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Lot# : 1544 Ceylon
1867/70: 6 d. deep brown in a horizontal pair used with 1868 1 d. blue (4 examples, one overlapping edge of cover at left), on 1870 cover from Kandy to Co. Tyrone, Ireland endorsed 'via Brindisi', tied by "C" obliterator handstamps in black. Flap missing but reverse with KANDY / PAID cds in red (Nov 28) and 'Moy' arrival cds (Dec 27) in black. A scarce example of the 1/4d. rate and an attractive mixed issue franking.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 1,100 CHFLot# : 1545 Ceylon
1867/70: 1 s. reddish violet, a horizontal strip of three and a single example used on 1871 cover from Colombo to Glasgow endorsed 'via Brindisi', the right hand stamps with surface scuffing, all tied by Colombo duplexes (March 7) in black. Reverse with Glasgow arrival cds (April 1). Minor imperfections but a very scarce quadruple rate cover.rnProvenance: Collection R.C.Agabeg, Harmers, May 1982, lot 2347.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 1,300 CHFLot# : 1546 Ceylon
1871: 9 d. violet-brown postal stationery envelope, H&G B7a, a fine used example to Budleigh Salterton, Devon endorsed 'via Southampton' tied by "67" obliterator in black. PUTLAM / PAID despatch cds in red alongside (June 20). Reverse with GALLE / PAID cds (June 24) and Budleigh Salterton arrival cds (July 30). Slight tape stain on reverse but the 'pence' postal stationery is very scarce. Cert. RPSL (2016).Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 1547 Ceylon
Lot# : 1548 Ceylon
1857/59: 2 d. green imperforate, used examples (2) each with four large margins and cancelled in black, together with 10 d. dull vermilion with large margins all round, cancelled by black grid handstamp and partially in red. A fine group, all are signed by Diena, Ferchenbauer, the 10 d. with cert. Alcuri Gi = £ 450+.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 1549 Ceylon
Lot# : 1550 Ceylon
Lot# : 1551 Ceylon
1857/59: 1 s. slate-violet, imperforate, a used horizontal pair with large margins all round with sheet margin at right, cancelled by fine strikes of the black grid handstamp and partially in red. Scarce and most attractive multiple. Signed Alcuri Gi = £ 400+.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 220 CHFLot# : 1552 Ceylon
Lot# : 1553 Falkland
Lot# : 1554 Falkland
1944/2007: Collection several hundred stamps in mint condition from Falkland Islands and Dependencies as Graham Land, South Georgia and Sanwich Islands, South Orkneys and South Shetlands, including full sets up to £ 3.-, incl. QE Royal Silver Wedding, King George VI Falkland Map and surcharged sets, few colour varieties, plenty of colourful topics as Royalities, Birds, Fish, Flowers, Insects and many more, housed in three albums.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 400 CHFLot# : 1555 Fiji
Lot# : 1556 Fiji
Lot# : 1557 Gibraltar
Lot# : 1558 Hongkong
1901: Great Britain 1 d. carmine postal stationery card used to Port Said, Egypt cancelled by 'Kingstown' despatch cds (Aug 19). On arrival in Port Said (Aug 26) the card was readdressed to Hong Kong and locally forwarded with Hong Kong 1900 2 c. dull green tied by 'Victoria / Hong' cds (Sept 23). Slight crease to card due to journey but a scarce franking.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 1559 India
1855: 8 a. carmine on blued used with 1856/64 2 a. dull pink and 4 a. black on white paper on 1860 cover and part back from Calcutta to Liverpool endorsed 'per Steamer Bengal via Marseilles' tied by sender's cachets and 'B/1' octagonal handstamps in black. Framed INDIA PAID in red on front and reverse with Calcutta despatch (Nov 25) in red and Liverpool arrival (Dec 28). An attractive item.Starting bid : 120 CHFHammer price : 130 CHFLot# : 1560 India
1865: 8 p. mauve and 1868 8 a. pale rose, Die II, fault at base, used on small 1869 envelope from Umballa to Ireland endorsed 'via Marseilles' tied by grid obliterators in black. Framed INDIA / PAID in red at left and reverse with Umballa, Bombay (Nov 27) and Midleton arrival cds's (Dec 20 and 21). Readdressed with manuscript 'Try Bantry' with Bantry cds (Dec 22) and manuscript '1d.' charge.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1561 India
1865: 1 a. brown and 2 a. orange used on 1880 cover, with complete contents, mailed to USA cancelled with fine strikes of scarce circular barred "T" obliterators in black. Reverse with TPO datestamp, Bombay and 'Sea / Post Office / B' cds (Feb 28), carried on the 'Venetia' to Suez. Brindisi transit cds also on reverse of a scarce cover.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1562 India
1906: India ¼ a. brown on buff postal stationery card mailed from Srinigar to a 'Fraulein Schroeder, The Mission, Leh, Thibet' cancelled by 'Kashmir' cds (Nov 18) with bold (and scarce) LEH / KASHMIR arrival cds (Nov 23) alongside both struck in black. Interesting message on reverse "your luggage has reached Srinigar so perhaps you might get it before the road is closed by snow. You will have a long quiet time for study during the winter...". Corner bend to card but very scarce.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1563 India
1911 (Feb. 18): 2 p. grey, ½ a. green, 2 a. 6 p. ultramarine, 4 a. olive and 3 p. grey all tied by two bold strikes of FIRST AERIAL POST / 1911 / U.P. EXHIBITION ALLAHABAD cachets in red. Reverse with registered label (443) and Allahabad cds (Feb 18) and Bombay cds of receipt. Envelope with some imperfections, but unusual franking and scarce.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 260 CHFLot# : 1564 India
