and vertical pair of 6 kr. brown, both on machine paper in type III, fine and fresh adhesives with fair to large margins, tied by two strikes of octagonal framed "RIVA VAPORE" handstamp in black (Müller 3424a). "P.D." handstamp and French "AUTRICHE 15 AOUT 58 CULOZ" entry cds, both in red alongside, reverse with DESENZANO transit and PARIS arrival (Aug 15) cds's. Light horizontal file fold well away from the franking, not distracting at all from this attractive Shipmail usage, correctly paying the 14 kreuzer rate to France of January 1858. Signed Lamy; certs. Robineau (1988), E. Diena (1988) Ferchenbauer = € 14'000.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 10,000 CHFLot# : 6023 Austrian Navy and Shipmail
Austrian Shipmail, Origin Markings for Ship Letters, Adriatic Sea 1850 (June 14): Entire letter from Trieste to S.M. Maddalena, bearing 9 kr. light blue in type I on handmade paper, a fine and fresh adhesive with good to huge margins, tied by clear straight line "C. V. DA TRIESTE" handstamp in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 6 / Müller 3425a) leaving the Arms nearly completely free. Reverse with "S. M. MADDALENA" arrival cds in black. A most appealing usage in the first month of the first Austrian issue. Ferchenbauer = € 800 for the early usage.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 6024 Austrian Navy and Shipmail
Austrian Levant Shipmail, Origin Markings for Ship letters, Mediterranean Sea 1868 (May): Envelope from Beyrouth to Milano, bearing 1863 Arms 3 s. green, 10 s. blue and 15 s. brown perf. 9½, three fine and fresh single adhesives, cancelled or tied upon transit in Trieste by two strikes of two-line "COL VAPORE / D'ALESSANDRIA" handstamp in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 82). "P.D." in black alongside, reverse with oval TRIEST transit, "UDINE-VERONA" ambulant and MILANO (1868, May 22) arrival datestamps. Some minor edge wear but a most interesting item from the Levat via Trieste to Italy, signed E. Diena & Raybaudi Ferchenbauer unlistedrnNote: Cover underfranked by 3 soldi but not taxed, the regular rate would have been 15 s. for the Lloyd shipmail to Trieste and 16 s. from the first Austrian to the second Italian rayon.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 4,200 CHFLot# : 6025 Austrian Navy and Shipmail
Austrian Shipmail, Origin Markings for Ship Letters, Adriatic Sea 1871 (June 2): Cover from Lussinpiccolo to Marseille, bearing 1867 coarse whiskers 25 kr. grey, a fine and fresh adhesive with good perforation, tied by clear straight line "Leta. arrta. per mare." handstamp in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 28 / Müller 3425f). Oval TRIEST datestamp and "P.D." handstamp in red alongside, struck in transit. Reverse with LYON transit and MARSEILLE arrival (June 6) cds's. Horizontal file fold well away from the adhesive, an unusual cancellation on this stamp.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 6026 Austrian Navy and Shipmail
Austrian Levant Shipmail, Origin Markings for Ship Letters 1868 (April 21): Printed matter Entire letter from Constantinople to Trieste, bearing horizontal pair 1864 Arms 2 s. yellow perf. 9½, a fresh multiple with vibrant colour and well embossed, cancelled by fair three-line "LETTERE ARRIVATE / COL VAPORE / DAL LEVANTE" handstamp in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 99). Reverse with oval TRIEST arrival datestamp (May 1). Lightest filing fold, well away from the stamps, an attractive item. Signed Bolaffi Sassone 41 / Ferchenbauer = € 3'500.rnProvenance: Collection Monte Napoleone, 78. Corinphila sale (Sept. 1988), lot 439.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 950 CHFLot# : 6027 Austrian Levant
Austrian Levant Shipmail, Origin Markings for Ship Letters, Mediterranean Sea 1869 (July 9): Cover from Constantinople to Venice, bearing 1864 Arms 3 s. green and 5 s. rose perf. 9½ in mixed franking with two single adhesives of 1867 10 s. blue coarse whiskers (blunted perfs on the left example, tear into design on the right one), four overall fresh adhesives, tied by two clear strikes of three-line "LETTERE ARRIVATE / COL VAPORE / DAL LEVANTE" handstamp in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 99). "P.D." handstamp in black alongside, reverse with oval TRIEST transit datestamp and VENEZIA arrival cds (July 16). Vertical file fold, well away from the stamps, an attractive item with a most exceptional franking. Signed Raybaudi, cert. E. Diena (1991) Ferchenbauer = € 5'250.rnNote: A very late use of the Arms issue which could be used until the end of August 1869. The normal post-1865 routing for a letter from the Levant to Italy was via Corfu and Brindisi with an Italian vessel resulting in a rate of 28 soldi. The sender paid this rate but did not endorse the route. In this case the journey via Trieste was chosen.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,200 CHFLot# : 6028 Austrian Navy and Shipmail
Austrian Shipmail, Origin Markings for Ship Letters, Adriatic Sea 1850/54: Group six pieces and two covers with straight line "C. V. DA TRIESTE" handstamps (Tchilinghirian fig. 10 / Müller 3425a). Includes one piece with 1 kr. yellow and three with 6 kr. brown, all with the handstamp in black, and two pieces with 6 kr. brown tied by the handstamp in red (Müller = 1'500 points). Also a prephilatelic cover from May 1850 and cover with 9 kr. blue struck by this handstamp.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 6029 Austrian Navy and Shipmail
Austrian Shipmail, Origin Markings for Ship Letters, Adriatic Sea 1849/64c: Group with five covers, all struck by clear straight line "LETa. ARRta. / PER MARE" handstamps in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 30 / Müller 3425g). Lot includes 1849 prephilatelic cover during the siege of Venice with 'COMITATO DI PUBBLICA VIGILANZA' censorship handstamp on reverse, 1857 cover from Cattaro to Trieste with 1854 9 kr. blue, 1858c and 1862 covers from Ragusa to Trieste with single franking 1858 15 kr. and double franking of 1861 15 kr., also 1864 stationery envelope 15 kr. brown from Spalato.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 6030 Austrian Navy and Shipmail
