The Gregory Frantz Collection
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Lot# : 6067 Finland
Finland: References are taken from 'The Letter and Parcel Stamps of the Finnish Shipping Companies' by G.W. Connell; number four in the Private Ship Letter Stamps of the World 'Ringström & Tester' series. The numbering and order of the lots follows the Connell handbook, from Helsinki area, Borgå area, Abo area, followed by the Lake Steamers.rnrnSkärgårds Trafik Aktiebolag (STAB). The company was originally founded in 1872 by H. Lindroos, T. Sederholm in Helsingfors and B. Howing and S. Törnudd in Wiborg, with a share capital of 50'000 marks. The initial two boats would be travelling between Böback and Helsingfors daily and would be available for use as Tugs between 7am and 3pm. The Company encountered difficulties with increasing competition and was dissolved in June 1906.rnrnCoastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - Skärgårds Trafik Aktiebolag (STAB) 1874: Entire letter from Helsingfors to Ekenäs endorsed 'fco.' at lower left, struck with oval framed LARS KROGIUS / HELSINGFORS cachet in blue overstruck by 'Helsingfors' cds in blue. The letter is signed by the founder of the STAB, Lars Krogius, and discusses shipping charges. An exceptional and historic entire.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 6068 Finland
Coastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - Skärgårds Trafik Aktiebolag (STAB) 1873 (June): Imperforate Colour Trial sheet of thirty-five (5 x 7) for the 10 penni value, printed by Lithografiska Tryckeribolaget in Helsingfors, imperforate with each proposed stamp in two or three colours, with position 3 being close to the accepted design and colour of the 25 p. value and position 24 the 50 p. Parcel stamp. Some creasing and faults mainly in the margins but quite beautiful and a masterpiece of lithography.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 6069 Finland
Coastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - Skärgårds Trafik Aktiebolag (STAB) 1873/86: 25 penni pale orange-brown & deep dull blue, imperforate, a used example on 1880 combination usage with 20 p. stationery envelope and 5 p. orange, mailed via Helsingfors (16/10) and St. Peterburg to Frankfurt, Germany, tied by barred oval 'S.T.A.B.' handstamp in black with further strike on cover above. Reverse with St. Petersburg transit and Frankfurt arrival (20/10). A famous and beautiful franking. Certs. Philatelic Foundation (1966), Gummesson (1997).rnProvenance: Corinphila sale 52, Oct 1967, lot 1163.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 3,800 CHFLot# : 6070 Finland
Coastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - Skärgårds Trafik Aktiebolag (STAB) 1873/86: 10 penni yellow & blue, imperforate, a used example in combination with Finland 20 p. orange on 1886 cover to Ekenäs, the STAB adhesive cancelled by manuscript pen cross, the 20 p. by 'Helsingfors' cds (Aug 2) in black with repeated strike below and faint 'Ank.' arrival at left (3/8). Illustrated and discussed in Dr. Connell 'The Letter and Parcel Stamps of the Finnish Shipping Companies' on page 40. An extremely rare and famous cover.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 3,200 CHFLot# : 6071 Finland
Coastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - Skärgårds Trafik Aktiebolag (STAB) 1873/86: 10 penni deep reddish-orange, blue & black, serpentine roulette 10½, a complete unused sheet of twenty-five subjects (5 x 5), slight inclusion on roulettes at top and marginal fault and whilst the sheet has near full gum the roulettes are fragile at edges and it would probably be safer to leave the sheet on the card display. Rare and most attractive.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 950 CHFLot# : 6072 Finland
Coastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - Skärgårds Trafik Aktiebolag (STAB) 1873/86: 10 penni deep reddish-orange, blue & black, serpentine roulette 10½, a used example, closed tear at base, on cover to Kyrkslött, Sweden and annotated by Ship at left in manuscript, tied by rare usage of Government 'Helsingfors' cds (June 29) in blue with repeated strike alongside. Despite the fault an attractive and extremely unusual cover.rnProvenance: Collection Axel Trap-Holm (1934).Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 2,200 CHFLot# : 6073 Finland
Coastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - Skärgårds Trafik Aktiebolag (STAB) 1873/86: 10 penni deep reddish-orange, blue & black, line roulette 6, a used example cancelled by ink pen cross on 1884 cover with complete contents from Nalsjo (July 3) to Helsingfors, in combination with Finland 20 p. ultramarine tied by Railway datestamp in black with information strike at right. Rare and most attractive cover.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 3,000 CHFLot# : 6074 Finland
Coastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - Skärgårds Trafik Aktiebolag (STAB) 1873: 25 penni pale orange-brown & deep dull blue, imperforate, an unused block of six (3 x 2) with, at base, lithographic vertical and horizontal guidelines, fresh and very fine, slightly wrinkled large part og. A rare stamp in a multiple.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 6075 Finland
Coastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - Skärgårds Trafik Aktiebolag (STAB) 1886: 10 penni yellow & blue, Stone I, perf. 12½, a used example in combination with Finland 20 p. orange on 1886 cover to Ekenäs, the STAB adhesive cancelled by manuscript pen cross and by 'Helsingfors' cds (Aug 25) in black with repeated strike below and faint 'Ank.' arrival at left (26/8). Illustrated and discussed in Dr. Connell 'The Letter and Parcel Stamps of the Finnish Shipping Companies' on page 40. Extremely rare and the proving cover for the issue date of the adhesives.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 3,600 CHFLot# : 6076 Finland
Coastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - Skärgårds Trafik Aktiebolag (STAB) 1886: 10 penni chrome-yellow & blue, Stone IV, perf. 11½, a used example tied by 'honeycomb' network handstamp in violet on 1888 10 p. rose on buff postal stationery card used from Helsingfors (July 3) to Thusby, carried on the S.S. Thyra. A rare and most attractive usage.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 6077 Finland
Coastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - Skärgårds Trafik Aktiebolag (STAB) 1886: 10 penni chrome-yellow & blue, Stone III or IV, perf. 11½, a used example on circa 1890/95 cover to Helsingfors, endorsed at base "via Anghaten Adlercreutz Esbo-Lofo" tied by 'ADLERCREUTZ.' boxed handstamp in black (Connell Type 2). A fresh and fine cover.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 6078 Finland
Coastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - Skärgårds Trafik Aktiebolag (STAB) 1886: 10 penni chrome-yellow & blue, Stone IV, perf. 11½, a used example on June 1906 cover with complete original contents to St. Bodo, tied by two strikes of 'ADLERCREUTZ.' under-lined handstamp in carmine-red. Slight opening tear above the adhesive but very rare, Dr. Connell states that just three covers from this correspondence were found.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 6079 Finland
Coastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - Skärgårds Trafik Aktiebolag (STAB) 1886: 10 penni yellow & blue, Stone II, perf. 11½, an unused block of six (3 x 2), marginal from top of sheet, the second and third stamp showing variety "Imperforate Vertically Between", fresh and very fine, large part og. Rare.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 6080 Finland
Coastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - Skärgårds Trafik Aktiebolag (STAB) 1886: 10 penni chrome yellow & blue, Stone IV, perf. 11½, a used example, somewhat toned, on circa 1903 postcard cancelled by manuscript "Adlercreutz" in black ink, addressed to Pentala Island, a rare usage; sold together with 1901 Finland 10 p. red postal stationery card used from Kuopio with endorsement "Ångbåten Adlercreutz". Scarce.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 6081 Finland
Coastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - Skärgårds Trafik Aktiebolag (STAB) 1906: The Company expanded sailings to the Baltic, 1908 cover with imprint 'Lars Krogius & Co.' franked by Russia 10 kop. deep blue (2, for a double weight letter), posted on board ship and cancelled on arrival by "Lübeck" cds's (Oct 20) in black.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 6082 Finland
Coastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - Skärgårds Trafik Aktiebolag (STAB) 1873/86: The collection on leaves with 10 penni brown-orange & blue unused with imperforate examples (2) and rouletted blocks of four and six unused in differing shades, used example pen cancelled on cover to Gronquistskastenk, 25 p. orange-brown & dull blue imperforate with superb STAB cancel, 50 p. green & blue unused (shades) with imperf., perf. 11½ and rouletted examples incl. a perf. 11½ strip of four showing sheet margins at left and right, horizontally bisected example on small piece cancelled STAB (believed unique), 1885/86 25 p. red & blue perf. 11½ unused, an unused example with line roulette 6 (believed unique), and used etc. Viewing is highly recommended (49 items).Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,200 CHFLot# : 6083 Finland
The Paddle Steamer 'Thyra'. Despite its luxurious accomodation, the Thyra was not swift and was prone to breaking down. The Steamer's ownership changed many times during it's career (1874-1893) in Finland, finally being sold on 6 December 1893 to Beljaeff & Co. in St. Petersburg.rnrnCoastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - Skärgårds Ångbåts Aktiebolag 1884: Paddlesteamer S.S.Thyra, lithographed 10 penni dull vermilion, perf. 11½, the famous used example cancelled by "Helsingfors" circular datestamp (9/6/87) in black. Illustrated in Dr. Connell 'The Letter and Parcel Stamps of the Finnish Shipping Companies' on page 48. Choice and rare.Starting bid : 175 CHFHammer price : 175 CHFLot# : 6084 Finland
Coastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - Skärgårds Ångbåts Aktiebolag 1884: Paddlesteamer S.S.Thyra, the rare 25 penni deep dull blue, perf. 11½, a fine used example cancelled by 'honeycomb' handstamp in blue; together with 10 penni dull vermilion, a used example on small double weight piece cancelled by 'honeycomb' handstamp in blue with Finland 20 p. orange (2) above cancelled in Helsingfors (24 July 1887), also a sadly defective 10 p. stationery card with a mutilated 10 p. removed by a vandal. The 25 penni used is a rarity.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 6085 Finland
Coastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - Skärgårds Ångbåts Aktiebolag 1884: Paddlesteamer S.S.Thyra 10 penni dull vermilion, perf. 11½, a used example, sadly defective with intact but torn corner, used on cover endorsed "Angbäten Thyra" to Granholmen cancelled by 'honeycomb' handstamp in blue. Despite faults, not unattractive and very rare with just four covers known: all from this correspondence, two were housed in the Jan Berg collection.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 6086 Finland
The Steam Launch "Ellida", probably owned by J.F. Lojander and B. Jusselius of Björneborg.rnrnCoastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - possibly Sjöblom & Co 1880/81: "Ellida", lithographed 5 penni violet-grey, imperforate, measuring 20 x 25 mm., without gum. A famous and extremely rare stamp, resembling the Helsingfors Stadtspost and Tammerfors Local Post designs, discussed at length in Dr. G.W. Connell's 'The Letter & Parcel Stamps of the Finnish Shipping Companies' on pages 51-54, this example being illustrated on page 54. Just three examples recorded, a rarity.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 6087 Finland
Steam Launch "S.S. Thor" owned by Jacob Julius af Lindfors (1831-1903), who purchased the ship on 22 March 1886.rnrnCoastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - J.J. af Lindfors 1886: S.S. Thor, 10 penni black on green wove paper (lithographed and punched out individually), Type I with eight pointed star and without damage to '0' of '10', used on Finland 10 p. postal stationery card from Norrkulla Island via Helsingfors (31 July 1888) to Lojo Lake, cancelled by manuscript pen stroke in black. Small scraped area on card at right but extremely rare with just three usages recorded.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 950 CHFLot# : 6088 Finland
Coastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - af J.J. Lindfors 1886: S.S. Thor, 10 penni black on green wove paper (lithographed and punched out individually), Type I with eight pointed star and without damage to '0' of '10', used on triangular 8 July 1886 entire letter to Furuvik, Eastern Helsinki, cancelled by manuscript pen strokes. Illustrated by Dr. Connell in 'The Letter and Parcel Stamps of the Finnish Shipping Companies' on page 59. An exceptional cover, sold together with an 1889 10 p. stationery card endorsed "med Ångebåten Thor" and carried on the Sibbo route.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 6089 Finland
Coastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - J.J. af Lindfors 1886: S.S. Thor, 10 penni black on green label with 'Ångslupen Thor' and '212' numeral below value, used on cover, defective at right, addressed to a Captain at Sibbo, Nevas annotated "Ang:" at lower left (Urgent). Illustrated by Dr. Connell in 'The Letter and Parcel Stamps of the Finnish Shipping Companies' on page 59. Exceptionally rare, the sole known usage of this stamp on letter.rnProvenance: Collections Bremer, Fabergé.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 2,200 CHFLot# : 6090 Finland
Steam Launch "S.S. Degero" owned by Jacob Julius af Lindfors (1831-1903). The Launch was built at Varkauden Konepaja in 1879 and purchased by af Lindfors on completion.rnrnCoastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - J.J. af Lindfors 1886c.: S.S. Degero, 5 penni black on straw-yellow paper (lithographed and punched out individually but possibly scissor cut) reading 'Angslupen / Degero', a used example on small piece cancelled à la Afghanistan, by a corner clip at right. One of just two examples recorded, the other example exhibited by Jan Berg in Edition D'Or number 58 on page 112, this example illustrated in Dr. Connell 'The Letter and Parcel Stamps of the Finnish Shipping Companies' on page 60. A great rarity.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 6091 Finland
Coastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - J.J. af Lindfors 1886c.: S.S. Degero, 10 penni black on rose-violet paper (lithographed and punched out individually but possibly scissor cut) reading 'Angslupen / Degero', a used example on small piece cancelled à la Afghanistan, by a corner clip at base. One of just two examples recorded, this example illustrated in Dr. Connell 'The Letter and Parcel Stamps of the Finnish Shipping Companies' on page 60. A great rarity.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 6092 Finland
Coastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - J.J. af Lindfors 1886c.: S.S. Degero, 20 penni black on rose-violet paper (lithographed and punched out individually but possibly scissor cut) reading 'Angslupen / Degero', an unused example with small part original gum. Recorded by Dr. Connell 'The Letter and Parcel Stamps of the Finnish Shipping Companies' on page 60 but not illustrated, this is the sole example known. Unique.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 6093 Finland
Coastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - J.J. af Lindfors 1897: Cover carried on the 'S.S. Degero', franked by Finland 10 p. rose pair tied by INGA datestamps (Aug 16), addressed to Jollas, Helsingfors with endorsement "angf. Degero". Scarce, carried just a year before the ship was sold.Starting bid : 75 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 6094 Finland
Steam Launch "S.S. Östra Skärgården" owned by Jacob Julius af Lindfors (1831-1903).rnrnCoastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - J.J. af Lindfors 1893: S.S. Östra Skärgården, 10 penni black on rose-lilac wove paper (lithographed and punched out individually), Type I with eight pointed star, used on 1894 cover cancelled by clipping à la Afghanistan and originally addressed to Brandö. Cover readdressed on arrival with Finland 20 p. orange cancelled at Helsingfors (July 22) to Mariehamn in the Aland Islands. Again forwarded from there with further Finland 5 p. green tied by Mariehamn cds (July 24) and thence to Stockholm. Illustrated in Dr. Connell 'The Letter and Parcel Stamps of the Finnish Shipping Companies' on page 63. An extraordinary cover.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 1,700 CHFLot# : 6095 Finland
Coastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - J.J. af Lindfors 1893.: S.S. Östra, 10 penni black on rose-lilac wove paper (lithographed and punched out individually), Type II with large five pointed star, used on cover to Nylands, north of Helsingfors, cancelled by 'honeyomb' circular handstamps twice in bluish violet. Rare.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 6096 Finland
Coastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - J.J. af Lindfors 1893.: S.S. Östra, 10 penni black on rose-lilac wove paper (lithographed and punched out individually), Type II with large five pointed star, used on Finland 10 p. rose postal stationery card from Munkholmen (July 7) via Helsingfors and St. Petersburg, cancelled by 'honeycomb' circular handstamp twice in bluish-violet ink. Helsingfors cds (July 8), St. Petersburg cds and Paris arrival in blue. Card creased but very rare - only two Finnish Shipping Company covers addressed beyond Scandinavia are recorded.rnrnStarting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 6097 Finland
Coastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - J.J. af Lindfors 1893.: S.S. Östra, 5 penni black yellow paper (lithographed and punched out individually), Type II with large five pointed star, an unused example with margins all round, a few surface defects, unused with tiny trace of gum. An extremely rare stamp, there are believed to be but two examples known.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 6098 Finland
Coastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - J.J. af Lindfors 1893.: S.S. Östra, 5 penni black yellow paper (lithographed and punched out individually), Type III with small five pointed star, two examples used on cover to Helsingfors, each cancelled by 'honeycomb' circular handstamp twice in bluish-violet ink. A truly exceptional usage with just two covers recorded thus. Illustrated in Dr. Connell 'The Letter and Parcel Stamps of the Finnish Shipping Companies' on page 67.rnrnProvenance: Collection Jacobus Sundman.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 1,900 CHFLot# : 6099 Finland