Lot# : 1565 India
China Expeditionary Force 1905: Postcard of Tianenmen Bridge, Peking addressed to Tientsin franked on viewside with 1900 CEF ½ a. blue-green tied by "F.P.O. No. 1" datestamp in black (Nov 15) based at Peking addressed to a Lance Corporal in Tientsin with "F.P.O. No. 4" arrival cds on reverse. A fine and scarce usage.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 1566 India
China Expeditionary Force 1906: Postcard of Peking addressed to the Military Hospital in Gosport, UK franked on reverse with 1905 CEF 1 a. carmine tied by "F.P.O. No. 1" datestamp in black (May 18) based at Peking, with BASE OFFICE / B cds adjacent of the same day.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1567 India
China Expeditionary Force 1908: Postcard of Shanhaikwan addressed to Jersey, Channel Islands endorsed 'via Siberia' franked on viewside with 1905 CEF 1 a. carmine tied by "BASE OFFICE / B" datestamp in black (Aug 13) based at Shanghai, with BASE OFFICE / B cds adjacent of the same day.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1568 India
Persian Gulf 1898: Cover from Linga to Cairo franked on reverse with India ½ a. blue-green tied by LINGA squared circle datestamp (Aug 24), underpaid with circular "T" mark alongside framed LINGA handstamp in black, deleted in manuscript with further mss. '20 Cts.' in blue crayon applied on board P&O Steamer with 'Sea Post Office / C' cds on reverse (Sept 3) and Suez and Cairo (Sept 13) cds's alongside. A rare and most interesting coverStarting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1569 India
Lot# : 1571 India
French Indian Settlements 1862: Cover from Avignon to Pondichery, French Indian Settlements, mailed from Avignon (Feb 15) via Suez with France 1853 20 c. blue and 40 c. orange tied by petit chiffres with PD in red alongside. Reverse with Marseille transit (Feb 17). Readdressed from Pondichery to Trichinopoly on arrival with PONDICHERY cds in red (March 19) and franked by 1856 ½ a. blue tied by "C / 111" obliterator in black - the Postmaster also considering the French adhesives insufficiently cancelled and thus tied again with "C / 111" obliterators. Acid ink in address but with full Trichinopoly arrival (March 21) on reverse in red. Rare. Signed Calves.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 1,400 CHFLot# : 1572 India
French Indian Settlements 1865: 1 a. deep brown and 2 a. orange used on 1879 entire letter from Pondichery to Port Louis, Mauritius tied by PONDICHERY - 6 / M-20 duplex in black (June 24). Reverse with Bombay cds, 'Sea / Post Office / C' datestamp (June 27) and carried on the 'Mongolia' to Aden, with eventual 'Mauritius' cds (July 27) in blue of arrival.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 250 CHFLot# : 1573 India
French Indian Settlements 1881: Cover from Devalah to London franked by India 1865 1 a. brown pair and 1873 ½ a. blue (5 examples) all tied by four bold strikes of "3 / M-19 / 2" rectangular obliterators in black, with manuscript date of sending alongside. Reverse with DEVALAH despatch cds (Jan 1, 1882), Bombay transit (Jan 5) and London arrival cds in black. Small imperfections but rare - very few covers are known from Devalah and this must surely be one of the most spectacular usages.
Info: Mis-described!
Dewala is in what is now Pakistan in the Dera Ismail Khan area. Dewala is in what is now Pakistan in the Dera Ismail Khan area.
Start remains the same
Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 1,500 CHFLot# : 1574 India
French Indian Settlements 1865: 2 a. orange in a horizontal strip of four used on 1867 entire letter from Pondichery to Mauritius endorsed 'via Galle per Steamer', tied by PONDICHERY / 111 duplexes in black (Feb 11). Curved INDIA PAID in red and reverse with Madras datestamp and Mauritius arrival cds (March 2), charged with "6d. / TO PAY" in blue on obverse. A few small thin paper imperfections to entire but an attractive usage.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 1575 India
Ingoing Mail 1852/54: France 80 c. deep carmine (Yvert 17), used example with touched to large margins on three sides, tied to 1857 cover from Paris to Lahore, India (now Pakistan) tied by lozenge of dots with despatch cds at left (June 27) with framed P.P. alongside in red. Further tied in transit by framed 'BOMBAY / Bearing' handstamp in black (July 20) with '4 annas' charge. Reverse with Lahore cds of receipt in red (Aug 5).Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1576 India
1885/1903: Small group (5 covers/cards) all carried on the Bombay-Aden Sea Post Office with 1885 cover to London bearing India ½ a. blue, 1 a. plum and 3 a. vermilion tied by barred "B" obliterataor with 'Aden Cant.' datestamp (March 5) on reverse carried on the 'Tasmania'; 1898 ¼ a. stationery card up-rated with strip of three 3 p. rose to Harrow, 1903 cover to Italy with ½ a. green and pair of 1 a. carmine tied by circular 'B' obliterators, 1903 cover to USA franked by India 1 a. carmine (5) used to Chicago, 1904 postcard to Bakewell with 1 a. carmine and 2 a. violet; all with 'Sea Post Office' datestamps.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1577 India