Austrian Shipmail, Origin Markings for Ship Letters, Adriatic Sea 1850/54: Group ten adhesives / pieces and four covers with two line "COL LLOYD / DA TRIESTE" handstamps (Müller 3425b), primarily in black. Includes seven pieces and three covers from the first kreuzer issue, one piece with 1858 and 1861 kreuzer issue. Also 1864 3 soldi adhesive with an extremely rare strike in red, and a usage of a 6 kr. fiscal stamp instead of a postage stamp with this obliteration. A most interesting selection, two opinions.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 6031 Austrian Navy and Shipmail
Austrian Shipmail, Origin Markings for Ship Letters, Adriatic Sea 1850/54: Group two pairs / pieces and three covers with straight line "C. V. DA VENEZIA" handstamps (Tchilinghirian fig. 6). Includes a vertical pair of 15 c. red with mixed types I & IIa, a piece with two singles of 15 c. red in types I & IIb, a cover with two pieces 15 c. in types I & IIa as well as two single frankings of 30 c. and 45 c. on cover. A most interesting selection.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 6032 Austrian Navy and Shipmail
Austrian Shipmail, Lloyd express line Venice - Trieste 1854 (June 1): Entire printed matter letter from Venice to Trieste, bearing Lombardo-Veneto 1850 5 c. yellow-orange (Sassone 1g), a fine and fresh adhesive, tied by clear boxed "DA VENEZIA / COL VAPORE 1 / 6" datestamp, the second type with 'V' over 'V' (Tchilinghirian fig. 8). Horizontal file fold well away from the franking, nevertheless an attractive usage. Certs. E. Diena (1995), Bottacchi (2000).Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 6033 Austrian Navy and Shipmail
Austrian Shipmail, Lloyd ship lines 1869 (Dec 29): Entire letter from Ragusa to Scutari, bearing 1867 5 kr. red, tied by two-line RAGUSA datestamp. Upon arrival a Turkish 1 pi. brown postage due was added to the front, tied by light Scutari handstamp (Coles & Walker fig. 3 / Tchilinghirian fig. 498). The reduced Albania rate of 10 kreuzer was only partially paid and a 'Z.10' due was noted with 5 kr. for the postage and 5 kr. zutaxe. The Turkish stamp paid the journey from Antivari harbour to Scutari. An attractive part paid cover full of postal history content, signed Holcombe Ferchenbauer = € 4'000.rnNote: After the Austrian rate unification of 1866, the rate from the Küstenland harbours to Albania was reduced to 10 kreuzer. Where in this case the 10 kreuzer due for the Austrian part of the journey had to be paid is not clear, presumably in Antivari.Starting bid : 800 CHFHammer price : 1,400 CHFLot# : 6034 Austrian Navy and Shipmail
Austrian Shipmail, Lloyd ship lines 1870 (Jan 6): Cover from Zakynthos to Venice, franked at 65 lepta rate by cleaned plates 5 l. green, 20 l. blue and 40 l. mauve on blue, three fresh and fine adhesives with fair to large margins all round, tied by dotted '111' numeral of Zakynthos with despatch cds, framed PD and framed "PIROSCAFI POSTALI AUSTRIACI" alongside. Reverse with Kerkyra and Brindisi transit, Verona-Udine ambulant and VENEZIA arrival (Jan 22, gregorian) cds's. Signed A. Diena Hellas 25a+27a+28b.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 6035 Austrian Navy and Shipmail
Austrian Shipmail, Lloyd ship lines 1876 (Jan 4): Envelope from Lesina to Geneva, bearing 1867 fine whiskers 5 kr. red, two fine and fresh single adhesives, tied on the vessel of the Triest-Corfu line by excellent straight line "K. K. SCHIFFPOSTAMT No 4" handstamp (Tchilinghirian fig. 52 / Klein 7949j = 500 points) with handwritten "Lesina / 4 / 1 76" above and below the strike. Reverse with RAGUSA transit, Italian and Swiss ambulant cds's. Some edge wear and toning not distracting at all from the pristine presentation of this extremely rare Shipmail handstamp in the last year of this line. Cert. Ferchenbauer (1992).Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 6036 Austrian Navy and Shipmail
Austrian Shipmail, Lloyd ship lines 1882 (July 16): Entire letter from Zara via Venice to Treviso, bearing 1874 fine whiskers 10 kr. blue (two nibbed perfs), tied by two-line "coi piroscafi / mercantili" handstamp in transit with matching "VENEZIA 18 7 82" cds alongside. Reverse with TREVISO arrival cds of the same day. Cert. Sorani (1995).Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 6037 Austrian Navy and Shipmail
Austrian Shipmail, Lloyd express line Venice - Trieste 1854/58c.: Group five covers / entires from Venice to Trieste, bearing Lombardo-Veneto frankings, tied by clear boxed "DA VENEZIA / COL VAPORE" datestamps in both types existing (Tchilinghirian fig. 8 & 7 / Sassone fig. 1 & 2). Includes Sassone type 1 on 15 c. red in a horizontal strip of three on 1855 cover to Klagenfurt, on 30 c. brown to Trieste, and on pair 45 c. blue on double rate cover to Baden nearby Vienna; also type 2 on 1858 10 s. tied to cover to Parenzo and on 1858 15 s. blue to Spalato. A most appealing group.rnNote: The terminology for this datestamp is quite confusing as Tchilinghirian's type 1 (fig. 7) is type 2 in Sassone and vice versa.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 6037A Austrian Navy and Shipmail
Austrian Shipmail, Lloyd ship lines 1870/76c: Group five pieces, one postcard and two covers bearing 1867/74 coarse and fine whiskers frankings with "SCHIFFSPOSTAMT 3" cds from SPALATO on piece, CATTARO on stationery cutout and cover, "SCHIFFSPOSTAMT 4" without name on piece and TRIEST on stationery postcard, and "SCHIFFSPOSTAMT 5" from Pola, Sebenico and Durazzo on piece, from Spalato on cover.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 340 CHFLot# : 6038 Austrian Navy and Shipmail
Austrian Shipmail, Covers from and to Trieste 1852/77c: Group with 13 covers incl. two porto covers from Smyrna with Lloyd vessel to Trieste, two 1853 covers from Trieste to the Napoletan provinces, paid until the border, four covers to Ancona or Sinaglia with oval "Via di Mare" handstamp alongside the franking, two covers from Ragusa to Trieste, 1872 incoming printed matter letter to Trieste with pair 1867 2 kr. yellow, and 1877 cover from Patras to Trieste with Greek 30 lepta franking.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 6039 DDSG
Danube Steam Navigation Co, cancellation in Vienna: Austria Arms 1864 5 kr. rose perf. 9½, a fine and fresh used example on June 1866 entire letter from Alt-Orsova to Vienna, tied by handwritten "AOrsova" and upon arrival by Vienna '1' three-ring numeral in black. The cover had obviously a weight of more than one loth and was taxed with '10' (kreuzer) due resulting from 5 kr. missing postage plus 5 kr. zutaxe. Horizontal file fold well away from adhesive and cancellation, some toning, an appealing combination of handwritten cancellation at the place of origin and mute security cancellation in Vienna. Signed Edwin Müller.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 2,000 CHFLot# : 6040 Austrian Levant
