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Lot# : 4300 Switzerland
Nachgravierte Platte, 5 Rp. - 25 Rp., kompl. Serie von drei Werten auf Kuvert adressiert im Lokalbereich, jede Marke sauber entw. mit dem Zweikreisstp. mit Brücke "Bern Fil. Bundeshaus 31.XII.00.X", Absender war der damalige Bundespräsident Walter Hauser, welcher das Kuvert rücks. eigenhändig signierte, ein seltener Beleg. Atteste Hunziker (1974) und Guinand (1988) SBK = CHF 22'000+.Starting bid : 5,000 CHFHammer price : 7,000 CHFLot# : 4301 Switzerland
25 Rp. blau der nachgravierten Platte, als Einzelfrankatur auf Kuvert adressiert nach Mulhouse/F, sauber und kopffrei entw. mit zwei Abschlägen des Zweikreisspt. mit Brücke "Zürich 8 - 31.XII.00.-4 - (Fluntern)", das Kuvert mit waagr. und senkr. Faltspuren, sehr seltene und evtl. einzig bekannte portogerechte Frankatur ins Ausland. Attest von der Weid (1994) SBK = CHF 22'000.Starting bid : 4,000 CHFHammer price : 6,000 CHFLot# : 4302 Switzerland
Fehldruck der offiz. Postkarte zu 5 Rp., Druck in Rot (statt grün), adressiert an Madame Ruffy in Lutry, Postaufgabe 'Furka-Passhöhe 21. VII. 00', mit Ankunftsstp. von Lutry vom 22. Juli, eine der ganz grossen Raritäten auf dem Gebiet der Schweizer Ganzsachen und bis heute angeblich nur zwei Stück bekannt, dazu eine normale Karte an die gleiche Adresse. Provenienz: 77. CORINPHILA-Auktion 1.10.88 - Los Nr. 6564.Starting bid : 3,000 CHFHammer price : 6,500 CHFLot# : 4303 Switzerland
Spezialsammlung UPU Schweiz/Ausgabe zum Berner Kongress 1900 mit einigen Hundert sauber gest. Marken aller drei Platten, nach Positionsnummern auf Albumseiten montiert und beschriftet, dazu 92 Belege mit Ganzsachen gest./ungest, Karrikaturen, Briefe mit teils besseren Frankaturen (einige Auslandsdestinationen), ein paar andere Dokumente und Dubletten, alles in ausgesuchter Erhaltung, in drei Alben.Starting bid : 800 CHFHammer price : 9,000 CHFLot# : 4304 Switzerland
Grosse Spezialsammlung UPU Schweiz/Ausgabe zum Berner Kongress 1900 mit einigen Hundert Marken aller drei Platten, postfr. und ungest., dabei Einzelmarken, Paare, Viererblocks, Bogenteile, ein ganzer Bogen des 5 Rp.-Wertes, Abarten, Abklatsche etc., dazu Postkarten, Privatganzsachen und ein paar Briefe inkl. zwei Ersttagsbriefe, ein schönes Objekt in tadelloser Erhaltung, in zwei Alben.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 5,500 CHFLot# : 4305 Italy
(May 8 & May 12): Registered usage of Delegate's imprinted envelopes (2, both 142 x 116 mm) with "UPU ROME -MCMVI" and "VI CONGRES" in red, each sent to Berne by the Swiss Delegate Paul Dubois (signed at lower left) and franked at 75 cent rates, both covers with minor imperfections but scarce: each with "Roma-VI Congresso Postale Univers." registration labels and the special cancellations.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 4306 Italy
(April 13): Delegate's imprinted envelope front (the smaller size 130 x 95mm), with "UPU ROME -MCMVI" and "VI CONGRES" in red, used to Florence with "ROMA-VI CONGRESSO-POSTALE UNIVERSALE" datestamp without bars and three line cachet in black; with 15 c. slate adhesive tied by Rome Station cds. Rare, cancellation unrecorded by Paikert.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 180 CHFLot# : 4307 Italy
(May 21): Delegate's imprinted envelopes (2, one large size 142 x 116 mm and one the smaller size 130 x 95mm), each with "UPU ROME -MCMVI" and "VI CONGRES" in red, one sent locally to Savoy Hotel in Rome franked at 5 cent, the other to Lausanne franked by 25 c. blue, each adhesive tied by "ROMA-VI CONGRESSO-POSTALE UNIVERSALE" datestamp. Scarce and fine pair.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 4308 Italy
(April 28): Official cover mailed free of charges to the UPU in Berne, struck with "ROMA-VI CONGRESSO-POSTALE UNIVERSALE" handstamp in black and "ROMA-VI CONGRESSO-POSTALE UNIVERSALE" datestamp alongside. Reverse with red embossed UPU seal and Berne arrival cds. Tiny part of back flap missing but a rare and fine cover.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 180 CHFLot# : 4309 Italy
