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Lot# : 210 Uruguay
1859: 180 c. green, thin figures on entire letter from Trinidad to Montevideo, an exceptional right marginal example cancelled by complete oval SCRIANO handstamp in black with framed FRANCO above. A most attractive and very rare cover, the lot including two opposing certs. of the Philatelic Foundation (2005) and of Brian Moorhouse (2005), sold as is. Gi 12 / Scott = $ 1'200rnProvenance: Corinphila sale 143 (May 2005), lot 3807.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 1,300 CHFLot# : 211 Uruguay
1879: Issued by the Uruguayan Philatelic Society (-) formula card in violet, black and blue; unused examples of the single and double cards and rare usages one franked by two 1877/79 rouletted 1 c. red-brown (Scott 39) tied by "CV" obliterators in black and cancelled at Montevideo (5 March 1880); the other a reply half addressed to Austria with 1889 1 c. green and 2 c. rose (Scott 74+76) tied by Montevideo cds's (21 Dec 1891) etc (8 items). Very rare used.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 212 Uruguay
Lot# : 213 Uruguay
1892: Columbus Anniversary postal stationery card issue (H&G 38/40) with handstamped oval "12 Oct 1892", 2 c. green card unused and used from Dolores on 14th Oct., 2 c. orange on buff with used examples (3) and 3 c. red on yellow with unused example and used (3) incl. one cancelled on 12th Oct 1892 to Costa Rica and another used on 14th Oct. to Paraguay and an unrecorded 1879 20 c. envelope unused. Rare group.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 214 Uruguay
1897: Waterlow postal stationery card issue, with 2 c. value in Proof format printed in red on porous buff stock (ex collection Dr. Zimmer), 2 c. brown card with used (10, incl. three up-rated), 2 c. blue on blue unused and used (18, one up-rated, one taxed), 2 c.+ 2 c. Waterlow Colour Trial Proof printed in violet on pale lilac stock (ex Cesar Jones), 2 c. brown on pink unused (2), used (9), 2 c. blue on orange unused (2) and used (5, four up-rated), 2 c. + 2 c. red on orange Colour Trial Proof, 3 c. brown on buff with SPECIMEN opt. in red, used examples (9), 3 c. violet on greenish unused and used (15). A generally fine group, the Proofs being of considerable scarcity.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 1,400 CHFLot# : 215 Uruguay
1911: Issued for Inland Postage only, 2 c. + 2 c. designs (H&G 54A) printed by the 'Comp. Sud-Americana de Biletas de Banco' in Argentina to coincide with First South American Postal Congress in Montevideo, 2 c. blue on straw, 2 c. violet on lilac, 2 c. deep blue on blue (two, one with 'stamp' at left), 2c. green on yellow and 2 c. pale blue on pink (two, one with 'stamp' at left), all are reply cards, fair to fine unused examples, some minor imperfections but a rare group H&G = unpriced.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 216 Uruguay
1883: Letter Card 2nd Series postal stationery, locally produced, with Essay for the 3 c. value in blue (issued in brown) without "Republica Oriental Del Uruguay" at top - some aging but very rare, and a further Proof in issued colour entirely imperforate with printer's imprint at base (Escuela des Artes y Oficios). Scarce pairing, the Essay extremely rare.Starting bid : 175 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 217 Uruguay
1889: Heading "5a. Serie 1889", 3 c. dull green on white postal stationery Letter-Cards printed by the American Banknote Co., an unused example with full italic text on reverse as per the 1887 4th Series 3 c. Letter-card but without the ABN imprint between. This card remained unissued as ABN lost the contract to Waterlow who also could have produced this card. Rare, discovered by Cesar Jones of Montevideo and unlisted by H&G.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 218 Uruguay
1866: Die Proofs by De La Rue for the first postal stationery envelopes (3) with unfinished Die Proof for 5 Centicimos value in bright carmine on white glazed card (with line within figure "5"), Die Proof in blue with line added on cream card (each 92 x 60 mm.), and a further cut down example in bright green now mounted in brown card; and a very rare Proof of the 5 c. envelope, somewhat soiled, without the line within figure "5" printed in pale blue. Rare (H&G B1).Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 1,900 CHFLot# : 219 Uruguay