Papal States, Austrian Lloyd Agency in Ancona 1841 (Aug 30): Entire letter from Corfu via Ancona to Napoli, struck on reverse with hooded CORFU despatch datestamp, on front British "OFFICIO DELLA POSTE GENERALE CORFU" cachet. Upon arrival in Ancona a clear impression of oval framed "AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO / Ancona" was struck in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 457) as well as a framed "Sanita in Ancona / Netto fuori e dentro" carantine handstamp. Following the carantine the entire was transfered to the Papal postal authorities who struck their straight-line ANCONA handstamp and an oval "A.G.D.P." (Amministrazione generale delle poste) handstamp in red on front. Reverse with "NAPOLI 5 SET. 1841" arrival cds in red. Horizontal file fold, nevertheless an appealing entire full of postal history. rnProvenance: Collection Monte Napoleone, Corinphila sale 78 (Sept 1988), lot 872.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 6041 DDSG
Danube Steam Navigation Co, usage presumably in Bulgaria: Austria Arms 1864 5 kr. rose perf. 9½, a fine and fresh used example tied to piece by thimble "21 / 6" circular datestamp in blue (Tchilinghirian fig. 928a). A rare usage of this obliterator which can be found primarily on DDSG adhesives in the Bulgarian ports of Sistov and Vidin, this item may come from a combined usage of DDSG and Imperial adhesives. Opinion A. Diena (1970).Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 380 CHFLot# : 6042 DDSG
Danube Steam Navigation Co in Bulgaria: 1867 17 kr. scarlet, perf. 12, a used example on December 1866 envelope from Vidin to Braila, tied by oval "AGENTIE / D.D.S.G. / WIDDIN" handstamp in blue (Tchilinghirian fig. 933) and in addition by a thimble "16 / 12" circular datestamp in blue (Tchilinghirian fig. 928A). An attractive cover, signed Pfenniger.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 6043 DDSG
Danube Steam Navigation Co in Bulgaria: 1867 10 kr. green, Type I, a used example on April 1869 entire letter from Sistov to Orsova, tied by oval "AGENTIE / D.D.S.G. / SISTOV" handstamp in blue (Tchilinghirian fig. 928) and as can be often found in Sistov in addition by thimble "14 / 4" circular datestamp in blue (Tchilinghirian fig. 928A). Lightest horizontal filing fold not distracting at all from this most attractive item.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 6044 DDSG
Danube Steam Navigation Co in Bulgaria: 1867 10 kr. in an unusually light green shade, Type I, a fine used example on July 1878 cover from Ruschuk to Galatz, tied by light "RUSTZUK 9 / VII" cds of the DDSG post office in blue (Tchilinghirian fig. 916). Reverse with "GALATI 14 JUL 78" cds of the Romanian post office. On obverse a '60' (bani) due was added in blue crayon for the Romanian part of the journey. File folds well away from the adhesive, a most interesting cover with a usage of a DDSG adhesive long after the foundation of the UPU.rnNote: The postal service of the DDSG came to an end in the Romanian ports in 1873 and in the ports in Bulgaria, Serbia and Odessa in 1880.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHFLot# : 6045 DDSG
Danube Steam Navigation Co in Bulgaria: 1867 10 kr. green, Type I, a used example on entire letter from Vidin to Braila, tied by oval "AGENTIE / D.D.S.G. / WIDDIN" handstamp in blue (Tchilinghirian fig. 933), clear oval Ship Sailing Number handstamp "ALBRECHT / 1" in blue at right. The adhesive with normal perforation for this issue, a rare cover with this combination of marks.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 4,400 CHFLot# : 6046 DDSG
Danube Steam Navigation Co in Bulgaria: 1878 10 kr. green, in the rare late Type II, a used example with the typical irregular perforation on April 1879 envelope from Sistov via Orsova to Buda, the adhesive tied by clear oval "AGENTIE / D.D.S.G. / SISTOV" handstamp in blue (Tchilinghirian fig. 928), ORSOVA transit (April 8, 1879) cds alongside. Reverse with BUDAPEST arrival cds of the next day. Taxed for the Austrian part of the journey and a '10' (kreuzer) due handstamp struck to the obverse. Mi = € 2'800.rnNote: This type was a new die with 20 impressions / subtypes in two vertical rows of ten.rnProvenance: Collection J. P. Steindler, RL, Basel, March 1972, lot 301; collection Cihangir, 121. Corinphila sale (April 2000), lot 1187.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 2,200 CHFLot# : 6047 DDSG
Danube Steam Navigation Company in Valachia 1844 (Aug 25): Entire letter from Braila to Constantinople struck with circular "D.D.S.G. / IBRAILA / P.P." in bluish black (Tchilinghirian fig. 802). An exceptional strike of this very scarce handstamp on cover from the well-known Zafiropulo correspondence, light horizontal file fold with minor acid ink imperfections not distracting from the appealing appearance of this entire letter, in addition an elusive usage. Signed A. DienarnNote: Tchilinghirian & Stephens mention that this handstamp was probably manufactured in Constantinople for fully prepaid covers with markings existing only for the offices in Constantinople, Galatz, Ibraila and Varna, starting in August 1844. The Lloyd Agency and Consular Office only opened in September 1845 and took over the the deep water services from the DDSG which restricted its services to the Danube and the route to Odessa. This postmark can be found up to 1865, even as an obliterator on DDSG adhesives.rnReference: This cover is mentioned as the first usage of this handstamp known in Tchilinghirian on page 473.rnProvenance: Collection J. P. Steindler, RL, Basel, March 1972, lot 10.Starting bid : 4,000 CHFHammer price : 10,000 CHFLot# : 6048 DDSG
Danube Steam Navigation Co in Romania: 1866 17 kr. scarlet, perf. 12-12½, a used example on April 1867 cover from Giurgevo to Turnu Severin, tied by crisp octagonally framed "GIURGEVO 25 / IV" cds in blue (Tchilinghirian fig. 797), another GIURGEVO despatch cds of the consular post office in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 748) alongside. Light horizontal file folds, an appealing and interesting item with the combination of the datestamps from both Austrian post offices in Giurgevo, the cover was obviously first given to the consular office, then forwarded to the DDSG.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 8,000 CHFLot# : 6049 DDSG