Illustrated deckel edged engraved postcard commemorating the VI Congress, the set of four in blue, green, red-brown and orange mint; with used examples of cards in blue, red-brown and orange each with 10 c. adhesive cancelled by "ROMA-VI CONGRESSO-POSTALE UNIVERSALE" datestamps (May 15,16,18). Also a blue printed card with address side printed in grey fine used. A remarkable assembly.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 4310 Italy
Illustrated deckel edged engraved postcard commemorating the VI Congress, reverse printed in green, further perforated "CAMPIONE" at lower right, franked by defective 10 c. adhesive tied by special "ROMA-VI CONGRESSO-POSTALE UNIVERSALE" datestamp(May 26, the final day of the Congress), with message written and signed on reverse by the Director of the UPU, Mr. E. Rufy. A unique usage of the Campione card.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 4311 Italy
Illustrated deckel edged engraved postcards (2) commemorating the VI Congress, reverse printed in orange or red-brown, each sent registered to Paris or Barcelona with 10 c. and 25 c. adhesives tied by special "ROMA-VI CONGRESSO-POSTALE UNIVERSALE" datestamps, also a normal card sent registered, all three with the Congress registration labels. A scarce trio.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 360 CHFLot# : 4312 Italy
Illustrated deckel edged engraved postcards (3) commemorating the VI Congress, reverse printed in green or blue, each further perforated "CAMPIONE" at lower right, fine or scuffed unused or cancelled to order examples, also two postcards franked at 2 c. or 10 c. rates cancelled by special "ROMA-VI CONGRESSO-POSTALE UNIVERSALE" datestamps.Starting bid : 320 CHFHammer price : 380 CHFLot# : 4313 Italy
Souvenir des Catacombes colour postcards (2) each with 1 c. brown adhesive neatly tied by special "ROMA-VI CONGRESSO-POSTALE UNIVERSALE" datestamp (April 22), the cards especially issued to Delegates at the Congress as a momento of their visit. A fine and scarce pair.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 4314 Spain
Lot# : 4315 Spain
1 c. to 10 p. orange & black, the complete set of 13 values all (excl. 1 c. and 2 c.) numbered A000,000 on reverse, fresh and fine, large part og., also an unused example of the rare 10 p. clearly showing varriety "Broken '0' in 10" in lower left figure (only 20 can exist), well centred. A rare set, only 1000 printed thus Edifil = EUR 1'800+.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 4316 Spain
Printed card headed VII Congreso de la Union Postal Universal / Sellos Commemorativos / Madrid 1920, with complete set of 13 values of the Congress issue to 10 p. orange & black. A few stamps with minor blemishes but a rare momento of the Congress Mi = EUR 1'300.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 440 CHFLot# : 4317 Spain
Lot# : 4318 Spain
20 c. black & violet, mint block of twenty (5 x 4), fresh and fine block showing variety: Double Impression of the black, without control number on reverse, fine appearance, one or two blunted perfs. at base and very minor blemishes from next sheet on reverse, superb and rare, large part og. Probably the largest multiple now existing Edifil U302ed = EUR 1'180+.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 4319 Spain
Lot# : 4320 Spain
Lot# : 4321 Spain
10 p. orange & black, perf. 13½, a unused example, numbered A000,000 on reverse, clearly showing variety "Broken '0' in 10" in lower left figure (only 20 can exist), centred to left, large part og. Signed Buhler Edifil = EUR 520+.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 4322 Spain
Lot# : 4323 Spain
10 p. orange & black, perf. 13½, a superb and fresh mint block of four, numbered A000,175 on reverse, lower left stamp with variety "Broken '0' in figure 10" (position 41 on the sheet), gum creasing as usually found, full unmounted og. Edifil 309a/309t = EUR 2'700+/Mi = EUR 2'800.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 4324 Spain
Lot# : 4325 Spain
The magnificent imperforate set of 13 values complete, all under-printed A000.000, all matching examples from the lower left corner of the sheet and thus the high value 10 p. shows the "Broken '0' in 10" flaw in value tablet. Fresh and very fine, unmounted original gum, just 100 sets issued. A unique and wonderful set Edifil 297s/309s = EUR 3'575/Mi = EUR 3'500Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 2,400 CHFLot# : 4326 Spain