Ångbåts Aktiebolag Sibbo, the Company was founded in 1892 and the Sibbo sailed between Helsingfors and Söderkulla, some 2 kilometres up the Sibbo river, from 1892 until 1899 when the company was disolved in 1899 and the steamship was renamed Janaslahti.rnrnCoastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - Ångbåts Aktiebolag Sibbo 1892/99: Typeset 10 penni black on violet-rose paper, Type I, perf. 11½, the used example on cover to Ida Wanerberg, Bridge Quay, Nevas tied by straight line SIBBO handstamp in blue. This is the example illustrating the #1 in Dr. Connell 'The Letter and Parcel Stamps of the Finnish Shipping Companies' on page 68. The cover with slight imperfections but, with just three covers recorded, exceedingly rare.rnProvenance: Collection Fabergé.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 6100 Finland
Coastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - Ångbåts Aktiebolag Sibbo 1892/99: Typeset 10 penni black on pink paper, Type II, perforated 11½, a used example on small piece cancelled by oval ribbon handstamp "Ångbåten / SIBBO" in blue. Small imperfections but a scarce stamp.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 140 CHFLot# : 6101 Finland
Coastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - Ångbåts Aktiebolag Sibbo 1892/99: Typeset 10 penni black on pink paper, Type II, perforated 11½, a used example, defective at one corner but showing portion of adjoining stamp at top, on cover from Helsingfors to Wikssund, tied by straight line SIBBO handstamp in blue. A rare cover.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 350 CHFLot# : 6102 Finland
Coastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - Ångbåts Aktiebolag Sibbo 1892/99: Typset in black on yellow, Type IV, perf. 11½ and imperforate at left, small corner clip, used on 9 August 1894 entire letter to Captain Weenerberg, Bridge Quay, Nevas cancelled by oval ribbon handstamp "Ångbåten / SIBBO" in blue. Illustrated in Dr. Connell 'The Letter and Parcel Stamps of the Finnish Shipping Companies' on page 70, with just two covers recorded bearing this stamp.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 6103 Finland
M.W. Svensson owned the Steam Launches 'Porkala' and 'Långviken' which worked the routes from Helsingfors to the two towns which the ships were named after.rnrnCoastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - M.W. Svensson / Porkala-Långviken 1896: Lithographed 10 penni bright rose, perf. 11½, a used example tied to Finland postal stationery card, small stain, mailed from Helsingfors to Medvastö tied by bold strike of three line "ÅNGE. PORKALA / 6 JUL 1898 / HELSINGFORS." datestamp in black, illustrated by Dr. Connell in 'The Letter and Parcel Stamps of the Finnish Shipping Companies' on page 73; sold together with an off cover example cancelled on the Ship LÅNGVIKEN (July 1898), and an uncancelled example on cover. A rare group.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 6104 Finland
Nyländska Skärgårds Aktiebolag, a firm founded by Frans Åkerman, whilst he ran ships from 1898 onwards, the company itself was founded in 1901. His business prospered until the advent of the World War when some ships were requisitioned by the Russians.rnrnCoastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - Nyländska Skärgårds Aktiebolag 1904: Postcard from Helsingfors to Sandholmen franked by oval Ångbåten Vestra Skärgården 10 penni black on yellowish white paper cancelled by blue crayon cross in manuscript, with endorsement below "ängb., Östra - Skärgårds". Full commercial message from Westerlund & Co. in Helsingfors on reverse of a rare card.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 6105 Finland
Coastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - Nyländska Skärgårds Aktiebolag 1899: 'Ångbåten Vestra Skärgården' lithographed and punched out individually, 10 penni black on yellowish paper, a fine example used on circa 1903 postcard to Medvastö tied by typically unclear monogram handstamp "A.M.C." in black. Rare and most unusual, sold together with a sepia postcard of the 'Vestra Skärgården' at Langviken. Rare.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 6106 Finland
Coastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - Nyländska Skärgårds Aktiebolag 1899: Oval 'Ångbåten Vestra Skärgården' 25 penni black on pale blue-green paper, used on very defective heavy cover to Getnäs, uncancelled by undoubtedly belongs, the cover with tears as the letter was obviously preserved, not for the stamp, but for the sewing pattern on the inside. Despite condition, a rarity on letter.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 6107 Finland
Coastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - Nyländska Skärgårds Aktiebolag 1899: Oval 'Ångbåten Vestra Skärgården' 50 penni black on pale magenta paper, used on circa 1905/1915 cover to a Mr. Sittnikow, S.S. Helsingfors Skärgård, in Skyttö east of Porkala. Uncancelled and the cover with crease (interestingly with illustrated inside), at this rate possibly a wartime usage or just a heavy letter.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 6108 Finland
Coastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - Nyländska Skärgårds Aktiebolag 1906: Lithographed 10 penni black on stone, Type I, imperforate, a single example used on 9 June 1908 postcard to Viksund tied by bill of lading cachet "Innehåll och vigt obekant. Fri från all skada. / För lossat gods ansvaras icke. / ÅNGAREN / S/S HELSINGFORS SKÄRGÅRDS / A. Sjöberg" in blue (Contents and weight unknown. Free from all damage. No responsibility taken for discharged goods). Sold together with a fine postcard of the Steamer.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 340 CHFLot# : 6109 Finland
Coastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - Nyländska Skärgårds Aktiebolag 1906: Lithographed 10 penni black on stone, Type I, imperforate, a used example uncancelled and applied slightly off the edge of 1907 postcard mailed to Ms. Malmstein in Helsingfors endorsed "Östra Skärgården" at base, with Finland 10 p. red tied by 'Kyrksläatt' despatch cds at right and Helsingfors trilingual cds alongside (18 November). A scarce usage.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 240 CHFLot# : 6110 Finland
Coastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - Nyländska Skärgårds Aktiebolag 1906: Lithographed 'Art Nouveau' 10 penni black on stone, Type I, imperforate, a used example pre-cancelled horizontally in ink on postcard (view #16) from Helsingfors to Sofie Wick in Sibbo.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 6111 Finland
Coastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - Nyländska Skärgårds Aktiebolag 1906: Lithographed 10 penni black on stone, Type I, imperforate, two examples on philatelic cover endorsed "Östra Skärgården" at base, a circa 1909 postcard similarly endorsed to Nordsjöskata without stamps cancelled by "A. Sjöberg" Captain's cachet in blue and Finland 10 p. postcard endorsed "angb. Nyländska Skärgården" used from Helsingfors in August 1909. A scarce group.rnStarting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 6112 Finland
Coastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - Nyländska Skärgårds Aktiebolag 1910/13c.: Lithographed 'Art Nouveau' 10 penni black on buff paper, Type II, imperforate and showing the guide lines, two examples used on cover from Helsingfors to Hvilsand (?) tied by Bill of Lading handstamped "Ångaren / S.S. Helsingfors / Skärgäards Af Häggström" in violet. Roughly opened with envelope tears just avoiding the fine stamps.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 6113 Finland
Coastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - Nyländskyla Skärgårds Aktiebolg 1916/38: Tickets used as Stamps, Typset 1.50 m. black on pink paper, perforated 11½ at base and at right and imperforate on two sides, uncancelled used example on cover to Tulisund carried on the S.S. Helsingfors Skärgårds.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 100 CHFLot# : 6114 Finland
Coastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - Nyländskyla Skärgårds Aktiebolg 1916/38: Tickets used as Stamps, Typset 1.50 m. black on white paper, perfs. trimmed all round, a used example on 1926 cover to Nykulla carried on the S.S. Helsingfors Skärgårds, cancelled by bill of lading handstamp "Innehåll och vigt obekant. Fri från all skada. / För lossat gods ansvaras icke. / ÅNGAREN / S/S HELSINGFORS SKÄRGÅRDS / A. F. Häggström" in blue (Contents and weight unknown. Free from all damage. No responsibility taken for discharged goods). Evidence on reverse that the envelope was glued to a large packet. Believed to be the sole example recorded.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 6115 Finland
Coastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - Nyländskyla Skärgårds Aktiebolg 1916/38: Tickets used as Stamps, Typset 2 m. black on orange paper, perforated 11½ on three sides and imperforate at right, uncancelled used example on circa 1930 cover to Kaloholmen endorsed "pr. S/S Helsingfors Skärgårds" at base. Scarce.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 340 CHFLot# : 6116 Finland
Coastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - Nyländskyla Skärgårds Aktiebolg 1916/38: Tickets used as Stamps, Typset 1 m. black on cream paper, perforated at left from Booklet (the 1 mark value being the sole example without the Company indication), a used example on reverse of cover to Rysjeholm carried on the S.S. Helsingfors Skärgårds, cancelled three times by bill of lading handstamp "Innehåll och vigt obekant. Fri från all skada. / För lossat gods ansvaras icke. / ÅNGAREN / S/S HELSINGFORS SKÄRGÅRDS / A. F. Häggström" in blue (Contents and weight unknown. Free from all damage. No responsibility taken for discharged goods). A rare cover, the sole example recorded, illustrated by Dr. Connell in 'The Letter and Parcel Stamps of the Finnish Shipping Companies' on page 78.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 6117 Finland
Coastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - Nyländska Skärgårds Aktiebolag 1899/1915c.: Collection on leaves (11 items) with 1899 lithographed Die Cut oval 10 penni black used on covers (2) and card, 25 p. black on blued paper used on cover tied by rare usage of Bill of Lading / Captain's handstamp in blue, Wartime usage with 50 p. black on pink overlapped on cover to Värans, 1906 10 p. black unused (4) etc.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 1,800 CHFLot# : 6118 Finland
Helsingfors Ångslups Aktiebolag, originally operated as a subsiduary of the Krogius Company, the company was set up in 1903, at one time owning as many as 14 Steam Launches. rnrnCoastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - Ångslups Aktiebolag 1903: Lithographed set of three values, perf. 11½, the unused set of three values with 10 penni rose-red showing the mis-registration / rejected printing with overall doubling of the impression, 25 p. yellow-brown and 50 p. deep blue, all with large part og. and scarce; together with a cover bearing a pair of the 10 p. rose-red (normal print) with 'SVEA / H.Å.A' circular handstamps in blue, corner torn as cancellation, addressed to Lilla Ullholmen Island.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 6119 Finland
Coastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - Helsingfors Ångslups Aktiebolag 1903: Lithographed 10 penni rose-red on white wove paper, perf. 11½, a used example, some contemporary creasing, on circa 1908 cover to Blåbärslanddet Island endorsed 'Angb. Svala' but cancelled by circular Ship handstamp "HOGHOLMEN / H.A.A." in blue. Opening tears in flap on reverse not affecting the appearance of a very rare cover.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 6120 Finland
Coastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - Helsingfors Ångslups Aktiebolag 1903: Lithographed 10 penni rose-red on white wove paper, perf. 11½, a used example on circa 1908 cover to Blåbärslanddet Island endorsed 'Angb. Svala' and cancelled by circular Ship handstamp "SKALA / H.A.A." in blue. Edge wear to the envelope but a very rare cover.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 6121 Finland
Coastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - Helsingfors Ångslups Aktiebolag 1903: Lithographed 25 penni chocolate-brown on white wove paper, perf. 11½, a used example, marginal from top of sheet, cancelled by circular Ship handstamp "SCYLLA / H.A.A." in blue. Scarce, approximately five used examples recorded.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 6122 Finland
Sommaröarnas Trafik Aktiebolaget, (Summer Islands Transport Company). Formed in 1913 the company continued to operate until being wound up in 1944.rnrnSommaröarnas Trafik Aktiebolaget 1920c.: Album page with 10 penni orange pair imperf. at top x perf. 11½ with star punch, a similar example without star punch used with "Sommaröarnas Trefikaktiebolaget" handstamp in black, 25 p. green in a horizontal strip of three with star punch and a used single example with handstamp , 50 p. carmine unused and used with handstamp and the scarce 1 m. black unused.rnrnrnStarting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 6123 Finland