1911/60: Collection on leaves and loose with both genuine and forgeries mixed, some useful material noted incl. Tibet ½ tr. yellow in unused marginal examples and an irregular strip of four, 2/3 tr. blue in a used strip of three, 4 tr. green on genuine covers (2); Jammu & Kashmir with fair collection on leaves incl. India comination usage, Poonch range on leaves, further range of States on printed album leaves and loose etc., a good 'winter evening' lot.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 1580 Malta
Lot# : 1581 Malta
Lot# : 1582 Mauritius
Lot# : 1583 Mauritius
1848/58: 1 d. red on blued paper, position 2 on the sheet of 12 subjects with characteristic 'IT' of 'Mauritius' joined, large margins all round and of excellent colour, merest trace of hinge thin in margin only at top, lightly cancelled by framed PENNY POST handstamp in black. A superb example of a scarce stamp. Certs. A. Diena (1963), Giulio Bolaffi (1976) Gi = £ 900.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1584 Mauritius
1848/59: Post Paid 1 d. red on bluish, latest impression, a superb large margined used example, position 9 on the sheet of twelve subjects, cancelled by mute obliterator in black. Infintessimal thin in top margin well above the design, a fine and attractive stamp. Signed Brun Gi = £ 800.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 1585 Mauritius
1848/58: 1 d. pale red on greyish-blue paper, latest impression, a fine example with four even margins, used on 1859 entire letter within Port Louis cancelled by neat strike of the mute obliterator in black. reverse with framed PENNY POST handstamp and 'Mauritiusa / GPO' cds in black (April 13). Cover with imperfections but a rare local usage - mailed from the ship 'Holyrood' to Le Chambre stating 'I beg leave to give you notice that the barque Holyrood is now ready to discharge her cargo agreeable to charter'. A rare entire.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 1586 Mauritius
1848: 2 d. grey-blue, latest impression, position 11 on the sheet of 12 subjects, uneven but clear margins all round, used on 1858 cover to Port Louis cancelled by circular "1" numeral in black. Framed "Mahébourg / FE 10 1858" datestamp of despatch at right and reverse with GPO / Mauritius datestamp (Feb 11) in black. Address partially excised but a rare and not unattractive usage. Signed A. Diena. Cert. BPA (2008).Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1587 Mauritius
1848: 2 d. grey-blue, latest impression, position 8 on the sheet of 12 subjects, large margins all round, used on 1857 cover to a notaire, Mr. Alphonse Macquet, in Mahébourg cancelled by unclear circular "4" numeral in black. Framed "Pamplemousses / AU 21 1857" datestamp of despatch at right and both GPO / Mauritius datestamp (Aug 25) and framed 'Mahébourg' datestamp in black alongside. Imperfections to cover but a rare usage.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1588 Mauritius
1858/62: Britannia selection (20 items) with1858 FOUR PENCE green used examples (4, one with cert. RPSL, another signed Schol), 1858/62 (4 d.) green fine used, (9 d.) magenta used, 1859/61 6 d. dull grey-purple-slate unused single, pair and block of four; 1 s yellow-green with a single and a used pair etc. Condition varies but a highly catalogued selection.Starting bid : 200 CHFHammer price : 340 CHFLot# : 1589 Mauritius
Lot# : 1590 Mauritius
Lot# : 1591 Mauritius
1859: Lapirot 2 d. blue, worn impressions on blued paper, two single examples used on 1859 cover to Bordeaux, addressee's name erased, tied by mute obliterators in black. Reverse with 'GPO / Mauritius' cds of despatch (Oct 6), obverse with red French entry marking (Nov 4) and charged '16' décimes due. Evident faults and one stamp removed for checking and hinged back into place, nevertheless a very scarce issue on letter.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 550 CHFLot# : 1592 Mauritius
Lot# : 1593 Mauritius
1860/63: De La Rue Imprimaturs: 6 d. green in a superb horizontal strip of three marginal from right of sheet, and 1 s. buff in a sheet marginal block of four * from right of sheet, each imperforate on thin unwatermarkerd paper. Fresh and fine, a scarce pairing.rnrnProvenance: Collection Hiroyuki Kanai RDP, DF, Zurich, 3 Nov 1993, lot 366.*Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1594 Mauritius
Lot# : 1595 Mauritius
Cancellations 1860/1922: Collection of cancellations from 'Argy' to 'Villebague' with a fine range of single stamps from numeral cancellations onwards to circular datestamp usages, some elusive examples noted from Bambous, Black River, Chemin Grenier, Grand River etc., the more common villages and towns being well represented together with sporadic covers/cards. A fine lot for continuation.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 420 CHFLot# : 1596 New Zealand
1844: Cover from Kororarika (later Russell) mailed to Auckland endorsed 'OHM Service' at top, struck with double arc NEW-ZEALAND datestamp (Jan 12) in black (RL HS23) and rated '4' pence in manuscript to pay. Reverse, with one side flap missing, showing fine strike of oval framed "CROWN / KORORARIKA / 1840 / NEW ZEALAND datestamp in black as supplied by the New South Wales Post Office. Rare.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 480 CHFLot# : 1597 New Zealand