The magnificent imperforate set of 13 values complete, all under-printed A000.000, all in superb and fresh blocks of four. An outstanding and wonderful set in immaculate condition. Full unmounted original gum, just 100 sets issued Edifil 297s/309s = EUR 14'000+/Mi = EUR 14'000.Starting bid : 3,000 CHFHammer price : 8,500 CHFLot# : 4327 Spain
(Nov 30): Closing Day of the Congress, a delightful full set usage on hand/painted card, with complete set of the thirteen values cancelled by 'VII Congres Postal Universel / Bureau De Post Madrid' datestamps, with four other special datestamps applied above. A dramatic and delightful piece.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 4328 Spain
Lot# : 4329 Spain
(Nov 27): Registered cover to Switzerland franked by 20 c. violet, 40 c. rose in a horizontal strip of five and 50 c. pale blue in a block of four all tied by framed special registration cachet of the Congress with registered label at right in red 'VII Congreso Postal / MADRID'. Imperfections but a rare and most unusual franking, also ten other covers/cards at 10 c., 20 c. or 25 c. rates.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 700 CHFLot# : 4330 Spain
Covers from the Congress - including First Day usages (2) each bearing 1920 Alfonso 25 c. blue tied by Edifil Type A datestamps, covers (2) to France each franked by Congress 25 c. cancelled by machine cancel (Edifil Type B) and a Delegate`s envelope with single 40 c., registered covers to Switzerland at 50 c., 65 c., 85 c. and 1 p. 40 c. rates with Congress registered labels and cancelled by Edifil Type C datestamps, registered front with Type C datestamp carried free to Berne (illustrated in Paikert on page 112), large piece with 11 Congress values with Edifil Types A, C, D, E, and F types. A scarce and attractive lot.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 3,000 CHFLot# : 4331 Spain
The collection on leaves with 30 c. showing black inverted and doubled (2) mint, 30 c. in mint strip with underprint error A001,266 for A000,266 on central stamp, 30 c. imperf. block of four mint, perforation varieties on five different values, 25 c. with deformed '5' variety incl. a multiple, 20 c. with block showing doubling of black colour, set to 4 p. value in used blocks of four, mint sets to 10 p. complete (2), two fine used complete sets with Type A cancels, another set to 10 p. with Type C, another complete set with Type D cancels, used examples with red cancels, covers (12), ephemera incl. Delegate`s excursion ticket to Andalucia etc. A marvellous lot.Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : 5,500 CHFLot# : 4332 Italy
Special Conference postcard to Berne franked by 60 c. carmine tied by bold strike of special Conference datestamp "Commission D'Etudes U.P.U. - Florence 1923" in black (Sept 23, the day before the Conference opened), written and signed by the Swiss Delegate, E. Voutat. Rare and fine.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 4333 Italy
Special Conference postcard to Berne franked by 60 c. carmine tied by bold strike of special Conference datestamp "Commission D'Etudes U.P.U. - Florence 1923" in black (Sept 25, the second day), written and signed by the Belgian Delegate, O. Schokkaert; also two further cards to Berne with similar frankings (1/10 and 3/10); two philatelic covers with 13 stamps similarly cancelled.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 360 CHFLot# : 4334 Italy
Administrazione Delle Poste E Dei Telegrafi form, franked by current definitives (13, all different) all tied by bold strikes of special Conference datestamp "Commission D'Etudes U.P.U. - Florence 1923" in black (6/10) with four line cachet above "Union Postale Universelle - Commission d'études - CONFERENCE DE FLORENCE - (Septembre 1923)" in violet. A delightful piece.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 4335 Sweden
Lot# : 4336 Sweden
Lot# : 4337 Sweden
Lot# : 4338 Sweden
Lot# : 4339 Sweden
Lot# : 4340 Sweden
(Aug 16): Large First Day Cover with the complete set of fifteen values neatly applied to Congress envelope and tied by "Stockholm / Congres Postal Universel" datestamps of the first day in black. Exceptional and scarce Mi = EUR 700+.Starting bid : 240 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 4341 Sweden