Julius Tallberg (1857-1921) owned the 'Drumsö' ferry-boat, the island of Drumsö also had a casino built by Tallberg and the ferry went into service in 1914 running round trips between Drumsö and Gräsviken hourly, late trips also being made to accomodate the gambling of Russian officers.rnrnCoastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - Julius Tallberg, Drumsö 1914: Ferry Post, the hand-painted Essay for the proposed 25 penni value, beautifully painted in water-colour on card (146 x 95 mm.) with central vignette of the S.S. Drumsö and four value tablets in black, the Finnish and Swedish language "Ferry Post" being overlaid on the Essay in black on orange. Splendid and most attractive, illustrated by Dr. Connell in 'The Letter and Parcel Stamps of the Finnish Shipping Companies' on page 102. Unique.rnProvenance: Collection Olli Kivinen.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHFLot# : 6124 Finland
Coastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - Julius Tallberg, Drumsö 1914: Ferry Post lithographed 10 penni blue, yellow, red & black on white paper, perf. 11½, a complete sheet of ten (2 x 5) unused, fresh and very fine, minor splitting on perfs., large part or unmounted og. The sole recorded complete sheet, unique.rnProvenance: Collection Olli Kivinen.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 350 CHFLot# : 6125 Finland
Coastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - Julius Tallberg, Drumsö 1914: Ferry Post lithographed 10 penni blue, yellow, red & black on white paper, perf. 11½, a used example on reverse of a small invitation envelope addressed to Greta Westerlund on Drumsö, endorsed "S/S Drumsö" at base, cancelled by black crayon cross. Spike hole in envelope, illustrated by Dr. Connell in 'The Letter and Parcel Stamps of the Finnish Shipping Companies' on page 101, this being the sole recorded usage on letter.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,500 CHFLot# : 6126 Finland
Coastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - Julius Tallberg, Drumsö 1914: Ferry Post lithographed 25 penni blue, yellow, red & black on white paper, perf. 11½, a used vertical pair from the sheet of 10 subjects, cancelled by black crayon cancellation. Rare, there was a Government postbox installed on the Drumsö on 1 June 1915 and thereafter usage of the issue would have been illegal. Minor faults but believed to be the sole recorded used multiple.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 180 CHFLot# : 6127 Finland
Coastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - Julius Tallberg, Drumsö 1915: Ferry Post lithographed 25 penni vermilion, first printing, a complete sheet of four arranged in tête-bêche format, perf. 11½ between the stamps and imperforate at edges, fresh and fine with full unmounted og.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 6128 Finland
Coastal Ships - Helsingfors Area - Julius Tallberg, Drumsö 1920c.: Ferry Post Parcel issue, lithographed, perf. 11½, 5 m. grey unused, 10 m. deep blue unused and a rare 10 m. deep blue, used on piece, cancelled by Helsinki datestamp 24 July 1929. Scarce.rnStarting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 140 CHFLot# : 6129 Finland
Borgå Ångslups Aktiebolag, a company established in 1890 running a service on the Steam Launch 'Tärnan' between Borgå and Krogsnäs, later joined by the 'Måsen' and the 'Ejdern'.rnrnCoastal Ships - Borgå Area - Borgå Ångslups Aktiebolag 1894: Lithographed 20 penni black, circular on yellow paper (punched out individually), used on 1 August 1894 10 p. rose-red on buff postal stationery card from Saxanäs to Krakö and cancelled by red manuscript crayon. The Finland card not cancelled as the item never went through the Government P.O. Illustrated in Dr. Connell 'The Letter and Parcel Stamps of the Finnish Shipping Companies' on page 106. Unique.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,500 CHFLot# : 6130 Finland
Coastal Ships - Borgå Area - Borgå Ångslups Aktiebolag 1900c.: Typeset 20 penni black on orange paper, single outer frameline, BOLAG without stop, perf. 11½ x imperforate, probably printed in sheets of four stamps, a used example on the reverse of entire letter from a lady called Hilda to Fanny Bjorkluna in Leutla (?). Illustrated in Dr. Connell 'The Letter and Parcel Stamps of the Finnish Shipping Companies' on page 107. Unique.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,200 CHFLot# : 6131 Finland
Coastal Ships - Borgå Area - Borgå Ångslups Aktiebolag 1900c.: Typeset 20 penni black on orange paper, double outer frameline and BOLAG. with stop, perf. 11½ x imperforate, probably printed in sheets of four stamps, an example with trimmed perfs, without gum, thus probably used. Rare, just three example recorded by Dr. Connell.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 6132 Finland
Steamers plied their trade on the Borgå-Helsingfors route from the early 1850's. Borgå-Helsingfors Ånfartygs Aktiebolag was founded in 1865 initially with just one Steamer (the Borgå), branching out in 1893 with the ownership of the 'Runeberg'.rnrnCoastal Ships - Borgå Area - Borgå-Helsingfors Ånfartygs Aktiebolag 1872 (Oct 5): Prepaid cover from Borgå to Helsingfors endorsed 'fco.' and 'pr. Runeberg' at top, struck with belted oval handstamp RUNEBERG / FRANKO in blue ink. Illustrated in Dr. Connell 'The Letter and Parcel Stamps of the Finnish Shipping Companies' on page 110. A rare and early usage.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 6133 Finland
Coastal Ships - Borgå Area - Borgå-Helsingfors Ånfartygs Aktiebolag 1876 (Aug 1): 10 penni grey-lilac on buff postal stationery card used from Borgå to Helsingfors, carried on the S.S. Runeberg, cancelled by belted oval handstamp RUNEBERG / FRANKO in greenish-blue ink. Rare.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 6134 Finland
Coastal Ships - Borgå Area - Borgå-Helsingfors Ånfartygs Aktiebolag 1894 (April): Lithographed Runeberg 25 penni carmine and 50 p. yellow, Type I, perf. 11½, narrow coloured wedges in corners, the former example with rather oily black cancellation, the 50 p. with superb oval "Ångaren / 28 OCT 94 / RUNEBERG" datestamp in violet and some partial gum remnants. Scarce.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 360 CHFLot# : 6135 Finland