1853/55: Essay prepared by Perkins, Bacon & Co., showing the Chalon half-length portrait engraved by William Humphrys printed in black on smooth surfaced white paper (76 x 50 mm.), with superb cross-hatched 'engine-turned' background and circular frame divided from the portrait by white circle (State 2). Rare and most attractive frontispiece for a specialised Chalon collection.Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : 2,600 CHFLot# : 1598 New Zealand
1855 (July 20): 1 d. dull carmine, wmk. Large Star on white paper, a fine unused example with large even margins all round, of splendid rich colour, without gum, light horizontal crease and small nick in top margin not detracting from the appearance of this rare and lovely stamp. Cert. BPA (1994) Scott 1 = $ 85'000/Gi. = £ 70'000.Starting bid : 20,000 CHFHammer price : 20,000 CHFLot# : 1599 New Zealand
1855 (July 20): 2 d. dull blue, wmk. Large Star on blued paper, an unused example with enormous margins, with portion of adjoining stamp at left, of excellent colour and beautiful appearance, with large part og. Peter Holcombe certificate harshly states 'a little soiled in places'. An immensely rare stamp unused and without doubt one of the finest of the few recorded examples extant. Signed Holcombe. Certs. RPSNZ (1972), Peter Holcombe (1991) Scott 2 = $ 40'000/Gi = £35'000.rnProvenance: Collection "Antipodes", Corinphila sale 79, Sept 1988, lot 3137; Collection 'Samos', Ivy, Shreve & Mader, London, June 1991, lot 820.Starting bid : 10,000 CHFHammer price : 10,000 CHFLot# : 1600 New Zealand
1855 (July 20): 2 d. dull blue, wmk. Large Star on blued paper, an unused example with large margins on three sides and just clear at left, of good true colour with redistributed og. An extremely rare stamp unused. Signed Holcombe. Cert. Holcombe (1993) Scott 2 = $ 40'000/Gi = £ 35'000.Starting bid : 4,000 CHFHammer price : 4,000 CHFLot# : 1601 New Zealand
1855 (July): 1 s. pale yellow-green, wmk. Large Star on very lightly blued paper, the unused example with large margins all round in a rich shade of exceptional freshness, unused without gum. A delightful example of this rare stamp. Cert. RPSL (2015) Scott 3 = $ 55'000/Gi = £ 45'000.Starting bid : 12,000 CHFHammer price : 18,000 CHFLot# : 1602 New Zealand
1855 (July): 1 s. pale yellow-green, wmk. Large Star, on blued paper, a magnificent used example with huge margins all round for this rare stamp, slight natural paper wrinkle at right, lightly cancelled in black. A very fine example of this rarity. Cert. RPSL (1952) Scott = $ 6'000/Gi = £ 5'500.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 2,200 CHFLot# : 1603 New Zealand
1855 (Dec): J. Richardson First Printing, 1 d. orange, wmk. Large Star, printed on white paper, the famous unused example with large margins all round, of vibrant rich colour and large part og. Tiny stain from gum at top and horizontal gum crease on reverse having no impact on the appearance of this extremely rare stamp. Exceptional. Cert. BPA (1990) Gi = £ 32'000.rnProvenance: Collection Philippe Ferrary de la Renotière; Collection H. Gordon Kaye, Nov 1991.rnStarting bid : 7,500 CHFHammer price : 8,000 CHFLot# : 1604 New Zealand
1855/58: 1 on blued, a fine horizontal pair with close to good margins cancelled numeral "18" obliterator in black of Otago and 2 d. blue on blued (7) wirth three single examples and two horizontal pairs, all with part SANDS & MCDOUGALL / MELBOURNE watermark. The 2 d. values with one single and a pair defective, but all of fine colour and appearance, on the Gerald Ellott original album page. An extremely scarce and most attractive group Gi = £ 6'100++.Starting bid : 800 CHFHammer price : 1,600 CHFLot# : 1605 New Zealand
1857 (Sept): 6 d. green, no wmk., on blued paper, an unused example with ample to large margins all round, of fresh colour but with heavy horizontal crease leaving some minor surface damage, large part og. A good example of an extremely rare stamp. Cert. RPSL (2000) Gi = £ 40'000. rnProvenance: Collection Major K.M. Beaumont, 1948; Collection Major Henry Dumas, Spink, 15 March 2000, lot 68.Starting bid : 10,000 CHFHammer price : 10,000 CHFLot# : 1606 New Zealand
1857 (Sept): 1 s. green, no wmk. on blued paper, an attractive horizontal pair, clear to huge margins all round except at lower left of first stamp where the design is just touched, small bleach spot in left margin, neatly cancelled by "10" numeral obliterator of Wellington in black. A rare multiple. Cert. BPA (1992) Scott 6 = $ 9'500/Gi = £ 7'500.rnProvenance: Collection Charles Lathrop Pack, Harmers, New York, Dec 1944, lot 1356.rnStarting bid : 1,800 CHFHammer price : 1,900 CHFLot# : 1607 New Zealand
1857 (Sept): 1 s. green, no wmk. on blued paper, a used example with just touched to large margins and portion of adjoining stamp at left, on 1859 cover from Wellington to Liverpool endorsed 'via Marseilles', tied ny numeral '10' obliterator in black. Reverse with Wellington despatch cds (July 2) and Liverpool arrival cds (Oct 8) struck in blue. Slightest of file folds but a very rare stamp on letter and extremely fine for this rarity. Cert. RPSL (2006).rnProvenance: Collection Marcel Stanley, RL, London, 8 Nov 1977, lot 518; Collection 'Yeroc', Gregson, Bristol, Jan 2000, lot 61; Collection John Woolfe, Spink, London, 3 Oct 2006, lot 251.Starting bid : 2,500 CHFHammer price : 4,400 CHFLot# : 1608 New Zealand