Danube Steam Navigation Co in Romania: 1867 17 kr. scarlet, perf. 9½, a used example on June 1867 cover from Calafat via Alt-Orsova to Pesth, tied by crisp "CALAFAT 16 / VI" cds in blue (Tchilinghirian fig. 782). The cover reached Alt - Orsova on June 14 and Pest on June 16. Upon arrival it was taxed with '10' (Kreuzer) due for the Austrian part of the journey, An appealing entire.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 6050 DDSG
Danube Steam Navigation Co in Romania: 1867 10 kr. lilac, a used example on May 1868 cover from Piquet to Galatz, belonging to the Theologo correspondence, tied exclusively by thimble "17 / 5" circular datestampe in blue (Tchilinghirian fig. 928A). Two file folds stabilized with hinges from the inner side, the stamp with some perforation toning, an attractive usage of this rare stamp. Mi = € 950+.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 6051 DDSG
Danube Steam Navigation Co in Romania: 1867 10 kr. in green, Type I, a fine used example on April 1869 entire letter from Galatz to Braila, tied by light "GALAZ 10 / IV" cds in blue (Tchilinghirian fig. 813). Lightest horizontal file fold, an appealing cover, signed A. Diena.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 6052 DDSG
Danube Steam Navigation Co in Romania: 1867 10 kr. green, Type I, a fine used example on May 1870 entire letter from Galaz to Braila, tied by rectangular framed line number "14 / V 24 4. Reise" datestamp in blue (Tchilinghirian fig. 327). Vertical file fold well away from adhesive and cancellation, some toning, nevertheless a fine usage of this datestamp. Cert. A. Diena (1972).rnNote: These 'Reise' (trip) datestamps had been a special type of Shipmail cancellations which did not show the name of the vessel, but a numbered voyage and they can be found only on mail transported locally on the lower Danube. There exist always two types of each 'Reise' datestamp suggesting that they belonged to a pair of vessels making their journey up and down the river. The meaning of the '24' is uncertain, in some other datestamps of these types one can find numbers from '70' to '78' obviously reflecting the year of the journey.rnProvenance: Collection J. P. Steindler, RL, Basel, March 1972, lot 205.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 3,000 CHFLot# : 6053 DDSG
Danube Steam Navigation Co in Romania: 1870 10 kr. red, a used example on 1872 entire letter from Galatz to Ruschuk, the adhesive tied by crisp oval "GALAZ" handstamp without date inset in blue (Tchilinghirian fig. 812). Some toning at right and acid ink imperfections of the cover, nevertheless an extremely late usage of this rare adhesive which is thought to be an error of colour, a unique combination of rare stamp and cancellation. Signed Pfenninger Mi = € 2'200.rnReference: The GALAZ without date inset is of extreme rarity. Tchilinghirian & Stephens described in on page 475 only two known strikes of this elusive cancellation, the other on loose example in the collection of Denwood Kelly. This cover was described in the Tchilinghirian monograph to be part of the Julius Steindler collection, however it was not offered, when this collection came on the market in March 1972.rnrnStarting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 4,600 CHFLot# : 6054 DDSG
Danube Steam Navigation Co in Russia: 1867 10 kr. green, Type I, a used example on March 1869 entire letter from Odessa to Braila, tied by light circular "D.D.S.G. ODESSA 13 / 3 " datestamp in blue (Tchilinghirian fig. 832). Horizontal file fold, some perf. imperfections and toning, nevertheless an attractive entire with a rare marking.rnNote: The DDSG agency in Odessa used adhesives between 1866 and 1870, without adding Russian stamps. This correspondence is responsible for the few known entires from Odessa, all of which are mailed during 1869-1870.rnReference: Collection Franz See, 62. Corinphila sale (May 1979), lot 2545.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 2,400 CHFLot# : 6055 DDSG
Danube Steam Navigation Co in Serbia: 1866 17 kr. scarlet, perf. 12-12½, a used example on 1867 cover from Radujevac to Orsova, tied by "RADUJEVAZ 24 / X" cds in blue (Tchilinghirian fig. 677), a perfect despatch information strike on reverse. Light horizontal filing fold, an attractive cover. A most attractive cover from this rare and sought after office.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 1,500 CHFLot# : 6056 Austrian Levant
Napoli, Austrian Lloyd Agency in Molfetta 1853 (March 13): Entire letter from Molfetta to S. Elia di Valfortore, Campobasso, struck on front with perfect impression of oval "AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO / MOLFETTA" sunray handstamp in blue. Despatched and fully prepaid at the Napoletan post office in Molfetta with matching oval despatch and framed FRANCA handstamps, both in red on front. On reverse, the sunray handstamp struck again to seal the letter, also two-line NAPOLI arrival (March 17) datestamp in red. Some toning not distracting at all from this very usage of the Molfetta Lloyd handstamp of which only two other strikes on cover from the Monte Napoleone collection are known, which had no postal function but was used as a sender's cachet. Certs. Chiavarello (1981), Goller (2021).rnNote: The sender Ignazio Fontana worked from 1850 at the Austrian consulate in Molfetta and had obviously additional functions for the Lloyd agency, a combination often seen.rnProvenance: Henry W. Houser collection, RL Zürich (June 1992), lot 1018.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 2,000 CHFLot# : 6057 Austrian Levant
Aegean Islands, Austrian Lloyd Agency in Rhodes 1858 (March 3): Cover from Rhodes to Syros, struck on front with oval "AGENZIA DEL LLOYD AUSTRIACO / RODI" handstamp in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 571). Reverse with SYROS arrival (March 4) cds. Some toning and horizontal file fold, nevertheless a fine usage of this rare handstamp. Signed Grobe, cert. Ferchenbauer (1982).Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 6058 Austrian Levant