Coastal Ships - Borgå Area - Borgå-Helingfors Ångfartygs Aktiebolag 1894 (April): RUNEBERG Lithographed 50 penni yellow, perf. 11½, thin wedges in corners, overprinted FRANKO in violet struck inverted, a fine example, unused without gum. Rare.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 180 CHFLot# : 6136 Finland
Coastal Ships - Borgå Area - Borgå-Helsingfors Ånfartygs Aktiebolag 1895 (May): Lithographed Runeberg 25 penni brown, Type II, perf. 11½, a fine used example, thicker coloured wedges in corners, cancelled lightly by "Ångaren / 13 SEP 95 / RUNEBERG" datestamp in violet.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 160 CHFLot# : 6137 Finland
Coastal Ships - Borgå Area - Borgå-Helsingfors Ånfartygs Aktiebolag 1896: Finland 20 p. orange used on small cover to Borgå, the adhesive tied by superb "Ångaren / 29 JUN 96 / RUNEBERG" datestamp in violet. Small opening tear at top as to be expected but a rare cover.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 350 CHFLot# : 6138 Finland
Borgå Ånfartygs Aktiebolag, the company was formed in 1891, in order to provide a faster service than the 'Runeberg' on the Borgå-Helsingfors route, eventually the two competing companies amalgamated in 1896, running the service until 1941. The names of their three ships appearing on the stamps.rnrnCoastal Ships - Borgå Area - Borgå Ånfartygs Aktiebolag 1893: Lithographed by F. Tilgmann of Helsingfors, Borgå 25 penni deep dull blue and 50 p. red, perf. 11½, with letter rate 25 p.and the 50 p. both cancelled by 'ÅNGFARTYGS / 11 JUNE 94 / BORGÅ' three line datestamps in black. Illustrated in Dr. Connell 'The Letter and Parcel Stamps of the Finnish Shipping Companies' on page 114. Scarce.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 6139 Finland
Coastal Ships - Borgå Area - Borgå Ånfartygs Aktiebolag 1895 (Sept): Lithographed Borga 25 penni new blue, narrow wedges in corners, perf. 11½, a used example, marginal from top of sheet, on 1901 Helsingfors Bookdealer's cover addressed to Fr. Gertrude Branders, Kitö, Läparö cancelled by oval framed "Ångfartyget / 18 JUL 1901 / HELSINGFORS" datestamp in violet. Small opening tears to envelope at top but rare.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 700 CHFLot# : 6140 Finland
Coastal Ships - Borgå Area - Borgå Ångfartygs Aktiebolag 1895 (Sept): BORGA Lithographed 50 penni dull vermilion, perf. 11½, thin wedges in corners, a used example with oval cachet (Ångfartyget / BORGA) and italic Captain's handstamp 'Frederik Hansson' both in violet. Unusual and scarce.Starting bid : 75 CHFHammer price : 90 CHFLot# : 6141 Finland
Lot# : 6142 Finland
Coastal Ships - Borgå Area - Borgå Ånfartygs Aktiebolag 1895c.: Lithographed Borga 50 penni dull vermilion, Type II, narrow wedges in corners, perf. 11½, a used example on reverse of cover to Helsingfors cancelled by three line 'ÅNGFARTYGET / 24 OCT 96 / BORGÅ' in violet. Illustrated in Dr. Connell 'The Letter and Parcel Stamps of the Finnish Shipping Companies' on page 118. Rare.rnProvenance: Collection Jacobus Sundman.rnStarting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 380 CHFLot# : 6143 Finland
Coastal Ships - Borgå Area - Borgå Ånfartygs Aktiebolag 1896 (March): Colour changes for the newly taken over Company, lithographed Runeberg 25 penni blue and 50 p. red, perf. 11½, the 25 p. cancelled by oval "Ångaren / 26 JUL 98 / RUNEBERG" datestamp in violet, the 50 p. with upright strike dated '25 SEP 96' in violet. Small imperfections but scarce.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 160 CHFLot# : 6144 Finland
Lot# : 6145 Finland
Coastal Ships - Borgå Area - Borgå Ånfartygs Aktiebolag 1908/10c.: Lithographed Borga 25 penni blue, Type IV, wide wedges in corners, perf. 11½, a used example on cover to Helsingfors cancelled by manuscript blue crayon cross, the reverse of the cover with four red wax seals at edges where presumably applied to a parcel. Illustrated in Dr. Connell 'The Letter and Parcel Stamps of the Finnish Shipping Companies' on page 118. Rare.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 850 CHFLot# : 6146 Finland
Coastal Ships - Borgå Area - Borgå Ånfartygs Aktiebolag 1893: Lithographed Helsingfors 25 penni blue, Type V, a used example on 1908 cover to Pörtö, Sandviken, uncancelled with remnant of where the envelope (which has full original contents) was attached top a small parcel. Illustrated in Dr. Connell 'The Letter and Parcel Stamps of the Finnish Shipping Companies' on page 119. Small ink run at right of stamp of negligible importance given that this is the sole recorded usage on cover. Unique.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 700 CHFLot# : 6147 Finland
Coastal Ships - Borgå Area - Borgå Ånfartygs Aktiebolag 1910c.: Lithographed 'Borgå Ånfartygs Aktiebolag' 50 p. vermilion on slightly toned paper, perf. 11½, an unused example with part og. but damaged at top although not greatly affecting the appearance and the 'discovery' example of the 'Borgå Ånfartygs Aktiebolag' 25 penni deep turquoise blue on toned paper, used on reverse of cover to Halsvik endorsed at base 'Ånghilen Borgå - Helsingfors' with the latter deleted in pencil and thus carried on the 'Borgå'. A rare pair, the cover believed unique.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 6148 Finland
Coastal Ships - Borgå Area - Borgå Ångfartygs Aktieborg 1920: Lithographed from Typset original, 1 mark black on white paper, perf. 11½, a used example on 1923 cover with full contents to Löparö Bridge (Löparö Island), showing straight edge at left and cancelled by oval framed "Ångfartygs / BORGÅ" handstamp in violet. A rare stamp on letter.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHFLot# : 6149 Finland
Coastal Ships - Borgå Area - Borgå Ångfartygs Aktieborg 1920: Lithographed from Typset original, 1 mark black on white paper, perf. 11½, in an unused block of four from lower left of the sheet of 24 subjects, 1 m. 50 p. black on white paper in an unused block of eight showing tête-bêche pairs, 3 m. red on straw in an unused block of four and 4 m. black on rose-pink in an unused tête-bêche pair.Starting bid : 75 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 6150 Finland