Delegate's envelope sent registered to Berne, franked by 5 ö. red brown and 1 kr. green, with registered label "Stockholm-Postkongressen / Congrès Postal Universel" at left, reverse with Berne arrival cds. Correct rate: 30 öre Foreign Letter rate + 3 x 15 öre for large cover + 30 öre registration. A scarce franking.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 4342 Sweden
Delegate's envelope sent registered airmail to Berne, franked by Aug 1934 5 ö. red brown and July 1924 2 kr. red, with registered label "Stockholm-Postkongressen / Congrès Postal Universel" at left, reverse with Berne arrival cds (28/8). Correct rate: 90 öre Foreign Letter triple rate + 40 öre Airmail fee + 3 x 15 öre for large cover + 30 öre registration. A scarce franking.Starting bid : 180 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 4343 Sweden
Delegate's envelope sent stampless and registered from Costa Rican Delegate to Göteborg, with two line cachet in blue "Delagacion de la Republica de Costa Rica / al Octavo Congreso Postal Universal, Estocolmo, 1924" on front and reverse, Stockholm cds at right with registration cachet. Somewhat roughly opened but a scarce usage; also an incoming Airmail cover to the British Delegate E.R.Davis in Stockholm.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 4344 Sweden
Excursions by Delegates, the Exhibit collection of cards (80+) with the Official brown envelope (2, one in brown and one white) wherein the cards were presented, superb example of the Official Programme, Malar Lake excursion Lunch Menu, cards from all the stages of the excursion mainly with 20 öre. red frankings but some with other values, from Alekarleo, Are, Falun, Mariefred, Östersund, Rattvik, Solleftea, Strangnas, Stadshuset (Town Hall), Sundsvaal. A remarkable and very rare complete collection.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 380 CHFLot# : 4345 Sweden
The collection of the July issue with mint set of 15 values, used set of 15 values, collection of covers/cards (36, many are Delegate's envelopes) with frankings including registered with 25 ö. + 50 ö. franking to Belgrade and another to Berne, 45 ö. single frankings, 60 ö. single franking, 1 kr. green single franking, fine group photo-card of all the Delegates signed by the Brazilian Delegate etc.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHFLot# : 4346 France
Cover with "Commission préparatoire / du Congrès de L'UPU" meter marking for 1 fr. 50 c. in red (Meters were authorised at the 1920 Congress); with violet circular datestamp of the Congress at left, cancelled "15 OCT 1928" the day before the Official opening, also a registered cover with two strikes of the Meter mark used on 17 October. Scarce and very fine pair.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 4347 France
Covers (14) with "Commission préparatoire / du Congrès de L'UPU" meter marking for 50 c. in red (two, one is stamped), 90 c. postcard rates to Switzerland (2); 1 fr. 50 c. overseas letter rate covers (4, three being Delegate's covers with imprint at upper left) also so-called Proof strikes of 50 c., 90 c., 1 fr. 10 c., 1 fr. 50 c. and 3 fr. on un-addressed covers. A generally fine and very scarce group.Starting bid : 280 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 4348 Great Britain
Unadopted Essay, probably by Bradbury Wilkinson, for proposed £ 1 value, imperforate bromide photographic Essay with "Postage / Postage" at top and "Postal Union Congress, London 1929" across the centre of the design (33 x 38 mm). Rare and most unusual.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHFLot# : 4349 Great Britain
Progressive Proof, unfinished and un-glazed, of the Master Die for 1 d. and 1½ d. values by Linzell, undenominated with value missing at top and at base, imperforate on card paper, in grey and black; Crown at top completed, 21 x 25 mm. Superb and of great rarity Gi = £ 7'500.Starting bid : 1,600 CHFHammer price : 2,600 CHFLot# : 4350 Great Britain