1857 (Jan): Richardson printing, 1 d. dull orange, wmk. Large Star on white paper, the famous 'Castle' cover front bearing a horizontal pair of vibrant colour, touched to large margins, right hand stamp with vertical scissor cut at top and small printer's creases, lightly cancelled by "18" numeral handstamps of Dunedin in black with AUCKLAND / NEW ZEALAND arrival cds at left (January 19, 1857). This cover is mentioned in the Robson Lowe Encyclopædia, volume IV on page 404, and in the Stanley Gibbons Part One footnote - this is the only recorded multiple of this stamp - just eight examples being recorded, two of which are 'Dwarf' examples and one of those is in the British Library. An extraordinary and very rare piece. Certs. Odenweller (1990), BPA (1990) Gi = £ 60'000.rnProvenance: M.P.Castle, President of the Royal Philatelic Society (1913-1917); Collection Charles Lathrop Pack, Harmers, New York, Dec 1944, lot 1358; Collection Dale-Lichtenstein, Harmers, London, 14 May 1990, lot 377; Collection Joseph Hackmey, Spink Shreve, New York, 19 Feb 2009, lot 1074.Starting bid : 40,000 CHFHammer price : 40,000 CHFLot# : 1609 New Zealand
1857/62: 2 d. blue, no wmk., a fine used example with large margins all round, sheet marginal at left and imperceptibly touched at top right, used on 1862 cover from Wanganui to Wellington tied by indistinct numeral in black. Reverse with 'Wanganui' despatch cds (Nov 13) in black and obverse with Wellington arrival cds (Nov 15) in black. File fold well away from the adhesive, a scarce cover.Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 1610 New Zealand
1857/63: 1 s. blue-green, no wmk. on hard white wove paper, a used horizontal pair and a used horizontal strip of three, almost certainly from the same original letter - the colour shade is matched in both pairs as is the numeral "12" cancellation of Wanganui, the stamps with margins all round to just touched in places, all stamps with imperfections but a remarkable pair of multiples Gi = £ 9'000.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 1,600 CHFLot# : 1611 New Zealand
1860: Pin Roulette 10 at Nelson, 6 d. brown in a horizontal pair, shaved at base and rouletted at top and vertically at sides, cancelled by unclear numeral obliterators in black. Right hand stamp with thin but of extreme rarity, more especially so as a multiple, Cert. BPA (1991) Gi = 8'500+.rnProvenance: H. Gordon Kaye, RL, 12 Nov 1991, lot 125.Starting bid : 2,000 CHFHammer price : 2,600 CHFLot# : 1612 New Zealand
1862: Serrated perforation 18 produced in Nelson, 1 s. blue-green, a used example showing portion of adjoining stamp at right, cancelled by fine "15" numeral obliterator of Nelson in black. The stamp thinned at base but this does not affect the appearance of this rarity. Cert. BPA (1997) Gi = £ 6'500.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 2,200 CHFLot# : 1613 New Zealand
1863: Perforated 13 at Dunedin, 2 d. pale blue in a used horizontal pair, neatly cancelled by numeral "17" obliterator of Dunedin. The left hand stamp with natural diagonal crease and the paper slightly aged but an extremely fine multiple: a rarity and almost certainly unique. Cert. RPSL (2000) Gi = £ 7'000.rnProvenance: Collection W.H. Silk, 1944; Collection Major K.M. Beaumont, 1948; Collection Major Henry Dumas, Spink, London, 13 March 2000, lot 112.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 2,400 CHFLot# : 1614 New Zealand
1862/64: 1 d. orange-vermilion, a used horizontal pair in a bright shade, ample to large margins all round and portion of adjoining stamp at right, on 1863 cover from Hampden to Shag Valley cancelled by "03" in bars obliterator with 'Waikoua' datestamp below (Jan 16) in black. Reverse with 'Hampden / Otago' cds in black. Minor staining removed from the pair at top but a fine and most attractive cover from the central Otago Goldfields. Cert. Holcombe (1988).rnProvenance: Collection Marcel Stanley, RL, 8 Nov 1977, lot 559; Collection "Antipodes", Corinphila sale 79, Sept 1988, lot 3303.rnNote: Both the Hampden despatch and Waikoua arrival datestamps are the earliest recorded examples.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 800 CHFLot# : 1615 New Zealand
1862/64: Davies 2 d. blue, Plate I, worn, a fine example with large margins on three sides and just grazed at top on frameline, used with 1862/63 6 d. black-brown and 1 s. deep green on pelure paper, the 6 d, touched at base but with sheet margin at right, the 1 s. with good margins but slightl surface scuff as applied in upper left corner of 1863 cover from Dunstan to Ponte Capriosca, Tessin, Switzerland; all tied by "023" numeral obliterators in black. Reverse with Dunstan / Otago despatch cds (Feb 12) and Lugano cds (April 15) in black, obverse with Dunedin transit cds and circular 'Poss. Ang. Suez' transit in red. A scarce and attractive cover to an unusual destination. Cert. BPA (2010).Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 1,900 CHFLot# : 1616 New Zealand
1862 (May): Rouletted 7 at Auckland, 2 d. deep blue in a fine horizontal pair used with single 6 d. red-brown, tied lightly by barred numeral handstamps in black to large piece, the roulettes clearly showing. Reverse with part Auckland cds (Dec 5, 1863) in black. A fine and rare piece. Cert. Holcombe (1988) Gi = £ 1'425.rnProvenance: Collection Charles Lathrop Pack, Harmers, New York, May 1946, lot 170; Collection "Antipodes", Corinphila, sale 79, Sept 1988, lot 3393.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : 350 CHFLot# : 1617 New Zealand