1866: 10 c. yellow green imperforate, three overlapped examples and two diagonally bisected examples, used on 5 c. blue postal stationery envelope (H&G B2) sent registered to Salto and struck with four strikes of framed FRANCA in black and three strikes of framed CERTIFICADO in blue (one tying the bisects). Faults incl. back flap missing and file fold, receipted as received on obverse of cover. An extraordinary and rare usage. Cert. Philatelic Foundation (1980).Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHFLot# : 220 Uruguay
1866: De La Rue Die Proofs (4) for the 10 c. postal stationery envelope, all with originally erroneous spelling CENTECIMOS, printed in bright green on white glazed card, deep blue and in rose on cream smooth surfaced card these three with small design differences to the envelope as issued and in framed card mounts, and the accepted design of the 10 c. in green on card (90 x 60 mm.) on ivory glazed card. A rare group.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 1,600 CHFLot# : 221 Uruguay
1867: De La Rue 5 c. blue envelope, fine unused (H&G B5), a used example up-rated with 1866 5 c. blue (Scott 30) to London with "Falmouth Ship Letter" datestamp on reverse (23 April 1868); an internally used example from "Independencia" (6 March 1878) to Gualeguaychú with addressee not found and handstamped "Publicada" and a locally used example with variety "Albino Impression" neatly cancelled by "A" obliterator with 'Montevideo' cds (28 Dec 1878) alongside in black (H&G B5a). A few imperfections but a scarce groupStarting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 900 CHFLot# : 222 Uruguay
Lot# : 223 Uruguay
1878: 2 c. black & blue on white or ivory and 2 c. + 2 c. black & red on white postal stationery cards, printed by Mege & Aubriot in Montevideo; the collection with unused cards on differing stock for 2 c. (10) and used examples (11) - one with "Transit / Durazno" framed in black, another cancelled "Listas" and unclaimed, further usages from Entre Rios, Paysandu and Salto, 1879 usage to France per French Packet and taxed on arrival (rare), taxed example to Brazil charged "100 Rs." in black; 2 c. + 2 c. cards unused (2) and used (2), one from Neuva Helvetica. Rare cards used, especially the reply card.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 224 Uruguay
1880/81: Postal Stationery card collection, Headed '1a. Series' with 2 c. red-violet unused (8) and used (2), 3 c. green cards unused (6) and used (5, used to Finland, one on French Packet to Paris, another on TPO No. 2), and headed '2a. Series' with 2 c. blue used (10, from seven different towns) and 2 c. + 2 c. red unused (4) and used (5); all are scarce in used condition.Starting bid : 140 CHFHammer price : 340 CHFLot# : 225 Uruguay
1883: Collection of Postal Stationery cards from two Exhibit collections with highlights including with 2 c. pink on cream Proof (signed Cesar Jones), 2 c. black on white, on orange, on red-violet, on yellow cards all optd. MUESTRA (2) and 2 c. black on white used examples (2, one up-rated, one taxed); rare 2 c. on red-violet used, 3 c. blue on blue card optd. MUESTRA in red and a used example to Turkey with matching example on salmon stock, 2 c. + 2 c. brown on white, salmon, on blue, on yellow, and on drab (unisssued colour) all cards optd. MUESTRA in red, 2 c. + 2 c. brown on white card used both ways (rare), 3 c. + 3 c. green on white (2), on yellow (2), on salmon (2), on pale blue (2) all optd MUESTRA IN RED, used (2, one to Finland), 3 c. on red violet used to Gibbons in London etc. (93 items).Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 3,400 CHFLot# : 226 Uruguay
1887: 2 c. blue postal stationery card by the American Banknote Co., the collection leaves with Proof example in black on buff paper, unused example overprinted SPECIMEN in red ex ABN archives (2), unused example on thin paper with "500" in blue - utilised as a packing slip for parcel of cards (2, one aged) and a further Proof struck with framed "Return to / RECORD & SPECIMEN DEPT." in red ex ABN archives; unused (6) and used examples (7, five up-rated including one to Russia). A splendid study.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 227 Uruguay
1892: Waterlow Proofs for 2 c. green on grey, 2 c. orange on deep buff, 2 c.+ 2 c. blue on pale blue and 3 c.+ 3 c. brown on pink postal stationery cards, each fine unused and each with embossed circular "WATERLOW & SONS LIMITED / CANCELLED / SPECIMEN" in claret on all cards, '2', '3', '5' and '7' in manuscript ink. Rare.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 2,200 CHFLot# : 228 Uruguay