Die Proof for 1 d. or 1½ d. value, printed in black on smooth white glazed paper, 187 x 127 mm, being the progressive Proof of Linzell's design with left of "Crown" incomplete, (Spec. cat: Type 'b') undenominated but with "Postage Revenue" and with "Postal Union Congress London 1929". A superb, extremely rare and attractive Proof Gi = £ 8'500.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 4,200 CHFLot# : 4351 Great Britain
Lot# : 4352 Great Britain
Lot# : 4353 Great Britain
½ d. green, 1 d. scarlet, 1½ d. purple-brown; fresh mint examples with watermark inverted, each overprinted "CANCELLED" in black (Type 33), fine unmounted og. Ex the Charles Nissen stock Gi Spec. Cat NCom 5at/7at = £ 1'900.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 700 CHFLot# : 4354 Great Britain
(May 10): Delegate's imprinted unaddressed envelope franked by ½ d., 1 d., 1½ d. and 2½ d. in blocks of four all cancelled by "Postal Union Congress / London" datestamps on First Day of Issue. A few minor tone spots on envelope but very scarce Gi = £ 600.Starting bid : 160 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 4355 Great Britain
Congress notepaper franked by the set of four low values of the PUC issue all cancelled on First Day by "Postal Union Congress-London" cds's, as supplied to the Delegate's secretaries at the Congress. Slight rubbing on the paper at right, away from the adhesive but rare Gi = £ 1'400.Starting bid : 320 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHFLot# : 4356 Great Britain
½ d. green, wmk. inverted, a mint block of four from a Booklet pane, showing a dramatic error at top of the first stamp with "Crown and Post" from "Postage" entirely missing, probably due to a paper fold or adherence to the Plate whilst printing. Fresh and fine mint, a most unusual error, unmounted og.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 4357 Great Britain
Lot# : 4358 Great Britain
Lot# : 4359 Great Britain
Lot# : 4360 Great Britain
Lot# : 4361 Great Britain
Lot# : 4362 Great Britain
Lot# : 4363 Great Britain
Lot# : 4364 Great Britain
Booklet panes, the set of three values in panes of six stamps with ½ d. green (wmk. inverted), 1 d. scarlet, 1½ d. purple-brown, all overprinted "CANCELLED" (Type 33) and punched to prevent re-use; fresh and fine, superb og. Rare Gi Spec. Cat NCom B1au / NCom B2u+NCom B3u = £ 4'500.Starting bid : 800 CHFHammer price : 1,700 CHFLot# : 4365 Great Britain
Complete 3 s. Booklet, stitched at left, edition 168, a fine mint example with panes of ½ d., 1 d. and three panes of 1½ d. all overprinted "CANCELLED" (Type 33) in black and punched to prevent re-use. Fresh and fine and extremely rare Gi BB25 Spec. Cat = £ 4'500.Starting bid : 800 CHFHammer price : 800 CHFLot# : 4366 Great Britain
Complete 3 s. Booklet, stitched at left, edition 168, a fine mint example with panes of ½ d., 1 d. and three panes of 1½ d. all overprinted "CANCELLED" (Type 33) in black and punched to prevent re-use. Fresh and fine and extremely rare Gi BB25 Spec. Cat = £ 4'500.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 800 CHFLot# : 4367 Great Britain
Lot# : 4368 Great Britain
1½ d. purple-brown, Booklet pane with adverts at left, wmk. upright, overprinted "CANCELLED" in black (Type 33), perforations trimmed at base but fresh and very fine, full unmounted og. Ex the Charles Nissen stock Gi Spec. Cat NCom B3t = £ 3'000.Starting bid : 800 CHFHammer price : 1,400 CHFLot# : 4369 Great Britain
Complete 2 s. Booklet, stitched at left, edition 106, a fine mint example with panes of ½ d., 1 d. and two panes of 1½ d. all overprinted "CANCELLED" (Type 33) in black and punched to prevent re-use. Fresh and fine and extremely rare Gi BB13 Spec. Cat = £ 3'500.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 950 CHFLot# : 4370 Great Britain
Complete set of the 2 s. Booklets, all stitched at left, edition numbers 103 (Punch), 104 (Prudential), 105 (BP), 106 (Basildon Bond) and 107 (Burgoynes); fine mint examples with panes of ½ d., 1 d. and two panes of 1½ d. Minor mounting blemishes on reverse only, otherwise fresh and very fine, a very rare complete set of five Gi BB13 = £ 2'500.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 1,300 CHFLot# : 4371 Great Britain