Rouletted 7 at Auckland 1862 (May): 3 d. brown-lilac, fine used examples (2) with large margins all round and showing the rouletting clearly, used on 1863 cover to Portsmouth cancelled by "1" numeral obliterators of Auckland in black. Reverse with Auckland despatch cds (June 1) and Portsmouth arrival cds (Aug 19) in black. The stamps lifted for checking and replaced. A rare usage and particularly fine stamps. Cert. BPA (1993) Gi = £ 1'600+ off cover.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 1,000 CHFLot# : 1618 New Zealand
1862 (May): Rouletted 7 at Auckland, on Davies printing 6 d. brown, a horizontal used pair, left hand stamp very fine, the right hand stamp somewhat truncated, neatly cancelled by "1" numeral obliterator of Auckland in black. Scarce multiple. Cert. RPSL (2000) Gi = £ 1'200.Starting bid : 300 CHFHammer price : 300 CHFLot# : 1619 New Zealand
Rouletted 7 at Auckland 1862 (May): 1 s. green, a used example with full roulettes at right and partial at top and at base, with 1864/71 6 d. brown perf. 12½, tied to registered cover to Portsmouth, UK by numeral "7" obliterators in black. Straight line REGISTERED in red at right and manuscript '4' credit marking in red crayon. Reverse with Wellington cds (Feb 2) and Portsmouth arrival (April 19) in black. Some staining removed but an attractive and very scarce roulette / perf. mixed issue franking. Cert. Holcombe (1988).rnProvenance: Collection "Antipodes", Corinphila sale 79, Sept 1988, lot 3406.Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1620 New Zealand
Serrated perforation 16 to 18 at Nelson 1862 (July): 6 d. black-brown, a fine used example in a deep rich shade used on cover to London tied by numeral "15" obliterator in black, the serrated perfs. clear on three sides, scissor separation at right. Reverse with 'Nelson' despatch cds (Aug 25) and obverse with 'London / Paid' cds in red (Dec 30). The cover pressed but an extremely rare stamp on letter. Cert. RPSL (1984) Gi = £ 1'800 off cover.rnProvenance: Collection "Antipodes", Corinphila sale 79, Sept 1988, lot 3416.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 1,500 CHFLot# : 1621 New Zealand
1862 (Aug): Pin-Perforated 10 at Nelson, Davies printing 6 d. black-brown, a good example of the Trial separation showing pin-perf. 10 at top, cancelled by indistinct, probable"15" numeral obliterator of Nelson in black. Slight thinning but of great scarcity. Cert. BPA (1970c), RPSL (2000) Gi = £ 4'000.Starting bid : 850 CHFHammer price : 1,200 CHFLot# : 1622 New Zealand
Oblique Roulette 13 at Wellington 1862/64: 3 d. brown-lilac, a slightly faulty example with the oblique roulettes at left and at base and imperforate at top and at right, used with 'liliput' cut Davies 1 d. orange-vermilion, tied by numeral "1" obliterators to 1863 cover from Auckland to Nelson. Backstamped at Nelson (May 28) in black, an untidy looking cover but of great scarcity. Cert. RPS (2007) Gi = £ 3'000 off cover.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 1623 New Zealand
1862/64: 1 d. carmine-vermilion, wmk. Large Star, perf. 13 at Dunedin, an unused example with portion of adjoining stamp at top, of rich colour, good perforations all round, unused without gum. Rare. Cert. Odenweller (2006), RPSL (2007) Gi = £ 3'000.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 800 CHFLot# : 1624 New Zealand
1862/64: 6 d. black-brown, perf. 13 at Dunedin, two fine examples used on 1863 double rate cover to Bolton-Le-Moors, UK endorsed 'per Gottenburg via Marseilles' tied by Dunedin / Otago duplexes in black (July 15). Reverse with Bolton arrival cds (Sept 15) in black. The stamps lifted for checking and replaced. A fresh and fine cover. Opinion Holcombe (1988). Cert. RPSL (2001).rnProvenance: Collection "Antipodes", Corinphila sale 79, Sept 1988, lot 3431.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 460 CHFLot# : 1625 New Zealand
1861/64: 6 d. red-brown, perf. 13 at Dunedin, a single example used on cover from Tokomairiro to Scotland tied by "O14" obliterator in black. Circular framed 'M/NR' Railway handstamp at lower left in red and reverse with faint despatch cds, Dunedin / Otago cds in red (March 16), Kilmarnock and Stewarton cds's (May 18) in black. Cert. RPSL (2007).Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 150 CHFLot# : 1626 New Zealand
1862/64: 1 s. deep green, wmk. Large Star, perf. 13 at Dunedin, a superb used horizontal strip of six in a deep resonant shade, cancelled by 'Dunedin / Otago' duplexes (July 18, 1864) in black. Left hand pair severed and rejoined with hinge but a splendid and very rare multiple Gi = £ 2'400+.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 1627 New Zealand
Lot# : 1628 New Zealand
1862 (Oct): 2 d. ultramarine, no wmk., printed on pelure paper, a very fine used horizontal pair, huge vertical margins, close to touched at top and at base, lightly cancelled in black, multiples on pelure paper can be considered rarities. Cert. RPSL (19159) Gi = £ 1'300+.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 1629 New Zealand
1862/63: 3 d. lilac, no wmk., on pelure paper, the famous unused example with margins all round except touched at upper left, of fresh true colour, minor corner bend slightly soiled, unused without gum. Despite faults, this is a major rarity of New Zealand philately - only two examples are recorded - both are unused. Signed H. Bloch, P. Holcombe. Cert. Friedl (1976), Holcombe (1988) Gi = £ 50'000.rnProvenance: Collection King Carol II of Romania; Collection "Antipodes", Corinphila sale 79, Sept 1988, lot 3455; Collection 'Samos', Ivy, Shreve & Mader, June 1991, lot 871.Starting bid : 15,000 CHFHammer price : 42,000 CHFLot# : 1630 New Zealand