1892 (Sept 15): The combination of two Exhibit collections of postal stationery cards, printed by Waterlow (H&G 32/37) with 2 c. green on grey unused and optd. SPECIMEN in red and used (7, incl. up-rated usages (4) incl. one to Patras via Corfu), 2 c. orange on buff unused and optd. SPECIMEN in red and used (9, incl. examples to taxed usage to Chile and one to Singapore and three up-rated), 2 c. blue on blued unused (4) and used (2), 2 c. on buff used (4, one up-rated and one taxed), 3 c. red on straw used (13, one with 'Southampton Ship Letter' cds and one up-rated to Cuba and another registered to France), 3 c. brown reply cards unused and used (12) incl. 1893 to Papeete, Tahiti (April 26) via New York and others to Costa Rica, Mexico and Finland, 1893 reply usage from Glasgow to Montevideo; generally fine and a scarce assembly.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 1,200 CHFLot# : 229 Uruguay
1901 (Dec): 2 c. blue on pale blue illustrated postal stationery cards by Waterlow (H&G 52), the collection with all seven views with View 1: "Escuela des Artes y Oficios" unused and used (7); View 2: "Hospital Italiano" with unused (2) and used (4, TPO usage); View 3: "Juramento de los treinta y tres" unused and used (5, incl. TPO usage); View 4: "Manicomio" unused and used (5); View 5: "Penitenciaria" optd. CANCELLED diagonally in red, with unused (2) and used (8); View 6: Plaza Cagancha used (7); View 7: "Plaza Zabala" optd. CANCELLED diagonally in red, unused and used (16, incl. one carried on TPO and others to Egypt and Singapore). Generally fine - the CANCELLED overprint was applied to packets of cards delivered by Waterlow and are of considerable scarcity.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 230 Uruguay
1901 (Dec): 2 c. carmine on pale pink illustrated postal stationery cards by Waterlow (H&G 53), the collection with all six views, incl. View 1: "Bolsa" opverprinted SPECIMEN in red and unused and used (2) examples; View 2: "Club Uruguay" with unused and used (6, one on TPO and two up-rated), View 3: 'Palacio Municipal' card overprinted CANCELLED diagonally in red and a further example with SPECIMEN in red, unused examples (3) and used (10, inc. up-rated usages and taxed example to Turkey); View 4: "Plaza Constitucion" overprinted CANCELLED diagonally in red, unused (2) and used (10 incl. one to New Zealand and up-rated to Sweden), View 5: "Plaza Independencia" with unused and used (3), View 6: "Universidad Montevideo" card overprinted CANCELLED diagonally in red, unused and used (7). A scarce group - the CANCELLED overprint was applied to packets of cards delivered by Waterlow and are of considerable scarcity.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 231 Uruguay
1901 (Dec 1): 3 c. brown on buff illustrated postal stationery cards by Waterlow (H&G 54), the collection with all six views used and unused incl. duplication and 'Ateneo' and 'Estacion' cards with SPECIMEN overprint in red and 'Estacion' card used to Zanzibar with arrival; 1913 2 c. on 3 c. cards unused and used (H&G 55) with all seven views (incl. "Teatro Solis") with duplication and curved 2 c. on 3 c. cards (H&G 56) unused and used with duplication, condition varies due to buff stock utilised (70 cards).Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 232 Uruguay
1883/1901: Postal Stationery Letter-Cards, the vast and superb combination of two Exhibit collections, with 1883 3 c. rose-red cards unused (7) and used (7) incl. rare up-rated usage with 1881 Suarez 7 c. blue (Scott 45), 1883 3 c. brown (GPO) unused (4) and used (5), 1885 3 c. green unused (3) and used (8, two up-rated); 1892 3 c. violet unused (2, one with SPECIMEN in red), used (13, four up-rated), 1897 3 c. green on straw unused (2) and used (9, three up-rated), 1897 3 c. red on buff unused (4) and used (8); 1901/02 3 c. blue cards unused (3) and used (6, two up-rated), 1904 3 c. blue used (10), 1907 3 c. carmine on blue used (14, one registered, one with Swiss Postage Due, another with USA Postage Dues); 1911 3 c. carmine on blue unused and used (18) on differing stock; 1912 3 c. brown (6 used) incl. up-rated examples and one taxed on arrival in Vienna, 1918 Varela 3 c. red unused (2) and used (5); 1923 Varela re-issue in black unused and used (3, one up-rated), 1923/25 5 c. light blue cards unused (3) and used (5, four up-rated), 1931 and 1935 5 c. blue cards unused and used examples of both types, 1945 5 c. GPO letter-cards unused (4) and used (5). Condition varies but some lovely usages noted.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 1,600 CHFLot# : 233 Uruguay
