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Lot# : 1385 France
1849/52: Collection about 70 stamps used/unused, incl. Cérès and Présidence issues, incl. diff. colour shades and postmark types; in addition 16 covers displaying the whole range from local to overseas rates. An generally fine and interesting selection Cérès = EUR 50'000.Starting bid : 4,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1386 France
Lot# : 1387 France
1849/1991: Collection in four albums with 1849/50 set used incl. superb 40 c. and four margined 1 fr. carmine (signed Bloch), Présidence 10 c. used on piece, 1853 set to 1 fr. used, 1863 5 fr. grey used (signed), 1909 Amiens 10 c. (4) mint, 1917 Orphelins set complete mint, 1922 Orphelins set mint, 1923 Congress 1 fr. unmounted mint and used on registered cover, 1925 5 fr. carmine Miniature sheet mint, two single examples mint and one used on cover, 1926 Orphelins set mint, 1927 Strasbourg Miniature sheet used, 1927 Airmail set of two mint, 1929 Phil. Exhibition epreuve deluxe (Cérès = EUR 1'800), 1930 Sourire de Reims block of eight mint, 1931 Provinces 1 fr. 50 + 3 fr. 50 mint, 1936 Airmail set mint, 1936 Airmail 50 fr. mint, 1937 Pexip sheets mint (2) and used, thereafter complete mint with Booklet panes etc., Postage Dues, Parcel Post and some Colonies; a fine and highly catalogued collection.Starting bid : 5,000 CHFHammer price : 6,000 CHFLot# : 1388 France
1849/1996: Important collection with several thousand stamps used/unused, the classic part in mixed condition, incl. some better sets and values, souvenir and miniature sheets, booklets and booklet panes, airmails, postage dues, precancels, postal stationery items, duplicates etc., icl. a lot of useful material but due to the caracter of the volumes some stamps ar stuck donw at bottem line, needs careful inspection, housed in total 15 albums.Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : 2,200 CHFLot# : 1389 France
1849/1999: Collection in blue stockbook and loose in a box, with 1849 issue fine used, including 1 fr. carmine (2), 1853 issue to 1 fr. used, 1862 set of six values mint, 1863-71 set to 40 c. mint and 80 c. and 5 fr. grey used; 1870 Bordeaux imperf. 1 c., 4 c. and 5 c. mint with rest of set used, 1871-75 set set of eight values (large figures) mint, Type Sage with most values mint, 1877 set mint to 5 fr. violet on lilac paper; Mouchon issue with 10 c. and 15 c. imperforate and Type II set in mint blocks, Merson high values mint including 20 fr.; thereafter later issues from 1980's all imperforate and unmounted og. A fine and interesting collection.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 4,400 CHFLot# : 1390 France
Lot# : 1391 France
1852/1900: Group 600 used stamps with emphasis on postmarks, incl 5 fr. Napoleon with red postmarks (2, def), printed matter, postman, New Year's- and British marks.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 480 CHFLot# : 1392 France
1853/69: Collection of hundreds of used/unused stamps of the different Napoleon issues with pairs and larger multiples, some issues in heavy duplication as Napoleon III imperf. 80 c. carmine (100), 1 Fr. (7), showing diff. shades and postmark types as well as plate flaws as "corne sur le nez" or "griffe"; in addition about 160 covers/front of covers to better destinations as Brazil, Argentina, Portugal, Ireland and Malta or fine origins as Alexandrette on a cover from Aleppo. Condition varies, but generally fine. Viewing recommended Cérès = EUR 90'000.Starting bid : 6,000 CHFHammer price : 6,000 CHFLot# : 1393 France
1900/70: Small dealer's stock with several thousand stamps mint (mainly) and used, partly in blocks of four or in part sheets, in addition some stamps from Spain as well as a few propaganda labels WWI from the Edition Delandre in Paris, housed in four stockbooks.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 250 CHFLot# : 1394 France
1920/70: Collection several hundred stamps mint/unused, incl. many better single values and full sets, with airmails, postage dues, a few 'épreuves de luxe', Red Cross booklets, duplicates and full sheets, housed in a large stockbook and in a folder Mi = approx. EUR 16'000.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 2,000 CHFLot# : 1395 France
1925/75: Lot with ten souvenir sheets, incl. one copy of the rare Paris exhibiton imperf., partly in duplication Cérès = EUR 7'800.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 1,800 CHFLot# : 1396 France