Aegean Islands, Austrian Lloyd agency in Mytilene 1869 (April 16): Entire from Mytilene at Lesbos to Genova, bearing 1864 Arms 3 s. green and 15 s. brown, both perf. 9½ in combination with 1867 coarse whiskers 10 s. blue, three fresh and fine single adhesives, tied by light "METELINE 25 / 9 " cds (Tchilinghirian fig. 566) in black, framed "PIROSCAFI POSTALI ITALIANI" handstamp alongside. Reverse with Smirne Lloyd and Brindisi transit as well as GENOVA arrival (April 24) cds's. A fine item with lightest horizontal fold, the combination franking paying correctly the 28 soldi rate with Lloyd to Corfu, from there with Italian vessel to Brindisi, from there with the train to Genova. Signed Raybaudi; cert. E. Diena (1991) Ferchenbauer = € 3'200.rnNote: A cover from the same correspondence is displayed in the Ferchenbauer handbook, volume IV on page 600.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 6059 Austrian Levant
Asia Minor, Austrian Lloyd Agency in Smyrna 1881 (Aug 6): Entire letter from Smyrna to Trieste bearing 1867 fine whiskers 10 s. blue, tied by clear "SPED. POST: PRESSO LLOYD SMIRNE" cds (Tranmer fig. 12) in black, showing variety missing month slug. rnProvenance: Collection Monte Napoleone, 78. Corinphila sale (Oct. 1988), lot 853.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 100 CHFLot# : 6060 Austrian Levant
Bulgaria, Consular P.O. in Ruschuk 1867c (May 19): Cover from Ruschuk to Vienna, bearing 1864 Arms 15 s. brown perf. 9½, a fresh and fine single example, tied by superb RUSTSCHUK cds in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 877). Reverse with octagonal 'Schnallenstempel'-type WIEN arrival (May 21) datestamp. A most appealing cover, signed Ferchenbauer. rnNote: Cover undated but it was despatched after October 1866 when the Levant rate was reduced to 15 soldi.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 6061 Austrian Levant
Bulgaria, Austrian Lloyd P.O. in Varna 1869 (May 1): Cover from Constantinople to Lyon, bearing horizontal pair 1864 Arms 15 s. brown in combination franking with 1867 coarse whiskers 10 s. blue, fresh and fine adhesives, cancelled by two strikes of "VIA VARNA" handstamp in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 114). "A. / P.D." handstamp in red and French "AUTR. 6 MAI 69 STRASBOURG" entry cds in blue alongside. Reverse with WIEN transit, Paris-Auxerre ambulant and LYON arrival (May 7) cds's. Horizontal and vertical file folds, some paper attachments on reverse, nevertheless an attractive, correctly franked cover. rnProvenance: Collection Achille Rivolta.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 900 CHFLot# : 6062 Austrian Levant
Bulgaria, Austrian Lloyd P.O. in Varna 1872 (June 19): Cover from Constantinople to Marseille, bearing 1867 coarse whiskers 10 s. blue and two single examples of 15 s. brown, fresh and fine adhesives, tied by a single clear strike of "LETTERE ARRIVATE / PER MARE / VARNA / 19 / 6 / 72" datestamp in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 115). "A. / P.D." handstamp in black and French "AUTR. 24 JUIN 72 AVRICOURT" entry cds in blue alongside. Reverse with Paris transit and MARSEILLE arrival (June 26) cds's. Horizontal file fold well away from the franking, an attractive entire overpaying the correct 35 s. rate by five soldi. Signed Wettler.rnNote: Since 1871, the rate is 10 s. for the Levant and 25 s. for France.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 6063 Austrian Levant
Austrian consular P.O. in Constantinople 1874 (June 9): Double rate Envelope from Constantinople to Marseille, bearing 1867 coarse whiskers 50 s. reddish brown and horizontal pair 10 s. blue, fine and fresh examples, tied by "CONSTANTINOPEL 9 / 6 / 74" cds in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 389). "P.D." handstamp in black amd French "AUTR. 15 JUIN 74 AVRICOURT" entry cds in blue alongside, reverse with Paris transit and MARSEILLE arrival (June 16) cds's. Cover roughly opened away from the adhesives, nevertheless an exceptionally rare usage of the 50 soldi stamp to pay twice the 35 soldi rate to France which became valid in 1871. Signed Wallner, Matl & Colla; cert. Ferchenbauer (2004) Ferchenbauer = € 11'500.rnProvenance: Collection Dr. Anton & Elisabeth Jerger, 140. Corinphila sale (May 2004), lot 764.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 2,200 CHFLot# : 6064 Austrian Levant
Crete, Austrian Lloyd Agency in Canea 1867c (June 17): Entire letter from Canea to Beyrouth, Lebanon bearing 1867 Arms 15 s. brown perf. 9½ neatly tied by two-line CANEA datestamp (Tchilinghirian fig. 533) in black, "BERUTTI 22/6" arrival cds (Tranmer type D) in black alongside. Reverse with "LLOYD AGENZIE SMIRNE 21/6" transit cds. Horizontal file fold affecting the upper perforation of the adhesive, cover torn at top, nevertheless an interesting port to port cover.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 180 CHFLot# : 6065 Austrian Levant
Crete, Austrian Lloyd Agency in Canea 1872 (Dec 22): Entire letter from Canea to Syra, Greece franked by 1867 coarse whiskers 10 s. blue neatly tied by two-line CANEA datestamp (Tchilinghirian fig. 533) in brownish red. Charged on arrival with two single examples of Large Hermes Meshed paper printings 10 lepta orange tied by dotted '67' numeral, reverse with SYRA arrival (Dec 12) cds. Horizontal and vertical file folds, nevertheless an interesting combination entire. Signed Calves.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 6066 Austrian Levant
Egypt, Austrian Levant Shipmail, Origin Markings for Ship Letters 1878 (Jan): Envelope from Smirna to Alexandria, bearing 1874 fine whiskers 10 s. blue, tied by crisp oval "COL VAPORE DA SMIRNE" handstamp in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 102). Reverse with "ALEXANDIEN 18 1 78" arrival cds. Fragile cover, toned and with edge wear, nevertheless a rare usage, cert. Ferchenbauer (1989). Lot includes also piece with the same adhesive tied by "COL VAPORE DA BERUTTI" handstamp in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 103).Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 6067 Austrian Levant