Åbo-Läns Kustängbåts Aktiebolag founded in 1873 serving almost all the Finnish coast from Vasa in the North West to Wiborg in the South East. The company was wound up in 1913 and dissolved in 1915. rnrnCoastal Ships - Åbo Area - Åbo-Läns Kustängbåts Aktiebolag 1903: Typeset 50 penni black on rose-violet paper, the used example on distressed and formerly damp postcard mailed on 25 June 1907 to Kahiluoto an island in the Åbo archipelago. Sold together with Finland postal stationery card of 1900 to a Captain Lindquist of the S.S. Bjärna handstamped on reverse Åbo-Läns Kustängbäts Aktiebolag. Illustrated by Dr. Connell in 'The Letter and Parcel Stamps of the Finnish Shipping Companies' on page 128. Unique.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 900 CHFLot# : 6151 Finland
Ångbåts Aktiebolag Åland, founded in Åbo in 1875 by Messrs Jansson, Orell and Kjeldström, the service ran from November 1875 between Åbo and Mariehamn.rnrnCoastal Ships - Abö Area - Ångbåts Aktiebolag Åland 1876: Lithographed 25 penni scarlet, perf. 11, a used example, imperforate from base of sheet with outer horizontal guideline, on small irregular piece heavily cancelled by three pen strokes in manuscript, the stamps probably being for packages between Abö and Åland means that very few, probably just four now exist, on piece this stamp is believed to be unique.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 6152 Finland
Coastal Ships - Abö Area - Ångbåts Aktiebolag Åland 1876/77: Lithographed 25 penni brown, Type II, perf. 11, with side panels reading 'Sven Dufva' and 'Åland' in negative white lettering, a largely imperforate example with manuscript ink cross cancellation, defective in places. Rare with just three examples recorded.Starting bid : 175 CHFHammer price : 1,200 CHFLot# : 6153 Finland
Coastal Ships - Abö Area - Ångbåts Aktiebolag Åland 1887: Cover endorsed "Med Ångf. Åbo" at top mailed to Stockholm bearing Finland 25 p. blue pair, struck with FRÅN FINLAND and the adhesives cancelled on arrival in Stockholm, probably carried by the S.S. Sven Dufva, together with a further cover from Åbo franked by 20 p. deep blue addressed to Åland & Grundsunda, the adhesive tied by straight line "ÅLAND." Ship handstamp in blue, this last with faults but with original contents.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 6154 Finland
Ångslups Aktiebolag Nådendal, the company was founded in 1889 to provide journeys from Åbo to the spa at Nådendal, the company was disolved in 1925.rnrnCoastal Ships - Abo Area - Ångslups Aktiebolag Nådendal 1890/1903: Lithographed 10 penni vermilion on toned paper due to yellow gum, perf. 11½, first printing, an unused example from corner of the sheet of ten examples and imperforate at top and at right, fresh and very fine, large part og. Scarce.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 480 CHFLot# : 6155 Finland
Coastal Ships - Abö Area - Ångslups Aktiebolag Nådendal 1890/1903: Lithographed 10 penni vermilion, Type II, on white paper, perf. 11½, used on 1903 incoming card from Floda Station, Sweden to Grööna Od. (Gröna Udd) Island, canceled by pencil cross over Swedish Oscar adhesive. Abö trilingual datestamp at left (July 21). A rare usage, illustrated by Dr. Connell in 'The Letter and Parcel Stamps of the Finnish Shipping Companies' on page 133.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 800 CHFLot# : 6156 Finland
Coastal Ships - Åbo Area - Åbo Ångfartysgsbolag 1849: Time Table for routes between Åbo and Reval, Reval to Helsingfors, Åbo to Helsingfors and to Stockholm etc. with fine Paddlesteamer vignette at top with the names of the first Steamers running under the first of Finland's Steamship Companies, Åbo Ångfartysgsbolag (founded 1835), the 'S.S. Menschikoff' being delivered in 1836 and 'Storfusten' in 1837. A fine and scarce item that fits nicely onto an album page.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 140 CHFLot# : 6157 Finland
Ångfartygs Aktiebolag Kusten was founded in 1914 with three ships initially plying between Åbo-Helsingfors, Åbo-Wasa and Helsingfors-Wiborg. The company added further ships, closing in 1942.rnrnCoastal Ships - Åbo Area - Ångfartygs Aktiebolag Kusten 1914: Typeset issue "Å.L.K. / 50 Penni / Å. A. B." black on pink, perf. 11½ x imperforate vertically, four examples on a 1918 Bill of Lading from Wasa for four litres of wine, all four cancelled by straight line "Ångfartygs Aktiebolag Kusten." in red. Illustrated by Dr. Connell in 'The Letter and Parcel Stamps of the Finnish Shipping Companies' on page 139. Unique.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 700 CHFLot# : 6158 Finland
Lake Steamers.rnrnLake Steamers - Lohjanjärvi - Lohjan Höyrypursi Osakeyhtiö 1893: Lithographed 25 penni indigo blue, perf. 11½, an unused example with weak perf. at top right., unused without gum. Ascribed to this line and used on the 'Alku' between Lohja via Karjalohja to Sammatti, the service was in use for three years only as the company was dissolved in 1896. Rare, Dr. Connell states in 'The Letter and Parcel Stamps of the Finnish Shipping Companies', on page 142, 'Only a few unused examples are known'.Starting bid : 175 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 6159 Finland
Lake Steamers - Tavastland - Wanajavesi Ångbåtsbolag 1867: Lithographed in oval, individually punched out, the set of three with Paddle Steamer vignette: 10 penni pale red, 20 p. red and 25 p. deep red, genuine examples, all with large part crackly brown gum. Rare thus.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 360 CHFLot# : 6160 Finland
Lake Steamers - Tavastland - Kiuttu Brothers - S.S. Urho (Hero) 1886: Lithographed 20 penni red, perf. 10, with imprint 'Kaupunki Parkki' (City Park), issued to pay for mail between Tavastehus Harbour and the Park Quay, fresh and fine unused; together with Colour Trials without value and imprint of destination, printed in green (possibly for sailings to Kaupunki Tyräntö), faulty example in brown (Kaupunki Karlberg) and faulty example in grey on toned paper (Kaupunki Valkeakoski?); this last unrecorded by Dr. Connell in 'The Letter and Parcel Stamps of the Finnish Shipping Companies'. A rare group.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 4,400 CHFLot# : 6161 Finland
Unidentified Shipping Company stamp 1875/1885c.: 10 penni / pennia value printed in brownish-red, lithographed on medium wove paper, perf. 11½, without Ship or Company name, the unused block of four, minor creases, without gum. We would be glad to hear of any newly discovered information on this multiple, illustrated by Dr. Connell in 'The Letter and Parcel Stamps of the Finnish Shipping Companies' on page 163.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 480 CHF
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