1940/45: Collection unused stamps and 100 covers, stationeries and postcards with Petain stamps incl. 1943 booklet with advertisements, official and non-official liberation overprints on cover and selection of 17 covers from Loire-Inferieure 1944/45 incl. Centralisation du Livre.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 700 CHFLot# : 1397 France
Lot# : 1398 France
1791/1851: Fine group of 17 prestamp covers with interesting cancellations as 1799 letter showing straight line D'HOLLANDE to Bordeaux, B.CATALUNA to Lyon (2), two line NO.2 PORT-PAYE/ARM.D'ITALIE, 1814 taxed letter to Zuoz/Switzerland as well as fine strike of 85/NICE on letter to Carmagnola/Italy 1813.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 200 CHFLot# : 1399 France
1847/1955: Lot 70 covers and postal stationery, all to Switzerland, incl. registered and express use with a large variety of frankings.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 280 CHFLot# : 1400 France
1849/50: Cérès collection of covers (11) including 10 c. bistre on large piece, 15 c. green on locally used cover (signed Calves); 20 c. black on covers (4) including third day of use double rate restored cover (from large piece) with two examples tied by Paris cds's (3 Jan, 1849) cds's in blue and one February 1849 entire from Mirepoix bearing four margined example tied by grill in red (signed Calves), 1850 cover from Paris to Naples franked by 25 c. blue (2) and 1 fr. carmine and a similar franking to Palermo; 1851 cover to England with two 40 c. orange from Bayonne and an 1852 part cover bearing 40 c. orange and 10 c. bistre; February 1850 entire with 1 fr. carmine single franking. Condition varies but an extraordinary group.Starting bid : 4,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1401 France
1849/80: Collection beautifully mounted and arranged in a green album, with 1849 20 c. black and 25 c. blue on covers, 1853 issue with cancellation study and a range of attractive covers, 1863/71 Laureated issue with delightful 4 c. grey cancelled in Algiers and superb used 5 fr. grey with '3982' numeral cancel, fine drop letter rate covers, piece with 1 c. (3) and Bordeaux 5 c. green; Affranchisements composés covers (3)-one with Cérès 20 c. and five 1 c. (Sept 13); 20 c. on cover with Type Sage 5 c. green (rare), 1871/75 Cérès issue with 2 c. single franking, Type Sage issue with 5 fr. (8) incl. used on registered front etc. A lovely lot and an object lesson in how to arrange a stamp collection.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 3,000 CHFLot# : 1402 France
1853/76: Lot 28 covers to foreign destinations, including better frankings and cancellations to Valparaiso/Chile (1853), Pesth/Hungary (1868), Cartagena/Spain (1862), Germany, Great Britain, Italy and Switzerland (8) further three ship letters showing "Piroscafi Postali Francesi" h.s. in red, black and violet.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 480 CHFLot# : 1403 France
1854/1902: Lot 16 covers with better frankings and destinations, including 1859 letter sent via Southampton, Panama to Valparaiso, 1872/73 three colour frankings to Switzerland (3) and two covers sent via Stuttgart, Heidelberg to Singen (1865/66), further six taxed items.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 1404 France
1856/1900c.: Lot 100 covers/cards, mainly single frankings with some interesting cancellations, including foreign mail as well as some stationery items.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 320 CHFLot# : 1405 France
Lot# : 1406 France
1865/80: The attractive Collection of 127 registered and value covers, describing the rate changes after the Franco-Prussian war and the step-by-step decrease of the previously increased tariffs after France has joined the UPU (tariffs of September 1871, January 1876, May 1878, and January 1879). The collector made a point on showing the different types of registered and value letters (lettre recommandée, lettre chargée, lettre chargée avec valeur declarée) with different weight rates and different insured sums resulting in a collection containing nearly exclusively multicoloured frankings in a well above standard quality. Included are heavy-weighted registered letters, value letters with insured sums up to the maximum of 10'000 f., esoteric tariffs like registered printed matter, postcards, and commercial samples, mixed frankings between Napoleon, Siège, Cérès, and Sage, registered and value letters sent abroad, such as registered mail to POW in Germany 1871, from Mulhouse to Basel using border rate, to Egypt & India, and value letters to neighbouring countries. This is a very interesting and appealing collection worth to be inspected carefully.Starting bid : 28,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1407 France