Holyland, Austrian consular Agency in Jerusalem 1867c (July 17): Envelope from Jerusalem to the Grand Vizier in Constantinople, bearing 1867 coarse whiskers 15 s. brown in a horizontal strip of three, a fine and fresh multiple, tied by three strikes of GERUSALEMME cds (Tranmer type D). Reverse with fair "LLOYD AGENZIE CONSTANTINOPOLI" arrival (July 27) cds. Cover shortened at top, parts of the backflaps missing, nevertheless an appeling franking. Ferchenbauer = € 1'300.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 340 CHFLot# : 6068 Austrian Levant
Romania, Austrian Lloyd P.O. in Giurgevo 1866 (Oct 17): Cover from Giurgevo to Vienna, bearing 1864 Arms 5 s. rose and 15 s. brown, two fine and fresh single examples, tied by crisp GIURGEVO cds in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 748). Reverse with WIEN arrival (Oct 22) cds. Lightest horizontal trace just mentioned for accuracy, a most attractive cover. Signed Raybaudi & Avanzo; cert. E. Diena (1987) Ferchenbauer = € 850.rnNote: A most interesting item two days after the introduction of the unified Levant rates which was 10 soldi from the United Principalities and Albania to Austria with 5 s. for the Levant and 5 s. for Austria. This reduction in postage was however not known to the sender who paid 15 s. for the Levant and 5 s. for Austria, a rate which was in force only between January and October 1866. Alternatively this could have bee a double rate cover with twice 10 soldi in the new tariff.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 900 CHFLot# : 6069 Austrian Levant
Romania, Austrian Lloyd P.O. in Bucharest 1868 (March 29): Printed matter Entire letter from Bucharest to Vienna, bearing vertical pair 1867 coarse whiskers 2 s. in the rarer chrome-yellow shade, a fine and fresh multiple, tied by crisp BUCAREST cds in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 714). Reverse with WIEN transit and "NEUHAUS b. WIEN" arrival (April 3) cds's. Lightest horizontal trace just mentioned for accuracy, a most attractive cover. Cert. Ferchenbauer (1996) Ferchenbauer = € 2'200.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,700 CHFLot# : 6070 Austrian Levant
Romania, Austrian Lloyd P.O. in Kustendje 1869 (Oct. 22): Cover from Kustendje to Napoli, endorsed "Via Trieste", bearing 1864 15 s. brown perf. 9½ in combination with 1867 coarse whiskers 25 s. grey, two fine and fresh single examples, canelled by "LLOYD AGENZIE KUSTENDJE 22 / 10" cds in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 844), "P.D." handstamp alongside. Reverse with Venezia transit and NAPOLI (Oct. 30) arrival cds's. An interesting and attractive cover. rnProvenance: Collection Cihangir; 121. Corinphila sale (April 2000), lot 1713.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 1,500 CHFLot# : 6071 Austrian Levant
Romania - Dobrudja, Austrian Lloyd P.O. in Sulina 1871 (Aug 13): Entire letter from Sulina to Trieste, bearing 1867 coarse whiskers 15 s. brown, a superb single example with a deep shade and better than normal perforation, tied by crisp SULINA cds in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 839). Reverse with clear oval TRIEST arrival (Aug 21) datestamp. Lightly cleaned but a gem, opinion Ferchenbauer (1992).Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 6072 Austrian Levant
Thrace, Austrian Lloyd P.O. in Adrianopel 1869 (Jan 28): Entire letter from Adrianopel / Edirne to Genova, bearing 1864 Arms 15 s. brown in a horizontal strip of five and a single example of 5 s. rose, overall fresh and fine example (minor perforation toning and one nibbed perf. at left), cancelled by wreathed ADRIANOPEL cds in black (Tchilinghirian fig. 947). Reverse with WIEN, GÖRZ and VENEZIA transit as well as GENOVA arrival (Feb 9) cds's. Cover with some toning, nevertheless a most exceptional franking to pay a 80 soldi rate. Certificate Holcombe (1996) Ferchenbauer = € 3'000 for a franking of five 15 s. adhesives. rnNote: The rate is not quite well understood by the describer. The reverse shows a '4' in red crayon implicating a fourth rate letter. However a 20 soldi rate to Italy did not exist in 1869, it was 25 soldi with 10 soldi for the Levant and 15 soldi for Austria and Italy. If the present item was a cover of up to three loths, it would have been therefore overfranked by 5 soldi. However, the post office in Adrianopel is known for its innovative calculation of rates, compare Ferchenbauer volume IV on page 565.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,800 CHFLot# : 6073 Belgium
1849 (Aug 24): Cover from St. Ghislain to Péruwelz, bearing Epaulettes 10 c. brown-chrome (COB 1g) from position 191 of the printing sheet of 200 showing variety: '0' of '10' doubled (COB 1-V5), a superb example with good to large margins, corner marginal with partial watermark at lower left, tied by barred '103' numeral with St. Ghislain despatch cds in red alongside. Reverse with clear PERUWELZ arrival cds in red from the following day. A most attractive usage between two villages in the province de Hainaut. Signed van Dieten; cert. Balasse (1976).Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 24,000 CHFLot# : 6074 Belgium
1849 (Oct 2): Cover from Brussels to Arlon, bearing Epaulettes 10 c. brown, two fine and fresh single examples with fair to large margins, one adhesive lower marginal, tied by barred '24' numeral with BRUXELLES despatch cds in blue alongside. Reverse with ARLON arrival cds in red from the following day. An appealing usage of two 10 c. adhesives to pay the 20 centimes inland rate.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 6075 Belgium
1853 (June 8): Envelope from Herbesthal via Henri-Chapelle to Venlo in the Netherlands, bearing a superb example of Medaillon 1851 40 c. rose-carmine, a superb and right marginal example with large to enormous margins all round including parts of four neighbouring adhesives, tied by perfect barred '22' numeral of the bureau de distribution in Henri-Chapelle, HERBESTHAL despatch cds and framed PD, both in black alongside. Reverse with light VENLO arrival (June 10) cds in red. Upper envelope edge refolded to protect the adhesive, otherwise a wonderful item for a connoisseur. Cert. Ferchenbauer (1973).Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 6,000 CHFLot# : 6076 Belgium
1849/61: Interesting Selection seven covers with Epaulettes and Medaillon frankings incl. Epaulettes two 10 c. brown single frankings used in the same postal district from Dunant to St. Hubert and from Malines to Antwerp, three inland covers bearing single frankings 20 c. blue from Anvers and two from Gand, double rate inland cover from Bruxelles to Charleroi with pair 20 c. blue; also Medaillon 1858 20 c. blue on 1861 cover from Bruxelles to Gand. An appealing group with large margined adhesives, has to be studied carefully to be appreciated.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 6077 Belgium