Complete set of the 3 s. Booklets, all stitched at left, edition numbers 168 (Burgoynes), 169 (BP), 170 (Punch), 171 (BP) and 172 (Prudential); fine mint examples with panes of ½ d., 1 d. and three panes of 1½ d. Minor mounting blemishes on reverse only, otherwise fresh and very fine, a very rare complete set of five Gi BB25 = £ 2'250.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 1,700 CHFLot# : 4372 Great Britain
Essay for the £ 1 value, 124 x 112 mm, by Harold Nelson in pencil on yellowed tracing paper, showing half the Crown at upper left, with "Revenue" where the "One Pound" was eventually placed at lower left, otherwise very close to the issued stamp. A magnificent and extremely rare Essay by an Artist at the height of his craft Gi = £ 3'800.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 2,800 CHFLot# : 4373 Great Britain
The extraordinary complete set of Proofs in issued colours, in imperforate blocks of four for all values of the set, especially prepared on thin white glazed paper, mounted in sunken card frames (125 x 110 mm) for presentation purposes, the ½ d., 1 d. 1½ d. and 2 ½ d. all with marginal bars surrounding the blocks, an exquisite complete set of the five Proofs in beautiful fresh condition. A wonderful set, with just this set and the 'Monarch' set now being available to collectors and thus of the utmost rarity.Starting bid : 50,000 CHFHammer price : 50,000 CHFLot# : 4374 Great Britain
Lot# : 4375 Great Britain
Lot# : 4376 Great Britain
Lot# : 4377 Great Britain
Lot# : 4378 Great Britain
Lot# : 4379 Great Britain
Lot# : 4380 Great Britain
(May 21): Congress notepaper franked by the set of five values to the £ 1 PUC issue all cancelled by "Postal Union Congress-London" cds's, as supplied to the Delegates of each country at the Congress. Extremely rare and in superb condition, the adhesives themselves being stuck down by margins only.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 2,800 CHFLot# : 4381 Great Britain
Registered Express Delivery Delegate's envelope (sent as a Parcel), mailed to Holland by the Dutch Delegate to the Congress, W.F.Gerdes Oosterbeek, and franked by PUC 1 d. scarlet and £ 1 black, top marginal example, tied by "Postal Union Congress / London" cds's. Congress registered label at left and reverse without the blue crayon cross and with some backing from the Parcel, thus in all probability, a genuine commercial usage of the £ 1 value. A rare and most unusual cover.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 2,200 CHFLot# : 4382 Great Britain
(May 10): Delegate's imprinted unaddressed envelope franked by the set of five values to the £ 1 black, all cancelled by "Postal Union Congress / London" datestamps on First Day of Issue. A few minor tone spots but a rare cover Gi = £ 10'000.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 4,800 CHFLot# : 4383 Great Britain
(May 10): Small envelopes (3) franked by the set of five values to the £ 1 black, all cancelled by "Bromsgrove / Worcs" datestamps on First Day of Issue. A few minor tone spots and edge wear but a rare set of covers Gi = £ 10'000.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 1,900 CHFLot# : 4384 Great Britain
Registration Labels "London / Postal Union Congress", a slightly defective pane of 50 mint (5 x 10), lettered "A" above top margin and numbered 101-150, a few marginal faults affecting four labels at lower left and some gum staining affecting one label at right, but an astonishing and scarce piece.Starting bid : 160 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 4385 Great Britain
Congress collection, the superb lot with the set of five values mint and further £ 1 used; 56 covers incl. First Day Covers, Delegate Notepaper with low values tried by "PUC / London" cds's; Delegates' envelopes of all sizes, cover with set to the £ 1 cancelled May 14 datestamps; Express cover to Brazil at £ 2 6 s. rate franked by two PUC £ 1 black and Seahorse 5 s., further cover with £ 1 used to Trinidad; 1 d. and diagonally bisected 1 d. on cover; 1½ d. with "1829" error on card and in mint block; Sweden cover to the Congress with oval registered special cancel, registered cover to Berne carried free of charges with rare "Postal Union / London" datestamp in violet (rare); scarce Meter Mark cover; excursion card with 1½ d. franking; exceptional ephemera including Dinner Menu (May 14) and closing Dinner Menu (June 28), Invitations incl. First Day Ceremony with the Prince of Wales, unused Delegate's Identity card, Delegate's Souvenir handbook for the T.P.O. system and original envelope, Dewelegate's medal and badge. A wonderful lot, full of surprises for the careful viewer.Starting bid : 4,000 CHFHammer price : 13,000 CHFLot# : 4386 Great Britain