1900/50ca.: Lot 450 picture postcards used/unused, including better cards of small villages, views of Alsace as Wintzfelden, Müttersholz and St. Amarin, further some cards of Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1408 France
Ballons montés 1870/71: Lot five covers sent within France, incl. 'Les Etats Unies' (25. Sept. 70), 'L'Armand Barbès' (30. Sept. 70), 'Gazette des Absents No 5' (6.Nov. 70), 'Le Général Renault' (9. Déc.70) and 'La Poste de Paris' (17. Jan. 71) as well as a pigeongram. condition varies, but nevertheless a fine lot.Starting bid : 600 CHFHammer price : 600 CHFLot# : 1409 France
1870/71: Correspondance 'Havas' during the Siège of Paris, a very interesting lot containing 13 various issues carried by different balloons (in between No. 6 to 62) and mainly addressed to 'L'ordre et la Liberté, Cour de la Monnaie à Caen', one piece with removed stamp and another one with cut-out address, in addition Havas news of February 17th, 1871 in French and printed on blued paper, not flown, all items in excellent quality, nicely mounted up on album pages with description, a rare offer for the balloon enthusiast.Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1410 France
1870/1924: Interesting collection 'Development of French Aviation', starting with Ballons monté 'L'Archimède' to Tarbes (21.11.1870), rare pigeongram and seven unused 'Drapeaux formula envelopes', followed by early Balloon documents such as handwritten letters (some with imprint) of Eugène Godard (1883), Camille Dartois (1873) and Henri Griffard (1870), postcards and vignettes of Air Meetings in Reims, Port-Aviation Juvisy (1909), scarce 'Ariane' pigeon mail (22.7.1905), compl. sheetlets of Airmeeting in Vincennes (June 1924), "1er Group d'Aérostation St. Cyr" (2), 1912 envelope "Maneuvres d'Armée Service de l'aviation Escadrille no.2", envelope of 'Aviation-Militaires' in Morocco, 1919 cover of military airmail service Constantinople - Bucharest- Paris cancelled by framed "Armées Alliées en Orient/Poste Aérienne" h.s., Record Flight Paris - Dakar by Lemaitre and Arrachart (1925), incl. cover to Dakar signed by Arrachart and cover of return flight further proofs of special vignette related to that flight, as well as compl. set of semi-official airpost stamps in compl. unused sheetlets of Vincennes Air Meeting (1924 June 9). A rare offer for the specialist, all mounted up on exhibition pages, viewing highly recommended.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 2,200 CHFLot# : 1411 France
1927/77: Lot 40 airmail covers, incl. better frankings as ' Airpost Exhibition 1930' Fr. 1.50 blue (3), 'Vue de Paris' single franking to Paraguay (1936), 50 Fr. ultramarine with additional franking to Chile (1938), First Day usage of Transatlantic 10 Fr. dark green (14.8.36) to Chile, 1949 U.P.U. 500 Fr. dark green on envelope to New York as well as 1954 airmail set on FDC's Cérès (2008) = EUR 4'500.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 1412 France
1930/59: Lot 55 airpost stamps used/unused, including the better sets and values as 1936 'Vue de Paris' with 50 Fr. yellow green, both values of the 100th airmail flight across the South Atlantique Fr. 1.50 + 10 Fr., each in an epreuve de luxe. 1948 and further issues in compl. imperforated sets Cérès (2008) = EUR 11'000.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 2,800 CHFLot# : 1413 France
1936: Airmail 50 Fr. yellow green 'Vue de Paris' on registered express envelope to Berlin (16.4.38) as well as another single franking with 50 Fr. ultramarine sent registered and express to the same address in Berlin-Lichterfelde (11.4.38) showing customs label 'Zur Devisenüberwachung zollamtlich geöffnet' on reverse. Two rare items and not often offered Cérès (2008) = EUR 2'625.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHF
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