1932: Kardinal Mercier, compl. set of nine values in unmounted og. conditions; in addition three covers from Belgium Congo despatched in Leopoldville, Kigoma and Ovira.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 6088 France
1772/1844: Selection 13 prephilatelic entire letters, struck in overall clear quality, incl. 1772 Martinique to Marseille with oval "COLONIES PAR LA FLOTTE" in reddish brown, An 14 military "No. 12 ARM. D'ITALIE" from Roncu su Adige to Paris, 1802 "85" MONACO" to Havre, 1893 "85 PUGET", 1807 "P 99 P THONON", 1809 "P 104 P PIGNEROLE", 1809 "85 NICE", 1809 rare French occupation "CATTARO IN ALBANIA" on entire from Kotor to Zrenye, 1814 Paris "Police Générale de France" to Bourbon-Vendée, 1825 entire from Forges with triple Débourses of Oleron, Pau and Bayonne, 1827 military "ARM. D'ESPAGNE", 1828 "MONACO 30 DICE", and 1844 coursive "29 St. André-de-Valborgne". A most interesting group.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 6089 France
1850: Local cover within Toulouse bearing Cérès 10 c. bistre jaune, a fine example with fresh colour and good to enormous margins incl. parts of the lower neighbouring stamp, tied by fair Petits Chiffres '3383' numeral lozenge. Type 15 "TOULOUSE (30) 22 MARS 53" cds alongside. An attractive local cover Yvert = € 750 / Maury 1 = € 800.rnProvenance: Dubus collection, Robineau auction (Nov. 1987), lot 358.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 6090 France
1850: Local cover from Le Puy en Velay, bearing Cérès 10 c. bistre brown, a fine example with vivid colour and good to primarily enormous margins with parts of three neighbouring adhesives, tied by clear grille with type 15 "LE PUY-EN-VELAY (45) 5 AOUT 51" cds alongside. Reverse with type 14 "L'ARGENTIÈRE 7 AOUT 1851" arrival cds. An interesting local mourning cover from the period prior to the introduction of the Petits Chiffres in 1852, central vertical file fold, nevertheless an appealing cover with this superb adhesive. Signed Goebel Yvert = € 750 / Maury 1a = € 850.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 6091 France
1850: Triple rate Cover from Paris to Marseille bearing Cérès 10 c. bistre in combination with 40 c. orange, two examples each, four adhesives with fresh colour and fair to large margins, each tied by mute Étoile de Paris obliterator, the rightmost adhesive in addition by despatch cds (Dec 17, 1852). Reverse with arrival cds (Dec 19). Cover with filing folds, the left 10 c. adhesive with pre-use horizontal wrinkle, nevertheless a fine cover with an impressive first issue franking to pay the 100 c. triple rate cover of more than 25 gr. Signed Calves.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 6092 France
1850: Local cover within Paris bearing Cérès 15 c. green, a fine and fresh example with deep colour and good to large margins, tied by Étoile de Paris mute obliterator, reverse with Paris type 15 cds (March 21, 1852). An attractive cover, cert. E. Diena (1980) Yvert = € 1'850 / Maury 2 = € 2'100.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 6093 France
First day of usage 1849: Cérès 20 c. black on yellow paper, a fine and fresh example with good to large margins and parts of the upper neighbouring adhesive, tied by type 15 "GRENOBLE (37) 1 JANV. 49" cds on the first day of the issue to cover, a clear information strike at left. The cover directed to Gap, reverse with arrival cds of the next day. Lightest file folds well away from the adhesive and the datestamp, nevertheless an extraordinary and appealing cover, a perfect stamp and the datestamp ideally documenting the usage at the first day of issue of a French stamp. Certs. E. Diena (1988), Calves (1989) Yvert = € 17'500 / Maury 3 = €16'500.rnNote: During the two first weeks of January 1849, the cancellation of the newly issued stamps was not well organized. Two circulars by the Postal administration led to confusion in the Post Offices on the methods of obliteration. A planned cancellation by a grill obliterator was not available prior to the third week of January.rnProvenance: Dubus collection, Robineau auction (Nov. 1987), lot 370.Starting bid : 6,000 CHFHammer price : 7,000 CHFLot# : 6094 France
1849: Cover from Paris to Provins bearing Cérès 20 c. black on yellow paper, a superb example with large to enormous margins including parts of three neighbouring stamps, tied by mute grille obliterator. Reverse with very rare indistinct type 15 "ROUTE No. 5 PARIS 4 MARS 49" cds of the Bureau Central and type 13 "PROVINS (73) 4 MARS 1849" arrival cds. An early and appealing item.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 6095 France
1849: Entire letter of the Administration des Biens et Affaires de la Maison d'Orléans, despatched at the post office of the Assemblée Nationale in Paris to Breteuil bearing Cérès 20 c. black on white paper, a fine example with good to large margins, tied by clear grille. Fair type 15 "ASSEMBLÉE NATIONALE POSTES 23 MARS 50" cds alongside, reverse with "BRETEUIL-S-ITON" arrival cds of the next day. A perfect entire, signed Goebel.rnProvenance: Collection Gallia 1849-52, DF sale (Nov 1986).Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 6096 France
1849: Cover from Nantes to Paris bearing Cérès 20 c. black on chamois foncée, a fresh horizontal pair with fair to large margins, each adhesive tied by clear grille. Type 15 "NANTES (42) 25 FEB 49" despatch cds alongside. Reverse with "LIGNE-DE-TOURS" ambulant cds of the same day. An attractive double rate cover. Signed Calves & Lamy; cert. Roumet (2002) Yvert = € 1'250+ / Maury 3g = € 1'450+.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 6097 France
First Day of Issue 1850: Cérès 25 c. blue, a fresh stamp with fair to good margins, tied by crisp grille obliterator to entire letter from St. Malo to Dinan. Type 15 "St. MALO (34) 1 JUIL. 50" cds alongside, reverse with arrival cds of the same day. Horizontal and vertical file folds well away from adhesive and postmarks, an interesting cover from the first day of the new rate from office to office and the first day the Cérès 25 c. was used. Cert. Calves (1984).Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 2,200 CHFLot# : 6098 France