1887: Heading "4a. Serie 1889", 3 c. dull green on white postal stationery Letter-Cards (H&G A4) printed by the American Banknote Co., the collection on leaves and loose with Proof double cards perforated at top and at base only, uncut with each handstamped SPECIMEN in violet diagonally ex the ABN archives; together with unused card (4) and used cards (8) including an up-rated usage to Germany with 1889 3x2 c. green and pair of 2 c. rose (Scott 74+76) and a usage to Buenos Aires with 1888 2 c. rose (Scott 60A). A scarce group.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 234 Uruguay
1866: De La Rue postal stationery envelopes with CENTECIMOS error (H&G B1+B2), 5 c. blue with used examples (5) in both sizes and 10 c. green envelope (H&G B3) with unused examples (7), one slightly toned but showing lowered embossing variety; also CENTICOMOS corrected 1867 5 c. envelopes unused (1) and used (3) in both sizes (H&G B4+B5). Condition varies but a very scarce group.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 235 Uruguay
1867: De La Rue 10 c. green postal stationery envelope (H&G B6), unused examples (6) all with varieties, with three showing scarce double embossing errors: one additionally struck on obverse, two with the additional embossing on reverse; another with the embossing misplaced downwards; together with two normal examples.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 460 CHFLot# : 236 Uruguay
1879: 5 c. red-brown, 10 c. blue and 20 c. red postal stationery envelopes, printed by De La Rue, the remarkable collection on leaves and loose with 5 c. and 10 c. unused each optd. MUESTRA in red, 10 c. and 20 c. unused each optd. SPECIMEN in black; 5 c. and 10 c. envelopes with design inverted at lower left corner unused, range of 5 c. envelopes used incl. superb TPO example with ESTAFETA AMBULANTE No. 3 usage, another with 5 c. cut-out for 10 c. rate, examples used at Artigas (2), Dolores and Rosario; 10 c. envelopes used Fray Bentos, Mercedes, Neuva Palmira (2), Minas, Paysandu, delightful up-rated example from Cordon, an 1886 up-rated usage to Switzerland by French Packet and an underpsaid example to Odessa with 'Doplatit' handstamp; 20 c. red envelopes with registered examples to Argentina and addressee unfound, another registered to Paris. Condition varies but a superb basis for a specialised collection (41 items).Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHFLot# : 237 Uruguay
1881: 5 c. postal stationery envelopes, lithographed by M. Peña, the collection on leaves with Proofs in black (3) with numeral at right (2) and a further example with numeral at left (unadopted) and another cut-out; 5 c. green envelope with unused examples (15) with no less than twelve showing varieties including "Double Printing" or "Partial Printing"; used examples (17) with a superb used example with framed CORREO DEL ROSARIO / ULTIMA HORA in black, three outstanding usages with misprinted examples up-rated with adhesives (Scott 40, 41 and 61A), a further example with 5 c. green stationery cut out used on 5 c. green envelope for 10 c. rate, another sent registered to London with four 1884/86 5 c. violet (Scott 62), condition varies but an excellent lot (42 items).Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 1,300 CHFLot# : 238 Uruguay
1897/31: Postal Stationery envelopes and Registration envelopes, the collection on leaves and loose with 1897 5 c. pink unused and used (10, with four up-rated registered usages to Bremen, Paris and Budapest - this signed Lee), 5 c. blue used (6, five up-rated), 1902 up-rated usages (5, incl. one taxed with local Postage Dues), 1903 5 c. red used incl. up-rated and TPO usage and a taxed example with French Dues, 1928 Terutero Bird 5 c. unused (3) and used (5) and §1902 20 c. registered env. unused (3) and used (9, with two locals used and seven up-rated).Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 380 CHFLot# : 239 Uruguay
1879/1901: Postal Stationery Newspaper wrapper collection with oval 1879 1 c. brick-red unused and used (3) with one local and two up-rated examples (scarce) each additionally franked by 1889 1 c. dull blue (Scott 75), 1897 1 c. blue on buff wrapper unused (3) and used (6) with five up-rated examples; 1901 5 m. violet-brown on buff unused (3) and used (14) with 6 up-rated usages.Starting bid : 100 CHFHammer price : 180 CHFLot# : 240 Uruguay
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