1862/63: 6 d. black-brown, no wmk., on pelure paper, a very fine example with large margins all round, used on 1863 cover to Melbourne, Victoria tied by indistinct "020" obliterator in black, with 'Dunedin / Otago' transit cds alongside in black (March 13). Reverse with WAREPA despatch datestamp in black (March 11) and Melbourne arrival cds in red (March 20). Stamp removed for checking and replaced. A rare stamp on letter and very fine for a pelure paper cover. Cert. BPA (1991).rnProvenance: Collection H. Gordon Kaye, RL, 16 April 1991, lot 505.Starting bid : 350 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1631 New Zealand
1862/63: 6 d. black-brown, no wmk., on pelure paper, a fine horizontal pair with close to large margins all round and portions of adjoining stamp at base, used on small 1863 envelope to Ham, Richmond, UK endorsed 'via Marseilles', tied by numeral "5" obliterator in black. Reverse with Invercargill despatch cds (April 15) and London arrival (June 11) in black. The pair lifted for checking and reapplied to cover. A fine and most attractive cover, multiples of the pelure paper issue being very scarce. Cert. Holcombe (1988).rnProvenance: Collection R.C.Agabeg, RL, 10 March 1971, lot 1137; Collection "Antipodes", Corinphila sale 79, Sept 1988, lot 3460.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 700 CHFLot# : 1632 New Zealand
1862/63: 1 s. deep green, no wmk., on pelure paper, a used example of stupendous colour, just touched to large margins all round, on 1863 cover to London endorsed 'via Marseilles' tied by bold strike of numeral "7" obliterator in black. 'London / Paid' arrival cds at left (July 16) in red, reverse with Wellington despatch cds (May 12) in black. Stamp lifted for checking and ironed creases but a fresh and most attractive cover. Cert. BPA (1993) Gi = £ 1'100 off cover.rnProvenance: Collection Maurice Burrus, RL, July 1963, lot 202; Collection "Antipodes", Corinphila sale 79, Sept 1988, lot 3468.Starting bid : 1,200 CHFHammer price : 1,600 CHFLot# : 1633 New Zealand
Lot# : 1634 New Zealand
1862/63: 1 s. deep green, on pelure paper, perf. 13 at Dunedin, a fine example of magnificent colour, used on cleaned 1863 cover from Dunedin to Glasgow, endorsed 'via Marseilles, under ½ oz', tied by barred DUNEDIN oval handstamp in black. Reverse with 'Dunedin / Otago' cds (April 18) and Glasgow arrival cds (June 12) in black. An attractive and scarce cover. Cert. Holcombe (1988) Gi = £ 2'000 off cover.rnProvenance: Collection "Antipodes", Corinphila sale 79, Sept 1988, lot 3482.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1635 New Zealand
1863: 2 d. dull deep blue, no. wmk. imperforate, a vertical pair with good to large margins all round, used on double rate cover from Invercargill to Dunedin lightly tied by numeral obliterators in black. Reverse with Invercargill cds (Aug 21) in black and 'Dunedin / Otago' cds in red (Aug 25) of receipt. Cover folded for display and the stamps lifted for checking and replaced. A very rare stamp in a multiple on letter. Certs. Holcombe (1988), RPSL (2001) Gi = £ 1'600+ off cover.rnProvenance: Collection "Antipodes", Corinphila sale 79, Sept 1988, lot 3485.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1636 New Zealand
1864: 1 d. carmine-vermilion, wmk. NZ, imperforate, two fine horizontal pairs: one placed vertically with large to huge margins all round and showing portion of adjoining stamp at right, the other with just clear to large margins with tiny scissor cut at base (Row 18, positions 5-6 with 5 creased on application at top and position 6 showing the re-entry on 'W' and 'Z' of New Zealand), used with single 1864 6 d. red-brown, comb perf. 12½ all tied by numeral "9" obliterators in black to 1864 cover from New Plymouth to Wales 'via Marseilles'. Reverse with New Plymouth cds (Nov 29) and Bridgend cds of receipt (Feb 16). A charming cover with a mixed imperf. and perf. franking and most attractive. Cert. BPA (1991).rnProvenance: Collection C.W.Meredith, March 1960; Collection 'Chalon', June 1969, lot 1334; Collection H. Gordon Kaye, RL, 16 April 1991, lot 546.Starting bid : 4,000 CHFHammer price : 5,500 CHFLot# : 1637 New Zealand
1864: 2 d. pale blue, wmk. NZ, imperforate (worn state, Plate I), a fine single example with large even margins all round, used on 1864 cover to Mrs. J.C.Richmond in Nelson, tied by light strike of numeral "9" obliterator in black. Reverse with 'Nelson' arrival cds (Nov 10) in black. A superb and scarce usage.rnrnProvenance: Collection Maurice Burrus, RL, July 1963, lot 258.rn Collection "Antipodes", Corinphila sale 79, Sept 1988, lot 3507.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1638 New Zealand
1864: 1 s. green, wmk. NZ, imperforate with touched to good margins and stained at right, used on 1864 cover from Whitiangi (manuscript on reverse, 22 Sept) to Prince Edward Island, cancelled by three manuscript pen strokes and by light strike of "1" obliterator in black. Double arc AUCKLAND / NEW ZEALAND transit datestamp at left in black (Sept 23). 'London / Paid' cds alongside (Dec 22) in red and manuscript '5' in red ink credit and British '1d.' credit handstamp in red and indistinct cds (Jan 6) in black on reverse. The cover with sealed closed tear and rebacked for protection. A quite extraordinary destination for Chalon mail. Cert. RPSL (2006).rnProvenance: Collection John Woolfe, Spink, Oct 2006, lot 236.Starting bid : 400 CHFHammer price : 650 CHFLot# : 1639 New Zealand