1850: Cover from Lille to Paris bearing Cérès 25 c. blue, a fresh example with good to enormous margins with parts of the upper neighbouring stamp and a large sheet margin at right (8 mm), tied by crisp grille obliterator. Clear type 13 "LILLE (57) 28 NOV. 1850" despatch cds alongside, reverse with arrival cds of the following day. A delightful envelope, signed Brun; cert. E. Diena (1987).Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 6099 France
1850: Double rate envelope from the Sous-Préfet in Redon to Nantes bearing a horizontal pair of Cérès 25 c. dark-blue, a fresh and fine multiple with good to large margins incl. parts of two neighbouring stamps and part sheet margin at base, tied by two clear strikes of grille obliterator, REDON despatch cds (Aug 23, 51) alongside. Reverse with arrival cds of the next day. An appealing cover in the rate of July 1850.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 6100 France
1849: Double rate Cover from Lamballe to St. Brieuc bearing Cérès 40 c. orange, a fine and fresh adhesive with even large margins, tied by crisp grille. Type 15 cds (June 15, 1850) alongside, reverse with type 14 & type 15 arrival cds's of the next day. A delightful cover from the last month of the 1849 rate. Signed Brun & Goebel.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 1,200 CHFLot# : 6101 France
1850: Envelope from Paris to Tournai, Belgium bearing Cérès 40 c. orange, a fine stamp with regular large margins, tied by Étoile de Paris mute obliterator. "PARIS 31 JANV. 54" despatch cds and framed PD in red alongside, reverse with indistinct arrival cds in red. A fine and attractive cover, the adhesive paying correctly the rate to Belgium. Signed Calves & Brun Yvert = € 900 / Maury = € 800.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 480 CHFLot# : 6102 France
1849: Triple rate Cover from Paris to Condé-en-Brie bearing Cérès 1 fr. carmine, a fresh and fine example with good to huge margins, tied by mute Étoile de Paris obliterator. Light Paris despatch cds (Sept 16, 53) alongside, reverse with ambulant and arrival cds of the next day. Some minor corner staining of the cover just mentioned for accuracy, an attractive adhesive on interesting cover of the third weight step. Signed Calves Yvert = € 1'600 / Maury 6 = € 1'750.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 6103 France
1849: Part cover from Bretoncelles to Paris bearing Cérès 1 fr. carmine, a fresh and fine example with vivid colour and good to large margins, tied by mute grille obliterator. Clear cursive "59 / Bretoncelles" despatch handstamp and type 14 REMALARD transit cds (Jan 17, 1852) on top, reverse with arrival cds. Light vertical file fold, three backflaps missing, nevertheless an appealing cover of the third weight step. Signed Roumet Yvert = € 1'700 / Maury 6b = € 1'850.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 6104 France
1849: Cérès 1 fr. vermilion 'vermillon foncé', a fine and fresh example of this rare stamp, in a deep shade with good to large margins all round, tied by clear grill obliterator to triple rate cover, directed to Callac, clear type 15 "GUINGAMP (21) 10 AOUT 49" despatch cds alongside. Light verical file fold just mentioned for accuracy, a desirable item with this much sought after adhesive. Cert. Calves (1987) Yvert = € 32'500 / Maury 7c = € 45'000.Starting bid : 10,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 6105 France
1852: Local entire within Nexon bearing Présidence 10 c. bistre brown, a fine example with vivid colour and good to large margins, tied by light petit chiffres '2269' lozenge, clear despatch cds (May 5, 52) alongside. Light horizontal file folds well away from the franking, some insect bites on reverse, nevertheless a rare and interesting local usage in this small vollage. Signed Calves; cert. E. Diena (1982) Yvert = € 1'100 / Maury 9b = € 1'500.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 6106 France
1852: Entire letter mailed from Beauzée to Vouziers bearing two single examples of Présidence 10 c. bistre yellow, fine examples with good to large margins, each tied by indistinct Petits Chiffres '336' numeral lozenge, despatch cds (July 30, 54) alongside. Reverse with clear arrival cds of the next day. Late usage of this issue in 1854, correctly used to pay the 20 c. office to office rate which came into force on July 1st, 1854, therefore in addition a first month usage of the new rate. Signed Bühler Maury 9a = € 3'000 for a pair on cover.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 6107 France
1854 (March 31): Entire letter from Paris to Valparaiso, Chile, endorsed "Voie de Panama" and bearing a combination franking of Présidence 10 c. bistre and two examples of Napoléon imperf. 1 franc dark-carmine, three fine adhesives with vivid colour and fair to large margins, each tied by Étoile de Paris mute obliterator, clear despatch cds in black, framed PD in red and London transit (April 1) cds in red alongside. Tear in the cover away from the franking just mentioned for accuracy, skillfully repaired, nevertheless a rare franking of utmost attractiveness, paying correctly the 210 centimes single rate in the tariff of August 1849 for mail to the Pacific Coast of South America via Great Britain and Panama. Cert. Calves (1988) Yvert = € 10'500+.Starting bid : 3,000 CHFHammer price : 3,000 CHFLot# : 6108 France
1852: Cover from Paris to Grenoble bearing Présidence 25 c. dark-blue, a fine example with good to large margins, tied by crisp Étoile de Paris mute obliterator, despatch cds (Sept 8, 1853) alongside; reverse with arrival cds (Sept 10). A fine usage with the Paris star. Signed Lamy.Starting bid : 75 CHFHammer price : 100 CHFLot# : 6109 France
1860: Wrapper from Chauny to Oisy bearing a block of four Napoléon imperf. 1 c. green bronze, a fine and fresh multiple with vivid colour and good to large margins, tied by CHAUNY cds's (Aug 22, 1861). Some paper toning and staining at right, an appealing small item with this elusive franking, printed matter rate between 300 and 400 gram. Signed Calves; certs. von der Weid (1982), E. Diena (1982) Yvert = € 2'600 / Maury 11b = € 3'100.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 750 CHF
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