Collection with set to £ 1 unmounted og., single stamps and multiples with all the listed Spec. Cat. varieties and others, ½ d., 1 d. and 1½ d. all with "Cancelled" overprint in black, the same three low values, wmk. sideways with Coil Leaders attached; set of four including 2½ d. value with inverted watermark variety used; the complete set of 8 plates of the ½ d. in mint K29 Control blocks; complete set of 1 d. K29 Control blocks incl. "Broken Wreath" and L29 "CO" joined varieties; 1½ d. with K29 Control blocks (all six plates), 2½ d. with L29 and K29 Control blocks (5); 1 d. with blocks of four, eight and nine mint with inverted wmk.; 1½ d. optd "Cancelled" and punched, 1½ d. Booklet panes "Cancelled" and punched (2); 1½ d. with "Q" for "O" variety in Booklet pane; 2 s. Booklet No 103 complete, 2 s. Booklets No. 103 and 107 complete with inverted wmk. panes, 3 s. Booklet No 169 complete and Booklet No. 172 complete with wmk. inverted panes. A lovely lot in outstanding quality.Starting bid : 3,000 CHFHammer price : 6,500 CHFLot# : 4387 Great Britain
Complete Coil Leaders with thirteen ½ d. green, 1 d. scarlet and 1½ d. purple-brown, the ½ d. separated from the leader but all three values showing watermark sideways variety, some perfs. a bit blunted but scarce and generally fresh and fine, most unmounted og Gi = £ 2'000+.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 1,400 CHFLot# : 4388 Spain
Spanish Morocco with diagonal two line overprint in blue or red, the issue given to Delegates at the London Congress, the complete set of 20 stamps, all underprinted A000,000 in blue, including additional unrecorded example of 2 c. green imperforate (without underprint), fine and fresh, large part og. A rare set. Cert. Comex (1982).Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 1,200 CHFLot# : 4389 Canada
Lot# : 4390 Canada
Lot# : 4391 Canada
Essay for proposed design of the vignette for issued 5 c. blue, the Essay showing the main building and library only, printed in black on glazed wove paper (differs to the other offered here with clouds redrawn), Proof in blue of the vignette only (slight stain) and final imperforate Proof of the composite design in blue; all backed onto yellow card. From the estate of the widow of the original engraver.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 900 CHFLot# : 4392 Canada
Lot# : 4393 Canada
Lot# : 4394 Canada
Lot# : 4395 Canada
Lot# : 4396 Canada
Balance of the collection with Official Delegate's envelopes used on First Day (May 18) and Last Day of Conference (June 28) with special cachets, further covers (9) including remarkable postcard from June 5, Niagara Falls excursion signed by 19 Delegates, another sent by Pietro Tosti, the Italian Delegate; also issued stamps with Plate 1 and and Plate 2 multiples, Canada Congress book for Delegates incl. SG 319-325 set unm. mint, Official opt. double etc.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 4397 Egypt Kingdom
Essays by the Survey Department, Cairo for UPU issue. Three bromide photographs of King Fouad, all as depicted on the issued stamps, seven individual ink drawings on thin tracing paper showing designs similar to those accepted (3) and unaccepted types (4). Exceptional and of the utmost rarity, unique Nile Post E390. Provenance: Collection Abdullah Mishrick.Starting bid : 5,000 CHFHammer price : 10,500 CHFLot# : 4398 Egypt Kingdom
Lot# : 4399 Egypt Kingdom
(Feb 1): Complete set of 14 values in mint blocks of four, all from lower left corner of sheet showing Control A/34, fine large part og., one or two minor imperfections with occasional tone spot, the two high value blocks superb with stamps unmounted og. Rare and appealing set Gi = £ 1'800.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 6,500 CHF
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