1864: Rouletted 7 at Auckland, 1 d. carmine-vermilion, an unused example of brilliant colour, with full roulettes on three sides within the design (hinged to white card for protection), fresh and very fine, unused without gum. An exceedingly scarce stamp and probably the finest of all known unused examples. Signed Herbert Bloch. Cert. BPA (1991) Gi = £ 6'000.Starting bid : 1,500 CHFHammer price : 2,200 CHFLot# : 1640 New Zealand
1864: Rouletted 7 at Auckland, 1 s. green, wmk. NZ, a fine used vertical pair, hinged to backing paper for protection, roulettes well defined, cancelled by "1" Auckland numeral obliterator in black. Lower stamp with horizontal crease but a rare multiple and most attractive for this issue. Cert. RPSL (2000) Gi = £ 2'200.rnProvenance: Collection Major Henry Dumas, Spink, March 2000, lot 181.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 750 CHFLot# : 1641 New Zealand
1864/71: 1 d. carmine-vermilion, single example used on 1867 Soldier's concessionary rate cover from Auckland to Cambridge, tied by numeral "1" obliterator with AUCKLAND despatch cds (Jan 8) alongside. Endorsed at top 'From No. 626, Private John Palmer, 57th Regiment' and counter-signed correctly at lower left by Major H. Butler commanding. 'London / Paid' cds in red on front (April 3) and reverse with Cambridge arrival cds in black. Some minor creasing to envelope as ever with Soldier's mail. A fine and very rare cover from the 2nd Maori War. Cert. RPSL (2000).rnProvenance: Collection Major Henry Dumas, Spink, March 2000, lot 303. rnNote: The 57th Regiment (West Middlesex) returned to England in April 1867, but many of the Officers and men chose to stay on in New Zealand. The regiment had been stationed there for many years (see Gerald Ellott's monograph on the 57th Regiment in New Zealand, published April 2017, available at viewing in Zurich) with two Victoria Crosses awarded for gallantry at Allen's Hill in October 1863. There is a war memorial in New Plymouth commemorating the British troops who died or were killed in the Maori Campaigns.Starting bid : 1,000 CHFHammer price : 4,000 CHFLot# : 1642 New Zealand
1864/71: 1 d. carmine-vermilion, a horizontal pair in a rich shade, used on 1885 cover to Lyttelton, tied by Christchurch / C duplex in black (March 3) with 'Lyttelton' arrival cds (same day) at left. An attractive and extraordinarily late usage of the adhesives. Cert. RPSL (2002).Starting bid : 150 CHFHammer price : 180 CHFLot# : 1643 New Zealand
1864/71: 1 d. pale orange-vermilion in a horizontal pair ostensibly imperforate x 12½ not confirmed by certificate but with large wide margins at top and at base; used with 2 d. pale blue (worn Plate I) and 6 d. red-brown on 1870 cover from Invercargill to Scotland endorsed 'via Marseilles' tied by Invercargill duplexes (March 23) in black. Reverse with Kilmarnock cds of receipt (May 15) in black. A few minor imperfections but a remarkable 1 d. pair and an attractive cover. Cert. RPSL (2006).rnProvenance: Collection John Woolfe, Spink, Oct 2006, lot 270.Starting bid : 500 CHFHammer price : 500 CHFLot# : 1644 New Zealand
1864/71: 1 d. pale orange-vermilion, single example and 3 d. lilac, single and two horizontal pairs, used on 1869 cover from the Goldfields at Waimea to Fusio, Tessin, Switzerland all tied by large "W" handstamps in black. Reverse with Hokitika cds (Sept 3), Basel cds, Signasco cds (Nov 5) and straight line FUSIO arrival. Obverse with 'London / Paid' cds (Nov 1) in red, circular PD and '20' rappen charge deleted in red crayon manuscript. The adhesives with faults due to being over the edge of the small envelope but a most unusual cover - prepaid at 1/4d. for rate via Suez and Southampton but transferred to the Marseilles route and thus 1 d. overpaid. Rare. Cert. RPSL (2006).rnProvenance: Collection C.W. Meredith, March 1960; Collection John Woolfe, Spink, Oct 2006, lot 278.rnrnStarting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : not soldLot# : 1645 New Zealand
1864/71: 2 d. pale blue (Plate I, worn plate), two examples used with 6 d. red-brown on 1864 envelope from Otahuhu to London endorsed 'via Marseilles' with OTAHUHU despatch cds on reverse (Dec 7) and the adhesives tied by AUCKLAND cds's of the same day and by 'London / Paid' cds in red (Feb 15). The stamps lifted for checking and hinged back in to place. A fine and scarce cover.Starting bid : 250 CHFHammer price : 250 CHFLot# : 1646 New Zealand
1864/71: 2 d. deep blue, Plate II, a vertical strip of three, used on 1866 cover from the newly opened Post Office at Okarita in the Otago Goldfields to Scotland cancelled "Okarita 22/5/66" twice in ink, with obverse showing 'London / Paid' cds in red (Aug 13) and reverse with unclear (probably Otago) cds and Stirling and Bannockburn datestamps in black (Aug 14) of receipt. A few minor imperfections but a very rare cover. Cert. RPSL (2000).rnProvenance: Collection Marcel Stanley, RL, Nov 1971, lot 645; Collection Major Henry Dumas, Spink, March 2000, lot 342.Starting bid : 750 CHFHammer price : 750 CHF
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